150 Best Kayla Compton Quotes

Allegra: Once a hero, always a hero.
Harrison: Amen.

Barry: [as Wells the Grey] Do you hear the drums? They are coming. It is I, Wells the Grey.
Harrison: Oh, Wells the Grey.
Chester P. Runk: There's a wizard Wells?
Allegra: This is all my fault.
Chester P. Runk: Oh, my God. Do you know Gandalf?

Harrison: So this is a residual particle catcher. It can detect and detain molecular afterglow of things.
Allegra: Okay.
Harrison: Mm-hmm.
Allegra: And you need me to do what?
Harrison: Oh, I need you to help me charge this so I can catch him. Them. Particles. Catch the particles.
Allegra: Why are you so nervous, and what are these "particles" you're trying to catch?
Harrison: Uh, noth - they're just - they're - They're scientific anomalies. You wouldn't understand.
Allegra: There's the Nash Wells we know and can barely stand. I'm guessing anomalies because of Crisis? Boss Lady told me.
Harrison: Yeah, you never did like being kept in the dark, did you?
Allegra: Why do you always act like you've known me forever? It's weird.
Harrison: I... Don't know what you're talking about.
Sherloque: Well, that's not true, is it? You're such a liar.

Director: We need to construct a concrete and steel encasement around this entire facility in order to contain the radioactive material. Then we'll demolish S.T.A.R. Labs and move the debris to a nuclear waste site.
Allegra: You're gonna demolish it?
Director: The safety board makes the final call. But this looks pretty bad.
[to Barry]
Director: Now gather your people and say goodbye. You got five minutes to make like a banana and split.

Barry: Eva's been missing for over 24 hours. Where are we with facial recognition?
Allegra: Satellites have turned up zilch.
Barry: The artificial Speed Force isn't finished yet, so I still can't do my usual sweeps of the city.
Ralph: Right. Uh, why are we meeting here?
Barry: I have a backlog of cases. I can't lose my CSI job along with everything else.

Chester P. Runk: Is Frost with you? This is an emergency.
Allegra: Sorry, Chuck. She's here, but she's going full Amazon with her workout. What's the message?
Chester P. Runk: Okay, tell her Kramer's making moves, so Frost needs to stay put.
Allegra: Got it.
[hanging up, she then dials Frost's number]
Allegra: Come on, pick up, pick up, pick up.

Allegra: Iris and the others, they're still Eva's prisoners.
Barry: We're gonna get them back. And remember, we still have one thing that Eva doesn't. Hope.
Cecile: [entering] We also have reinforcements.
Harrison: Oh!
Barry: [surprised to see who else enters] Joe. How are you here?
Joe: Well, it turns out that when the guy that's trying to kill you kicks the bucket, they lift the protection detail.
Harrison: That makes sense.
Joe: Nash.
Harrison: [hugs Joe] Hey, man. Yeah.
Joe: [hugs Allegra] Hey.
Barry: And just in time. Team needs you now more than ever.
Joe: Well, let's go save some people we love.

Allegra: [charging the Fusion Sphere] Guys... something's not right.
Barry: What's happening?
Chester P. Runk: Uh... the charge is dropping.
Allegra: I-I can't hold it much longer.
[Barry pushes her out of the way and is blasted by the sphere's discharge]
Harrison: A-Allen?
Allegra: Barry, you okay?
Chester P. Runk: Please be okay. Please be okay.
[Barry sits up with a groan, and the others sigh in relief]
Barry: [with a French accent] Hello. Qu'est ce qui se passe? What are you all doing?
Chester P. Runk: Uh... since when do you speak French?
Barry: Since always, no?
Allegra: Why is he talking funny?
Harrison: I think when the particles left the Fusion Sphere, they transferred to Barry Allen.
Chester P. Runk: So all the brainwaves of all the Wellses who've ever lived...
Barry: Are in monsieur Allen's mind.

Barry: We face a mystery stranger than the King Tut Killer of Earth-66. The Many Minds of Barry Allen.
Harrison: Oh, man.
Allegra: All of them ended up inside Barry?
Harrison: It looks like it, but listen, let's not panic. Between the three of us and a master detective, we can figure out how to fix Barry Allen.
Barry: ["becoming" H.R] You guys talking about B.A.? He's so fast!
Allegra: Oh. What just happened to him?
Chester P. Runk: I think another set of Wells particles just took over his mind.
Barry: H.R. Wells. How you guys doing? Yeah, so, this is simple: we just get all the Wellses out of B.A. into the Futon Sphere.
Harrison: Except it's a... stop. It's a Fusion Sphere. Can you stop...
Barry: Huh?
Harrison: Can you stop drumming?
Barry: Huh?
Harrison: Can you stop dr...
Barry: Huh?
Harrison: Okay, the drumming is so annoying!

Cisco: What do you mean we have to choose?
Barry: Simply put, the longer the person is in the Mirrorverse, the more dark matter photons are required to pull them out. Kamilla and Singh have been trapped for less time. Therefore, they can be retrieved together. With Iris, it would take everything we have to retrieve her.
Allegra: Well, there's gotta be another way.
Frost: Barry, what's your speed brain tell you?
Barry: We have to choose. Kamilla and Singh or Iris. It is the only way.
Frost: How the hell are we supposed to do that?
Allegra: I guess we vote?
Frost: On this?
Allegra: I don't know, dude. Do you know another way to be fair?
Frost: [sardonic laugh] This is beyond screwed up. But if this is the only way... who thinks we should save Iris?
[Barry raises his hand]
Frost: And Kamilla and Singh?
[she, Cisco, and Allegra, reluctantly, raise their hands]
Allegra: Sorry, Barry. Gotta go with the numbers.

Cecile: We need to work the problem, not tear each other down. So here's what I'm gonna do. I am gonna call David's husband, and I'm gonna see if he has seen Singh's duplicate.
Allegra: Uh, I'll check the Bentley Building. Mirror-Iris and Kamilla were alone there a lot. Maybe they left something behind.
Cecile: Good.
Harrison: You want company?
Allegra: Maybe you should find something else to do.
Ralph: You can come with me. I'm gonna see if I can dig up any details on this Eva McCulloch.
Cisco: [the others leave] If the Mirrorverse is just another dimension, there might be a way to enter vibrationally. Caitlin's still on the mend, so I can't ask her for help. I guess that means I'm doing this one on my own.
Cecile: [Cisco leaves, too] Barry, look, I understand how you're feeling...
Barry: Cecile, I know you're trying to help me, and... I appreciate it, but... right now, I'm gonna work on the artificial Speed Force. I just... there's no point in finding Eva if I'm useless against her.

Allegra: He did it. Without throwing a single punch.
Chester P. Runk: Yeah, the Flash doesn't need big fists. He's got a big heart.

Aariz: This copy is damn well-written. What exactly are you looking for?
Taylor: If you even know.
Allegra: Look, these stories aren't bad. They're well-sourced, thorough, but CCC is about more than providing facts. It's the voice of the people, which means it needs to have something to say.
Vanya: It's literally the opposite of objective journalism. How about we leave the editorializing to Iris?
Allegra: Okay, it's right there in the name, "Central City Citizen." Yeah, you guys landed some pretty major interviews, but every person's voice in this city deserves to be heard, not just the most famous or high-profiled ones.
Taylor: So what, we're not even supposed to talk to the DA or the mayor anymore?
Allegra: Yes, talk to them, but them talk to the janitor who cleans the mayor's office or a mom working two jobs just to pay her bills, because corruption in this city - it affects them more than anyone. Don't you guys see? When we're at our best, our readers see themselves reflected in our stories. So try again, remember who you're writing for.

Allegra: How can one thing honor someone as amazing as Frost?
Chester P. Runk: Barry told us about the eternal flame for Oliver Queen. What if we made, like, a... Frost-ified version? Yeah, yeah, like if I took her superhero costume and I put it in a glass case with cryo-coolers so that it could create a self-sustained blizzard? So it'd stay frozen forever.
Allegra: You mean a snow globe?

Chester P. Runk: This whole thing is gonna be awesome.
Chester P. Runk: Awesome, awesome. I'm telling you, Operation Third, Flirty, and Thriving is going to be one memorable shindig; I can feel it.
Allegra: Yeah, and from what you told me, it sounds like it's gonna be way better than the first time Barry turned 30.
Cecile: Oh, yeah, that time Team Flash spent the whole night fighting Cicada.
Chester P. Runk: Well, thanks to Dr. Orloff's gamma ray, Barry's got a second crack at it, 'cause on a cellular level, he's still just 29.
Cecile: [checking her planner] Okay, so as far as everything else goes, I mean, I think we're good. Chester, you are still in charge of entertainment. Allegra, you and I have already done all the decorating. Khione is picking up the cake, so...
Chester P. Runk: Do you guys think he's gonna be surprised?
Cecile: He better be.

Harrison: Allegra, here. Take this.
[giving her a red sedimentary rock]
Harrison: Just in case. All right? Any trouble, you should blast it with one of your UV rays. All right? Provide a welcome distraction.
Allegra: When are you gonna stop trying?
Harrison: Never.

Harrison: Allegra. Hey, Allegra. Come on. Come on. Hey, what... what can I do to fix this? 'Cause I-I feel terrible.
Allegra: What about how I feel? I've been lied to before, a lot, by pretty much anyone who's ever said they cared about me. And now you expect me to smile and say it's all okay because you feel bad?
Harrison: No, I... what-what... what am I supposed to do?
Allegra: Walk away.

Killer: Guys, shouldn't it be all hands on deck with Iris, Kamilla, and Singh stuck in the Mirrorverse?
Cecile: Hey, you're just as important.
Harrison: [entering with a leather jacket] Found this. Caitlin? Or Frost?
Allegra: Uh, they're going to the Arctic, not OzzFest. How are you so bad at everything?
Killer: Katie keeps our heavy coats in the back closet.
Allegra: I'll check on it.
Harrison: Right. That makes more sense. You-you're so good at this kind of stuff.
[Allegra snatches the jacket]
Harrison: So mad at me.
Cecile: Little bit.

Chester P. Runk: Routine traffic stop downtown? Oh, yeah. Looks like it was a good day to pull monitor duty, Chester P.
[his stomach growls]
Chester P. Runk: Ooh... snack time.
[taking out a lunchbox with the Superman "S" on it]
Chester P. Runk: Damn. I was supposed to make the egg salad this morning. Grandma Runk is gonna be epically mad. Now I got nada for lunch. Although... legally, I am entitled to a break every four hours, and it's only gonna take me, like, four minutes, 'cause the kitchen's just right down the hall. Then again, that is time enough for a nuclear meltdown and an alien invasion in this town. So...
Allegra: [coming in] Hey, Chuck.
Chester P. Runk: [jumping] Oh! What up, A? I thought you'd be working.
Allegra: I-I was, but then I remembered it's Wednesday, and that place I told you about at last week's D&D game, Hershfield's, today is when they have their amazing chicken parmesan sandwiches, so I thought...
[holding up the tote bag she's carrying]
Allegra: It's lunchtime. Why not surprise you with a treat?
Chester P. Runk: Wow, thanks. I guess I'm lunch-date-worthy now, huh?
Allegra: Chuck, you are date-worthy in all the major categories.
Chester P. Runk: I am?
Allegra: [realizing what she said] Yeah, definitely...
Chester P. Runk: I mean, that's... that's good... that's good to... know. You know? And I, too, think that you are also, um, what you just... like, worthy of what you just said a second ago.

Barry: We've all lost so much this year. Our power, our love, our family. At times, it's even felt like there's nothing left to lose, like everything that matters has already been taken and our lives are... empty, hollow inside. Some things can't be taken. I mean, look around this room. We still have our faith in each other and our will to fight for those we love. This is what we'll never lose. Eva McCulloch has never faced us head-on. And that's about to change. We're gonna find her, beat her, and get back everyone.
Cecile: Amen to that.
Ralph: You just tell me where to stretch.
Allegra: And blast.
Harrison: Sounds violent. I'm in.

