250 Best The Flash Quotes

Killer: Hey, uh... where's the scary guy who tried to kill us all?
The: He won't get far.

Eva: That's impossible. You're still not strong enough to beat me. Not yet.
Iris: Eva. You told my husband that you wanted to bring peace to this world. You are using brutal force against defenseless people. Eva, my duplicate, she was connected to this world with herself, but your other children, they are filled with hate. Look around. Is this your idea of peace? Is this really want you want?
The: Get back. This is our chance.
Iris: No, please. Just wait.
Eva: No. No, I... I wanted to make things better. I failed two worlds.
The: Eva, it's never too late to do the right thing. You've told me about your dream to help people. You still can right here, right now by ending this. The foundation for a better world is compassion, not violence. A true monarch knows that.

Frost: You don't see that everyday. Not that I'm complaining, but how'd you do that?
The: I phased into the water table under the city and then released it directly released it into the lava channel. I stopped the meltdown, but not the massive heat exchange that was being released - one I couldn't stop it, but Birch could. Otherwise, everybody within a ten block radius...
Frost: Would've been fried like a bananas foster in the French Quarter. Mark and I are goin' to Mardi Gras next year.

Dr. Meena Dhawan: I'm sorry, Flash. I appreciate everything you've done for me, but... I'm not ready for this.
The: Meena, why are you pushing yourself so hard?
Dr. Meena Dhawan: You can lap the planet in seconds. I can barely stay on a treadmill. Flash, how am I supposed to be a hero?
The: You already are?
Dr. Meena Dhawan: No, I'm not. Flash, I don't have what it takes.
The: I think you do.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: Why? Because, honestly, when I first built that machine, I wanted... I wanted... nothing. Look. I'll never be the person you are.
[the Flash deactivates his cowl]
Dr. Meena Dhawan: Holy crap. You're...
The: Officer Barry Allen, CSI.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: So the fastest man alive is a badge with a day job? That's so...
The: Ordinary. Yeah, that's my point. You'd be surprised at people's capacity to rise up and help others during a crisis. They just need to be given the opportunity. That suit, that's your opportunity. I think you're gonna be surprised at how well it fits, but you have to give yourself the chance.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: Damn, that's good.
The: I have my moments.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: Fine. I'll give it a shot. Besides, I already have my own suit. I guess all I need is my own superhero name.
The: No, you already have that too. Fast Track.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: Fast Track.

Frost: Don't make us do this, Barry.
The: [activating his cowl] Iris would agree with me.
Cisco: No. She wouldn't.
[he fires the speed-dampening gun at the Artificial Speed Force; Barry speeds after the bolt and takes the impact]
Cisco: You've just been hit with Velocity-Zero charge. It temporarily dampens your speed. You're not the only one who can predict reactions.

XS: [throwing lightning at Reverse-Flash, it's revealed to actually be Bart] Dad. Is he gonna be okay?
Fast: If that's Impulse, where's Thawne?
Reverse: [appearing behind them] Right here.
[he snaps, and Nora, Bart, and Meena vanish]
The: What did you do?
Reverse: I sent them back in time. A billion years, to be precise.

Gorilla: Your city will fall, Flash. There's only one way to end this. You kill me. But you won't do that. All you care about is mercy.
The: Yeah, you're right. Except I'm not the only one that wants to stop you.
[Vibe and Gypsy comes out a portal with Solovar]
Gorilla: Solovar!
Solovar: I challenge you, Grodd!
Gorilla: And you will fall again!

The: [running in his new gold boots] They're a perfect fit, Chester.
Chester P. Runk: Thanks. Now run, Boss, run

Iris: Barry, you have to stop.
The: No, I have to finish this.
Iris: No, Barry, listen to me. The city can't take anymore fighting.
The: That's why I have to end this.
Iris: You can't.
Reverse: She's right. We'll never stop until one of us is dead. Time to tip the scales.

The: [speeding around the DEO] Yo, this place is amazing, all right? Is this a spaceship?
Supergirl: That's actually my spaceship.
The: I love this Earth. Hey, Winn, can I get a picture with this bad boy?
Winn: Oh, yeah. Sure.
The: Awesome.
Supergirl: Winn. Winn.
Winn: That's probably not a good idea, dude.

Iris: Tony, turn yourself in before things get worse. It's not too late.
Tony: Yeah, it is. Cops are already looking for me, so get ready to cover the showdown of a lifetime, 'cause I'm not going out without a fight.
The: Good, 'cause you just found one.
Tony: You just won't stay dead. Come to save your little fan girl?
The: This is between us. Let her go.
Tony: Oh, I could, but I'd rather make her watch while I break every bone in your body.

The: You have the cuffs? Let's go get him.
XS: We don't need to.
The: What?
XS: Look at this burn mark. That acid guy, he - he must've been there when the photo was taken.
The: What are you talking about?
XS: Dad, today's the day you stop Cicada.

Cisco: By the beard of Zeus, she's making a tornado out of lightning.
The: Cisco, how do I use this wand to stop this?
Cisco: You can attract all the lightning to the wand. That'll take down the tornado, but all that energy will go through your body. You'll be a human lightning rod.
[Barry glances at Nora, who glances at Joss' potential victims]
XS: It's okay. I know you have to go. Run, dad.

Psych: Oh, it's you again. Well, that's disappointing.
The: We're not gonna let you hurt any more people.
Psych: Oh, I haven't hurt anyone today. I have freed them from a system that brings fortune to the fortunate and dooms the rest. Pretty poetic, don't you think?
Vibe: What... what is this guy's deal?
Frost: I think he's overcompensating.
Psych: I don't like your friends, Flash. Also, if you think your flimsy dampeners can stop me, perhaps you all could use some freedom, too.

The: [Supergirl lands as Flash speeds to a stop] How did you do that?
Supergirl: I'm Supergirl.
The: [Voice rising in surprise] You're who now?
Supergirl: How did you save me?
The: Well I... Y... You fell out a window and I... I caught you and... ran you... all the way out here, which I did NOT mean to do but I've been working on my speed and... Guess I'm faster than I thought.
Supergirl: Yes, yes but I...
[Takes a breath]
Supergirl: Who ARE you?
The: [Taken aback] I'm The Flash.
Supergirl: The who now?
The: The... Wait, do you not know who I am?
Supergirl: Should I?
The: What about the Green Arrow?
[Supergirl makes a questioning face and shrugs]
The: Black Canary?
[Supergirl shakes her head]
The: Firestorm? Atom? Zoom?
Supergirl: [Shows regret and some embarrassment] Sorry.
The: [sighs] Oh, boy. Not as sorry as I am.
[Flash removes mask and sighs again]
The: Hey, I'm Barry Allen. I'm the fastest man alive. Also I think I am on the wrong Earth. I'm gonna need your help.

Amunet: Like Norvock, I must be on my way.
The: Amunet, no! Hey! You leave, there's no way we can stop DeVoe's satellites.
Joe: She was never gonna help us. She just wanted her metal.
Amunet: Oh... truthfully, I-I did consider it. I did. But a good player knows when to fold. And the professer certainly has a better hand, so... don't try to stop me.
[indicating her metal gauntlet]
Amunet: After all, I am packing.

The: Grace. Let him go. I know you want revenge for your parents, but...
Cicada: But it wasn't that woman's fault. That doesn't change that they're dead. Or that I became this.
The: We can help you.
Cicada: With your cure? There's only one cure for this, Flash. Death.

Bloodwork: Any last words before your death?
The: I just want to enjoy the time I have left.

The: How did you become Savitar?
Savitar: I was broken and alone. I wanted the pain to end. And that's when I realized the truth, Barry. God feels no pain. All I had to do was become one. And I only need two more things: for Iris to die so that you are driven so far into the dark that I can be born.
The: And the other?
Savitar: It may sound ironic, given who I'm talking to, but I'll keep that one to myself.
The: [vibrating his hand] What happens if I kill myself? If I die, you'll never be created.
Savitar: Cause and effect's a tricky thing. Didn't work so well for Eddie, did it? Shot himself in the chest, Thawne's still kicking around. See, that's the thing about time travel, Barry. The more you do it, the less the rules apply to you.
The: But us having this conversation now, we're changing the future.
Savitar: Are we? My ascendancy is nearing. When I have control of all of time, it will be you who is abandoned and forgotten.

The: You and I join forces. Literally. We combine your speed with my speed. If you throw me forward at your fastest, then I might just break the dimensional barrier and get back home.
Supergirl: What? What do you mean? Like a race?
The: Yeah, I guess. Think you can keep up, Girl of Steel?
Supergirl: Just you watch, Scarlet Speedster.

Solovar: After you die, your friends will follow you into the black.
The: We'll see.

Chester P. Runk: Okay, guys, now CCPD is reporting that the Flash is getting his butt kicked downtown by some meta-magician that's got him suspended in midair.
Allegra: It's gotta be Xotar.
Catlin: Barry, Frost is on her way.
Allegra: But she's all the way across town. She'll never make it in time.
The: [groaning in pain] I can stop Xotar! I just need to generate enough lightning.
Chester P. Runk: But, Barry, you need friction to build up that kind of kinetic energy. If you can't run... you can't throw lightning.
[his comms crackle with static]
Chester P. Runk: Barry? Barry?
[as Xotar continues torturing him, lightning flickers in Barry's eyes]
Catlin: Sounds like Barry is generating lightning. How is that possible?
Chester P. Runk: Holy Granville T. Woods. Okay, if he's vibrating his cells on a microscopic level... that might be enough movement to... to build up an electrical charge.
Catlin: How would he throw lightning, then?
Chester P. Runk: I don't think he's going to. My guess... is he's letting it build up inside of him on purpose.
Allegra: Caitlin, what happens if his body can't hold in his lightning anymore?
Catlin: I think we're about to find out.

Kid: Looks like you remembered how to save the day.
The: Like riding a bike.

[as they duck behind a church pew as Vandal Savage fires the Staff of Horus]
Green: Any ideas?
The: Oh, now you'll listen to me?
Green: It's your city.

Xotar: Flash, you found me.
The: Yes.
Xotar: Let me guess. You're psychic, too?
The: Not psychic, just patient. I knew if I ran around the city long enough, eventually you'd show yourself.
Xotar: How very underwhelming and basic of you. So, what's next? We fight? How passé.
The: Actually, what do you say we take a quick trip to Iron Heights?

Elongated: That is a lot of bad-guy stuff.
The: It's Black Hole's depository.
Elongated: [spotting a box marked "Dearbon"] Sue said that Carver was blackmailing her parents. This is bank statements, investment records. This must be everything that Carver has on them. I'm taking this.

Clifford: "Once upon in some remote corner of that universe, there was a star upon which clever beasts invented knowing."
The: You're quoting Nietzsche at me?
Clifford: You destroyed a satellite. Top marks, quick boy. You can destroy a thousand more and you will still march closer to the Enlightenment.
The: I forget what Nietzsche said about wiping minds. I must've skipped philosophy class...
Clifford: Did I teach you nothing this year? Has nothing pierced your thick cowl? Think of it. Or rather don't. You'll just end up hurting yourself, so let me explain. A world enlightened. Within a day, all soldiers will lay down their arms. Every nuclear weapon will be disarmed within six months. Poverty, famine, disease - eradicated. We will clean up the streets. People will put down their idiot phones and become curious again, and I will be there to teach them. *I* - not you - will save this godforsaken world.
The: No, you'll just control it. You want to take away free will.
Clifford: A pittance for humanity to pay to know peace.
The: But we won't know each other. Parents wouldn't remember their kids. Husbands won't remember their wives.
Clifford: Good. You hit upon precisely the point. Emotion is the father of all error. Chemicals in our brain that distract us, impede progress. And the most destructive and ridiculous imbalance of all is that thing you feebles call love. I learned this from experience, Mr. Allen. And soon... you will too.

