Top 600 Quotes From Tom Cavanagh

Cisco: Okay, I'm gonna say it. Um, we don't think he's being just a little too...
Iris: Overconfident?
Cisco: Yeah.
Iris: Yeah, maybe it was his time in the Speed Force. I mean, he's acting like he's invincible now or something.
Henry: Yeah, like nothing fazes him anymore, which isn't...
Dr. Harry Wells: Realistic, no. Somebody needs to talk to him before letting his guard down gets him hurt or worse.

Iris: We need to go to whatever world they're in.
H.R. Wells: How are we gonna do that?
Iris: Look, he said if we loved them enough that we could save them, wherever they are. Cisco, you can vibe us there.
Cisco: I don't think it works that way.
Iris: You sent me into the Speed Force. You sent Barry and Wally to the future. You can do this, too.
J'onn: What is she talking about?
Mon: What's a vibe?
Cisco: I'll explain later.

Chester P. Runk: We tracked down the PED and Reverse-Flash.
Alex: He's crossing the Atlantic Ocean.
Cecile: What the hell is he doing?
Arielle: [reporting on TV] He's destroying the city. It's like the end of days out here.
Ryan: Holy crap, it's not just the city. Allen's speed wake is causing the globe to tear itself apart. It's an extinction-level event in progress.
Allegra: He's right. I'm tracking at least a hundred earthquakes.
Alex: A tsunami just hit Japan.
Caitlin: Allen really has lost his mind. He realized he can't win, so he's trying to kill us all.
Cecile: I have to go. I gotta go get Jenna.
Frost: Guys, Mark and I could use backup!
Allegra: Go. I'll stay here.
Alex: Okay.
Ryan: Hey, not to be that guy, but since this could be the end of the world as we know it, if anyone has anything to say, now would be the time.
Chester P. Runk: Uh, the Reverse-Flash just hit Europe.
Caitlin: Where is Eobard?
Eobard: I'm right behind him.

Sherloque: Monsieur Allen, just for my record for today's events, what was the defense mechanism Nora was using?
Barry: It was one of the costumes from the museum.
Sherloque: What costume?
Barry: The Reverse-Flash.

Barry: What are you looking for?
Dr. Harry Wells: I'm looking for... I'm looking for anything to help me find my daughter, all right? Just...
[clattering his plasma gun around]
Dr. Harry Wells: I don't have my daughter. You don't have your speed. Zoom has Caitlin, and this whole thing... this whole thing is going to hell in a handbasket.
Barry: [seeing he's about to smash the transmitter] No, wait! Wait, wait. Her frequency.
Dr. Harry Wells: What?
Barry: Jesse's frequency. People from Earth-2 vibrate at a different frequency. Maybe you can track her that way.
Dr. Harry Wells: [forcefully handing back the transmitter as he leaves] Figure out a way to find Snow.

General: I was wrong about you, Harrison. You're still one step ahead. Impressive for a man without the use of his legs.
Dr. Harrison Wells: I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about, Wade.
General: A girl who can transform ordinary objects into explosives with the touch of her hand. And today I saw a man who can move faster than the blink of an eye. Extraordinary. The night your particle accelerator died was the night the impossible was born. I think we should start working together again, Harrison.
Dr. Harrison Wells: I think you should leave.
General: You know, I can have a squadron of soldiers here in minutes.
Dr. Harrison Wells: You know, I can have an army of press here...
[snapping his fingers]
Dr. Harrison Wells: that. Believe me, General, I'd be more than happy to testify to your involvement in activities that were... less than humane. Threaten me again, and I will end you, General. And I am not talking about your career.
General: [moving to leave] You know, I figured out your little secret, Wells. Won't be long before the public catches on, as well.

Barry: Is there any progress on Ralph?
Caitlin: No, he's still unconscious, and I can't figure out a way to reverse his cells.
Nora: So I guess that means we still don't know why he jumped in front of the Mirror Gun, do we?
Sherloque: We do. We do... because Dibny solved the greatest mystery of all. The Flash legacy, how to stop Cicada, repentance for his past sins - all the reasons Eobard Thawne was helping you.
Nora: And stopping Dad from disappearing in the future.
Sherloque: Disappearing in the future is part of it, hmm? But this has nothing to do with your father. The real reason that Thawne wishes to defeat Cicada and destroy Cicada's dagger is because the dagger is the only thing keeping the Reverse-Flash in prison.

Sherloque: Well, Team Flash, Nora West-Allen is not the only time traveler who's absent.
Ralph: We've been running down abandoned buildings, foreclosed condos...
Sherloque: Anywhere that Grace Gibbons may have hidden her younger self, but...
Ralph: We got bupkis.
Caitlin: And we have no idea why she stole the cryo-atomizer, except that it was worth killing my dad for.
Barry: Hey. If you need more time...
Cisco: Yeah, we're more than capable of chasing a wild goose or two on our own.
Caitlin: Thank you, I'm fine. I'd rather be working.

[Nash Wells walks into the bunker]
John: What's this?
Rene: Was there a memo that went out how to infiltrate our secret bunker?
Ray: Why are you here?
Harrison: I'm here to warn you. You see this? This gauntlet is primed to detect antimatter of which there has been a massive surge here in the Star City area.
Rene: Okay, well, you're about two hours too late.
Ray: Already took care of it.
Harrison: Did you really? My readings say different. This thing ain't over. As a matter of fact, it's just beginning.

Dr. Harry Wells: Things are a little complicated on Earth-2.
Cisco: Oh. Everything okay with Jesse?
Dr. Harry Wells: Yes. I mean, yes. If you must know, I spent the summer assembling a support staff for her, so...
Cisco: Oh, like a Team Quick?
Dr. Harry Wells: No.
Cisco: Team Jesse.
Dr. Harry Wells: No.
Cisco: Jesse and the Quicksters.
Dr. Harry Wells: They're not called that.
Cisco: Well, they should be. That sounds like an awesome team.

Ralph: You know, in all the hubbub of saving your keisters, I never got to ask what the hell you were doing down there.
Harrison: Hey, 1940s, no one says "keisters".
Joe: Nash, if you would just tell us what you're looking for down there, we might be able to help you.
Harrison: All right. Tomorrow morning, 9:00, tunnels. Bring your whole fancy team.
Ralph: Why should we do that?
Harrison: 'Cause... I know how to save Barry Allen.

Dr. Harry Wells: Satellite is tracking temperature at the same intensity as the bank robbery, so...
Caitlin: That's him.
Dr. Harry Wells: Yeah.
Ralph: So who's that?
Cisco: Matthew Kim.
Dr. Harry Wells: Kim's gonna try and steal his powers.
Cisco: All right, let's go.
Iris: [entering] No. You guys are on point. I can do this.
Barry: You sure about this?
Iris: I have to, Barry.
Barry: All right, but remember, he can't touch you. Or he'll take your powers away, too.
Iris: Right.
Caitlin: Also, I'm not sure my clothes are gonna work this time.
Cisco: I have a fix for that. It's the best I could do on such short notice.
Iris: Thanks, Cisco.
[she changes at superspeed, leaving her civilian clothes behind]
Cisco: [insulted] I got hangers.

Barry: [takes off tachyon device] Hey, uh, do we think that, um, we can get this thing smaller? It kind of sucks.
Dr. Harry Wells: If it sucks, then, yeah.

Barry: How do you guys say "see ya later" over there?
H.R. Wells: Ah.
[poses dramatically]
H.R. Wells: Until next communion.

Zoom: Time's up, Wells. What's it gonna be?
Dr. Harry Wells: I know what you're doing. I know why you keep sending villain after villain from our Earth to this one. You want Barry to get faster. You want him to get stronger. You want him to become more powerful, more full of... speed force. You're fattening him up like a Christmas goose.
Zoom: The more power he has, the more I can take and you're going to help me.
Dr. Harry Wells: Let me see her first.
[Zoom brings Jesse out of the wormhole]
Jesse: Daddy?
Dr. Harry Wells: Are you okay? Did he hurt you?
Jesse: Please help me. Don't let him take me back there.
Dr. Harry Wells: I won't...
[Zooms returns Jesse through the wormhole]
Zoom: Now decide, in return for your daughter's life.
Dr. Harry Wells: I'll do it. I will help you steal The Flash's speed.

Dr. Harrison Wells: As the detonation ripped throughout Central City, a number of people were exposed to a wave of unquantifiable energy. One of those people... was you. You were in Central City ten months ago.
Bette: Uh... I had just returned from Afghanistan. I was there diffusing roadside bombs and... shrapnel ripped through me. I was flown back stateside, spent months at the base recuperating, and next thing I know, I became the thing that almost killed me. And Eiling's favorite new lab rat.
Caitlin: The dark matter must have combined with the bomb particulate inside your body.
Bette: I thought Eiling did this to me.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Eiling is not smart enough to create someone like you. Clever enough to see your value.
Bette: Do you know of any others who were changed?
Caitlin: There've been a few.
Cisco: But no one who looks like you.
[realizing what he just said]
Cisco: I'm sorry. That was inappropriate. Please don't leave.
Caitlin: I know how to perform a lobotomy.

H.R. Wells: Where are you going?
Tracy: [after burning 10 years of her research] Big Belly Burger. I hear they're hiring.

Joe: What are you doing?
Sherloque: Well, this...
[trying to pry a door off]
Sherloque: This machine has a large power source I need to access to save monsieur Allen.
Joe: Watch out.
[he yanks the door off]
Sherloque: That will work. Stand back.

Cisco: Two down.
Sherloque: Well, you're not great at the Operation game, are you?
Cisco: You suck at constructive criticism!

Officer: Freeze! You're under arrest.
Reverse: For what, officers? I haven't even done anything. Yet. And do you want to know why? Because I'm not ready to die yet.

Harrison: Remember when I told you if things go sideways, zap the stone?
Allegra: Yeah.
Harrison: I'd zap the stone.

Joe: How is he still alive? How are you still alive?
Dr. Harry Wells: Well, I don't know. Because you missed?
Barry: Hey, I'm tryin' to keep him from shooting you. You're not helpin'.

Barry: There's something I need to tell you. I confronted DeVoe.
Joe: Oh, come on, Barry. He could get you arrested!
Barry: No, he won't. He wanted me to come.
Caitlin: How do you know?
Barry: Well, for starters, he knows I'm the Flash.
Caitlin: So you were right all along.
Cisco: We didn't believe you.
Joe: I'm sorry.
Barry: Don't be. DeVoe's been playing all of us.
Dr. Harry Wells: How?
Barry: It's his powers. He has an intelligence beyond anything we could've imagined. He's orchestrated everything that we've encountered. He's moved us like chess pieces in a game we didn't even know we were playing.
Iris: How do we stop someone who has super intelligence?
Cisco: We're pretty smart.
Dr. Harry Wells: Maybe we're not.

Barry: [finding Zoom's transmitter isn't where it should be] Come on...
[hearing a plasma gun charge, he turns to find Harry behind him]
Dr. Harry Wells: Well, you change quickly.
Barry: What?
Dr. Harry Wells: Out of your suit.
Barry: [playing along] Yeah, no, I... yeah, it was... just too weird being in it without my speed.
Dr. Harry Wells: That's your own damn fault, isn't it?
Barry: I guess so.
Dr. Harry Wells: I know so.

Dr. Harrison Wells: Listen to me, Barry. Breathe. Breathe. Feel the air. Feel that wind on your face. Feel the ground, your feet lifting you up, pushing you forward, and the lightning - Barry, feel the lightning. Feel its power. It's electricity pumping through your veins, crackling through you, traveling to every nerve in your body, like a shock. You're no longer you now. You're part of something greater, part of a speed-force. It's yours. Now do it.

Renee: Do you think Cicada's gonna come back again to try to find me? To try again?
Sherloque: Yes. I don't think she'll stop.
Renee: What am I gonna do?
Sherloque: [getting an idea] Well, you know what? I believe I can help you with that.

H.R. Wells: I just forgot how handsome you were.
Dr. Harry Wells: Oh, I forgot. He's - you're still here.
H.R. Wells: Yeah. Still here.
Dr. Harry Wells: I guess we have your tactical and technical genius to thank for getting us out of that fix.
H.R. Wells: No, no, nah.
Dr. Harry Wells: Nah?
Cisco: Nah. You were completely right about him. He's a total fraud. He's not even a scientist. And I'm sure you couldn't even remember an ATM code if you tried.
H.R. Wells: All those - all those numbers.
Dr. Harry Wells: It's only four digits. Why is he still here?
Cisco: Because we couldn't do it without him.
H.R. Wells: I thank you, Francisco.
Dr. Harry Wells: Fran- Francisco?

Dr. Harrison Wells: I think our Cisco's developing a little bit of a crush on you.
Bette: Not sure I'm prize-winning date material anymore.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Change is hard. The same accident that changed you put me in this chair.
Bette: Sorry. I didn't know.
Dr. Harrison Wells: I don't share that story with you to garner sympathy. I tell it to illustrate a larger point.
Bette: And what point is that?
Dr. Harrison Wells: That I would do anything to get back what I lost. As would you.
Bette: I would. I just don't know how.

Sherloque: Every time I enter into someone's memories when I use this I went with my partner for sure.
Cisco: Your partner's name didn't happen to be Watson, did it?
Sherloque: No, his name was not Watson. His name was Watsune.

Dr. Harrison Wells: Mr. Queen, I met your father once. Charity event. One of the things we spoke of was you. I think he would be very proud of the man you've become.
Oliver: Thank you. And, please, call me Oliver.

Sara: Ray, how's that shrink bomb coming?
Ray: Well, we could really use some fast hands.
Harrison: Could we ever.
Sara: Barry.
[Barry speeds away]

Barry: I'm supposed to lead this team. Now, I... I don't even know what to tell them.
Harrison: When I lost Maya... every day since then, I wanted to say "Hey, listen, I'm sorry. It was my fault." But she's gone. When I was Pariah, and I watched my mistake burn down the multiverse, I wanted to tell those people "I'm sorry," but they were gone, and it was over. And this is not over for you. You can find your way out of this. All you have to do is trust yourself.
Barry: How am I supposed to do that? I just lived with an imposter for five weeks.
Harrison: You forgive yourself. You showed me that. Now it's time for you to do it for you. And you know what? If you can't... do it for Iris.
Barry: I just miss her so much. Without her here, it feels like...
[a thought strikes him]
Barry: I know why Hartley's world is over.

Mar: It was not supposed to be like this. This is not his ending I foresaw.
Pariah: Things are turning out differently than I expected. But one thing is certain. Everything we know... everything there is... and everything there ever was... is doomed.

Dr. Harrison Wells: What exactly are we waiting for, Ms. Smoak?
Felicity: Up there.
Caitlin: Is that a bird?
Cisco: It's a plane.
Felicity: It's my boyfriend.
Ray: Hi. I'm Ray.

Dr. Harrison Wells: Do you have any idea what you've just done?
Barry: Yeah, I do. I just saved a lot of lives.
Dr. Harrison Wells: I warned you not to mess with the timeline.
Barry: Dr. Wells, if you would just let me tell you what was gonna happen, you'd understand why I did this.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Whatever tragedy you think you've just averted, time will find a way to replace it and, trust me, Barry, the next one could be much worse.

Young: You gonna get the treasure out of the Bloom?
Harrison: Yeah, I'm gonna get the treasure out of the Bloom. What... you mean the crystals?
Young: No, I mean the treasure.
Harrison: Is... what treasure?
Young: Inside.
Harrison: I don't know if they...
[she takes it and smashes it on the ground]
Harrison: ...hey, hey, hey... oh!
Young: [picking up a red crystalline rock] This is worth three times more than those dumb crystals.
Harrison: I'm impressed, kid. But you broke one of the rules. You see, you never give anybody anything unless you get something in return.
Young: Nice hat.
Harrison: [laughing, he puts it on her head] Now scram. And when you tell your parents where you got the hat from, make sure you tell them you earned it.

Dr. Harrison Wells: Your ATOM suit. Quite the technological achievement, Mr. Palmer. I'm impressed.
Caitlin: He is never impressed.
Ray: Well, thank you. But I can't quite seem to keep it up.
Felicity: He means the suit.
Ray: Yeah, I mean the suit.
Felicity: Yeah, I can attest that everything else works just fine. There's nothing we need to fix in *that* area.
Ray: No no, the sex is great.
Caitlin: God, there's two of them.

Nora: If Cicada goes after this acid meta, that means that today's the last day we're going to confront him.
Sherloque: And our chance to stop him.
Barry: Yeah, all right, well, then, I gotta figure out exactly what I'm gonna say to him.
Nora: You'll find the words, Dad. I'll help you.
Cisco: And I am going to start working on facial rec for this Acid Master. Yup, that's what I'm going with. Always trust your gut, kids.

Eobard: You want to destroy Cicada's dagger, don't you?
Barry: We want to save lives.
Eobard: [laughing] You want to save lives. I bet you do. I bet you do. Especially your own, right, Barry Allen?
Barry: Look, that me, he's gonna wake up soon. He sees me standing here, your whole timeline is gonna be blown to hell. You're never gonna get home. You know that's true!
Eobard: I know! I know!
[calming down, he turns to Nora]
Eobard: Where are my manners? Can I get you a cup of water?

Barry: How can I be the Flash without a Wells on this team?
Harrison: You've always been the Flash. You always will be, with or without me.

The: We need to talk, Thawne.
Eobard: You took my speed. What more do you want? My body is broken. I can barely think. I can't sleep. I used to able to run around the world in five seconds. Now it takes me at least that long to cross this stupid cell because... You took my speed.
The: You did this to yourself, Thawne. Armageddon was your plan.
Eobard: And it should have worked. But it didn't, and now... I'm gonna have to find a new way to kill you.
The: Oh, you can try.

General: Nothing out of the ordinary occurred. The military was simply conducting an underwater weapons test. There is no need for panic or alarm. Central City is safe. I guarantee you.
Barry: [watching on TV] He murdered Bette right in front of me. And there's nothing we can do to him.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Powerful men have a way of avoiding consequences.
Caitlin: You gonna be okay?
Barry: Yeah.

Joe: I need your help defusing an explosive.
Harrison: Uh, what kind of a device is it, Captain?
Joe: Uh, it is a Michael 112 composition Charlie 4 block demolition charge.
Harrison: [looking it up with his gauntlet] C4 block demolition charge. Yeah. Got it. Okay, so, easy. Open the outer panel. You're gonna see four wires. Pull the green one.
Joe: [opening the panel] There are more than four wires, and they're all green.

[last lines]
Barry: Guys, this better be good.
Iris: Yeah, we've got an after-Thanksgiving tradition called sleeping, so what's up?
Cisco: It's good. Trust us. Detective.
Sherloque: Well, it occurred to me that if you, monsieur and madame West-Allen, you want to spend this holiday with your family, well, perhaps your meta-killer does, as well. So I had monsieur Cisco hack into the CCTV footage of the hospital and this is what we got.
Iris: [playing the surveillance footage] Ever since Grace arrived, only one man has come to visit her. Every day. Including tonight.
Sherloque: Team Flash, I give you... Orlin Dwyer. Also known as...
Barry: Cicada.

Dr. Harry Wells: Sore's better than dead.

Cisco: I wanted to apologize for being a jerk. But I wanna make it right, so what do you say we do some multiversal ghostbusting? Ah, Crisis, the gift that keeps on giving, huh?
[seeing the way Nash is looking at him]
Cisco: You're not Nash.
Eobard: Hello, Cisco.

Dr. Harrison Wells: The hospital was undergoing unexplainable power outages every time you were going into cardiac arrest, which was actually a misdiagnosis because, you see, you weren't flatlining, Barry. Your heartbeat was moving too fast for the EKG to register it. Now, I'm not the most popular person in town these days, but Detective West and his daughter gave me permission to bring you here, where we were able to stabilize you.
Barry: Iris?
Dr. Harrison Wells: Iris, yes. She came to see you quite often.
Caitlin: She talks a lot.
Cisco: Also, she's hot.

Sherloque: Not great, but this dark cloud does have a silver lining. Which is if Cicada had everything that she needs to carry out her plan... would've already done so.
Ralph: He's right. She must be missing something or else we'd be done.
Barry: Yeah, but not for long. She's not gonna waste any time. Whatever it is that she needs, she's out there looking for it right now.
Iris: Well, then we move right away. We get the cure to everyone who needs it as soon as possible.
Ralph: So we just up and release some game-changing wonder drug?
Barry: We tested it. We know it works. People need a choice now more than ever. Do we have enough of the cure?
Cisco: Not nearly enough.
Nora: Caitlin, how fast can you make more?
Caitlin: Guess we'll find out.

Sherloque: Well, well, well. Bonjour, Eobard Thawne. If I am Eobard Thawne, what kind of man am I? Patient, right? Master of science. But also...
[blowing dust off of Thawne's horn-rimmed glasses]
Sherloque: A master of...
[pulling a sheet off of Thawne's electric wheelchair]
Sherloque: Subterfuge. Because not only... am I... Eobard Thawne, but I'm also... Dr. Harrison Wells. And that man... that man would keep his secrets...
[finding a button under the arm rest, he presses it and hidden compartment opens]
Sherloque: [removing a concealed flash drive] Close. What have we here? Well, well, well. Bonjour.

Caitlin: What's going on?
Sherloque: This guy, he try to explain the Thanksgiving holiday. He's failing miserably. What is this holiday? Please explain.
Caitlin: It's very simple, actually. It's just about getting together to celebrate our loved ones and family.
Sherloque: So simple. This is why I don't understand this holiday. I don't have any family.
Cisco: Didn't you have, like, seven marriages?
Sherloque: I did have seven marriages. Five wives, seven marriages, but no family. This holiday is a cruel holiday.

Eobard: There's always a Wells.
Nora: He knows I'm working with someone.
Eobard: But he doesn't know with whom you're working. Not yet.
Nora: How can you be sure?
Eobard: Because if he did, your father would be here right now in a flash, threatening to put his hand right through my heart.
Nora: Eobard, if my father finds out you've been helping me try to catch Cicada behind his back, he'll hate me.

Harrison: So... It's you.
Iris: What?
Harrison: What's your name?
Iris: Iris West-Allen.
Harrison: Well, Iris...
Iris: [tasers Nash] And don't you forget it.
Cisco: I had that.

Cisco: Okay, let's do this again. Gimme your best Wells.
Dr. Harry Wells: I'm not doing the Wells again, Ramon. I told you...
Cisco: Look, I just made these anti-mind control ear buds. They could fail, and if they do, you're toast, so you're gonna need to nail it if you want to live.
Dr. Harry Wells: Ramon.
Cisco: Cisco.
Dr. Harry Wells: [flatly] Cisco. In many ways, you've shown me what it's like to have a son.
[Cisco rubs his temple]
Dr. Harry Wells: What?
Cisco: Okay, let's... let's just try it again. This time, up the creep factor, like, a lot more, and make it a little more sincere, like you really love me but you're gonna have to kill me anyway.
Dr. Harry Wells: [in perfect mimicry of Thawne/Wells] Cisco. In many ways, you've shown me what it's like to have a son.
Cisco: Yup, that's the one.

Barry: You okay?
Dr. Harry Wells: Yeah, I'm okay. Although it turns out it's easier to find a two-ton gorilla on this Earth than a teenage daughter.

Gideon: Good evening, Nora West-Allen.
Nora: Gideon, another data entry.
Gideon: [scanning the entry] Entry uploaded and recorded. Shall I send it to the same recipient?
Nora: Yes.
Gideon: Entry sent. Would you like assistance with anything else?
Nora: Yes, send a personal message from me.
Gideon: What would you like it to say?
Nora: Actually, I'll deliver it myself.
[arriving at Iron Heights in 2049]
Nora: We need to talk.
Eobard: Yes, Nora. Yes, we do.

Cisco: Wait.
Dr. Harry Wells: What?
Cisco: Weren't there three of you?
H. Lothario Wells: [reappears with his pants down] Thanks for the merry-go-round, sweetheart. You know what I mean.
H. Lothario Wells: [to Cisco and Harry] Oh, sorry. I had to take care of some off-camera business.
Cisco: [sees that Lothario is naked from the bottom] Oh, my God!
H. Lothario Wells: What? What?
Harrison: I can see your frank and beans.
H. Lothario Wells: Come on now. I do my best thinking commando. Plus, it ain't like we all haven't seen it before.
Cisco: I haven't seen it!
H. Lothario Wells: Ah, you Earth folk. You guys are so uptight.

Savitar: Still here, pretender? Still trying to find your place?
H.R. Wells: I found my place. It's standing here with these people, against you.
Savitar: You know, the sad thing is that you live. You survived my wrath. The coward. Irony.
Barry: Where are you? You said that I trapped you in the future, where?
Savitar: The only place that you could think of. The only place that could hold me.
Barry: How long have you been in prison?
Savitar: Long enough to lose my mind several times over. It's only my will that keeps me on this side of sanity.
Cisco: You know, it's funny, when I think of sanity, I don't necessarily think of Savitar.
Savitar: Well, that's because you're small, Cisco. You've always been small. Reverb told you that you could have been a god. But instead, you'd rather work as... tech support.
Barry: You want to tell me why we're enemies?
Savitar: Because we had to be. Only one of us could live. You thought that Thawne and Zoom were your biggest foes, but... But it's me. It's always been me, Barry.

Dr. Harry Wells: Where is it?
Cisco: Where's what? The exit? It's right behind you, please and thank you.
Dr. Harry Wells: I can't find my thinking cap.
Cisco: [Harry throws objects around] I... hey, I don't have it, Captain Caveman!
Dr. Harry Wells: I never said you did, so why would you volunteer that information unless you do have it?
Cisco: [rolling his eyes] Get out.
Dr. Harry Wells: I know what this is about. You never wanted me to build this sucker in the first place, 'cause you never wanted me to be smarter than you. Well, guess what, that's funny, 'cause I already am.
Cisco: What the hell are you talking about?

Barry: Hey, what's wrong? Did Eiling find out you're here?
Bette: No. Caitlin was just about to give me the not-so-good news.
Caitlin: The shrapnel in your body has merged with you on a cellular level.
Dr. Harrison Wells: And the technology required to unsplice your DNA... it hasn't been invented yet.
Barry: [sympathetically] Bette.
Bette: It's okay. Roger that. I... I just need a minute. Don't worry.
[standing to leave]
Bette: Pretty sure I can cry without blowing stuff up.

Dr. Harrison Wells: Where's Barry? He's late.
Caitlin: Late is kind of his signature move.
Cisco: Hey, uh, you guys want to see MY signature move?
[Barry runs inside S.T.A.R. Labs]
Barry: Sorry, guys, I got a little held up. You had to be there.

Trevor: 15 years, Thawne. Tell me, how's it feel to know you're about to become extinct?
Eobard: I guess time will tell.
Trevor: I'm gonna miss the hell out of you. Especially our rehabilitation time. How about a taste of what's to come?
[gives Thawne an electric shock]
Eobard: Ironic, isn't it? The same thing that gives you your powers is gonna end you.

Caitlin: Nora's in trouble. Grace's defense mechanisms must be attacking her.
Sherloque: [looking at Barry and Iris' scans] She's not the only one who's in trouble.
Caitlin: We need to get them out of there now.
Barry: [seeing the Reverse-Flash suit] It's Nora's defense mechanism.

Dr. Harry Wells: Your husband tells us you've been tracking Zoom.
Iris: Yeah. I've been trying to. Why?
Cisco: We need to find his lair.
Dr. Harry Wells: Lair?
Cisco: He's a bad guy; I'm calling it a lair.

Dr. Harrison Wells: I know you took the V-9, Allen.
Barry: No, I haven't.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Oh, no?
Barry: No. I took it but I haven't taken it... yet.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Good.
Barry: Tell me why I shouldn't.
Dr. Harrison Wells: [scoffs] Figure it out.
Barry: If the game is already rigged, why can't I level the playing field? I mean, if everyone else is cheating, how can... I want to be fast enough to stop Zoom and ANY speedster that tries to hurt my friends. Shouldn't I use everything in my power to do that?
Dr. Harrison Wells: Y'wanna take a shortcut? Is that right? You wanna take a shortcut? Remember this: You lose a chunk of your humanity every time you compromise your values.

H.R. Wells: Wallace... I understand what you've been through. Stuck in the Speed Force, things you saw... I get it. I also know that sometimes the old adage is true. You get bucked from the horse, best thing you can do is get right back on the damn thing and ride, Wallace.

Nora: Five women married you for a reason, so who better to ask why they fell in love with you than them?
Sherloque: But, except...
Nora: I didn't think any of them would agree, but four of them actually jumped at the chance.
Sherloque: Of course they did.
Nora: Mm-hmm.
Sherloque: Because I owe them money. I am behind on all the alimony payments, and they don't know what Earth I'm on, until now.
Nora: What?

Harrison: Let me out!
Cisco: Okay, one of the auxiliary pipes was leaking, so he's patching it up in exchange for a crypto-circuit.
Harrison: Fine, don't let me out. I'll let myself out, actually, thank you very much. I'm gonna put an Atlantean shoulder check into this door and bust right through. In three, in two...
Cisco: [seeing Frost's look] Okay.
Harrison: In one!
[Cisco opens the door just in time, and Nash falls flat on his face]
Killer: [as he stands and composes himself] 'Sup?
Harrison: [casually] Killer Frost.
Killer: It's just "Frost" now.

Reverse: You didn't save her? Why? WHY? You could have had the life you wanted. You could have had everything you ever wanted!
Barry: I already do.
Reverse: [pause] Not for long.

Eobard: [to the guards surrounding him] Gentlemen. I hate to inform you, but... you're all dead.

Cisco: I might've given you unlimited data, but I also gave you spotty reception.
Sherloque: Nice work.
Cisco: All right. The bees are in drone mode. So if we move very, very slowly...
[in a dramatic move, Sherloque easily removes his restraints]
Cisco: Man, what in the world?
Sherloque: What? I was trained in the art of escape by Thaddeus Brown from Earth-51.
Cisco: [indicating his still-cuffed wrists] Yeah, well, help me escape!
Sherloque: That's a good plan.

Elongated: [surrounded by Dr. Light, Ultraviolet, and Sunshine] All right, on three, everybody go crazy.
Allegra: Got it.
Sue: That seems like bad advice.
Harrison: Song title. No, I like it. It'll be good. All right. One, two...
Eva: Stand down. Joseph is dead.
Harrison: Well... I didn't see that coming.

Harrison: Something's not right.
John: That thing still working?
Harrison: Yeah, it's still working. I built it myself. It's infallible.
John: Yeah, but you're still detecting traces of antimatter. Then our fight isn't done, is it?
Harrison: No. Or worse, it's starting up all over again.

Allegra: What's an organic receptor?
Harrison: Ah, no. I'm just, uh... this is... I'm just helping Barry get his speed back, or I'm trying to, anyway.
Allegra: Well, it's nice to see you care about someone other than me for a change.
Harrison: Well, you're...
[a thought strikes him]
Harrison: You're the answer.

Cisco: It could just be the wheelchair. I mean, you do kinda have a bad history with...
[points to Harry]
Dr. Harry Wells: That wasn't me.

Detective: You might as well take that mask off. I know it's you, Wells, or whoever you really are.
Reverse: Well, allow me to introduce myself.
[removes mask]
Dr. Harrison Wells: My name is Eobard. Eobard Thawne.
Detective: I don't understand. Why do you have my name?
Dr. Harrison Wells: Why? Well, 'cause we're family, Eddie.
Detective: Funny, I haven't seen you at any reunions or weddings.
Dr. Harrison Wells: That is funny, and the reason for that is because, as far as those guest lists are concerned, I haven't been born yet.
Detective: So that's why you didn't kill me that night at S.T.A.R. Labs? This whole thing - it's been about me?
Dr. Harrison Wells: Not a chance. You, my friend, are simply my insurance.

[last lines]
Dr. Harry Wells: I thought, you know, when you... when we closed the breaches, that I could just forget about everything I've done, but I can't. But I realize what I can do. You are gonna get your speed back, Allen, and I'm gonna help you do that.
Barry: How?
Dr. Harry Wells: By creating another Particle Accelerator explosion.

Jesse: So, how'd it go?
Dr. Harrison Wells: Well, he's not a red splat on the side of a mountain.
Cisco: That's our new definition of success?
Dr. Harrison Wells: It's one of them.
Jesse: So you didn't make the canyon jump?
Barry: Nah-uh. What else can we try?
Cisco: A bigger canyon?

Killer: [hearing a noise] What the hell was that?
Cisco: Pipes. Bad pipes. The heating. Don't worry about it.
Harrison: Let me out.
Killer: Are you sure? 'Cause it looks like you locked Nash in the closet.

Dr. Harry Wells: Oh Detective, I didn't know you cared.
Joe: Yes
Joe: you did.

Dr. Harrison Wells: You soldiers, you call yourselves "Sheepdogs", am I right?
Bette: Happy and normal until someone attacks our flock.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Every good person who was changed that night, people like you, people like Barry Allen, those people are your flock now, Bette. And General Eiling will never stop attacking that flock, and he always gets his target. Unless you stop him.
[thoughtful look]
Dr. Harrison Wells: You know your duty Sergeant. Kill Eiling.

