Top 300 Quotes From Mick Rory

Ray: I'll have the access code cracked and security disabled before you could say "breaking and entering." There. We're in.
Mick: I wouldn't be so sure about that.
Ray: Why's that?
Leonard: Because you just tapped into a dummy box, which means those guards are gonna be here...
Mick: Quicker than you can say "rookie mistake."

Mick: [firing his heat gun at Grodd] Should have wasted your hairy ass in 'Nam.
Ray: Run, Barry, run!
Gorilla: [Obama escapes] A hairless ape who fights with fire. How primitive.

Rene: [after defeating the giant Beebo] So, how normal was that for everyone? And don't say "very."
Ray: Oh, well, with this new Earth, just may be.
John: Well, dear God, I hope not.
Mick: [withdrawing his champagne flute] What is that?
Rene: Alcohol.
[Mick offers his flute]

Nate: No sign of any vampires. I wish this was like a Kristen Stewart type, all broody and sparkly.
Mick: Vampires don't sparkle.
Nate: You know, Mick, you and the vamp have a lot in common. You both like to sleep in and, you know, kill people.

Nate: This is crazier than any of my crazy theories. You're trying tell me a group called "The Legion of Doom" used something called "The Spear of Destiny" to rewrite reality? Who even names something "Legion of Doom"?
Mick: You did.
Nate: Me? Now, do you only remember the old reality because you're part of the Legion?
Mick: I'm not part of anything. I just made a terrible mistake.

Mick: [about Cassandra] We send Papa Savage a finger. And we keep sending them 'til he puts his own head on the chopping block.
Dr. Martin Stein: That is a positively lurid idea! I know we're in the midst of a war but can't we maintain our honor?
Mick: I'd rather maintain my life, Professor.

John: Not to bother you, but we've lost the ship, drugged the President, and I'm stuck in the back of a motor home with her
[referring to Mona]
John: Now what are we gonna do?
Sara: We are going to Disney World.
Mick: Yawn. Haven't we been tortured enough?

Mick: Why didn't I get to go to Jurassic Park?
Sara: I need you to threaten Rip.
Mick: Easy money.
Sara: I said "threaten", not "hurt".

Dr. Martin Stein: So, how do we find Einstein in a city of seven million people?
Ray: Well, we just look for the physicist with the crazy white hair.
[Stein looks at him indignantly]
Ray: I mean the other one.
Rip: According to Gideon, there's a cocktail party at Columbia this evening.
Mick: Cocktail party. Means booze. Where is it?
Rip: At Columbia. I just... why does no one ever listen to me?

John: [seeing the bridge of the Waverider] Blimey! Whoo, this is one hell of a jam jar you've got here.
Mick: I thought we gave the Englishman to the Time Pigs.
Sara: That was Rip. This is John Constantine.
Mick: Skinny Brit in a trench coat. Same thing.
John: Oh, doubtful, mate. You see, I am an accomplished warlock, an expert of the occult, and a master of exorcism. I'm also a Taurus for those of you taking notes.

Mick: Gideon! The beer tastes like sewage water.
Gideon: Was that a question, Mr. Rory?
Mick: Don't get smart, lady.
Leo: [entering] I adjusted the fabrication settings. The Waverider's now a dry ship. No alcohol allowed.
Mick: You son of a...
Leo: You said your drinking wasn't a problem. If you can go a couple of days without booze, you've proven your point.
Mick: A couple of days? 42 hours?
Leo: 48.

Rip: [Mick is watching "Lord of the Rings"] Whoa, the vocal similarity to Mallus is uncanny.
Mick: Quiet!
Sara: Gideon? Who is that actor?
Ray: And how can we get him without dealing with his agent?

Mick: We tried to steal the Fire totem from your granddaughter's boyfriend, but someone beat us to it.
Ray: Damien Darhk.
Amaya: [reading the note Zari hands her] "Dear Legends, now I have two."
Zari: You know, for a megalomaniac, he has very lovely penmanship.
Ray: I know, right?

Mick: It's bringing up... It's bringing up F... Feelings.
Ray: Yes.
Mick: So just stop and be you.
Ray: Well,that's a little difficult considering I lost my suit,my company,my power's, is this what an existential crisis feels like?
Mick: Shut up, Just... Shut up.

Mick: Hey, if it wasn't for me, you'd all be dead.
Nate: Yeah, Mick, thanks a lot.
Ray: Do you have any idea how many toilets I've cleaned? So many.

Jefferson: Did I miss something?
Ray: [whispers] Amaya dumped him. Went back to 1942.
Nate: She didn't dump me. She didn't dump me. Amaya went back to Zambesi because Rip told her she had some destiny to fulfill back in 1942. That's it.
Jefferson: Unlike the rest of us who don't have crap waiting for us in the real world.
Mick: Speak for yourself, numbnuts.
Sara: I don't know about you all, but I was destined for better things than folding towels.
Ray: And Rip thinks he doesn't need us because he's got the Time Bureau.
Nate: Ray's right. We're the ones who broke history. We should be the ones that fix it.
Sara: But instead of operating on history with a chainsaw, this time we are going to be the scalpel.

Amaya: Mick and I will find Zari.
Nate: All right, and I'll go get the Earth totem.
Mick: You're gonna die.

[last lines]
Mick: I told you that'll be the last time you hit me.
Leonard: You were right.
Mick: That the plan? Take me out in the middle of nowhere, where no one can find the body?
Leonard: I wish there were some other way, Mick, but you're dangerous. A liability to the team.
Mick: Team? You and I were a team! What happened to you?
Leonard: People change.
Mick: You think you're some kind of hero, but deep down you're still the same punk kid I saved in juvie. You haven't got the guts. You want to kill me? Kill me. Only one of us is walking out of here alive.
Leonard: You're right.
[he fires his Cold Gun at Mick]

Zari: Prudence, this is your fairy godmother?
Prudence: Yes. She protects me.
Sara: By hurting other people.
Fairy: Not at all. I only want to help little Prudence. For you see,
Fairy: There are times the world is scary. Times the world is BAD. But when your godmother's a fairy, there's no reason to be saaaaaaad
Ray: Is that music?
Fairy: [continuing her song] Oh, fear not if things don't look to be the way that you preferred. Just make a wish and look to me. I'll sing these magic words...
Mick: [irritated] Shut up!
Ray: Well, I didn't want her to stop singing.

