The Best Marlize DeVoe Quotes

Clifford: [to Marlize] I should have never let you build this chair without my oversight. It was my first miscalculation.
Iris: You've made many miscalculations.
Clifford: Have you ever pondered why I never pursued The Flash? Never needed his speed or his mind? Anyone? His connection to the Speed Force. Access to all of time - past, present, future. True knowledge. And now you have placed him inside my mind, I'll have it all.
Marlize: You'll have to find us first.

Marlize: You're only hurting yourself. Running faster than sound, vibrating through walls, even throwing lightning. None of that can destroy this barrier.
Barry: You know a lot about my abilities. Is that why I'm here? DeVoe wants my powers? You don't have to do this. Whatever he has planned, you don't have to help him.
Marlize: A helper? Is that what you think I am? A mindless minion carrying out her master's bidding? Some sort of evil secretary?
Barry: You tell me.
Marlize: No, Mr. Allen. I am now and forever will be my husband's partner.
Barry: I understand that. You're not the only one who promised to stand by your loved one for better or for worse.
[showing her his wedding ring]
Barry: In sickness and in health. If you go down this path with DeVoe, can't you see that you risk sacrificing everything that you have together? Your entire marriage?
Marlize: You're missing the point. I am willing to sacrifice everything for my marriage. I'd ask if you could do the same, but there's no need. My husband already knows. His body may be human, but his brain is smarter than yours.

Clifford: You always save it under the same name. Every time, you discover it. It's quite clever, really. I would expect nothing less from you.
Marlize: How many times have I been through this?
Clifford: Too many. But that is of no concern. Because with tears from the Weeper mixed with Dominic Lanse's powers, I can alter your memory.
Marlize: So that's why you created the Weeper. You didn't need a potential host. He was...
Clifford: For you. Yes. I knew that the same thing in you that I fell in love with had the potential to destroy us: your humanity. I couldn't let that get in the way of us achieving our goal. The Enlightenment.
Marlize: Clifford, I am your wife...
[a mechanical arm appears and injects a needle into her temple]
Clifford: And I love you. But you are nothing without me.

Clifford: When the line cut out, I came. Immediately. I thought I'd lost you.
Marlize: You'll never lose me, Clifford. You were right. Technology has become a cancer. Driving civilization to consume itself. A militia group found out abotu the water purifier that I created. Any they just killed dozens of... of people to take it. Women and children slaughtered. For a simple piece of technology. Your journal wrote of a world where humanity forgot that this technological menace was capable. But what I didn't tell you was that I saw the truth in it even then. And it frightened me. And that's why I ran. And I'm not frightened anymore.
Clifford: You believe.
Marlize: I believe in you. Enlighten them, Clifford. You're the only one who can.
Clifford: I'm nothing without you.

Caitlin: Cecile's powers are connected to her pregnancy. Her contractions must be putting a strain on her transcranial link.
Marlize: No, no, no. We need to do something about that.
Iris: We can't stop her from having a baby, Marlize.
Marlize: We have to, Mrs. West-Allen, or this will never work. She's the only way to get Barry in and out of Clifford's mind.
Cisco: Everyone, chill; it's not like Cecile's gonna lose her powers if she has this baby. Cecile's gonna lose her powers if she has this baby? Won't that leave Barry stranded in DeVoe's mind?
Marlize: I'm afraid so.
Cisco: Information you may have wanted to share, like, way before now.

