Top 200 Quotes From Danielle Nicolet

Cecile: August, no.
August: Sorry, Cecile. Turns out I like being the bad guy.

Cecile: If the baby is not a meta, then where did these powers come from?
[cutting off Caitlin]
Cecile: Nope, I wasn't on a bus.
[cutting off Joe]
Cecile: No, I wasn't abducted by aliens.
[cutting off Iris]
Cecile: No, I didn't inherit a mystic totem from my grandma. Really, guys? Why are you still thinking about Bulbasaurs?
Cisco: He's the cutest one of all!

Chester P. Runk: Good news, your brain's back to its old empathic capacity. Dillon has her powers back. Queen, too, who's back in Iron Heights.
Cecile: I'm gonna miss being leveled up.
Allegra: I'm just glad we all survived this.
Cecile: Yeah, yeah, I guess I should be happy. I mean, we did bring back the Positive Forces, and then there was saving the entire city. That should be good enough.
Allegra: Is that a humble brag?

Khione: Don't worry, Cecile. You can do this.
Cecile: Right, and if by this you mean, just go on and astrally project myself into my future body, protect Barry from the Negative Speed Force, and save all of temporal existence, before coming back and teaching Jenna her multiplication tables, yeah, you're right. That's easy. Easy peasy.

Cecile: That patrolman, right there, he is cheating on his wife.
Cisco: Uh, never trust a mustache, I always say.
Joe: I have a mustache.
Cisco: No, you have a sexy goatee. He has a creeper mustache.

Allegra: Nope. I can't believe that Eddie Thawne is the avatar of the Negative Speed Force.
Cecile: Yes. That's the reason the crystal has been attacking us across time.
Khione: It was charging with power.
Mark: Sounds to me we could use the Flash right about now.
The: [over comms] Guys, can you hear me?
Cecile: Barry! Oh, thank God you got out of there. I'm on my way to the hospital.
The: Any sign of damage to the timeline?
Chester P. Runk: No temporal fractal yet, boss.
The: It's already started in 2049. If it spreads here...
Khione: It'll threaten our entire existence.

Chester P. Runk: Now, this is epic.
[imitating an echo]
Chester P. Runk: Epic, epic.
Cecile: Wow, I don't know what's more impressive. This place or us.
Iris: Us, definitely.
Mia: I haven't been in a place this swank since my debutante days.
Barry: Well, we have the place to ourselves tonight. And since Thawne's at A.R.G.U.S. and Despero's finally gone...
Iris: For good, it seems like.
Barry: I figured we deserved a night off.
Mia: Look, about me going evil and trying to kill you all...
Cecile: Already forgiven. We're just glad to have the real Mia back. And that, beautiful people, is it for shop talk.
Caitlin: Yes, absolutely. I think we've had enough of aliens and evil speedsters.
Damien: Does that go for evil magicians, too?
Mia: [drawing a knife and putting it to his throat] I know what you did to Laurel Lance, Damien Darhk. How about I return the favor?
Damien: By all means, go for it. I thought I'd be a dead man by now, anyway.
Mia: [withdrawing the weapon] I need a drink. A real one.

John: Word at A.R.G.U.S. is you are leveling up, Cecile.
Cecile: Hmm. Didn't know you kept tabs on us ordinary people.
John: I guess that means you're far from ordinary.
Caitlin: [referring to the captive Godspeed] Speaking of, can you sense what's going on inside his mind?
Cecile: No. Barry already had me try, and the only thing that I could feel was... hatred. And determination.
John: Why isn't he trying to make contact with the rest of his team?
Allegra: Oh, he's trying. But I'm sending out serious interference. He can't get through.
Caitlin: She's our own personal signal jammer.
John: That'd come in handy in the field. This whole team is leveling up.

Barry: How was Nora able to see what Grace was seeing?
Caitlin: Nora and Grace seem to be psychically connected. I think it's because of the time that Nora spent in Grace's brain.
Cecile: Is there any sign of her?
Cisco: No. She definitely ghosted.
Nora: What about Vickie and her family?
Cecile: Uh, federal protection. They're gonna be fine. They're getting new identities as we speak.

Cecile: Okay, so, break it down. How did it happen?
Iris: Um... we were at the apartment, and, um, Barry sang to me. And then he proposed.
Cecile: Oh, my God, that's so romantic. You sing?
Barry: Not as good as Joe.
Joe: Shut up, Barry.

Cecile: Has anybody heard from Joe? He left town with Kramer hours ago. I haven't been able to get ahold of him.
Chester P. Runk: I think I know why. This Godspeed war is causing a buildup of electricity, shielding Central City in what's essentially a Faraday cage. Any electronic signal is being totally contained inside.
Caitlin: So no one in the city can text or call the outside world right now. I'm sorry.
Barry: Cecile, if there's one thing Joe knows how to do, it's take care of himself. And right now, anywhere's safer than Central City.

Cecile: Jenna Marie West, did you get taller while I was gone? You're not supposed to do that! All growing happens when Mommy's at home!

Allegra: [Cecile moves the coffee with her mind] Cecile, did you do that?
Cecile: Uh... yeah? But, okay, all I did was think I really wish I had the right coffee, and then I kind of thought in my head, and then all of sudden, it was...
Chester P. Runk: Oh, the force is strong with this one.
Cecile: Well, that's new.

Iris: When I saw Nora in 2049, she was so upset and so angry, but she knew that I wanted to bring her back. Then she comes back to this time and... and she doesn't even come home? I mean, even if she's mad at Barry or she wanted some kind of sci-fi weapon...
Cecile: Then why didn't she just come to the rest of us for help?
Iris: There's gotta be a good reason. I know it.

Cecile: Chester is doing so much better. I mean, don't get me wrong, he's still, you know, glowing in the eyes with orange dark energy, but he's in really good spirits.
Barry: How long until he gets out?
Cisco: Caitlin says his molecule need to restabilize at the subatomic level. My guess he'll need to cook in the MAC for another four to six weeks, maybe more, until he's back to normal.
Cecile: Well, believe me, he is more than happy to chill here at S.T.A.R. Labs in the meantime. And when he does get out, that boy knows exactly what he wants to do.
Iris: Mm, definitely gonna ask Natalie out.

August: How exactly will this give me my memories back?
Jay: The theory is your artificial speed cells have gone dormant. But we believe that a speed boost from Barry can jumpstart them and give you organic speed.
Cecile: And the harness should trigger the rest. Hey, don't worry. It's gonna be okay.
August: Yeah. If... if this does work, I'll try to come back. Differently.
Jay: Good luck.
Nora: Are you okay?
Bart: If Dad is right, and we're actually creating the future by doing this... everything from now on will be different.
August: I know you don't have to do this. So whatever your reasons are, I know they're pretty important. I just hope this works out for both of us.
Barry: Me, too.

Killer: I'm no expert, but the Book of Ralph says that when you ask someone out, you should just be yourself.
Cecile: How is he supposed to be himself when he doesn't even know who he is anymore?
[sighing in dismay as she realizes her mistake]

Cecile: Barry, you remember what Chester said. If you use your speed again, it could kill you this time.
Barry: I have to try. If I die or it ages me to 100, I'm not afraid anymore. You're right, Cecile, I can't outrun time, but I can embrace it, and I can choose to spend every moment I have left trying to save innocent lives.
Cecile: Then run, Barry. Run.

August: What am I supposed to do now?
Cecile: August... I know that things seem really hopeless right now. But believe me when I tell you that this team of ours, if there is anyone who can find a way out of this thing, it is Team Flash.
August: I believe you. I do, but I saw Barry's face when we both came back. It's true, isn't it? I'm a monster, aren't I? I'm...
Cecile: You don't have to be.
August: What if I don't have a choice? You all think I'm someone from the future, a future where I'm supposedly a killer obsessed with taking speed and ruling the world. You know how that feels? Now imagine getting back the thing you want most, your memories, your whole life... and then learning you're the bad guy. If that's true, how am I supposed to live with that?
Cecile: I'm no fortune teller, but I can tell you that the sorrow I feel coming from you, August, bad guys, they don't feel remorse like that. Maybe the future is not so set in stone after all.

Cecile: I wanted to say thank you.
Dr. Harry Wells: For what?
Cecile: The MAD 2.0. It works like a charm. I am rested. If you could just do something about these swollen pregnant ankles of mine...
Dr. Harry Wells: I think that's a normal thing. Drink lots of water, don't cross your legs when you sit.
Cecile: Okay.
Dr. Harry Wells: Okay.
Cecile: Thank you for the info.
Dr. Harry Wells: Least I could do after all the...
[he pantomimes animals growling and throwing things]
Dr. Harry Wells: Rage. I have a problem with rage. Aparently it tends to pop up when I make mistakes.
Cecile: Makes it tough to be human.
Dr. Harry Wells: Well, humans are a tricky species.

Cecile: One count of aggravated assault... One count of attempted murder... Two counts of kidnapping. It's a good thing you never lived up to your original name.
Chester P. Runk: I thought once you started helping people, CCPD dropped the investigation.
Cecile: Yeah, they did, they did, but the State never officially dropped its charges, which means that Kristen Kramer has everything the she needs to put you in Iron Heights.
Frost: I'm gonna find Kramer, and I'm gonna kick her ass.
Cecile: No, no, you're not. Kramer is formally army intelligence. Wherever she goes, heads roll. Just...
Frost: Look, I'm not some thug anymore, okay? I've grown.
Cecile: I know that, honey, I do. Look, I'm one of the people you kidnapped. My advice to you, as your attorney, is to lay low.
Chester P. Runk: Wait, so, Frost can't do superhero stuff anymore?
Cecile: Nope, not in the field. Look, you're an artist, okay? Just take some time off, chase those canvasses, create... just do it all , here at S.T.A.R. Labs where you're safe.
Frost: I just got a life, and now you're telling me I can't live it.

Cecile: Oh, my god. Everything that Nash is feeling inside, it's still just... raw hatred.
Cisco: What we think of as Thawne is actually just a series of negative tachyons inside Nash's body. So we gotta hit him with positive tachyons to force Thawne out. That's why we need the PTD, or the Positive Tachyon Device, and not a Ouija board. No offense.
Cecile: Okay, so, what do you need me for?
Cisco: You're gonna be my Thawne detector. I need you to psychically monitor Nash and tell me when he's free from Thawne's influence. You think you can handle that?
Cecile: After what Thawne did to the people that we love? Hell yeah.
Cisco: Then it's time for an exorcism.

Cecile: S.T.A.R. Labs says that the cure is safe, and it's as easy to give as a flu shot.
Captain: Yeah, well, S.T.A.R. Labs isn't exactly the FDA.
Joe: Look, we have to do it here. Red tape alone, it would take weeks at a medical facility. If we do nothing, there's a whole bunch of citizens who could've been saved that will die on our watch. I'm not having that.
Captain: Well, you clearly believe in this. So I'm willing to, as well. But that means there's going to be a lot of political navigating. So I'll go down to City Hall and brief them in the morning.

Cecile: Can you, uh, maybe hurry up? You know, when Iris gave me a spare key, it was to water her plants. It wasn't to hack her computer.
Barry: Okay, well, it's not hacking Iris' computer if it's not really Iris.
Cecile: What are you even looking for, anyway?
Barry: Anything that might be suspicious from the past few weeks.
[finding something]
Barry: Bingo.
Cecile: What'd you find?
Barry: This photo. It was deleted from Kamilla's camera, but not before it was uploaded to the Citizen's cloud server. Do you see this text?
Cecile: Prismatic Filter. What is that?
Barry: It's the science that we're gonna use to test our imposter's identity. Expose her for good.

Cecile: Frost, where are you?
Frost: Across the street. You and Katie get away from the north wall.
Cecile: [trying to orient herself] North wall? Uh-uh, okay, uh... I think that Frost is about to try and bust you out.
Caitlin: What?
Cecile: Yeah.
Caitlin: Put her on speakerphone.
Cecile: [doing so] Okay.
Caitlin: Frost, what the hell are you doing?
Frost: Getting you out of there.
Caitlin: You promised me you would stay put.
Frost: Yeah, well, I lied. Now take cover.
Cecile: Oh!
Caitlin: Don't you dare.

Cecile: Okay, so I just talked to the D.A.'s office. Kramer didn't find anything incriminating in your apartment, so once your blood tests come back negative for the meta-gene, they're gonna be forced to release you from custody.
Caitlin: Great. This is the first time I'm relieved that Frost and I are in different bodies.
Cecile: Yeah.
Caitlin: How did she know to come after me?
Cecile: Uh... it was an anonymous tip, which means either somebody got very lucky, or...
Joe: Or somebody out there knows that Frost used to be you. I'm sorry, Caitlin, but Kramer wouldn't tell me where the Task Force was headed, and by the time I knew, it was too late.
Caitlin: It's okay, Joe. This is not on you.
Joe: This ain't how law enforcement's supposed to work. I'm gonna go talk to Kramer.

Cisco: Speaking of going out, Kamilla and I are doing shawarma Tuesday, so I'm gonna mosey. Of course, moseying is a lot harder these days post-Vibe showing up to a date in a S.T.A.R. Lab van, not a good look.
Cecile: Mm, no. I'll give you a ride.
Cisco: And risk looking like my mom just dropped me off?
Cecile: Ooh, even better, you can walk.
Cisco: Okay, I'm coming.

Godspeed: [in Punjabi] This is why I chose this time, Flash.
[switching to English]
Godspeed: Now that you've leveled up, what better time to feast?
[as he starts to absorb Barry's speed, he's knocked backward]
Chester P. Runk: [watching at S.T.A.R. Labs] Wait, is that... Thawne?
Cecile: It sure as hell is.

