Top 50 Quotes From The World Is Not Enough

James: Vodka martini. Shaken, not stirred.

Elektra: You don't take "no" for an answer, do you?
James: No
Elektra: I hope you know how to ski, then.
James: I came prepared for a cold reception.

James: Construction isn't exactly my speciality.
M: Quite the opposite, in fact.

[Zukovsky enters his office, sees Christmas Jones]
Zukovsky: How did you get in here? I'm going to call Security... and congratulate them.

Zukovsky: Can't you just say "hello" like a normal person?

Dr. Christmas Jones: Wait a minute. Are you going to do what I think you're going to do?
James: What do I need to defuse a nuclear bomb?
Dr. Christmas Jones: Me.

Bull: I will see you later, Mr. Bond.
James: I see you put your money where your mouth is.

James: [hands the two-way radio phone to Elektra] Call him off.
[Elektra smirkly smiles and stares at James]
James: I won't ask again. Call him off. CALL HIM OFF!
Elektra: [talking on her two-way] Renard?
Elektra: [to Bond] You wouldn't kill me. You'd miss me.
Renard: [answers on his two-way] Yes?
Elektra: [talking on her two-way] Dive! Bond...
[Bond shoots Elektra in the chest]
James: I never miss.

Elektra: I could have given you the world.
James: The world is not enough.
Elektra: Foolish sentiment.
James: Family motto.

Renard: No hard feelings, Mr. Bond, but we're even. Soon, you'll feel nothing at all.

Ms. Moneypenny: James! Have you brought me a souvenir from your trip? Chocolates? An engagement ring?
James: I thought you might enjoy one of these.
[gives Ms. Moneypenny a cigar tube]
Ms. Moneypenny: How romantic. I know exactly where to put that.
[throws the cigar tube in the garbage]
James: Oh Moneypenny, the story of our relationship: close, but no cigar.

James: You're not retiring anytime soon - are you?
Q: Now, pay attention 007. I've always tried to teach you two things. First, never let them see you bleed.
James: And the second?
Q: Always have an escape plan.

James: She's waiting for you.

James: [about the bomb in the pipeline] You've defused hundreds of these, right?
Dr. Christmas Jones: Yeah, but they're usually standing still.
James: Yes, well, life is full of small challenges.

Elektra: M told me she was sending someone, Mr.?
James: Bond. James Bond.

James: Expecting Davidov? He caught a bullet instead of the plane. Get off. Keep your mouth shut.
Renard: You can't kill me. I'm already dead.
James: Not dead enough for me.
Renard: You could show a little gratitude. I did spare your life at the banker's office. That's right. I couldn't. You were working for me. You delivered the money, killed King and now you brought me the plane.
James: What's your plan for the bomb?
Renard: You first. Or could it be you don't have a plan?
James: That bomb will never leave this room.
Renard: Neither will you.
[Renard and Bond pause for a moment. At that time, the bomb is being hoisted out of the silo]
Renard: How sad... to be threatened by a man who can't grasp what he's involved in.
James: Revenge is not hard to fathom for a man who believes in nothing.
Renard: And what do you believe in? Preservation of Capital?
[Renard pulls away from Bond]
Renard: Go ahead. Shoot me. I welcome it. My men will hear the shot and kill you.
James: And the firefight will bring down half the army from above.
Renard: But when a certain phone call isn't made in twenty minutes, Elektra dies.
James: You're bluffing.
Renard: She's beautiful isn't she? You should have had her before, when she was innocent. How does it feel to know that I broke her in for you?
[Bond gets angry and pistol-whips Renard across the forehead. Renard falls to the ground]
James: [as the puts the silencer on his P99] I usually hate killing an unarmed man. Cold-blooded murder is a filthy business.
Renard: A man tires of being executed.
James: But in your case, I feel nothing just like you.
Renard: But then again, there's no point living if you can't feel alive?
James: Huh?

Dr. Christmas Jones: Are You here for a reason? Or, are you just hoping for a glimmer? And you are?
James: [With a bad Russian accent] Mikhail Arkov, Russian atomic energy department, Miss?
[hands her the transport documents]
Dr. Christmas Jones: Doctor Jones. Christmas Jones, and don't tell me any jokes, I've heard 'em all.
James: I don't know any doctor jokes.
Dr. Christmas Jones: [after looking at the transport documents] This is okay. Take the elevator down the hall. Your friends are already down there.
James: Don't I get some kind of protection?
Dr. Christmas Jones: No, Dr. Arkov. Down there it's all weapons-grade plutonium - reasonably safe. Up here we've got hydrogen bombs that your lab built leaking tritium, which I spent the last six months trying to clean up. So, if you need any protection at all, it's from me. Your friends are waiting for you.
[Bond walks away]
Dr. Christmas Jones: Doctor? Aren't you forgetting?
[Points to a board with badges on it]
James: Yes, of course. Thank you.
Dr. Christmas Jones: By the way.
[In Russian]
Dr. Christmas Jones: Your English is very good for a Russian.
James: [In Russian] I studied at Oxford.

