50 Best Ryan Wilder Quotes

Ryan: If this is your olive branch for destroying my company, you're going to need a damned orchard.

Ryan: This is not you talking.
Mary: No. This is you not listening.

Mary: What was this puzzle about?
Sophie: "Quiz Bowl" was throwing a party to honor the game show's top winners. Arthur always thought the writers dumbed down the questions to appeal to a wider audience, so... he put a riddle in the Gazette, said he was gonna bomb the party.
Ryan: So how did you solve it?
Sophie: The truth? I didn't. All rookies spend a year on the tip line, and on my very first day, a girl called in frantic, told me about the puzzle, then told me what it meant. I was promoted to field agent the very next day.
Ryan: Because you lied and took credit for something you didn't do.
Sophie: You don't think it haunted me every time I strapped on a gun my first year that maybe I didn't deserve to be there?
Ryan: So, whose glory did you steal?
Sophie: Someone who begged me to keep her identity a secret, so I did. This will come as a shock to you, but I can be trusted.

Clown: [Ryan appears in the Batsuit] What is this, some wannabe?
Ryan: [accidentally firing a batarang into his leg] Sorry. Legit didn't mean that.
Clown: Sorry? You freaking shot me!

Ryan: [reading a newspaper article about Kate] "Following in her father's footsteps, Kate attended Point Rock Academy." Wait a minute. This is juicy. "Kate was dishonorably discharged weeks before graduation. In her statement, Kate said, 'It's paradoxical to fight on behalf of an institution that sees... my sexual orientation as the enemy.'" Okay, that's kind of badass.

Ryan: Four targets.
Mary: Yeah.
Sophie: Four bullets.
Ryan: That's how we get her out. Look. We hit each of those targets in this specific color order.
Sophie: Too easy. The blocks detach from the chain, which means they're probably not in order. Besides, those symbols have to mean something.
Mary: Okay. Alphabetical by animal, then?
Ryan: Okay. So, uh, bird, bobcat, fly, and then spider.
Sophie: Bobcat? That's a puma, which means it comes after fly.
Ryan: It's a bobcat, which means it comes before.
Sophie: You want to bet her life on it?
Mary: Hey! There's a girl dying in a box. Think. If they're not in the right order, why chain them together in the first place?
Ryan: Food chain. They are in pecking order. Okay, so, bobcat/puma eats bird, bird eats spider, and spider eats fly.
Sophie: [taking aim] Let's find out.
Ryan: Whoa, whoa! Who said you were shooting?
Sophie: Pretty sure I just did.
Ryan: Anyone want to discuss the five shots of tequila you downed tonight?
Sophie: Mary.
Mary: Yeah?
Sophie: Pick. Someone who probably holds a high score in Duck Hunt or a military marksman?
[to Ryan]
Sophie: Unless you have some sharpshooter skills you'd like to disclose.
Ryan: Go for it.
Sophie: Thank you. Now back up.

Eobard: If I could have everyone's attention for a moment. I have been waiting for this moment for a very, very long time. When you find the love of your life, it's like electricity pulsing through your veins, giving you a shock that you absolutely never want to end because - because now... Now you're part of something greater. You're part of something wonderful. And, frankly, surprising because you never know what face fate will be wearing when she shows up to knock on your door and change your life forever. When it does, for you, my wish is that that face... Is as beautiful as the one standing next to me. To Iris West, the love of my life... And to our future together.
[as Thawne and Iris toast they notice Barry, the other party guests turn around to see him as well]
Ryan: What the hell is he doing here?

Ryan: I thought my driving skills were getting better.
Luke: Yeah, no.

Stephanie: Agent Moore!
Sophie: Stephanie, we're gonna get you out of there.
Ryan: How? Th-There's no lock, no door.
Stephanie: [realizing her nose is bleeding] What is... this? Did... did he poison me? Are you kidding me?

Mary: [finding Cluemaster's next clue] Guys! "Just a nip should do the trick." It's an antihistamine. It'll counteract the...
[as she picks it up, lights come up on a woman trapped in a plexiglass box]
Mary: ...poison.
Stephanie: Help! Help! Help me! Help!
Ryan: What did he do to her?
Sophie: Oh, my god. It's Stephanie Brown, Cluemaster's daughter.