The: Where'd she go? Where'd she go? She had, like, $1 million worth of jewelry. Mecha-Vibe?
Mecha: That's my name. Don't wear it out! Dude, I am so happy to have you in my life!
[hugs Flash]
The: Okay, this is happening. On a very public street.
Mecha: Oh, man, don't be embarrassed. Embrace it.
The: Yeah. We should probably stop.
Mecha: You know I love you, right?

Reverse: Flash.
The: Eobard Thawne.
Reverse: You know who I am?
The: You died!
Reverse: Good to know. And guess what, Flash. I know what time period you're from. So that means very soon... you will die.

Lyla: You saw a ship? What else did you see?
The: Enough to give Ridley Scott nightmares.

XS: [seeing streams of colored light in the sky] What is that?
The: It's the universe resetting itself.

The: I admire what you're trying to do, but the best way to help is to just... leave this to the police.
Wally: Like you did.
The: I do have powers, Wally. It is a little different. This isn't your fight. It's mine.
Wally: No, it's all of ours. This is my city, too, now, and it's up to all of us to protect it.

Cisco: You've been playing good Samaritan all morning. Take a break. Are you sure you don't want to get to CCPD, give Patty your attention?
The: No, I can see her later.
Dr. Harry Wells: 'Cause we can't afford to waste any more time.
Cisco: What, 'cause we've just been sipping Mai Tais since you got here?
Dr. Harry Wells: I don't know what you've been sipping since I got here, but Barry needs to get better, stronger, faster. We need to train to prepare for Zoom.
Cisco: Oh, I see. You haven't had your coffee this morning.
Dr. Harry Wells: I had my coffee this morning. Don't slurp. Don't. Don't. Don't.

Savitar: I've beaten you, finally.
The: Where's Wally? What just happened to him?
Savitar: Like the Greek myth of Atlas, who could not put down the sky until someone took his place, Wally has taken my place in the Speed Force. You know me. I love a good myth.
The: He took your place. What...
Savitar: When you created Flashpoint, you unwittingly provided me with the means of my return.
The: Wally...
Savitar: You gave me the idea to turn Wally into Kid Flash, to make him fast enough to replace me in your prison. His youth and ego were my allies. So taken with his fame and speed, he never saw he was running right into my trap.
The: How do I get him out?
Savitar: Wally's gone.
The: [yelling] How do I get him out?
Savitar: Suffering in an endless void for all eternity. Another victim Barry Allen failed to save.

The: How many times are we gonna go through this, Snart?
Leonard: Until the best man wins!
[Flash grabs Lisa and takes her golden gun]
The: Drop the gun!
Leonard: We both know you're not going to do anything to her. Oh, by the way, meet my baby sister. Lisa, Flash. Flash, Lisa.

Clifford: Mr. Allen. As usual, you're a step behind me.
Leo: Yay, puns. You Earth-1 villains sure are a hoot.
Clifford: You have no idea, Mr. Snart.
The: You're not taking Fallout.
Clifford: I can, and I will, if not here and now, then after your top-secret transfer to A.R.G.U.S. Yes, I know. Remember?
The: Good, I won't have to feel guilty about doing this.
[the Flash strikes the ground with the Sonic Scepter sending a sonic wave at DeVoe but he dodges it by elongating his body backwards]
Leo: Well, that de-esculated quickly.
Clifford: The minuscule sound waves produced by that toy trinket of yours are far too weak for this new body of mine. What a gift Mr. Dibny provided. Well, it was a gift in a manner of speaking. Right, rookie?

Ralph: Crap in a hat. I can't hit him.
The: They can read our minds.
Ralph: Then we do this Dibny-style.
The: What?
Ralph: We don't think. Just fill your mind with something else. Something you love.
The: Ralph.
Ralph: [hitting an approaching DeVoe clone] Shrimp buffet!
The: [to himself, seeing another clone] It's you and me, Iris.

H.R. Wells: Tell us everything you see right now.
The: Mayhem. And the monster.
Iris: Okay, so what's the plan?
H.R. Wells: Great question, Miss West. So we fashioned just a carbon fiber rope, but correct me if I'm wrong, we never actually discussed how he was gonna use that rope, did we?
The: Guys.
Cisco: Barry, we're gonna do "Empire."
H.R. Wells: "Empire of the Sun", Barry.
Cisco: What? "Empire Strikes Back."
H.R. Wells: What? "Empire Strikes Back", Barry.
Cisco: Just take it down like it's an AT-AT.
H.R. Wells: Just like an AT-AT.
Caitlin: "Bigger they are, the harder they fall." Even I've seen "Empire."
H.R. Wells,63773: I like that.
The: All right, here we go. I've always wanted to be a Jedi.

Jaco: Wait, so, saving hundreds of lives...
The: Try thousands.
Jaco: Saving that many lives is what I just did?
The: Yeah. Looks like you're the father Harold deserves after all.

XS: Dad, you're hit! Are you okay?
The: Yeah.
[indicating the destroyed meta-dampener]
The: I'm not the only one.
XS: You were here with me. The whole time.
The: I abandoned you once. I'm never gonna do it again.

Caitlin: Barry, we're in the van. Can you hear us?
The: And I just got tossed on my ass like a rag doll.

Green: We need to expose his wings.
The: I'm open to suggestions.
Green: What, now you're listening to me?
The: It's your city, Oliver.

Iris: You need to throw a lightning bolt.
The: At what?
Iris: Yourself.
Joe: You want him to do what?
Iris: It might short the suit out, give him back control.
Cisco: Or it might set off the self-destruct early.
Caitlin: Or it might stop his heart.
Iris: Barry... Barry, you need to listen to me, okay? We can do this.
The: Okay. No, I trust you, Iris.
Iris: Then run, Barry. Run.

The: [after Frost injects herself with Velocity-X] Your defeat is inevitable. The Velocity-X in your system is nearly depleted. Your time as a speedster is coming to an end.
Frost: Maybe. But I'm not only a speedster.

Cisco: Looks like someone's back to 100%. Long live the snow queen.
The: Eva's faster than me. Frost is gonna distract her while I run by with the Tachyon Enhancer and collect the particles we need.
Cisco: We might only get one shot at this. Let's make it count.

Eva: What don't you understand? He's not worth saving!
The: Maybe... But it's not your decision.
Eva: Oh, yes, it is.
[forces a mirror shard through Flash's shoulder and it pierces Joseph in his chest]
Eva: My husband... let me rot in that world for years! He does not get to live in this one.
Joseph: You're not my wife. My wife died in the particle accelerator explosion.
Eva: Well... I've never felt more alive.
Joseph: You're not... even... human.

Cisco: Barry, bank robbery in progress at Cunningham and Sampere.
The: I got it.
Caitlin: Wait, that's where I bank.
Cisco: Once super thieves showed up, I went mattress.

The: Hey, there. You must be new in town. I'm the Flash. And you are?
Captain: I'm your worst nightmare, dumbass, and please, you can call me Captain.
The: You're Captain Boomerang. Well, look, it doesn't matter how many sticks you throw at me, this ends with you in Iron Heights.
Captain: You probably have to kill me first, because I'm never going back to that hellhole.

Iris: Barry, we have a major problem.
The: [fighting King Shark] Yeah, fighting it right now.
Iris: No, no. It's about our wedding.
The: This is not the best time.
Iris: Well, the caterers need a final count tomorrow morning, and not everyone has RSVPed yet.
The: [insulted] Who hasn't RSVPed?

Dr. Meena Dhawan: I'm so sorry. What just happened?
The: You created your own lightning bolt again. Something I couldn't do for months when I first got my speed.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: I-I didn't mean to do it, I was just frustrated I couldn't catch up, and then it just happened.
The: I've never seen artificial lightning interact with organic lightning like this before.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: Okay. That's disturbing.
The: We should - we should go over your biometrics, make sure everything else is within normal parameters.

Cisco: The babble protocols aren't just force fields and tech. It's us.
Frost: Sorry for the tough love.
Allegra: But we need the real you back.
Cisco: Don't worry. We're gonna shut off the Artificial Speed Force and get your head straight.
The: You lost this fight before it even began.

Cecile: [after a brief power loss at Iron Heights] Barry, what happened?
The: I got in the inmates back in their cells before anyone got hurt, but we've got a bigger problem. Looks like the Royal Flush Gang just leveled up, too.

Hartley: Hello, Flash. I heard you coming from a mile away.
The: Hartley, I know what happened now. And I'm sorry.
Hartley: Is something wrong with your speed?
The: Look, I'm... I'm trying to make things right with you.
Hartley: [powering up his gauntlets] Now you're sorry?
The: I think I can help Roderick.

The: Captain Boomerang, right? Didn't we do this already?
Captain: Nope, and since you know who I am, I'm sure you're aware that I'm your worst nightmare.
The: You said the same thing yesterday.
Captain: Dumbass, we just met. Just now. Let's skip to the fighting part so I can carve that stupid look off your face.

Batwoman: So, Flash, never been to Central City. Is it always this crazy?
The: Well...
Hartley: It's a Wednesday.

Oliver: This is a new problem.
Supergirl: I can handle it.
The: [appearing with Harbinger, Ray, and Sara] Wait. The tower isn't a threat.
Oliver: How do you know?
The: It's a quantum tower, apparently.
Harbinger: And it's the only thing that can save the people of this world.

The: 2024. I made it.
Top: What is it, Throwback Thursday? Haven't seen that outfit in a while, have we, honey?
Mirror: [punches Flash] Haven't seen him a while either. Guess we get to... relive the past. Kick his ass like we used to.

Dr. Meena Dhawan: I can run at the speed of sound, but you...
The: Can run a lot faster than that. Look, the point is, you can't outrun me. So why don't you just tell me who you are and what's really going on?
Dr. Meena Dhawan: Look, I'm not a supervillain. That fire was an accident.
The: I know. But you risked people's lives to steal a battery.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: And I'm so sorry about that. I'm not a natural speedster like you.
The: That's why you've been so hard to trace. Your speed's temporary.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: Exactly. You see, my... associate and I found a way to generate my own speed source. I'm still trying to work out the kinks, so the effects only last a few minutes. I thought the battery could help extend the window, and I figured why sped another four years calibrating sodium nitrate cells when I could just borrow the only one I'd already made? I designed the original Newton Battery when I was a young engineer working here at IVO.
The: The Newton Battery was invented by Meena Dhawan.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: [unmasks herself] It's Dr. Meena Dhawan, actually.
The: You-you're the CEO of Fast Track Labs. Your book, "Quantum Gravity and the Universe", I've-I've read it three times. You're a genius.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: That's surprising and very flattering. Unfortunately, this genius intellect hasn't been any help in mastering these new abilities. That's why I've been trying to take a low profile, running trials with my team. The truth is... I just want to use my gifts to help people.
The: Well, I'm glad to hear that. I-when I first got my speed, I... I had a mentor, someone to coach me on how to use my powers, so if you're interested.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: You'd really do that for me?
[they shake hands]
Dr. Meena Dhawan: Thank you. I promise you won't regret this.

Flash: Sorry, kid, but this has to happen.
[absorbing Barry's speed]
The: Barry, what are you doing?
Flash: I'm momentarily stealing your speed. You play the speedster game long enough, you learn some neat tricks.
Killer: Wait, why are you doing this?
Flash: Novu said the Flash must die in Crisis. He never said which one.

