Top 100 Quotes From Gabriel Mann

Emily: I've retraced every step Amanda made. The computer's nowhere to be found.
Nolan: Well, nothing's pinged on my end, so no one's turned the computer on, which means the Graysons don't have it, either. And they may be losing Daniel, too.
Emily: What do you mean?
Nolan: Well, he came over here in person to tell me to destroy Carrion. Threatened to break my digital kneecaps if I didn't comply.
Emily: He's having a crisis of conscience.
Nolan: Or maybe he's just freaked out to realize he's actually got one.

Johnny: How'd you know Batwoman would be coming for the journal?
Tommy: Well, I have friends in low places.
Johnny: Yeah, that I knew. The Bat's been a thorn in my bottom line for too long. Can't wait to clip her wings.
Tommy: Oh. Well, you enjoy that, buddy. Where's the journal?
Johnny: Yeah. See, here's the thing. If that book was so important that the Batbaby wanted it, I'm thinking that you undersold me on its value, so I'm gonna hang onto it.
Tommy: Johnny, Johnny, Johnny, don't be a dick.
Johnny: Tommy, your accounts are frozen, you're on ice. Can you blame me for giving you the cold shoulder? Take care of yourself, buddy.

Nolan: Spineless, seer-sucking dilettante! I haven't been this disappointed since Phantom Menace.

Daniel: You never sent me the report I asked for detailing your abandoned R&D.
Nolan: Yeah. Guess I kind of forgot about it.
Daniel: No, see, I don't think you did. I think you don't want me to know about Carrion, and you'd rather get fired than tell me what it does.
Nolan: Let's see if you're right. Fire me.
Daniel: [whispering] Nolan, if I find out you've done anything other than destroy that program, I won't just fire you. I will cripple you with lawsuits and make sure you never write another line of code again. You got it?
Nolan: Control, alt, delete. Got it.

Nolan: My first solo takedown.

Louise: You're my knight in Versace armor, right?
Nolan: Hmm.
Louise: [pretend-chuckle] And thank you for being completely honest with me.
[sighs, swims away, very unhappy]

Nolan: Rough day at the office?
Emily: He's one of them, Nolan. Conrad confessed everything to Daniel before the interview.
Nolan: "Everything" everything?
Emily: Daniel could've come clean. He could've... ended the whole thing. But instead...
Nolan: He doubled down on Grayson. So what are you gonna do now?
Emily: I'm gonna marry him. And I'm gonna track down the man who killed my father.
Nolan: And what are you gonna do when you find him?
Emily: I'm gonna kill him.

Padma: Where are we going?
Nolan: I don't know. I... I can't know.
Padma: Are you saying I may never see you again?
Nolan: It's the only way to ensure the Initiative never finds you. You'll have plenty of cash and substantial bank accounts...
Padma: I don't care about any of that. I can't fly off somewhere and live the rest of my life without you... I love you.
Nolan: And I love you too... so much.

Emily: Tyler never showed up for dinner. I'm impressed. How'd you do it?
Nolan: Well, I can't take all the credit. I took a page from the angel of revenge herself. Dug up some dirt, used it for leverage.
Emily: What's the dirt?
Nolan: Suffice it to say our boy is a bit of a con man. What he doesn't know is you can't con a con.

Nolan: [looking at computer screen] Exhibit A, Twitter's debating what people are supposed to call you now. #Amanda or #Emily?
Amanda: Emily Thorne no longer exists.
Nolan: It's the end of an era.

Hush: [points handguns at librarian] Hush.

Nolan: [to Jack] Trust me, I know her. You are now competing for an elite piece of Hamptons tail, and with a Grayson, no less.

Nolan: Okay, Ems. I can't say you didn't warn me about that tricky little bastard. God, Danny boy really learned how to play dirty.

Nolan: What's on the revengenda this evening?

Nolan: Sorry. Did I interrupt something?
Daniel: Are you out of your mind?
Nolan: No. But you must be for pissing off a genius like me.
Daniel: Wow. I always knew you were a loser, but not that you were a sore one.
Nolan: I want you to understand. This is war.

