Top 500 Quotes From Iris West-Allen

Iris: Well, it could've gone worse.
Barry: Yeah, all things considered, we got lucky.
Ralph: Lucky? Are you two serious? Am I the only one who's paying attention here?
Iris: Ralph, the mission was successful. Caitlin's okay, and Edwin agreed to stay in The Pipeline.
Barry: Edwin will be safe in there.
Ralph: Safe? Because DeVoe's never successfully attacked metas in a maximum security facility before. Oh, wait, he did exactly that.
Barry: Watch it, Ralph.
Ralph: I have been watching. Watching DeVoe ahead of us at every turn, watching Caitlin get skewered, watching metas drop like flies, one by one, because we can't save them. And why? Because we won't make the tough call and end DeVoe when we get the chance.
Barry: Look, I'm not doing this again.
Iris: Okay, Ralph, I get where you're coming from, but that is not the tough call, that is the wrong one.
Ralph: Oh, Mr. and Mrs. S.T.A.R. Labs agree. I swear if I was running this team...
Barry: But you're not.
Iris: Okay, all right. That's enough. We don't have time for this, okay? We need to focus and stick to the game plan. Find DeVoe, hit him with the scepter, and put him in The Pipeline. No one has to die.
Ralph: Huh... same plan again. And you wonder why he's always ahead of us.

[last lines]
Barry: Guys, this better be good.
Iris: Yeah, we've got an after-Thanksgiving tradition called sleeping, so what's up?
Cisco: It's good. Trust us. Detective.
Sherloque: Well, it occurred to me that if you, monsieur and madame West-Allen, you want to spend this holiday with your family, well, perhaps your meta-killer does, as well. So I had monsieur Cisco hack into the CCTV footage of the hospital and this is what we got.
Iris: [playing the surveillance footage] Ever since Grace arrived, only one man has come to visit her. Every day. Including tonight.
Sherloque: Team Flash, I give you... Orlin Dwyer. Also known as...
Barry: Cicada.

Ralph: But you said my cells were polymerized.
Dr. Harry Wells: Uh, no...
Ralph: You said nothing could hurt them.
Dr. Harry Wells: Dibny, I didn't say that. I said your cells were bonded unlike anything I've ever seen. I've never see acid like this, and so, cannot be responsible for things I have never seen.
Ralph: It definitely hurts.
Dr. Harry Wells: Mm-hmm, of course.
Iris: Well, now we know what your kryptonite is.
Ralph: What the hell is kryptonite?
Cisco: What?
Dr. Harry Wells: Oh, come on.

Iris: I'll drive.
Ralph: Actually, I wanna try something. Saw it in a comic book.
[Ralph swings through the city like Spider-Man]

Cisco: Oh, god. Not the Book of Ralph again!
Ralph: Yeah, buddy. You successfully completed my 27 steps to getting over the love of your life. Gypsy is in the past, you have a new siren, so now it's time for... the art of love.
Cisco: Um, Caitlin?
Caitlin: I've gotta finish working on the device to inject the cure.
Sherloque: Also I have to inject the device for the cure.
Cisco: I-I-Iris?
Iris: Oh, no, this is all you, man. I got an article I gotta write. Let me know when Barry gets back.
Cisco: [mouthing to Nora] Help me.

Caitlin: These isotopic signature are moving at speeds that should be impossible. This new Force is rewinding time at random, and we can't stop it.
Joe: What happens if we get stuck in one of these time pockets?
Caitlin: We could end up in the Stone Age.
Iris: Oh my, God. It's all up to Cisco and Chester now.

Barry: [after Iris speaks Italian with the waiter] Uh...
Iris: What?
Barry: What - do you speak Italian?
Iris: Oh, well... you know that story I was writing a few months ago on Little Italy? Well, I picked up a phrase or two. Like porca miseria. It's a curse word., but it literally means "pig misery."

Harrison: So... It's you.
Iris: What?
Harrison: What's your name?
Iris: Iris West-Allen.
Harrison: Well, Iris...
Iris: [tasers Nash] And don't you forget it.
Cisco: I had that.

Nora: You know, I had a list, too. Your wedding, Auntie Jenna's baby shower, Jitters, the Enlightenment.
Iris: Those were all the moments in time you wanted to go back and see us?
Nora: Yeah, so I could have memories and experiences with all of you. I get it. I should've been sensitive, and I-I'm so sorry.
Iris: It's okay.
Nora: No, it's not. I was so focused on making sure Flash beat Cicada, I forgot what I was supposed to really be focused on. You and dad. You're the reason I came back to this time, not fighting big bads or getting my own XS-presso. So that I could spend time with my parents. My family. I don't know how much time we have left together or how much of your list we're gonna get done, but from now on, every moment we have left, we're gonna make it a memorable one. I promise.
Iris: [hugging] Well, I guess we can cross "hugging while drinking tea" off our list.

The: Hello, Central City! It's been far, far too long since my beautiful face graced your screens.
Ralph: Whoo, this kid's got a face for radio.
Cisco: Trickster's hijacking the city's broadcasting signals.
The: Today, we're going to play a little game I like to call "What Does This Do?". Looks like a regular, old bouncy ball. But what does this do?
Iris: Cisco.
Cisco: Tracing.
The: Let's find out if and when you throw it hard enough...
[he throws it away, and a nearby cab blows up]
The: [cackling] Kaboom!
Cisco: He's downtown, corner of DeMeo and Bilson.
The: Bring me the Stretchy Man, or else you're gonna go "boom-boom."

Allegra: Iris has trusted Barry against the odds before, like when Bloodwork infected him, and she was right.
Iris: If there's even a chance that this could be real, I can't give up, and you wouldn't want me to.
Cecile: Is that what you think? You think I gave up? Oh, my God. You think I don't wake up alone every morning in our bed praying to God that all of this was nothing but a bad dream? Iris, I have done everything that I can to just keep moving forward since I lost Joe. I did it so that I could be there for you and for Jenna, for this team, and you come in here and you want to shove his death in my face? He was the father of my child!
Iris: And my father!
Cecile: Fine. If you insist on pursuing this lie, then we will save Barry without you.
Iris: Fine. You save him your way, I'll save him mine.
[she leaves, and Allegra follows her out]
Catlin: Okay, Cecile. What do you want to do?
Cecile: We find Barry before Despero does first, no matter what it takes.

Gideon: Bhikkhuni Amala confirms Wally West is in deep meditation, handling unrest on the psychic plane.
Barry: Which means we're out of speedsters to call.
[Iris appears in a flash of green light]
Barry: Iris? Hey. How are you here? How is this possible?
Iris: Deon was able to stabilize me enough to come back until he can find a permanent cure.
Barry: Oh, thank God. I've missed you so much. It's been impossible without you here with me.
Iris: Well, I'm here now, and I'm gonna be fine.

Iris: You took our daughter back to the future?
Barry: I didn't have any other choice.
Iris: "I"? It's "we", Barry. We. She's our daughter, not just yours.
Barry: I know that.
Iris: But you left her there anyway?
Barry: I can't trust her, Iris! That puts all of us in danger!
Iris: That's how you feel, Barry. What about asking how I feel?
Barry: I didn't think I had to!
Iris: Of course you didn't. Of course you didn't, Barry! You always see one way through a problem and damn what I think.

Barry: [seeing a memory of Nora's] Iris, that wasn't you.
Iris: Yeah, but it will be, Barry. Nora's gonna grow up hating her mother.
Barry: No, she won't. You're gonna make different choices. If you don't wanna be that person that we just saw, don't be that person.
Iris: I know. I know you keep saying that, Barry, and that's what I'm trying to do. I had a moment today and I thought that maybe if I could change the timeline now, that even in the smallest way that... I don't know. That everything in the future would be somehow different.
Barry: This is why you changed your mind about the newspaper.

Chester P. Runk: So I just got off the phone with Luke Fox. Mercer's boomerang, Amar's knives, even Wozzack's funky violin, Luke thinks they all resemble advanced WayneTech designs. But their nano-tech foundations are beyond bleeding-edge.
Allegra: So he has no idea who we're up against.
Barry: What about this new speedster wearing a bat symbol?
Chester P. Runk: Team Bat's never fought a baddie dressed like that. But they have some drama of their own. A few weeks ago, Ryan Wilder went out on patrol. She never came back.
Cecile: We got a new speedster in a bat suit, and Batwoman is missing?
Khione: Could that be a coincidence?
Iris: Okay, what do we do now?
Barry: We find this new speedster. And we stop him.

Cisco: Question for the room, how did I get stuck doing the buddy system thing with Ralph?
Iris: It's the best way to keep Ralph safe, Cisco.
Ralph: Yeah, the best way to keep Ralph safe, Cisco.
Cisco: Well clearly you've never had to stay over at an apartment that uses neon beer signs for lamps and the kitchen sink for a shower. Ralph, I love you. But you sleep on a futon.
Caitlin: A futon's not that bad.
Cisco: It is when it's damp.
Iris: Why is it damp?
Ralph: I sweat a lot when I sleep.
Iris: You nasty.

Iris: Hey, uh, you saved my dissertation, right? Detective Pretty Boy. Sorry, uh, that's just what my dad calls you. Although, he's not wrong. You are a boy, and you are pretty... and, uh, that did not come out right.
Detective: I'll take any compliment I can get from Joe West or his lovely daughter.
Iris: Um, uh, well, do you have a name, Detective?
Detective: It's Eddie.

Iris: We're meeting our daughter for then first time, Barry.
Barry: Yeah, well, look. If it is true, Nora could say the wrong thing or step on the wrong butterfly and screw up the whole timeline. I mean, she could Marty McFly herself out of existence.

Iris: [coordinating searches for Prank] Hey, Ralph, do you, um, want to go to your usual spots, see if any of your contacts have seen her?
Ralph: Sure. I need a chaperone. Caitlin, you're up. It's happy hour; you're buying.
[groaning, she stands to follow him out]
Ralph: Come on, use Killer Frost's credit card.
Caitlin: No way, Jose.
Ralph: You think Ralphy's made of money?

Iris: This is nice, dad. We should do this way more often.
Joe: Agreed. Hey, before I forget, congratulations on the Citizen.
Iris: Yeah, well, you know, there's millions of people in Central City and I've only got a couple hundred thousand subscribers. You know, I'm no CCPN.
Joe: Well, not yet, but in about ten years, it'll be a Pulitzer Prize-winning empire.
Iris: Baby steps, dad.

Cisco: I got your text. What's the emergency?
Ralph: Okay. Listen to me very carefully.
[leading him to another room]
Ralph: I took a break from serial killer kidnapper madness to do something awesome.
Kamilla: So I decided on another career path. Photography was always my passion, and I figured why not make it my job?
Iris: These are great, Kamilla.
Ralph: I Peter Parkered her.
Cisco: Dibs, sidebar.
Ralph: Sidebar?
Cisco: [pulling him away] Sidebar, now!

Iris: We can't keep treating Nora like she's some kind of supervillain, okay? We're just gonna push her away.
Barry: What are we supposed to do? Just let her keep taking advantage of us?
Iris: No. We see where she's coming from. We try to figure out why she's doing this.
Barry: It doesn't matter why, Iris! This is Thawne. It's his plan.
Iris: Well, maybe his plan isn't so bad.

Iris: What's wrong?
Barry: I'm still sore from our little double date with Amunet and Goldface. So, so weird.
Iris: Maybe you should stay home today.
Barry: No, no. Are you working on more Black Hole stuff?
Iris: Yeah. I think I am getting really close to taking this son of a bitch down.

Iris: My headaches, they're getting worse.
Deon: Okay. I'll see what I can do.
Iris: You also said to tell you if something happened. Well, it did.
Deon: Tinya's mom. I already know.
Sue: Oh, right. 'Cause you can see past, present, and future.
Deon: Not in this case. I actually only saw what happened to Tinya's mom once it became part of the past, which ain't how things are supposed to work.
Iris: My time sickness, it's spreading into the Still Force.
Deon: That's why it took me so long to get to you.
Iris: I've infected you too, haven't I?
Deon: That's probably why I didn't see this coming. Somehow... somehow, I'm getting sick too.
Iris: What about Tinya's mom?
Deon: Once I get my strength back, I'll look for her, but, Iris, I can see everyone's future except for yours. We've got to slow down whatever's happening, because it we don't...
Sue: Iris is gonna disappear again.
Deon: Maybe for good this time.

Ryan: Why is it so complicated deciding how to have a baby? The Batsuit isn't exactly babyproof, but I can't force Sophie into nine months of indigestion and swollen ankles.
Iris: Sis, you are spiraling. Do you remember what I told you when I was your maid of honor?
Ryan: No, I was busy getting married, not taking notes.
Iris: I told you to stop thinking so much and to listen to your heart. If you want to have a baby, your heart will figure out the how.
Cecile: And then that sweet little girl is gonna grow up and decide that she hates you. Jenna has been thinking the worst insults at me tonight.

Barry: Tachyon scanners set up at every half-mile interval across the city.
Caitlin: And the seismometer is searching for sonic booms in the hundred megahertz range.
Cisco: As for the satellites, I've got Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda, and Samantha scanning for her yellow-purple lightning signatures. I'm clearly the Samantha of this group, right?
Iris: Yeah, okay, Miranda.

Caitlin: Thank God you guys are okay.
Jay: We managed to save the reactor, but it looks like round two is about to begin.
Iris: And this time, there's no Speed Force Nora or the S.E.E.
Nora: We threw everything we had at them.
Bart: What are we gonna do? Dad?

Iris: Eva, Joe West is still looking into your husband's activities. He knows about Black Hole.
Eva: Then it's only a matter of time before Barry Allen helps him. You have a new mission. The Flash is losing his speed. Drain him of the rest.
Iris: Why do you care about the Flash?
Eva: I don't. I care about my husband. The Flash is not gonna take that away from me.
Iris: Success is assured.

Iris: He's at the DOD site. Look.
Barry: That building's seven below?
Sherloque: Look at the temperature. Look at it drop.
Cisco: He initiated the negative array but didn't seal it. The room is -7, but the array is -100.
Ralph: That thing's so freaking cold, it's freezing the whole building.
Caitlin: Wait, at this rate, in five minutes, the temperature will be -460 degrees, AKA absolute zero. At which point, he can inject himself with my serum.
Nora: And turn himself into a full-on icicle.
Cisco: Icicle, that's... not the time.
Caitlin: We gotta go.
Cisco: Let's do it.
Caitlin: Hey, what... what about your hands?
Cisco: You're my friend, my family. I'm going.

Iris: We need you to come back with us. I know this sounds insane, but... you might be the key to saving the Multiverse.
Clark: That's actually one of the least insane thing's I've ever heard.
[changes into Superman]
Superman: First, we stay and face Luthor.
Superman: And you won't do it alone.
Lois: We won't let him kill you.
Lex: Oh, I've moved on from that. Never thought I'd say this, but I'm tired of killing Supermen. So much more making Superman kill Superman.

Iris: Still at it?
Barry: I think I figured out how to track the thing that attacked us.
Iris: So... what are we looking at?
Barry: A spectrograph from the scene of the attack. That is a rare geothermic isotope that I reprogrammed our satellites to scan for. If we get a hit...
Iris: Then we can track our target. Nice work.

Barry: Satellites say it's just a small, everyday earthquake.
Iris: Usually we have to kiss first to make the ground quake.

Barry: The energy Despero's harnessing is from his home world, Kalanor, but, I mean, even if the energy's alien, the flame of Py'tar is still a flame.
Iris: You can harness it with a vacuum.
Barry: And then disperse it, but I-I'd still need a way to direct all the energy into the atmosphere.
Chester P. Runk: Wait, if a delivery system is what you need, then I got the ticket. Okay, so you know how the P.E.D. redirects energy? Turns out the materials in that puppy are damn versatile. So I took the liberty of using them to make these.
[Chester opens a metal case, a golden light shines]
Allegra: No way. Chuck, you're amazing.
Barry: Yeah, I can work with these.

Iris: I just interviewed the lab tech and asked him what Amar and the others might have wanted. He said that a temporal scanner is missing.
Kristen: Um...
Barry: It's a device that measure radioactive half-lives. It tells you what year you're in.
Kristen: Why would they need that? Don't Rogues have calendar apps?
Barry: Everything they've stolen - the Roemer accelerator battery... The sonic gauntlets... Now a temporal scanner? They're all components you'd need to build a cosmic treadmill.
Kristen: Do I want to know what that is?
Barry: It's a machine that uses kinetic energy to open quantum wormholes in space and time, which is a lot of power in the wrong hands.
Kristen: Yeah, I didn't.
Iris: Godspeed used one in 2049 when he came back to our time.
Kristen: Now you're telling me a trio of murderous lunatics is trying to, what, build a time machine? Why?
Barry: Whatever their goal is, it's not all I'm worried about.
Kristen: There's something worse than actual time bandits?
Barry: If they take a cosmic treadmill on a crime spree, they could damage the timeline itself. Just one paradox could permanently alter the fabric of space-time.
Kristen: Great, 'cause I wasn't worried enough before.

Iris: The dagger part still doesn't make sense. I mean, things cannot become metas, right?
Barry: I don't know about that. Our satellite didn't just create new metas. It created meta-tech.
Iris: Which puts meta-human abilities in the hands of anyone.

Iris: Did you get anything from Mardon?
Barry: No, nothing that'll help us find his daughter. What about you guys? What'd you dig up?
Caitlin: Meet Joss Jackam. She is a delinquent teen turned amateur storm chaser. A self-taught expert in theoretical meteorology.
Cisco: How do we know she's a storm chaser? 'Cause Helen Hunt here has a blog.
Caitlin: Mm-hmm. She lost her grant from the Science Center for doing too many dangerous experiments on the weather.
Iris: [seeing pictures from Joss' blog] Well, it looks like she's way beyond the experimental phase.
Caitlin: Ooh, Weather Witch?
Cisco: I'll allow it.

Barry: Well, what do you think?
Iris: [not really paying attention] Looks great.
Barry: I mean, I can move the couch against the wall, if that'll help.
[he does so with his powers]
Barry: Iris, it's just couch in the corner or against the wall is pretty much the extent of my interior design knowledge.

Barry: [seeing Iris has freed Nora from the Pipeline] What are you doing?
Iris: I'm giving our daughter the chance to explain this for herself.

Iris: Couldn't sleep, either?
Barry: Something bad's supposed to happen today. All I keep thinking about is you.
Iris: I'll be fine.
Barry: Yeah, we can't take any chances.
Iris: I promise, I have a very safe and boring day planned. Cecile's working on a big case, so after some work, i'm gonna stop by and help her with Jenna. They both have been having a pretty hard time lately.
Barry: Iris, if anything happens to you...
Iris: Hey. Baby, we're gonna be okay. Look, how many times and how many timelines have we found each other? Doesn't matter what anybody says about your fate. Our destiny is to be together.

Kamilla: Iris?
Iris: Yeah, I'm not Iris.
[aims Mirror Gun at Kamilla]
Iris: Sorry you had to find out this way.
Kamilla: Wait - wait, no...

Barry: I just got the Speed Force restarted, now this happens.
Caitlin: And what about your speed? Has it been affected?
Barry: No. At least not yet. I'm still trying to figure out how this is even possible.
Caitlin: I have no idea. I have never seen biometrics like this.
Cisco: You've never had a god for a patient. The Speed Force took this form right after H.R.'s funeral. It's like Zeus coming down from Olympus disguised as a mere mortal.
Iris: Okay, but why would a god be asking for our help?
Caitlin: Whatever the answer is, I need to figure out a way to accurately monitor her recovery.
Cisco: [Barry speeds away and back] Holy mother.
Barry: You good?
Cisco: Yeah, just give me a minute.
Barry: She's wearing my Speed Force gauge now. Right now, it's red. If it changes, hopefully that'll tell us her power levels are recharging.
Caitlin: And if that's the case, maybe she entered a comatose state to help heal herself.
Iris: Makes sense, and when she recovers, she can tell us who did this to her. It.
Barry: Maybe it's the same thing that can rip through an antimatter bomb like it's tissue paper. Those are residual geothermic isotopes. They're all over her.
Cisco: You think Fuerza did this? Oh, that must have been one hell of a fight.
Barry: Not as big as the fight we're gonna take to Fuerza.
Cisco: Okay, but this isn't just some run-of-the-mill meta we're talking about here. Whatever Fuerza is, she's powerful enough to hurt the frickin' Speed Force. And what if she doesn't wake up? What happens to you?
Barry: Look, we've faced big threats before. Crisis, Savitar, Thawne. We beat them all. If Fuerza did do this, she should be afraid of us.

Iris: Are you okay?
Barry: Yeah, I'm just, um, a little worried about the fact that my powers are glitching again, especially since I just got 'em back.
Iris: Okay, well, we can call Caitlin and have her run some more tests. How do you feel now?
Barry: I feel fine. I just... I don't know what happened.
Speed: Actually, I think I'm the reason. Since I'm here now, I'm increasing your abilities as best I can. It may take some getting used to, but you'll need it if the other Forces come back.
Barry: [his phone buzzes] Uh, that's work. I gotta go.
Speed: I should come with you.
Barry: Oh?
Speed: I'm like your battery now. If Fuerza and Pysch are back...
Barry: Yeah, no, I don't... having you at a crime scene might not be a great idea.
Speed: You've already been hurt once. I can help boost your speed.
Barry: I know, I know, it just... it might just be, like, a traffic accident or something, so, um, just let me find out.
Speed: Of course, but don't worry. If you need me, I'll sense it, and I'll be there in a heartbeat.

Barry: What happened?
Caitlin: There was a tremor, and Alexa sat up and looked at me.
Iris: Alexa's alive?
Caitlin: She was for a second, but she's not anymore. Which doesn't make any sense, medically speaking.
Iris: What if us being back in sync is what woke her up for the moment?
Barry: And then she reconnected with the Strength Force.
Iris: Is it crazy to think that we did this?
Barry: No. 'Cause we're all connected. And if we woke her up once...
Iris: Then we could bring her back permanently?
[as they reach out to touch Alexa's foot, a spark forms and traverses Alexa's body]
Alexa: [bolting upright with a gasp] Why is everyone looking at me?

Cisco: The Thawne Trap 2.0 is smaller, sleeker, and stronger. I've gone ahead and sharpened the inflexion points to account for your negative Speed Force energy. So if you go full "Dante's Peak" in there, we'll be safe out here.
Barry: It also means I can't phase in there if you need me.
Iris: Your dad and I will be right here the whole time.
Nora: You always are.
Barry: You got this.
Nora: Let's go catch our big bad.

Iris: Okay, are we sure that DeVoe is gonna launch the machine from an airfield?
Cisco: If he's shooting five satellites into synchronous orbit, that's the latitude he needs. And whether or not he's still moping around about his wife ditching him, he's gonna resurface. And he's gonna do it soon. When he does, I whoosh, you whoosh. She bangs.
Barry: If I get there in time. I mean, I'm still not fast enough to make it to DeVoe's pocket dimension.
Cisco: That's why we split up. Yeah. Each one of us stakes out a different launch pad.
Barry: You're serious? I mean you've seen DeVoe in action.
Cisco: Yeah. The guy's a one man Legion of Doom. So send the Super Friends.
Barry: Okay, but we're not at full super strength right now. I mean Joe's got the baby on the way and Caitlin's looking for Killer Frost. Harry's...
Dr. Harry Wells: [stumbles into the room] This chair came out of nowhere.

Barry: What?
Iris: Nothing. It's just... you went out into the field, you had a plan, and... it didn't work.
Barry: But they do for DeVoe. Harry's not wrong. DeVoe's gone over every possible outcome before making his plans.
Iris: Which we can't do, and neither can Harry.
Barry: Well, then what are we supposed to do? I mean, you just want us to ad-lib like Ralph wants us to?
Iris: Barry, you didn't see it, but when you were gone, Ralph rose to the occasion. He cracked jokes. He thought outside the box. I mean, he got the job done in the way that he knows how. So, the question is, are you upset with Ralph because you think he's screwing around or because he's not following your plan?

Dr. Harry Wells: Satellite is tracking temperature at the same intensity as the bank robbery, so...
Caitlin: That's him.
Dr. Harry Wells: Yeah.
Ralph: So who's that?
Cisco: Matthew Kim.
Dr. Harry Wells: Kim's gonna try and steal his powers.
Cisco: All right, let's go.
Iris: [entering] No. You guys are on point. I can do this.
Barry: You sure about this?
Iris: I have to, Barry.
Barry: All right, but remember, he can't touch you. Or he'll take your powers away, too.
Iris: Right.
Caitlin: Also, I'm not sure my clothes are gonna work this time.
Cisco: I have a fix for that. It's the best I could do on such short notice.
Iris: Thanks, Cisco.
[she changes at superspeed, leaving her civilian clothes behind]
Cisco: [insulted] I got hangers.

Nora: Is that the satellite core?
Cisco: That's right. The reflector panels on the mirror gun aren't the only thing we got from the satellite. We also have the core and, of course, the dagger.
Barry: So they're all composed of the exact same alloy and contain the same dark matter levels?
Cisco: Yep.
Iris: So if the mirror gun works on the core, then it should work on Cicada's dagger.
Cisco: Only one way to know for sure.
[taking aim]
Cisco: You might wanna step back. I mean, you don't know what this gun's gonna do. I mean, we shouldn't be firing this in such a small space, but what's life if you don't pull down your shorts and slide on the ice every once in a while?

Sherloque: Not great, but this dark cloud does have a silver lining. Which is if Cicada had everything that she needs to carry out her plan... would've already done so.
Ralph: He's right. She must be missing something or else we'd be done.
Barry: Yeah, but not for long. She's not gonna waste any time. Whatever it is that she needs, she's out there looking for it right now.
Iris: Well, then we move right away. We get the cure to everyone who needs it as soon as possible.
Ralph: So we just up and release some game-changing wonder drug?
Barry: We tested it. We know it works. People need a choice now more than ever. Do we have enough of the cure?
Cisco: Not nearly enough.
Nora: Caitlin, how fast can you make more?
Caitlin: Guess we'll find out.

Iris: So, figure it out yet?
Barry: Whatever these negative tachyons are, it feels a lot more like science fiction than actual science.
Iris: I wasn't asking about the science. I was asking about the scientist. You and Nora, you guys have such a strong connection. I mean, it's... it's effortless. So why are you so intent on sending her back?
Barry: I mean, what do you mean? First of all, she can't stop talking about the future. But... I mean, you know the danger that her being here poses to the timeline.
Iris: Yeah, I do, but I also know you, Barry. Look. You're the guy that went back in time to borrow Snart before he died.
Barry: I know.
Iris: You're also the same guy that traveled to 2020 to figure out who Savitar was, and 2015 to train with Wells. You changed fate to save my life. So, now that our daughter is here in front of us, asking for our help, you expect me to believe that you're worried about the timeline?

Barry: Iris.
Iris: Hey, what is it?
Barry: What if this is it? What if stopping the wave is my purpose as a Paragon? I mean, what if it's the sacrifice I have to make?
Iris: Well, if this is it, then I don't want you to die without me, Barry. I don't want you to be alone. I'll come with you.
Barry: No. You can't come, Iris. I may be the one with superpowers, but your intelligence, your resourcefulness, your heart - that's your superpower and that's what's gonna help you convince Ryan Choi to be the hero he needs to be.
Iris: Barry, I don't want to live this life without you. I don't - I don't want to say goodbye.
Barry: When I put this ring on your finger, I promised I'd always come home running home to you. And if we're apart, for however long, know that wherever I go, I will be running home to you.

Barry: We need to get back out there. Frost and Mecha-Vibe need our help.
Iris: Yeah, we will, as soon as...
Nora: [watching the Godspeeds vanish] They're gone again. Wow, Frost and Mecha-Vibe make a hell of a team.
Barry: Chester, how long would it take to rebuild the S.E.E.?
Chester P. Runk: Uh... four or five weeks, maybe?
Bart: Well, how come your tech thingy affected the clones and not us?
Chester P. Runk: Well, you're all organic speedsters, so I tweaked my Pops' design to only target artificial cell membranes.
Jay: Making it ineffective against us. Well done.
Nora: Dad, Mom, I know you both wanna keep the future safe, but if we don't stop this right now, there won't be a future to save. Please, can you just consider giving Heart organic speed?
Barry: Nora, I know that seems like the answer... but we're your parents. It's our job to protect you.
Bart: Maybe so. But Central City doesn't need parents right now. Dad, it needs heroes.

Caitlin: Cicada caused an axial burst fracture in her L3, L4, and L5 vertebrae. He also severely displaced her fourth thoracic vertebrae. It's not good.
Iris: But her speed healing is going to kick in, right?
[Caitlin is reluctant to say]
Iris: Right?
Caitlin: Cicada's cut flooded her body with dark matter. It's affecting her powers. Her speed healing should kick in... for now. I'll keep monitoring her progress.

Barry: Nora broke into the Starchives.
Iris: I'm sorry, what happened?
Barry: Nora broke into the Starchives. I thought I could stop her, but I couldn't. She stole Spencer Young's phone.
Cecile: Spencer Young's hypnotizing phone?
Barry: Yes.
Iris: Barry, it's okay. Did you at least find out what she's doing?
Barry: No. No, I tried. I... I thought I could convince her to come home. But... her face starting vibrating, and... and then her eyes... her lightning... it was red. Just like his. I thought we had time to reach her, but he got to her. Thawne really got to her.

Ralph: Hey, I thought you guys fathwoomed out of here.
Barry: We just wanted to make sure you guys were okay holding down the fort while we were gone.
Cisco: We're good. Rest easy, lovebirds. Team Leader is my new middle name.
Ralph: What was it before?
Cisco: Baracus.
Iris: As in Barracas, Argentina?
Cisco: No, as in Mr. T. My mom was a big "A-Team" fan.
Ralph: Wish mine was. Could've been Hannibal Dibny.
Cisco: Hannibal? Please. You're Murdock on your best day.

Nora: Uh, you can't leave.
Iris: What?
Nora: I mean, you just... you shouldn't go to your office. Not right now.
Iris: Why?
Nora: Because... dad is gonna be back, like, any minute, and by the time you get there, you're just gonna have to turn around anyway.
Iris: Yeah, I know, but I need to get this article out tonight.
Nora: Yeah, but I-I mean, you have your laptop with you, right? So why don't you just write it here? In the lounge, where it's safe.
Iris: Safe?
Nora: I mean cozy. It's cozy.

Iris: I just can't believe this is our new normal, Barry. I don't want this to be our lives.
Barry: You're gonna find something. I know it.
Iris: I just wish I could touch your hand again.
Barry: You will. I promise. I'll see you tomorrow?
Iris: Every tomorrow.

Cecile: You're telling me that a secret organization has been operating in Central City for seven years now?
Iris: Yes, and according to my source, they have a name. Black Hole.
Kamilla: We've been building a timeline. It looks like Black Hole activity started just after the Particle Accelerator exploded.
Allegra: They've been abducting and training meta-humans, like my cousin Esperanza and potentially others.
Iris: And Black Hole's reach has gone far beyond theft and training meta-human assassins. They are also involved in international arms deals.
Kamilla: And they kill anyone they believe has been compromised, including our mystery man, is now crispier than the chicken strips Allegra insists on ordering for dinner.
Allegra: Better than your vegan donuts.

Iris: How bad is it?
Chester P. Runk: Okay, did Nora kill somebody else?
Barry: No, and I have a way to make sure she never does.
Iris: Okay, how?
Cisco: [entering] I'm here. What's going on?
Barry: I spent all night coming up with a way to fix all this.
Cisco: Okay, what the solve?
Barry: We need to wipe the new forces out of existence.
Iris: Barry, what are you saying?
Barry: I want to go back in time... and uncreate them.

Iris: What's going on?
Caitlin: I-I'm seeing a massive electrical surge at the power station downtown.
Iris: Barry, Nora, you're up.

Iris: Being a parent sure is hard sometimes.
Barry: Yeah, it is. But there's nothing like it.

