The Best Dr. Liz Cruz Quotes

Liz: [to Christian Troy] You really want to get inside a woman? Stop thinking like a dick.

Liz: [looking at a patient undergoing a butt lift] Ass implants. What will they think of next?

Dr. Sean McNamara: Why is it that we see what we wanna believe, but we don't believe what we see?
Dr. Liz Cruz: Because we have hope. Because we wanna believe in the good. Because usually the truth just sucks.

Dr. Liz Cruz: [about Kimber] This poor girl, trouble just walks along side her.
Dr. Christian Troy: Screw her! How many times have I fixed this outside of this succubus? And what changes on the inside? huh? Nothing. You know the definition of madness? When you do the same thing over and over again expecting defferent results.
Dr. Liz Cruz: This only mad thing about her is that she still has feeling for you.
Dr. Christian Troy: There comes a point where you just have to let go. Kimber has a disease of the soul. Get too close you'll catch it.

[after a girl's night out makeover]
Liz: I don't look like me!
Sophia: Well, I'm sorry. They don't make a lipstick shade called "BullDyke"

Dr. Liz Cruz: [to the carollors singing] Go away! Bah humbug!
Dr. Sean McNamara: Ebenezer Cruz, where's your Christmas spirit?

Dr. Liz Cruz: Teddy! What are you doing in Sean's office?
Dr. Teddy Rowe: [thinking quickly] Oh, uhm, just picking up the ring I gave him. Kind of a closure.
[brave smile, then looks down]
Dr. Teddy Rowe: If only it were that easy, right?
Dr. Liz Cruz: [smirks] The only possible closure I could have with Christian, would land me in a maximum security prison.
[Teddy smirks]
Dr. Teddy Rowe: [voice breaking] I just love him... so much. You know... I just... I do.
[tearfully, causing Liz to look at her in concern]
Dr. Teddy Rowe: I'll be fine. Uhm, please don't tell him you saw me like this.
[Liz shakes her head]
Dr. Teddy Rowe: Okay? I'd really rather he didn't know.
Dr. Liz Cruz: [shaking her head, sympathetic] No worries.
[but there's a devious expression on Teddy's face as she walks on]

Kimberly: I don't understand this! I haven't heard form him since my operation. It thought that we were gonna be together.
Sean: Ms. Henry, I think you're confusing Dr. Troy's pleasant and very thorough bedside manner with real emotions.
Liz: If it's any consolation to ya, honey, you're not the first girl he's done this to, but at least you got a good set of tits out of it, so heal in more ways than one and just go on with your life.