Amaya: There you are, Mick. You ready?
Mick: For what?
Amaya: Training. Do you remember? We spoke about learning to harness the powers of the totem.
Mick: Hmm. I got a new trick. Pull my finger.
Amaya: What?
Mick: Pull my finger.
Zari: Do not pull his finger. Let's just say hot dogs aren't the only thing he's learned how to light on fire.

Sara: Ava, you are my love. And Mick, you are my family. And it would mean the world to me if both of you would try to get along.
[whispers to Ava]
Sara: Please.
[Ava sits down across the table from Mick]
Sara: So, I was thinking... maybe you two could find some common grounds.
[Ava chortles]
Sara: For example, Ava, you love to read. Mick here is an author.
Ava: Oh? Well, that's something. Though I'd be shocked if his novel wasn't sexist and derivative.
Mick: It is.
Sara: Okay. Well, Mick, you love to eat. Ava is a fantastic baker. She makes one mean snickerdoodle.
Mick: Fancy sugar cookies.
Ava: Snickerdoodles are actually completely different. It's a cream of tartar base.

Mick: [to Nate; made of metal] What the hell happened to you?
Nate: I really don't know.

Mick: [after shooting Mona with a tranquilizer] What kind of gun is this?
Ray: Did you just try to *shoot her* shoot her?

Nate: [Mick prepares to use a garden gnome to break into a house] Whoa, Mick, wait, wait, wait! You are so aggressive.
[taking out a hidden key]
Nate: Why don't you look for a spare key?
Mick: Good spotting, Pretty.
Nate: [sarcastic] Yeah. I'm a real criminal mastermind.

Sara: Thank you for finding me.
Mick: The ship sucked without you.

Nate: Do you know what's on your father's head?
Mick: A little Frenchy hat.
Nate: That is a Green Beret. President Kennedy called them "a symbol of excellence, a badge of courage."
Mick: Courage?
Nate: Yeah.
Mick: The only thing my old man was good at was sitting in a chair. Cigarette in one hand, beer in the other. And the only time he ever got up was to...
Nate: [he lets the sentence hang] No, Mick, come on. Come on, come on. This is good, this is good. Look, thanks to time travel, I got to talk to my grandfather, and I got to work out a lot of my father issues.

Sara: All right, people, for reasons that are too complicated to explain right now, we have to search the ship. Zari says that there's a bomb, and it's gonna explode in thirty minutes. We have to find out why.
Ray: Okay, well, the galley is clear.
Zari: Right, and I checked the sleeping quarters.
Mick: Whoa! You went in our rooms?
Zari: Yeah. The library...
Amaya: What did you see in the library?
Zari: Something I can never un-see.

Amaya: How are we supposed to find Blackbeard in this rabble?
Ray: Well, we could ask a pirate nicely.
Nate: Nicely? Ray, pirates are terrified of Blackbeard. They're not just gonna offer up...
Toothless: [holding a sword to his throat] So, you're looking for Blackbeard? How do I know you's not spies for the Royal Navy?
Mick: [Amaya fights him off] Because we wanna join Blackbeard's crew, you germ.

Mick: Professor, what's going on? Was I just trying to kiss you?
Dr. Martin Stein: [Realizing that Ray's vaccine cured Rory] I can only hope, Mr. Rory. I can only hope.

John: So, what's your story then, handsome?
Leo: I'm from another Earth, and I'm spoken for.
Mick: Yeah, his girlfriend's a guy. Anyway, this is too much for me. I'm gonna watch TV.

Rip: This outlier, the... the vampire, is most likely the objective of Mallus. Catch the vampire, catch Mallus.
Sara: Sounds like we're gonna need vampire bait.
[she glances at Mick, who glances at Nate]
Nate: Me? Is it 'cause I'm handsome?
Mick: Pretty.
Nate: Pretty handsome.

Dr. Martin Stein: Surely you must admit that it's not a superior intelligence, but rather the murky depths of your mind that proved vital.
Mick: [belches] Just admit it, my brain saved the day.
Dr. Martin Stein: I will admit nothing of the sort.

Zari: So, you guys heard we're headed to the '30s?
Charlie: No.
Zari: Well, you are. Sara put Nate and me in charge.
Charlie: Oh, are you and Nate finally gonna...
Mick: Boom-boom.
Zari: Stop, stop. Okay. Guess what? You're on the Waverider, so you're going.
Charlie: Jumpship's got a full tank, though, yeah?
Mick: Mm.
Zari: Do you have somewhere to be?
Charlie: Oh, best you don't pry, love. Just like I'm not asking about that naughty little number Sara left behind for you to wear. Check your closet.
Zari: Rory, do you wanna maybe...
Mick: [following Charlie out] Plans.

Mick: [Listening to died in your arm's tonight;angrily] I HATE THE 80's!
[punches and destroys radio]

Ishiro: Why couldn't I just tell sober, grounded stories instead of indulging in these silly monsters?
Mick: Sober and grounded's boring. You had a story to tell and you told it. You brought that monster to life. And don't pretend for a second you're not a little bit proud.
Ishiro: I was so afraid of what people would think of my creation. And now that it's here in the flesh...
Mick: Story complete.
Ishiro: And I... no longer have to fear... what was locked inside my head.
Mick: No. No, you don't.