Marlize: It's rude to break into a person's home uninvited. And dangerous when the person is holding a grudge and a katana. Why are you here?
Dr. Harry Wells: I got this. We're here, Marlize... we're here because you... because... Wait, uh, you... You have... You - you've... I can't. I can't.
Marlize: He can't verbalize it. Not anymore. Just like we hypothesized but never observed before. You're experiencing the penultimate stages of the Enlightenment. Your mind is being rebooted. Soon you will be with memories, without relationships. Just a blank slate so that Clifford may re-educate you. Soon we'll all be just like you.
Iris: Marlize, we have to stop him. Your husband has gone too far, and I think you know it, or you'd be with him right now.
Marlize: Yes, I left my husband. But that doesn't change the fact that he's right. If anything, his betrayal proves his very point. Man corrupts even the best of ideas.
Iris: Pessimism isn't smarter than optimism. In this life the bravest thing you can be is optimistic.
Marlize: Familiar words.
Iris: You said them when you were at Oxford. Two weeks before you met Clifford DeVoe.
Marlize: I gave a speech on technology and the elimination of world hunger. I truly believed it could be done.
Iris: He tried to change you, Marlize. But I think deep down, you are still an optimist. You still believe in humanity. And I believe in you. You asked me what I was willing to do for my husband. And I'm gonna ask you. What are you willing to do for the world?:

Marlize: Ah... Mrs. West-Allen, I was hoping we'd meet again.
Iris: [brings out a blaster] You might change your mind about that pretty soon.
Marlize: Ah... there's that passion from our chat in the courthouse. But I do remember warning you that it could easily be destroyed.
Iris: And I remember you asking me what I was willing to do for my husband. How about I show you?
[fires blaster at Marlize and she dodges the blast]

Clifford: I told you that The Enlightenment will come for you, Marlize, and it will. Remember, I thought of everything. Even this moment.
Marlize: Good-bye, my love.
[Marlize rip out the battery out of the floating chair, Clifford fades away]

Marlize: Is that...
Clifford: Dark matter. Siphoned from the room where Dr. Wells was charging his counterfeit cap. As I predicted, his hubris was his undoing. And so, now, the fire that burns down Team Flash... will also light the path to the Enlightenment.

Clifford: How was your rest, my love?
Marlize: Wonderful. I've never felt more rejuvenated and ready to realize our dream.
[Izzy coughs]
Marlize: Clifford.
Clifford: The added combination of dark matter from all our subject metas is overwhelming this host's body.
Marlize: How long do we have?
Clifford: At the present rate, exactly one week's time.
Marlize: No. I will not allow it. It may be possible to adjust the biomass index, recalibrate the energy distribution, extend your current host's life.
[switching her computer screens]
Marlize: Odd. There are already plans for such an adjustment partially designed.
Clifford: I attempted the same course of action.
Marlize: Well, you got quite a good start. I will be able to complete the designs in under an hour. Rest, my love. I will handle everything.
Clifford: You always do.

Marlize: Initally, we set out to enlighten the world. Now you want to rule it. I am leaving you, Clifford.
[he realizes a force field surrounds her]
Marlize: Nothing can get in or out.
Clifford: You dare orchestrate an exodus on the eve of humanity's greatest reckoning? You made a vow.
Marlize: To my husband! But my husband is dead. The Thinker's first victim.
Clifford: The Enlightenment will come for you, too, Marlize. I will be all that remains.
Marlize: Oh, Clifford. You are nothing without me.

Dominic: I told you I'd stand beside you.
Marlize: Always.
Dominic: Now let's bring about the enlightenment.

Marlize: Since the age of Enlightenment, when reason, debate, and the search for truth flourished, the world has improved by nearly every measure in human advancement, and continues to do so. There is no doubt in my mind that as technology continues to bloom, so will all of humanity.
Clifford: [Chuckling]
Marlize: Professor DeVoe? You disagree?
Clifford: Well, uh, yes, I guess. Just, I have a more realistic view of humanity whenever technology is concerned.
Marlize: What do you mean?
Clifford: Well, you spoke of the Enlightenment. One only has to look at history to find the answers.
Marlize: Okay, let's. Life expectancy over the past two centuries has increased from 30 years to nearly 70 years.
Clifford: And-and we should assume that's a good thing? Each new day, we have to share very limited resources with anything up to 200,000 newborn babies, most of whom will end up living in abject poverty and famine.
Marlize: Well, thank you very much, Professor Doom and Gloom. Remind me never to take one of your history classes.
[Crowd Laughs]
Clifford: Perhaps you should. There's much I could teach you.
[Crowd Murmurs]
Clifford: The Taoists, in pursuit of immortality, discovered gunpowder. Alfred Nobel created the Nobel Prize so he wouldn't be remembered as the man who invented dynamite. History has shown us time and time again that whenever a technological advancement can be used to hurt humanity, it will be.
Marlize: You can't blame technology for the way men choose to use it, Professor.
Clifford: You can't ignore that the best of ideas by the smartest of men often have a way of becoming corrupted.