Mark: Well, you guys want to rob a tech facility or something? Might quiet the voices.
Chester P. Runk: This man needs Vibeaccinos. Lots of them. I can run to Jitters.
Allegra: And leave me here with Chillbooze? No way.
Chester P. Runk: You know, you can't just shoot down my ideas without offering another.
Allegra: Fine. Let's get some food in him. Do they serve fries here or something?
Chester P. Runk: They must. Ketchup bottle. See? Mustard bottle. Ooh, look. No hummus bottle. Case closed.
Allegra: It's a condiment.
Chester P. Runk: It's a dip.
Allegra: You're a dip.
Chester P. Runk: Well, call me hummus then.
Allegra: Ugh, you are impossible.
Chester P. Runk: I can't believe you.
Mark: [yells] Hey!
Chester P. Runk,63776: What?
Mark: You two are really killing my party's vibes. All right? Besides, you're not even fighting. You're just doin' what friends do, baby. Helping each other to see the world in your own unique way. It's what Frost did for me. She shared her real self with me. Only I was too dumb to share me with her, and now it is too late. But I'm glad I got see things her way.

Allegra: So you're the Barry from 2023. And you are the Cecile from 2023, but in our Cecile's body.
Chester P. Runk: And here I thought today couldn't get any freakier.
Barry: Look, the crystal that possessed Nora, it attacked me in the past. And then it went after the team in 2023.
Allegra: Wait, why don't we remember these attacks?
Barry: Because they're happening simultaneously across the timeline. First in the past...
Chester P. Runk: Then in your present.
Barry: And now here, in 2049. All while charging the crystal for the new avatar. Eddie.
Cecile: That's not all. Speed Force Nora showed up in 2023. She said she was under attack and that all that remains of the Speed Force lives in your family. And then she vanished.
XS: Big Nora's gone? Dad...
Barry: I know. Explains why we can't feel her anymore.
Chester P. Runk: Sweet NK Jemisin. OK, all this red energy that's appearing in the sky, it's not lightning. It's the timeline starting to fracture. And it'll spread in every direction...
Barry: Until there's nothing left of the timeline at all.
Allegra: How long do we have, Chuck?
Chester P. Runk: I'm not sure, but at this rate of degradation, not very long.
Barry: Cecile, I still can't time travel. Can you warn the team back in 2023?
Cecile: Yeah, on it. But what do I tell the team about Eddie? Is there a chance he rejected that crystal's offer?

Khione: Ah, the fresh air just makes me feel so alive. And it's the perfect break from our scavenger hunt. Those Starchives are really dark and gloomy.
Allegra: And we would have been done by now had you not asked a question about every single gadget.

Chester P. Runk: You know, it'd help if I wasn't the only one coming up with good ideas.
Allegra: Passive-aggressive much?
Chester P. Runk: No, no. Not passive. Passive-aggressive is getting Hershfield's to put hummus on our sandwiches.
Allegra: Oh, wow. I didn't see you getting butthurt over a sandwich on my bingo card today. Also, you love hummus.
Chester P. Runk: I do, I do. Hummus is wonderful, but it's not a condiment. Ketchup is a condiment. Mustard? Also a condiment. Hummus is like a side dish. No, no. Hummus is a dip.
Allegra: Easy, condiment king. I don't need you Runksplaining hummus to me!
Chester P. Runk: Well, I don't need you being so cavalier with our sandwiches.
Allegra: Well, don't worry, because I am never bringing you lunch ever again.

Allegra: Boss, this feels like a job for your husband's friend.
Iris: Oh, no, Kamilla knows that Barry's the Flash.
Allegra: Seriously? Since when?
Kamilla: Last summer. Cisco used to be Vibe.

Chester P. Runk: If boss doesn't catch Allen in the next 90 seconds...
Allegra: Chester?
Chester P. Runk: 85...
Allegra: Chester?
Chester P. Runk: 84...
Allegra: Chuck!
Chester P. Runk: What?
Allegra: I love you.
Chester P. Runk: Yeah, well, I love you, too.
Caitlin: [watching them kiss] When did this happen?

Chester P. Runk: Okay, guys, now CCPD is reporting that the Flash is getting his butt kicked downtown by some meta-magician that's got him suspended in midair.
Allegra: It's gotta be Xotar.
Catlin: Barry, Frost is on her way.
Allegra: But she's all the way across town. She'll never make it in time.
The: [groaning in pain] I can stop Xotar! I just need to generate enough lightning.
Chester P. Runk: But, Barry, you need friction to build up that kind of kinetic energy. If you can't run... you can't throw lightning.
[his comms crackle with static]
Chester P. Runk: Barry? Barry?
[as Xotar continues torturing him, lightning flickers in Barry's eyes]
Catlin: Sounds like Barry is generating lightning. How is that possible?
Chester P. Runk: Holy Granville T. Woods. Okay, if he's vibrating his cells on a microscopic level... that might be enough movement to... to build up an electrical charge.
Catlin: How would he throw lightning, then?
Chester P. Runk: I don't think he's going to. My guess... is he's letting it build up inside of him on purpose.
Allegra: Caitlin, what happens if his body can't hold in his lightning anymore?
Catlin: I think we're about to find out.

Allegra: Well, it's official. This is the craziest plan we've ever had.

Allegra: Flash, Mercer just teleported out of there. Are you okay?
The: I'm fine. I guess we're not supposed to catch him today.
Chester P. Runk: Uh, shouldn't we be worried about a guy with that kind of firepower who jaunts on command?
The: No. We'll deal with it tomorrow. I got dinner plans with Iris. You two get some rest.
Allegra: Did he just tell us to take the rest of the day off?

Allegra: And these different Earths have existed simultaneously since...
Harrison: Well, since uh, let's see... oh, the dawn of time.
Allegra: Well, how come nobody knows about this? I mean, stuff this big? The public should be made aware.
Harrison: People know. Just the right people. The general public? No, no. No, that would not be good. They would lose their minds.
Allegra: Right. I mean... it's all so... epic.
Harrison: Yes, it's epic. Doppelgangers, anti-matter events, and speedsters juggling dual identities, like the Flash and Barry Allen.
Allegra: Wait, what?
Harrison: What?
Allegra: My boss's husband is the Flash?
Harrison: [tapping his nose, the non-verbal "yes" gesture] Mm-hmm.
Allegra: God, nobody tells me anything.

Allegra: Dude, there's serious UV energy coming off that thing. Can I?
[taking the diamond]
Allegra: Huh.
Harrison: [she uses her powers to activate it] Oh, yeah. This is a triangulation cartograph. It's a treasure map.
Barry: [indicating a map of the city] Allegra. Aim it over this.
[she does so]
Barry: The center's at 42nd and Darby.
Ralph: Hang on.
[taking out his phone]
Ralph: 42nd and Darby... holy heck.
Barry: What?
Ralph: Well, it turns out that is a ginormous warehouse with five subterranean levels.
Barry: Ralph and I will check it out. You two take comms.
Allegra: N...
Ralph: [taking the diamond back] I'm gonna... just... excuse me.

Barry: Allow me, introduce myself. I'm Sherloque Wells, master detective, at your service.
Chester P. Runk: I'm Chester. Chester P. Runk.
Barry: Chester.
Allegra: There's a Sherlock Wells?
Barry: Sherloque.
Harrison: Yes, there's a Sherlock Wells.
Barry: Sherloque.
Chester P. Runk: -Loque.
Harrison: -Lock.
Allegra: Sherlock.
Barry: -Loque.
Harrison: -Lock.
Barry: -Loque.
Allegra: -Loque.
Barry: [pointing at Chester, Allegra, and Nash in turn] Good. Good. Not great.

Chester P. Runk: So you think Despero's right, that Barry's gonna destroy the world or something?
Cecile: No, no, hey, what Barry did today was scary, and the things that he said, they really, really hurt, but someone that we love is going through a mental health crisis, so I don't care what he may or may not do ten years from now. We need to take care of him today just like he did for me.
Catlin: Okay, we'll follow your lead. What do you want to do?
Cecile: Okay, I've been sensing Despero all day. He's using his mind's eye to scan the city. Now, he hasn't found him yet, but if Barry's not thinking clearly...
Iris: [coming in] What if he's the only one thinking clearly?
Allegra: Boss, what are you talking about?
Iris: Look, I know how this is gonna sound, but when Despero showed up, he said that Barry would suffer tragedy, and then on cue, he lost his job, he lost S.T.A.R. Labs, and now he's lost his mind. Doesn't that seem like a big coincidence? A little too big?
Chester P. Runk: But Despero's from the future. Wouldn't he know what happened?
Iris: But what if he didn't know that someone secretly caused it to happen?
Allegra: You think he's being framed.
Cecile: Iris, he forgot about Joe. Nobody was framing him then.
Iris: Yeah, I'm not so sure.

Allegra: So, things got a little intense back there. You okay?
Iris: Yeah. Look, I don't want to hurt Cecile, but if someone's framing Barry and my dad might be okay, then I have to figure out the truth. Just glad I don't have to do it alone.
Allegra: Team Citizen forever, boss. So, what are we looking for? Signs of a meta-abduction?
Iris: [seeing a black dust-like substance emanating from the tracks] What the hell?
Allegra: What is it?
Iris: I'm not sure. Do you see anything?
Allegra: [glancing around, then using her powers] Well, I'm not picking up anything on the electromagnetic spectrum, but your time sickness makes you see stuff sometimes, right? Could it be acting up?
Iris: Must be. Deon's treatments are probably wearing off. I'm supposed to see him tonight.
Allegra: You know what I did see? The fiber-optic aura for these cameras leads to a security booth inside, so if someone wanted to alter the footage of Joe's accident to make it seem like he died...
Iris: That'd be where they'd start.

Cisco: Okay. Refocusing! So Chester's away at Grandma Runks, but lucky for us, he's been science-ing in between bingo rounds, and he seems to think there are two problems we need to solve if we wanna open our portal. Problem number one...
[about to write on the board]
Barry: You haven't found the method to reconfigure the molecular stability of the dimensional barrier that damages the organic matter?
Cisco: Yeah. Yeah, that's right. How did you know that?
Barry: I saw you write it.
Cisco: No, you didn't.
Barry: I thought I did.
Cisco: I was about to. But you guessed right. Eva used Ramsey's blood to tackle that problem and open her portal. Unfortunately for us, without a replacement for Ramsey's evil sentient goo, we're kind of up a creek. So that brings us to problem number two...
Barry: Quantum entanglement from reverse Higgs boson particles disrupts the geospatial algorithm, preventing us from locating people in the Mirrorverse. Meaning we have to know Kamilla, Singh, and Iris's location in order to pull them out.
Cisco: [puzzled] You freaky.
Allegra: [walking in] I know where they'll be. Iris sent a message to Kamilla and Singh in the Mirrorverse telling them to meet in the Speed Lab tonight. Don't ask me how I got it, 'cause I have no idea.
Barry: Iris's neural pathways have likely achieved an equilibrium with the harmonic frequency contained within the fractalized dimension plane.
Cisco: [to Allegra] He freaky.

