Top 300 Quotes From Lois Lane

Jordan: I'm sorry I'm not strong, Mom.
Lois: Yes, you are.
Jordan: He said that I was pathetic. An embarrassment, the weakest of my kind.
Lois: That's 'cause he knows how strong you really are.
Jordan: I'm not strong, Mom.
Lois: Yes, you are.
Jordan: I'm not strong, Mom!
Lois: Yes, you are. What Zeta said is not true. You have no idea how strong you are. You're stronger than any of us. All your life, you have been strong. You are a fighter. I need you to fight now harder than you ever have. You find that strength that I know is there. You find that strength to come back to us. I know you can do it, baby. Find that strength and fight. Fight! Fight!

Lois: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Clark: Jonathan must have somehow shielded them both?
Lois: You saw how confused they are. They need to know the truth.
Clark: What is the truth gonna do to Jordan? It's hard enough on him having a brother that everything comes easy to, but having one that has powers? Like Superman?
Lois: We don't know what he can or can't do yet. And yes, it will be hard for him, but he will have his family there to help him figure things out like he does right now.
Clark: I can't lose him, Lois. I can't. He's pulled so far away from me already.

Lois: You're having visions?
Clark: They started when I saved that sinking sub and then again during the earthquake.
Lois: And you didn't tell me?
Clark: You had other things to worry about.
John: Maybe I should take the kids to school today.
Clark: No, it's okay. I... I can do it.
John: Please, no. You'd be doing me a favor. It's Nat's first day.

Lois: I know what you're doing.
Morgan: Providing good jobs to a community in need.
Lois: You are putting Kryptonian consciousnesses into people's bodies. You are taking them over and giving them powers.
Morgan: And your evidence for this is...
Lois: Derek Powell, Reno Rosetti, Leslie.
Morgan: Oh, so two dead men and my personal assistant.
Morgan: I have to say, this story has holes even by your standards.
Lois: We both know it's the truth.
Morgan: In my experience, truth is rather subjective. Who do you think people are more likely to believe? A has-been slumming it at the local paper or the man who's giving this town the best economy it's ever known?

Lois: Superman, champion of Earth, who faced off with Doomsday, apprehended General Zod, and went toe-to-toe with dozens of Lex Luthor's death traps, has finally met his match. A dirty diaper. What do you think? Front page news?
Clark: Uh... I mean, I think it's a little lowbrow for Lois Lane.
Lois: Lowbrow? If only the citizens of Earth could see Kal-El struggling with... spit-up.
Clark: [sardonic chuckle] Need I remind you, Ms. Lane, uh, I have no powers here.
Lois: Oh, don't you be blaming this on the red sun, honey.

Clark: [about hiding his real identity from the boys] It's too dangerous for them to know.
Lois: It's more dangerous if they don't.
Clark: Lois, they slip up once, say the wrong thing to one person, the whole world knows who I am.
[seeing her look]
Clark: What? Your father agrees with me.
Lois: Oh, now we care what my dad thinks?

Lex: [using the Book of Destiny to make two Clarks fight each other] This should be fun.
Lois: [knocking him out] You can read about it later.
[to Iris]
Lois: Help me with the book.
[after a bit of struggle, they manage to open it]
Lois: Picture the Clark that we met. Focus on what the universe knows he's meant to be.
[her Clark crashes through the window, and Kingdom Come Superman follows]
Superman: There's only room in this world for one of us.

Lois: Ally Allston's a cult leader who was responsible for a woman's death.
Chrissy: She was never convicted.
Lois: But she was responsible.
Chrissy: This podcast says you coerced some of your sources.
Lois: Come on, that is clearly untrue.
Chrissy: I'm just asking.
Lois: Everyone was vetted and willing. I did everything by the book.
Chrissy: But you don't always.
Lois: Chrissy, in the first line in that article, I disclosed that I had a personal connection, that a family member had been involved in the cult.
Chrissy: And whenever something has to do with your family, you have a different set of rules.
Lois: This is different from my dad and the DOD. Look, I know this seems big. I get attacked all the time. It'll blow over, I promise.

Lois: Do you have any idea how much trouble you're in? You can't just skip school. I don't care if you're mooning over Sarah Cushing or coming home to build robots with John Henry.
Jordan: Mooning?
Jonathan: It's a war suit.
Clark: Look, guys, you've been through a lot. You wanna blow off some steam, I get it. But there are rules, and you do not disrespect your teachers by ignoring the work they put into your classes.
Jonathan: We're sorry.
Jordan: Really sorry.
Clark: You want to try saying that a little more convincingly, please?
Jonathan: I'm sorry.
Jordan: I'm sorry.
Clark: Thank you.

Kyle: You know, it used to be that, uh, when folks moved away to get their degrees, well, they bring their skills back home, take care of the community's helped raised 'em, you know? That ain't happening anymore. Well, hey, we'll at least get a lifeline if this whole Edge proposal goes through, right?
Lois: What does Morgan Edge want with Smallville?
Kyle: Oh, boy.
Lana: He's retrofitting the coal mines to produce alternative energies.
Kyle: It's gonna put a lot of folks back to work around here.
Lois: Until it doesn't.
Clark: Lois.
Lois: Morgan Edge ruins everything he touches.
Kyle: What's he ruined?
Lois: He is single-handedly destroying the Daily Planet.
Kyle: People quit reading that paper 'cause, uh, you reporters can't keep your politics to yourselves.
Lois: Edge's companies prey on struggling communities. He busts up unions. He barely pays a living wage. I don't understand how he can keep fooling people.
Kyle: Oh, you mean us dumb, backwards, small-town folk?
Lois: No. No, that is not what I meant.
Kyle: I know what you meant.

Chrissy: [spotting Edge at a Crows game] He's got a lot of nerve coming here. After totally trying to murder you?
Lois: I can't prove it, though. The town votes tomorrow on whether to grant him mining rights, so he's visiting all the spots, letting everyone see him as this man of the people, pretending like he's actually gonna pump money into this area.

Lois: What happened at the Fortress?
Jordan: I guess we found out what I always knew. I'm not special.
Clark: Jordan, it is a process. We will go back, we will test you again, and we'll see how you progress over time.
Jordan: Yeah.
Clark: Maybe he should just stay home.
Jonathan: What? Why? Baby have another bad day?
Jordan: Screw you.
Jonathan: No!
Clark: Boys...
Jonathan: No, I am sick of your crap, okay, Jordan? This is not just about you! I got the shaft.
Clark: Whoa, whoa, whoa. What does that mean?
Jonathan: It means that Don Draper over here kissed Sarah at the bonfire party, so now her dick boyfriend and the entire team are out to get me!
Jordan: That's why you didn't get the playbook?
Jonathan: Yeah, genius. I guess super-perception isn't one of your powers.
Clark: Okay, okay, you know what, Jonathan? You and I, we can go out front. We can run plays.
Lois: No, babe, not right now. Listen, sweetie, I am sorry about the playbook. That really sucks. And I'm sorry going to the Fortress didn't meet your expectations. You're probably so disappointed, but now's not the time to wallow in everything that's gone wrong since we came here. We moved here to be closer as a family, and we got invited to this dinner as a family, and we are going as a family, so get dressed.
Clark: You heard your mother.

Lois: [being saved from trouble] How'd you know about this?
Superman: I've been reading your reports in the Planet, but also my, uh, hearing.
Lois: Your hearing?
Superman: Oh. My, um... super-hearing.
Lois: We haven't formally met. I'm Lois Lane.
Superman: It's nice to meet you, Ms. Lane.
Lois: And you are who, exactly? Mr. Metropolis? Red and Blue Man?
Superman: [chuckling] Well, I'm sure you'll come up with something.
Shopkeeper: [he takes off into the sky] Who was that?
Lois: Superman.

Lois: What are you doing?
Captain: I assume the same thing you are.
Lois: No, we were following the truck hoping to find out where it was headed, which now we'll never know since you decided to go full-on Rambo!
Captain: [taking a case out of the big rig] I couldn't let this get where it was going.
Lois: 'Cause that's what Edge is gonna use to build his army?
Captain: So you believe me now?
Lois: Enough games. Tell us what you know.
Captain: Fine. Follow me.

Lois: When you and your brother were about 18 months old, I got pregnant. And I ended up losing the baby, so it's really not something I... I talk about much. We were gonna name her Natalie.
[Jon is surprised]
Lois: Yeah, exactly. All this time I thought I was okay... and then just being reminded of the child that I lost and then almost losing you, I lost it, and I said some things I never should've said and that I didn't mean, but that's no excuse, and I never should've yelled at you like that, and I'm sorry, and I love you so much, and I hope you can forgive me.
Jonathan: [hugging her] Mom, it's okay. I understand.
Lois: Promise me you will never go rogue on me like that again.
Jonathan: I just wanted to help.
Lois: Jon, if there's anyone in this family who gets what you're going through, it's me. I know what it's like to be in the orbit of someone who can juggle semi-trucks, and you want to help out. You want to save the world, and all you can do is just stand there holding the wrench. And I know the fear of being vulnerable, and I will teach you some ways to handle that. But right now, I just want you to know that we're on the same team. We are the extraordinary humans in a family of superpeople, and we have to stick together.

Lois: Clark, this isn't you. Not the real Clark, the one that Perry White respected and Jimmy Olsen looked up to and Lois loved.
Superman: You know nothing about me or them!
Superman: [escaping and blocking his heat vision] We know more than you think.
Lois: They would want your memories of them to lift you up, not drive you to darkness. That's the truth, Clark, and the truth means everything to you. Remember who you are.

Lois: This is incredible.
Clark: It's only the beginning.

Clark: How could you possibly think it was okay to join the football team?
Jordan: You didn't say it wasn't.
Clark: No, no. Don't... don't do that. I see what you're doing.
Jordan: As long as you don't mention it, it's not a lie, right?
Lois: Your father apologized for that.
Clark: Your powers are not something to be taken lightly, Jordan.
Jordan: Yeah, well, I barely have any, remember? That's what Grand Pabbie told us at Elsa's ice castle.
Lois: That's not funny.
Clark: He was only comparing your powers to mine.
Jordan: No, he said my powers suck. Don't act like he didn't.
Clark: I admit, taking you to see him this early was a mistake.
Jordan: Mistake? You know what? Everything you do is a mistake. You get fired, you bring us here. You know, I just wish you would go back to not being around anymore.
Clark: Go upstairs.
Jordan: Yeah.
Clark: Right now.
Jordan: Yeah.
Jonathan: I-I'm with you guys. I don't know what he was thinking.
Clark: You, too.

Lois: [after Jordan shouts at Clark] He didn't mean all that.
Clark: You sure?
Lois: He's 14. He was lashing out. I'm not saying that makes it acceptable, but we can't take everything he says at face value.
Clark: Then how am I supposed to know what he needs?
Lois: All I'm saying is maybe figure out the reason behind Jordan's anger and address that.

Clark: Everything I do with the boys just... seems like it blows up in my face. Is Jordan right? A-Am I a bad father?
Lois: Clark.
Clark: 'Cause right now, it... it feels like it's my fault that this is all falling apart.
Lois: Your life falling apart doesn't mean you're special. It means you're human.

Lois: I shouldn't have lost my cool with Kyle.
Clark: Do you think he's right? Should I have come back to Smallville more often?
Lois: No, Clark, he's not right. Your mom knew where you were and who you were.
Clark: Right before she died, I... I heard her say something as I was flying here.
Martha: [in flashback] It's time. Come home.
Clark: She wanted me to come home. I just don't know why yet.

Lois: I should've protected him.
Jonathan: Mom, this isn't... this isn't on you.
Lois: I'm your mom. My one job is to keep you guys safe, and I keep failing at it.
Jonathan: No, no, you-you don't.
Lois: You were almost gunned down in John Henry's RV.
Jonathan: That was my fault.
Lois: Got into a car accident.
Jonathan: That was also my fault.
Lois: I feel like I can't turn around without one of you being in mortal danger. Why is it so hard to keep you safe?
Jonathan: I don't know. Just... just part of being a super-family, I guess. Hey, come here.
Jonathan: Dad'll figure something out. He always does.

Clark: So, how was your first day?
Lois: I tried following up on those reverse mortgages, but it turns out people aren't interested in talking to someone not from Smallville.

Lois: Lucy, do you really think that I don't love you? Because I do. So much. After Mom left, I felt like it was my job to make sure you grew up okay. If I was hard on you, it's 'cause I thought that's how you raised kids.
Lucy: That's the excuse you're going with?
Lois: I was a child raising a child. I didn't know any better.
General: Lucy, your sister did the best she could.
Lucy: No, Dad, the reason Lois was hard on me was because she hated me. You blamed me for everything wrong in your life.
Lois: That is not true.
Lucy: I was the reason you couldn't be on teams. Couldn't join the school paper.
General: No, that's because I didn't trust some random sitter with you girls.
Lucy: No, it's not. Because it didn't end there. Lois, you still look at me today the way you did back then. Like I'm something you're shackled to, a constant disruption in your perfect life.
Lois: I am so sorry that I ever made you feel like you were a burden. Because the truth is, you were my life raft. I wouldn't have survived our childhood without you. And I still need you.

Clark: Mortgage papers? My mom paid hers off years ago.
Lana: Her first. About five years ago, at the peak of the farming crisis, banks here were offering reverse mortgages to seniors. Pay now for the opportunity to let the bank purchase the remainder of the farm upon their death if the landowner's heirs couldn't repay the balance of the loan.
Clark: She... she didn't need that kind of money.
Lana: No. But... the Gordons were gonna be evicted from their farm that had been in their family for generations. Margie Kelton's lung surgery made it so she could hardly put food on the table. I have dozens of stories. Everyone in town knew that if you were in trouble, Martha would be there. She was like your friend you always write about, Lois. She was like this town's Superman. Or Superwoman.
Lois: Sounds like they had a lot in common.
Lana: She still protected half the farm's value. She wanted there to be enough money to send the boys to college. So you can either repay the loan, or you can accept a healthy buyout for the remaining value of the property.

General: "DOD holds Smallville hostage"? You know about this?
Lois: Chrissy ran it by me last night.
General: Then why didn't you kill the story?
Lois: Because she raises a lot of good questions. She's just doing her job.
General: By attacking the men and women trying to protect this town? She called us an occupying force.
Clark: Yeah, that might be a little hyperbolic.
Lois: [glaring at him] The DOD has been here for a month. People wanna know when you're gonna leave.
General: When I think it's safe. But I can't say that 'cause it'll cause a panic if people know that Morgan Edge is still out there. I agreed to speak at the town hall today to try to calm people's nerves. Now that's gonna be damn near impossible.
Lois: Then just be honest for once.
General: Too many of those questions lead back to our family and the very secrets that keep you safe.
Lois: Is that really what this is about?
General: Are you questioning my motives? Which is it, Lois? Am I protecting the world or protecting our family? 'Cause I never seem to get it right with you.

Lois: [surviving an assault from Bizarro Lana and Bizarro Jonathan] You guys okay?
Jonathan: Relative to what?
Clark: You did real good.
Jordan: It's Nat that saved us.
Lois: Where is Nat?
Jordan: [hearing an ELT-like warbling] Found her.

Lois: Do you have any idea where the book is?
Barry: If I were him, I'd keep it somewhere secure enough to also hold a Kryptonian.
Oliver: Easy. S.T.A.R. Labs. That place is under lock and key. I did time there once.
Oliver: Hey, so do we.
Barry: We... we did.
Cisco: What'd you do? Did I say you could touch me?
[to Barry]
Cisco: Did I say he could touch me?
Barry: I don't know.
Cisco: I missed that part.
Superman: [simultaneously with Lois] I have to go.
Lois: You have to go.

Lois: [as Earth and Bizarro Earth merge] What happened to our home?
Clark: This isn't our home. It's their house from the other Earth.

Lois: Can you explain why Amertek hired an expert in mineralogy as its chief of operations?
Dr. Faulkner: I have several degrees, but I'm mainly here as a geologist, which is quite normal in mining.
Lois: But you came to Amertek for this job specifically?
Dr. Faulkner: Yes, that's right.
Lois: Because of the X-Kryptonite?
Dr. Faulkner: Most people aren't aware of exactly what we're extracting, but it's no secret that Amertek was hired to clear these mines, as I'm sure you understand why that is.
Chrissy: X-Kryptonite is what Morgan Edge used to give people powers.
Lois: It could be really dangerous in the wrong hands.
Dr. Faulkner: Exactly. Amertek is doing a public service. But whether these mines are full of X-Kryptonite or not doesn't explain the seismic activity we're experiencing. And right now, that's my main concern.
Inspector: [approaching] Dr. Faulker?
Dr. Faulkner: Just one second.
[turning back to Lois and Chrissy]
Dr. Faulkner: Listen... I know you want to ease public fear, and I promise, as soon as I have more information, you'll be my first call. Okay?
Chrissy: [Faulkner leaves] Seems legit.
Lois: I need you to get ahold of a seismologist, figure out what's causing these tremors.
Chrissy: Sure. What are you gonna do?
Lois: Talk to another source.

Clark: Hey, you really are so much stronger than me, Kara. Every time we're together, I see it. Which is why I know what I'm doing is okay.
Kara: What are you doing, Clark?
Lois: You need to stop beating around the bush. People like people who are direct.
Kara: What is going on?

Lana: All this for Morgan Edge.
Lois: It's gonna get a whole lot worse if we don't stop him.
Lana: [spotting Superman] He's here.
Lois: Everything okay?
Lana: Oh, I-I know you're used to all this, but it's a little surreal to see Superman in real life. I'm just so used to watching him on TV.
Lois: Yeah, it can be a little weird.

General: Boy, they really pack 'em in here, huh?
Lois: Dad?
General: I know it's a surprise, but it's Jon's home opener.
Lois: You never came to any of my games.

Chrissy: [the Bizarro world's reverse name for Lois] Siol!
Lois: No, the other one.
General: Feels like we just licked the toad and woke up in Candy Land.
Lois: What are you talking about?
General: DOD had this off-the-books program using Bufotoxin. It's a psychedelic these toads secrete.

Lana: You know, it has been so long since anything strange happened in this town. I mean, I thought we were done with this kind of stuff, and then this happens to my husband.
Clark: Lana, we're gonna save him. I promise.
Lana: How?
Lois: [turning on an old-school movie projector] Best place to start is by finding where Edge hides his Eradicator.
Lana: And that's the thing they used on Kyle?
Clark: Yeah, and wherever it is, it stands to reason that location has been receiving shipments of X-K from the Shuster mines.
Lana: What's X-K?
Lois: X-Kryptonite. It's what Edge has been mining for. It's what gives people these powers.
Clark: The theory is powers only hold with Smallville natives, people who have had prolonged exposure.
Lana: Like Kyle and Emily and basically everyone I recruited for the Executive Program.
Lois: Dozens upon dozens of what he calls subjekts, his own private army.
Lana: And these people, you know their identity?
Lois: It's our murderer's row of suspects. Info I pulled from employee files, first-hand encounters, the names you offered, anyone Edge could have interacted with.
Clark: It's a pretty big list that unfortunately doesn't get us closer to the big picture.
Lana: I don't have the big picture, either. Oh, I except I do see one thing odd.
[recognizing a picture]
Lana: Him.
[pulling a file]
Lana: Dr. Dabney Donovan. Listed as Edge's personal physician. He was the one who conducted all the health exams for everyone in the Executive Program.
Lois: [taking the file] This guy left a tenure-track position at MIT to work for Edge?
Clark: That's a pretty big salary to walk away from.
Lois: Dual PhDs in genetics and molecular neuro-chemistry.
Clark: Knowledge that would come in handy if you wanted to swap one person for another.

