Top 30 Quotes From Elena Satine

Louise: Oh, how I enjoy toying with the weaker sex!

Louise: Now are you sure you're not from the South? 'Cause you take care of your friends like family.
Nolan: My friends are my family.
[taking: ]
Nolan: Cheers.
[offering: ]
Nolan: Hair of the dog.
Louise: Oh, you are a bad influence, boy.
Nolan: Me? I'm sure afternoons at the convent didn't earn you the title of the black sheep of the Ellis family. I bet you were wild.
Louise: Mm, from the bowels of hell, according to Mama. Yeah, she always liked my brother better than me. Called me all sorts of sluts and unstable before sending me away. Tell you what, you never forget your first mental institution. But I did self-medicate with my share of hot, nutty boys.
Nolan: Your words, my life!
Louise: My father always wrote me letters.
Nolan: I remember reading about your Dad. He drank himself to death?
Louise: Mm. That's the story we tell.
[catches herself]
Louise: You know what?
Louise: I think I'm gonna be late for my facial. Will you call me later?

Louise: [discovers blood in doorway] I knew it! This wasn't a suicide at all. This was murder!

Louise: [to glum Victoria] You know, before lunch, we should stop at Tiffany's. 'Cause nothing cures the blues like a little blue box.

Nolan: [by the pool] Good morning, Lucy.
Louise: [in bikini] Why, Ethel, you look like your hangover is as wicked as mine.

Louise: What is that stage of grief when you wanna throttle someone?

Louise: [viewing the content of Nolan's flash drive] That lying bastard. I'm gonna hang him by his unmentionables.

Nolan: [entering] Hey, Lucy.
Louise: Ready for round two?
Nolan: Oh. What are we toasting?
Louise: You.
Nolan: Oh.
[clinks glass]
Louise: To liars.
[downs drink]
Louise: Now why did LaMarchal Media call my brother asking him about my father?
Nolan: I have no idea.
Louise: Where I'm from, you claim the deer you shot. Now I know you've been working with Margaux and digging up dirt on me.
[voice: ]
Louise: But for the life of me I cannot understand why. I was real with you.
Nolan: Look, it's complicated.
Louise: Mm.
[sighs deeply]
Nolan: LaMarchal is helping me to save my reputation.
Louise: For the price of mine? And my family's?
[tearfully: ]
Louise: It has taken me years of therapy to stop having nightmares about my past. And now you are just gonna destroy that with one story?
[whispers: ]
Louise: Wow. You protect your friends like family?
[sighs deeply]
Louise: Well, now I know where I stand.
[goes off, leaving Nolan feeling bad]

Louise: Well, I am the most discreet person I know. So just between us chickens, is it serious?

Lyman Ellis: [Elena is basking in the sun] And how is my favorite unreal housewife?
Louise: [takes off sunglasses] Well, I was hoping you'd have caught a ride out of town on mama's broom.

Louise: [showing off slinky dress] Too much, or 'hot damn'?
Daniel: Definitely 'hot damn'.
Louise: So, tell me, Danny, am I wasting all my top-notch flirting on you? Is there a prim New York girl waiting at home?
Daniel: No.
Daniel: No, there's not.

Louise: Look, I realize you did me this huge favor, for which I'm eternally grateful, but I wouldn't have married you if I didn't like you. And, yes, I got control of my money, but... I also got a friend in the process.
Nolan: What are you saying?
Louise: I'll have my lawyer draft divorce papers and set you free.
Nolan: [scoffs] Louise. It's... it's not that at all. I... I love spending time with you, and... Italy sounds perfect, but...
Louise: There's that 'but' again. And not the 'looks good in those pants' kind.
Nolan: Okay, today... something important came up. And the thing is... Emily and I...
Louise: [gasps] No! You're sleeping together?
Nolan: No, no, no. Uhm, Emily and I... Oh, God, how do I explain this?

Louise: [emerging from swimming pool, showing off in white bikini] You still checking out my portfolio?
Daniel: [nose to the grindstone] You can afford to take more risks. Your buys have been way too conservative.
Louise: Says the guy in a suit at the pool. Come on, it's summer. It's hot as hellfire. Don't you want to get in and cool off, then we can talk some business?
Daniel: I'd rather talk about increasing your return.
Daniel: I can give you some quick fixes, but... you need a more comprehensive overhaul. Trust me.
Louise: [comes nearer] And why should I trust you?
[sits down next to him]
Louise: I don't know anything about you. Except for your last name.
Daniel: Well, don't hold that against me. Tabloids print lies.
Louise: Mm. My brother is in politics. I'm aware of how papers are sold.
[dismissive: ]
Louise: It's all lies and sex.
[shakes head]
Louise: Why don't you tell me something about yourself? Something personal, like, uhm... tell me about your mother. Says a lot about a man's character how he gets along with his mama.

