The Best Dwarf Guard Quotes

Lord: Might your friend be able to grant me access to their workshops?
Elrond: Oh, if I know Durin, he'll do far more than that. He'll welcome us with open arms, rams' horns blaring, tables filled with salted pork, and enough malt beer to fill the Anduin.
Dwarf: [opening a keyhole in the rock] What do you want?
Elrond: It is Elron of Lindon, accompanied by Celebrimbor, Lord of Eregion. We seek an audience with Prince Durin.
Dwarf: [immediately closing it] No.
Elrond: My apologies. Inform Lord Durin that his friend, Elrond...
Dwarf: His judgment has already been rendered, Elf.
Lord: [Elrond looks to him] Rams' horns?