Norvok: [to Caitlin] Amunet wants you.
Iris: Uh, Caitlin, do you know him?
Norvok: You need to come with me.
Caitlin: I'm not going anywhere with you.
Cecile: Please tell me that this is just part of his act.
Felicity: If it is, it's taking too long. Take it off!
[Norvok's eye pops and drops into Felicity's drink]
Felicity: Gross! I mean take off your pants, not your eye!

Captain: The mayor's offered me the job, as the new chief of police.
Cecile: What?
Joe: Dave.
Cecile: David. Congratulations.
Barry: That's great.
Captain: Thank you, thanks. Of course that makes me responsible for finding my own replacement. And, uh... I would like that to be you, Joe.
Joe: Re-replace you? As-as Captain?
Cecile: Captain Joe West. Oh, I like the sound of that.
Captain: And don't worry. If things get dicey, as they tend to around here, you'll have plenty of help.
[to Barry]
Captain: Isn't that right, Flash?
[Barry stammers]
Captain: Oh come on, Barry. I'm a detective too.

Virtue: Hey, blue eyes.
XS: Impressive. But I know you, empath. You won't hurt me.
Virtue: You're right. I won't hurt Nora. But for you, I'm going to bring the pain. Now get out of her head! And stay out!

Cecile: Uh, guys, there's a blinky, red light thing on the computer.
Iris: Another alarm went off at S.T.A.R. Labs.
[turning on the surveillance feed]
Iris: Guys, this was only five minutes ago. Joss Jackam and Peter Merkel?
Cecile: How would they get into S.T.A.R. Labs?
Barry: Nora had someone in her ear. It was a coordinated assault.
Iris: But that would mean that she's working... with them.

Chester P. Runk: If this is the real August Heart, shouldn't he be in, like, I don't know, triple lockup at A.R.G.U.S. or something?
Cecile: Well, right now, it's just a feeling.
Barry: Yeah, we need to find a way to prove it. One way or the other. It's what Iris would want.
Caitlin: Based on everything you told us, being with Deon is the safest place for Iris to be right now.
Chester P. Runk: Yeah, I mean, we've all seen what the Still Force can do. If anyone can keep her safe, Deon can.
Barry: All right, right now, let's stay focused on keeping the city safe.
Chester P. Runk: Right, right, okay. I just finished running the algorithm on the Godspeed disappearances. Turns out these clones are coming back exponentially faster each time.
Barry: How long do we have?
Chester P. Runk: At first, it was eight hours, then four.
Caitlin: And now?
Chester P. Runk: If we're lucky, 90 minutes. This war's about to go turbo.

Cecile: All the metas that we couldn't cure, we got safely evacuated and they're waiting at a protected holding facility.
Captain: Nice work, both of you.
Joe: Well, the work's not done yet. I mean, the metas are safe for now, but Cicada's still out there, so the people are still in danger.

Cecile: Why can't I get inside my own house?
Barry: [moving CCPD evidence boxes out of the doorway] Sorry. Hold on. One second.
Cecile: [finally entering] Jeez!
Barry: [she sees the mess inside] Cecile, I can explain.
Cecile: What the hell is this?
Barry: Iris isn't Iris.

Joe: Well, we may not know where Scudder moved the Black Hole tech, but I bet you Dillon does. I'm gonna go in, see if I can get her to talk to me.
Cecile: Actually, Captain... I am.
Joe: Right. When you were a prosecutor, you put Dillon in Iron Heights.
Cecile: And now I'm her defense attorney that's gonna keep her out and get her to tell me where that tech is.
Joe: That's my girl.

Cecile: You gotta go easy on yourself.
Chester P. Runk: How? The day I'm having? I feel like I might as well just gamble my per diem away at the craps table with Grandma Runk. I mean, Tech Con's paying in cryptocurrency this year, which barely feels like real money, even though it totally is.
Barry: [a thought strikes him] What if the Royal Flush Gang didn't change their M.O.? Chester, can we find out if any Star City casinos also take cryptocurrency?
Chester P. Runk: Yeah.
[going to a keyboard]
Chester P. Runk: Hot damn. Turns out they all do, 'cause they'll happily take your money however they can. And check this out. These casinos have over 50 mil in their digital coffers.
Caitlin: So, what exactly would the Royal Flush Gang need to pull off a heist like this?
Chester P. Runk: A computer with a next-level microchip... a massive power source to run it... and an expert in cyber espionage to execute the hack.
Cecile: They didn't change their M.O. They just leveled up. Okay, how do we stop 'em?
Chester P. Runk: Uh, the second the hack starts, I can trace it and ping the location.
Barry: And I'll be ready.

Barry: You've been listening this whole time. Why talk now?
Prisoner: I needed to be sure. In this war, we fight versions of ourselves. But when two sides are evenly matched, there is no winning. Only endless suffering. I know now you are strong. You are the advantage we need to achieve our goal.
Barry: Which is?
Prisoner: To live! We did not ask to be born, but we do ask not to die. The others, they want your speed to give to their master, August Heart. But upon completion of their mission, they will bow down to his final edict. Total submission.
Barry: And once they do, they'll die?
Prisoner: We do not want that fate.
Barry: I understand the need to defend yourselves. But if you're from the future, why bring your war here?
Prisoner: We had no choice. The Prime August Heart is here, in this time.
Cecile: [watching in the Cortex with the others] That's what they're all doing. That's what they're doing. They're searching for August Heart.
Caitlin: And whoever finds him first...
John: Wins the whole damn war.

John: It's called an entropy trap. And hopefully, it's gonna save your city.
Chester P. Runk: [trying to contain his excitement] Wait, wait, wait, wait. So you're saying that John Diggle is gonna help us end the Godspeed war? AKA Spartan, AKA Oliver Queen's right-hand man, AKA the heart and soul of Team Arrow?
John: Yeah. And this is something that Cisco cooked up after you called him and gave him the 411 on Central City.
Barry: Dig, when we reached out for help, I had no idea he was gonna send you.
John: He didn't. I volunteered, man. You're fighting a war, Barry. I know something about that.
Cecile: And with a battle-tested soldier like you on our side, we're gonna win.

Joe: Sounds like Kramer has a point.
Barry: Look, maybe I could do a better job communicating when I'm dropping off criminals, but giving CCPD a direct line to the Flash? You don't really think that's necessary, do you?
Barry: I don't know, Barr, when I was captain, I had a direct line to the Flash.
Cecile: And, I mean, me, too. When I was a district attorney, if I had a question on a case, all I ever had to do was call you and get the details.
Barry: That's because you're family.
Joe: Which she is not, and I get that, but what she and I went through when we were tracking down Creyke, I... I trust her with my life. Maybe you should consider letting her in a bit more. Give her one of the alert apps that we all have on our phones.
Barry: Joe, look, I get it. She's a good cop. She's a great captain. And when I first got my speed, I needed a lot of help, not just from Caitlin and Cisco, but from you and everybody at CCPD. But now...
Cecile: Now you've leveled up.
Barry: Yeah. Which means I can find other ways to solve Kramer's Flash problem, like doing extra CSI work to collect what she needs for processing. I mean, that'll ease the burden for her, right?
Joe: It sounds like it.
Barry: Yeah.
Joe: And I get how keeping church and state separated is the easiest choice, but I also know Kramer, and if she is asking for a line to the Flash, she probably has a good reason. I'm just sayin'. Maybe you wanna think about it before you decide what to do, Barr.

Cecile: [about Barry] Wow, he really is slow.
Nora: Yeah, Papa Joe told me all the stories about what an awful athlete Dad was growing up.
Iris: Well, believe me, they're true.
Caitlin: Let's just be grateful that he has coordination when it counts.

Cecile: Wow. I just hit by a huge wave of terror.
[Speed Force Nora appears]
Khione: Nora? What's wrong?
Speed: The Negative Speed Force. It's cloaked Barry with its own dark energy.
Chester P. Runk: The cobalt radiation. We found it in the loft when Barry disappeared.
Speed: And not it's causing him to bounce across time. A briefly sensed him through the radiation. I'm not sure how long it will take him to get there, but he's heading toward 2049.
Khione: First he was taken to the past, then forced to the present...
Mark: And now he's going to the future.
Speed: And so is the crystal. It'll chose another victim and attack Barry...
[fades in and out]
Speed: I can't help him anymore. Only you can.
Cecile: How?
Speed: You have to find a way. If Barry dies and the Speed Force is extinguished, then this timeline and everything in it will be erased forever.

[Chester and Allegra are seen kissing]
Cecile: Ooh, I am glad that Jenna is upstairs asleep.
Mark: Yeah.
Barry: When did this happen?
Iris: I think a better question is: what took so long?

Caitlin: Frost, Chillblaine, and Batwoman are searching the city, but no sign of Reverse-Flash.
Cecile: And I can't feel him anymore. It's like he magically disappeared.
Eobard: Then try harder.
Iris: Cecile, um, we know that you're doing your best.
Eobard: Yes, of course you are.
Allegra: What's up with him, anyway? Has he gone crazy? I mean, the guy actually thought he was the Flash.
Eobard: He's a sociopath. There's no explaining a mind like that. Runk, where are we with the satellites?
[getting no answer]
Eobard: Runk?
Chester P. Runk: What?
Eobard: Satellites.
Chester P. Runk: Right, right, right, right. Uh, satellites are scanning for his negative tachyons, sir. But after analyzing samples from Robern's, looks like the Reverse-Flash is running on limited speed.
Ryan: Less speed means lower tachyon output.
Alex: Making him harder to track.
Eobard: But not impossible. If we sync the Atomic Bracelet's microsensors to the satellite, that'll isolate the smallest tachyons. That'll give us Allen's location.
Chester P. Runk: Consider it done, Captain Eo.
Eobard: Horton, use the Thinker's chair to boost your empathic scans. Snow, get the med lab ready in case there's trouble. Danvers, Garcia, weapons check.

Caitlin: I actually think the two of you are really gonna get along. And you too, Chester.
Chester P. Runk: What makes you say that?
Caitlin: I mean, I probably shouldn't be saying this because it was a long time ago, but he mentioned that maybe once he, you know...
Chester P. Runk: No, seriously?
Allegra: What? What?
Barry: Ronnie played D&D in college?
Caitlin: Once or twice.
Chester P. Runk: Oh, snap! We're gonna help him get his game on, girl. Once he's better and all that, of course.
Joe: Whatever happened to chess or checkers?
Cecile: Dominoes.
Joe: That's a good game right there.
Allegra: Okay, Grandpa.

Joe: You mean my vintage jazz LP collection that I painstakingly and carefully collected over the last 30 years?
Cecile: Really?
Joe: Those are my loves, babe. They're going in the coffin with me when I die.
Cecile: Okay, maybe we could bury them now, and you can just join them at a later date.

Dr. Harry Wells: Look, I'm sorry about...
[he pantomimes animals growling and throwing things in anger]
Dr. Harry Wells: You know, I just recently can't seem to stop DeVoe, I can't stop my daughter Jesse from hating me, I can't seem to stop blowing it when I'm trying to befriend someone who's my own age.
Cecile: Did you just say "befriend"? That's what you've been trying to do? You've been trying to befriend me?
Dr. Harry Wells: Well, yes, through transitive property. I respect West, West respects you, so...
Cecile: Harry, that was borderline sweet.

Cecile: What the hell just happened? Who was that Medusa man?
Felicity: You know that is not a Cisco-approved name.

[first lines]
Joe: Cecile, are you sure we even need a crib? I used to plop Iris on some cushions and call it a night.
Cecile: Well, I'm glad to hear you got all your parenting mistakes out of the way with your first kid.
Joe: [laughing] I think she turned out pretty good.

Barry: That thing that attacked me, that was you. How is that possible?
Cecile: I don't know.
Barry: Cecile, you said there wasn't a second story. There's no way you could know that unless you've been here before. You know exactly where we are, don't you?
Cecile: We're at St. Carmine's Psychiatric Hospital, just outside of Houston, Texas... . Where I was a patient.

Barry: Do you remember that time sphere that we built for Thawne?
Joe: That big hamster ball thing?
Nora: Someone stole one in the future to come here.
Cecile: For what, our... our Cicada copycat?
Joe: It makes sense. I can't even believe I just said that.

Barry: Someody's gotta know something.
Cecile: Everyone we've talked to is telling the truth. I think Ambres was the only one working with Dwyer.
Joe: Well, look, we'll pore over the files at CCPD. Maybe we missed something. We'll let you know if we come up with anything, all right?

Cisco: Guys, we just detected Psych's isotopic signature. It's expanding, all over Sandoval Heights.
Barry: [getting an idea] Cecile, you sent your own fear into Top. Do you think you could do that on a bigger scale?
Cecile: D... me? No, no way. Barry, I could barely broadcast one emotion across a room.
Barry: Then let's get you some help.
Cecile: [in another part of the lab, he unveils the Thinker's chair] Barry, are you insane?
Barry: I know it sounds crazy, but DeVoe built this chair to expand his mental capacity on a massive scale.
Cecile: Yeah, yeah, and it turned him into a supervillain!
Barry: But you won't, 'cause you're gonna use it to save the city.

Cecile: [mourning Nora] We're so sorry.
Joe: We have to believe that we'll see her again.
Iris: We will.

Cecile: This is insane. All of the evidence says that she's guilty, but... my powers are telling me that she's not just innocent, she knows who the real killer is. I just need her to trust me.
Joe: All you need to do right now is slow down.
Cecile: What I need to do is find evidence to exonerate her before the trial, and I am running out of time.
Joe: Well, that's because you're trying to do the public defender's work and not your own. You do realize how much trouble you can get in, right? You let Allegra out of jail for an inexplicable reason, and now there's another murder.
Cecile: But my powers are telling me...
Joe: Two people are dead, Cecile.