Cisco: The atomizer's off.
Killer: Flash!
The: [she slides the mirror gun to him on a patch of ice] The dagger.
Elongated: [realization starts to dawn on him] She didn't have the dagger in the future.
[in 2049, Thawne's chest plate is removed, revealing the dagger underneath]
Elongated: The dagger *is* Thawne's plan.
[Cisco throws the dagger into the air, and Flash takes aim with the mirror gun]
Elongated: Don't shoot it!

Ramsey: The Flash and Green Arrow together again? I am honored.
Green: Don't be.
The: Wally, you don't have to do this.
Ramsey: Too late, Flash. Wallace worships a new faith now. He worships at the altar of Bloodwork.

The: Chester, Owen Mercer's attacking a Kord Industries convoy, but don't worry. I've got a plan.
Chester P. Runk: Barr, are you part-Nostradamus?
Allegra: Yeah, how'd you know it was Mercer?
The: I'll tell you later.

Autograph: Supergirl, Flash, I just love when you guys team up. Would you sign this for me, please?
The: Okay, sure, um...
Supergirl: Wait, you know both of us?
The: And it's normal to see us together?
Autograph: Well, normally you'd also have the Green Arrow and a Legend or two. Last year, even Batwoman joined in. Make it out to Marv. M-A-R-V. Thank you.
The: Marv. M-A-R-V. You're welcome. Marv, as far as you know, how long have Supergirl and all the rest of us been working together on this Earth?
Autograph: Uh, since forever?

Cisco: Surprise!
The: Cisco?
Caitlin: Yeah, sans Chester.
Cisco: Where all the balloons at? Am I early? I'm early, aren't I? No sweat, Boba Fett. It's all hakuna matata. I know exactly how to get this party started.
The: Okay, get ready, get ready. I'm almost there.
Cisco: No, you get ready. To laugh.

Felicity: Good work planting all of Professor Stein's nano-weapons, but we still got Dominators all over the country. This looks like a job for Supergirl.
The: Thanks, Felicity. I'm not the least bit insulted.
Felicity: Ah, sorry. I mean Supergirl and Flash. This is totally a job for the both of you. That's what I meant. Supergirl and... Flash.

The: What do you want from me?
Zoom: Everything.
The: You want to be me? Is that it? You want to be a hero?
Zoom: Heroes die.
The: Only if you can catch them.

The: Novikov, stop. You don't have to do this.
Frida: I know I don't have to. I want to.

The: Who the hell are you, huh? You think you can just come along and get to have whatever you want? What gives you the right?
Detective: What the hell are you talking about?
Iris: What are you doing? What has happened to you?
The: I feel fine.
Iris: You are not fine.
The: How would you know? Because you write about me? You don't know me! You don't know who I am. You never did.
Iris: I know that you have risked your life to help people, to save them! Some one who does that does not suddenly turn around and want to hurt people. Please.

The: Perimeter's secure. Once we're inside, we'll have less than a second. I'll activate the plates, draw their charge.
Vibe: I'll lay the breachlings.
Caitlin: And I'll protect the A.R.G.U.S. agents from the blast using this... ice shooter.
Vibe: Ice shooter.
Caitlin: Do I have to call it an ice shooter?
The: I thought "Frostbite" sounded good.
Vibe: Guys, it solves the friction offset problem by shooting ice, therefore it's an ice shooter. You call it an ice shooter.
The: Relax.
Vibe: It's just not that hard.

Queen: What? This is impossible. I read your mind. I saw what you were planning, and then I trumped your hand by going all in. How did you...
The: You can read minds. I can think at super speed.
Queen: Your thoughts - after I read them, you reshuffled the deck.
The: I guess the house doesn't always win.

Hartley: Harrison Wells.
Harrison: Nash Wells, actually. Harrison Wells is my doppelganger.
Hartley: Your doppelganger?
Harrison: How to explain? Okay, so there was this big event we call Crisis, and...
The: He's his twin.
Harrison: He's my twin.
Hartley: Twice blessed.

The: Guys, what's the problem? Everything looks...
XS: [they're startled by a flash of lightning] Uh, I think we found it.
The: It's lightning.
Iris: Skies were clear a minute ago. That storm must have come out of nowhere.

The: You're gonna let us go?
Eva: Of course. I've achieved my goal for today.
The: We'll never stop coming after you.
Eva: You'll fail. This building, this company... it's all mine. And you and your little friends are trespassing, so... run along now, Barry, before I have to call the police.

The: Okay, secure the area. Make sure there are no civilians in harm's way.
XS: What about them?
Impulse: Let 'em kill each other and then clean up the mess.
XS: [the Godspeeds all turn to face them] Dad?
The: Okay, split up and keep moving. We'll run out the clock until they have to go back and recharge.
[speeding away in different directions]
The: None of the Godspeeds are behind me. Nora, how many are following you?
XS: None here either. Where the heck are they?
Impulse: Found 'em.
Prisoner: [pursuing him with the other clones] Kill the adversary. Strike him down. Kill the adversary.

The: Frost, Mecha-Vibe, how are you doing?
Mecha: We're holding our own!
Frost: Wouldn't say no to backup, though.

[Reverse-Flash stabs Godspeed with a lightning saber]
The: Thawne! You could have killed him.
Eobard: Wasn't that the plan? Didn't you say you needed help dealing with a threat? Well, I dealt with it. And now... and now... it's just you and me, Flash. I've been waiting for this moment for a long, long time.
The: I'm only gonna say this once. Walk away while you still can.
Eobard: Allen. You are two weak to stop me. And I'm just getting started.
[Barry goes into Flashtime to stop Thawne's attack and tosses him to the pavement]
Eobard: What did you do? I created you. I taught you everything you know! Everything you are because of me! What did you do?
The: I got faster. Didn't you?
Eobard: No. But I will, Flash. Mark my words. I will.

Arrow: [fires a rope around the Flash] You need to calm down.
The: And you need to hold on.
[drags the Arrow across the street as he runs off]

The: Cicada.
Cicada: Is that what you call me?
The: Not all meta-humans are responsible for what happened to Grace.
Cicada: Yes, they are. The destruction they cause, the death, the pain.
The: I know about pain and death, taking it out on the world. That's not gonna help. Think about Grace.
Cicada: She's all I think about, Flash. And I'm making the world safe for her. Every meta-human must go.
The: Then what about you? You're a meta-human now.
Cicada: I am, and after you're gone, I'll join you. All four of you.

Godspeed: Have you come to give me what's mine?
The: You'll have to catch me first.

Iris: Barry, do you have eyes on Joss?
The: No, she's damaged the terminal so badly, the hangar's the only safe place. I'm evacuating everyone trapped on the tarmac.
Caitlin: I think I can bring Frost out. What can we do?
Iris: Flood control down at the marina.
Nora: Guys, how do we fight weather?
Cisco: [getting an idea] We fight weather with weather.
Iris: [understanding] Nora. We still have Mardon's weather wand. I need you to get it from the archives and take it to Barry, okay?

The: This guy isn't just strong, I think he's messing with our minds.
Despero: Correct. But this isn't your fight, Atom. Now, leave while you still can.
The: [to Barry] Everyone has a weakness.
The: I'll keep him occupied.

The: It's over. You've lost.
Abra: Have I? Seems you've forgotten the art of misdirection.
[the cuffs materialize on Barry's wrists]
Abra: Ha.
Cisco: Oh, shoot.

Dr. Meena Dhawan: Oh, my gosh. Did you see that? I just hit 300 meters per second.
The: That's your best time yet. Now let's see if you can keep up.

Cobalt: From one Avatar to another. Just because I'm doing this, doesn't mean we'll always see eye-to-eye. We're still on opposite sides.
The: I know. Together, we'll find a way.
Cobalt: Tell Iris... I'm happy for her.

Despero: Now, Flash, your city dies so that this planet's future may survive.
[Flash manages to sever his connection to the Flame of Py'tar]
Despero: No! It's gone. My connection to the flame! Damn you, Flash.
The: It's over, Despero.
Despero: Flash, you've no idea what you've done. I swear by the moons of Kalanor, you'll pay for this. This whole planet will.

Iris: Oh, now you show up.
The: I'm sorry I wasn't there for you today. It couldn't be helped.
Iris: It's okay. A girl's gotta be her own hero every now and again.
The: I promise I'll never be late again.
Iris: My best friend is always saying that, and he is always late.
The: You're worth being on time for.

Chester P. Runk: Flash, there's a whole squad of CCPD cars outside of your location.
The: Yeah, we're trying to handle it, Chester.
Kristen: Killer Frost, there is nowhere to go. We have you surrounded. You have one minute.
Allegra: So what? Let 'em try.
Barry: [de-activating his cowl] Or we could try calming down. Chillblaine here is the real killer. So I'll go out. I'll hand him over. I'll let 'em know you're innocent.
Frost: Guys, I may not have killed that person today, but I'm not innocent. I have to go out there myself.
Allegra: What?
Barry: Frost, Kramer has a warrant for all the crimes you committed before joining Team Flash. You get arrested, you're facing hard time if there's a conviction.
Allegra: Uh-uh, that ain't happening. We can hide you somewhere while we figure this out.
Frost: Right, and then you're harboring a fugitive. I can't let you do that.

The: I've got to run.
Iris: I bet you say that to all the girls.
The: What other girls?

Mark: Joss was born when me and her mom were still in high school. I never could work out how to be with that woman. Then when Joss came, I thought the best thing to do was to focus on my career.
The: Your criminal career?
Mark: That's why I left her with her mom. Least until she ran away because of some falling out.
The: What happened with Joss and her mom?
Mark: The last time I spoke to her, she told me that her and Joss are broken. You know how it is. Sometimes mothers and daughters break, and there ain't no fixing 'em.

The: Clariss?
Edward: Oh, you do remember, Flash? Good, yeah. Because I remember everything, too.
The: How are you here?
Edward: It doesn't matter. You see, what does matter is that I know your little secret. You changed the timeline. Because if I recall correctly, the only Speedsters in my other life were me and that smartass Kid Flash, until you showed up and stole everything from me!
The: I didn't steal anything from you, Clariss. I-I was just trying to put things back to the way they're supposed to be.
Edward: This is how my life is supposed to be! For years, I felt like something was missing. And now I know why.
The: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to this to you.
Edward: Yeah, well, you did. And here I am. Your Rival, back again.

The: Okay. I get it. You don't want to help me because even after all this... You're still jealous.
Eobard: I'm not jealous of you. I pity you.
The: I mean jealous of them.
Eobard: Who?
The: This new speedster out there living a life you lost while you can barely move. Their journey is just beginning. Yours is just over. What's it like knowing you've been replaced?
Eobard: I won't be replaced. I will never be replaced because no speedster is ever gonna feel for you what I do! Hate. Hate. Hate! Hate! Pure and infinite hate. I hid in plain sight for years to be next to you, to be close to you so I could hurt you. I devoted my life so I could destroy yours! No speedster will ever replace me! No speedster would ever feel what I felt, and because they don't, this new speedster... Doesn't care about you at all, and so there's another reason they don't want to be found.
The: So what is it?
Eobard: You really don't see it? I guess I am faster than you after all. This about it, Allen. A new speedster running through the streets... With frightening new speed just like you eight years ago.
The: They're hiding because they can't control their abilities. The fire was an accident.

Reverse: [preparing to vibrate his hand through Mia's heart] Sorry, kid... but I don't have time for family drama.
The: [knocking him backward] Stay down, Thawne.
Reverse: Flash. I didn't come here to fight. I came here to make a scene, publicly, so that there would be witnesses for what I have to ask you.
The: What is it?
Reverse: I need you to save me.

