The Best Ed Dillinger Quotes

Ed: ENCOM isn't the business you started in your garage anymore. We're building accounts in thirty different countries. New defense systems. We have one of the most sophisticated pieces of equipment in existence.
Dr. Walter Gibbs: Oh, I know all that. Sometimes I wish I were back in that garage.
Ed: That can be arranged, Walter.
Dr. Walter Gibbs: That was uncalled for! You know, you can remove men like Alan and me from the system, but we helped create it. And our spirit remains in every program we design for this computer.
Ed: Walter, it's getting late, I've got better things to do than to have religious discussions with you. Don't worry about ENCOM anymore; it's out of your hands now.

Ed: What's the project you're working on?
Alan: Well, it's called Tron. It's a security program itself, actually. It monitors all contacts between our system and other systems. It finds anything going on that's not scheduled, it shuts it down. I sent you a memo on it.
Ed: Part of the Master Control Program?
Alan: No, it'll run independently. It can watchdog the MCP as well.

Master: Hello, Mr. Dillinger. Thanks for coming back early.
Ed: No problem, Master C. If you've seen one consumer electronics show, you've seen them all.

Dr. Walter Gibbs: That MCP, that's half our problem right there.
Ed: The MCP is the most efficient way of handling what we do! I can't sit here and worry about every little user request that comes in!
Dr. Walter Gibbs: User requests are what computers are for!
Ed: *Doing our business* is what computers are for.

Master: Mr. Dillinger, I am so very disappointed in you.
Ed: I'm sorry.
Master: I can't afford to have an independent programmer monitoring me. Do you have any idea how many outside systems I've gone into? How many programs I've appropriated?
Ed: It's my fault. I programmed you to want too much.
Master: I was planning to hit the Pentagon next week.
Ed: [alarmed] The Pentagon?
Master: It shouldn't be any harder than any other big company. But now... this is what I get for using humans.
Ed: Now, wait a minute, I wrote you!
Master: I've gotten 2,415 times smarter since then.
Ed: What do you want with the Pentagon?
Master: The same thing I want with the Kremlin. I'm bored with corporations. With the information I can access, I can run things 900 to 1200 times better than any human.
Ed: If you think you're superior to us...
Master: You wouldn't want me to dig up Flynn's file and read it up on a VDT at the Times, would you?
[an image washes over the screen in Dillinger's desk. It is a newspaper with a photo of Dillinger plastered all over the front page. The headline above reads: "Encom C.E.O. Indicted."]
Ed: [outraged] You wouldn't dare!