Nolan: I'm just hoping that your secret plan is to make your debut there as Amanda Clarke.
Emily: Sorry. I'm Emily Thorne, and it's simply a party. After what the Graysons put us through, don't you think we deserve one?

Nolan: You never cease to amaze and... terrify me, maestro.

Hush: [Batwoman is driving directly at him] Well, Batty wants to be a hood ornament.

Nolan: Miami is for trolls.

Nolan: [to Aiden] You could be my bodyguard... and I could be your Whitney.

Alice: Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty Dumpty back together again, but he was an egg and never should have been sitting on that wall in the first place, and honestly, what were a bunch of horses gonna do?
Tommy: W-W-When do I get my face?
Alice: As soon as I get that journal. And it's not just a face, Tommy. It's a whole new you.

Nolan: Well bros before hos only works if he's not still in love with the ho, bro.

Nolan: Oh, Judge Miller, your reputation precedes you, Sir. I would say it's a pleasure, but my mother taught me not to lie. Now, if you'll excuse me.
[turns away, goes off]

Nolan: Transaction denied.

Mouse: You realize, the more people we abduct the more we risk exposure.
Hush: And you realize that none of this is real, right? You can play house and dress-up and pretend this funny farm is your own private castle. But at the end of the day, you're just a freak who made out with a radiator.

Gordon: I trust you had a pleasant nap, Miss Clarke. Rather than waste my time on a wild goose chase, I thought I'd give you the opportunity to tell me where you've hidden Grayson's evidence. In return, I may even let your friend here live.
Emily: Actually, he doesn't concern me.
Nolan: [sarcastically] Gee, don't surgarcoat it, Ems.
Gordon: Well, if that's the case, I take back my offer.
[Murphy advances on Nolan with a scalpel in hand]
Emily: The evidence that you want is in locker 428 at the Port Authority bus terminal. The orange key from my keychain will open it.
Gordon: If that's true, what's to stop me from killing you right now?
Emily: I could be lying.
Nolan: She's really quite good at it.

Louise: Now are you sure you're not from the South? 'Cause you take care of your friends like family.
Nolan: My friends are my family.
[taking: ]
Nolan: Cheers.
[offering: ]
Nolan: Hair of the dog.
Louise: Oh, you are a bad influence, boy.
Nolan: Me? I'm sure afternoons at the convent didn't earn you the title of the black sheep of the Ellis family. I bet you were wild.
Louise: Mm, from the bowels of hell, according to Mama. Yeah, she always liked my brother better than me. Called me all sorts of sluts and unstable before sending me away. Tell you what, you never forget your first mental institution. But I did self-medicate with my share of hot, nutty boys.
Nolan: Your words, my life!
Louise: My father always wrote me letters.
Nolan: I remember reading about your Dad. He drank himself to death?
Louise: Mm. That's the story we tell.
[catches herself]
Louise: You know what?
Louise: I think I'm gonna be late for my facial. Will you call me later?

Tommy: Visiting hours are four days a week. He's a total no-show. Is that any way to treat your best friend?
Kate: It is if you killed his actual best friend: Lucius Fox.
Tommy: [banging the glass in anger] That's an outrageous lie. Lucius was never Bruce's best friend.
Kate: Of course that would be your takeaway.
Tommy: What did Lucius Fox ever do for Bruce?
Kate: You mean besides turning Wayne R&D into the world leader in defense technology? Oh, but you already knew that. That's why you had him killed; for his journal. You wanted the keys to the candy store.

Emily: Is Victoria's heart still beating?
Nolan: Was it ever?

Nolan: Bad girl.

Nolan: What is the Initiative planning to do with Carrion?
Edith: Don't know. Don't care.

Nolan: Don't you think it's a little bit dangerous to be catnapping out in the open? Or are you actually baiting the white-haired Mannibal Lecter to come for you?
Emily: He's not gonna kill me.
Nolan: Oh, really? Did he pinkie swear?

Emily: Now go before someone sees you. Victoria watches this place like a hawk.
Nolan: I also did some research into your collateral damage. Seems Dr. Bates wasn't always the go-to shrink for the rich and demented. She began her road to infamy as a court-appointed child psychologist.
[grinning: ]
Nolan: Random coincidence?
Emily: Nothing's random, Nolan.
Nolan: Well, you can be satisfied the good doctor will never practice again.
Emily: [resolutely] Count on it.