Barry: We need your help catching a meta-human serial killer.
Herr: Yeah, I have heard of this Cicada. Of course, got the message already from Kinder Flash. Unfortunately, I'm otherwise occupied, unable to assist you at this time.
Nora: You can't?
Herr: Nein. But, I have done one better and called someone who can. This man is a legend, this man is the greatest detective in all the Multiverse. So I've attached his coordinates if you want to look at them.
Iris: Okay.
Herr: Yah, do you see it?
Iris: Got 'em.
Herr: Good.
Iris: Cisco.
Cisco: Cisco what? You want me to breach him here?
Iris: Yeah.
Cisco: [shows his injured hands] Hello? I just got Benihana'd. Hurts a little bit.
Iris: Sorry.
Cisco: Why don't we breach him the old-fashioned way?

Iris: Eva, there has got to be a way out of here that we haven't thought of yet.
Eva: There isn't. There's only two options in this place: survival or madness. 1,322...
Iris: Eva, my husband will be looking for me, please.
Eva: This is how it all starts! Don't you understand? You sit here and you think everything's gonna work out. You can't possibly stay here forever, and then 1,322. That's how many times I've tried to escape this place. That's how many times I've failed. 1,322 reminders that I am never leaving this place. So, please don't... give me another one.
[seeing her reflection and trying to brush her hair with her hands]
Eva: I'm having a really bad hair day. I'm sorry. I... I've been alone for a very long time.
Iris: Well, you're not anymore. We just need one way out of here, Eva. That's it.

Cisco: I just picked up a frak-ton of background particle radiation.
Barry: Particles? Tachyons?
Cisco: Negative tachyons.
Joe: That's a thing?
Barry: I mean, negative tachyons can't generate lightning, right?
Cisco: Unless negative tachyons don't just offset positive ones like we thought. Maybe they actually siphon positive tachyons.
Joe: Stealing speed from the Speed Force like a parasite?
Barry: That's what Thawne taught her how to do. She's using negative tachyons to run and avoid our scanners.
Iris: Yeah, but why would Nora be trying to avoid us?
Joe: I don't know, but if she's stealing blueprints, this ain't gonna be her last stop.

Iris: [listening to Cisco and Ralph bicker] What is wrong with those two?
Dr. Harry Wells: You.
Iris: Excuse me?
Dr. Harry Wells: You know what's wrong. You're the team leader. Team leader's supposed to make the tough call.
Iris: I made a call. I said we would look for both of them.
Dr. Harry Wells: No. Looking for both of them is not a choice. We're overtaxing our resources, our people, because you won't face the hard truth. And the hard truth is we can't look for both. We can only look for one.
Iris: Harry, I just made a vow to love and protect Barry. To stand by him through thick and thin. And now you're asking me to choose between my husband's life and my friend's? I can't. I... I can't do that.
Dr. Harry Wells: You have to. Or we risk losing them both. You have to choose.

Iris: I can't believe she's actually willing to level the city to kill one man.
Barry: She doesn't know where Mardon is. It's overkill, but it's the only option we've left her.
Iris: Well, Caitlin's on radar, and Cisco's trying to juice the satellites, but there's interference. We can't locate Joss. You okay?
[knowing she means Nora, he shrugs non-committally]
Iris: Look, babe, you're gonna find the words to make her understand. I know it.
Barry: Not sure I have the words to make myself understand. She's got a point.

Barry: You sure you're okay?
Nora: Dad, Mom, I'm fine. I swear. So, how did the Godspeeds recover so fast, let alone recharge themselves? It's like they... they got stronger all of a sudden.
Chester P. Runk: I think I know how. Okay, so the S.E.E. battery needed 700 nanometers of microwave energy to power the device, but the battery wasn't charged by Allegra. It was charged with...
Barry: My lightning.
Chester P. Runk: Which was equivalent to 5 billion nanometers of energy.
Iris: So, Barry's lightning supercharged the S.E.E.
Chester P. Runk: Yeah. When the Godspeeds were blasted, they got a super dose of your Speed Force energy, too. Barry, I am so sorry. Look, I-I-I should have seen this coming, and I...
Barry: No, man. No. You did everything right. This is not your fault.
Iris: Okay, so how long until the next batch shows up?
Chester P. Runk: 45 minutes, tops. But I'll see if I can get my Pops' device working again before then.

Speed: [in Iris' nightmare] You think you can be a good wife? Good mother? But you never will. Everything you do pales in comparison to me. Besides... how could you be a good mother if you never even had one?
Iris: I'm not listening to you.
Speed: You don't have to. You already know it's the truth.
Iris: No. You're not real.
Speed: There's no escaping your own fear.
Iris: I know you're still here, Psych.
Psych: [ending the vision] Very good. Mm. It is not every day that someone can sense my presence in their nightmare.
Iris: I'm not just someone. We have a connection. I know you can feel that, too.
Psych: Perhaps. It's not going to help you, though. Escape one nightmare and I'll just serve up another. Because there's always more terror to unlock.

Killer: What's Babel Protocols? I thought that was defense stuff you added to Barry's suit.
Cisco: That's version 1. Version 2.0 puts up a force field around S.T.A.R. Labs. Nothing gets in, nothing goes out - not even our comms. I built them just in case... just in case if the Flash ever went dark.
Iris: Barry said that Ramsey gave him a choice. Why-why would he chose him?
Killer: Maybe he decided eternal life was better than dying in Crisis.
Cisco: Ramsey's using Barry. And whatever he's having him do, he's got a plan.

Cisco: We got a Starchives asset in Kollins Woods.
Sherloque: Starchives? What is this?
Iris: Uh, well, it's a place where we house everything Flash-related; prototypes, supersuits. I mean, everything since day one.
Ralph: Okay, and the alarm is going off because...
Cisco: Because somebody just stole something from us. Something really, really not good.

Nora: All day, I've been trying to figure out a way to stop Cicada, and all day you've been trying to pull me away. Why are you pushing this list?
Iris: I mean, it's just the last time that we may get to spend together, Nora. I mean, once we stop Cicada, you'll go back to your time and... us like this together will end.
Nora: Mom, it doesn't end. We have our whole future together.
Iris: Yeah, for you it'll feel like no time has passed, but for me, it'll be decades before I... see you like this again.

Iris: This whole parenting thing is different this time around.
Barry: Yeah, I know. I always knew our kids would have a hard life being speedsters, but I never thought they'd have to deal with a Thawne of their own. It's like there's a curse on our family. I mean, tragedy follows us everywhere. Maybe that's our real legacy.
Iris: You don't believe that.
Barry: This all started the night Thawne killed my mom, and I might not know where he is now, but our fight still isn't over. And in the other timeline, Nora's Godspeed killed her best friend, Lia. And now, I think this Godspeed killed someone Bart loved. History's repeating itself.
[a thought strikes him]
Barry: Iris, if we beat the Godspeed clones here, in 2021, the real August Heart will never get his powers back.
Iris: Which means that when Nora and Bart go back to 2049, there won't be a Godspeed there to endanger them.
Barry: We have to break the chain.
Iris: We will.

Sherloque: We made an important discovery.
Caitlin: To get you out of there.
Sherloque: The portals are hidden in perception gaps.
Caitlin: Things that you remember the way you want them to be, not the way they actually were.
Sherloque: 'Cause you're in denial or your perception was colored by anger or what have you.
Caitlin: So these defense mechanisms, they're composed of synapses. If you can break down the synapses in the false memory, that will reveal the real memory, and the synaptic jolt will expose the portal.
Iris: Okay, so... okay, well, how do we do that?
Sherloque: Well, uh... we'll have to call you back.

Gideon: Reprogramming complete. The Time Sphere's navigation core is now locked onto Nora West-Allen's temporal signature.
Iris: And you disabled the tracker that Cisco installed into the Sphere?
Gideon: Yes. However, there are still alarms in S.T.A.R. Labs. If you wish to use the Sphere undetected, you must activate it off-site.

Cisco: You guys at the Starchives yet?
Iris: We just got here.
Ralph: Well, there's no sign of forced entry. Or overhead lighting, apparently. Pretty sure that's a vacuum.

Iris: So they are going to scan our Earth for any other signs of antimatter and figure out a way to prevent whatever Crisis is coming.
Barry: It's not that simple.
Iris: Well, you said you saw a wave of antimatter destroy Earth. All we have to do is come up with a plan to stop it.
Barry: We can't stop what's coming. The Monitor was telling the truth.
Iris: We get Kara and Oliver and everybody. We create an antimatter dampener. I don't care. We just find a way.
Barry: I saw you and... Caitlin. I saw everyone die. The only timeline where you survived was if I died.
Iris: No, no, that's not the future.
Barry: I saw a billion futures, Iris.
Iris: Okay, but what about the billion and first or billion and second? We control our destiny. We... can change the timeline for the better.
Barry: Maybe this is the reason I was given powers. To save everyone.
Iris: You said this morning that you weren't giving up yet.
Barry: I have to accept this. We both do.
Iris: And do nothing while you sit here and wait to die? This isn't you. The Barry I know would never stop running. He would find another way to fight.

Dr. Harry Wells: What's that? What are you guys doing? What are those faces?
Iris: When Savitar came to S.T.A.R. Labs, he said we would build a device to use against DeVoe.
Barry: The cerebral inhibitor.
Dr. Harry Wells: I wish I'd known that before I spent all this time trying to come up with a second name. Naming is hard.

Kamilla: She should be here.
Allegra: Maybe it was a false positive?
Iris: Maybe since Nora is the Speed Force, her isotopic signature is all over the city by now.
Allegra: So what do we do?
Iris: I don't know. But we are running out of time.
Kamilla: Well, Cisco always says you can't solve a problem 'til you're asking the right question.
Allegra: Isn't "Where's Nora's kinetic energy leading us" the right question?
Iris: No. The right question is "Where's Nora?". We've been trying to find the Speed Force when we should be looking for... the person.
Kamilla: So where would the real Nora Allen go?
Iris: Home. Come on.

Iris: Hey, babe. Uh, I would've got you something, but I thought you were working through lunch at the precinct today.
Caitlin: Don't worry, there's plenty.
Chester P. Runk: Got a burger for you, boss.
Barry: [zooping over and hugging her] Oh, I missed you so much.
Iris: Not that I don't love this attention, but where's this coming from?
Cecile: [sensing his feelings] Barry, you okay?
Iris: Something happened, didn't it?
[he nods]
Iris: What was it?
Barry: Later. I just want to be here with you, with all of you.
Iris: Okay. Want me to call Dad, Frost?
[taking out her phone]
Iris: Dad. I'll call.
Barry: Joe. Can I call them?
Iris: [giving the phone to him] Uh, I mean, yeah, it's ringing, so.
Barry: Joe?
[happy to hear his voice]
Barry: It's really you. You're really there.

Cecile: [mourning Nora] We're so sorry.
Joe: We have to believe that we'll see her again.
Iris: We will.

Iris: You don't want peace with the Flash. You want to kill him.
Ryan: You're damn right I do!

Barry: Who's hungry?
Iris: Hi. I didn't think you'd be out of bed already.
Barry: Yeah, there was a car fire on Route 220. And I thought I'd bring home some breakfast, but this looks a lot better. Is that blueberry compote?
Speed: Freshly mashed, and paired with a savory bacon and baked egg danish.
Barry: The Speed Force.
Speed: Are you okay, Barry? You're not still feeling the effects of Psych's attack, are you?
Barry: Nah, I'm good. I just... I had no idea you could cook.
Iris: Bobby Flay has got nothing on Nora.
Speed: You know, it's funny, cooking is the process of combining ingredients with head to create molecular change, but this feels like so much more.
Barry: Huh.
Speed: Mimosa?
Barry: Sure.
[his hand vibrates violently causing the glass of juice to explode in his face]
Barry: Actually, I think I'm good.

Iris: Nora? Please tell us this isn't true.
Barry: She can't.
Nora: Dad...
Barry: Because it is true.

Barry: I stared at that newspaper for so many years. First it felt like a guide. You know, like proof that things were headed in the right direction. Then it became a sword hanging over my head. A part of me always felt like... if I vanish in whatever crisis is coming... maybe I was still out there somewhere, looking for a way to come back to you. According to The Monitor, that doesn't happen.
Iris: "To save the lives of billions, The Flash must die." What kind of crap is that?
[Barry chuckles]
Iris: No, I'm serious. I mean, The Monitor shows here up out of nowhere and says you're suppose to die on December 10th? The last I remember, the article said that you were in a fight with Thawne, not some cosmic disaster.
Barry: The article changed.
Iris: If that article can change, then that means we can still change the future.

Iris: Kamilla?
Kamilla: Iris! Thank God. When you disappeared, I thought that neural dissonance sickness got you.
Iris: Yeah, well, she tried to use it against me, but I was able to fight her off. I think I've been in this place for so long that I've gained control over it. I think that's how I was able to send you and Singh that message.
Kamilla: That's amazing.
Iris: What about Singh? Did you find him at the hospital?
Kamilla: I looked everywhere, but... Iris, what if we never find him? What if we never escape? What if we stay here so long that our minds just completely get destroyed and...
Iris: Kamilla, we have been through our fair share of danger, so no matter what dimension we're in, no matter what kind of villain we face, there is nothing that can stop us as long as we stick together.

The: I lost my speed.
Joe: What do you mean you lost your speed?
[Iris's hand is vibrating]
Iris: Uh, guys, I think I found it.

Iris: I guess you guys haven't found Allen yet, huh?
Ryan: Nope. And Batwing called from Gotham. Two-Face turned up, which means...
Iris: You have to go.
Ryan: I will be at the ceremony tomorrow, I promise. Until then, take this. It's a Velocity-Zero gun. Luke designed it the last time a certain lady in red tried to kill us all. It will temporarily disrupt Reverse-Flash's connection to whatever Speed Force he's connected to.
Iris: Thank you.
Ryan: Mm-hmm. Now, uh, you want to talk about your other problem?
Iris: I don't know, I've been working on it since I got home. Every time I think about my future with Eobard, my mind just... it goes blanker than that page.
Ryan: Any chance it's just cold feet?
Iris: I don't know. I love Eobard. I do. But when I think about Allen said, I mean, I just, I can't... I can't get it out of my head. It's like it's haunting me.

Amunet: Oh, I'm sorry. I should take off my gauntlet.
Goldface: Leave it on, girl. Daddy like metal.
The: I can't unsee this.
Iris: Well, at least it's less violent than a gang war? Barely. Yeah
The: Yeah.

Iris: Caitlin's in a vulnerable state right now. And Barry can take care of himself. So let's turn off the Speed Force satellite. We're going after Caitlin.
Ralph: We're on it.
Cisco: Let's go get our girl.

Iris: Get away from me.
Barry: Iris, you have to believe me. Thawne's not the Flash. I am. He must have changed the timeline. 'Cause you're my wife. This is our home, our loft. We even have kids, Bart and Nora.
Iris: Stop, stop, stop!
Barry: Please. You have to remember us. Iris, you're my lightning rod.
Iris: You're psychotic.

Joan: Your husband stared at me that same way when we first met.
Iris: I'm sorry. You look just like Barry's mother.

Barry: Iris? Where are you going?
Iris: I'm tired of wondering. Let's start a family.
Barry: I love that impulse.

Anton: Would you cover for Mr. Allen if you had to?
Captain: No, of course not.
Anton: No. It says here in his personnel file that he took a six-month sabbatical to the Czech Republic. Did he get approval from you first?
Captain: Not exactly. He said it was for something personal; I'm sure he had a good reason to go.
Iris: [quietly, to herself] Is saving the world a good reason?
Anton: It also says in here that he was late seventy-two times in the past two years. Did you ever ask him why?
Captain: No, because regardless of what time he got in, he always did his job.
Anton: I was just curious to imagine what he does with his time instead of being at work. It's almost like he has this secret life. So in spite of all these infractions, you never thought to discipline him?
Captain: What are you suggesting?
Anton: That whether you realized it or not, you've been covering the ugly truth about Mr. Allen for years now.
Captain: That is not true.
Anton: Is it true that he was targeting and harassing Mr. DeVoe? Yes or no?
Captain: Yes, which is why I granted DeVoe the restraining order and told Allen to stay away.

Barry: Please tell me you went home at some point.
Cisco: I knew I smelled SPF-90. How was it?
Iris: Amazing. 15 beaches in 24 hours, one of the many perks of marrying a speedster.

Barry: Where is he?
Iris: Barry, you're scaring me.
Barry: Where is he?
Iris: Who?
Barry: Joe!
Iris: [following her gaze, he sees a memorial plaque on the mantle] You gave the eulogy at his funeral.
Barry: No way. No, no, this is wrong. Iris, this is wrong. We have to investigate this. We have to find out what really happened to him. He's not dead! He can't be!
Cecile: Damn it, Barry. Joe is gone. Why can't you just accept that?

Caitlin: What about what Nora said about you two creating the other forces?
Barry: I mean, there's no proof.
Cisco: Well, what if we find out if Nora's telling the truth? If she is, then that means the other forces would have been born the same day she was.
Chester P. Runk: Oh, I'll pull satellite scans from the night we fought Mirror Monarch.
Cisco: Please, and thank you.
[Chester pulls the scans]
Cisco: Okay, you see that cluster of kinetic energy readings? Pretty sure that's the Speed Force being reborn in the Speed Lab.
[seeing the four colored lightning bolts]
Cisco: Whoa. There they are. Three brand-spanking-new isotopic signatures.
Iris: Nora was right.
Barry: We created the forces.

Nora: Mom. Holy schrap. You just threw yourself off a building to save dad?
Iris: Yeah.
Nora: That was beyond schway.
Barry: You're crazy.
Iris: I am.
Barry: Thank you. I love you.
Iris: I love you.

Caitlin: Looks like Axel was born nine months after Zoey was last seen. I bet she left to help take care of her son.
Iris: And she came back to bust him out of prison, and pick up where she left off.
Joe: Well, I'm digging into CCPD files to see if she had any other known associates.
Dr. Harry Wells: I'll set the satellite to do a search grid.

Cecile: Uh, guys, there's a blinky, red light thing on the computer.
Iris: Another alarm went off at S.T.A.R. Labs.
[turning on the surveillance feed]
Iris: Guys, this was only five minutes ago. Joss Jackam and Peter Merkel?
Cecile: How would they get into S.T.A.R. Labs?
Barry: Nora had someone in her ear. It was a coordinated assault.
Iris: But that would mean that she's working... with them.

Barry: Look at that timestamp on the post. 7:52 p.m.? Nora and I were still with Jonesy, and the fire at CCPN hadn't even been reported yet.
Iris: I guess you'll always be the first one to the scoop if you're the one making it.
Caitlin: So she's some sort of early edition meta who creates stories?
Iris: Fake news taken to a whole new level.

Chester P. Runk: Now, this is epic.
[imitating an echo]
Chester P. Runk: Epic, epic.
Cecile: Wow, I don't know what's more impressive. This place or us.
Iris: Us, definitely.
Mia: I haven't been in a place this swank since my debutante days.
Barry: Well, we have the place to ourselves tonight. And since Thawne's at A.R.G.U.S. and Despero's finally gone...
Iris: For good, it seems like.
Barry: I figured we deserved a night off.
Mia: Look, about me going evil and trying to kill you all...
Cecile: Already forgiven. We're just glad to have the real Mia back. And that, beautiful people, is it for shop talk.
Caitlin: Yes, absolutely. I think we've had enough of aliens and evil speedsters.
Damien: Does that go for evil magicians, too?
Mia: [drawing a knife and putting it to his throat] I know what you did to Laurel Lance, Damien Darhk. How about I return the favor?
Damien: By all means, go for it. I thought I'd be a dead man by now, anyway.
Mia: [withdrawing the weapon] I need a drink. A real one.

Iris: How's Caitlin and her mom?
Barry: Caitlin is still running some tests, but she thinks Carla's gonna be okay. I mean, as okay as she can be given the circumstances.
Iris: Why was Cicada II even there tonight? I mean, why attack Icicle and Caitlin?
Sherloque: Perhaps the ice meta were not the primary target.
Barry: What could Cicada II want with the cryo-atomizer?
Joe: Well, we're not gonna figure it out tonight. So let's rest tonight. Are you coming back to the house?
Iris: Um...
[glancing at Barry]
Iris: No, I'm gonna stay at the loft tonight.
Barry: You are?
Iris: Yeah. We should talk.

Barry: I don't think we're in Grace's memories.
Iris: We're in Nora's.

Iris: You know what makes a great speedster? It isn't their speed. It's being the light everyone needs when the world grows dark.

Cecile: Look at these pictures. So peaceful.
Iris: Mm.
Cecile: So beautiful. So peaceful.
Joe: It is, isn't it? You know, I never understood why Wally went there. Now I do.
Iris: Well, it makes me wonder, is my baby brother ever coming back from Tibet?
Joe: Well, all I can say is that he is more at ease than he has ever been. And if that means he wants to stay away from... the crazy that is Central City, then you know what? So be it.

Iris: Barry, Amunet has been off the grid for so long that if she's back, it must be for something big and bad, and I'm pretty sure it involves that device that she stole.
Barry: I know.
Iris: Hey, don't worry. We're gonna find her.
Barry: I just... I can't believe I just stood there and let her walk out.
Iris: Barry, it's not your fault. We knew that her knowing your identity would come back to bite us.
Barry: [putting on his Flash ring] All right, well, time to find her the old-fashioned way. I'm gonna run some sweeps of the city.
Iris: Whoa, whoa. She said no onesies.
Barry: Please don't call it that.

Nora: [watching Sherloque steep tea] He has been singing that same song for the last two hours.
Iris: I know, I know.
[addressing Sherloque]
Iris: Are you seriously making tea right now?
Sherloque: The tea, oui. Right. Chamomile, you know, to stimulate the brain, but also, frankly, the digestive system, right? Because since I have arrived at here, I have been backed up like a traffic jam.
Iris: That is so disgusting. Beyond disgusting.

Caitlin: His amygdala is spiking.
Cisco: Barry, can you hear me? Cecile is connected to your mind. Whatever you're seeing, fight through it.
The: [in his nightmare] This isn't real. It's not real. It's not real. It's not real.
Cisco: You got us all killed, Barry.
Speed: I trusted you. Why didn't you save me?
Iris: When you let me die, you killed our children, too.
Cecile: Barry can't hear us. He's caught inside his nightmare. He's lost.
Cisco: I'm diverting all satellite power to the comms. Listen to me, Barry. You have to get through this.
The: Cisco, I don't know if I can.
Cisco: Yes, you can. You are strong enough, I know you are. We can't do this without you.
Speed: You're a coward, Barry Allen!
Cisco: You'll lose us again.
Iris: All because you're too afraid. Too afraid to open your eyes.
The: [calming himself down] You're right, I am afraid. But I won't let that fear control me.

Joe: Damn.
Iris: Dad.
Joe: You found my spot.
Iris: You knew about this?
Joe: I've been napping in here since day one.
Barry: Uh, well, Nora was gonna stay here, if that's all right with you.
Joe: Okay, well, now I can get to know my granddaughter.

Iris: [finding Earth-96's Clark] Uh, he looks just like Ray Palmer.
Clark: Who?
[glancing at Earth-38 Clark]
Clark: Hey. Nice glasses.

Iris: Before you had those powers, before you became a force, you were a person. I'm talking to that person right now. I have friends. I have a team. They can help you fight this monster that's inside of you. We can help you regain control of your body.
Psych: What makes you think I'm not in control?
Iris: I know you didn't... choose to have these powers. And you shouldn't have to go through this alone. I know that we're not flesh and blood. But in a way... I'm... I'm like a-a parent. So please let me help you.
Psych: Well, then there's something I should tell you, Mother. I hated my parents.

Caitlin: He's panicking, his heart rate is off the charts.
Iris: Ralph, are you okay?
Elongated: [still in pain] Help!
The: Burn, Stretchy Man, burn!
Vibe: [breaching in and knocking him backwards] Not today, Satan!
Elongated: [they breach back to S.T.A.R. Labs] What the hell did he do to me?

Barry: I'm not gonna give into you.
Dr. Ramsey Rosso: Barry, you misjudge me. I'm just here to enjoy with good friends and perhaps offer you a gift.
Barry: What can you possibly offer me?
Iris: Everything.

Iris: So, what made you believe that you could carry Chester out of that place?
Barry: You made me believe I could do it. I realized we could be each other's support group, even though it's gonna take some time. If we can carry a memory like this together in our hearts, carrying carrying somebody's consciousness out of a black hole? It's a piece of cake. Besides, how else could I get this back for you?
[he opens the door to the Time Vault, revealing Nora's XS jacket]
Barry: I know it's not as good as Nora's video...
Iris: It's better. Now we have something that we can honor Nora with.
Barry: She was pretty schway.

XS: If I go back in, the negative Speed Force will be a part of me forever.
Iris: No, we'll get it out of you, Nora. We can get it out of you. We can save you.
XS: Mom... you can't.
Iris: Please, I promise.
XS: Mom, you *can't*. None of you can. It's making me like Thawne. Full of anger and hate. I... I don't want that to be my legacy. This is all on me.
Iris: No.
XS: All of it. My mistake. And I'm not gonna make another one. Sometimes all you can do is live with the consequences.

Barry: You guys, now that I am free, I don't care what I do. I'm just so happy to be back with all of you again.
Cisco: Team Flash.
Joe: Today, we celebrate Barry. Tomorrow, we go back to the man that framed you.
Iris: I'll drink to that.
Caitlin: Here, here.
[Barry has a worried look]
Caitlin: You okay, Barry?
Barry: Yeah, it's DeVoe.
Iris: Barry, we're gonna stop him, I know we will.
Barry: No, it's not that, he... There was nothing keeping him from going inside the meta-wing and absorbing the powers of every meta in Iron Heights. Peek-A-Boo, Top, Weather Wizard. Yeah, he could have stolen their powers and more, but he didn't. He only wants the bus metas. He wants their powers for something.
Cisco: We know a bus meta.
[Ralph walks into the house]
Ralph: Hey, guys. Sorry I'm late. Just couldn't get this left glute to shape-shift back to its normal, perky...
[realizes that everyone is staring at him]
Ralph: Why is everyone looking at me like I'm a dead man?

Barry: That was Cecile. Caitlin is back home. Now she's trying to get Frost out on bail before the sentencing hearing.
Iris: What about a trial?
Barry: Frost is pleading guilty to all her old crimes, so whatever happens to her next is up to the judge.
Iris: Well, at least Chillblaine will be in Iron Heights for a very long time.
Barry: Yeah.
Iris: How does Caitlin feel about it all?
Barry: I'm not sure. I think she was just getting used to Frost having her own body. I know how hard it can be when a relationship like that changes in a snap.
Iris: [the Speed Force whooshes in] Speaking of which, I should get ready for work.

Iris: I need you to promise me something, Barry. Promise me that when we figure out who did this to you and when you get your speed back and you're finally back in my arms... That you'll come back to me.
Barry: Of course I'll come back.
Iris: Barry, I heard what you said right before you took that shot. You're the Green Arrow now. But please don't become Oliver Queen.
Barry: I won't. I promise.

Ralph: Hey, has Barry joined a gang yet? I've got some friends on the inside. I can make some calls.
Iris: [hitting him with the folder she's holding] Shut up, Ralph.
Ralph: Okay. I will stop helping now.

Iris: Flash, Atom, who are you firing at?
Chester P. Runk: Yeah, yeah, he's right behind you.
[Despero throws a taxi-cab at The Flash and Atom, The Atom then shrinks himself and Flash to avoid the taxi and regrow to normal size]
The: [groans] Now I know how Diggle feels.

Barry: I thought you were resting at home.
Iris: Oh, um, yeah. I just... I couldn't wait for my casserole.
Barry: Ah.
Iris: Yeah. So, what's up with the City Hall gang?
Barry: Apparently, a mold inspection triggers every other city inspection, too, which is way more prying eyes than I expected.
Iris: Let me help. No, look, I know people like this chief guy, and he's just itching for a reason to shut us down. I can tell.
Barry: You sure you don't mind? I mean...
Iris: Handling bureaucratic jackassery is, like, my thing.

Alex: Okay, uplink to the Tower mainframe is secure. You now have access to our alien database, including any intel we have on this Despero.
Iris: We appreciate you helping, Alex.
Chester P. Runk: How long will it take to download?
Alex: Well, this new algorithm works at light speed. In fact, Caitlin, that guy Marcus that I connected you with, he designed it.
Catlin: Well, if the world's still here in a week, I'll be sure and give him a call.
Alex: [getting a negative search result] Oh, I'm sorry, guys. I'll keep digging and see what I can find out. But if this Despero has managed to stay off of our grid, then he is a greater threat than any alien we've faced. Keep your guard up.

Mold: Okay, this is seriously freaking me out. Are we in danger?
Iris: Um...
Inspector: Johnson isn't behind this. Is he?
Barry: No, he's not.
Inspector: How do you know, and why should we trust you?
[Barry zoops around the inspectors]
Barry: Because I'm the Flash. And whatever's going on here, it's definitely not good.
Inspector: Okay, that makes sense. You know what?

Iris: Hi, Bart.
Bart: [fake yawn] Oh, Mom, it's crazy you called. I was just pulling an all-nighter studying for this mid-term.
Iris: Yeah, no, you weren't.
Bart: Yeah. No, I wasn't.
Nora: Never try to fool someone who's won two Pulitzers.

Barry: When was the last time we had a night out, again?
Iris: I don't know. It's been too long. Is that Nora Darhk?
Nora: [spotting them] Barry Allen? Iris? What am I doing here? What just happened? Where is my dad? Barry.
Barry: [not sure what to say] I...
Nora: Please, someone, tell me what is going on.
Joe: You're okay, thanks to your dad.
Nora: He's gone, isn't he?
[he nods]
Nora: Why is this happening again?
Joe: Because Damien Darhk promised that he would do whatever it takes to save his daughter, and he did. Come on. There's a story I need you to hear.

Chester P. Runk: Okay, well, that's not good.
Iris: What is that thing?
Chester P. Runk: Oh, I'm picking up some seriously advanced tech readings.
Iris: You just had that thing in your back pocket?
Chester P. Runk: Oh, no. I just picked it up from right there.
Iris: Oh, yeah. Tech Con, right.

Joe: So we're sure that Fallout is secure?
Iris: Well, Lyla said that she had some people who would be very interested in helping Borman control his powers. She took him to a different A.R.G.U.S. black-ops site way off the grid.
Joe: How far off the grid?
Cisco: Like, it would take Jack Ryan two Tom Clancy novels to find him.

Joe: I remember when you were this small. Holding you for the first time. Bring you home. Now, look at you. I'm a granddad and you're a mom. You're not my baby girl anymore.
Iris: Yes, I am, Dad. I always will be.

Allegra: Iris, this account of Despero fighting Flash and Atom is amazing. Is Barry okay?
Iris: Yeah, it's just, Despero is like no one we've ever faced before. Any notes?
Allegra: Just one. Publish this now. People need to read it. You saw everything and survived. The city needs to know it can, too.
Iris: By the way, I, um, I read the revised articles that you had Vanya, Aariz, and Taylor write.
Allegra: And?
Iris: We're going straight to print with all of them. Whatever you did to inspire quality work like this, it must've gotten through.
Allegra: Thank God, but they're still not happy with me.
Iris: Hmm, welcome to management.

Barry: We lost. Five people aren't going home to their families tonight. And the sixth, Ramsey. We lost him, too. He's out there somewhere. We have to stop him. I... I have to stop him.
Iris: Barry.
Ralph: You tried to save him.
Cecile: But he turned himself into a monster.
Killer: That's not on us. That was Ramsey's choice.
Barry: I swear, if it is the last thing I do on this Earth... I'm gonna stop him.
Iris: How did Ramsey do this, anyway?
Cisco: He's using people as incubators. Using their bodies to create to he needs to keep himself alive.
Iris: So he's turning people into human bloods banks.
Cecile: And as soon he gets hungry again...
Killer: He's gonna make a withdrawal.
Ralph: Well, happy Halloween, everyone.