Eobard: Iris West is my lightning rod, Reverse-Flash.
Barry: What the hell did you do?
Eobard: Nothing you haven't done before.
Barry: You created a Flashpoint.
Eobard: Wrong. I created a Reverse Flashpoint. I started by doing a little housekeeping at S.T.A.R. Labs, and then I took care of the one father you had left. Why? Because after our last encounter, it was clear to me you were faster than I was, and the only way to defeat you... was to become you. So I ran back to the year 2013 and made sure that I was the one struck by the lightning. I was the one that Iris West wrote about as the Streak. I led Team Flash. I was the one Iris West fell in love with. I stole your life! And because every hero needs a villain... I created that, too.
Barry: You wore my face. It was you that attacked the city that day. That's why they don't trust me.
Eobard: Made you think you were crazy. Crazy enough to beg, literally beg, Jefferson Pierce to steal your speed. What's it right now, 5%? Maybe less?
Barry: Thawne, what you did destroys the world. It creates Armageddon.
Eobard: No.
Barry: No, it's true, damn it!
Eobard: I would not create a perfect world just to watch it die. As a matter of fact, the only thing that is set to expire is you. And do you know why? Because I finally did what I set out to do all those years ago. I killed you as a child.
[Barry tries to punch him, but his hand goes right through]
Eobard: You can do that all night long. But the fact remains, at the stroke of midnight, my timeline will solidify... and you will cease to exist. And your precious Speed Force cannot help you now, because in this timeline, she chose me. And Iris chose me. I've won. I finally won. Who's faster now?

Dr. Harrison Wells: Cisco, bring the generator on-line. Make sure Barry gets the charge.
Cisco: What? You're not coming with me? I am not leaving you.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Listen to me. Of everything I've done in my life, of everything I have invented, my most important creation is the Flash. Barry Allen must have a future. Now, go. Go!

Harrison: I think you're afraid to use your powers because if you do, you think you'll become like... someone.
[studying her]
Harrison: Someone. Someone you know, someone you... hate. How am I doing?
Allegra: My cousin, Esperanza, she has the same powers as me, only she uses them to murder people.
Harrison: You're not your cousin.
Allegra: But if I start using my powers, what's to stop me from becoming like her?
Harrison: Because, Allegra, in this life, we choose. We choose who we are. So if you choose to use your incredible powers, that does not make you anything like Esperanza unless you choose that.

Harrison: Simple Harry is truly simple Harry now.
Cisco: No, that's not what's happening!

H.R. Wells: We reopen this laboratory and I become the face of the new S.T.A.R. Labs Museum.
Cisco: There's only one problem with that. It's your face. You're kind of a known murderer around these parts. You see, the evil Wells, not to be confused with the dick-ish but not evil Wells, he confessed to killing Barry's mother.
Caitlin: So basically, if you step foot outside this lab, you'll be arrested.
H.R. Wells: What - you're just telling me this now, you two rascals? What about the cryptograms? What about the message? Come to this Earth. Get a fresh start.
Cisco: Well, what about your résumé as a world-renowned genius scientist?
H.R. Wells: That's a good point. I guess we're even.

Joe: You put my son's life in danger, again.
H.R. Wells: And he saved Barry's life. Joe, why... why do you think I help Wally? 'Cause I'm selfish, I get something? I don't get anything out of it. I help Wally 'cause the kid is special. He's extraordinary. His powers are extraordinary, and... look, I get it, I'm... I'm not his dad, and I don't have the same safety concerns as you, of course not. But Joe, one thing I do know, the longer you deny someone their potential, the more they're gonna look for it elsewhere.

Allegra: [finding a studded denim jacket in Caitlin's closet] Uh... cool. Can I borrow this?
Killer: Sure.
Allegra: I'm really gonna miss you.
Harrison: Me, too.
Cecile: Hmm?
Harrison: [seeing them all looking at him] I mean, all... we all are.
Cecile: [teasing] Aww. There's hope for you yet.
Harrison: Enough. Okay.
[high-fiving Frost]
Harrison: You stay frosty.

Ralph: How does it feel to be up and running again?
Nora: Super frickin' schway.
Killer: Uh, wanna know what's not super frickin' schway? Cicada knowing exactly when and where our secret transport was taking place.
Sherloque: Mm. Inside job, right? Cicada clearly has a inside man, only...
Iris: Only what kind of cop would help Cicada kill innocent people?
Barry: One that's going to have to answer to D.A. Cecile Horton.

Ralph: Turns out industrial respirators use a protective coating around the nostrils that are made from this. And when this is exposed to another compound, dimethyl sulfate, floroupolymers tend to emit a very distinctive odor.
Sherloque: Burnt onions.
Ralph: Right. We find out where this is used, we're going to find our man. Elementary.
Sherloque: Elementary.
Ralph: No shrap, Sherlock.
Sherloque: It's Sherloque.

General: [flashback to five years earlier] This is everything we've been working to achieve.
Dr. Harrison Wells: We may have the same goals, General, but not the same means.
General: I will not have this project end before it even begins.
Dr. Harrison Wells: And as long as he's on my premises, I will not have him subjected to that kind of cruelty anymore. We're done. We're done, General. Get out.
[as Eiling leaves, Wells enters another room and approaches a cage labeled "Grodd"]
Dr. Harrison Wells: Hey. It's okay. It's okay, boy. It's okay. He's gone. Don't you worry. I have a whole different future in mind for you.

Sherloque: [to Barry and Iris, after Nora gets on their nerves] You two did this.
Cisco: You made her.
Sherloque: You are responsible.

[Nora is about to be erased]
Eobard: So close, Little Runner. It was never going to work anyway.
XS: Mom? Dad?
Iris: No, no, no, no.
XS: Mom, what's happening?
Eobard: A new timeline is setting in.
The: What?
Eobard: A new timeline that you created when you destroyed the dagger! I'm sorry, Little Runner, for trading you in like this. But I had to be sure that I could go free. You can still save her, Barry. There's still time. You can still save her.
The: How?
Eobard: The Negative Speed Force. She has to go there. It's the only place immune to timeline changes. But you have to go now. You have to go, Barry! Or we lose her forever. That's right. I've grown fond of her too. In many ways. She's shown me what it's like to have a daughter. See you in our next crisis.

Cisco: And I can still picture the way you looked at me when you called me a son, and you crushed my heart... with your fist.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Cisco, I'm sorry.
Cisco: Yeah. It sucked.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Yeah. Not for killing you. I'm sure I had a good reason.

Iris: What are you thinking?
Eobard: Well, I'm thinking you should be at home resting up for our big day tomorrow.
Iris: I will.
Eobard: [seeing she has something on her mind] What?
Iris: It's just that Allen seems off. Baby, he called me his lightning rod. Only you call me that.
Eobard: I know. But he's smart. He's attacking our love. We cannot let him pull us apart.
Iris: He won't.

Dr. Harry Wells: Listen, Ramon, DeVoe wants these bodies. All right? Maybe we change the bodies, we keep these people safe.
Cisco: I'm sorry, don't you have, like, six PhD's?
Dr. Harry Wells: Seven.
Cisco: Yeah, which one of them is in mad science?
Dr. Harry Wells: Mad science is just an area of study. It's not a degree, okay?

Barry: Um, well, I was just wondering if you've ever written about time travel. But more specifically traveling to the future.
H.R. Wells: Oh, no, my best seller... oh, hey, 'The Future Ain't What It Used to Be'... that was...
[sighing and murmuring]
H.R. Wells: it was all about... it was all about this guy who's actively trying to prevent his own murder. Won the Nebula Award. It's well-received.
Barry: Wow.
H.R. Wells: Yeah.
Barry: Um, so this character... your character... uh, was he able to change his future? More specifically, if he allowed certain events to occur naturally, was he only cementing the very timeline that resulted in a horrible event later?
H.R. Wells: There were two schools of thought. One faction... one group of fans... they believed, you know, the future's ever-changing. You know, it's not fixed, and so you could make of the future anything you wish.
Barry: Right.
H.R. Wells: Another group of fans vehemently disagreed with it. They said, "No, no, no. "The future is fixed, and you can't change it no matter how hard you try."
Barry: Mm-hmm. Where do you come down? On a fixed or ever-changing future?
H.R. Wells: Well, I think that a man often meets his destiny on the very road he takes to avoid it.
Barry: Meaning?
H.R. Wells: Meaning... the future is fixed.
Barry: Yeah.

Harrison: Multiversal particles oscillate at certain frequencies of light. Allegra can control electromagnetic wavelengths.
Chester P. Runk: So she can push the particles out of you and into the Fusion Sphere.
Harrison: Right.
Barry: Charging a fuel source for the A.S.F.
Harrison: And we take all that kinetic energy, and we just transfer it to the track ring above us...
Allegra: Giving Flash his groove back.
Chester P. Runk: Uh, just... just one thing.
Harrison: What?
Chester P. Runk: Aren't multiversal particles a little too chaotic to be contained in a Fusion Sphere?
Harrison: Yes. Well, normally, they would be, but Allegra can use her powers to contain the particles inside the Fusion Sphere from a safe distance.
Barry: Hey, thanks for looking out for me, but if Nash says it's gonna work, I trust him.

Cisco: Harrison Wells. Welcome to Earth-1. My name is Cisco Ramon.
Harrison: [grabs Cisco and shoves him against the wall] Why are you following me?
Cisco: Oh, great. Another angry one.

Sherloque: [wearing a respirator like Cicada's] I have frightened you, Dr. Snow.
Caitlin: I assume you came here for some other reason than murdering me?

Dr. Harry Wells: Jess, I'm coming for you... soon. I promise. I was thinking earlier today about the time that you were four. I took you to the planetarium, just you and me. I remember because it was the first time I took you out all by myself. Planetarium was crowded. You held my hand for dear life, or maybe it was the other way around, but it was in the Mars exhibit that I lost you. Panic. I had that place locked down in one minute. I had every security guard looking for you, and I could feel the fear rise in the back of my throat - and something else rising also, some dark instinct inside me about what I would do to the person who had taken you, the things I would do - unspeakable things - and it was in that moment that I realized, for certain, that I would do anything to get... you... back.

Cisco: I think Deon's right. We can't just... uncreate these forces like that.
Barry: Uh... so what, we... we... we should just give up?
Cisco: On this? Yeah, we give up. Doesn't that feel like the right thing to do?
Barry: Cisco, Nora will kill him if I don't do something to prevent it. Just like she killed Alexa. 'Cause she's not gonna stop until all the forces, and the people connected to them, are dead. Why... why can't you see? I'm trying to save him.
Cisco: He doesn't want to be saved by you! He just wants to be given the chance to be himself. And Iris understood that.
Barry: Look, every second that we leave these forces inside Deon and Psych, people are in danger. It's only a matter of time before someone dies in one of Psych's nightmares or gets killed by some kind of Deon time anomaly. Not to mention Nora declared war. She doesn't care how many people she kills as long as the forces die.
Cisco: You're right. Yes, you're absolutely right. And something needs to be done about that. And I don't have all the answers. All I know is... this can't be it.
Barry: [to Chester and Wells] You guys understand, right? I... I have to uncreate these forces.
Chester P. Runk: L-Like I said, I am... I am Team Flash all the way. But... Cisco has a point, man.
Barry: Harrison?
Harrison: If uncreating these forces is what you feel in your heart is right, I'll take that voyage with you. But all I ask is that you think, truly think, about the choice you're making.

Barry: We've all lost so much this year. Our power, our love, our family. At times, it's even felt like there's nothing left to lose, like everything that matters has already been taken and our lives are... empty, hollow inside. Some things can't be taken. I mean, look around this room. We still have our faith in each other and our will to fight for those we love. This is what we'll never lose. Eva McCulloch has never faced us head-on. And that's about to change. We're gonna find her, beat her, and get back everyone.
Cecile: Amen to that.
Ralph: You just tell me where to stretch.
Allegra: And blast.
Harrison: Sounds violent. I'm in.

Renee: [Sherloque walks up to Renee unexpectedly, startling her] Sherloque. You scared me to death.
Sherloque: Well, I apologize, but when you don't answer my many emoticon pictograms, no, I fear the worst, huh?
Renee: I was in the library. What could have happened to me?
Sherloque: Stacks collapse.
[Renee laughs]
Sherloque: Livid librarian.
Renee: [amused] Really?
Sherloque: Death by dewey decimals.
Renee: And a life loss by late fees?
Sherloque: Ah, there you go.

The: All right, what are we making?
Harrison: All right, so, plans, right?
The: Yep.
Harrison: Now, this is what we have to build. Now, these pieces are all very volatile. Be...
The: [assembling the bomb with his speed] How's this look?
Harrison: Okay, that's good.
Ryan: Whoa.
Ray: Love when he does that.

Iris: Barry, what is it?
Barry: It's just before right before Eliza disappeared, her lightning, it turned blue.
Cisco: Right. What if it's a side effect of the V-9?
Caitlin: Yeah, but Jay took V-9, and his lightning didn't turn blue.
Barry: About how fast was he running?
Iris: Not as fast as Eliza.
Barry: All right, so what if V-9 is what turns your lightning blue? I mean, that would explain why Zoom is so much faster than me.
Cisco: If that's true, then that means he's sick, right?
Dr. Harrison Wells: He's dying. That's why he wants your speed. He's dying, and he needs a cure.
Barry: Same as Jay.
Caitlin: No.
Cisco: Jay? No. See, he died right in front of us. Zoom killed him right in front of us.
Barry: Cisco, we've seen a speedster be in two places before.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Then I guess there's one way to find out.
Cisco: I guess now would a good time to tell you I've been vibing Zoom.
Dr. Harrison Wells: What? You... for how long?
Cisco: It started when we closed the last breach. And every time it's happened, I've been near that thing.
[looking at Jay's kettle helmet in a glass case]
Barry: [Barry smashes the glass case and takes the helmet and hands it to Cisco] We need to know.
Cisco: [vibes Zoom's identity is Jay] Oh, no. No, no...
[drops the helmet]
Caitlin: Cisco, what did you see?
Cisco: I saw Jay. He's Zoom.

H.R. Wells: All right, fellows, let's take a quick ten. We're all still the "Four Amigos" here, right?
Cisco: What?
H.R. Wells: You don't have that movie on this Earth?

Chester P. Runk: All you need to do is get close enough to the Speed Force lightning to collect a sample of each force. The PHC and Timeless Wells' time bubble should do the rest. Theoretically.
Harrison: Ready?
Barry: Nothing's happening. You gonna...
Harrison: Wait for it.

Cisco: Before you go, how exactly do you travel in time?
Harrison: Easy. Just... like this.
[vanishes away]
Cisco: Oh, just like that.

Iris: Okay, are we sure that DeVoe is gonna launch the machine from an airfield?
Cisco: If he's shooting five satellites into synchronous orbit, that's the latitude he needs. And whether or not he's still moping around about his wife ditching him, he's gonna resurface. And he's gonna do it soon. When he does, I whoosh, you whoosh. She bangs.
Barry: If I get there in time. I mean, I'm still not fast enough to make it to DeVoe's pocket dimension.
Cisco: That's why we split up. Yeah. Each one of us stakes out a different launch pad.
Barry: You're serious? I mean you've seen DeVoe in action.
Cisco: Yeah. The guy's a one man Legion of Doom. So send the Super Friends.
Barry: Okay, but we're not at full super strength right now. I mean Joe's got the baby on the way and Caitlin's looking for Killer Frost. Harry's...
Dr. Harry Wells: [stumbles into the room] This chair came out of nowhere.

Iris: Nora.
Nora: Mom?
Iris: Step away from him, please.
Nora: Mom, it's okay. Eobard is helping me. He has a way for me to get back home.
Iris: Nora, step away from him now.
Eobard: Nora, listen to your mother.

Barry: [as Wells the Grey] Do you hear the drums? They are coming. It is I, Wells the Grey.
Harrison: Oh, Wells the Grey.
Chester P. Runk: There's a wizard Wells?
Allegra: This is all my fault.
Chester P. Runk: Oh, my God. Do you know Gandalf?

Dr. Harry Wells: Like I said, we need more help. Maybe I should call my friends.
Barry: Your what?
Dr. Harry Wells: My friends.
Barry: Is he saying "friends"?
Caitlin: I think he's being sarcastic.
Cisco: No, no, no. This is delirium. He's cracked from being awake all night. Hey, Harry, all of your friends are in this room.
Dr. Harry Wells: I have other friends. You asked me to make new friends. I made new friends. It was a task. I complete tasks.
Caitlin: That's so great. I can't wait to meet them.
Cisco: Harry, you listened to me. I'm so proud of you.

Dr. Harry Wells: All right, I'll neutralize it. You two guys, get the hostages out. Oh, we need the ice queen.
Caitlin: That's not how it works. I can't just...
Dr. Harry Wells,63773: LEXY LAROCHE!
[Caitlin begins to transform into Killer Frost]
Cisco: [explaining to Iris] Childhood bully. Lot of repressed anger.
[to Caitlin]
Cisco: Let's go!

Nora: What if we could make one?
Barry: Make one what?
Nora: What if we can make a weapon more powerful than his weapon? Cicada can control his dagger, so what we would need would be something more powerful than his connection to it.
Iris: Wait, like... like some kind of supercharged magnet?
Nora: Exactly.
Cisco: I don't know if we have anything strong enough for that. We made Sally out of a micro-composite alloy. As far as satellites go, she's... she was heavy-duty.
Caitlin: And even if we could get our hands on the dagger, we'd still have to figure out how to take the dark matter out to negate its powers.
Sherloque: Well, exactly right. I mean, what you're suggesting is we find an alloy... no, no, uh... indestructible alloy that has super magnetic properties but also has the ability to negate dark matter. I mean, where are we going to find such a thing?
Nora: The past.

Cisco: You've been playing good Samaritan all morning. Take a break. Are you sure you don't want to get to CCPD, give Patty your attention?
The: No, I can see her later.
Dr. Harry Wells: 'Cause we can't afford to waste any more time.
Cisco: What, 'cause we've just been sipping Mai Tais since you got here?
Dr. Harry Wells: I don't know what you've been sipping since I got here, but Barry needs to get better, stronger, faster. We need to train to prepare for Zoom.
Cisco: Oh, I see. You haven't had your coffee this morning.
Dr. Harry Wells: I had my coffee this morning. Don't slurp. Don't. Don't. Don't.

Dr. Harry Wells: This is the list of meta-humans from my Earth. Ones that are known, anyway.
[shows long list]
Dr. Harry Wells: Particle Accelerator explosion was contained on my Earth. That didn't happen here.
Henry: Then why wouldn't we know about other meta-humans here?
Joe: Because of The Flash.
Iris: And now that everyone knows he's not around...
Cisco: They'll start coming out of the woodwork.

Deon: We've been looking for you, Eobard. The man with no past. The anomaly. You were invisible to us until the light from that damn cube showed us where to find you.
Eobard: Well. Good for me. Now, who are you and... What do you want?
Deon: I guess you could say I'm an old friend, and a new one, all rolled up in one. 'Cause that's how I roll. And as for why I'm here - It's time to fulfill your destiny.

Nora: I've been coming here for so long. Why didn't you tell me what you did?
Eobard: I thought you must know. Your mother would've told you. I was wrong. I see that. I'm sorry, Nora.
Nora: I don't trust you anymore.
Eobard: Have I not given you everything? The chance to go back and know a father you never knew? To learn from him? To run with him? To run with the Flash. I showed you how to time travel because... I want to help you.
Nora: No, the only person that you ever help is yourself.
Eobard: Who told you that? Your father? For as long as I can remember, all I ever thought about was myself, and that will not be my legacy. That will not be the legacy of Eobard Thawne! Let me help you.
Nora: I don't want your help. Not anymore.

Cisco: Some guy with ridges on his head, these big muttonchops.
Sherloque: Do you think that the red skies, this guy, these disparate event are somehow connected?
Caitlin: So Barry and Oliver were mind-swapped by a guy with muttonchops?
Ralph: Man, it's not even Tuesday.

Cisco: So while I'm gone, do your best not to break anything, will you, Nashville?
Harrison: Break everything while you're gone. Got it.
Cisco: It's like you're literally not listening to what I'm saying.
Harrison: What's that?

Harrison: How can you have such faith?
Joe: Because someone or something called The Monitor says my son is destined to die in some kind of Crisis, and the only way I can stomach any of that is have faith that his continuing life or his death is for the greater... the greater... the greater good.
Harrison: You've seen Mar Movu?

Ralph: Near as we can tell, he grew up in the Midwest. In and out of juvie, pretty much fell off the map, and then popped up in Central City a few years ago.
Sherloque: Part-time employee of Szrek Chemicals for the last two years.
Ralph: Foreman says he keeps to himself, pretty much a loner, gave a fake address.
Sherloque: Did take custody of his niece.
Ralph: Grace Gibbons.
Sherloque: After her parents were unfortunately murdered by a meta-human, now...
Ralph: So now we know why Dwyer hates metas. Once he got his powers, he started targeting them.
Sherloque: Powers that he got the night of the Enlightenment, as we all know, and he was struck by a shard from the S.T.A.R. Labs satellite explosion.
Ralph: Which was also the same night that Grace went into a coma.
Sherloque: Where Dwyer visits her every day, every night, for the last three weeks.
Barry: So he's there now.
Ralph: [simultaneously with Sherloque] Yeah.
Sherloque: Oui.
Barry: Then let's go get him.

Joe: I don't understand. How could Savitar be you?
Barry: He's not me. Not really.
Cisco: He's all the worst parts of you. It's like in "Star Trek" when the transporter splits Kirk into Good Kirk and Bad Kirk.
[to H.R]
Cisco: Please tell me you at least have "Star Trek" on your Earth?
H.R. Wells: "Voyager".
Cisco: I hate spinoffs.

Cisco: I'm gonna help you finish the thinking cap.
Dr. Harry Wells: It's an intelligence booster, actually. It's called in intelligence booster.
Cisco: Two conditions.
Dr. Harry Wells: What are your conditions?
Cisco: One, we simulate your synapses without using dark matter.
Dr. Harry Wells: Fine, no dark matter. And two?
Cisco: The minute you start acting like Locutus of Borg and start assimilating everybody with your Borg chair...
Dr. Harry Wells: You can vibe me back to my Earth. Okay?

Barry: Nash?
Pariah: Once upon a time. Not anymore. Now, I'm simply a man serving his penance.
Superman: Penance for what?
Pariah: I've freed the Anti-Monitor from his confinement only to become a... Pariah. Sentenced to bear witness to his actions.

Cisco: A toast to...
Caitlin: Mm-hmm.
Cisco: The thankless.
Caitlin: The thankless!
Sherloque: The thankless.
Cisco: The thankless.
Sherloque: [raising their glasses] Allez-oop.

Dr. Harry Wells: I know you well enough to know that something's on your mind. What is it?
Caitlin: It's... Killer Frost.
Dr. Harry Wells: What about Killer Frost?
Caitlin: I don't know anything that she says or does. It's scary and alarming to have this person that you know nothing about living inside of you. But for the first time, I remember what she did.
Dr. Harry Wells: What do you remember?
Caitlin: Barry taking her into Flashtime, trying to freeze the bomb...
Dr. Harry Wells: Mm-hmm.
Caitlin: And... Killer Frost being... worried.
Dr. Harry Wells: Worried about... what? About dying?
Caitlin: About me.

Joe: Hey, guys, any lucky finding Trickster?
Cisco: Joe, geo-tracking is an art form. It takes precision, it takes finesse, it takes grace.
Dr. Harry Wells: It requires none of those things. It's simply the fact that he's not a metahuman. Regular humans are harder to track.
Cisco: Is there anything you can't suck the fun out of?
Dr. Harry Wells: Leaf peeping.

Iris: Nora, your dad was wrong, but he still cares about you.
Nora: Why are you here and he isn't?
Iris: Look, I understand how you feel...
Nora: [her anger building] Do you? Do you know what it's like to want something more than anything else in your whole life? To know your father? To do your best to follow in his footsteps? To make him proud? How could he leave me?
Eobard: [trying to calm her down] Wait, wait, that's enough!
Iris: Nora.
Nora: How could he stop *loving me*?

Barry: It's hard to believe I'm here. I've always wanted to meet you face to face.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Yeah? Well, you certainly went to great lengths to do it.

Ralph: But you said my cells were polymerized.
Dr. Harry Wells: Uh, no...
Ralph: You said nothing could hurt them.
Dr. Harry Wells: Dibny, I didn't say that. I said your cells were bonded unlike anything I've ever seen. I've never see acid like this, and so, cannot be responsible for things I have never seen.
Ralph: It definitely hurts.
Dr. Harry Wells: Mm-hmm, of course.
Iris: Well, now we know what your kryptonite is.
Ralph: What the hell is kryptonite?
Cisco: What?
Dr. Harry Wells: Oh, come on.

Barry: Nash?
Harrison: No, my name is Harrison... Dr. Harrison Wells.
Barry: Look, I don't know who you are, but I saw Nash die. All the other Wells died with him.
Harrison: Exactly, and when Nash Wells gave his life to power the Artificial Speed Force, he transferred all the multiversal particles of all the other Wells into the fusion sphere except for 0.01 percent, and that's me.
Barry: How do particles become a person?
Harrison: I have a theory that when Nash and all the other Wells were removed from the timeline, the universe required... a balancing act. One Wells to make up for all those lost. Isn't that cosmic?
Barry: Crisis. There was an event. It took people from other planets and brought them here together to the same planet in one timeline.
Harrison: A temporal coalescence. That... could explain this.
Barry: Of all the Wells, you were the one I wanted to meet. I'm B...
Harrison: Barry Allen. I know. The other Wells may be gone, but they left an imprint, memories, and so let me just say that, whatever is wrong... Let me help you because they would want me to.

Dr. Harry Wells: Any father would be happy to have you date his daughter, except me. Can't date my daughter, all right? Can't date Jesse. Jesse's off limits.
Cisco: Went for the compliment, did not stick the landing.

Harry: Nash, you're our organic receptor. You're the only one that can contain us inside the Fusion Sphere.
Harrison: By dying? By dying, Harry?
Harry: Yes!
Harrison: How stupid do you think I am?
Harry: Come on.
Harrison: I have a life here now. I have people that I actually don't hate. I'm not gonna give all that up so Barry Allen can run fast!
Harry: Nash, you're the only one of us that can help Allen.
Harrison: And I will, Harry, by figuring out another way to save Allen that doesn't mean I have to commit suicide!
Harry: Nash.
Sherloque: Where is he going?
Harrison: [storming out] Bozos!
H.R. Wells: Didn't see that coming.
Harrison: [framing the Fusion Sphere with his fingers] And scene.

Caitlin: So, in most coma patients, high-traffic areas of brain activity go dormant, and the low-traffic areas spring to life. But unfortunately, Grace isn't normal. Not only has her coma lasted longer than the average, but her consciousness has isolated itself into one specific region: her long-term memory.
Sherloque: It will be so facile, easy peasy for you. All you do is you transmit your brainwaves into Grace's memories, right? And then you'll lead her consciousness out of a neural nexus portal. And Grace awakens.
Ralph: It's sort of like when Barry woke me up when the Thinker trapped me.
Iris: Surpisingly, that sounds kind of easy-peasy.
Caitlin: As long as Grace's unusual brain damage doesn't cause any unforeseen risks.
Sherloque: This is why I suggest you travel in pairs when you're using this technology.

Cisco: Thawne.
Eobard: That's right. Now, where were we?
[raising his hand]
Eobard: Goodbye.
[trying to vibrate his hand into Cisco's chest, nothing happens; confused, he tries again]
Cisco: [realizing] You're in Nash's body. No powers.

Harrison: So it turns out that Allegra, through a... you know, series of unfortunate events, she has discovered...
Killer: That she's your daughter's doppelganger?
Harrison: Not my daughter, exactly. More like an employee, right? An ex-employee. How do you know that?
Killer: Whatever. I'm guessing it didn't go well because she found out rather than you explaining it to her. So now it's time for some good, old-fashioned honesty.
Harrison: Oh, come on.

Ralph: The Elongated Man? It was just an expression.
Dr. Harry Wells: Has a certain...
Cisco: I don't know.
Dr. Harry Wells: "Je ne sais quoi" to it.
Caitlin: I like it.
Ralph: Well, I hate it.
Cisco: Well, maybe you should have let me do the naming.
Dr. Harry Wells: Exactly.
Ralph: Oh, don't worry, you'll get your chance. There's no way this is going to stick.
Dr. Harry Wells,63773: Probably gonna stick.
Ralph: The Elongated Man? Please, it's so literal. You think Prince would have settled for "Shorty Guitar Man"?

Barry: Holy winter wonderland. Took the words right out of my mouth.
Iris: Well, I guess Earth-19's Christmas is just like ours.
H.R. Wells: Some traditions are multi-versal.

Dr. Harry Wells: Trickster and Prank were responsible for a series of attacks across Central City, including the destruction of the Gadzooka Bubblegum Company.
Cisco: Huh. I always wondered why my favorite gum suddenly disappeared in the '90s.
Dr. Harry Wells: We have it on my Earth.
Cisco: [with a scoff] You do not.
Dr. Harry Wells: I just said we do.
Cisco: You do not.
Dr. Harry Wells: *We* do.

Barry: How is it we live together, work together, sleep in the same bed together, but it still feels like we don't spend any real time as husband and wife?
Dr. Harry Wells: [calling on the intercom] Allen, West-Allen, Cortex, now!
Iris: I have no idea.

Caitlin: He's cute. For a criminal.
Barry: Well, he's more than just a criminal now. Apparently, he's a meta who can travel through mirrors.
Cisco: Oh, oh, I got this one. He's, uh...
Dr. Harry Wells: Mirror Master.
Cisco: What the...
Dr. Harry Wells: Boom.
Barry: That's good.
Dr. Harry Wells: Thank you, we had a Mirror Master on our Earth, Evan McCulloch. Wasn't a meta, though. He had some kind of mirror gun that he used.

Nora: Are you ready? This is gonna be one of the biggest challenges of your career as a hero. Do you know what you're gonna to say?
Barry: Oh, yeah... you know, yeah. I've... I've got some loose thoughts.
Sherloque: Oh, great. Well, that instills all of us with confidence, right? Loose thoughts? What are you going to say? "Hey, most bloodthirsty enemy! Stop."
Iris: Guys, it worked for Marlize. Maybe not so much for Savitar, but...
Barry: I will figure out what to say to him, all right? I got this.

Harrison: You know, you got lost. Now, you just get back on the highway. Find new inroads with this Allegra. Easy-peasy. You know, I don't know her very well, but perhaps she's one of those people that just sees things in absolutes, right? Black and white. Missions fail or succeed, right? Do you know what you need to do? You need to get back in there with her. Open her up and show her that things aren't just black and white. Black and white, that's just for death and taxes. Everything else... Everything else happens in the grays.

Gideon: Good evening, Dr. Wells.
Sherloque: Bonjour, Gideon. I believe I have something that belongs...
[inserting the flash drive from Thawne's wheelchair]
Sherloque: Right here.

Ralph: Even if all of that worked, we can't just waltz into the hospital with our soon-to-be-named dampening device. Dwyer smells us coming, he's... he's gone.
Nora: Then we do a time hack.
Ralph: A time hack?
Sherloque: It's when you...
Cisco: Plant something in the past so it's available in the future. You go back, you take the device, and you... hide it near the hospital, somewhere it won't be found for five years. He won't even know it's there.

Dr. Harrison Wells: I have an idea. It's a bit of a Hail Mary, but Cisco and I are going to give it a try.

Dr. Martin Stein: How do you account for the destabilization of the Firestorm matrix?
Dr. Harry Wells,63773: We trick it.
Dr. Martin Stein: Quark spheres. They'll convince the matrix that our genetic codes are connected, when in actuality, they're not. That's genius!
Jefferson: A-and you're sure this will work? No powers for either of us?
Cisco: Guaranteed to put out the "fire" in Firestorm.
Dr. Harry Wells: One of you takes it...
Cisco: Boom. You're back to your old selves.
Dr. Harry Wells: [to Stein] No offense.

Dr. Harry Wells: I said I would help you get faster. I did not say I would help you give the man who kidnapped my daughter and tortured her a chance to do it again.
Caitlin: Hey, we are not gonna let that happen.
Dr. Harry Wells: Oh, you're not gonna let that happen. Gosh, I wish I'd known THAT the first time.

Hartley: Harrison Wells.
Harrison: Nash Wells, actually. Harrison Wells is my doppelganger.
Hartley: Your doppelganger?
Harrison: How to explain? Okay, so there was this big event we call Crisis, and...
The: He's his twin.
Harrison: He's my twin.
Hartley: Twice blessed.

Dr. Harrison Wells: Who are you?
Eobard: My name is Eobard Thawne, but that name doesn't matter. Not anymore. It won't matter for many years. The only thing that really matters is who you are. Harrison Wells.
Dr. Harrison Wells: What are you talking about? I don't understand.
Eobard: In the year 2020, you and your wife, Tess Morgan, successfully launched a Particle Accelerator that changed the course of history. I need it to happen a bit sooner if I'm going to get back. Much sooner.
Dr. Harrison Wells: What is that?
Eobard: My way home.
[sirens are approaching]
Eobard: You see, they're not coming to save you. They're coming to save me.