Lana: Hey, Lois. Everything okay?
Lois: Everything's fine. Just stopped by to check in.
Kyle: Yes. On me.
[whooshing forward and grabbing them both by the throat]
Kyle: You all are so weak.
Lois: [slugging him and revealing a shard of kryptonite in hand] Not all of us.
General: [entering with his soldiers and getting Kyle restrained] Good job.
Lois: You okay?
Lana: No. Not really.

Lana: I know we already went over this, but is there anything in particular I should be looking out for?
Lois: If Edge is making people with powers, he's not doing it out in the open, so kind of just anything out of the ordinary. Buildings, machines, invoices even.
Lana: Okay. And is there a way to tell if someone already has powers?
Lois: Not really, but we do know that Leslie Larr has powers, so it's safe to assume that other people do, too. Lana, I don't want you doing anything that makes you feel even remotely unsafe.
Lana: No, I wanna help. I'll call you if I find anything.

Clark: Lana had an open house? When did that happen?
Lois: I don't know. Why don't you go talk to her? And can you also get light bulbs at the hardware store?
Clark: I can't. Teague Family Hardware went out of business.
Lois: What? That's the fourth local business in the last month.
Clark: I know. Smallville's really hurting. It's like Edge left this place worse than he found it.
Lois: Yeah, and it's not helping that the DOD is still here.
Clark: [hearing an ELT signal] Speaking of, it's your dad.
Lois: Did he find Edge?
Clark: No. He seems upset.
Lois: He's always upset.

Kyle: You writing something about Morgan Edge?
Lois: He's not as great as you think he is, Kyle.
Kyle: Well, he's bringing jobs to Smallville, so that's good enough for me.

General: [seeing Clark take off with Jordan] Why's Clark leaving?
Lois: To do what you can't.
General: Lois, that gas Rosetti used on Clark was synthetic, experimental, hadn't been tested. We didn't know what his reaction would be.
Lois: All my life, your job was your number one priority. Accepting that wasn't easy, but I learned to live with it, and somehow even grew to respect it because I believed that you were trying to do the right thing, and I honestly, naively thought that once I had a family, you might change, start putting us first, but I was wrong. Knowingly and willingly endangering the lives of the people I love... I can't forgive that. So when this is over, I want you to leave and never come back. You're not welcome here anymore.

Captain: [at the Shuster mines] Figured out how to get in there yet?
Lois: Doing about as well as you, Marcus.
Captain: May the best reporter win.

Jonathan: So, it's, like, really "official" official now or what?
Jordan: Yeah, I... I-I guess so.
Jonathan: Yeah?
Lois: Well, I'm happy for you, sweetie, but now that you have a girlfriend, your dad and I are gonna have to have a little chitchat with you about what we expect.
Jonathan: [hearing a whooshing in the sky] I guess Dad's home.
Morgan: [landing in front of them] Your father won't be returning any time soon, which is why Uncle Morgan decided to come pay a visit.

Jonathan: [trapped in Irons' RV by its AI] Mom, I'm not authorized! It's gonna kill me!
Lois: [banging on the door] This is Lois Lane! He's my son!
A.I. Device: Ten...
Lois: Stop the countdown!
A.I. Device: Eight..
Lois: [frantically clicking her ELT] Clark! Clark! Clark! Clark, the AI's gonna kill Jon!
[whooshing out of the DOD, Clark arrives just in time to shield Jon from the gunfire]

Lara/Lana: Tell me. What is it like being with my son?
Lois: Most of the time, it's easy. And sometimes it's very difficult. Most of the time, I feel very secure, and then I've also had some of the most... terrifying days in my entire life. But there's always love and respect.
Lara/Lana: A partnership?
Lois: Very much so.
Lara/Lana: On Krypton, I had all the hopes and dreams one could ever have. And I lived them all. And then one day, those hopes and dreams were for the son I just had. Thank you, Lois, for making them come true.
Lois: He's this world's first and greatest hero, but I want you to know that he's an even better man.

Lois: So, you just happen to have a seismometer laying around in your RV, huh?
John: Ah, I got similar tech in my suit, but like I said, it's retired.
Lois: Just like you.
John: Just like me.
Lois: So how does this work?
John: All right, look, this measures the difference between a set point when the bedrock isn't moving. It processes all the variables interacting when it starts to shake.
Lois: So what do we do now, just wait?
John: That's the thing about earthquakes. I mean, there's not much you can do until they happen.
Lois: Do you have anything to drink in there?
John: After you.

General: Maybe... brunch?
Lucy: Brunch? You brunch?
Lois: Yeah, he also wears Hawaiian shirts now.

Lois: [as Edge begins an attack on Metropolis] Any chance you got a camera we can go live with?
Samuel: It's back at GBS with Janet. She went up to the roof to get a clear shot of the action.

Lois: Hmnm. Never met a Clark.
Clark: Oh, uh, I've never met a Lois before.

John: Clark, Lois sent me to help you. She still believes in you. I met your boys, and they believe in you, too. And let me tell you something, man, I know what it means to lose the people you love. That pain you feel right now, that is nothing compared to what happens if you lose them. Right now, you got a chance to fight. Do not let that bastard take you away from your family. You remember who you are, and you fight back, damn it! You fight!
[recalling memories of Lois and the boys, Clark screams and rolls over unconscious; after a moment, he opens his eyes]
John: [helping him to his feet, then turning on his comms] We got him. He's back.
Lois: John, can he hear me? Superman?
Superman: I'll be back soon.
[to Irons]
Superman: First, you and I are gonna deal with Morgan Edge.

Chrissy: Thank god you're back. Edge just sent someone over with a massive ad buy for tomorrow's paper.
Lois: For more recruits?
Chrissy: Twice as many. Okay, whatever crazy voodoo Edge is doing to those people, he's kicking it into high gear.
[Lois turns to leave]
Chrissy: Where are you going?
Lois: Oh, to make a scene.

Lois: [after Jordan collapses and begins seizing] Clark!
Clark: [whooshing in] Jordan. Jordan.
[using his x-ray vision to scan Jordan's head]
Clark: I have to get him to the Fortress.
[he takes off into the sky]

Janet: I'm not talking to you as your producer. I'm talking to you as one of your best friends. And I am telling you...
Lois: Janet.
Janet: ...there is some serious chemistry happening...
Lois: Listen to me.
Janet: And you need to bring your "A" game if you wanna go out with the world's most eligible bachelor.
Lois: I am not interested, okay? I'm in love with someone else. Clark from the paper. We've been dating for a couple months. I know he's dorky, but I love him.
Janet: Right, the guy with the glasses.
Lois: Yeah.
Janet: He's so sweet.
Lois: Yeah.
Janet: Well, that's great, Lois. I... I had no idea you were in love.
Lois: That's because I haven't told anyone yet, not even him.
Janet: [seeing Superman watching them, then trying to act like he's not] Hey, random Superman question. He wouldn't happen to have super-hearing?
Lois: [glancing at him, a little embarrassed] Can we just go?
Janet: Yeah, yeah.
Lois: [returning to their desk] I apologize. That was unprofessional.
Superman: That's okay. He's a... he's a lucky man.
Lois: Don't think this means I'm gonna take it easy on you.
Superman: I'd be offended if you did.

Lois: So that thing in the mines, that was you?
Clark: It wasn't an exact doppelganger, but, yes, it was definitely some version of me.
General: Any chance this could be the evil Superman from your world? Somehow got here the same way you and your daughter did?
John: No, that wasn't, uh - that wasn't the Kal-El from my earth. Red solar flares actually affected him. Plus, Nat didn't get here the same way I did.
General: You won't like this, Clark, but I got to call Anderson.
Clark: Sam, no.
General: There's a bizarre version of Superman on the loose.
Clark: And if he send in those kids, this thing will destroy them.
General: They're not kids, Clark. And even Superman needs to admit he needs help.

Lois: All right, guys, we're probably gonna have another late night working on this Edge case.
Jonathan: All right.
Jordan: We were gonna see Sarah's revue tonight, anyway, so...
Clark: [sharing a smile with Lois] You guys sure are spending quite a bit of time together for just being "friends".
Jordan: Just trying to support her, Dad.
Clark: Oh. Uh-huh.
Jonathan: [teasing] Right.
Jordan: What? She said she just wanted to be friends.
Lois: Might be more than that, but I will leave it up to her to tell you.
Clark: [with his super-hearing] Bus is pulling up.
Lois: All right, there's leftovers in the fridge, okay?
Jonathan: All right. Love you guys. Bye.
Lois: All right, I gotta go meet Lana at the Gazette.
Clark: Okay.
Lois: Clark, you are Martha Kent's son. She was helping people here way before Edge showed up. They will listen to you.

Lois: [giving Sam a bag of frozen peas] Better than ice, unless that was a lie you told me when I was a kid.
General: [putting it on his head] Only way I could get you to do it. We sure went through our fair share of frozen peas, didn't we? God, even as a kid, you were always coming home bruised up. I was never there to keep you from getting them, though, was I?
Lois: Dad.
General: It's true. Everything you said is true. I wasn't the best father. I was gone, a lot, and I wasn't there to protect you the way a parent should.
Lois: You were tonight.
General: Couldn't let them hurt my grandson. Or my little girl. Lois, we're gonna stay here 'til this is over. As of now, you, the boys, Clark, Smallville, that's my priority.
Lois: Good. 'Cause that war John Henry Irons was talking about, I think it's about to happen.

Lois: Maxy, what's going on?
Max: Whit. Fired.
Lois: More layoffs? I knew when Morgan Edge bought the Planet, there'd be cuts, but this is unbelievable.

Clark: Yeah, Timmy's got a sprained elbow. Tried telling Jordan it's not really his fault.
Lois: Yeah, I'm sure that helped. What about our other problem? Any sign of our friend Tag?
Clark: No. There's a pretty big DOD presence. Guess I should thank your dad for that.
Lois: Well, the sooner we find that kid, the sooner this will all be over.
Clark: Yeah. It's the how that worries me.
Lois: Clark, with everything that's going on, are you sure Jordan's okay?
Clark: I don't know. Something's going on, but he won't talk to me.
Lois: Keep an eye on him, on both of them. This can't be easy for them, playing their old school and seeing all the kids they knew.
Clark: Yeah.

Lois: [pursuing the story of an arsonist] One of these dirtbags is our guy. I can feel it.
Clark: You're really good at this.
Lois: Thanks.
Clark: I, um... I should get going.
Lois: What's the hurry? You got a big date?
Clark: No, no, nothing like that. Just, um, you know, some "Seinfeld" reruns. Heat up some frozen chicken nuggets. Yeah.
Lois: You've been a really big help, Clark. If you want, I can probably talk to Perry about you getting a beat of your own, local politics or something.
Clark: Oh. Um... no. That's... it's okay. I'd rather be here.
Lois: For the story or the company?
Clark: Uh...
Clark: I feel like that's a trick question.

Lois: [leaving the town hall] We have to get back in there.
General: That's not an option.
Lois: Smallville is tearing itself apart. If we don't do something...
General: Did you not hear me? Edge is out, and he's got Larr with him.
Lois: Then we need to warn the town.
Superman: [whooshing in] He doesn't seem to be anywhere near Smallville.
John: That's 'cause they got a different target. My tracker picked them up after they left the DOD. They're in Metropolis.
Superman: Just like on your Earth.
General: You two need to go, now.
Lois: Wait. On your Earth, Superman didn't act alone. He had an entire army. Does Edge really think that he and Larr can take an entire city?
General: After what we saw him do when he escaped the DOD, maybe he can.
Superman: Or maybe he just wants to hurt me. He saw my memories. He knows how much history we have in Metropolis.
Lois: Yeah, but if he just wanted to hurt you, why wouldn't he come straight to Smallville? There is a bigger picture we're not seeing. I should go with you. Can you keep the boys safe?
General: I'll reach out, make sure they get back to the farm.
Lois: Do you have a location for Edge?
John: [activating his helmet] Looks like he's still in Centennial Park.

Lois: We have a new problem. It turns out Lex Luthor is alive.
Clark: What?
Lois: According to Iris, Lex is jumping from universe to universe, killing off Supermen.
Clark: If one of them's the Kryptonian Paragon...
Lois: It's game over. We need to find this Earth's Superman before Lex jumps here and offs him.
Clark: [seeing a television screen on the side of a building with breaking news of Superman's death] I think it's a little late for that.
Lois: Disappeared into thin air. Lex killed him and breached out.
Clark: He won't stop until we're all dead.

Lois: Metropolis has so many problems that aren't just rescue operations; they're systemic. Here, look. Look at this.
Clark: These lightning bolts.
Lois: Nazi symbols. They've been popping up all over lower Metropolis. Along with a rash of arson attacks against minority-owned businesses.
Clark: Do you have any idea who's responsible?
Lois: By all accounts, some psycho in a metal mask and a trenchcoat.
Clark: I didn't know about this.
Lois: That's my point exactly. I have been covering this for months, only my reporting keeps getting drowned out by everyone's favorite miracle man.
Clark: How can I help?

Lois: So you saved your brother.
Jordan: I wasn't sure what happened. That's why I didn't say anything. All I knew is, when I fell, I felt something come over me. It was a strength I've never had before. I felt... control. I... I don't know. It's hard to explain.
Jonathan: What's gonna happen to him?
Clark: I'm not sure yet. Jordan's powers are manifesting very differently than mine did.
Lois: But we're gonna help you get through this, okay?

Clark: Doctor said the cast comes off in six to eight weeks.
Lois: Could have been worse.
Jonathan: Yeah. And he also said that "maybe" I get full range of motion back, so...
Jordan: Jon, I'm so sorry.
Jonathan: Just... just shut up, please.
Jordan: I... you know I never meant...
Jonathan: Okay, but you did. You... you did, Jordan. You-you got emotional, and then I tried to step in the middle of it like an idiot, and now I have a broke-ass arm, and I'm probably never gonna play quarterback again. So, thanks. Thanks a lot.

Lois: You're really swimming around in that head of yours lately, huh? That stranger in the war suit really got to you, didn't he?
Clark: He seemed to know a lot about Superman. What if he knows about us, the boys, where we live?
Lois: My dad's working on it. He'll find him. And in the meantime, let's just focus on what we came here for: family.

Kyle: See, people like you, you look at Smallville and you think of the past, and you feel a little bad for us, right? People like Morgan Edge, though, now, see, he looks at Smallville and he sees the future.
Lois: It's not a future I would wanna live in.
Kyle: It's a good thing we don't have to worry about that anymore, now, do we?
Clark: We haven't made any decisions about the farm yet, Kyle.
Kyle: But your mother has.
Lois: What does that mean?
Lana: [in a "this conversation is over" tone] Kyle, go get the girls.
Kyle: [finishing his beer and leaving] Sorry for your loss, Kent.
Clark: Lana? What's he talking about?
Lana: Your mother had some business with us, that's all. Come by the bank tomorrow. Martha was a great lady. The heart of Smallville, really. I'm sorry she's gone.

Chrissy: Lois, you remember that piece you wrote about the self-help guru, Ally Allston?
Lois: That was years ago.
Chrissy: It's back in the news again because of this podcast that just came out.
Lois: What's it about?
Chrissy: Journalists who abused their power for personal reasons.

Lois: Your daughters are so gorgeous.
Lana: Aw, thank you. You look exactly the same as you did in high school. He... he doesn't age.
Clark: It's, uh, good genes, I guess.

Lois: Hey, babe, there's something I need to tell you.
Clark: Lois, what day is it?
Lois: I'm pregnant.
Clark: You're pregnant?
Lois: Yes. I know, we weren't even trying. We didn't even know this was possible, but there are three pregnancy tests in the bathroom, and they all say the same thing. We're gonna be parents.
Clark: [remembering his dream in the Fortress] Okay, Lois, something really strange happened right before you came out.
Lois: I can't believe it, either. It's like you said on our honeymoon; this is why you kept your secret.
Clark: So we can share our life together.
Lois: And now we can have a family. I didn't even realize I wanted one this badly until now.
Clark: Yeah. Yeah, me, too.
Lois: Okay, be honest, you want a boy or a girl?
Clark: I... I just want the baby to be healthy.
Lois: Oh, come on, Clark. That's so predictable.
Clark: What? It's true.
Lois: All right, well, I'm just gonna say it. I want a girl.

Ally: I don't respond well to threats, Lois.
Lois: Neither do I.

Lois: You okay?
Lana: I don't know what I am right now. I feel so many things.
Lois: Mostly anger, right?
Lana: So much anger. Have you ever noticed...
Lois: How punchable the mayor's face is? Yeah, I have.
Lana: God. You know, he's not the only one. I mean, it's like this entire town has turned their back on us.
Lois: They're just looking for a way to move on. Blaming you is easier than blaming themselves.
Lana: Yeah, but it doesn't make it hurt any less. Smallville has always been there for me. It's why I built my life around it, and now I'm wishing I had a backup plan, because I'm out there in the cold with no nest egg and no connections anywhere else. And I am worried about my family, Lois, especially when people like Mayor Dean are out there controlling the narrative. It's not right. It's not right. And it's not the same town I used to love.

Jonathan: Can we just, like... like, call them or something?
Lois: It's named the Fortress of Solitude for a reason.

Lois: [after Bizarro Lana attacked the farm] I came as soon as I heard. Are you okay?
Jordan: Yeah, I'm fine, except for almost letting Dad get killed.
Lois: That is not your fault.
Jonathan: Yeah, at least you have powers to help.
Jordan: Yeah, well, that almost makes it worse. You were out there. She totally kicked my ass.
Lois: Jordan, it is not your job to protect your dad from people with powers.
Jordan: Yeah, well, it's a good thing, 'cause I can't.
Jonathan: None of us can.
Jordan: What if she comes back? What are we gonna do?

Lois: Any luck finding out what was causing your visions?
Clark: My mom said it was triggered by an invasive cosmological event. She called it "interdimensional kinesthesis."
John: Nothing you just said sounds good.
Lois: In layman's terms?
Clark: Whatever's happening to me, some other being is causing it.
Lois: How do we stop it?
Clark: I still don't know. I-I can't see it. I-I've had five of these things. And they're only getting more and more violent. The last one at Tal's Fortress felt like I was being pulled in and out of a horror movie.
John: [finding a seismology report] Five times all within the past few days? And nothing before then?
Clark: No, I felt fine until the submarine.
John: Which was the day of the first earthquake. And based on Lois' seismology reports, there was a tremor before the quake we all felt, probably around the same time you were in Korea.
Lois: You think they're connected? How many tremors have there been?
John: Including the ones that I recorded today? Five. If your visions are linked to these earthquakes...
Lois: And what your mom said is true...
Clark: Then whatever's down there is what's causing this.

Lois: Things haven't been okay for months. And I've been blaming you. And I'm sorry. Ever since you told me to say something to Natalie and I just stood there frozen.
Clark: You were in shock. All of us were.
Lois: It's more than that. She was my daughter in that other world and... seeing her standing there and calling me "Mom"... I felt nothing. And in that moment, I finally realized how my mom must have felt the day she left us.
Clark: Lois.
Lois: I've wondered how she could do that my entire life, how a mother could just... abandon her children. And now I know. She didn't feel. She didn't feel anything. Not for me. Not for Lucy.
Clark: Lois, you can't know that for sure.
Lois: Yes, I can, Clark. And every time you ask me about Natalie or tell me to call her, it's just bringing up all of those feelings in me and all of this guilt.
Clark: You have nothing to feel guilty about.
Lois: She called me "Mom," Clark.
Clark: But she's not your daughter.
Lois: I know, but...
Clark: Lois, her mom died. And there's absolutely nothing you could've said or... or done to change that.
Lois: But I know how she felt. And she must have been so crushed seeing me look at her that way.
Clark: You are not your mother. What happened with Natalie, that's... that's a completely different thing.
Lois: I just hate this feeling.