Damien: Hello, Iris.
Iris: Damien? If you're here, does that mean I'm dead too?
Damien: No, it doesn't. What happened to you is far more interesting than that. We have a lot to discuss.

Ryan: Well, I should be getting back to Gotham City, and I appreciate you all looking for me. Especially you, Iris. I'm a big fan of your work.
Iris: Really? Wow - I mean, yeah, likewise. Although I have to say, I like you better than the other one.
Ryan: Yeah. Sorry about the whole doppelganger situation. But the next time you're in Gotham, we should get a mimosa. Kara, Alex, Nia, and I, we all have a monthly brunch.

Ramsey: [Iris is able to resist his infection] How fascinating. You're sharing your oxygen with the embryo inside you. And she's sharing her healing factors with you.
Iris: We're gonna stop you.
Ramsey: No, you won't. I've been playing the long game, and you... have already lost.

Iris: Look, Nora, I'm glad I have you. Your last story did so well that I would like you to write a follow-up piece.
Nora: Yeah, sure. When's the deadline?
Iris: Uh, if you get something to me...
[they lose connection as Iris' picture disappears]
Nora: Mom, Mom?
Bart: Yeah, that looked like more than just bad service.
Iris: [reappearing in the apartment, looking shocked] Bart? Nora, is that really you?
Bart: Uh, sis, is it just me or does Mom look really young?
Nora: Oh, shrap.

Iris: Still swirling around up there?
Barry: I just don't get Nora. I mean, I thought our training was sinking in. I mean, she defeated Block, she was really making progress. And next thing you know, she wants to break into CCPD and kidnap a suspect in police custody. I mean, it's like she wants to... make Hersch Cicada.
Iris: Barry, you really don't get why she's obsessed?
Barry: Wait, should I?
Iris: Think about it. She's been hearing about the ripple effects on the timeline since she got here. And at first, they were relatively small, but now, Cicada...
Barry: Not so small.
Iris: He's one of the worst serial killers in history, and now because of Nora, he's here early. And an entirely different person.
Barry: With an entirely different set of victims.
Iris: That is a huge weight to bear for someone who just wanted to spend time with a dad she never knew. She feels really guilty, Barry. She wants to try to fix her mistakes, whatever that takes. Sounds like another speedster I know, actually.

Iris: What's going on?
Barry: You're not Iris. That's what. And you're not leaving until you tell us who or what you are.
Iris: [scoffing laugh] What the hell are you talking about? And why are you pointing that gauntlet at me?
Barry: This photo was taken on Kamilla's camera. You see the prismatic fragmentation? Only your image is affected. I think that the camera's filter is revealing a dimensional shift. Showing us things in the picture from another dimension. Things that don't belong in ours.
Iris: Cecile, you actually believe this?
Cecile: You seemed off in your office earlier, and... and that photo.
Iris: That could've been anything. A glitch in the camera tech. Guys, this is insane.
Barry: [showing her a small, hand-held device] This prismatic scanner is just a more powerful version of the camera's filter. If I'm wrong, and you are from this dimension, then when the prismatic wave hits you, you'll look completely normal. But if I'm right, you're gonna look just like that photo. And you're gonna tell us where the real Iris is.
Iris: Barry, how could you do this? For god's sake, I'm your wife.

Iris: [believing Oliver to be Barry] I guess you forgot you can't get drunk?
Oliver: This day could not get any worse.

Barry: If Thawne gets his powers back, I won't be able to stop him. Just like I can't stop Sunshine.
Iris: Well, maybe the Flash can't stop them, but... Barry Allen can. I mean, so what the Flash can't run as fast as he used to? Barry Allen was taking down villains long before the Flash came along. Barry, you are just as much of a hero as the Flash. That's why the city gave you the medal of honor. I mean, are you really gonna let CCPD handle Sunshine by themselves?
Barry: I don't see how I can help them without my speed.
Iris: Barry, it's like you're stuck on this idea that the Flash is supposed to be limitless, but metas are the ones that have limits. I mean, think about it. Where would the Ringmaster be without his rings? Or Cicada without that dagger? Even Reverse-Flash and Sunshine, they... they have their limits. You just have to figure out what they are.
Barry: [getting an idea] You're right. Sunshine does have limits. I have to find Joe.

Barry: How do you feel right now?
Iris: Well, I mean, that's what's so weird. I feel fine.
Barry: And this is all because of what happened in the other timeline?
Deon: Yeah. I should've never reversed your treatments.
Iris: No. It's not your fault, Deon. I asked you to do it. And it was the right thing to do. There-there was no other way to prove Barry's innocence and to save my dad's life.
Deon: Yeah, but these anomalies you're experiencing? I mean, who knows what's next?
Barry: Well, we have to find a cure.
Deon: And we will. Right now, we gotta get you stabilized. I'm sorry, but you gotta stay put.
Iris: Well, I mean, there are worse places to hang out. How long do I have to stay?
Deon: Well, considering the universe is like a zillion light years large, I'd say staying put is a relative thing when it comes to Earthly movements, so I'm thinking that if you confine your movements to Coast City for a while, it should lessen the risk. Or a least I hope so.
Iris: Good, because there's still someone here that needs my help.
Barry: What if she has another episode?
Deon: Well, I'm gonna have to do something a little more radical this time to patch you up. Look, I won't like to you guys. This is gonna hurt.

Barry: What did Joan say?
Iris: It's true. Jay got his speed back when the Speed Force was reborn.
Chester P. Runk: And then those clones took him.
Barry: They're gonna kill Jay.
Bart: I won't let them.
Barry: Bart, we've got this under control.
Bart: No, you don't.
Barry: Okay, we're working on a plan. Just give us some time.
Bart: We don't have time, Dad!
Chester P. Runk: Uh, guys, I'm-I'm triangulating the Godspeeds' comm signals now. It came from Zauriel Cathedral on Morrison Ave.
Bart: Well, that's where I'm going.
Nora: Bart, wait.
[he whooshes away]
Nora: Dad, they knew how Bart would react if they took Uncle Jay. He knows he's running into a trap, but he doesn't care. You have to stop him. You have to save him.
Barry: We have to save him.

Nora: I can't stand around and do nothing.
Barry: Yes, you can, because that's what we're telling you to do.
Nora: When I first got here, I would rush in to fix things, and by doing that, I always ended up making them worse. But I am not that person anymore. Because of you. You showed me how to use my powers. You taught me how to make the right choices. And right now, I am choosing to face this risk.
Iris: Nora, this is a terrible idea.
Nora: I know you feel that way. But I don't. I'm an adult, capable of making my own decisions. I've made up my mind about this. So I am asking you, please, as my parents, stop trying to keep me away from this danger and start helping me face it.

Iris: Don't give up, okay? Growth is growth.
Nora: Normal axon growth rate reaches five millimeters a day in a large nerve. With speed healing, mine should be over a hundred.
Iris: How do you know that?
Nora: I took neuro-regeneration in my fifth grade STEM class.
Iris: I took fractions in fifth grade.
[they share a laugh]
Nora: What if I don't heal, mom? What if I never get better?
Nora: Can I just be left alone for a little bit, please?

Iris: Okay, guys. We don't have a speedster, Cisco can't breach, and Killer Frost is out of commission. We need to come up with a plan to rescue Barry now.
Cisco: The extrapolator. We can breach in and grab him.
Iris: Great, where is it?
Sherloque: Right. Uh, about that... I broke it.
Cisco: How did you break this? Batting practice?
Sherloque: It's not user friendly.
Cisco: You're not user friendly!

Iris: What are you doing, Sherloque?
Sherloque: Well, I'm pursuing a new lead to identify the mystery Cicada.
Iris: Well, if you needed information about the Time Sphere, you could've just asked.
Sherloque: That's right, but memory can be deceiving. Especially for a regular human. No, I prefer a primary source.
Iris: And this new lead, were you pursuing it last night, too?
Sherloque: That's right.
Iris: And all last weekend?
Sherloque: That's right. I am working very hard to get...
[something catches his eye]
Sherloque: To get what I want.

Cisco: That's the other thing, celebrating the decimation of an indigenous culture so a bunch of greedy colonizers can get their turkey-lurkey on.
[to Iris and Nora]
Cisco: Do you know about this? Do you know about the sham? The sham we call "Thanksgiving."
Iris: Okay, I'm sorry, am I... am I missing something? Since when did you guys become anti-Thanksgiving?
Cisco: Since a bunch of guys wearing hat buckles fed us some old bull, wrapped in lies, stuffed in propaganda. It's a deception turducken.
Nora: Actually, I think the hat buckles weren't real, either.
Iris: Don't encourage him.

Cecile: The one person in the world she thought she could trust died in her arms.
Caitlin: Nora must have felt completely alone.
Barry: But she wasn't.
Iris: Yes, she was. Because I wasn't honest with her.
Barry: Iris...
Iris: After all I did, she gave me a second chance. It's the least we can do for her.
Nora: [cut to the Pipeline] Mom?
Iris: [opening her cell] Don't make me regret this.

Sue: [deactivates the laser security system] Lasers are clear.
Iris: You learned that in Tunisia?
Sue: No. DeMatteis Academy of Dance.

Iris: So I-I can't use "Gazette"? "Chronicle"? So the only name that's cleared is "Central City Citizen". Uh, yeah. Yeah, thanks.
Barry: [entering] Hey, who was that on the phone?
Iris: Um, a lawyer. She was helping answer some questions about me starting a newspaper.
Barry: That's cool. What'd she say?
Iris: You know, it doesn't matter. I-I'm actually not sure that the timing is right, and I really just want to focus on Team Flash and stopping Cicada.
Barry: Yeah, but...
[his phone buzzes]
Barry: Oh, hold on.
[answering the call]
Barry: Hey. Hey, slow down, slow down.
[to Iris]
Barry: It's Sherloque.
[into the phone]
Barry: Nora did what?

Ray: Are you guys having pizza?
Iris: We, um...
Ray: Is it gluten-free?
Barry: No, it's from Italy.
Ray: Oh.
Iris: So, uh, where is Nora? Did she come with you?
Ray: No, she's saving the world one kid at a time and loving it.
Barry: Mmm.
Ray: [seeing the candles] Am... am I interrupting?
Barry: No.
Iris: Never.
Ray: Really? Great! So, is this a sofa bed or, like, a sheets and blankets on top sort of thing?
Barry: Uh, there is a guest bedroom at the top of the stairs.
Ray: Aw. You guys are the best. I'll get the rest of my bags later.
Iris: Okay.
Iris: [seeing all his luggage] I thought he could shrink things.
Barry: Yeah.

Cecile: [about Barry] Wow, he really is slow.
Nora: Yeah, Papa Joe told me all the stories about what an awful athlete Dad was growing up.
Iris: Well, believe me, they're true.
Caitlin: Let's just be grateful that he has coordination when it counts.

Iris: [points out a photo] Her. Dr. Komiyo Hoshi.
Cisco: Hoshi... She went missing 4 years ago. She's an astronomer out of Tokyo with the power to fuel starlight, but her meta-powers aren't precise enough to do the kind of damage you showed me in those photos.
Kamilla: What if she used the Photon rifle to focus them?
Cisco: Good thinking, maybe the reflector chip could condense her UV photon emissions.
Kamilla: The rifle is the weapon.
Cisco: No, she's the ammunition.
Allegra: So Black Hole turned her into some kind of evil light doctor.
Cisco: So we've got a brand new, more powerful, murder-happy Dr. Light on our hands. Another new meta surprise courtesy of Earth frakking Prime.

Iris: What are you thinking?
Eobard: Well, I'm thinking you should be at home resting up for our big day tomorrow.
Iris: I will.
Eobard: [seeing she has something on her mind] What?
Iris: It's just that Allen seems off. Baby, he called me his lightning rod. Only you call me that.
Eobard: I know. But he's smart. He's attacking our love. We cannot let him pull us apart.
Iris: He won't.

Nora: Dad, that weathervane, doesn't it look a lot like...
Barry: The staff she was carrying, yeah. Cisco, can you pull up the security footage from her attack on Iron Heights?
Cisco: Sure can.
Caitlin: [seeing a still of Joss' staff] It's infected with a satellite shard. She's got meta-tech.
Nora: Like Spencer Young's phone.
Cisco: Look, she has instant lightning on command. There's no way you're gonna be able to get that staff from her. She's gonna have to give it up willingly.
Iris: Okay, listen, we got twenty minutes before she destroys the entire city, so what is the plan?
Barry: We only have one choice. We give her what she wants.

Iris: Barry told us about Deathstorm and the ghost he sent after Chester. You're one of those apparitions, aren't you?
Detective: And where's your precious Barry now? Nowhere to be found as usual, while you're laid up in here, waiting to die.
Sue: Iris is not going to die.
Detective: Trust me. As a dead man myself, she's toast. And she knows it. Just like I knew. I thought my sacrifice would mean something. That I could erase the Reverse Flash from existence. That, finally, I could be a hero. But then Eobard Thawne came back, again, and again, and again, and again. What I did didn't matter at all. I died for nothing, and now you've made the same mistake. You sacrificed yourself for nothing.
Iris: I saved Barry, and I helped stop Armageddon.
Detective: And then, what happened? The timeline got reset, but you're still suffering the consequences. Can't you see? Your death is gonna be just as pointless as mine.

Iris: How are we both police officers?
Nia: Because we're both in a dream. Yours.

Cisco: [seeing an old photo of Prank with James Jesse] Man, what were people wearing back then?
Iris: Zoey Clark was the beneficiary to Clark Toys empire.
Joe: Not much of an empire. All those stores closed twenty years ago.

Iris: So the Rogues' new partner is a speedster?
Jaco: Yeah. It was the scariest thing I've ever seen.
Barry: And it gets worse. He's using the negative speed, which is how he was able to dampen my speed for a few minutes.
Iris: Why would a speedster need a time machine?
Goldface: "And darkness and decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all."
Barry: Edgar Allan Poe.
Goldface: Then you know the story. Seven revelers at a masquerade, killed by the strangers in their midst.
Barry: Look, I know what you're all thinking. But this is about more than stealing tech now. This new speedster, I don't know who he is yet. I don't know what he wants to build a time machine. But Team Flash can't stop him on their own, especially how if he has his own Rogue army. I need your help. All of you.
Hartley: Barry, this is not what we signed up for.
Jaco: But... you know, I have a son to keep safe in this town. So I guess if you need me...
Goldface: Fine. I always did like a good underdog story.
Hartley: That, and if Central City gets leveled, you're out of business.
Goldface: I said I'd help.
Hartley: Find out who this guy is, find out his weakness, then call us.

Eva: And no one saw you?
Iris: CCPD was busy fighting Sunshine.
Kamilla: In and out and no one noticed.
Eva: So my husband stopped looking for me, but... apparently still goes out looking for my toys. You did very well. As long as we stick to the plan...
Iris: Success is assured.

Chester P. Runk: So you think Despero's right, that Barry's gonna destroy the world or something?
Cecile: No, no, hey, what Barry did today was scary, and the things that he said, they really, really hurt, but someone that we love is going through a mental health crisis, so I don't care what he may or may not do ten years from now. We need to take care of him today just like he did for me.
Catlin: Okay, we'll follow your lead. What do you want to do?
Cecile: Okay, I've been sensing Despero all day. He's using his mind's eye to scan the city. Now, he hasn't found him yet, but if Barry's not thinking clearly...
Iris: [coming in] What if he's the only one thinking clearly?
Allegra: Boss, what are you talking about?
Iris: Look, I know how this is gonna sound, but when Despero showed up, he said that Barry would suffer tragedy, and then on cue, he lost his job, he lost S.T.A.R. Labs, and now he's lost his mind. Doesn't that seem like a big coincidence? A little too big?
Chester P. Runk: But Despero's from the future. Wouldn't he know what happened?
Iris: But what if he didn't know that someone secretly caused it to happen?
Allegra: You think he's being framed.
Cecile: Iris, he forgot about Joe. Nobody was framing him then.
Iris: Yeah, I'm not so sure.

Iris: What is all this?
Dr. Harry Wells: This is gonna give us the edge we finally need to be smarter than DeVoe. Or me to be smarter than DeVoe, actually.

Joe: You did a background check on a public official?
Iris: I've only ever heard of one other person using the phrase "if you're not early, you're late"; Citizen's go-to military source.
Joe: Kramer served.
Iris: Yes, she served, but I think she's also lying about why she's here. Dad, I found her file in the DOD database. Half of it's redacted. What if she's not here to help?
Joe: Iris, are you sure this isn't a reaction to what happened with Eva? I mean, she lied to you for weeks.
Iris: Dad, I am not afraid of being deceived, I'm afraid of not trusting my gut. Something is off with Kramer, I know it. Please, read the file.

Barry: I'm really sorry that I made you feel like I wasn't seeing all your success in a larger way.
Iris: Babe, it's fine.
Barry: No, it's not. You've made a name for yourself, and this city looks to you and the Citizen for the truth about what's going on. And I am so proud of who you are and all of your accomplishments. I just... for a moment today, I felt like... maybe we were growing apart.
Iris: That will never happen.
Barry: I get that now.
Iris: And babe, just remember that no matter what changes, you're always gonna be my lightning rod, too.

Barry: And we are done. What do you think? Think Nora's gonna like it?
Iris: Well, you can ask her yourself in about seven months.
Barry: I know. I know. I'm jumping the gun. I just - I can't wait to be a dad.
Iris: Is that why there's a freezer full of cookie dough ice cream?
Barry: That's Nora's favorite.
Iris: Yeah, when she's 23.

Joe: It normally works.
Iris: Dad, what were you thinking?
Joe: Look, bleach takes out stains, and the curtains were dirty, so...
Cecile: [laughing] I'm sorry, but no! No! This whole retirement thing, he's still real new at it.
Joe: Look, this the cleanest spot in the whole house, and I would have done a whole lot more if Frost hadn't taken my cleaning supplies for her collages.
Allegra: Oh yeah, I still don't know how she carried that stuff while ice-bridging across town.
Chester P. Runk: She didn't. People were finding sponges and yellow gloves for miles. Actually, I think Wild Dog uses Joe's mops as a bo staff.

Barry: What are we dealing with?
Joe: Uh, first of all, we're trying to determine what was in that vault. Watch your step right here. Uh, there was no drilling, there was no lock picked. And the only thing anyone about what was in the vault was that it was some sort of secretive technology. Also, security guard here was a 24 year old, apparently shot himself.
Iris: Wait, a robbery and a suicide?
Joe: He was newly married. Has an infant at home. This is smelling like some meta madness to me.
Barry: Who else can Kilg%re a retinal scan and Dibny a vault lock?

Sherloque: The point's simply that there's no reason for Cicada of this Earth to be anyone other than David Hersch.
Iris: Well, there may be one reason.
Sherloque: What's that?
Iris: The timeline.
Barry: Yes, since Nora got here, things have changed a bit. Yeah.
Sherloque: Oh, mais no, you must- how can you not tell me this? How am I expected to operate when you don't give me the variables?
Cisco: I don't know, but what we can expect is a refund, so...
Barry: Yeah.
Sherloque: Oh, no, no, no. That money is long gone.
Cisco: What do you mean "it's gone"? You spent all that money in one day?
Sherloque: Right.
Cisco: On what?
Sherloque: My ex-wife. Ex-wives. Seven marriages. Five wives. Lots of alimony.

Marlize: It's rude to break into a person's home uninvited. And dangerous when the person is holding a grudge and a katana. Why are you here?
Dr. Harry Wells: I got this. We're here, Marlize... we're here because you... because... Wait, uh, you... You have... You - you've... I can't. I can't.
Marlize: He can't verbalize it. Not anymore. Just like we hypothesized but never observed before. You're experiencing the penultimate stages of the Enlightenment. Your mind is being rebooted. Soon you will be with memories, without relationships. Just a blank slate so that Clifford may re-educate you. Soon we'll all be just like you.
Iris: Marlize, we have to stop him. Your husband has gone too far, and I think you know it, or you'd be with him right now.
Marlize: Yes, I left my husband. But that doesn't change the fact that he's right. If anything, his betrayal proves his very point. Man corrupts even the best of ideas.
Iris: Pessimism isn't smarter than optimism. In this life the bravest thing you can be is optimistic.
Marlize: Familiar words.
Iris: You said them when you were at Oxford. Two weeks before you met Clifford DeVoe.
Marlize: I gave a speech on technology and the elimination of world hunger. I truly believed it could be done.
Iris: He tried to change you, Marlize. But I think deep down, you are still an optimist. You still believe in humanity. And I believe in you. You asked me what I was willing to do for my husband. And I'm gonna ask you. What are you willing to do for the world?:

Mia: What did Thawne mean when he said, "save me"? Save him from what?
Barry: You see how he's fading in and out? Same thing happened to me in his Reverse-Flashpoint. He's being erased. Once the process is complete, he'll die.
Cecile: So when you removed Thawne's changes, the timeline decided to remove him, too.
Barry: Yeah.
Iris: Okay, but when Thawne died, he came back somehow after Eddie. I mean, could that happen again?
Barry: No, this is different. When I reset the timeline, I used Damien's Time Stone. It eliminated all possible time variables, restoring a single, permanent timeline again. This one.
Caitlin: So if he dies this time...
Chester P. Runk: It's game over for good.
Caitlin: Okay. I need to call Frost. If we're gonna decide what to do about Thawne, we need the whole team here.
Mia: Wait a minute. You're not actually considering saving him, are you?
Iris: Mia, we know that Thawne is bad, but we still need to talk this through before we make any decisions.
Mia: Fine. If that's how you guys do things. But you're making a big mistake.

Eobard: What are you waiting for? Shoot him!
Barry: I need you to know, no matter what happens, after everything Thawne's taken from me, he can't take away my feelings for you. I love you, Iris.
Eobard: Enough.
Iris: [shooting Thawne with the Velocity-Zero gun] Go, before I change my mind.

Nora: I should have stopped him from going.
Iris: Nora, this isn't your fault.
Nora: Yes, it is. I'm his older sister. I'm supposed to keep him safe. This is what Godspeed always does. He always goes after the people we love the most.
Barry: [seeing Caitlin enter] How's he doing?
Caitlin: He's still unresponsive. Bart's in some sort of deep comatose state.
Jay: The Godspeeds were feeding off me when Bart turned up, and by the time they turned their sights on him, I had nothing left in the tank. How'd you know how to stop 'em?
Barry: Actually, it was my son's idea. I guess sometimes it pays to be impulsive.
Jay: Can't argue with that.
Iris: Why hasn't Bart's speed healing kicked in?
Caitlin: It has, but his Speed Force saturation's so depleted that whatever speed he has left is being used to keep him alive. I'll keep monitoring him, but unfortunately, all we can do now is wait.

Bart: You know, even though future-you told us about your vow renewals, like, a million times, I still get pretty weepy.
Nora: Me, too. I mean, the love in this room when you two kissed...
Iris: We have such an amazing future ahead of us.
Bart: Yeah, if we didn't change it.
Barry: I checked with Gideon. No changes to the timeline. Everything's fine.
Nora: Well, on that note, we should be getting back to 2049 sooner or later.
Bart: Yep.
Barry: Keep the future safe. You're both gonna make great heroes.
Nora: I already am.
Bart: I'm gonna make you proud, Dad.
Barry: I know.

Joan: Barry, your Force particles are gone. And as for you, Iris, there's no sign of your time sickness anywhere. You're completely cured.
Nora: And Gideon says there's no Thawne anywhere in the timeline.
Iris: Then it's really over, all of it.
Barry: Bart, Nora, about the way I behaved today...
Bart: Uh-uh. No, not after all of the things that you have helped us with.
Nora: Yeah, he's right, Dad. At the end of the day, all that matters is you did the right thing.
Jay: And on that note, I think we should all go back to our lives in 2049.
[shaking hands with Barry]
Jay: Great work today, Flash, as always.

Iris: [flipping through Nora's journal] Time language.
Barry: Mm-hmm.
Iris: No matter what changes with the timeline, that'll never change.
Barry: Yeah. We'll always have this to remember her.

Clark: Hello.
Iris: Hi.
Clark: You are Clark Kent, right?
Clark: Can I help you?
Iris: Uh, yeah, hopefully. Um, so, uh, this universe and an infinite number of others is in the process of blinking out of existence, and there are 7 people in all of space and time who can supposedly...
Lois: Lex Luthor is gonna try and kill you.
Iris: Lois.
Lois: He is.
Clark: Lex?
Iris: Yeah.
Clark: I didn't know the President was in town.

Iris: I want you to leave.
Barry: You can't be serious.
Iris: Barry, you always do this. You always make all of these decisions, and then the rest of us have to deal with the fallout. Flashpoint, going into the Speed Force, taking Nora into the future, and now this... I am done, Barry.
Barry: Iris.
Iris: I want you to get out.
Barry: Please. Okay, look, we can work through this. You're my home.
Barry: [recoiling] Not anymore. Leave.

Sherloque: Now the pressing question is not why Nora is working with the Reverse-Flash. Maybe I can talk to her and shed some light on the matter.
Iris: I think you've shed enough light.
Sherloque: Why are you upset at me? What I should do? I should just... I should not have told you?
Joe: How long has it been since you suspected her?
Sherloque: Since I arrived.
Joe: Wow.
Iris: So you've been following this trail all this time and you didn't think to tell us about it until now?
Sherloque: I don't know where this trail leads.
Barry: Are you kidding me?
Sherloque: I'm not kidding you. You don't come to a conclusion without facts. All the facts.

Barry: How you doing?
Iris: They say the first year of marriage is always the hardest, but I never thought my husband being on trial for murder would be one of the challenges.

Barry: It's not okay for her to work with Thawne. You saw him. You said he's manipulating her.
Iris: And I said that he cares about her. He's worried about her safety...
Barry: No, he needs her, Iris. He needs her.
Iris: Or... he's changed. Barry, Thawne is the one that convinced me to come back home and try and patch things up with you.
Barry: Thawne. Thawne gave you advice?
Iris: Look, I know it sounds insane, and I know this must be hard for you to hear, but Barry, ever since I got back home, the same question keeps running through my mind. What if Nora is right? What if Thawne really is trying to redeem himself and that he does want to stop Cicada, and the only reason that Nora hasn't come back home is because she knows that you don't trust her? Look... Barry, having Nora in our lives has made us better people. Isn't it possible that she did the same thing to Thawne?

Iris: We can't warn her we're coming?
Sherloque: Well, we wanted to install an emergency beacon, but it didn't work.
Caitlin: So, once you enter, it'll create a new portal. You'll only have a few moments to find Grace and Nora before Grace's brain tries to seal it off. And remember, if you die in there...
Barry: We die out here. I remember from DeVoe.
[he and Iris lie down]
Barry: We're gonna save her. I promise.

Iris: We're next, you know?
Barry: Wait, you want to have - what do you mean? You want to have a baby now? What do you mean? Right now?
Iris: Barry.
Barry: What?
Iris: Relax.
Barry: I'm fine.
Iris: Are you?
Barry: Yeah.
Iris: I just meant someday. Not anytime in the near future.

Iris: The Young Rogues. Not the nicest friends you made there, kiddo.
Nora: Yeah, I... thought I could control them, steal the weapons back after we lifted them, but I got in over my head. Even if it was for a good reason.
Barry: Nora, killing Cicada is not a good reason.
Nora: No, I-I wasn't trying to kill Cicada.
[retrieving a gun from her bag]
Nora: I needed this. It's a weapon built from the solar reflector panels from the S.T.A.R. Labs satellite, capable of destroying any object down to its atoms, and it's the only thing that can destroy Cicada's dagger.
Iris: Nora, why didn't you just tell us this?
Barry: Because I wouldn't have believed her. 'Cause it's Thawne's plan.
Nora: I knew how angry dad was. And then you came to the future without him. I just thought he'd never believe me. Plus, I had to stay in a seriously unschway headspace to use the negative Speed Force. But I know now. I don't ever want to leave you guys again. And if that means not following through with Thawne's plan, I'm okay with that.
Barry: I think we should use it.
Nora: You what?
Iris: Barr, are you sure?
Barry: We have to stop Cicada. I'm never gonna like where this plan comes from. But if this thing works... sounds like our best shot.
Nora: You really believe him?
Barry: I believe in you, Nora. And I'm sorry that I made you feel otherwise.

Iris: Barry. You know the Negative Speed Force will need to find a new avatar.
Barry: I know. 'Cause the universe is all about balance... Which means that one day, the Negative Forces will have to pick one.
Iris: I wonder who they'll choose.
Barry: We won't know until it happens. But whenever that day comes, and whoever that avatar is... We'll be ready for them.

Barry: Bart, you won't be going into the field.
Iris: Yeah, Bart, your dad told me everything, and I saw the rest in the Still Force. Look, it was one thing when Godspeed was just some meta that you two were fighting in the future, but...
Barry: He's your Thawne, which means it's personal.
Bart: Yeah. I mean... Okay, D-Dad, I am... I am sorry for how I reacted earlier, but I... you don't know me... like that yet. I can keep my cool. I promise. I can. Tell them. I can keep my cool, right?
Nora: But you can't.
Barry: Bart.
Nora: [as he whooshes away, Barry moves to follow him] Dad. I know Bart can be a bonehead, but he's right. You've only known him for a few hours. I've known him for 19 years. I got this. Trust me.
Iris: [she whooshes away, too] They are so incredible.
Barry: We make great people.
Iris: Yeah, we do.

Eva: Are you real? No, of course you're not. That's it. That's it. I've finally lost it.
Iris: It's okay. I-I'm real.
Eva: [laughing in relief, she hugs her] Oh, my... I... Oh, I-I... I can't believe I'm talking to another person. It's been so long.
Iris: Wait, I know you... you and your husband, Joseph Carver, you founded McCulloch Technologies. You're Eva McCulloch. But you're supposed to be dead.
Eva: No. Not dead. Just... trapped. Now so are you.

Iris: This is, like, a lifetime supply of store credit. Why would Rory think that we needed forty toasters?
Barry: He said that there was some kind of fire sale.
Iris: [realization dawns on her] He stole them.
Barry: He definitely stole them.

Iris: Mia, you never said why you came to 2021, but I'm guessing it's important. So what is going on?
Mia: I'm here to find my brother. William's missing. I just hit another dead end.
Iris: What happened?
Mia: It was the night I decided to put on the suit. William and I went to see Dad's statue, but we were attacked. I haven't seen my brother since. I've been looking for him for two years.
Iris: I'm so sorry.
Mia: Found a temporal energy signature at the crime scene which led me here, but every trail goes cold.
[showing her an arrowhead]
Mia: Now, this is all I have left of him. William gave it to me the night he was taken. Sometimes I wonder if it's connected to why he's still gone.
Iris: Have you asked Felicity for help?
Mia: She wouldn't understand what I've had to do to get this far.

Sue: Yeah, I get it. Waiting sucks. You know what might make it suck less? A five-course meal from Angelino's delivered straight to your door. We could eat our problems away.
Iris: Food as a distraction? You're a bad influence
Sue: I'll take that as a yes.

Iris: Sorry we're late. It seems like everyone and their grandma is getting pre-holiday manis and pedis.
Nora: Ooh, let's take photos and post them on that old-fashioned Insta thingy that you guys use.
Caitlin: Those two seem to have really patched things up.
Barry: Yeah, Nora's getting closer to Iris than she is with me, and the timing couldn't have been better.
Caitlin: What do you mean?
Barry: I mean, Nora was so young when I disappeared in her future, so this would be her first memory of Thanksgiving with both her parents. Feel like it's my job to make it the most perfect Thanksgiving ever.