Eobard: Miss me?
The: Save it, Thawne. You're back because of us, right?
Eobard: And in exchange, I've agreed to help you take down a psychopath.
Godspeed: Flash, that was nuts! You do like to party.

The: I should've listened to you. If we had done things your way, we wouldn't have gotten caught. Maybe I should be handing over Central City over to Ralph Dibny rather than the Elongated Man.
Ralph: What are you talking about?
The: There's no deposition. I planned a press conference to present you as Central City's official protector. Because of this coming Crisis, I have to prepare the city for a world without Flash.
Ralph: Wow. I'm, uh... I'm honored that you think that I could help fill your shoes. Look, tonight's job was for Ralph Dibny because both parts of my identity have value. The same is true for you, only tonight I could've used your civilian half. What I'm trying to say is Barry Allen is just as important as the Flash. Try to remember that. I know I will.

The: All right, what are we making?
Harrison: All right, so, plans, right?
The: Yep.
Harrison: Now, this is what we have to build. Now, these pieces are all very volatile. Be...
The: [assembling the bomb with his speed] How's this look?
Harrison: Okay, that's good.
Ryan: Whoa.
Ray: Love when he does that.

The: I'm gonna kill you.
Savitar: If you had the strength to end my life, you would have done it in the future. But Barry Allen doesn't kill. He's the good guy. The boy Joe raised. The man Iris loves. You have everything. And deserves none of it. I'm gonna destroy this city like I did in the future, so you can see the truth, Barry. And then, you'll treat me like a god.
The: You're not a god!

Mirror: That doesn't belong to you. Then again, it never belonged to my husband, either. It was my reflective chip technology that was twisted to create that weapon, so it's mine to wield or destroy. Now step aside.
Cisco: [out of sight with Barry] You were right. Eva's here, and she's amped.
Mirror: How do you like your phantom now, Joseph?
Cisco: Not the day for us to be short-staffed.
The: Actually, we're good; I called in a little bit of extra muscle.
Frost: [hitting Eva with an ice blast] 'Sup?

The: Hey, you been working out?
The: [grateful] Yeah, thank you for noticing.

Supergirl: For the record, I got here first.
The: Yeah, for the record, I went around the block to check the perimeter. So, technically, I let you get here first.

Abra: Flash. I knew it was just a matter of time.
The: Bad timing for you, Kadabra.
Cisco: [Kadabra struggles with his restraints] Yeah, those would be nanotech-nullifying cuffs, so no hocus-pocus this time.

The: Chester? Can you hear me? Come back here, to us, to this body, to yourself.
Chester P. Runk: [wakes up] What up, party people? Hey-hey, you're the Flash. With the speeding around and the lightning and all that. Big fan, man, big fan. Also, where am I?

The: Hartley Rathaway. Since when are you a diamond thief?
Pied: It's Pied Piper, Flash. You're really gonna ask me that after what you and your friends did to me?
The: Uh, what did we do?
Allegra: Wow, Flash. My brother, that is epically cold. How do you not remember? It was really bad.
The: Oh, great. Another Crisis change.
Pied: Apparently, there is something else you didn't remember. The gauntlets are just my backup singers.
The: Wait, what?
[Pied Piper flies off]
The: Great. He can fly now.

Cisco: There's an experimental cold fusion core from Mercury Labs in the plant, and if it blows...
Caitlin: It could take out the whole block.
The: I see it.
Iris: Nora, you've got to evac all the workers to safety. Barry...
The: Yeah, I know, I gotta grab the core.
XS: No, no, no. Something doesn't feel right.
The: Just listen to Iris. Grab the workers from inside.

The: This is your family from another timeline. Only, they're gone now, aren't they?
Abra: 13 months ago, I started having dreams of a life I never lived, one I was so... Happy. I had to know what was causing them. I ran every test on myself possible using 64th-century technology. What I found was that, somehow, I'd experienced a sudden increase in my somatic memory cells.
The: Your memories were expanding.
Abra: More backwards 21st-century thinking. I'd been exposed to neuro-temporal displacement, the kind that's created when speedsters disrupt time. With my clue to the cause, it led me to the Flash museum. You're obsessed with the future, Flash. Not now, but... oh, you will be. found so many interesting things there including to my surprise, Cisco Ramon's archaic memory device. It was damaged beyond repair. I fixed it easily.
Cisco: Ugh. This guy sucks.
The: You used it on yourself and it gave you those memories back.
Abra: From a time before everything changed. With my memories restored, I had proof that the family from my dreams, a wife and son that I never knew existed were real. They were erased from existence by what you did. You were supposed to vanish in your Crisis, Flash, not them! But when you didn't, my future changed. They ceased to exist, and I lost everything. Just like you will now!

The: And who are you?
Doctor: I am Alchemy.
The: Okay, well, what do you want?
Doctor: To help people achieve their true potential such as he has.
The: And why are you doing this?
Doctor: Because I'm preparing this world.

Red: I just wiped out the last of your speed. Why do you think I kept Mark alive? To draw you in. So, now, you can't stop me. The whole world will feel the vigilance of my watchful eye, and if they step out of line, they'll pay the price for defying justice. I'm gonna do what you shoud've done in the first place - eliminate all crime by erasing it through my rule of law.
The: Those things out there...
Red: My sentinels. They'll keep watch and maintain peace. One way or another.
The: They're just psychic manifestations. They can't hurt anyone.
Red: Oh, Flash. When Bashir put Savitar in your mind to stab you in the chest, did that hurt?
The: I almost died.
Red: Mm-hmm, well, my sentinels are just as deadly.
The: I won't let you hurt this city. I'll swear I'll find a way to...
Red: Stop me? You served your purpose, Flash. All of this is because of you. You made all of this possible through your greatest mistake!

The: This isn't what I expected Amunet's hideout to look like.
Norvock: [entering with two thugs] I might have made a few changes.
The: [taking their guns in the blink of an eye] Really, boys?

The: Did you guys see that?
Cisco: See him catch a bolt of lightning with his demonic claws? Yeah, saw that.

Cisco: He wasn't lying. That thing's linked to a speedometer. And it will blow if you stop moving.
The: Well, I can't run forever.
Caitlin: There's gotta be a way to get it off him without damaging it.
Dr. Harrison Wells: [getting an idea] Barry, do you see any walls nearby?
The: Why?
Dr. Harrison Wells: Because I need you to run into one. Or more accurately, through one.
Cisco: What?
Dr. Harrison Wells: If you vibrate at the natural frequency of air, your body, your cells, will be in a state of excitement that should allow you to phase right through that wall, leaving the bomb on the other side.
The: Should?
Dr. Harrison Wells: You can do this. I believe in you.

Iris: Is this your way of telling me that you want satellite radio for Christmas? Look, I'm not mad at you.
Detective: Good, 'cause there no reason you should be.
Iris: Eddie, both you and The Flash care about protecting this city. You would both give your lives for it. You're more alike than you think, okay? He's not the bad guy.
Detective: How do you know so much about him, Iris?
Iris: He got in touch with me after I started the blog, and I've seen him a couple times.
Detective: A couple times? Why didn't you tell me about this?
Iris: Well, given the fact that I think he's a hero, and you want to put him in jail, do you really want to ask that question?
Detective: How could you ever think I would be okay with this?
[the Flash speeds up to the car and yanks Eddie from his seat and throws him to the ground]
The: I heard you've been looking for me. All this time, you've been trying to catch me, and I caught you first. Guess you haven't read your girlfriend's blog.

Eva: You and I could have worked together toward a common good. It's too late now. Humankind is done. My children are taking over the world, and I'm their queen mother, and tonight I begin my reign as Mirror Monarch.
The: Actually, we're just getting started

Batwoman: [seeing the giant Beebo] It's unnatural.
Sara: Alien?
Supergirl: [insulted] Hey.
The: Or magic? Sara, don't you and the Legends deal with that kind of stuff all the time?
Batwoman: Or maybe it's just here to keep us talking.
Sara: A diversion.
The: But for what?
Mick: I know what I'd do.

Remington: I must say, I did not expect Central City's resident superhero to crash my little gathering.
Ralph: And I must say, I'm surprised by all the Bond villain clichés. I mean, you've got the accent, the diabolical scheme, even the silent but deadly henchperson.
The: Ultraviolet? I sent you to Iron Heights!
Remington: Luckily, she has friends in low places.
The: Well, let me guess, you're gonna add my unmasking to your little auction?
Remington: Oh, I could care less about your secret identity, Flash. My interests are global.

Caitlin: The clones are back.
Cecile: Seems like they came back awfully fast this time.
Chester P. Runk: Flash, we got company.
The: I'm ready, Chester. Do it.
Chester P. Runk: [tapping a control] Signal activated.
[the wings on Barry's cowl emit a high-pitched tone]
Chester P. Runk: Okay, Flash's suit is emitting a signal identical to the original Godspeeds.
Cecile: So the new Godspeeds will think that he's their rival...
Caitlin: When he's really bait.
The: [a Godspeed catches up to him] We got one!
[approaching the entropy trap, he phases through the street]
Caitlin: [seeing Godspeed suddenly stop] What happened? Did it work?
Spartan: It worked, all right.
[Barry speeds in next to him]
Spartan: That's something you don't see every day.

Godspeed: [in Punjabi] Your end is near!
The: No one is dying tonight, Heart. But you are going to Iron Heights.
Godspeed: [switching to English] You'll have to catch me first!
Nora: Dad, be careful! You don't know what he's capable of!
The: I will.

Dr. Harry Wells: Hey, listen to me. Thawne knows about you. Right here, right now. This is where he learns about you, all of you. It's how he knows about S.T.A.R. Labs, how he knows about me; the Harrison Wells from this Earth. And there is nothing I can do about it. There's nothing you can do about it. This is his origin story, and it's going to happen no matter what you do. But right here, right now... you can send him back to his time. You can save your friend. You can save Cisco and then move on with your life.
Joe: This could be a good thing. You can finally let go of him.
The: I could throw him three centuries from now. He'll always be a part of me.

The: It's over, Alchemy.
Doctor: Over? You have no idea what's about to begin.

[Nora is about to be erased]
Eobard: So close, Little Runner. It was never going to work anyway.
XS: Mom? Dad?
Iris: No, no, no, no.
XS: Mom, what's happening?
Eobard: A new timeline is setting in.
The: What?
Eobard: A new timeline that you created when you destroyed the dagger! I'm sorry, Little Runner, for trading you in like this. But I had to be sure that I could go free. You can still save her, Barry. There's still time. You can still save her.
The: How?
Eobard: The Negative Speed Force. She has to go there. It's the only place immune to timeline changes. But you have to go now. You have to go, Barry! Or we lose her forever. That's right. I've grown fond of her too. In many ways. She's shown me what it's like to have a daughter. See you in our next crisis.

Reverse: You'd actually destroy an entire timeline just to save your own pathetic existence?
The: No, Thawne. I'm not here to save myself. I'm here to save yours.

The: Everyone dies, Ramsey. Maybe the only thing that makes it bearable is to find some meaning in it.
Dr. Ramsey Rosso: Well, that means I'm making the greatest sacrifice of all. Don't you see? What I'm becoming, this is the cure. I am the answer, Flash, to the greatest mystery of all. Life eternal.

The: You found me again, Flash. I wondered how long it'd take you this time to figure it out.
The: Wasn't too hard.
The: I see you didn't bring your little sidekick with you, though.
The: Nope. Just me.
The: That's too bad. I brought one.
[Flash is zapped from behind by Doctor Alchemy]
The: Oh, and Flash? A little, uh, quaking in your boots wouldn't be inappropriate.