Dr. Harry Wells: Henry, this is about the people in Central City, about saving those people. This is about stopping Zoom.
Henry: Your daughter is safe. This could kill my son.
Dr. Harry Wells: I'm not gonna let that happen.
Henry: The last time he was struck by lightning, he was in a coma for nine months. How did that happen?
Dr. Harry Wells: I know what I'm doing.
Henry: You are messing with something that is out of your control. And what if it did work? I mean, w-what then? Joe? He goes up against Zoom, the monster that snapped his back and almost killed him, and then took the one thing that he's convinced now that he needs in order to make him whole?
Dr. Harry Wells: This is the way. This is the only way. The people of Central City need The Flash.

Iris: How's Caitlin and her mom?
Barry: Caitlin is still running some tests, but she thinks Carla's gonna be okay. I mean, as okay as she can be given the circumstances.
Iris: Why was Cicada II even there tonight? I mean, why attack Icicle and Caitlin?
Sherloque: Perhaps the ice meta were not the primary target.
Barry: What could Cicada II want with the cryo-atomizer?
Joe: Well, we're not gonna figure it out tonight. So let's rest tonight. Are you coming back to the house?
Iris: Um...
[glancing at Barry]
Iris: No, I'm gonna stay at the loft tonight.
Barry: You are?
Iris: Yeah. We should talk.

Barry: Are you sure we can't find this DeVoe guy? I mean, we were warned - we had a heads-up - that some day, someone named DeVoe would be one of my greatest foes.
Cisco: And the other thing to think about is do you know how many people there are in this state alone with the name DeVoe?
Barry: No.
Dr. Harry Wells: Thousands. And we still don't have an age.
Cisco: Unless one of your greatest foes is the three month old William DeVoe who lives four blocks from here.
Barry: I don't think one of my greatest enemies is a baby.
Dr. Harry Wells: Ehh...
Cisco: Evil killer baby.
Dr. Harry Wells: Could happen.

Dr. Harrison Wells: Oh, while I am more than happy to spend an evening watching old movies with you, Cisco, do you not have your brother's dinner to attend?
Cisco: Yeah. I was gonna ask Caitlin to come with me, but then I got a much better idea.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Which was?
Cisco: To not go at all.

Dr. Harry Wells: What's that? What are you guys doing? What are those faces?
Iris: When Savitar came to S.T.A.R. Labs, he said we would build a device to use against DeVoe.
Barry: The cerebral inhibitor.
Dr. Harry Wells: I wish I'd known that before I spent all this time trying to come up with a second name. Naming is hard.

Dr. Harry Wells: Ramon, what did you say? You said no powers?
[Cisco holds up a tool as a non-verbal question if he can take it]
Dr. Harry Wells: Yeah, go ahead. Well, in addition to being Vibe, you have another superpower: you're smart in here.
[indicating his brain]
Dr. Harry Wells: All right? Outwardly, you're weak. All right?
[Cisco holds up a machete]
Dr. Harry Wells: Too much. But use your outwardly weak appearance to your advantage. He's gonna anticipate a pathetic target. Well, you're pathetic. You're pathetic. You're weak.
Cisco: Not helping, just hurting.

General: Harrison Wells. How the mighty have fallen.
Dr. Harrison Wells: General.
General: S.T.A.R. Labs. Ah, this place used to be so important. Tell me, what does one do after such a spectacular, public failure?
Dr. Harrison Wells: One adapts. One evolves. One becomes intent on reversing one's fortune.
General: Always the idealist.

Cisco: We need a picture.
Barry: I'm pretty sure rule number one of having a secret identity is not taking pictures of yourself in your super suit without a mask on.
Cisco: Oh, come on, please! This is just for us. This is to document all this.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Who knows? Maybe people in the future will want to know how all this happened.
Barry: All right, well, if you want the future to have the whole story, then we all need to be in it.
Caitlin: First, let me put on some makeup.
Cisco: The future does not care about your makeup.

Reverse: You can't save him, Nora. No matter what you do, no matter what you try, the Flash will always vanish. That is his legacy.

Cisco: Every time we try to do something right, it goes horribly wrong.
Wally: We're cursed.
Iris: Maybe we should burn some sage.
Barry: Guys, we're not cursed.
Dr. Harry Wells: You're not cursed. You should be cursed at.
Cisco: Okay, why should we be cursed at?
Dr. Harry Wells: You should be cursed at because you opened the Speed Force without consulting me.
Barry: Okay, I don't think we need to rehash...
Cisco: All right. Okay, I did consult you, and you're the one who gave me the calculations in the first place.
Dr. Harry Wells: Yeah, I told you not to use them without consulting me. I said "Ramon, don't use the calculations without consulting me."
Barry: Guys.
Cisco: Yeah, yeah, I heard you. I didn't see the need for that.
Dr. Harry Wells: And that's why you should be cursed at.

Iris: Barry, you have to stop.
The: No, I have to finish this.
Iris: No, Barry, listen to me. The city can't take anymore fighting.
The: That's why I have to end this.
Iris: You can't.
Reverse: She's right. We'll never stop until one of us is dead. Time to tip the scales.

H.R. Wells: Well you know what I always say, a feller that can't tell the difference between balls and lanterns is in trouble when the lights go out.

Cisco: I'm gonna ask. Where's my suit?
Barry: It's... gone.
Cisco: What do you mean, it's gone? What did you do with my suit?
Barry: It blew up, dude. I managed to get out of it before it went "kaboom."
Cisco: My suit went "kaboom"?
Barry: Fun fact about Bette Sans Souci. She's not carrying bombs. She touched the emblem on the suit and turned it into a bomb. She's a meta-human.
Dr. Harrison Wells: With the ability to cause spontaneous combustion upon tactile contact.
Cisco: She blew up my suit.
Caitlin: You have, like, three more.
Cisco: Okay, I have two. And I loved that one.

Allegra: [finding a picture of Nash's] Who the hell is she?
Harrison: She... that's... that's... it's just someone I used to know.
Allegra: Well, she looks a lot like my doppelganger. Why do you have a picture of her?
Harrison: It doesn't ma.. it doesn't matter.
Allegra: It does to me! Dude, this is too weird. You know, I had a feeling something was off with you from the beginning, but I kept ignoring it, because I was just happy to find another person who actually believed in me.
Harrison: Okay.
Allegra: But this whole time, when you looked at me, you saw this other person. God, that is messed up, you know?

Dr. Harry Wells: Look, I'm sorry about...
[he pantomimes animals growling and throwing things in anger]
Dr. Harry Wells: You know, I just recently can't seem to stop DeVoe, I can't stop my daughter Jesse from hating me, I can't seem to stop blowing it when I'm trying to befriend someone who's my own age.
Cecile: Did you just say "befriend"? That's what you've been trying to do? You've been trying to befriend me?
Dr. Harry Wells: Well, yes, through transitive property. I respect West, West respects you, so...
Cecile: Harry, that was borderline sweet.

Dr. Harry Wells: I told you. I know how to contain the explosion.
Barry: Really?
Dr. Harry Wells: Yes.
Barry: [laughs] You know how to contain a dark matter explosion that, last time, just radiated all of Central City? Y-you tried this on your Earth, remember? Didn't go so well.
Iris: And even if you could contain it, I thought you said that Barry couldn't tap into the Speed Force anymore.
Dr. Harry Wells: It wasn't connected the first time he got his powers. Look, I have your Wells's data. The Harrison Wells from this Earth, I have his science.
Dr. Harry Wells: [to Barry] I know what chemicals need to be in your body. I know how the lightning needs to bond with the dark matter from the Particle Accelerator explosion. I can recreate the circumstances to get you your speed back.

Allegra: Dude, there's serious UV energy coming off that thing. Can I?
[taking the diamond]
Allegra: Huh.
Harrison: [she uses her powers to activate it] Oh, yeah. This is a triangulation cartograph. It's a treasure map.
Barry: [indicating a map of the city] Allegra. Aim it over this.
[she does so]
Barry: The center's at 42nd and Darby.
Ralph: Hang on.
[taking out his phone]
Ralph: 42nd and Darby... holy heck.
Barry: What?
Ralph: Well, it turns out that is a ginormous warehouse with five subterranean levels.
Barry: Ralph and I will check it out. You two take comms.
Allegra: N...
Ralph: [taking the diamond back] I'm gonna... just... excuse me.

Eobard: You got a lot of nerve showing up here, Allen.
Barry: It's been you this whole time. Despero, Armageddon, Joe.
Iris: Don't you dare say my father's name, you murderer.
Barry: Guys, it's me, Barry. Iris is my wife. We've all fought Thawne together.
Cecile: [reading Barry's thoughts] Oh, my God. He actually believes the things he's saying.
Barry: Fine. I'll show you it's me.
[whooshes away to change into costume, he comes back dressed as the Reverse-Flash]
Barry: Thawne, what did you do?
Eobard: You're not the Flash, Allen.
[whooshes away to change into The Flash]
Eobard: I am.

Barry: I know when we are.
Nora: [seeing a version of the Flash knocked out] Oh!
Barry: Leave him, leave him. The less we mess...
Nora: Mess with the timeline, I know.
Barry: I know what this is. Three years ago, I traveled back to this day, to get Thawne's help.
Nora: So you have done it before.
Eobard: [dissolve to the Time Vault; they phase in behind him] Well. Things just got a lot more complicated, didn't they?

Barry: There are three other forces; people like you. One of them? She wants to kill you. Now, she's already killed one of the other forces, the Strength Force, and she didn't care when the person containing that force died, too. So I need to make it so the Still Force never found you. It's the only way to keep you safe.
Deon: Nah. I like being me.
[seeing Barry instinctively glance at the Tachyon Enhancer]
Deon: Oh, I get it. Oh, I get it.
Barry: Deon.
Deon: Mm. No, I get it. I get it. This is what you're gonna use to do it, huh? This is what you're gonna use to make it like I never existed?
Barry: Not you, just the force inside...
Deon: Man, I *am* that force! Do you have any idea what it's like to be told that you shouldn't be here? I never asked to be born.
Barry: Deon, listen to me. Look at what you're doing. Okay, you... you don't understand what you are.
Deon: Yeah, I do. I'm a god. Maybe it's time you understood that.
Barry: Deon, wait.
Deon: [freezing him] Time to bounce.
Harrison: [unfreezing as Deon vanishes] ... right?
Cisco: What the hell just happened?
Harrison: I think your friend Deon just stopped time.
Cisco: Yeah, he does that.
Chester P. Runk: Wait. Why'd he leave?
Barry: Because I couldn't stop him.

Sylbert: I'm gonna shrink you down to the subatomic level, boy.
Dr. Harry Wells: Is that right? I'd like to see you try.

Dr. Harry Wells: This is a signature field, mapping every time DeVoe's gone in and out of his layer in the pocket dimension.
Barry: All of these?
Caitlin: All of them.
Iris: So, how did you do this?
Dr. Harry Wells: I didn't do it, actually. Ramon did.
Cisco: But all I did was just come up with a really complex and eloquent algorithm to track the warping signatures.
Dr. Harry Wells: Hey, don't do that, all right? Don't do that. Don't be modest. All right? It's unbecoming.
Cisco: You're unbecoming.
Dr. Harry Wells: You wish I was unbecoming.

Dr. Harrison Wells: You can do this, Barry. You were right. I am responsible for all of this. So many people have been hurt because of me, and when I looked at you, all I saw was a potential victim of my hubris. And, yes, I created this madness, but you, Barry, you can stop it. You... can... do this. Now, run, Barry, run!

Caitlin: Looks like Axel was born nine months after Zoey was last seen. I bet she left to help take care of her son.
Iris: And she came back to bust him out of prison, and pick up where she left off.
Joe: Well, I'm digging into CCPD files to see if she had any other known associates.
Dr. Harry Wells: I'll set the satellite to do a search grid.

Cisco: Normal sound waves need to have a transmission medium to move through, but charged sound builds its own.
Harrison: Normal sound can temporarily reattach molecular bonds. Charged sound can permanently attach them. It's like a permanent bonding agent.
Cisco: Hartley, this will stabilize Roderick.
Hartley: If you hurt him, I'll hurt you.

Caitlin: Frost, Chillblaine, and Batwoman are searching the city, but no sign of Reverse-Flash.
Cecile: And I can't feel him anymore. It's like he magically disappeared.
Eobard: Then try harder.
Iris: Cecile, um, we know that you're doing your best.
Eobard: Yes, of course you are.
Allegra: What's up with him, anyway? Has he gone crazy? I mean, the guy actually thought he was the Flash.
Eobard: He's a sociopath. There's no explaining a mind like that. Runk, where are we with the satellites?
[getting no answer]
Eobard: Runk?
Chester P. Runk: What?
Eobard: Satellites.
Chester P. Runk: Right, right, right, right. Uh, satellites are scanning for his negative tachyons, sir. But after analyzing samples from Robern's, looks like the Reverse-Flash is running on limited speed.
Ryan: Less speed means lower tachyon output.
Alex: Making him harder to track.
Eobard: But not impossible. If we sync the Atomic Bracelet's microsensors to the satellite, that'll isolate the smallest tachyons. That'll give us Allen's location.
Chester P. Runk: Consider it done, Captain Eo.
Eobard: Horton, use the Thinker's chair to boost your empathic scans. Snow, get the med lab ready in case there's trouble. Danvers, Garcia, weapons check.

Eobard: Oh, look at us, Flash. Two peas in a pod. Just two speedsters frustrated by the limits of their speed.
Barry: I'm nothing like you.
Eobard: No, I'm the one who's gonna get his speed back. When I do, when I gain control of this body, when I reconnect to my Speed Force, you... you're gonna be too weak to stop me, aren't you? Just like you were powerless to save your daughter. I miss my Little Runner.
Barry: Nora was never yours.
[vibrating his hand]
Eobard: Do it. Do it. I wonder, how much speed will you have left after I'm gone?

XS: No Weather Witch in sight.
Caitlin: Okay, Singh cleared the perimeter, so it's free of civilians.
Cisco: And our satellites are on weather watch for our Weather Witch. Nothing yet.
Sherloque: What? I wouldn't say nothing. My data leaves me to conclude that there is a artifically-created pressure system of uncertain origin heading rapidiment toward the downtown core.
Cisco: Listen, Galileo, you can lick your finger and stick it in the wind all you want. Why don't you leave the actual calculations to actual compu...
[his computer beeps]
Cisco: Oh, for Christ's sake.
Sherloque: And your exasperation leads me also to conclude that you have realized, although late, that once again I'm right.

Vibe: Who's there?
Killer: Nash, is that you?
Pariah: I am no longer Nash, I am... Pariah. And I'm here to bear witness.
Vibe: To what?
Pariah: Tragedy.

Dr. Harry Wells: History repeats itself, first as tragedy and then as farce.

Cisco: Okay, you see, Harry? That is bad juju.
Dr. Harry Wells: Okay, Ramon, what you call juju, I call quantum entanglement. Discreet quantum particles are connected, and when triggered, they stimulate a synchronicity that, to the untrained eye... the common eye... could seem luck.

Cisco: Girder came back to life, and he's all "Young Frankenstein" now, and he only recognizes Iris, and she lured him to my workshop so we could demagnetize him, but the machine shorted out, so he's about to come through that door and smush us all into chunky salsa and possibly eat our brains out. I don't know. Jury's still out on that.
Barry: All right, I got it. I... I will lure him to your workshop and we figure out a way to turn the power back on, okay?
Cisco: [sharing a look] Plan H.

Cisco: Oh, god. Not the Book of Ralph again!
Ralph: Yeah, buddy. You successfully completed my 27 steps to getting over the love of your life. Gypsy is in the past, you have a new siren, so now it's time for... the art of love.
Cisco: Um, Caitlin?
Caitlin: I've gotta finish working on the device to inject the cure.
Sherloque: Also I have to inject the device for the cure.
Cisco: I-I-Iris?
Iris: Oh, no, this is all you, man. I got an article I gotta write. Let me know when Barry gets back.
Cisco: [mouthing to Nora] Help me.

Barry: You want Nash, you're going to have to go through me.
Eobard: Aren't you a glutton for punishment. Always there to bear witness to the death of someone you're trying to desperately save.

Cisco: [after one of his vibes] Are you telling me I can see the future?
Dr. Harry Wells: That's exactly what I'm telling you.
Cisco: Those goggles are getting named immediately.

Dr. Harry Wells: Rip Van Ramon awakens.
Cisco: This doesn't look like a wedding.
Caitlin: You missed quite a bit, Cisco.
Dr. Harry Wells: All you need to know is that you are locked up in one of your fabulous anti-meta-human cells with the rest of us. We can't escape.
Cisco: Of course we can't. That's what I designed them for, genius.

Cisco: By the laws of Earth 19, I hereby challenge you for possession of H.R. Wells! If you want, we could solve this another way. There's a great spot for drinks...
Gypsy: You realize trial by combat is to the death?
Cisco: Yeah! For the loser.
[Gypsy laughs]
Cisco: Listen, you want him? You have to come and claim him.
Gypsy: Hmm.
Cisco: [turning around to Barry and H.R] That's Arwen!
Gypsy: I take it you also want the customary 24 hours to prepare?
Cisco: Do I want the customary...
H.R. Wells: Yes, you do.
Cisco: I would love to take advantage of the customary 24 hours, if you don't mind?

Dr. Harry Wells: Go ahead. Kill me. But... my daughter... is innocent. Please... Let... Jesse... live... Go on. Say something!
Zoom: Merry Christmas.

Iris: What are you doing, Sherloque?
Sherloque: Well, I'm pursuing a new lead to identify the mystery Cicada.
Iris: Well, if you needed information about the Time Sphere, you could've just asked.
Sherloque: That's right, but memory can be deceiving. Especially for a regular human. No, I prefer a primary source.
Iris: And this new lead, were you pursuing it last night, too?
Sherloque: That's right.
Iris: And all last weekend?
Sherloque: That's right. I am working very hard to get...
[something catches his eye]
Sherloque: To get what I want.

Joe: What is wrong with you?
Harrison: Why did you not tell me that this Earth's vibrational frequency is calibrated at a molecular level?
Joe: You're supposed to be the expert!
Harrison: Shh.
Joe: Shush me one more time, we gonna have a problem.

Cisco: Allegra, you said Godspeed's lightning caused some sort of blast.
Allegra: Yeah. He was like a frickin' lightning storm in the room, but it was his thunder that did the damage.
Barry: Not thunder. Vibrations.
Cisco: Makes sense. You go fast enough, you create a sonic boom. Velocity transmutes into vibrations in the air, only this Godspeed figured out a way... to reverse those vibrations and use them to extract speed from a speedster.
Harrison: Okay, so he's power-hungry. How do we stop him?
Cisco: Well, we'd need a really, really deep understanding of vibrational sonics.
Harrison: Great. Do we have that?
Cisco: Not really, no.
Barry: I know who could help us. Hartley. Hartley Rathaway.

Sherloque: What we shall talk about while we eat our scones, I wonder?
Renee: Oh.
Sherloque: Maybe about, given your grace and your posture, uh, four years of ballet training?
Renee: [impressed] Since I was four.
Sherloque: Hmm.
Renee: Wow, you're really perceptive.
Sherloque: Well, it's a modest talent, I suppose.
Renee: Notice anything else about me?
Sherloque: Challenge accepted. Um, well, east coast girl?
Renee: Yes.
Sherloque: From a small village, maybe, um, by a bay? Work with books? A librarian? At a university? Live by a train station, small split-level pad? You, um, have a dog. Older dog. Corgi. Anyway, about that scone...
Renee: [creeped out] Okay, stay away from me.
Sherloque: What?
Renee: I don't know how long you've been watching me, but it ends now.
Sherloque: No, no, no.
Renee: Or I'm calling CCPD, stalker.

Barry: How are we doing with the speed-dampener?
Caitlin: I think we isolated the composite.
Cisco: And we're modifying the dart The Arrow used to take down Wells.
Dr. Harrison Wells: He's not Wells. I'm Wells.
Cisco: Whatever, Harry.

Iris: How are we supposed to investigate when you're making tea, Sherloque?
Sherloque: Well, you seem very annoyed, mademoiselle.
Nora: No shrap, Sherlock.
Sherloque: Sherloque.
Nora: Sorry for the language, Mom.

Cisco: What did you do to my bazooka?
Dr. Harry Wells: Well, I turned your bazooka into an embiggening bazooka, with the help of the dwarfstar alloy we stole from Rundine's apartment, and improving upon Ray Palmer's amateurish schematics, presto chango, embiggening bazooka.

Iris: I'm sorry, why are you wearing a helmet? I thought you were made out of rubber.
Ralph: Somebody's gotta set a good example for these kids.
Caitlin: Well - I thought you grew up on the ice.
Ralph: Well, I did, basically, my mom dated a zamboni operator, so...
Sherloque: And I tell you where I'm from we don't date zamboni operators. Why is that? Because there is no zambonis.

Dr. Harry Wells: You're not as smart as you think.
Clifford: Yes, I am.

Cisco: He wasn't lying. That thing's linked to a speedometer. And it will blow if you stop moving.
The: Well, I can't run forever.
Caitlin: There's gotta be a way to get it off him without damaging it.
Dr. Harrison Wells: [getting an idea] Barry, do you see any walls nearby?
The: Why?
Dr. Harrison Wells: Because I need you to run into one. Or more accurately, through one.
Cisco: What?
Dr. Harrison Wells: If you vibrate at the natural frequency of air, your body, your cells, will be in a state of excitement that should allow you to phase right through that wall, leaving the bomb on the other side.
The: Should?
Dr. Harrison Wells: You can do this. I believe in you.

Allegra: You sure you have to go? I heard Team Flash always has a Wells.
Harrison: Well, that's overrated, plus Flash has his speed back, Mirror Monarch is back where she belongs. It's time.
Allegra: But I need someone to train me.
Harrison: Allegra, you have your own wavelength to follow, and, as it turns out, somehow I have mine. The universe gave me my life back somehow, and now I can see all 92 years of that life past, present, and future simultaneously, and somehow can travel to any moment I want.
Cisco: Timeless Wells. That's a new one.

Cisco: When the heat gun was fired, it increases surrounding temperature of the air dramatically, sort of like an extreme heat wave.
Cisco: [looks to Dr. Wells] "Heat Wave"...?
Dr. Harrison Wells: Stop doing that.

Bartholomew: We're going up there?
Killer: That's where Zoom's lair is.
Dr. Harry Wells: A place only a speedster could get to.
Cisco: It's like the Cliffs of Insanity. So how do we get up there?
Killer: I can make you something to climb on, darling.
Bartholomew: Are you serious? You want us to - what, just climb to the top of those cliffs - on ice?
Killer: Got any better ideas?
Bartholomew: No, ma'am, I'm just, you know, I - I've got - you know, I'm wearing wingtips here. They, um, they don't have much tread.

Barry: How are you still here?
Eobard: Well... I wanna see how this ends.
Barry: Don't screw with me. How did you get your speed back?
Eobard: I didn't?
Barry: Stop lying! I saw you, five minutes ago. 1,000 miles from here wearing your original face, pretending you didn't remember me. So, who is he? A version of you from your past? Answer me!
Eobard: I don't know. And I don't care. Don't you get it. You took my speed. There's no other versions of me out there, no other tricks up my sleeve. You took everything from me. So, why don't you just leave me alone?
Barry: When you were nearly erased during Armageddon, it erased your past didn't it? Which means he's from another timeline. Like when I created Flashpoint, there was another Thawne. The only way to fix things was to let him go. When you fought with the Legends, he tried to keep himself from getting erased, but Black Flash caught up to him.
Eobard: I guess he didn't finish the job. Here's a suggestion: Why don't you go bother him?
Barry: [draws a picture of the B.L.O.C] The other Thawne built this. Does that mean anything to you?
Eobard: He didn't build that, that's mine. That's my biometric oscillation chamber that I built two centuries from now, when I was a younger man to see if I could become a speedster like you.
Barry: It worked.
Eobard: But not the way I intended. Has it tapped into the negative speed force?
Barry: That's why Meena's powers are so erratic. They're not artificial, they're negative. I've seen what that kind of force can do.
Eobard: Who's Meena?
Barry: Dr. Meena Dhawan, she's the one using the B.L.O.C.
Eobard: Never heard of her. And guess what? Neither has history. So, I guess your new adversary made sure that this Dr. Meena Dhawan never sees the future.
Barry: Because if she keeps using that device, the negative speed force will start to alter her personality. It'll destroy her.
Eobard: Not if. When. There's one thing you should know about us Thawnes, Allen, no matter when we exist, no matter what our memories are, we only look out for ourselves. So whatever this new guy's endgame, he'll sacrifice every pawn on the board to get what he wants.
Barry: Not if I stop him before he has a chance.

Cisco: I get that, wanting to be with the person you love. If Kamilla and I are lucky enough to share half of what you and Tess have...
Harrison: You will.
Cisco: This is weird.
Harrison: Yeah, we just met.
Cisco: Right? It's like I barely even know you.
Harrison: We barely know each other.
Cisco: I mean, you're nothing like him.
Harrison: Like who? Oh, the Harrison Wells you used to know.
Cisco: Or the man I thought was Harrison Wells. Of course, he turned out to be a...
Cisco: A jerk?
Cisco: Yeah.
Harrison: Yeah.
Cisco: How do you miss someone you barely even know?
[they shake hands]

[Reverse-Flash stabs Godspeed with a lightning saber]
The: Thawne! You could have killed him.
Eobard: Wasn't that the plan? Didn't you say you needed help dealing with a threat? Well, I dealt with it. And now... and now... it's just you and me, Flash. I've been waiting for this moment for a long, long time.
The: I'm only gonna say this once. Walk away while you still can.
Eobard: Allen. You are two weak to stop me. And I'm just getting started.
[Barry goes into Flashtime to stop Thawne's attack and tosses him to the pavement]
Eobard: What did you do? I created you. I taught you everything you know! Everything you are because of me! What did you do?
The: I got faster. Didn't you?
Eobard: No. But I will, Flash. Mark my words. I will.

Joe: So you went to to the future?
Ralph: Yeah. John Stamos still handsome.
Sherloque: He'll never not age.
Ralph: No, never. Man, he looks good.

Cisco: You're free of it. Free of Thawne. As for the other Wellses, their brainwaves are unfortunately still entangled with yours. So they're as much a part of you now as yourself.
Harrison: Right. Wait, what?
Cisco: Mm-hmm.
Harrison: You mean I'm gonna keep hearing...
Cisco: Yeah.
Harrison: I'm gonna keep seeing them.
Cisco: Yeah.
Harrison: Crisis of infinite Wells. Well, I've had worse.

Dr. Harry Wells: I work better alone.
Barry: Oh, no, haven't you heard the expression "Two heads are better than one?"
Dr. Harry Wells: [flatly] No.
Barry: Must be an Earth-1 thing.

Killer: Guys, shouldn't it be all hands on deck with Iris, Kamilla, and Singh stuck in the Mirrorverse?
Cecile: Hey, you're just as important.
Harrison: [entering with a leather jacket] Found this. Caitlin? Or Frost?
Allegra: Uh, they're going to the Arctic, not OzzFest. How are you so bad at everything?
Killer: Katie keeps our heavy coats in the back closet.
Allegra: I'll check on it.
Harrison: Right. That makes more sense. You-you're so good at this kind of stuff.
[Allegra snatches the jacket]
Harrison: So mad at me.
Cecile: Little bit.

The: He wants to kill you before you build it. That's why he's sending Killer Frost after you.
Tracy: Killer Frost? Her name is... Killer Frost?
H.R. Wells: Yeah.
Joe: We know it's a lot to take in.
Tracy: Well, to be honest, you're basically calling me Sarah Connor in "Terminator."
Cisco: Well... Uh, more like... Miles Dyson.

Dr. Harry Wells: Can we just get back to the task at hand? We need answers.
Wells 2.0: The best answer is always the simplest. Why don't we go to every DeVoe we can find and interrogate 'em?
H. Lothario Wells: What, even the baby DeVoe?
Wells 2.0: Especially the baby DeVoe?
Harrison: Baby violence solves nothing.

Sherloque: Let me get this straight. You believe you are not Barry Allen, but in fact, he is?
Caitlin: Barry, did you time travel again?
Barry: No, I didn't.
Sherloque: She's talking to Barry.
Caitlin: Sorry...
Barry: I am Barry.
Cisco: [sarcastic] Yeah, and I'm Wild Dog.
Sherloque: Easy, Wild Dog.
Cisco: Sarcasm.

[last lines]
Dark: The Kryptonian was stronger than we anticipated.
Overgirl: Next time, she won't be so lucky.
Dark: [zooming in] What did you do? *What did you do*? You were supposed to wait until we were ready before you attacked!
Dark: Opportunity knocked in the form of a wedding. We answered.
Dark: Oh, opportunity knocked and you answered. Well, now, because of your recklessness, we have lost Prometheus!
Overgirl: [diffusing a fight before it starts] Boys, boys, boys. Don't fight. You need to save your power and your anger for those heroes. We will have another chance to achieve victory. And when we do, we will kill every last one of them.

Eobard: You've been gone a long time, Nora.
Nora: You're lucky I came back at all.

Dr. Harry Wells: I think a better idea instead of playing Hoodlums and Holograms would be to rebuild the Particle Accelerator to get Barry's speed back.
Barry: Yeah, Wells, that's what you keep saying.
Dr. Harry Wells: That's right.
Barry: But look at what that explosion did to this city.
Cisco: Not to mention the last time we tried something like that we blew a hole in the universe and created, like, fifty portals to your Earth.
Iris: Which is exactly how Zoom and his henchmen got here in he first place.

Iris: Okay, guys. We don't have a speedster, Cisco can't breach, and Killer Frost is out of commission. We need to come up with a plan to rescue Barry now.
Cisco: The extrapolator. We can breach in and grab him.
Iris: Great, where is it?
Sherloque: Right. Uh, about that... I broke it.
Cisco: How did you break this? Batting practice?
Sherloque: It's not user friendly.
Cisco: You're not user friendly!

Killer: Nash, Allegra will come around eventually. You just have to be there when she does. Trust the process.
Harrison: Pretty wise for a popsicle.
Killer: Thanks. Got a Dib-ploma to prove it.

Eobard: What exactly... do you think you've done?
Barry: We just saved your life, Thawne. Don't make us regret it.
Eobard: You think you saved my life? You took my speed. My speed is my life. You took my life! And left me in hell.

Caitlin: I thought this was to help Barry.
Dr. Harry Wells: It is to help Barry, which is why we need to do test runs on subjects who once had the Speed Force in their system.
Jay: The Speed Force doesn't work like that. It's not something you can create in a lab.
Dr. Harry Wells: How do you think you became The Flash, Garrick? By me in a lab. Science is what did this to you, to Barry, to Zoom, and science is what we need to stop Zoom, and this is our only option.
Jay: Find another one! The Speed Force can't be replicated or enhanced. It's a living thing. It's a gift that was given to me. That drug - you have no idea what it's gonna do. I'm not letting another one of your experiments mess with me again, Harrison. You find someone else to be your guinea pig.
Caitlin: Jay!
Jay: Caitlin, keep that serum away from Barry.

[last lines]
Gideon: Good evening, Dr. Wells. It's been 1,078 days since we last spoke. How can I be of service?
Dr. Harry Wells: Hello, Gideon. A lot has changed since then.

Barry: Who is Hartley Rathaway?
Dr. Harrison Wells: Hartley Rathaway is the prodigal son, and he has returned.

Harrison: [entering the Speed Lab with Barry] Well, well, well. Honey, I'm home.
Chester P. Runk: Holy deus ex machina. Timeless Wells.

Harrison: We think that there may actually be a way to help Roderick. I've seen this kind of molecular disembodiment before. All right, bear with me; I think that if we combine concentrated light energy with an inert gas with thermal conductivity, it may actually slow down Roderick's molecules and get him his body back.
Hartley: So, basically combine light with helium. I'm the smartest guy in the room; I get it. Fine. You fix Roderick, and maybe I'll help you.

Sherloque: [preparing to return home] Adieu, Team Flash.

Dr. Harry Wells: [about Zoom] Did he follow you here?
Cisco: I've seen Heat like fifty times, okay? I know how to shake a tail.

Dr. Harrison Wells: S.T.A.R. Labs has not been operational since FEMA categorized us as a class four hazardous location. Seventeen people died that night. Many more were injured, myself amongst them.
Barry: Jeez. What happened?
Dr. Harrison Wells: Nine months ago, the Particle Accelerator went online exactly as planned. For forty-five minutes, I had achieved my life's dream, and then... then there was an anomaly. The electron volts became immeasurable, the ring under us popped, energy from that detonation was thrown into the sky, and that, in turn, seeded a storm cloud...
Barry: ...that created a lightning bolt that struck me.

Eobard: [taunting Barry about Nora] All you did was stifle her abilities. You were an awful father to her.
Barry: I miss my daughter every day. But I'm done letting that give you power over me.