Chester P. Runk: Mia, what the hell, girl?
Despero: [speaking through Mia] Iris West-Allen. You and Flash made this decision. And now you'll die for making the wrong one.
Iris: Mia, listen to me. This isn't you.
Cecile: Mia. Mia, she's right. Take my power. Take my strength. Fight him.
Despero: Empath. You think I'd release this perfect vessel?
Iris: [powering up a blaster rifle] Mia, stop. I know you can fight this.
Despero: The child is gone, human.
Iris: No, she's not. Mia, I know you can fight this because you already have. Look around. You could've killed us all, but you didn't.
Cecile: Mia, she's right. Fight him.
Despero: [fighting with the Flash] Impossible.
Iris: Mia, think about William. is this the path he would want you to choose?
Green: [as Despero's control over her is lifted, she drops her bow] Iris. Allegra, Frost, in the hallway.
Cecile: I'll go check on them.
Green: I'm so sorry.

Cecile: [Ralph twitches his nose] What's happening with your nose right now?
Ralph: Oh, when I smell a mystery, that's my thing. I do that.
Cecile: That's nasty.
Ralph: It is? You don't...
Cecile: Please stop.

Barry: We lost. Five people aren't going home to their families tonight. And the sixth, Ramsey. We lost him, too. He's out there somewhere. We have to stop him. I... I have to stop him.
Iris: Barry.
Ralph: You tried to save him.
Cecile: But he turned himself into a monster.
Killer: That's not on us. That was Ramsey's choice.
Barry: I swear, if it is the last thing I do on this Earth... I'm gonna stop him.
Iris: How did Ramsey do this, anyway?
Cisco: He's using people as incubators. Using their bodies to create to he needs to keep himself alive.
Iris: So he's turning people into human bloods banks.
Cecile: And as soon he gets hungry again...
Killer: He's gonna make a withdrawal.
Ralph: Well, happy Halloween, everyone.

Barry: We've all lost so much this year. Our power, our love, our family. At times, it's even felt like there's nothing left to lose, like everything that matters has already been taken and our lives are... empty, hollow inside. Some things can't be taken. I mean, look around this room. We still have our faith in each other and our will to fight for those we love. This is what we'll never lose. Eva McCulloch has never faced us head-on. And that's about to change. We're gonna find her, beat her, and get back everyone.
Cecile: Amen to that.
Ralph: You just tell me where to stretch.
Allegra: And blast.
Harrison: Sounds violent. I'm in.

Cecile: It's him, August Heart, the real Godspeed. Only... that's all we could get out of him. His memory loss is too severe.
Barry: So even though we found him, we're back to square one. Damn it.
Cecile: Barry, you never said what happened when you went to 2049.
Barry: I never made it. Those clones were blocking my path. I couldn't get past them. Now I can't check on Nora, plus I can't help Iris. This war keeps getting worse. Cecile, even with all my speed, I've never felt so helpless.
Cecile: Barry... it's okay to be scared. And... angry. But I just need you to save a little bit of room for hope. 'Cause no matter how bad things might seem right now, we will get through this.

Bashir: We only have one chance.
Cecile: Okay. What do you need me to do?
Bashir: [conjuring his mask] Put it on. There's a reason you were given all these powers, Cecile. The powers you absorbed were enhanced by the one thing that I lack: your ability to care about people. That's why you were chosen. So take it. The mask will reabsorb your psychic powers and transfer them to me.
Allegra: [Top and Queen both try to make a move for it] Don't even think about it.
[as Cecile puts the mask on and screams in pain, Allegra moves to help her]
Bashir: Wait. She has to go through this.
[as it finishes, he and the mask both vanish]
Allegra: [helping her as she collapses] Cecile, are you okay? Did it work?
Cecile: I sure as hell hope so.

Joe: What could I possibly say about Barry and Iris that everyone in this room doesn't already know? How they're special, and kind, and brave. But we all know that, so... I'm gonna talk to you all about somebody you might not know. Me. For the longest time, I have... been happy just to be dad to these two, and then Wally comes along, and... and then watching them face what they have in the last few years with grace and trust and love, so much love. You see two people who love like that, and you want it, too.
Cecile: [he reaches for her hand] Oh. I'm in the speech.
Joe: Yes, you are. So, Barry, Iris, thank you for showing me how to love again. For showing me that love is the most important thing we have. I love you guys.

Psycho: Since time began, many have tried to stop me. All have failed.
Iris: Cecile, this isn't you.
Chester P. Runk: Let our friends go, or we'll make you.
Psycho: Such hubris. And from the boy who delivered everything I needed. How amusing. Now my host shall serve me. For eternity.

Ralph: Sue's been on the run for the last year. It turns out that someone's after her.
Cecile: And you're her knight in shining armor? Ralph, I love it! By the way, you two? Hmm. When I read the both of you with my powers, I could barely tell you apart. Like, emotionally speaking, you and Sue are definitely surfing the same wave.
Ralph: Just trying to keep her safe. I mean, it's not like we're dating.

Cecile: Nora. You want to tell us something, don't you?
Sherloque: She wants to tell you her secret. Right? She doesn't know where to start. Difficult to know where to begin when your secret threatens everything, everyone around you.
Nora: Sherloque, stop it.
Sherloque: Maybe start at the beginning. It's a very good place to start. When you first time-traveled. So careful to leave the lightest footprint. Until you suddenly change course and brazenly interfere with the Thinker satellite as it crashed to Earth. I think to myself, "Nope, nope. This excessive action doesn't make sense." Until you understand that it wasn't your idea.
Nora: Please stop.
Sherloque: Someone instructed you to do it.
Nora: Stop.
Sherloque: Someone... whose handwriting is in your journal. Someone who wrote, "The timeline is malleable." Same person who's been directing you all this time, making puppets out of all of us as he seeks to alter the timeline to suit his own purpose. Eobard Thawne. The Reverse-Flash. Your teacher. Your partner. Your secret.

Cecile: Hey, you have any idea on where I can get my hands on the Cicada task force file?
Joe: Babe, you're standing in it.
Cecile: [looking around at the stacks of boxes] What?
Joe: I've been trying to catch up on what I've been missing.

Ralph: Look. When I got canned from CCPD, I fell in with some legally questionable individuals. These are some scary, scary people, but they all had one thing in common. They were all terrified of Ce-Seal-Your-Fate Horton
[a play on Cecile Horton's name]
Ralph: . And I don't believe for one second that that woman has gone anywhere.
Cecile: Don't ever call me that again.

Ralph: Investigation into the disappearance of socialite Sue Dearbon. Day 274 since her parents first hired me to find her. Status update: nothing. Sue's trail went cold in Midway City after Remington Meister provided a dead end. However, she was there. Meister confirmed that much.
Cecile: [entering] Hey, what are you doing here...
[seeing his corkboard]
Cecile: Oh, seriously? Ralph. When I left last night, you were standing here staring at the exact same board, same as the night before. Honey, don't you think maybe it's time you got a little help? And a shower?
Ralph: Cecile, this is my process. I work things out with the only person that can keep up with my beautiful detective mind. Me.
Cecile: You could work with me. We took down the FEMA guy together, that was so great.
[seeing his look]
Cecile: You're not loving that. All right. Um...
Ralph: Cecile, you know me. I-I... I like doing things my own way.
Cecile: Ralph... every Holmes needs a Watson.

Chester P. Runk: We tracked down the PED and Reverse-Flash.
Alex: He's crossing the Atlantic Ocean.
Cecile: What the hell is he doing?
Arielle: [reporting on TV] He's destroying the city. It's like the end of days out here.
Ryan: Holy crap, it's not just the city. Allen's speed wake is causing the globe to tear itself apart. It's an extinction-level event in progress.
Allegra: He's right. I'm tracking at least a hundred earthquakes.
Alex: A tsunami just hit Japan.
Caitlin: Allen really has lost his mind. He realized he can't win, so he's trying to kill us all.
Cecile: I have to go. I gotta go get Jenna.
Frost: Guys, Mark and I could use backup!
Allegra: Go. I'll stay here.
Alex: Okay.
Ryan: Hey, not to be that guy, but since this could be the end of the world as we know it, if anyone has anything to say, now would be the time.
Chester P. Runk: Uh, the Reverse-Flash just hit Europe.
Caitlin: Where is Eobard?
Eobard: I'm right behind him.

Ralph: [reading over Iris' shoulder] "Barry, I don't know if I can ever forgive you for this." I think you missed a comma there.
Iris: [closing her laptop] Can you stay out of it for once?
Cecile: She's not kidding. Super mad.

Caitlin: It's incredible. All my vitals are elevated, my blood pressure is lower, and so is my body temperature, but that's not the strangest thing. My cells are in a constant state of regenesis. It's not like I'm not aging at all, at least not the way I'm supposed to be.
Cecile: Why? Why would Deathstorm try to make you stronger? Uh, Caitlin. I'm sensing a massive amount of grief inside of you. It's-it's enough for an entire family.
Barry: When I found you at the park, there were four more charred bodies.
Frost: Deathstorm's calling card.

Rosalind: [winning a game of pool] So, who wants next game, boys? Think you can end up... on top?
Cecile: I think you're done for today.
Rosalind: Horton, I'm surprised you showed. Figured you'd still be crying over your boyfriend somewhere. You should have heard the cheers at Iron Heights when that news broke out.
Cecile: Well, that's funny, 'cause I figured you'd already be running Scudder's entire criminal enterprise, not hustling morons in a dive bar. Guess you probably shouldn't have sold him out after all.
Rosalind: [taking the money Cecile offers] Fine.
Cecile: Aw. That means you're available.
Rosalind: For what? You got a job for me, Miss meta-attorney?
Cecile: Look, I need help. Psychic help. Someone that I care about is missing.
Rosalind: Let me guess. He runs real fast. It's all over the news. Flash went bad. It's the feel-good story of the year. And even if I did want to help return the Scarlet Speedster to the side of angels, during our last go-round, you messed with my head. I don't know if I can trust you.
Cecile: Can you trust me to help get your parole restrictions lifted?
Rosalind: Quid pro quo, huh?
[as Cecile nods, she offers a handshake]
Rosalind: When do we start?

Cecile: Um, what did you need? Maybe I can help you.
Ralph: Oh, I need somebody to flash a badge and generally look intimidating, so.
Cecile: [giggling] You don't think that I can be intimidating. Oh, my God, you don't, do you? Ralph, I am the district attorney. You know I psychically teleported the Flash inside the Thinker's mind whilst giving birth to my daughter, sans epidural - it hurt! I literally saved the world between contractions, and you don't think that I am intimidating?
Ralph: I'm really intimidated right now, actually. You are very intimidating.

Iris: Thank God it's Thursday. You wouldn't even believe all the stuff we tried.
Barry: Once we even tried connecting the battery to the particle accelerator. After 58 time loops, you kind of throw caution to the wind.
Cecile: And apparently you learned how to phase through a nuclear blast mid-explosion.
Allegra: 58 time loops? Didn't that get boring?
Iris: It was kind of romantic.

XS: Then once we find Cicada to entrap her, we give young Grace the choice to take the cure. And hopefully, when she's no longer a meta...
Killer: That bitch will cease to exist.
XS: That way we can stop her without destroying the dagger, and Thawne never goes free.
The: Now all you have to do is help Grace make the right choice.
XS: What do I say?
The: Whatever's in your heart. She'll listen.
Cecile: What a bunch of sentimental crap. You two sound like a friggin' Hallmark movie.
Killer: I hear you, sister.
Joe: I think we're close.

Caitlin: Your frontal cortex is healing, but the part that controls motor control is still falling behind.
Iris: No trace of Psych or Fuerza.
Barry: Well, either way, at least now we have proof they're connected. When I struck Psych with my lightning, he shook it off easy, but just for a minute, the lightning... it stayed with him.
Cisco: Was it glowing?
Barry: Yeah.
Cisco: Same thing happened when you fought Fuerza.
Barry: I threw everything I had at them, we all did. They just kept coming for more. Luckily, your powers are getting stronger, too.
Cecile: Well, chair did most of the work, but thanks.
Cisco: I don't know, you kicked some pretty serious psychic ass out there. Might have to teach Martian Manhunter a thing or two.

Allegra: [finding a studded denim jacket in Caitlin's closet] Uh... cool. Can I borrow this?
Killer: Sure.
Allegra: I'm really gonna miss you.
Harrison: Me, too.
Cecile: Hmm?
Harrison: [seeing them all looking at him] I mean, all... we all are.
Cecile: [teasing] Aww. There's hope for you yet.
Harrison: Enough. Okay.
[high-fiving Frost]
Harrison: You stay frosty.

Barry: Why are you here?
Despero: I'm not. This is a psychic manifestation of my consciousness. Appearing only to you in order to assess your mental stability.
Cecile: Barry? Who are you talking to?
Barry: There's nothing wrong with my mind.
Cecile: It's him, isn't it? Despero.
Despero: Your mind is suffering due to this tragedy. But no... it hasn't broken. Yet.
Cecile: [gasping as his aura disappears] His energy. His energy, it felt like... the whole room was flooded, and that we were both drowning.
Barry: Despero's watching me now. Waiting for the proof he needs to kill me.
Cecile: Are you sure he's not what drives you insane?
Barry: No, I'm not. But I do think there's another explanation for what's happening. Korber said a security guard at this morning's robbery lost his mind.
Cecile: That can't be a coincidence. Not today.
Barry: No, it has to be connected to what Despero said happens in the future. I need to talk to that guard.

Allegra: I can't believe we're doing this.
Cecile: Look, Allegra, we have to bring the Positive Forces back. This is the only way we can help Flash do it.
Rosalind: Who cares about him?
Queen: Yeah, we just want our powers back.
Cecile: Okay, look, both of you are now ex-psychics, but you know exactly the way that this works. Now start concentrating and help me focus in. I will do all the heavy lifting.