The: Mardon's wand?
XS: Cisco says you can use it to counteract Joss' weather. Where is she?
Weather: [appearing behind them] Last chance. Where's my dad?
The: Joss, you know we can't give him up.
Weather: Then you know what happens next.
The: Joss, I deceived you, okay? Not them. You want to make someone pay, it's me.
Weather: [brewing a lightning storm] This is how you make heroes pay!

Cisco: [after Kadabra is apprehended] "Look at me. I'm A.R.G.U.S. I'm gonna let two young, handsome devils do all the work while I reap all the benefits, and I'm gonna pick up the obelisks." That doesn't bug you?
The: Kadabra's caught. The job's finished. You really wanna argue over who gets credit?
Cisco: Yes!

The: You're done messing with other people's minds, Xotar. Including mine.
Xotar: [using her powers to anchor him to the ground] If it makes you feel like less of a failure, I dug my claws into your mind long before you even arrived.

Godspeed: At last! True speed for a true god!
The: You got what you wanted, Heart. Now what?
Godspeed: Now you die, Flash. By my hand!

Despero: Prepare to die, Flash.
The: Every life ends sooner or later.
Despero: Wise words from a dead man.
The: Despero, I'm not gonna fight you again.
Despero: Really. I'm disappointed. Striking down a defenseless foe? Well, there's no pleasure in that.
The: So you enjoy killing?
Despero: Twist my words at your own risk.
The: You wanted to kill me. I'm not running anywhere.
Despero: Then neither am I. In another time, on another world, we could've fought side by side, you and I. There's great strength in you, Flash, but I've seen your future. The lives you take, the betrayals you revel in. You're the most dangerous kind of killer because you hide in the body of a hero.
The: I'm not a killer. I'm not whatever you think I am. I can prove it if you let me show you the truth. Or you can take an innocent life just to prove you're right.
Despero: You're either very stupid of very brave. I can't decide which.
The: Well, find out. Scan my mind. See for yourself, then decide.
Despero: I see no deception in your mind. But I do see truth. And honor. Flash, you're asking me to risk allowing the future I've already witnessed to unfold. I'm sorry. But there's too many lives at stake. Don't you see? This is why I came back. This is the purpose I swore to uphold.
The: What if you're wrong about me? I've spent my entire life protecting this world. All I'm asking for is a chance to prove I'd never turn my back on it.
Despero: [yelling] Why should I believe you?
The: [deactivates his cowl] Because my name's Barry Allen, and I've nothing to hide.
Despero: Your boldness impresses me, Flash... And it's earned you a stay of execution. You know have seven Earth days to prove that you won't become the monster I've already witnessed in the future. If you can't convince me in that time, or if I find any trace of a darker nature, I will end your existence.

The: So let me get this straight. You made those guards hallucinate some kind of Godzilla rip-off that almost squashed them?
Psych: Well, I suppose that is an accurate, if not immensely reductive assessment of the situation. So, yes. I scared the hell out of them. And that was after showing them a vision of a dozen bystanders getting eaten alive by a very hungry kaiju. It's horrifying when you think it's your turn.

The: Whoever you are, if you're looking for a fight, you found one.
Chester P. Runk: [running in with Ray and Iris] Oh, snap.
Ray: Time to let the Flash do what he does best and kick some butt.

The: Oh, man, I can't believe Nate's gonna miss seeing Beebo. He's gonna be so jealous.
Supergirl: Here he comes.
The: What's the plan?
The: [taking a selfie] Smile, Beebo.
Supergirl: What? Are you...
The: Oh, sorry, you guys don't wanna be in it? Oh, bad timing.

XS: You want more speed? Come take mine.
The: Nora, what are you doing?
XS: Buying you some time. Save Bart.
[she speeds away, and all the clones but one follow her]
Prisoner: His primal impulses killed him, and now he's killed you, too.

The: Hey, Supergirl! Let's finally see who's faster.

The: I see her.
Caitlin: She's getting away in a Prius.
The: Last time I checked, the Flash is faster than a Prius.

Patty: Flash?
The: Coming.

The: Whoever you are, I really don't have time for this.
Psych: My, my. How rude. And from a superhero? Is that actually allowed?
The: Okay, I apologize for the rudeness. But I hope you enjoy Iron Heights. 'Cause I really do have bigger problems today.
Psych: Not yet, but you're about to.

Red: You took Grodd's mind away from me. You poisoned another Rogue to use against me. Why do you keep ruining my life, Flash?
The: You think it's bad now, what'll you taste the food at Iron Heights.
Red: No, it can't end like this. I won't let it!

Arielle: An earthquake hit Central City last night, a city already on edge. How is morale?
The: Well, the sign says it all: "Central City Strong." I let down this city by failing to prevent Mirror Monarch from tearing our community apart. But I will make it up to you. I promise. Together, we're rebuilding our community, our homes, our lives. It'll take time, but... but I believe in this city, it's resilience - most of all, it's people. That's how we'll survive this.
Arielle: Central City Strong. Thank you, Flash.

[Iris finishes updating her blog and the Flash appears]
Iris: How did you...? I literally just hit SEND.
The: Speed reading.

The: Nice work, Team Flash.
Joseph: You can't win, Flash. This is the end of everything.

The: I don't think that's yours, pal.
Abra: Flash.
The: You didn't think I'd want to come meet the newest resident of Iron Heights?
The: No, I assumed that you'd show. I just didn't expect you to be so young, Barry Allen.
The: Now, how do you know who I am?
Abra: I'm from the future. You don't believe me? Let's see, uh, 2017. Hmm. How are things going on with your doomed love, Iris West? Or your greatest foe, Savitar?
The: You know Savitar.
Abra: I know everything about him, and you.

The: [fighting Cicada in a fit of anger] You're never gonna hurt my daughter again.
XS: [speeding in as he prepares a killing blow] Dad! No.
[calming down, Flash lets him go; Cicada uses the opportunity to summon his dagger and escape]
XS: Oh, I'm sorry. I let him get away.
The: No. You brought me back.

The: The meta we spoke to said Zoom created a breach and escaped.
Joe: And how did he do that again?
The: Who knows, but he's back on Earth-2 now.
Captain: Earth-2? Is that something else I don't wanna know about?
The: No.

The: You're not gonna make anyone suffer anymore, Merkel, no matter how much Black Hole's paying you.
Rag: Pay? Don't care about money.
The: If you're not trying to kill Joe for money, why are you doing this?
Rag: Oh, release. Mother's dead. Heart attack. No one left to suffer now. Except myself. Thank you, Flash, for helping me suffer. Any second now, release comes with kaboom!

The: [the Arrow fires explosion arrows into the wall behind him] You missed!
Arrow: No.
[the arrows explode]

The: He wants to kill you before you build it. That's why he's sending Killer Frost after you.
Tracy: Killer Frost? Her name is... Killer Frost?
H.R. Wells: Yeah.
Joe: We know it's a lot to take in.
Tracy: Well, to be honest, you're basically calling me Sarah Connor in "Terminator."
Cisco: Well... Uh, more like... Miles Dyson.

Kamilla: Why is it every time I come to visit there's always a crisis?
Cisco: Comes with the meta-territory. 750 mph. He's getting faster.
Kamilla: Who is this guy?
Cisco: An old family friend. His name's Godspeed and he's from the future. He's like a fake speedster.
[the Flash runs into action and gains on Godspeed]
Kamilla: What's that?
Cisco: The real deal.
Kamilla: Kick his butt, Barry!
The: Done and doner.

The: [whispering] Snart!
Leonard: [whispering] Barry!
The: [whispering] Are you okay?
Leonard: [whispering] Peachy!

Caitlin: His amygdala is spiking.
Cisco: Barry, can you hear me? Cecile is connected to your mind. Whatever you're seeing, fight through it.
The: [in his nightmare] This isn't real. It's not real. It's not real. It's not real.
Cisco: You got us all killed, Barry.
Speed: I trusted you. Why didn't you save me?
Iris: When you let me die, you killed our children, too.
Cecile: Barry can't hear us. He's caught inside his nightmare. He's lost.
Cisco: I'm diverting all satellite power to the comms. Listen to me, Barry. You have to get through this.
The: Cisco, I don't know if I can.
Cisco: Yes, you can. You are strong enough, I know you are. We can't do this without you.
Speed: You're a coward, Barry Allen!
Cisco: You'll lose us again.
Iris: All because you're too afraid. Too afraid to open your eyes.
The: [calming himself down] You're right, I am afraid. But I won't let that fear control me.

Sargon: [robbing a bank] It is finally time for Sargon the Sorcerer to claim his reward! Oh, and buy that beautiful timeshare in Bogota.
The: [speeding in with Sara] Come on, man, Beebo? Is nothing sacred?
Sara: You know, it's a smart move. Distracting all the fuzz with giant fuzz, but someone should have told you. Beebo, he's off-limits.

The: It smells like gasoline in here.
[finding the source]
The: Singh.
Chief: I don't wanna hurt anyone else.
Elongated: Tell that to those guards you killed.
Chief: They left me no choice. I have to assure Eva's success.
The: Just put down the flare gun. Help us bring Carver to justice.
Chief: Mother's not interested in your brand of justice.
The: [he continues pouring gasoline] Singh. Singh! This isn't you.
Chief: You still don't get it, do you? Carver was there that night. He let the mirror keep her. He never tried to rescue her. Instead, he sold her tech to the highest bidder. For weapons, blackmail, or worse. And that is why Carver is a dead man.
[he fires the flare gun]

The: [in the Pipeline with Godspeed] Guys, it might not understand me.
Chester P. Runk: You think it might be a... drone?
The: Maybe. Queue up your translator.
Prisoner: A translation will not be necessary.
The: So you can speak.
Prisoner: Yes. And we have much to discuss, Barry Allen.

Eva: Why do you keep interrupting my mission, Flash? I told you, we're on the same side.
The: If we're on the same side, then give me back my wife!

Despero: I was right about you all along, Flash. You are humanity's enemy.
The: I'm choosing to save a life, Despero, not end one. That's what heroes do. But you've never been a hero, have you?
Despero: What are you implying?
The: What you told me about your home world, that was all a lie, wasn't it? You weren't the heroic rebel leader. You were the despot. The one who inflicted pain and suffering. Who killed to get what he wanted.
Despero: I did what was necessary.
The: No, you're wrong. You've been wrong this whole time about everything. You're no hero, Despero. You're just like Thawne.
Despero: Only in your eyes, Flash, because I know what must be done. The greater good that must be embraced in order for this world to survive. All that remains is for me to show you.

Null: [restrained in anti-meta handcuffs] Didn't see that coming.
The: It's kind of the point.
Null: [pointing to the sky] No, you didn't see that coming. See, I call it my getaway car. 'Cause either the person in there dies, or you let me get away.

The: [whooshes into CCPD with three apprehended criminals] Think these guys could use some help finding their cells.
Officer: Uh... thanks, Flash.
The: Yeah.
Kristen: What's going on here?
Mugger: I didn't do nothin'.
Carjacker: I wanna see my lawyer.
Sterling: Yeah. What they said. And hey! Any chance Flash brought that latte I ordered?

Reverse: You're too late, because your pathetic avatar is powerless.
Speed: You call that power? This is power.
Reverse: [the Positive Forces merge with Barry] This is impossible.
The: No, this is the end. We're equals now, Thawne.
Reverse: Equals? Never. I have always been, I will always be better than you.

The: What do we got, Chester?
Chester P. Runk: Multiple fire alarms at Ivo Labs. You know, hopefully it's not an overcooked chicken tenders in the microwave situation.
The: I said I was sorry for that.