Ray: Let's just skip to step two: trust falls. Now, to demonstrate, Mick, who hated me when we first met, will fall trustingly into my arms.
Mick: Right. You promised me good coin for doing this.
Ray: When you said you weren't gonna say that out loud.
Mick: Yeah.
Ray: Well, just lean back and let go, 'cause I'm not going anywhere, buddy.
[as Mick falls, Ray literally disappears]
Jefferson: What the hell?
Sara: Gideon, what happened to Ray?
Gideon: According to public record, Mr. Palmer died in 1988.
Nate: Wait, Ray's dead?
Mick: [holding his head] He better be.

Zari: [to Mona] You know I'm a superhero, right? With a flick of my wrist, I can blast you with my wind powers.
Charlie: Being honest. Wind powers? Just not that scary.
Mick: Yeah. You're like a magical hair dryer.

Steel: I don't get it. Why are the Dominators attacking us, then just leaving?
Amaya: It's an RIF mission; reconnaissance in force.
Mick: [spotting a lone Dominator] Ah, look. A straggler.
Amaya: We need him alive, Mick.
Mick: I'm just gonna rough him up a little

Mick: Whatever you roofied him with, I'd like some.
Dr. Martin Stein: I did not roofie him.
Mick: Oh, I ain't judgin'.

Mick: Ah, here we are.
Sara: What is it?
Mick: "Ray Palmer's Survival Guide."
Sara: Let me see this. Oh, hey. "What to do if you're caught in an avalanche."
Mick: Uh-huh. What does it say?
Sara: Yeah, we've already tried all of these. "If all fails, remember you still have each other, so enjoy that as long as it lasts."
Mick: Ah, we're dead.

Ray: What kind of Fugitive stabs a woman?
Mick: [on comms] I know a woman I could stab. Rhymes with Shava.
Sara: Rory, play nice.
Ava: Don't worry, I can handle myself against the cretin.
Mick: Whatever, man-pants.

Henry: So explain to me how this... "magic-ometer" of yours works.
Ray: Oh. Well...
Mick: [straight and to the point] Thingy goes beep, and we kick ass.
Zari: Meaning we investigate each time period.
John: Yeah, we find the creature.
Sara: We bring it to the Bureau.
Ray: And hopefully learn some life lessons along the way.
Henry: And it takes six of you to do that?
Ray: Seven, if you count Amaya.
Gideon: Eight if you count me.
Henry: Sounds a little... inefficient.

Nate: Don't bite the relics.
Mick: Give me that!
Nate: And don't steal the relics!

Dr. Martin Stein: I'm having the strangest sensation. It's like I'm ten years old again.
Mick: You do a lot of space travel as a kid, Professor?
Dr. Martin Stein: Only in my dreams, after I read my first issue of "Rick Starr: Space Ranger."
Jefferson: Space Ranger Stein? Yeah, I don't see it.
Dr. Martin Stein: I wanted to travel through space, surviving only by my wits and laser guns. I even built a rocket out of cardboard boxes.
Rip: What stopped you?
Dr. Martin Stein: NASA has rather strict guidelines regarding nearsightedness.
Jefferson: And smoking weed.

Ray: You said there was a female meta killing everyone. What's going on?
Gary: No, this is classified Time Bureau business.
Mick: [in an intimidating tone] Open your mouth and say some words.

Leif: Freydis, it's Yuletide. Let's not ruin it.
Freydis: More wood, so bright Odin can see it from Valhalla.
Mick: Is it weird that I find her hot?
Ray: Weird, but then again, not surprising.

Ogre: [Frederic has outdrinken Rory] Ogre wins again!
Mick: Cheating bastard, no one outdrinks Mick Rory!
Gary: Hey, fellas. Sorry to break up all the fun, but, uh, technically, I wasn't supposed to allow any magical creatures out of the lab,
[Frederic stands up and bites empty beer bottle to intimidate Gary]
Gary: so On second thought, why don't you two finish up here? And I'll go, uh, track down the Minotaur.

Rip: Time, the history from which your younger selves were removed, is beginning to set, as is evidenced by the change in Clarissa's memory.
Jefferson: Okay. So how long do we have 'till these changes stick?
Mick: No one knows.
Rip: Which is why we need to move swiftly to locate Vandal Savage, if any of your lives are to be restored to normal.
Kendra: So how long will it take to determine a new location for Savage?
Rip: Longer than we have. Fortunately, there is one place in time that we know Savage to be.
Mick: You said he conquered the world in 2166.
Dr. Martin Stein: You also said it was too dangerous to strike at Savage while he was at the height of his powers.
Rip: That it is. But with your younger selves removed from history, we have quite literally run out of time.

Mick: Whatever this is, I don't like it.
Sara: Wait, what is that?
Ray: We're gathered here in remembrance of our dear friend Axl.
Mick: Right. I'm outta here.
Sara: I'm with him.
Ray: [they both turn to leave] Wait, you need this. We... we all need this.
Sara: Fine. But when I mourn, I drink.

Ray: How are we going to make distance with five of us and a kidnapped Nixon?
Mick: [pointing to a nearby RV] There. There's our getaway.
John: [seeing it's literally called "The Getaway"] That's a bit on the nose, no?
Sara: We left subtlety back in Mexico.

Nate: Hank?
Henry: [with Mick's voice] What? I'm not your dad!
Nate: Oh, so you're ashamed of me? Well, I'm sorry I didn't follow in your footsteps and enlist. But for your information, I had a medal pinned to my chest, only you don't have the clearance to see it!
Mick: What's happening?
Nate: What?
Mick: [seeing him as his late pet rat] Axl?
Nate: I'm getting something off my chest. And you know what, Hank? It feels pretty good. I just wish for once, you would tell me you're proud of me no matter what I do with my life. You know what I'd say?
[Mick shakes his head]
Nate: [Mick still sees him as Axl] I love you.
Mick: I love you, too.
Nate: Really?
Mick: I thought you were dead.
Nate: I thought you were dead on the inside.