Iris: I just talked to David. Is my dad really gone?
Barry: I tried calling you.
Iris: That's your excuse? My dad is in witness protection, Barry. You should've come to get me.
Barry: Yeah, Iris, there wasn't enough time.
Iris: You're the Flash, Barry. You can make a second last an hour. Where is he?
Barry: I-I honestly don't know.
Iris: When is he coming back?
Barry: The second that we catch Carver.
Iris: Carver's pockets are lined with... with politicians and lawmakers, Barry, not to mention assassins. It could be years before we catch him.
Barry: Iris, I'm so sorry, but Cecile was almost killed. And then Joe. He-he had to leave right away, or else Carver may come after Jenna or you next.
Iris: Carver already came after me.
Barry: And I wasn't here to protect you. Look, I'm-I'm-I'm trying to keep this family safe.

Barry: Goldface is working with Amunet?
Iris: Well, they did used to date.
Amunet: You're too late, Keith.
Goldface: Oh, Leslie. You know I can't let you leave with that.
Iris: I don't think they're working together.
Barry: No. This is a gang war.

Iris: [seeing Nora as a child] Hey, I found her. You think we can talk to her?
Barry: No. I wish. This might be the only time I get to see her at this age. Nora's consciousness isn't here, though. It's in Grace. This is a fixed memory. We can't interfere.
Iris: When I was ten, I wasn't running away from home.
Barry: That's 'cause you were a good kid. I ran away all the time.
Iris: Yeah, only 'cause you were trying to see your dad. Not 'cause you were running from someone.

Chester P. Runk: It looks like Gideon's scans detected composite temporal particles on you.
Iris: So does that mean that my time sickness is back?
Chester P. Runk: No, but you have been exposed to some kind of tachyon feedback loop. Barry too. And now, you're both stuck on this merry-go-round called Wednesday.

Sue: Since when does Cecile have that kind of power?
Caitlin: She doesn't. It was the mask.
Iris: That was the voice inside of our heads. She was possessed just like Hayden and all the others before him.
Sue: Okay. When did all this happen?
Caitlin: During the Force Storm, we thought Cecile was hit by the Sage Force lightning. But it must have been the psychic spirit of the mask that used that as a cover to take over her mind. Now they're both missing. We have no idea where they are.
Chester P. Runk: Or what they're up to.
Iris: We have to find her. That mask is the only link to helping Barry and figuring out what happened to the real Cecile.
Chester P. Runk: The legends says that the mask gives the wielder enhanced psychic powers. So maybe if we track her neurological signals?
Sue: And how about we let someone else come up with a plan for a change?
Caitlin: Sue, Chester was just trying to help.
Sue: Yeah, so was I when I told him that this job seemed too easy. But he brushed me off, and I shot a tranq into my own neck.
Chester P. Runk: She's right. This is on me.
Iris: Chester, that thing tricked all of us.
Chester P. Runk: But you heard what it said. It put Barry in that coma, just like Grodd did, to play me and zing my insecurities as the new guy. It knew I'd pick Psycho Pirate out of that binder and call Sue to help us break into that museum. All to make me think I had this all figured out. Really, I don't know jack.

Barry: This the mirror gun?
Iris: Yeah, it contains a bleeding-edge reflective microchip technology. If I can examine the gun up close, then maybe I can find some kind of small clue that connects the gun to Black Hole, since McCulloch created it. It's still in the Starchives, right?
Barry: Yeah. Yeah, it is.
Iris: Could you, um, get it for me?
Barry: Uh... I-I mean, unlocking a weapon like that sounds like a bad idea.
Iris: Barry, it's me.
Barry: I-I know, but I mean, after what just happened with you and Carver... w-what if the gun fell into the wrong hands? Just like the cold gun fell into Snart's.
Iris: It won't, trust me.
Barry: Iris, I... look, you I trust, but, um, the guy who just tried to have you assassinated, not so much. I-I mean, and if Black Hole had a weapon as powerful as the mirror gun, I mean, there's no telling what could happen.

Barry: Iris, there's something you need to now. The Negative Speed Force... it chose a new avatar.
Iris: Who?
Cobalt: [teleports inside the room] I hope I'm not interrupting.
Iris: Oh, my God. Eddie?
Cobalt: It's Cobalt Blue now. Hey, Iris. Flash.
Barry: Take another step closer to her.
Cobalt: Oh, no. I'm not here to fight. I just came to say congrats.
Iris: Eddie, how are you alive?
Barry: The Negative Speed Force brought him back. Turned him against us.
Cobalt: It showed me the truth. And it gave me the power to kill Barry and end his bloodline forever.
Barry: Eddie, you kill me, you kill the Speed Force too.
Cobalt: Exactly. And without the Speed Force to bind it together, the timeline will fall. And then I'll make a new one where I'm the hero. It's not personal. I just want my life back.
Iris: The Negative Speed Force is a dark force of nature. Why would it want to help you?
Barry: It doesn't. It just wants to grow unchecked without the positive side standing in its way.
Cobalt: The negative side saved my life. It wants me to win and I'll be the one with a family.
Iris: This isn't you. You're a good man. Let us help you.
Cobalt: You could've helped me before. Instead, you looked the other way while I shot myself in the chest. Now, any last words?
Iris: I've got three. Run, Barry. Run.

Cisco: Stagg, Mercury, Ivo.
Nora: None of them have a hyper-conduit compatible with the converter Cicada stole.
Ralph: You know, now that I've actually experienced this whole time travel thing, I think I understand it a little bit better. Which makes me understand Thawne's plan less and less. Why would he send Nora back to create a new Cicada only for a newer Cicada to appear who's harder to stop than the one Nora created?
Iris: Ralph, can we get away from Thawne's plan and try to stick to our own?

Iris: She says you're always gonna be in her way. And now you're too slow to stop me.
Barry: Whose way? Who's making you do this?
[they fight, with Iris using the mirrors in the room to her advantage]
Iris: You should really mind your surroundings.
[he sees her glance up at a mirror on the ceiling]

Cisco: What are you doing on our Earth?
Harrison: What am I doing? I'm searching for an artifact that happens to contain the same particles... I'm currently reading off you.
Iris: What?
Harrison: Although...
Cisco: What - what part - particles of what?
Harrison: Eternium.
Cisco: Eternium?
Harrison: Eternium's a Multiversal element, all right? Although the readings were stronger in the alley.
Cisco: Listen, Indiana, I don't know how you do things on your Earth, but this ain't "Temple of Doom." And what is Eternium supposed to be, anyway? Some kind of stolen mystical element from the tiki gods that you suddenly have to return?
Harrison: Look, there's no such thing as mystical mumbo jumbo or gods. What there are are meta-humans, aliens, and false gods worshiped by simple-minded people that find comfort in myths. I dispel those myths. You people are no help.
Cisco: Newsflash, Nash. We've actually done this dance before.
Harrison: Is that right?
Iris: Yeah.
Cisco: That's right. It usually starts off rocky, especially between you and me, but eventually, we bond, and you learn to embrace that sensitive side. So why don't you just drop the act and show me that warm, compassionate, smart guy, that I know you to be.
Harrison: Let me ask you a question. Do I look like I want to hold hands?
[Nash tries going for his fanny pack but Cisco grabs it first]
Harrison: Interesting.
Cisco: If you want your toys back, you just might have to.

Cisco: Definitely some kind of wood fragment.
Iris: And you think those will lead us to where Cicada's hiding?
Cisco: We can find out. We can cross-reference this, see what kind of wood it is, then see where we end up.

Iris: Who spit gum on the floor?
Ralph: I'm a gum-shoe! Not gum on a shoe!

Nora: We can use this. If I can see where she is just for a second, we can run to her. Guys, this is the key to stopping Cicada II.
Iris: No. No, Nora, it's too dangerous. We don't even know what the side effects are.
Barry: No.
Iris: We just got the stuff out of you. We're not risking exposing you to that again.
Nora: Mom, I want to do this.
Barry: We'll find another way.

Caitlin: Your frontal cortex is healing, but the part that controls motor control is still falling behind.
Iris: No trace of Psych or Fuerza.
Barry: Well, either way, at least now we have proof they're connected. When I struck Psych with my lightning, he shook it off easy, but just for a minute, the lightning... it stayed with him.
Cisco: Was it glowing?
Barry: Yeah.
Cisco: Same thing happened when you fought Fuerza.
Barry: I threw everything I had at them, we all did. They just kept coming for more. Luckily, your powers are getting stronger, too.
Cecile: Well, chair did most of the work, but thanks.
Cisco: I don't know, you kicked some pretty serious psychic ass out there. Might have to teach Martian Manhunter a thing or two.

Iris: So, I talked to Captain Singh, and he said that Gridlock was killed during his transport to Iron Heights.
Nora: Gridlock's dead?
Caitlin: How?
Iris: I'm not sure. I interviewed everyone that was there, and no one knows. But I did some digging...
Ralph: [watching the feed from a body camera] Okay, so what are we looking for here?
Iris: Not looking. Listening.
Ralph: [hearing heavy breathing] It sounds like the guy who just attacked us.
Caitlin: [hearing chittering] Sounds like an insect.
Cisco: Yeah, it does. Like a...
Nora: Like a cicada.
Barry: Who's Cicada?

Iris: Sue is very lucky to have a master detective like you searching for her.
Ralph: Give me a break. It's just a missing person's case. It's not I'm looking to getting married.

Iris: You know what I could go for right now is some of that...
Barry: [zooping away and back with a pint of ice cream] Vanilla bean from that organic dairy farm in Coast City?

Iris: I got a tip about Fallout, but it's been scrambled by Kilg%re's code.
Cisco: Hmm, not anymore. Consider it unscrambled.
Barry: [reading the message] DeVoe. Where's A.R.G.U.S. keeping Borman? Do we know?
Iris: I-I can't ping Lyla, but I can try Dig.
Barry: I'll just go get him.
Caitlin: [he speeds away] Uh...
Cisco: Trash can.
Iris: Ooh, how about the recycling?
Caitlin: Nope.
Cisco: [grabbing a mesh can] I got it, I got it.
Caitlin: Really?
Cisco: [taking a more sturdy can from her] Seemed like a good idea at the time.
Barry: [returning with Dig] Sorry, man.
[Dig grabs the can from Cisco and vomits]
Barry: I'm sorry.
[Dig groans and takes a water bottle from Iris]
Barry: Can we just... I'm sorry.
John: I hate you.

Iris: You know, if you really want a banana, I could always go in the kitchen...
Barry: No, no. No, I don't want a banana. This all looks... awesome. I mean, th-the pancakes are really... round. Just excited to... to taste 'em. With my mouth.
[taking a bite]
Barry: Oh, my god. When did you learn to c... I mean, these are... are really good.
Iris: Thank you.
Barry: Yeah.
[taking a sip of orange juice]
Barry: Is this fresh-squeezed?

Iris: So how do we stop them from stealing the engine?
Hartley: Well, that's obvious. We just have to steal it first.

Wally: Uh, and your nickname is XS?
Cisco: Clearly not my doing.
Nora: No, uh, it's a nickname that you gave me when I was a kid, Mom.
Iris: "Mom"?
Nora: You said I did everything in excess. Guess I've always been like that. Overdoing things, getting in way over my head. Like, uh, recently.

Inspector: [stuck in the Speed Lab] All right, what in the H-E-double hockey sticks is going on here?
Barry: Honestly? No idea.
Iris: Don't look at me.
Barry: Don't know.
Mold: Whoa, was that there before?
Jane: [they all see a grandfather clock] No. I have excellent spatial retention. I can say with near certainty that grandfather clock was not here before.
Iris: [turning around to talk privately] Barry, how did a grandfather clock get into the Speed Lab?
Barry: I don't know. And why can't we get out of this room?
Iris: I don't know.

Nora: Did you really stake out the school bathroom in third grade to prove that the school janitor wasn't cleaning it?
Iris: I'm gonna kill Cecile. But, um, yes. I was a real-life Nancy Drew back then.

Caitlin: How are you feeling Cecile?
Cecile: Like - like I don't know if I can do this.
Joe: You shouldn't have to. You should be able to have our baby just like any other parent, in a hospital, or a regular bad, and not with all of this.
[to Marlize]
Joe: Hey, look what you've done to our friend, my son, my daughter, the love of my life, everybody in this damn city.
Iris: Dad...
Joe: How could you ever think that this would be better for humanity?
Iris: Dad, what did you say to me when Barry came out of the Speed Force? You said, "Strength without faith means nothing." We need to have faith that we can get through this. Together.

Joe: He made these comments about family and cherishing them. And then the way he picked up Jenna's blanket, and I got this... feeling when I looked in his eyes.
Iris: What... what kind of feeling?
Joe: I think Cicada's a father.

Iris: When I talked to the lawyer, I asked her to check a dozen potential names, and guess which one was the only one that cleared. The Central City Citizen.
Barry: I know it's got baggage, but it's just a name.
Iris: Is it? I mean, we've been looking at that front page for four years. "Flash Missing, Vanishes in Crisis." And I'm the one that writes that article, Barry. I just thought that, I don't know, maybe if I don't start the paper, that...
Barry: Iris, this is your dream, and the city needs somebody like you.
Iris: Yeah, but, Barry, look where it gets us. These are Nora's memories right now in this timeline after she interfered. Let's keep looking for the portal, okay? Nora needs our help.

Nora: Okay, I thought something big was supposed to be going on down here.
Iris: Oh, I don't know. It's pretty big.
Barry: Feast your eyes on the newest addition to the Jitters menu.
[Nora gasps excitedly]
Iris: The XS-presso.
Nora: [squeaking] I got my own drink!
Iris: It's pretty schway, right?
Barry: Think of what could be next. An XS action figure? XS Day?
Nora: Guys, you are embarrassing me.

Iris: I just talked to one of the architects here, and G. Simone & Associates used to do all of this high-profile design work; casinos, banks, military bases. But apparently, last year, they had been working with an anonymous client.
Joe: So because our thief covered his tracks, we have no idea who that client might be.
Barry: Hey, look at this. Look at these hard drives. Fried from the inside, like in a massive power surge.
Joe: A server like this would have a surge protector, right?
Barry: A typical metal-oxide varistor protects against a thousand joules.
Iris: How many joules does a lightning bolt have?
Barry: A billion.
Joe: What, you think this was Nora?
Barry: No, this couldn't have been. I mean, our scanners would've picked her up.

Warden: You have to excuse our dim lighting. Today's storm out at the power plant knocked out our main generator, so we're working off a backup for the time being.
Iris: So does that mean you can't dampen the meta prisoners' powers?
Warden: Prison-wide dampeners are down, but we got every inmate into meta cuffs incident-free. I hope you include that in your article about our readiness. After the corruption of the last warden, I am eager to assure the public that their safety is in good hands. Now, our CSIs, which inmate did you need to see?
Barry: [seeing Mardon is secure in his cell] And he's been here all day?
Warden: Never once out of our sight.
Iris: There was a crime committed today with an M.O. similar to Mardon's. Can I take a look at the security tapes?
Warden: Anything for our friends in the press.
Barry: Well, this is a bust.
Nora: Yeah, looks like you, uh, died for nothing.

Iris: Nora's still holed up in the guest room. I know she's a force of nature, but as crazy as it sounds, there is a person forming inside of her, too.
Barry: Iris, whatever she is, she's not human. She's the Speed Force. She powers my abilities. You don't know what it's like, seeing... someone like that, eating breakfast at our table.
Iris: That's why you don't want to call her Nora. Maybe I shouldn't have invited her to stay here.
Barry: No, it was... it was the right thing to do. She needs us to keep her safe, and protecting her now is the least I can do. What's wrong with me?
Iris: Nothing. Nothing, Barry, it's just... I think for you, she's this all-powerful, cosmic entity, but she's changed. I don't know how or why, but... whatever she was before, she's even more now. Do you remember when I... first came back from college after freshman year?
Barry: Yeah, I was living in my own apartment, and you moved back in with Joe.
Iris: Yeah, it was... it was great, for a while. I was waitressing and, um, making tips, trying to write my dissertation, but after about a week, me and dad started butting heads over the stupidest things. Me coming in late at night, him watching sports all day Saturday when I was trying to study; I mean, all we did was argue.
Barry: I remember Joe told me how bad he felt through all that.
Iris: Yeah. And do you wanna know why? Because when I left that fall, I really was his baby girl. But when I got back, we were both adults. Different habits, different schedules. We weren't just... father and daughter anymore. Finding a new normal between the two of you is gonna take some time, and it may get pretty painful along the way. That's how relationships grow.

Nora: Mom thinks that she had good reason to suppress my powers in the future, but she doesn't know what that reason is.
Barry: I'm sure it's a good one. Look, Nora, I don't have to visit the future to know what kind of mother Iris is gonna be. She cares about family more than anyone I've ever met, okay? I support her decisions; past, present, and future.
Nora: Then I guess I need to rethink what the meaning of family is.
Iris: [she starts to leave] Nora, wait.
Nora: Do you know what hurt the most about learning I had powers? Not hearing it from my mom.

Iris: You should get some rest. You've had a long day.
Nora: Ooh, I'll try. I'm just so excited. Like, literally. Phasing excited all of the electron clouds in my body.
Barry: Well, if you're not tired, two scoops of cookie dough ice cream sound good right now.
Nora: From Happy Harbor?
Barry: [to Iris] If that's okay with you.
Iris: [Nora looks at her in anticipation] It is, yeah. Just, uh, bring me back some mint chip.

Iris: That aroma seems familiar. Sebastian James?
Mia: My favorite scotch. Did you guys always party this hard after a successful mission?
Iris: I wish. By the way, I, um... I came across something that might help you find William. The symbol on the Hozen, it matches a symbol from some heavily redacted documents from Berlin. Only my source couldn't find out more thanks to some very intense firewalls.
Mia: You know, I think I know a hacker who might be able to help me.
Iris: You're going to see Felicity?
Mia: You were right, Iris. I can be the person she always wanted me to be. Thank you for helping me find myself again.
Iris: You made the choice to be a hero. Your dad would be proud. And, hey, you know, don't be a stranger while you're here in our time. Bart and Nora, they... . they drop in on us a lot, and I think you guys would get along really well.

Cisco: Barry, you're talking about creating another Flashpoint. You know we can't do that.
Barry: Not if I can figure out a way to go back that doesn't affect the timeline.
Cisco: Which would be impossible.
Iris: Barry, look, I know that you're devastated about Alexa. But uncreating forces? That crosses a line.
Barry: I convinced Alexa to come here. Her death is my fault. If we don't get these new forces out of Psych and Deon, Nora will kill them, too, so it's on us to fix this.
Iris: By killing Psych and Deon?
Barry: No, I'm not killing them. I'm saving them from the forces that took over their lives. Whoever they were before this, they can go back to being those same people again.
Iris: And what about the other force that was born that night? Nora. If you uncreate her...
Barry: We're only gonna target the new forces, not Nora. That's the plan.
Chester P. Runk: But if something goes wrong, Barry, you might lose your speed.
Barry: Then I lose my speed. All right? It's... it's worth the risk to keep everyone safe.

Iris: I want you to take me to him right now.
Barry: I told you, I don't know where he's going.
Iris: You don't need to, Barry. They-they-they left, what, like, 30 minutes ago? They're probably still within a 50-mile radius. With your speed, you can search that entire area in seconds.
Barry: You know I can't, not anymore.
Iris: Can't or won't?
Barry: It's not that simple.
Iris: Yes, it is, Barry!
Barry: No, it isn't! Look, Iris, I'm... I'm barely hanging on. I can't catch my breath. I'm getting dizzy. My feet are numb. My fingers tingle. It feels like with every step I take, I'm getting ripped in two. All I can think about is if I'll be fast enough tomorrow to save another life.

Barry: We have to wait how long before we can use the meta-human cure?
Cisco: Not even that long.
Iris: Cisco.
Cisco: [snapping his fingers] It's gonna go by like that.
Iris: Cisco.
Cisco: 29 days.
Nora: A month?
Cisco: I know, right? Just one, teeny, tiny month until we stop Cicada's purge. You know, historically speaking, this is way faster than we've ever stopped a big bad, so...

Joe: Bar, give her some space.
Iris: Dad, she's hurting.
Joe: Baby girl, I know. We all are. But like Barry said... we just lost a family member, and that pain will keep us from protecting those in need. It will cloud everything we do until we face it and heal.
Chester P. Runk: Yeah, but how are we supposed to do that?
Joe: By honoring Frost. Look, I just took watercolor classes at the community center because Frost made me promise that I would try to express myself through art. And I got to admit, when I saw the first canvas... I felt Frost smiling down at me. And we all have to find our own ways to honor her, 'cause it is the only way we are going to heal as a family.

Barry: Electrician's unusual.
Iris: Yeah, if you ask me, they all seem like characters from a sitcom.
Barry: "Inspectors" coming this fall.

Iris: You know, we have been through so much crap, we have been through so much therapy, and you are still - *still* - making decisions based on your emotions!
Barry: 'Cause I'm right this time!
Iris: Flashpoint? Going to the Speed Force and leaving me? Were you right those times, too?
Barry: You think I wanted to do this? That this was easy? Seeing Nora looking at me, asking for forgiveness knowing it might be the last time I ever see her?
Iris: What about the last time that I get to see her, Barry? I didn't even get a chance to say goodbye!
Barry: Damn it, Iris, she lied to us for months!
Iris: Yeah, and she explained why!
[seeing her lack of reaction]
Barry: That doesn't bother you.
Iris: No, it doesn't.
Barry: Maybe if he killed your mother in front of you, you'd feel differently.
Iris: Maybe you feeling differently, Barry, is why we should have made this decision together.

Iris: Did you know about the CatCo offer?
Barry: Yes. So, I did. I figured it out using this.
[showing her a notebook]
Barry: I call it my mapbook. It's a record I'm putting together of everything that's gonna happen to us in the future.
Iris: You're planning our future without me?
Barry: No, no, I'm-I'm cataloging it. Instead of changing the timeline, we're just gonna follow it.
Iris: Catalog how?
Barry: I mean, between everything I've picked up time-traveling and Gideon's records, we already know so much about our future. I spent all week putting it together.
Iris: Why would you want to do that?
Barry: Look, um... I've been having the same nightmare ever since we defeated the Negative Forces, and in it, I can't keep you safe. But with this book, we can see what's coming before it happens. The good and bad. Like with Nora. Iris... you're gonna get pregnant in three months. You're gonna win two Pulitzers! Like, how great is this, right? Now we won't have to worry about any Desperos or mirror dimensions or time sickness catching us by surprise. We're safer now with this.
[telling she's not as excited as he is]
Barry: What's wrong?
Iris: Um, nothing. I'm just... tired. Can we just, um... talk about this tomorrow?

Allegra: Do you remember what the security chief said, that the day Joe died, the Red Line was running early? Well, back in my car thief days, I'd take the Red Line home from the chop shop, and it was never early. It was always late.
Iris: So my dad was just unlucky?
Allegra: Well, that's an understatement. The train that hit Joe passed a routine inspection two days before the accident, yet somehow, the hydraulics failed. Iris, there are dozens and dozens of coincidences like this. Do you know what the odds are that they all happened at once? Million to one. The events that led to Joe's accident, they line up perfectly. Too perfectly.
Iris: So what are you saying?
Allegra: That you're right. That... that someone was pulling the strings. Barry's not crazy, and your dad's not...
Iris: Look, Allegra, I was wrong about everything. These last six months have been the worst six months of my life.
Allegra: Look, I get it. I-I do. When Esperanza died... I lost hope, too. But what saved me from the darkness was remembering the words of a hero. "As long as we keep the loved ones we've lost in our hearts, there is always hope."
Iris: [seeing the same black dust-like substance she saw at the train station] Are you seeing this?
Allegra: What? Seeing what?
Iris: I have to get back to the station.
Allegra: I thought that was a dead end.
Iris: It's not. We just couldn't see all the evidence.

Cecile: Chester is doing so much better. I mean, don't get me wrong, he's still, you know, glowing in the eyes with orange dark energy, but he's in really good spirits.
Barry: How long until he gets out?
Cisco: Caitlin says his molecule need to restabilize at the subatomic level. My guess he'll need to cook in the MAC for another four to six weeks, maybe more, until he's back to normal.
Cecile: Well, believe me, he is more than happy to chill here at S.T.A.R. Labs in the meantime. And when he does get out, that boy knows exactly what he wants to do.
Iris: Mm, definitely gonna ask Natalie out.

Barry: Hey, what happened? I heard glass breaking.
Iris: Nothing. I broke a bottle over some loser's head.
Barry: You what?
Iris: Barry, don't worry. Everything's fine. I was playing a role to get information.
Barry: Okay, well, I... that was maybe crossing a line.
Iris: I'm sure they have some sort of mob doctor in there somewhere.
Barry: Okay, but, I mean, it was reckless, and it could've backfired.
Iris: But it didn't, because I knew what I was doing. And we got this.
Barry: [reading the scribble on the napkin] Is this Amunet's next target?
Iris: Let's go get her.

Iris: What is this?
Barry: A candlelit pizza dinner.
Iris: Oh.
Barry: From our favorite place in Milan.
Iris: Oh, thank God. I was too tired to cook.
Barry: I can't imagine why. Team Citizen has been in overdrive these days. Plus, Deon's still helping to stabilize your temporal sickness with regular treatments. It's a lot to handle.
Iris: I told you, I'm fine. Plus, you're not exactly an underachiever yourself, Flash. Nice work at Calvert Railway.
Barry: Thanks.
Iris: I guess we both earned a night off.
Barry: And without kids, too. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's great having Bart and Nora stop in all the time from 2049.
Iris: But if we're ever gonna have a baby...
Barry: Uh-huh.
Iris: We need some alone time, Mr. Allen.
Barry: Mm-hmm.
[they lean in to kiss, but just before their lips touch, there's a knock on the front door]
Barry: Great.

Dr. Harry Wells: This is a signature field, mapping every time DeVoe's gone in and out of his layer in the pocket dimension.
Barry: All of these?
Caitlin: All of them.
Iris: So, how did you do this?
Dr. Harry Wells: I didn't do it, actually. Ramon did.
Cisco: But all I did was just come up with a really complex and eloquent algorithm to track the warping signatures.
Dr. Harry Wells: Hey, don't do that, all right? Don't do that. Don't be modest. All right? It's unbecoming.
Cisco: You're unbecoming.
Dr. Harry Wells: You wish I was unbecoming.

Joe: When I mentioned spending more time together, I meant family barbecues, not questioning people of interest.
Iris: I know. I just want people to know that I am not afraid to go out in the field every once in a while.
Joe: Well, who says you are?
Iris: Ralph.
Joe: Ralph? He should talk. He won't even leave the building.

Cisco: God, I remember the old days. No doppelgangers, no Flashpoint, no time travel. It was just us against the bad guys. I miss that.
Iris: I don't know, I kinda like time travel. When you were stuck in the Speed Force, I would have Cisco vibe me to the Waterfront so I could watch our first kiss. You know, the one you had to erase from the timeline to save the world.
Barry: Why'd you do that?
Iris: I don't know. I guess when you're filled with sadness, happy thoughts are what get you through the day. And what's happier than getting half your first kiss with the love of your life other than getting to do it twice? Our love story never ends, Barry. Not even with Crisis.
Barry: Iris, it's inevitable.
Iris: Maybe. But whether you vanish or... or worse, I am gonna be there with you. I'm gonna right there with you to the very end, okay? Because the only thing more inevitable than Crisis is us.
Barry: Iris is right. Whatever's in store for us, they can't change what we mean to each other. Can't erase what's in our hearts. As long as we hold on to that... we've beaten Crisis before it ever begins.

Joe: So, Cecile has brought me up to speed. Cicada; been very busy.
Iris: Yeah, well... you know, Team Flash will figure out a way to beat him.
Joe: But Jonesy was helping him right under our nose, and that got me thinking, Cicada's eluded capture for so long that I'm thinking that he's still getting help from somebody.
Iris: [evasively] I want more coffee. I'm gonna make some more coffee. Yeah, I'll bring you a fresh cup.

Kamilla: [setting up mirrors in Iris' loft] That's better. Much more homey.
Chief: "Closer" is how I'd describe it. Closer to our Mother. It's time for our next move. Are you ready?
Kamilla: Yes. Are you?
Iris: Yes. All that matters is Eva's will. We follow orders and assure her success. That's all I want.
Chief: We need to focus. There's still one item Mother needs to obtain for her liberation. And it's the most dangerous yet.
[cut to Bloodwork in containment at A.R.G.U.S]

Iris: This is why we train, Nora. Every single day. Not when you feel like it, not because you're mad, and why you always have someone in your ear when you're in the field to help you.
Nora: I know that.
Iris: Then why did you turn me off?
Nora: Because I can't listen to you anymore. It's always the same condescending, I-know-better-than-you crap. I just want to be me and you sit behind your desk and you say "no" every time and I've been hearing it my whole life and I'm sick of it.
Iris: Your whole life?
Nora: Yes, Mom. Since I can remember, and you never change.
[Iris storms out the room]
Barry: Iris. You know, Nora, I wish you would try to understand who your mom is today, and stop seeing her as who she becomes in the future.

Oliver: What are you guys doing?
Caitlin: Following you into the hallway.
Ralph: Because something is definitely up.
Cisco: Do you need to talk about it?
Iris: Yeah, Barry. You haven't seemed like yourself all morning.
Oliver: I'm fine. I just think that maybe I should go and talk with someone who might better understand what I'm going through. I'm gonna go see Oliver Queen. I'll be back.
[speeds off]

Eva: That's impossible. You're still not strong enough to beat me. Not yet.
Iris: Eva. You told my husband that you wanted to bring peace to this world. You are using brutal force against defenseless people. Eva, my duplicate, she was connected to this world with herself, but your other children, they are filled with hate. Look around. Is this your idea of peace? Is this really want you want?
The: Get back. This is our chance.
Iris: No, please. Just wait.
Eva: No. No, I... I wanted to make things better. I failed two worlds.
The: Eva, it's never too late to do the right thing. You've told me about your dream to help people. You still can right here, right now by ending this. The foundation for a better world is compassion, not violence. A true monarch knows that.

Barry: Where did that storm come from?
Cisco: A storm like that coming and going, disappearing in a matter of minutes, it shouldn't be possible.
Caitlin: Unless someone was making it possible. I mean, we've seen that before.
Iris: Weather Wizard. But Mark Mardon is serving a life sentence at Iron Heights.
Barry: Let's make sure he's doing just that.
[to Cisco and Caitlin]
Barry: Let us know if any other weather anomalies pop up on the radar.

Iris: Barry? Nora, do you see him?
XS: I, uh... I...
[the Flash emerges from the smoke with Joss in meta-cuffs]
XS: I see him. He's still here.

Allegra: You okay? What's wrong?
Iris: I was searching for other unexplained disappearances in the database, and I came across this old draft. I thought I deleted it, but I guess it was backed up.
Allegra: Hey, Barry's survived Crisis, and he's gonna survive this, too.
Iris: You know, when we first met Nora, she was from a timeline where Barry did vanish in Crisis. She grew up without a father. Living with the weight of that pain, I thought that this time around, we would give her a better life, one that she deserves... together. But someone's trying to pull us apart so that Barry won't be here for a second time. It's like my worst nightmare is coming true. And I just - I feel powerless to stop it.
Allegra: Do you remember when I first saw that article? I was just smart-mouth kid with a record. But Iris, you took me under your wing. You taught me to be a reporter and a leader. So let me help you and be there for you like you've been there for me. And I can start by grabbing you some tea. Chamomile, right boss?

Nora: [holding Baby Nora] That's a good, little me.
Barry: Okay, even for us, this is trippy.
Iris: Well, I'm just glad you're here. Both of you. It's been pretty wild lately.
Nora: You think it was a crazy 24 hours before I was born? Wait for Bart's due date.
Iris: Great.

[Nora is about to be erased]
Eobard: So close, Little Runner. It was never going to work anyway.
XS: Mom? Dad?
Iris: No, no, no, no.
XS: Mom, what's happening?
Eobard: A new timeline is setting in.
The: What?
Eobard: A new timeline that you created when you destroyed the dagger! I'm sorry, Little Runner, for trading you in like this. But I had to be sure that I could go free. You can still save her, Barry. There's still time. You can still save her.
The: How?
Eobard: The Negative Speed Force. She has to go there. It's the only place immune to timeline changes. But you have to go now. You have to go, Barry! Or we lose her forever. That's right. I've grown fond of her too. In many ways. She's shown me what it's like to have a daughter. See you in our next crisis.