Jonathan: [about Jordan's powers] It's probably like learning to drive a car, you know? If cars were indestructible and had giant death lasers as headlights.
Jordan: [leaving] Yeah. Thanks.
Lois: Apologize to your brother.
Jonathan: I know. Too soon. I know.

Superman: [hearing an ELT signal] It's Edge. Figure out a way to do everyone at once. I'll hold them off as long as I can.
General: How the hell are you gonna do that?
Lois: Appeal to him the same way he did to you. As a brother.

Lois: Does this have too much blue in it?
Clark: I still like the Huntsman's Tribute.
Jonathan: Dad, I'm pretty sure that's just slang for "poop."
Clark: Hey.
Lois: Jonathan. Don't be gross. Also, he's not wrong.
Jordan: Mom, can we just pick something?
Lois: Sweetie, this is an important decision. We're finally putting our own stamp on this house.
Jonathan: If you'd make up your mind.
Lois: [picking up a wet paintbrush from its can] What about this color? You like this color?
Jonathan: Yeah, it's fine.
Lois: Yeah?
Jonathan: Yeah.
Lois: [wiping it down the front of his shirt] Ah!
Jordan: [chasing her around the room] Someone is just asking for the Huntsman's Tribute.
Lois: Anything but dad's color!
Clark: [insulted] Oh, come on!
[Jordan grabs a brush and wipes paint down his arm]
Clark: You really wanna do this?
Jordan: No super-tricks.

Clark: Who's this?
Lois: The real Marcus Bridgewater.
Clark: So, the guy from the mines...
Lois: Lied. Even tried to cover his tracks by scrubbing all images of Marcus Bridgewater from the Internet. Luckily, Maxy still has a friend at Reuters who had a photo.
Clark: So why is he lying about his identity?
Lois: I don't know. I mean, it probably has something to do with the fact that he knows so much about Edge.
Clark: So, two people working for Edge have attacked you, and both have had powers.
Lois: Yeah. I'm sure there are others.
Clark: Yeah, which is why I think we should tell the boys what's going on.
Lois: Well, that's a pretty big departure from not wanting them to know anything about Superman.
Clark: Well, hindsight, maybe that wasn't the best choice.
Lois: This feels different. The whole point of moving to Smallville was to give them a shot at a normal life, not terrify them.
Clark: I know, I know, but...
Lois: Plus, Jordan has the stuff going on with the hearing, and Jonathan hasn't made any friends. It doesn't feel fair to give them one more thing to worry about.
Clark: I think they can handle this.
Lois: I still think that we need to know more about what we're dealing with, and then we can discuss it.

J'onn: I hope to see you all again soon.
Superman: Preferably without giving Lois another reason to dive head-first into danger.
Lois: I dive where you dive, babe.

Leslie: Your old contract. For your lawyer.
Lois: What are you talking about?
Leslie: We're aware of the piece you intend to publish tomorrow.
Chrissy: How could you know that?
Leslie: Any such action would be in breach of your previous contract, as I'm sure your lawyer will explain. I told you he would crush you.
Lois: [Leslie leaves] It's okay. Edge is just trying to scare us.
Chrissy: Yeah, well, it's totally working. The Gazette can't afford to fight off an army of Edge's lawyers. We don't even have *a* lawyer.
Lois: But the vote is tomorrow.
Chrissy: I'm sorry, Lois, but until this gets worked out, I... I can't risk publishing a word you write.

Chrissy: No comment? They always give a comment.
Lois: Yeah, I don't know what to say.
Chrissy: Well, is it because we're a small paper? You always got a statement when you were at the Planet.
Lois: Chrissy, we don't need the DOD or my dad. We can do more interviews and write what we want.
Chrissy: It just doesn't make any sense. Is this story different somehow?
Lois: Not that I know of.
Chrissy: Lois, what is he hiding?
Lois: I don't know, Chrissy.
Chrissy: Are you lying right now?
Lois: No.
Chrissy: You're totally lying.
Lois: Chrissy, it's not what you think.
Chrissy: Lois Lane is protecting the DOD. You're supposed to be on the side of the people, not the man. I thought we were in this together.
Lois: Chrissy...
Chrissy: Lois, if you can't tell me the truth, then maybe you should leave.

General: How does this thing work?
Lara/Lana: Same principle as a computer. In this case, instead of a computer, it's a brain, and the information being uploaded is a person's consciousness. The Eradicator holds and transfers this information, a new consciousness, into a person.
General: So during this transfer process, does the old consciousness exist?
Lara/Lana: It does until the transfer is complete.
Superman: And then the new consciousness fully takes over.
Lois: How long does that take?
Lara/Lana: Days. Weeks. Depends on how willing the host is to accept this new life, if at all.
Lois: But the Kryptonian part that's developing, that person can just emerge at any time?
Lara/Lana: If prompted, yes. The Kryptonian consciousness will remain in the Eradicator, and their powers will dissipate over time.
General: Then how do we stop this?
Lara/Lana: Prevent the transfer from completing, so only the old consciousness remains.
Lois: Can we do that?
Lara/Lana: We can. We just need to get the people who were affected to go through the eradication process again.
General: Bring 'em here? All of them?
Lara/Lana: Yes.
Lois: And run them through the machine?
Lara/Lana: Yes.
Lois: But we don't know how many people have gone through this.
Superman: There has to be another way to do it all at once.
Lara/Lana: That would require too much energy.
Superman: How much?
Lara/Lana: We would need something that rivals this planet's sun.

Lois: You want to stay for dinner? I order a mean takeout.
John: I gotta wrap things up with your dad. Besides, family time is sacred, and you guys are definitely due.

John: So, the good news: red solar tech plus the hammer's kinetic force should pierce the Eradicator's energy field and dissipate his power reserves.
Lois: Meaning?
John: This...
[powering up the red solar beam]
John: ...can stop him.
Superman: Provided you throw it from a far enough distance.
John: That's the bad news. The hammer needs to gain maximum force, which means a long throw. And Edge needs to be locked down dead center of the bullseye.
Lois: I'm guessing you only get one shot at this.
Superman: I'll handle Edge.
Jonathan: Right, 'cause that's totally doable. I mean, he only has, like, six other badass Kryptonian dudes with him. Look, those are terrible odds. This is really the plan?
Lois: It's the only plan we've got.
Jonathan: Okay. I mean, what about us?
Superman: You'll be guarding your mother while she finds her way into one of Jordan's memories.
Jonathan: [Lois opens a gun case] What the hell's that thing?
Superman: It's a restored weapon of Thaddeus Killgrave's.
Jonathan: Who?
Lois: [giving him the weapon] All you need to know is you don't use this unless you *have* to.

Superman: You can't just wear that symbol on your chest and call yourself a hero, Deegan. Our powers amplify who we are. And the way you've been using yours tells me you don't have the mettle for this.
Elseworlds: No. No, you're wrong. I did... I didn't think big enough. I won't make that mistake again.
[Amazo breaches in; it absorbs Clark's heat vision and fires it back at him]
Elseworlds: You see? There is no defeating me. I AM THE MASTER OF THIS WORLD!
Lois: [breaching in with J'onn and Brainy] Blah, blah, blah. It's a bit much, don't you think?
Superman: [surprised and confused] Honey?
Lois: [nonchalantly] Yes, dear?

Lois: Anything you can tell me about what it was like being a subjekt, even if it seems insignificant. Do either of you have any memory of what happened while you were taken over?
Lana: Um, no, I just remember waking up and seeing you, Lois.
Lois: What about you?
Kyle: Mine came and went.
Lois: What was that like?
Kyle: Um... it was like I was losing myself. Yeah, I-I-I couldn't remember things. Uh, couldn't picture my family. And it-it hurt, you know, trying to... trying to push through, and then... I'd see their faces. And this darkness came over me.
Lois: But you could fight back?
Kyle: Yeah, some. But there was this overwhelming sense that... my family would just be better off if I just... let go. And I almost did.
Lois: But you did fight, Kyle. Thank you both so much. This means more than you know.

Lois: I just got an earful from my dad.
Chrissy: Oh, Lois...
Lois: It's okay. You were right to publish that article. People deserve to know why the DOD is still here.
Chrissy: Think we'll get any answers at the town hall?
Lois: Maybe, maybe not, but there's no one I trust more than you to ask the hard questions.
Chrissy: Wow, that's so nice and makes what I have to tell you so much worse. I got an offer to sell the Gazette.
Lois: To whom? Some billionaire?
Chrissy: More like a multinational conglomerate, actually.
Lois: That's even worse. They don't care about the news. All they care about is the bottom line. Chrissy, they will destroy everything we've built here.
Chrissy: I know, but what choice do I have? We're going broke. After Edge, our tiny subscriber base got even tinier.
Lois: So we build a new one.
Chrissy: How? We're a small-town paper in a town that's literally disappearing. Even having the world's most famous reporter can't keep the doors open.

Lois: [after scolding Jordan] He's just confused. He's so young. He's not ready for this.
Clark: I know. Neither was I, but...
Lois: Probably not the best time to tell you I almost got killed tonight.
Clark: What?
Lois: I got into the mine, with the help of this supposed journalist, Marcus Bridgewater, and he led me to something called X-Kryptonite. Have you ever heard of that?
Clark: X-Kry... no. No. Wait. Back up. What-what do you mean you almost got killed?
Lois: Leslie Larr came after us. Turns out she has powers, too. She tried to heat-vision us, and then Marcus zapped her with this, like, high-tech ray gun.
Clark: Why? Why does a journalist have a ray gun? That makes no sense.
Lois: He's no journalist. I need to figure out who he is and what he has on Morgan Edge.

Chrissy: So you just happen to have a forensic kit?
Lois: It was a birthday gift from my dad.
Chrissy: Mine just gave me a $20 bill and a thank you card.

John: And Superman's last known location was this farm?
General: That's right.
Lois: Edge came after me and the boys after Superman saved everyone Edge was turning to create his army.
John: And then Superman just agreed to have his consciousness replaced?
Lois: To spare our lives and buy us some time, but he signaled me. He wanted me to contact you so that we could find Edge and stop him.
John: And you think they're somewhere in the desert, Sam?
General: Based on intelligence we've gathered, yes.
Lois: John, you know better than anyone what's at risk here.
John: I do.
Lois: Which is why we need your help to come up with a rescue plan.
John: A rescue plan? Lois, Superman must have known there was a chance he'd be turned. If he signaled you to bring me in, he knows the likelihood is there is only one hope. To save this world, I need to put him down by any means necessary.

Lois: I don't really look back with regret. I reflect, or... but I don't usually regret, but this?
Dr. Wiles: Is it possible you're, um, you're being too hard on yourself?
Lois: No. I was enraged. You have no idea the things that I said.
Dr. Wiles: I read your articles, your critiques. Let's just say I know what your words are capable of.
Lois: I can go full scorched-earth, and if that is my intention, you deserve it. But this person didn't. I think that sometimes, words cut so deep that they forever change how you see a person. And I don't know how to fix this.

Lois: What are you doing here, Marcus?
Captain: Still open to sharing a byline? Friend of mine got hands on a couple inspector badges. One's for you, if you want it.
Lois: You somehow got not one but two inspector badges and you're just gonna give me one of them to be nice?
Captain: They're working around the clock to get those mines ready. Right now, the tunnels are packed with inspectors. Security is stretched thin. A lone black guy might look suspicious, but the two of us together, it'll seem more legit. So... are you in... or out?
Lois: [cut to them at the mines] Are you kidding me? This is your idea of a disguise? It's kind of a clown show.
Captain: Let me do the talking, okay? You just try to look... inspector-y.

Clark: Is everything okay?
[seeing Jonathan and looking around]
Clark: Where's Candice?
Lois: You knew she was here?
Clark: Yeah, I dropped them both off after practice. What happened?
Lois: Go up to your room.
Jonathan: Happily.
Lois: What happened is that I came home to find our not-even-old-enough-to-drive son in bed half-naked with Candice.
Clark: Jonathan, come on, man. What are you thinking?
Lois: He's 15 years old and home alone with his new girlfriend. It's pretty obvious what he was thinking.
Clark: What? You mean... no, th... I never would've done that when I was his age.
Lois: Well, then, he clearly takes after his mother.
Clark: Do you want me to go up and talk to him?
Lois: No, he's just gonna give you some bogus answer. But by the way, who knows what Jordan's up to right now?
Clark: Oh, Lois, come on.
Lois: What? He certainly didn't wanna tell us anything this morning.
Clark: He did tell us. He said he had a surprise for Sarah.
Lois: Well, if he can get away with that non-answer, then don't be surprised when we're grandparents nine months from now.
Clark: Wow.
Lois: Clark, you really don't get it, do you?
Clark: No. No, I guess I don't. But I'm trying to.

Lois: [narrating] What can you say about leaving a place you loved? All the memories. All the experiences. It can be heartbreaking... until the excitement takes over... because you soon realize you get to make new memories... have new experiences... and best of all... fall in love all over again.

Superman: [summoned to the DOD] This about the sub?
Lt. Mitch Anderson: It's not really playing well around these parts.
Superman: I was just trying to save lives.
Lt. Mitch Anderson: Sure, I get it. I do. The problem is you rescued a North Korean submarine, a nuclear one, and then you returned it to them. Couldn't you have just dropped it by American soil?
Superman: It's important that I stay out of the...
Lt. Mitch Anderson: Geopolitics of it all. It's just that we seem to keep having these issues... communicating with each other. The whole reason that I got this position is because I was the one who knew everything about you; all your saves, all your history. Now it's feeling clear to me that actually, I know nothing about you.
Superman: Lt. Anderson, that's not true. Maybe a little true.
Lt. Mitch Anderson: Look, we don't need to be best friends, okay? But we do need to be up-front with each other just like you and General Lane were.
Superman: It wasn't that simple.
Lt. Mitch Anderson: Doesn't matter. That's how the upper brass see it.
Superman: They're not my concern.
Lt. Mitch Anderson: Sure, not yet. But if I can't get your firm commitment that American interests come first, our working relationship's gonna have to change.
Superman: Lieutenant, we've been over this. I will continue to do everything I can to help the DOD.
Lt. Mitch Anderson: That's not a commitment.
Superman: It's the best I can do.
Lois: [sending an ELT signal] Clark, I need you home now.
Superman: I have to go.
Lt. Mitch Anderson: Wait, what's so impor...
[he whooshes away]
Lt. Mitch Anderson: Important now?

Lois: [answering a call from Sam] This better be about the statement.
General: Not now, Lois. It's important.
Lois: What's wrong?
General: It's about Clark. I'm worried about him.

Atom: These people have stolen my neighborhood, and you're spinning it like I'm the bad guy? I'm the damn hero!
[landing in front of Lois, Superman uses his freeze breath to disable Miller's flamethrower]
Atom: [putting his hands on his head as if in surrender] Even you can't save all of them.
[he takes out and activates two grenades, throwing them in opposing directions; Clark uses his heat vision to destroy one, then speeds over to contain the other as it detonates]
Lois: [tasering Miller] Who's the hero now?

Lois: Hey, Rosetti, what'd you find?
Lt. Rosetti: You say this guy's been creeping around Smallville? The thing is, the prints you had us pull are from a guy who died six years ago, and his name's not Luthor. It's John Henry Irons.
Lois: [hanging up, to Chrissy] Give me your keys. I need your car.

Lois: [Clark returns from visiting Tal] Hey, how did it go?
Clark: He's not gonna be helpful. What about you?
Lois: Nothing that makes sense yet.
John: But I'm gonna help her see what we can find.
Clark: [hearing trouble] Can you call Coach Gaines, tell him I'm gonna be late?
Lois: What about this morning?
Clark: I'll be fine. I just... I got to go.

Clark: Jon, it's not like you to break the rules.
Jonathan: I know, I know, but there's this girl, and she's a junior And, I don't know. I thought... I thought she was out of my league, you know?
Clark: You skipped class to impress a girl?
Jonathan: Well, that's the thing. She just wanted to talk about what happened, like, Edge, powers, Grampa...
Clark: And?
Jonathan: I mean, I didn't say anything.
Lois: [coming in] We need to talk.
Clark: Yeah, we do. Jon skipped class.
Lois: What? Go upstairs. I will deal with you later.
[Jon leaves]
Lois: We can talk about him after we talk about what I wanna talk about. You told my dad to keep 7734?
Clark: I did, I did. I should have talked to you first.
Lois: [sensing that he's eavesdropping] Jonathan, upstairs.

Lois: Tell me where Edge took Jordan.
Leslie: Well, I don't know. This world's pretty big. Just think of all the places he could hide.
Lois: [pushing her up against the wall] WHERE IS MY SON?
Leslie: Your son? I'm sure he's long gone by now.
Lois: What have you done to him?
Leslie: The world's best investigative journalist can't figure that out? All you care about is one person when everyone else on this planet's about to die. How pathetically human.
Lois: We're gonna find them.
Leslie: Really? Because you have no idea what's coming next. Even Superman won't be able to stop it.
D.O.D. Soldier #1: Time's up.
Leslie: I'll say.
[to Lois as she's led away]
Leslie: That look on your face, I know it well. It's the same one I had the moment I realized there was nothing I could do to save Krypton.

John: So this is where you and Clark moved the family.
Lois: Yeah, we thought a slower pace of life might be good for us.
John: Well, looks like that didn't go quite as planned.
Lois: What are you doing here? Is A.R.G.U.S. helping with the search?
John: I assumed you knew. Your father called Lyla, needed some tech delivered, so she sent me.
Lois: What kind of tech?

Lois: Dad, you okay?
General: They took down Ally's two best acolytes, but we still have no idea how to stop her from merging the worlds, and we've lost contact with John Henry. I'd feel a lot better if we got you to a secure location.
Clark: With all due respect, Sam, I think we're gonna take Lana's advice. Go home and be with the people we love.
Lois: Come with us.
General: DOD's got a few more cards to play, and I can do a better job of calling shots if I'm in headquarters. Be safe, pumpkin. Keep those boys close. They're not so bad in a fight.

Lois: Chrissy keeps texting, wondering when I'm coming in. I gotta go.
Clark: You want a to-go plate?
Lois: Our guest is probably hungry.

Kyle: You come to the wrong place if you're looking for a tofu burger.
Lois: I was waiting for a full rack, actually.
Kyle: You know, I looked into what happened in New Carthage. It wasn't a good deal. You know, those people wanted to unionize right off the bat.
Lois: Yeah, to protect themselves.
Kyle: Well, yeah, but that would have meant that Edge couldn't turn a profit. He'd have lost a third of his workforce if those salaries went up.
Lois: I'm sorry, are you trying to argue that people shouldn't make a living wage?
Kyle: No, okay, what I'm saying is that in situations like this, some money in your pocket is better than none. A lot of nothing is still nothing, Ms. Lane. Short-term sacrifices for long-term gains. This is something to get the ball rolling. It's what Smallville needs right now.
[putting food on her plate]
Kyle: Enjoy your ribs.