Barry: I can't stop phasing.
Nora: And I can't counter-phase him forever.
Sherloque: Okay, that's not good. If you keep going but you don't, then you could... fall to your death.
Barry: Yeah!
Nora: What are we gonna do?
Caitlin: Let him.
Sherloque: Uh...
Barry: What?
Cisco: Yes, if you phase through the floor, you're actually gonna fall into the pipeline cell directly below us.
Caitlin: And the dampening unit will negate your powers.
Sherloque: Unless we don't time it right. In which case, your torso would be severed from your legs as you enter the cell.
Caitlin: Not helping.
Barry: Stop, stop. Okay, stop. I tr- I trust you, Cisco.
Cisco: Move to your right. No, my right.
Barry: Cisco! Come on!
Cisco: Okay, stop right there! One step back.
Nora: Cisco!
Cisco: Actually, never mind, one step forward. Okay, ready? Three, two, one, go!
[Barry safely falls into the pipeline cell]

Cisco: Captain Cold is back!
Dr. Harrison Wells: For a non-meta-human, Leonard Snart is proving to be quite the nemesis.
Cisco: He still has the cold gun, the one he stole from us, the one I built.
Caitlin: But, what does he want this time?
Barry: The Flash. If Snart wants a fight with the Flash, then I'll give him one.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Well...
Barry: You don't think I should?
Dr. Harrison Wells: I didn't say that, but, Barry, as fast as you are, you cannot be everywhere at once, and it becomes, then, a question of priorities. Now, in the last month, you have made a commitment to increasing your speed, enhancing your reflexes, and it's working. You're finally getting faster.
Barry: Okay, but I... What am I supposed to do, just ignore Snart?
Dr. Harrison Wells: The last time you had a fight with Snart, a train derailed. You were lucky to get all those people to safety. Now, if you don't give him that fight...
Barry: ...he may just back off, and there'll be no casualties.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Look, Barry, Cisco and I will work with Joe and the police and devise a way to catch Cold. Yes, I said it, Cisco. As soon as it came out of my mouth, I heard it.
Cisco: Yeah, we can definitely come up with ways to neutralize Snart.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Listen, Barry, whether or not you go after Snart - that's your choice - we here, we will do whatever we can to support you, but after this past Christmas, after the events with the Reverse-Flash... I just think he poses a greater threat to all of us.

Reverse: This timeline's gone.
Negative: Well, we wanted you to feel at home. You, uh, you know who we are?
Reverse: Beings who can do all this. I'm guess you're the Negative Forces. Why am I here?
Negative: You never wondered where your speed really comes from?
Reverse: I built a machine that taps into the Negative Speed Force, allowing me to siphon it for my own use. Brilliant.
Negative: Oh, you didn't tap into it. No, no, no, it tapped into you.
Negative: It's true. The Negative Speed Force has always existed. It chose you as an avatar, because it feeds off your hatred for Barry Allen.
Negative: The other Thawne forgot that. No hate, no negative Speed Force avatar. That's why he had to go.
Reverse: I don't know what you're planning, but if you think I'm gonna stand here and play your stupid game...
[Negative Deon stops Thawne in his tracks]
Negative: Relax, we're not gonna hurt you.
Negative: We're just gonna transform you.

Cisco: [seeing Sherloque aggressively throwing paint on a canvas] What...?
Sherloque: Art is therapy.
Caitlin: So, Sherlock...
Sherloque: Sherloque. Simple pronunciation.

Clifford: Good evening, Detective West. Something tells me you're not here for more of my wife's world-famous lemonade.
Joe: Where's my son?
Clifford: Mr. Allen, has he gone missing?
Joe: He's not missing. He was taken. By someone I am eager to meet.
Clifford: Thinly veiled threats aside, Mr. West, I'm afraid I have not a clue as to Barry Allen's location. I do know, however, that your colleague is located behind my front porch carrying an ionic sub-repeating pulse firearm.
[he laughs as Harry enters with said weapon]
Clifford: The bird bath has a much better vantage point. A smart man would have taken up position there.
Dr. Harry Wells: A smarter man would understand that this gun has no safety, and my finger is still on the trigger.

Dr. Harry Wells: So when did you do it? After we returned to Earth-2?
Barry: Look, Harry, only a couple things are different.
Dr. Harry Wells: Oh, I'm sure. Not.
Cisco: Really? You guys are doing "not" on Earth-2 now?
Jesse: Uh, no. That's all him.

Barry: I saw Black create duplicates from his own body.
Cisco: That's pretty ironic. The guy specialized in cloning and now he can make xeroxes of himself.
Dr. Harrison Wells: If he was experimenting on himself when he was exposed to the dark matter wave released by the particle accelerator explosion...
Cisco: Meet Captain Clone. Don't worry. I'll come up with something cooler.

Barry: Nash, please, I can't let anyone else die for me. I've already lost so many people.
Harrison: Do you know what I feel right now? Pride. Honor. And it's been so long since I felt those things.

Iris: What is all this?
Dr. Harry Wells: This is gonna give us the edge we finally need to be smarter than DeVoe. Or me to be smarter than DeVoe, actually.

Allegra: Didn't you say all four Godspeeds were locked up at Iron Heights?
Harrison: Those are just cybernetic drones with modem-speak. This one was talking. And by the way, do you not happen to have protective protocols for this place?
Cisco: Do not put this on me. I am trying to figure out a way into the Mirrorverse. What were you doing?
Harrison: I was saving our speedster.
Cisco: Oh, good for you. You did something.
Harrison: Thank you. Could I have a parade?

Pied: Okay, I haven't seen that one before.
The: Is that Godspeed's blood?
Cisco: Satellite readings indicate it could be some kind of biogenic electrolyte secretion.
Harrison: It's...
Cisco: Charged sound.
Harrison: Oh, boys... I do believe we found the solution we're looking for.

Ralph: Gentlemen, I welcome you to the Golden Booty.
Joe: There ain't nothing golden about any of this.
Dr. Harry Wells: Nope.
Ralph: [to Barry] Came through for you. Right, man? What do you think?
Cisco: I think I should've brought some hand sanitizer.
Dr. Harry Wells: [squeezing some into his hands, then giving some to Cisco] Always come prepared.

Joe: I hope you get your daughter back.
Dr. Harry Wells: I'll make sure you get your son back.

Eobard: Go on! End it. End it!
[the Flash stops vibrating his hand]
Eobard: What's stopping you? Oh, I forgot. Barry Allen is above killing. Isn't that right?
The: Get out of here.
Eobard: I wonder what face I'll be wearing next time we meet.
The: Can't wait.

Dr. Harry Wells: Thing we're gonna do to get Killer Frost to appear, get that massive spike in your adrenaline production that we need, is Ramon is gonna use his vibes to shake you up on a cellular level, and let's see if we can't get your old friend Killer Frost to come out to play.
Iris: Are you sure this is gonna work?
Dr. Harry Wells: Well, I mean, like any hypothesis, you have to test it to get an answer. It's what we've all done since the fourth grade, known as the...
Barry: Scientific method?
Dr. Harry Wells: Right you are, Allen.

Sherloque: Nothing?
Caitlin: Nope, I still cannot figure out how to reset his cells back to normal.
Cisco: He's still Humpty Dumpty'd, huh?
Caitlin: Yep.
Cisco: He hasn't been this much of a mess since he first got his powers.
Sherloque: Since... And what did you do to help him then?
Caitlin: We introduced a stabilizing enzyme that reset his body back its original form using vulcanization and muscle memory.
Sherloque: Muscle memory. Well then it appears all that we need to do is wake him up.
Caitlin: How would you suggest we do that?
Sherloque: Simple. We blast him.
[mimicking Cisco's vibe blast]
Cisco: We blast him?
Sherloque: If you blast him, the vibrational jolt, it will be more than enough to kick-start his consciousness. I'm sure of it.
Cisco: Can't we just play some Gaga and hope he wakes up?
Sherloque: Gaga is not the solution to everything. You have to blast him. Allez, young Ralph Macchio, please.

Dr. Harry Wells: If Thawne figures out that it's you, the timeline will be altered, people can die. Others could live, and no one will know who or what will be affected, but I promise you, when you come back things will be different. And only you will know what those differences are.

Marlize: It's rude to break into a person's home uninvited. And dangerous when the person is holding a grudge and a katana. Why are you here?
Dr. Harry Wells: I got this. We're here, Marlize... we're here because you... because... Wait, uh, you... You have... You - you've... I can't. I can't.
Marlize: He can't verbalize it. Not anymore. Just like we hypothesized but never observed before. You're experiencing the penultimate stages of the Enlightenment. Your mind is being rebooted. Soon you will be with memories, without relationships. Just a blank slate so that Clifford may re-educate you. Soon we'll all be just like you.
Iris: Marlize, we have to stop him. Your husband has gone too far, and I think you know it, or you'd be with him right now.
Marlize: Yes, I left my husband. But that doesn't change the fact that he's right. If anything, his betrayal proves his very point. Man corrupts even the best of ideas.
Iris: Pessimism isn't smarter than optimism. In this life the bravest thing you can be is optimistic.
Marlize: Familiar words.
Iris: You said them when you were at Oxford. Two weeks before you met Clifford DeVoe.
Marlize: I gave a speech on technology and the elimination of world hunger. I truly believed it could be done.
Iris: He tried to change you, Marlize. But I think deep down, you are still an optimist. You still believe in humanity. And I believe in you. You asked me what I was willing to do for my husband. And I'm gonna ask you. What are you willing to do for the world?:

Dr. Harry Wells: All I'm saying is, set a trap, okay? Beat him at his own game. Set a trap.
Cisco: Set a trap.
Dr. Harry Wells: That's right, a trap.
Cisco: A trap, I can do. 'Cause he may be the Predator, but I'm the Schwarzenegger.

Caitlin: [watching Nimbus helplessly trying to break down their prison barrier] Will it hold?
Cisco: The barrier is powered by an 8.3 Tesla superconducting electromagnet, which is about 100,000 times the strength of Earth's magnetic field.
Dr. Harrison Wells: In other words, yes.

Barry: You were dead. I saw your body.
Reverse: And yet... here I am in the flesh. How's that possible? The Negative Forces... brought me back because they were too weak without a fourth member of their merry band. Didn't I tell you that finding ways to kill you is my life's work? Here's what's really funny - killing your mother lead to the birth of the Flash, and killing Iris led to the rebirth of me. So I guess you could say your mother... and Iris... were good for something.

Dr. Harry Wells: A break-up cube is, uh... kind of what it sounds like. You know, you record a message for the person you want to... the person, and, uh, pick a music setting, and then there's a tissue that pops out if you need that. You know, a break-up cube.
Wally: Jesse's breaking up with me with a cube?
[Harry taps his nose, the non-verbal "yes" gesture]
Caitlin: Seems like a really convenient way to break somebody's heart.
Dr. Harry Wells: Exactly.
Wally: What did she say, in the message?
Dr. Harry Wells: You know, you heard. You... you're a great guy... I don't remember.
Wally: Don't you have total recall?
Dr. Harry Wells: Yeah. No. No. Don't. I did. I don't. I did, but I don't.

Renee: So - so this is a device that opens a portal to another world.
Sherloque: Yes. Right.
Renee: Any world I choose?
Sherloque: Right. You're so smart. You catch on very quickly. You know, some people, they just don't believe.
Renee: Well, a few weeks ago I saw a giant shark fighting a giant gorilla on the 6:00 news, so...

Harrison: What?
Harry: Well, it's nice to see you, too. So, it turns out we cracked the fuel problem for this A.S.F. of yours.
Sherloque: Pas facile non. Not easy, not great.
H.R. Wells: But so much fun, huh? I love all the brainstorming. Plus, we got all the Wellses back together again.
Harrison: So, I expect I need no introduction, but yes, it is I, master of stage and screen, Harrison Orson Wells.
Harrison: Okay, you're new.

Dr. Harrison Wells: So, potentially, these two guns could cancel each other out.
Cisco: Yeah, but to do that, you'd have to make them cross streams.
Barry: You mean like Ghostbusters?
Cisco: That film is surprisingly scientifically accurate.
Dr. Harrison Wells: And really quite funny.

Dr. Harrison Wells: The unconscious mind, Barry, is a powerful thing. It sounds like it took this apparent disaster to jar those feelings loosen. Without the disaster, those feelings remain deeper down, un-accessed.

Dr. Harrison Wells: We mapped the dispersion throughout and around Central City, though we have no way of knowing exactly what or... who was exposed. We've been searching for other meta-humans like yourself.
Barry: "Meta-humans?"
Caitlin: That's what we are calling them.
Barry: I saw one today. He's a bank robber, and he can control the weather.
Cisco: This just keeps gettin' cooler.
Barry: This is not cool. All right? A man died. Mardon must have gotten his powers the same way I did, from the storm cloud. He's still out there. We have to stop him before he hurts anyone else.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Barry! That's a job for the police.
Barry: Yeah, I work for the police.
Dr. Harrison Wells: As a forensic assistant.
Barry: You're responsible for this. For him.
Dr. Harrison Wells: What's important is you! Not me. I lost everything, I lost my company, I lost my reputation, I lost my freedom, and then you broke your arm and it healed in three hours. Inside your body could be a map to a whole new world - genetic therapies, vaccines, medicines, treasure buried deep within your cells and we cannot risk losing everything because you want to go out and play hero! You're not a hero. You're just a young man who was struck by lightning.

Dr. Harrison Wells: Ronnie's body is rejecting Stein's atoms like a host rejecting a parasite. The resulting instability is causing an exothermic reaction. I worry. If his temperature continues to rise, it'll set off a chain reaction.
Barry: And then what happens?
Dr. Harrison Wells: He could go nuclear.

Reverse: The history books say you live to be 86 years old, Mr. Queen. Well, I guess the history books are wrong.
[the Flash runs in and pushes him off of Arrow]
Reverse: That's the spirit. You can't stop me, Flash. And you never will.

Sherloque: That's right, well, you're a detective. What - what have you solved recently?
Ralph: Most recently? I uncovered the case of the stolen Chevy. Of Impala.

Reverse: Iris. Always a pleasure. Frost. Cisco. It warms my heart to see you again. I want to apologize for...
[pantomiming vibrating his hand through Cisco's chest]
Reverse: But had I not done that, you never would've had the means to become extraordinary.
Vibe: I don't need powers for that.

Cisco: Your Scrooge to Grinch ratio is terrible.
Dr. Harry Wells: You're a mean one. I wouldn't touch you with a 39 1/2-foot pole.

[Jesse and Wally are in the Time Vault]
Jesse: Can we come out now?
Dr. Harrison Wells,53194: No!

Killer: Well, as my life coach Ralph, would say, you can't let that stop you.
Harrison: Ralph is your life coach?

Eobard: Now listen to me, Nora. Breathe. Breathe. You're reaching out and nobody's there. The loneliness is pain. Pain racing through your mind. Crushing you, wrecking you, shattering your soul into a million little pieces. And suddenly, you are no longer you. You're part of something different now. Part of a negative force.
XS: [the breach closes as she approaches] It didn't work. Thawne, why didn't it work?

Caitlin: So Clyde Mardon has a brother?
Dr. Harrison Wells: And both brothers survived the plane crash, and then the dark matter released from the particle accelerator explosion affects them both in virtually the same way.
Barry: Yeah, only Mark's power seem to be a lot more precise. To be able to control the weather like that, indoors?
Cisco: You'd have to be a Weather Wizard. Ooh, I've been waitin' since week one to use that one.

Dr. Harry Wells: Rundine... 15 years ago, did you rob a Mercury Labs warehouse?
Joe: Give us your confession now, and I guarantee you the D.A. will cut you a deal.
Sylbert: Mercury Labs... That's the one that Ratchet got fingered for. I laughed so hard when that guy got arrested. You want a confession? Find a priest. I'd rather rot.

Barry: We need your help catching a meta-human serial killer.
Herr: Yeah, I have heard of this Cicada. Of course, got the message already from Kinder Flash. Unfortunately, I'm otherwise occupied, unable to assist you at this time.
Nora: You can't?
Herr: Nein. But, I have done one better and called someone who can. This man is a legend, this man is the greatest detective in all the Multiverse. So I've attached his coordinates if you want to look at them.
Iris: Okay.
Herr: Yah, do you see it?
Iris: Got 'em.
Herr: Good.
Iris: Cisco.
Cisco: Cisco what? You want me to breach him here?
Iris: Yeah.
Cisco: [shows his injured hands] Hello? I just got Benihana'd. Hurts a little bit.
Iris: Sorry.
Cisco: Why don't we breach him the old-fashioned way?

Caitlin: Oh, my god. What happened?
[Bette pulls up her shirt sleeve]
Caitlin: Why didn't you say that you were shot?
Bette: It just grazed me.
Caitlin: There's something in there.
Bette: [Caitlin pulls the "something" out with a pair of tweezers] A tracker.
Dr. Harrison Wells: [seeing Eiling and his soldiers on the surveillance cameras] Lock down the Pipeline. Get Bette out of here. I'll take care of Eiling.

Caitlin: There's a massive spike in radiation downtown, at Prentice and Rawlins.
Dr. Harry Wells: The driver of the nuclear waste truck. Radiation signature's already at 3,000 rads and climbing. We need to stop this guy before it hits 10,000.
Caitlin: What happens at 10,000 rads?
Cisco: Hiroshima.

Cisco: I patched into the mall's security system. According to witnesses, the gas attack was in the main elevator in the north wing.
Barry: [over the intercom] Which one is the north wing?
Dr. Harrison Wells: The one with the Big Belly Burger.
[Cisco stares at him]
Dr. Harrison Wells: I eat.

Dr. Harry Wells: There's a 67% you're gonna spill that mustard on the floor. Oh!
[mustard spills from Ralph's veggie dog]
Ralph: Okay. How did you do that?
Dr. Harry Wells: Well, I simply analyzed your eating habits and extrapolated them at a predictive behavior model all within four seconds. The cap is working.
Ralph: Eh, cool, but I'm not quite convinced.
Dr. Harry Wells: No? Really? You're not convinced? All right, then. The answer is none. And have a little more respect for your body, will you?
Ralph: This is a veggie dog, man.
Dr. Harry Wells: Not talking about the veggie dog, man. I'm talking about wiping the mustard on the pants causes the pant movement which indicates a lacking of clothing to bodily friction, which can only mean one thing.
Ralph: Right, what kind of underwear am I wearing?
Dr. Harry Wells: And the answer is... none.
Ralph: You got all that from your fancy metal cap?
Dr. Harry Wells: Yes, I did.
Ralph: It's impressive, Harry. Except for one very small thing.
Dr. Harry Wells: Which is?
Ralph: Your head is on fire.

Dr. Harry Wells: [meeting the new Council of Wells] All of you have been kick...
[to Cisco]
Dr. Harry Wells: You got me a council of rejects.
Cisco: Well, they're brilliant rejects.

Caitlin: She needs a blood transfusion. The new blood will flush the drug out of her system.
Cisco: What blood type is she?
Dr. Harrison Wells: P-Zee negative.
Cisco: Yeah, that's not a thing on this Earth, man.
Dr. Harrison Wells: I'm a match.

Reverse: Nobody uses time against me. I will live. I will change what's about to happen. And you will help me.

Joseph: I knew Eva was ambitious, but... mirror duplicates.
Barry: Eva's more powerful than you thought.
Allegra: I don't get it. Why doesn't she just come after you herself?
Ralph: Well, Eva's still technically missing, so she can't be seen in public.
Barry: That's why she took Singh. The chief of police could get close to you.
Joseph: Fortunately, Mr. Wells teleported us to safety.
Harrison: You're welcome.
Joseph: What is that device? And how much do you want for it?
Allegra: It's not for sale, dirtbag.
Joseph: [laughing] Oh, please. Everyone has a price.
Ralph: Hey, listen. We just saved your keister. So why don't you put a sock in it 'til we can figure out what to do with you?

Dr. Harry Wells: Cut the crap. We know you plan to power up the Magnetar so you can destroy the multiverse.
Hunter: Bravo. You figured it out... almost. I don't want to destroy all of it. This Earth is at the center of the multiverse. It's the access point to every other Earth in existence. One trans-dimensional shockwave, and... poof.
Cisco: Leaving just our Earth. How generous of you.
Hunter: Need to have SOME place to hang my cowl.

Cisco: I have your crypto-circuit, and I could give it to you, but, you know, I'm not really sure what you'd need it for, because you're adventurer, so shouldn't you be off somewhere adventuring? Preferably not here.
Killer: Yeah, I mean, Gorilla City's part of Earth-Prime now. Don't you wanna go myth-bust it?
Harrison: No. Gorillas are atheists.

Dr. Harrison Wells: Acceptance is a powerful thing.

Dr. Harry Wells: So, I was talking to Charity - not her real name - she tells me the dancers here make more in a month than an average teacher...
Ralph: Blah, blah, blah. Less talky, more dancy.

Cisco: So you thought you could leave to another Earth without paying us back?
Sherloque: Worked on my fourth wife and my sixth. Same woman.

Cisco: Still no word from the courthouse.
Caitlin: That's good news, right? No news is good news?
Dr. Harry Wells: No, good news is good news. No news is miscommunication.

Allegra: Thanks.
Harrison: For what?
Allegra: [giving him the red stone] For this.
Harrison: Of course.
Allegra: What did it do to her? My cousin?
Harrison: It made her re-live her worst memory. You know what?
[giving it back]
Harrison: You hang onto it. Just in case you need it again.

Cisco: Oh, damn. We need to cool him down.
Dr. Harry Wells: Killer Frost.
Caitlin: Great.
Cisco: Well, go, turn!
Caitlin: Well, that's not how it works. I can't just snap my finger and make her appear. It only happens with I'm scared or angry.
Cisco: Oh, good Lord, Caitlin.
Cisco: The city's about to explode. Everyone, everything you know and love, the birds, the trees, the fish, the puppies! The puppies are going down because you didn't want to...
Cisco: Show up for work!

Reverse: Flash, Flash, Flash. You didn't think I was gonna miss how this all turns out, did you?
Zoom: We're gonna slaughter your team and end your legacy.
Khione: No, you won't, and that's your only warning.
Godspeed: Ooh, I like her. But seriously, you don't stand a chance in hell.
Savitar: Tonight we change the future.
Cobalt: Last chance to surrender, Flash.

Barry: [as Harry] Look at these brainwave ratings. Allen's cerebellum is burning up.
Harrison: Harry, if you want the kid to survive, then you better relax...
Barry: [as Harry] I'm fine! I'm fine. Do not touch me. What happened to the J.V. squad?
Harrison: Ah.
Barry: [as Harry] Why are you moping around here instead of helping them?
Harrison: Oh, they don't want my help. Right? Frankly, I don't blame them.
Barry: [as Harry] Garcia found out the truth?
Harrison: Yeah. You know what Cisco said to me after Crisis? He said, "An infinite number of Wells, and we're stuck with the one who killed the Multiverse." And every day I ask myself, why? Why am I the one left standing?
Barry: [as Harry] So who should've gotten the slot? One of us bozos?
Harrison: You're not bozos. I only called you that because I find the Wells very annoying - present company excluded. But you know what you are? You're a daily reminder that even though we may all look the same, we're not the same... because you're all good men. And I'm... I'm not.
Barry: [as Harry] So you're a selfish jerk.
Harrison: Hmm.
Barry: [as Harry] You think that I wasn't? That we all weren't? Hell, when I this team, I was working for Zoom. H.R. lied. Sherloque kept secrets. We all came here broken men. Thanks to Team Flash, eventually we learned to be better. That's why I believe in you, Nash. There's a good man in there somewhere. You just need to dig him up, let him breathe.

Dr. Harry Wells: Guys, if this meta can cause these levels of radiation in these patients, that means this meta has a similar makeup to a nuclear bomb.
Cisco: So, like, enough to blow us all up? What are we talking here?
Caitlin: The fallout from a nuclear explosion could be catastrophic.
Dr. Harry Wells: Exactly.
Cisco: Fallout.
Dr. Harry Wells: Great name.
Cisco: Terrible power.

Harrison: Video log, entry 247. I have long struggled with time's insistence on change. One variable changes the timeline. Our memories are changed, too, without any knowledge of time's other possibilities, but not anymore.
Sherloque: Where he is going with this?
Harrison: Just as the human body is made up of DNA, so too is the multiverse made up of its own unique source code.
Sherloque: Hmm.
Harrison: One that cannot be altered. No matter what timeline you're in. Until now, because I have cracked that code. And so the timeline, it can be malleable, but my knowledge... will be intractable.
Sherloque: Gideon, freeze video log. Capture the clear board. Run against handwriting sample number two. The journal of Nora West-Allen.
Gideon: [analyzing] Analysis complete. Handwriting match for Harrison Wells confirmed. Will that be all, Dr. Wells?
Sherloque: Yes, Gideon. That will be all.

Eobard: How much longer do I have?
Caitlin: Best I can tell, two hours, and then you'll fade away.
Eobard: Two hours until you save me, right, Caitlin? Because you, Barry, and Team Flash, you're the good guys. You'll do the right thing.
Caitlin: Some of us might surprise you.
Eobard: But not you. You're a doctor. You won't kill me.
Caitlin: No, I won't. But I can accept it when someone dies.
Eobard: Is that right? Maybe you forget, I know the real Caitlin Snow. You're right where you were eight years ago, remember? Living your safe, orderly life. Preparing for a perfect future with your idiot fiancé. And then...
[pantomiming an explosion]
Eobard: It all came crashing down.
Caitlin: What is wrong with you? Ronnie was my whole future, and he is never coming back.
Eobard: "He's never coming back." That's what happens. What about you? You could've moved on. I mean, you should've moved on. Right? But instead, you're stuck here where you were eight years ago helping Team Flash and Barry Allen instead of getting on with your life.
Caitlin: Fine. You want honesty? When I was a resident, fresh out of med school, one of the first things they taught me is that sometimes, you lose a patient. That death is a part of life. So guess what? It's your turn, because all the speed in the world can't help you outrun what's coming for you.
Eobard: You'll save me. You'll save me, Snow. You don't have a choice.
Caitlin: And another thing: I stayed here because Barry and the rest of the team, they're not just friends, they're family. And just so we're clear, what I've been doing for the last eight years is hating you. So if you're looking for someone to save you, look somewhere else.

H.R. Wells: Caroling in the rain. That sucks.

Dr. Harry Wells: Can you do me a favor and just shut up?

Dr. Harry Wells: He calls himself Rupture, another meta-human under Zoom's control from my Earth.
Iris: Great, so he's bringing more of his friends over.
Dr. Harry Wells: It's what I told you that he would do.
Cisco: Okay, well, Zoom must've lied to fake-Dante and told him I was the one who killed Reverb, 'cause dude wants me dead. We gotta do somethin'.

Detective: You told me we're related, that you're from the future. Prove it.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Yeah, I don't have to prove anything to anyone.
Detective: Well, I think you're full of crap, and whatever you're trying to do, you're not gonna get away with it because The Flash is...
Dr. Harrison Wells: [becoming Reverse-Flash for a moment] Stop talking.

Cisco: Have we already had this conversation?
Barry: Kind of.
Dr. Harry Wells: What does that mean?
Barry: Ah... All right, so the last time Mardon attacked, he, um, generated a tidal wave that destroyed all of Central City.
Dr. Harry Wells: So why are you not all sleeping with the fishes?
Cisco: Earth-2 has "The Godfather?"
Dr. Harry Wells: Every Earth has "The Godfather," Vito.

The: Okay. I get it. You don't want to help me because even after all this... You're still jealous.
Eobard: I'm not jealous of you. I pity you.
The: I mean jealous of them.
Eobard: Who?
The: This new speedster out there living a life you lost while you can barely move. Their journey is just beginning. Yours is just over. What's it like knowing you've been replaced?
Eobard: I won't be replaced. I will never be replaced because no speedster is ever gonna feel for you what I do! Hate. Hate. Hate! Hate! Pure and infinite hate. I hid in plain sight for years to be next to you, to be close to you so I could hurt you. I devoted my life so I could destroy yours! No speedster will ever replace me! No speedster would ever feel what I felt, and because they don't, this new speedster... Doesn't care about you at all, and so there's another reason they don't want to be found.
The: So what is it?
Eobard: You really don't see it? I guess I am faster than you after all. This about it, Allen. A new speedster running through the streets... With frightening new speed just like you eight years ago.
The: They're hiding because they can't control their abilities. The fire was an accident.

Reverse: You're too late, because your pathetic avatar is powerless.
Speed: You call that power? This is power.
Reverse: [the Positive Forces merge with Barry] This is impossible.
The: No, this is the end. We're equals now, Thawne.
Reverse: Equals? Never. I have always been, I will always be better than you.

Julian: [Reviewing footage of Gypsy fighting] She's good.
H.R. Wells: She's great. I mean Gypsy is a legend on my earth.
Caitlin: So why exactly did you agree to fight her?
Cisco: I don't know.
Barry: You did what any of us would have done.
H.R. Wells: I might... Not have done it. Just being honest.
Cisco: Okay, alright. Lay it out for me. What are my chances here scale of 1 to 10?
H.R. Wells: She's gonna kill you.
Julian: It's a pretty solid 1 mate.

Cisco: We're talking about a genius super-ape here.
Dr. Harry Wells: And a master strategist who successfully fooled us on my Earth.
H.R. Wells: We Wellses, we don't fool easy, do we, hard hat?
Dr. Harry Wells: Don't call me "hard hat."

Harrison: Give me my crypto-circuit, or I'm gonna punch you in the throat.

Barry: Technically, I'm not even the only one here who can sing.
H.R. Wells: Thank you, B.A.
Barry: What? I was talking about Kara.
H.R. Wells: Sh... oh. You, too?

Barry: Look, last night, on my way to the morgue, I saw something.
Dr. Harrison Wells: What'd you see?
Barry: I was running and I turned and I saw myself - or, I don't know, another Flash running beside me.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Interesting.
Barry: Yeah. W-w-what do you think it was?
Dr. Harrison Wells: Could be an optical illusion, a mirroring effect caused by wind sheer and light, a speed mirage, if you will.
Barry: It didn't seem like that. It was... He seemed real.
Dr. Harrison Wells: I'll tell you what. Let's focus on finding Mardon, and once we safely contain him in The Pipeline, we'll investigate this.

Sherloque: Mm. That's the stuff. And now we can begin.
Caitlin: Tea?
Sherloque: That's right.
Caitlin: We've been watching you for twenty minutes.
Sherloque: You're welcome.

Cisco: Oh! Sally's heart! You brought it back.
Sherloque: We did, thanks to these two and their deductive abilities.
Nora: And our tidal wave-breaking skills. Right?
Iris: Like mother, like daughter.

Barry: [locked in the Pipeline] Nash! Cecile! Don't listen to her. That's not Iris.
Iris: You know, you can stop playing this game, or rot in there. I don't care. Either way, I'm gonna find my husband.
Harrison: I should have noticed something. I should've figured something out. I should've...
Iris: No, no. No one's to blame. He or it was pretty convincing.
Cecile: If that's not Barry, then what is he? He's like some mirror version of himself.

Reverse: [wreaking havoc on the city] How does it feel, Flash? How does it feel knowing you could've prevented all this if only you'd killed me when you had the chance? Believe me...
[cracking his neck]
Reverse: That's a mistake I won't make.

Eobard: [to Nora West-Allen] Clever Girl
Sherloque: [Later in the same episode]
[to Nora West-Allen]
Sherloque: Clever girl

Joe: [shoots a clone of Danton Black] Any more of them?
Caitlin: Nope.
Barry: Why did it start moving?
Dr. Harrison Wells: The prime. My guess is the prime is on the move. This one heard the summons to battle.
Joe: And I know where he was summoned to - Stagg Industries.
Barry: You should call it in.
Joe: Police can't fight this. What Black's become, like Mardon... beyond me. Maybe way beyond them, too. The only person it's not beyond is you. You gotta do this. I get it. So for once in your life, do what I tell you to do. Go stop him.

Caitlin: Neural oscilations are normal. You three are perfectly healthy. Oh, and we think we've figured out how you two ended up in Nora's brain.
Cisco: That is a satellite shard full of dark matter in Grace's head.
Sherloque: Mon dieu.
Caitlin: Sometimes surgeons leave a piece of shrapnel in a patient's brain if it's too dangerous to remove, and we think that the dark matter was seeping out to create a barrier around her brain. We can't go back in as long as it's there. It's too dangerous.

Cisco: What are you doing on our Earth?
Harrison: What am I doing? I'm searching for an artifact that happens to contain the same particles... I'm currently reading off you.
Iris: What?
Harrison: Although...
Cisco: What - what part - particles of what?
Harrison: Eternium.
Cisco: Eternium?
Harrison: Eternium's a Multiversal element, all right? Although the readings were stronger in the alley.
Cisco: Listen, Indiana, I don't know how you do things on your Earth, but this ain't "Temple of Doom." And what is Eternium supposed to be, anyway? Some kind of stolen mystical element from the tiki gods that you suddenly have to return?
Harrison: Look, there's no such thing as mystical mumbo jumbo or gods. What there are are meta-humans, aliens, and false gods worshiped by simple-minded people that find comfort in myths. I dispel those myths. You people are no help.
Cisco: Newsflash, Nash. We've actually done this dance before.
Harrison: Is that right?
Iris: Yeah.
Cisco: That's right. It usually starts off rocky, especially between you and me, but eventually, we bond, and you learn to embrace that sensitive side. So why don't you just drop the act and show me that warm, compassionate, smart guy, that I know you to be.
Harrison: Let me ask you a question. Do I look like I want to hold hands?
[Nash tries going for his fanny pack but Cisco grabs it first]
Harrison: Interesting.
Cisco: If you want your toys back, you just might have to.

