20 Best Louise Ellis Quotes

Louise: [re little Carl] Oh, I could just eat him up! Somebody, pass the maple syrup!

Nolan: Did you...?
Louise: [looking down] No. We were arguing by the bluff. Things got heated. I didn't push him, but I didn't help him. I'm sorry I wasn't honest with you from the start.
[looks up]
Louise: You are the only person in my life who doesn't keep secrets from me, and I owe you the same.
[looking: ]
Louise: I hope you don't hate me.
Nolan: I could never hate you.
Louise: Do you think I should go to Ben and tell him the truth?
Nolan: No. Changing your story now will only arouse suspicion. There's no evidence of foul play,so...
[his mobile chimes]
Nolan: you're safe.

Louise: If Emily likes the way this Big Ben turns her clock, I don't know, he might be worth her time.

Nolan: I have to run out for a minute, but I'll...
Louise: Was it really your friend Emily?
Nolan: I... I don't know. They're still investigating.
Louise: Oh, poor Victoria. She must be a wreck.
Nolan: Undoubtedly. We'll talk soon?
Louise: Yeah, I think I'll bake something for her before my Xanax wears off. Can I use your kitchen?
[but he's already off]
Louise: Oh.

Louise: [shaking head] How could Nolan have such faith in me when I had no faith in myself?
Emily: 'Cause that's who Nolan is.

Louise: Oh, I came back early. You have not seen family drama until you've been to an Ellis funeral. It was horrible. I ate my weight in grits in three days
Nolan: You see, I know I should have gone with you.
Louise: Seeing Lyman in his coffin just... gutted me. And hearing mama, in front of all the rest of those liars and chests, delivering a eulogy worthy of Margaret Mitchell...
[shakes her head]
Louise: just made me ill.
[sighs,: ]
Louise: The only lie I told myself is that I could handle it alone.
Nolan: Well, you're... you're home now. It's okay. What can I get you?
Louise: [shrugs] Well, two things...
Nolan: Hmm-mm?
Louise: First, I really need one of our Wonder Twin nights. They're so much better than three Xanax and a glass of Rosé.
Nolan: Well, that is high praise. What else?
Louise: I want a baby.

Louise: [to glum Victoria] You know, before lunch, we should stop at Tiffany's. 'Cause nothing cures the blues like a little blue box.

Louise: Well, good. 'Cause there's absolutely no reason for you to go in to work before the sun is comfortable in the sky.
Louise: Stay! Let's watch trashy TV and get day-drunk and finish our talk.

Louise: [showing off slinky dress] Too much, or 'hot damn'?
Daniel: Definitely 'hot damn'.
Louise: So, tell me, Danny, am I wasting all my top-notch flirting on you? Is there a prim New York girl waiting at home?
Daniel: No.
Daniel: No, there's not.

Nolan: [by the pool] Good morning, Lucy.
Louise: [in bikini] Why, Ethel, you look like your hangover is as wicked as mine.

Louise: What is that stage of grief when you wanna throttle someone?

Louise: It's just, everyone has two faces, some more disturbing than others. I mean, you, of all people, would know after what happened with Danny.
Emily: [nods] Yeah.
Louise: Well, just goes to show you can't judge the honey by looking at the bee.

Louise: [emerging from dressing room] Danny! You made it! Is this your first business meeting in a dress shop?
Daniel: [scoffs] Yeah. Pretty... pretty sure it is, yeah. Although, next time, you might wanna choose someplace more private. My family is still the top story.
[onlookers peering]
Louise: They don't bother me. I'm from the South, dear. If they're not gossipin' about you, you might as well be dead.

Charlotte: Yeah, the thing about the funeral...
Louise: Oh, I'm so sorry, I overstepped. You would like to plan it.
Charlotte: [shakes head] No. It's that I'm not going, let alone planning one. I don't know which Victoria Grayson you met, but mine was the most manipulative human I've ever known.
Louise: You don't mean that. You're clearly in shock. Or... or denial.

Louise: [turning her back on him in enticing way] You're a man in search of an identity.
[turns around]
Louise: You clearly haven't settled on one yet.
Daniel: You're unlike anyone I've ever met.

Nolan: Are we Italian now?
Louise: Oh, we will be, in about eight shakes of a turkey leg.
[glances at watch]
Louise: More or less. Because what is the wedding of the century without an equally extravagant honeymoon?
Nolan: Italy, huh? Whereabout?
Louise: Wherever the espresso's hot and the men are hotter.
Nolan: Well, I hear Florence is nice this time of year.
Louise: Great! So pack a bag or just a credit card. My jet's getting fueled up as we speak so we'll be good to go within the hour.
[Nolan's phone rings]

Louise: [discovers blood in doorway] I knew it! This wasn't a suicide at all. This was murder!

Louise: I'm sorry about that. Sometimes I just can't stop my lips from flapping.

Louise: [emerging from swimming pool, showing off in white bikini] You still checking out my portfolio?
Daniel: [nose to the grindstone] You can afford to take more risks. Your buys have been way too conservative.
Louise: Says the guy in a suit at the pool. Come on, it's summer. It's hot as hellfire. Don't you want to get in and cool off, then we can talk some business?
Daniel: I'd rather talk about increasing your return.
Daniel: I can give you some quick fixes, but... you need a more comprehensive overhaul. Trust me.
Louise: [comes nearer] And why should I trust you?
[sits down next to him]
Louise: I don't know anything about you. Except for your last name.
Daniel: Well, don't hold that against me. Tabloids print lies.
Louise: Mm. My brother is in politics. I'm aware of how papers are sold.
[dismissive: ]
Louise: It's all lies and sex.
[shakes head]
Louise: Why don't you tell me something about yourself? Something personal, like, uhm... tell me about your mother. Says a lot about a man's character how he gets along with his mama.

Louise: She came to pay her respects, but of course, five minutes in, she spun into her usual vitriol, so I threw her out.
[takes sip of wine]
Louise: You know, when we get the baby, we should install a gate that will keep the hyenas from dropping in with store-bought lemon tart.