Top 20 Quotes From Deon Owens

Iris: You need to go and figure out who is trying to frame you.
Barry: I need to go to the future, see who causes Armageddon. I'm not gonna make it there. I don't have enough Speed Force left.
Deon: How about some Still Force? My isotopes will pull you toward any weird temporal activity.
Black: Run, Barry. Run.

Deon: Yo, nerds! Been looking for you.
Chester P. Runk: Hey. Yo, Deon. We were just going to - thinking of going to...
Chester P. Runk,63773: Blockbuster.
Chester P. Runk: You ever see "Space Jam"?
Deon: Four times, man.
Chester P. Runk: Oh, man, it's so good.
Deon: Now, it's time to kick you wannabe Urkels to the curb, because whoever you two are, you don't belong here. This is my time... And you two gotta go.

Deon: Oh, damn, moving through dimensions is getting harder. Is that it?
Barry: Are-are you sure we can find her?
Deon: There's just one thing. Where we're going, there's only one way in and out, and it's a bumpy ride, so hang on. 'Cause things are about to get real weird.

Deon: [to Cisco and Chester] You dweebs really think you can stop me? You tripping.

Deon: Sorry for almost killing you.
Bashir: I tell you what, you help us survive, we'll forgive you. Maybe.

Negative: Eobard can't come to the phone right now. He's going through some changes.
Barry: What are you doing to him?
Negative: Helping him reach his potential.
Barry: If this was all about Thawne, why'd you attack us?
Negative: Oh, man, you came at us first for Armageddon when you cut off the Negative Speed Force from his avatar. Now, see, we... we've been pulling the strings ever since. Finally ready now. See, this is on you, Flash.
Negative: You tipped the scales.
Negative: We're just puttin' things back to normal, and-and-and then some.
Negative: This all started the day that you severed Thawne's speed - the day that you upset the cosmic balance.
Negative: Something we didn't know was possible until you showed us how.
Negative: And that was also the day that we realized... we could do the same. Time to tip the scales.

Barry: Deon, what's happening? I mean, a second ago, I was in the Speed Force. Those... those clones, they attacked me.
Deon: Yeah, I know, it's kinda crazy stuff, right?
Barry: What do you... what were they doing in there in the first place?
Deon: Just feeding on pure Speed Force energy. It's pretty tasty to their artificial cells, only they can't hold onto it for long. That's why they keep coming back for more.
Barry: Does the Speed Force know?
Deon: Hell yeah. Man, those wannabes in white? Infesting the Speed Force like damn roaches. Now big sis has got her hands full trying to exterminate their sorry asses. That's why I stepped in.
Barry: Wait, Deon. You can control time. You can take me to 2049.
Deon: No, man, not 'til she's done. Look, until then, it's solo trips only. All right? It's too dangerous for anyone else. Besides... I kind of don't have the strength. I'm pretty busy right now.
Barry: What are you... doing what?
Iris: Keeping me safe.

Iris: You found out what's wrong with me.
Deon: And it ain't good news.

Barry: How do you feel right now?
Iris: Well, I mean, that's what's so weird. I feel fine.
Barry: And this is all because of what happened in the other timeline?
Deon: Yeah. I should've never reversed your treatments.
Iris: No. It's not your fault, Deon. I asked you to do it. And it was the right thing to do. There-there was no other way to prove Barry's innocence and to save my dad's life.
Deon: Yeah, but these anomalies you're experiencing? I mean, who knows what's next?
Barry: Well, we have to find a cure.
Deon: And we will. Right now, we gotta get you stabilized. I'm sorry, but you gotta stay put.
Iris: Well, I mean, there are worse places to hang out. How long do I have to stay?
Deon: Well, considering the universe is like a zillion light years large, I'd say staying put is a relative thing when it comes to Earthly movements, so I'm thinking that if you confine your movements to Coast City for a while, it should lessen the risk. Or a least I hope so.
Iris: Good, because there's still someone here that needs my help.
Barry: What if she has another episode?
Deon: Well, I'm gonna have to do something a little more radical this time to patch you up. Look, I won't like to you guys. This is gonna hurt.

Deon: We've been looking for you, Eobard. The man with no past. The anomaly. You were invisible to us until the light from that damn cube showed us where to find you.
Eobard: Well. Good for me. Now, who are you and... What do you want?
Deon: I guess you could say I'm an old friend, and a new one, all rolled up in one. 'Cause that's how I roll. And as for why I'm here - It's time to fulfill your destiny.

Deon: We're the true Forces of the universe, ones written in darkness.

