The Best Ector Quotes

Arthur: Rise, Father, please. I was your son before I became your king; if I am King.
Sir: You are king, Arthur; the more so because you are not my son, and I am not your father.
Arthur: Not my father? Then Kay is not my brother?
Sir: Merlin the magician brought you to me when you were newly born, and bade me raise you as my own. At first, I did so because I feared Merlin, but later because I loved you.
Arthur: Who is my true father?
Sir: Only Merlin can tell you that.
Arthur: And who is Merlin?
Merlin: [enters suddenly from the forest] I... am the Merlin.
Arthur: Whose son am I?
Merlin: You are the son of Uther and Igrayne. You are King Arthur!

Sir: I remember my first joust. It looks far worse than it feels!

Sir: [the nobles are arguing over Arthur's drawing of the sword]
Lot: Aye, Leondegrance! Join us against the boy!
Leondegrance: I saw what I saw! The boy drew the sword. If a boy has been chosen, a boy shall be King!
Lot: NO, I challenge that!
Sir: The sword has been drawn!
Uryenes: [to Leondegrance] Are you with us, or against us?
Leondegrance: Against you!