Ray: Vandal Savage has a daughter?
Dr. Martin Stein: Apparently it's true; there's a lid for every pot.
Jefferson: And this lid is gonna be very upset when he finds out that we took his pot.
[everyone looks at him weirdly]
Jefferson: You know what I mean.
Leonard: So what's the problem? It's not like we're on Savage's Christmas card list.
Mick: And we snagged the bracelet. You're welcome, by the way.
Ray: We need to weaponize that thing before Savage knows that it and his daughter are missing.
Kendra: Actually, I think I've got that figured out. But I'm gonna need you to burn something for me.
Mick: About time.

Leo: Just wanted to say I'm grateful. Grateful I was allowed to tag along with you and the Legends. It was... it was an experience, and, uh... an education.
Mick: Likewise.
Leo: I'm proud to know you, and... this is hard. This is me saying goodbye. Take care of yourself, Mick.
Mick: You, too.
[they share a brotherly hug]
Sara: [entering] You know he's still watching TV, right?
Mick: I wasn't watching T... just a little bit.

Rip: I think I may have found a way to track Commander Heywood.
Dr. Martin Stein: Don't worry, Mr. Hunter. We've already found him.
Rip: You did?
Jefferson: We're headed to Houston, 1970.
Mick: Elvis at the Astrodome.
Nate: And then we're going to rescue my grandfather.
Mick: Then Elvis.

Mick: This isn't Aruba.
Gideon: No, this Los Angeles, 2017.
Ray: Oh, boy.
Sara: Guys. I think we broke time.

Zari: So, any sign of the captain, Nate?
Nate: No, but I found Wally.
Amaya: Is he...
Nate: Alive. Sara must have shot him with the anti-speedster gun.
Mick: We're gonna need a bigger medbay.

Leonard: It's time for you and your family to pack up, leave town, retire to warmer climates. Finito.
Frank: And if we don't?
Leonard: You will all freeze.
Mick: Or burn.

Mick: Say, didn't I try and kidnap you once?
Caitlin: Yes. And I wouldn't try that again.

Jefferson: What's going? This about Gray?
Mick: You said the professor's been acting all squirrelly about where he's been.
Jefferson: Squirrelly?
Mick: Yeah. When you're on the run, someone usually cracks. Burns the crew to save themselves.
Jefferson: Burns the crew how?
Mick: Cutting a deal with the Time Bureau.
Jefferson: You think Gray is ratting us out to the Time Bureau?
Mick: The old man wants off the boat, thinks we're in too deep.
Jefferson: Yeah, but he wouldn't do that.
Mick: Really? Then... who's been boosting the jumpship while we sleep? Gideon.
Gideon: I believe Mr. Rory is alluding to the fact that someone has erased the jumpship's travel log.
Mick: Someone's been sneaking off the ship and snitching to the Time Bureau. And if there's one thing I hate more than pigs... it's a rat.

Rip: The Time Masters have this thing called the Oculus, which allows them not only to gaze into the future but to engineer it.
Ray: A future where I'm dead apparently.
Sara: And why would they want you dead?
Mick: Have you ever listened to what comes out of his mouth?

Leo: Your Earth-X doppelganger was my best friend. We grew up together in the Resistance. And when he died, I... I was devastated. But seeing you made me realize I was a long way from acceptance. I didn't come onboard just to help you process your loss. I came so I could process mine.
[searching for alcohol, Rory growls]
Leo: Was that gutteral sound your response?
Mick: To what?
Leo: My heartfelt confession.
Mick: I don't care. I wasn't listening.

Mick: Who the hell are you?
Black: Guy who just saved your ass.
Killer: We had that covered.
Black: Sure you did.
Killer: [hearing the shadow demons wailing] Company's coming. You ready?
Black: I stay ready.

Sara: Oh, well, look who finally pried themselves away from their important business.
Zari: Look, hobbies are very important. Right, Rory?
Mick: I take my porn very seriously.

Nate: [Mick breaks into a car] I could have just called us an Uber.
Mick: You ready to steal something, Pretty?
Nate: Um...
[blowing a raspberry]
Nate: Yeah. I could do some light theft.
Mick: What is this, spring break? I'm talking about a felony. Now get in!
Nate: You know what, Mick? If we're gonna rob a house, we really should make sure there's stuff in there worth stealing. And I think I know just the neighborhood.

Mick: Do I look like a Time Master to you?
John: You look like the kind of man who'd throw his grandmother out an airlock.

Dr. Martin Stein: It's Mr. Hunter.
Nate: What's he done?
[a protective steel shield covers the Waverider]
Ray: All the exits are locked.
Jefferson: And I can't override the command.
Sara: Damn it, Rip.
Mick: Told you we should never have trusted the Englishman.
Amaya: Where's Zari?

Sara: Gary has bonded with the Fairy Godmother, and while he might be an idiot, she is not to be underestimated. Mick, Nate, you think you can handle Tabitha?
Mick: Granny's dead.

Mick: You're in my head. You're a - you're an illumination.
Leonard: A hallucination.
Mick: That's it.

Zari: How can you not remember befriending an alien?
Ray: Because I didn't. It never happened to me.
Nate: The Dominator is an anachronism. It's time-displaced.
Zari: Right.
Sara: So we have to get the baby Dominator out of Ray's bedroom and back to where it belongs.
Jefferson: And how are we supposed to do that?
Ray: Uh, well, it should be easy. All we have to do is sneak into my house tomorrow when my mom's at work and I'm at school and kindap the Dominator. I even know where the spare key is.
Jefferson: Like stealing candy from a baby.
Mick: But not as fun.

Zari: So, how'd it go out there? Good mish?
Mick: I pried this cassette from Shorty's fingers.
Nate: He means Napoleon Bonaparte.
Mick: "Waterloo." Who writes a song about losing a war? Huh?
[he throws the cassette on the floor and stomps on it]
Ray: Anyway. It was really great. Even though half our band missed the cue for our big encore.
Sara: Yeah, where were you guys?
Amaya: Um.
Nate: Uh...
Amaya: It was my fault. I was just not used to talking in these go-go boots.

