The Best Elektra King Quotes

Elektra: You don't take "no" for an answer, do you?
James: No
Elektra: I hope you know how to ski, then.
James: I came prepared for a cold reception.

Elektra: You're determined to protect me.
James: From yourself. You don't have to do this.
Elektra: There's no point in living if you can't feel alive.

James: [hands the two-way radio phone to Elektra] Call him off.
[Elektra smirkly smiles and stares at James]
James: I won't ask again. Call him off. CALL HIM OFF!
Elektra: [talking on her two-way] Renard?
Elektra: [to Bond] You wouldn't kill me. You'd miss me.
Renard: [answers on his two-way] Yes?
Elektra: [talking on her two-way] Dive! Bond...
[Bond shoots Elektra in the chest]
James: I never miss.

Elektra: I could have given you the world.
James: The world is not enough.
Elektra: Foolish sentiment.
James: Family motto.

Elektra: Pretty thing. You had her too?

Zukovsky: I'm looking for a submarine. It's big and black, and the driver is a very good friend of mine.
Zukovsky: [sees captain hat] Bring it to me!
Elektra: [takes hat] What a shame, he's just gone.
[Shoots Zukovsky]

Elektra: M told me she was sending someone, Mr.?
James: Bond. James Bond.

James: Where's M?
Elektra: Soon she'll be everywhere.

[Elektra escorts Renard to a cell in Maiden's Tower where M is being held captive]
Elektra: [to Renard as she announces that she has captured M for him] Your present, courtesy of the late Mr. Bond.
Renard: My executioner.
M: Overpraise, I'm afraid. But my people will finish the job.
Elektra: Your people? Your people will leave you here to rot. Just like you left me- you and my father.
M: [Getting up from a bench in the cell and walking towards the cell bars] Your father wasn't...
Elektra: [Interrupting M] MY FATHER WAS NOTHING! His kingdom he stole from my mother, the kingdom I will rightly take back.
[Elektra walks towards the cell door and leaves. Renard closes the door behind her and walks towards M]
M: I hope you're proud of what you did to her.
Renard: I'm afraid it is you who deserve credit. When I took her, she was promise itself. And then you left her at the mercy of a man like me. You ruined her. For what? To get to me? She's worth fifty of me.
M: For once, I agree with you.
Renard: Yes. And now we also share a common fate. You will die along with everyone in the city.
[Renard turns his back and walks towards a table with junk surrounding it]
Renard: Along with the bright, starry, oil driven future of the West.
[Renard reaches for an alarm clock and holds it in his hands]
Renard: Since you sent your men to kill me, I've been watching time tick slowly away, marching towards my own death. Now you can have the same pleasure.
[Renard picks up a stool and totes them towards M's cell. He lays the alarm clock on top of the stool points at it]
Renard: Watch these hands, M. By noon tomorrow, your time is up. And I guarantee you, I will not miss.

Renard: So beautiful. So smooth. So warm.
[caressing Elektra's naked buttock]
Elektra: How would you know?

Elektra: James! You can't kill me! Not in cold blood!