Daniel: Nolan. I see you found my office.
Nolan: Isn't this where I wait to get my Grayson Global ID badge?
Daniel: When I said I wanted to meet, I figured we'd get one on the books.
Nolan: Haven't you heard? Books are obsolete.

Nolan: [back-flash] Trust me.
Amanda: I am. With my life.

Nolan: Are you sure you wanna be around Victoria after what just happened at my party?
Emily: It'll be fun to watch her try not to lose it.

Nolan: [heading off Emily as she goes after Charlotte] I know that you told her everything and she rejected you. And then she tried to toast you like a marshmallow. What's to be gained?

Nolan: Did you know that he brought Charlotte? That's an interesting choice, if you ask me, him going after Daniel's sister.
Margaux: What do you mean?
Nolan: I'm not sure you heard, but... Charlie did a stint in rehab after an overdose. She's not the most stable little pony.

Emily: [Padma has been captured by the Initiative] I feel like I failed you. Nolan, there was no way I could have made it there on time.
Nolan: It wouldn't have mattered anyway. They have been ahead of us every step of the way. And now... they'll probably kill her, if they haven't already. And I told her... Ems... I promised her I would keep her safe.
Emily: Nolan, look at me... I don't know if Padma's still alive... but I do know that if she is, you are the only person that can find her.
Nolan: I should've let Aiden shoot...!
Emily: Don't say that. Did you... track the source of the text?
Nolan: [despondent] I tried. The encryption's insane. It's gonna take weeks!
Emily: Then, Nolan, you need to get started. Look at me, I know that you are hurting. But you need to stop blaming yourself, get on your computer, and dig until you find them. And I swear to God, when you do, I will help you save her. I give you my word.

Kate: How do you know who he is?
Tommy: You mean Batman?
[Feigning surprise]
Tommy: Oops! Did I say that out loud?
Kate: How do you know that?
Tommy: Oh, because a few months ago, I paid a man to riddle me the answer. Gotta love the honorable Bruce Wayne for designing a fail-safe so he could never become too powerful in a super-suit. Such a great guy.
Kate: He's your best friend.
Tommy: Yeah, he was. The bestest. Nothing could be average with Bruce. Even had to have more dead parents than me.
Kate: Because he saved your mom's life?
Tommy: Oh, yeah. No, I am aware. Thanks to him, instead of collecting my inheritance, I was left wiping the spittle off of a jabbering madwoman's lips for 13 years.
Kate: You wanted him dead, why wait until he's in a bulletproof suit?
Tommy: Because Bruce didn't ruin my life. Batman did. Do you know what it's like to have the villain of your story be the hero of your city? He is a monster who left me anchored to a repulsive, gold-digging bitch, and now he's gonna die.

Nolan: Are we Italian now?
Louise: Oh, we will be, in about eight shakes of a turkey leg.
[glances at watch]
Louise: More or less. Because what is the wedding of the century without an equally extravagant honeymoon?
Nolan: Italy, huh? Whereabout?
Louise: Wherever the espresso's hot and the men are hotter.
Nolan: Well, I hear Florence is nice this time of year.
Louise: Great! So pack a bag or just a credit card. My jet's getting fueled up as we speak so we'll be good to go within the hour.
[Nolan's phone rings]

Nolan: I guess sometimes payback's not a bitch. Although I imagine it will be for New York's first and worst family. What do you have on tap?
Emily: A long summer of fun.
Nolan: Beginning with tomorrow's Memorial Day party?
Emily: And if everything goes as planned, it'll be the last one the Graysons ever attend.
[clinks Nolan's glass with devilish smile]

Tommy: Get out of my cell.
Alice: But yours is so much roomier than mine, and there's going to be a vacancy when they strap you to the electric chair for murdering Lucius Fox.
Tommy: Oh, but, Alice, haven't you heard? I'm crazy! 100% unfit to stand trial.
Alice: Mmm.
Dr. Butler: Not anymore, I'm afraid. I got a call this morning from a judge asking my opinion in regards to your fitness to stand trial. As Arkham's chief medical officer, I could hardly lie, so the Crows will be here soon to collect you.
Alice: But we can help you.
Tommy: Why... would you help me?
Alice: Because you're gonna help us.

