The Best Lord Celebrimbor Quotes

Lord: Might your friend be able to grant me access to their workshops?
Elrond: Oh, if I know Durin, he'll do far more than that. He'll welcome us with open arms, rams' horns blaring, tables filled with salted pork, and enough malt beer to fill the Anduin.
Dwarf: [opening a keyhole in the rock] What do you want?
Elrond: It is Elron of Lindon, accompanied by Celebrimbor, Lord of Eregion. We seek an audience with Prince Durin.
Dwarf: [immediately closing it] No.
Elrond: My apologies. Inform Lord Durin that his friend, Elrond...
Dwarf: His judgment has already been rendered, Elf.
Lord: [Elrond looks to him] Rams' horns?

Elrond: [being denied entrance to see Durin] All right, my friend. I invoke the Rite of Sigin-tarag.
Lord: What is the Rite of...
Elrond: [the doors open and a group of Dwarves come out] I'll rejoin you in Eregion.
Lord: Are you certain you know what you're doing?
Elrond: Lord Celebrimbor, trust me. You are master of your craft, my friend. Allow me a few days to work mine.

Lord: I admire all who can see into the mystery of things, who can divine from the plainness of what is, the beauty of what could be.

Elrond: Feanor's hammer. The tool that wrought the Silmarils. The jewels that contain the very light of Valinor. Strange, isn't it? How one object could be responsible for creating so much beauty... and so much pain.
Lord: True creation requires sacrifice. They say that Morgoth found the Silmarils so beautiful that after he'd stolen them, for weeks, he could do nothing but stare into their depths. It was only after one of his tears fell upon the jewels and he was faced with the evil of his own reflection that the reverie was finally broken. From that moment, he... he looked upon their light no more. Feanor's work nearly turned the heart of the Great Foe himself. What has mine ever accomplished?
Elrond: It has turned my heart, my lord. The heart of many an Elf.
Lord: But I aspire to do far more than that. An Age ago, our kind brought war to these shores. I want to fill them with beauty. To grow beyond petty works of jewel-craft, and devise something of real power.
Elrond: What is it you hope to craft?
Lord: "What" is but a glint on the far horizon. You have come to Eregion to help me achieve the "how".
Elrond: [being shown blueprints] A tower?
Lord: One that can host a forge more powerful than any ever built. Able to birth a flame as hot as a dragon's tongue, and as pure as starlight. The things we could use it to create could transform Middle-earth.
Elrond: What seems to be the difficulty?
Lord: I need it completed by spring.
Elrond: My lord, that would require a...
Lord: A workforce greater than any ever assembled. Yes. The High King cannot provide one. So he has sent me you instead.
Elrond: Have you considered seeking partners outside the confines of our own race?
Lord: How far outside?