The Best Nicholas Clay Quotes

[Arthur and Lancelot are fighting at their first encounter]
Lancelot: Your rage has unbalanced you. You, sir, would fight to the death, against a knight who is not your enemy. Over a stretch of road you could easily ride around.
Arthur: So be it. To the death!

Arthur: Move aside! This is the king's road - and the knights you joined arms against were his very own.
Lancelot: I await the king himself. His knights are in need of training.
Arthur: I am King. And this,
[draws the sword]
Arthur: is Excalibur, sword of kings from the dawn of time. Who are you? What do you seek?
Lancelot: I am Lancelot of the Lake, from across the sea. And I have yet to find a king worthy of my sword.
Arthur: That is a wild boast. You lack a knight's humility!
Lancelot: Not a boast, sir. But a curse. For I have never met my match in joust or duel.
Arthur: Move aside!
Lancelot: I will not. You must retreat, or prove your worth in the test of arms under the eyes of God.
Arthur: Then may He give me the strength to unhorse you. And send you with one blow, back across the sea.
Lancelot: Then come across, sir.

Lancelot: [Lancelot unhorses Arthur, then approaches him still on horseback with his lance held out] Yield sir, I have the advantage.
Arthur: [in a fit of absolute rage] I will not! Fight me from your horse or on foot, but fight me, your avoidance mocks me!
Lancelot: I sought only not to harm you.
[knocks Arthur to the ground]