Sherloque: What is this?
Cisco: What is that, Nora's journal? What, are you stealing now?
Sherloque: No. Yes, but for good reason.

Reverse: [preparing to vibrate his hand through Mia's heart] Sorry, kid... but I don't have time for family drama.
The: [knocking him backward] Stay down, Thawne.
Reverse: Flash. I didn't come here to fight. I came here to make a scene, publicly, so that there would be witnesses for what I have to ask you.
The: What is it?
Reverse: I need you to save me.

Dr. Harrison Wells: What exactly are we debating?
Cisco: The average number of bugs Barry swallows in a day of running.
Dr. Harrison Wells: I look forward to seeing you accept your Nobel.

Dark: Felicity Smoak. Turn the power back on.
Eobard: [grabs Felicity] He said... "Turn the power back on."
Felicity: Sorry, Eobard. Eobard?
Eobard: Eobard.
Felicity: Eobard. My God, the future sounds weird.
Eobard: That's funny. Sometimes we think we're more clever than we are. Because where I come from, the history books are filled with stories of this Age of Heroes: Green Arrow, Black Canary, The Flash. And yet no one... no one has ever heard of Felicity Smoak.

Sherloque: Madames et monsieurs, may I present to you La machine à Mémoire, or as they say in Amérique, you know...
Iris: The Memory Machine.
Sherloque: Oui, Iris. Memory Machine. Many times I have enterted into people's minds using this very technology. From the unfortunate comatose victims of the Summerholt Institute to, yes, Jervis Tetch himself, the Terrible Mad Hatter Killer from Earth-221.
Cisco: I come back from Tannhauser for one second, just borrowing a splicer for the meta cure and what do I find? This, this...
Sherloque: Machine à Mémoire.
Cisco: Whatever. How did you even get this here from Earth-221?
Sherloque: Well, I used the Forerunner Multiversal Delivery Service. You don't use it? You don't have a gold card like me? Maybe I'll get you a discount.

Joe: [about Barry] He was acting angry. It was scary. And his eyes... they glowed.
Caitlin: It's possible that his body is fighting off the effect, so it's hitting him slower.
Dr. Harrison Wells: When it comes to rage, that is not a good thing. The longer you suppress your emotions...
Felicity: ...the bigger the explosion.
Joe: Considering what he can do, how do we even stop him?
Cisco: A cold-gun would come in real handy right about now.
Joe: Hey.
Cisco: I'm just sayin'.
Dr. Harrison Wells: None of us can stop Barry. Fortunately, Felicity knows someone who can. I think you better call back Oliver Queen. We're gonna need the Arrow's help.

Sherloque: As always, I respect your spirit, Barry Allen, but as long as Cicada has his dagger to dampen your powers, there's no stopping him.
Barry: So let's destroy his dagger.
Ralph: How are we gonna do that un... unless we have some kind of power-dampening dagger power dampener hidden away in storage?
Cisco: We don't, but if we did, we'd come up with a much better way of saying that.

Cisco: A VA file number is all the info you have on the bomber?
Barry: CCPD's been ordered off the case.
Caitlin: Well, who has the power to do that?
Barry: The Army. Uh, some General. His name was Eiling, I think.
Dr. Harrison Wells: [entering] General Wade Eiling.
Barry: You know him?
Dr. Harrison Wells: Yeah, I know him. About ten years ago, General Wade Eiling contracted S.T.A.R. Labs to develop enhanced gene therapies for soldiers. I was interested in the potential medical benefits for civilians. General Eiling really wanted to develop mind-reading capabilities for interrogation purposes. I stopped the study when I saw his techniques up close, but our split was less than amicable.

Harrison: Allegra, here. Take this.
[giving her a red sedimentary rock]
Harrison: Just in case. All right? Any trouble, you should blast it with one of your UV rays. All right? Provide a welcome distraction.
Allegra: When are you gonna stop trying?
Harrison: Never.

Dr. Harry Wells: [to Hunter Zolomon] One day... I'm gonna knock that smug expression clean off your face.

[last lines]
Nora: Thawne, I need to know we're not making this worse. Tell me you know what you're doing.
Eobard: I am the *only* speedster who knows what he's doing! Stick with the plan. Follow my instructions and we'll defeat Cicada, we'll destroy his dagger, and then we will save your father.

Dr. Harry Wells: Before I left Earth-2, I worked on a serum to dampen Zoom's speed. All we would need is for Ramon to develop a weapon to deliver it.
Caitlin: Oh, great, that could be this year's cold gun. Maybe another criminal can get it, and then we'd have Sergeant Slow.
Cisco: I would never let that happen. Sergeant Slow is a terrible name.

Harrison: Got your message. What's so important?
Killer: I thought you'd want to know to Allegra was here so you could give her your tool thingy.
Harrison: The... are you kidding? Really? You bring me to a crappy Valentine's Day open mic night for that?
Killer: Well...
[indicating Allegra and Emerson talking]
Killer: ...also so I could tell you that I owe you one. The advice you gave, it really helped me get through to Allegra. It was very insightful. Almost... parental.
Harrison: You going somewhere with that?

Elongated: I thought Sunshine was solar-powered!
Allegra: So how the frak is she frying people at night?
Harrison: Those bracelets aren't fashion. They're fuel. They're solar energy battery packs.
Elongated: Well, how do we get 'em off?
Harrison: We just gotta increase the internal temperature, overload the cells. Allegra, if...
Allegra: Already on it.
Harrison: She's good.
Elongated: What are you gonna do?
Harrison: I dunno. I'm making it up as I go.

Eobard: Boys, meet Eddie Thawne, the dumbest branch on my family tree.
Hunter: Eddie Thawne. You're Team Flash's old cop friend, right? Well, that's-- that's real good, 'cause I am great at killing cops.
Eddie: That's real big talk for a bunch of dead men.
Hunter: Liar. I'm invincible!
Eddie: You sure about that?
Hunter: The Time Wraiths.
Eddie: You died, Hunter. So did you, Heart, in the year 2052. Oh, you, too, Savitar.
Savitar: No.
Eddie: Turns out none of you were powerful enough or fast enough to defeat the Flash. But together... we can do what none of you could do on your own.
Eobard: And tell me just how does a complete waste of a human being like yourself plan to defeat the Flash?
Eddie: Like this.
[Eddie uses the cobalt crystal to transform a speedster suit around his body]
Cobalt: You want more speed? I'll help you get it. Enough to kill the Flash. Now, who's in?

Barry: He calls himself "The Arrow" now.
Joe: Oh, does he... "Flash?"
Barry: Wait, what's the problem?
Dr. Harrison Wells: We don't trust him.
Barry: You guys don't even know him.
Joe: I know that he was wanted for murder in at least twelve different cases dating back three years.
Dr. Harrison Wells: I know there's been at least two major terrorist attacks in Starling since he became active.
Barry: All right, the cops there are cool with him now. He doesn't kill people anymore.
Joe: And what about all the criminals that he put arrows through? Those, what, don't count?
Barry: He's a hero, Joe.
Dr. Harrison Wells: You're a hero, Barry. You offer protection, hope, light. What that man does is carry out a dark reckoning for his city. It is a brutal, violent vision of justice, one we do not share. You truly think he's a hero? Fine, so be it, but he's not the kind you should be looking up to.

Cisco: You were in a coma.
Barry: For how long?
Dr. Harrison Wells: [entering] Nine months. Welcome back, Mr. Allen. We have a lot to discuss.

Joe: Is there any other way out of here?
Dr. Harry Wells: No, the breach room was designed to be sealed off.
Iris: All right, look, if it's me that he wants, I'll just lead him away.
Joe: No, you won't. You'll never even make it past that door. If he came back from the dead and still wants you, what makes you think he's gonna let you go now?

Harry: He's right. Ramon, he had a second chance with Allegra. It's what I've been trying to tell you. You think you're so smart.
Harrison: [about to say something] And he's gone. Well, that's gonna take some getting used to.

Sherloque: Now the pressing question is not why Nora is working with the Reverse-Flash. Maybe I can talk to her and shed some light on the matter.
Iris: I think you've shed enough light.
Sherloque: Why are you upset at me? What I should do? I should just... I should not have told you?
Joe: How long has it been since you suspected her?
Sherloque: Since I arrived.
Joe: Wow.
Iris: So you've been following this trail all this time and you didn't think to tell us about it until now?
Sherloque: I don't know where this trail leads.
Barry: Are you kidding me?
Sherloque: I'm not kidding you. You don't come to a conclusion without facts. All the facts.

Cisco: You got us on pins and needles here, Dr. Wells.
Eobard: It's exciting, isn't it?
Cisco: Yeah.
Eobard: Well, it's all thanks to the team, right? Caitlin, fiancée Ronnie, Hartley.
Cisco: Hmm...
Eobard: Hartley contributed. But especially you, Cisco. I have to say, I have a vibe about you. About... what you're destined to become. I want you to know I'm very eager to be along for that adventure.

Iris: Harry, how are you coming with a solvent for Trickster's axid?
Dr. Harry Wells: Well, slowly. Very difficult to neutralize a solvent that hasn't existed until today.
Iris: You've got 59 minutes.
Dr. Harry Wells: All I need is 58.

Sherloque: We made an important discovery.
Caitlin: To get you out of there.
Sherloque: The portals are hidden in perception gaps.
Caitlin: Things that you remember the way you want them to be, not the way they actually were.
Sherloque: 'Cause you're in denial or your perception was colored by anger or what have you.
Caitlin: So these defense mechanisms, they're composed of synapses. If you can break down the synapses in the false memory, that will reveal the real memory, and the synaptic jolt will expose the portal.
Iris: Okay, so... okay, well, how do we do that?
Sherloque: Well, uh... we'll have to call you back.

The: I'm done fighting you.
Reverse: You think I won't kill you? I'll slaughter you where you sit!
[levitates himself in the sky]
Reverse: I just need more power. Do you hear me? I just need more power.
The: We're not meant to tip the scales. You won't survive, Thawne!
Reverse: You lie, Flash! This is the moment!

Cisco: It's like your junk has been burned into my brain.
Dr. Harry Wells: You're welcome.

Cisco: I can see it all over your face.
Dr. Harry Wells: What?
Cisco: Your face is huge. I'm watching your emotions on IMAX.

Detective: You know they're gonna find me. And you, you're not as smart as you think you are.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Oh, really? 'Cause I'm a genius where I come from. Imagine how smart that makes me here.
Detective: 'Cause you're from the future?
Dr. Harrison Wells: Hmm.
Detective: With a name like Eobard, I guess you have to be.
Dr. Harrison Wells: No, Eobard is a distinguished name for a distinguished member of a distinguished family.
Detective: Depressing to think all my descendants are as crazy as you.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Oh, no, no, no. The Thawne bloodline is chock-full of influential politicians, scientists, captains of industry. Failures such as yourself are just an exception.
Detective: And what exactly makes me such a failure?
Dr. Harrison Wells: Tough question, Eddie. Where to start? Oh, how about your career as a police detective? It's spectacularly uneventful.
Detective: Yeah. Well, we'll see.
Dr. Harrison Wells: No, we have seen. *I* have seen. *I* am from the future. And you are the only Thawne to be all but forgotten by history. Waste of a life, waste of a man. And... Oh, no. You don't even get the girl.
Detective: What are you talking about?
[shows Eddie a holographic newspaper front page]
Dr. Harrison Wells: Observe, if you will, the byline. Barry marries Iris and not you. We're just gonna have give this ring back to Grandma Agnes. You, Eddie, won't be needing it.

Iris: Thawne's Time Sphere? Are you sure?
Cisco: What do you mean "Am I sure"?
Sherloque: Pretty sure.
Cisco: I'm looking right at it. Why?
Iris: 'Cause we're looking right at it, too.

Dr. Harrison Wells: You're incredibly clever, Cisco. I've always said so.
Cisco: You're him, the Reverse-Flash.
Dr. Harrison Wells: You and I haven't been truly, properly introduced. I am Eobard Thawne.
Cisco: Thawne? Like Eddie.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Let's call him a distant relative.
Cisco: The night that we trapped the Reverse-Flash, you almost died.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Mm-hm.
Cisco: There were two of you.
Dr. Harrison Wells: It's an after-image. A speed mirage, if you will.
Cisco: Joe was right. You were there that night, fifteen years ago, in Barry's house. You killed Nora Allen.
Dr. Harrison Wells: It was never my intention to kill Nora. I was there to kill Barry.
Cisco: Why? You're his friend. You've been teaching him how to...
Dr. Harrison Wells: ...go faster, I know. A means to an end, and I'll tell you why. Because I have been stuck here, marooned here in this place for fifteen long years, and The Flash, and The Flash's speed, is the key to my returning to my world, to my time, and no one is going to prevent that from happening.
Cisco: I can help you.
Dr. Harrison Wells: You're smart, Cisco, but you're not that smart. Do you know how hard it has been to keep all of this from you, especially from you? Because the truth is I've grown quite fond of you, and in many ways, you have shown me what it's like to have a son. Forgive me, but to me, you've been dead for centuries.

Barry: You know, it's ironic. I was just saying how much you remind me of the old Wells, and now here we are, just like I did with him, standing on either side of this glass with me asking you why.
Dr. Harry Wells: I'm doing what I have to do to save my daughter.
Barry: Yeah, at any cost, right? The cost of Joe's daughter.
Dr. Harry Wells: I told you I would betray you. I told you I would have to choose.
Joe: You chose wrong.
Dr. Harry Wells: Really, did I? Because I just sacrificed my daughter. Because I just sentenced my daughter to death to save your son.
Joe: You want a pat on the back?
Dr. Harry Wells: I want you to send me home. Send me back to Earth-2. Think about it. Zoom wants you to get faster. He wants me to have more speed force in you for when he finally takes it. Send me back, use the implosion reactor to shut down the breach. Shut down all the breaches. Close them all and Zoom will never be able to cross over ever again, and that'll be the end of it.
Barry: What about your daughter?
Dr. Harry Wells: Jesse's my battle to fight, not yours.

Barry: Eva said that she had unfinished business. Is there any way that she meant that literally?
Harrison: Oh, if she wants to get McCulloch back, she does have to deal with Black Hole.
Allegra: So, find Black Hole, find Eva.
Harrison: Mm-hmm.
Allegra: Any idea where to start?
Harrison: Actually, no.
Ralph: [taking out the diamond Sue gave him] Maybe.
Barry: [seeing its size] Ralph!
Harrison: Ralph.
Barry: Where'd you get that?
Harrison: Where'd you get that?
Ralph: Sue gave it to me.
Barry: She gave you that?
Harrison: She gave that to you?
Ralph: She gave that to me. And it turns out that Black Hole's logo is embedded inside.

Cisco: Well, your vitals seem okay.
Dr. Harry Wells: Blood pressure, respiratory rate seems normal, as well.
Caitlin: You're gonna have to run the test again. There was some feeling. I-I don't know what it was, but...
Cisco: You touched DeVoe. Hand me the dark matter scanner.
Dr. Harry Wells: [looking around] The dark matter scanner...
Cisco: I'll get it.
[retrieving it]
Cisco: Focus, Harry.
Dr. Harry Wells: Yeah, focus.
Cisco: [scanning Caitlin] There's no trace of dark matter anywhere on your body. He must've used Melting Point's powers to entangle your meta DNA.
Dr. Harry Wells: So, Killer Frost...
Caitlin: Is gone.

Harrison: I've been seeing a lot of Wells lately. I mean, up here. A lot. I don't know how many there are, but the wizard Wells annoying. French Wells - New York City Wells - actually he's all right. And then Harry Wells.
Cisco: Nash, Harry's dead. They're all dead.

Sara: All right, Barry, J'onn, Supergirl, and Batlady are gathering the troops. Those attacks were probably just the first wave. Assassins sent to pick us off in pairs.
Dinah: How are the shadow demons even still here? Didn't Oliver destroy the guy who controls them?
Harrison: Well, not according to the surge in antimatter energy I'm reading.
Sara: The Anti-Monitor is alive?
Rene: But you said Oliver sacrificed himself to create this new world.
Ray: Apparently, his sacrifice didn't kill the Anti-Monitor.
Dinah: Well, then how do we do that?
Mick: Well, let's just throw him into the sun and let the bastard burn.
Harrison: Oh, yeah, let's throw him in the sun and cause an antimatter explosion that obliterates the solar system. You know what, let's not do that.
Sara: At least he's trying to offer up a solution instead of being the cause of the problem.
Harrison: That's the solution? Blow up the solar system?
Ray: Okay, guys, guys, we're all on the same team, okay?
Harrison: No, Scrappy's right. It's my fault we're in this mess. We gotta fix it. Gotta fix it.

Cisco: The program completed. It should have worked. Hey, Harry. Harry?
Dr. Harry Wells: Don't worry. You have been and will always be... my friend.
Cisco: Khan.
Cisco: Kill them.
[Cisco and Harry embrace in a hug]
Cisco: Oh, my God.
Iris: "Star Wars."
[Barry shakes his head "no"]

Harrison: So this is a residual particle catcher. It can detect and detain molecular afterglow of things.
Allegra: Okay.
Harrison: Mm-hmm.
Allegra: And you need me to do what?
Harrison: Oh, I need you to help me charge this so I can catch him. Them. Particles. Catch the particles.
Allegra: Why are you so nervous, and what are these "particles" you're trying to catch?
Harrison: Uh, noth - they're just - they're - They're scientific anomalies. You wouldn't understand.
Allegra: There's the Nash Wells we know and can barely stand. I'm guessing anomalies because of Crisis? Boss Lady told me.
Harrison: Yeah, you never did like being kept in the dark, did you?
Allegra: Why do you always act like you've known me forever? It's weird.
Harrison: I... Don't know what you're talking about.
Sherloque: Well, that's not true, is it? You're such a liar.

Ray: The Anti-Monitor is made of antimatter, and, like its opposite, it can neither be created nor destroyed. It can only...
Ryan: Change form and move from place to place. So what if we do just that? What if we could set off a chain reaction that will destabilize his form? Compressing his molecules so he's essentially shrinking for eternity.
Harrison: Is that kind of reaction even possible?
Ray: Sure it is. I did it a bunch of times by accident when I was developing my Atom exosuit.
Harrison: So you think you can keep him shrinking indefinitely?
Ray: Essentially, we'd be sending him to the "atomverse."
Ryan: I like to call it the microverse.
Ray: Oh, that's better. Possible trademark issues, but that's better.

[Barry is hitting Reverse-Flash with a lightning strike]
Bart: Dad, stop! He's not worth it!
Barry: He killed your mother!
Nora: Dad, if you do this, you'll be just as bad as him!
[Barry stops]
Reverse: What's the matter Flash? You can't finish the job? You better then finish the job! 'Cause if you don't...
[points at Nora and Bart]
Reverse: They're next.
Bart: Dad! Don't listen to him, please.
Nora: Even if he did kill Mom now in 2022, we're still here. Don't you see? We're still alive.
Bart: She's right. We haven't been erased from the timeline yet, which means Mom isn't dead yet.

Sherloque: [about the residual particle catcher] That contraption is not going to work.

Nora: [seeing Sherloque's exes are all doppelgangers of Irene] You married the same woman seven times?
Sherloque: Well, she is the one for me.

Barry: How's Ralph?
Caitlin: I've never seen anything like it. I can't quite figure it out. His cells are kinetically inverted. It's like they're the reverse of themselves.
Cisco: [meaning the mirror gun] Should've spent more time trying to figure out how this thing works.
Nora: I just don't understand why he would jump in front of that blast. I mean, why would he do that?
Sherloque: That's the question, isn't it? That's the question.
Cisco: In other news, Cicada deuce is still MIA.

Eobard: So, who made this?
Barry: Someone smarter than you.
Eobard: [laughing] I doubt that. You know, Allen, for your plan to work, you're gonna actually have to have his dagger in your possession.
Barry: We've got that covered.
Eobard: You've got that covered. How's that?
Nora: With this.
Eobard: [moving to touch it] Is it... is that...
Barry: A piece of Savitar's suit, yeah.

Reverse: Oh, I'm not like the Flash at all. Some would say I'm the reverse.

Killer: All right, boys, I'm tapping in.
[in surprise, Sherloque spits out his drink]
Killer: Okay, let me get this straight. You two losers are sitting here in what I can only assume is the cantina of a starship, drinking and eating terrible food when you could be eating and drinking amazing food with people who actually care about you.
Sherloque: All right, all right, look.
Sherloque: When you put it like that...
Sherloque: She has a good point.
Cisco: You have a good point, yeah.
Killer: And by the way, I have the least to celebrate this year, because I spent most of it unconscious.
[turning to leave]
Killer: You nerds coming to Thanksgiving, or what?

Cecile: I wanted to say thank you.
Dr. Harry Wells: For what?
Cecile: The MAD 2.0. It works like a charm. I am rested. If you could just do something about these swollen pregnant ankles of mine...
Dr. Harry Wells: I think that's a normal thing. Drink lots of water, don't cross your legs when you sit.
Cecile: Okay.
Dr. Harry Wells: Okay.
Cecile: Thank you for the info.
Dr. Harry Wells: Least I could do after all the...
[he pantomimes animals growling and throwing things]
Dr. Harry Wells: Rage. I have a problem with rage. Aparently it tends to pop up when I make mistakes.
Cecile: Makes it tough to be human.
Dr. Harry Wells: Well, humans are a tricky species.

Sherloque: I don't understand. Explain again to me what the difference between this day and every other day in America?
Cisco: It's a holiday when we all get together and celebrate and eat a ton of food. Like, a gross amount.
Sherloque: Again, what the difference between this day and every other day in America?

Dr. Harrison Wells: Hey, Joe. Barry doing all right? He seems cranky.
Joe: Even The Flash wakes up on the wrong side of the bed some mornings. He's fine.

Dr. Harrison Wells: You ruptured the time continuum, didn't you? You're experiencing temporal reversion.
Barry: Yeah!
Dr. Harrison Wells: How long?
Barry: Uh, a-a-a day and some change. It's like I'm living it all over again.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Yeah, well, that's good. That means there's not too much you could've messed up yet. How did this happen?
Barry: I-I don't know. I mean, I was... I was running faster than I've ever ran, a-a-and the first time that I lived this day some really horrible things happened. There was a tidal wave...
Dr. Harrison Wells: No. Do not tell me. I don't want to know anything about the future you experienced. Nothing!
Barry: Okay, but Dr. Wells, I...
Dr. Harrison Wells: Barry. Time is an extremely fragile construct. Any deviation, no matter how small, could result in a cataclysm. Now here's what you're going to do: Everything you did before, every word you uttered, every step you took, you're going to do again, and you're not going to tell anyone this happened.

Cisco: I call it... the calm after the Firestorm.
Jefferson: What is it?
Dr. Harry Wells: It's efficient decelerating serum.
Cisco: It's... it's... it's a cure? We've spent months trying to devise a solution to neutralize the Firestorm matrix.
Jefferson: How to separate ourselves without blowing up.
Dr. Harry Wells: Or switching bodies. We read your notes.
[to Stein]
Dr. Harry Wells: Although, why you wouldn't want to switch bodies with him is beyond me.

Cisco: Okay, let's say this somehow works. Just 'cause they can solve a riddle doesn't mean they're a right fit for the team.
Dr. Harry Wells: A riddle? Did you say riddle?
Cisco: Yeah.
Dr. Harry Wells: How dare you, sir. This is not a riddle. This is a complex algorithmic cryptogram designed to test a deductive reasoning, IQ, problem-solving skills, anything that our team will need to combat threats, meta-human or otherwise.
Caitlin: Okay, so you're just sending out an intergalactic IQ test to all your doppelgangers in the multiverse.
Dr. Harry Wells: Not just a test. Think of it as an invitation. Think of it as an elaborate "help wanted" ad.
Cisco: Will it test their attitudes, too? 'Cause I'm not sure I can stomach another Wells with your bedside manner.
Dr. Harry Wells: I care for you too, you jack wagon.

Dr. Harrison Wells: You need to hurry. Barry's wounds are starting to heal with the fragments still under his skin.
Cisco: This is just like the time I stepped on a sea urchin. Only much worse.
Barry: Just don't pee on me.
Cisco: Uh, you know that's a myth, right?

Cisco: What Squidward here means to say is we took the data you extrapolated from Newton and Curie and Galileo.
Dr. Harry Wells: Hacks, every one of them.
Cisco: And we ran it through a Conway class nucleodynamic synthesizer.
[Stein and Jax stare at them blankly]
Cisco: Hold your applause, I only built it myself.
Dr. Harry Wells: First off, nobody was clapping. Second, that explains why you couldn't splice a proton from a neutrino field.
Cisco: I'll splice a proton from your neutrino field.
Dr. Harry Wells: [stressing the plural] Fields. Fields. I've got... I've got a million fields.
Cisco: Really? Are all your fields this unbearable?

Sherloque: Remind me again what we're looking for?
Cisco: Uh, it's like a huge, round glass bubble.
Sherloque: [gesturing to something nearby] You mean like that?

Reverse: Not fast enough, Flash.

H.R. Wells: Sumptuous day, brethren.
Barry: Oh, boy.
Caitlin: Good morning, H.R.
H.R. Wells: Oh, not just good. It's great! And why is that? Because I'm finally ready to announce that the new S.T.A.R. Labs museum is ready for its opening; soft opening. So come, let's take the tour.
Cisco: [to Barry] This could have been avoided. You know that, right?

Dr. Harrison Wells: Hartley, allow me to introduce to you to Cisco Ramon. Mr. Ramon here is one of the finest mechanical engineers I have ever seen.
Cisco: Wow. I can't believe Harrison Wells said that about me.
Dr. Harrison Wells: I'm sure he'll prove to be an invaluable member of your team. Trust me.
Hartley: You I trust. I don't foresee myself trusting someone who showed up his first day of work at a billion dollar research facility wearing a t-shirt that says "Keep Calm and Han Shot First."

Harrison: I don't think these equations are gonna help fix Roderick that much. Plus, we simply need a better bonding agent.
Barry: You do that. I'm working on the artificial Speed Force right now.
[with a rag, Nash begins to wipe part of the equations away]
Barry: Nash! Hey, Nash, what the hell? I've been working on these all day.
Harrison: You're wasting time. Why?
[waving it off]
Harrison: You don't have to tell me. We don't know each other. You could talk to Joe and Iris. But they're not here.
[giving him a little shove]
Harrison: Whose fault is that?
[shoving him again]
Harrison: Whose fault is that?
Barry: [pushing back] It's mine, all right? Is that what you want me to say?

Barry: Tony might have been a bully then and now, but he didn't deserve to die.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Does Caitlyn or Cisco or me or you? I had a choice to make: him or us. I chose us without a second thought.
Barry: Well, all your talk about miracle cures and scientific breakthroughs, but you don't care about people at all.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Well, maybe you care too much, Barry. I know being a hero is important to you. I respect your ideals. I just don't have the luxury of sharing them.
Barry: I forgot. Your game's chess. We're all just pawns to you, right? So what's your move, doctor? Which one of us gets sacrificed next?

Eobard: This can all be fixed. I can fix this.
Nora: How?
Eobard: A man... does not wear another man's face unless he understands his mind. Not just through time, but across infinte Earths. This Sherloque, yes, he's brilliant, but to redirect his gaze, one only has to nudge him toward his weakness: love.
Nora: Tell me what to do.

Cisco: So how do we know this is safe?
Dr. Harry Wells: Well, define "safe."
Cisco: "Safe" as in "my brain's not gonna melt."
Dr. Harry Wells: No. It's a simple feedback loop, Ramon, all right? When you vibe on Barry, your brain waves send me the necessary data to pinpoint whatever dimensional pocket or corner of the universe that Barry is stuck in, and then we electrically stimulate your prefrontal cortex while opening a breach, which gives you physical access to Barry and lets you be the beacon to guide him home. Simple feedback loop.
Cisco: I'm sorry, did you say "electrically stimulate?"
Dr. Harry Wells: Ramon, do you want to bring Barry back or not?

Joe: I need you to distract Cecile for a while.
Dr. Harry Wells: What for?
Joe: Well, that's the thing. I can't tell you, because if I do, she'll read your mind and find out.
Dr. Harry Wells: Why can't Iris do it?
Joe: Because Iris knows exactly why I'm trying to distract Cecile.

Caitlin: We can't use that serum on Barry.
Dr. Harry Wells: That's up to him, isn't it? Barry wants to stop Zoom; this is what he needs.
Caitlin: Jay said it could hurt Barry.
Dr. Harry Wells: Well, Jay's a coward.
Caitlin: Jay's a scientist who knows a lot about speedsters.
Dr. Harry Wells: You're a scientist, Snow. You've been watching Barry. You know he's nowhere near fast as he needs to be. This other mentor, this other Harrison Wells, did not want him to reach his full potential - I do.
Caitlin: You know, you're really starting to sound a lot like him.

Dr. Harry Wells: Welcome to Earth-2.

Dr. Harrison Wells: What happened out there today? You were moving pretty well, and then something caused you to lose focus.
Barry: I started remembering something. When I was eleven, my mother was murdered. It was late. A sound woke me up. I came downstairs, and... I saw what looked like a ball of lighting. Inside the lightning, there was a man. He killed my mom. They arrested my dad. He's still sitting in Iron Heights for her murder. Everyone, the cops, the shrinks, they... they all told me that what I saw was impossible. But what if the man who killed my mom was like me?
Dr. Harrison Wells: Well, I think I can say unequivocally, you are one of a kind.

Harrison: The organic receptor... is me.
Harry: For the Flash to run again, Nash Wells must die.

Dr. Harry Wells: One strike incapacitates The Thinker. Two strikes, no more Thinker. I call it a Sonic Scepter.
Cisco: Okay. Points for alliteration.
Caitlin: Basically just a big tuning fork.
Dr. Harry Wells: My goodness.
Cisco: Well, like, I mean, it's not just any tuning fork. This might be the most powerful tuning fork in the multiverse. You must've laser-shaved this thing down to the nanometer.
Dr. Harry Wells: Shaved it right down to the last angstrom, as a matter of fact. Child's play for me and my Thinking Cap. The Sonic Scepter mimics Izzy Bowen's sonic frequencies, so we can penetrate a heretofore impenetrable force field of DeVoe. And here's the best part. Because there's no tech involved...
Barry: It's Kilgore-proof.

Harrison: Yeah, why didn't you tell me that they were in danger? Okay, I could've - I could've gotten them out of there.
Cisco: Don't come at me, Nash. You're not here to keep me in the loop. You're not even part of this team.
Harrison: Oh, that's so hurtful. How's your little team doing in standings? Your little team...
Cisco: Okay, you don't see this is exactly what I'm talking about. No, you don't care about the team. You only work with us when you want something from us.
Allegra: Yo, keep me out of this.
Cisco: So, what is it this time? You - you got a couple glyphs you need Allegra to x-ray for you? Oh, or maybe you just want to open up another Pandora's box of Hell.
Harrison: Are you kidding me? I was the one to - I was the only one trying to stop Crisis.
Cisco: A Crisis you started! Billions of worlds, trillions of people gone, like they were never even born.
Harrison: And I paid for it! As Pariah I paid for it and still managed to help defeat the Anti-Monitor.
Cisco: Which did nothing for the people who died. Oliver. Harry. Jesse. An infinite number of Harrison Wells's. And we're stuck with the one who killed the multi-verse.

Ralph: Heading home?
Sherloque: Well, it's like Barry said - and Joe - I've done enough.
Ralph: They did say that. But you hung around anyway.
Sherloque: Oui, I did.
Ralph: You were there for Barry when he needed you.
Sherloque: Oui, I was.
Ralph: And you helped save Caitlin's mom.
Sherloque: Yes, that's right. I did all those things. I should not have done those things?
Ralph: I'm just saying maybe you have more to do. For your family.

Ralph: You know, Cisco, a gift came for you through one of those death holes that you call a breach.
Cisco: Oh, well. Looks like Gypsy came through, I guess.
Dr. Harry Wells: Um...
Cisco: Wait. This is a break-up cube.
Caitlin: I thought things were going so well with you and Gypsy.
Cisco: That makes two of us.
Dr. Harry Wells: Ramon, that's not a break-up cube. You should open that when you're alone.
Cisco: No, no, no. If she's gonna break up with me, I wanna hear why.
Dr. Harry Wells: No, Ramon, I... I wouldn't open...
Gypsy: [Cisco turns the cube on; a hologram of Gypsy wearing a sexy Santa suit appears] Cisco, somebody told me you've been a very naughty boy this year. Why don't you come over and jingle my bells, huh?
Cisco: Sweet baby Jesus.
Dr. Harry Wells: Told you, not a break-up cube.
Gypsy: And I promise, it's not gonna be a silent night.
Dr. Harry Wells: [Cisco tries to turn it off] Use the same button to...
Cisco: [turning it off, embarassed] Joe, do you mind if I...?
Joe: Take that to your house.

H.R. Wells: Tell us everything you see right now.
The: Mayhem. And the monster.
Iris: Okay, so what's the plan?
H.R. Wells: Great question, Miss West. So we fashioned just a carbon fiber rope, but correct me if I'm wrong, we never actually discussed how he was gonna use that rope, did we?
The: Guys.
Cisco: Barry, we're gonna do "Empire."
H.R. Wells: "Empire of the Sun", Barry.
Cisco: What? "Empire Strikes Back."
H.R. Wells: What? "Empire Strikes Back", Barry.
Cisco: Just take it down like it's an AT-AT.
H.R. Wells: Just like an AT-AT.
Caitlin: "Bigger they are, the harder they fall." Even I've seen "Empire."
H.R. Wells,63773: I like that.
The: All right, here we go. I've always wanted to be a Jedi.