The: Always have to make an entrance, don't you, Kid Flash?
Kid: What can I say? It's great to be back.

The: Who are you?
Savitar: Savitar. The God of Speed.

The: You all right?
Impulse: Uh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. I mean, yeah. They couldn't keep up with the fleet-footed wonder.
XS: They went to recharge, you idiot. What's your problem? You were supposed to circle back.
The: Bart, why do they all follow you and not us?
[looking at Nora and back]
The: What are you not telling me?

Kara: I didn't need you to save me.
The: Uh, you just fell from a skyscraper. So if I hadn't been there, you would have gone splat.
Kara: I have to get back to the city.
The: Okay...
[she takes off into the sky, throwing her civilian clothes back to him]
The: Uh, what... that's a new one. I thought I was the impossible.

Allegra: Nope. I can't believe that Eddie Thawne is the avatar of the Negative Speed Force.
Cecile: Yes. That's the reason the crystal has been attacking us across time.
Khione: It was charging with power.
Mark: Sounds to me we could use the Flash right about now.
The: [over comms] Guys, can you hear me?
Cecile: Barry! Oh, thank God you got out of there. I'm on my way to the hospital.
The: Any sign of damage to the timeline?
Chester P. Runk: No temporal fractal yet, boss.
The: It's already started in 2049. If it spreads here...
Khione: It'll threaten our entire existence.

Eobard: Go on! End it. End it!
[the Flash stops vibrating his hand]
Eobard: What's stopping you? Oh, I forgot. Barry Allen is above killing. Isn't that right?
The: Get out of here.
Eobard: I wonder what face I'll be wearing next time we meet.
The: Can't wait.

Turtle: Zip off again, and I'll age him 1,000 years.
The: Listen to me. Listen. We can't do anything to make up for the time that you lost, but if you take responsibility for the time you have left, you won't lose anymore. I promise. Please let us help you.
Turtle: I don't want your help.
Joe: We know.
[injects her with Velocity X]
Joe: Thanks for the tip, Flash.
[cuffs her]
Joe: Let's see how you handle *our* version of time.

The: Don't push us away like you have with everyone else. You always wanted a real family? Give us a chance. We can be your family.
Bashir: There is no such thing. You don't know my pain.
Alexa: You're right, Bashir. They don't. But I do, because my past is just as dark as yours. I've been clean for five years. But when I was at my lowest, I drove away everyone I ever loved. My own parents won't even talk to me anymore. I know what real loneliness feels like. But at some point, the walls we build need to come down, or they will crush us. And when they do... the people who still want to be there for you, that's real family. That's us.

The: He's just like the others: no language skills, just noise.
Cisco: Lovely.
Kamilla: What was that?
Cisco: The fourth Godspeed we've caught this summer and still no sign of Mr. August Heart. Just another dummy who can't communicate anything beyond modem speak. All right, I'm clocking out. Why don't you drop off G4 at Iron Heights, Barry? I don't think we're figuring out this mystery today.

The: Guys, we're in.
Harrison: All right. Be careful. Place like that could have a guard or two.
Elongated: More like five.
The: They were all stabbed.
Elongated: By a mirror-bayonet, I'm guessing.

Carrie: Come on, Red, give me a break. I'm just trying to help ordinary people get ahead.
The: There's a better way to help people.
Carrie: Is there? Because folks are really hurting right now. Some people can barely put food on the table, let alone pay rent. You know why? Because the systems left them behind. The people need help. Real help. The kind that starts after you're gone. That's where I step in. Because I care what happens, Flash. Do you?
The: Yes, I do. That's why instead of sending you to Iron Heights, I'm gonna recommend you work off whatever sentence you receive with Mayor Sampson's economic development committee. You're right, Carrie. The city does need you. From what I just heard, I'm confident you're the right woman for the job.
Carrie: You'd do that for me? My hero.

Queen: So it's all done?
Jered: Transfer complete. Who wants to be a millionaire?
Ten: I do.
Queen: Exactly, and since more people means smaller shares for us...
King: Someone's out of chips.
Jered: What the hell, man? We planned this for years, and now you're gonna kill me?
Queen: Of course not. Jack is.
Jack: I'm all in.
[the Flash runs into the room and saves Haywood from King's grasp, he returns Haywood to Iron Heights prison and runs back to confront the others]
The: It's over, people. Haywood's back in Iron Heights. Who wants to go next?
Queen: Ah, usually, I know when to fold them. You know 50 million - it's a lot to leave on the virtual table.
King: And since my Queen is a psychic who knows everything you're going to do before you do it, go ahead, Flash, we call.
Queen: Four to one, I like these odds. Go ahead, Flash-y, pick a card, any card.

Hartley: What do you know about Roderick?
The: I know his condition is my fault, but I think I can fix it if you'll give me the chance.
Hartley: And?
The: And, if you're willing, I could use your help.
Hartley: Hmm.
The: There's a new speedster.
Hartley: Here we go.
The: He's a threat to the whole city, Hartley. He's using sound waves. You're the only person we know that can stop him. Lives could be...
Hartley: I don't care.
The: I swear I want to help Roderick.
Hartley: Well, you can't.
The: Let me try.
Hartley: I said you can't help him. Don't you get it? No one can.

The: Thanks, fellas.
Firestorm: No problem.
The: Nice haircut. And I see we've abandoned our traditional green.
Arrow: Trying something different. Look... I might need a favor from you.
The: Wherever, whenever.
[as Arrow and Firestorm leave, Flash walks up to the unconscious Reverse-Flash]
The: I got you.

Cisco: He's running at Mach 5. He's moving faster than you.
The: But I know this city better than him.
Cisco: [as they run around the city, Godspeed gets the advantage and knocks Barry down] Barry!
Godspeed: You're pathetic. You don't deserve the speed you were given. We do!

The: Chester, my boots can redirect energy sources. Does that include currents equal to the kinetic output created when I run?
Chester P. Runk: Uh, it should. And the force of those two equal energies would probably cancel each other out. It'd be like running into a brick wall.
The: I'm counting on it.
Chester P. Runk: Hold up. Hold up. Are you about to do what I think you're about to do?
The: Yeah. Time to ride the lightning.

The: [to Livewire and Silver Banshee, holding Cat hostage] Hey, Sparky! Shrieky! Hi. What do you say we step away from the nice lady, settle this like women?
[Supergirl looks at Barry quizzically]
The: What? It's more of you guys here than me.

Reverse: You want to save me. Is this a joke?
The: No, I'm serious. Thawne, do you remember the day you told me about 170 years from now, when you presented yourself to the world, finally gained speed of your own?
Reverse: Greatest day of my entire life. Until now.
The: Up until that point in your life, you admired me. You wanted to be a hero.
Reverse: And you destroyed everything I'd worked for. You saved that crowd. You took the credit that I should have had.
The: I know. And I'm sorry.
Reverse: Is that what this is all about, making amends for ruining my life? Well, it's too late.
The: No, it doesn't have to be. You can still have a better life, the life you once saw for yourself. Don't you see? All we do is cause each other pain. But tonight, you can change all that if you just walk away.
Reverse: That's not what this is about. You know I win tonight. That's what this is all about.
The: You win one battle, Thawne, not the war between us. Neither of us can do that. If you don't walk away tonight, you will lose everything.
Reverse: Liar. Don't you know who I am? I have always been the hero. You're the villain, Flash. You're the one who reversed my entire life and dragged me into hell. And that's why you die tonight, by my hand.

The: I thought we had a truce.
Despero: I thought as much. Your bravery is strengthened by your reassurance you gain from enhanced healing.
The: It doesn't mean it hurts any less.

The: So, what, you're Savitar's lackey now?
Killer: More fun to reign in hell and all that.

The: Frost, you okay?
Frost: Yeah, I'm okay, it's just a scratch. I could use a little help with this, though.
Allegra: Yeah.
Frost: [Allegra uses her powers to melt the ice covering her eyes] Thanks. They broke you down?
Allegra: I tried, honest.
Frost: It's okay, 'cause the only other person I trusted today just tried to kill me, so... arriving with backup, I'll let it slide.

Despero: My pawn failed. Your friends survived.
The: Mia? What did you do?
Despero: Nothing compared to what I'm going to do now. I told you Thawne must die, and he will. That's why I'm taking matters into my own hands. I'm going to be the hero that this world needs, Flash. Not you.
[as Barry zoops forward, Despero teleports him away]
Iris: [seeing him re-appear in S.T.A.R. Labs] Barry, are you okay?
The: Yeah, I think so. I... wh-what's going on?
Chester P. Runk: I've got the secondary power circuits up and running, but I'm picking up insane energy readings out there. I'm talking, like, atomic bomb-level readings.
The: That's Despero. He must be willing to wipe out the whole city to get what he wants.
Iris: He's gonna kill us all.
The: Just so Thawne'll die.

Elongated: [escaping from a burning warehouse] What do we do now?
The: The only thing we can. Protect Carver.

Frost: He calls himself "Chillblaine".
The: Wow. I'm glad Cisco's not around to hear that one.

The: I didn't think you were coming.
Pied: I didn't save you so we could chat.

The: You can met me up there.
Ralph: Me? How?
The: You can stretch. Grab it.
Ralph: Are you-are you crazy? I can't do that.
The: Yes, you can. All right. I know that you have it inside of you to help someone other than yourself. I know you, Ralph.
Ralph: How could you possibly know me?
[the Flash takes off his cowl revealing his identity to Ralph]
Ralph: Dude, are you kidding me? You're the Flash? Everyone gets struck by lightning and dies, and you get super powers?
The: Ralph, yeah, that's right.
Breacher: [to Cisco] Your assistant's a speedster?
Ralph: I liked the Flash. Now I have to hate the Flash.
The: Ralph, focus. I need you to do this. Joe needs you to do this. Please. Show me I was wrong about you. You said you were a good cop. Be one right now.

The: I'm in position.
Iris: Nora, are you ready?
XS: [being pursued by Godspeed clones] On my way with the guests of honor.
[stopping next to Barry]
XS: Now!
[Barry activates the S.E.E., and the clones crumple to the ground]
XS: Holy schrap, it worked.
Chester P. Runk: Uh, guys? Sensors are picking up a massive increase in the clones' kinetic energy. They're recharging.

The: Time to send you back where you belong.
Eobard: We'll meet again soon, Flash.
The: I know. And every time, I'll be ready for you.

Amunet: [about Flash's suit] I said no onesie.
The: Okay, why does everyone keep calling it that?
Goldface: Whatever you call it, there's an awful lot of gold in there, Flash.
[telekinetically lifts Flash and throws him across the room]

Amunet: Oh, I'm sorry. I should take off my gauntlet.
Goldface: Leave it on, girl. Daddy like metal.
The: I can't unsee this.
Iris: Well, at least it's less violent than a gang war? Barely. Yeah
The: Yeah.

The: The suit's still freaking out.
Iris: Well, get it off.
The: [trying to vibrate it off] No, I can't get it off.
Cisco: That would be the deadlock function I built in in case he ever got knocked out, so a bad guy wouldn't reveal his identity. It seemed like a smart idea at the time.

XS: So, the rotten apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Weather: [sarcastic] You're a poet. Awesome.
Weather: Where's my dad?
The: [appearing with Mardon] All right, Joss, we held up our end of the bargain. You got your dad. There's no reason to hurt anybody.
Mark: Ah, so boring. Come on. We'll handle it from here.
[to Joss]
Mark: Hey, baby girl.
Weather: Dad.

