The Best Nora Allen Quotes

Dr. Henry Allen: You okay, Barry?
Barry: Yeah, I just... wanted to see you one more time.
Dr. Henry Allen: What does that mean?
Barry: Nothing. Nothing. I, uh... These last three months have been the best. Just getting to spend time with you. I just... wanted you to know how grateful I am, to both of you, to be your son.
Nora: Barry, you're scaring me.
Barry: No, there's... There's nothing to be afraid of. Promise. I just... love you both.

[Barry talks to the Speed Force, appearing before him in the likeness of his mother]
Barry: I miss you so much.
Nora: What if I told you that she's proud of you, and of the man that you've become?
Barry: Who's telling me that... the Speed Force or my mother?
Nora: Both.

Nora: Even The Flash can't outrun the tragedies the universe is gonna keep sending your way. You have to accept that, and then you can truly run free.

Barry: I'm-I'm done with your games. You could burn me alive right now, but you won't. So tell me, what do you want?
Nora: I want to prepare you, Barry. Iris's impending death won't just mean that she's gone. It will mean that Nora and Bary will never exist. I'm not trying to be cruel, but the truth is, your legacy isn't heroism. It's heartbreak.
Barry: You know what people like you will never understand? Love is strength, not a liability. The heartbreak that I've suffered? The people I've lost? They don't hold me back. They make me fight that much harder, and I'm gonna fight for Iris.
Nora: Then why didn't you fight for me? Why did you stand by while Thawne stabbed me in the gut?
Barry: Thawne didn't kill you! He killed my mom. And as much as it hurt, I have accepted her death.
Nora: And what about the rest of them? Have you accepted all their deaths too?

Nora: Run, Barry, run.

Barry: No, this isn't real. You're not my mom.
Nora: Please, sweetie, stop. You're gonna hurt yourself.
Barry: This is just another manipulation. You're some part of Deathstorm trying to screw with my head.
Nora: Why would you say this about me? I'm your mom.
Barry: No, you're not!
Nora: I came here to help you because I love you, oh, so much. You have to believe me. I've been watching you, your life, what's happening to Iris. There's no cure for her temporal sickness, no secret answer. You're going to lose her, forever.
Barry: That's not true. Her condition's stabilizing. I can still save her.
Nora: Like you saved me? I'm trying to warn you, Barry. You can't have a family. Your father died, I died, and now your poor, sick wife is gonna die too. And there's nothing you can do to stop it.

Nora: [watching "Singin' in the Rain" with Barry] I told you. Everything's better in song. When you speak, it's just words. But when you sing, you open up your soul and let who you really are shine through.

Nora: Barry isn't going to hell. But like all runners must eventually, he's reached his finish line. His race is over.

Nora: Barry got into a fight.
Henry: Oh, yeah?
Nora: And he won.
Henry: Ah, way to go, slugger. Oh, and uh, no more fighting.