Allegra: Uh, what?
Cisco: Yeah, repeat that. For Allegra.
Barry: All right, I'm sorry. Um... let me show you.
[drawing on a glassboard in superspeed]
Barry: Ramsey's unique cells created a polar covalent bond with the molecules in Eva's mirror portal. That's why she needed his blood.
Cisco: Right, it-it formed, like, uh, a bio-friendly skin on the interdimensional barrier.
Allegra: So, we need Ramsey's blood. We knew that.
Barry: No, we don't need it. His blood would have bonded with the electronegative particles and become dark matter photons. Those particles wouldn't just stay on the mirror portal.
Cisco: No, they wouldn't. They'd attach themselves to Eva. Those photons are still on her. If we could collect them, we could open our portal. But it would take, like, years to develop a prototype that could do that.
Barry: [whooshing away and coming back with another board] Not if we integrate the neural net in the Thinker's chair, synched to a nanite bridge, fed into the Tachyon Enhancer's non-reductive loop.
Cisco: N-No, but wait, wouldn't... well... well, yeah, I-I guess... I guess that could work.
Allegra: But isn't Eva still holed up behind McCulloch Tech's forcefield? We'll never get close to her.
[seeing Barry's look]
Allegra: You're gonna bring out another board?
Barry: [whooshing away and returning with a third board] Factoring in geographical analytics, concealment probability, these are the remaining Black Hole stash houses. There's a 97.6% chance Eva's hitting this one next.
Cisco: [a little taken aback] Right. Right. So that's where we go. And that's what we do. Just wish I could have seen it earlier.
Barry: This isn't on you. We wouldn't be in this mess if I'd seen through Iris' mirror duplicate sooner. Eva's not the first to use my emotions against me. Let's make sure she's the last.

Chester P. Runk: [as Frost lifts weights] That looks painful.
Allegra: Chuck, said you had something important to tell Frost?
Chester P. Runk: Right, okay. Well... there's a new ice meta in town who killed an Ivo Labs employee, but Kristen Kramer thinks that it was you, so she kind of ordered Joe to put the Meta Task Force on alert while she gets a warrant for your arrest.
Frost: What? Why didn't Joe and Barry stop her?
Chester P. Runk: Because, technically, she's their boss. She's also a very intimidating person. But don't worry. We're doing everything we can to get this cleared up. Me and Caitlin are even trying to fix one of H.R.'s transmogrifiers to work for you.
Frost: Thanks, Runk.
Chester P. Runk: Look, is there anything else I can do? I mean, you know, if you need to talk or-or vent or get the weight off your shoulders, Chester P. is all ears, I...
Allegra: Go tech out, Chuck. We'll be fine.

Caitlin: Frost, Chillblaine, and Batwoman are searching the city, but no sign of Reverse-Flash.
Cecile: And I can't feel him anymore. It's like he magically disappeared.
Eobard: Then try harder.
Iris: Cecile, um, we know that you're doing your best.
Eobard: Yes, of course you are.
Allegra: What's up with him, anyway? Has he gone crazy? I mean, the guy actually thought he was the Flash.
Eobard: He's a sociopath. There's no explaining a mind like that. Runk, where are we with the satellites?
[getting no answer]
Eobard: Runk?
Chester P. Runk: What?
Eobard: Satellites.
Chester P. Runk: Right, right, right, right. Uh, satellites are scanning for his negative tachyons, sir. But after analyzing samples from Robern's, looks like the Reverse-Flash is running on limited speed.
Ryan: Less speed means lower tachyon output.
Alex: Making him harder to track.
Eobard: But not impossible. If we sync the Atomic Bracelet's microsensors to the satellite, that'll isolate the smallest tachyons. That'll give us Allen's location.
Chester P. Runk: Consider it done, Captain Eo.
Eobard: Horton, use the Thinker's chair to boost your empathic scans. Snow, get the med lab ready in case there's trouble. Danvers, Garcia, weapons check.

Chester P. Runk: Holy Alice H. Parker. 'Kay, we got a mugging in progress off Route 119.
Allegra: And a carjacking at the Edwards Center parking lot.
Chester P. Runk: And a holdup at Jitters. And they're all happening right now?
Barry: Don't worry, guys. Already on it.
Chester P. Runk: Uh, all of it, boss?

Allegra: [finding a picture of Nash's] Who the hell is she?
Harrison: She... that's... that's... it's just someone I used to know.
Allegra: Well, she looks a lot like my doppelganger. Why do you have a picture of her?
Harrison: It doesn't ma.. it doesn't matter.
Allegra: It does to me! Dude, this is too weird. You know, I had a feeling something was off with you from the beginning, but I kept ignoring it, because I was just happy to find another person who actually believed in me.
Harrison: Okay.
Allegra: But this whole time, when you looked at me, you saw this other person. God, that is messed up, you know?

Allegra: Okay, this is the last of your... whatever this stuff is. What's this thing?
Chester P. Runk: Uh, nothing. Yeah, no, it's just a-a project... for Frost. That's all.
Allegra: Uh-huh. Chuck, you know how we've been spending more time together lately?
Chester P. Runk: Oh, yeah, our weekend D&D sessions are, like, my new favorite thing. Why?
Allegra: Well... and I can't believe I'm saying this, but the way you just said "nothing"... is exactly how you sounded right before the raid on Shavak's Tomb. And we all knew you were bluffing then, too.
Chester P. Runk: Yeah, okay. Uh... Frost asked me to build... a weapon. To hurt Despero.
Allegra: But you're...
Chester P. Runk: A pacifist. Yeah, I know.
Allegra: How do you feel about doing this?
Chester P. Runk: Allegra... you know I still remember the exact moment that I decided to be a pacifist? I was ten. And I had just seen Marvin the Martian's ray gun on Saturday morning cartoons. So I decided to make one of my own. When I demoed it for my best friend, it malfunctioned. And, well... I burned his parents' house down. Him and his family barely made it out alive. After that... I made a vow. No more weapons, no matter what. So by going back on that vow now... I feel like by building this, I'm not just gonna hurt Despero. I'm gonna hurt myself, too.
Allegra: Look, I... I know you wanna do right by Barry and by the team. But you can't do that if you don't do right by yourself. It's not your job to make weapons. It's to... find a way to protect Barry and stay true to yourself.

Catlin: You can't just come in here and kick us out of our own offices.
[Hackshaw hands her a piece of paper]
Catlin: Public Safety Act?
Director: Passed four years ago after the meta fallout nearly took out the city. Means we can do whatever we have to do for the greater good. Post teams at every entrance. No one gets in without clearance.
Barry: [getting off the elevator] Excuse me, I'm Barry Allen. I own this facility.
Director: Mr. Allen, we've detected dangerous levels of radiation within your facility. This lab's a day away from a meltdown.
Allegra: That's impossible. We would've noticed if things were that bad.
Chester P. Runk: Uh, maybe not. I just checked out the safety logs. Our radiation scanners haven't updated in over a week. Doesn't make... any sense.
Barry: [as he opens a wall panel, sparks fly] What happened?
Chester P. Runk: This is part of our early detection array that monitors radiation levels inside the place, but it's corroded. Hasn't been functioning for a while. Sensors in the subterranean power core currently read over 1,000 rads.
Director: Consider yourselves lucky. Another day, you'd all be in ICU.

Sue: Are you freaking nuts? I have seen Ultraviolet melt the face off of someone and laugh while doing it. What made you think going after her alone was a good idea?
Allegra: Chuck and I were gonna bring in the team, but Esperanza surprised us.
Chester P. Runk: Side note. Prayer hands emoji for the save, but how'd you know we were in trouble?
Sue: It's one of the reasons I stuck around. I heard chatter about an ex-Black Hole assassin nearby. Good thing I went hunting. Speaking of, where are the big guns?
Caitlin: Frost is radio silent, and Barry and Iris are off the grid.
Allegra: So for the rest of the today, this is Team Flash.
Sue: Well, that's reassuring. I don't suppose you've learned how to melt someone's face off with your powers yet?
[Allegra shakes her head "no"]
Sue: No. Okay. Great. Well, it's a good thing just his wrist got hurt, because we don't nearly enough muscle to handle this mission.
Allegra: But I can still save Esperanza.
Sue: You want to save her?
Allegra: Yeah. You know, like Barry does with the bad guys. I mean, not so much save her, but redeem her, I guess.
Caitlin: Listen, I don't think we can take on Ultraviolet by ourselves, let alone change her overnight.
Chester P. Runk: Uh, I don't think we have a choice. Look, Allegra said that Ultraviolet is here to kill somebody. That means there's a life in danger. Isn't saving people Team Flash 101?
Caitlin: Chester's right. We need to stop her.
Sue: Fine, but family or not, she will try to kill you if she gets the chance.

Allegra: This is insane. Eddie Thawne died 34 years ago. How is he alive, and why hasn't he aged a day?
Cecile: And why is he here?
Chester P. Runk: I have no idea, but all his fingerprints and DNA match. Except he is giving off high levels of Hawking radiation-- the kind you only find inside singularities.
Allegra: So you think Eddie's causing these portals to open?
Cecile: Maybe it's subconscious. Maybe it's his emotions triggering them.
Chester P. Runk: Oh, I was a black hole once. It happens.

Iris: I can't believe everything that you went through. I mean, these last few days have been so... normal. Boring, even.
Barry: I mean, I'm glad nobody remembers.
Caitlin: And Frost and Chillblaine were married?
Barry: Apparently.
Caitlin: That's insane.
Allegra: What about Chuck and me? What were we doing?
Barry: I... I mean, same as now, I guess. I-I don't know, I mean, we weren't really teammates in that other timeline, so... I do know Chester helped build the energy absorption tech that saved the world. Hold on.
[he zoops away and back]
Barry: [handing a device to Chester] There you go.
Chester P. Runk: [inspecting it] Holy Ron Mallett. This circuitry is next-level.
Barry: Mm-hmm.
Chester P. Runk: Okay, nice work, future me, but is it okay that I have this? I don't wanna start, like, a Chester-P.-point.
Iris: I mean, maybe just don't talk about it on your podcast.
Chester P. Runk: Ah, gotcha.
Joe: Well, Barr, you risked everything to prevent Armageddon and gave all of us a second chance. And we are really damn grateful, especially me.
Cecile: [taking his hand] Ditto. You really are a true hero, Barry.

Cecile: How do we stop a dozen Godspeeds?
Caitlin: Oh, yeah, Barry, how much of your speed did they steal?
Barry: Barely any. The other clones attacked the first ones before they could do real damage.
Chester P. Runk: But why fight each other?
Allegra: Yeah, and why would any Godspeed wanna protect the Flash?
Barry: I don't think they wanted to help me. I think they were trying to kill the other six.
Cecile: Speedsters fighting speedsters?
Chester P. Runk: Yeah, that ain't no regular bad guy battle.
Caitlin: Whatever it is, we're stuck in the middle of it. All this time, we assumed the Godspeeds were aligned. But if they're not...
Barry: It's a civil war.

Allegra: Nope. I can't believe that Eddie Thawne is the avatar of the Negative Speed Force.
Cecile: Yes. That's the reason the crystal has been attacking us across time.
Khione: It was charging with power.
Mark: Sounds to me we could use the Flash right about now.
The: [over comms] Guys, can you hear me?
Cecile: Barry! Oh, thank God you got out of there. I'm on my way to the hospital.
The: Any sign of damage to the timeline?
Chester P. Runk: No temporal fractal yet, boss.
The: It's already started in 2049. If it spreads here...
Khione: It'll threaten our entire existence.

Catlin: What the hell is wrong with you?
Barry: What's going on?
Chester P. Runk: You... you zooped in outta nowhere and started destroying the place.
Barry: What? No, I...
Allegra: You almost lightning-blasted Chuck.
Barry: I... I don't remember doing any of that.

Chester P. Runk: You guys got any resolutions for 2022?
Frost: I decided to forgive Mark for all his crime things. What? He's turned over a new leaf, and I made him swear to stay on the straight and narrow. Anybody know anything about Katie's new boyfriend, Marcus? Anybody meet him?
Cecile: Marcus? No, I hear he's really cute.
Allegra: I have a resolution, actually. Party less.

Cecile: [feeling Barry and Meena's emotions] They're both hurting badly.
Allegra: Okay, so what do we do now?
Cecile: We find Iris and we bring her home.
Chester P. Runk: Then we find a way to take down the Negative Forces, 'cause if they come back for a rematch...
Nora: I don't think they will. They already got what they came for; the last Thawne in existence.
Bart: What do they need him for, anyway?
Barry: There's only one way to find out. I have to find a way into the Negative Speed Force.
Bart: Dad, no offense, but that's insane.
Barry: I don't have a choice. As long as Thawne's out there, everyone's in danger. Chester already ran a satellite search. Thawne's nowhere on the planet. The only place left to hide is the Negative Speed Force. If I can find a way in...
Cecile: No, look... I can feel all of the anger inside you, I can, and I know that you've been to hell and back today, but we need to think our next move through.
Cecile: Barry, how can you possibly be so sure?
Barry: Because I am.
Nora: [asking for privacy] Guys, we need to talk to our dad.