John: Just heard about your dad.
Lois: Yeah. Caught us all by surprise. What about you? Have you given any thought to what's next?
John: A little. Uh, been thinking I should, uh, reach out to my sister. Maybe actually make contact this time.
Lois: You know, we got a lot of work to do on the farm.
John: [laughing] Of course.
Lois: You and Clark could get it up and running while also doing, you know, the other thing.
John: Nah, I don't know. I don't think that's a good idea.
Lois: Clark and I talked about it. He really trusts you.
John: It's not about him. Every time I look at you, I see my wife, the only woman I've ever loved. You know, she's with someone else and they're happy.
Lois: John.
John: No, no, I... I know you're not her, but it doesn't change how it feels.
Lois: I just want you to be happy.
John: I know. Which is why I can't stay.
Lois: [giving him a hug] Thank you for everything.
John: Mm-hmm. Just take good care of your boys; all three of 'em.
Lois: Well, since this is now a goodbye party, I think tequila is in order.

Kyle: You believe in Karma, Lois? Cheating on Lana, destroying my family-- there's a reason that I'm not with them right now.
Lois: This is not your fault.
Kyle: All I want is to see them just once more, and I can't. I deserve this.
Lois: Kyle, no one ever deserves to be alone. Neither do you.
[Kyle disappears from the Bizzarro Earth, reaches his Earth and unites with his family]

General: How many times you've been tied up?
Lois: Better you don't know.

Jonathan: Jordan, where are you?
Lois: Upstairs.
Jonathan: [entering the bedroom] Wow, it's like Iditarod-level cold in here.
Lois: Your brother's sick.
Jonathan: Does that have something to do with you flaking on Sarah?
Jordan: I-I gotta get back there, I-I...
Lois: You're not going anywhere.
Jordan: Sarah's going on any minute, and I can't just abandon her.
Lois: She'll be okay.
Jordan: No, she won't. This is exactly what her dad did. I can't let that happen again.
Clark: I know you want to be there for her, but you cannot go anywhere until we know exactly what is going on.
Jonathan: Wait, w-wait, we don't even know what's going on with him?

Kyle: Hot plate coming through. I call 'em victory ribs.
Lana: Oh, victory ribs, huh?
Kyle: Try 'em. You tell me that's an inaccurate statement.
Lois: [through a mouthful of food] Mmm! Mmm. I need this recipe.
Kyle: [Lana laughs] What did I just say? Normally, that would not be an option, but, uh, for you, we're gonna make that happen, all right?

Lois: I thought you were on my side.
General: Lois, it's just a precaution. No decisions have been made.
John: Except the part where you lied about what you were using this A.R.G.U.S. tech for.
General: It's a fluid situation. I didn't want to involve you and Lyla in the decision-making.
John: Because you knew we would say no, Sam.

Clark: All my memories, my childhood, my parents... they're all here. Why would my mom want me to come home just to sell the farm?
Lois: I don't think she wanted you to sell it. I think she wanted you to save it.
Clark: How? You know, we're not exactly flush with cash, especially after getting fired.
Lois: I don't know yet. But those reverse mortgages weren't because the bank was feeling generous.

Lois: What's that?
Jordan: Nothing.
Lois: Nothing?
Jordan: It's a surprise for Sarah.
Lois: You spending all day with her?
Jordan: She's been gone a month, Mom.
Clark: Just be home for dinner.
Jordan: Yeah. Yeah.
Clark: And, um... you know, it's Natalie's first day at school today. You think you wanna call her, wish her luck, something?
Lois: Clark, I don't know what to tell you. She still won't talk to me, okay? Gotta get to these interviews.
Jonathan: Dad, how long is she gonna be like this?
Clark: I don't know. Come on, in the truck. Let's go. Oh, windows down, please.
Jordan: [meaning his cologne] Is it really that bad?
Clark: It's strong, bud. It's real strong.

Lois: [after a seismic event] It's over.
John: Yeah, I think so. But these readings... whatever's down there, I never seen anything like it.

Clark: The people of this world deserve the means to defend themselves from the one thing I can't save them from: me.
Lois: If weapons like that exist, then the wrong people will get their hands on them, and then what do we do?

Kyle: I wanted to apologize to you, you know, for the way I've treated you this whole time.
Lois: It's okay, Kyle.
Kyle: No. No, it's not. Look, I was wrong about, uh... about damn near everything, but, um... mostly, I was wrong about you. You're good people, Lois, and I'm real happy you're part of this town.

Jordan: I don't know how to fix this. I don't know what to do. I-I hurt Jon... bad. I can still hear his bones snapping. He's my brother, and I did that to him.
Lois: It was an accident.
Jordan: And Tag? That was an accident, too, right?
Lois: It's not your fault.
Jordan: Mom, I just had to look Sarah in the eye, and all she wanted was the truth, and I just had to lie to her... to the one friend I even have. You know, I-I think... I think some stupid part of me actually thought that powers would bring me closer to people, but all they really do is bring me farther away.
Lois: [hugging him] Come here, kid.
Jordan: [crying] I just want it to end.

Lois: So? Did you get the stranger?
Clark: Getting closer. How was the rest of the barbecue?
Lois: We didn't stay very long. The ribs were really good, though.

General: How could you not tell me?
Lois: What? That he's good at football?
General: He's not. The kid's a buck twenty soaking wet, never played a down of tiddlywinks. Now he's T-boning players twice his size? He has powers and you didn't tell me.
Lois: All right, well, it'll probably never even happen again. Bottom line, he doesn't have powers. We just wanna keep an eye on him.
General: That's why you moved to Smallville?
Lois: No! Well, yeah, sort of.
General: And now he's playing football? Mistake. The Kent family needs to fly under the radar.
Lois: My sons need to live their lives. Dad, Clark and I can handle this.
General: Clark? How is he helping? By coaching the team?
Lois: He's involved, which is a hell of a lot more than you ever were.
General: I don't like his priorities changing.
Lois: It's called being a father.

Iris: [arriving at the Kent Farm on Earth-167, they see Clark] Is that him?
Lois: It's either him or the buff guy on the paper towel rolls.
Clark: [sees Clark chopping wood] I can do that with one bare hand.

General: Anyone not in a red cape, consider them armed and extremely dangerous.
Lois: [being led in] Dad, what's going on?

Morgan: So this is the life Kal-El chose. It's even more disappointing up close.
Lois: You're not welcome here.
Morgan: That's no way to speak to family, Lois, especially with young boys around.
Jonathan: Where's our dad?
Morgan: When I left him, he was a crumpled heap in his little ice castle. Peculiar place to build a fortress. I chose the desert; like to feel the sun on my face.

Clark: Your dad knows that we told the boys. He figured it out the other night.
Lois: What'd he say?
Clark: Oh, you know, just that we're making the biggest mistake of our lives.
Lois: See, now I know we're on the right track.

Superman: Is there any way to communicate with the consciousness inside the Eradicator?
Dabney: The Kryptonian minds inside aren't actually alive. Once a consciousness is chosen, they need a host in order to become activated.
Superman: So the only way this works is to place the consciousness of Lara Lor-Van into someone from Smallville.
Dabney: That's my understanding.
General: Get this machine ready.
Superman: This doesn't feel right.
Lois: We don't have any other choice.
General: And we're running out of time. We need to find a volunteer, fast.
Lana: I'll do it.
Superman: Uh, I'm sorry, but that's not possible.
Lana: Why not? I'm from Smallville. Makes me the ideal candidate. You don't have to look for anyone.
General: She does have a point.
Lois: Dad! Can everyone just please give us a moment alone?

Lois: How long 'til the super-hearing levels out?
Clark: My father said he has to adapt on his own.
Jonathan: How long were you out of commission for?
Clark: A couple weeks.
Jonathan: So, now, let me guess. I have to come up with another BS excuse as to why he's not going to school?
Lois: I'll call Principal Balcomb first thing in the morning, okay? You two should get to bed.
Clark: [Jon leaves] Jordan.
[blowing a short gust of freeze breath to get Jordan's attention]
Clark: We'll work on this tomorrow.
[hugging Lois good night, Jordan leaves, too]
Clark: Hey, hey.
Lois: He was in so much pain.
Clark: I know, I know. Once it settles in, he'll be fine. Promise.

Mick: Kid was a piece of cake.
[giving Jonathan to Lois]
Mick: Here.
Lois: There's someone I want you to meet.
Clark: Hi there, handsome guy. Wow. He looks just like my son Jason.

Lois: [trying to contact Clark] Clark, his name is John Henry Irons! I think he's the Stranger! Clark!

Kyle: Listen, I just off the phone with a buddy of mine who hadn't worked in eight months. He's got mouths to feed, Lois. And right now, Edge is the only person that's giving his family a chance to survive.
Lois: I know it seems like he's helping, but he hasn't...
Kyle: No, he is helping. A lot more than you are.
Lois: [Kyle leaves] I came to you guys because you're my friends and I need help.
Lana: I know I may be biased, but you don't know what it's like to see this town dry up. The things I've seen, foreclosing on people, this is our chance to help. I'm sorry, Lois.
Lois: Lana, you know that I respect you. So I am telling you, something sinister is going on here. And you might not find out what it is until it's too late. So just be careful.

Lois: Have you spoken to the boys since earlier?
Clark: Nope. Radio silence.
Lois: Do you remember the first time I caught you listening in on me?
Clark: How could I forget? Thought I was gonna lose you forever.
Lois: You almost did.
Clark: Pretty sure I spent about a week's salary on flowers just to get you to talk to me again.
Lois: It was two, and you got off easy because I was still madly in love with you.
Clark: Mm-hmm. Well... any suggestions on how to make things right with the boys?
Lois: Make them the same promise you made me.

Superman: Hey.
Lois: Hey, yourself.
Superman: [kissing, then to the boys] All right, you two.
[hugging them]
Superman: You did good.
Jordan: It was all his idea. We were just trying to think, what would you do?
Jonathan: How'd you do it, Dad? How'd you break free?
Superman: Thought about you guys, remembered what I was fighting for. I had a little bit of help.
[the Steel armor lands behind them]
Superman: It's okay. It's okay. He's on our side.
John: [disengaging the helmet] Lois.
Lois: [mouthing] Thank you.
Superman: John, you've, uh, you've actually met our kids before.
John: Ah, yeah, I remember. Nice to do this under better circumstances.
Jonathan: Thank you. And, uh, I never said sorry about hitting you with a truck. No... no hard feelings.
John: [with a laugh] The good news is, Morgan Edge is in a state-of-the-art military prison. He's never gonna hurt anyone again.

Lois: Look, I'm kind of bored with the whole "faux-British accent, billionaire at a football game trying to fit in" con job.
Morgan: I can assure you, my accent is genuine. I was raised in...
Lois: Oh, my god, who cares?

Kara: Cisco?
Cisco: Hey, Supergirl, Barry. Oliver.
Barry: You believe us now?
Cisco: Yeah. We all do. Sorry we locked you up. But if you feel like forgiving us and coming back to Earth-1, we've got a little bit of a sitch back home, like a "please, for the love of God, there's a killer robot destroying the city" kind of sitch. We could use some help.
Oliver: Let's do it.
Kara: [to Clark] You wanna tag along?
Lois: If you don't, I will, Smallville.
Cisco: Cool. Who are you?
Clark: A friend.
[he rips open his shirt, revealing his superhero costume underneath]

Clark: Now, things are finally calming down, so when you're done being grounded, you guys can go back to being normal teenagers, and believe me, small towns are actually a lot of fun.
Lois: All right, go to bed. Now.
Clark: [the boys leave] What?
Lois: "Small towns are a lot of fun."
Clark: I was just trying to give them something to look forward to.
Lois: Sounds vaguely provocative.
Clark: Oh, does it? And you're still not sold on the small towns?
Lois: I'm sold on my small-town guy.
Clark: Hmm. I can live with that.

Lois: So a high-tech gadget guy works for LuthorCorp, the top tech company in the world, only to quit and pursue a career in journalism. Did I get that right? Feels like I should be focusing my story on you.
Captain: No, the uh... story... is on what's in these walls.
Lois: What is that?
Captain: X-K, otherwise known as X-Kryptonite.
Lois: X-Kryptonite?
Captain: Rarest form of kryptonite. And if my hunch is right, these mines have the largest supply of it anywhere. There's your story, Ms. Lane.
Leslie: [preparing to fire her heat vision] Too bad no one's gonna read it.

Lucy: [handcuffed to Sam] Dad, where's the key?
General: Not here. If you want out, you'll have to leave with me.
Lucy: Lois, will you tell him to unlock it?
Lois: You forced him to do this. You drugged him. You lied to us.
Lucy: I did what I had to.
Lois: To help Ally. Why are you always choosing her over your family?
Lucy: Because she cares about me.
Lois: We care about you. We love you. I love you.
Lucy: That is such a lie. Ever since Mom left, all I have been is a problem in your life, and you always make sure I know it. Ally loves me. She wants me around and she's never hurt me. Not like you.
General: Luce, you're wrong. She's your sister. Of course she loves you.
Lucy: Can you just stop trying to make this better? Because you can't. After today, I am done. I don't want anything to do with either of you.

Iris: We need you to come back with us. I know this sounds insane, but... you might be the key to saving the Multiverse.
Clark: That's actually one of the least insane thing's I've ever heard.
[changes into Superman]
Superman: First, we stay and face Luthor.
Superman: And you won't do it alone.
Lois: We won't let him kill you.
Lex: Oh, I've moved on from that. Never thought I'd say this, but I'm tired of killing Supermen. So much more making Superman kill Superman.

Lois: Can I help you with something? I saw you at the diner.
Chrissy: Wow, you're Lois Lane.
Lois: And you're...
Chrissy: Oh, Chrissy Beppo. I've been wanting to introduce myself the last few days, but I totally chickened out.
Lois: A fellow journalist?
Chrissy: Smallville Gazette. I came to cover this, not that there's much news to ever cover at these things.

Sharon: This the paper that just published that article about Edge Intercorp?
Chrissy: Yes, along with a great piece on birdwatching and a pretty tricky crossword puzzle.
Sharon: Eh, it wasn't that tricky. Now, which one of you is calling around New Carthage looking for a new story?
Lois: That would be me. Miss...
Sharon: Powell. Sharon Powell.
Lois: Ms. Powell, I'm Lois Lane. Does this have anything to do with Morgan Edge?
Sharon: Yeah, you're damn right it does. I'm hoping you can help me nail that bastard's ass to the wall.

Jonathan: What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever heard?
Lois: Nope. Not appropriate.
Jonathan: Be honest, was there nudity involved?
Clark: Maybe when you guys are older.

Captain: I ordered you a trente green tea with a splash of almond milk. It's what you got last time.
Lois: I think it's time we moved past favorite drinks and actually got to know each other.
Captain: Absolutely.
Lois: Great. I'll go first. You've been lying to me ever since we first met.
Captain: You're wrong about that. I mean, obviously not the name part, but everything else is true.
Lois: Then who are you?
Captain: It's complicated.
Lois: Then you better start boiling it down.

Lois: I can't believe you.
General: I don't have time for this, Lois. We are not releasing an official statement, and that's it.
Lois: But it's standard procedure.
General: If anything, it's a courtesy.
Lois: But you always give a comment.
General: Okay, no comment. You can print that.
Lois: You can't be serious.
General: We've already said enough.
Lois: Enough to create more questions. Dad, people are worried.
General: As we speak, a pamphlet is being made to address the X-Kryptonite of it all.
Lois: A work of fiction.
General: But it will alleviate their concerns, while also scaring them into staying out of those mines.
Lois: This isn't right.
General: It's necessary.

Lois: Let's just lay it out on the table. First, you changed my story. Then you sent some goon who almost killed Sharon Powell. Now you have your minion threatening my career? Let me tell you how this goes. You sue me, I countersue. Your records get opened up in discovery, and that doesn't end well for you or your brand name.
Morgan: My, my. You have thought this all through.
Lois: Why Smallville? There's other towns, other mines. Why are you going to all this trouble?
Morgan: That's curious. I was about to ask you the same question. World-renowned journalist, short-listed for the Pulitzer twice. And you move here with your unemployed husband and two adolescent boys. Seems like there must be something here that's very important to you. Maybe I'll find out what that is.
Lois: Is that a threat?
Morgan: Well, I could offer you your old job back, on the condition you play by the rules, but let's be honest, you'll never work at the Daily Planet again. You're past your prime, playing a high-stakes game with a losing hand. You should fold while you still can.
Lois: Actually, I have one more ace to play. I'm bringing it with me to the town assembly. Maybe we can talk more then. For now, I'm done with you, unless this creepshow has anything to add.
[Edge's assistant Leslie stays silent]
Lois: I didn't think so.

Clark: Babe, do we have any Sancerre?
Lois: We can bring a bottle of Sauv Blanc if not.
Clark: Yeah, it's just Sancerre's Lana's favorite.
Lois: Then swing by Lark's and get one.
Clark: Okay. Anyone promising?
Lois: Just more of the same.
Lois: You know, Perry hired me when I barely had any experience. Sometimes with a cub reporter, it's more about their eagerness than anything else.

Janet: Lois, do you have any idea what this is all about?
Lois: Yeah. Short version, Morgan Edge is taking over people's bodies and using them to destroy Metropolis.
Janet: Well, that's incredibly terrifying.
Lois: Janet, we need to tell people what's going on.
Janet: Okay. And it's probably best coming from you. There's a mic in my press kit.

John: Clark Kent is Superman?
[Lois nods]
John: And your boys?
Lois: They didn't know who he really was until this year. It's part of why we moved here. I needed you to know the truth about why Superman is different here. He has a family to fight for, which means he won't give up, and neither can we.
John: Lois, this doesn't change anything.
Lois: How can you say that? He loves his sons. He loves me. That matters.
John: What about all other sons, the other wives, that'll be killed when he attacks?
Lois: He won't attack. He won't give up, which means he can be saved.
John: Lois, he wanted you to call me because he knew what I would do.
Lois: He knows, worst-case scenario, if it comes to that, that you won't hesitate. Fine. I need you to believe the possibility that there's hope.
John: If that's what you need, then you called the wrong guy.
Lois: John.
John: No, Lois. Everything you are saying is just getting in the way of what needs to be done. But you were right about one thing, Lois. I will not hesitate. I saw you die. I lost Natalie. Millions of people, gone. I won't let that happen again. I have a responsibility to do the right thing.
Lois: And I am telling you that killing Superman is not the right thing. John, please, I'm begging you, don't do this.
John: I'm sorry, Lois.

Clark: You okay?
Lois: With you around... always.

Lois: You re-wrote my story.
Morgan: I merely corrected what was wrong.
Lois: So just to confirm, we can't do any actual reporting here anymore, correct?
Morgan: Ms. Lane, I won't have my paper printing this kind of nonsense.
Lois: That's what I thought.
Morgan: [she tosses an envelope onto the table] What's this?
Lois: That is the best writing I have done since you took over.
Leslie: He's going to crush you.
Lois: Let him try.
[narrating as she leaves]
Lois: What can you say about leaving a place you loved? You hope it made you who you are... challenged your beliefs... pushed you out of your comfort zone...
[as Edge opens the envelope, the piece of paper inside simply reads "I quit"]
Lois: ...and gave you the strength to demand better... so you're prepared for what's to come.

Jordan: I only got two of the AP classes I wanted, and they put me in Spanish instead of French.
Jonathan: I haven't even looked at my schedule yet.
Jordan: Yeah, I'm sure it's just as crappy as mine.
Lois: We actually wanted to talk to you about school, anyway.
Clark: We have some concerns with you going right now.
Jordan: Isn't that why we moved here?
Lois: No, we came here so that your father and I would be around more and we'd have more time to spend together as a family.
Clark: And to live in a safer place for me to teach you about your powers and the reason you have them.
Jordan: Well, what do I need to learn? I'm a little stronger. So what?
Clark: You're a lot stronger, and you've had an ocular release of energy.
Jordan: A what?
Jonathan: Is that seriously what it's called?
Lois: It doesn't matter what it's called. He almost hurt a bunch of kids.
Jordan: It was an accident. I don't even know how it happened.
Lois: That's exactly our point.
Jordan: So I'm just not gonna go to school?
Clark: Until we know how to keep it from happening again, yes.
Jordan: Why can't I just have one of those beeper things mom has in case something goes wrong?
Clark: An ELT is not the solution, Jordan.
Jordan: [getting up and leaving] You know what? I thought coming here would be a chance to start over, but I guess I'm just gonna be a freak like always.
Jonathan: [sarcastic] It feels like home already.

