The Best Mouse Quotes

Mouse: This isn't a shelter, Alice. This is... back to where we started.
Alice: No one's forcing you to stay.
Mouse: I told you that inviting Luke into your obsession would draw out the Bat, and now here we are, freezing, wet, drenched in sewer water.
Alice: And I told you that Luke would bring us the answers that we need, so I suppose we're both right.
Mouse: I was happy, Alice. I was happy. What happened to you? Do you even care that you burned the whole thing down?
Alice: I care about killing the Bat, so go bring me that walking facial gone wrong so he can tell me where to find a little green rock called kryptonite.

Alice: What is the caterpillar doing? Why would your own father lock you here and poison you like this?
Mouse: He wanted me to see the truth.
Alice: What are you talking about?
Mouse: The toxin... he wanted me to unlock my greatest fear, and as it turns out, you psychotic bitch, my greatest fear is you!

Alice: "Oh, dear. I shall be too late."
Mouse: No. Stay away from me!
Alice: Mouse, it's me. The caterpillar told me where to find you.
Mouse: You're dead. You're dead. You're dead! Help!
Alice: [slapping him] Mouse! Cartwright thought he killed me, but he was wrong. It was someone else, another woman who fooled you. I'm here now.
Mouse: What's the secret password?
Alice: "Are there any lions and tigers about here?"
Mouse: "It's only the Red Queen snoring."
Alice: See? It's me, your beloved sister. Now, what is this place?
Mouse: This... this used to be her house.
Alice: Whose house?
Mouse: The queen.
Alice: The Queen of Hearts.

Mouse: You realize, the more people we abduct the more we risk exposure.
Hush: And you realize that none of this is real, right? You can play house and dress-up and pretend this funny farm is your own private castle. But at the end of the day, you're just a freak who made out with a radiator.