Allegra: Ah, thank god it's just you.
Killer: You're out of tape.
Allegra: Uh, did you just let yourself in?
Killer: Relax. I'm not some whackjob meta-killer with crazy good aim and ulterior motives. Anymore.

Allegra: You okay? What's wrong?
Iris: I was searching for other unexplained disappearances in the database, and I came across this old draft. I thought I deleted it, but I guess it was backed up.
Allegra: Hey, Barry's survived Crisis, and he's gonna survive this, too.
Iris: You know, when we first met Nora, she was from a timeline where Barry did vanish in Crisis. She grew up without a father. Living with the weight of that pain, I thought that this time around, we would give her a better life, one that she deserves... together. But someone's trying to pull us apart so that Barry won't be here for a second time. It's like my worst nightmare is coming true. And I just - I feel powerless to stop it.
Allegra: Do you remember when I first saw that article? I was just smart-mouth kid with a record. But Iris, you took me under your wing. You taught me to be a reporter and a leader. So let me help you and be there for you like you've been there for me. And I can start by grabbing you some tea. Chamomile, right boss?

Chester P. Runk: Oh, my God, I'm a supervillain.
Allegra: Seriously? That's you're worried about? Okay, then where's your meta hunting dagger or your purple head fan?
Chester P. Runk: No, no, I'm - I'm serious, okay? I'm the bad guy in all of this.
Allegra: No, you're not.
Chester P. Runk: Oh, yeah. Allegra, that microchip that I found inside that thing was hardwired with a one-of-a-kind energy converter that I created.
Allegra: But you didn't build this one.
Chester P. Runk: So - so what? I still went live with the designs on my blog last month.
Allegra: What is this anyway?
Chester P. Runk: It's a quantum coil transformer, which means it's extremely powerful and dangerous if used for the wrong application. You know what, you were right. You're ri - I should have never put my designs online. I never will again.
[unplugs webcam]

Barry: If this new killer is trying to frame Frost, they might come after her next.
Allegra: I know, it's my fault. She made me promise not to tell anyone, but I-I should have said something.
Barry: Nah, it's-it's okay. Let's just... let's-let's focus on finding her before it's too late.

Sentinel: It's a paralysis ray. No speed for a couple seconds, Allen.
Reverse: Why are you doing this?
Batwoman: So I can do this.
[she leaps in attack, and they take him down together]
Sentinel: That was for Ray and for Nate.
Batwoman: And that was for Sara.
Allegra: And this...
[blasting him with her powers]
Allegra: ...is for Cisco.
[Barry zoops away, taking Iris with him]
Mark: [coming in with Frost moments later] So sorry, Allegra. But we did put a tie on the door.
Frost: What did we miss?

Harrison: Yeah, why didn't you tell me that they were in danger? Okay, I could've - I could've gotten them out of there.
Cisco: Don't come at me, Nash. You're not here to keep me in the loop. You're not even part of this team.
Harrison: Oh, that's so hurtful. How's your little team doing in standings? Your little team...
Cisco: Okay, you don't see this is exactly what I'm talking about. No, you don't care about the team. You only work with us when you want something from us.
Allegra: Yo, keep me out of this.
Cisco: So, what is it this time? You - you got a couple glyphs you need Allegra to x-ray for you? Oh, or maybe you just want to open up another Pandora's box of Hell.
Harrison: Are you kidding me? I was the one to - I was the only one trying to stop Crisis.
Cisco: A Crisis you started! Billions of worlds, trillions of people gone, like they were never even born.
Harrison: And I paid for it! As Pariah I paid for it and still managed to help defeat the Anti-Monitor.
Cisco: Which did nothing for the people who died. Oliver. Harry. Jesse. An infinite number of Harrison Wells's. And we're stuck with the one who killed the multi-verse.

Allegra: Didn't you get shot yesterday? Shouldn't you be soaking in a tub of frozen peas or something?
Killer: And miss out on my first Valentine's Day? No way!

Allegra: I'm glad Carver turned you down. After what he did to my cousin, Joe, Iris, he... he deserves what he gets.
Barry: He doesn't deserve to die. What if he's telling the truth about the Mirrorverse affecting minds?
Ralph: Or he's lying. He's not exactly the paragon of truth.
Harrison: I don't think he's lying. I think it could be neural dissonance. I came across this Earth on my travels where any visitor to that Earth immediately suffers a traumatic psychological state. Neural dissonance. This could be that.
Joseph: [entering] I'm glad someone believes me.

Cisco: Allegra, you said Godspeed's lightning caused some sort of blast.
Allegra: Yeah. He was like a frickin' lightning storm in the room, but it was his thunder that did the damage.
Barry: Not thunder. Vibrations.
Cisco: Makes sense. You go fast enough, you create a sonic boom. Velocity transmutes into vibrations in the air, only this Godspeed figured out a way... to reverse those vibrations and use them to extract speed from a speedster.
Harrison: Okay, so he's power-hungry. How do we stop him?
Cisco: Well, we'd need a really, really deep understanding of vibrational sonics.
Harrison: Great. Do we have that?
Cisco: Not really, no.
Barry: I know who could help us. Hartley. Hartley Rathaway.

Allegra: Didn't you say all four Godspeeds were locked up at Iron Heights?
Harrison: Those are just cybernetic drones with modem-speak. This one was talking. And by the way, do you not happen to have protective protocols for this place?
Cisco: Do not put this on me. I am trying to figure out a way into the Mirrorverse. What were you doing?
Harrison: I was saving our speedster.
Cisco: Oh, good for you. You did something.
Harrison: Thank you. Could I have a parade?

Joseph: I need your help after all, Allen. Federal protection. The full Joe West treatment.
Allegra: What happened to your killer minions?
Barry: [seeing his face] Eva got to them first, didn't she?
Joseph: You gonna help me or not?
[Nash scoffs]
Joseph: Look, get me into protection, and Joe can get out of it. One call from me and he's sleeping in his own bed tonight.
Ralph: [scoffing, too] You're a real piece of work. You know that?
Joseph: That sounded like a "yes" to me.

Allegra: I can't believe we're doing this.
Cecile: Look, Allegra, we have to bring the Positive Forces back. This is the only way we can help Flash do it.
Rosalind: Who cares about him?
Queen: Yeah, we just want our powers back.
Cecile: Okay, look, both of you are now ex-psychics, but you know exactly the way that this works. Now start concentrating and help me focus in. I will do all the heavy lifting.

Harrison: It's gonna be a long night. I made us a couple of cups of coffee.
Allegra: I hate coffee.
Harrison: No coffee.

Allegra: You sure you have to go? I heard Team Flash always has a Wells.
Harrison: Well, that's overrated, plus Flash has his speed back, Mirror Monarch is back where she belongs. It's time.
Allegra: But I need someone to train me.
Harrison: Allegra, you have your own wavelength to follow, and, as it turns out, somehow I have mine. The universe gave me my life back somehow, and now I can see all 92 years of that life past, present, and future simultaneously, and somehow can travel to any moment I want.
Cisco: Timeless Wells. That's a new one.

Allegra: You okay?
Caitlin: After our fight with Eva, I have just been exhausted. And now I've got this headache.
Allegra: If you need to recharge, can't you just, like, Frost out?
Caitlin: No, not out here. I... you and I know she's reformed, but technically, there's still a warrant out for Killer Frost's arrest.
Allegra: [her phone buzzes] Ugh.
Caitlin: Who's that?
Allegra: Iris wants notes on a Citizen article. Kamilla's been spending all her time photographing the destruction in the city. It's great that she's so inspired, but now I'm the only one that can give Iris any feedback. Maybe I'll stay here a little longer.
Caitlin: It sounds like you're avoiding her.
Allegra: Fine. I'm going.

Bashir: Wow, this is a nice office.
Allegra: What happened?
Bashir: Iris' time sickness, it... it spread to us. So we needed to tether ourselves to someone in this reality. I chose Cecile.
Cecile: Why?
Bashir: Because of your boundless potential. I opened the floodgates of your mind. That's how you were able to absorb the gifts of others.
Queen: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on. Wait, wait, wait. So, you're the guy who gave her all of our powers?
Bashir: Mm.
Rosalind: [in a sarcastic tone] Thanks.
Bashir: You're... welcome?

Killer: How'd it go?
Allegra: Better than I thought. I said sorry for ghosting him. Told him why. He accepted my apology.
Killer: So he's fine with you being a meta?
Allegra: Yeah. Turns out his new drummer is bioluminescent. Emerson and I are gonna be friends again. And you know what? I think that's what I was really missing this whole time. Him, too; he actually wants me to go take a look at his new lyrics before he goes on stage.
Killer: Look at you. Back to being a muse.
Allegra: Yeah. So, thanks for your help with all the gray life stuff. It's exactly what I needed to hear.
Killer: You're welcome. Although I can't take all the credit. A friend of mine did give me some advice.
Allegra: Well, tell them thanks, too. They may not know me, but they get me.

Catlin: I ran a bio-scan on Despero the minute he entered S.T.A.R. Labs. His anatomy is unlike anything I ever studied before. He has strength and invulnerability that rivals Kryptonians.
Iris: How are we gonna stop him from killing you?
Barry: Prove him wrong. Despero says tomorrow, my mind starts to break. So all we have to do is make it through the next 24 hours without that happening, and he'll have to back down.
Allegra: I like that plan.
Barry: Let's get some rest. Tomorrow, we'll need to be on the lookout for anything, and if something does happen, then we need to be ready to stop it. Protecting this city is still our top priority.
Frost: Even from you?
Barry: It won't come to that. I promise.

Caitlin: This band is made of the same metal alloy as your mask, so your body won't reject it. It'll maintain the laryngeal structure.
[putting it on Ultraviolet's neck]
Caitlin: All right, you're good to go. No more updates, no more surgeries. I'll let you two catch up.
Allegra: [as Caitlin leaves, Ultraviolet begins collecting her belongings] You going somewhere?
Ultraviolet: I have work to do.
Allegra: [she's handed a manilla folder; looking at the contents] This is on some old Black Hole security squad. Wait... are you serious? You're going after the dregs of Black freakin' Hole before your anesthesia's even worn off? You have a death wish?
Ultraviolet: [taking the folder back] Those who survived Carver's reign are digging up old bank accounts. Giving money to those same doctors who hurt me.
[switching to Spanish]
Ultraviolet: Same demons... back from hell.
Allegra: I get it. These are bad dudes. Like, really bad. But they can wait, 'cause you have to heal first.
Ultraviolet: [still in Spanish] Evil does not wait.
[switching to English]
Ultraviolet: I have a chance to stop them now. I may not get another.
Allegra: What about your chance at a new beginning? Caitlin just saved your voice and probably your life. You really wanna risk it for some Black Hole scum?
[moving to leave, Ultraviolet starts to collapse]
Allegra: [catching her] Damn it, Esperanza, you are not strong enough to fight them.
Ultraviolet: So, help me!
Allegra: So you can get more blood on your hands? No!
Ultraviolet: Fine. No killing. But we will do this together. As a family.
[switching to Spanish again]
Ultraviolet: And make these people pay.
Allegra: I can't. It has to wait. There is a war going on, prima. A whole lot of lives are in danger. This city needs me. Team Flash needs me.
Ultraviolet: [in English] I need you. Those doctors will torture others if I do nothing.
Allegra: Just wait. As soon as this is over, I promise... I will help you.
Ultraviolet: [in Spanish] We all must choose a path, Prima. Today I must walk alone.