Clark: Lois, get the boys. Get some cover.
Lois: Why?
Clark: We're having an earthquake.

Lois: They say time heals all wounds. It's a nice idea. At least I used to think so. The truth is a little more complicated. Healing is a full-time job, and throughout the process, you're never quite yourself. All you want is to be better, but that will only come once you pay the price: time. What no one tells you, though, is how much time it's going to take. How long until you heal. How long until you feel normal again, until you get your confidence back. You're not sure you ever will, fully. And it feels like an injustice. But at some point, you have to decide that who you are now, it's gonna have to be enough.

Mar: You have all lost a great hero.
Barry: The wrong hero.
Mar: I do not disagree. You have suffered a horrible loss, but you have every reason not to lose hope. Seven, in fact. Across space and time...
[Jonathan begins crying; Lois give him to Clark]
Mar: Across space and time exist seven heroes, beings of the purest will who can ultimately...
[Jonathan continues crying]
Clark: [passing him to Kara] Sorry. You wanna try?
Kara: What?
Mar: Beings of the purest will who can ultimately...
Kara: It's not working.
Kate: [Kara tries to pass him over] Nope.
[Kara gives him to Mick, and he stops crying]
Mar: Beings of the purest will who can ultimately defeat the Anti-Monitor...
Lois: [quietely urging Mick to leave] Go, go, go.
Mar: ...and help save the multiverse. They are known as Paragons.
Barry: Paragons? And you're just dropping this on us now?
Mar: I only recently learned of their existence by consulting the Book of Destiny.
Barry: How? We destroyed it last year.
Mar: [as he conjures a hologram of the book, Lyla winces in pain] After Oliver's early demise, I went back into the time stream and retrieved it intact. It is now safely stored in this ship's library.
Barry: [sarcastic] So, it's what, plan B? That's comforting.

Lois: You may have super strength and super hearing but I have super smell and those loans don't smell right.
Clark: I do have super smell, by the way. I just don't use it very often, you know. Not with two teenagers boys in the house. Kinda gross.

Lois: Jonathan?
Jonathan: [she walks in on him and Candice kissing on his bed] Whoa, Mom, Mom...
Candice: Oh, my God.
Lois: Candice, I need you to leave right now.
Candice: Ms. Lane, I... I'm so sorry.
Lois: Right now!
Jonathan: Mom, I can explain.
Lois: You, where is your shirt?
Jonathan: Um, it's, um...
Lois: You know what? I don't even wanna hear whatever lame excuse your brain is concocting. Get dressed and meet me downstairs. We are going to have a serious conversation immediately!

Lois: Are you out of your mind? You don't go snooping around some guy from another world's murder van!
Jonathan: I mean, I... I thought it was safe earlier.
Clark: Jonathan, nothing is as it seems with this kind of stuff.

Lois: After everything we've been through...
Clark: I know. I know.
Lois: Why?
Clark: Because it's the right thing to do.
Lois: This isn't about Edge, is it? This is about you.
Clark: Lois, I almost killed John Irons.
Lois: But you didn't.
Clark: Yeah, but what if I had? I mean, who would have been next? Look, I swore to protect the people of this planet. So far, I've done a decent job, but what if I was to be tricked or corrupted?
Lois: That will never happen.
Clark: Except that it just did.

Mar: We must find all seven Paragons.
Lois: How about, like, a hint?
Mar: I have four. Kara Zor-El, despite all you have endured, you are the Paragon of Hope.
Kara: Well, you might want to double-check your omnipotence, 'cause I'm not feeling that hopeful right now.
Mar: Sara Lance is the Paragon of Destiny.
Ray: Oh. Well, that makes sense. Captain of time travel and all that.
Mar: I have only descriptions for the other two Paragons. One is of a second Kryptonian, who is said to have suffered a greater loss than most mortal men could endure. Today, he stands as the Paragon of Truth.

Clark: DOD has John Irons on lockdown. We'll start the interrogations tomorrow.
Lois: I should've figured it out sooner.
Clark: Lois, come on, you can't be that hard on yourself.
Lois: I'm supposed to be this incredible reporter, but I got fooled tonight, and someone almost murdered my husband.
Clark: It's not that simple. I mean, the guy's from another world.
Lois: I still think there's more he's not telling us.
Clark: So do I. Which is why John Henry Irons isn't going anywhere until we find out everything he knows.
Lois: If it wasn't for the boys, you might've died tonight.
Clark: I got lucky Jordan's hearing clicked when it did.
Lois: With everything this family is facing, we can't rely on luck. You're right, Clark. We're not protecting the boys by keeping secrets from them.
Clark: So what do you want to tell them?
Lois: Everything.

Kyle: Man, this head is pounding worse than after ten whiskey chasers.
Lois: From everything we can tell, it should go away in a day or two.
Lana: How's Emily doing?
Lois: Confused. Overwhelmed.
Kyle: What's she know, exactly?
Lois: Just the broad strokes, same as everyone else. Edge was giving people powers, messing with their minds to control them.
Lana: Nothing about alien consciousness?
Lois: DOD felt that would be better kept off the record.
Lana: Still a lot to process. And people in this town are gonna want answers.
Kyle: Yeah, at which point they're gonna be looking for somebody to blame, and, uh, pretty sure I'm gonna be at the top of that list.
Lana: Your heart was in the right place, babe.
Kyle: Heart's not the problem. It's, uh, this stubborn head of mine refusing to listen. I should've never gone to see Edge behind your back.
Lana: Speaking of Edge, any idea where he went?
Lois: Superman and the DOD are looking for him. I'm sure he'll turn up soon.

General: DOD satellites are scanning airspace across the globe. We know they departed here, but lost them after that. That place he goes to, his fortress, I know its location is a secret, I get it, but we might want to start there.
Lois: He's not there. I think Edge has one, too, though. He mentioned his was in the desert.
General: Hmm. I'll adjust our search grid.
[seeing she wants to fight the tears]
General: Pumpkin.
[hugging him, she starts to cry]

Lois: If the Gazette folds, Edge wins.
Chrissy: Sometimes there aren't winners, just losers. Lois, if I don't take this offer, I'll be underwater in a month. I don't have a choice.

General: There's an armored nutjob on the loose who wants you dead, and your priority seems to be...
Clark: Coaching my sons, yes. And there are nutjobs who wanna kill me all the time.
General: You need to understand, the military is terrified of you. They note any change in routine. I'm the one keeps 'em in check.
Lois: Yes, and we are grateful for that.
General: Moving out of Metropolis raised a red flag. Nobody's seen you in the skies. Crime groups like Intergang are already planning an uptick of activity. The higher-ups wanna transfer high-risk inmates out of Metropolis Penitentiary. Why? Because if Superman's not around, the site is more vulnerable to attack.
Lois: So, what? Is he supposed to babysit a prison?
General: Show of good faith. Escort the transfer. They're moving Thaddeus Killgrave, the psycho genius who got radicalized off hating you.
Clark: If anything goes wrong, I will be there, but I am not throwing away time with my family for a show of good faith.
General: So you're going against my advice?
Clark: I don't work for you, Sam.
General: Fine. New day in the Kent house. Let me get my bag from the car. Stick around this weekend. Maybe it'll be easier if I pitch in.

Lois: You know, sometimes when I'm working through a really big problem, I write all of it down in a letter.
Jordan: Are you serious? A letter.
Lois: Yeah. It helps me to take a breath and process my emotions. And then when everything is laid out in front of me, I can hone in on what it is exactly that I'm trying to communicate. I think you should try that instead of texting
Lois: .

Clark: [narrating] My most vivid memories are of the days when my life changed. I remember coming to this Earth, feeling the sun on my face for the first time. Hearing the voices of my parents. My mother called me their greatest surprise. And boy, there sure were lots of them. I remember loving Smallville; the people, the community, how the small things were the big things. And I thought I'd live there forever. But my father's death set me on a different path. Eventually, I moved to Metropolis to become who I was meant to be. But my most vivid memory of all was the day I met her.
Samuel: [leading Clark through the Daily Planet bullpen] Everyone in here, we're the most dependable friends the people of Metropolis have. You remember that.
Clark: Uh, yes, sir.
Samuel: Stick with Lane. She'll show you the ropes.
Clark: Uh, Lane, sir?
Lois: Who told you to wear a tie? Let me guess, Lombard? Ignore him. Though he can get box seats to the Meteors. You like baseball?
Clark: Uh, uh, of course. I mean, who doesn't like America's pastime, Ms. Lane?
Lois: It's Lois. What'd you say your name was again?

Lois: What's wrong?
Jonathan: Nothing, mom. I just need to... I just need to learn this playbook.
Lois: Jonathan... you're a really great brother, you know that? I know how much you gave up by saying yes to coming here. Your whole life's in Metropolis. Your girlfriend's there. Your entire identity is there, but you said yes to coming here anyway 'cause you wanted to help your brother.
Jonathan: You and I both had lives we left behind.

General: I hate to break it to you, but being a parent never gets easier.
Lois: That could only be said by somebody who didn't have to breastfeed at 3 am.
General: Too much information.

Clark: What's going on?
Lois: Well, I went to finally talk to Natalie and I realized I couldn't let her leave again.
Jonathan: So... so, what? They're... they're moving here now or...
Lois: They're gonna stay in Smallville for a while and see how they like it here. And if it's okay with you guys, stay at the farm until they find someplace to live.
Clark: Whatever we can do to help.
Lois: Natalie, this is my husband Clark, and these are my boys, Jonathan and Jordan.
Jonathan: Hi.
Jordan: Hi.
Jonathan: It's nice to finally meet you.
Natalie: Yeah, you, too. My dad's told me a lot about you guys.
Lois: Why don't we go inside and you guys can show her around?
Jonathan: Sure, yeah.
John: [staying behind with Clark] You sure you're okay with this?
Clark: Of course. Happy to help a friend.

Lois: I hope you find some solace.
John: There's a lot I want to say, but you're not the woman I want to say it to. You just look like her, so I will leave you with... "Godspeed."

Jonathan: How comes he gets to go flying with Dad, and I have to go to school?
Lois: At least we have the radio.

Lois: I think Sharon Powell might have given us our big break.
Chrissy: Or, and here's another theory, that lady was half in the bag, selling a conspiracy theory about her son. Did you smell her breath?
Lois: I am aware she'd been drinking.
Chrissy: I looked into Derek Powell while you were with his mom. It turns out the guy has a pretty checkered past.
Lois: Even if that's true, that voicemail was really compelling.
Chrissy: Out of context, sure, but he never once mentioned Morgan Edge. Maybe it was just a drug deal gone wrong.
Lois: That is a stretch.
Chrissy: But a bazillionaire making the guy disappear isn't?
Lois: At least give me the chance to prove I'm right.
Chrissy: Look, this isn't the Daily Planet. We don't have the resources to run an investigation for weeks on end.
Lois: But you hired me to write this kind of story.
Chrissy: [hearing a noise outside, they go to investigate and see a car has been firebombed] I hate to ask, but you don't happen to drive a station wagon that's on fire right now... do you?

Lois: John, you can't beat him. You have to make him remember who he is.
[surprised to see Clark trying to fight the eradication, Irons summons his hammer and strikes him; flying over, he strikes Clark again, then prepares to fire the solar rocket]
Lois: John, please don't.
General: He's got no choice.
Superman: [in his normal voice, still fighting the eradication] You gotta do it.
Lois: [hearing him] John, he's still in there. John, please.
Superman: I can't stop.
Lois: John, he's still in there. I promise you can get through to him. Please.
Superman: You... you gotta save 'em. You... you gotta save 'em. You gotta do it, John. I can't stop.

A.I. Device: Is everything okay, John? Your mood appears rather pensive.
John: I'm not pensive.
A.I. Device: Your vitals seem to suggest otherwise.
Lois: [entering with Clark] You got everything packed up?
John: Um, yeah. Well, unless you wanted an overly intrusive AI device.
Lois: I think we're good.

Lois: Anyway, the older you get the more you realize everyone is dealing with something.

Chrissy: It's our job to warn people.
Lois: It's not our job to create panic.
Chrissy: We don't get to curate the news. And we can't determine how people will react. All we can do is report what we know, and we have to do it now.

Lois: Is Jordan okay?
Clark: A little shook up, but he's fine. Never should've taken him there in the first place.
Lois: I get why you did. His powers have been growing.
Clark: I know, but it doesn't matter. He's too young to be put in those situations.
Lois: Don't beat yourself up, Clark. There's no way you could have known your brother got his powers back.
John: When did that happen, anyway?
Clark: Best I can tell, he's been playing possum for months, just waiting for the right time.

John: This hero act of yours is all propaganda, a way to soften the masses before you turn on them. I made a promise to kill you once. I wasn't able to keep that promise on my Earth. But I will here.
[Jordan hits him with the car]
Superman: [weakly] Lights.
Jonathan: What?
Superman: The lights!
[with some effort, Jonathan picks up Irons' hammer and smashes the RV headlights; regaining some of his strength, Clark approaches Irons, ready to fire his heat vision]
Lois: Stop! It's over. It's over.

Lois: I made a total fool of myself accusing Edge like that.
Clark: It's an honest mistake.
Lois: We have been here for a week, and somebody's already tried to blow up my car.
Clark: Look, folks in Smallville, they're good people. Don't let what happened today change that. Besides, it's not like it's your first Molotov cocktail.
Lois: I just feel like everyone here has their walls up. Maybe I should just hand the story off and mend some fences.
Clark: Well, what's your gut telling you?
Lois: That there's more to this.
Clark: Well, then you have to dig deeper. Listen. I will support whatever decision you make. I just want you to be able to live with it.
Lois: I love you.
Clark: Still?
Lois: Thanks for the flowers.

Clark: Hey, where's your brother?
Jonathan: Uh, I don't know, probably changing his outfit for the millionth time.
Clark: Jordan, let's go! Oh, whoa.
Jonathan: Something wrong?
Clark: Um...
Clark: you'll, uh... wow, you'll smell.
[Jordan comes in]
Clark: Whew.
Jonathan: Wow.
Lois: Interesting cologne, sweetie.
Jonathan: Yeah, you put on the whole bottle there, chief?

Lois: I think I want more.
Clark: Driver's tests?
Lois: Kids.

Ron: Mystery man strikes again. Third time this month.
Lois: Where was he?
Ron: Saved a boat sinking off Hob's River. Jimmy even got a photo. This is my Pulitzer, Lane. I can feel it.
Clark: Seems like a pretty big story.
Lois: Yeah, which every reporter here is tripping over themselves to cover. Boys and their heroes.
Clark: Aren't, uh, heroes a good thing?
Lois: Yeah, of course, and I know that we need this guy. It's just that ever since he showed up, he's been dominating the conversation.

Lois: I've never met a Clark before.
Clark: Oh, I've never met a Lois before. Actually, there was my first-grade teacher, Lois Hannigan, so I guess, oh, technically, you'd be the second.

Samuel: Lois, do you know what's going on here?
Lois: We think Morgan Edge is about to attack Metropolis. Is it just the two of them?
Samuel: As far as I can tell. Do we have to worry about more of them?
Superman: [with his powers, seeing the energy coursing through him] I don't think that's Morgan Edge anymore.
Lois: Then who is it?

Clark: You seen Lois?
Ron: Her contact at the library called back about some guy who works at a hardware store.
Clark: [using his powers to look at their corkboard] Henry Miller?
Ron: Hmm.
Lois: [he hears her with his super-hearing] You can't do this, Henry. They've done nothing wrong.
Henry: They don't belong here.
[hearing an explosion and people screaming, Clark runs out]
Perry: This isn't track and field, Kent!

Clark: What's that?
Lois: It is an article I am working on about Morgan Edge.
Clark: Edge?
Lois: He was at the Smallville city council meeting last night.
Clark: I thought you weren't getting involved.
Lois: Well, yes, but then he started spouting this BS about helping the town. Morgan Edge is not here to save Smallville, Kansas. He's here for cheap labor because people are desperate, just like he did with New Carthage and Hazel Green and Granville. He is eating these small towns from the inside out.
Clark: [moving to see her work, she yields her chair] Thank you. "Morgan Edge is a corporate vampire." You remember that Edge owns the Planet?
Lois: So?
Clark: So, he's not gonna let you publish this.
Lois: You know what, babe? You do your Superman stuff, and I will do my Lois Lane stuff. I'm serious, Clark. I'm getting this gut feeling that this is one of the reasons I was supposed to come to Smallville. I am not going to let Morgan Edge destroy this town like he did the others.

Superman: How do I do this? How do I stop the new subjekts, Edge the way he is now, and save Jordan all at once?
Lois: You can't, Clark. You have to let us help you. You and John Henry can take down Edge, and Jonathan and I will save Jordan.
Superman: How?
Lois: With the same device that Edge used on you to access your memories. We can use it to save Jordan.
Superman: Lois...
Lois: You and Kyle and all the other people that Edge used as subjekts, you all said the same thing: that there was a darkness that overcame you when you were eradicated. I've been helping Jordan push through that darkness his whole life. I can do it now. I can access his memories and wake him up.
Superman: Yeah, but they won't just be Jordan's memories. They'll be Zeta-Rho's, too. And if he realizes you're in there like I did with Edge, he'll wake up, and then he'll come for you.
Lois: And if that happens, Jonathan will be there. I have seen him under pressure and he is in complete control. Clark, you and I brought the boys into this superhero world and I wasn't sure it was the right thing to do, but I have seen how capable they've become. They're strong, like their father.
Superman: Like their mother.

Lois: [to Clark] Nobody expects you to be made of steel on the inside.

Lois: Boys, he's gonna be okay.
Jonathan: Mom... Edge just took off with him.
Lois: I know.
Jordan: He said we'll never see him again.
Lois: Yeah, I know, honey, and I know how scary that sounds. I know it doesn't seem like it right now, but your dad has been in worse spots than this, and he always gets through them. I've been dealing with this for 20 years. Trust me. Your dad will fight through this, and he will win. It's not gonna do either of you any favors by staying up all night. Try to get some sleep.

John: [bringing Jordan to Lois] Hurry. He won't be out for long.
Lois: How's it going out there?
John: A work in progress.

Lois: Foswell fired you?
Clark: Look, it's better me than somebody else, okay? I do have another day job.
Lois: That's not the point! Foswell's no editor; he's a patsy for Edge. All these billionaires that buy media outlets use this "moving to digital" crap as an excuse to destroy journalism, and they don't care about human interest stories or facts.
[putting coins into a vending machine and mashing buttons]
Lois: All they care about is click-throughs. Ow.
[Clark casually tips the machine over so her snack falls]
Lois: You're gonna need a new excuse for being gone all the time now.
Clark: Lois. We're not telling the boys.
[his phone rings]
Clark: Hey, mom, sorry. This morning's just been...
[a little confused]
Clark: Dr. Frye?
[glancing at Lois, he whooshes away]

Captain: Telling you who I am will only confuse things. What's important is that you understand what Edge is really planning.
Lois: I know he's making people with powers.
Captain: Not people. An army.
Lois: An army to do what?
Captain: Take over the world. Metropolis will be the first city to fall.
Lois: You seem awfully sure of that.
Captain: Because it's the truth.
Lois: And why should I believe you?