The: Back off, all of you. That's your only warning.
Deon: Seriously, that's all you got?
Psych: It's three against one, Flash.
Alexa: You don't stand a chance.
The: Good thing I brought backup.
[O.G. Reverse-Flash and Fast Track arrive]

The: It's my speed. Something's wrong.
Eobard: Well, it probably had something to do with that light show you just put on.
The: No, it's like when Meena attacked me at the dam, only much stronger.
Fast: They tried to kill Eobard.
The: Just like at Lian Yu.
Deon: And that's just the beginning. You see, there's only room for one set of Forces in the universe - negative ones - and we're tired of sharing our turf.
The: Speed Force Nora and the others, what did you do to them?
Bashir: Oh, he just gave them a case of the Mondays. It'll be awhile before you see them again.
Eobard: Why are you doing this, and what does it have to do with me?
Alexa: You're not the Avatar. You just being here makes us weak.
Deon: So sacrifices gotta be made, Flash, and you've gotta pay for what you did.

Deon: You know, y'all are being real friendly right now. But I think... I think you're all acting like that because you're afraid of me. Now, why is that?
Harrison: No, we're just... we're-we're just making a... we're just doing an experiment...
Deon: Shut up!
[he freezes the room, but Barry remains unaffected]
Deon: Now... why do I get the feeling... that you're the reason I'm this way?
Barry: Because that's true. And I'm sorry. I never meant for this to happen. So please let me fix it.
Deon: Fix it? Fix it? So I'm a mistake?
Barry: I didn't say that.
Deon: You didn't have to. I can feel it. You want to destroy me.

Barry: This place is different than before.
Deon: Yeah, that's 'cause it's more dangerous now. Welcome to the Still Force... What's left of it.

Chester P. Runk: The isotopic energy readings are going down.
Cisco: The forces are dying.
[as he tortures Iris, Kamilla, and Allegra, Psych's powers are drained from him]
Deon: [walking down the street] These fools gonna learn. You mess with Deon, you get dealt with.
[his powers are drained from him, too, as are Alexa's in the S.T.A.R. Labs infirmary]
Chester P. Runk: Another 20 seconds, and they'll be gone forever. Barry did it.

Chester P. Runk: Yo, yo, Deon. What's... what's, uh... what's good, man?
Deon: You tell me. Something drew here. Was it you?
Chester P. Runk: I'm... I don't think it was...
Barry: Who's this? I'm sorry, who are you?
Deon: Who am I? Who are you?
Harrison: Who is he?
Chester P. Runk: [laughing nervously] Look, guys, all's good in the hood. All right, look. Barry, this is Deon. Still Force. And-And, Deon, this is Barry, who's actually...
Chester P. Runk: owner of this, uh, fine establishment.
Deon: You're the landlord. What's that got to do with anything?

Iris: My headaches, they're getting worse.
Deon: Okay. I'll see what I can do.
Iris: You also said to tell you if something happened. Well, it did.
Deon: Tinya's mom. I already know.
Sue: Oh, right. 'Cause you can see past, present, and future.
Deon: Not in this case. I actually only saw what happened to Tinya's mom once it became part of the past, which ain't how things are supposed to work.
Iris: My time sickness, it's spreading into the Still Force.
Deon: That's why it took me so long to get to you.
Iris: I've infected you too, haven't I?
Deon: That's probably why I didn't see this coming. Somehow... somehow, I'm getting sick too.
Iris: What about Tinya's mom?
Deon: Once I get my strength back, I'll look for her, but, Iris, I can see everyone's future except for yours. We've got to slow down whatever's happening, because it we don't...
Sue: Iris is gonna disappear again.
Deon: Maybe for good this time.

Deon: You're the one who's after me? You don't look so tough. What are you?
Speed: A reckoning.

Barry: There are three other forces; people like you. One of them? She wants to kill you. Now, she's already killed one of the other forces, the Strength Force, and she didn't care when the person containing that force died, too. So I need to make it so the Still Force never found you. It's the only way to keep you safe.
Deon: Nah. I like being me.
[seeing Barry instinctively glance at the Tachyon Enhancer]
Deon: Oh, I get it. Oh, I get it.
Barry: Deon.
Deon: Mm. No, I get it. I get it. This is what you're gonna use to do it, huh? This is what you're gonna use to make it like I never existed?
Barry: Not you, just the force inside...
Deon: Man, I *am* that force! Do you have any idea what it's like to be told that you shouldn't be here? I never asked to be born.
Barry: Deon, listen to me. Look at what you're doing. Okay, you... you don't understand what you are.
Deon: Yeah, I do. I'm a god. Maybe it's time you understood that.
Barry: Deon, wait.
Deon: [freezing him] Time to bounce.
Harrison: [unfreezing as Deon vanishes] ... right?
Cisco: What the hell just happened?
Harrison: I think your friend Deon just stopped time.
Cisco: Yeah, he does that.
Chester P. Runk: Wait. Why'd he leave?
Barry: Because I couldn't stop him.