Iris: When Dad died, CCPD said that his death was an accident. He fell on the tracks at Scott Railway. Kramer left me with the evidence, but for the last six months, I haven't been able to look at it, but then I thought about what Barry said, that we have to investigate what happened. So I finally started looking, and this is what I found.
Catlin: [seeing the security footage] Joe.
Cecile: Why are you showing us this?
Iris: Just trust me.
[as the video plays]
Iris: See, one second he's there, and the next, he's gone. I haven't figured this all out yet, but if somebody framed Barry, then he doesn't cause Armageddon. And, Cecile, Dad could be alive.
Cecile: No. No, it's impossible.
Iris: Is it? I mean, what if a meta-human abducted him at the last second or... or he got swapped with, like, a-a-a mirror clone?
Cecile: I saw them bury his body. So did Barry, and so did you.
Chester P. Runk: Okay, guys, how about we, uh, take five, yeah?
Iris: I'm not trying to upset you.
Cecile: What are you trying to do?
Iris: I'm trying to find out if my dad is still alive. I'm trying to prove my husband's innocence.
Cecile: Iris, it does not matter if he is innocent if we can't find him, which is what we have been trying to do while you have been living in a fantasy world!

Captain: [next to Rory at the church] Do I know you?
Mick: [shaking hands] I hate cops.
Cecile: [approaching] Hi, David.
Captain: Hi, Cecile.
Mick: And lawyers.
Rob: Friend from work?
Captain: Not quite.

Godspeed: Virtue! Show yourself!
Virtue: August, let me help you. I can feel how scared you are. Are you afraid you can't beat me? Or that every time you kill, you lose another piece of your soul?
Godspeed: You want a piece of my soul? How about a few dozen!
[creates copies of himself]

Chester P. Runk: You guys got any resolutions for 2022?
Frost: I decided to forgive Mark for all his crime things. What? He's turned over a new leaf, and I made him swear to stay on the straight and narrow. Anybody know anything about Katie's new boyfriend, Marcus? Anybody meet him?
Cecile: Marcus? No, I hear he's really cute.
Allegra: I have a resolution, actually. Party less.

Barry: Okay, so then I thought well, obviously, this can't be an Iris doppelganger from another Earth because doppelgangers don't exist anymore. Because the multiverse doesn't exist anymore. Because Crisis blew it all up, right?
Cecile: [getting over her initial reaction] Uh-huh.
Barry: Exactly. So if that's true, who else do we know that could be pretending to be Iris?
Cecile: I... what...
Barry: Shapeshifters. All right, so Everyman was my first suspect. And Cisco's report show that he is alive post-Crisis. Then I remembered something that Breacher said about Plastoids. Which made me realize, there could be shapeshifting Martians on this Earth now. The-the... this fake Iris doesn't even have to be from our planet. But then it hit me that J'onn J'onzz would sense if there was a Martian hidden among us, so that was a dead end, but it led me to my biggest breakthrough yet. Okay, Cecile, the night that this all started, Iris left to investigate a story. I analyzed her phone's GPS, and it shows that she went to McCulloch Tech. Cecile, I think that something happened to Iris that night.
Cecile: Barry... all of this... is this the reason you've been avoiding Iris?
Barry: That's not Iris! Okay, look... I-I didn't want to tell anyone else about this until I gathered more evidence, but now you know, so I... what do you think?
Cecile: Uh... what do I think? What do I think? I think... I think that this... this sounds...
Barry: I know how it sounds, but look, we've seen crazier. We've seen crazier. And look at all the clues. Okay, I mean, she speaks Italian all of a sudden. She smashed a bottle over some guy's head. She made incredible pancakes.
[she laughs to herself]
Barry: Cecile, trust me. Iris can't make pancakes. All right? But the biggest clue was... her throwing me out. The real Iris would never stop fighting for us.
Cecile: Okay. Okay, um... sweetie. Do you think that maybe, just maybe, you're feeling a little scared, you know? Because your marriage is going through a rough patch, and maybe what you need to do is just go see Iris.
Barry: That's not Ir... Cecile, look. Do you know why my Speed Gauge is still glowing red? It is because the moment that I stepped out of the loft, I realized Iris, the real Iris, my wife, she is somewhere else. Probably in danger. And if that's true, I need my speed back. My-my lightning, all my powers if I'm gonna save her. It's all I've thought about ever since. No matter how insane this all sounds, I know in my heart that the real Iris is out there somewhere. Waiting for me to find her. I won't let her down.

Cecile: What the hell just happened?
Cisco: Thawne just connected to his Speed Force. If that happens again, we lose Nash forever. And the Reverse-Flash lives again.

Joe: You ever see this woman?
Cecile: [taking the file] Uh... Dr. Vanessa Ambres. Born and raised in Central City, got her MD from McNiter U. Oh, that's interesting. This says she treated Orlin Dwyer and Grace Gibbons on the night of the Enlightenment.
Joe: Yes, and she has been treating Grace ever since, even though she's an ER doctor, and the nurses report a whole slew of drugs missing from the coma ward.
Cecile: You think she's working with Dwyer?
Joe: The guy got stabbed, struck by lightning. He's got a hole in his chest. Somebody has got to be patching him up, right? I think we should be asking the doctor a few questions.
Cecile: All right, let's do it.
Joe: Oh, you want to come with?

Cecile: Okay, got your message about Thawne, so I brought, uh, holy water, uh, garlic, wooden stake, salt, obviously, and... Ouija board.
Cisco: Cecile.
Cecile: What? It's an exorcism. It's not like we can be too prepared.
Cisco: This isn't some kind of vampire demon, this is... this is something else.

Cecile: Look at these pictures. So peaceful.
Iris: Mm.
Cecile: So beautiful. So peaceful.
Joe: It is, isn't it? You know, I never understood why Wally went there. Now I do.
Iris: Well, it makes me wonder, is my baby brother ever coming back from Tibet?
Joe: Well, all I can say is that he is more at ease than he has ever been. And if that means he wants to stay away from... the crazy that is Central City, then you know what? So be it.

Cecile: Well, with Nora and Bart here, at least we've got the extra muscle that we need.
Nora: Uh-uh. West-Allen family rule #1: protect the timeline at any and all costs. We can't stay.
Barry: Actually, you can.
Nora: Really?
Bart: Wh-What?
Barry: Yeah, look, the Godspeeds are recharging themselves in the Speed Force, so as-as long as that's the case, there's no way back. So maybe you are safer here with us.
Nora: Oh.
Barry: And, I don't know. I mean, maybe you're the advantage we need to finally end this war once and for all.
Caitlin: Cecile's helping me with the M.A.D. 2.0 so we can unlock August Heart's memories, but no luck yet.

Captain: You know, your instincts have always been sharp. But knowing has was going to try to escape? Could have sworn you were reading Jonesy's mind.
Cecile: [awkward laugh] It's a funny thing, yeah. Since Jenna was born, I've been a lot more in touch with my feelings.
Captain: When Joe gets back, the two of you will be a force to be reckoned with.
Cecile: Oh, we already are.

Barry: Cecile, can you sense anything from this guy?
Cecile: Yeah, I tried. The only thing I'm picking up is the same fear that anyone suffering from memory loss would have. Whoever this person is, he seems like somebody who needs help.
Caitlin: I ran complete diagnostics on him. There's no sign of speed powers, organic or artificial. But take a look at this. His neurological scans show severe memory degradation. But his somatic memory cells are still intact, they're just inactive.
Barry: Can we access them?
Caitlin: I could give him a nano dose of neurogenic dark matter. It might reactivate the cells. But it's risky. And the effects would only be temporary.
Chester P. Runk: I think if there's a chance that what's inside his head could save lives, it's worth trying.
Barry: As long as he agrees. Let's get the shot ready.
Cecile: I'll ask if he's willing to help.

Cecile: You know this kid. You know her rap sheet. It's petty crimes, robberies. It's not double homicide. That doesn't even add up.
Joe: I haven't known this *woman* in a long time, and the evidence adds up. We need to recognize that, unlike facts, feelings can be falliable.
Cecile: Except when it's your gut.
Joe: I've never said that.
Cecile: You didn't have to. That is a scared kid, with no one to stand up for her. The public defender's office is overworked and underpaid. Joe, I'm the only one who can prove her innocence.
Joe: Your job is to prosecute the cases that we bring to you, using the evidence. I mean, it's like you... it's like you don't even wanna be the D.A.
Cecile: Are you telling me I have to choose between using my powers and doing my job?
Joe: That is not what I just said.
Cecile: No. It's what you're feeling.

Cecile: So what do we do?
Ray: Well, he took our best shots like they were nothing.
Barry: We need to be ready.
Chester P. Runk: For what?
Barry: The fight of our lives.

Barry: How's Mia?
Caitlin: She's resting. Frost is keeping an eye on her.
Cecile: Thank goodness Iris got to her before she...
Chester P. Runk: Right, but what in the world are we supposed to do now?
Allegra: We beat Despero to the punch. We whammy Thawne's speed right now, make him a permanent jaywalker before Despero whammies us.
Caitlin: [Cecile senses an emotion from her] It's okay, Cecile. We all decided it together.
Barry: Chester, where are we with...
Chester P. Runk: Project Whammy? Well, I still have to finish calibrating your suit.
Cecile: Well, how much time do have before the timeline resets?
Chester P. Runk: A few minutes, maybe less, and only if Despero doesn't wipe us out first.
Allegra: Look, we are not losing today. Not our city. Not a single life. I don't know how, but there's gotta be a way to stop Despero long enough for Chuck to do his thing, so come on. We're Team Flash. What can we do?

Cecile: Mona, I don't have much time, so here's how it's gonna go. I'm gonna take those off, you're gonna read my mind, tell me what I'm thinking if you can.
Mona: With pleasure.
Rosalind: Don't get any ideas, Mona. She's taking the cuffs off, but this is a meta-interrogation cell. The walls are meta-dampened, so you won't be able to read anything except us.
Mona: Like I want to read that empty mind of yours.

Allegra: Iris and the others, they're still Eva's prisoners.
Barry: We're gonna get them back. And remember, we still have one thing that Eva doesn't. Hope.
Cecile: [entering] We also have reinforcements.
Harrison: Oh!
Barry: [surprised to see who else enters] Joe. How are you here?
Joe: Well, it turns out that when the guy that's trying to kill you kicks the bucket, they lift the protection detail.
Harrison: That makes sense.
Joe: Nash.
Harrison: [hugs Joe] Hey, man. Yeah.
Joe: [hugs Allegra] Hey.
Barry: And just in time. Team needs you now more than ever.
Joe: Well, let's go save some people we love.

Cecile: It was him, wasn't it? The other Cicada.
Joe: Guy didn't know what hit him.
Barry: You said he was after a cold case file?
Nora: Are any of them digitized?
Joe: Not yet. But the only way to figure out what's missing is to see what's still here.

Cecile: See, it turns out that being a lawyer does not make getting divorced any easier.

Cecile: [after a brief power loss at Iron Heights] Barry, what happened?
The: I got in the inmates back in their cells before anyone got hurt, but we've got a bigger problem. Looks like the Royal Flush Gang just leveled up, too.

Dr. Vanessa Ambres: I'm a doctor. I mean, why would I condone a vigilante murderer?
Joe: Because of what happened to Darius.
Cecile: [sensing Ambres' feelings] Darius. It hurts you to even think about it.
Dr. Vanessa Ambres: My fiancé was killed by meta-humans during Zoom's rampage. So, yes, it hurts to think about him.
Joe: Hurt enough for you to help Dwyer kill other meta-humans? Correct me if I'm wrong, you took an oath to do no harm, right? Can you truthfully say you upheld that oath?

Iris: Dad, um, I meant to ask you, what did you do with those boxes that were in the back of the garage?
Cecile: Oh, he finally threw them away. Thank you very much.
Iris: Okay, I gotta make a call.
Caitlin: Guys, I'm sorry. I actually have to sneak out, too. A friend of mine from med school needs my support. Thanks for having me; it was delicious.
Joe: Bye, Caitlin.
[to Cecile]
Joe: You notice ain't nobody help clean up?

Joe: Hey, Counselor Horton. How are you?
Cecile: I am crappy, Detective West. So if you don't mind, I'm just gonna...
Joe: [blocking her way as she starts to leave] Yeah. Sorry, um, we are celebrating New Year's here, and...
Cecile: Oh, God. Okay, I'ma stop you right there. Um, two things: one, I have a ton of paperwork back on my desk at the D.A.'s office, and two - this one's important; pay attention - all men are jerks. No offense.
Joe: None taken.
Cecile: Great.
Cecile: Happy New Year.
Joe: Damn...
Officer: Sorry, Detective. Then again, her divorce just finalized last week.
Joe: That wasn't worth mentioning?
Officer: I was gonna, but it just seems like you two would make such a great pair.

Joe: What's wrong?
Cecile: I just keep thinking. I'm not doing everything I can to help the city as the district attorney. The justice system doesn't always work for metas... which is why I want to become a defense attorney for meta-humans.
[Joe has a surprised look]
Cecile: I know. I know you can tell me that I'm crazy, and we were not on the same page about Allegra today...
Joe: No, no, no, that's not crazy. That's incredible.
Cecile: Really?
Joe: Babe, you know how many people you could help in this city?
Cecile: Yeah. And I know where I want to start.

Captain: You want me to open the doors to the CCPD to every meta in this city?
Joe: David, these people need our protection.
Cecile: And not all metas are criminals. You know, some of them are doctors and students and cops.
Captain: I know, but this is a police station, not a clinic.