Pytor: Oh, you won't be running anywhere much longer.
The: Hey. You're the bad guy, aren't ya? You wanna save us both some time and tell me what these mods do, before I take you to prison, or after?
Pytor: Why don't I show you?
[turns on machine]

Allegra: Flash, Mercer just teleported out of there. Are you okay?
The: I'm fine. I guess we're not supposed to catch him today.
Chester P. Runk: Uh, shouldn't we be worried about a guy with that kind of firepower who jaunts on command?
The: No. We'll deal with it tomorrow. I got dinner plans with Iris. You two get some rest.
Allegra: Did he just tell us to take the rest of the day off?

XS: Dad, something's wrong.
Impulse: What's happening to us?
Jay: Flash, we have a problem.
Impulse: [watching all the Godspeed clones get back up] But we knocked 'em all out!
Jay: They're being recharged.
Iris: How?
Speed: They're feeding off me. It's what happened inside the Speed Force. And now that energy drain is affecting all of us.
The: Nora, you have to go.
Speed: I can't let you fight alone.
The: You'll still be with us, but you have to leave. Right now.
[she whooshes away]
The: We're not going down without a fight.

The: [after Despero is banished away] Man, whatever you did...
The: Anytime, Flash.
Iris: Hey.
Chester P. Runk: Hey, you guys okay?
The: Yeah.
Iris: Where'd that thing go?
The: I... don't know.

The: Please. Let me help you.
Caitlin: Like you helped your mother? Or Wally? Or me? You keep messing with everyone's lives, wrecking everything, and we're left behind to pick up the pieces from your mistakes. Some things you break can't be put back together.
The: I can fix this.
Caitlin: Oh, like you fixed Cisco's family? You didn't tell Cisco that you screwed him worst of all, did you? You hear that, Cisco? Dante was alive, healthy and happy, until Barry created Flashpoint. When he reset things, that's what killed him. Barry is the reason your brother is dead.

Mark: I didn't know that Joslyn was busting me out. I didn't know she'd do half the things she does. I haven't spoken to her in years.
The: And you expect me to believe she woke up this morning and was like
[in a high-pitched falsetto]
The: "You know what? I wanna break my dad out of Iron Heights"?

The: Back off, all of you. That's your only warning.
Deon: Seriously, that's all you got?
Psych: It's three against one, Flash.
Alexa: You don't stand a chance.
The: Good thing I brought backup.
[O.G. Reverse-Flash and Fast Track arrive]

The: I don't want to fight. We have a cure.
Cicada: What are you talking about?
The: We have a way to cure meta-humans. We have a way to take their powers away. We want you to take it.
Cicada: And why would I agree to do that?
The: Your legacy. I know how this ends. You keep killing, and you're remembered as a monster, not a hero. But we can change that together, you can have a different legacy. You just have to choose it.
Cicada: [uppercuts the Flash into a minivan] I don't give a damn about my legacy.

The: I know who you are.
Savitar: It's about time.
The: Yes, it is. Everything with you is about time, isn't it? The past, the present, the future - you know all of it, right? And you know everything about me! About Joe! About Wally. And Iris! You know our strengths. You know our fears. You know how much we love each other. And you know how to use that love against us. All this time we thought that we couldn't stop you because you were one step ahead, but that's not it! You don't just know what's gonna happen to us. You were there. You lived it. You remember... when you were me.
[the back of Savitar's suit opens up and a man climbs out revealing to be Barry's time remnant]
Savitar: Like I told you from the beginning... I am the future Flash.

Eobard: Well, well. It appears as if someone has figured out how to reverse time. Clever girl.
XS: We figured out everything.
Eobard: Oh, really? What have you figured out?
The: We figured out why you sent Nora back, why you had her punch DeVoe's satellite - to create a Cicada we could stop. Right? A dagger we could destroy. It was the dagger that was keeping you in prison all along, wasn't it?
Eobard: That's right. 15 years. The second time I've been stuck somewhere against my will for 15 years. Boring. Except for your visits, of course. You're leaving out the most delightful part: how you both helped me escape.
The: We helped you?
Eobard: That's right. When you traveled to the Time Vault, remember that? Oh, we need help trying to figure out how to drain energy from the "one who got away." Remember that? When you blurted that out in the middle of the Time Vault, so that years later, when I ended up with Cicada's dagger strapped to my chest, I knew exactly what I had to do: get Nora Allen to trust me. Easy. Just like when I got you to trust me, and then everything starts falling into place. Why? Because I am the only speedster that knows how to manipulate the timeline to get what I want, orchestrate the changes that I need, some of which are happening right now, to ensure one thing: that I go free.
XS: We don't need a dagger to stop you.
Eobard: Well then, let's just see how much your father has taught you.

The: It's over, Rathaway.
Hartley: You know my name. I know some names too. Caitlyn Snow. Cisco Ramon. Harrison Wells. I can hear the radio waves emanating from your suit. About 1900 megahertz. Is that them on the other end, listening? Are they going to hear you die?
The: No. They're gonna hear you get your ass kicked.

[first lines]
The: [to Tar-Pit] Welcome back. Let's do this one last time.

The: I'm done fighting you.
Reverse: You think I won't kill you? I'll slaughter you where you sit!
[levitates himself in the sky]
Reverse: I just need more power. Do you hear me? I just need more power.
The: We're not meant to tip the scales. You won't survive, Thawne!
Reverse: You lie, Flash! This is the moment!

The: Eddie, stop.
Cobalt: Not until I'm the fastest man alive. Then I'll be the hero, Flash!
[teleports away]
Jay: [looking at the sky] My God, that lightning.
The: It's temporal fracturing. The whole timeline's unraveling.
Jay: Flash... If Eddie wants more speed, he'll go to the source.
The: The Negative Speed Force. But if he keeps absorbing it...
Jay: He'll overload and kill himself.
The: Just like Thawne.

[first lines]
Green: Oh, wow! You really did it this time, Barry.
The: Seriously?
Green: Yeah, yeah. Yeah, seriously! You to come to Star City, ask for my help, and then, inevitably, immediately, we end up the creek!

The: To be continued. Gotta run.

The: It's my speed. Something's wrong.
Eobard: Well, it probably had something to do with that light show you just put on.
The: No, it's like when Meena attacked me at the dam, only much stronger.
Fast: They tried to kill Eobard.
The: Just like at Lian Yu.
Deon: And that's just the beginning. You see, there's only room for one set of Forces in the universe - negative ones - and we're tired of sharing our turf.
The: Speed Force Nora and the others, what did you do to them?
Bashir: Oh, he just gave them a case of the Mondays. It'll be awhile before you see them again.
Eobard: Why are you doing this, and what does it have to do with me?
Alexa: You're not the Avatar. You just being here makes us weak.
Deon: So sacrifices gotta be made, Flash, and you've gotta pay for what you did.

[first lines]
The: Guys, I saw the the alert. Meta attack downtown. I'm on my way.
Kamilla: Sounds good, Flash.
The: Kamilla? Is that you?
Kamilla: Uh, yeah.
Chester P. Runk: And Chester P. Runk, sir! Ready to assist you in all your superhero needs.

The: Leave Iris alone. She's got nothing to do with this.
Red: Oh, but she does, Flash. Whatever happens to her... is on you.
The: You don't understand. The negative speed inside you is clouding your mind. It's making you believe I've done something awful to you, but I haven't! The Negative Speed Force - it wants to make you its champion, its Avatar! That's why it gave you these powers, so it could pit you against me! It wants to upset the balance of reality.
Red: Is that where you think I get my powers from, Flash?
Red: And then, I'm some of herald for the dark cosmos? Oh, no, Flash.
[removes mask from the armor and has no one inside the suit]
The: What the hell?
Red: I'm something far more powerful.
The: Your armor - you're controlling it remotely.
Red: I built this armor just as I built my own speed, which means I don't require the aid of any pathetic Negative Forces.
The: You're not the Avatar. Your speed's artificial. Only organic speed can power the treadmill. That's why I'm here.
Red: You will be my fuel source, Flash. And once you start running, you won't stop until you die.

Iris: Uh... Barry... So Oliver Queen is the Green Arrow?
The: Yeah.
Iris: Oh, my God. He just got so much hotter.
The: Oh, my God.

Kamilla: Flash, Rathaway is at 52nd and Palm.
The: All right, I'm on it. I'll take Broadway.
Chester P. Runk: Uh, I wouldn't do that, sir.
The: Why not?
Kamilla: Because there's a...
The: [just barely phases through a speeding train] Whoa! Since when was there a train here?
Chester P. Runk: Since always.

Iris: Flash. Be great to call you by your real name.
The: You mean like "Ralph?"
Iris: Is your name Ralph?

The: Hartley, thanks for coming after me.
Pied: Yeah, don't mention it. You won another battle against some speed freak, and I lost everything.
The: Look, I promise we'll figure something out.

Iris: So what will you do now?
Eva: Go back to the Mirrorverse, do what I should have done a long time ago -- start over. This time my children will be born to love, not hate, free to chose their own path.
The: Good luck

The: I know how much you care about Grace. You're trying to make the world a better place for her. She didn't choose to be a meta, but she is. Does that mean she deserves to die?
Orlin: No, I would never hurt Grace.
The: Then you'd let her grow up in a world of fear. Where there's someone out there hurting people like her. The cure, it will heal Grace and you.
Orlin: And why should I believe you, Flash?
Barry: [removing his mask] Because I'm a father, too. My daughter, I love her more than I ever thought possible. I would do anything to make the world a better place for her. I think you would, too. So do it.

Lewis: [Leonard is pointing cold gun at the Flash]
[Lewis Snart to his own son, Leonard]
Lewis: Kill him
[the Flash]
Lewis: or you will never see your sister
Lewis: alive.
[threatens as if to trigger the device that would explode the Thermite bomb he has put in the neck of his own daughter, Lisa]
Lewis: [Leonard is about to press trigger of the cold gun on the Flash]
Lisa: [at S.T.A.R labs, Cisco is about to removes the bomb from Lisa's body, but hesitates as the bomb could explode, killing Lisa and all of them. Lisa to Cisco] Do it Ciso.
Cisco: [at S.T.A.R labs, Cisco removes the bomb from Lisa's body, exclaims] I got the Bomb out.
[the Flash hears it through his device]
Leonard: [to Leonard] Lisa is safe.
[Leonard blasts the cold gun at the chest of his own father, Lewis]
Lewis: [Falls and is dying. A block of ice has penetrated his chest and heart. Groans. Says To Leonard] You were working with the Flash. I thought you hated him.
Leonard: not as much as I
[long pause]
Leonard: hate you.
[Lewis gasps, falls and dies. Ice block in his chest shatters]
The: [takes the cold gun from Leonard. Asks him] Lisa was safe. Why did you do that?
Leonard: He broke my sister's heart. Only fair I break his.
[Father Lewis has been child abusing his own daughter, Lisa, since she was 7 years. To punish the father for this, Leonard had literally jabbed ice in to the heart of the father, killing him]

Despero: You can't fool me with a speed mirage, Flash. My mind is too powerful.
The: Wait, you said I was good once. What happened to me? You owe me that.
Despero: As you wish. Bear witness to a coming Armageddon that you create ten years from now, one that destroys your own planet. It already happened, Flash. That's why I, Despero, have to kill you. It's how I save our world.

Grodd: Give Grodd one reason why he shouldn't kill you right now.
The: Because I need your help to save the world.

Vandal: You tried those arrows once before, remember? They didn't quite finish the job, now, did they?
Green: I'm not gonna make that mistake again.
The: You're gonna leave Kendra alone.
Vandal: I can't do that. While my destiny is to live forever, Chay-Ara's is to die, as is yours now.

