20 Best Amunet Black Quotes

Killer: Not so scary without your bling now, are you?
[she creates an icicle and prepares to stab Amunet]
Iris: Stop! Caitlin, stop.
Killer: I'm not Caitlin. And I'll never be free unless she dies.
Iris: No, it's the opposite. You are free right now. But if you do this, you will always be a killer. Killer Frost, Caitlin, you don't have to be one or the other. You get to decide who you are.
Killer: [dropping the icicle] Get out of here.
Amunet: You ruined this for me today. And one day soon, I promise you I will ruin something for you.

Warden: Welcome to my own personal meta-block, built on the ruins of the first Iron Heights. Completely off the books and camera-free.
Amunet: Yes, yes, less history lesson, more window shopping.

Amunet: My life got better without you. You're dead weight.
Goldface: You were the biggest mistake I ever made!
Amunet: You always had this one really bad habit. Breathing! You are nothing but a cheap, bald Mr. T. I'd rather date Norvock than you.
Goldface: That makes two of us! Your American accent sucks!
Amunet: So does yours!
Goldface: I'm from Connecticut. I went to Yale.

Barry: Goldface is working with Amunet?
Iris: Well, they did used to date.
Amunet: You're too late, Keith.
Goldface: Oh, Leslie. You know I can't let you leave with that.
Iris: I don't think they're working together.
Barry: No. This is a gang war.

Amunet: Roses are red, violets are blue, step forward, Saul Frankel, or I'll kill all of you.
[Saul stands up]
Amunet: Oh. And they say chivalry is dead. Hand over the case, love.
Saul: You know what will happen if you take this.
Amunet: I know what will happen to you if I don't.

Amunet: [to Norvock] I never understood your superpower. Are you a man with a snake or a snake with a man?

Amunet: [blasting open a safe] Ooh, I do love loud noises.

Amunet: [to Harry] Ooh! I blocked your Glock.

Dominic: Hello, Mr. Allen.
Barry: Dominic?
Dominic: You really have an acute sense of detection. And wit. But like I said, Mr. Allen. You are incapable of seeing the breadth of my machinations.
Barry: DeVoe?
Dominic: You really should have listened to your teacher.
Barry: How is this possible?
Amunet: I told you I have a very important buyer, Dom.
[she knocks him out; a few moments later, he wakes up in the middle of nowhere]
Marlize: [handing Amunet a briefcase] As promised.
Amunet: Always a pleasure doing business with another savvy woman.
Dominic: Please, don't do this to me.
Marlize: I won't be doing anything to you.
The: [appearing in his hoverchair] Please to meet you, Dominic Lanse. Or should I say Subject Six? Oh, I have created many metahumans, but only your unique abilities allow me to do... this.
[he transfers his consciousness to Dominic; the scene then returns to real time]
Dominic: You see, Mr. Allen, three months ago you emerged from the Speed Force a new man. And in order for you and the world to experience my plan, I, too, needed to be reborn.
Barry: If you hurt my family...
Dominic: I have no interest in your family. Besides, you're gonna need someone to miss you when you're gone.
Barry: What did you do?
Dominic: I merely left something for you. It's a re-gift, as it were. I don't have need for it anymore.
[looking around, Barry finds DeVoe's dead body]

Caitlin: There is nowhere you can go that DeVoe's satellites won't reach you. If you leave now, you'll be mind melted just like the rest of us.
Amunet: Good point. Just for the record, this is not me helping. It is entirely self-preservation.
[forming a small metal ball]
Amunet: Filled with shrapnel and bound with my meta-human je no sais quoi. Pull a shard, throw it, it will deliver one savage concussive blow.
[Caitlin moves to take it]
Amunet: But you only get one shot. I know you won't waste it.

Amunet: Oh, I'm sorry. I should take off my gauntlet.
Goldface: Leave it on, girl. Daddy like metal.
The: I can't unsee this.
Iris: Well, at least it's less violent than a gang war? Barely. Yeah
The: Yeah.

Amunet: Men. They're all idiots. Who needs them?

Amunet: Like Norvock, I must be on my way.
The: Amunet, no! Hey! You leave, there's no way we can stop DeVoe's satellites.
Joe: She was never gonna help us. She just wanted her metal.
Amunet: Oh... truthfully, I-I did consider it. I did. But a good player knows when to fold. And the professer certainly has a better hand, so... don't try to stop me.
[indicating her metal gauntlet]
Amunet: After all, I am packing.

Warden: Mina Chaytan - her powers bring effigies to life.
Amunet: Now, that is a nifty trick. Can she animate anything else?
Mina: How about my finger?
Amunet: Oh, I like her, she's feisty.

Amunet: And who might this be?
Warden: Something you've been wanting for a long time, a speedster.
Amunet: C'est pièce de résistance.
Warden: Terms are the same as always. Any metas you sell, we split the profits evenly. So, who would you like?
Amunet: Oh, well, eenie, meenie, miney, all of them.

Amunet: You and I could have been gods.
Killer: I used to work with a god. Over it.

Amunet: Darlings! Long time, no see. Did I interrupt date night?
Barry: CCPD. Amunet Black, I'm placing you under arrest for robbery and aggravated assault.
Amunet: So very official, Mr. Allen. But aren't you just a CSI?
Barry: I'm still a cop who can arrest you.
Amunet: Oh. Okay. Well, by all means, let me help you with the first bit. I have the right to remain silent, which will come in handy if you don't want me letting that little secret identity cat out of its flashy red bag. So why don't we just call this a warning. I'll be on my way. No harm. No cowl.
Barry: I'm supposed to just let you leave?
Amunet: Bloody right. Don't think of coming after me, 'cause if I see you, or your onesie, or any one of your frigid or bendy superhero friends, I will hold it against all of you and tell the world your real identities. Savvy?

Amunet: Because behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes.

Amunet: Just when I thought I'd considered every option for where Norvock might be skulking, I remembered whenever the fuzz used to be on to one of our deals, I would plant a rumor that it was going down at a false location.
Joe: Ah, a fake-out to keep "the fuzz" off your tracks.
Amunet: Mm!
Caitlin: So that's where we think Norvock is, in the abandoned Reynolds substation.
Iris: Underground. That's why the shards weren't registering on the satelite.
Barry: All right, why don't the three of us go get your shards? When we'll be armed and ready to take out DeVoe's satellites.
Caitlin: I'm coming, too. I'll get the cold gun.

Amunet: So why did you run away from me?
Caitlin: Tried. Tried and failed. Killer Frost would have been able to do it.
Amunet: Ah. I see. Caity, do you know what I was doing before I became the successful entrepreneur you see before you today?
Caitlin: Mean British nanny?
Amunet: Hmm. No. I was a stewardess. You see, unlike you, I did not have fancy scientists for parents. I did not collect scholarships or attend fine institutions. My career options were... limited. So I spent my days in a quaint little skirt in there serving coffee to handsy pilots, powerless to stop them. But then the particle accelerator exploded, and I was powerless no more. I showed those pilots the error of their ways.
Caitlin: Why are you telling me this?
Amunet: Because. Obtaining my powers was quite literally what made me me. But the same thing cannot be said about you. There are any number of doctors I could have come to for this procedure. I did not; I came to you. Because you, Caitlin Snow, are and have always been remarkable. You are bright. Resourceful. Resilient. And I am more than certain you can do this. So, with that said, unless you want to spend the rest of your medical career in the morgue, I suggest you buck up, darling. You know, pull on your big girl pants and do the bloody thing.