20 Best Harrison Wells Quotes

Allegra: Once a hero, always a hero.
Harrison: Amen.

Barry: There are three other forces; people like you. One of them? She wants to kill you. Now, she's already killed one of the other forces, the Strength Force, and she didn't care when the person containing that force died, too. So I need to make it so the Still Force never found you. It's the only way to keep you safe.
Deon: Nah. I like being me.
[seeing Barry instinctively glance at the Tachyon Enhancer]
Deon: Oh, I get it. Oh, I get it.
Barry: Deon.
Deon: Mm. No, I get it. I get it. This is what you're gonna use to do it, huh? This is what you're gonna use to make it like I never existed?
Barry: Not you, just the force inside...
Deon: Man, I *am* that force! Do you have any idea what it's like to be told that you shouldn't be here? I never asked to be born.
Barry: Deon, listen to me. Look at what you're doing. Okay, you... you don't understand what you are.
Deon: Yeah, I do. I'm a god. Maybe it's time you understood that.
Barry: Deon, wait.
Deon: [freezing him] Time to bounce.
Harrison: [unfreezing as Deon vanishes] ... right?
Cisco: What the hell just happened?
Harrison: I think your friend Deon just stopped time.
Cisco: Yeah, he does that.
Chester P. Runk: Wait. Why'd he leave?
Barry: Because I couldn't stop him.

Cisco: I think Deon's right. We can't just... uncreate these forces like that.
Barry: Uh... so what, we... we... we should just give up?
Cisco: On this? Yeah, we give up. Doesn't that feel like the right thing to do?
Barry: Cisco, Nora will kill him if I don't do something to prevent it. Just like she killed Alexa. 'Cause she's not gonna stop until all the forces, and the people connected to them, are dead. Why... why can't you see? I'm trying to save him.
Cisco: He doesn't want to be saved by you! He just wants to be given the chance to be himself. And Iris understood that.
Barry: Look, every second that we leave these forces inside Deon and Psych, people are in danger. It's only a matter of time before someone dies in one of Psych's nightmares or gets killed by some kind of Deon time anomaly. Not to mention Nora declared war. She doesn't care how many people she kills as long as the forces die.
Cisco: You're right. Yes, you're absolutely right. And something needs to be done about that. And I don't have all the answers. All I know is... this can't be it.
Barry: [to Chester and Wells] You guys understand, right? I... I have to uncreate these forces.
Chester P. Runk: L-Like I said, I am... I am Team Flash all the way. But... Cisco has a point, man.
Barry: Harrison?
Harrison: If uncreating these forces is what you feel in your heart is right, I'll take that voyage with you. But all I ask is that you think, truly think, about the choice you're making.

Chester P. Runk: Now, when you're close enough to siphon particles, the disc will light up.
Barry: Guys, I appreciate you helping me.
Cisco: Make sure the proton collection housing's double-fused.
Harrison: We did. And it's good to see you.
Barry: What changed your mind?
Cisco: Look, this is dangerous. And it doesn't feel right. But I'm always gonna have your back. No matter what.

Cisco: Perfect timing.
Harrison: Always.

Cisco: Before you go, how exactly do you travel in time?
Harrison: Easy. Just... like this.
[vanishes away]
Cisco: Oh, just like that.

Caitlin: A new Wells. How is that possible?
Chester P. Runk: Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. You're here to help us, right? Also, which one is he?
Harrison: I'm the original.

Barry: Nash?
Harrison: No, my name is Harrison... Dr. Harrison Wells.
Barry: Look, I don't know who you are, but I saw Nash die. All the other Wells died with him.
Harrison: Exactly, and when Nash Wells gave his life to power the Artificial Speed Force, he transferred all the multiversal particles of all the other Wells into the fusion sphere except for 0.01 percent, and that's me.
Barry: How do particles become a person?
Harrison: I have a theory that when Nash and all the other Wells were removed from the timeline, the universe required... a balancing act. One Wells to make up for all those lost. Isn't that cosmic?
Barry: Crisis. There was an event. It took people from other planets and brought them here together to the same planet in one timeline.
Harrison: A temporal coalescence. That... could explain this.
Barry: Of all the Wells, you were the one I wanted to meet. I'm B...
Harrison: Barry Allen. I know. The other Wells may be gone, but they left an imprint, memories, and so let me just say that, whatever is wrong... Let me help you because they would want me to.

Barry: What is that?
Harrison: I think that is an act of creation.
Barry: But I have the particles. Shouldn't the forces be dying?
Harrison: Perhaps they are. Somewhere. In time, but right here? Right now? They're being born.

Harrison: Video log, entry 247. I have long struggled with time's insistence on change. One variable changes the timeline. Our memories are changed, too, without any knowledge of time's other possibilities, but not anymore.
Sherloque: Where he is going with this?
Harrison: Just as the human body is made up of DNA, so too is the multiverse made up of its own unique source code.
Sherloque: Hmm.
Harrison: One that cannot be altered. No matter what timeline you're in. Until now, because I have cracked that code. And so the timeline, it can be malleable, but my knowledge... will be intractable.
Sherloque: Gideon, freeze video log. Capture the clear board. Run against handwriting sample number two. The journal of Nora West-Allen.
Gideon: [analyzing] Analysis complete. Handwriting match for Harrison Wells confirmed. Will that be all, Dr. Wells?
Sherloque: Yes, Gideon. That will be all.