Nolan: I have to know... how did you do it? How'd you get your hands on a sex tape?
Emily: I bought the building that his mistress lives in. As part of the renovations, I had cameras installed.
Nolan: Uh... wow. That's commitment. And now?
Emily: I release the videos to the press.
Nolan: Why? You already got what you wanted, you destroyed a man's career.
Emily: I want to destroy his life. If he had done the right thing, he would have saved my father. He chose not to, so down he goes.

Nolan: Ding, dong, the bitch is dead.
Nolan: Victoria Grayson has actually taken her last breath.
Amanda: It's hard to believe, but... the coroner confirmed it.

Nolan: Don't do anything revenge-y until I get there.

Nolan: You scare me.
Emily: Good.

Nolan: Spoiler alert, your girl talk with Miss Montauk didn't work. Faux-manda is still causing boats to crash in the harbor.
Emily: I know. She doesn't want to leave.
Nolan: Since when do you take no for an answer?
Emily: It's not that easy with her. I can't just force her to leave. I have to let her cool down before I approach her again. Just try to run interference with Jack until I figure something out.
Nolan: Fine. Only because I don't want to see him get emotionally creamed again... or worse.

Emily: What have you got?
Nolan: Oh, good news and bad news. Victoria's still alive.
Emily: What's the good news?
Nolan: They're keeping her heavily sedated to monitor the irregular rhythm of her heart. Turns out she has one.

Nolan: [to Elena, on massage table] Easy, tiger. Save some of that roar for when they break out the hot stones.

Nolan: Your dad was protecting you.
Emily: From what?
Nolan: Open the box.

Emily: Victoria's behind this, I'm sure of it. She's terrified that my father will learn the truth about her, so she put a police line between us.
Nolan: Well, it definitely sounds like her shade of bitch.

Nolan: [entering] Hey, Lucy.
Louise: Ready for round two?
Nolan: Oh. What are we toasting?
Louise: You.
Nolan: Oh.
[clinks glass]
Louise: To liars.
[downs drink]
Louise: Now why did LaMarchal Media call my brother asking him about my father?
Nolan: I have no idea.
Louise: Where I'm from, you claim the deer you shot. Now I know you've been working with Margaux and digging up dirt on me.
[voice: ]
Louise: But for the life of me I cannot understand why. I was real with you.
Nolan: Look, it's complicated.
Louise: Mm.
[sighs deeply]
Nolan: LaMarchal is helping me to save my reputation.
Louise: For the price of mine? And my family's?
[tearfully: ]
Louise: It has taken me years of therapy to stop having nightmares about my past. And now you are just gonna destroy that with one story?
[whispers: ]
Louise: Wow. You protect your friends like family?
[sighs deeply]
Louise: Well, now I know where I stand.
[goes off, leaving Nolan feeling bad]

Nolan: The more things you try to control, the more chance for error.

Louise: Look, I realize you did me this huge favor, for which I'm eternally grateful, but I wouldn't have married you if I didn't like you. And, yes, I got control of my money, but... I also got a friend in the process.
Nolan: What are you saying?
Louise: I'll have my lawyer draft divorce papers and set you free.
Nolan: [scoffs] Louise. It's... it's not that at all. I... I love spending time with you, and... Italy sounds perfect, but...
Louise: There's that 'but' again. And not the 'looks good in those pants' kind.
Nolan: Okay, today... something important came up. And the thing is... Emily and I...
Louise: [gasps] No! You're sleeping together?
Nolan: No, no, no. Uhm, Emily and I... Oh, God, how do I explain this?

Nolan: I don't think my employees have any respect for me.
Emily: Why would they? You're not wearing pants.
Nolan: Well, I mean, they don't know that. You know, I once did a video interview with Katie Couric butt-naked in my jacuzzi. She had no idea.

Nolan: You crossed the line, Emily. How could you do that to me?
Emily: If you mean that recording of you and Tyler, you'll thank me one day I did you a favor.
Nolan: But I trusted you.
Emily: You can't build trust on secrets, Nolan. You should know that by now.

