The Best Harrison Wolfgang Wells Quotes

Wells 2.0: We had a Cisco on my Earth once. He was delicious.
Harrison: He ate the other Cisco.

Cisco: Wait.
Dr. Harry Wells: What?
Cisco: Weren't there three of you?
H. Lothario Wells: [reappears with his pants down] Thanks for the merry-go-round, sweetheart. You know what I mean.
H. Lothario Wells: [to Cisco and Harry] Oh, sorry. I had to take care of some off-camera business.
Cisco: [sees that Lothario is naked from the bottom] Oh, my God!
H. Lothario Wells: What? What?
Harrison: I can see your frank and beans.
H. Lothario Wells: Come on now. I do my best thinking commando. Plus, it ain't like we all haven't seen it before.
Cisco: I haven't seen it!
H. Lothario Wells: Ah, you Earth folk. You guys are so uptight.

Dr. Harry Wells: Can we just get back to the task at hand? We need answers.
Wells 2.0: The best answer is always the simplest. Why don't we go to every DeVoe we can find and interrogate 'em?
H. Lothario Wells: What, even the baby DeVoe?
Wells 2.0: Especially the baby DeVoe?
Harrison: Baby violence solves nothing.