The Best Dr. Sandy Shaw Quotes

Janice: [referring to Bobby] he just lost his wife and he had so much sadness: so much love for her, such complete and pure emotion. I felt unworthy to be in his presence, I was so moved by him and then I look at Ralphie
Dr. Sandy Shaw: you saw in this man the "things" that you want in your life: truth, love
Janice: yes. "Somehow", I have to find a way to move from the "darkness" and towards the "light"
Dr. Sandy Shaw: what does this man do?
Janice: he works with my brother but his not like the others
Dr. Sandy Shaw: Janice...
Janice: his different, believe me
Dr. Sandy Shaw: ok... but back to Ralph, you've got to sit him down and "level" with him, speak the "truth" but with the compassion and respect that your famous for and say good bye for his sake as well as yours
Janice: [before crying] your right... it's not his fault