Chester P. Runk: Oh, thank the universe. I've been looking for you everywhere. Look, you are not gonna believe what went down while you were gone. Barry and Iris' kids showed up from the freaking future! Now it's like we got two Marty McFlys. You okay?
Allegra: Yep. Need something?
Chester P. Runk: Yeah, well, the Godspeeds left to go recharge again, but the intervals between their attacks are getting shorter and shorter. So I need this ready for when they come back.
[showing her the S.E.E. schematics]
Chester P. Runk: Ta-da! It's my Pops' solar encryption engine. I mean, I've still gotta do a few final tweaks, but I also need a way to charge the battery.
Allegra: So you came to the human charger. Got it. Fine. Let's go.
Chester P. Runk: Hey, you forgot your java.
Allegra: It's fine.
Chester P. Runk: Yeah, but you can just take it to go and hit it with a microwave blast later.
Allegra: I already nuked it, Chester. I just don't want it anymore. Now, can we get this over with?
Chester P. Runk: [sticking his fingers into the mug] Nuked it, huh?

Allegra: I need to take these powers to the next level. So come the next apocalypse, I can can be more than a human glowstick.
Kamilla: Ooh, you should yell a cool catch phrase before you fire your bad ass energy beams. Like, "flame on"!
Cisco: You are such a dork, and I love you.
Kamilla: Not as much as I love you.
Cisco: Oh, that's actually not possible. Because my love knows no cosmic bounds, so...
Kamilla: Oh, yeah? Well...
[whispers into Cisco's ear]
Cisco: Oh, it's like that, huh?

Allegra: So, our online numbers are up...
Iris: Up 8%. Yes, got it.
Allegra: So you do read my spreadsheets. Cool. Also, Taylor is handling our new...
Iris: New ad-free portal.
Allegra: Yeah, but she also...
Iris: Knows that you are a meta. Along with Aariz and Vanya. Allegra, we don't need to go over this again. Hey, watch out.
[stopping so they don't bump into Taylor]
Taylor: [dropping a folder] Ooh! Oh, Iris, you're back. Great, 'cause we've got to do something about...
Iris: About our new filing system. I am working on it. Come on.
Taylor: Thanks, boss.
Allegra: [following Iris to her office] What, are you psychic now?
Iris: No, I'm just having serious deja vu.
Allegra: I know how to get you out of that. I have a surprise for you.
Iris: Something about CatCo Media buying us?
Allegra: Did Kara tell you? She promised to let me do it.

Iris: Thank God it's Thursday. You wouldn't even believe all the stuff we tried.
Barry: Once we even tried connecting the battery to the particle accelerator. After 58 time loops, you kind of throw caution to the wind.
Cecile: And apparently you learned how to phase through a nuclear blast mid-explosion.
Allegra: 58 time loops? Didn't that get boring?
Iris: It was kind of romantic.

Allegra: The Indian Ocean?
Barry: Yeah. There's this great island there. Super secluded, and it's been pretty quiet here recently. So I'm zooping Iris away for a little vacation. Actually, it was Chester's idea. You remember?
Chester P. Runk: Can't forget. As much as I'd like to.

Allegra: Hang on to your buns!
[charges up the S.E.E]
Caitlin: Whoa! The S.E.E. readings are at five times their maximum strength.
Chester P. Runk: Oh, yeah, watch out world! This wavelength's off the charts!

Caitlin: Mark keeps taking Frost on all these ridiculous dates.
Allegra: Well, maybe tonight will distract you. Don't you have a date, too?
Caitlin: Yes. Yeah, Marcus is taking me to the Spanish Hamper.
Chester P. Runk: How'd he get you guys a reservation for the hottest place in town? That's impressive.
Allegra: Is it turning serious?
Caitlin: I-I mean, he's really nice, and I like nice, so... that's nice. It's nice.
Chester P. Runk: Oh, man, I can see it now. He doesn't know we're on Team Flash. But soon, you and Marcus are gonna fall in love, and then he's gonna join us for, like, some crazy adventure, then boom! He's on the team. Hey, hey, maybe he'll learn how to control plants.
Allegra: I-It's their third date, Chuck, so maybe just slow your roll.

Allegra: Death shouldn't be some kind of science experiment.

Khione: I see. You're a daffodil.
Allegra: A what?
Khione: A daffodil. A daffodil seed doesn't want to be hurt either, so it clings to the stem, when really, in order for it to grow, it should let go so it can be carried by the wind and blossom into a flower.

Elongated: I thought Sunshine was solar-powered!
Allegra: So how the frak is she frying people at night?
Harrison: Those bracelets aren't fashion. They're fuel. They're solar energy battery packs.
Elongated: Well, how do we get 'em off?
Harrison: We just gotta increase the internal temperature, overload the cells. Allegra, if...
Allegra: Already on it.
Harrison: She's good.
Elongated: What are you gonna do?
Harrison: I dunno. I'm making it up as I go.

Cecile: When did you become so wise?
Allegra: I have my moments.

Chester P. Runk: So, uh, battery's not the problem. I checked the spectrum readings, and, uh, you're not emitting microwaves. You've been blasting ultraviolet light, like your cousin. As far as I know, you only hit that range from channeling negative emotions, like anger or pain. Allegra, what's going on?
Allegra: Nothing.
Chester P. Runk: Before, you said you nuked your coffee. It was ice cold. And then you called me Chester. You never call me Chester. Did you get in a fight with Esperanza? 'Cause you can always patch that up.
Allegra: Not this time. Because she's dead.
Chester P. Runk: Allegra, I am... I'm so sorry.
Allegra: It's not your fault. It's mine. Esperanza was my family, and I should have been there for her. Just like I should be able to charge this stupid thing, but I can't. And now more people are gonna get hurt, and it's all my fault.

Allegra: Hey. Got your text.
Iris: Great. Sorry to drag you away, but I need those notes on the Mirrorverse article. We need to go to press ASAP. Online viewership is down 73%, and I think that my article could be what the Citizen needs to pull us out of the financial hole that Mirror-Me put us in. Ooh. Did you get me a TV shirt?
Allegra: [tossing one over] Yes.
Iris: [giving it a once-over] Thanks. Cute.

Allegra: [conversing in Spanish] Esperanza, we thought Eva got to you guys.
Ultraviolet: No. She gave us a choice.
Dr. Light: [in English] Something Carver never did.
Sunshine: We're no longer under his thumb. Neither is Eva.
Joseph: Whatever she is paying you, I will double it.
Dr. Light: This isn't about a paycheck.
Sunshine: It's about payback.

Bashir: We only have one chance.
Cecile: Okay. What do you need me to do?
Bashir: [conjuring his mask] Put it on. There's a reason you were given all these powers, Cecile. The powers you absorbed were enhanced by the one thing that I lack: your ability to care about people. That's why you were chosen. So take it. The mask will reabsorb your psychic powers and transfer them to me.
Allegra: [Top and Queen both try to make a move for it] Don't even think about it.
[as Cecile puts the mask on and screams in pain, Allegra moves to help her]
Bashir: Wait. She has to go through this.
[as it finishes, he and the mask both vanish]
Allegra: [helping her as she collapses] Cecile, are you okay? Did it work?
Cecile: I sure as hell hope so.

Barry: Okay, listen, I... I don't know what just happened, but I... I didn't do this. And I'm not going insane.
Allegra: Barry, we saw you!
Barry: No way, I...
Chester P. Runk: Dude, she's right. You came in here all lathered up, out of control. Allegra had to blast you, man.
Barry: Okay. All right, look, whatever happened, I can prove I'm myself now. Or at least Caitlin can.
Catlin: [putting her rifle down] Cover me.
[approaching him with her tablet and a scanner wand]
Catlin: Your amygdala activity and cortisol levels are elevated. But... within normal parameters.
Allegra: Well, even if you're really you again, it doesn't explain what just happened.
Barry: No, I know who's responsible for this. Right before it happened, I intercepted a meta called Xotar. She controls her victims' minds. What are the odds a meta who commits telepathic assaults on people shows up the same day Despero claims I'm gonna lose my mind?
Chester P. Runk: Well, that does make a lot more sense.
Catlin: Okay, we need to find Xotar and stop this from happening.
Allegra: And keep Despero from killing you.
Chester P. Runk: Back at S.T.A.R. Labs, we could scan for Xotar's energy signature and find her, but without satellites, we're blind.
Barry: I can search the city. I found her once, I can find her again.
Catlin: [her phone buzzes] Frost needs help setting up a portable med lab at the apartment.
Chester P. Runk: Oh, me and Allegra can set up a comms/Cortex-type sitch in my garage.
Barry: All right, do it. And, look, guys, I... I know today... started with a loss, but we can end it with a win. We got this.

Chester P. Runk: Whoo! All right, party people! That's a wrap. The Chronarch is no longer the monarch. Come on home.
XS: Was that schway or what?
Allegra: Not bad for your first mission as team leader.
Cecile: I know your dad's all the way in outer space, but I can feel how proud he is of you from the Watchtower.
XS: I mean, that was fun. But I'm ready for dad to come home.
Chester P. Runk: Hey, babe. The way you went supernova on him at the end? It's like you were trying to blast that man into the 64th century.
Allegra: Well, actually, that's exactly what I was trying to do.

Elongated: [surrounded by Dr. Light, Ultraviolet, and Sunshine] All right, on three, everybody go crazy.
Allegra: Got it.
Sue: That seems like bad advice.
Harrison: Song title. No, I like it. It'll be good. All right. One, two...
Eva: Stand down. Joseph is dead.
Harrison: Well... I didn't see that coming.

Allegra: You should sell merch, you know? Like, shirts that say, "What up, party people?" Like, all the way around.
Chester P. Runk: All the way around, yeah? That's good, I'm gonna steal that idea.

Harrison: Multiversal particles oscillate at certain frequencies of light. Allegra can control electromagnetic wavelengths.
Chester P. Runk: So she can push the particles out of you and into the Fusion Sphere.
Harrison: Right.
Barry: Charging a fuel source for the A.S.F.
Harrison: And we take all that kinetic energy, and we just transfer it to the track ring above us...
Allegra: Giving Flash his groove back.
Chester P. Runk: Uh, just... just one thing.
Harrison: What?
Chester P. Runk: Aren't multiversal particles a little too chaotic to be contained in a Fusion Sphere?
Harrison: Yes. Well, normally, they would be, but Allegra can use her powers to contain the particles inside the Fusion Sphere from a safe distance.
Barry: Hey, thanks for looking out for me, but if Nash says it's gonna work, I trust him.

Barry: Do we have eyes on Kadabra?
Chester P. Runk: Uh, yes and no. He's teleporting all over the city with that obelisk ball thing. I'm scanning it.
Cisco: I'm picking up readings of antimatter energy. He created an antimatter bomb.
Caitlin: That kind of power, it could take out another Earth.
Chester P. Runk: Or another universe?
Allegra: Wait, what? Are we about to have Crisis Part Two?
Cisco: No, no. There's not enough antimatter energy for that, thank the sequel Gods, but the core is roughly the size of a baseball.
Caitlin: A baseball? Barry, a trace amount nearly took out your leg.
Barry: Is it enough to destroy the city?
Cisco: I'd say there's exactly enough.
Barry: Abra said his last trick was to make the whole city disappear. Destroying Central City must be his plan.