James: Give me the name.
Lachaise: I can't do that.
James: [pointing his gun to Lachaise] Let's count to three. You can do that, can't you?

James: Where's M?
Elektra: Soon she'll be everywhere.

Elektra: You're determined to protect me.
James: From yourself. You don't have to do this.
Elektra: There's no point in living if you can't feel alive.

Renard: Welcome to my nuclear family.

James: What business do you have with Elektra King?
Zukovsky: I thought it was *you* who was giving her the business.

M: She doesn't need to know that it's the same man that may be after her. Don't frighten her.
Bond: A shadow operation?
M: Remember, shadows stay in front or behind - never on top.

R: As I was saying, the very latest in interception countermeasures. Titanium armor. A multi-tasking heads up display. And six beverage cup holders. All in all, rather stocked.
Q: Fully loaded. I think is the term.
R: I think...
Q: You're not here to think. You're here to do what I tell you.

Dr. Christmas Jones: Do you wanna put that in English for those of us who don't speak Spy?

Zukovsky: I'm looking for a submarine. It's big and black, and the driver is a very good friend of mine.
Zukovsky: [sees captain hat] Bring it to me!
Elektra: [takes hat] What a shame, he's just gone.
[Shoots Zukovsky]

James: You would commit suicide for her?
Renard: You forget. I'm already dead.
James: Haven't you heard? So is she.

James: Expecting Davidov? He caught a bullet, instead of the plane.
Renard: You can't kill me, I'm already dead.
James: Oh yeah, not dead enough for me.

[last lines]
James: [in bed with Jones] I was wrong about you.
Dr. Christmas Jones: Yeah? How so?
James: I thought Christmas only comes once a year.

Elektra: James! You can't kill me! Not in cold blood!

Elektra: Pretty thing. You had her too?

[Elektra escorts Renard to a cell in Maiden's Tower where M is being held captive]
Elektra: [to Renard as she announces that she has captured M for him] Your present, courtesy of the late Mr. Bond.
Renard: My executioner.
M: Overpraise, I'm afraid. But my people will finish the job.
Elektra: Your people? Your people will leave you here to rot. Just like you left me- you and my father.
M: [Getting up from a bench in the cell and walking towards the cell bars] Your father wasn't...
Elektra: [Interrupting M] MY FATHER WAS NOTHING! His kingdom he stole from my mother, the kingdom I will rightly take back.
[Elektra walks towards the cell door and leaves. Renard closes the door behind her and walks towards M]
M: I hope you're proud of what you did to her.
Renard: I'm afraid it is you who deserve credit. When I took her, she was promise itself. And then you left her at the mercy of a man like me. You ruined her. For what? To get to me? She's worth fifty of me.
M: For once, I agree with you.
Renard: Yes. And now we also share a common fate. You will die along with everyone in the city.
[Renard turns his back and walks towards a table with junk surrounding it]
Renard: Along with the bright, starry, oil driven future of the West.
[Renard reaches for an alarm clock and holds it in his hands]
Renard: Since you sent your men to kill me, I've been watching time tick slowly away, marching towards my own death. Now you can have the same pleasure.
[Renard picks up a stool and totes them towards M's cell. He lays the alarm clock on top of the stool points at it]
Renard: Watch these hands, M. By noon tomorrow, your time is up. And I guarantee you, I will not miss.

Bill: He was operating in Moscow in 1996. Pyongyang, North Korea before that. And he's been spotted in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Iraq, Iran, Beirut and Cambodia.
James: All the romantic vacation spots.

[after Q introduces Bond to his successor]
James: If you're Q, does that make him R?
R: Ah yes, the legendary 007 wit, or at least half of it.

[Zukovzky fixes the "Zukovsky's Finest" logo on his office door]
Zukovsky: There's nothing in this place straight.
[Zukovsky opens the door and is shocked to see Christmas sitting on a couch in his office]
Zukovsky: Who are you, and how did you get in? I'll call security and congratulate them. Drink?
[the office door moves back, and Bond appears holding a guy at gunpoint]
Zukovsky: Can't you just say a hello, like a normal person.
James: [to guy] Get lost.
[the guy heads moves towards the door, and Bond grabs him by the shirt collar]
James: [to guy] No, no, no, no, no. Down the back!
[to Zukovsky]
James: What's your business with Elektra King?
Zukovsky: I thought you were the one giving her the business.
[Bond points his gun at Zukovsky and walks towards him. Zukovsky walks backwards towards the wall]
James: She drops a million dollars in your casino and you don't even blink an eye! What's she paying you off for?
Zukovsky: [to Chistmas] You know, if I were you, a relationship with a man like that, I wouldn't bet on it.
[Bond tackles Zukovsky and shoves him back into a wall-mounted shelf full of caviar. At that moment, the sound of helicopters surround the skies over the caviar factory]
Zukovsky: Five thousand dollars of Beluga, ruined!
James: That's nothing compared to what a twenty megaton nuclear bomb can do!
Zukovsky: What are you talking about?
Dr. Christmas Jones: We had a nuclear bomb stolen this morning!
James: Renard and Elektra King are working together!
Zukovsky: I didn't know!
James: Well what do you know?