Dr. Ramsey Rosso: You're almost human. Maybe something more. You follow your master Eva's will, but I see hesitation in your eyes. You have a modicum of will. Are you planning to trick me? Tell me now! What do you want?
Iris: Only Eva's will.
Dr. Ramsey Rosso: Lies! Last chance. What do you want?
Iris: To be alive.
Dr. Ramsey Rosso: And you're worthy of it.

Cecile: I don't understand. I thought Allegra controlled radio waves.
Iris: So did we, but she fired a heat blast right at Ralph.
Cisco: It wasn't just heat, it was ultraviolet radiation.
Killer: He got a sunburn.
Ralph: [taking off his mask] Yeah. From hell.

Barry: Where is my wife?
Iris: She's all you can think about, huh? What do you think about me, Barry? All those days... weeks. It wasn't her. It was me. Enjoying meals together. Talking about our day. Sharing your bed.
Barry: Oh, shut up.

Iris: So what's up with the tiny tech?
Barry: I'm baby-proofing the loft with proximity-based meta dampeners.
Iris: You're dampening our kid?
Barry: I just - you know, what if Nora accidentally uses her speed and gets hurt?

Barry: You think she should come with me?
Iris: Yeah, Barry, I do.
Barry: Iris, if I do this, I'm going back to some crazy times. Savitar, Zoom, Thawne. Speedsters...
Iris: Who you've all outsmarted and defeated. Look, this was her idea, Barry. Her solution. And it's a good one. So unless you have a better reason why she should stay back, let her do this.

Iris: Ramsey?
Bloodwork: Neat little trick, huh? Don't you see now, Iris? My control over my Blood Brothers and Sisters is absolute. As more cured souls accept my lifeblood, they become extensions of one collective body - mine.
Iris: You asked me here. Why?
Bloodwork: To offer you a chance. Barry would want you to follow him down this path he chose.
Iris: No.
Bloodwork: The path of life.
Iris: You aren't saving lives, Ramsey. You're destroy what makes one beautiful. Barry... I know you can hear me and you can hear what I tell you that I love you. And after we've been though together... I know that this is not how our story ends. Come home to me.
Bloodwork: Why would Barry come home to you? You accepted his death in Crisis as inevitable. What kind of wife is willing to bury her husband?

Iris: Ryan, I've won two Pulitzers. Why can't I write my own wedding vows?
Ryan: Iris, tonight you told me to stop thinking so much and listen to my heart.
Iris: Yeah, okay, I get it. That's what I'm supposed to do now...
Ryan: 'Cause it works. Look, tonight I saved a kid living in their van near the waterfront, just like I was before I found the Batsuit. Some lowlifes were mugging her, and as I was kicking their asses, my heart told me what I want. I want to save a kid like Cora saved me. So after I dropped their sorry asses off at the nearest precinct, I called Sophie. We're gonna adopt.
Iris: Ryan. I'm so happy for you.
Ryan: Take your own advice. Trust me, if Eobard's the one, the vows will come.
Iris: And what if he isn't?
Ryan: Then I will get you out of here in a hot minute. My car drives really fast.

Barry: How often do you talk to Sara and all the other Legends?
Ray: Well, not very often. Uh, Nate and I do have a standing drinks night once a month, but he's rarely in the same century or year. Yeah, that may be why I haven't heard from him lately.
Iris: I'm sorry.
Ray: It's okay. Kinda. Yeah, it was really hard leaving the Legends, but since then, Nora and I have been more connected than ever. And, uh, you know, I-I've been able to get back to my other true love, pure research. Plus, my life's more balanced now. It's not just "I'm the Atom" and science takes a back seat. You know? So, uh, yeah.
[raising his drink]
Ray: To, uh... to second acts.
Barry: [there's a knock on the front door] I'll get it.

Iris: I knew you'd find your way back to me.
Barry: You'll always be my lightning rod.

Caitlin: What a day. First, Frost is sent to Iron Heights for life, and now Alexa's dead.
Iris: I can't let this happen again.
Caitlin: I'll get to work. I need to figure out how Nora was able to...
Cisco: Kill a god?
Barry: She could because she had help.
Iris: Barry, she tricked you.
Barry: No, she manipulated me, just like she's been doing the whole time.
Iris: Honey, I know how you feel, but... not everything she did and said was a lie. I mean, there were moments that felt real, too. That must mean...
Barry: Iris, we can't trust her anymore.

Iris: [reading a Group Text] King Shark versus Gorilla Grodd? Are you kidding me? I missed that?

Dr. Ramsey Rosso: You need my blood. How grand. Even in here, fate continues to cast me in the role of savior.
Iris: We just need one drop.
Chief: But you need to decide right now.
Dr. Ramsey Rosso: I accept. Release me, and you shall indeed have my lifeblood. However, this is no crude meta-cell in Iron Heights. How do you propose to disrupt a bio-degenerative containment matrix with triplicate backup protocols?
Kamilla: Mother has a theory. I am the answer.
Iris: Wait! You'll die.
Kamilla: Then it is Eva's will.

Lady: We're running out of time, Flash. Now help me get the hell out of here, or Mrs. Flash gets it next.
Barry: Who are you?
Lady: Lady Chronos. The greatest thief times has even known.
Iris: You know what's happening, don't you?
Lady: We're being erased by time because of this.
[blasts Barry with the time magnet]
Lady: Nice try. This time magnet has an identity matrix, which I reset to my biometrics. Anyone tries to take it from me, they go boom.

Iris: So, it wasn't so much the taste as it was the crunch.
Caitlin: Wait, are you actually saying...
Iris: Yes, that was the year I found out why Grandma Esther's yams tasted so good, because she never cleaned her favorite skillet.
Cisco: [everyone groans in disgust] I take it this was also the year you stopped eating Grandma Esther's yams?
Iris: Mm-mm, I didn't say all that.

Barry: Wells told me about the tough call you had to make yesterday. You're gonna have to make a lot more in the future. But you made the right call. I'm proud of you for making it.
Iris: So what now?
Barry: Now we have ourselves a merry little Christmas.

Iris: James Jesse had a girlfriend?
Joe: Yeah, she called herself Prank. Back in the day, she was Bonnie to Jesse's Clyde.

Amunet: Just when I thought I'd considered every option for where Norvock might be skulking, I remembered whenever the fuzz used to be on to one of our deals, I would plant a rumor that it was going down at a false location.
Joe: Ah, a fake-out to keep "the fuzz" off your tracks.
Amunet: Mm!
Caitlin: So that's where we think Norvock is, in the abandoned Reynolds substation.
Iris: Underground. That's why the shards weren't registering on the satelite.
Barry: All right, why don't the three of us go get your shards? When we'll be armed and ready to take out DeVoe's satellites.
Caitlin: I'm coming, too. I'll get the cold gun.

Iris: You're all over the news.
Barry: What?
Iris: What did you do?
Barry: Nothing. I...
Arielle: [Iris turns the TV on] After apprehending a criminal earlier today, the Flash, for reasons unknown, committed a crime of his own. Warning: this footage may be disturbing to some viewers.
[he watches himself throwing lightning at civilians, then directly at the camera]
Arielle: Our camerawoman was barely able to escape with her life. And luckily, there were no deaths today, despite what city officials estimate are millions of dollars in damage. But other members of our crew, along with dozens of innocent civilians, were injured in the Flash's brazen attack. Once again, our top story: the hero who has saved our city countless times has turned against us. More on this unprecedented breaking development as we head to our reporter on the ground.

Iris: [mirror Iris, with burn marks like Eva's] What did you do to us?
Eva: I bought us time. There's no need for you to suffer.
[she heals Iris' injuries]

Chester P. Runk: So how'd you guys get out?
Iris: Living the day apart didn't work, so we lived it together, the right way.
Barry: And then let the time line correct itself.
Joe: Phasing, explosions, time loops. You have been through a lot in nine years. You both have. And I'm very proud of you.
Iris: Thanks, Dad.

Iris: I think I've come up with a new idea to get us out of this place.
[she picks up a paperweight and prepares to throw it at the mirror]
Eva: Stop! What are you doing?
Iris: Eva, think about it. This is the only mirror that you can control. So there's gotta be something different about it. And until we can figure out what that is, we are... we're just working blind. Move.
Eva: [stopping her from throwing it again] So, to examine it, you want to smash it?
Iris: Yeah. I mean, we both know that you can put it back together, so let's just take this thing down, dissect it piece by piece, and learn what its secrets are.
Eva: Fine. You do what you wanna do.
[storming off]
Eva: I'm gonna go to my lab, and work on a plan that would actually help us.
[Iris prepares to throw the paperweight again when she notices a button set into the wall; pressing it, a secret compartment opens]
Iris: [seeing what's inside] Oh, my god.

Nora: I can't move my legs. Um, why can't I move my legs?
[getting scared]
Nora: Mom, I can't move my legs.
Iris: Nora.
Nora: [panicking] Mom? Mom, why can't I move my legs?
Iris: Nora, look. You can't move your legs because... Cicada broke your back.
Nora: What? So I'm paralyzed? What, forever?
Barry: No, no, not forever.
Nora: Well, for how long, then?
Iris: We don't know.

Cisco: All this time, we've been trying to figure out how Killer Frost disappeared, but we've been looking at it all wrong. We've been thinking DeVoe used Melting Point's powers, that he changed your meta DNA and removed Killer Frost from you. But tonight, you proved that she's still a part of you.
Caitlin: So what caused her to leave?
Cisco: DeVoe used a different set of powers.
Barry: Brainstorm.
Cisco: Brainstorm.
Barry: All they did was create a mental block. One you broke through tonight, so you can do that again. You just gotta learn how.
Cisco: I think it's time we re-introduce an old friend.
Caitlin: Harry's mental activity dampener. It'll help me hear her.
Cisco: That's right. It's my hope that the more you use it, the more you connect with her. Eventually, you won't need it anymore.
Caitlin: Thank you.
Iris: [calling on the intercom] Guys, we need you in the speed lab.
Cisco: All right. We'll leave you to it.
[as he and Barry leave, Caitlin puts the dampener on]
Killer: Hey, stranger.
Caitlin: Hey.
Killer: Well, we sure have a lot to talk about.

Iris: I don't see the portal anywhere.
[with his speed, Barry engages the Reverse-Flash suit in a fight, which slowly wears away the false memory]
Iris: Barry, it's working!

Barry: I was running back from a car fire on Route 119, and look who I found on the way back.
John: Hey.
Iris: Dig, hey. How's the fam?
John: Oh, everyone is very busy. Lyla just accepted a new posting, so next week we'll be taking the kids to Metropolis.
Iris: I heard. So shouldn't you be at home, helping to pack boxes right now?

Barry: Happy first day in your new office.
Iris: You're so sweet.
Nora: So, have you decided what you're gonna name the paper?
Iris: I don't know. "Central City Citizen" has a certain ring to it.
Barry: You sure?
Iris: Yeah, you were right. Future isn't always what it seems. We decide what it gets to be.

Barry: I just keep thinking about this speedster, what if they're the new Negative Speed Force Avatar?
Iris: Yeah, I feel like we just got rid of the last one.
Barry: There's something else. There was a symbol on his armor. It looked like a bat.
Iris: Barry, we have to talk to Chester.

Hartley: So you need a vibration engine?
Barry: Not us, no - the Rogues that stole your gauntlets. We think they're working together to steal one.
Iris: So that they can build a more dangerous weapon, one that could destroy the entire timeline.
Hartley: Well, that sounds super ominous. Luckily, those jackasses will have to get in line behind me.
Barry: Don't tell us you're thinking of moving into time travel too.
Hartley: Oof, no. I don't need those headaches.

Nora: Dad told me about the memory that you saw.
Iris: I know it wasn't real, Nora, but it must have come from a very real place. You must have been so angry with me to see me that way.
Nora: I... I was angry all the time. Angry for not getting to have a dad, angry 'cause nobody seemed to understand what I was feeling. And it didn't matter what you did or said, mom. I was always gonna be angry at you, because you were there.
Iris: You're going through a lot, Nora.
Nora: But so were you. I mean, I thought you were trying to stop me from being me, but you were trying to stop me from being dad. I-I mean, ending up like him. You guys had a whole life together and a child, and he vanished. I-I can't imagine how hard that must have been for you. And from that day, you... you were protecting me. I-I get that now. So sorry for the way that I treated you, both back then and now, when I first got here. I... you didn't deserve that.
Iris: Thank you. You're an amazing woman, Nora West-Allen. I will always love you, past, present, and future.
Nora: I love you, too, mom.

Allegra: You wanted to see me?
Iris: Yes. So, the last six months have been pretty intense.
Allegra: I'll say. We have three new reporters, an IT intern, and an office manager now. Plus, online circulation's over two million, and your new podcast is freakin' brilliant.
Iris: Thank you.
Allegra: Oh, we need faster Internet. Should we call the new landlord?
Iris: Sue Dearbon bought the building. I think we can fix our own Internet.
Allegra: Roger that, but seriously, I just don't see how you do it all and still find time for an op-ed each week.
Iris: Well, I can't. So the bullpen needs a supervising editor, someone who decides which stories we cover and then assigns and pre-edits copy, which is why I am promoting you.
Allegra: Wh... Iris... wh... I-I've barely been staff for a year. I... I'm not ready for that.
Iris: Well, I think you are.
Allegra: Well, you do realize you have people on staff now who are more qualified to handle that sort of thing. I mean, Vanya? She's got ten years of experience under her belt. Or that annoying Taylor just graduated summa cum laude from Barnard College. Even the old guy was a war correspondent in Beirut.
Iris: [a little insulted] Aariz is my age. Girl.
Allegra: I...
Iris: Look, now that we're CC Citizen Media, I am busier with more and more administrative duties.
Allegra: Iris, are you sure?
Iris: You got this. I believe in you.

The: I'm in position.
Iris: Nora, are you ready?
XS: [being pursued by Godspeed clones] On my way with the guests of honor.
[stopping next to Barry]
XS: Now!
[Barry activates the S.E.E., and the clones crumple to the ground]
XS: Holy schrap, it worked.
Chester P. Runk: Uh, guys? Sensors are picking up a massive increase in the clones' kinetic energy. They're recharging.

Cisco: [getting a meta alert] Satellites detected an isotopic signature?
Barry: That's Fuerza. Where's she headed?
Cisco: Here. Right now.
Frost: What's with all this thunder and lightning? Is Fuerza a speedster, too?
Iris: [seeing something on the ceiling] Barry.
Caitlin: Who is that?
Speed: [Barry catches her as she falls, breathing raggedly] Hel... help me. Help me.

Allegra: Boss, this feels like a job for your husband's friend.
Iris: Oh, no, Kamilla knows that Barry's the Flash.
Allegra: Seriously? Since when?
Kamilla: Last summer. Cisco used to be Vibe.

Caitlin: We ran city-wide racial recognition scans.
Iris: And scanned for dark matter signals from Cicada's dagger.
Barry: That was our last shot at confronting Cicada.
Iris: We don't know that. The change in the timeline, that photo that Nora saw at the Flash Museum, it could be different now.
Caitlin: Maybe it doesn't even exist.
Sherloque: After all, the timeline is malleable.

Iris: Guys, you okay?
Nora: Yeah, uh, I... I need to tell you something. When we were running over here, I connected to Grace's mind again. I could see through her eyes.
Iris: Wait, like the same thing you did when Cicada attacked Alice Bolan's birthday party?
Nora: Yeah, we must still be psychically connected from when I was in Grace's mindscape.
Barry: That's what caused the red lightning. The anger that you felt, it wasn't yours.
Nora: It was hers.

Iris: Now I know what my dad meant when he said being a parent is like wearing your heart on the outside of your body.
Barry: Yeah. Thawne got away. Again. Nora's gone. Should feel like a loss, but I also feel...
Iris: Pride?
Barry: Pride, yeah.
Iris: She did good.
Barry: Yeah.
Iris: She was the best of both of us.
Barry: She was my legacy all along. And us, together, as a family, that's how I want to be remembered. As a good man, a loving husband... a supportive father.
Iris: You're already all of those things. Nora felt that way, too.

Caitlin: So, in most coma patients, high-traffic areas of brain activity go dormant, and the low-traffic areas spring to life. But unfortunately, Grace isn't normal. Not only has her coma lasted longer than the average, but her consciousness has isolated itself into one specific region: her long-term memory.
Sherloque: It will be so facile, easy peasy for you. All you do is you transmit your brainwaves into Grace's memories, right? And then you'll lead her consciousness out of a neural nexus portal. And Grace awakens.
Ralph: It's sort of like when Barry woke me up when the Thinker trapped me.
Iris: Surpisingly, that sounds kind of easy-peasy.
Caitlin: As long as Grace's unusual brain damage doesn't cause any unforeseen risks.
Sherloque: This is why I suggest you travel in pairs when you're using this technology.

Dr. Ramsey Rosso: Well... if it isn't Kamilla Hwang, Chief Singh... and Iris West-Allen. To what do I owe the honor?
Iris: If you help us, we can get you out of there.
Dr. Ramsey Rosso: And why would I trust the wife of the Flash?
Iris: Because I'm not Iris West-Allen. I'm a reflection of her. We're all reflections. Faster, stronger than our human counterparts whose faces we share. And our only will is to serve our Mother.
Dr. Ramsey Rosso: The real Iris would never offer to release me. Tell me more about your Mother.
Chief: Eva McCulloch. She was the sc...
Dr. Ramsey Rosso: I am a scientist. I know who Eva McCulloch is. But she disappeared years ago.
Iris: She's been trapped in another dimension. A mirror one. And she needs something from you.

Iris: Hartley?
Barry: It's Hartley, yeah.
Iris: How did you get in there, and what happened to you?
Hartley: One, I used to work here...
Barry: Great.
Hartley: And two, some musical psycho attacked me with her murder violin - calls herself The Fiddler.
Barry: [shows a picture on her cellphone] Is this who attacked you? Her name is Izzy Bowen, only we were friends the last time we met.
Hartley: Oh, well, no need to unfriend Izzy on my account. It's not her.

Barry: What were you thinking?
Iris: Nora, you almost gave yourself an aneurysm.
Nora: I was trying to find Grace.
Barry: Opening yourself up to Grace and her rage also opens you up to the negative Speed Force. We don't know anything about it. Don't you get how dangerous that is?
Nora: Yeah, I do. And I still wanna try. I have to try.
Iris: Nora, you trying almost destroyed Cisco's workshop, and almost got yourself killed.

Ralph: Oh, nice table. Liking the new digs.
Iris: Well, technically, they're old digs, but I guess there is an upside to remodeling after an attack.

Caitlin: How did you bring Thawne back?
Iris: Well, the Speed Force did it by connecting with the negative side, which is pretty dangerous. So with Barry occupied, I was the perfect choice to anchor the Speed Force.
Nora: Wait. Tapping into the Negative Speed Force... do I even know who you guys are?
Bart: Okay, but why Thawne? Like, why not just let us come help instead?
Barry: Sometimes, what makes a speedster dangerous isn't just speed.
Jay: It's having no limits on how they use it.
Barry: Right. Godspeed has no limits. But Thawne, his one limit is he can't let anyone else kill me. That's why I knew he'd turn on me the first chance he got.
Nora: But, Dad, Thawne's still out there.
Barry: Yeah, and he'll be back someday, but that's future us's problem.
Jay: What about August Heart?
Barry: He's in Iron Heights now.
Jay: But, Barry, he knows your real identity. What if he talks?
Barry: Luckily, he's a speedster. So Speed Force Nora was able to remove that from his memory.
Caitlin: It's finally over.
Bart: Great. Can we eat now? I'm starving.
Barry: Family dinner tonight, on Dad.
Nora: Yeah, I would love that.
Caitlin: That sounds perfect.
Barry: I'll get us a reservation.

Iris: Cisco, next time you go out with him.
Cisco: Iris, a chicken needs to leave its roost sooner or later. Especially when that chicken insists on doing his own solo missions.
Iris: This is bad.
Ralph: This is *really* bad. Stretchy Man, that's a terrible name. Also, now that I"m gonna be on TV all the time, this grey suit, got to go.
Cisco: Hey, easy, chickadee.

[Chester and Allegra are seen kissing]
Cecile: Ooh, I am glad that Jenna is upstairs asleep.
Mark: Yeah.
Barry: When did this happen?
Iris: I think a better question is: what took so long?

Nora: Okay, 47 tacos is officially my limit.
Iris: I think that's anyone's limit, honey.
Barry: A healing speedster's gotta eat.

Iris: Hey, you okay?
Chester P. Runk: Yeah. I need more neuro-fiber to fix the memory machine, so we can use it like we did against Grodd, but we don't have enough supplies here. So I gotta go back to my garage. Shouldn't be here anyway.
Iris: Wait, Chester. Yes, you should, Chester. I mean, this is - this is your lab.
Chester P. Runk: No, Iris. It's not.
Iris: What?
Chester P. Runk: Look, I didn't come to S.T.A.R. Labs to replace Cisco. I came here to work with him. And I want to do a good job more than anything. But I saw Barry in trouble today, Iris, I didn't even know where to start. I thought to myself, you know, what would Cisco do? Decided I'm gonna act confident and brave. Act like I had it all figured out.
Iris: Chester, confidence isn't what made Cisco Cisco.
Chester P. Runk: I know. What made Cisco Cisco was the connections and the love that he had for you all. Don't you get it? I don't have those bonds, Iris. I barely know you guys. And I can't help thinking that I just knew Team Flash a little bit better, that I would have been able to figure out that that wasn't the real Cecile. And then this entire thing just would...
Iris: Okay. Okay. Chester, Cisco didn't form those bonds overnight. It took time. It took patience. And we all have your back. Just like we know that you've got ours.
Chester P. Runk: Thanks. And look, Iris, I promise, okay? From today on, I'm really gonna up my game, and I'm gonna, like...
[realizes something]
Chester P. Runk: I think I know where Psycho-Cecile is going. Back at the museum, the mask said it wanted Cecile to be its host for eternity. But the legends says that once the mask feeds on the host's mind, it moves on to another.
Iris: So if Cecile is an empath, then maybe that makes her a stronger host.
Chester P. Runk: But not strong enough. She would need something to amplify her mental abilities. To create a permanent food source.
Iris: Okay. So where do we find a device like that?
Chester P. Runk: In our basement.

Iris: Chester, Ray. Ray, Chester.
Ray: Ah, so you're the new team tech genius. Nice to meet you, Chester.
Chester P. Runk: Likewise. I've been a big fan of yours ever since reading your papers on quantum qubits.
Ray: So you're pretty stoked about the Con this year, huh?
Chester P. Runk: Oh, are you kidding me? Ever since I found out you were gonna be this year's legacy honoree, I kind of took the liberty of signing up to be a CCTC volunteer. I'm gonna be your liaison for the entire event. If that... if that's cool? Like, if you're... like, if you're all right?
Ray: Sounds great.
Chester P. Runk: Cool, 'cause I already have your whole itinerary planned to sweet perfection.
Barry: So, um, I'm late for work. So, Ray, Chester, I'll pop by the convention center later.
Iris: Don't you dare.
Barry: See ya. I gotta go.
Ray: [Barry whooshes away] Aw, he forgot his breakfast.

Leo: That was Siren-X, all that's left of the Reichsmen. An elite assassin gone mad, and she is relentless. Carried a torch for Dark Arrow, unrequited, so she's none too pleased with those responsible for his death, present company included.
Iris: So she has the same powers as Black Siren? The Laurel Lance of Earth-2.
Leo: And Earth-1's Laurel Lance...
Cisco: She died. She was the second Black Canary after her sister, who also died and came back, but as White Canary, cause...
Barry: Cisco.
Cisco: It's complicated.

Security: I'll never forget that day. People were screaming someone fell. I... I tried calling the emergency line, but it was too late.
Iris: What about before it happened? Did you see anyone suspicious on the platform?
Security: It was pretty empty when Mr. West died. The Red Line came in 15 minutes early. Hang on.
[double-checking her business card]
Security: Iris West-Allen? Were you his daughter?
Iris: I still am. What about after? Was there anyone there who had access to the scene before CCPD arrived?
Security: Ma'am, your father took a bad step. It happens sometimes.
Iris: Well, the reason I'm asking is because the video files that you sent over to CCPD were missing some very important frames from the moment of incident. That doesn't just happen unless you're saying someone got into your system.
Security: Or because we're on the same power grid as Sharks Stadium. Whenever there's a game, like there was that day, our automatic CCTV upload gets interrupted, and we end up losing chunks of data. It's a good thing we back up our files locally.
Allegra: [as he replays the footage, it shows Joe getting hit by a train] Is this the only angle?
Iris: No, it's okay. I was wrong. It was just an accident.

Caitlin: Here's what we know about the cryo-atomizer. Tannhauser originally developed it to combat land fires caused by droughts. So the cryo-atomizer can disperse cold air particles into the atmosphere that triggers rainfall. However, if Cicada can replace the cold particles with the cure prototypes she stole from Cisco...
Cisco: Which doesn't cure so much as it kills.
Caitlin: ...she could infect the entire city.
Iris: And every meta-human in it.

Cecile: Shouldn't we be toasting with champagne?
Joe: Mm-mm. Plain, old light beer. That was Henry's favorite. I used to give him hell about it. I'd say, "You're a doctor. You should have better taste", and he'd laugh, and he'd say, "Oh, I'll drink something more expensive when you buy it."
Iris: Do you guys remember when Henry filled in on Dad's softball team?
Joe: Oh, my gosh. What a disaster.
Cecile: What? What happened?
Iris: Well, even as a kid, I knew that you're not supposed to catch a ball with your face.
Cecile: Oh, no! No, really?
Iris: Yeah, right in the nose.
Joe: Good thing, as a doctor, he was able to reset it himself.

Iris: Thawne's Time Sphere? Are you sure?
Cisco: What do you mean "Am I sure"?
Sherloque: Pretty sure.
Cisco: I'm looking right at it. Why?
Iris: 'Cause we're looking right at it, too.

Barry: Deon, what's happening? I mean, a second ago, I was in the Speed Force. Those... those clones, they attacked me.
Deon: Yeah, I know, it's kinda crazy stuff, right?
Barry: What do you... what were they doing in there in the first place?
Deon: Just feeding on pure Speed Force energy. It's pretty tasty to their artificial cells, only they can't hold onto it for long. That's why they keep coming back for more.
Barry: Does the Speed Force know?
Deon: Hell yeah. Man, those wannabes in white? Infesting the Speed Force like damn roaches. Now big sis has got her hands full trying to exterminate their sorry asses. That's why I stepped in.
Barry: Wait, Deon. You can control time. You can take me to 2049.
Deon: No, man, not 'til she's done. Look, until then, it's solo trips only. All right? It's too dangerous for anyone else. Besides... I kind of don't have the strength. I'm pretty busy right now.
Barry: What are you... doing what?
Iris: Keeping me safe.

Nora: Mom, why are you calling Mr. Myles?
Iris: I tried you at your lab. You weren't answering. I left three messages. You never returned any of them. What else was I supposed to do?
Nora: Wait for me to call you back?
Iris: Why isn't your holo on?
Nora: Uh, it doesn't work in the Flash Museum.
Iris: For the life of me, I've never understood your obsession with that place. What are you even doing there? Are you there alone?
Nora: It's fine, mom. I'm researching a case.
Iris: What kind of case?
Nora: One that I can't talk about.

Iris: Cisco, remove the dagger and then breach the atomizer away.
Cisco: [receiving an electric shock] Yeah, there's a slight problem there. Breaching this thing anywhere could set it off. My powers are useless here.
Sherloque: Then use your other power. Your mind.
Cisco: Bring up the atomizer blueprints. I'm gonna have to science the crap out of you.

Cisco: DeVoe must've predicted Harry would build his own thinking cap and power it with the dark matter from this tube.
Barry: Dark matter that he can siphon off S.T.A.R. Labs to use to infect the world. Harry was his guinea pig. He knew if he could reboot Harry's brain, he could reboot everyone's. What about Gideon, could she hack into the satellites?
Cisco: No, purple haze took her out too. What do we do?
Barry: I don't know.
Iris: [walks in the Time Vault with Marlize] It's okay, Barry. I think I do.

Joe: Why the interest in an open and shut case?
Iris: Well, the guard told "The Citizen" a different story this morning and I figure I can help him get his job back if I can break the real story. He didn't doze off, Dad. He had a vision of his abusive stepfather stalking him in the bank, realer than any nightmare he's ever had.
Joe: The robbery went down at 11:09, last night.
Iris: Mm-hmm.
Joe: Around the same time that Cecile was having a nightmare too. Damn. If we've got some kind of Freddy Krueger meta on our hands, we'll find him.

Joe: [looking up the villain of the week] Sylbert Rundine.
Iris: Why does every villain in this city have a name that sounds like it came out of a comic book?

Reverse: Guys, Thawne is tricking you. I came here from 2021.
Iris: Save it, Allen. We're not falling for your mind games this time.
The: Put him down.

Iris: We live in a world full of meta-phones and meta-weathervanes. What's next? My electric toothbrush?
Barry: 'Till we figure out how to remove those shards, better safe than sorry.
Iris: Yeah.
Barry: Well, now that Mardon and his daughter are all tucked away in Iron Heights, what do you say we spend some time with our own family?
Iris: Well, might just be us and Nora this year. Caitlin and Cisco are skipping Thanksgiving.
Barry: What? Why?
Iris: Don't even ask.
Barry: [confused] What?

Barry: We've seen this puzzle piece before.
Cisco: Our satellite giveth, and now we must taketh away.
Ralph: [entering with Cecile] I think we can finally do that. We got a list from FEMA of everyone who reported injuries the night of the Enlightenment.
Cecile: None of them matched Cicada's description.
Ralph: But there were three kids who were hit by pieces of shrapnel from the satellite.
Cecile: Two of them are twins whose father is deceased. Third is a ten year old girl, by the name of Grace Gibbons.
Iris: So if my dad's right and Cicada's a father, then...
Barry: We may have just found his daughter.

Iris: Babe? You home?
[Barry speeds past, setting up a romantic candlelit dinner]
Iris: Well, the Speed Force is definitely fixed, because the loft did not look like this a second ago.
Barry: You like it?
Iris: I love it. Like the trip to Maui yesterday and the fresh crepes this morning from Paris. You, Barry Allen, are the most romantic husband ever.

Iris: I am going to kill you.
Eva: Unlikely. I have been working on this plan for half a decade. This is my creation. She is me, and I am her. What she feels, I feel. And we cannot lose.
Iris: Do they feel what you feel for Carver?
Eva: What?
Iris: Do they still love him?
Eva: I don't love my husband. I want to end him.
Iris: Then why do you still call him your husband? You are just as blind as you were before. And he is going to trick you in the exact same way.
Eva: Stop talking.
Iris: Because you still love him.
Eva: No! I don't!
Iris: Your brilliant mind couldn't figure out that he didn't care about you.
Eva: Shut up!
Iris: How long did you see here, Eva, pining for rescue before you realized that you had been abandoned?
Eva: I hate him! I want him to suffer! Suffer, suffer!

Barry: Okay, look. Follow my lead. Don't go off-book. If anything goes wrong, do exactly as I say.
Nora: Do things usually go wrong?
[they take off into the accelerator; watching in the Cortex, Ralph turns on Huey Lewis' "Back in Time"]
Ralph: [seeing everyone's looks] What? When am I gonna have the chance to do that?
Cisco: [turning it off] Hey, game face.
Ralph: All right, so what do we do while they're gone? Do we stake out the hospital, get everything ready here, what?
Iris: Nothing. They're gonna return to the exact same moment that they left.
Ralph: Wait, so they're gonna go, but to us it'll be like they never left?
Cisco: Yep. Time travel's weird, isn't it?