Barry: Look, if we're really heroes, we can't turn our back on anyone, including Thawne.
Frost: So you wanna take away his speed to save his life?
[he nods]
Frost: All right, what if it doesn't work?
Barry: It will. Before the timeline reset, Jefferson hit me with enough continuous voltage to nearly sever my connection to the Speed Force.
Allegra: Like blowing a fuse.
Cecile: And you wanna do the same thing to Thawne.
Iris: And once his speed is gone, A.R.G.U.S. will take him into custody. We've already called Cisco.
Caitlin: Jail time won't make up for all the lives he destroyed.
Barry: Look, you're right, but... we can't let Thawne change who we are.

Joe: I can't believe that little girl in there grows up to be a time-traveling serial killer.
Cecile: Why can't we just wake her up right now?
Barry: We tried before. It didn't work.
Joe: What about the meta cure y'all cooked up?
Barry: We need Grace's consent. Besides, Caitlin says that her condition is too fragile to even try.
Joe: And I'm assuming that destroying the time-traveling hamster ball, that messes up the timeline?
Barry: Yeah, it would probably just make things even worse.

Frost: You're in there because of me.
Caitlin: I'm here because Kramer has some sort of grudge against you, okay? But you're innocent and so am I, so we just need to let this play out, okay? I'll be fine, I promise.
Cecile: Yes, yes. Frost, she's right. Look, I know this system. Just let me handle this. They have no case against Caitlin. Honey, please. Stand down.
Frost: This isn't fair. You shouldn't have to go through this.
Caitlin: Neither should you, okay? When Kramer looks at you, all she sees are the mistakes you've made. She doesn't see h-how much pain you've gone through, or how much you've grown because of it. You're a good person, Frost, and human or metahuman, you deserve the chance to prove it.
Frost: [something in her mind clicks] Human. That's it. Thanks, Katie.
Caitlin: Thanks for what?
Frost: I figured out who framed us. Now I'm gonna go figure out why.

Harrison: They're just gone?
Allegra: What does that even mean, "mirrorverse"? Can we even get them back?
Cecile: Oh, my god. We... we have to warn David's husband.
Cisco: I've been living with some copy of Kamilla while the real one's trapped somewhere?
Barry: Eva said they're safe for now.
Cisco: And you're taking her word for it? For all we know, they're dead already.
Ralph: They're not, so just... you don't even think about that.
Cisco: We *have* to think about that. What if creating Kamilla's duplicate actually killed the real Kamilla? Same thing with Singh, same thing with Iris.
[seeing Barry remain motionless]
Cisco: Hello?
Barry: What do you want me to say?
Cisco: Anything! That we have a plan, that we'll get them back.
Barry: I don't have a plan, Cisco. Eva can move anywhere through any mirror in the universe in the blink of an eye. She's faster than I am, and somehow I'm supposed to stop her, and still hope to God that Iris and everybody else is still alive in a world that we don't even understand?

Caitlin: Your vitals were spiking, but they seem to have stabilized. Your speed healing kicked in.
Cisco: What the hell happened out there?
Barry: I... I was hallucinating. Thawne, Savitar... they were trying to kill me. It was like...
Cecile: Like a nightmare come to life?
Barry: Yeah. Like the guards in the truck. Wait, like you. You had a nightmare last night.
Cecile: Yeah. Someone is broadcasting fear into their victims, and I'm-I'm tuning into it like an antenna.
Cisco: Fear, I get. Hallucinations can make you freak out, but not bleed out.
Caitlin: Whoever's doing this must be inciting extreme psychosomatic reactions. Barry's mind literally tricked his body into hurting itself.
Cecile: So if you die in the hallucination...
Cisco: Then you die in real life.
Barry: Well, he carried traces of the same isotopes we linked to Fuerza. That means we can track him, too, right?
Cisco: Right. And it means that Fuerza and Psych must be connected somehow.
Caitlin: Psych?
Cisco: He's a psychic psychopath, causing psychosomatic symptoms. I mean, the guy practically named himself.

Cecile: When did you become so wise?
Allegra: I have my moments.

Cecile: Oh, my god, Ralph, you found her!
Sue: Oh, technically, I found him.
Cecile: Sue Dearbon.
[shaking hands]
Cecile: Hi.
Sue: Hi.
Cecile: Cecile Horton. Metahuman attorney. But I also have twenty years of experience defending non-metahumans. The law is my game, Cecile is my name. I can cover you no matter what you've had going on all this time.
Ralph: Just need a quick word.
Cecile: Oh, gotcha.
[to Sue]
Cecile: Just one sec.

Maggie: And what's the matter with being an accountant? You love your job.
Calvin: No, *you* love your job. I'm good at my job. It's not the same thing.

Joe: I never thought I'd even have a second chance at love, and here you are. You're my everything. To top that miracle, we're having this baby. It's exciting. Is it okay to say that I'm scared?
Cecile: I'm so glad that you told me that, 'cause I am terrified.
Joe: Really?
Cecile: Yes, really. I... I thought that I had finally hit this groove in my life and my career, and... and with you, and now... this changes everything.
Joe: The last thing I thought at our age we'd be having a baby.
Cecile: [laughing] I know. It's scary. But I figure pretty much all we gotta do is love this baby as much as we love each other.

Dr. Vanessa Ambres: Detective. DA. This is starting to border on harrassment. I have told you everything I know.
Cecile: [sensing the lie] That's not true.
Joe: We know that you've been funneling meds to Orlin Dwyer.
Dr. Vanessa Ambres: Well, if you knew that, then I'd be arrested and not sitting here.
Joe: Let me correct myself. We have a strong hunch, but I bet if we were to go through the video camera footage from the hospital, we'll find proof that you were assisting Dwyer.

Cecile: Captain Singh, you stated that you interviewed Barry Allen five years ago for the job of CSI. I wonder, what was your first impression of him?
Captain: He was young. Had half the experience of everyone else I interviewed.
Cecile: Hmm. Why'd you hire him?
Captain: It was really something he said in the interview. Everyone always talks about going after the criminal, the guilty. But Allen said he wanted to help the victims. The innocents. I thought Central City deserved someone like that. Allen is one of the good ones.

Cecile: Guess what? G. Simone & Associates has spent the last year working for McCulloch Technologies.
Iris: The weapons manufacturer?
Cecile: Mm-hmm.
Iris: Hmm. They just built a factory in Keystone.
Cecile: Missing blueprints, top-secret facility. I think we might have a heist on our hands.
Iris: You think Nora's going after these weapons?
Cecile: No, maybe she's just trying to get them off the market. You know, like the time that Barry and Ralph were gonna buy the Toastmasters.
Iris: No. She's on a mission for Thawne. He doesn't think that small.

Barry: [learning he apparently went on a rampage around the city] I don't remember doing that.
Cecile: Caitlin said you didn't remember destroying the loft. Or almost killing her and Chester, either.
Iris: Barry, we can blame Xotar for the loft. But she was in meta-cuffs when you destroyed City Hall.
Despero: Do you see? It's been you all along, Flash. Now do you believe me?
Barry: No. This is one of your illusions. That's it. Iris, Cecile, you have to believe me.
Despero: Enough! This ends now.
Iris: [his third eye opens and fires a blast of energy] Barry!
Despero: It's fitting that I end your life with the undying fire of my homeworld, the Flame of Py'tar.
Cecile: Get out of my house.
Despero: [chuckling] The empath. Well, your power's no match for me. So for now...
Despero: Sleep.
Barry: [Cecile falls unconscious] Stop! If it's me you want, get it over with!
Despero: Gladly.
Chester P. Runk: [portaling in with Allegra, he zaps Despero backward] That's... that's all I got. Barry, run!

Cecile: I'm gonna be buried under these alien files until next Christmas.
Joe: Well, if by some Christmas miracle you dig yourself out sooner, we do it up at the West house on Christmas Eve. Turkey, tree, Grandma Esther's eggnog, the whole shebang... and we would love for you to come.
Cecile: One condition: I bring the nog. My Grandma Millie's recipe, it is gonna knock your socks off.
Joe: Oh, wait a minute? We gonna have a little nog-off.
Cecile: Really?
Joe: Grandma Esther versus Grandma Millie.
Cecile: Oh, you know I love a challenge, Joe West.
Joe: May the best grandma win.

Iris: [learning Nora isn't really stuck in the past] Why didn't you guys tells us about this before?
[with a nod from Barry, Nora shows them the newspaper headline from her time]
Caitlin: Oh, my God.
Cecile: Barry never returns?
Joe: That's why you came here. To see your father, because you were raised without him.

Iris: So, what we know is that Nora put together a team to break into here, McCulloch Technologies, a weapons manufacturer.
Cecile: But not just any weapons. The city has contracted these guys to clean up the shrapnel from the S.T.A.R. Labs satellite.
Joe: Let me guess: none of that crap ended up in the dump. They used it to make meta-tech like Spencer Young's phone.
Iris: My source says that McCulloch is debuting a new line of products tonight.
Joe: That's a perfect cover-up for a break-in. We have any theory on Nora's motive?
Iris: Actually, Cicada's dagger dampens the abilities of meta-humans nearby, but it wouldn't have any effect on meta-tech. So maybe Nora wants to catch Cicada?
Barry: Or do something worse.
Iris: Barry, there's no way.
Barry: This is exactly what I was afraid of, Iris. Thawne's been manipulating her. Now she's acting like him, talking like him.
Iris: That doesn't mean that she's capable of killing Cicada.
Barry: She's working with Rogues. She kidnapped Cisco and Sherloque. We don't know what she's capable of.
Joe: So what do you want to do, Barr?
Barry: We bring her in. We... we use Cisco's force fields, Ray's nanites. We're... we're bringing her in, before she steps anywhere near that building.

Iris: What's going on?
Barry: You're not Iris. That's what. And you're not leaving until you tell us who or what you are.
Iris: [scoffing laugh] What the hell are you talking about? And why are you pointing that gauntlet at me?
Barry: This photo was taken on Kamilla's camera. You see the prismatic fragmentation? Only your image is affected. I think that the camera's filter is revealing a dimensional shift. Showing us things in the picture from another dimension. Things that don't belong in ours.
Iris: Cecile, you actually believe this?
Cecile: You seemed off in your office earlier, and... and that photo.
Iris: That could've been anything. A glitch in the camera tech. Guys, this is insane.
Barry: [showing her a small, hand-held device] This prismatic scanner is just a more powerful version of the camera's filter. If I'm wrong, and you are from this dimension, then when the prismatic wave hits you, you'll look completely normal. But if I'm right, you're gonna look just like that photo. And you're gonna tell us where the real Iris is.
Iris: Barry, how could you do this? For god's sake, I'm your wife.

Cecile: Shouldn't we be toasting with champagne?
Joe: Mm-mm. Plain, old light beer. That was Henry's favorite. I used to give him hell about it. I'd say, "You're a doctor. You should have better taste", and he'd laugh, and he'd say, "Oh, I'll drink something more expensive when you buy it."
Iris: Do you guys remember when Henry filled in on Dad's softball team?
Joe: Oh, my gosh. What a disaster.
Cecile: What? What happened?
Iris: Well, even as a kid, I knew that you're not supposed to catch a ball with your face.
Cecile: Oh, no! No, really?
Iris: Yeah, right in the nose.
Joe: Good thing, as a doctor, he was able to reset it himself.

Cecile: [about Rosalind Dillion] I can't feel her anymore. What did you do?
Despero: I looked inside her mind, but I could only reconstruct the Flash's location. The other half must be in yours. Don't be afraid. It's a necessity. I am trying to save the world.
Cecile: By killing us and Barry?
Despero: A few lives to spare billions. That's a trade I'm willing to make, but one you won't even stomach. Your mind's strong for a human empath, but it's kindling compared to the Flame of Py'tar. Stop fighting me and show me where he is. You have no allies left. You're weak, and you're alone.
Cecile: You're wrong. I am not alone.

Allegra: I just talked to Iris. She said someone tried to kill Captain West.
Cecile: Yeah. Joseph Carver.
Allegra: So, w-what do we do?
Cecile: Uh... I sent Jenna to stay with her sister Joanie, so we know she's safe. And, uh... I don't know.
Allegra: Cecile, if you're helping Joe and Carver finds out...
Cecile: What do you think? He's gonna come after me, too?
Allegra: If he does, he'll have to go through me.

Cecile: Yet, I have to admit, this is new territory for me.
Captain: This is new territory for all of us.
Cecile: I certainly don't think the law is prepared to deal with this kind of criminal. Hopefully we can catch up fast. It's hard to believe we live in a world where this kind of impossible even exists.
Captain: Luckily it's also a world where The Flash exists.

Caitlin: The clones are back.
Cecile: Seems like they came back awfully fast this time.
Chester P. Runk: Flash, we got company.
The: I'm ready, Chester. Do it.
Chester P. Runk: [tapping a control] Signal activated.
[the wings on Barry's cowl emit a high-pitched tone]
Chester P. Runk: Okay, Flash's suit is emitting a signal identical to the original Godspeeds.
Cecile: So the new Godspeeds will think that he's their rival...
Caitlin: When he's really bait.
The: [a Godspeed catches up to him] We got one!
[approaching the entropy trap, he phases through the street]
Caitlin: [seeing Godspeed suddenly stop] What happened? Did it work?
Spartan: It worked, all right.
[Barry speeds in next to him]
Spartan: That's something you don't see every day.

Ray: Barry, you know you're not destined to destroy the world, right?
Barry: Yeah, I know, but the visions Despero showed me seemed so real. And he said "our world".
Cecile: But what does that even mean?
Barry: I don't know, yet.
Chester P. Runk: What if he's mind-punking you? Like how he made you and Ray see an illusion during your fight.
Caitlin: I don't think he was. Every test I've run on Barry shows that he's completely fine, mentally and physically.
Cecile: Well, I scanned the residual feelings that Despero left behind inside your mind, and there was no doubt Despero was telling the truth. He really did see those things.
Barry: Which means everyone's in danger.
Cecile: No. No, there is no way that you're the bad guy in this situation. What we need to do right now is find out the truth.
Barry: I have a bad feeling it's gonna find us once Despero gets back from wherever Ray sent him.
Ray: Yeah, well, uh, the tech inside his belt was so complex, uh, I could barely recognize the navigation system. So instead of sending him to a specific location, I tried a random setting. Who knows where he went?
Barry: Or when he's coming back.