Jordan: Leave, now.
Lois: Jordan, stop.
Morgan: Oh, I see your son's inherited your false bravado.
[he fires his heat vision to counter Jordan's, knocking him backward]
Jonathan: Jordan!
Lois: Stay away from my sons!
Morgan: This is all your doing. It was your influence that made him turn his back on his own people.
Lois: Let them go. This is between you and me.
Morgan: I'm afraid we've passed that point, Ms. Lane, but I will let them live long enough to watch you die.
[as he prepares to fire his heat vision again, Superman lands in front of Lois and the boys]
Morgan: Impressive, Kal-El. But this changes nothing.
Superman: [breathing heavily] I'll do whatever you ask. Just leave my family alone.
Morgan: Pledge to me that you will submit, and I promise to let them live unharmed.
Lois: Clark, please don't do this.
Superman: I submit.
Morgan: Take a good look at the man you knew, 'cause it will be your last.
Superman: [to Lois] I'm sorry. We needed more time. He was right.

Lois: Those aren't earthquakes. There's something causing them, and we have to figure out what.
Chrissy: Great, let's add one more thing to our already-overflowing plate of nonstop garbage.
Lois: What are you talking about?
Chrissy: The podcast went viral. It's everywhere. Next week, they're talking to one of your sources who apparently is recanting their story.
Lois: That's impossible.
Chrissy: No, it's not. It's happening. I'm already getting calls from subscribers. We need to start acting like this is a thing.
Lois: I told you, I vetted every single one of my sources.
Chrissy: Well, what about your mysterious family member, the one you didn't name? Who was it?
[seeing she doesn't want to say]
Chrissy: Lois, I am your partner. They are painting a target on your back, and if they take you down, I am going down with you. Can you please tell me the truth? Who was it?
Lois: It was my sister Lucy.

Lois: I'm gonna need to borrow your truck.
Clark: You gonna bring it back?
Lois: 50/50.

Cisco: [noticing a machine in the Fortress] Hey, uh, what's this?
Lois: [he presses a button and a bright light flashes] Yeah, you, uh... you really shouldn't touch that.
Cisco: Hey, you could throw a party with this thing. Get some party favors; you know, I know a guy.
Barry: Look, everything is back to normal. Well, not everything.
Superman: Where's Kara?

Clark: Just doesn't seem right, Smallville without Lana Lang. She's a part of this town.
Lois: Maybe she has a point, though. Maybe that Smallville is gone. I mean, Chrissy has worked at the Gazette her entire life just to have it...
Lois: ...vanish.
Clark: And there's nothing you can do?
Lois: Unless Superman starts robbing banks, no. She needs a miracle.

Sharon: This is a letter from the Department of Defense signed by that man right there, and in it, he says that my son's death is under investigation.
General: That's true, Mrs. Powell. We're still in the process of gathering facts about how Derek died.
Sharon: He died because of what Morgan Edge did. That is how he died! You have known for months, and you didn't bother saying anything to me.
Lois: Sharon, I know how difficult this has been for you.
Sharon: You have no idea what it's like to lose a child. The guilt a mother feels, the thinking over and over again what I could have done differently.
Lois: I'm so sorry.
Sharon: Please, tell me what Morgan Edge did to my son. I need to know the truth.
[as a soldier whispers in Sam's ear, he surreptitiously alerts Clark, then leans over to Lois]
General: My team just got a hit on Edge.
Lois: What?
General: He just attacked the facility where Larr's being held. We need to go.

Lois: I would offer to cook breakfast tomorrow to celebrate, but apparently I'm having brunch with Lucy and my dad. A sentence I never thought I would say.
Clark: It does sound a little strange.

Lois: The playbook never arrived?
Jonathan: It should have been here when we moved in. I don't know how I'm supposed to know the plays.

Lois: This isn't you.
Emily: Not anymore.
[as she and her companion prepare to fire their heat vision, a kryptonite gas grenade detonates]
General: Get out of here!
[giving his ELT to Lois]
General: Keep hitting this 'til he comes. It's all we can do.
Jonathan: No, no, no, no. We need to go to the barn.
General: I'll keep 'em busy.

Perry: Everyone in here, we're the most dependable friends the people of Metropolis have. You remember that.
Clark: Uh, yes, sir.
Perry: Stick with Lane. She'll show you the ropes.
Clark: Uh, Lane, sir?
Lois: Who told you to wear a tie?
[he's dumbstruck upon seeing her]
Lois: Let me guess, Lombard? Ignore him. Though, he can get box seats to the Meteors. You like baseball?
Clark: Uh, of course. I mean, who doesn't like America's pastime, Ms. Lane?
Lois: It's Lois. What'd you say your name was again?

Lois: No, John. We're not killing Superman. That's not why I called you.
John: You said it yourself. He signaled you to call me. Why would he do that?
Lois: I don't know why, but I know he's not giving up.
John: Lois, he knows what he's up against. He's trying to stop the end of the world.
Lois: We do that by saving him.
General: Look, Superman's our greatest ally against Morgan Edge. At this juncture, it would be a tactical error to rule out a rescue.
John: No, a tactical error would be to let this Earth fall the way that mine did. It took him seven minutes to wipe out Metropolis. Seven minutes.
Lois: It's not too late for him.
John: Lois, the more time that passes, the greater the odds are that he's gone.
Lois: He won't be turned.
John: He will eventually.
Lois: No, he won't, and I will prove it.
General: [she gets up to leave] Lois?
Lois: Just figure out how to find him.

Lois: Derek Powell's from New Carthage. Reno Rosetti's from Metropolis.
Clark: [looking through an old yearbook] David Fuglestad and Leslie Larr are from Smallville.
Lois: When Derek Powell killed himself, what did he say to you?
Clark: That he was already dead.
Lois: And his powers were fritzing.
Clark: Yeah, just like Rosetti's. That didn't happen when I fought David.
Lois: And it didn't happen with Leslie.
Clark: When I landed here, there were meteor showers all over the world for an entire week.
Lois: Right, remnants of Krypton. That's why there's kryptonite.
Clark: Right, every form of kryptonite, and the kind that landed here is buried in the mines.
Lois: Was X-Kryptonite. So the only place in the world that has X-Kryptonite is also the only place that has people who've been exposed to it long enough to accept its effects.
Clark: Like Tag Harris. It's not Smallville Edge needs to build his army.
Lois: It's the people.
[seeing him react to something]
Lois: What?
Clark: It's your ELT.
Lois: Edge.

Superman: Zeta-Rho was just toying with me. Jordan's still in there, but I don't know how much time we have before he's gone.
General: Scheer, Knopes, Foss.
Superman: Edge eradicated some of your soldiers?
General: Six of my best.
Lois: Were they from Smallville?
General: None of 'em.
Lois: Well, why would he do that? Their powers won't last.
John: He must just need them temporarily.
Superman: How'd he do it?
General: Created some kind of energy field.
John: Like in Centennial Park. When I used one of my solar flares on him, it made a dent.
Superman: Then we need as much as we can get.
Lois: Call Lyla. Get another missile from A.R.G.U.S.
General: The one they sent was the only one they had.
Jonathan: Okay, well, there's gotta be something else we can do, right? Right?
John: I have some solar weapons left. I-It might do the trick.
Lois: [to Jon] Plus, there's the ones you took.
Jonathan: Okay.
John: Look, son, how about you and me see if we can throw something together?

General: This wasn't supposed to happen.
Lois: Really? Because it sure seems like a weapon designed to hurt Superman would hurt Superman.
General: It was only meant as a last resort, just to weaken him temporarily.
Lois: Then why is my son sick? Explain that to me. You put your own grandson in harm's way.
Clark: Sam, how do we fix this?
General: My guys are working on it.

Clark: I told Jordan that I would be there for him, but I don't even know what he needs right now.
Lois: He just needs his dad.

John: You can't try to kill Superman. You sure as hell can't use A.R.G.U.S. tech to do it.
John: The tech is mine. A.R.G.U.S. is simply providing the ammo.
John: I'm sorry, who the hell are you?
General: This is John Henry Irons. He's helping us coordinate a fallback plan if we run out of time.
John: Which looks more and more likely.
Lois: That's not true. I just spoke with one of Edge's former subjekts who confirmed it's possible to fight back against eradication.
John: Possible? Maybe. Not probable.
Lois: This is the proof that we needed.
John: Are you really gonna gamble on the fate of your world?
John: Wait, wait. You're from another Earth?
General: Yeah, he is.
John: You and I are gonna have a serious conversation about this, General.
Jordan: [running in] Mom, Mom.
Jonathan: We need to talk.
Jordan: It's important.

Lois: About Jonathan... we set a course for Earth in a pod, but we don't know where it landed.
Superman: Or even if it landed.
Supergirl: Brainy, can you track his trajectory?
Querl: Absolutely. We'll find that bouncing bundle of Kryptonian joy faster than a flying Flackurian...

Lois: If Edge is using X-Kryptonite to build an army, why would he send such a small shipment?
Captain: Probably wanted to see who'd come for it.
Lois: Well, now that he knows, what's his next move?
Captain: It's hard to say, but we need to be ready.
Clark: Ready how?
Captain: It's what I was trying to tell you earlier.
Lois: You wanna meet Superman.
Captain: It's the only way to stop this. You want answers? I'm willing to tell Superman everything.
Lois: I'm not in the habit of just connecting him with people.
Captain: I'm thinking the possible end of the world might warrant an exception.
Lois: Okay. But I want something from you.
[indicating the case of X-K]
Lois: That.
Captain: Okay. But I need to know one thing first. Do you trust him?
Lois: With my life.
Captain: I thought you'd say that. Set up the meet.

Lois: [learning she's expecting twins] Do you think this is because of Superman?
Clark: My father assured me everything's gonna be fine.
Lois: He also didn't know we were having twins, and that is a pretty big curveball.
Clark: Hey, it's gonna be okay. I promise.
Lois: Yeah, says the guy who doesn't have to give birth to two babies at the same time.
[seeing something outside, he moves to go investigate]
Lois: [as if he hasn't moved] Clark, I'm not delivering the babies at the Fortress.
Clark: [realizing] This isn't real.

Coach: You wanna be an assistant coach?
Clark: I just want to help out. I don't know if you know this, but I was actually the team manager back in high school.
Coach: LinkedIn résumé notwithstanding, you're a little late. We've been staffed up since the summer.
Clark: Well, you see, the thing is, with both my boys on the team now, I-I'd really just like to find a way to spend more time with them.
Coach: Take 'em camping. Rent a canoe. Make some s'mores.
Clark: Look, I-I promise I won't get in the way. I'll do whatever job you need.
Lois: Not to mention, he'll work for free.
Coach: You should've started with that, Kent.

Lois: Don't worry about it.
Chrissy: You keep saying that, and I keep worrying.

Superman: How was Edge able to use the Eradicator?
Leslie: Always one step behind, Kal-El.
Superman: When Edge was speaking earlier, it sounded like...
John: A whole bunch of voices.
Lois: Maybe that's why you never found the Eradicator.
John: Because, what, Edge somehow made himself the Eradicator? I mean, is that even possible?
Lois: It would explain his new powers.
Superman: And the four new subjekts.
Lois: Okay, so let's say Edge can make subjekts. Where would he go next?
Leslie: Isn't it obvious? To make more.

Lois: [contacting John Irons] John, it's happening, just like you said it would. I think Superman's been turned.

Clark: Could he actually be Lex Luthor?
Lois: I don't know, but with everything we know about the multiverse now, I'd say anything's possible.
Clark: Like what? He's related to Lex somehow? Maybe a son we don't know about?
Lois: Well, he said he worked for LuthorCorp. That can't just be a coincidence.
Clark: Yeah. And Lex wouldn't be the first public figure trying to keep his family hidden from the world.
Lois: I'll have Chrissy look into it. Are they still up ahead?
Clark: [using his powers] Yeah. About two miles up. It looks like they've got an escort. There's a panel van with four guys with guns inside a couple cars back.
Lois: That seems on brand for Edge.
Clark: What do you wanna do?
Lois: Just keep following. I wanna see where they're taking the X-Kryptonite.
Clark: [spotting Luthor further on up ahead] I don't think that's gonna happen.
Lois: What is it?
Clark: I'm definitely starting to think your new friend is a Luthor.

Dr. Wiles: Lois, we respond to grief in many ways, but you have to realize, this...
Lois: Is this the part where you tell me the miscarriage wasn't my fault? Because... the guilt that I feel is real. I never stopped working.
Dr. Wiles: Work, exercising, having sex, lifting something heavy, that's not why you lost your child.
Lois: You don't know that.
Dr. Wiles: The majority of miscarriages are caused by a genetic issue.
Lois: Yeah, I know, but...
Dr. Wiles: Lois, you have control of your life in a way most don't, but the things you can't control, you have to learn to accept them and let them go. Your miscarriage wasn't because of something you did or didn't do. It was something that happened to you.
Lois: [letting herself cry] I was so excited to meet her.
Dr. Wiles: I wish there was a shortcut, but you have to allow yourself to go through the grieving process, no matter how much time it takes, because when you don't...
Lois: Yeah, I know. I saw what can happen when you don't.

Lois: Are we gonna talk about what happened back there?
Captain: What's to talk about? You saw what I saw. That's your story.
Lois: You are armed to the teeth with the kind of weapons that would put you high on the FBI's most wanted list. And this security badge, I sent a photo to a friend of mine, and she said it's one of the best forgeries she has ever seen. So why don't you tell me who you really are and why you are in Smallville? 'Cause I don't buy that you came to write a story.
Captain: I can't tell you why I'm really here. But I can promise you, like you, I am trying to prevent something bad from happening.
Lois: [her phone rings] Hey, babe, can I call... how bad? I'm on my way.
Captain: Are you okay?
Lois: [leaving] To be continued.

Clark: Did you know your dad was stockpiling kryptonite?
Lois: [pouring a glass of wine] This bottle doesn't stand a chance, does it?

Chrissy: Luthor's biographer says there is no way he has a son.
Lois: Maybe a cousin or distant relative?
Chrissy: She walked me through every branch of the Luthor family tree. Our guy is definitely not on it.

Lana: You okay?
Kyle: Yeah.
[seeing she's not convinced]
Kyle: It's silly, but I don't know, I just... I thought that Edge might have had something for me, you know? Some managerial work or something like that.
Lana: I know. But do you really want that? I mean, you love being a fireman, and if I'm getting this promotion, isn't that a win for both of us?
Kyle: [hearing the doorbell] I'll... I'll be right back, baby.
[opening the front door]
Kyle: Lois. Let me go grab Lana.
Lois: Actually, Kyle, I was hoping that I could talk to you, too.
Kyle: Come on in.

Lois: You remember our boys, Jonathan and Jordan.
Lana: Hi.
Jordan: Hey.
Kyle: These are our girls. The littlest one here is Sophie. And, uh, well, the one with the perma-scowl over there, that's Sarah.
Sarah: Hi. I'm really sorry about your grandma. She was really special. Even my dad liked her, and he hates everybody, so.
Kyle: House full of girls. Someone's always pissed at you.

John: Hey, where's your mom?
Lois: [they see her on TV] Coming to you live from downtown Metropolis, reporting on the scene is Lois Lane. The Kryptonians want you to think that they're indestructible. They're not. They have a weakness. It is a rock from their home planet called kryptonite. Find it so that we can defeat them.
John: I told her not to do this.
Lois: And we must defeat them if we are to save humanity. For that is what separates us from them: our humanity.
Natalie: [seeing Superman appear behind Lois] Mom!
Lois: I love you both.
[Superman fires his heat vision at her]

Lois: For before my surgery, we're thinking of going to Bazoombas.
Clark: Oh, the chicken wing place.
Lois: No one goes there for the food.

Jordan: You lied to protect his secret. All the things I've been feeling. You made me think I was crazy. They put me on pills!
Lois: Your mental health has nothing to do with who your...
Jordan: And how do you know that? I'm half human, half whatever the hell he is!
Clark: Do not yell at your mother, okay? This is not her fault. I'm the one that didn't want you to know.
Jonathan: Why?
Clark: Because I knew what kind of burden it would be if you both had powers. Or worse, if one of you had them and the other one didn't.
Jordan: You think he's the reason we survived yesterday.
Jonathan: What are you talking about?
Jordan: Go on, dad. Go tell Superboy here why he's really so perfect.
Lois: We thought your athletic talents could be latent abilities starting to emerge, and then yesterday...
Clark: The only way that both of you survived that accident is for at least one of you to be like me.
Jordan: You wouldn't have it any other way, would you, dad?
Clark: Jordan!
Jordan: Don't try to talk to me, all right? You may have been sent here to be some hero, but you sure as hell weren't sent here to be a father.
Jonathan: [seeing Clark wants to follow Jordan] Just leave us alone.

Lana: Lois, you know how you kept asking me if anyone over at Edge EnerCorp was acting differently? I just saw it for the first time with Emily Phan.
Lois: Emily?
Lana: Yeah. She left in the middle of her daughter's performance. She would never do that. Avery is everything to her. I mean, it's like she was...
Lois: She was someone else.
Jonathan: [hearing a knock at the door] I'll get it.
Lana: I guess this is what Edge meant.
Lois: What do you mean?
Lana: Tonight before I left the office, he made me an offer to do what he's doing to everyone else.
Lois: What?
Lana: I turned him down.
Lois: Lana, why wouldn't you mention this before?
Lana: 'Cause I was nervous. He knew I was feeding you information.
Jonathan: [coming back] Hey, Mom, I think it's for you.
Lana: [as she talks, Lois is alarmed to see Emily] Lois, I'm worried. What if he does something?
Jonathan: [seeing her look] Mom?
Lana: Lois?
Emily: She shouldn't have called.
Lana: Lois.
Emily: [as Lois and Jon dodge her heat vision, she beats them to Lois' ELT] Not this time.

Lois: [as Lana is removed from the Eradicator] Did it work? Is she okay?
Lara/Lana: [sitting up] Kal-El.
Superman: Mother.

Lois: All right, I'm gonna meet Chrissy, see if I can establish any connection between our guy and Lex.
Clark: Yeah, I guess it's still our only lead.
Lois: Maybe not. You said the voice in the RV called him Captain.
Clark: Right, so he's military.
Lois: [indicating the case of X-Kryptonite] Which is why I want you to take that to the DOD for processing.
[he lets out a small laugh of impressiveness]
Lois: What?
Clark: Nothing. Just, it has his prints. You know, you're really good at this.
Lois: You better get moving, Superman. We don't have much time before your meeting.

Lois: Dad, this is my home now. These people are my neighbors.
General: What am I supposed to say? That Edge is Superman's brother? That he was using those people to build a Kryptonian army to take over the world?
Lois: No, of course not.
General: I know it's not what you wanna hear, but you need to run your story with the bare minimum. Eventually, this town will be okay. Trust me. But the last thing our family needs is for this story to get out of Smallville, and any quote from me will give it the legitimacy for that to happen.

