The Best Dominique Swain Quotes

Jamie: HOLD IT!
Castor: Good girl, Jamie. SHOOT HIM!
Sean: Honey, don't listen to him. He's not your father.
[Archer's original voice]
Sean: Hear my voice. I'M YOUR FATHER!
Castor: Use your eyes, Jamie and shoot him!
Sean: Don't shoot. Just don't...
Castor: This scumbag, this SCUMBAG shot your BROTHER Jamie. SHOOT HIM!
[Jamie shoots Archer in the shoulder]

Humbert: What are you eating?
Lolita: It's called a jawbreaker. It's supposed to break your jaw. Want one?

Mary: See you later, alligator.
Lolita: After a while, you crocodile.
Mary: Real soon, Daniel Boone.
Lolita: Get plucked, Daffy Duck.

Lolita: Murder me! Murder me like you murdered my mother!

Lolita: Do not tell me you've never done as a boy.
Humbert: Never.
Lolita: I think I'll have to show you everything.

Humbert: From here to that old car you know so well is a stretch of twenty-five paces. Make those twenty-five steps. With me. Now.
Lolita: You're saying you'll give us the money if I go to a motel with you?
Humbert: No, no, no. I mean leave here now, and come live with me. And die with me, and everything with me.
Lolita: You're crazy.

Humbert: How are the piano lessons going?
Lolita: Fine. Great. Excellent. Wonderful. Perfect.
Humbert: Especially since you missed the last two.

Castor: [after saving Archers daughter from help boyfriend raping her] Do you have protection?
Jamie: Protection? You mean like condoms?
Castor: [pulls out his switchblade] Protection. Next time, let Carl take his pants down, slip this in his thigh, twist it. So the wound won't close...
[gives her the knife]
Castor: Go on, get out of here.
[Jamie leaves]
Castor: I am the King!

Lolita: I feel like we're grown-ups.
Humbert: Me, too.
Lolita: We get to do whatever we want, right?
Humbert: Whatever we want.

Lolita: You look one hundred percent better when I can't see you.

Humbert: I missed you. I missed you a lot.
Lolita: Well I haven't missed you. In fact, I've been revoltingly unfaithful to you. But it doesn't matter, because you don't care about me anymore anyway.
Humbert: What makes you think I don't care about you?
Lolita: Well you haven't kissed me yet, have you?

Charlotte: I asked you to make your bed. Didn't I?
Lolita: No. You asked me if I'd made my bed.

Lolita: I was a daisy fresh girl and look what you've done to me.

Lolita: Wait a sec. You're telling me we're sleeping in one room? With one bed?
Humbert: I've asked them to bring up a cot, which I'll use if you like.
Lolita: You're crazy.
Humbert: Why, my darling?
Lolita: Because, my darrr-ling, when my darrr-ling mother finds out she'll divorce you and strangle me.
Humbert: Lo, listen a moment. For all intents and purposes I am your father and I am responsible for your welfare. We are not rich, so when we travel, we shall be - we shall uh... we shall be thrown together a great deal. And two people who enter into a cohabitation inevitably lead into a kind of...
Lolita: The word is "incest".

[walks into her room and sees Jamie in her underwear]
[to himself]
Castor: The plot thickens.
Jamie: [on the phone] Carl, I'll have to call you back.
[hangs up]
Jamie: You're not respecting my boundaries.
Castor: I'm coming in, Janie.
Jamie: Janie?
Castor: [seeing a pillow that says Jamie on it, he realizes his mistake] I don't think you heard me, JAMIE. You got something I crave.
[closes in on Jamie, reaches back and grabs her pack of cigarettes]
Jamie: [nervously] Danielle left those here.
Castor: I won't tell mom if you don't.
[puts a cigarette in his mouth and lights it]
Jamie: When did you start smoking?
Castor: You'll be seeing a lot of changes around here.
[blows smoke rings at Jamie]
Castor: Papa's got a brand new bag. OW!

Jamie: [sobbing as Eve hugs her] Please tell me what planet I'm on!

Jamie: Dad, I'm sorry I shot you.