Killer: [Cecile is using her powers to help Chester ask Natalie out] Are you sure you're reading her right?
Cecile: Yeah, of course. Um...
[clearing her throat]
Cecile: Hey, Chester, she's yearning for validation, so pay her a compliment. She's feeling very strong positive feelings about her shoes.
Chester P. Runk: Uh, man... I really like your shoes.
Natalie: [glancing at her dirty sneakers] These old things? Yuck. I lost my favorite kicks to a black hole.
Chester P. Runk: [awkwardly] That's, uh... that's rough.
Killer: You are totally missing the mark.
Cecile: You're... y-you are not helping!

Cecile: Is that Allegra?
Cisco: No, it's a doppelganger. Maybe that's why Nash hung around so much. Allegra reminds him of someone he knew.
Cecile: [connecting the dots] Reminds him... reminds him! Everything that he's been feeling, all of his emotions, they remind me of how I feel when I think about Joanie or Jenna. It's... it's almost parental. But it's not just that, it's mixed with the feeling that I had in '95 when my mom passed away. Grief. Oh, my god, Cisco. I think that Nash is caught up in-in... in a loop, and it's made out of remorse and sadness.
Cisco: Negativity.
Cecile: I think that Allegra's doppelganger died.
Cisco: What could be more painful than the loss of a child? Cecile, if you're right, then Thawne is holding Nash in the memory of her death.
Barry: [entering] That's why Nash has to be the one to expel Thawne. We're gonna help him.
Cisco: The M.A.D. 2.0.
Barry: We used it to get inside the Thinker's mind. This time we're going inside Nash's, and together, we'll force Thawne out from the inside.

Cisco: [using the Thinker's chair to enhance Cecile's powers] Cecile, you good?
Cecile: Nope! Not even close to good. I-I am sitting in a death machine. What if this thing fries my brain? Uh, wh-what if this chair turns me evil like the Top? What about that?
Caitlin: As a medical professional, I promise you will be okay.
Cecile: Okay.
Caitlin: Probably.

Catlin: How are we supposed to find Barry now?
Cecile: Okay, this is gonna sound wild, but Despero's scanning the whole world for Barry's brainwaves, right? Like a needle in a haystack. I know him better than almost anyone.
Chester P. Runk: So you should be able to pinpoint Barry's mind faster than he can, only Despero's psychic radius is exponentially higher than yours.
Catlin: Alex Danvers says he gets a power boost from his power source, the Flame of Py'tar.
Cecile: Okay, I just need a boost of my own, right? So, you can build something, something that can amplify my psychic powers.
Chester P. Runk: You want me to build a Cerebro out of the trash in my garage? I mean...
[looking around]
Chester P. Runk: Oh, frak yeah, I can do that.
Catlin: Okay, there's still one problem. Kalanorians like Despero have four hemispheres to their brain. The human brain only has two. So even if we amplify your empathic radius, you'd still be at a disadvantage.
Cecile: Then we're gonna need some more brain power. And I know just who to call.

Killer: Guys, shouldn't it be all hands on deck with Iris, Kamilla, and Singh stuck in the Mirrorverse?
Cecile: Hey, you're just as important.
Harrison: [entering with a leather jacket] Found this. Caitlin? Or Frost?
Allegra: Uh, they're going to the Arctic, not OzzFest. How are you so bad at everything?
Killer: Katie keeps our heavy coats in the back closet.
Allegra: I'll check on it.
Harrison: Right. That makes more sense. You-you're so good at this kind of stuff.
[Allegra snatches the jacket]
Harrison: So mad at me.
Cecile: Little bit.

Ryan: Why is it so complicated deciding how to have a baby? The Batsuit isn't exactly babyproof, but I can't force Sophie into nine months of indigestion and swollen ankles.
Iris: Sis, you are spiraling. Do you remember what I told you when I was your maid of honor?
Ryan: No, I was busy getting married, not taking notes.
Iris: I told you to stop thinking so much and to listen to your heart. If you want to have a baby, your heart will figure out the how.
Cecile: And then that sweet little girl is gonna grow up and decide that she hates you. Jenna has been thinking the worst insults at me tonight.

Cecile: You're telling me that a secret organization has been operating in Central City for seven years now?
Iris: Yes, and according to my source, they have a name. Black Hole.
Kamilla: We've been building a timeline. It looks like Black Hole activity started just after the Particle Accelerator exploded.
Allegra: They've been abducting and training meta-humans, like my cousin Esperanza and potentially others.
Iris: And Black Hole's reach has gone far beyond theft and training meta-human assassins. They are also involved in international arms deals.
Kamilla: And they kill anyone they believe has been compromised, including our mystery man, is now crispier than the chicken strips Allegra insists on ordering for dinner.
Allegra: Better than your vegan donuts.

Barry: Eva hit nine more spots last night. I missed her every time.
Cecile: How much speed do you have left?
Barry: A few days. Maybe a few hours.
Joe: Eva's targeting Black Hole tech, right? So why go after Scudder and Dillon?
Barry: They were working for Black Hole. I found this in Scudder's remains.
[showing them a pin with the Black Hole logo]
Barry: I'm guessing they've been on Carver's payroll since breaking out of Iron Heights last year.
Joe: And when they got in Eva's way, she moved them off the chessboard?
Cecile: Well... they are not the only ones. The whole city thinks that Sue killed Carver. She and Ralph are staying way off the grid.
Barry: And Caitlin and Cisco are still gone, too. And Iris. I should get back to S.T.A.R. Labs. If we're gonna stop Eva and fix this, I need the artificial Speed Force up and running.

Frost: [Diggle has another migraine attack] Spartan, look out!
[knocking Godspeed back with a blast of ice]
Frost: You all right?
Spartan: Yeah, I am, since you had my back.
Cecile: It happened again. I gotta get you out of here. Caitlin needs to examine you.
Spartan: No. Not while Heart is still out there.

Nora: Grammy Cecile!
Cecile: [they run to hug her] Hi. Oh, my God. I feel so much love from you two. I can't wait to get to know you both.
Nora: Oh, hey, Caitlin.
Bart: Oh, what up, Cait?
Caitlin: [waving awkwardly] Hi. It happened again?
Barry: Yeah. Just wish Iris was here to meet them.
Nora: Dad, Mom's gonna be fine. It's okay.

Killer: I'm fine.
Cecile: No, you're not. And... honey, it's okay. I promise you, you can handle anything. You just gotta remember, she's your mom, too.
Dr. Carla Tannhauser: [entering] Of course I am. Hi, Killer Frost.
Killer: Uh... it's just Frost now. Hi.

Allegra: This is insane. Eddie Thawne died 34 years ago. How is he alive, and why hasn't he aged a day?
Cecile: And why is he here?
Chester P. Runk: I have no idea, but all his fingerprints and DNA match. Except he is giving off high levels of Hawking radiation-- the kind you only find inside singularities.
Allegra: So you think Eddie's causing these portals to open?
Cecile: Maybe it's subconscious. Maybe it's his emotions triggering them.
Chester P. Runk: Oh, I was a black hole once. It happens.

Cisco: Let's test your skills for real. What number am I thinking of?
Cecile: Three. 11. 25. Three again. Bulbasaur. What the hell is a Bulbasaur?
Cisco: That's so weird. Why would I be thinking of Pokémon at a time like this?

Ralph: So, a couple months ago, I put up these alerts on Sue's bank accounts, trusts, and credit cards. Apparently, she just made a small deposit on... an apartment in Central City. See? Told you. Only partner I need is...
[clicking his tongue and pointing his thumbs at himself]
Ralph: This guy.
Cecile: Mm-hmm.
Ralph: See you.
Cecile: [covering her nose as he leaves] Oh, wow, something definitely just died in here.

Joe: It was crazy. It was like it was accelerating by itself. I mean, I know you won't believe this, but it was like somebody cut the brakes while I was driving. Is that even possible?
Barry: I-I don't know. I'll find out.
Chief: Are you sure you're okay?
Joe: I'm fine. It's Carver that needs to worry.
Cecile: You think Carver's the one behind this?
Joe: Well, he knows I took down one of his assassins, Millie Rawlins, AKA Sunshine. And he knows I'm the lead on the RICO case we're building against him.
Chief: Well, if that's true, we have to get you into witness protection. You're just not safe out here, Joe.
Joe: David, I'm not going anywhere. Look, if Carver is coming after me, that means he is scared. What do scared people do? They make mistakes. We need to take advantage of that.
Chief: Fine. Fine. You have my complete support, Joe, as always. But if anything happens, I'll never forgive myself.

August: Will this hurt?
Caitlin: No. Are you sure you want to do this?
August: I need to know who I am. And if you think this could really help... then... do it.
Cecile: [Caitlin injects him] Can you tell me your name?
August: My name is...
[reacting to the dark matter]
August: My name is...
Cecile: It's okay. Take your time.
August: August.

Frost: You sure this is the right place?
Cecile: Yeah, Iris' notes say that August Heart works at this address in 2049. But in our time, Dayton Labs hasn't been built yet.
Spartan: This was the last place on your list?
Cecile: Yeah.
[seeing something out of the corner of her eye]
Cecile: Did you see that?
[stopping Dig]
Cecile: Wait. He's scared. I can feel it.
[giving her weapon to Dig, then heading over to a nearby dumpster]
Cecile: Whoa, wait, wait, wait, we're not gonna hurt you. We're not gonna hurt you. Hi. My name is Cecile Horton. Are you all right?
August: Yeah.
Cecile: What's your name?
August: I... I... I-I-I don't know.
Cecile: Okay. Okay, well, look, we g... we gotta get you out of here. It's not safe.
August: No, no, no, I can't... I can't leave! It's there. This place is... it's important. It's important. I can feel it.
Cecile: Do you know why it's so important to you?
August: No! No. Do you?

Nora: Shut up. Dad did not keep singing.
Cecile: No way was your father gonna let the middle school production of "Guys & Dolls" turn out to be a disaster. Okay, um... mm. One more. So, when your dad was... about ten, uh, there was this kid in his class that lost his folks. Kid stopped smiling, barely spoke. And for some reason, all of the other kids in school were being so mean to him, so your father had lunch with this boy every single day for a whole year. And when springtime came, and the yearbook came out, your father gave the kid an entire page, and the photos of his science fair project made him Most Likely to Succeed. And then the boy finally smiled.
Nora: Wait. Wait, dad wasn't in Yearbook.
Nora: That... that story wasn't about dad, was it? It was about mom helping dad. Wait, were all the stories you told me about mom?
Cecile: Nora, you're projecting all of these feelings that you have about Iris thirty years from now. You're not getting to know who she is today. These stories that I told you, they're what made me fall in love with the Wests. Made me realize how special this family is.
[handing her a photo album]
Cecile: So, if you liked them, plenty more in here.

Nora: This is the life. Seriously, I could stay here forever. No worries, no schrap from mom...
Cecile: Wait, wait, wait, what was that?
Nora: Schrap.
Cecile: Schrap?
Nora: Schrap. You know, like all the nagging that mom does. I mean, she acts like she supports me, but what she really wants is a boring, quiet daughter who just want to stay inside all day instead of go out and do anything that might be the least bit dangerous.
Cecile: Nora, this is the West house. In it, every West is given respect, most especially your mother. I am sure she raised you as best she could.
Nora: She raised me to be afraid of the world. But I'm a hero, you know, like dad. And we have to keep moving until everyone that needs us is safe.

Cecile: You're thinking about Nash. I'm sorry. Honey, I-I just... my empathic abilities, they take on a mind of their own sometimes.
Allegra: It's okay. It's just... my dad left me before I could walk, and ever since then, anyone who's even come close to being...
Cecile: A father figure?
Allegra: Yeah, I... I cut them out of my life before they could cut me out of theirs. That's why I pushed Nash away. Anyway, I should just get over it. He's gone.
Cecile: Only if you let him be. Did you know that the law goes way back in my family? Yeah, my, uh, my granddad was the first Black paralegal in Oklahoma, and my mom, first female independent counsel in the state of Texas. Both of them were pioneers for social justice and my heroes.
Allegra: I'll say.

Cecile: Joe, we are not gonna need a katana at the hospital.
Joe: Okay, so you're in my head again, and it's entirely possible that we get attacked by a samurai at the hospital.
Cecile: You have already repacked that bag five times. You've read ten different books on birthing methods.
Joe: By the way, I love the one about Lamaze.

Joe: Babe, do you remember dancing at your cousin's wedding?
Cecile: What, when you were stepping on my toes until we finally got in sync?

Cecile: You wanna tell me how you're gonna deal with all of that anger? Barry, I can feel it pouring off of you. What are you planning?
[sensing another wave of emotions]
Cecile: Oh, my God. You want revenge. But why? Bart and Nora said that Iris is alive.
Barry: And I know she's not.
[seeing her react to something]
Barry: What is it?
Cecile: Someone's calling my name. And now I-I'm picking up desperation.
Bashir: [appearing in front of her] You have to find us. You're the only one that can help us.
Barry: Who is it?
Cecile: Bashir, what happened to you? Where are the other Forces?
[he flickers in and out, then vanishes]
Cecile: He's gone.
Barry: Was it our Bashir?
Cecile: Yeah, and he's in pretty bad shape. He said that I'm the only one who can help them. I think he wants me to help bring back the other Positive Forces.