Clark: Every power comes with its own burden.
Lois: And responsibilities.
Jordan: You mean rules.
Clark: Which are meant to protect you.
Jordan: Yeah. "Don't use my powers, don't draw attention to myself."
Jonathan: Oh, "don't feed him after midnight."
Clark: Hey, it's important that we don't draw unnecessary attention to our family. If anyone ever found out the truth about me, it would change everything.
Lois: It's not like we're worried you two are gonna post it on Facebook.
Jonathan: I mean, yeah, we're not soccer moms.
Lois: My point is, you need to be mindful of your actions. It's the small things that'll raise suspicion.
Clark: Look, when I was your age, my dad was really strict, and at the time, it seemed unfair. But now, I realize it gave me a normal life. And that's what I want for the two of you.
Jordan: Yeah, if by normal you mean we're cast out like lepers, Smallville High has it covered.
Clark: All I'm asking is that you're careful, okay? I can't always be there.

Lois: What about Edge's fortress in the Badlands?
Superman: I looked there. Mine, too.
Lois: Well, his office, his lab?
Superman: I've searched them all.
Lois: You can't hear him anywhere?
Superman: I'm listening for both of 'em.
Lois: Well... I don't understand. Where could he be hiding?
Superman: I don't know.
John: My A.I. hasn't picked up anything yet.
Superman: I'm gonna go back out.
John: I'll come with you.
Superman: No, please just stay here in case something happens.
Lois: Clark.
Superman: Lois.
Lois: You have to...
Superman: I will find him. I will not stop looking until I do.

Chrissy: Okay, so I have a contact in shipping at Edge's mines; well, I mean, not really a contact, more like an ex who really never got over me.
Lois: [impatiently] Chrissy!
Chrissy: Edge is about to send a shipment out. Do you think it's X-Kryptonite?
Lois: Only one way to find out. Thanks, boss.
[returning to Luthor]
Lois: We'll have to pick this up some other time. Something came up.
Captain: Lois, this is serious. I need to speak with Superman.
Lois: Maybe when we're on a first-name basis.

Jordan: You okay?
Jonathan: Dude, I saw footage of what happened to Dad on John Henry's planet. He killed Mom. I-I mean, her-her doppelganger or whatever.
Jordan: So?
Jonathan: So, what if the Edge from that planet is also that Superman's brother? What if he brought back their mom, and then he gave him a Kryptonian family, and that's why he turned on humanity? What if that's what happened there... and it's happening here, too?
Lois: [in the doorway] It wouldn't change anything.
Jonathan: Look, all I'm saying is going your whole life thinking that you're the only one left in your family, and then finding out that you had a brother that you never knew about and that you could see your mom? That would affect anyone.
Lois: Yeah, it would. But the difference between Edge and your dad is that he has a family: the three of us, right here. We're his family. And no matter what happens, we always will be.

Lana: Hey, Emily.
Emily: Please, Lana, just don't.
Lana: Em...
Duc: She said don't.
Kyle: Whoa, hold up there, Duc.
Duc: You kidding me, Kyle? Just look around here. That's your doing!
Kyle: Wait. Hey. I-I made a mistake, okay? I was just...
Emily: The only mistake made was all of us trusting you. And now, after what they said I did to Lois Lane, Clark's son...
Lana: No, it wasn't your fault.
Emily: No, it's not. It's your fault. I trusted you. How am I supposed to live with myself? How am I supposed to go back to normal?
Lana: I am so sorry, Emily.
Emily: Just stay away.
Lois: [approaching as the Phans leave] Hey, you're not to blame for this. Edge is.
Kyle: Yeah, well, I'm not sure everyone sees it that way.
Lois: They will eventually. I'll make sure of it. Before you get tested, can I talk to you both in private?

Lois: We'll figure this out. We've been in similar situations.
Superman: Learning that the man who's trying to kill your husband is your other husband from another world? It kind of feels like new ground to me.
Lois: I meant the part about having to clean up the mess caused by an evil version of you.
Superman: Lois, look at these articles. I mean, other than the suit, this guy was just like me right up until he started killing innocent people.
Lois: Clark, it doesn't matter. That's not you. And if John Henry wants to save humanity here, he has to accept that.
Superman: You really think that's possible, knowing everything he's lost? His wife? His daughter, Natalie? Look, Lois, I can come home and we can talk about this right now.
Lois: Clark, no. I feel sorry for him, but that was his life on his Earth. He's here now and we need answers. Maybe I should go talk to him.
Superman: No. No, not yet. I understand where he's coming from now. I think maybe I can get through to him.
Lois: I hope so. We need him to tell us how to save our world.

Chrissy: General Lane, can you tell us where Morgan Edge is right now?
General: I'm not able to publicly comment on that at this time.
Chrissy: Why not? People are afraid and they wanna know that they're safe.
General: [shouts of agreement] Ms. Beppo, I think you've caused enough panic for one day.
Chrissy: Can you at least tell us if Edge is in custody?
General: Ms. Beppo...
Lois: No, he's not.
General: Lois.
Lois: They deserve to know. Edge managed to escape a holding facility a few weeks ago. Now, since then, Superman and the DOD have been working diligently to try to track him down. But as of right now, his whereabouts are still unknown.
Chrissy: Should we be worried that he's gonna come back here?
General: I'm afraid until Morgan Edge is apprehended, there's reason for concern. But let me assure you, the DOD is doing everything we can to keep the people of Smallville safe.
Sharon: Don't anyone trust a word that man says.
General: Is that Derek Powell's mother?
Lois: Yeah.
Sharon: The DOD has been lying for months. Ever since my son died.
[holding up an envelope]
Sharon: And I have proof.

Lois: [sarcastically] Wow, is everything my fault today?

Clark: Alura!
Alura: Kal, Lois, thank god.
Clark: What's happening?
Alura: A massive energy is moving through space. It's killing everything in its path.
Lois: How long do we have?
Alura: Minutes.

Kara: Do you think I did the right thing?
Clark: Our secret identities, they... they protect people we love from being threatened by our enemies. There aren't a lot of things more important than that.
Kara: I'm just sad I have to leave the DEO, and now Alex is there alone. I feel like I let her down.
Clark: Oh, and then I left you to defend Earth alone so I could go to Argo. I'm sorry.
Kara: No, don't be sorry about that. It's home. I'm really glad you got to see it finally. Connect with it.
Clark: It was more than just connecting with our culture, you know?
Lois: [clattering in the barn] I'm okay.
Clark: You know, it was Lois. Everything new that I experienced on Argo, she was experiencing it, too. You know, out there, we were... I mean, we were both strange visitors. Oh, I must sound so selfish.
Kara: No. Love is the most unselfish thing in the world. On any world.

Jonathan: [watching Irons inspect his RV] Guy tries to kill Dad, and now what, he's our... he's our houseguest?
Jordan: I really don't think Mom would let him stay here if he was dangerous.
Jonathan: After everything that she saw in that trailer, you really trust her judgment right now?
Lois: [entering behind him] I guess I deserve that.
[to Jordan]
Lois: Give me a minute alone with your brother.

Lois: I know the last few weeks have been hard on us all. Bottom line, there's a lot going on. Morgan Edge, people suddenly getting powers, mystery guy trying to kill your dad. So we just wanted to check in and see how you were doing with all of it.
Clark: I talked to Coach Gaines. He's not happy, but he knows the three of us are taking a break from football. He just needs your uniforms back.
Jordan: Yeah, I'll go do it today. It's my last time in a high school locker room probably ever.
Jonathan: [offering a wrench] Dad?
Clark: [aligning the grille on the family truck] Uh, no, I'm good. Uh, can you just hold this?
Jordan: Yeah.
Jonathan: [Clark uses his heat vision to weld the grille back on] Can I be excused, or...
Lois: We're not done talking. Listen, the stuff that we're dealing with would be a lot for anyone, so if you're stressed or worried, you need to tell us, okay?

Superman: [Lana has volunteered to host his Kryptonian mother's consciousness] I don't like this.
Lois: I don't like it either, but it's her choice, and we have to respect it.
Superman: I know, but it's Lana. She's one of my closest friends.
Lois: Which is why you should say something. Even if it's as you, it'll mean a lot.

Lois: Lana said Edge asked her to find more candidates, so until we can figure out how to stop him, we need to convince people to stay away.
Clark: Lois, he's offering people jobs and money, things they need to feel in control of their lives again. Boys, bus'll be here in a minute!
Lois: Clark, we have to do something, and nobody's gonna listen to me. They haven't since that first town hall, but they will to you.

Lois: What happened? Where are the boys?
[getting scared]
Lois: Where are the boys?
Superman: Edge took Jordan.
Lois: No.
Superman: I tried following him. It was too late.
Lois: No, go find him.
Superman: Lois, Lois, I looked everywhere. He's gone. He's gone.
Lois: [sobbing into his shoulder] What are we gonna do?
Superman: I don't know. I just... I don't know.

Lois: Lucy, this is not the way.
General: Peanut, please give it to me.
Lucy: Stop! Just stop! I have to do this for me.
[as she prepares to activate Sam's ELT, he tries to take it back, but Ally stops him by draining some of the life from him]
Lois: Dad!
Ally: Call him.
Lucy: You're hurting him!
Ally: I said call him!
Lois: Enough!
Ally: Now.
Jordan: [at the farm with Clark] Is that Grandpa's ELT?
Clark: Stay here with your brother.

Lois: [tending Jordan's injuries after he's beaten up] He got you pretty good, kid.
Jordan: It's... it's all right.
Jonathan: Yeah, I thought you had, like, uh, super-durability or whatever.
Jordan: I don't know what I have. I-I tried to fight back, but he was stronger and faster. My-my... my head is pounding.
Clark: Your abilities are evolving. You can heal faster, but you can still get hurt.
Jonathan: What did... what did Tag want, anyways?
Jordan: Answers. He wanted to know how he got powers, why he's at the DOD. He thinks I did this to him.
Lois: Why would he think that?
Jordan: Because he saw the video of the explosion I caused at the mines.
[noticing her and Clark react]
Jordan: I know. Look, he doesn't know everything, but he knows something's up.
Jonathan: What if he says something? I mean...
Clark: Guys, can you just give me and your mom a second to talk about this, please?
Lois: [the boys leave] I hate the Internet.

Lois: Gorgeous husband, love of my life, really, and my dear, personal champion, a tiny favor to ask.
Clark: Does it have anything to do with your dad?
Lois: No. He's in national security mode. It has to do with the assembly. I was thinking that since my article was shredded and I can't technically speak out about Morgan Edge, the next best thing would be to have Smallville's favorite son show up and say some words on behalf of justice.
Clark: Okay. Well, when you put it that way, yeah, I'll be there.
Lois: Great. Now if you'll excuse me, I just found out Edge is at the mines.
Clark: Whoa, whoa, you're gonna go confront him after he sent a guy to attack you?
Lois: Look, Edge thinks he has me up against the ropes. If I show up out of nowhere, knock him off balance, maybe I'll pop something loose.
Clark: If you wait, I can go with you.
Lois: No, I got it. You have practice. I can handle myself.

Morgan: Ms. Lane. Have you come to take a tour of our facilities?
Lois: Yeah, after what happened in New Carthage, I would rather not follow you into a dark tunnel.
Morgan: Whatever could you be insinuating?

Chrissy: How did you find me?
Lois: I'm Lois Lane. I have my ways.

Chrissy: This is savage.
Lois: Edge picked the mayor to parrot his misinformation, so I had to reply.
Chrissy: Yeah, but it reads like a debate with a first-grader. The mayor keeps saying "jobs," and then you fire off a list of EPA infractions, mortgage rate inflation scams, a whole string of missing employees. This is exactly why I hired you.
Lois: I even did my own copyediting.

Lois: Who are you?
Barry: We come in peace.
Kara: Whoa, Lois, wait, wait. This is Barry and Oliver. They're friends.
Barry: Wait.
Oliver: So you know that I'm Oliver and he's Barry?
Kara: Yeah, w-why wouldn't I?
Barry: Oh, man.
Kara: Um, you guys, this is my cousin Clark. I'm so glad you get to meet.
Barry: Your cousin. That cousin? The super cousin?
Clark: Oh, please, call me Clark.

Jordan: [after accidentally breaking Jonathan's hand] You guys know that I would never mean to actually hurt him.
Clark: Jordan. Jordan.
Jordan: Right?
Clark: That has nothing to do with it. He's upset. And he has a right to be. I told you, your powers come with responsibility, and I need you to get that.
Lois: Honey, we know it was an accident. We know you're sorry. Jon knows, too. He just needs a second. But your dad is right. Things are different now.
Jordan: Yeah, I know. I know they're different.
Clark: Do you? Because you made a big point at the hotel of saying you're different from me. But you're not. That anger you felt that made you want to use your powers the way you did tonight, I have those feelings, too.
Jordan: You do?
Clark: Yes. But I keep them in check. Otherwise, I risk losing the trust of the very people I've sworn to protect. When I first showed up in Metropolis as Superman, there was a lot of talk about what the world should do with someone who had powers like mine. And it took me a minute to realize that other people were more afraid of what I could do than I was. So what I had to do, more than anything, was earn their trust, prove to them that, no matter what, I would never use my powers to hurt them. 20 years later, every time I use my powers, that trust is tested, every time. Just today, in fact.

Superman: You don't belong here.
Superman: We're here because we need your help.
Superman: Help? I couldn't even save my wife, my friends. I don't care about your universe.
Lois: Yes, you do. You're the Paragon of Truth.
Superman: There's only one truth. I serve Lex Luthor.
Superman: Kal, stop.

Lois: I happen to know that we have a ton of rocky road in the freezer, and I can't handle it all by myself.
Jordan: You think I'm six?
Lois: No. But I will say that I have, as recently as this morning, kind of wished that you were.

Zeta: What year is it on this Earth?
Young: By their measurements, 1987.
Zeta: And the Eradicator, have you found it?
[he suddenly turns to notice Lois]
Zeta: You'll never get to him. He's been buried deep in his subconscious. Lost forever.
Lois: I'll find him.
Zeta: You don't even know where to look. But I know where to find you.

Lois: I was the first human to set foot on what's left of Krypton. To lay eyes on the Jewel Mountains, to endure the endless, torturous deliberations of the High Council, and I have to write about it. One small step for Lois Lane, one giant leap for Lois Lane's career.

Chrissy: How would you like to interview the keynote speaker at this year's Harvest Festival?
Lois: Not sure puff pieces are really my brand.
Chrissy: Well, around here, they sell papers. I'm afraid not everything you write for me is gonna change the world.

Lois: You're worried about Jordan.
Clark: I tried talking to him last night, but he was pretty upset.
Lois: Well, if he knew who you really were; your parents told you about your real heritage when you were six.
Clark: That was... that was different. I lived on a farm. I had powers.
Lois: You don't think Jonathan's got something?
Clark: Test at the Fortress said it was unlikely.
Lois: He's about to be starting quarterback at one of the most competitive high schools in the nation, as a freshman.
Clark: Yeah. Doesn't mean he has powers.
Lois: Have you seen him throw a deep route?
Clark: And what about Jordan? Look, all it's gonna do is make him feel more alien than he already does.

Lois: When we were dreaming about having a family, it didn't look like this, did it? Didn't have lost jobs or... teens with severe anxiety or... or parents gone too soon. No one ever dreams about the problems, but every life has them. Even the extraordinary ones.

Lois: [learning Jordan got arrested] Not enough to skip school. This one has to go get arrested.
Clark: If they're both acting out, we'll give them a punishment.
Lois: I'll drive.
Clark: Lois, about the other thing?
Lois: What? I'm right. You're wrong.

Querl: Jonathan's pod has disappeared from our radar. It appears to have been sucked into a wormhole.
Superman: What are the coordinates?
Querl: Star City. Earth-16. Mmm, interesting. It must've been a temporal wormhole, because... well, the pod is in the year 2046.
Ray: We've been there before. Apparently, we didn't just travel to the future.
Sara: Yeah, we traveled to a parallel Earth in the future. That's great.
Superman: I'm going after him.
Oliver: Clark, you can't.
Superman: Those are two words I'm not used to hearing, and my son needs me.
Oliver: I'm a parent, and I get it. The entire universe needs you. When that tower gets attacked, you have to be here to protect it.
Lois: I'll go.
Superman: Lois...
Sara: I'll back you up. I know the terrain.
Querl: As will I. I happen to be excellent with children.
Lois: [moving to leave, she stops at Clark's side] Don't worry, I'll get him. I love you.

Lois: You're late.
Jordan: Is that dinner?
Lois: Unless you're cooking something else. How'd it go with Sarah?
Jordan: It was good.
Lois: Good?
Jordan: Yeah, good.
Lois: That's it?
Jordan: What do you want me to say?
Lois: You could start by giving me an actual answer.
Jordan: I-I did and then you got all weird about it.
Lois: Excuse me?
Jordan: We went to Atlas Pond.
Lois: Where you got arrested?
Jordan: Yeah, I... I checked with the owners first. It was fine. Look, I... I just... I don't wanna talk about it, all right? Can... can I just go up to my room now?

Lois: He changed it. He changed my story. It's, like, a pro-Edge fluff piece.
Clark: Foswell did this?
Lois: No, Edge. I can't let him do this.
Lt: [with Sam at the Department of Defense] General, you need to see this. He's here.
Lois: [seeing Clark react to Sam's activated ELT] Now? You gotta be kidding me.
Clark: It's your dad. He's at the DOD.
Lois: [glancing at Jonathan and Jordan] I'll explain why. Go.

Lois: John, I could use your help.
John: What kind of help?
Lois: Figuring out what caused that earthquake.
John: Inside the mines filled with X-Kryptonite. Listen, my focus is on Natalie and being the best dad I can be for her. I can't get pulled into anything dangerous.
Lois: I promise, it's a one-time ask. Nothing to do with the Steel suit.

Lois: You still haven't gotten looked at, have you?
General: I will, I will.
Lois: You go take care of the world, I'll take care of my family.

Lois: This isn't your responsibility.
Lana: Then whose is it? I'm the one who stood by while Kyle rallied the town to Edge's side. I mean, it was me who signed up my own friends to Edge's Executive Program.
Lois: Lana...
Lana: This is my town, and at every critical juncture, I've failed it. So don't tell me this isn't my responsibility. Not when I stand here about to lose everything.
Lois: I appreciate what you're trying to do, but you have a family.
Lana: Yeah, and my husband is one of them, who's gonna become some alien psychopath if I don't do something. I have to save Kyle, Lois. If there's a chance that he's still alive, I have to do it.
Lois: What about Sarah and Sophie?
Lana: They mean the world to me, you know that.
Lois: That's why I can't let you do this.
Lana: No, it's why you have to. I have to fix this for them, for me, for everybody here.
Lois: There's no guarantee this will even work. This is alien science.
Lana: Well, it's a good thing I'm just a local loan officer who doesn't know any better.

Lucy: Dad was such a hard ass with us. Do you remember when we snuck out with his rum?
Lois: I do. It's why I don't drink rum anymore.
Lucy: And we took that sketchy bus back to base only to find him waiting for us so pissed?
Lois: So mad. I mean, you really were a terrible influence on me.
Lucy: Hey, I was the younger sibling! You were the one who taught me to walk along the walls so the floorboards wouldn't creak. Which would be very useful information for Jon and Jordan.
Lois: Don't even think about it.
Lucy: Hey, I will pull out all the stops to impress my nephews.
Lois: I think they would be probably just be happy to have Aunt Lucy around again.

Lois: So, Leslie Larr is still in the wind?
Clark: At this point, she doesn't really have a next move.
General: Finding her is our number one priority. Good news is, between you and Mr. John Henry Irons, smart money says she'll be in custody by the end of the week. And then DOD packs up, heads home. Maybe this town can breathe again. Not to mention this family. For what it's worth, Lois, about yesterday...
Lois: I know, Dad. You were just doing your job.
General: What I wanted to say is I'm proud of you. When the chips were down, you still had faith, and that's what made the difference. I'm very glad you're better, Clark. I won't doubt you again.