Allegra: [finding Esperanza dying; in Spanish] You're gonna be okay, just hang on...
Ultraviolet: You're... too late.
Allegra: [switching to English] I'm sorry. I never should have let you go. I should have chosen you, my real family, the second you asked.
Ultraviolet: But you did not. I fought alone. Now I die alone. But I'm not afraid.
[switching back to Spanish]
Ultraviolet: Death is an... extension of life.
Allegra: No. No, don't leave me. No...
[switching to Spanish]
Allegra: Please... stay with me.
[as she expires, Esperanza burns into nothingness like a phoenix]

Allegra: Chuck, I'm done with pep talks, okay? I can't charge your dad's gizmo. Not now, not ever.
Chester P. Runk: Allegra, I don't give a crap about the S.E.E. right now. Right now, all I care about is my friend. Now, look, Esperaza chose to go on that mission. That's not on you. Okay? But you know what is? The Flash being alive today because you didn't go with her.
Allegra: That doesn't make any sense.
Chester P. Runk: That makes all the sense. That Godspeed clone in the Pipeline, he was gonna kill Barry. And you stopped that. Which means the Flash can get back to the business of ending this war. But Esperanza, she left to start one. She let the city down. You didn't. You helped lift it up.
Allegra: You really think so?
Chester P. Runk: Girl, I know so. Now, I don't know about you, but I'm ready to get back to the business of keeping Central City safe. So what do you say, you with me?
[she hugs him]
Chester P. Runk: I... I guess that means a yes.

XS: I swear, if our big bad has escaped from ARGUS already...
Chester P. Runk: Oh, no, no, it's an energy surge coming from upstairs at the Flash Museum.
Allegra: I told you it wasn't a good idea to put a museum on top of our secret lair.
Chester P. Runk: No, baby. It's genius. Who'd look for the Flash under his own museum?

John: Word at A.R.G.U.S. is you are leveling up, Cecile.
Cecile: Hmm. Didn't know you kept tabs on us ordinary people.
John: I guess that means you're far from ordinary.
Caitlin: [referring to the captive Godspeed] Speaking of, can you sense what's going on inside his mind?
Cecile: No. Barry already had me try, and the only thing that I could feel was... hatred. And determination.
John: Why isn't he trying to make contact with the rest of his team?
Allegra: Oh, he's trying. But I'm sending out serious interference. He can't get through.
Caitlin: She's our own personal signal jammer.
John: That'd come in handy in the field. This whole team is leveling up.

Chester P. Runk: [sing-song] And what else, 'cause za's not a word.
Allegra: Yeah, it is. Za, like pizza. Pizza, pizza, pizza!
Chester P. Runk: Girl, you did not just echo.
Allegra: I echoed.
Chester P. Runk: You are my favorite human.

Allegra: Frost ice-bridged a bunch of stuff out of here. She's gonna bring it to Caitlin's.
Barry: Okay, it's time to go.
Chester P. Runk: I can't believe this is happening.
Catlin: This was our home.

Alex: What's the deal with you and Chester?
Allegra: Nothing. Why?
Alex: The stolen glances, the nervous energy. You either hooked up, you are hooking up, or you really need to.
Allegra: Okay, we did once, but it was ten years ago, and it went nowhere.
Alex: What happened?
Allegra: We'd been flirting for months, and one night, we were playing D&D, and it just happened. I-It was a really lusty quest. Anyway, I-I thought something would come of it. But by the time I woke up in the morning, Chester was gone.
Alex: Hold up. He just left?
Allegra: Yep. And by the time we talked about it, we decided it was better just to be friends.

Allegra: Espreranza, stop!
Ultraviolet: You left me for dead in Iron Heights. And when Carver came for me? I was alone. I never had a chance. And that... is your fault, Cousin! You're nothing to me. Understand?
[aims her bracelets at Allegra]
Allegra: Fine. Do it. You think you're the only one that feels that way? The only one that feels alone? Get in line!

Allegra: You wanted to see me?
Iris: Yes. So, the last six months have been pretty intense.
Allegra: I'll say. We have three new reporters, an IT intern, and an office manager now. Plus, online circulation's over two million, and your new podcast is freakin' brilliant.
Iris: Thank you.
Allegra: Oh, we need faster Internet. Should we call the new landlord?
Iris: Sue Dearbon bought the building. I think we can fix our own Internet.
Allegra: Roger that, but seriously, I just don't see how you do it all and still find time for an op-ed each week.
Iris: Well, I can't. So the bullpen needs a supervising editor, someone who decides which stories we cover and then assigns and pre-edits copy, which is why I am promoting you.
Allegra: Wh... Iris... wh... I-I've barely been staff for a year. I... I'm not ready for that.
Iris: Well, I think you are.
Allegra: Well, you do realize you have people on staff now who are more qualified to handle that sort of thing. I mean, Vanya? She's got ten years of experience under her belt. Or that annoying Taylor just graduated summa cum laude from Barnard College. Even the old guy was a war correspondent in Beirut.
Iris: [a little insulted] Aariz is my age. Girl.
Allegra: I...
Iris: Look, now that we're CC Citizen Media, I am busier with more and more administrative duties.
Allegra: Iris, are you sure?
Iris: You got this. I believe in you.

Barry: How's Mia?
Caitlin: She's resting. Frost is keeping an eye on her.
Cecile: Thank goodness Iris got to her before she...
Chester P. Runk: Right, but what in the world are we supposed to do now?
Allegra: We beat Despero to the punch. We whammy Thawne's speed right now, make him a permanent jaywalker before Despero whammies us.
Caitlin: [Cecile senses an emotion from her] It's okay, Cecile. We all decided it together.
Barry: Chester, where are we with...
Chester P. Runk: Project Whammy? Well, I still have to finish calibrating your suit.
Cecile: Well, how much time do have before the timeline resets?
Chester P. Runk: A few minutes, maybe less, and only if Despero doesn't wipe us out first.
Allegra: Look, we are not losing today. Not our city. Not a single life. I don't know how, but there's gotta be a way to stop Despero long enough for Chuck to do his thing, so come on. We're Team Flash. What can we do?

Allegra: So, I totally blew it at the office. I told you, I wasn't ready.
Iris: You got resistance from the staff.
Allegra: They barely listened to me. I'm pretty sure they think I don't have enough experience, which I don't, and they think that my suggestions for which stories to cover are wrong.
Iris: Yeah, I figured that might happen.
Allegra: Then why put me in charge?
Iris: Well, because you can handle it. And dealing with this is a part of growing into your new position.
Allegra: Well, I am not growing. I am crashing and burning. Iris, I can't do this.
Iris: Yes, you can.
Allegra: Well, how do you know?
Iris: Because you're exactly what CCC Media needs. You have a point of view that's entirely your own, and you know this city better than anyone in that room. You grew up here. You not only survived Iron Heights, you came out on the other side a hero.
Allegra: I could melt Taylor's face.
Iris: You went from juvenile delinquent to voice of the people, and I'm talking about your writing, not your meta powers. Your articles speak to people because you're one of them. That's your point of view. It's also how CCC Media speaks to the city and why people respond so... strongly.
Allegra: Okay, but being a journalist and being in charge are way different.
Iris: Look, I know that it's scary, but think how you leveled up as a meta. I'm sure that was scary, too.
Allegra: Try terrifying, but somehow I knew I could handle an upgrade.
Iris: Okay, then do that at the office, too. Your point of view is perfect for this company. You've already learned how to own it. Now go, sell it.

Allegra: You guys are gonna have a blast in Coast City, especially at the CCC Media expansion party.
Chester P. Runk: Hey, not too much of a blast, though. Remember? You're zooping for three now that Iris is pregnant.
Iris: No, no, no.
Barry: We've adopted a no zooping policy during the pregnancy.

Allegra: What's the plan?
Frost: I'm gonna do twelve miles.
Allegra: Five years in Iron Heights over here. You think I can't tell when someone's lying? Plus, there's no way you'd stay put here. You're going after Kramer. No, not that. You're going after this new ice-meta yourself?
[seeing Frost react]
Allegra: Yeah, I'm coming with you.
Frost: No, you're not.
Allegra: Wha... so you're gonna do this alone? What about the rest of Team Flash?
Frost: I need to handle this myself. There are places that Team Flash can't go. Hell, I used to work at some of them. And you aren't gonna say a thing.
Allegra: I used to be a freakin' car thief, Frost. I know how to talk to criminals.
Frost: I am not looking for a criminal. I am looking for a killer. You wanna help me? Cover my ass. If I need backup, I'll call. Promise.

Allegra: Iris has trusted Barry against the odds before, like when Bloodwork infected him, and she was right.
Iris: If there's even a chance that this could be real, I can't give up, and you wouldn't want me to.
Cecile: Is that what you think? You think I gave up? Oh, my God. You think I don't wake up alone every morning in our bed praying to God that all of this was nothing but a bad dream? Iris, I have done everything that I can to just keep moving forward since I lost Joe. I did it so that I could be there for you and for Jenna, for this team, and you come in here and you want to shove his death in my face? He was the father of my child!
Iris: And my father!
Cecile: Fine. If you insist on pursuing this lie, then we will save Barry without you.
Iris: Fine. You save him your way, I'll save him mine.
[she leaves, and Allegra follows her out]
Catlin: Okay, Cecile. What do you want to do?
Cecile: We find Barry before Despero does first, no matter what it takes.

Barry: What'd you find?
Chester P. Runk: Okay, so I somehow managed to salvage some of the ice data that we lost. Remember how the dark matter at the crime scene had compacted membranes?
Barry: Yeah.
Chester P. Runk: It's because it wasn't dark matter at all. It was a half-life variant.
Barry: Artificial dark matter? That means the killer that we're after isn't a meta.
Allegra: They're human. Somebody's been fooling us this whole time.
Barry: Somebody who's an expert at science and... knows that Frost and Caitlin used to be one person. We should ask Frost if... wait, where is Frost, anyway?
Allegra: [they both turn to her] Fine, I lied, okay? She went looking for our baddie by herself.
Chester P. Runk: Frost went full "Fugitive".

Frost: Chillblaine didn't just commit a crime against good taste. He also killed the Ivo Labs driver, and I've got his confession on tape.
Allegra: That means you're in the clear.
Kristen: [sirens blare outside] Killer Frost, come out with your hands raised. You have two minutes to comply.

Barry: The energy Despero's harnessing is from his home world, Kalanor, but, I mean, even if the energy's alien, the flame of Py'tar is still a flame.
Iris: You can harness it with a vacuum.
Barry: And then disperse it, but I-I'd still need a way to direct all the energy into the atmosphere.
Chester P. Runk: Wait, if a delivery system is what you need, then I got the ticket. Okay, so you know how the P.E.D. redirects energy? Turns out the materials in that puppy are damn versatile. So I took the liberty of using them to make these.
[Chester opens a metal case, a golden light shines]
Allegra: No way. Chuck, you're amazing.
Barry: Yeah, I can work with these.

Iris: Okay, get me up to speed.
Allegra: Well, Taylor is handling our new ad-free portal.
Iris: Oh, you two are okay these days?
Allegra: Oh, yeah. You missed the whole hostage situation with Sunshine and Dr. Light. Taylor, Vanya, and Aariz know I am a meta now and they are keeping my secret, so...
Taylor: [bumping into them] Ooh! Oh, I am so sorry. Iris, we missed you. But also, we've gotta do something about our filing system. I'm trying to fact-check my "High Life" piece and I can't find anything.
Allegra: I'll look into it.
Taylor: Thanks.
Allegra: And, boss, I have a feeling more than just our filing system is about to change.
Iris: What is that supposed to mean?
Allegra: I have a surprise for you. I wanted to tell you this in person, so while you and Barry had your weeklong staycation, I had a surprise meeting with one Ms. Cat Grant.
Iris: As in CatCo, Cat Grant?
Allegra: Yes. CatCo Worldwide Media wants to buy CCC Media and expand your global footprint under the umbrella of a major news conglomerate. She said it's a blank check. All you have to do is just say yes. Iris, this is your future empire, the one that Nora and Bart are always talking about. This is how it starts. Maybe this is where you win your first Pulitzer.