Joe: So, you said there was an emergency. Where's the fire?
Cecile: Ah, it's funny you should put it like that. Lucius Coolidge.
Barry: Who?
Iris: Heat Monger.
Cecile: The worst arsonist Central City's seen since Mick Rory went off the grid. That is until Flash here stopped him.
Barry: What's Flash?

Joe: How about now? Your powers picking up our grandbaby?
Cecile: No, baby, not since the last time you asked me like 30 seconds ago. Hey, at least she's not giving birth while the Thinker is trying to take over the city.
Joe: That was a hell of a night.
Cecile: Yup.
Nora: Well, today is pretty weird too. I mean, I'm about to be born on the other side of that wall. Shrap. Am I breaking timeline rules by being here?
Chester P. Runk: You -- a little -- I wasn't gonna say much, but it's fine.
Allegra: You're fine.
Chester P. Runk: We fixed it theoretically.

Barry: [freed from the Pipeline] Cecile?
Cecile: I don't have all the facts. And the ones I do have tell me that you're not who you say you are. You are Barry. I know it in my heart. And I'm willing to bet my life on it. Now go get Iris back.

Queen: No, no way. She said these walls were meta-dampened. How can you read every single mind in town all at once? Even I couldn't do that.
Cecile: I don't know. I don't understand it either.
Rosalind: I think I do. Look, I don't know how, but, Horton, you're becoming one of the most powerful metas this city has ever seen. The planet, for that matter.
Cecile: What? What's happening to me?

Cecile: Godspeeds are gone again. How you holding up?
Barry: Cecile, as long as these Godspeeds are here, I can't shake the feeling that my family's future's in trouble. That's why I need to go and make sure my daughter's okay.
Cecile: Nora? How?
Barry: I'm gonna run to 2049. It's... I know. It's dangerous, but... I'd risk anything to keep this family safe.
Cecile: Yeah, well, you and me both. Which is why I've been reading this.
Barry: Nora's journal?
Cecile: Yeah. Iris gave it to me. Apparently... she has been looking for anything about the original August Heart. Yeah, I know, even when she's under the weather, your girl is thinking of ways to help us. Now, turns out Nora mentioned a few places that seem personal to Heart. So if he really is here in 2021, Iris thinks he's hiding at one of those.
Barry: But without the entropy trap, finding Heart first is our best chance at ending this war.
Cecile: Exactly, and with Iris out of commission, I'm about to go follow up for her.
Barry: Cecile, I mean, going after Heart by yourself is dangerous.
Cecile: Okay. Then I'll take John and Allegra with me.

Eobard: You got a lot of nerve showing up here, Allen.
Barry: It's been you this whole time. Despero, Armageddon, Joe.
Iris: Don't you dare say my father's name, you murderer.
Barry: Guys, it's me, Barry. Iris is my wife. We've all fought Thawne together.
Cecile: [reading Barry's thoughts] Oh, my God. He actually believes the things he's saying.
Barry: Fine. I'll show you it's me.
[whooshes away to change into costume, he comes back dressed as the Reverse-Flash]
Barry: Thawne, what did you do?
Eobard: You're not the Flash, Allen.
[whooshes away to change into The Flash]
Eobard: I am.

Cecile: Joe, what's going on? Why'd you want me to meet you here?
Joe: Look, I know the last time we tried to work together went a bit south.
Cecile: Oh, a bit?
Joe: You're right. I'm sorry, Cecile. I let my pride get in the way, and I didn't lean on your strengths when I should have. But you know me; I'm not a man who makes the same mistake twice. So...
[indicating Dr. Ambres in the interrogation room]
Joe: Would you do me the honor of joining me in this interrogation? You do what you do best, I'll take care of the rest.

Cody: History is not just a bunch of boring facts, it's about cool things that happened to real life people like us.
Joseph: Man that's bull, history is about guys like me, it's about a bunch of old people.
Cody: No that's where you're wrong, dude, most of the people who fought in the Civil War were the same age as you guys.
Rita: Cha, no way.
Cody: Cha, way!
Dana: Cody's right, in fact, thousands of soldiers who died in the Civil War were under the age of 18.
Rita: Really?

Barry: Korber, what's going on?
Officer: Iron Heights just lost power for three seconds, during which every cell door unlocked and opened. Now they've got a thousand inmates roaming the facility.
Cecile: Barry, if they get out...
Barry: Yeah, I know.

Cecile: Well, well, well. It is nice to see someone back at his desk.
Joe: Oh, hey, foxy. It's good to be back. After three months of sipping Wally's Tibetan butter tea, I actually kind of missed this breakroom coffee.

Cecile: Look, I know you're hurting. I do. But I was with Kamilla when Bloodwork's monsters attacked, and... and you gotta trust me that no matter where she is, your girl knows how to take care of herself.
Cisco: Yeah. Yeah, I know. I know. It's just... when Kamilla's around, I want to show her I'm strong. I want to believe I'm making the right decisions. She gives me the confidence I need, but she's... she's not here. And all I can think about is the hero I used to be. He was just full of life, and he wasn't afraid to do the impossible. He was... he was Vibe, you know? He had all the answers. Sometimes he *was* the answer. And if Kamilla's not here and Vibe is gone... what if...
Cecile: What if you don't have all the answers and you're making the wrong decisions? Cisco, Kamilla did not fall in love with your powers. She fell in love with you. *You*, and that big, beautiful brain of yours. Boo-hoo, Cisco Ramon isn't Vibe anymore. You know what he is? He is a damn brilliant engineer who has never backed down from doing the impossible before.
[offering a tool]
Cecile: You gonna start now?
Cisco: No, ma'am.

Psycho: Oh you cracked once, and you will crack again. And then you'll be a psycho just like me.
Cecile: I used to think that. I used to think that too. I was so afraid of losing myself that I hid a piece of me away, but I am not ashamed of it anymore. So go ahead. Try and scare me. But I know exactly who I am, and I am done wearing a mask.

Cecile: How do we stop a dozen Godspeeds?
Caitlin: Oh, yeah, Barry, how much of your speed did they steal?
Barry: Barely any. The other clones attacked the first ones before they could do real damage.
Chester P. Runk: But why fight each other?
Allegra: Yeah, and why would any Godspeed wanna protect the Flash?
Barry: I don't think they wanted to help me. I think they were trying to kill the other six.
Cecile: Speedsters fighting speedsters?
Chester P. Runk: Yeah, that ain't no regular bad guy battle.
Caitlin: Whatever it is, we're stuck in the middle of it. All this time, we assumed the Godspeeds were aligned. But if they're not...
Barry: It's a civil war.

Cecile: Okay, did I just catch you on the phone with Singh trying to find out how fast he was gonna be back?
Joe: Cecile, I-I-I'm not used to being in charge of all this managerial and logistic stuff. I'm just not cut out for that.
Cecile: What are you talking about? Babe, I have seen you take charge in the field a million times.
Joe: But that's in the field and I always knew that I had Singh to go to if I had any problems this way. Now everybody's coming to me and I can't answer all these questions.
Cecile: Joe West. How many times has Barry, Iris, Nora, even Ralph Dibny come to you? Specifically come to you get answers to their problems?
Joe: More times than I can count.
Cecile: Exactly. And that is because everyone of them knows that when they come to you, they're gonna get an honest answer straight from the heart. Babe, that heart of yours, that is a moral compass. It's one of the many reasons why I love you. Right here. That's all you need, babe. Right here. As long as you speak from there, I promise you, you will never lead anyone astray.

Cecile: That guilt that you feel right now? There's a way to make up for it. All you have to do is help us find Orlin.
Dr. Vanessa Ambres: What, so... so you can put him in jail? Kill him?
Joe: No, so we can cure him.
Dr. Vanessa Ambres: It's not possible.
Joe: Maybe not with the medicine you've been giving him, but S.T.A.R. Labs has created a treatment that turns metas back into normal human beings.
Dr. Vanessa Ambres: I can't take you to him.
Cecile: Okay, okay, then help us set up a meet. Look, Dr. Ambres, it's clear. You've come to truly care for Dwyer. So we're asking you now... help us save his life.

Iris: I can't believe everything that you went through. I mean, these last few days have been so... normal. Boring, even.
Barry: I mean, I'm glad nobody remembers.
Caitlin: And Frost and Chillblaine were married?
Barry: Apparently.
Caitlin: That's insane.
Allegra: What about Chuck and me? What were we doing?
Barry: I... I mean, same as now, I guess. I-I don't know, I mean, we weren't really teammates in that other timeline, so... I do know Chester helped build the energy absorption tech that saved the world. Hold on.
[he zoops away and back]
Barry: [handing a device to Chester] There you go.
Chester P. Runk: [inspecting it] Holy Ron Mallett. This circuitry is next-level.
Barry: Mm-hmm.
Chester P. Runk: Okay, nice work, future me, but is it okay that I have this? I don't wanna start, like, a Chester-P.-point.
Iris: I mean, maybe just don't talk about it on your podcast.
Chester P. Runk: Ah, gotcha.
Joe: Well, Barr, you risked everything to prevent Armageddon and gave all of us a second chance. And we are really damn grateful, especially me.
Cecile: [taking his hand] Ditto. You really are a true hero, Barry.

Barry: Look, I... I don't know how she did this, but... but you have to see that this isn't my wife.
Iris: No, you're not my husband, Barry. You wanna know what the real test is? The real Barry would've fought harder. He would've fought to come back home. A whole week went by, and you never even tried. You used to say that I was your lightning rod. Now let's see if you're still mine.
Barry: [as she turns the prismatic scanner on, he begins to refract like a mirror] Guys. I'm me. I'm the real Barry.
[Nash powers up his gauntlet]
Barry: I'm... hey!
Cecile: Wait! Nash, no! Back up.
Barry: Cecile? You believe me?
Cecile: Yes. I do.
[putting a pair of meta-dampening cuffs on him]
Cecile: And I'm sorry.

John: This motion-detection plate has a response time of a picosecond.
[setting it on the floor and turning it on]
John: And now it's live. Hey, do you mind handing me that thing?
Chester P. Runk: Oh, yeah, absolutely!
[picking up Cisco's Quantum Ball]
Chester P. Runk: I mean, like, absolutely I don't mind kinda... I'm the new guy, by the way. Chester. Big fan, man, big fan.
John: Thanks. All right, guys, you might want to stand back.
[he throws the ball, and they watch it stop]
Chester P. Runk: Whoa, dog! So the plasmatic wave eliminates all entropy from any object or person.
John: Yup. Freezing it in time.
[turning the trap off, the ball falls to the ground]
Barry: Guys... if we could trap one of these Godspeeds, find a way to communicate with it...
Cecile: We can find out what they want and why they're fighting.
Chester P. Runk: And end this thing.
Barry: Once we've caught one, we'll bring it back here for questioning.
John: Whoa, whoa, whoa. You want to invite the enemy into your house, Barry? Is that a good idea?
Barry: Look, these new Godspeeds saved my life last night. If there's any chance of finding allies in this war, it's with them.

Cecile: Look, Kramer is appointed by the governor, right? She doesn't get results, she's gonna get reassigned.
Caitlin: Frost, I know this isn't fair, but it's our best option right now.
Frost: Fine, I'll quarantine here.

Caitlin: Since the M.A.D. 2.0 isn't working, we need to try another tactic.
Cecile: [August inspects the Cosmic Treadmill] Does this remind you of anything?
August: This seems so familiar.
[reaching out to touch it, he's zapped by a small static electricity discharge]
August: Uh!
Caitlin: Are you all right?
August: Ever since I lost my memories, I've been trying to understand who I am and how I ended up like this. I figured I must have had a breakdown. Maybe somewhere there's a wife and kids wondering what the hell happened to their dad. I don't know. Am I ever gonna know who I am?

Barry: Nora broke into the Starchives.
Iris: I'm sorry, what happened?
Barry: Nora broke into the Starchives. I thought I could stop her, but I couldn't. She stole Spencer Young's phone.
Cecile: Spencer Young's hypnotizing phone?
Barry: Yes.
Iris: Barry, it's okay. Did you at least find out what she's doing?
Barry: No. No, I tried. I... I thought I could convince her to come home. But... her face starting vibrating, and... and then her eyes... her lightning... it was red. Just like his. I thought we had time to reach her, but he got to her. Thawne really got to her.

Cecile: Guys, I think I need an energy bar.

Joe: Cecile? Cecile, what's wrong?
Cecile: I can't hear what she wants. I can't hear anything. I think I'm losing my powers
[to read others' mind]
Cecile: .
Joe: [breathes in relief]

Joe: Damn, where is this boy?
Cecile: You have already left Wally a dozen voicemails.
Joe: He's literally on a time machine, so he has no excuse not to show up on time to meet his new baby sister.

Barry: Cecile!
Cecile: Oh, hey.
Barry: Hey. What are you doing here?
Cecile: Oh, uh, I have a file that Iris needed for the Kord case. Is she in?
Barry: [evasively] No. Um, she is... at work already.
Cecile: Isn't that her work computer right there?
Barry: Yes, it is. But she's been more of a... pen and paper kind of reporter lately, you know? Old school.
Cecile: [sensing his emotions] You're feeling very nervous.
Barry: No, I'm not.
Cecile: Yeah, you are. You're feeling nervous and excited; ecstatic, even. Barry, what's going on?
Barry: I'm just... running late for work. It makes me kinda nervous; and ecstatic, 'cause I love my job, so...
[taking the file]
Barry: And I'll make sure she gets this, and I'll see you later!
Cecile: [he moves to shut the door] Hey, I thought we were having lunch today.
Barry: Us?
Cecile: Yeah.
Barry: [realizing what he's got in his hand] Th... oh, uh, y... no, our monthly Tuesday lunch date!
Cecile: Yeah.
Barry: Yeah, oh, yeah. No, I'm-I'm really looking forward to that. As always. This, it's just a... bag of... protein bars. It speeds your metabolism. I'm always hungry, so, um, see you later.
Cecile: But...
Barry: [closing the door in her face] Bye.

