Top 20 Quotes From Despero

Despero: You all should run. While you still can.

[first lines]
Despero: [in 2031 Central City, the streets are in chaos] Look at them praying for a miracle that isn't coming. Who knows, maybe it's my curse to leave one betrayal behind, only to fight a greater one here amongst the stars? They could've stopped this, but none of them had the strength to do what must be done, but I do.

Barry: [learning he apparently went on a rampage around the city] I don't remember doing that.
Cecile: Caitlin said you didn't remember destroying the loft. Or almost killing her and Chester, either.
Iris: Barry, we can blame Xotar for the loft. But she was in meta-cuffs when you destroyed City Hall.
Despero: Do you see? It's been you all along, Flash. Now do you believe me?
Barry: No. This is one of your illusions. That's it. Iris, Cecile, you have to believe me.
Despero: Enough! This ends now.
Iris: [his third eye opens and fires a blast of energy] Barry!
Despero: It's fitting that I end your life with the undying fire of my homeworld, the Flame of Py'tar.
Cecile: Get out of my house.
Despero: [chuckling] The empath. Well, your power's no match for me. So for now...
Despero: Sleep.
Barry: [Cecile falls unconscious] Stop! If it's me you want, get it over with!
Despero: Gladly.
Chester P. Runk: [portaling in with Allegra, he zaps Despero backward] That's... that's all I got. Barry, run!

Despero: Pain is the debt we pay for change, and I'm here to change the future. Thanks to this experiment, I now know the force required to kill you when the time comes.
Barry: Oh.
Despero: I've seen your destiny, Flash. I've watched you use your power to destroy everything and everyone.
Barry: You still haven't told me why I would do this. Huh? What would cause me to turn my back on everything I've sworn to protect?
Despero: Madness. Many times in the past, the pain you've suffered nearly crushed you. But soon, a new despair will befall you. And it will create an unbroken chain of sorrow so great... your mind will crack. And with it, the world ends. You see... your power has recently accelerated. But so too has your ability to descend into madness. Tragedy is coming for you, Flash. What remains to be seen isn't whether or not you'll break. It's when.
Barry: I have seven days.
Despero: Well, I'd worry more about tomorrow if I were you. I don't know the details of what will happen. But I know tomorrow is the beginning of the end. Your end. I've granted you a chance to defy destiny. But I'll be staying close by. As soon as I sense your mind turning mad, I'll find you. Good luck fighting fate, Flash.

Despero: Armageddon waits for no man.

Despero: Flash, what did you do?
Barry: I went to the future. Iris was right. Someone manipulated the timeline to drive me insane. It turns out in order to fix it, I had to start Armageddon. Only this time, I didn't destroy the world.
Despero: How is that possible?
Barry: You left 2031 before the world ended. What you didn't know was that Eobard Thawne, the Reverse-Flash, was chasing me. He wanted to stop me from restoring the timeline. The speed wake created by us both, that is what caused the destruction you saw.
Despero: If that's happened, what stopped you from tearing this world apart?
Barry: Iris. She helped me reconnect to the Speed Force. Now the future's safe.
Despero: I can see you believe it to be true. And as a traveler in time, my senses confirm this world has been altered. But as for the true reason... well, that remains to be seen.
Barry: Maybe you should go to 2031 and see for yourself.
Despero: [activating his belt and growing to his alien size] I shall, but if you're wrong, or if I find any evidence that this world is still in danger, I will return, and you will die.

Despero: I was right about you all along, Flash. You are humanity's enemy.
The: I'm choosing to save a life, Despero, not end one. That's what heroes do. But you've never been a hero, have you?
Despero: What are you implying?
The: What you told me about your home world, that was all a lie, wasn't it? You weren't the heroic rebel leader. You were the despot. The one who inflicted pain and suffering. Who killed to get what he wanted.
Despero: I did what was necessary.
The: No, you're wrong. You've been wrong this whole time about everything. You're no hero, Despero. You're just like Thawne.
Despero: Only in your eyes, Flash, because I know what must be done. The greater good that must be embraced in order for this world to survive. All that remains is for me to show you.

Chester P. Runk: Mia, what the hell, girl?
Despero: [speaking through Mia] Iris West-Allen. You and Flash made this decision. And now you'll die for making the wrong one.
Iris: Mia, listen to me. This isn't you.
Cecile: Mia. Mia, she's right. Take my power. Take my strength. Fight him.
Despero: Empath. You think I'd release this perfect vessel?
Iris: [powering up a blaster rifle] Mia, stop. I know you can fight this.
Despero: The child is gone, human.
Iris: No, she's not. Mia, I know you can fight this because you already have. Look around. You could've killed us all, but you didn't.
Cecile: Mia, she's right. Fight him.
Despero: [fighting with the Flash] Impossible.
Iris: Mia, think about William. is this the path he would want you to choose?
Green: [as Despero's control over her is lifted, she drops her bow] Iris. Allegra, Frost, in the hallway.
Cecile: I'll go check on them.
Green: I'm so sorry.