Kamilla: You want to go after a force of nature?
Iris: Yeah, if I can convince Nora not to kill Deon and Psych, then... Barry will see that she can be reasoned with.
Allegra: But how do we find her? I mean, she's the freakin' Speed Force.
Kamilla: Well, if she finds us first, at least we'll know she's coming. Holy crap... . you guys gotta see this.
[showing them the filter on her camera]
Kamilla: You see that bright spot at the center of you? I think that's kinetic energy.
Iris: Guys, this is gonna sound really wild, but...
Allegra: Yeah, 'cause a ghost-hunting lens isn't weird enough.
Iris: But if Barry and I created these forces, what if there's a little bit of each of them inside of us?
Kamilla: Like you're all connected? Wait, Iris. When you're over by the door, your glow was brighter. Like there's something in that direction that was intensifying it. What if...
Iris: That something is Nora. Guys, we can use me as a diving rod to track her down.
Allegra: Yup, that's weirder.

Allegra: Listen to me. I'm your family. We're blood.
Dr. Olsen: Blood is a liquid, easily spilled.

Harrison: Got lost, didn't you?
Allegra: What? No.
Harrison: No?
Allegra: Maybe.

Allegra: Okay, but raising the dead, that's intense, even for us.
Joe: Turned out okay for Lazarus, right?

Hartley: Flash is out by Route 119.
Jaco: Well, let's go get him right now.
Goldface: How do you suppose we do that? You got a teleporter we don't know about?
Allegra: Actually, I do.

Allegra: Lemme guess. You're here to try and freak me out?
Esperanza: Is that what you think?
Allegra: And since you being here can't be a coincidence, it also means you're probably following some stupid orders from your ghost-boss, Deathstorm. Which would make you his bitch.
Esperanza: Be careful, prima. The juvie in you is starting to show.

The: Hartley Rathaway. Since when are you a diamond thief?
Pied: It's Pied Piper, Flash. You're really gonna ask me that after what you and your friends did to me?
The: Uh, what did we do?
Allegra: Wow, Flash. My brother, that is epically cold. How do you not remember? It was really bad.
The: Oh, great. Another Crisis change.
Pied: Apparently, there is something else you didn't remember. The gauntlets are just my backup singers.
The: Wait, what?
[Pied Piper flies off]
The: Great. He can fly now.

Allegra: So a death monster from another dimension traveling through outer space to find his death bride. Yeah, it's official. I have heard everything now.

Allegra: Well, you heard her. We have to protect Barry. There's no way he would destroy the world.
Frost: What if he's right? I mean, look, we all saw how a massive boost of speed affected Barry before.
Chester P. Runk: Oh, crap, you're right. Remember the ASF? He gained speed-thinking, but as a result...
Barry: I turned on the people I love. Look, I - that's not gonna happen this time.
Chester P. Runk: But, Barr, what if you just leveled up too much, too fast?
Allegra: Barry isn't a threat to us. Despero is. And his story doesn't add up. I mean, come on, doesn't anyone else think it's weird that an alien cares so much about Earth? He's not even from here.

Harrison: Remember when I told you if things go sideways, zap the stone?
Allegra: Yeah.
Harrison: I'd zap the stone.

Barry: [S.T.A.R. Labs is being shut down] This place is already swarming with city workers. If they get to the inner levels...
Allegra: They'll find out it's Flash HQ.
Chester P. Runk: AKA our home base.
Barry: That's why I need you to grab what you're able to, conceal the labs' critical areas, and get out as fast as you can.

Chester P. Runk: Guys, satellites just picked up one hell of a cryokinetic spike on the southside of Keystone.
Allegra: Frost said she might be going somewhere she used to work.
Barry: O'Shaughnessy's. Let's go.
Allegra: Wh... you still want me to come? After I lied to you?
Barry: Someone's gotta convince Frost to come home.

Allegra: [Cecile moves the coffee with her mind] Cecile, did you do that?
Cecile: Uh... yeah? But, okay, all I did was think I really wish I had the right coffee, and then I kind of thought in my head, and then all of sudden, it was...
Chester P. Runk: Oh, the force is strong with this one.
Cecile: Well, that's new.

Caitlin: I actually think the two of you are really gonna get along. And you too, Chester.
Chester P. Runk: What makes you say that?
Caitlin: I mean, I probably shouldn't be saying this because it was a long time ago, but he mentioned that maybe once he, you know...
Chester P. Runk: No, seriously?
Allegra: What? What?
Barry: Ronnie played D&D in college?
Caitlin: Once or twice.
Chester P. Runk: Oh, snap! We're gonna help him get his game on, girl. Once he's better and all that, of course.
Joe: Whatever happened to chess or checkers?
Cecile: Dominoes.
Joe: That's a good game right there.
Allegra: Okay, Grandpa.

Chester P. Runk: This is so unreal.
Catlin: I've spent more time in that lab than anywhere I've ever lived.
Barry: Guys, I know how much this hurts. And I know what you're thinking. But these setbacks aren't proof that Despero's right about the future.
Allegra: They're not proof he isn't, either.
Barry: I know, but, hey, we gotta have faith. Not just in me, but in each other.
Catlin: Barry, we're with you. I think we all just wish that there was some other explanation for all this.
Barry: I think there is. Something caused a security guard to lose his mind at a bank robbery this morning.
Allegra: Uh, you mean exactly like what Despero would happen to you?
Catlin: This has to be related.
Barry: Yeah, I was gonna use the S.T.A.R. Labs satellites to follow a lead. Luckily, we have someone on our team who is an expert at exposing the truth.

Allegra: Nash. You don't have to do this just to prove a point.
Harrison: I'm not doing it to prove a point. I'm doing it because I won't watch you die.

Allegra: Esperanza, don't kill me!
Kamilla: They're everywhere. We need to keep them out.
Iris: Psych, stop. You're hurting them. Please.
Psych: Oh, they're hurting themselves. Sure, I pull back the curtain. But what they see is up to them. Now, before I show you your greatest fear, why were you looking for me?
Iris: I wasn't.
Psych: No... you were looking for the Speed Force? Nora. Why? Why are you so desperate to find her? Is it to hurt her?
Iris: I want to talk to her so I can help her.
Psych: Are you sure? Because I am feeling the pain that she has inflicted upon you. How deeply she's torn apart your relationships. Your whole life. Actually, the suffering she's caused is quite beautiful.
Iris: That wasn't Nora. She's lost control. Just like you have. But if you let me, I can help you both.
Psych: I don't need your help. Besides, I can feel what you fear the most. It's the person you seek. Well, your wish is my command.

Chester P. Runk: So, I finally finished the last tweak on the S.E.E. Now all that's left to do is to finish charging the solar panel, and...
[kissing his fingers in appreciation]
Chester P. Runk: Voila. Oh, man. My Pops would be so jazzed to know that this baby's maiden voyage will be to take out psycho speedsters. You're almost done, right?
Allegra: How should I know?
Chester P. Runk: [checking] Battery's not even 10% charged yet. With your output capacity, it should be almost 89% charged by now. Allegra, are you okay?
Allegra: Yeah.
Chester P. Runk: Are you sure? 'Cause, like, you've been acting...
Allegra: Chester, I'm fine.

Allegra: So he's, what, a genius now?
Cisco: No, I'm a genius. My guy's on a whole other level. His neurons are firing at super speed. Synaptic connections are off the charts. The quantum computers can't even keep up processing his results.
Barry: The Artificial Speed Force.
Cisco: The Artificial fracking Speed Force. It didn't just give you your old powers back, it gave you a new one. Enhanced cognition by way of a Speed Force booster shot!
Allegra: Huh?
Cisco: Barry can think fast now.
Allegra: Cool. How fast?
Cisco: Let's find out, shall we?
[opening a box]
Cisco: Lady and gentleman, this... is a Quantum Ball. Trademark pending. Ever heard of it? Of course you haven't, but you will.

Killer: You know, it's my understanding that there are two kinds of people who hate Valentine's Day. One, those who think it's a made-up holiday by Big Candy, or two, those with a broken heart. I think you're the second one.
Allegra: [closing her tablet] No, I'm not.
Killer: [opening it again] Really? Uh, I think actually you are. And I think Mr. Emerson Fairweather is the emo dope who's responsible.
Allegra: [Frost folds her arms over her chest, waiting expectantly] We met after a gig his band played.
Killer: [in an "I knew it" tone] Mm-hmm.
Allegra: Anyway, it... it didn't work out.
Killer: [scrolling up the page] "Another Valentine's Day waiting for love. Let the drinking begin."
Killer: #CoffeeNotCocktails.
Killer: Ugh! Look, you're perfect for each other. You have something in common. You're both miserable.
Allegra: Thanks for the reminder.
Killer: You know, maybe you and Mr. Fall Out Boy can go off and be mopey together, and then you wouldn't hate Valentine's Day.
Allegra: I'm sorry, have we met?
Killer: Look, it says here he's gonna be back at Jitters tomorrow. And you know what? So are we. 'Cause I'm gonna get the two of you back together for some V-Day love. Cupid demands it.

Iris: So, stop burying the lede. Tell me what you think. Good, huh?
Allegra: Well, it was really well written.
Iris: [expecting more] Okay. Come on. Pretend you're my editor. Lay it on me.
Allegra: It stinks, okay?
[showing Iris the article with proofreading edits in red pen]
Allegra: This part about the explosion at McCulloch Tech is straight out of CCPN's report. This section on Eva's framing of Sue Dearbon was already covered to death by CC News Network. And was this quote from that Maurice guy even fact-checked?
Iris: [taken aback] Okay. Is there anything else?
Allegra: Yeah. You were in the Mirrorverse the longest and knew Eva the best. You're the expert. So where's anything about your experience? 'Cause what's missing from this is you.
Iris: I'm the reporter, not the story.
Allegra: This time, you're both. Look... there are people out there just like you who wish they hadn't been a part of this story. But they were. You're their voice. So try again, for them.

Allegra: I've been waiting for you, Chuck. What, don't you want to give your lover a kiss?
Chester P. Runk: No, no, no, no. You're not Allegra. You're Ramsey controlling her body.
Ramsey: And what a powerful body it is.
Chester P. Runk: Doing this to people ain't a gift.
Ramsey: What else would you call eternal life?
Chester P. Runk: I'd call it hell on Earth.
Ramsey: You know what? I'll leave you alone. Unfortunately, the rest of my brothers and sisters have different plans.

Sunshine: This isn't over.
Allegra: Bring it on, bitch.

Allegra: What was that thing anyway?
Caitlin: It calls itself Deathstorm.
Frost: Hmm. Like Firestorm, only...
Caitlin: It wasn't Ronnie. It never was.
Barry: How do you know that?
Caitlin: Because it told me.
Allegra: Then what exactly is it? And where did it come from?
Caitlin: I don't know. But whatever we brought back from Piedmont Park, that thing, it isn't human. It said Ronnie's death gave him life. And when Ronnie was gone, it became something more, something incomplete. And that I helped make it whole again.
Barry: That's why it wanted you to modify the Firestorm Matrix.
Caitlin: So that I could bring it back, from whatever hell it's been hiding in. Barry, I'm so sorry. You were right this whole time, and I wouldn't listen.
Allegra: Hey, that's okay. You just did what any one of us would have done.
Caitlin: No, Ronnie's been dead for seven years. And now this thing is back in his place, all because of me.
Frost: You're okay now, and that's all that matters. Barry, Caitlin's right, if Deathstorm wanted Caitlin for some creepy resurrection, why is he trying to kill her now? I mean, he got what he wanted.
Barry: That's what we need to find out.
Allegra: Well, Chuck is using satellites to try to figure out where this thing went. But if Frost is right and it's coming back for Caity, we need to keep her safe.
Barry: We will, and we're gonna send this thing back to whatever hell is came from.
Allegra: How? The Cold Fusion Sphere has been destroyed.
Barry: We'll find another way.

Cisco: I have an idea, a way to get our people out of the Mirrorverse. We need a lossless, self-sustaining source of perpetual energy.
Harrison: Sounds like you're talking about the holy grail of science: a perpetual-motion machine.
Cisco: That's right. Hartley had some ideas. I think we can actually build one. We're just missing one component, and thanks to my travels, I know exactly where to find it: Atlantis.
Ralph: Finally, Crisis pays off in a good way for once.
Cisco: I know time is crucial, but don't worry. I'll hurry back.
Allegra: Can I come?
Barry: Actually, if you don't mind, I'd like for you to stay. Team Flash needs as many hands on deck as possible.
[she nods with a smile]
Barry: Now let's get to work.