Cecile: There's not gonna be any surprises. This is gonna be totally sick.
Joe: Sick? Are you feeling sick?
Cecile: Nah bra, Nah. This delivery is gonna be sick. Having this baby is gonna be like one epic wave.
Joe: Are you okay? You're scaring me.

Joe: It normally works.
Iris: Dad, what were you thinking?
Joe: Look, bleach takes out stains, and the curtains were dirty, so...
Cecile: [laughing] I'm sorry, but no! No! This whole retirement thing, he's still real new at it.
Joe: Look, this the cleanest spot in the whole house, and I would have done a whole lot more if Frost hadn't taken my cleaning supplies for her collages.
Allegra: Oh yeah, I still don't know how she carried that stuff while ice-bridging across town.
Chester P. Runk: She didn't. People were finding sponges and yellow gloves for miles. Actually, I think Wild Dog uses Joe's mops as a bo staff.

Jay: As soon as I flip the collider, your synaptic pathways will open, and then Ms. Horton will guide your consciousness into his.
Cecile: [to August] Don't worry. I am gonna be right here with you the whole time.
Iris: Barry, I know this August Heart seems harmless, but the real August Heart is locked away inside of his mind. From what we know...
Barry: He's a monster.
Iris: Be careful.
Chester P. Runk: The collider's primed.
Jay: Ms. Horton?
Cecile: I'm ready.
Barry: [wearing Jay's helmet as a conducter] Yeah. August? If you're not comfortable with this, you don't have to do it.
August: It's okay. I need to know who I am, even if it's someone I despise.

Barry: What's wrong?
Cecile: I had a nightmare, but it was more like a vision. I don't know, I thought, maybe with my powers expanding lately, Caitlin could check out my noggin.
Barry: [she begins to groan in pain and holds her head] Hey... hey, are you okay?
Cecile: No, it's happening again, it... it's like someone's stabbing my brain.
Barry: I'm gonna get Caitlin.
Cecile: No, no, no. Barry, Barry, it's... it's not medical. It's my powers. It's like they're picking up raw fear.
Barry: [his phone buzzes] There's a robbery downtown.
Cecile: It's okay, really. I'm fine now.
Barry: Are you sure?
Cecile: Yeah. You should go.
[he glances at the resting Speed Force in concern]
Cecile: Hey, I'll keep an eye on her. Go.

Allegra: Iris has trusted Barry against the odds before, like when Bloodwork infected him, and she was right.
Iris: If there's even a chance that this could be real, I can't give up, and you wouldn't want me to.
Cecile: Is that what you think? You think I gave up? Oh, my God. You think I don't wake up alone every morning in our bed praying to God that all of this was nothing but a bad dream? Iris, I have done everything that I can to just keep moving forward since I lost Joe. I did it so that I could be there for you and for Jenna, for this team, and you come in here and you want to shove his death in my face? He was the father of my child!
Iris: And my father!
Cecile: Fine. If you insist on pursuing this lie, then we will save Barry without you.
Iris: Fine. You save him your way, I'll save him mine.
[she leaves, and Allegra follows her out]
Catlin: Okay, Cecile. What do you want to do?
Cecile: We find Barry before Despero does first, no matter what it takes.

Cecile: Barry, it sounds dangerous.
Bart: 'Cause it is.
Allegra: Fine, so how exactly do you get inside the Negative Speed Force?
Barry: The first time I went into the Positive Speed Force, Harry hit me with a concentrated blast of dark matter and lightning that generated a tachyon reaction.
Chester P. Runk: Well, I could rig the tachyon harness to do the same. Only, if you're trying to get in a negative place, you're gonna need a negative source of lightning.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: Like me.
Cecile: Meena, I-I don't think that's such a good idea right now.
Dr. Meena Dhawan: We need to find a way in. I'm the key.

Joe: Hey. What's wrong?
Cecile: There's a supersonic jet about to leave a secret Black Hole site in the badlands, and it is loaded with with all of Carver's remaining tech. But that's the only thing it's carrying. Rosa Dillon planted a bomb onboard. If it blows over the city, hundreds of people will die.
Joe: And the Flash isn't fast enough to stop it.

Cecile: Whatever reason Nora didn't tell us, I don't think she did it maliciously. Guys, even from here, I can feel how upset she is.

Barry: I spent last year so afraid of losing everyone I loved in Crisis, I never thought I'd have to face that fear again. Psych showed me... people I love dead. Fuerza had killed them. We've taken on the impossible so many times. Something about these new threats feels different. Bigger. And for the first time since Crisis... I'm sc... I'm scared.
Cecile: Sometimes when I'm scared, I ask myself "What would the Flash do?". Seriously. Barry, you run through fear every time you save this city. Honey, you just gotta find some of that courage for yourself.

Joe: [beating Barry and Iris at a card game] I hope y'all packed your bags 'cause I'm taking you to Boston! You sorry bunch of moth...
Cecile: Joe!
Joe: I was gonna say friends.
Cecile: Mm-hmm.
Joe: And family.

Barry: First Fuerza, then the Speed Force shows up, now this, too?
Cisco: Why can't I stop shaking?
Caitlin: Your biometrics are all elevated. I-I mean, your amygdalae are in overdrive.
Barry: Wait, we had panic attacks?
Caitlin: Extreme ones. Psych doesn't just manipulate your fear, he elevates it. But your cortisol levels are slowly stabilizing, which means...
Barry: Psych's powers have a residual effect.
Cecile: And Barry has had a double dose.
Caitlin: Where's Frost?
Cisco: She wanted to be alone. Even the Ice Queen was freaked out by whatever she saw.
Barry: The mental dampeners didn't work.
Caitlin: Psych must have overpowered their circuitry. Which means, the next time you fight him, we won't be able to protect your mind.
Cisco: The next time? How are we supposed to anticipate him? Stake out the banks?
Barry: No, he's not after money. Remember, he said he... he wants to free people from the power it has over them.
Cisco: So, what? He has an ax to grind with the system?
Cecile: Yeah, yeah, yeah. It-It explains why he attacked the Cleary Capital offices. He doesn't want cash. He wants chaos.
Barry: Well, he got it.

Barry: Turns out the Royal Flush Gang kidnapped a prisoner named Jared Haywood. Had any luck trackin' 'em down?
Caitlin: Not yet.
Barry: What about the Mercury Labs chip?
Cecile: Well, Chester's still trying to figure out why the Royal Flush Gang would need it.
Barry: Okay.
Chester P. Runk: [coming in] Not anymore. Turns out that chip's so cutting-edge, it has, like, a thousand different applications, so... sorry. I blew it. Seems to be my thing today.
Cecile: Hey, what's going on, Chester? I'm sensing a whole lot of sadness.
Caitlin: Yeah, aren't you supposed to still be with Ray?
Chester P. Runk: I have resigned as Ray's liaison. Turns out I messed that up, too. Now I'm, like, dead to him.

Cecile: I love renewal ceremonies. And weddings.
Joe: [a little taken aback] Good to know.

Cecile: Honey, the people that we love, they're only gone when we stop carrying them with us. How you choose to carry Nash is up to you.

Cecile: You know, I saw The Flash once.
Barry: Oh, yeah?
Cecile: Yeah. I was on my way into the courthouse. He blew past me. It was... it was just a blur of red and gust of wind, but it was pretty damn cool.

Cecile: We need to work the problem, not tear each other down. So here's what I'm gonna do. I am gonna call David's husband, and I'm gonna see if he has seen Singh's duplicate.
Allegra: Uh, I'll check the Bentley Building. Mirror-Iris and Kamilla were alone there a lot. Maybe they left something behind.
Cecile: Good.
Harrison: You want company?
Allegra: Maybe you should find something else to do.
Ralph: You can come with me. I'm gonna see if I can dig up any details on this Eva McCulloch.
Cisco: [the others leave] If the Mirrorverse is just another dimension, there might be a way to enter vibrationally. Caitlin's still on the mend, so I can't ask her for help. I guess that means I'm doing this one on my own.
Cecile: [Cisco leaves, too] Barry, look, I understand how you're feeling...
Barry: Cecile, I know you're trying to help me, and... I appreciate it, but... right now, I'm gonna work on the artificial Speed Force. I just... there's no point in finding Eva if I'm useless against her.

Cecile: Three years ago, Joe asked me to help get meta-humans transferred out of the city.
Barry: Yeah, I remember. You told him not to do it.
Cecile: Yeah, well, that was before I knew what I know now. Besides, those metas were active prisoners. These metas, they've already served their time.
Barry: Come on, even if we got 'em out of town, it wouldn't matter. Cicada's gonna track 'em down eventually. They need new names, new identities. We don't have the resources to do that.
Cecile: No, we do not. But the feds do. They give this kind of protection to regular humans all the time. It is about time they start offering it to meta-humans, too.

Chester P. Runk: So you think Despero's right, that Barry's gonna destroy the world or something?
Cecile: No, no, hey, what Barry did today was scary, and the things that he said, they really, really hurt, but someone that we love is going through a mental health crisis, so I don't care what he may or may not do ten years from now. We need to take care of him today just like he did for me.
Catlin: Okay, we'll follow your lead. What do you want to do?
Cecile: Okay, I've been sensing Despero all day. He's using his mind's eye to scan the city. Now, he hasn't found him yet, but if Barry's not thinking clearly...
Iris: [coming in] What if he's the only one thinking clearly?
Allegra: Boss, what are you talking about?
Iris: Look, I know how this is gonna sound, but when Despero showed up, he said that Barry would suffer tragedy, and then on cue, he lost his job, he lost S.T.A.R. Labs, and now he's lost his mind. Doesn't that seem like a big coincidence? A little too big?
Chester P. Runk: But Despero's from the future. Wouldn't he know what happened?
Iris: But what if he didn't know that someone secretly caused it to happen?
Allegra: You think he's being framed.
Cecile: Iris, he forgot about Joe. Nobody was framing him then.
Iris: Yeah, I'm not so sure.

Barry: We've seen this puzzle piece before.
Cisco: Our satellite giveth, and now we must taketh away.
Ralph: [entering with Cecile] I think we can finally do that. We got a list from FEMA of everyone who reported injuries the night of the Enlightenment.
Cecile: None of them matched Cicada's description.
Ralph: But there were three kids who were hit by pieces of shrapnel from the satellite.
Cecile: Two of them are twins whose father is deceased. Third is a ten year old girl, by the name of Grace Gibbons.
Iris: So if my dad's right and Cicada's a father, then...
Barry: We may have just found his daughter.

Mia: What did Thawne mean when he said, "save me"? Save him from what?
Barry: You see how he's fading in and out? Same thing happened to me in his Reverse-Flashpoint. He's being erased. Once the process is complete, he'll die.
Cecile: So when you removed Thawne's changes, the timeline decided to remove him, too.
Barry: Yeah.
Iris: Okay, but when Thawne died, he came back somehow after Eddie. I mean, could that happen again?
Barry: No, this is different. When I reset the timeline, I used Damien's Time Stone. It eliminated all possible time variables, restoring a single, permanent timeline again. This one.
Caitlin: So if he dies this time...
Chester P. Runk: It's game over for good.
Caitlin: Okay. I need to call Frost. If we're gonna decide what to do about Thawne, we need the whole team here.
Mia: Wait a minute. You're not actually considering saving him, are you?
Iris: Mia, we know that Thawne is bad, but we still need to talk this through before we make any decisions.
Mia: Fine. If that's how you guys do things. But you're making a big mistake.

Barry: Where is he?
Iris: Barry, you're scaring me.
Barry: Where is he?
Iris: Who?
Barry: Joe!
Iris: [following her gaze, he sees a memorial plaque on the mantle] You gave the eulogy at his funeral.
Barry: No way. No, no, this is wrong. Iris, this is wrong. We have to investigate this. We have to find out what really happened to him. He's not dead! He can't be!
Cecile: Damn it, Barry. Joe is gone. Why can't you just accept that?

Cecile: [feeling Barry and Meena's emotions] They're both hurting badly.
Allegra: Okay, so what do we do now?
Cecile: We find Iris and we bring her home.
Chester P. Runk: Then we find a way to take down the Negative Forces, 'cause if they come back for a rematch...
Nora: I don't think they will. They already got what they came for; the last Thawne in existence.
Bart: What do they need him for, anyway?
Barry: There's only one way to find out. I have to find a way into the Negative Speed Force.
Bart: Dad, no offense, but that's insane.
Barry: I don't have a choice. As long as Thawne's out there, everyone's in danger. Chester already ran a satellite search. Thawne's nowhere on the planet. The only place left to hide is the Negative Speed Force. If I can find a way in...
Cecile: No, look... I can feel all of the anger inside you, I can, and I know that you've been to hell and back today, but we need to think our next move through.
Cecile: Barry, how can you possibly be so sure?
Barry: Because I am.
Nora: [asking for privacy] Guys, we need to talk to our dad.

Cecile: I am definitely gonna need a better outfit for breaking and entering.

Cecile: The one person in the world she thought she could trust died in her arms.
Caitlin: Nora must have felt completely alone.
Barry: But she wasn't.
Iris: Yes, she was. Because I wasn't honest with her.
Barry: Iris...
Iris: After all I did, she gave me a second chance. It's the least we can do for her.
Nora: [cut to the Pipeline] Mom?
Iris: [opening her cell] Don't make me regret this.

Cecile: Barry, why are you saying all these things all of a sudden? It's like the last six months, this... living nightmare never even happened.
Barry: Six months?
Cecile: What are you doing? I can't do this with you. Barry, I can't do it.
Barry: Cecile, listen to me. Joe's not dead.
Cecile: Yes! Yes, he is. He's dead. And I am trying to move on. Why won't you let me do that?