Despero: I was born amongst the stars, Flash. Trapping me in a vacuum is pointless. Now, surrender, and I promise you won't suffer.
The: [flying in and re-enlarging] And the suit still fits.

Despero: Now, Flash, your city dies so that this planet's future may survive.
[Flash manages to sever his connection to the Flame of Py'tar]
Despero: No! It's gone. My connection to the flame! Damn you, Flash.
The: It's over, Despero.
Despero: Flash, you've no idea what you've done. I swear by the moons of Kalanor, you'll pay for this. This whole planet will.

Despero: You're nothing like I expected, not that it matters. Those who were once good die just as easily.

The: This guy isn't just strong, I think he's messing with our minds.
Despero: Correct. But this isn't your fight, Atom. Now, leave while you still can.
The: [to Barry] Everyone has a weakness.
The: I'll keep him occupied.

Cecile: You are no hero. You are a monster.
Despero: I'm going to ask you one last time, Ms. Horton. And if I don't like your answer, you'll join your friends in the afterlife. Now... the Flash. Where is he?
Cecile: I told you, I don't know!
Despero: You know what? I believe you.
[as he opens his third eye, she begins gasping in pain; he then reacts upon hearing a high-pitched beeping]
Despero: Ahh! No, what is this?
[a wave of energy passes over him as the timeline is restored]

Despero: It's not too late, Flash. Let Thawne die so Armageddon can end.

Despero: Search for Xotar for all you want. But the answer you're looking for has been with you all along.
The: Enough! No more cryptic prophecies, no more games. Why do you care so much? You said yourself this isn't your world. You're hiding something from me. What do you have to gain?
Despero: A home. I saw my planet, Kalanor, overrun by evil. I was forced to see the people I love suffer and die under the fist of a despot. Then I was chosen to lead a band of rebels, attempting a coup. Both sides suffered heavy losses. But we were triumphant. However, when the time came to cut the head off the snake... I chose to spare the oppresor's life. But my mercy was misguided. Because it allowed that madman to rise again and rain down horrors a thousand times worse. I was spared. Because he knew for me, the only fate worse than death would be losing my home world. So he banished me here. That's how I came to adopt Earth as my new home. Only to watch you destroy it.
The: I've been through a crisis before. Whatever's coming, I can handle it.
Despero: Crisis and tragedy are like fires, Flash. Some are strong enough to endure them. But others are destined to be consumed by them. Soon, we'll find out who you are.

Despero: You know what to do, Flash.
Barry: What are you doing here?
Despero: I went to the future to see for myself whether or not Armageddon has been prevented.
Barry: Then you know that it was.
Despero: Yes. But also witnessed the return of your rival. You must know as long as Eobard Thawne lives, he can still bring about another Armageddon.
Barry: So what do you want me to do?
Despero: Listen to your friend. Let him die.
Barry: If you want him dead so much, why don't you just kill him yourself?
Despero: I would, but he could come back as he did before. This is the only way to assure his absolute death. You know it's the right thing to do, Flash.

Barry: Why are you here?
Despero: I'm not. This is a psychic manifestation of my consciousness. Appearing only to you in order to assess your mental stability.
Cecile: Barry? Who are you talking to?
Barry: There's nothing wrong with my mind.
Cecile: It's him, isn't it? Despero.
Despero: Your mind is suffering due to this tragedy. But no... it hasn't broken. Yet.
Cecile: [gasping as his aura disappears] His energy. His energy, it felt like... the whole room was flooded, and that we were both drowning.
Barry: Despero's watching me now. Waiting for the proof he needs to kill me.
Cecile: Are you sure he's not what drives you insane?
Barry: No, I'm not. But I do think there's another explanation for what's happening. Korber said a security guard at this morning's robbery lost his mind.
Cecile: That can't be a coincidence. Not today.
Barry: No, it has to be connected to what Despero said happens in the future. I need to talk to that guard.

Cecile: [about Rosalind Dillion] I can't feel her anymore. What did you do?
Despero: I looked inside her mind, but I could only reconstruct the Flash's location. The other half must be in yours. Don't be afraid. It's a necessity. I am trying to save the world.
Cecile: By killing us and Barry?
Despero: A few lives to spare billions. That's a trade I'm willing to make, but one you won't even stomach. Your mind's strong for a human empath, but it's kindling compared to the Flame of Py'tar. Stop fighting me and show me where he is. You have no allies left. You're weak, and you're alone.
Cecile: You're wrong. I am not alone.

Despero: The heroes of this world have failed. But if they won't end Thawne's existence, then I, Despero, will take matters into my own hands.
[possessing Mia]
Despero: And you're gonna help me.

Despero: Flash, don't make this difficult. Show yourself.
The: [whooshing in] I'm not gonna let you hurt anyone. Why don't you just tell me what it is you want?
Despero: Of course. I came a long way to find you, Flash. Now that I have... I'm going to kill you.