Top 20 Quotes From Henry Allen

Cisco: Okay, I'm gonna say it. Um, we don't think he's being just a little too...
Iris: Overconfident?
Cisco: Yeah.
Iris: Yeah, maybe it was his time in the Speed Force. I mean, he's acting like he's invincible now or something.
Henry: Yeah, like nothing fazes him anymore, which isn't...
Dr. Harry Wells: Realistic, no. Somebody needs to talk to him before letting his guard down gets him hurt or worse.

Henry: When I was in Iron Heights awaiting trial, I had a cellmate who always swore he was gonna break out. At a pre-trial hearing, he stole a deputy's gun and escaped in a police cruiser. There's a point to this, Joe, I promise. Now, the poor dumb bastard could have gone anywhere, right? But he was apprehended two hours later. Do you know why? 'Cause he went to his old girlfriend's house looking for her.
Joe: So you think that's what Tony's doing, even in the state he's in now?
Henry: I think people are creatures of habit, sometimes at a level stronger than conscious thought.

Henry: [to Barry] The man in the yellow suit... he's taken enough from us already. Don't let him take any more.

Henry: Sometimes you just have to slow down to get back to where you want to be.

Henry: I thought he was dead.
Barry: He's dead. This is... this is Harrison Wells from Earth-2.
Henry: Earth-2?
Barry: I'll explain later.

Dr. Martin Stein: Gather around, everyone, please. Looking at all of you, thinking how far we've all come, and remembering those who are no longer with us, I'm reminded of a Hebrew word used during times of graduation. "Kadima." It means forward.
[raises glass as a toast]
Dr. Martin Stein: Forward!
Detective: Forward.
Iris: Forward.
Cisco: Forward.
Caitlin: Forward.
Henry: Forward.
Barry: Forward.

Nora: Barry got into a fight.
Henry: Oh, yeah?
Nora: And he won.
Henry: Ah, way to go, slugger. Oh, and uh, no more fighting.

Henry: Do you think... Can you be all that you are becoming with me here?
Barry: You're the only family that I have left.
Henry: Well, that's not really truth. Don't you have another family in this room? They need your help, too, Barry. When you need me, I will be here, but right now Central City doesn't need you to be Henry Allen's son. It needs you to be The Flash. My kid, the superhero. I have to go. I need you to tell me that it's OK.

Barry: You didn't kill mom. You know I know that, right?
Henry: You believing me is all I need.

Barry: Dad, listen. I'm close. The man who put you in here, I'm getting close. Closer than I've ever been.
Henry: Barry. We have talked about this.
Barry: I know. And I'm done talking. You're not gonna pay for another man's crime anymore. Just... hang in there, okay?

Henry: At my trial for your mother's death, a lot of our family and friends were in the courtroom. They heard awful things about what I had done to your mother. It didn't matter that it wasn't true. Every day, I could see it on their faces, the moment when I lost them, until everybody had stopped believing in me. Well, that was my reality. You know, I was gonna serve a life sentence for a crime I didn't commit, but worse than that, every time I looked at someone in the eye from that moment forward, they were gonna believe that I had killed the woman I loved in front of our son. So, yeah, I do know what it's like being... destroyed.
Barry: How did you get past that?
Henry: I embraced it. Accepting it was the only way that I could move forward, but I knew that if I could survive that and learn to believe in myself again, then I could survive anything. You know what lit that belief in me, Barry? You. Eleven-year-old you, running around, believing in me, gave me that hope. And now I'm giving it back to you, son. No more monsters can take that from us.

Henry: Hey, slugger.
Barry: You've been calling me that since I was eleven. Funny thing is, I finally got into a fight today.
Henry: You just got out of a coma. I'm not sure you should be picking fights. Hey... did you win?
Barry: Yeah, I did.

Barry: Okay, now that the cat's out of the bag, did you happen to see who it was that caused your building to collapse?
Dr. Tina McGee: I didn't see anything. It happened so fast.
Caitlin: Maybe the security cameras caught something?
Henry: Can we access them?
Dr. Tina McGee: Mercury Labs does have a crash-survivable memory unit.
Henry: [blankly] A what?
Dr. Tina McGee: Virtually a black box for buildings. It will have stored all the security footage right up until the building collapsed.
Barry: Okay, great. I'll go find it. This wasn't some random meta-human. Whenever Mercury Labs has been targeted in the past, there's always been a specific reason.

Henry: So, this is what it's like every time you go after one of those meta-humans?
Barry: Uh... pretty much, only Cisco and Caitlin are normally the ones in here and I'm the one out there.
Henry: Ah, there's no reason you shouldn't be.

Barry: You're not gonna be in here much longer. Whoever killed mom, whatever killed her, I think I finally have a way to find them. To stop them.
Henry: Barry, we've talked about this. It's time to let it go. You have got to stop worrying about me, and live your life.
Barry: For the first time, I feel like I finally can. The truth is, ever since the night mom died, I've been stuck in one place, missed out on a lot of things. But I'm different now. I've made some new friends. They're helping me find my way...
Caitlin: [at S.T.A.R. Labs, Cisco works on Barry's suit] Why is it shaped like a lightning bolt?
Cisco: So it's not boring.
Barry: To finally move forward. You remember when you wanted me to change my name so I wouldn't have to deal with people knowing you're my dad? I'm glad they know. I'm so proud to be your son.

Barry: Dad. If I was The Flash, don't you think that you'd be the first to know about it?
Henry: Yeah. Well, if The Flash were my son, I'd tell him a few things. First off, I'd tell him it's a dangerous world, so be careful. Then I'd tell him he's a hero. And he's saving a lot of lives. But the most important thing for him to know, I feel, is that his father's proud of him.

Dr. Harry Wells: Henry, this is about the people in Central City, about saving those people. This is about stopping Zoom.
Henry: Your daughter is safe. This could kill my son.
Dr. Harry Wells: I'm not gonna let that happen.
Henry: The last time he was struck by lightning, he was in a coma for nine months. How did that happen?
Dr. Harry Wells: I know what I'm doing.
Henry: You are messing with something that is out of your control. And what if it did work? I mean, w-what then? Joe? He goes up against Zoom, the monster that snapped his back and almost killed him, and then took the one thing that he's convinced now that he needs in order to make him whole?
Dr. Harry Wells: This is the way. This is the only way. The people of Central City need The Flash.

Barry: Let's get out of here.
Henry: I'll race you.
Barry: You will lose.

Dr. Harry Wells: All right, we're synched up with whatever the heck that thing is.
Joe: Finally, something we're both baffled by.
Dr. Harry Wells: I am kidding. That, my friend, is a 75-KTSB 40,000 watt reverberating sound amplifier designed to single out the operating frequency of every single Earth-2 being on this planet, which, when contained and magnified by The Flash, creating a sound pressure wall around the city, will render all of us Earth-2 beings unconscious.
[tossing a set of protective earphones to Jesse]
Dr. Harry Wells: Hence... the safety precautions.
Henry: I'm baffled by it.

Henry: And since we're on the subject of changing our minds about important things, you know that part where I told you I was gonna leave Central City so that you could be The Flash without being concerned about me all the time? Well, forget all that. You're stuck with me. I'm not going anywhere.