The Best Dynasty, Season 7, Episode 9 Quotes

Sammy: [waking up in the middle of the night to find him out of bed standing in front of the window looking out] Clay? What are you doing?
Clay: I couldn't sleep.
Sammy: [coming up behind him, putting her arms around him] You usually sleep like a rock. What's changed?
Clay: [sighs] We have.
[turns around to look her in the eyes]
Clay: Sammy Jo, I care for you...
Sammy: Care? I'm gonna have your baby and you care for me? That's all?
Clay: I wanna do what's right, but my gut is turning inside. It's like my whole life has been decided for me, regardless of how I feel.
Sammy: I see. And the baby?
Clay: I want you to have an abortion.
Sammy: We've gone from me deciding your life to you deciding mine, feel better?
Clay: Look, Sammy Jo, I don't wanna hurt you...
Sammy: Worry about yourself, Clay. I'll take care of me. And for right now, maybe you should leave. I'll sleep much better alone.