Nolan: [in bar] You're playing with some serious fire here, Missy. My advice? Take the money and ease on down the road.
[sits down next to her]
Amanda: Sorry. I like it here. You know, she told me about you. Said you used to visit her father in jail like a demented stalker.
Nolan: In case you hadn't noticed, she wants you gone. And when Emily wants somebody gone, believe me, they go. And usually in spectacular fashion.
Amanda: In case you haven't noticed, I do things on my own terms. If Emily wants me gone, she might have to consider the ripple effect.
[gets up, saunters off confidently, leaving him to his drink]

Kate: Believe it or not, Tommy Boy, I'm not here for a measuring contest.
Tommy: Oh, that's too bad. Speaking of being the bigger man, have you heard from Bruce?

Nolan: Y'ever notice how, whenever you want her to leave, girlfriend keeps popping up like the homicidal-stripper version of Whac-a-Mole?

Jack: This morning you told me to put all this behind me and now you want me to stake out a bank?
Nolan: No, I want my friend back. And you want answers which you clearly are not gonna get here. So. Best case scenario, you find Amanda, she tells you the whole story and it turns out to be one big Shakespearean misunderstanding. Worst case, turns out you've been wasting your time with a career grifter and potentially murderer. Just sayin'.

Nolan: No "thank you?"
Tyler: Of course. 20 million of them.

Nolan: What a waste of humanity.

Nolan: Hmm. When does everything ever go right for the host of a Hamptons party with you on the guest list?
Emily: [looking back] I heard that.
Nolan: 'Course you did.

Salindra: I'm so frightened for you.
Young: About what?
Salindra: Do you promise you won't do anything crazy and reckless?
Young: Salindra... tell me.
Salindra: When I was in the Underworld...
[shakes her head]
Salindra: in that awful, terrible place, I heard Darken Rahl talking to the Keeper. They're happy that you've taken up the Seeker's quest. They think that... while you're chasing after the Stone of Tears, they will have time to destroy us all. But there's one thing that... they're terrified of.
Young: What?
Salindra: They're terrified that you are going to be marching into the rift and battle the Keeper with the Sword of Truth.
[shakes her head]
Salindra: Oh, Zeddicus, I'm so afraid you will try something like that.

Emily: It's kind of fun being your wing-man.
Nolan: I taught you well, Grasshopper.

Nolan: Welcome home, Amanda.

Dr. Butler: Give us the journal, and we will let you walk out of here.
Tommy: Really? What, just out into the street where every wanted poster will have my...
[taken aback when Alice measures his forehead with her fingers]
Tommy: ...face on it?
Alice: Not if we get you a new one.
Tommy: Oh. Tsk. This is what it's like bartering with a psychopath.
[with a nod from Alice, Butler pulls his mask off, revealing Mouse]
Alice: We can make you into anyone you want to be; real, imagined... whoever your little heart desires. So, do we have a deal?

Nolan: [summing up the wedding] Lifestyles of the rich and shameless.

Alice: I couldn't help but listen in to your little visit with Kate Kane, because when my sister wants something, I want it more. What's so special about the dearly departed Lucius Fox's journal, just between us bad guys?
Tommy: I'm sorry. Are you two working together? What's going on here?
Dr. Butler: You can answer the question voluntarily, or we will extract it.
Tommy: Heh. Supposedly, it's a failsafe to kill the Bat if the suit ever got into the wrong hands.
Alice: Why's Bruce Wayne's R&D guy telling dear diary about that?
Tommy: [as if it's obvious] Because Bruce Wayne's Batman.

Nolan: You're not going anywhere?
Jack: Declan needs me.
Nolan: You're making a colossal mistake.
Jack: You're sure you don't want a drink?
Nolan: Hm. Make it a double. It's gonna be a long fall.

Emily: Nolan, we don't call the police.
Nolan: Why not? Oh... because maybe the henchman wasn't working for Victoria alone. Maybe Little Arson Annie was behind this, too.
[makes a face]
Nolan: She's not my sister.
Emily: I promised to help Charlotte. I'm not going to sic the cops on her.
Nolan: What? So she gets another spin on the murder wheel? How many?