The: We need to talk, Thawne.
Eobard: You took my speed. What more do you want? My body is broken. I can barely think. I can't sleep. I used to able to run around the world in five seconds. Now it takes me at least that long to cross this stupid cell because... You took my speed.
The: You did this to yourself, Thawne. Armageddon was your plan.
Eobard: And it should have worked. But it didn't, and now... I'm gonna have to find a new way to kill you.
The: Oh, you can try.

The: All right, crime spree's over, miss. Step away from the case.
Carrie: You think I'm a crook?
The: Uh...
Carrie: [scoffs] Flash, you've got it all wrong. Nice leotard, by the way.
The: Thank you.
Carrie: Mm, who's the sidekick?
Mecha: I'm Mecha-Vibe, and you're toast.
[activates the prism grid and it splutters]
Carrie: [laughs] Wanna see a real light show now?

The: Birch, your heating abilities, they're connected to the Earth beneath wherever you're standing.
Jaco: Uh, yeah, science is not my strong suit. But, yeah, okay. I'll buy that for a dollar.
Frost: He means emotionally.
Jaco: Ooh... right.

King: Flash, Zoom wants you dead!
The: Yeah, I know. Then you get to go home, right? Well, guess what, man? The breaches that Zoom used to bring you here, they're all gone. I closed 'em, for good! There's no more Zoom. There's no way back to your Earth. You're gonna be locked up here for a very long time.

Tinya: [in Iris' office at the Citizen] Well, I never thought I'd see you again. I-I don't mean to be rude or whatever, but why am I here?
Renee: [being zooped in by the Flash] Tinya.
Tinya: Mom? It's really you?
Renee: I didn't know if I'd ever get out of that place. I just knew I had to see you again.
Tinya: I... how did this happen?
The: When Iris beat her time sickness, it cured the Still Force, too, and then Renee showed up back at home in Coast City.
Renee: We have so much to catch up on.
Tinya: [to Flash and Iris as they leave] Thank you.
The: You're welcome.
[he and Iris fist-bump]

Ramsey: What have you done to me? I'm human again.
Green: I've cleansed the entire Multiverse of your infectious cells.
The: Including the ones inside you.
Ramsey: And you killed me. Now my HLH will return.
Green: I took care of that, too - perks of being the Spectre.
Kid: So it looks like you'll be spending the rest of your human days as a regular criminal.
Spartan: Where you're going to rot until old age, just like everyone else.
Ramsey: No. I was going to cure death. I was supposed to save the world.
The: Don't worry. That's our job.

John: You okay?
The: Oh, yeah, I'm good. I think he broke a few things, but I'm good.

[Flash crashes in to a van]
Caitlin: Barry, are you all right?
The: Cisco, shut it off! Shut it off!
Cisco: Okay, bro-tholomew.

Dr. Ramsey Rosso: Mom? How is this even possible?
The: I brought her. You entered my mind to bring out that doubt that was hidden inside. I let you infect me so I could return the favor and bring out yours.
Dr. Ramsey Rosso: Impossible. I have no doubt. Only conviction.
The: Ramsey. I would give anything to have just one more day with my mom. You have that chance right now. Listen to her.
Rachel: He's right. You were born to heal. But you've become an angel of destruction.
Dr. Ramsey Rosso: No. This isn't happening. This isn't real.
Rachel: My dear son... You wanted so desperately to save me. Now let me save you from yourself.
Dr. Ramsey Rosso: I just wanted to help them all.

The: All right, I'm here. It's a bad scene, man.
Cisco: You should be right on top of it, Barry. What is it?
The: It's a... monster? Guys, did you hear me? There is a monster in Central City.
Cisco: What are we talking? Yao Ming size or Andre the Giant?
The: No, it's, like, an actual monster.

Pied: Okay, I haven't seen that one before.
The: Is that Godspeed's blood?
Cisco: Satellite readings indicate it could be some kind of biogenic electrolyte secretion.
Harrison: It's...
Cisco: Charged sound.
Harrison: Oh, boys... I do believe we found the solution we're looking for.

Sherloque: This current should heat up the copper wiring of his suit's circuitry, and we just need to heat it up enough so that his speed healing kicks in.
Joe: Is this safe?
Sherloque: Safer than dying.
[contacting the wires with Barry's suit]
Sherloque: Come on, monsieur Allen.
Joe: Barry?
Sherloque: Come on.
Joe: Barr!
The: [jerking awake with a gasp] Icicle. He has them.
Sherloque: [catching Flash as he stands up unsteadily] No, no, no, no, monsieur.
Joe: No, no, wait. No, wait.
Sherloque: In time, in time. First, you rest. Then we bring them home together.

Cop: Going old-school today, Flash?
The: Yeah. It's a little tighter than I remember, though.
Cop: [Gridlock gets back up] Hey, uh, you might want to do something.
Gridlock: Now it's my turn, Flash.

The: Look, guys, we need their help if we're gonna pull this off.
Caitlin: Why are you wearing your mask? Snart already knows who you are.
Leonard: And I promised I wouldn't tell anyone. That includes my sister.
Lisa: Jerk.
Leonard: Trainwreck.

Iris: Flash, Atom, who are you firing at?
Chester P. Runk: Yeah, yeah, he's right behind you.
[Despero throws a taxi-cab at The Flash and Atom, The Atom then shrinks himself and Flash to avoid the taxi and regrow to normal size]
The: [groans] Now I know how Diggle feels.

Cobalt: Looks like the gang's all here.
The: It's over. You can't beat us all.
Cobalt: I don't have to. You have your team. But me?
[Godspeed, Zoom, Savitar and Reverse-Flash appear]
Cobalt: I've got a whole legion.

King: Those guns won't stop me, Flash. First I'll kill you, then I'll kill them.
The: Oh, yeah? Let's do this then! Come on!

Solovar: Good-bye, Grodd.
The: Stop! Stop... Death isn't the way.
Solovar: He betrayed me.
The: I know, so leave him here, where he's from. We won't let him go back to Gorilla City ever again. Just spare his life, like I spared yours.
Solovar: Send us home... all of us.

The: What is this?
Mark: That is a box with a bomb in it.
James: Yep. I've handed out about a hundred of 'em today, ha. Oh, it feels so good to give.
Mark: You see, right now, there are about a hundred random children who've each taken home a box, just like that one, and are shovin' it under their Christmas tree. There's no way for you to get all of 'em - even IF you know where to look.
The: No, no. Please don't do this.
Mark: What, me? Kill a hundred families? No. That's up to you. I'm happy just to take your life. So, this is how it's gonna be: You are gonna stand there and let me end you, very publicly and very painfully, and I'll let everybody live; but, if I see even a little flicker of electricity on you, casket makers in this town are gonna have a VERY merry Christmas. So, Flash, what's it gonna be, huh?

Red: What a sight... the so-called fastest man alive... Helpless... chained... powerless.
The: I don't know who you are... but I know how much hate you must feel for me. But it isn't yours. It's the Negative Speed Force influencing you. It feeds off your rage and anger. Now it's corrupted your mind.
Red: And you think I can be saved?
The: I've seen it happen before. The power that's inside of you - it's strong, but we can beat it. I can help you if you let me.
Red: Always seeing the best in your enemies and worst in your so-called allies.
The: How would you know that?
Red: Because I know who you are: a pathetic excuse for a hero, more than willing to stab his friends in the back.
The: What did I do to you? What do you want with me?
Red: Nothing that can't be easily taken. You see, you're just one part of my plan. There's someone else who's far more important than you, someone who will ensure my success... Your lightning rod.
The: Iris.

The: Chillblaine... what are you still doing with these guys?
Mark: My job.
The: No. You're gonna build the Red Death's cosmic treadmill for him?
Fiddler: Him? Somebody needs to catch up.
The: That machine can tap into forces beyond anyone's control. If she uses it, it could damage the whole timeline, destroy countless lives.
Red: [whooshes in] What a pity that would be.

Psych: [absorbing a lightning bolt Flash throws at him] Someone's back for seconds.
The: You already showed me my greatest fear. It won't scare me twice.
Psych: Oh, Flash. Those big bads aren't your greatest fear.
[in a demonic voice]
Psych: This is.

The: [voice over] Jay's death took its toll, left scars on all of us, some more than others. And so to try and keep my mind off thoughts of the surreal other life I experienced that wasn't my own, I kept running, waiting for some other meta-human threat to rear its ugly head and distract me from the frustration I was feeling; and, as fate would have it, I did not have to wait long.

Khione: There's lightning over the city. Does that mean...
The: The whole timeline's breaking down.
Mark: How do we stop Eddie?
Jay: Now, that he's the Negative Speed avatar, the only way to defeat him is to let it destroy himself. Just like the last one.
Mark: Okay, so let's do that.
The: Eddie's a hero. He's saved my life once by sacrificing himself to stop Thawne-- I won't let him die again. I need to find a way into the Negative Speed Force.
Mark: Uh, I think saving the universe is a lot more important than just one guy.
The: My wife is in the hospital right now about to give birth to our child! I am trying to save the timeline *and* Eddie's life!
Jay: Son, as hard as it sounds, that may just be impossible.
The: It can't be.

The: What's babble protocol? Why am I ticking?
Cisco: It's the self-destruct sequence.
Joe: What?
Caitlin: Self-destruct?
Cisco: I'm sorry, have we not faced an evil version of Barry before? My mistake!

Eva: You and I are not enemies. We never have been.
The: You just killed him in cold blood.
Eva: Your wife set out to catch a bad man. She couldn't. But together, we could. We're on the same side.
The: No.
Eva: Just remember that.

XS: It's not working. I can't do this.
The: All right, yes - listen to me, just breathe. Feel the floor beneath your feet. Feel the rumble of the plane.
[from: Feel the air. Feel that wind on your face, and the lightning]
The: And the lightning. Feel its electricity pumping through your veins, traveling to every nerve in your body like a shock you never want to end.
[from: "You are no longer you now."]
The: You're no longer you.
[from: "You're part of something greater."]
The: You're part of something greater.
XS: Part of the Speed Force.

The: You're not hearing me.
Iris: My hearing is fine. It's just selective.

The: I lost my speed.
Joe: What do you mean you lost your speed?
[Iris's hand is vibrating]
Iris: Uh, guys, I think I found it.

XS: Then once we find Cicada to entrap her, we give young Grace the choice to take the cure. And hopefully, when she's no longer a meta...
Killer: That bitch will cease to exist.
XS: That way we can stop her without destroying the dagger, and Thawne never goes free.
The: Now all you have to do is help Grace make the right choice.
XS: What do I say?
The: Whatever's in your heart. She'll listen.
Cecile: What a bunch of sentimental crap. You two sound like a friggin' Hallmark movie.
Killer: I hear you, sister.
Joe: I think we're close.

The: Hartley, I can't stop Godspeed. He's too powerful.
Pied: Oh, my god, how thick are you? Roderick got hurt when the lightning you threw collided with the vibrational force of his weapon. The result was a thermogenic blast capable of rendering him unstable at a molecular level. Just duplicate that force...
The: And Godspeed's toast.
Pied: Bingo, bango.

The: I know this is a big step.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: Yeah, I'll say.
Chester P. Runk: Now, that - that's a superhero.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: Are you sure I, like, need to wear this? Maybe we're moving too fast.
The: These suits monitor our vitals and allow us to communicate with each other. That keeps us safe just in case something happens.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: Like my connection to the Negative Speed Force?
The: I know you can handle this, and I will be there for you every step of the way.

Despero: Flash, don't make this difficult. Show yourself.
The: [whooshing in] I'm not gonna let you hurt anyone. Why don't you just tell me what it is you want?
Despero: Of course. I came a long way to find you, Flash. Now that I have... I'm going to kill you.