[Colonel Akakievich and Christmas storm in]
Colonel: [to Bond] Hey! Drop the gun!
James: Keep away, Colonel!
Dr. Christmas Jones: He's an imposter. Doctor Arkov is sixty-three years old.
James: [about Renard and his men] This is your imposter, along with the men outside in the plane. They're stealing the bomb.
[Colonel Akakievich picks up an rifle and loads it]
Colonel: I said drop it!
[Bond drops the PPK. Renard gets up off the floor]
Colonel: [to Bond] On your knees!
[One of Renard's men removes a card from the bomb]
Renard: [Speaks Russian] Well done.
[about Bond]
Renard: He would have killed us all.
[Takes a photograph from Christams's hand]
Renard: This is Peter?
Dr. Christmas Jones: Yeah, but he's no atomic scientist.
Renard: [to Akakievich] I suppose you were the one who let him down.
[Renard shoves the photograph at Akakievich and walks towards Bond]
Renard: [to Bond] You had me. But i know you couldn't...
[Renard squeezes Bond's left shoulder. Bond groans with pain]
Renard: ...shoulder the responsibility.
[Renard lets go of Bond's shoulder and starts walking towards the silo entrance]
Renard: [to Akakievich] Now, without any further interruptions, lets proceed.
Colonel: Nyet! There are too many new faces around here, including yours. The bomb doesn't move until I am satisfied.
[to the terrorists]
Colonel: Hey, all of you, to the surface, now!
[Renard's men open fire at Akakievich's men]

Lachaise: I'm giving you the opportunity to walk out with the money, Mr. Bond.
James: I'm giving you the opportunity to walk out with your life.

[to M as she is being held captive by Elektra in Istanbul]
Renard: [pointing to an alarm clock] Watch these hands, M. By noon tomorrow, your time's up. And I guarantee, I won't miss.

[first lines]
Lachaise: So good of you to come see me, Mr. Bond, particularly on such short notice.
James: If you can't trust a Swiss banker, what's the world come to?

Dr. Christmas Jones: The world's greatest terrorist running around with six kilos of weapons-grade plutonium can't be good. I gotta get it back, or someone's gonna have my ass.
James: First things first.

[after M arrived at the pipleine control centre, Bond and M go into a nearby room]
M: I Want an update. Where do we stand?
James: [giving M the locator card] One of Renard's men removed a locator card from the bomb, so we can't track it. But...
M: [cutting Bond off] But what?
James: With all due respect, I don't think you should be here.
M: May I remind you that YOU'RE the reason I'm here, Double-Oh-Seven. You disobeyed a direct order and left that girl alone.
James: Perhaps that girl isn't as innocent as you think.
M: What are you saying?
James: Supposed the inside man, the one who switched King's lapel pin, turned out to be an inside woman.
[M pauses for a moment]
M: She kills her father and attacks her own pipeline? Why? To what end?
James: I don't know. Yet.

[Bull is shot to see Zukovsky survived the explosion at the safehouse]
Bull: Boss? You're alive! I'm so glad to see you!
Zukovsky: Me too!
[Shoots Bull]

James: I've always wanted to have Christmas in Turkey.
Dr. Christmas Jones: Was that a Christmas joke?
James: From me? No. Never.
Dr. Christmas Jones: Is it about time to unwrap your present?
[They Kiss]

Q: Oh, grow up 007!

Renard: So beautiful. So smooth. So warm.
[caressing Elektra's naked buttock]
Elektra: How would you know?

Julietta the Cigar Girl: Would you like to check my figures?
James: Oh, I'm sure they're perfectly rounded.

Dr. Christmas Jones: What's the story with you and Elektra?
James: We're strictly plutonic, now.

[a helicopter slices Bond's BMW in half]
James: Q's not gonna like this!

James: Molly, I need a clean bill of health. You have to clear me for duty.
[pulls Warmflash closer to him]
Dr. Molly Warmflash: James. That wouldn't really be...
James: Ethical?
[removes Warmflash's lab coat]
Dr. Molly Warmflash: Practical. Smart.
James: Well let's just... skirt the issue, shall we?
[unzips and removes Warmflash's skirt]
Dr. Molly Warmflash: You'd have to promise to call me.
[presses down on Bond's broken collar bone]
James: Oh.
[in pain]
Dr. Molly Warmflash: This time.
James: Whatever the doctor orders.
Dr. Molly Warmflash: I suppose if you stayed in constant contact.
James: Of course.
[unbuttons and removes Warmflash's shirt]
Dr. Molly Warmflash: If you showed sufficient
Dr. Molly Warmflash: stamina.
Dr. Molly Warmflash: Cut out all kinds of...
James: Strenuous activity?

Dr. Christmas Jones: So, you're a British spy. Do you have a name?
James: The name's Bond. James Bond.