Dominic: Hello, Mr. Allen.
Barry: Dominic?
Dominic: You really have an acute sense of detection. And wit. But like I said, Mr. Allen. You are incapable of seeing the breadth of my machinations.
Barry: DeVoe?
Dominic: You really should have listened to your teacher.
Barry: How is this possible?
Amunet: I told you I have a very important buyer, Dom.
[she knocks him out; a few moments later, he wakes up in the middle of nowhere]
Marlize: [handing Amunet a briefcase] As promised.
Amunet: Always a pleasure doing business with another savvy woman.
Dominic: Please, don't do this to me.
Marlize: I won't be doing anything to you.
The: [appearing in his hoverchair] Please to meet you, Dominic Lanse. Or should I say Subject Six? Oh, I have created many metahumans, but only your unique abilities allow me to do... this.
[he transfers his consciousness to Dominic; the scene then returns to real time]
Dominic: You see, Mr. Allen, three months ago you emerged from the Speed Force a new man. And in order for you and the world to experience my plan, I, too, needed to be reborn.
Barry: If you hurt my family...
Dominic: I have no interest in your family. Besides, you're gonna need someone to miss you when you're gone.
Barry: What did you do?
Dominic: I merely left something for you. It's a re-gift, as it were. I don't have need for it anymore.
[looking around, Barry finds DeVoe's dead body]

Barry: This is crazy. I mean, why don't we just call someone we trust? Kara, Oliver, Wally...
Marlize: You could bring a legion of your friends, but they would pose no challenge. Clifford created the bus meta and the combination of the abilities to ensure that he could defeat anyone whose assistance you might enlist.
Cisco: How long until our minds are wiped?
Marlize: We have until the permeation grid hits 100%.
Barry: How would we get me inside his mind?
Marlize: We need to find a way to transfer your consciousness into his mind.
Cisco: No, you know what happens every time I try to vibe him. I can't do it.
Marlize: I do. But I don't think it's your powers, Mr. Ramon.
[indicating Cecile]
Marlize: I believe it's hers.

Clifford: I believe you are looking for me, Your Honor. I don't know any of this happened.
Judge: You were found in Barry Allen's loft. You were dead.
Clifford: I was stabbed. I heard a voice saying something about framing someone, then I blacked out. And this morning, I woke up in my own home.
Judge: Mrs. DeVoe, does any of this make any sense to you?
Marlize: No, I am just as surprised by all of this as everyone.
Cecile: Your Honor, the city has had reports in the past of people who have appeared dead, only to later emerge very much alive.
Judge: That's impossible.
Cecile: Impossible, Your Honor, is it as impossible as a man who can run faster than the speed of sound? I submit that Central City is home to the impossible.
Clifford: I have as many questions as you have, Your Honor, and I am looking forward to working with the authorities to solve this mystery.
Judge: Yes, I'm sure that CCPD will be very interested in this. As for Barry Allen's appeal... I guess the court must deem that Clifford DeVoe is alive and well. Barry Allen is hereby cleared of all charges and ordered release from Iron Heights Penitentiary immediately.

Clifford: How did you beat me?
Barry: I didn't. We did.
Marlize: Their emotional attachment to Mr. Dibny have made them stronger than you would ever be, Clifford. But then, you wouldn't understand.
Clifford: No! This is not my will!
Ralph: [speaking through DeVoe] Not anymore. It's mine.
[DeVoe's body transforms back into Ralph's]