Ryan: Your phone is about to ring, and the answer is yes.
Mary: Roxanne, will you excuse me? Hey, Amy. Can you help Roxanne to the lab?
[giving her assistant a file folder]
Mary: Yeah. Thank you.
[leading Ryan a few feet away]
Mary: Come here. What are you doing here? I'm in the middle of a consul...
Ryan: I am so sorry. I just...
Mary: [her phone buzzes] Mary Hamilton. Yes, I am the current owner of the Hold-Up. Ryan Wilder's parole officer. Okay. Hi. Did I just hire Ryan for a bartending position?
[Ryan non-verbally urges her to say yes]
Mary: Yes. Yes. I was very impressed by her... fruit-slicing abilities. Yeah. Okay. Talk to you soon.
[hanging up]
Mary: Since when can parolees work at a bar?
Ryan: She is making an exception because I can't get a job.
Mary: Well, this is perfect, because working at the Hold-Up will detract people from thinking you're you-know-who, and it'll explain why we'll be hanging out together all the time.
Ryan: All the time?
Mary: Mm-hmm.
Ryan: Luke said I'm only keeping the suit warm 'til Kate gets back. You make it seem like she's not. Which one is it?

Ryan: [Mary is in danger] You keep trying her. I'll suit up. Oh, and don't kill me, but I made some alterations.
Luke: To what, the suit? It's not yours.
Ryan: I know. It's Kate's, but if I'm gonna be Batwoman, I'm doing it my way.
Luke: But the suit is perfect.
Ryan: Have you seen the damn wig?

Tommy: Hello? I want my Batsuit.
Luke: [in the Batcave] Oh, crap.
Mary: What? What?
Luke: Tommy has the kryptonite.
Ryan: You're not Bruce Wayne.
Tommy: And you're not Batwoman.

Ryan: And your brilliant plan will be?
Sophie: We're at a firing range. We shoot it open.
Ryan: With the girl inside?
Mary: Would you guys shut up?
Ryan: What are those?
Mary: I found these under the railing chained to that gun.
Sophie: It's one of his puzzles.
Mary: Exactly. So if you two would just release each other's throats for two seconds, maybe we could actually figure this thing out.

Mary: Never have I ever kissed Batwoman.
Sophie: [drinking her shot] Yeah. Never have I ever been saved by Batwoman.
[they all drink a shot]
Sophie: When did Batwoman save you?
Ryan: Last Halloween.
Sophie: Oh! The O.G. Makes more sense.
Ryan: Why does it make more sense?
Sophie: I don't know, Ryan. Why would it make absolutely no sense for the new Batwoman to have saved you?
Ryan: [confused] Huh?
Sophie: [dismissing it] It's okay.

Luke: So what's next, Batwoman?
Ryan: We find that case of Batman trophies before anyone else does, and from the sounds of it, I am gonna have backup!

Ryan: [to Roman] Mary Kay joining your legion of doom?

Iris: You don't want peace with the Flash. You want to kill him.
Ryan: You're damn right I do!

Ryan: This is really happening. Marquis Jet is about to shut Batwoman down for good.

Ryan: [putting on the Batsuit for the first time] Time to be powerful.

Mary: Who the hell is Cluemaster, again?
Sophie: Ever watch "Quiz Bowl" back in the day?
Mary: Uh, is that the "Jeopardy!" rip-off? Not on purpose.
Sophie: The host, Arthur Brown, got fired and went on a murdering spree. Along the way, he laid out clues for law enforcement to figure out where his next kill would be. It stumped everyone for weeks. Called himself Cluemaster.
Ryan: [on her phone] Guys, Arthur Brown escaped Blackgate today.
Mary: Oh, fine. I'll call my dad, tell him we made contact.
Sophie: No, you can't. This is all a part of Cluemaster's game. If we involve the authorities, he's gonna see it as cheating. He's toying with me. Getting his revenge.
Ryan: For what?
Sophie: He thinks he's the most brilliant mind in Gotham. He believes I'm the only person who's ever solved one of his puzzles, and it's driving him crazy.
Ryan: Okay. Well, it's time to solve another one.
Mary: Yeah.
[re-reading the clue]
Mary: "A girl's been poisoned; not you, that's no fun. Can you save her before midnight? I'll give you a clue, hotshot: probably not." Thanks. That's not a clue.
Sophie: It's gotta be. He's very specific about the words he uses.
Ryan: Has he ever called you hotshot before?
Sophie: Not that I know of. Why?
[Ryan picks up the tequila bottle and holds a candle against it]
Sophie: What are you doing?
Ryan: I'm making hot shots.
Mary: [a logo appears in the wax] Okay, that's kind of sexy.

Ryan: We have enough problems without Sophie finding more.
Alice: Well, "Moore" is literally her name.

Ryan: So, wait. Cluemaster knew you'd recognize some random-ass logo in the middle of nowhere?
Mary: [trying a padlock on the gate] It's locked. Give me a boost.
Sophie: [helping Mary up over the fence] After I put him away, he became obsessed with me; where I went to school, where I trained, what kind of tequila I drink. He couldn't figure out how some rookie Crow could solve a puzzle that no one else could.
Ryan: [Sophie starts to climb the fence] Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait. What? I don't need a boost?
Sophie: You'll be fine.
[Mary snickers; watching Ryan scale the fence with some effort]
Sophie: First fence?
Ryan: It'll come as a shock to you, but B&E doesn't come naturally.

