The Best Pied Piper Quotes

Pied: Okay, I haven't seen that one before.
The: Is that Godspeed's blood?
Cisco: Satellite readings indicate it could be some kind of biogenic electrolyte secretion.
Harrison: It's...
Cisco: Charged sound.
Harrison: Oh, boys... I do believe we found the solution we're looking for.

The: Hartley, thanks for coming after me.
Pied: Yeah, don't mention it. You won another battle against some speed freak, and I lost everything.
The: Look, I promise we'll figure something out.

The: Hartley Rathaway. Since when are you a diamond thief?
Pied: It's Pied Piper, Flash. You're really gonna ask me that after what you and your friends did to me?
The: Uh, what did we do?
Allegra: Wow, Flash. My brother, that is epically cold. How do you not remember? It was really bad.
The: Oh, great. Another Crisis change.
Pied: Apparently, there is something else you didn't remember. The gauntlets are just my backup singers.
The: Wait, what?
[Pied Piper flies off]
The: Great. He can fly now.

Harrison: Where is he going? Barry, you're going the wrong way.
Cisco: Wait for it.
[running to build up kinetic energy, Barry turns back around]
Pied: Now, Flash!
[he fires energy from his gauntlets as Flash throws a lightning bolt]
Harrison: They crossed streams.

The: Hartley, I can't stop Godspeed. He's too powerful.
Pied: Oh, my god, how thick are you? Roderick got hurt when the lightning you threw collided with the vibrational force of his weapon. The result was a thermogenic blast capable of rendering him unstable at a molecular level. Just duplicate that force...
The: And Godspeed's toast.
Pied: Bingo, bango.

The: I didn't think you were coming.
Pied: I didn't save you so we could chat.