[first lines]
Iris: Surprise, babe.
Barry: [looking at a plate of pancakes] Yeah, wow. This is not a banana.
Iris: I know Valentine's Day isn't for a couple days, but I thought why not? Let me surprise my hubby before some meta of the week strikes.

Iris: I don't know what to do about Nora, Barry.
Barry: Yeah. Well, look, I mean, you know I'm on your side with this. If... if you dampen her powers in the future, it's because you care about her. You're doing it to keep her safe.
Iris: Yeah, but just because I can protect her doesn't mean that I'm a good mom.
Barry: This isn't like what happened with Francine.
Iris: Isn't it? She left me and my dad kept it a secret, all to protect me. And when she came back, I pushed her away. I barely had a chance to know her before she... I lost my chance to connect with my mom, and now, when I get older, Nora is gonna push me away, too.
Barry: That's not gonna happen.
Iris: Well, it sure seems to be going in that direction.
Barry: Then choose a different route. Make a different choice when you raise Nora. If you don't want to be that person, don't be that person.
Iris: It's not that simple, Barry.
Barry: You're not your mom. You're not Iris from the future, and you don't have to be, ever. I think... you should stop worrying about who you might become, and reconnect with who you are now.

Iris: Do you think we made the right decision leaving Nora out of this? I mean, the whole reason she came back was to fight Cicada in the first place.
Barry: We're her parents, all right? It's our job to protect her from harm. The best way to do that is just to keep her far away from it.

Nora: Holy shrap.
Brie: How the hell is this even possible?
Iris: We bypassed security while you were busy with General Cloud. And then you walked us worker bees right inside.
Joe: You're outnumbered, ladies. Drop your weapons.

Psycho: Since time began, many have tried to stop me. All have failed.
Iris: Cecile, this isn't you.
Chester P. Runk: Let our friends go, or we'll make you.
Psycho: Such hubris. And from the boy who delivered everything I needed. How amusing. Now my host shall serve me. For eternity.

Allegra: So, I totally blew it at the office. I told you, I wasn't ready.
Iris: You got resistance from the staff.
Allegra: They barely listened to me. I'm pretty sure they think I don't have enough experience, which I don't, and they think that my suggestions for which stories to cover are wrong.
Iris: Yeah, I figured that might happen.
Allegra: Then why put me in charge?
Iris: Well, because you can handle it. And dealing with this is a part of growing into your new position.
Allegra: Well, I am not growing. I am crashing and burning. Iris, I can't do this.
Iris: Yes, you can.
Allegra: Well, how do you know?
Iris: Because you're exactly what CCC Media needs. You have a point of view that's entirely your own, and you know this city better than anyone in that room. You grew up here. You not only survived Iron Heights, you came out on the other side a hero.
Allegra: I could melt Taylor's face.
Iris: You went from juvenile delinquent to voice of the people, and I'm talking about your writing, not your meta powers. Your articles speak to people because you're one of them. That's your point of view. It's also how CCC Media speaks to the city and why people respond so... strongly.
Allegra: Okay, but being a journalist and being in charge are way different.
Iris: Look, I know that it's scary, but think how you leveled up as a meta. I'm sure that was scary, too.
Allegra: Try terrifying, but somehow I knew I could handle an upgrade.
Iris: Okay, then do that at the office, too. Your point of view is perfect for this company. You've already learned how to own it. Now go, sell it.

Iris: [learning Nora isn't really stuck in the past] Why didn't you guys tells us about this before?
[with a nod from Barry, Nora shows them the newspaper headline from her time]
Caitlin: Oh, my God.
Cecile: Barry never returns?
Joe: That's why you came here. To see your father, because you were raised without him.

Iris: Everything worked?
Nora: Yeah.
Barry: Is Dwyer still at the hospital?
Caitlin: Hasn't left her side.
Cisco: Did you plant the transmitter?
Nora: Yeah, we sure did.
Barry: Let's go get Cicada.

The: Guys, what's the problem? Everything looks...
XS: [they're startled by a flash of lightning] Uh, I think we found it.
The: It's lightning.
Iris: Skies were clear a minute ago. That storm must have come out of nowhere.

Chester P. Runk: Team Chesco's on the case!
Cisco: Let's get it!
Iris: Separated at birth.

Cisco: Gridlock, huh? Boy, the future's got some great names.
[groaning in pain]
Cisco: Ahh! This lighting.
Caitlin: How did you know who he is?
Nora: Flash Museum.
Cisco: Did you say... "Flash Museum"?
Nora: Yeah. It has all the villains and battles in chronological order. I've studied everything.
Iris: So you know this guy's real name?
Nora: Mr. Myles, the curator, he scrubbed all the names for legal reasons. But it really shouldn't matter. I mean, Gridlock was a one-and-done. You guys beat him i-in one try, or at least... you were supposed to.

Mark: That's a pretty cool staff. Would you just... how about you just power that thing off for a sec and, uh, let your dad try.
Weather: Try this.
Cisco: [a Hummer lands grille-first on Mardon] Oh!
Weather: Oh, oh, don't feel bad. He was a selfish dick who abandoned his family. Anyway, thanks for helping me drop a truck on my dad.
Mark: [the Hummer falls over, revealing he's just a hologram] Uh, guys?
Iris: [at STAR Labs, wearing a VR headset] What now?
[taking it off]
Iris: I didn't see the Hummer coming.

Oliver: Get the extrapolater and get out of here.
Iris: I can't let you do that, Barry.
Barry: Iris, please, I know how weird this is, but somewhere inside you, you know we're telling the truth, that it's me, Barry. Do you remember when I first moved in? Joe brought me to the house after my mom was killed. I looked at you and I said "My dad didn't do it." And then you said...
Iris: "I believe you."
Barry: You always did. And now I need you to believe me again. Iris, you're my lightning rod.
Iris: [handing the extrapolater back] Quick, before I change my mind.

Iris: You know what, I think you call Captain Singh and you ask for a dy off. Look, with all the superhero-ing you've been doing, I think you've earned it, honey.
Oliver: You think maybe I should go into S.T.A.R. Labs?
[Iris laughs]
Oliver: What? What?
Iris: Only my husband would think working on Speed Force equations would be called a day off. I love you, Barry Allen.
Oliver: [hesitantly] I love you... Iris West-Allen...

Iris: Mia, have you ever...
Mia: Killed anyone? I will if I have to, for William's sake. Sometimes blood for blood is the answer.
Iris: You know, your dad thought the same thing once. That in order to protect his city, he had to take lives, but all he ended up doing was ruining his own. I think you know that, or else you wouldn't be so afraid to go see your mom.
Mia: You're the one who's afraid. Thawne killed your dad and then tricked you into almost marrying him, all the while making you believe you had a choice in it all. You, Iris West-fracking-Allen. And now you're too afraid to give him what he deserves. You think my life will be ruined if I kill? What about yours if you don't? 'Cause it sounds like you'd be a lot better off if he was gone.

Dr. Harry Wells: Thing we're gonna do to get Killer Frost to appear, get that massive spike in your adrenaline production that we need, is Ramon is gonna use his vibes to shake you up on a cellular level, and let's see if we can't get your old friend Killer Frost to come out to play.
Iris: Are you sure this is gonna work?
Dr. Harry Wells: Well, I mean, like any hypothesis, you have to test it to get an answer. It's what we've all done since the fourth grade, known as the...
Barry: Scientific method?
Dr. Harry Wells: Right you are, Allen.

Barry: I'm glad you're here.
Iris: Me, too. From what you told me, the Monitor was wrong about Oliver, so I don't know, Barry. Maybe he's wrong about you, too. Maybe... you're not supposed to die.
Barry: Listen, Oliver told me about how he brought Sara and his sister back to life using something called a Lazarus Pit.
Iris: I don't know. That sounds too good to be true.
Barry: Well, it... I mean, it is. It turns out Thea destroyed all the Pits on this Earth, but there are more Earths to choose from.
Iris: I know that you want Oliver back more than anything, but this is...
Barry: He can't be dead. Not him.
Iris: Okay. Funny enough, the Monitor gave me a mission of my own. To find our hopeless Kryptonian Paragon. Heh.
Barry: Did you ever think this would be our life?
Iris: I will take whatever life with you I can get.

Jay: Well, this was fun, as usual, but it's time for the old Crimson Comet to head back home.
Barry: Thanks for the help, Jay.
Iris: Yeah, if it weren't for you two and Jesse, it would be a completely different story in the news right now.
Jay: You were a big part of that, Iris. Credit were credit's due.
Barry: My sentiments exactly.
Caitlin: So when you get home, you need to rest. Your glucose levels are pretty low.
Jay: Thanks. When I get back, I think I'll be doing nothing but getting rest.
Cisco: Meaning?
Jay: I've been at this hero game a long time, a long... long time, and after today, I'm thinking about trying my hand at something new.
Barry: Like what?
Jay: For starters, training someone to take over.
Cisco: There's another Flash on your earth?
Jay: There will be, as soon as I'm done training her.
Iris: 'Her'.
Barry: What do you think we'll do with the speed force?
Jay: We'll find out soon enough. Always a pleasure, Flash.
Barry: Always.

Nora: Dad, that stuff I said earlier, I...
Barry: I deserved it. I-I... I shouldn't have left you in the future. I shouldn't have put conditions on you coming home. I'm sorry. I love you.
Iris: We both do. We're never gonna leave you again, Nora. I promise.

Kamilla: Iris, you were right. These isotopic readings are off the chart.
Allegra: Where are we?
Iris: The old Allen house. This is where Barry's mom was killed. He also said this is where the Speed Force went when she died.
Allegra: [heading in] Whoa. That old car is hella vintage. Almost looks brand new.
Iris: Must be a collector or something.
Kamilla: We can ask him when we're done. Assuming we survive.

Nora: You've already come across everything that we need, right? A strong alloy with magnetic properties.
Cisco: Savitar's suit.
Nora: Something to remove dark matter.
Caitlin: The Speed Force transmitter that Zoom used to steal Barry's speed.
Iris: Yeah, but that was his Speed Force.
Nora: Yeah, but those are exotic particles, which are basically the same thing as dark energy, so we would just need some of that to recalibrate it.
Ralph: Can... can you do that?
Cisco: I mean, you'd have to infuse the transmitter with the same kind of dark matter.
Ralph: Like the DeVoe kind?
Cisco: More like the particle accelerator kind.
Ralph: I'm sorry, we... we need to blow up S.T.A.R. Labs again?
Nora: No, no, not again. We just need to go back to the first time that it happened.
Barry: This is gonna mess with the timeline too much.
Nora: No, no, no. No, it's not. Savitar's suit, the transmitter, these are all just discarded objects in time, so if we steal them, it won't affect anything at all.

Allegra: Esperanza, don't kill me!
Kamilla: They're everywhere. We need to keep them out.
Iris: Psych, stop. You're hurting them. Please.
Psych: Oh, they're hurting themselves. Sure, I pull back the curtain. But what they see is up to them. Now, before I show you your greatest fear, why were you looking for me?
Iris: I wasn't.
Psych: No... you were looking for the Speed Force? Nora. Why? Why are you so desperate to find her? Is it to hurt her?
Iris: I want to talk to her so I can help her.
Psych: Are you sure? Because I am feeling the pain that she has inflicted upon you. How deeply she's torn apart your relationships. Your whole life. Actually, the suffering she's caused is quite beautiful.
Iris: That wasn't Nora. She's lost control. Just like you have. But if you let me, I can help you both.
Psych: I don't need your help. Besides, I can feel what you fear the most. It's the person you seek. Well, your wish is my command.

Wally: So, how do we find this guy without Sally the satellite?
Cisco: We don't need a satellite to hack a cell phone. And if we want to find his cell phone, we'll find it...
[surprised by the result]
Cisco: By the airport?
[digging deeper, he understands]
Cisco: Got it, 'cause he's on a plane that just took off. Central City Air, flight number 5201.
Iris: Why would he get on a plane?
Barry: [realizing] Because he's gonna crash it.

Iris: Nora.
Nora: Mom?
Iris: Step away from him, please.
Nora: Mom, it's okay. Eobard is helping me. He has a way for me to get back home.
Iris: Nora, step away from him now.
Eobard: Nora, listen to your mother.

Iris: How are we supposed to investigate when you're making tea, Sherloque?
Sherloque: Well, you seem very annoyed, mademoiselle.
Nora: No shrap, Sherlock.
Sherloque: Sherloque.
Nora: Sorry for the language, Mom.

Iris: Hey, how's the search coming?
Cisco: Uh, Harry and I already set all the parameters, it's just got 300 square miles to comb through, so...
Iris: Yeah.
Cisco: [the monitors fritz in and out] That's not good.

[Barry is zooping around the loft]
Iris: Since when do you do things last-minute?
Barry: I thought you'd be happy. I'm just - I'm trying to live in the moment.
Iris: Well, speaking of, can I please give birth right now? Seriously, I am so ready to drink wine again.
Barry: Any day now. You got this.

Iris: If you and Allegra hadn't shown up when you did...
Chester P. Runk: Hey, hey, it's all good. Okay? We'll figure this out. We always do. We'll get Barry back.
Iris: Yeah, but what will he be like when we do?

Iris: So you're not stuck here.
Nora: No, I'm not.
Caitlin: So they will reverse tachyons in your system?
Iris: Were put there because of me.
Cisco: Are you kidding? You know how many credit card points I just blew just trying to get rid of your negative tachyons? I just bought a brand new spectral tachyeometer when I could have my Fiji get away.

Speed: Barry, Iris, it's good to see you again.
Iris: Are the other Forces coming, too?
Speed: No. With me here, they're all working overtime to keep the universe in balance. I've seen what you've all been facing. I've been fighting it myself within the Speed Force. Now, you all need to be at full strength in order to defeat this threat, which is why whether you're already a full speedster or have just a spark of Speed Force inside of you, I'm going to give you all a boost. That is if everyone's okay with that.
Nora: [as everyone nods, she snaps, and the others are all supercharged] Schway.
Jay: Yup. That works.
Iris: Barry, Bart's still...
Speed: I know. Oh, my impulsive boy.
Caitlin: [in the infirmary, watching Bart's vitals inexplicably stabilize] What in the world?
Bart: [whooshing into the Speed Lab] Whoo! Oh! I'm back.
Barry: [relieved he's okay] Bart.
Bart: [group-hugging] Hi, did you miss me? Did you miss me? Oh, thank you for the reboot, S.F.N. I appreciate it. Speed Force Nana. Uh, it's... it's our little thing. Oh, somebody re-did my nails. It must have been Caitlin.

Nora: Mom, what's the last thing you remember?
Iris: I was in my office with Taylor. Then I got lost in the timestream. Guys, I need to talk to your dad about what happened.
Bart: Oh, Dad's off-world with Uncle Jay.
Iris: But past-Dad is still looking for Mom. I know he's gonna figure this out. We should really get you back to 2022.

Iris: You know, the West-Allens have never missed a Thanksgiving.
Nora: Hmm.
Iris: No gorilla army, no evil speedster, no giant wormhole in the sky could break that streak.
Nora: Yeah, the singularity. So, the Flash Museum has a 3-D model of dad just running straight into it to save the city. God, it must have been so epic to be there.
Iris: Actually, it was, um... terrifying to be there. We didn't know if your dad was gonna come back.
[glacing at Barry and Caitlin together]
Iris: Ronnie didn't.
Nora: What? The-the museum says that... that dad just saved everybody.
Iris: I guess there's things that the museum left out. Like your dad giving himself to the Speed Force to save the city. That was another time we said goodbye thinking... might be a one-way trip.
Nora: Sounds a lot like what took him from us in the future. I didn't know dad had so many close calls.
Iris: Look, your dad was always gonna wanna put his life on the line for others. That is what I love most about him, but yeah, it-it does keep me up at night.

Barry: Ever since you came into my life, I've been more than just the fastest man alive. I've been the luckiest. Marrying you was the best decision I ever made.
Iris: Well, I agree.
Barry: Yeah, and even though we're husband and wife, you never really got the wedding you deserved. These past few days, when it looked like I might never see you again, I swore if I ever did, I would make it up to you. So...
[getting down on one knee]
Barry: Iris West-Allen... will you renew your vows and re-marry me?
Iris: Yes. Yes, I will.

Iris: Nora, I know you're upset, but if that core would have exploded, it would have caused a lot of damage.
Nora: It did cause a lot of damage. Dad died.
Iris: We made the best decision we could, given the circumstances.
Nora: Maybe someone else should be making our decisions.
Iris: Wow. All right, well, so much for mother/daughter holiday time.
Barry: She did just have to bring me back to life. Let's give her a minute.

Iris: You were right about Thawne. I think he's manipulating Nora, but I also believe him. Nora is back here in our time.
Barry: I was... wrong. I shouldn't have left Nora, or made that decision without you. Whatever it is that we have to figure out, we should've done it together. Family doesn't leave family.
Iris: Well, I mean, you weren't the only one to make that mistake. I shouldn't have gone to the future without you. I shouldn't have left you like that. I mean, that was the same thing that I got so mad at you for. But I know now that we can't solve this if we don't stick together.
Barry: I can barely solve things with you, so without you...
Iris: Are we making jokes already? Really?
Barry: [they kiss] Let's bring our kid home.

Barry: Iris, I... I don't know if it's crazy to think that you can hear me. I guess right now, I just need to believe it. I miss you. So much.
Iris: [in the mirror-verse, freeing herself from her restraints] I know you probably can't hear me, Barry, but... being away from you hurts more and more every day. But I still have hope because I know that you are out there fighting to get me back home.
Barry: If you can hear me... I guess I just need you to know that...
Iris: I love you. And that love is constant.
Barry: Across dimensions. Across time. Through the end of the world and back. And if I know you... I know you aren't just fighting to find your way home.
Iris: And I'm gonna find Kamilla. And I'm gonna find Singh. But most of all...
Barry: I'm gonna get you back.
Iris: I'm gonna find my way back to you.

Cecile: Guess what? G. Simone & Associates has spent the last year working for McCulloch Technologies.
Iris: The weapons manufacturer?
Cecile: Mm-hmm.
Iris: Hmm. They just built a factory in Keystone.
Cecile: Missing blueprints, top-secret facility. I think we might have a heist on our hands.
Iris: You think Nora's going after these weapons?
Cecile: No, maybe she's just trying to get them off the market. You know, like the time that Barry and Ralph were gonna buy the Toastmasters.
Iris: No. She's on a mission for Thawne. He doesn't think that small.

Iris: Nobody breaks up my family, you son of a bitch.

Cisco: There's an experimental cold fusion core from Mercury Labs in the plant, and if it blows...
Caitlin: It could take out the whole block.
The: I see it.
Iris: Nora, you've got to evac all the workers to safety. Barry...
The: Yeah, I know, I gotta grab the core.
XS: No, no, no. Something doesn't feel right.
The: Just listen to Iris. Grab the workers from inside.

Barry: [fighting Mirror-Iris] I won't fight you anymore. You were made from Iris. A part of her heart is inside you. I've seen you be kind. I've seen you laugh. I know that wasn't all a lie. You can be more than this. Not Iris, but... yourself. You have to want it.
Eva: [watching from the Mirror-verse] No.
Barry: You have to choose it.
Iris: I... I choose me. Go find Iris. Go find her, Barry. Go save Iris.

Barry: Our meta can stretch and contort, right? What if his fingerprints can, too?
[finding a match]
Barry: Got him. Peter Merkel. And he was arrested for a B&E two years ago.
Iris: Wait, Peter Merkel? The son of billionaire Theresa Merkel?
[finding a newspaper article]
Iris: Yep. How does someone go from being a member of high society to stealing heirlooms and blowing up buildings?
Barry: Maybe we should attend this gala she's hosting and ask her ourselves.
Iris: Well, I-I don't know. What if Merkel's there?
Barry: So what? We'll come prepared. Some meta handcuffs for me, a taser for you. And we get to dress up.
Iris: Barry.
Barry: What?
Iris: This is a meta investigation. This is not date night.
Barry: I'm just saying, I look really good in a tux.

Iris: What do you need me to do?
Speed: You be my anchor while I concentrate.

Eva: Welcome to the team, Kamilla. Your creation was unplanned, but I know you'll make a useful addition.
Kamilla: Where's my counterpart?
Eva: She's no longer a problem now. I don't have much time before Iris realizes I'm gone, so listen to me, this is important. Six years ago, I created a device capable of converting light into energy. I called it the Prismatic Refractor.
[showing them a replica]
Eva: It looked like this. I need you to retrieve it for me.
Kamilla: It's beautiful.
Eva: That's a replica. I made it here in the mirrorverse, but my R-CEM rejected it. I-I believe it needs the original in order to function.
Kamilla: What's the R-CEM?
Eva: A thing that will ensure the success of my long-term plans.
Iris: Where do we start?
Eva: My husband, Joseph, he... underestimated the value of the Refractor and sold it to Mercury Labs a few months ago. Find a way in, replace the replica out with the original, and you bring it to me. Do not let me down.
Iris: Success is assured.

Barry: That was Cecile. Um, CCPD is flooded with a lot of really scared people. Are there any signs of Grace's dark matter signature?
Iris: No. Nothing. Not even a...
Barry: [an alarm sounds] Is that her?
[cut to Nora in Cisco's workshop, wearing the MAD 2.0]
Barry: Nora!
Iris: Barry, she can't hear you.
Barry: I don't think she can see us, either. Nora! Nora!
[with his speed, he dodges between her lightning, removes the MAD, and catches her as she collapses]
Barry: Nora!

Iris: Barry, I can't lose anyone else. Not like Nora.
Barry: Maybe we're not meant to be parents. I mean if we can't even keep our own family safe...
Joe: That's a load of crap. Look, I've been feeling so sorry for myself that I've been neglecting the people that need my help. Baby girl. You and Barry think that you can't help your kids because parents are the only ones that can keep a family safe?
Iris: It's our job to protect them.
Barry: She's right, Joe.
Joe: Barry, when you decided to be the Flash, I tried to talk you out of it, said you were just a kid. Did you stop?
Barry: No, no, it just made me want to prove I could make a difference even more.
Joe: And you sure as hell have. But Iris, when Barry can't do it alone or those times when he is gone like the first time he went into the Speed Force. Who took charge of this crew and kept us safe? You did. You're always there, side by side with him. Just like now, taking care of business. You two don't get it? Sometimes it takes a family to protect a family.
Barry: Iris, we've been trying to keep the forces apart.
Iris: When we should be bringing them together.

Barry: Well, your source at the bar was right. She's here.
Iris: Yeah, but what is she doing? Any idea what that tech is?
Barry: No. But I'm betting it's connected to the first device she stole. We have to figure out how to stop her, before things get...
[a door slams nearby, and Goldface enters]
Barry: Worse.

Iris: You want him to go into the Speed Force for a month and then, what, come out the same day that he left?
Sherloque: Oh, no, no, I'm not saying you manipulate time. I'm saying you manipulate dark matter. So, very simple. It's simple chemistry, right? When you are synthesizing a compound, you use a... commodity, uh, substrate, uh...
Caitlin: A catalyst?
Sherloque: Catalyst, right. And the most effective catalyst you can use when synthesizing a compound that negates dark matter is superluminal particles.
Nora: Tachyons.
Sherloque: Trés bien. Tachyons, and the place where tachyons are the most dense?
Barry: The Speed Force.
Sherloque: And voilà.
Caitlin: That might actually work.
Cisco: Yeah, it will. It'll be like nuking it in a pan-dimensional microwave. Nice work.
Sherloque: I know.
Iris: So, how much time would this save?
Caitlin: From 29 days down to... sixty minutes.
Cisco: Yeah, it's gonna be faster.

Barry: Morning.
Iris: Morning.
Barry: Let's see if I catch Captain Boomerang today.
[checking his mapbook]
Barry: Hmm. Doesn't say. Ooh, that's happening this weekend? Iris, guess what.
Iris: Baby, please. Can you just take a shower first? I'm still waking up.
Barry: Yeah. Yeah, I'll take a shower first. Then I'll tell you. You're gonna love it.
Iris: [as he showers, she goes out to her vanity and sees his sock on her table] Babe, for the sake of our marriage, could you please put your smelly socks away?

Iris: Nora, your dad was wrong, but he still cares about you.
Nora: Why are you here and he isn't?
Iris: Look, I understand how you feel...
Nora: [her anger building] Do you? Do you know what it's like to want something more than anything else in your whole life? To know your father? To do your best to follow in his footsteps? To make him proud? How could he leave me?
Eobard: [trying to calm her down] Wait, wait, that's enough!
Iris: Nora.
Nora: How could he stop *loving me*?

Chester P. Runk: You can't be serious. You can't just let Thawne die.
Barry: I gave him a chance to prove he can change. He can't.
Allegra: So what, we just kill him?
Caitlin: Thawne messed with the timeline, and now the timeline is fighting back. I say we let it.
Iris: Me, too. Look, Thawne did this to himself, and it's not like we can save him, so it's time to let him go.
Allegra: Look, I know that we're the new kids and we don't have the same history with Thawne, but that's a good thing, because I don't care who Thawne is. I care who you guys are, and you save people. I know because you saved me.
Chester P. Runk: And me, literally.
Iris: You're right. You are the new kids. And so when it comes to Thawne, I'm sorry, but you don't get a say.
Cecile: Iris, maybe we should think about this.
Caitlin: We already have.
Barry: You guys don't understand what Thawne's capable of. It's time to keep everyone safe by finally letting Thawne die.
Joe: [with the tone of an order, not a request] Barry, Iris, we need to talk. Now.

Cisco: [playing "Flash" by Queen] I've been saving this for the right moment since day one.
Iris: Really, Cisco.
Cisco: The guy is running in and out of a black hole.
Iris: Good point.

Iris: Walk me through the night of the particle accelerator explosion again. What were you doing?
Eva: Like I told you... I was starting R-CEM tests that night. I just finished the prototype. My life's work was ready.
Iris: Wait, you finished building your machine?
Eva: Yeah.
Iris: Can you build one here?
Eva: I did, but we can't use it.
Iris: Eva, we at least have to try. What are you so afraid of?
Eva: I...
Iris: Eva, I get it. I do. But I've read your research. You were brilliant. You were the best in your field. And that is good enough for me.

Iris: Six hours and 52 minutes ago, Barry vanished right in front of me. We don't know where he is, if he's in danger, or why he's not back yet. We don't know anything. Whether he's still alive!
Chester P. Runk: Since then, I've double backed to the loft to look for evidence at the scene of the crime. Picked up some weird energy signature from the air, trace amounts of a radioactive isotope of cobalt.
Khione: Did anyone else just get a bad feeling?

Iris: When I saw Nora in 2049, she was so upset and so angry, but she knew that I wanted to bring her back. Then she comes back to this time and... and she doesn't even come home? I mean, even if she's mad at Barry or she wanted some kind of sci-fi weapon...
Cecile: Then why didn't she just come to the rest of us for help?
Iris: There's gotta be a good reason. I know it.

Detective: Sure can't get you a cup?
Sue: Oh. No, thank you... Eddie.
Iris: Uh, you know what sounds great right now? Some soup!
Sue: Soup? Really?
Detective: Why don't I whip up some of Uncle Robern's famous chicken noodle?
Iris: Oh, yeah. Yummy, babe.

Iris: Are you ready?
Ralph: All set to hit 88 miles an hour!

Nia: So we're stuck in a dream. Our bodies are dangerously close to overheating. And you're worried about an award?
Iris: Yeah, I know. It's stupid.
Nia: So talk to me. What's going on?
Iris: Well, um, right before you got here, I found that the article that I'm writing is gonna win me my first Pulitzer. Hazards of being married to a time traveler: I know way more about my future than most people.

Barry: What are you doing here?
Iris: Turns out I have more than just a bad cold.
Barry: [she grunts in pain] What's wrong?
Iris: I'm okay. I'm okay. Thanks to Deon. Barry, something is causing me to move in and out of our timeline.
Barry: H-How is this possible?
Deon: We don't know, but... but Mom's been phasing through temporal planes, man. Look, I don't know why, but once I sensed it, I knew I had to step in and help. I've been using all my stillness just to stabilize her. Otherwise, she'd fracture through time itself. I can keep her alive. Long as she stays here with me. Look, I'm sorry, okay? I know I should have just told you what I was gonna do. There just wasn't time.
Barry: No, it's... it's all right. Thanks for lookin' out for us. How long do you have to stay here?
Iris: I don't know. But I trust Deon.
Deon: Thanks, but... look, I'm... I'm using all my energy just trying to keep you here this long. I gotta put you back inside a pure temporal strain. Right now.
Barry: I-I'm... I'm coming with her.
Deon: Man, you can't! Man, moving back and forth through that kind of power ain't recommended. Even for a speedster. Besides, man, you've got a war to fight.
Barry: Iris, we can't just...
Iris: Barry, we have to. It's my only chance.

Barry: You're saying you're our daughter?
Iris: From the future?
Barry: Named Nora?
Nora: After your mother.
Cisco: Anybody need a refill? No? Just me?
[gulps down champagne]
Nora: Cisco Ramon, always the cutting the tension with a joke.

Cisco: My fellow Earthlings, today we are here to witness *the* greatest sequel since "Empire Strikes Back"...
Barry: Mm.
Cisco: Barry and Iris renew their vows and lend new meaning to the term "relationship goals". Now, I understand you both wrote a little something for each other.
Barry: Mm-hmm.
Cisco: If you'd like to share, this is the time. Iris?
Iris: Barry... they say that love is a friendship that has caught on fire, but ours is a friendship that was struck by lightning. You and I are our own force of nature. And I promise today...
[tearing up]
Iris: continue loving you with my whole heart.
Cisco: That was beautiful. Good luck following that.
Barry: Yeah. Iris... ever since we met, you've been my lightning rod. But now that you're my wife, you are my past, my present, and my only future. That's why today, I promise to continue loving you now and forever.
Cisco: Okay, that was... that was decent. Ten points for Gryffindor. Now, then...
Barry: [taking Iris' hands] Oh, yes.
Cisco: Do you, Iris, Bartholomew, take each other to cherish and to love in good times and bad for all the days of your life?
Iris: I do.
Barry: I... I do.
Iris: Again.
Barry: Again.
Cisco: Then by the power vested in me by a last-minute internet web search... I now pronounce you husband and wife. Again. Am I... am I forgetting something?
Iris: Yes. The kiss.
Cisco: Oh, yes. Th-Th-The kiss. Yes, do the thing.
Iris: [as they kiss, lightning whirls around them] Flashtime, huh?
Barry: Do you blame me? I want this moment to last forever.

Iris: Eva, you said that this place was a mirror-version of our own. How is that possible?
Eva: Think of it like this.
[showing her an origami animal]
Eva: Our reality is observed by three dimensions: width, depth, and length.
[unfolding it]
Eva: The superstring theory posits that there are other realities, fractal dimensions humans can't see. So... two sides. One, our world. The other is just some empty reflection. I'm a quantum engineer. It's... it's my wheelhouse.
[hearing a high-pitched ringing, Iris holds her head in pain]
Eva: Yeah, that is a side effect of this dimension. I... I barely notice them anymore.

Ralph: You sure you're ready to talk to He Who Shall Not Be Named?
Iris: Well, whether I am or not, Gideon said that these were Nora's last known coordinates.
[they peek around a corner and see the guard on duty]
Iris: You're up.

Kristen: We ID's three assailants from a surveillance feed. Wozzeck, Mercer, and a Michelle Amar, AKA...
Iris: Murmer, yeah - we did a story on her last year. She's a angry med student turned serial killer who has now teamed up with a pair of ruthless tech thieves.

Iris: You need to go and figure out who is trying to frame you.
Barry: I need to go to the future, see who causes Armageddon. I'm not gonna make it there. I don't have enough Speed Force left.
Deon: How about some Still Force? My isotopes will pull you toward any weird temporal activity.
Black: Run, Barry. Run.