Allegra: Iris, this account of Despero fighting Flash and Atom is amazing. Is Barry okay?
Iris: Yeah, it's just, Despero is like no one we've ever faced before. Any notes?
Allegra: Just one. Publish this now. People need to read it. You saw everything and survived. The city needs to know it can, too.
Iris: By the way, I, um, I read the revised articles that you had Vanya, Aariz, and Taylor write.
Allegra: And?
Iris: We're going straight to print with all of them. Whatever you did to inspire quality work like this, it must've gotten through.
Allegra: Thank God, but they're still not happy with me.
Iris: Hmm, welcome to management.

Barry: Eva said that she had unfinished business. Is there any way that she meant that literally?
Harrison: Oh, if she wants to get McCulloch back, she does have to deal with Black Hole.
Allegra: So, find Black Hole, find Eva.
Harrison: Mm-hmm.
Allegra: Any idea where to start?
Harrison: Actually, no.
Ralph: [taking out the diamond Sue gave him] Maybe.
Barry: [seeing its size] Ralph!
Harrison: Ralph.
Barry: Where'd you get that?
Harrison: Where'd you get that?
Ralph: Sue gave it to me.
Barry: She gave you that?
Harrison: She gave that to you?
Ralph: She gave that to me. And it turns out that Black Hole's logo is embedded inside.

Alex: You lied to me about Chester. Chester loves you. When he went to tell you, you cut him off. Why did you do that?
Allegra: You want to know how every relationship in my life has ended? With me getting kicked to the curb. Everyone I've ever loved has left. When I woke up the next morning alone, it was like a trigger. Suddenly, I was 12 years old again and my mom was telling me that my dad left us because of me. Yeah, she was a bag of crap, too. The point is, I was crushed. So when I saw Chester walking up the street with coffees and a bag, I... I-I knew what that meant, how he felt about me. And I just freaked out and I-I pushed him away.
Alex: You know... my wife is my rock. But things were not always perfect. Trust me, putting yourself out there, it's scary, but it's also so worth it.
Allegra: But what if I lose him?
Ryan: [coming in] You'll never know unless you try. Alex, the reason why I don't love love... is because nothing scares me more than putting my heart out on the line. So I make fun of romantics. But this whole Don Juan thing is just an act.
Allegra: [feigning surprise] Really?
Alex: I knew it.
Ryan: The truth is... I don't want to wake up alone for the rest of my life. Look, Chester's my boy. And I know what my boy needs. He needs you.
[Alex gives Allegra a "told you so" elbow nudge]

Allegra: Do you remember what the security chief said, that the day Joe died, the Red Line was running early? Well, back in my car thief days, I'd take the Red Line home from the chop shop, and it was never early. It was always late.
Iris: So my dad was just unlucky?
Allegra: Well, that's an understatement. The train that hit Joe passed a routine inspection two days before the accident, yet somehow, the hydraulics failed. Iris, there are dozens and dozens of coincidences like this. Do you know what the odds are that they all happened at once? Million to one. The events that led to Joe's accident, they line up perfectly. Too perfectly.
Iris: So what are you saying?
Allegra: That you're right. That... that someone was pulling the strings. Barry's not crazy, and your dad's not...
Iris: Look, Allegra, I was wrong about everything. These last six months have been the worst six months of my life.
Allegra: Look, I get it. I-I do. When Esperanza died... I lost hope, too. But what saved me from the darkness was remembering the words of a hero. "As long as we keep the loved ones we've lost in our hearts, there is always hope."
Iris: [seeing the same black dust-like substance she saw at the train station] Are you seeing this?
Allegra: What? Seeing what?
Iris: I have to get back to the station.
Allegra: I thought that was a dead end.
Iris: It's not. We just couldn't see all the evidence.

Barry: [after Godspeed escapes from the Pipeline] How did he get out?
Chester P. Runk: I don't know. The meta-cell should have kept him powerless, but... oh, man. Godspeeds are fueled by a velocity formula; a chemical Speed Force substitute.
John: Which means he's an artificial meta, so dampeners wouldn't do anything.
Allegra: So why didn't he just peace out as soon as we unfroze him?
Barry: We thought we were interrogating him. He was interrogating us. Chester, you have to fix this.
Chester P. Runk: Uh, I'm sorry, but... Cisco built this core with original Time Trapper tech. That kind of tech's one of a kind. I can't...
Barry: Yeah, you have to. It's the only way to stop one of them.
Chester P. Runk: Barry, this isn't junk, okay? Without access to bleeding-edge temporal components, there's just...
Barry: [his frustration boiling over] Then find another way!
John: Chester, Allegra, give me a second with Barry.

Chester P. Runk: So I just got off the phone with Luke Fox. Mercer's boomerang, Amar's knives, even Wozzack's funky violin, Luke thinks they all resemble advanced WayneTech designs. But their nano-tech foundations are beyond bleeding-edge.
Allegra: So he has no idea who we're up against.
Barry: What about this new speedster wearing a bat symbol?
Chester P. Runk: Team Bat's never fought a baddie dressed like that. But they have some drama of their own. A few weeks ago, Ryan Wilder went out on patrol. She never came back.
Cecile: We got a new speedster in a bat suit, and Batwoman is missing?
Khione: Could that be a coincidence?
Iris: Okay, what do we do now?
Barry: We find this new speedster. And we stop him.

Security: I'll never forget that day. People were screaming someone fell. I... I tried calling the emergency line, but it was too late.
Iris: What about before it happened? Did you see anyone suspicious on the platform?
Security: It was pretty empty when Mr. West died. The Red Line came in 15 minutes early. Hang on.
[double-checking her business card]
Security: Iris West-Allen? Were you his daughter?
Iris: I still am. What about after? Was there anyone there who had access to the scene before CCPD arrived?
Security: Ma'am, your father took a bad step. It happens sometimes.
Iris: Well, the reason I'm asking is because the video files that you sent over to CCPD were missing some very important frames from the moment of incident. That doesn't just happen unless you're saying someone got into your system.
Security: Or because we're on the same power grid as Sharks Stadium. Whenever there's a game, like there was that day, our automatic CCTV upload gets interrupted, and we end up losing chunks of data. It's a good thing we back up our files locally.
Allegra: [as he replays the footage, it shows Joe getting hit by a train] Is this the only angle?
Iris: No, it's okay. I was wrong. It was just an accident.

The: Chester, Owen Mercer's attacking a Kord Industries convoy, but don't worry. I've got a plan.
Chester P. Runk: Barr, are you part-Nostradamus?
Allegra: Yeah, how'd you know it was Mercer?
The: I'll tell you later.

Allegra: [finding a studded denim jacket in Caitlin's closet] Uh... cool. Can I borrow this?
Killer: Sure.
Allegra: I'm really gonna miss you.
Harrison: Me, too.
Cecile: Hmm?
Harrison: [seeing them all looking at him] I mean, all... we all are.
Cecile: [teasing] Aww. There's hope for you yet.
Harrison: Enough. Okay.
[high-fiving Frost]
Harrison: You stay frosty.

Cecile: Barry, it sounds dangerous.
Bart: 'Cause it is.
Allegra: Fine, so how exactly do you get inside the Negative Speed Force?
Barry: The first time I went into the Positive Speed Force, Harry hit me with a concentrated blast of dark matter and lightning that generated a tachyon reaction.
Chester P. Runk: Well, I could rig the tachyon harness to do the same. Only, if you're trying to get in a negative place, you're gonna need a negative source of lightning.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: Like me.
Cecile: Meena, I-I don't think that's such a good idea right now.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: We need to find a way in. I'm the key.

Sue: All right, I have to jet to to Coast City. We own a string of luxury hotels I have to go inspect.
Allegra: Sounds fun.
Sue: No, no. It's boring as hell. Yeah, but if I'm lucky, maybe I'll catch a glimpse of the CCP while I'm there. Oh, you guys haven't heard. Apparently there's been multiple sightings of someone walking through walls. It's popping up on socials as #CoastCityPhantom.
Allegra: It sounds like a new meta. I wonder how they got their powers on the West Coast.
Sue: Actually, I have run into quite a few meta around the world. Turns out there's folks all over the place with latent meta genes. All it takes is the right set of circumstances for the powers to manifest. Maybe that's what happened in Coast City?
Allegra: Yeah, giving them their first meta.

Cecile: You're thinking about Nash. I'm sorry. Honey, I-I just... my empathic abilities, they take on a mind of their own sometimes.
Allegra: It's okay. It's just... my dad left me before I could walk, and ever since then, anyone who's even come close to being...
Cecile: A father figure?
Allegra: Yeah, I... I cut them out of my life before they could cut me out of theirs. That's why I pushed Nash away. Anyway, I should just get over it. He's gone.
Cecile: Only if you let him be. Did you know that the law goes way back in my family? Yeah, my, uh, my granddad was the first Black paralegal in Oklahoma, and my mom, first female independent counsel in the state of Texas. Both of them were pioneers for social justice and my heroes.
Allegra: I'll say.

Cisco: Mark my words, one day, Quantum Ball, trademark pending, will be the world's next great sporting event. You see, this little sphere amplifies kinetic energy, firing in directions that can only be described as "unpredictable," but not for you. Your enhanced cognition should let you analyze every variable in every scenario... and predict the unpredictable. Barry Allen... places, please. Call it.
Allegra: Eh, eh. No cheating. Turn around.
Barry: [turning around and raising his hand] Ready.
[Cisco throws the Quantum Ball]
Barry: Wall, lamp, pipe, conduit, duck. Now!
[they duck, and he catches it]
Barry: I have superspeed thinking. I know how to open a portal to the Mirrorverse.

Iris: [points out a photo] Her. Dr. Komiyo Hoshi.
Cisco: Hoshi... She went missing 4 years ago. She's an astronomer out of Tokyo with the power to fuel starlight, but her meta-powers aren't precise enough to do the kind of damage you showed me in those photos.
Kamilla: What if she used the Photon rifle to focus them?
Cisco: Good thinking, maybe the reflector chip could condense her UV photon emissions.
Kamilla: The rifle is the weapon.
Cisco: No, she's the ammunition.
Allegra: So Black Hole turned her into some kind of evil light doctor.
Cisco: So we've got a brand new, more powerful, murder-happy Dr. Light on our hands. Another new meta surprise courtesy of Earth frakking Prime.

Psych: What are you doing to me?
Iris: I wasn't able to get through to him. And now it's too.
Allegra: Boss, we can't stay here.

Chester P. Runk: We tracked down the PED and Reverse-Flash.
Alex: He's crossing the Atlantic Ocean.
Cecile: What the hell is he doing?
Arielle: [reporting on TV] He's destroying the city. It's like the end of days out here.
Ryan: Holy crap, it's not just the city. Allen's speed wake is causing the globe to tear itself apart. It's an extinction-level event in progress.
Allegra: He's right. I'm tracking at least a hundred earthquakes.
Alex: A tsunami just hit Japan.
Caitlin: Allen really has lost his mind. He realized he can't win, so he's trying to kill us all.
Cecile: I have to go. I gotta go get Jenna.
Frost: Guys, Mark and I could use backup!
Allegra: Go. I'll stay here.
Alex: Okay.
Ryan: Hey, not to be that guy, but since this could be the end of the world as we know it, if anyone has anything to say, now would be the time.
Chester P. Runk: Uh, the Reverse-Flash just hit Europe.
Caitlin: Where is Eobard?
Eobard: I'm right behind him.

Allegra: How dumb am I, huh?
Barry: Yeah, that feeling's going around.
Allegra: I've been working side by side with duplicates this whole time. Some budding reporter I am. Wait, does that mean I'm in charge of the Citizen?