Mick: [to Kara/Supergirl obnoxiously] hey skirt, call me.

Blackbeard: I swore I'd never go back to that island. And I'm a man of me word. Fair winds, me hearties.
Mick: [incredulous, as he leaves] Blackbeard's... a coward.

John: Blimey. Whoo, this is one hell of a jam jar you got here.
Mick: I thought we gave the Englishman to the Time Pigs.
Sara: That was Rip. This is John Constantine.
Mick: Skinny Brit in a trench coat. Same thing.
Mick: Oh, doubtful, mate. You see, I'm an accomplished warlock, and expert of the occult, and a master of exorcism. I'm also a Taurus, for those of you taking notes.
[winks at Leo]

Dr. Martin Stein: Gray's scared to death. I can feel it.
Sara: Darhk must have found him. We're going in.
Dr. Martin Stein: I'm coming with you.
Ray: You sure you're up for this, Jax?
Dr. Martin Stein: Save Gray? Damn right I am.
Nate: You may want to pee first. We're not gonna stop to help you find a bathroom.
Dr. Martin Stein: Good point.
Mick: [leaving with him] Me, too.
Nate: Just don't make it a deuce, Mick.
Ray: Yeah, and if you do, flush.

Mick: I used to think the most beautiful think on Earth was fire. Now I know it's vengeance.

Mona: Sara, hey! We got you a collectible Romanti-Con tote bag.
Mick: [seeing her look] Who died?
Charlie: Yeah, what's going on?
Sara: I have some bad news.

Nate: Look, I'm sorry you have to see your father, but you need to suck it up.
Mick: If it wasn't for this time traveling stuff, I would've never run into that bastard.
Nate: Okay, you know what? We're changing this operation. This has become Operation Tough Love. Yeah, I'm gonna go all Dr. Phil on your ass. It's time for you to man up and sort out...
Mick: Daddy issues.
Nate: I was gonna say "unresolved grief", but let's go with what you're saying.
Mick: You want to know why I've never seen a shrink?
Nate: Why?
Mick: I don't regret killing my old man.
Nate: What?
Mick: That's right, Pretty. You heard me. I let my old man burn to death. How's that for tough love?

Mick: Ugh. Just pulled younger me's head from out of his ass.
Ray: Hmm. I'm not sure it's stuck.
Mick: Me either. Then I saw younger Rip change, and I thought why not give it a shot?

Mick: Door's locked. I'm gonna kill that witch!
Amaya: If you kill her, then Sara dies, too.
Mick: Better her than me.
Nate: Dude, how can you say that?
Mick: By moving my lips.

Mick: Welcome back, Ugly.
John: Yes, what other bright ideas are you gonna leave us with before you bugger off?
Nate: Softball team.
Zari: Oh, no, only electronic sports.
Nate: Piñata Fridays.
Sara: How many times do I have to say no to that?
Nate: Unionizing.
Sara: Ooh, don't let Hank hear you say that.

Amaya: It's my job to protect everyone.
Mick: Except for me. Snuck up behind me and sliced my throat like a ninja.
Amaya: There's no such thing as ninjas, you idiot.
Mick: Tell that to Chuck Norris.
Amaya: Who's that?
Mick: And I'm the idiot.

Blackbeard: Oh, blast! I've-I've-I've left me compass on the ship. It's a family heirloom, so I should...
Mick: Turn back and I'll kill you.

Mick: This is where Thawne recruited you for the Legion. I'm gonna wipe your memory and put you on the right path.
Leonard: You mean the path where I join up with some Brit twit, and *die* trying to save the world?
Mick: No, you die trying to save your friends.
Leonard: Still a death sentence.
Mick: You know what your punishment is, Leonard? You end up being a better man. So do I.
Leonard: Better? You mean softer.
Mick: No. I mean better.

Ishiro: Your creation was... magnificent.
Mick: I was thinking about a fourth boob.
Ishiro: Three was plenty.
Mick: Huh. Listen, on this end, forget about the octopus. Lizards. Lizards are king.
Ishiro: [speaking to himself in Japanese] The King... of Monsters... I like that.

Sara: We are still not any closer to finding Ray. Nate, I need you hitting those books. Look for any sign of him. Gideon, scan the anachronism map. Something pops up, you let us know. Rory.
Mick: Crush a six pack.
Sara: You do what you do.
Ava: I'll head back to the Bureau, put our resources on it, too.

Mick: [to Martin] You're a special kind of crazy. I like it.

Nate: See, the anachronisms form a pattern.
Dr. Martin Stein: I should have guessed. Though time may be broken, like all matter in the known universe, it still possesses a mathematical harmony.
Jefferson: Not exactly. What about those two?
Nate: Those two are outliers. First one, Seattle, 2042.
Zari: When the assassin tried to kill me.
Nate: Right. While cool - not the part where, you know, you almost got killed - it's not as cool as the other one. London, 1895. How do I say this? There's a vampire. Half-dozen men snatched off the streets, only to have their bodies dumped three days later completely drained of blood.
Mick: [brandishing a stake] Vampires. Waited my whole life to kill one.
Jefferson: Do you just carry that around all the time?
Mick: My whole life.

Mick: Hey, idiot. Get out of here. This is a private beach.
Gary: Fancy meeting you lot out here.
Ray: Constantine?
Gary: Did you really think I was him? It's me.
Nate: Gary, Ray obviously has been day drinking.
Gary: The wig's too much, right?
Zari: No, it's very... presidential.

Young: We have to go back.
Nate: Go back for what?
Young: My Beebo.
Jefferson: What the hell is a Beebo?
Nate: As in Cuddle Me Beebo?
Young: It's a Hannukah gift for Lily.
Mick: [grabbing him and leading him away] We're not going back for some damn toy!
Young: You don't understand! That damn toy is gonna change history!