Iris: Cisco, we got your message. I'm... I'm really sorry to hear about Gypsy.
Cisco: Some things you never get over. But her service is next week.
Barry: You want us to come with you?
Iris: Yeah. I mean, we loved her, too.
Cisco: Thank you. Uh, Kamilla's coming with me, so... I'm very lucky to have her. Is it wrong to feel that way? I mean, with everything that just happened? It's like I'm moving on. What kind of person does that?
Iris: Someone who is very much in love.
Cisco: It's funny. Cynthia wasn't the person I ended up with, but, um, I think she taught me how to be the person I needed to be for when the right person came along, and for that, I will never forget her.

Iris: I know that you're upset and angry, and honestly, I... before today, I couldn't even imagine a situation where I would do something like that to you. But after seeing the choice that I just made, I know that whatever reason I would have for keeping your powers a secret, it... it must have been a good one, Nora. It must have been to protect you.
Nora: No. What happened today has nothing to do with what happens in the future. You didn't suppress my abilities my whole life because I was brainwashed or attacking people. You did it to control me. My whole life, I felt like I was different than everybody else, but I didn't know why. You took a choice away from me that I didn't even know that I had. The choice to be a hero, like my dad.

Iris: Oh, no. You dropped your toy.
Young: I just wanted to see the museum.
Iris: I know, honey, but you ran away. I didn't know where you went. I was afraid you could have gotten hurt.
Young: You said that the museum reminded you of dad, 'cause dad was the Flash's number one fan. So I wanted to see it, 'cause I love the Flash, too.
[wiping tears from her eyes]
Young: It's not fair.
Iris: I know, honey. I know it's not fair. I love you, Nora. Your dad loved you, too. So, so much.
[hugging her]
Iris: Come here, girl.
Barry: [leading his Iris away] Come on, we gotta go. Let's go get Nora.

Barry: I won't help you kill again.
Speed: Oh... My beautiful boy. You have no choice. Because if you don't, those things will kill everyone you've sworn to keep safe. Is that what you want? Then, please, Barry... help me.
Barry: No.
Speed: You have to help me, damn it!
Iris: Nora, stop.
Speed: I will destroy those other forces, Barry, with or without your help. Then you'll see that I'm right.

Allegra: You guys are gonna have a blast in Coast City, especially at the CCC Media expansion party.
Chester P. Runk: Hey, not too much of a blast, though. Remember? You're zooping for three now that Iris is pregnant.
Iris: No, no, no.
Barry: We've adopted a no zooping policy during the pregnancy.

Iris: How did you end up here, Eva?
Eva: Six years ago, I was developing the technology to open doors to other planes of existence. I was in my office the night Harrison Wells' dream went up in smoke.
[flashback to the night of the particle accelerator explosion]
Eva: I've been here ever since.
Iris: Dark matter must have washed over that mirror and created a doorway. I was in this office when I got pulled in, too.

Barry: Save your work. You can finish writing in the beach villa I just rented us in Monaco.
Iris: [he whooshes away and back with a suitcase] Oh. You mean leave right now?
Barry: Yeah. For a romantic villa. In Monaco.
Iris: Barry.
Barry: Look... you're working. I get that that's important.
Iris: Yeah.
Barry: [looking over her shoulder] But you were just staring at a blank screen when I...
Iris: Fathwoomed in?
Barry: Yeah. And you know what's great when you're stuck? Clearing your head in Monaco.

Barry: Nora shouldn't be here. Look, I'm... I've always wanted a family.
Iris: I know.
Barry: You know, and when we got married, I knew that one day, we'd decide to have a baby. We would try, and you'd get pregnant. I'd be there for the sonogram, I'd hear her first heartbeat, and then she'd come. And we'd take her home, see her first smile, her first tooth, the first time I read to her. Her first steps. The first time she ran. But her being here now, don't you feel like we missed all those firsts? That we skipped all the good stuff?
Iris: Baby, we will still have all of those firsts. Just not in that order.
Barry: But my whole life's been out of order. These powers, time travel; that's the reason my mom was killed, why I grew up with my dad in prison. They missed so many firsts. They missed our wedding.
Iris: I know.
Barry: I don't know, I just thought that when it was our turn to have a kid, that life would let us have this one little thing the normal way. Just once. But we lost that chance.
Iris: No, we're not losing anything by having her here now. We're only gaining something extra, Barry. And look, if we figure this out, I mean, by the time we do have a baby, we are gonna be the best parents ever.
Barry: Maybe you're right.
Iris: I know I'm right. You're gonna be there to put that quarter under her pillow, and you're gonna be there to drive her to her first day of school, and you're gonna be there to cheer on her first run. We are gonna have all of those firsts. I promise. And think about it. We have a kid who defied the laws of physics to hang out with her parents. I mean, that's pretty... that's pretty schway.

Iris: Our love story never ends, Barry. Not even with Crisis.
Barry: Iris, it's inevitable.
Iris: Maybe. But whether you vanish or or worse, I am gonna be there with you. I'm gonna be right there with you to the very end, okay? Because the only thing more inevitable than Crisis is us.

Iris: Okay, the word's out. If there's anything to this Xotar lead, my people will find it.
Barry: Despero said I'm gonna destroy the world. If that's true... I'm the reason everyone I love is gonna die.
Iris: Barry, do you remember the last time that something messed with your head? When you had speed-thinking?
Barry: It was like I was on autopilot. My mind just took over.
Iris: Yeah, but you snapped out of it. 'Cause you saw that your friends were in danger. I mean, you could never really hurt us.
Barry: Even so, if something does happen to someone I love because of my leveled-up speed... I don't know how I'd react.
Iris: [her phone buzzes] It's Taylor. She found out that Xotar is the name of a meta-criminal in National City.
Barry: Xotar's a meta?
Iris: A psychic meta who controls her victims' minds and drives them... crazy. You know what this means?
Barry: Xotar could be the real reason I lose my mind today.
Iris: And catching her will prevent it.
Barry: All I have to do is find her.

The: [after Despero is banished away] Man, whatever you did...
The: Anytime, Flash.
Iris: Hey.
Chester P. Runk: Hey, you guys okay?
The: Yeah.
Iris: Where'd that thing go?
The: I... don't know.

Cisco: Check out this frosty twist.
[Caitlin and Frost walk in the Cortex]
Barry: Are my back meds still wearing off? I'm seeing double.
Iris: Yeah, you and me both.
Caitlin: I know this is a lot to take in.
Frost: [to Cisco] Told you they'd freak.

Eva: You see, until now, this place was a whole world with one inhabitant. Me.
Iris: This must be another Earth.
Eva: Same Earth. Another dimension. You see, a mirror-version of Central City. Same city, same buildings, just empty. Who are you, anyway?
Iris: I'm Iris West-Allen. I'm a reporter for the CC Citizen.
Eva: Never heard of it. Not that it matters. God, it feels so good to have a conversation that's not one-sided.

Nora: How's dad's interrogation going?
Iris: Well, we'll know in a minute. Hopefully, he'll find something that'll help us profile Mardon's daughter.
Nora: Okay, well, uh, let me know.
Iris: Nora, look... um, listen, I know you're upset with me for sending your dad into that situation earlier and I just... I wanted to say that I...
Nora: Mom... mom, it's okay. I-I'm not upset with you.
Iris: You're not?
Nora: No, we're good. I-I promise.

Barry: You know, I realized a couple of things when I was in Flashtime.
Iris: Yeah, what's that?
Barry: Well... I'm more than fast enough to catch DeVoe. We just need to know when he's coming out of the pocket dimension sooner.
Iris: Yeah. We'll figure that out. What's the other thing?
Barry: You were right about taking a breather. Just... a moment with you, being grounded again, everything becomes more clear.
Iris: Scooch over.
Barry: [holding her as she climbs next to him] I'm sorry about date night.
Iris: Don't be. PowerBars and sweatpants, it's... all I really need.

Iris: Barry, the way that Thawne looks when he talks about Nora. I've only ever seen that in one other person. You.
Barry: What are you saying?
Iris: I think Thawne might actually care about Nora.

Barry: I can't believe she killed Dwyer.
Iris: Yeah, as brutal was Dwyer was, his love for his niece always kept him from crossing certain lines.
Joe: Not Grace.

Iris: [at the charity softball game, Barry is complaining about playing right field instead of third base] Babe, I love you, but leave the hot corner to someone who can actually field a ball, okay?

Cisco: The program completed. It should have worked. Hey, Harry. Harry?
Dr. Harry Wells: Don't worry. You have been and will always be... my friend.
Cisco: Khan.
Cisco: Kill them.
[Cisco and Harry embrace in a hug]
Cisco: Oh, my God.
Iris: "Star Wars."
[Barry shakes his head "no"]

Iris: It's been a week since I launched the Central City Citizen, and I am still struggling to gain readers, and I think I just found out why.
Barry: [looking at her laptop] "Iris West-Allen's first published articles as an aspiring online news maven brings one word to mind: boring. Her stories lack the edgy content made popular by sites such as Spencer Young's game-changing Spyn Zone. In short, Iris West-Allen plays it safe." Iris, come on. You can't listen to this. You're a real journalist. You don't want to write like Spencer Young. She didn't care about facts.
Iris: Yeah, but at least she wrote about things that people cared about, like I did when I was writing about DeVoe.
Barry: You wanna write about Cicada.
[she nods]
Barry: Fine. Call me if you need me. I'll be at S.T.A.R. Labs.
Iris: Yes, of course. I've got a lot of digging to do, and I think I have a hunch where to start.

Iris: You said I had unfinished business. What is it? It's Barry, isn't it? Where is he? What's happening?
Damien: If you wanna find out, you have to get out of here yourself.
Iris: How? Damn it.
Damien: Oh, come on, Iris. Look at your life. Look at everything that has happened to you since Barry went into that coma. You were destined to die, held captive in another dimension. Hell, you faces certain death over and over again, and every time, you should've died, only you didn't. Why?
Iris: Because I always had help? I...
Damien: [imitates buzzer] Thanks for playing! Wrong answer! Come on. It's right in front of you. You're a survivor. You always will be.
Iris: I haven't reached my limit.
Damien: No, you haven't.
Iris: But what about the spark between Barry and I?
Damien: Well... Just because you can't feel it, doesn't mean it isn't there. So what are you gonna do now, spend the rest of eternity hangin' out with Damien Darhk?
Iris: No.
Damien: That-a girl.
Iris: I'm gonna reignite it.
Damien: Say hi to your old man for me.

Amunet: Mrs. Flash? However did you find your way here?
Iris: Well, there is a very charming bartender that is giving out tips rather than collecting them, so...
Amunet: Lars. I have to kill him.

Iris: You think Fuerza's gonna come back and finish what she started, don't you?
Barry: I already watched the Speed Force die once. I'm not gonna let that happen again.

Robber: I'll blow this whole city block.
Elongated: Uh, you do realize you're a part of that block, right? Come on, man, it's a weekday. People just want to get off work, go home, and watch the boob tube. So why don't you take off that vest and...
Robber: No, no, don't touch me!
[as Ralph removes the bomb and contains the blast, the robber passes out]
Iris: Ralph, are you okay?
Elongated: [coughing out smoke] Yeah. Just, uh, wicked heartburn.

John: Oliver's last will and testament was read yesterday, and, um, he left something for you, Barry.
Iris: Oliver's mask.
Barry: It's the original. This is the one I made him.
John: Yeah, it's interesting, because Oliver was never a man given to sentiment.
Barry: [noticing something] Hey, do you see this? Right above the left eye. Oliver hasn't worn this in years. Why is there a mark on it?
John: I don't know. Felicity skimped on the dry-cleaning?
Barry: Or he left it on purpose. I mean, you just said it. Oliver wasn't sappy. What if the mask is a clue to some new threat out there, something too dangerous to put in writing?
John: Barry, you got all that from a smudge mark?

Barry: [Iris gifts him a copy of "North American Science" magazine featuring his dad on the cover] Iris, this is in mint condition. How did you find this? I've been looking for a copy ever since I lost my dad's as a kid.
Iris: Enjoy.
Barry: I mean, I can't believe you did this. I mentioned it once six months ago.
Iris: And that's how we do it, boo.

Psych: What are you doing to me?
Iris: I wasn't able to get through to him. And now it's too.
Allegra: Boss, we can't stay here.

Iris: AMAZO copied all of their powers, and now it's on the hunt for more. Cisco, there's got to be something you can do to stop it.
Cisco: How do you stop a T-3000 that kills for breakfast?
Sherloque: It's a computer, right? So just turn it off.
Cisco: I hate it when you're right.

Barry: What were you doing out here anyway?
Iris: I was following up on a lead. The Citizen got a tip that there were a series of junkyard robberies.
Barry: People file police reports for stolen trash?
Iris: Yeah, well, you know, not everything that's here is garbage.
Cisco: [nearby, kicking trash out of his way] Everything here is garbage! I hate garbage.
Iris: Okay, have fun with Ghostbusters. I'll see you at home.

Iris: You're reversing time, aren't you?
Nora: And I can't fix it.

Amunet: Oh, goody, a group foray. Dibs on cashing in Norvock's chips.
Iris: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No killing.
Amunet: That was not a stipulation when I agreed to join this crew.
Barry: Okay, Amunet, look, I-I know how you usually work, but I can handle this fast and without any casualties.
Amunet: Okay. 'Tis a bit time-consuming to remove blood from metal.

Iris: What are you thinking?
Barry: Even if we get the S.E.E. working, we're still outnumbered. We need reinforcements.
Bart: [turning visible] Hell to the yeah you do.
Iris: How long were you listening?
Bart: Not long. Not long. I mean, just long enough to hear that Dad finally realized that he should tag me in.
Nora: He meant me, dumbass.
Barry: No, I didn't.
Iris: Wait, what?
Barry: Nora, we... we almost died out there. I couldn't protect you. I'm not putting you in that position again.
Nora: Yeah, but we didn't die, and I can help. Mom, a little backup here, please?
Iris: Nora, this war in unpredictable, and it's getting more dangerous.
Nora: What do you think Bart and I deal with every day in 2049?
Bart: Yeah, come on. We're heroes. Dangerous is, like, kind of part of the job.
Barry: Not this time.
Nora: You don't just get to decide that. I'm about to turn 30. In four years. The point is, unlike Bart, I'm the real adult.
Barry: Yeah, we're your parents, and we're saying right now you're still not going out there.
Nora: You can't stop me from fighting.
Bart: Okay. Me either. Mom?
Iris: Your father is right.
Nora: Well, you can't just send us back to 2049. That's not an option, and we're not gonna go watch TV at Grandpa Joe's.
Barry: We could always lock you in a pipeline cell until this is all over.
Nora: You wouldn't.
Iris: We will if we have to.

Barry: You were right. We taught you how to be a hero. So we shouldn't be angry at you when you act like one.
Nora: I know you're just afraid I'll get hurt.
Iris: There's always gonna be danger that you're gonna face, Nora. And we can't hold your hand through all of it.
Barry: As much as we want to. You're our daughter, but you're not a kid. You're right, you are capable of making your own decisions. You really think you can control your connection to the negative Speed Force, find Grace for us?
Nora: Yeah, I do. All I need is for you guys to keep our home safe while I do it.
Barry: I think I know how.
[leading her to the force field generator where they trapped Thawne]
Barry: Let's find Cicada.

Iris: So Izzy Bowin can control music.
Cisco: More like soundwaves.
Ralph: Soundwave. That's a great name.
Cisco: It would be, if it wasn't already taken by a Transformer.

Iris: I trusted you, Barry. Now we have something else in common. We both lost our parents. I hope that was worth it.

Caitlin: We've been attacking this from the wrong direction. We know we need a tech-free projectile to stop DeVoe's satellite, so we've been looking for object when what we really need is a person.
[showing them a picture of Blacksmith]
Caitlin: Amunet.
Joe: Amunet Black?
Caitlin: I know she's not the ideal choice, but Amunet's psychic-powered alnico shards are not only deadly powerful, they're completely immune to DeVoe's Kilg%re powers.
Barry: Not ideal? I mean, she kidnapped you. She tried to sell me into meta slavery.
Iris: And she ruined my bachelorette party. I mean...
Barry: That's not...
Iris: I mean, you're right. It's-it's admittedly not as big of a deal, but you know what I'm saying.

Iris: Did you think that you could run away and I wouldn't figure out where you went? It's my job to find out the truth. I'm a reporter.
Young: You're always a reporter. Why not be my mom for once?
Iris: Oh, yeah? How's this for being your mom? You are never coming back to this place again. Let's go.
[feeling something as she grabs Nora's arm]
Iris: Excuse me, what is in your pocket?
[Nora takes out a Flash action figure]
Iris: Hand that over right now.
Young: It's not yours.
Iris: Well, it is now. There are consequences to your actions.
[as they struggle, it falls and breaks]
Iris: Hand it over.
Young: I hate you!
Iris: Leave it. Let's go.

Cisco: It's just like we thought.
Barry: Great.
Iris: What?
Barry: With all the pieces that she's stolen, Grace can now use the dagger's dark matter energy to supercharge the atomizer. Apparently, it wasn't enough for her to just kill all the metas in Central City.
Cisco: With this super-charge, she'll kill every meta in the country.

Joe: What the hell is wrong with you two? Since when do we let people die?
Iris: Dad, you know who Thawne is.
Joe: Yeah, I do. And that man came to you for help, which means you're obligated to try and save him.
Barry: Joe, he killed you. No, I know you don't remember, but I do. If we don't let this happen now, our family will never be safe.
Joe: You don't think I want to see him dead either? 'Cause I do. If I learned one thing being a cop, it's that you can't just protect the people you think are good. You have to protect everyone. That's what heroes do.
Barry: I know that.
Joe: Do you? A hero is not just in the name, Barry, or in a red suit. It's the choices we make that decide who and what we become. You know that.
Iris: Dad, we don't have a choice. Thawne isn't giving us one.
Joe: You always have a choice! Now, did either one of you even try to think of a way to save him? You already found one.
Barry: Yeah. We could save him if we take his speed away, permanently.
Iris: Just like Jefferson Pierce did to you.
Barry: Listen, Joe, wait...
Joe: Hey. Uh-uh. This decision is for the two of you. But I can tell you one thing: if you let Thawne die, you don't have to worry about destroying our family.

Nora: Everything you said about Thawne is true. The only person he ever helps is himself.
Iris: Nora, this is not your fault.
Nora: Yes, it is.

Chester P. Runk: Mia, what the hell, girl?
Despero: [speaking through Mia] Iris West-Allen. You and Flash made this decision. And now you'll die for making the wrong one.
Iris: Mia, listen to me. This isn't you.
Cecile: Mia. Mia, she's right. Take my power. Take my strength. Fight him.
Despero: Empath. You think I'd release this perfect vessel?
Iris: [powering up a blaster rifle] Mia, stop. I know you can fight this.
Despero: The child is gone, human.
Iris: No, she's not. Mia, I know you can fight this because you already have. Look around. You could've killed us all, but you didn't.
Cecile: Mia, she's right. Fight him.
Despero: [fighting with the Flash] Impossible.
Iris: Mia, think about William. is this the path he would want you to choose?
Green: [as Despero's control over her is lifted, she drops her bow] Iris. Allegra, Frost, in the hallway.
Cecile: I'll go check on them.
Green: I'm so sorry.

Barry: Nora, earlier today, you had red lightning like Thawne's. We wanna make sure you're okay to get out there.
Nora: I'm fine, okay? Caitlin ran every test in the book. My lightning's back to its normal color. And besides, Thawne's Speed Force is fueled by negative emotions, and right now I feel pretty dang positive.
Iris: Okay. We're your parents. It's our job to worry.
Nora: The only one that should be worrying is Cicada II.

Speed: So, I'm not a painful reminder?
Iris: No, not at all. You are a happy one. I may be his lightning rod, but you are his lightning.

Eva: Good work. You'll apply Ramsey's blood on your side of the mirror. Once it is fully absorbed, I will activate the R-CEM on my side. Together, they will reconfigure the molecular stability of the dimensional barrier that burns organic matter. Creating a safe passageway between the two worlds. Next time I speak to you, I will be standing right next to you. Liberated.
Iris: Success is assured.
Barry: [speeding in] I wouldn't be so sure about that. Where's my wife?

Iris: Barry, our plan didn't work. What are we gonna do?
Barry: I don't know.
Iris: Why is all this happening?
Barry: Nora says the Forces we created are what's tearing the city apart.
Iris: And you believe her now?
Cisco: [walks in] We do too. For weeks, we've been experiencing Strength Force earthquakes and Still Force time anomalies. But those were all force events on a cosmic scale leading up to this.
Iris: And what about the Sage Force?
Caitlin: The test I ran on Cecile earlier showed that the lighting that she was struck by was composed of electrochemical isotopes.
Barry: Bashir's psychic energy.
Chester P. Runk: So it's just not one Big Bad. We're fighting the Forces of the universe itself. Talk about a family feud.

Iris: So, what we know is that Nora put together a team to break into here, McCulloch Technologies, a weapons manufacturer.
Cecile: But not just any weapons. The city has contracted these guys to clean up the shrapnel from the S.T.A.R. Labs satellite.
Joe: Let me guess: none of that crap ended up in the dump. They used it to make meta-tech like Spencer Young's phone.
Iris: My source says that McCulloch is debuting a new line of products tonight.
Joe: That's a perfect cover-up for a break-in. We have any theory on Nora's motive?
Iris: Actually, Cicada's dagger dampens the abilities of meta-humans nearby, but it wouldn't have any effect on meta-tech. So maybe Nora wants to catch Cicada?
Barry: Or do something worse.
Iris: Barry, there's no way.
Barry: This is exactly what I was afraid of, Iris. Thawne's been manipulating her. Now she's acting like him, talking like him.
Iris: That doesn't mean that she's capable of killing Cicada.
Barry: She's working with Rogues. She kidnapped Cisco and Sherloque. We don't know what she's capable of.
Joe: So what do you want to do, Barr?
Barry: We bring her in. We... we use Cisco's force fields, Ray's nanites. We're... we're bringing her in, before she steps anywhere near that building.

Iris: Dad, um, I meant to ask you, what did you do with those boxes that were in the back of the garage?
Cecile: Oh, he finally threw them away. Thank you very much.
Iris: Okay, I gotta make a call.
Caitlin: Guys, I'm sorry. I actually have to sneak out, too. A friend of mine from med school needs my support. Thanks for having me; it was delicious.
Joe: Bye, Caitlin.
[to Cecile]
Joe: You notice ain't nobody help clean up?

Iris: [after Nora heals] See? She's back to her old self. And so are you.
Barry: No, I'm not. In fact, I don't think I'll ever be the same. All of this has made me realize... I don't know, I just, I never knew I was capable of even caring for someone as much as I care about Nora.
Iris: I did. I have never met anyone with a bigger heart than you, Barry. So it's no surprise to me that you are a fantastic father. Just like you're a fantastic husband.
Barry: [realizing something] Cicada's a father, too. What if the key to defeating him is appealing to his heart?
Iris: How do we do that?
Barry: By saving his child. We need to wake up Grace.

Iris: If I'm alive, then... where am I?
Damien: You're here inside my Time Stone.
Iris: The talisman that you and Barry used to wipe out anachronisms during Armageddon. I can't feel my connection to Barry anymore, and if it's the same for him, then, Damien, I have to get out of here and I need your help, even if you're...
Damien: A remnant of my old consciousness imprinted on a stone, bearing witness to all timelines for eternity.
Damien: Wahoo.
Iris: Are you saying that I'm stuck here forever, too?
Damien: Oh, no, no, no. No, that's up to you. See, unlike me, you aren't supposed to be dead, which is why the moment that the Negative Forces annihilated your body, the stone spared you. It senses that you still have something important to do. The question is, are you up to it?

Catlin: I ran a bio-scan on Despero the minute he entered S.T.A.R. Labs. His anatomy is unlike anything I ever studied before. He has strength and invulnerability that rivals Kryptonians.
Iris: How are we gonna stop him from killing you?
Barry: Prove him wrong. Despero says tomorrow, my mind starts to break. So all we have to do is make it through the next 24 hours without that happening, and he'll have to back down.
Allegra: I like that plan.
Barry: Let's get some rest. Tomorrow, we'll need to be on the lookout for anything, and if something does happen, then we need to be ready to stop it. Protecting this city is still our top priority.
Frost: Even from you?
Barry: It won't come to that. I promise.

Iris: Stop, that did not happen.
Joe: Yes, it did. Look, my lips went numb, and then they swelled up so bad it looked like I had plastic surgery.
Iris: What did Wally do?
Joe: He laughed of course. The baby laughed. At least now I know I'm allergic to Szechuan peppers.

Iris: What are you working on?
Caitlin: My brain, or brains. I think I finally figured out the science behind what activates Killer Frost. So, in fight-or-flight, the adrenal glands flood the blood with catecholamines; uh, AKA the stress hormone, and guess where the highest concentration of dark matter is in my body?
Iris: In your adrenal glands.
Caitlin: Exactly. So, if adrenaline is what activates Killer Frost, then all I need...
Iris: Is a shot of epinepherine.
Caitlin: No more Harry and Cisco traumatizing me to get Killer Frost to show up. I can't wait to tell her.
Iris: Wait, you guys talk now?
Caitlin: Sort of. Uh, we leave each other notes.
[showing her a Post-It note]
Caitlin: Um... "Thanks for the badass new jacket. I got some blood on it. Don't worry, it's not ours." I guess her humor is sort of an acquired taste.

Dexter: Who is Cicada? Officials believe...
Iris: Barry, maybe we should keep looking for the portal.
Barry: Yeah.
Dexter: But when Cicada resurfaced in 2024 after the Flash vanished, some were left to speculate that Cicada is not a man at all, but an immortal monster. All we know for sure is his body count, 152 victims and rising.
Barry: Wait, what? I knew we never caught Cicada, but he never stops killing?
Captain: Flash did everything he could, but Cicada killed more people than Zoom or even the Red Death. And the way the city saw the Flash, his legacy... it was never the same.

Barry: Do we know anything about Sunshine?
Joe: Only that she can disappear in sunlight and melt steel.
Iris: [entering] Her name is Millie Rawlins. Kamilla took a photo before we got out of Mercury Labs. We ran it through S.T.A.R. Labs' facial recognition and got a hit at the Department of Defense's database.
Joe: Ex-military, special ops.
Iris: She, uh, was transferred to the covert division after the particle accelerator explosion left her with the meta ability to bend sunlight. Her call sign was Sunshine.

Iris: I scanned the crime scene photos and got a match. This is not Lang's first rodeo. CCPD put out a warrant for him for carjacking. He killed the whole crew inside.
Barry: And now he absorbs kinetic energy?
Caitlin: He only gets stronger if you punch him, you shoot him, you throw him into traffic.
Cisco: Which could only make the traffic worse. God, I'd hate to be stuck in that gridlock. Gridlock... Gridlock... I came up with the name. I am fortune's fool.

Iris: She just wanted to meet you, Barry. The father that she never knew, and there was one person who could teach her how to do that. Is it really so hard to understand why she would go to him?
Barry: Doesn't matter if I understand it. Thawne is manipulating her.
Iris: He's on death row, Barry. How is he manipulating her?
Barry: You know, if this were anybody else, you'd back me. But because it's Nora, because it's our daughter, the person who finally stopped hating you, you refuse to see how dangerous this is. I mean, you talk about making decisions based on emotion. Look in the mirror.

Iris: I can't believe everything that you went through. I mean, these last few days have been so... normal. Boring, even.
Barry: I mean, I'm glad nobody remembers.
Caitlin: And Frost and Chillblaine were married?
Barry: Apparently.
Caitlin: That's insane.
Allegra: What about Chuck and me? What were we doing?
Barry: I... I mean, same as now, I guess. I-I don't know, I mean, we weren't really teammates in that other timeline, so... I do know Chester helped build the energy absorption tech that saved the world. Hold on.
[he zoops away and back]
Barry: [handing a device to Chester] There you go.
Chester P. Runk: [inspecting it] Holy Ron Mallett. This circuitry is next-level.
Barry: Mm-hmm.
Chester P. Runk: Okay, nice work, future me, but is it okay that I have this? I don't wanna start, like, a Chester-P.-point.
Iris: I mean, maybe just don't talk about it on your podcast.
Chester P. Runk: Ah, gotcha.
Joe: Well, Barr, you risked everything to prevent Armageddon and gave all of us a second chance. And we are really damn grateful, especially me.
Cecile: [taking his hand] Ditto. You really are a true hero, Barry.

Iris: Barry, do you have eyes on Joss?
The: No, she's damaged the terminal so badly, the hangar's the only safe place. I'm evacuating everyone trapped on the tarmac.
Caitlin: I think I can bring Frost out. What can we do?
Iris: Flood control down at the marina.
Nora: Guys, how do we fight weather?
Cisco: [getting an idea] We fight weather with weather.
Iris: [understanding] Nora. We still have Mardon's weather wand. I need you to get it from the archives and take it to Barry, okay?

Barry: Okay, breaker box is just right over here.
Inspector: [they find themselves back in the Speed Lab] We just left this room. What are you trying to pull?
Barry: We... uh, we must have taken a wrong turn.
Inspector: In your own facility?
Mold: Okay, this is super trippy.
Jane: Not sure I would have phrased it that way, but I concur.
Inspector: Allen, I hate shenanigans. If this is some kind of a joke...
Iris: Joke? No. No. Barry's not even a funny guy, like, at all. I mean, this stuff happens all the time, right? I mean, this place is so big, we get lost in here, what, once, twice a day?
Barry: Yeah, or every couple of hours.
Iris: Every couple of hours.
Barry: It's a real labyrinth.
Iris: It's a real labyrinth.

Speed: My beautiful boy. I'm giving him all the strength I can to heal him, which means I'll be weak for a bit longer.
Iris: Because Psych and Fuerza attacked you?
Speed: Exactly.
Iris: Do you remember what happened?
Speed: Only some of it. When I was reborn, I was surrounded by light and love. Then came the pain. I could feel these Forces of Nature were like me, only evil.
Iris: If they're like you, then why are you trying to attack you?
Speed: I'm not sure, but I think it's to feed. That's why I had to find Barry Allen. I thought he could keep me safe until I fully recovered. But if the other Forces find me in this condition, I wouldn't survive another attack.
Iris: Don't worry. We're gonna figure out a way to keep you safe. Somehow.

Barry: So I've been thinking about what you said, how we should write our own future and enjoy every moment. These last few years, you know, it feels like we've spent to much saving the world. We've never really got that classic newlywed experience.
Iris: Yeah, I know. I'm gonna be pregnant in three months. Feels like we just can't catch a break.
Barry: So lets make one. Together.
Iris: So what? You suggesting a baby-moon adventure?
Barry: Only let's not wait until the third trimester. Just start right now.

Barry: Chester, are you coming? I mean, I know you're more of a root beer kind of guy, but you've earned a victory meal too.
Chester P. Runk: Really? After falling for the wrath of some omnipotent, psychotropic, immortal mask? You know, after saying it out loud and hearing it back, I'm kind of like, you know - Yeah, count me in.
Iris: Chester, you are a full-fledged member of Team Flash now. Your voice will always matter here. Just make sure you use it.

Iris: You found out what's wrong with me.
Deon: And it ain't good news.

Iris: Barry, we have traveled the globe nonstop all this past week.
Barry: Yeah, 'cause you deserve the best.
Iris: Are you okay?
Barry: Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just... I'm trying to sweep my wife off her feet for a romantic getaway.
Iris: Which, I appreciate, but...
Barry: Iris, will you please just let me make this up to you? Please?

Clifford: [to Marlize] I should have never let you build this chair without my oversight. It was my first miscalculation.
Iris: You've made many miscalculations.
Clifford: Have you ever pondered why I never pursued The Flash? Never needed his speed or his mind? Anyone? His connection to the Speed Force. Access to all of time - past, present, future. True knowledge. And now you have placed him inside my mind, I'll have it all.
Marlize: You'll have to find us first.