Janus: All I know is he's gone underground.
Batwoman: What about his daughter?
Janus: I don't know. You gotta believe me.
Luke: [cut to the Batcave] And you believed him?
Ryan: What did you want me to do, go through the entire product line? Am I the only one who can smell me right now?

Ryan: Believe it or not, Montoya, there are other people I'd rather not be drinking with right now.
Renee: That's the nicest thing anyone said to me all day.

Ryan: Look, black folks and horror do not mix.

Ryan: You know how you know you're on the journey to being a hero? You fail.

Mary: What's with the mark on his forehead?
Luke: Running facial rec right now.
Ryan: Don't bother. It's Victor Zsasz. He's a hitman. He logs his kills with hash marks.
Luke: How are you on a first-name basis with a prolific hired assassin?
Ryan: Because I know people who know him.
[seeing their looks]
Ryan: What? We kind of run in the same circles.
Luke: You run in the...
Mary: Ran in the same circles, okay? Past tense, and very large, wide circles, which has now just come in handy because now we know who we're looking for.
Ryan: [her phone buzzes] My P.O. is at the Hold-Up looking for me. I gotta go.
Luke: What about Zsasz?
Ryan: I'll deal with him when you find his address. His scars are works of art. He ships in some high-end French skin-care lotion. Name translates like a baby's butt or something.
Mary: Les Fesses de Bebe!
[seeing Luke's look]
Mary: What? It's really good stuff.
Ryan: Yeah. You two, go...
Luke: Track the baby's butt. Yeah. I got it.

Iris: I guess you guys haven't found Allen yet, huh?
Ryan: Nope. And Batwing called from Gotham. Two-Face turned up, which means...
Iris: You have to go.
Ryan: I will be at the ceremony tomorrow, I promise. Until then, take this. It's a Velocity-Zero gun. Luke designed it the last time a certain lady in red tried to kill us all. It will temporarily disrupt Reverse-Flash's connection to whatever Speed Force he's connected to.
Iris: Thank you.
Ryan: Mm-hmm. Now, uh, you want to talk about your other problem?
Iris: I don't know, I've been working on it since I got home. Every time I think about my future with Eobard, my mind just... it goes blanker than that page.
Ryan: Any chance it's just cold feet?
Iris: I don't know. I love Eobard. I do. But when I think about Allen said, I mean, I just, I can't... I can't get it out of my head. It's like it's haunting me.

Sophie: Never have I ever had sex on an airplane.
[Mary drinks a shot]
Sophie: Ooh.
Mary: Everyone, relax. It was private. Never have I ever sexted the wrong person. Ryan, drink.
Sophie: Ooh.
Ryan: Wait, what?
Ryan: Ohh! Oh, my bad! My bad.
Mary: Mmm. Yeah. Your bad. So whatever you have going on with Imani, just FYI, consider me an unwilling third.
Sophie: Ooh! Who is Imani?
Ryan: I got one. Never have I ever compromised my values to support a white supremacist organization.
Sophie: Hmm.
Ryan: [handing a shot to her] Drink.

Victor: Plenty of open seats elsewhere.
Ryan: You don't remember me. I dated Angelique Martin.
Victor: You're Angelique's ex? Then by all means, stay and do whatever you want. Just don't do to me what you did to her.
Ryan: So you do know me.
Victor: I know you broke her heart. Apologies if I'm overstepping. I'm just a sucker for lesbian drama.

Ryan: Why aren't you telling me what you're not telling me?
Alice: You lost me on the double negative.

Luke: I wanted to say I'm... sorry for being so hard on you. You kicked some major ass yesterday.
Ryan: I get it. You miss Kate. But I need you to give me a chance, a real chance 'til she's back.
Luke: Yeah. Deal.
Ryan: And, uh... let me make some upgrades to the Batmobile.
Luke: Okay, now you're being crazy again.

Ryan: I need you, okay?
Alice: I know.

Ryan: I always wondered who my birth mother was. Now I know... someone not worth my time.

Ryan: Not late.
Parole: Nope. You had a comfortable 12-second cushion before I would have had to revoke your parole for missing your appointment. I assume this means you have a day job now?

Luke: When did you start working at the Hold-Up?
Ryan: When my P.O. wouldn't get off of my ass about punching a clock.

Sophie: Good to see you staying out of trouble.
Ryan: Good to have your approval that... I don't care about.

Ryan: Why is it so complicated deciding how to have a baby? The Batsuit isn't exactly babyproof, but I can't force Sophie into nine months of indigestion and swollen ankles.
Iris: Sis, you are spiraling. Do you remember what I told you when I was your maid of honor?
Ryan: No, I was busy getting married, not taking notes.
Iris: I told you to stop thinking so much and to listen to your heart. If you want to have a baby, your heart will figure out the how.
Cecile: And then that sweet little girl is gonna grow up and decide that she hates you. Jenna has been thinking the worst insults at me tonight.