Mona: Did you send it?
Charlie: Honestly, mate, whatever happened to just talking to someone?
Mona: Emojis are way more fun, and if he's not that into it, you can pretend like you were talking about something else.
Zari: Right. Nate's gonna think I was dying to tell him about a dancing lady carrying a burning eggplant.
Mick: [taking a sheet of paper out of his typewriter] Here, use words. It's erotic, but vulnerable.
Zari: Okay, let me see it.
[giving it a once-over]
Zari: I'm not saying "bulge".

Mick: Listen, um, I'm giving up the writing. It's getting in the way of my thievery. So I'm handing the Rebecca Silver novels over to you. Someone deserving.
Mona: Me? This is... this... this is so much. Are... are you sure?
Mick: Yes, I'm sure. It's why I'm saying it. There's a novelist inside you.
Mona: There's more inside of me than just Wolfie?
Mick: Yes, that's right.
Mona: Well, it was great living with you on the Waverider.
Mick: What?
Mona: [collecting her things] Yeah. I-I can't stay here to write. I... I need to be free. I need to fall in love and... and break hearts. I can't do Rebecca Silver justice here.
Mick: B-B-But I...
Mona: But you tried writing on the ship and ran out of ideas? I mean, frankly, Mick, your latest novel, "Carjacked", it... sucked. But don't worry, Rebecca Silver is about to have her comeback. You'll see.
[moving to leave, then returning to give him a hug]
Mona: You were my favorite.

Leonard: So, basically, we're hiding out in the Old West in hoping your boogeymen don't find us here.
Mick: The Hunters aren't boogeymen. And you better hope they don't find us.
Ray: Well, at least not until I get a chance to "punch a few doggies" or "bust a bronco" or two. Not that I condone to animal cruelty. It's just I watched a lot of Westerns.

Zari: [irritated at Rory] Sorry, blood sugar thing. Fasting.
Mick: Fasting.
Zari: Yeah, I'm not eating.
Mick: Trying to lose some fat, huh?
Zari: No, I love my body. I'm trying to observe Ramadan.
Mick: [offering a tray of sandwiches] So observe it on a full stomach.
Zari: Is this bacon?
Mick: You Jewish?
Zari: [giving up] I don't even know what... I can't.

Julius: Mallus will spare your lives.
Wally: It's actually "Malice".
Mick: It's actually Mallus.
Wally: Nope, Malice.
Mick: Mallus!
Zari: Guys, it doesn't matter.
Julius: If you surrender the six totems.
Zari: Yeah, sorry, we only brought two, and mine's kind of a family heirloom, so...
Freydis: Then we have no choice but to march our army on your town and kill every fool who has given you shelter.
Jonah: You leave my town out of this.
Blackbeard: You have been warned. We'll be back to collect the totems. Shall we say, high noon tomorrow? Toodles.

Mick: You must've had balls to survive that hellhole.
Charlie: Did what I had to. Shapeshifted into whatever monster would keep the others off my back. You know exactly what it's like. Pretending to be something worse than you are to survive.
Mick: Well, there's that. And there's finding someone you trust. I did time in Supermax with my old partner. It's hard to plot against a team.
Charlie: I spent all my time shapeshifting and running. I never stuck around one place long enough to find anyone who I could trust.
Mick: Well... you gotta start somewhere.

Mick: You hear them too, huh? The voices. What's the spear saying to you?
Amaya: It's not the spear. It's my mother. Her voice, at least. She's begging me to help our people. To keep our family and our legacy safe. She wants me to change my destiny.
Mick: Maybe the spear can do that for her.
Amaya: The chance to rewrite reality. Who wouldn't be tempted. What do your hear?
Mick: My parents.
Amaya: What are they saying?
Mick: "Don't play with fire, Mick."

Rip: There I was, thinking we could go a whole week without kidnapping someone.
Cassandra: I think you'll find it would have been better to simply kill me.
Mick: I agree.
Leonard: It's a little more complicated than that. She knew who I was.
Cassandra: I know who all of you are. It's a pleasure to meet you, Gareeb.
Rip: [sardonic laugh] I see Savage has been rather chatty with his lieutenants.
Cassandra: If you think I am merely Savage's solider, you're more idiotic than he claimed. I'm not his lieutenant. I'm his daughter.

Mick: I hate Nazis.
Dr. Martin Stein: Their appearance seems quite a severe course of action in support of a cause that was defeated over seventy years ago.
Barry: Apparently they didn't know about the Yalta Conference.
Mick: What's a yalta?

Mick: Looks like Phallus.
Wally: Mallus.

Nate: Mick, what are you still doing here?
Mick: Machine's still spinning, and I'm still standing.
Nate: You know what? Hook me up with one of those.
[pouring a margarita]
Nate: Now that we fixed our last anachronism, it's only a matter of time before the Bureau puts us out to pasture, which blows, because being a Legend was the only thing I was good at.
Mick: Well, speak for yourself. I was a great criminal.

Nate: Okay, we're not going to shoot the alien. We're going to talk to it.
Esperanza: What if it doesn't want to talk?
Mick: Well, we roast it.

Sara: Not your finest work, bud.
Mick: He's gonna get us killed.
Sara: You just don't like guys with ties.
Mick: That's right. It's like a little flag hanging from someone's neck saying "I'm a liar."

Zari: What the hell is going on?
Mick: [holding his head] Guitar hit me in the head.
Zari: [seeing the guitar floating in the air by itself] Oh, that explains nothing.

Zari: Okay, you said to wait until after your second lunch. This is your fourth. Amaya wants me to teach you how to use your totem, so let's get cracking.
Mick: If I wanted to learn, I would've gone to school.

Mick: You idiots, have you any idea what you've done? I love Star Trip, and my hair.