Louise: Oh, I came back early. You have not seen family drama until you've been to an Ellis funeral. It was horrible. I ate my weight in grits in three days
Nolan: You see, I know I should have gone with you.
Louise: Seeing Lyman in his coffin just... gutted me. And hearing mama, in front of all the rest of those liars and chests, delivering a eulogy worthy of Margaret Mitchell...
[shakes her head]
Louise: just made me ill.
[sighs,: ]
Louise: The only lie I told myself is that I could handle it alone.
Nolan: Well, you're... you're home now. It's okay. What can I get you?
Louise: [shrugs] Well, two things...
Nolan: Hmm-mm?
Louise: First, I really need one of our Wonder Twin nights. They're so much better than three Xanax and a glass of Rosé.
Nolan: Well, that is high praise. What else?
Louise: I want a baby.

Nolan: Right, the gospel according to Emily, "sin unto others as you've had sinned unto you."
Emily: Right.
Nolan: This time, I just, I just... I kind of think you're going too far. If you cannot forgive Paul, how do you expect to be forgiven?
Emily: I don't. Look, I have two months before the wedding, which means I'm not pulling any punches.
Nolan: [wry smile] Just check your soul, Emily Thorne, 'cause once you start taking down kittens, I'm out.

Nolan: What's my little girl with the infinity tattoo up to today?
Emily: Suddenly, she's thinking of filing a restraining order.
Nolan: Yeah, well, isn't that the pot calling the kettle black? So... what irons are we throwing in the fire this week?
Emily: We are not throwing anything anywhere. I am going for a swim.
Nolan: Ha! I thought you might say that. You know, it wouldn't, uh... it wouldn't kill you to try and be nice to me.
Emily: Not part of the plan.
Nolan: Certainly hasn't stopped you from cozying up to Daniel Grayson.
Emily: That's because he actually *is* part of the plan.

Nolan: I have to run out for a minute, but I'll...
Louise: Was it really your friend Emily?
Nolan: I... I don't know. They're still investigating.
Louise: Oh, poor Victoria. She must be a wreck.
Nolan: Undoubtedly. We'll talk soon?
Louise: Yeah, I think I'll bake something for her before my Xanax wears off. Can I use your kitchen?
[but he's already off]
Louise: Oh.

Nolan: Hey Nolan, this one time at revenge camp, I met this fellow avenger and guess where he's going to be summering?

Nolan: The evidence does keep piling up. This is gonna be one hell of.a wedding.

Nolan: Fire and Ice. Subtle. Fire and brimstone wasn't available?

Nolan: [as Aiden enters the Graysons' masquerade party] Ah. Well, well. Every opera needs its phantom.

Nolan: What now, revenger?
Emily: Let the punishment fit the crime. Victoria took my mother away from me. It's time I took her daughter away from her.

Emily: It just means she's as good at hiding her secrets as I am.
Nolan: Or maybe it means she's not dirty. I already feel douche-baggy enough after what I did to Louise. She did not deserve it. I sure as hell am not gonna do the same thing to an FBI agent. They hold grudges. And arrest warrants.

Nolan: Marco, wait. About the missing money... it all went to the daughter of our first investor.
Marco: What investor, Nolan? Who are you talking about?
Nolan: David Clarke.
Marco: What?
Nolan: After the conviction, I set up the account so his daughter could get what was rightfully hers.
Marco: After the con... Are you insane?
Nolan: You don't know the whole story. David was innocent.
Marco: Okay, you are insane if you believe those conspiracy theories. Think about how this looks, Nolan, for you, for the company. You are Nolan Ross. That name means something now.
Nolan: There would be no company without David, and look, I wasn't about to screw over his daughter after everything that she had been through. If you don't get that, then I don't think we have a future together.
Marco: Wow. Um... Okay, you are choosing a convicted terrorist over me.
Nolan: No. I'm choosing a man that took me at my word over my name.

Nolan: Ah, ambiguous sexual identity. I get it. I'm about a... 3 on the Kinsey scale myself.