Dreamer: So, you never told, how did your conversation go with Clarice?
John: She left. So I'd say not well. It's about par for the course these days.
Dreamer: If you're talking about Pulse, it's not your fault.
John: How do you figure that? I left him. I let Sentinel Services take him.
Dreamer: You thought he was dead.
John: I was wrong. I should've saved him. I'm starting to think that maybe the X-Men made a mistake - choosing me to be part of the underground.
Dreamer: Johnny, you can't think that way. I know you want to live up to who what your father was, but you're doing all you can.
John: It's not enough. We have more refugees in there than we can possibly save. I can barely protect a bunch of veterans.
Dreamer: You were chosen for a reason. The X-Men said a war is coming.
John: They didn't say we'd win.

Louise: I'm sorry about that. Sometimes I just can't stop my lips from flapping.

Louise: [emerging from dressing room] Danny! You made it! Is this your first business meeting in a dress shop?
Daniel: [scoffs] Yeah. Pretty... pretty sure it is, yeah. Although, next time, you might wanna choose someplace more private. My family is still the top story.
[onlookers peering]
Louise: They don't bother me. I'm from the South, dear. If they're not gossipin' about you, you might as well be dead.

Louise: She came to pay her respects, but of course, five minutes in, she spun into her usual vitriol, so I threw her out.
[takes sip of wine]
Louise: You know, when we get the baby, we should install a gate that will keep the hyenas from dropping in with store-bought lemon tart.

Louise: You're my knight in Versace armor, right?
Nolan: Hmm.
Louise: [pretend-chuckle] And thank you for being completely honest with me.
[sighs, swims away, very unhappy]

Louise: [turning her back on him in enticing way] You're a man in search of an identity.
[turns around]
Louise: You clearly haven't settled on one yet.
Daniel: You're unlike anyone I've ever met.

Louise: [re little Carl] Oh, I could just eat him up! Somebody, pass the maple syrup!

Nolan: I have to run out for a minute, but I'll...
Louise: Was it really your friend Emily?
Nolan: I... I don't know. They're still investigating.
Louise: Oh, poor Victoria. She must be a wreck.
Nolan: Undoubtedly. We'll talk soon?
Louise: Yeah, I think I'll bake something for her before my Xanax wears off. Can I use your kitchen?
[but he's already off]
Louise: Oh.

Nolan: Did you...?
Louise: [looking down] No. We were arguing by the bluff. Things got heated. I didn't push him, but I didn't help him. I'm sorry I wasn't honest with you from the start.
[looks up]
Louise: You are the only person in my life who doesn't keep secrets from me, and I owe you the same.
[looking: ]
Louise: I hope you don't hate me.
Nolan: I could never hate you.
Louise: Do you think I should go to Ben and tell him the truth?
Nolan: No. Changing your story now will only arouse suspicion. There's no evidence of foul play,so...
[his mobile chimes]
Nolan: you're safe.

Louise: [shaking head] How could Nolan have such faith in me when I had no faith in myself?
Emily: 'Cause that's who Nolan is.

Louise: It's just, everyone has two faces, some more disturbing than others. I mean, you, of all people, would know after what happened with Danny.
Emily: [nods] Yeah.
Louise: Well, just goes to show you can't judge the honey by looking at the bee.

Louise: Well, good. 'Cause there's absolutely no reason for you to go in to work before the sun is comfortable in the sky.
Louise: Stay! Let's watch trashy TV and get day-drunk and finish our talk.

Louise: Oh, I came back early. You have not seen family drama until you've been to an Ellis funeral. It was horrible. I ate my weight in grits in three days
Nolan: You see, I know I should have gone with you.
Louise: Seeing Lyman in his coffin just... gutted me. And hearing mama, in front of all the rest of those liars and chests, delivering a eulogy worthy of Margaret Mitchell...
[shakes her head]
Louise: just made me ill.
[sighs,: ]
Louise: The only lie I told myself is that I could handle it alone.
Nolan: Well, you're... you're home now. It's okay. What can I get you?
Louise: [shrugs] Well, two things...
Nolan: Hmm-mm?
Louise: First, I really need one of our Wonder Twin nights. They're so much better than three Xanax and a glass of Rosé.
Nolan: Well, that is high praise. What else?
Louise: I want a baby.

Louise: If Emily likes the way this Big Ben turns her clock, I don't know, he might be worth her time.

Dreamer: The X-Men said a war is coming.
John: They didn't say we'd win.

Margaux: What is she doing here?
Victoria: I invited her.
Margaux: [as the other two kiss] Victoria, I beg you, do not let this woman into your life.
Louise: Well, somebody has to lighten the mood around here. You're about as depressing as a Yankee groom at a Southern wedding.

Charlotte: Yeah, the thing about the funeral...
Louise: Oh, I'm so sorry, I overstepped. You would like to plan it.
Charlotte: [shakes head] No. It's that I'm not going, let alone planning one. I don't know which Victoria Grayson you met, but mine was the most manipulative human I've ever known.
Louise: You don't mean that. You're clearly in shock. Or... or denial.