Gideon: In this version of history, the Vikings stayed and conquered all of North America, or as it's called now, New Valhalla.
Mick: Cool hat.
Leo: How many beers is that? It's not even noon yet. You have a problem, Micky.
Mick: I don't have a problem. Now shut up.

Ava: Umm-oh, Mick, why don't you tell us all what you do on the ship, huh?
Mick: I steal stuff. Get out of my way, you punks.

Mick: You better kill me now. If I ever get my hands on you, I'm gonna get all "Rocky IV" on your ass.
[Arkadin hits him]
Mick: I'm gonna remember that, comrade.

Mick: Can I burn some stuff now?
Leonard: I wish you would.

Mick: [during the barroom brawl] I love the 70s!

Mona: Apparently, when Rasputin cured the Czarina's only son, the two fell madly in love. I think if Rasputin realized how much the Czarina loved him, he would wanna settle down with her, lead the kind of quiet life that doesn't disturb history. Maybe Rebecca Silver's next series could be called "Russian Nights."
Nate: So, the St. Petersburg elite hated Rasputin's influence over the Czarina. So the Czar's own nephew, a prince by the name of Yusupov, he spearheaded the assassination. Ray, what if old Grigori came back...
Ray: To settle the score?
[gearing up]
Nate: We need to stop Rasputin from killing Yusupov.
Mona: [writing and sealing a love letter] I'm going to deliver a love letter to Rasputin.
Ava: [assembling and loading a sniper rifle] I'm gonna kill Rasputin. You in?
Mick: Yep.

Nate: I know where the Earth totem is, or more precisely, when: 1717, Saint Lisette.
[seeing their confusion]
Nate: St. Lisette? Sister ship of La Concorde?
Mick: Get to the point, Pretty.
Nate: La Concorde was boarded by pirates, and later named Queen Anne's Revenge. It's Blackbeard the Pirate's ship.
Ray: So, Blackbeard has the Earth totem.
Mick: Well, let's steal it.
Zari: No, guys, hold on. Sara's on a date. We should probably avoid messing with history while she's still on appetizers?
Ray: But... think how happy she'd be if we had the Earth totem by dessert.

Zari: Good call, Mick.
Mick: When I said Aruba, I meant me, not all of you.
Nate: Still, nothing helps a broken heart like a good tan. Should have invited Ava.
Sara: Oh, we've got plans. And until then, she's busy fixing all those pesky anachronisms we left behind.
Ray: Well, that's the thing about defeating an ancient time demon: everything else seems boring.

Mick: [rummaging in Gary's satchel] What the hell you got in here, huh? A bomb?
Gary: No!
[Mick throws something onto the floor and stomps on it]
Gary: No! That was our only chance of surviving.
Zari: What do you mean?
Gary: He just destroyed the chrono-repeater I used to initiate a time loop in order to save you guys.
Sara: What?
Mick: I always wanted to die young.

Sara: We need to get close to that band, which shouldn't be a problem, 'cause everybody left on this ship is a punk.
Mick: Except for Haircut. He hasn't broken a rule in his life.
Zari: Yep. Not a single rule.

Jefferson: [as Martin] Hedy Lamarr. The most beautiful woman in the world. Not only is she a talented actress, but she is a genius. Brilliant and beautiful.
Mick: I'd do her.
Jefferson: [as Martin] Trust you, Mr. Rory, to take something precious and debase it. She's also an inventor. Her patent of frequency hopping alone revolutionized the world. Tuck in your shirt.

Mick: [Zari knocks on his door] I'm busy.
Zari: Right. Uh, you've done a lot of time traveling. Have you ever had deja vu?
Mick: What's that?
Zari: Oh, it's, uh, French for "already seen."
Mick: I hate the French!

Charlie: Bloke like you doesn't strike me as a jailer. I believe we're more alike than you think. You look like you've been on the inside.
Mick: That's right
Charlie: Then how do you sleep at night? Hanging out with these jailer-mates of yours?
Mick: Alcohol.

Dick: They say life is the sum total of all the choices you make. As your misfortune sinks in, maybe you want to ask yourself "What choices did I make to find myself here?". Today, I want payback for what that monster did to my men, my brothers.
Ray: Uh, excuse... excuse me.
Mick: Shut up.
Ray: Uh, we're... we're journalists.
Mick: [more isistently] Shut up.
Ray: And we've uncovered a plot to kill President Johnson. We need to alert the proper authorities.
Dick: Shut up.
Mick: See?

Nate: Man, I wish my dad could see us now, hunting a bloodthirsty creature through Woodstock.
Mick: What's the beef between you and your old man, anyway? He hit you?
Nate: No.
Mick: Burn you?
Nate: Nope.
Mick: He dress up like a clown and scare the hell out of you?
Nate: What the hell, Mick? No. He was emotionally unavailable to me when I was growing up.
Mick: Are you serious?
Nate: Yeah. To the whole world, my dad was this great larger-than-life guy, but to me, he was just cold.

Leo: On that note, Captain Lance. I'm going home. I'm gonna ask Ray to marry me.
Mick: Ray?
Leo: My Ray, not your Ray.
Sara: Wow. That is a bold move.
Leo: It is. It just feels like it's time to sign for a...
Sara: A different kind of adventure?
Leo: A different kind of adventure, exactly.
Mick: [he starts to leave] Snart. I mean, Leo. See you around.
Leo: I'll see you around.

Jefferson: Our coordinates say we're right above the Order.
Sara: Prepare the shock missiles.
Mick: [reading "Dracula"] Three pages left.
Amaya: What are you doing? Zari's in there.
Sara: I need you to target the cargo bay.
Ray: Our cargo bay?
Nate: Shouldn't we have a team vote first?
Sara: If anybody has a better idea how to get the ship open, now's the time. Trust me, Jax. Fire.