Nora: I never knew he had that kind of hatred inside of him, but he does because of you.
Eobard: And I have that same hatred inside of me for him! Or at least I did. I was inspired by him, as you are. I wanted to know him, as you do. I wanted to be him. I wanted to be the Flash.
Nora: You will never be the Flash.
Eobard: Exactly! And that realization is what broke me. That's the realization that led me to do the things that I did. The terrible, horrible, evil things I did.

Harrison: [Waking up] What happened? Where am I? How'd I get here?
Harrison: Well that's an introduction. Who are you? What the hell are you talking about?
Caitlin: You need to stay calm. Your system is still recovering.
Harrison: [Slight chuckle] You need to calm down. I'm not going to stay here - get lectured by some government suit who -
[J'onn restores his memories]
Harrison: God! I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
J'onn: And so you should be. This is *ALL* your fault!
Harrison: It is my fault. But you sol- you solved it. You and the others. You saved the universe. You fixed my mistake... right?
J'onn: Not entirely.

Sherloque: So, you and your father go back to the past to defeat Cicada in the future. What an... off-the-cuff plan you've come up with.
Nora: We can do this.
Barry: No. I can do it.

Tracy: How did you know I was here?
H.R. Wells: Um, I might have done a bit of holographic stalking. I stalked you holographically.
Tracy: You mean, in the future, I'm still obsessed with a 500-year-old Italian polymath?
H.R. Wells: Yes, it would appear so.

Barry: So, how does this work? Your grand plan?
Dr. Harrison Wells: Well, actually it's not that grand at all, Barry. In fact it's rather simple. We use the particle accelerator.
Barry: [Nervously chuckles] The particle accel... The last time that happened, you caused an explosion that hurt alot of people.
Dr. Harrison Wells: This time, the accelerator will operate exactly the way it was designed to. Except, instead of two particles moving in opposite directions, colliding at the speed of light in the inner ring, we're only going to inject one particle, into the accelerator.
Barry: And I'm what it collides with.
Dr. Harrison Wells: And if you can go fast enough, Barry, if you can HIT that particle with enough speed, you will punch a hole right through the fabric of reality. And you will create a portal connecting this time, to infinite times.
Barry: A wormhole.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Through which one might travel back to the past, say, to the night your mother died, or forward to the future, to say, my time.
Barry: You said if, I run fast enough. What happens if I don't?
Dr. Harrison Wells: If you don't achieve the desired velocity, Barry, you'll die.

Sherloque: This current should heat up the copper wiring of his suit's circuitry, and we just need to heat it up enough so that his speed healing kicks in.
Joe: Is this safe?
Sherloque: Safer than dying.
[contacting the wires with Barry's suit]
Sherloque: Come on, monsieur Allen.
Joe: Barry?
Sherloque: Come on.
Joe: Barr!
The: [jerking awake with a gasp] Icicle. He has them.
Sherloque: [catching Flash as he stands up unsteadily] No, no, no, no, monsieur.
Joe: No, no, wait. No, wait.
Sherloque: In time, in time. First, you rest. Then we bring them home together.

Eobard: So she finally came clean. Or did you figure it out all by yourself?
Barry: One wasn't enough? You had to try to take my daughter from me too? MY DAUGHTER!
Eobard: I knew you'd react like this. You're always so emotional, which is why I had keep all of this from you. You can't blame the Little Runner, Barry. She just wanted to spend time with her dad. Don't hold that against her. Consider it a condemned man's last request.
Barry: You always thought you were so much smarter than us, Thawne. But you lost. And now you're finally gonna get what you deserve.

Barry: What is that?
Harrison: I think that is an act of creation.
Barry: But I have the particles. Shouldn't the forces be dying?
Harrison: Perhaps they are. Somewhere. In time, but right here? Right now? They're being born.

Harrison: Got lost, didn't you?
Allegra: What? No.
Harrison: No?
Allegra: Maybe.

Joe: What's the deal with you?
H.R. Wells: Hmm?
Joe: You have some psychotic need to make other people like you, no matter what?
H.R. Wells: I wouldn't call it psychotic.

Nora: [watching Sherloque steep tea] He has been singing that same song for the last two hours.
Iris: I know, I know.
[addressing Sherloque]
Iris: Are you seriously making tea right now?
Sherloque: The tea, oui. Right. Chamomile, you know, to stimulate the brain, but also, frankly, the digestive system, right? Because since I have arrived at here, I have been backed up like a traffic jam.
Iris: That is so disgusting. Beyond disgusting.

Ralph: Look, this is all just fantastic, but we're not really gonna do this.
Cisco: Yeah, I mean, um, we've already got a lot on our plate just trying to free one innocent man.
Caitlin: We all want Barry to be free, but I don't think that there's much else we can do right now. We kinda hit a wall.
Joe: Well, we're not gonna get through that wall while we're working on this.
Iris: It's just one case.
Dr. Harry Wells: And it's a case that we have to take. Allen has made one request of us since he's been incarcerated, and the request don't even involve himself. We have to take this case.
Cisco: It's unsettling how convincing you can be sometimes.

Reverse: There's no point in running. You're all going to die.

Dr. Harrison Wells: You are brilliant, and any anguish you have been through because of me was never my intent.
Hartley: Not bad, as far as heartfelt apologies go, except that wasn't for my benefit. That was for you, Flash. It feels good to have the great Harrison Wells behind you, doesn't it? But one day this man will turn on you... in a flash... and even you won't see it coming. My only hope: that he leaves you in better shape than he left me. If you're lucky, you'll only be dead, because every day I have to live with the agonizing, piercing screaming in my ears. Huh, I almost forgot I told your pet I know your deep, dark secret, Harrison. Have fun letting him in on that one.

Harrison: Aren't you the Paragon of Love? Look, anyone could save the world with their speed, with their might. But it takes a real hero. A once-in-a-lifetime hero to do it with his heart.
Barry: What is that supposed to mean?
Harrison: It means run, Barry. Run toward love.

Barry: I need to go.
Caitlin: No, you can't.
Dr. Harrison Wells: No, no. No, Caitlin's right. No, now that you're awake, we need to do more tests. You're still going through changes. There's so much that we don't know.
Barry: I'm fine. Really, I feel normal. Thank you for saving my life.
Caitlin: [watching him leave] Really?
Barry: [coming back] Can I keep the sweatshirt?
Dr. Harrison Wells: Yeah, keep the sweatshirt.

H.R. Wells: [last words] Tell Cisco... This took strength, and he gave it to me.

Nora: I don't understand what happened. I mean, we got Dwyer, we gave him the cure. If... if Cicada doesn't exist anymore, who was that?
Sherloque: Someone worse.

Barry: You have the same powers Gypsy does, right? She's not doing anything you can't do.
H.R. Wells: Much better though... I mean she's doing it just much better

Dr. Harrison Wells: Well, he's taking being targeted by a revenge-seeking meta-human rather well, I must say.

H.R. Wells: [a breach is open in S.T.A.R. Labs] B.A., someone's coming through.
Cisco: Could be Gypsy.
H.R. Wells: Could be, or it could be...
[the breach closes, revealing J'onn and Mon-El, who has an unconscious Supergirl in his arms]
H.R. Wells: ...Supergirl?
Barry: Kara. What happened to her?
J'onn: We don't know, but whoever did it has come to this world.

Caitlin: I thought we scanned Grace for meta powers when Nora entered her brain.
Cisco: We did, but that was back when her DNA was 100% human.
Sherloque: Her powers must have activated in just the last few weeks, right?
Barry: Yeah, Ambres told Joe that the wound in Grace's head recently started glowing and mutating.
Cisco: Now all we need to do is get Dwyer to listen to you, again.

Sherloque: Which reminds me, where is the rest of Team Flash? Where's baby giraffe and young Nora?
Caitlin: Ralph's visiting his mom. He said to call if we need him. And Nora is...
Nora: Right here. I just stopped by the loft to pick up your blue suit. I figured you'd had enough of green.
Barry: Hey, I made that green suit work, though.

Eobard: Miss me?
The: Save it, Thawne. You're back because of us, right?
Eobard: And in exchange, I've agreed to help you take down a psychopath.
Godspeed: Flash, that was nuts! You do like to party.

Allegra: I'm glad Carver turned you down. After what he did to my cousin, Joe, Iris, he... he deserves what he gets.
Barry: He doesn't deserve to die. What if he's telling the truth about the Mirrorverse affecting minds?
Ralph: Or he's lying. He's not exactly the paragon of truth.
Harrison: I don't think he's lying. I think it could be neural dissonance. I came across this Earth on my travels where any visitor to that Earth immediately suffers a traumatic psychological state. Neural dissonance. This could be that.
Joseph: [entering] I'm glad someone believes me.

Cisco: I'd ask you to stay, but... I already know the answer.
Harrison: A man's gotta be where his heart lies. He's just gotta learn to listen to it. One more thing before I go. Whether it's me... or any of the many Wells predecessors, I want you to know that you taught us every inch as much as we taught you. Maybe more.
Kamilla: [watching Wells vanish] Yeah, I'm never gonna get used to that.

Caitlin: We figured out what Cicada took from my dad's lab. It's your cure prototypes.
Nora: Why would she need those? They're just prototypes.
Cisco: No, they're not just prototypes. They're failed, broken versions of the cure. If a meta-human takes that without the proper treatment...
Sherloque: They would die. Cicada has a lethal virus on her hands.
Ralph: That's why she stole the atomizer. So she can spread the virus.
Sherloque: She has weaponized the cure.
Cisco: This is it. This is the nightmare.
Barry: Cicada's gonna kill every meta-human in the city.

Dr. Harry Wells: Hey, listen to me. Thawne knows about you. Right here, right now. This is where he learns about you, all of you. It's how he knows about S.T.A.R. Labs, how he knows about me; the Harrison Wells from this Earth. And there is nothing I can do about it. There's nothing you can do about it. This is his origin story, and it's going to happen no matter what you do. But right here, right now... you can send him back to his time. You can save your friend. You can save Cisco and then move on with your life.
Joe: This could be a good thing. You can finally let go of him.
The: I could throw him three centuries from now. He'll always be a part of me.

Dr. Harry Wells: I would ask you to talk Barry out of reopening the breaches to my Earth.
Joe: [laughs] Ah, I can't do that.
Dr. Harry Wells: No? You can't find a way to change his mind, for both our children's sakes?
Joe: Look, I think it's just as dumb as you do, but I learned a long time ago that I can't talk Barry out of anything once he sets his mind to it. Zoom is terrorizing this other world - your world. He can't let it go. But, look, why don't you do ME a favor? Go with Barry. Help him.
Dr. Harry Wells: Help him? Why would I do that?
Joe: 'Cause he's got a much better chance of defeating Zoom if you're involved.

Dr. Harry Wells: You know what? In battle, choose your weapon wisely. All right? Some people choose a gun. I choose a Phillips-head screwdriver.
Cisco: Oh, oh, I'm sorry. You're so particular.
Dr. Harry Wells: Ramon, can you just please... Have you ever worked with a tool before?
Cisco: I'm working with one now.
Dr. Harry Wells: Are you ready? One... two... and...
Jay: [the lock on his iron mask clicks open and Wells takes the mask off] Ugh. I don't know which is more annoying, being in that thing or listening to you two arguing about it.

Renee: The second she saw me, she wanted me dead. She tried to kill me, Sherloque.
Sherloque: Because of what you are.
Sherloque: A magnokinetic meta-human!
Sherloque: Oh, that was something, your powers, huh?
Renee: I wanted to tell you, but... I didn't know what you'd think.
Sherloque: I... I think... the world of you. Nothing is ever going to change that.

Harrison: Connecting Fusion Sphere. Fusion Sphere connected. Activate.
Chester P. Runk: Uh... activated.
Harrison: Oh, it's working. Now we just have to find a fuel source to put in it.
Chester P. Runk: And then we can power the artificial Speed Force.
Harrison: Exactly.
Chester P. Runk: [yawning] Hey, uh...
Harrison: What?
Chester P. Runk: One of the sphere plates doesn't look fully magnetized.
Barry: [speeding in and stopping him] Whoa! You can't touch that. If you touch the Fusion Sphere while it's activated...
Harrison: The Fusion Sphere thinks you're the fuel source.
Barry: Yes.
Chester P. Runk: And fuse my atoms, which would lead to a complete molecular degeneration. Sorry. I'm just trying to get your speed back.
Barry: Don't hurt yourself trying to do it. I'd never want you to do that.

Caitlin: So how many Wells are we talking about here? How many universes were there in the multiverse?
Harrison: What?
Barry: Okay, what, no, this doesn't make any sense. I mean, Thawne wasn't even a real Wells. He killed Harrison Wells, took over his body, and fooled us for months.
Harrison: This is a psychopath we're talking about that is trying to take over my body! Let's get him out before he resurfaces! Come on!
Caitlin: I mean, there's no medical procedure or device that could separate brainwaves.
Harrison: Not on this stupid Earth there's not, but hello, Multiversal traveler, anyone? Right? I have a neuro-splicer here in my bag. Can you-can you get it please? Will work just fine. Actually help me out stop an invasion of psychic starfish on Earth 26.

Harrison: It was my fault. She only did what I taught her to do. It was my fault. It was my fault.
Barry: Nash has taken control of his pain.
Eobard: No.
Barry: You can't feed off of him anymore.
Eobard: No.
Barry: It's over, Thawne.

Chester P. Runk: Yo, yo, Deon. What's... what's, uh... what's good, man?
Deon: You tell me. Something drew here. Was it you?
Chester P. Runk: I'm... I don't think it was...
Barry: Who's this? I'm sorry, who are you?
Deon: Who am I? Who are you?
Harrison: Who is he?
Chester P. Runk: [laughing nervously] Look, guys, all's good in the hood. All right, look. Barry, this is Deon. Still Force. And-And, Deon, this is Barry, who's actually...
Chester P. Runk: owner of this, uh, fine establishment.
Deon: You're the landlord. What's that got to do with anything?

Nora: All those years without my father and you gave me a second chance. And now I've lost him all over again.
Eobard: I've failed you, Little Runner.
Nora: No, this is my fault. I should've never lied to them about working with you.
Eobard: Well, perhaps not.
Nora: I screwed everything up. And now we can't even help them catch Cicada because my Dad will know if I run into the Speed Force.
Eobard: Mm-hmm. He most certainly will.
Nora: Hey... Wait. You've run into the Speed Force hundreds of times. And my father, other speedsters, they never felt you coming. How did you do that? Thawne, tell me how you did it.
Eobard: Nora.
Nora: Tell me. Thawne!
Eobard: It's not for you.
Nora: I need to see my father. Please, if there is a way to go back in time to see him undetected, you have to tell me how.
Eobard: I used to idolize your father. I wanted to be just like him. But that was not my fate. I was to be the reverse. Opposite of him... in every way. So instead of tapping into the Speed Force to access my powers... I created my own.
Nora: You created your own Speed Force?
Eobard: Yes, I did.
Nora: And I can access it to go back in time?
Eobard: That and more.
Nora: Can you teach me how to use it?
Eobard: Well, I-I have to warn you Nora. It's a little bit negative.

Iris: You want him to go into the Speed Force for a month and then, what, come out the same day that he left?
Sherloque: Oh, no, no, I'm not saying you manipulate time. I'm saying you manipulate dark matter. So, very simple. It's simple chemistry, right? When you are synthesizing a compound, you use a... commodity, uh, substrate, uh...
Caitlin: A catalyst?
Sherloque: Catalyst, right. And the most effective catalyst you can use when synthesizing a compound that negates dark matter is superluminal particles.
Nora: Tachyons.
Sherloque: Trés bien. Tachyons, and the place where tachyons are the most dense?
Barry: The Speed Force.
Sherloque: And voilà.
Caitlin: That might actually work.
Cisco: Yeah, it will. It'll be like nuking it in a pan-dimensional microwave. Nice work.
Sherloque: I know.
Iris: So, how much time would this save?
Caitlin: From 29 days down to... sixty minutes.
Cisco: Yeah, it's gonna be faster.

Cisco: Ladies and gentlemen, we finally have our hands on the meta-human cure. Cool, Cool. It's not like I spent weeks in the frozen tundra or anything.
Sherloque: No, no, no. I think that just people are waiting for inevitable "but" that follows such a big statement.
Cisco: Mmm, no, it's done, and thanks to Caitlin, we even have a way to deliver our silver bullet, so, no "buts."
Sherloque: I believe there is a big "but" coming.
Caitlin: But we need to test the cure on a meta-human.
Sherloque: There it is.

Caitlin: So, at first glance, Nash's brainwaves seem totally normal. No anomalies or inconsistencies. But when I looked at them in 3D, it appears that there are multiple brainwaves intricately tangled together.
Barry: When the Multiverse collapsed in Crisis all of the Wellses must have channeled into the only surviving doppelganger.
Cisco: Multiple psyches camped out in Nash's brain. It's like Tyler Durden times a thousand.
Harrison: Tyler Durden. Great reference. "First rule of fight club is..."
Cisco: Kay, can we not talk about "Fight Club"?
Harrison: Yeah, that's it.

Dr. Harrison Wells: Now, may I remind you, Mr. Allen, we had an agreement. We would help with your heroics out there while you would help us research and develop your abilities in here, right?
Barry: Yeah. No, I know. I-I-I guess I've just gotten a little bit caught up with being able to help people. Yeah, put bad guys away. It feels good.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Imagine how good it would feel to cure diseases, stop aging, reverse paralysis.
Barry: All good causes. So, ah, how can I help you do that? You need more MRI's, more blood, or...
Dr. Harrison Wells: I need more speed.
Barry: Okay.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Speed is the key to progress. You need to kick it up a notch.

Dr. Harrison Wells: [to Barry, who is in a comatose state] You look so young. And I could kill you, right now, so easy.
[lifts and vibrates hand, then backs away]
Dr. Harrison Wells: What I wouldn't have given... Oh, all those times before I've had you like this, so helpless, but Fate... Fate's tricky, isn't it? I come here to destroy you, and then to get home I have to be the one who creates you. Huh. But I will say, it's been an education, watching you grow up all these years - science fairs and soccer games - no hint, no sign, no trace of the man you will be one day - for whom I have nothing but hate. And to be clear, nothing is forgiven. There will be a reckoning, I promise you, Barry Allen, then you will die.

Barry: Nora... made sure that we didn't lose everything tonight.
Ralph: She saved every meta in the city.
Caitlin: And she gave Grace a new future.
Sherloque: Gave all of us, right? Especially me. Without Nora, I never would've met the love of my life, Renee.
Cisco: And you wouldn't have stopped your 38th Cicada. Or your 39th.
Sherloque: Right. It's been quite a journey.
[shakes Barry's hand]
Sherloque: Pleasure. An honor, Flash.
Barry: We never could've solved this mystery without you.
Sherloque: Well, don't be too sure. You already have a master detective in your midst. Congratulations, Adult Giraffe.
Ralph: Well done, Sherloque.
Sherloque: Sherlock. Well, all right then. Without further ado.
[opens portal to his Earth]
Sherloque: Mes amis. Good luck, Team Flash.

Harrison: It's gonna be a long night. I made us a couple of cups of coffee.
Allegra: I hate coffee.
Harrison: No coffee.

Eobard: Well, well. It appears as if someone has figured out how to reverse time. Clever girl.
XS: We figured out everything.
Eobard: Oh, really? What have you figured out?
The: We figured out why you sent Nora back, why you had her punch DeVoe's satellite - to create a Cicada we could stop. Right? A dagger we could destroy. It was the dagger that was keeping you in prison all along, wasn't it?
Eobard: That's right. 15 years. The second time I've been stuck somewhere against my will for 15 years. Boring. Except for your visits, of course. You're leaving out the most delightful part: how you both helped me escape.
The: We helped you?
Eobard: That's right. When you traveled to the Time Vault, remember that? Oh, we need help trying to figure out how to drain energy from the "one who got away." Remember that? When you blurted that out in the middle of the Time Vault, so that years later, when I ended up with Cicada's dagger strapped to my chest, I knew exactly what I had to do: get Nora Allen to trust me. Easy. Just like when I got you to trust me, and then everything starts falling into place. Why? Because I am the only speedster that knows how to manipulate the timeline to get what I want, orchestrate the changes that I need, some of which are happening right now, to ensure one thing: that I go free.
XS: We don't need a dagger to stop you.
Eobard: Well then, let's just see how much your father has taught you.

Dr. Harry Wells: Have you had any luck locating my daughter?
Joe: Not yet, but I circulated her picture through every department in the region, and I reached out to some friends in Keystone.
Dr. Harry Wells: She's smart. She's gonna know how to stay hidden. She's...
Joe: We'll find her.

H.R. Wells: Do you guys have a Big Belly Burger?
Caitlin: Some things never change.
H.R. Wells: Famished.

Cisco: I'm glad we reunited the happy couple, but I have to say - I am super relieved to finally get rid of Godspeed. And this one talks, so now we know we got the real August Heart behind bars.
Barry: That's not the real Godspeed. Once he was placed in a meta-dampening cell, I questioned him as The Flash, and all he could say was, "The one who sent me wants infinite velocity."
Cisco: When you were fighting Godspeed, he said, "We deserve your speed."
Harrison: Who's "we"?
Cisco: Does "we" include the one who sent him?
Barry: He couldn't tell me.
Harrison: Because he stopped talking.
Cisco: And started chirping like a broken modem just like the rest of them.

Dr. Harry Wells: There you are. What are you doing?
Cisco: I'm updating some software.
Dr. Harry Wells: Oh, good. So, nothing. Great. I need your help.
Cisco: Try Ralph.
Dr. Harry Wells: Ralph's useless. All he does is eat.

Dr. Harrison Wells: I don't belong here. In these barbaric times. It's like living amongst the dead.
Cisco: Is that what you told yourself... when you killed me?
Dr. Harrison Wells: What? What did you say?

Eobard: If I could have everyone's attention for a moment. I have been waiting for this moment for a very, very long time. When you find the love of your life, it's like electricity pulsing through your veins, giving you a shock that you absolutely never want to end because - because now... Now you're part of something greater. You're part of something wonderful. And, frankly, surprising because you never know what face fate will be wearing when she shows up to knock on your door and change your life forever. When it does, for you, my wish is that that face... Is as beautiful as the one standing next to me. To Iris West, the love of my life... And to our future together.
[as Thawne and Iris toast they notice Barry, the other party guests turn around to see him as well]
Ryan: What the hell is he doing here?

Eobard: Hi, Flash.
Barry: Thawne. What do you want?
Eobard: What do I always want? To kill you. And I'm done being patient. I can't wait to slit your throat. When I do, when I get out - believe me. I will get out. I'm going to kill you... And then I'm going to kill your family, and then I'm going to kill your friends. I'm gonna kill all your friends, starting with your new pal Nash.
Barry: No.
Eobard: No?
Barry: Whatever you've done to him, we're gonna stop you.
Eobard: But isn't it true... that in a few short weeks, you're going to be powerless to stop me, right? Because your Speed Force is dead. I can feel it. And that's what you get, Barry, for trusting such a puny, pathetic force. That's why I built my own. And I'm coming. I'm coming for you.

Allegra: [charging the Fusion Sphere] Guys... something's not right.
Barry: What's happening?
Chester P. Runk: Uh... the charge is dropping.
Allegra: I-I can't hold it much longer.
[Barry pushes her out of the way and is blasted by the sphere's discharge]
Harrison: A-Allen?
Allegra: Barry, you okay?
Chester P. Runk: Please be okay. Please be okay.
[Barry sits up with a groan, and the others sigh in relief]
Barry: [with a French accent] Hello. Qu'est ce qui se passe? What are you all doing?
Chester P. Runk: Uh... since when do you speak French?
Barry: Since always, no?
Allegra: Why is he talking funny?
Harrison: I think when the particles left the Fusion Sphere, they transferred to Barry Allen.
Chester P. Runk: So all the brainwaves of all the Wellses who've ever lived...
Barry: Are in monsieur Allen's mind.

Barry: We face a mystery stranger than the King Tut Killer of Earth-66. The Many Minds of Barry Allen.
Harrison: Oh, man.
Allegra: All of them ended up inside Barry?
Harrison: It looks like it, but listen, let's not panic. Between the three of us and a master detective, we can figure out how to fix Barry Allen.
Barry: ["becoming" H.R] You guys talking about B.A.? He's so fast!
Allegra: Oh. What just happened to him?
Chester P. Runk: I think another set of Wells particles just took over his mind.
Barry: H.R. Wells. How you guys doing? Yeah, so, this is simple: we just get all the Wellses out of B.A. into the Futon Sphere.
Harrison: Except it's a... stop. It's a Fusion Sphere. Can you stop...
Barry: Huh?
Harrison: Can you stop drumming?
Barry: Huh?
Harrison: Can you stop dr...
Barry: Huh?
Harrison: Okay, the drumming is so annoying!

Iris: He's at the DOD site. Look.
Barry: That building's seven below?
Sherloque: Look at the temperature. Look at it drop.
Cisco: He initiated the negative array but didn't seal it. The room is -7, but the array is -100.
Ralph: That thing's so freaking cold, it's freezing the whole building.
Caitlin: Wait, at this rate, in five minutes, the temperature will be -460 degrees, AKA absolute zero. At which point, he can inject himself with my serum.
Nora: And turn himself into a full-on icicle.
Cisco: Icicle, that's... not the time.
Caitlin: We gotta go.
Cisco: Let's do it.
Caitlin: Hey, what... what about your hands?
Cisco: You're my friend, my family. I'm going.

Sherloque: [to Nash] He... is... Coming...

Cisco: We got a Starchives asset in Kollins Woods.
Sherloque: Starchives? What is this?
Iris: Uh, well, it's a place where we house everything Flash-related; prototypes, supersuits. I mean, everything since day one.
Ralph: Okay, and the alarm is going off because...
Cisco: Because somebody just stole something from us. Something really, really not good.

Cecile: Nora. You want to tell us something, don't you?
Sherloque: She wants to tell you her secret. Right? She doesn't know where to start. Difficult to know where to begin when your secret threatens everything, everyone around you.
Nora: Sherloque, stop it.
Sherloque: Maybe start at the beginning. It's a very good place to start. When you first time-traveled. So careful to leave the lightest footprint. Until you suddenly change course and brazenly interfere with the Thinker satellite as it crashed to Earth. I think to myself, "Nope, nope. This excessive action doesn't make sense." Until you understand that it wasn't your idea.
Nora: Please stop.
Sherloque: Someone instructed you to do it.
Nora: Stop.
Sherloque: Someone... whose handwriting is in your journal. Someone who wrote, "The timeline is malleable." Same person who's been directing you all this time, making puppets out of all of us as he seeks to alter the timeline to suit his own purpose. Eobard Thawne. The Reverse-Flash. Your teacher. Your partner. Your secret.

Barry: Deon just aged the harness a thousand years. How bad is it?
Harrison: Pretty bad.
Chester P. Runk: But not hopeless. See, I figured if we can find some way to... somehow create some sort of...
[seeing their looks]
Chester P. Runk: I-I was working on the collection disc when Deon showed up. I figured I better hide it just in case.
Barry: Chester, you're a lifesaver.
Chester P. Runk: As for the vest, I'm used to working with junk. I'll just need a bunch of replacement parts from my garage and she'll be up and running in no time. With a little help, that is.
Harrison: I'm with you.

Reverse: Uh uh. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking what did I do that? Well, I did it to draw out your hero! What is taking him so long?
Green: You want a hero?
[knocks down Reverse-Flash]
Reverse: You. You know, normally, I'd be intrigued to meet the great Green Arrow, but unfortunately, today, I don't have the time.
Green: Where's William?
Reverse: Who's William?
Green: [draws back on her bow] Wrong answer.
[Reverse-Flash fades in and out]
Green: Oopsie. That's a temporal fade, pal. Looks like you're not too much longer for this timeline. Too bad. Now, where the hell's my brother?
Reverse: Enough with the questions.

Dr. Harry Wells: Shouldn't you be at school?
Jesse: I graduated high school when I was fifteen, Dad.
Dr. Harry Wells: Right.
Jesse: Can miss a day of college.
Dr. Harry Wells: Ah, that's my Jess, always so quick.

Harrison: Allen. I wanna ask you a question. You knew that Carver was in mortal danger, right, as soon as Mirror-Singh stepped off that elevator. Why didn't you get him out of there?
Barry: I couldn't exactly run him out of there as Barry Allen.
Harrison: Or he offered you a deal. That's the other thing. I have all these Wells in my head, and they all - they're all screaming the same thing, that the Barry Allen they knew would never have hesitated. You did. You were considering the deal. You were considering trading Carver's life to save Iris.
Barry: It's more complicated than that.
Harrison: It's more complicated...
Barry: Yeah.
Harrison: Is it complicated like in the way you almost killed Eobard Thawne and me along with him?
Barry: No. That was different.
Harrison: How is that different?
Barry: Iris is my wife. I have to save her. How do you not understand that?
Harrison: I do. But what do you think Iris will say when you tell her you traded another person's life to save hers?

Joe: [to Dr. Wells] So, you show up on our Earth, you screw everything up, and now you want to go home. Sounds very familiar.
Dr. Harry Wells: Again, that wasn't me.

Dr. Harrison Wells: I know the names of every person who died that night. I know they all mattered, and the fact that the world is now deprived of their potential is something I have to life with every day, but these people... these people have done nothing wrong. You want to punish me? Fine, let's do that, but let these people live.
Farooq: You died that night, too.
[fires lightning bolt at him, knocking Dr. Wells out of his wheelchair]
Barry: No!
Farooq: You just didn't know it till today.

Harrison: Team Flash! It's your pal, Nash. Let me out!
Caitlin: Guys, are we sure that's Nash?
Cisco: Or Thawne playing possum?
Barry: Let's find out.

Sherloque: Look at this code. Have you seen this code before?
Cisco: Yeah.
Sherloque: Yeah. When?
Cisco: Right after Barry came out of the Speed Force a year ago.
Sherloque: And did you decipher the code?
Cisco: Well, my computer did. Just one sentence.
Sherloque: [leaning to look at the monitor] Ahh! Well...
Cisco: [backing him off] Hey. Listen here, space invader. Why don't you try returning the thing to her and then asking her?
Sherloque: Of course.
Cisco: Of course.
Sherloque: Of course.
Cisco: Right.
Sherloque: Makes sense.

Cisco: What is this?
Dr. Harry Wells: Wrong answers.
Cisco: Maybe you're asking the wrong questions.

Barry: Has anyone seen Ralph today?
Caitlin: No, he's downstairs moving in. He is very nervous.
Dr. Harry Wells: I don't know why.
Cisco: I don't know why, either. He's a superhero. People with powers are ready for anything.
[surprised to see Jesse as he turns around]
Cisco: Ah! Son of a breach!

Dr. Harrison Wells: See you soon, Barry.

Nora: Okay, people, think. We haven't seen Cicada since the rooftop fight, which means the only way to track him down is to figure out who his next meta-human target's gonna be. Have we double-checked every bank robbery, every lab break-in?
Sherloque: Yes, yes! We have looked at all of that, all right? And all the criminals that are in custody are simply mere mortals.
Nora: What about the ones on the street?
Caitlin: Frost says that no new metas have shown up since Norvock went into WITSEC.
Nora: Are the satellites tracking for dark matter or meta-gene bursts or Element X?
Cisco: Yes, yes, and yes. They're scanning for everything.
[to Barry and Iris]
Cisco: Congratulations, you raised a menace.

