The Best Dr. Chuck Quotes

CAPCOM: 13, we just got another request from the Flight Surgeon for you to get some sleep. Don't like these readings down here.
Jim: [Tearing off his biomeds] Let's see how he likes this. I am sick and tired of the entire western world knowing how my kidneys are functioning!
Dr. Chuck: [after Lovell's heartrate flatlines] Flight, we just lost Lovell!
CAPCOM: 13, Houston. Jim, we just had a bottoming out on your biomeds.
Jim: I'm not wearing my biomeds.
CAPCOM: [after Gene Kranz shrugs it off] Ok, Jim. Copy that.
[Jack and Fred now tear away their own biomeds]
Dr. Chuck: [after all three crew members flatline] Flight, now I lost all three of them!
Gene: It's just a little medical mutiny, Doc. I'm sure the boys are still with us. Let's cut them a little slack, ok?