Clark: I gotta say, I don't love the idea of leaving you alone with him.
Lois: [spotting "Marcus"] Well, get used to it, 'cause he's here.
Clark: And what exactly am I looking for?
Lois: You'll know it when you see it.

Clark: I can't believe I married Lois Lane.
Lois: I'm all yours, babe. For better or for worse.
Clark: You know, I... I kept my secret from everyone for so long, and now I know why. It's for you. So we could have this life together.
Lois: There's no one I'd rather share it with.
Clark: This might be a weird time to say it, but I can't wait to tell my dad about the wedding. He's gonna be so excited. I mean, as excited as a hologram can get, I guess.
Lois: Well, he's gonna have to wait 'til after the honeymoon.

Clark: [after Lois yells at Jon] Are you okay?
Lois: I'm fine, Clark.
Clark: Okay, okay. I'm... I'm gonna mark that as a no.
Lois: He could have been killed.
Clark: I know, I know. And-and it was scary, and... I don't know. Do you think maybe you were, like, a little harsh? Do you want to talk about what you saw in the RV earlier?
Lois: [irritably] I said I'm fine, Clark.
Clark: Okay, okay, okay. Look, I... I know you can handle anything, but it is okay to ask for help. And I want to be that person for you always, but I also understand if I'm not right now. What about the woman you talked to before, your dad's friend?
Lois: Dr. Wiles.
Clark: Is she still at the DOD? Look, just think about it. I'm... I'm gonna check on Jonathan.

Dr. Wiles: Lois, what a nice surprise. Thanks for waiting.
Lois: Thanks for seeing me on such short notice. I know it's been a while.
Dr. Wiles: You know, when they were cadets, your dad kept my husband from getting kicked out of the academy... twice? My door is always open for you. So, what brings you in today?
Lois: We have been having some life changes, pretty major life changes. Don't get me wrong; life has always been complicated. I'm good at complicated, but today I kind of got blindsided and... just somehow felt like everything was slipping through my fingers. I lost my temper... and I am worried that if I can't pull it together, I'm at risk of hurting someone I really love more than I already have.

Clark: I spoke with your grandfather. The DOD's gonna stick around town a little longer than they planned.
Jonathan: Until you guys find Leslie Larr or...
Clark: That, and they're shutting down the mines.
Jordan: Why?
Lois: Gonna get all the X-Kryptonite out so no one else gets hurt.
Jordan: So no one else gets powers, you mean.
Lois: Also true.
Jonathan: And then-then what? And then we're just supposed to go back to school and pretend like none of this ever happened?
Lois: Principal Balcomb's holding an all-school assembly today. She'll talk to everyone about it, answer any questions she can.
Jordan: Maybe we should just stay home.
Clark: Yeah, nice try.
Lois: As far as everyone is concerned, Edge was experimenting with people, giving them powers, mind control. I discovered what he was up to with the help of your grandfather, who had help from Superman, we stopped him. Copy?
Jonathan: Yeah, don't worry, Mom. We're getting pretty good at cover stories, so...

Martha: [meeting Lois for the first time] She's wonderful.
Clark: Yeah, I know.
Martha: So, what took you so long to bring her here?
Clark: Well, because I needed to be ready.
Martha: To meet me?
Clark: That's not what I meant. I brought her here to tell her who I really am.
Martha: Oh. Are you sure? Once you tell her, there's no going back.
Clark: Yeah, well... there was no going back after the first time I saw her.
Martha: I'm so happy for you, honey.
Lois: [entering as they hug] Everything okay?
Martha: Everything's perfect, dear. Just perfect.
Clark: [leading her out] You, follow me. I wanna show you something.

Chrissy: And none of these people are acting differently at all?
Lana: I mean, the only change I see is how happy they are. Like, they're truly excited to be there, to be a part of something, to change their lives.
Lois: What is he doing with them?
Lana: Personal development, self-improvement, trust exercises. I really don't know the specifics.
Chrissy: Well, it sounds like a cult, only Edge is power-brainwashing free of charge.
Lana: The only other thing I can tell you is they started these morning "togethers" at Victoria May's.
Chrissy: Togethers?
Lana: Mm-hmm. Camaraderie-building breakfasts. Oh, I'm gonna be late.
Lois: Wait. Lana, maybe you should take a break. This is kinda starting to get really dangerous, and I don't want anything to happen to you.
Lana: It's okay, Lois, really. I mean, if I can keep Edge from hurting just one person, it's worth it.
Chrissy: Think I should head over to the diner, go full intervention on this breakfast.
Lois: No, you stay focused on getting what you can on Edge's minions. I know someone who might have a better shot at getting through.

Lois: Welcome to "The Daily Planet Today." I'm Lois Lane, and with me for his first on-camera interview is Superman. I appreciate you agreeing to be here.
Superman: Thanks for having me.
Lois: Now, as you know, the world has been captivated by you ever since your first appearance in Metropolis over a year ago, and one of the big questions that always gets asked regarding Superman is how long you were on Earth before that.
Superman: Well, essentially my whole life. After my planet was destroyed...
Lois: Krypton.
Superman: Right. When Krypton was destroyed, the pod that allowed me to escape crashed here on Earth.
Lois: Where exactly on Earth?
Superman: That's not something I'm ready to reveal yet.
Lois: Well, the assumption is that it was somewhere in the U.S.
Superman: Well, don't assume that just because I'm speaking English.
[switching to Cantonese]
Superman: Anywhere is possible.
Lois: You speak multiple languages. Is that also a superpower?
Superman: No. Just, uh, curiosity about the world. I wanted to know more about different people, different regions, so I studied their languages.
Lois: How many languages?
Superman: All of them.
Lois: What would you say to the people of the world when asked what you stand for?
Superman: I'd like to think everything good and decent. Truth, justice.
Lois: The American way?
Superman: [chuckling] I think someone's just trying to get me to admit I was raised here.

Lois: [seeing a hologram of Kara appear] Kara? In pants?

Alex: [seeing Harbinger appear in the DEO] Hey! Face down on the floor. Now!
Supergirl: Did you do this? Did you destroy Argo?
[the other heroes appear behind her, and Alex gestures for her agents to stand down]
Supergirl: [relieved to see Lois and Kal] Oh, my god, you're okay.
Lois: Thanks to her. She appeared at the last second and brought us here.
Superman: We sent Jonathan off in an escape pod.
Supergirl: And my mother?
Superman: [shaking his head] I'm so sorry, Kara.

Lois: It seems Edge has the ability to give people powers and take over their minds...
Kyle: [watching on TV] Lana, are you seeing this?
Lois: ...which is why it's very important for everyone in Metropolis to find a safe place to take cover until Edge is either apprehended or taken out. Superman is working to stop Edge and all of the people he has infected.
Jordan: [watching on TV, too, seeing Leslie appear behind her] Jon.
Jonathan: [remembering the video of John Irons' Lois] This is how she died.

Clark: It's just not safe with Edge still out there.
Jordan: Jon and I still go to school. How is Sarah's house any less safe?
Lois: Will her parents be home?
Jordan: I guess.
Lois: You guess or you know?
Jordan: They're having another open house. I'm sure there'll be an adult somewhere.
Clark: Another open house? What?
Lois: I'm just asking 'cause you and Sarah have gotten pretty serious lately.
Jordan: Mom, please. We don't have to go over this for the billionth time.
Clark: We just wanna make sure you're making responsible choices.
Lois: Which is why I think you should take your brother with you.
Jonathan: No, no, no, I'm gonna take a pass on being chaperone. And, uh, also, I need to, you know, work on the hammer with John Henry.
Lois: You've been spending a lot of time with John Henry lately.
Jonathan: Okay, yeah, well, he's basically a genius that saved Dad's life twice. So, I mean, I think I could learn a lot from him, you know?
Clark: We're just not that comfortable with you building those kinds of weapons.
Jonathan: Okay, well, I mean, you can't have it both ways. Either Edge is a threat or he's not. I mean, I just wanna be prepared for when he shows up again.
Clark: All right, you're making too much sense. Come on. Let's go. You're excused.

Chrissy: I take it the inspector's here because of the earthquake?
Dr. Faulkner: Yes, but as I explained to her, it wasn't caused by us.
Lois: Well, the last quake in Kansas was over 40 years ago and nowhere near the same magnitude.
Dr. Faulkner: That's right, and I know mining is the leading cause of seismic activity in the heartland, but we haven't gone deep enough to cause something like that.
Chrissy: Well, that's true, Doctor. However, the readings indicate that the epicenter started here. And it's not just the one quake. There have been multiple tremors.
Dr. Faulkner: I'm aware. All I can say is we're trying to get to the bottom of it, literally.

Lois: Raising Jonathan and Jordan has taught me a lot about love. You can't just say it. You have to mean it and you have to show it. Please give me a chance to prove how much I love you.
Lucy: I don't know, Lois. You can't just say some words and expect things to be different. I just need some time to think.
General: You're right. And I'll give you that time, too, instead of forcing you into it.
[using his thumbprint to unlock their handcuffs]
General: Luce, you know the issues between you girls are because of me, right?
Lois: No, they're not, Dad. They're 'cause of Mom.
Lucy: Yeah. You might not have been around, but you never abandoned us.

Lois: Feel free to do whatever you want in here.
John: I'm just, uh, trying to help Nat feel at home.
Lois: Me, too. Breakfast was a bust.
John: [laughing] Yeah, but... but you made the effort. That's all that matters.
Lois: Any pointers on what I can do differently?
John: Want the CliffsNotes?
Lois: Sure.
John: Be yourself. Nat got her mom's natural apprehension of people. So, uh... well, the only way to get her to open up is... to get to know her. That may take a while.
Lois: I can wait.

Lois: Find a new spot. Brooding on the porch is my thing.

Lois: [seeing a collection of plaques on Clark's wall] What is this? Perry White, Jimmy Olsen, Lois Lane? Why are all these names on your wall?
Clark: A... reject from Gotham felt that we didn't cover him enough, so he played what he called a practical joke and gassed the building.
Iris: All these people died?
Clark: [nodding] My friends, my wife. I lost everyone in one fell swoop.
Lois: Almost as if you've been through more loss than any mortal man could endure.
Iris: I think we just found our Paragon.

Clark: [hearing an ELT signal] That's your dad. I've got to get to the DOD and question John Irons.
Lois: [kissing him goodbye] I'll let you know what I find in the RV.
Clark: Okay.
Lois: Good luck.
Clark: [taking off into the sky] Boys.
Lois: I'll be in the barn. You two stay out of trouble.
Jonathan: Mom, um, you think maybe I could come with you? I don't know, I feel like I wasn't much help fixing the truck, but I think I could help you.
Lois: Yeah, sure.

Lois: Your mom called while you were in the shower about a visit.
Jonathan: Are we going to grandma's?
Clark: I think we're overdue.
Jonathan: Great. Smallville. A place where you can spend a full year in one afternoon.
Lois: It's not that bad.

Lois: What are you thinking about this early?
John: Same thing as last night.
Lois: [kissing] You are playing with fire.
Natalie: [walking in on them] Ugh, childhood ruined. Therapy needed. Thanks a lot, Mom and Dad.
John: Hey, Nat-Bug.
Natalie: Look, I'm not gonna be tardy just because you two can't stop being disgusting.
John: Whoa, it's not disgusting. No, this is a loving display of...
Natalie: Affection. Yeah, I know. You know why I know? Because you two are the most affectionate people I've ever seen in my life.
[hearing explosions outside, they look out the window and see Superman]
Natalie: What's Superman doing?
Lois: And who's he with?
John: [as more Kryptonians appear, they destroy buildings with their heat vision] Oh, my God.

Clark: The world is gonna want to know why Lois Lane went to Argo City with Superman.
Lois: Details. I'll make up a reason.
Clark: Oh, so much for truth in journalism.
Lois: Says the reporter who writes about his own exploits as Superman.

Clark: You going somewhere?
Lois: Going to a city council meeting about the Edge proposal.
Clark: Lois, Lois, Lois, we're just settling in here.
Lois: Only for a few minutes. Just to listen.
[with his superhuman hearing, Clark hears a truck approaching]
Lois: Yeah, he texted while you were gone. Said he was stopping by.
Clark: [seeing it's Sam] Well, he has his work face on.
Lois: I'm gonna take the boys with me. I don't want them hearing about some crazy person stalking their dad.

Oliver: You think this is funny? Do you think my skills are a joke?
Barry: Come on, man. I was a much better sport when you shot me.
Oliver: I shot you to teach you how to case an environment. You shot me to get a laugh.
Barry: All right.
Oliver: You know what? Fine, fine. Come at me. Try to get - try to get one hit in.
Lois: Deck him, Barry!
[Kara and Clark looks at Lois]
Lois: What? He's a jerk.

Ally: Again, where is Superman?
Lois: Could be anywhere. After all, he's the world's greatest hero.
Ally: We know you can contact him.
Lois: Well, it's not like I have some red Superman phone, although that's not a bad idea.
Ally: Where is he?
Lois: What are you gonna do? Kill me? Like you did Anderson?
Ally: We didn't kill Anderson. Your son's other self did.
Lucy: Is that true?
Lois: She ordered him to do it.
Ally: Lois wasn't there. He made that choice himself. He's the monster.
Lois: You manipulated him.
Lucy: The only manipulator here is you, Lois. I never know what to believe, and I'm sick of it.
General: Lucy, don't.
Lucy: [taking out his ELT] You want Superman? I can get him.

Lana: So, how are the boys doing?
Lois: They're fine. They're just a little shaken up.
Lana: Ah, it seems luck runs in the family. Did Clark ever tell you about our accident coming home from a Soul Asylum concert?
Clark: Oh, I try not to talk about my Soul Asylum days too much.
Lana: So, Pete was at the wheel. Fell asleep, drove off the road. We came to, the car was a pretzel. Nobody was hurt. Not a scratch. It was the strangest thing. Then again, lots of strange things happened here back then.

Lois: Everyone in town is terrified. You can see it in their faces, that fear of the unknown.
Clark: How'd Lana react when you told her?
Lois: Overwhelmed. I think she's just trying to figure out what to tell people at the town hall.
Clark: She shouldn't have to be dealing with this.
Lois: She's mayor now. She's gonna have to make some tough choices.
Clark: Yeah, and I'm Superman. I'm supposed to keep people safe.
Lois: Okay. Then do that.
Clark: How? I mean, what am I supposed to do? I-I've never been like this.
Lois: You are more than just your powers.
Clark: People look to me to save them.
Lois: No, people look to you for hope. That's what Superman does. He inspires. You inspire me and the boys every day, and it's not because you can fly or because you're strong. It's because of your heart.
Clark: I don't want to give people false hope.
Lois: That's not what I'm saying. The world needs you. You're Superman. Be Superman.

Clark: I feel like a complete and utter failure.
Lois: Welcome to the world of parenting.

Lois: I feel like we're not getting anywhere.
Janet: I can't believe it.
Lois: No, I know, he's, like, giving me the runaround.
Janet: No, not that. I think Superman is into you.
Lois: Don't be ridiculous.
Janet: Well, the way he keeps smiling at you? I dream of having someone look at me like that. It's basically how all my favorite movies end.
Lois: Janet, he's Superman. It's part of his whole schtick. He looks at people in a nice way.

Clark: The kryptonite that infected your brother is affecting him differently than me.
Lois: Your grandfather's working with the doctors to figure out a way to help him.
Clark: Jonathan, he's gonna be fine.
Jonathan: [Jordan sneezes, covering a lamp in ice] Dad, that does not seem fine.
Jordan: [clutching his chest] It's getting harder to breathe.
Jonathan: What is happening to him?
Clark: We can't wait for your dad.

Lois: And I just wanted to say how impressed I am with how well you've been handling everything. 320 00:15:43,203 --> 00:15:45,292 You're way more mature than I was at that age.
Sarah: Thanks, but that really doesn't seem possible.
Lois: You have no idea. When I was 15, every guy I dated was just me trying to piss off my dad and I was really good at pissing off my dad.
Sarah: Seriously?
Lois: Yeah.
[after some more tidbit]
Lois: Anyway, the older you get, the more you realize everyone is dealing with something.

Lois: Morgan Edge is your brother?
Jonathan: There's no way, right?
Clark: He knew things about Krypton no one could possibly know. He-he spoke the language. He had Kryptonian powers. I... I don't know.
Jordan: What does he want?
Clark: Kryptonians, here. And for me to join him.
Lois: That's why he's putting Kryptonian consciousness into people.
Jordan: He wants Earth to become the next Krypton.
Jonathan: I don't get it, though. Why did he... why did he think that you'd join him?
Clark: Because he can bring my Kryptonian mother back. Our people.
Lois: Clark, before you go down the rabbit hole here, don't you think you should find out if this is even actually true?
Clark: I'm not gonna leave after Edge just sent someone to kill you and Jonathan.
Lois: Babe, half the DOD's on our front lawn. They are moving into town. Edge is not coming here. Go. We'll call you if we need you.

Chrissy: Wasn't expecting to see you.
Lois: I owe you an apology.
Chrissy: Kinda busy, Lois.
Lois: You were right. I lied. My dad is hiding something, and I can't betray his trust.
Chrissy: This story is bigger than you or your dad. We have a responsibility to the people. This town is falling apart.
Lois: Believe me, I know. People are tearing each other down, looking for someone to blame, and if we do nothing, we are as responsible for its downfall as anyone else.
Chrissy: If only there was something we could do.
Lois: I can't write this story. I'm too close to it to be objective... but you can.
Chrissy: [taking a folder] It's a statement... from your dad.
Lois: He wouldn't go on the record about everything, but this is enough to tell most of the story and to focus the blame where it belongs: on Morgan Edge.
Chrissy: This was really messed up, Lois.
Lois: I know. I hope that I can earn back your trust.

Lois: Clark, are you here?
Clark: In the kitchen.
Lois: We got a problem. Morgan Edge is ramping up that program of his.
[seeing the bruises on his body]
Lois: Oh, my god, what happened?
Clark: I went to stop this bank robbery, and I got hit.
Lois: Did they use kryptonite?
Clark: No, regular bullets.
Lois: This isn't normal. Superman doesn't bruise, especially not from bullets.
Clark: Do you think it has something to do with that gas Rosetti used?
Lois: I don't know. We're gonna have to call my dad.

Lois: Do you know what it was like when my dad gave John Henry Irons the go-ahead to fire the missile?
Clark: I'm sorry.
Lois: Then why risk it happening again?
Clark: I told you because it's...
Lois: Because it's the right thing to do. What does that even mean anymore, Clark? I lied to Chrissy today to protect our family. I broke my sacred role as a journalist.
Clark: We both play fast and loose with journalistic integrity from time to time.
Lois: When it comes to keeping your secret, not the stories we investigate.
Clark: Yeah, but Edge is my brother. He's Kryptonian. This story is different.
Lois: Why should I be okay with the military having the secret code to kill my husband, given the countless psychos who want you dead? It just feels like a really bad idea.
Clark: Lois, will you please...
Lois: No!
Clark: ...just listen?
Lois: There's nothing you can say that I wanna hear, and now I'm angry, and I feel sorry for yelling at you, but I also have to stay angry so that I can scare the hell out of Jordan. So why don't you just stay here, and let's just both take a moment to think, and then we can talk about this later after I bail our son out of jail.

Lois: I'm writing it.
Clark: We've been over this, hon.
Lois: No, you talked, I ignored. You need a new muffler.
Clark: I think this is tie rod end.
Lois: Come on, Kara, back me up here.
Kara: Uh, no, thanks. I know better than to get involved in a debate with Lois Lane.