Dr. Harry Wells: [Future Barry wake up from Harrison's wheelchair with one handcuff and Past Harrison wells wave at him]
Dr. Harry Wells: Now, who are you? I mean who are you, really?
Future: Dr. Wells, What are you doing?
Dr. Harry Wells: None of it adds up. The interference with the comms. The speed equation. The Time Wraith. That's what we call them. Time Wraiths. Scary. aren't they? I thought, "Oh, no, a Time Wraith has found me." But I thought, "No, no, no. "You know what you're doing." "No, the Time Wraith is after someone who's traveled through time, "and doesn't know what they're doing."
Future: [laughing] Dr. Wells, come on, it's me, it's Barry.
Dr. Harry Wells: I don't Really?
Dr. Harry Wells: You are good. You are good, and I would believe you, except that...
[stand up speed close to barry]
Dr. Harry Wells: Nothing? I move like this, you barely flinch. You know who I am. Don't you?
[Barry hand shake faster speed]
Dr. Harry Wells: Oh...
[laughing and clap]
Dr. Harry Wells: And you're from the future. Do you know how I know that? Because I haven't taught my Barry Allen how to phase through objects. Yet.
Future: [Future Barry laughing] Let me out of here, Thawne.
Dr. Harry Wells: I know.
[back and sit chair]
Dr. Harry Wells: You're upset. But it does me good to hear that name again. Now, onto the bigger question. Why are you here?
Future: Because I want to go faster, and you're the only one who can teach me. You're the only one who's figured out the equation. The Speed Force. You've manipulated it. How did you do that?
Dr. Harry Wells: [stand up and walk and near Future Barry again] No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. No. You'd only come here come here if something went wrong. If you're still alive, then that means... I haven't beaten you. If you're still alive, that means my plan fails. And if my plan fails,
[kicking chair off]
Dr. Harry Wells: I don't get to go home, and if that's the case, well then
[hand shake speed close to future Barry]
Future: No, no, no! Hey, hey! It's the opposite, it's the opposite! you trick me, you harness my speed. We turn on the accelerator to create a path for you to go home. I go back in time. You go back to yours.
[head shake]
Future: You won. Yeah.
Dr. Harry Wells: Then why are you here? Why are you here, now?
Future: Because when I got back, a Singularity had formed. And now, the only way for me to learn how to get faster and stop the Singularity from happening was to come here, now.
Dr. Harry Wells: Well, that's good to know.
[smile and breathing heavily and pick up the chair]
Dr. Harry Wells: There's just...
[Barry sighs]
Dr. Harry Wells: Just one thing that occurs to me. I don't need you. Do I? Not this you, certainly. Oops. You probably should have thought of that. Before you come back here. Shame. you ran all the way back here just to die.
Future: You kill me? Barry? This Barry? Your Barry? He learns it all. There's a hidden letter, telling him how it ends, how to beat you. Everything. Anything happens to me, you never make it back home. Go on. Kill me, Thawne. See how this all ends.
[Eboward Thawne walk back to sit down and on chair again]
Future: Now, You're gonna help me get faster.

Barry: You can't give up. Your work on relatistic quantum mechanics and its application to inter-spatial theory to manipulate matter on a subatomic level, it's groundbreaking.
Tracy: I haven't shared that hypothesis with anyone, other than my therapist. Who are you?
H.R. Wells: We're therapists.

Reverse: Guys, Thawne is tricking you. I came here from 2021.
Iris: Save it, Allen. We're not falling for your mind games this time.
The: Put him down.

Barry: Hey, Cait, I know how hard this is gonna be for you, but we have to stop him.
Caitlin: I know, and I want to be supportive. I just... I can't face Jay - whatever his real name is.
Barry: What does that mean?
Caitlin: Well, you remember when I was looking for his doppleganger, right?
Barry: Yeah. And you couldn't find him.
Caitlin: Because there is no Jay Garrick on this Earth. His doppleganger's name is Hunter Zolomon.
Dr. Harry Wells: Hunter Zolomon? A... are you sure?
Caitlin: Yeah. Why?
Dr. Harry Wells: Well, because on my Earth, Hunter Zolomon was a convicted serial killer.
Caitlin: [Wells shows them a newspaper article] That's Jay?
Dr. Harry Wells: No, that is Hunter. Last public photo of Hunter Zolomon. Instantly recognizable to people from my Earth. On my Earth, serial killers are an anomaly, so a lot of media attention... to this. There was a podcast. When Hunter was eleven, his father killed his mother right in front of him. Father sent to prison, Hunter grew up in the foster care system.
Barry: Years later, he was convicted on twenty-three counts of murder.
Cisco: Twenty-three? That's, like, some real Hannibal Lecter-type level.
Dr. Harry Wells: After the trial, Hunter was sent to the Saint Perez Mental Asylum for the Criminally Insane, given daily electroshock therapy to cure him of his urges, and then faded from view.
Caitlin: Until the night your Particle Accelerator exploded.
Dr. Harry Wells: That's right. The dark matter crept into the mental asylum. I had thought... piping the explosion underground would limit exposure. I was wrong. All it did was create an unstoppable monster.
Barry: He's not unstoppable. Jay doesn't know that we know who he really is. He thinks that his past is a secret.
Cisco: So?
Barry: I think I have an idea of how we can stop him.

Hunter: You're Harry Wells. You're the man who helped the Flash defeat me.
August: No. That's Thawne. The man who helped the Flash defeat me. Any last words, Thawne?
Eobard: Never wear white after Labor Day.

Nora: Something went wrong, we got Dwyer, we gave him the cure. This should all be over. But another Cicada showed up, took Dwyer and the dagger. Thawne! Did you hear what I said? Another Cicada showed up.
Eobard: I know.
Nora: Who is that?
Eobard: I have no idea.
Nora: You said manipulating he timeline would stop Cicada, you said you knew what you were doing.
Eobard: I know what I said. I was very wrong.
Nora: What do we do? What do we do now?
Eobard: I can't help you anymore, little runner.
Nora: What? You have to help me!
Eobard: It's too late.
Nora: No. There's gotta be something we can do. You... you have to help.
Eobard: There is only one thing left to do. Tell your father. You tell your father everything.

Dr. Harrison Wells: Anger. Hate. Aggression.
Cisco: [imitating Yoda] A Jedi craves not these things.
Cisco: No one is feeling that quote?

Harrison: [startled by Barry whooshing in] I'm guessing this isn't a social call?
Barry: Not exactly. We need your help.
Harrison: How bad is it?
Barry: That depends.
Harrison: On...
Barry: Whether or not you can help us do the impossible.

Eobard: And Zolomon-- Love your work. Although slightly derivative, don't you think? Pretending to be the Flash's ally. Let's see. Who's playbook is that from?
[points at himself]
Hunter: Are you mocking me?
Eobard: Now, you're catching on. Good, Zoom.
Hunter: I'm the fastest man alive.
Eobard: No, you're a strung out, jumped-up Velocity 9 junkie. The fastest man alive... You're looking at him.
August: Oh, please. I'm the one, true god of speed.
Savitar: [appears] No, I am. Before I bring this dimension to its knees, I demand who brought us here.
Eddie: I did.

Trevor: Thawne... I-I can help you.
Eobard: Isn't this ironic? Time to repent.
[shoots Trevor with an electric shock]
Eobard: Consider this a parting gift.
[phases his hand into Trevor's chest and crushes his heart]

Sherloque: Forgive me, but couldn't help but notice this composition.
Nora: That's really nothing special.
Sherloque: But it feels like something special. I don't like to brag, but I speed a lot of languages and yet this one... this one I don't recognize.
Nora: It's a time language.
Sherloque: Time language, really?
Nora: It's used to record events regardless of changes in the timeline so no matter what happens I'll always remember my dad.
Sherloque: Hmm, where does one learn something like that? Time travel school?
Nora: I created it, actually.
Sherloque: You created it?
Nora: Mm-hmm.
Sherloque: Clever girl.

Harrison: For so many years, I've traveled across worlds, across the multiverse to do one thing - kill you, and now here, you save my life.
Voice: Submit and begin your life anew.
Harrison: Show me.
Voice: The knowledge is within you.

Nora: [after Sherloque comes on too forward with Renee] Why did you say all that stuff to her?
Sherloque: You know, skip the small talk, no?

Dr. Harrison Wells: Now that we have a sample, we'll get to work analyzing it, figure out the makeup of the poison, maybe get a clue as to his human identity.
Cisco: Or at least a way to stop him from turning into a mist. The Mist. Okay, that's his name. End of discussion.

Wells 2.0: We had a Cisco on my Earth once. He was delicious.
Harrison: He ate the other Cisco.

Dr. Harry Wells: Who's Alchemy?
Cisco: Well, Doctor Alchemy is a magic man in a cloak who can somehow restore the powers that people had in Flashpoint.
Jesse: Okay, what's Flashpoint?
Caitlin: That's what we're calling the alternate timeline that Barry created when he went back in time and saved his mom.
Dr. Harry Wells: Oh. So Magenta is another side-effect from your time trip. Genius. Not.
Barry: I don't need to be reminded. Thank you.

H.R. Wells: You go front to back. Toothbrushing. You go front to back? 'Cause I'm a small circles kind of guy. I wonder how the other Wells brushes his teeth.
Dr. Harry Wells: The murderer?
H.R. Wells: I'm fascinated by the subtle differences between us, you know?
Dr. Harry Wells: And the not-so-subtle ones.
H.R. Wells: Like what?
Dr. Harry Wells: Like the fact that I'm a genius and you're a moron.

Caitlin: Oh, good, you're awake.
Barry: Oh, Caitlin. Thank God. What the - w-what the hell is going on? I mean, one minute, I'm in the lag, fixing Gideon, and the next thing I know, I'm here. My speed's gone.
Caitlin: Quite the little chatterbox, aren't we?
Barry: What? W-why are you talking to me like that? And why am I in a cage? Caitlin, let me out of here!
Eobard: Easy, killer.
Barry: Thawne?
Eobard: You're quite the specimen, aren't you?
Barry: Go to hell. I don't know how you managed to drag me back to the past. Whatever all this is, I will stop you.
Eobard: Cranky.
[to Caitlin]
Eobard: What, did you offer him the B-word?
Caitlin: Maybe he just needs some privacy. I'm gonna go check on Ronnie. He's working on a new space he's very excited about. He's calling it the Pipeline.

Joe: Joe West.
Breacher: A fellow law man. You, I can respect.
Cisco: And Harry Wells back there.
Breacher: You look like someone I once sent my daughter to kill.
Dr. Harry Wells: I get that a lot.

Cecile: We need to work the problem, not tear each other down. So here's what I'm gonna do. I am gonna call David's husband, and I'm gonna see if he has seen Singh's duplicate.
Allegra: Uh, I'll check the Bentley Building. Mirror-Iris and Kamilla were alone there a lot. Maybe they left something behind.
Cecile: Good.
Harrison: You want company?
Allegra: Maybe you should find something else to do.
Ralph: You can come with me. I'm gonna see if I can dig up any details on this Eva McCulloch.
Cisco: [the others leave] If the Mirrorverse is just another dimension, there might be a way to enter vibrationally. Caitlin's still on the mend, so I can't ask her for help. I guess that means I'm doing this one on my own.
Cecile: [Cisco leaves, too] Barry, look, I understand how you're feeling...
Barry: Cecile, I know you're trying to help me, and... I appreciate it, but... right now, I'm gonna work on the artificial Speed Force. I just... there's no point in finding Eva if I'm useless against her.

Dr. Harrison Wells: Seen a lot things that you can become, but who are you, Hannibal Bates?
Hannibal: I, uh... I can't remember. I can't remember.

Cisco: And Wally just beat his personal best. Oh, Barry's putting him through the wringer today.
H.R. Wells: Excuse... Barry? Excuse me? Uh, yeah, I suppose it could be Barry, or it could be his genius coach, whose sole purpose on this Earth is milking epic greatness from those around him. Thank you very much.
Caitlin: It could also be Jesse.
H.R. Wells: What?
Caitlin: Come on, Wally doesn't want to get beat by his girlfriend.
Cisco: Also, please, just refrain from using "milk" as a verb from now on, please.

H.R. Wells: What you doing up there?
Jesse: Just, uh... hanging out.
H.R. Wells: What are... what are you thinking about?
Jesse: Wally. He wants me to stay here with him.
H.R. Wells: Ah. Yeah, he does. Guy is no dummy. Congratulations. Oh, that's great. Love... nothing like young love.
Jesse: Yeah, I just... I don't... I don't know if it's the right thing.
H.R. Wells: Why?
Jesse: He's on his own journey. Besides, my dad just got captured by gorillas. And if... if he does come back, how could I ever tell him I'm leaving?
H.R. Wells: Well, 'cause you're human. That's... that's how. That's what we do. Look, my point is this. When it comes to love, you gotta go for it. You know? Everything else be damned. 'Cause if you don't, you're gonna end up being the kind of person that lives the rest of their life with regret. I mean, I know that telling your dad that, you know, you're... you're switching Earths, that's gonna be a difficult conversation to have, but one that you've got to go for if you want to be happy.

Eobard: [restrained in meta-dampening cuffs] These won't hold me.

Barry: He said his name was Savitar.
H.R. Wells: Mm. Hindu god of motion.
Cisco: What? How do you know that?
H.R. Wells: Crossword puzzle wizard. On two planets, I might add. 12 across, 7 letters, Savitar. Bam. Hindu god of motion.
Barry: He sad he was God.
Cisco: That's - that's nice. That's not scary... at all.

Cisco: Destroying Cicada's dagger in the past will save Thawne from dying in the future?
Sherloque: That's right. Cicada's dagger has been dampening Thawne's powers all this time.
Caitlin: So if we get rid of the dagger now, it disappears in the future?
Barry: And Thawne gets out of Iron Heights.
Cisco: A reverse time hack.

Sherloque: Now, the question we have to ask: do we stop Cicada or do we stop Thawne?
Barry: No, we're not gonna let thousands of meta-humans die, now or in the future. We find Cicada. We destroy the dagger once and for all.

Renee: Sherloque, you scared me to death.
Sherloque: Well, I apologize. But when you don't answer my many emoticon pictograms...
Renee: Well...
Sherloque:, I fear the worst, huh?
Renee: I was in the library. What could've happened to me?
Sherloque: Stacks collapse. Livid librarian.
Renee: [amused] Really?
Sherloque: Death by Dewey Decimals?

Dr. Harry Wells: You cannot reason with someone under Zoom's influence, and now a man is dead because of you, Garrick. This whole thing is because of you. He doubts himself because of you, but believe me, Barry can do what you could not. Barry can stop Zoom.
Jay: I spent two years hunting Zoom.
Dr. Harry Wells: Wrong! Zoom hunted you! You spent the last two years of your life running, running, running from Zoom.
Jay: Zoom would have killed me just like he will kill Barry if you lead him down this path!
Dr. Harry Wells: No, because he is not like you. Barry runs towards danger, not from it, because Barry's not a coward.

Dr. Tanya Lamden: I can't love Shay. He's my dead husband's doppelganger from Earth-2. How crazy would I have to be to fall in love with him?
Sherloque: No crazier than marrying the same woman from five different Earths... I know. I'm very good at marrying people, but not so great at staying married. Along the way, though, on these countless Earths and countless doppergangers, I learned there is one thing that makes all of us unique. And it that is what you fell in love with, well then, perhaps a face doesn't matter that much.

Cisco: Okay, you know what? This is exactly why we didn't contact you, 'cause the last thing we need around her is more of your salty-ass attitude.
Dr. Harry Wells: If you don't need my salty attitude, then maybe you should carry on without me. I'll let myself out.
Cisco: Oh, are you going back to your Earth? I'll breach you there right now.
Dr. Harry Wells: [mocking in a high voice] "I'll breach you there right now!"
Cisco: That's not what I sound like. That was really high.

Ralph: [surveilling Orlin] How many you shoot?
Sherloque: Shot, like, a hundred.
Ralph: Any of them good?
Sherloque: Boof.
Ralph: Guess we'll just have to keep shooting 'till we get it right.
Sherloque: I guess so.

Dr. Harrison Wells: I want you to take a moment and think about all the things that define your life - all the people you love, your job, your co-workers, your home - and now imagine if one day, in a flash, all of that vanished. Do you simply accept your new life and continue on, or would you do whatever it takes to get back what was taken from you? Because I can assure you I will get everything that was taken from me.

Ralph: Where's Iris?
Barry: Uh, I honestly don't know. We're not really seeing eye to eye right now.
Joe: Because?
Barry: Because I took Nora home for good.
Joe: Nora's gone?
Caitlin: Just like that?
Sherloque: Well, only thing to do, really, because Nora can't be trusted.
[seeing their looks]
Sherloque: I can deduce from your faces that you're upset, but you understand the truth need to be exposed.
Ralph: Yes, we understand that. What you don't understand is that this is a family. You didn't include anyone in this.

Joe: Kingston, I am gonna offer you a choice. You can either pray to your God to save your son, or you can bow and pray to me. Which of us do you think has more power to save Preston's life?
Kingston: Please don't kill my son.
Joe: No, I'm gonna have to hear you say "God does not exist," and then throw in a "Praise Joe" for good measure.

Sherloque: Which pair would like to volunteer for this mission? I suggest the speedsters for this to be accomplished so quick.
Barry: Yeah.
Sherloque: Elected.
Barry: [aside, to Nora] Hey, if you see a memory of me stealing a blank Scrabble tile, it's not what it looks like, all right?

Eobard: So you are here to fulfill my destiny? Well, you can start by getting me out of this prison and then... giving me my speed back.
Deon: Oh, you'll get everything that you deserve, Thawne.
Eobard: Is that right? And just what is that going to cost me?
Deon: Just one thing. Your life.
Eobard: No, no! Wait, no!

Dr. Harry Wells: Her name is Dr. Light, small-time thief on my Earth until exposed to the dark matter from the Particle Accelerator and became a meta-human with the ability to derive power from starlight.
Cisco: Oh, very cool.
Dr. Harry Wells: Stars having a temperature of 5,300 degree kelvin and a blinding luminosity, I would say, "Not very cool at all."
Cisco: You know, our Dr. Wells may have been evil, but you're just a dick.

Caitlin: So we're just supposed to get used to working above a makeshift prison housing evil people with superpowers.
Dr. Harrison Wells: You'd be surprised what you can get used to, Caitlin.

Cisco: Not bad.
Caitlin: Not bad at all. Harry?
Dr. Harry Wells: Pass.
Caitlin: Wait, what? Wait a minute. That guy cracked the code, and he wants to do it.
Cisco: And he's nice, and he's not evil. And that's a combination of Wells we haven't had thus far.
Dr. Harry Wells: All my life, everyone I've ever hired to work for me, I have trusted my gut. My gut tells me that's not the guy. Keep looking.

Ralph: What the hell was that stuff?
Caitlin: Looks like Axel created some sort of super acid.
Dr. Harry Wells: Yeah, it's got a pH level in the negative 50s, and all it did was burn through your skin?
Cisco: God, if it were anybody else, it would melt right through them like xenomorph blood.
Dr. Harry Wells: Like in...
Cisco: "Alien".

Dr. Harrison Wells: [to Wife] That is going to get you kissed.

Barry: My day job beckons.
[runs off]
Dr. Harrison Wells: When do you think he'll realize he didn't take his clothes?

H.R. Wells: On my Earth, financial wagering was banned after an unfortunate incident with Vice President Al Capone.

Dr. Harry Wells: [harshly] Try again!
Barry: Yo.
Cisco: I'm sorry, it's not...
Dr. Harry Wells: Again!
Cisco: I can't control it.
Dr. Harry Wells: Because you're afraid.
Cisco: I'm telling you I don't know how it works! I can't just make it happen!
Dr. Harry Wells: I'm telling you, yes, you can!

Cisco: I have an idea, a way to get our people out of the Mirrorverse. We need a lossless, self-sustaining source of perpetual energy.
Harrison: Sounds like you're talking about the holy grail of science: a perpetual-motion machine.
Cisco: That's right. Hartley had some ideas. I think we can actually build one. We're just missing one component, and thanks to my travels, I know exactly where to find it: Atlantis.
Ralph: Finally, Crisis pays off in a good way for once.
Cisco: I know time is crucial, but don't worry. I'll hurry back.
Allegra: Can I come?
Barry: Actually, if you don't mind, I'd like for you to stay. Team Flash needs as many hands on deck as possible.
[she nods with a smile]
Barry: Now let's get to work.

Dr. Harry Wells: You're my joy, Jesse Quick.

Eobard: You know what's funny about your dad, Nora? He hates me. Hates me with a passion. And yet a version of him is Savitar. Much bigger jerk than I ever was. Did you see the face? Did you see the pizza face...
Barry: Can you hurry up?
Eobard: [returning to work] Yeah, I'll hurry up. I gotta tell ya, Allen, you know, using Savitar's suit, smart idea.
Barry: It was hers.
Eobard: [glancing at Nora] Clever girl.
[he repairs the transmitter, then sees the Barry in the Time Vault is about to wake up]
Eobard: Oops. Gotta go. I still look forward to seeing how this all pans out.

Reverse: Hey! I love what you've done with the place.
Chester P. Runk: We're gonna find a way to stop you.
Reverse: Maybe. Maybe not. But either way...
[fires a bolt of electricity at Chester]
Reverse: And just so you know... Just so you're aware of the whole... "Timeline" of events here, after I kill you I'm gonna kill your boss because I don't care what an upgraded ancestor of mine might say. Barry Allen's life is mine... to take... and so is yours.

Dr. Harry Wells: That's it.
Caitlin: That's it?
Dr. Harry Wells: Yeah, that's it.
Cisco: So now what?
Dr. Harry Wells: Now... we go get a Big Belly Burger.

Nora: One scratch on two different time spheres.
Sherloque: Or one scratch on one time sphere.
Nora: That's impossible. Unless...
Barry: Unless it's the same one.
Cisco: It is the same one. This is our time sphere.
Sherloque: Which shows up here at the same time that someone who looks like Cicada kidnaps Orlin Dwyer. It's not a coincidence.
Nora: So whoever kidnapped Dwyer...
Barry: Is the Cicada from the future.

Dr. Harrison Wells: Run, Barry, Run!

[first lines]
Cisco: What if... What if I just, like, breach all three of the bus metas to, like, Earth-2?
Dr. Harry Wells: How about this? We alter each bus meta's DNA by performing intercellular surgery.
Cisco: And what? Turn them into chickens?
Dr. Harry Wells: Yeah.
Cisco: We're not Frankensteining innocent people.

Jesse: What's this?
Dr. Harry Wells: That is a, uh, mental activity dampener. It's for D.A. Cecile Horton. It keeps her from hearing other people's thoughts.
Jesse: Kinda clunky.
Dr. Harry Wells: [with a laugh] That's what she said. Literally, that's what she said. The second version's more streamlined.

Caitlin: A new Wells. How is that possible?
Chester P. Runk: Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. You're here to help us, right? Also, which one is he?
Harrison: I'm the original.

Joe: [trying to rescusitate the Flash] I can barely feel his pulse.
Sherloque: He has hypothermia. His heart rate's dropping. We only have seconds to save him.

Eobard: What do you want?
Barry: [holding up the broken transmitter] I need you to fix this for me.
Eobard: No... no, if you're here... and he's here... that means...
Barry: You don't get home.
Eobard: I get home! I get home. I go home! I get everything...
Barry: You don't go home, Thawne. Unless you help me.

Iris: You look just like him.
Dr. Harry Wells: I'm guessing my counterpart did something to offend her as well?
Cisco: Her fiancé died because of him.

Ralph: Gentlemen, I have arrived.
Cisco: Ralph.
Dr. Harry Wells: Dibny.
Barry: Wasn't expecting you.
Ralph: You said, see you later. I assumed this was a superhero hangout and this was a test for my highly attuned detective abilities, which, for the record, nailed it.
Cisco: Okay, or...
Dr. Harry Wells: You weren't invited.

Harrison: I made a lot of discoveries in my career, but... she was the best discovery. You know, she treat... she was... just like a daughter... to me. So...
Cisco: And Allegra?
Harrison: What about Allegra?
Cisco: Sure, she's not Maya, but you did help her with her powers.
Harrison: But, you know, we got off to a rocky start. There's no point in making it a rocky ending.
Cisco: Nash.
Harrison: What?
Cisco: Pick a Wells. Any Wells.
Harrison: Do I have to?
Cisco: No. It doesn't matter; I got off to a rocky start with all of them.
Harrison: What's your point?
Cisco: My point is, I get how difficult it is to separate your feelings about a person from their doppelgangers. Did I ever tell you about the time I met Harry?
Harrison: You didn't. That's the Earth-2 Wells?
Cisco: The very one.
Harrison: All right, go ahead.
Cisco: When I first saw him, all I could see was Eobard Thawne. But when I saw him, when I really saw Harry for who he was... I became his friend. He became mine. Yeah, you got off to a bad start with Allegra, but it's not too late to build something good.
Harrison: You're a good egg.
Cisco: You're not getting sappy on me, are you?

Eobard: I can tell you have questions. Ask them.
Nora: You killed my grandmother?
Eobard: I did.
Nora: In front of my father?
Eobard: I did.
Nora: He was a boy.
Eobard: Nora...
Nora: He was just a kid!
Eobard: You're right. And I think of that moment every day. How it changed the course of destiny for him, for you, for me.

Cisco: Perfect timing.
Harrison: Always.

Iris: AMAZO copied all of their powers, and now it's on the hunt for more. Cisco, there's got to be something you can do to stop it.
Cisco: How do you stop a T-3000 that kills for breakfast?
Sherloque: It's a computer, right? So just turn it off.
Cisco: I hate it when you're right.

Cisco: The Montgomery 3000.
H.R. Wells: Wait, is that bad?
Cisco: Well, we're looking at a 25-ton door that can withstand a 30-megaton nuclear blast. And aside from being bombproof, the Montgomery 3000 can only be unlocked by a voice recognition system necessitating from three different pass codes from three different people as if that weren't enough, the thing costs $10 million to build.
Leonard: [unlocks the door] 37 seconds. I must be out of practice.
Barry: Well, A.R.G.U.S. should ask for their money back.

Dr. Harrison Wells: Any friend of The Arrow's is a friend...
Cisco: Hell, yes!
Barry: Well, uhhh, guys. W-w-we kind of have a lot goin' on already. Uh, there's the meta-human killer that can control a whole swarm of bees?
Ray: Cool. I mean, awful.

Dr. Harrison Wells: What? No Big Belly Burger? It's one of the few perks of living in this time. We're out of cows where I come from. You don't care about that. You have questions. Go ahead.
Barry: I'm not sure where to start... Thawne. That is your real name - Eobard Thawne?
Dr. Harrison Wells: Since the day I was born.
Barry: And when was that?
Dr. Harrison Wells: 136 years from now. This's not what you wanna know. Go ahead, Barry. Ask it.
Barry: Why did you kill my mother?
Dr. Harrison Wells: Because I hate you. Not you now. You years from now.
Barry: In the future.
Dr. Harrison Wells: In a future. Yes. We're enemies, rivals, opposites, reverses of one another.
Barry: Why? Wh-why were we enemies?
Dr. Harrison Wells: It doesn't matter. It doesn't... matter anymore. What matters is that neither of us was strong enough to defeat the other... until I learned your secret. I learned your name, "Barry Allen," and finally I knew how to defeat you once and for all - travel back in time, kill you as a child, wipe you from the face of the earth - but then you - future you, that is - followed me back and we fought. We both landed some pretty solid shots; and then, you - future you - got your younger self out of there. I was so mad, but then I thought... what if you were to suffer a tragedy? What if you were to suffer something so horrible, so traumatic that your child self could never recover? Then you would not become The Flash. And so I stabbed your mother in the heart, and I was free, finally able to return to a future without The Flash, only to realize that in traveling back I'd lost my way home, lost my ability to harness the speed force, and without it, I was stuck here, stranded in this time, unable to return to my own, and the only way back was The Flash - but The Flash was gone, and so I created him.
Barry: Why train me? Why help me save so many people?
Dr. Harrison Wells: Because I needed you to get fast. Fast enough to rupture the space-time barrier and create a stable wormhole through which I could return home.
Barry: Why would I ever do that?
Dr. Harrison Wells: Because, Barry Allen, if you give me what I want, I'm gonna give you what you want. You can go back and save your mother. You can prevent your father from going to prison. You can reunite the Allen family.
Barry: No. No, I don't believe you. I want to kill you right now.
Dr. Harrison Wells: I know that rage. I used to feel that rage every time I looked upon you. And now, somehow, I know what Joe and Henry feel when they look on you with pride. With love.
Barry: No. No. Don't you ever say that to me!
Dr. Harrison Wells: I know you're upset, but I'm giving you a chance. I'm giving you a chance to undo all the evil I've done. Don't you want that chance?

XS: [throwing lightning at Reverse-Flash, it's revealed to actually be Bart] Dad. Is he gonna be okay?
Fast: If that's Impulse, where's Thawne?
Reverse: [appearing behind them] Right here.
[he snaps, and Nora, Bart, and Meena vanish]
The: What did you do?
Reverse: I sent them back in time. A billion years, to be precise.

Allegra: And these different Earths have existed simultaneously since...
Harrison: Well, since uh, let's see... oh, the dawn of time.
Allegra: Well, how come nobody knows about this? I mean, stuff this big? The public should be made aware.
Harrison: People know. Just the right people. The general public? No, no. No, that would not be good. They would lose their minds.
Allegra: Right. I mean... it's all so... epic.
Harrison: Yes, it's epic. Doppelgangers, anti-matter events, and speedsters juggling dual identities, like the Flash and Barry Allen.
Allegra: Wait, what?
Harrison: What?
Allegra: My boss's husband is the Flash?
Harrison: [tapping his nose, the non-verbal "yes" gesture] Mm-hmm.
Allegra: God, nobody tells me anything.

Harrison: Where is he going? Barry, you're going the wrong way.
Cisco: Wait for it.
[running to build up kinetic energy, Barry turns back around]
Pied: Now, Flash!
[he fires energy from his gauntlets as Flash throws a lightning bolt]
Harrison: They crossed streams.

Dr. Harrison Wells: So to reach escape velocity, you're gonna have to go... that fast.
Barry: Well, that fast is impossible. I can promise you that.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Uh-uh, uh-uh, "Nothing in life is promised except death."
Barry: Edgar Allan Poe?
Dr. Harrison Wells: Kanye West.

Joe: [given an EMF gun] How do you use this?
Dr. Harry Wells: All right, so you aim it, and then you pull the trigger.
Joe: Smart-ass.

Dr. Harry Wells: As much as you all want me to be part of your team, that's never going to happen. I'm always going to be a father first. And one day, Zoom is gonna make me choose between you and my daughter, and every time, unblinkingly, unflinchingly, I would choose my daughter. I will betray you.
Barry: That's binary thinking. It doesn't have to be either/or.
Dr. Harry Wells: Life is either/or. Yes/no, black/white, love/hate. From the dawn of time to this moment right now.
Barry: I guess I Just have more faith in you than you have in yourself.

Deon: You know, y'all are being real friendly right now. But I think... I think you're all acting like that because you're afraid of me. Now, why is that?
Harrison: No, we're just... we're-we're just making a... we're just doing an experiment...
Deon: Shut up!
[he freezes the room, but Barry remains unaffected]
Deon: Now... why do I get the feeling... that you're the reason I'm this way?
Barry: Because that's true. And I'm sorry. I never meant for this to happen. So please let me fix it.
Deon: Fix it? Fix it? So I'm a mistake?
Barry: I didn't say that.
Deon: You didn't have to. I can feel it. You want to destroy me.

Dr. Harrison Wells: Her cellular structure's unlike anything I've ever seen.
Caitlin: Her nitrogen levels are off the charts.
Barry: Do you think we can help her?
Dr. Harrison Wells: To answer that question, we have to understand how she works, and to understand that, first we have to see her in action.
Cisco: You want her to blow stuff up. Yes! Now we're talking.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Not in here. She's too unstable.
Cisco: I know.
Dr. Harrison Wells: I know you know.

Iris: [listening to Cisco and Ralph bicker] What is wrong with those two?
Dr. Harry Wells: You.
Iris: Excuse me?
Dr. Harry Wells: You know what's wrong. You're the team leader. Team leader's supposed to make the tough call.
Iris: I made a call. I said we would look for both of them.
Dr. Harry Wells: No. Looking for both of them is not a choice. We're overtaxing our resources, our people, because you won't face the hard truth. And the hard truth is we can't look for both. We can only look for one.
Iris: Harry, I just made a vow to love and protect Barry. To stand by him through thick and thin. And now you're asking me to choose between my husband's life and my friend's? I can't. I... I can't do that.
Dr. Harry Wells: You have to. Or we risk losing them both. You have to choose.

Jay: Never understood why you do anything, Harrison.
Dr. Harry Wells: That's fine with me, Garrick.

Reverse: [emerges out of the other Reverse-Flash's body] Thanks for the resurrection, Flash.

Eobard: Unfortunately, Miss Danvers, we need you awake for this procedure.
Kara: My - my cousin... he'll find you.
Eobard: Your cousin. Really? Fun tidbit. I fought your cousin once. In the future. He is fast. I'm faster.

General: Harrison... You're one of 'em. Meta-human.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Yes, I am... and I protect my own.
[a growl is heard in the sewer]
General: Who was that?
Dr. Harrison Wells: Now, that... is an old friend of ours.
Grodd: General...
General: That... voice... It's in my head. Dear God.
Grodd: Not God. Grodd.
[Grodd attacks General Eiling]

Barry: I just want to talk, I swear.
Iris: [raising the Velocity-Zero gun] You take one more step, and I'm gonna shoot you.
Barry: Okay.
Iris: [seeing his hand fade in and out] What's wrong with you? Are you dying?
Barry: Something like that. I came here because I'm about to do something impossible. And even though it might not work, I... I couldn't leave this world without telling you that...
Eobard: [zooping in] Nice try, Allen, but she doesn't love you. She loves me. Tell him, Iris, or better yet... shoot him.

Dr. Harry Wells: You're the one that said DeVoe planned all this just like Thawne in order to stop Barry. And you said that DeVoe became the Thinker the same night you became the Flash, and so I hacked into security footage of that night to see how he did it.
[showing them the footage]
Dr. Harry Wells: This is why he's so smart. DeVoe boosted his intelligence with neurochemical engineering powered by the dark energy from the particle accelerator explosion. And if we build our own, we can do the exact same.
Barry: Wait. You wanna blast your brain with ten billion joules of dark energy?
Dr. Harry Wells: I've harnessed energy from the particle accelerator explosion before, and I can do it again.
Caitlin: Yeah, but Harry, re-engineering your brain's neurochemistry, that's...
Dr. Harry Wells: DeVoe did it. So can I. How many more metas have to die before we finally stop DeVoe?