Ryan: It is amazing how well you behave when you are literally starving.

Mary: [something obviously not a worm falls out of Sophie's tequila bottle] They say the worm is lucky.
Sophie: No. No, no, no. This... that ain't a worm.
Ryan: This is why you don't drink hooch from the Crows.
Mary: [looking it up on her phone] I think it's a puss caterpillar, the Southern Flannel Moth, genus megaloypyge. It's one of the most venomous caterpillars in the world.
Ryan: Oh, no, no, no, no.
Sophie: No.
Mary: Okay, but according to the internet, a single caterpillar isn't lethal.
Sophie: So we're good, right?
Ryan: [opening a card] Wait. I don't think we're the target, and I don't think this bottle came from your boys.
Sophie: What?
[taking it]
Sophie: "A girl's been poisoned; not you. That's no fun. Can you save her before midnight? I'll give you a clue, hotshot: probably not. Love... Cluemaster."

Sophie: Ever watch a horror movie? When black people go into the woods, they usually don't come out.
Ryan: Black people never write those movies. What do you say we flip the script?

Luke: We're getting no signs of Kate on traffic cams, and facial recognition is not getting any hits.
Mary: None of the hospitals in 20 miles have admitted Kate, Circe, or any Jane Doe matching that description.
Ryan: Okay, how long since she wandered off, ten hours?
Luke: Long time, especially in Gotham.
Ryan: So what do we do, just sit around and wait?
Luke: [Mary's phone buzzes] Anything?
Mary: Just a belligerent drunk at the Hold-Up acting like they own the place.
Kate: [cut the bar, where she drinks with a group of women] Ohh. We got a dead soldier.
[she throws the empty bottle away]
Ryan: [on the phone] Yeah. So that drunk acting like she owns the place? Turns out she does.

Ryan: I just wanted to say thank you. That suit changed my life in more ways than one, and it has been an honor to be able to wear your symbol.
Kate: I put that suit on to give back to my city. You put it on to survive. You know better than anyone what that symbol means to the people who have no hope left. Batwoman's yours, Ryan.

Ryan: She was bad for me.
Victor: That's how you know it's love.

Sophie: Her psychosis is getting worse. And she suspects the doctors don't care.
Mary: Honestly, whatever meds they're giving her in there could be causing a psychotic break instead of curing it.
Ryan: It's going to be everyone's problem if Alice fully loses her mind before we finish the job for Montoya.
Alice: But hypothetically, I could get a supervised work release from Arkham and sweet Mary could make sure I was taking my proper meds. I'm sure that Ry-Ry could convince Renee-nay it was for the best. You know, all for the sake of fighting crime.
Ryan: Right. And who's gonna put up with that baby-sitting job?
Sophie: Someone who sleeps with a gun under her pillow.
Alice: [wraps her arm around Sophie] What do you say? Roomies!

Ryan: [returning the Batsuit] It's not bulletproof, FYI.
Luke: [seeing the bullet hole] Is this from the kryptonite?
Ryan: [tossing the shard to him] You mean this? Yeah. Hurt like a bitch, too.

[the Batmobile launches a missile at Ryan's van]
Ryan: Are you kidding me? What was that?
Mary: He wants the suit.
Ryan: He can have it. I'll toss it out the window!
Mary: No!
Luke: If he gets that suit, he becomes the most dangerous person in Gotham. You need to outrun him.
Ryan: Outrun him? Look at his car. I don't even have hubcaps!

Mary: Well, the suit has GPS, so you might as well just give it back now, Miss...
Ryan: [removing cowl] Wilder, Ryan. And I'm not done yet.
Mary: That suit is meant for a hero, not the lost and found.
Ryan: You tell that to the bored billionaire who found it in Batman's lost box?
Luke: You don't know the first thing about Kate Kane, and you sure as hell don't anything about that symbol.
Ryan: Trust me, I know I'm not a symbol or a name or a legacy.
Mary: Exactly, so why do you think you're worthy of wearing it?
Ryan: Because I'm a number. I am the 327th baby of a black woman who died during childbirth that year. I'm a $20 a day check to a group home. I'm Inmate 4075, serving 18 months for a crime I didn't commit, but I can live with all those numbers because the mama who adopted me, I was her number one, but it turns out she's just one of a quarter million murders in this country who have not seen justice, and that is a number I can't live with, so you can have this damn suit back when her killer is dead.

Luke: [picking up the Gotham City Gazette] "Bat Girl Magic," huh? Where did they get a professional photo of you?
Ryan: You didn't hear? Yeah, uh, Mary's doing all my PR now.
Luke: Well, of course she is.