Allegra: You sure you have to go? I heard Team Flash always has a Wells.
Harrison: Well, that's overrated, plus Flash has his speed back, Mirror Monarch is back where she belongs. It's time.
Allegra: But I need someone to train me.
Harrison: Allegra, you have your own wavelength to follow, and, as it turns out, somehow I have mine. The universe gave me my life back somehow, and now I can see all 92 years of that life past, present, and future simultaneously, and somehow can travel to any moment I want.
Cisco: Timeless Wells. That's a new one.

Harrison: [startled by Barry whooshing in] I'm guessing this isn't a social call?
Barry: Not exactly. We need your help.
Harrison: How bad is it?
Barry: That depends.
Harrison: On...
Barry: Whether or not you can help us do the impossible.

Barry: Deon just aged the harness a thousand years. How bad is it?
Harrison: Pretty bad.
Chester P. Runk: But not hopeless. See, I figured if we can find some way to... somehow create some sort of...
[seeing their looks]
Chester P. Runk: I-I was working on the collection disc when Deon showed up. I figured I better hide it just in case.
Barry: Chester, you're a lifesaver.
Chester P. Runk: As for the vest, I'm used to working with junk. I'll just need a bunch of replacement parts from my garage and she'll be up and running in no time. With a little help, that is.
Harrison: I'm with you.

Cisco: I get that, wanting to be with the person you love. If Kamilla and I are lucky enough to share half of what you and Tess have...
Harrison: You will.
Cisco: This is weird.
Harrison: Yeah, we just met.
Cisco: Right? It's like I barely even know you.
Harrison: We barely know each other.
Cisco: I mean, you're nothing like him.
Harrison: Like who? Oh, the Harrison Wells you used to know.
Cisco: Or the man I thought was Harrison Wells. Of course, he turned out to be a...
Cisco: A jerk?
Cisco: Yeah.
Harrison: Yeah.
Cisco: How do you miss someone you barely even know?
[they shake hands]

Chester P. Runk: All you need to do is get close enough to the Speed Force lightning to collect a sample of each force. The PHC and Timeless Wells' time bubble should do the rest. Theoretically.
Harrison: Ready?
Barry: Nothing's happening. You gonna...
Harrison: Wait for it.

Cisco: I'd ask you to stay, but... I already know the answer.
Harrison: A man's gotta be where his heart lies. He's just gotta learn to listen to it. One more thing before I go. Whether it's me... or any of the many Wells predecessors, I want you to know that you taught us every inch as much as we taught you. Maybe more.
Kamilla: [watching Wells vanish] Yeah, I'm never gonna get used to that.

Harrison: Aren't you the Paragon of Love? Look, anyone could save the world with their speed, with their might. But it takes a real hero. A once-in-a-lifetime hero to do it with his heart.
Barry: What is that supposed to mean?
Harrison: It means run, Barry. Run toward love.

Chester P. Runk: Yo, yo, Deon. What's... what's, uh... what's good, man?
Deon: You tell me. Something drew here. Was it you?
Chester P. Runk: I'm... I don't think it was...
Barry: Who's this? I'm sorry, who are you?
Deon: Who am I? Who are you?
Harrison: Who is he?
Chester P. Runk: [laughing nervously] Look, guys, all's good in the hood. All right, look. Barry, this is Deon. Still Force. And-And, Deon, this is Barry, who's actually...
Chester P. Runk: owner of this, uh, fine establishment.
Deon: You're the landlord. What's that got to do with anything?

Deon: You know, y'all are being real friendly right now. But I think... I think you're all acting like that because you're afraid of me. Now, why is that?
Harrison: No, we're just... we're-we're just making a... we're just doing an experiment...
Deon: Shut up!
[he freezes the room, but Barry remains unaffected]
Deon: Now... why do I get the feeling... that you're the reason I'm this way?
Barry: Because that's true. And I'm sorry. I never meant for this to happen. So please let me fix it.
Deon: Fix it? Fix it? So I'm a mistake?
Barry: I didn't say that.
Deon: You didn't have to. I can feel it. You want to destroy me.

Harrison: So, apparently, there's danger in Central City.
Cisco: Apparently.
Harrison: Well, let's get busy.
Cisco: Well, you really think we can do this without affecting the timeline?
Harrison: I know we can. As long as we use me as your guide.
Barry: Harrison was there when the forces were created. So if we use the other him from that night as a beacon to lock onto...
Harrison: Hopefully, I can go back to that exact moment, also bring Allen along for the ride, and he'll collect the particles.
Chester P. Runk: Oof, wait, so you can travel through time with a plus-one?
Harrison: It should work... When Allen and I go back to that exact moment that those dangerous forces were created 17 days ago, I will... I will create a-a protective-time bubble, right, from that moment until now, preserving those days in this timeline, and preventing anything from changing.
Chester P. Runk: Which would also allow us to wipe out the new forces without altering any of the events that have happened since then...
[laughing excitedly]
Chester P. Runk: Yo! That is... that is trippy.
Barry: Cisco, this will work.
Cisco: What about Iris?
Barry: When she sees everyone's safe, she'll come around. She has to.
Harrison: You're not convinced. I wasn't, either. When Allen told me about this, I thought of Tess. I thought of my wife, and how my future with Tess was... ripped from me. Until this gift... which has allowed me to relive every single day with Tess, but only... because I took a chance.