The Best Druggie Quotes

Druggie: [seeing Barry alive for the first time] Whoa! The bath salts are showing me the REAL world! IT'S FUCKIN' LIFTED THE VEIL OF NON-REALITY!

Druggie: [drugged, seeing the food alive] Mr. Sausage, when will it end?
Beer: When will it end? When he stops drinking us!
Krinkler's: Yeah!
Cookies: And stops eating us!
Sandwich: Same here!
Pop: Fuck yeah!
Toilet: And when he stops using us!
Krinkler's: What did they do to you?
Toilet: [nervously backs away] You don't wanna fuckin' know!

Druggie: You're all alive and looking at me with your... with your gloves and your... your little shoes, and your arms and your legs!
Pizza: Legs, huh? Look at me. Look at me! I ain't got no legs, you fuck! You ate my goddamn legs!

Drug: Hey, man. Be careful with this. Bath salts are the real deal. People been seeing some crazy shit.
Druggie: [takes the bath salts] Awesome.