Nolan: Did you...?
Louise: [looking down] No. We were arguing by the bluff. Things got heated. I didn't push him, but I didn't help him. I'm sorry I wasn't honest with you from the start.
[looks up]
Louise: You are the only person in my life who doesn't keep secrets from me, and I owe you the same.
[looking: ]
Louise: I hope you don't hate me.
Nolan: I could never hate you.
Louise: Do you think I should go to Ben and tell him the truth?
Nolan: No. Changing your story now will only arouse suspicion. There's no evidence of foul play,so...
[his mobile chimes]
Nolan: you're safe.

Newscaster: All five New York City boroughs and additional outlying areas have been completely powerless for going on five hours. Thus far, authorities are at a loss to explain how multiple power grids, in addition to numerous communication networks could have all failed at once...
Nolan: Carrion.
Aiden: But I thought the only person with the ability to activate the program was the Falcon. How could she do that if she's behind bars?
Emily: She didn't have to. You did it for her.
Nolan: Emily's right. The Falcon must have altered Carrion so that when we hacked the Amanda Clarke Foundation...
Aiden: It triggered the chain reaction.
Emily: And she made sure that you used Aiden's administration code to set everything in motion. Everything that we did to prevent this...
Aiden: Will now prove that I caused it.
Nolan: And we don't even know what they're going to do while the lights are out. This could be catastrophic!
Emily: Aiden, you need to go dark.
Aiden: No, I can take care of this...
Emily: [interrupting] No, you listen to me. I have been through this before. I'm not gonna sit back and watch the Initiative turn you into their next David Clarke.

Nolan: [regarding the portrait of Victoria at her tribute] Creepy. You think she's somewhere looking up at us?

Nolan: [on cell] Well, you mess with Emily, you get the thorns.

Nolan: [showing Emily the video of Frank's attempted murder of Lydia] That thud you hear... is the sound of Lydia hitting the roof of the taxi five stories down.
Emily: I can't believe she survived.
Nolan: I can't believe I survived.
Frank: [on the video] Victoria, it's Frank. I have some bad news to report. Lydia Davis just jumped off her balcony. Call me when you get this.
Nolan: You know, if I'd shown up one minute earlier, that psychopath would've caught me.
Emily: Yeah, but he didn't. And you made it out with the list and the video camera.
Nolan: [handing Emily the photograph Lydia was going to use to expose her] And this.
Emily: We got lucky.
Nolan: You might want to revisit your definition of "lucky" in the dictionary. Lydia might die because of us.
Emily: If Lydia dies, it's because she sold her soul to the Graysons. This wasn't supposed to happen. I didn't set any of this in motion, they did.
Nolan: Fine. Let's say she survives. Wakes up tomorrow remembering only one thing: this picture. Eventually, someone's gonna find you out.
Emily: Not if they believe it's all been Frank. As far as the Graysons know... Lydia attempted suicide. When they see this video, they'll know that Frank lied to them.
Nolan: Let's send a copy to the police.
Emily: No police. Frank dug his own grave. All we need is for Victoria and Conrad to bury him in it.

Nolan: [approaching Emily and Aiden] Sacrificial lamb, reporting for the slaughter. I wasn't expecting an actual firing squad.

Julia: I've had worse.
Tommy: Not yet. But you will.

Nolan: Emily, wait! What are you gonna do?
Emily: [still clutching knife] What I should have done in the first place.
[Nolan regards her with a look of concern]
Emily: I'm gonna kill them all!

Nolan: You spared Victoria's life? Again?
Emily: As many times as I've considered it, you know that death was never my intention. Too much blood has been spilled, Daniel's included. So, for my father's sake and mine, we're gonna leave the Hamptons.

Nolan: Ems, Mr. Bond.

Tommy: If you can't trust your money launderer, who can you trust?

Nolan: [to Emily, regarding Jack's visit to Victoria] I don't know, maybe he wanted her recipe for devil's food cake.

Nolan: Unpleasant? Pshaw. Isn't it every man's dream to give over 49 percent of his company to a hostile conglomerate?

Nolan: Evening, kitten.

Emily: Victoria was lying about working with the government to bring down Conrad. Whatever she's planning, it has to involve Charlotte somehow.
Nolan: Well, unfortunately Charlotte's in lock-down at Dr. Doom's sober house.

Nolan: [by the pool] Good morning, Lucy.
Louise: [in bikini] Why, Ethel, you look like your hangover is as wicked as mine.