Harrison: So, apparently, there's danger in Central City.
Cisco: Apparently.
Harrison: Well, let's get busy.
Cisco: Well, you really think we can do this without affecting the timeline?
Harrison: I know we can. As long as we use me as your guide.
Barry: Harrison was there when the forces were created. So if we use the other him from that night as a beacon to lock onto...
Harrison: Hopefully, I can go back to that exact moment, also bring Allen along for the ride, and he'll collect the particles.
Chester P. Runk: Oof, wait, so you can travel through time with a plus-one?
Harrison: It should work... When Allen and I go back to that exact moment that those dangerous forces were created 17 days ago, I will... I will create a-a protective-time bubble, right, from that moment until now, preserving those days in this timeline, and preventing anything from changing.
Chester P. Runk: Which would also allow us to wipe out the new forces without altering any of the events that have happened since then...
[laughing excitedly]
Chester P. Runk: Yo! That is... that is trippy.
Barry: Cisco, this will work.
Cisco: What about Iris?
Barry: When she sees everyone's safe, she'll come around. She has to.
Harrison: You're not convinced. I wasn't, either. When Allen told me about this, I thought of Tess. I thought of my wife, and how my future with Tess was... ripped from me. Until this gift... which has allowed me to relive every single day with Tess, but only... because I took a chance.

Dr. Harrison Wells: You can do this, Barry. You were right. I am responsible for all of this. So many people have been hurt because of me, and when I looked at you, all I saw was another potential victim of my hubris. And yes, I created this madness, but you, Barry, you can stop it. You can do this. Now run, Barry, run!

Harrison: Let's not bicker over who killed who.

Henry: Wow. You gotta tell me. What does it feel like when you're running down the street like a bat out of hell?
Barry: There's no feeling like it.
Henry: I bet. Actually, you're all heroes in my book, especially you, Dr. Wells. Thank you for everything that you've done for my son.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Well, your son is an extraordinary man, Dr. Allen, and I will do everything in my power to ensure Barry's future.

Nora: [being chased by Godspeed] I can't lose him! Thawne! Did you hear me? I said I can't lose him!
Eobard: All right, Nora, do you see any walls near where you are, preferably concrete?
Nora: Why?
Eobard: Because I want you to run into one. Or rather, through one.
Nora: I can't run through a concrete wall!
Eobard: Yes, you can. If you vibrate at the natural frequency of air, your body-your cells will be in such a state that they will phase right through the wall.
Nora: I can't do this!
Eobard: Nora, listen to me. Listen to my voice. Breathe. Breathe. Feel the wind in your face. The ground beneath your feet. And the lightning. Its electricity surging through your veins. To your nerve endings from the crown of your head to the tips of your toes like an electric shock you never want to end. You're part of something greater now, Nora. You are part of the Speed Force and its power, it's power is yours to use. Now do it.

Cisco: Where do I breach him?
Dr. Harry Wells: Ramon, no, you... you drop him in a breach, he could explode.
Cisco: And Fallout's fallout would kill us all.
Dr. Harry Wells: Do you think?

Dr. Harry Wells: I think I need a Big Belly Burger. Anyone?
Barry: I'm good. Thank you.
Joe: Yeah no pickles.
Cisco: Two triple-triples please?
Dr. Harry Wells: You got money?

Dr. Harrison Wells: Very impressive, Mr. Allen. Your reaction to stimuli at super speed continues to improve.
Barry: It's still not enough.
Dr. Harrison Wells: It will be. You keep working like you are, you stay focused like you are, and you will be ready the next time the man in the yellow suit comes around.
Cisco: I think you mean the Reverse-Flash. What? He said it, not me. And he's right. Yellow suit, red lighting, and evil - the reverse of Barry.
Caitlin: Meh.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Actually, I kind of like it.

Caitlin: We ran city-wide racial recognition scans.
Iris: And scanned for dark matter signals from Cicada's dagger.
Barry: That was our last shot at confronting Cicada.
Iris: We don't know that. The change in the timeline, that photo that Nora saw at the Flash Museum, it could be different now.
Caitlin: Maybe it doesn't even exist.
Sherloque: After all, the timeline is malleable.

Iris: Cisco, remove the dagger and then breach the atomizer away.
Cisco: [receiving an electric shock] Yeah, there's a slight problem there. Breaching this thing anywhere could set it off. My powers are useless here.
Sherloque: Then use your other power. Your mind.
Cisco: Bring up the atomizer blueprints. I'm gonna have to science the crap out of you.

Dr. Harry Wells: [reading the report Barry gives him] This... who wrote this?
Barry: You did. Yeah, the other you. Evil, not stupid.

Nora: So, since you let me agree to help you with your love life...
Sherloque: Right.
Nora: I came up with an... unusual idea.
Sherloque: Spectacular.
Nora: Mm-hmm. I have asked your ex-wives for help.
Sherloque: Great. What?

[last lines]
Simon: Wells. Who the hell let you in here?
Harrison: You been having a party out there?
Simon: Well, I'm sure you saw on TV. Former employee of mine tried to kill me.
Harrison: Former employee with the ability to replicate... faced off against a man who could move at super speed.
Simon: You've seen him too, haven't you?
Harrison: Indeed I have.
Simon: Extraordinary.
[stands up]
Simon: The power he possesses, it's like... it's like the gods of olds! Like Mercury on Earth! Could you imagine if you could control his power, if you could... if you could harness it, you could change what it means to be human. The man in the red mask is the key, and I'm gonna get him.
Harrison: [takes off his glasses] The man in the red mask. He's called the Flash... or at least he will be one day.
[stands up from his wheelchair]
Simon: [shocked] What the hell...?
[Wells stabs Stagg in the stomach with a knife]
Harrison: Forgive me, Simon. I worry that you will think this is personal, and it's not. It's just that the man in the red mask, the fastest man alive... he must be kept...
[draws his knife out of Stagg's stomach, and he falls over dead]
Harrison: ... safe.

Caitlin: We heard what you had to say about not having a family.
Sherloque: Right.
Caitlin: And we here at Team Flash are sort of a family, and you're becoming part of that family, so we would like to invite you to celebrate Thanksgiving with us.
Sherloque: Caitlin, I'm afraid that I must decline, all right? Because I don't have a lot of reason to celebrate, and you of all people should sympathize with that.
Caitlin: Why should I sympathize?
Sherloque: You lost your father, right? And then you find him, only to discover that his body is being possessed by a icicle demon who's trying to kill all of Team Flash, yourself included. Not great, right?
Cisco: Okay, that's enough, Debbie Downer.
[to Caitlin, then to Sherloque]
Cisco: Don't listen to him. You know what? Maybe you should lay off the paint fumes.
Sherloque: Do you know what, young Ralph Macchio? You have nothing to celebrate either, right? What your last year has been, huh? Let me recap for you. First, heartbreak.
[he pantomimes the sound of a heart breaking and Cisco crying]
Sherloque: And then second, Cicada crushes your powers, forcing you to fake your own death, also not great, and as for me, multiple divorces have left me with a mountain of debt that's insurmountable. So this past year, not been very kind of any of us.

Ralph: On that note, I'm happy to help you follow that lead on the atomizer.
Caitlin: Really? What about... Sher-luck?
Sherloque: "Sherloque". Do you think any of you are gonna get this right at any point at any time in your life? "Sherloque" !

Sherloque: These criminals are not going to relenquish their powers, although...
Nora: There's gotta be somebody somewhere.
Sherloque: Yes, on another Earth.
Caitlin: Oh, I'll call Harry, see if there's anybody from Earth-2 who wants to volunteer.
Cisco: Yes.
Sherloque: Not really what I was suggesting.

Dr. Harrison Wells: What do you want, Wade?
General: Where's my asset?
Dr. Harrison Wells: I have no idea what you're talking about.
General: We tracked her here, Harrison. Turn her over to me before you see the rest of your precious palace crumble.

Barry: Who are you?
Reverse: You know who I am, Barry.
Barry: I don't know who you are.
Reverse: But you do, Barry. We've been at this a long time, you and I, but I'm always one step ahead. It is your destiny to lose to me, Flash, just as it was your mother's destiny to die that night.

Barry: Why did you create a Reverse-Flashpoint, steal my life?
Eobard: Why? It was the best way to hurt you.
Barry: Don't you have anything better to do than trying to destroy my life?
Eobard: Destroying you *is* my life.

Cisco: So, the reason you didn't have your powers is because there was a dampener in the mask. You see?
Jay: I don't want to see this thing ever again.
[vibrates his hand through the mask, breaking it in half]
Cisco: So your powers are back.
Joe: I see Jay - excuse me - Hunter stole your color scheme too.
Jay: He stole a lot of things that were mine, except for that. That's, um - that's all him.
Iris: He said it was his father's from the war.
Dr. Harry Wells: Ironically, on my - on our Earth - this helmet stood for hope.
Jay: Yeah?
Dr. Harry Wells: Yeah.
Jay: Maybe I can continue on that sentiment, take something from him, for a change, make it my own.
Caitlin: It suits you.
Jay: Thank you, all of you, for saving me from Zoom, especially you, Flash.
Barry: You're welcome, Flash.
Jay: Now all I have to do is find my way home.
Wally: And where's that?
Jay: I think you would call it Earth-3.
Cisco: Uh-huh. Well, I can get you to Earth-2.
Dr. Harry Wells: My daughter and I can help you with the rest.
Jesse: We can?
Dr. Harry Wells: Yes, we can. We're going home.

Cisco: You sure your buddy Randolf back home didn't just solve that cryptogram to get rid of you?
H.R. Wells: Well, perhaps he did.

Eobard: It's amazing how malleable the timeline is. Even the tiniest refinement can birth a whole new reality; an object above placed below. One path blocked leads to a whole new one, and if your timing is right, everything falls into place. This woman is special. Help him win her love, and his attention moves from you right onto her.

Dr. Harry Wells: Well... I guess this is goodbye.
Barry: No, it's not. I told you, we're a team. Now you're a part of it. We're gonna help you save Jesse. We're not sending you through alone. We're going to Earth-2.

Chester P. Runk: Now, when you're close enough to siphon particles, the disc will light up.
Barry: Guys, I appreciate you helping me.
Cisco: Make sure the proton collection housing's double-fused.
Harrison: We did. And it's good to see you.
Barry: What changed your mind?
Cisco: Look, this is dangerous. And it doesn't feel right. But I'm always gonna have your back. No matter what.

Dr. Harrison Wells: [looking at the Time Sphere] It's beautiful. Rip Hunter would be impressed. He built the first one of these. Interesting man.
[the wormhole spits out a silver helmet with gold wings]
Joe: Now what the hell is that?
Dr. Harrison Wells: That's my cue to leave. Thank you, Cisco.
Cisco: Don't ever come back.

Vibe: Mm-hmm, new name, new suit - guessing no one's consulting me anymore, huh?
Killer: Wait, what exactly happened?
Pariah: I searched these tunnels as Nash for Mar Novu to kill him, expose him as a false god, and now I'm being controlled by another god.
Vibe: And that's... the Anti-Monitor?
Pariah: He laid a perfect trail for me to follow, but all along, he was manipulating me so he can gain a foothold in this universe.
Killer: Why didn't you resist him?
Pariah: His will is too strong and now I am forced to bear witness as he destroys world after world.
Vibe: That's why we're gonna stop him. Now can you open that door?
Pariah: I cannot. My memories as Nash are somehow lost to me as Pariah, but you can.
Vibe: By vibing those memories?
Pariah: Yes.
[being vibed of his memories as Nash, Vibe sees the glyphs to unlock the door]
Killer: What did you see?
Vibe: A way in.

Trevor: Guess this is it.
Eobard: Looks like it, doesn't it?
Trevor: I almost forgot. I contacted the Flash museum, had them send this over for today.
[holds up Thawne's RF ring on a chain]
Trevor: I thought it should be buried for good... along with you. Consider it a parting gift.

Dr. Harrison Wells: Hey
Jesse: What happened?
Dr. Harrison Wells: We... You're fine. Your...
Dr. Harrison Wells: You're going to be fine. We got the drug out of your system.
Jesse: Oh... Looks like you saved the day again.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Look, honey, I know that this isn't enough. I... I promise you, though, I am... I'm going to spend the rest of my life making it up to you for the... for that terrible thing that I did.
Jesse: Yeah?
Dr. Harrison Wells: Yes.
Jesse: And how many more terrible things are you going to do to protect me?
Dr. Harrison Wells: What does that mean?
Jesse: I mean, everything that you do and everything that you have done for me, it's so dark, and you don't even see it. I mean, you didn't even hesitate out there.
Dr. Harrison Wells: [STAMMERS] Of course not, I'm not going to lose you, Jesse.
Jesse: Okay, but you just gave that crazy speedster everything she wanted, without even blinking. Without even thinking what other lives could be at stake.
Dr. Harrison Wells: It's my job to keep you safe, to protect you. That's my job. That's all that matters.
Jesse: Well, maybe it shouldn't be.

Dr. Harry Wells: What I've done at S.T.A.R. Labs is change the world, Jesse, unlocking the mysteries of the universe, and when you don't have a key to the lock, sometimes you have to kick in the door.

Caitlin: Sherloque, you happy to be going home soon?
Sherloque: Of course I'm happy to go back. I just feel that... somehow, there's more work to be done here.
Caitlin: I think he's, uh, talking about his lady friend. You know, I have a bit of experience with these, uh... long-distance relationships. I got one word for you.
Sherloque: Hmm.
Cisco: Holocube. These things work wonders.
Sherloque: Can I request that you stop speaking, possibly forever? I can deduce from your conversation when you came in that you have indeed tracked down Cicada's next target, but do need help facilitating the conversation between Cicada and the Flash, correct, yes? So, good. Come with me and I will give you the solution.
Caitlin: [surprised] When did you figure it out?
Sherloque: I'll miss you both very much. But you will miss me more.

Eobard: What do you want?
Barry: Like I said, you're gonna fix this for me.
Eobard: To do what?
Barry: Drain dark matter.
Eobard: Whose dark matter?
Barry: None of your business.
Eobard: It is my business.
Barry: No, it's not.
Eobard: There's no chance that I help you...
Barry: It's none of your business!
Nora: Cicada's!
Eobard: Cicada's. The one who got away.

Barry: Where's Bette?
Cisco: She left.
Barry: What do you mean? Where'd she go?
Dr. Harrison Wells: She didn't say.
Barry: Well, where the hell could she be?

Iris: Why would Nora go in alone?
Barry: And why isn't she out yet?
Caitlin: My working theory is that Grace's unique brain damage has caused her brain to act defensively, so when it sensed an outside presence, it moved all of its neural nexus pathways to seal the exits like a-a quarantine procedure.
Barry: Grace's brain thinks Nora's a pathogen.
Caitlin: Yes, and we can expect its synaptic defense mechanisms to try and eliminate her.
Sherloque: Remember I told you about the Mad Hatter? He was also brain damaged, so after my dispute with Watsune and my fourth wife, Watsune pursued the case on his own until the day I found him hooked up to the Machine Mémoire, brain-dead.
Iris: You knew this was a possibility? What happened to "easy peasy"?
Sherloque: That's why I say go in in pairs.
Iris: Barry, we have to go in after her.

Nora: I did everything exactly like you told me. How come I can't do this?
Eobard: Listen, not harboring enough rage to fuel your trip is not something to be ashamed of. You're just like your father. Your light is your greatest strength.

Cisco: Dr. Wells, the accelerator is primed and ready for particle injection.
Eobard: I feel I should say something profound, like "one small step for man."
Nora: [quietly] What's happening?
Barry: Wells is about to blow up the city.
Eobard: All I can think of to say is I feel like I've waited for this day for centuries.

Harry: Nash, as I know you know, when our worlds died in Crisis, particles from our brainwaves were drawn to you like, uh...
Harrison: Like a moth drawn to a cosmic flame.
Harrison: Whatever happened to show, don't tell? H.R.?
Sherloque: [Orson yelps as H.R. throws his drumstick to Harry] Oh, nice catch.
H.R. Wells: I love this part.
Harry: [with a dramatic gasp, H.R. opens a sketchbook] So, there are multiversal particles inside you right now, Nash, made of synaptic energy. Now, we take those particles and you put them in the Fusion Sphere, theoretically, they could power the A.S.F. forever.
H.R. Wells: [flipping pages with another dramatic gasp] Forever.
Harrison: Not only would Allen get his speed back, but I'd be rid of you lot forever.
H.R. Wells: No, you'd be gone, too, I mean, because of the whole organic receptor thing.
Sherloque: Oof.
H.R. Wells: What?
Harrison: What's he talking about?
Harry: Multiversal particles are just... they're very volatile. Right? And there's no way they'll stay in that sphere long enough to be charged unless... unless we have an organic receptor.

Godspeed: [draining Barry's speed] You're the one that stopped the others. I'm not impressed.
Barry: What do you want?
Harrison: [knocking Godspeed backward with a pulse cannon] Thank you. I was looking for a reason to test out this pulse cannon.

Eobard: Barry Allen. But which Barry Allen? Clearly, you're... from a lot later than this one.
Barry: Way later.
Eobard: Way later.
[glancing at Nora]
Eobard: Who's your friend? Let me guess. Jesse Chambers. No. Maybe Lawrence. Wait. Danica Williams.
Barry: It doesn't matter who she is.
Eobard: [realizing] She's your daughter. You've brought me your daughter. It's, um... Dawn, if I'm not mistaken.
Nora: Nora.
Eobard: Nora. Oh, that's nice. At least you still have one.

[Barry and Cisco take a selfie as they enter Earth-2]
Dr. Harry Wells: Ramon.
Cisco: What?
Dr. Harry Wells: Not a sightseeing tour.
Cisco: Speak for yourself. We want our grandkids to know we did cool stuff.

Eobard: What are you waiting for? Shoot him!
Barry: I need you to know, no matter what happens, after everything Thawne's taken from me, he can't take away my feelings for you. I love you, Iris.
Eobard: Enough.
Iris: [shooting Thawne with the Velocity-Zero gun] Go, before I change my mind.

The: Guys, we're in.
Harrison: All right. Be careful. Place like that could have a guard or two.
Elongated: More like five.
The: They were all stabbed.
Elongated: By a mirror-bayonet, I'm guessing.

Renee: Wow. That would have been an embarrassing way to go. My gosh. Death by decaf.
Sherloque: Flattened by flat white.

Dr. Tina McGee: There may be one more possibility. A few months ago, I saw Harrison Wells running out of my facility. I know it sounds crazy, but I'm certain it was him. Is there any way he could have anything do to with this?
Dr. Harry Wells: A few months ago? Sure. Now? No.
Barry: Yeah, there was a few more things that we could catch you on, Dr. McGee.

Nora: What the hell is he doing here?
Cisco: What the hell are you doing here?
Sherloque: Oh, no. She's with them.
Nora: I said I wanted Ramon. No one else.
Joss: Yeah, well, they were together, and you said no killing, so here they are.
Cisco: Killing?
Nora: This phone was synced to Spencer Young's DNA. I need you to hack past the coding so that so we're about to use it.
[Cisco snickers and laughs]
Nora: Why are you laughing?
Cisco: I'm sorry, I don't mean to blow up your spot, fangirl, you see, it's just, um... I've done this exact same thing before. We had to hack a weapon. Let's kidnap Cisco. I mean, did you join a Rogues cover band or something?
[Cisco and Sherloque laugh]
Nora: [vibrates her hand at Cisco's chest] How's this for a cover band?
Cisco: Oldie, but a goodie.

Jesse: I'm the reason you killed that man, and that's a really heavy burden to bear.
Dr. Harry Wells: I know. I know. I also know that what I've done, it's unforgivable. When your mother died, honey... something inside me broke. I-I couldn't protect her. And I... I swore... I swore on her grave, no less, that I would protect you, and then Zoom took you, and I snapped. I just snapped. I couldn't breathe, I... I couldn't lose the only other person that I love.

[Ralph Dibny - aka Elongated Man - has just hijacked Barry's bachelor party. Harry gulps down his brandy]
Cisco: Hey! That was meant to be enjoyed.
Dr. Harry Wells: I enjoyed it.

Caitlin: Are you really sure you have to leave?
Dr. Harry Wells: Just a lot I still have to fix on my Earth.
Cisco: Yeah, but you know it's more fun when you're here helping us fix stuff on our Earth.
Barry: He is right. It hasn't been the same without you.
Caitlin: The team doesn't feel complete without Harrison Wells.
Dr. Harry Wells: Then change that. There's a whole multiverse of Harrison Wells out there are your fingertips. You want one? Let's go get one.

Dr. Harry Wells: Why are you touching me? Th...
Barry: Listen.
Dr. Harry Wells: Am I in... am I in...?
Barry: Yes, you're in Fla... you're in Flashtime, yes.
Dr. Harry Wells: Flashtime? What is Flashtime?
Barry: I didn't... Cisco just came up with it.
Dr. Harry Wells: Wait, you did this with Ramon before you did this with me?

Zoom: Harrison Wells, you thought you could defeat me with this?
Dr. Harry Wells: I made a mistake.
Zoom: Yes, a costly one. Goodbye, Flash. You, too, weren't fast enough.

Barry: Why did you go in without us? We had a plan.
Nora: No, I know, um... you know, just with the machine being ready, uh, and knowing that Cicada was still out there, I guess I just, um, I got a little excessive.
Sherloque: It's not the only reason, though, right? It was protecting her secret.
Barry: What secret is that?
[tense moment, as Nora looks around nervously]
Sherloque: Well, her feelings for her mother when she was a child. Must be painful memories. Is that correct, Nora?
Nora: [covering] Yeah, exactly.

Nora: So it's here and it's in the Starchives at the same time?
Barry: Somebody stole the plans and made a duplicate?
Sherloque: Not exactly.

Dr. Harry Wells: Coffee didn't go well, I take it?
Cisco: Well, Gypsy's dad wants to hunt me for twenty-four hours to see if I'm worthy of his daughter - no powers - so, don't know what the hell I'm supposed to do about that.
Dr. Harry Wells: Fight back.
Cisco: I swear, it's like you're trying to listen, but you just nod while you're thinking of something else. You're doing it right now.

Joe: Doctor.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Detective. Are you here to make more accusations?
Joe: Here to make amends. I looked up Tess Morgan. I'm sorry for your loss. You two were research partners in Maryland?
Dr. Harrison Wells: Yes, we were. We were... married to the work as much as to each other. After the car accident... I could not go back to the work. Could not go back to our lab.
Joe: So you moved here.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Where no one knew me. Where no one could remind me of what I had lost, and, um... I - I found it difficult, starting over, and rebuilding, and what took me fourteen years, Tess could have done in four. Believe me, she - she... At the time of Nora Allen's murder, the Particle Accelerator that I would eventually create was but a notion, much less a reality, and so whomever or whatever is responsible for her death, it did not originate from me or from my work.
Joe: I'm sorry I doubted you, but I hope I can still count on your help.
Dr. Harrison Wells: You don't give up, do you?
Joe: Nope. Not till I get my man. I owe that to Barry and to Henry.
Dr. Harrison Wells: Barry is lucky to have you on his side, Joe.

Harrison: I need to know if, on your trip... you saw anyone else from any other Earths.
Cisco: Other people?
Harrison: That's right.
Cisco: From other Earths?
Harrison: That's right.
Cisco: Uh, okay, not really, because any doppelgangers who managed to make it here, they would all be dead by now due to neurological degeneration.
Harrison: What if they were already dead?
Cisco: [soft derisive snicker] You gotta be kidding me.
Harrison: What?
Cisco: The great myth-buster suddenly believes in ghosts.
Harrison: [laughing] No. No, I'm not talking ghosts. I'm talking survivors.
Cisco: Oh, survivors.
Harrison: Yeah.
Cisco: Yeah. Sure. Spooky. Look, survivors, ghosts, whatever you wanna call them, it's not possible. Crisis made sure of that.

Eobard: Almost two centuries from right now, we meet for the very first time. For my part, I'd finally discovered ways to possess speeds. Speeds faster than anyone alive. And just as I was about to present myself to the world... you showed up in pursuit of some stupid case, dazzled the crowd. Ah, you were dazzling. And then... and then you saved the crowd. A crowd that I was meant to save. A crowd that was meant to thank me. You stole my greatest moment. I admired you. And you humiliated me. And it was in that moment that I knew I had to get faster than you.
Barry: Only a sociopath would react to something to something so small with that kind of rage.
Eobard: What you call rage... I call commitment.
Barry: So if you won't stop hating me, what happens once I save you?
Eobard: I'll just go on with my life's work: finding new ways to kill you.

Iris: We can't warn her we're coming?
Sherloque: Well, we wanted to install an emergency beacon, but it didn't work.
Caitlin: So, once you enter, it'll create a new portal. You'll only have a few moments to find Grace and Nora before Grace's brain tries to seal it off. And remember, if you die in there...
Barry: We die out here. I remember from DeVoe.
[he and Iris lie down]
Barry: We're gonna save her. I promise.

Dr. Harrison Wells: Checkmate.

Harrison: Allegra. Hey, Allegra. Come on. Come on. Hey, what... what can I do to fix this? 'Cause I-I feel terrible.
Allegra: What about how I feel? I've been lied to before, a lot, by pretty much anyone who's ever said they cared about me. And now you expect me to smile and say it's all okay because you feel bad?
Harrison: No, I... what-what... what am I supposed to do?
Allegra: Walk away.

Dr. Harry Wells: All right, we're synched up with whatever the heck that thing is.
Joe: Finally, something we're both baffled by.
Dr. Harry Wells: I am kidding. That, my friend, is a 75-KTSB 40,000 watt reverberating sound amplifier designed to single out the operating frequency of every single Earth-2 being on this planet, which, when contained and magnified by The Flash, creating a sound pressure wall around the city, will render all of us Earth-2 beings unconscious.
[tossing a set of protective earphones to Jesse]
Dr. Harry Wells: Hence... the safety precautions.
Henry: I'm baffled by it.

Cisco: That's the least secure security footage I've ever seen.
Barry: Yeah, that's not even the strangest thing she made happen. I mean, I slipped on a barrel of marbles. It was like I was in a cartoon.
Caitlin: That's some serious bad luck.
Dr. Harry Wells: Yeah, there's no such thing as luck.
Cisco: Yeah? Tell that to my cousin Hector. He got jinxed by an ex. Hasn't been able to find a mall parking spot for three years.

Reverse: Just so we're clear, after I kill you, I'm going to kill them, and then I'm going to kill your father. I always win, Flash.
[gunshot fires, Eddie has shot himself]
Iris: Aagh! Eddie! Oh, my... !
Joe: Eddie! What did you do? What did you do? What did you do?
Detective: No such thing as a coincidence.
Barry: What's happening?
Reverse: [dissolving] Cisco, help me.
Cisco: Eddie's his ancestor. If Eddie dies, he'll never been born, and... He's being erased from existence.

Allegra: Nash. You don't have to do this just to prove a point.
Harrison: I'm not doing it to prove a point. I'm doing it because I won't watch you die.

Cisco: Hey, how about you hook me up with some of that gum?
Dr. Harry Wells: Why don't you breach yourself?
Cisco: That sounds like an insult.
Dr. Harry Wells: Kind of was.

Dr. Harry Wells: Ramon, remind me again... what's-what's... what's another word for "huge"?
Cisco: Colossal.
Dr. Harry Wells: Colossal. Great, thank you. This... was a colossal waste of time!

Allegra: Iris and the others, they're still Eva's prisoners.
Barry: We're gonna get them back. And remember, we still have one thing that Eva doesn't. Hope.
Cecile: [entering] We also have reinforcements.
Harrison: Oh!
Barry: [surprised to see who else enters] Joe. How are you here?
Joe: Well, it turns out that when the guy that's trying to kill you kicks the bucket, they lift the protection detail.
Harrison: That makes sense.
Joe: Nash.
Harrison: [hugs Joe] Hey, man. Yeah.
Joe: [hugs Allegra] Hey.
Barry: And just in time. Team needs you now more than ever.
Joe: Well, let's go save some people we love.

Reverse: Isn't this nice? Team Flash back together again... with a new guy. Ralph Dibny. Welcome. You should be dead.
Elongated: Yeah, I guess we have that in common.
Reverse: We'll take care of that in a moment.

Sherloque: The point's simply that there's no reason for Cicada of this Earth to be anyone other than David Hersch.
Iris: Well, there may be one reason.
Sherloque: What's that?
Iris: The timeline.
Barry: Yes, since Nora got here, things have changed a bit. Yeah.
Sherloque: Oh, mais no, you must- how can you not tell me this? How am I expected to operate when you don't give me the variables?
Cisco: I don't know, but what we can expect is a refund, so...
Barry: Yeah.
Sherloque: Oh, no, no, no. That money is long gone.
Cisco: What do you mean "it's gone"? You spent all that money in one day?
Sherloque: Right.
Cisco: On what?
Sherloque: My ex-wife. Ex-wives. Seven marriages. Five wives. Lots of alimony.

Barry: Allow me, introduce myself. I'm Sherloque Wells, master detective, at your service.
Chester P. Runk: I'm Chester. Chester P. Runk.
Barry: Chester.
Allegra: There's a Sherlock Wells?
Barry: Sherloque.
Harrison: Yes, there's a Sherlock Wells.
Barry: Sherloque.
Chester P. Runk: -Loque.
Harrison: -Lock.
Allegra: Sherlock.
Barry: -Loque.
Harrison: -Lock.
Barry: -Loque.
Allegra: -Loque.
Barry: [pointing at Chester, Allegra, and Nash in turn] Good. Good. Not great.

Cisco: Well, I did it. Every exercise, every intention, and now that Kamilla and I are hunky dory...
Ralph: You have completed the Book of Ralph.
Cisco: I sure did.
Ralph: Thank you for your service, old friend, but your job isn't done yet. Shirley, I think you could use this.
Sherloque: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. What, do you think I need help with a breakup?
Ralph: Oh, come on. Look, addendum C...
Cisco: Appendix four.
Ralph: A guide to taking your relationship to the next level. It worked for Cisco.
Sherloque: Oh, barely worked for young Ralph Macchio. No, no, no. This guy, he's chicken, right? Even in his current relationship, he's too afraid to tell this girl that he's actually Vibe, right?
Cisco: I'm actually not afraid. I'm gonna tell her when I'm ready. It's just hard to navigate the meta-life/personal-life balance.
Sherloque: More like chicken-life balance, hmm?
Cisco: Man, you're a chicken personal-life balance. I can tell her whenever I want.
Sherloque: Well, then tell her right now, why don't you?
Cisco: You want me to tell her right now?
Sherloque: Yeah.
Cisco: I'll tell her right now. I just got... well, you know, I have spotty reception in the elevator.
Sherloque: Come on out and do it.
Cisco: Well, you know, I gotta get to work.
Sherloque: Come on out and do it.
Cisco: I gotta get to work.

Cisco: What is that?
Dr. Harry Wells: This is an intelligence booster. You put this thing on Dibny here, and even he would be able to understand the point source construction. You put it on a real genius, I'll finally be able to outthink the Thinker.
Cisco: You know what, I'm not sure this thinking cap is the best idea you've ever had.
Dr. Harry Wells: It's an intelligence booster.
Cisco: It looks like a thinking cap.

Barry: I wasn't the only one affected by the particle accelerator, was I?
Dr. Harrison Wells: We don't know for sure.
Barry: You said the city was safe, that there was no residual danger, but that's not true, so what really happened that night?
Dr. Harrison Wells: Well... the accelerator went active. We all felt like heroes and then... it all went wrong. A dimensional barrier ruptured, unleashing unknown energies into our world: anti-matter, dark energy, x-elements...
Barry: Those are all theoretical.
Dr. Harrison Wells: And how theoretical are you?

Harrison: They're just gone?
Allegra: What does that even mean, "mirrorverse"? Can we even get them back?
Cecile: Oh, my god. We... we have to warn David's husband.
Cisco: I've been living with some copy of Kamilla while the real one's trapped somewhere?
Barry: Eva said they're safe for now.
Cisco: And you're taking her word for it? For all we know, they're dead already.
Ralph: They're not, so just... you don't even think about that.
Cisco: We *have* to think about that. What if creating Kamilla's duplicate actually killed the real Kamilla? Same thing with Singh, same thing with Iris.
[seeing Barry remain motionless]
Cisco: Hello?
Barry: What do you want me to say?
Cisco: Anything! That we have a plan, that we'll get them back.
Barry: I don't have a plan, Cisco. Eva can move anywhere through any mirror in the universe in the blink of an eye. She's faster than I am, and somehow I'm supposed to stop her, and still hope to God that Iris and everybody else is still alive in a world that we don't even understand?

Dr. Harry Wells: You race Zoom on his terms, you'll lose.
Barry: This is not your decision to make!
Joe: It is this time.
Barry: No.
Joe: We all made it together.
Barry: What? All of you?
Cisco: Bro, I went back and forth. I was, like, a good 60/40 at first.

Barry: So I ran back through time, but one day into the past, and I got a do-over, and I stopped Mardon before he could hurt anyone.
Dr. Harry Wells: You... you shouldn't have messed with the timeline.
Barry: That's what the other Wells said.