Nora: Does this look familiar?
[speeding closer]
Nora: How about now?
Iris: Nora...
Nora: Lia found it before she died. You put this inside of me, mom. To dampen my powers? You lied to me my whole life.
Iris: I know.
Nora: Who else knows? Who else?
Iris: Everyone.
Nora: Everybody? Everyone that I love has been keeping this from me? Why?
Iris: Because I told them to.
Nora: Why would you do that?
Iris: Nora, I was trying to protect you.
Nora: From what?
Iris: From this city. From... from meta-humans. From... from yourself.
Nora: Wow.
Iris: Nora, you don't understand.
Nora: No, I don't understand. How did I get my powers? What do you have against speedsters?
Iris: Nora, I have already lost so much. I can't risk losing you, too.
Nora: Well, you just did.

Iris: I'm sorry, why are you wearing a helmet? I thought you were made out of rubber.
Ralph: Somebody's gotta set a good example for these kids.
Caitlin: Well - I thought you grew up on the ice.
Ralph: Well, I did, basically, my mom dated a zamboni operator, so...
Sherloque: And I tell you where I'm from we don't date zamboni operators. Why is that? Because there is no zambonis.

Iris: Psych.
Psych: [telekinetically closing the doors] Hi, Mom.

Nora: Mom, um... I'm sorry.
Iris: Sorry for what, Nora?
Nora: For not giving you a chance to show me how great you are. This year, I'm just really thankful to get to know you. The real you.
Iris: I'm thankful, too.

Barry: So what are we gonna do about Godspeed's ultimatum?
Nora: We have to give him what he wants: organic speed.
Barry: Nora, I'm never gonna do that.
Nora: Dad, everything will be destroyed. Not just Bart, but whole families. We have to protect them.
Barry: What about our family? If Heart is Bart's Thawne, that means he's already caused Bart a lifetime of pain and suffering. But we can stop this, here, in this time, by finding another way.
Nora: But we've tried everything, Dad, and nothing's worked. And now Bart's dying, and we're still no closer to ending this damn war!
Iris: Nora, honey, if his clones could do this your brother, then what do you think would happen if the real August Heart got organic speed?

Alex: So, is Barry gonna be all right?
Iris: Honestly, we don't know.
Frost: Can you tell us anything else about Despero's planet or his freaky flame?
Alex: Well, actually, the pieces are starting to come together. For years, we had heard rumors and whispers from the dark corners of the galaxy about the Flame of Py'tar, which is an energy source that was supposedly the sentient heart of the planet Kalanor. But just when we started to think that this was a pan-galactic urban legend, you guys are the first to meet an actual Kalanorian.
Chester P. Runk: Lucky us.
Alex: Yeah, but thanks to you guys, we've opened an official file on Despero. Kara and J'onn, they're off-world, but we'll keep investigating, and I'll call if we find anything that can help take him down. You guys stay safe, okay?
Iris: Yeah, thanks. You too, Alex.
Chester P. Runk: Well, we may not be the Tower or have access to S.T.A.R. Labs, but Chester P can still roll up his sleeves and see what I can come up with to help track down Barry.
Frost: Assuming he wants to be found.

Iris: [Her website blog page] After the Singularity -- How Central City Has Changed 10-6-2015 As we remember the day the sky opened up over Central City and changed our lives forever, it's remarkable to note how well our community has not only adjusted, but become stronger. Said Mayor Anthony Bellows at a particularly packed meeting of the city council last Thursday. Originally called as an emergency session to consider a re-zoning ordinance that would pave the way for a slew of major commercial construction contracts from out of state to be approved in Central City, the meeting quickly turned to the future, and the resilience of the city's population when it comes to facing major change. If there is one thing that's certain, continued the mayor, it's that the people of Central City don't shy away from change. We face it, we embrace it, and we thrive in it. While the optimistic tone struck a chord with supporters in the room who back the expansion of the out-of-state commercial contracts proposed, it also struck a nerve with those on the opposition. Representatives of the Central City Small Business Coalition arrived at the meeting prepared to protest the expansion of the construction contracts. And protest they did, seizing the microphone in the gallery at one point, chanting Progress Yes, more building No!, repeatedly. A spokesman for the group, who spoke with reporters after the meeting under condition of anonymity, commented that the city's abundant local businesses need support, and that it's not the job of the council to make it easier for outside Competition to move into the city. By the end of the meeting, both

Iris: How is he?
Caitlin: Better, I think. Barry's system was overwhelmed with the same strange signatures that I found in Nora's system. His vitals have stabilized a bit, which is good news, but as to when he'll be fully healed, it's difficult to say.
Cisco: If Psych or Fuerza were to attack right now, we're totally on our own.
Speed: Because I wasn't fast enough.
Iris: Nora.
Speed: This physical form is new for me. I didn't know its limitations. I can feel how weak he still is. How weak we both still are. What happened to Barry?
Iris: He was attacked by a powerful meta-psychic.
Speed: Who showed him his greatest fear? That same psychic was the second of my attackers.
Cisco: Fuerza and Psych? They both hurt you?
Iris: [Nora nods] Who are they?
Speed: I think... they're just like me.

Barry: Iris, I need you to run as fast as you can. On the water.
Iris: On the water? What?
Barry: Make sure you when you run you dig your heels in and you move back and forth in a tight formation.
Iris: Why?
Barry: So you drag as much water ashore as possible. Put out the cyclone.
Iris: You want me to create a 100-foot tidal wave? Are you crazy? I can't do that.
Barry: Yes you can. You told me that you used to be fearless. I know that you still are. You're the bravest person that I know. You can do this. I know you can. We all do. Now run, Iris. Run.

Iris: When Dad died, CCPD said that his death was an accident. He fell on the tracks at Scott Railway. Kramer left me with the evidence, but for the last six months, I haven't been able to look at it, but then I thought about what Barry said, that we have to investigate what happened. So I finally started looking, and this is what I found.
Catlin: [seeing the security footage] Joe.
Cecile: Why are you showing us this?
Iris: Just trust me.
[as the video plays]
Iris: See, one second he's there, and the next, he's gone. I haven't figured this all out yet, but if somebody framed Barry, then he doesn't cause Armageddon. And, Cecile, Dad could be alive.
Cecile: No. No, it's impossible.
Iris: Is it? I mean, what if a meta-human abducted him at the last second or... or he got swapped with, like, a-a-a mirror clone?
Cecile: I saw them bury his body. So did Barry, and so did you.
Chester P. Runk: Okay, guys, how about we, uh, take five, yeah?
Iris: I'm not trying to upset you.
Cecile: What are you trying to do?
Iris: I'm trying to find out if my dad is still alive. I'm trying to prove my husband's innocence.
Cecile: Iris, it does not matter if he is innocent if we can't find him, which is what we have been trying to do while you have been living in a fantasy world!

Ralph: [finding Iris in the Time Vault] Planning a trip?
Iris: How did you get in here?
Ralph: Followed you, then stretched under the door. By the way, was anybody ever gonna tell me about this secret room? What else do we got in here? A bowling alley or something?
Iris: Ralph, I don't have time for this.
Ralph: Actually, it looks like you have all the time in the world.
Iris: You're not gonna stop me.
Ralph: Who said anything about stopping you?

Iris: [writing article on the Flash's death] My name Is Iris West-Allen and I once met a young man, a superhero who I called the Streak. The world has come to know him as the Fastest Man Alive, the Scarlet Speedster, the Flash. But no matter what title you choose for him, he'll always be remembered as the protector of our amazing city and it's citizens, as a beacon of hope for us all, and as the man who sacrificed himself again and again so we could live. Today we say goodbye to him. Today we say goodbye to him, not because he was taken but because he gave himself willingly. And in the end, that's what makes him deserving of the greatest title of all. Hero.

Sherloque: Madames et monsieurs, may I present to you La machine à Mémoire, or as they say in Amérique, you know...
Iris: The Memory Machine.
Sherloque: Oui, Iris. Memory Machine. Many times I have enterted into people's minds using this very technology. From the unfortunate comatose victims of the Summerholt Institute to, yes, Jervis Tetch himself, the Terrible Mad Hatter Killer from Earth-221.
Cisco: I come back from Tannhauser for one second, just borrowing a splicer for the meta cure and what do I find? This, this...
Sherloque: Machine à Mémoire.
Cisco: Whatever. How did you even get this here from Earth-221?
Sherloque: Well, I used the Forerunner Multiversal Delivery Service. You don't use it? You don't have a gold card like me? Maybe I'll get you a discount.

Nora: Wow, this house is bitchin'.
Caitlin: I think I've seen you before. Didn't you spill coffee all over Harry and me?
Ralph: Yeah, did she pay for hers? Because she paid for ours.
Wally: Weren't you the server at their wedding?
Barry: Wait, yeah, you were. And where did you get this jacket?
Nora: Uh...
[points at Iris]
Nora: From her.
Iris: Um... No, mine - mine is one of a kind.
Nora: So was this, uh, when you let me borrow it.
Barry: [chuckles] Who are you?
Nora: I'm your daughter, Nora. From the future. And I think I made a big, big, mistake.

Iris: Why didn't you tell me that the machine could hurt you?
Eva: I wanted to prove I wasn't lying. Words are worthless. Evidence... evidence is irrefutable. My colleagues ridiculed my reflective theory. Even though my research was bleeding edge, no scientific journal would publish it, because I hadn't shown it to be true. I just... I couldn't have you doubt me like that. I just... I just needed you to believe me.
Iris: Eva, of course I believe you. I saw you move those mirror pieces. You're capable of great things. Look, when you're feeling better, we will... we'll find another way.

Iris: [arriving at the Kent Farm on Earth-167, they see Clark] Is that him?
Lois: It's either him or the buff guy on the paper towel rolls.
Clark: [sees Clark chopping wood] I can do that with one bare hand.

Barry: This is so, so weird.
Iris: Yeah, I mean, I can't believe that's our daughter up there.
Barry: We have been lied to before.
Iris: Barry. Yellow lightning like yours, purple lightning like mine? I mean, it's... it's gotta be her.

Nora: Is it Joss or Raya?
Iris: I'm guessing both because someone just stole a very expensive vehicle from A.R.G.U.S. after a very precise lighting strike.
Cisco: It's a next-gen prototype with all the bells and whistles. If bells and whistles could explode and murder people.

Barry: Look, if we're really heroes, we can't turn our back on anyone, including Thawne.
Frost: So you wanna take away his speed to save his life?
[he nods]
Frost: All right, what if it doesn't work?
Barry: It will. Before the timeline reset, Jefferson hit me with enough continuous voltage to nearly sever my connection to the Speed Force.
Allegra: Like blowing a fuse.
Cecile: And you wanna do the same thing to Thawne.
Iris: And once his speed is gone, A.R.G.U.S. will take him into custody. We've already called Cisco.
Caitlin: Jail time won't make up for all the lives he destroyed.
Barry: Look, you're right, but... we can't let Thawne change who we are.

Iris: Barry, you have to stop.
The: No, I have to finish this.
Iris: No, Barry, listen to me. The city can't take anymore fighting.
The: That's why I have to end this.
Iris: You can't.
Reverse: She's right. We'll never stop until one of us is dead. Time to tip the scales.

Iris: What did you do?
Bashir: As-as soon as Nora came in, I kn-knew you were right. I could see the hate in her eyes. Real anger issues - I mean, no match for me. But I-I wanted to protect you all. So I... took care of it.
Iris: You made her think we were dead?
Barry: You made us all see it. It wasn't a nightmare, that was an illusion. I didn't know you could do that.
Bashir: Yeah...
Alexa: Neither did he. You were just trying to save yourself, you jerk.
Bashir: Hey, hey, hey. How about "Thank you, Bashir? That was baller the way you stopped that mean lady from murdering us."

Iris: I just wanted my family back together. Even if that meant doing something drastic like time travel.
Barry: Yeah, I get that. More than anyone.

Iris: I read your theory that says that someone could pass through the mirror if their molecular structure was destabilized?
Eva: Yes.
Iris: Well, if I could just contact my husband, I think he might be able to help us. Eva, my husband, Barry Allen, is the Flash.
Eva: What?
Iris: And with his speed, I think he could phase us out of here.
Eva: If his instantaneous velocity correlates with the limit of the fractal surface, then... then he'll become intangible.
Iris: So... it could work.
Eva: Yes! Yes, I... I just... I need to recharge. I've been controlling the mirror all morning, and I'm... I'm exhausted.
Iris: Yeah, um, take all the time you need. I will, um, keep trying to decipher more.
Eva: Yeah. You... you do that. You're... you're on the right path.
Iris: Yeah.
Eva: [as Iris leaves, she opens a portal to Mirror-Iris] She just did exactly what I knew she would do. She even told me the truth about her husband.

Marlize: Ah... Mrs. West-Allen, I was hoping we'd meet again.
Iris: [brings out a blaster] You might change your mind about that pretty soon.
Marlize: Ah... there's that passion from our chat in the courthouse. But I do remember warning you that it could easily be destroyed.
Iris: And I remember you asking me what I was willing to do for my husband. How about I show you?
[fires blaster at Marlize and she dodges the blast]

Barry: [cuddling with Iris] I never wanna let you go.
Iris: Then don't. I mean, I could stay like this all week.
Barry: That works for me. Iris, last night, I thought I lost you forever, 'cause I couldn't feel our connection.
Iris: Yeah, when I was in the Time Stone, I couldn't feel you, either. That's why I knew I had to get back to you. So I reignited our spark.
Barry: How?
Iris: You're my lightning rod, too.
Barry: Thank you.
Iris: Seriously? I mean, I know I've been gone for a while, but...
Barry: For reminding me that even the Flash has limits. Thawne couldn't accept that about himself, which is why he didn't survive.

Barry: We made an arrangement. We cure him and then Grace.
Iris: Okay.
Orlin: Why are we here and not at a hospital?
Barry: We have to be sure that the cure is successful.
Cisco: We created it. We're the ones who know how it works.
Caitlin: Once administered, the cure will take 60 seconds to eliminate the meta-human powers in your system. That means the wound will then open. You'll need me to suture it shut so you don't bleed out.
Orlin: Why not Doc Ambres?
Iris: She's being held for questioning.
Orlin: No, it's Ambres, or we're done.
Barry: All right, we'll get her.
Orlin: If anything goes wrong, of if you're lying to me, I'll kill every... last... one of you.

Ralph: My first supervillain thunderdome challenge. This is awesome.
Iris: Ralph, you don't know this guy. He's totally dangerous.
Ralph: He's throwing bouncy balls and wearing a bedazzled peacoat. I got this.

Ralph: I know how Barry can be. But you guys are like the Meghan and Harry of superhero royalty. Your love is eternal. You two will talk and-and...
Iris: We did talk. I want Nora to stay here, he doesn't. How do we solve that?
Cecile: Okay, Iris, honey. I haven't always been in the near-perfect relationship that I'm in now. So take it from someone with experience, the only way you two solve this problem is together. And you're not going to find your answers here.
Iris: [getting an idea] Yeah, you're right.
Cecile: [feeling something as Iris leaves] You need to go after her.
Ralph: Oh, come on. Give me a break. Have you seen her right hook?
Iris: Ralph, she's hurt, I know. But there's something more. I feel it. She's... determined.

Iris: All right, guys, say hello to our last known bus meta, Edwin Gauss. As we know, there's not much on him. No college history, no known addresses. Just a couple of backpacking photos on an old message board.
Cisco: Old? Flip phones are old. This site is from the age of dial-up. Try prehistoric.

Lady: My belt lost its charge after I liberated
Lady: Permanently Borrowed
[emphasizing her point of view]
Lady: the time magnet.

Iris: Where did you get that?
Nora: [picking the album up so she can sit down] Oh.
Iris: Dad's always adding to it. It's so silly.
Nora: No, it's not. It's your life. I mean, editor of the school paper by age 11. Exposing a-a corrupt school teacher at the age of 15. I mean, you never talk about this stuff. In the... in the future, I mean. It's, um, one of your off-limits topics. I-I'm not allowed to ask about it.
Iris: Look. Nora. I am not that person in the future. And nothing is off-limits to me, okay? I'm not gonna sit behind a desk and say "no". I want you to live your life. And... I want you to be a part of mine. No secrets, no lies, just... us being who we are today.
Nora: Really?
Iris: Yeah, really.

Jay: As soon as I flip the collider, your synaptic pathways will open, and then Ms. Horton will guide your consciousness into his.
Cecile: [to August] Don't worry. I am gonna be right here with you the whole time.
Iris: Barry, I know this August Heart seems harmless, but the real August Heart is locked away inside of his mind. From what we know...
Barry: He's a monster.
Iris: Be careful.
Chester P. Runk: The collider's primed.
Jay: Ms. Horton?
Cecile: I'm ready.
Barry: [wearing Jay's helmet as a conducter] Yeah. August? If you're not comfortable with this, you don't have to do it.
August: It's okay. I need to know who I am, even if it's someone I despise.

Iris: She's dead. You killed Alexa.
Speed: Barry and I did it together. That was the only way. She was the strongest. I needed every ounce of power, including your strength, to kill her.
Barry: I'm supposed to protect lives, not destroy them!
Speed: I'm helping you clean up your mess, Barry. This is your fault. The night you brought me back, you created these monsters.
[derisively at Iris]
Speed: You and your lighting rod. When you regained your speed, I wasn't the only thing you two willed into existence.
Iris: That's impossible.
Speed: Really? Alexa was afraid to come here, but she trusted you. Why? Because deep down, she could feel a connection with you. The same connection that you feel with me now. But these new forces? The way they've merged with the people they chose as avatars? It's corrupted them because it's unnatural.

Iris: There is someone else on the other side of that mirror, another me. How is that possible, Eva?
Eva: A fractal variable caused by the mirror. A duplicate of you.
Iris: You mean the mirror left a fake clone of me in the real world? We're getting out of here.
Eva: I've tried. For six years, I've been in my own personal hell.
Iris: Eva, I have to go home.
Eva: I'm sorry you're stuck here, but... I thought I was gonna die here alone. At least now there's two of us.

Iris: Why would Nora go in alone?
Barry: And why isn't she out yet?
Caitlin: My working theory is that Grace's unique brain damage has caused her brain to act defensively, so when it sensed an outside presence, it moved all of its neural nexus pathways to seal the exits like a-a quarantine procedure.
Barry: Grace's brain thinks Nora's a pathogen.
Caitlin: Yes, and we can expect its synaptic defense mechanisms to try and eliminate her.
Sherloque: Remember I told you about the Mad Hatter? He was also brain damaged, so after my dispute with Watsune and my fourth wife, Watsune pursued the case on his own until the day I found him hooked up to the Machine Mémoire, brain-dead.
Iris: You knew this was a possibility? What happened to "easy peasy"?
Sherloque: That's why I say go in in pairs.
Iris: Barry, we have to go in after her.

Kamilla: You okay?
Iris: I let Eva manipulate me all this time, and now the neural dissonance is getting worse. How did I let that happen? My skill as a reporter is being able to see the truth, but Eva proved to me that I can't trust my instincts or... myself.
Kamilla: You weren't the only one she tricked. Your duplicate tricked me, everyone. Even Barry. Don't beat yourself up for not being perfect. Of course Eva would want you to see your strength as a weakness. That's how she's kept you trapped. But if you want to escape, you have to trust yourself again. I do. So... where do we start?
Iris: There is one other duplicate that Eva created: Chief Singh. We should find him. If we're gonna go home, we're all going home. Together.

Killer: We good?
Iris: Yes. Philip Master is secure in the Pipeline.
Cisco: Wait. Acid Master's real name is Philip Master?

Caitlin: Cecile's powers are connected to her pregnancy. Her contractions must be putting a strain on her transcranial link.
Marlize: No, no, no. We need to do something about that.
Iris: We can't stop her from having a baby, Marlize.
Marlize: We have to, Mrs. West-Allen, or this will never work. She's the only way to get Barry in and out of Clifford's mind.
Cisco: Everyone, chill; it's not like Cecile's gonna lose her powers if she has this baby. Cecile's gonna lose her powers if she has this baby? Won't that leave Barry stranded in DeVoe's mind?
Marlize: I'm afraid so.
Cisco: Information you may have wanted to share, like, way before now.

Iris: Harry, how are you coming with a solvent for Trickster's axid?
Dr. Harry Wells: Well, slowly. Very difficult to neutralize a solvent that hasn't existed until today.
Iris: You've got 59 minutes.
Dr. Harry Wells: All I need is 58.

Iris: Sam Scudder.
Eva: Who?
Iris: He was one of the bad guys. He trapped... someone in a mirror a few years ago. And my friends got him out by bringing it to absolute zero. We... Eva, we just need to find some liquid nitrogen.
Eva: Well, I-I have a lab down the hall. There should be some in there. The nitrogen should slow down the mirror's molecules to the lowest enthalpy state possible. Oh, my god. This could work.

Iris: Zoop me to paradise.
Barry: Don't you wanna pack your laptop?
Iris: Uh, no. You know what? I need to take a break. You're right. Surf and sand sounds perfect right now.
Barry: [his phone buzzes] Kadabra's just escaped custody. He's loose somewhere in A.R.G.U.S.
Iris: Go.
[seeing he's relucant]
Iris: Go.

Cisco: You're probably all wondering why I called this team meeting at 9:00 a.m. on a Saturday.
Kamilla: Oh, baby, we should've brought breakfast.
Cisco: It's fine. No one's hungry.
[stomach growls]
Cisco: Ignore that.
Barry: I could get Belgian waffles. From Brussels.
Caitlin: Yum, that sounds incredible.
Barry: Yeah? Should I do it?
Cisco: Okay, no, no, no, no, no. Don't-don't do that, okay? As much I hate to say it, waffles can wait. First, there's something we really need to tell you.
Kamilla: And we wanted our closest friends to hear it first.
Iris: Are you guys pregnant?
Barry: Wait, it this about another big bad?
Caitlin: I'll call Chester and Allegra.
Cisco: No, no, and definitely not. What we wanted to say is...
Cisco: We're leaving Central City.
Barry: When?
Cisco: Tomorrow.

Iris: Thank God it's Thursday. You wouldn't even believe all the stuff we tried.
Barry: Once we even tried connecting the battery to the particle accelerator. After 58 time loops, you kind of throw caution to the wind.
Cecile: And apparently you learned how to phase through a nuclear blast mid-explosion.
Allegra: 58 time loops? Didn't that get boring?
Iris: It was kind of romantic.

Barry: Nora's not a person, Iris. She never was. Look, if we uncreate these forces, we can put everything back to normal. Hopefully, that'll fix her, too.
Iris: Hopefully? Barry, do you hear yourself right now?
Barry: Iris, I'm trying to save people. How... how do you not see is is the right thing to do?
Iris: The right thing to do would be trying to get through to Nora. Just like how we beat Eva, just like how we talked down Abra Kadabra. That is what we do.
Barry: We tried talking to her. All Nora did was double down. There's no reaching her. Obviously, we disagree on this.
Iris: Yes, we do.
Barry: I have to do it.
Iris: Then you'll be doing it without me.

Barry: You okay?
Iris: Yeah. I thought I missed out on my chance to connect with Nora, but now that she's staying, I get another shot.
Barry: If you could have seen her on that plane, you'd know that you guys are already connected.
Iris: Really?
Barry: She was fearless, just like you.

Barry: I still think it's better if I go.
Iris: Babe, this is a known spot that Amunet used to recruit her crew. Besides, a cop can't just waltz in there.
Barry: Okay, but it's mostly criminals in there. It's really dangerous.
Iris: Barry, it's my job to get information out of people. Amunet's not gonna be there, but if someone knows where she's headed next, I can get them to talk. It's what I do. Besides, if things get dicey, we have our code word.
Barry: Banana.
Iris: You hear that, you come fathwooming.

Iris: I went looking for Nora. I thought that if I could just talk to her that I could fix everything. But, um, I ended up finding Psych instead. You were right. I couldn't get through to him. And it probably would have been the same with Nora. I should have listened to you.
Barry: No, I-I'm the one who should have listened.
Iris: Harrison told me about the birth of the forces. Sounds incredible.
Barry: It was. Can't believe how close I came to erasing them.
Iris: What changed your mind?
Barry: You. Joe. Everyone. Even the forces themselves. I could... I could feel how they would affect the future. All the speedsters and heroes' lives they'd shape. Some of them were family, Iris. Our family.
Iris: Barry, we both know how dangerous these forces can be. I mean, if you couldn't uncreate them and I couldn't get through to Psych... what are we supposed to do?
Barry: Try again. Together this time. Joe helped me realize that we can't judge Psych and Deon for who they are now. We have to help them become who they can grow up to be.
Iris: 'Cause that's what parents do.
[the room suddenly rumbles]
Barry: Alexa.

Barry: How is it we live together, work together, sleep in the same bed together, but it still feels like we don't spend any real time as husband and wife?
Dr. Harry Wells: [calling on the intercom] Allen, West-Allen, Cortex, now!
Iris: I have no idea.

Damien: So let me guess - the last thing you remember is figuring out the Negative Forces used your time sickness to rebirth a new avatar.
Iris: Yes, but if I had this time sickness for months, then...
Damien: Why now? The Negative Forces used your body as a incubator. And yes, it's a dastardly scheme. Reminds me of my bad ol' days.

Barry: Well, Ralph was misguided, but... he had a half-good idea.
Cisco: Which half?
Iris: We use Edwin Gauss' powers to create a pocket dimension to DeVoe's lair.
Cisco: Yep, that's the half I was afraid of.

Nora: What if we could make one?
Barry: Make one what?
Nora: What if we can make a weapon more powerful than his weapon? Cicada can control his dagger, so what we would need would be something more powerful than his connection to it.
Iris: Wait, like... like some kind of supercharged magnet?
Nora: Exactly.
Cisco: I don't know if we have anything strong enough for that. We made Sally out of a micro-composite alloy. As far as satellites go, she's... she was heavy-duty.
Caitlin: And even if we could get our hands on the dagger, we'd still have to figure out how to take the dark matter out to negate its powers.
Sherloque: Well, exactly right. I mean, what you're suggesting is we find an alloy... no, no, uh... indestructible alloy that has super magnetic properties but also has the ability to negate dark matter. I mean, where are we going to find such a thing?
Nora: The past.

Iris: No, Ralph, I meant you, okay? That bomb could have torn you to shreds.
Caitlin: Or Joe, or any of the police outside.
Ralph: Relax, ladies, my cells are completely polygamized.
Caitlin: Polymerized?
Ralph: Yeah, that. Which means they can stretch and take a bomb blast.
Iris: Oh, my God.
Ralph: Dibny is in-dib-structable.

Iris: So, stop burying the lede. Tell me what you think. Good, huh?
Allegra: Well, it was really well written.
Iris: [expecting more] Okay. Come on. Pretend you're my editor. Lay it on me.
Allegra: It stinks, okay?
[showing Iris the article with proofreading edits in red pen]
Allegra: This part about the explosion at McCulloch Tech is straight out of CCPN's report. This section on Eva's framing of Sue Dearbon was already covered to death by CC News Network. And was this quote from that Maurice guy even fact-checked?
Iris: [taken aback] Okay. Is there anything else?
Allegra: Yeah. You were in the Mirrorverse the longest and knew Eva the best. You're the expert. So where's anything about your experience? 'Cause what's missing from this is you.
Iris: I'm the reporter, not the story.
Allegra: This time, you're both. Look... there are people out there just like you who wish they hadn't been a part of this story. But they were. You're their voice. So try again, for them.

Nora: Are you ready? This is gonna be one of the biggest challenges of your career as a hero. Do you know what you're gonna to say?
Barry: Oh, yeah... you know, yeah. I've... I've got some loose thoughts.
Sherloque: Oh, great. Well, that instills all of us with confidence, right? Loose thoughts? What are you going to say? "Hey, most bloodthirsty enemy! Stop."
Iris: Guys, it worked for Marlize. Maybe not so much for Savitar, but...
Barry: I will figure out what to say to him, all right? I got this.

Barry: I can't find the portal anywhere. I can't even get out of Nora's memories of this one day.
Iris: [seeing someone approach] Barry, get down!
[they disappear from sight right as the Reverse-Flash suit appears]

Ralph: How does it feel to be up and running again?
Nora: Super frickin' schway.
Killer: Uh, wanna know what's not super frickin' schway? Cicada knowing exactly when and where our secret transport was taking place.
Sherloque: Mm. Inside job, right? Cicada clearly has a inside man, only...
Iris: Only what kind of cop would help Cicada kill innocent people?
Barry: One that's going to have to answer to D.A. Cecile Horton.

Barry: With everything that's happened, the war, you needing to heal in the Still Force...
Iris: Is everything okay?
Barry: Yeah. Yeah, now that you're back, it's perfect.
Iris: It feels like you wanted to tell me something.
Barry: It can wait. Irish, oh, so much has happened. Um... you're not gonna believe this, but...
Iris: Our son and daughter are here.
Barry: [surprised] Yeah. How did you...
Iris: I was watching from the Still Force. Deon let me see everything that happened, and yeah. They're amazing. I mean, Nora, she's all grown up, and Bart, he's already a young man. It's... it's incredible.
Barry: So you were with me the whole time.
Iris: Yeah.
Barry: So you know who Godspeed is to Bart and how much danger he's in. Bart knows what Thawne's done to me. The pain that he's caused, so if Godspeed is Bart's Thawne...
Iris: Then what did he do to Bart?
Barry: Iris, those Godspeeds quit fighting each other to go after him. I don't they're gonna stop until they've killed our son.
Iris: Then we can't let him go out there until the war is over.

Allegra: Hey. Got your text.
Iris: Great. Sorry to drag you away, but I need those notes on the Mirrorverse article. We need to go to press ASAP. Online viewership is down 73%, and I think that my article could be what the Citizen needs to pull us out of the financial hole that Mirror-Me put us in. Ooh. Did you get me a TV shirt?
Allegra: [tossing one over] Yes.
Iris: [giving it a once-over] Thanks. Cute.

Barry: So, Chester has all the satellites scanning for the new Forces.
Iris: There's the Sage Force, Strength Force, and now the Still Force.
Barry: Yeah, uh, so far, no hits on any of their isotopic signatures.
Iris: Well, it's still good that you're here with us. The last time the Forces attacked you, you almost died.
Speed: I don't want to burden anyone.
Iris: No, you're not. You know, in a weird way, it's like you've been a part of this family all along.

Dr. Harry Wells: Your husband tells us you've been tracking Zoom.
Iris: Yeah. I've been trying to. Why?
Cisco: We need to find his lair.
Dr. Harry Wells: Lair?
Cisco: He's a bad guy; I'm calling it a lair.

[first lines]
Barry: It's a system-wide power surge.
Iris: It's coming from the Time Vault.
[the computers power down]
Iris: Are we under attack?
Barry: I don't know. Whatever's going on started the moment we left.
[speeds away to the Time Vault]

Iris: Okay, get me up to speed.
Allegra: Well, Taylor is handling our new ad-free portal.
Iris: Oh, you two are okay these days?
Allegra: Oh, yeah. You missed the whole hostage situation with Sunshine and Dr. Light. Taylor, Vanya, and Aariz know I am a meta now and they are keeping my secret, so...
Taylor: [bumping into them] Ooh! Oh, I am so sorry. Iris, we missed you. But also, we've gotta do something about our filing system. I'm trying to fact-check my "High Life" piece and I can't find anything.
Allegra: I'll look into it.
Taylor: Thanks.
Allegra: And, boss, I have a feeling more than just our filing system is about to change.
Iris: What is that supposed to mean?
Allegra: I have a surprise for you. I wanted to tell you this in person, so while you and Barry had your weeklong staycation, I had a surprise meeting with one Ms. Cat Grant.
Iris: As in CatCo, Cat Grant?
Allegra: Yes. CatCo Worldwide Media wants to buy CCC Media and expand your global footprint under the umbrella of a major news conglomerate. She said it's a blank check. All you have to do is just say yes. Iris, this is your future empire, the one that Nora and Bart are always talking about. This is how it starts. Maybe this is where you win your first Pulitzer.