Mick: Too many trees. Too many plants.
Nate: We'll be back on concrete in no time.
Mick: [swatting his head] Bugs! Flies.
Nate: What is going on with you? You're grumpier than usual.
Mick: What? I'm in a good mood.
Nate: Is it because I made your boots too big? Look, I forget you've got small feet, and why would you not want to come to Vietnam? This place was, like, made for you.

Jefferson: Man, it's good to have you back. This Christmas idea? It might be your best one yet. It makes it feel kind of home.
Ray: Yeah, right down to the drunk uncle.
Mick: Careful, Haircut. I'm your forefather now. That's true.

Sara: Hey, don't give Ava a hard time for getting on stage, all right? I don't want her to be too embarrassed.
Mick: She's not gonna remember a thing.
Ava: [entering, drunk] Well, helloo! Ha! Where's my invite to this party, Mickey boy?
Mick: [she grabs and takes a swig from his beer] I spat in that. Old prison habit.

Mick: I let the fake Amaya go.
Ava: Why would you do that?
Zari: Oh, in order to...
[seeing Charlie enter]
Zari: ...have an extreme makeover.
Sara: Thanks for the shtriga tip.
Charlie: Well, if you had your hands full with a shtriga, I figured you'd need my help with whatever you plebs face next.
Ava: Sounds like a mutually beneficial partnership.
Charlie: One condition, though. I never set foot in that cage ever again. Got it?

Mick: [Zari knocks on his door] I'm busy.
Zari: You should be. You have a lot of writing to do. I know you're writing a novel, and it's really good. But that ending needs a rewrite. I mean, Buck is such a misfit, that at the end, we just want to see him embrace his new family. Just a thought.

Mick: By the time you find Ness, he'll be swimming with the fishes.
Nate: Mick, you beautiful genius, that's it.
Mick: About time someone noticed.

Cisco: Never pegged you as a wedding guy.
Mick: I never pass up on a free buffet.
[taking Cisco's beer]
Mick: Or an open bar.

Jefferson: I really wish I had better news about Sara, but she's still in a coma thanks to Damien Darhk's daughter laying her out.
Ray: Well, in the meantime, we could do what we do best and fix a few anachronisms.
Mick: How about you just drop me off on an island full of beautiful women like Zari did with that Helen chick.
Zari: Rory, you weren't supposed to say anything.
Amaya: Wait, you didn't take Helen back to Troy where she belongs?
Zari: That's what the Time Bureau does. But we... we do something different.
Nate: No, we do it different... ly.
Nate: Yeah, more messy.
Zari: Okay, if you look at the historical record, the Trojan War happens with or without Helen. See? No anachronism.
Ray: How do you think the captain would feel about you re-engingeering time?

John: Voi-bloody-la. Now, only the particular spirit we're after will be able to enter the vessel.
Mick: What vessel?
John: The vessel's you.
Mick: I'm gonna kill you, weasel.

Mick: [sees the clone printer printing a new clone of Sara] What is that?
Sara: It's me.
Mick: What?
Sara: I died.
Mick: Again?
Sara: Yeah, but this time I didn't make it back.

Mick: Does this face look like a cop to you?

Damien: You may continue all threats and counter-threats as soon as I get what I need: the emerald necklace. Where is it?
Mick: That's Blackbeard you're talking to, and he ain't gonna say...
Blackbeard: I buried it on Grace Island. Would you like me to draw you a map? I can't promise to make it to scale, but, um, I can do my damndest.

Mick: If we don't move real soon, we could get ourselves killed.
Leonard: How about we play this like Chicago?
[reference to "Prison Break" where they escaped Fox River in Chicago]
Mick: Could work.

Harbinger: Is anyone here?
Leonard A.I.: Welcome aboard. My name is Leonard, an interactive, artificial intelligence programmed to operate this vessel's critical systems.
Harbinger: I know who you are.
Leonard A.I.: Always please to meet a fan, but you are trespassing. Any preference on you'd like to die?
Mick: What he's saying is, flame or frost?

Mick: [to one of his alien/human hybrid babies] Hey, little guy... or girl. Either way, I love you.

Mick: I know what it's like to be mad at your parents. I lit mine on fire.

Mick: You're a friend of his, huh? He's fast... like fire. Fire, it's undefinable. Heat, light, energy. It's an evolution when things burn.
Caitlin: You're sick.
Mick: Maybe you're the sick ones. You ever think about that?
Caitlin: Not really.
Mick: Mm.
Caitlin: You got third-degree burns. Why didn't you get skin grafts?
Mick: The fire revealed my true self, showed me who I really am. I wonder what the Flash will reveal when I burn his suit and skin off.
Caitlin: Do whatever you want to me, but leave him alone.
Mick: Ooo, okay. You and this Flash must be really close if you're willing to die for him, hmm?
[grabs his flamethrower and points it at Caitlyn]
Mick: You want me to show him who you really are? That'd be fun, hm? Show you who you... really are.

Wally: Yo, this is tight. I know everyone's dead. I know time is broken.
[indicating his Old West getup]
Wally: But can we just take a second to acknowledge this?
Zari: You know, as much as I enjoy this getup - and I actually really do - Mallus is still out there.
Sara: And we'll deal with him, but first, we need to get our heads on straight.
Zari: How long is that gonna take?
Sara: Depends.
Zari: On what?
Mick: How strong the whiskey is.

Sara: Hey, Nate. Can't talk right now.
Gary: Are you talking to Nate on comms? Tell him I say hi.
Sara: Gary says hi. And we are at book club.
[through gritted teeth]
Sara: Move on to plan B.
Zari: [on the ship] What's plan B?
Mick: I only listen for my name.
Nate: I assume it's like plan A, but, you know, with less people.

Ray: [trying to fix the Fire totem] You know, Nora thought using cold fusion to reboot it was a crazy idea, but...
Mick: Don't care. Where's the mayo?
[a thought strikes him]
Mick: The new kid. The new kid!
Ray: I saw him speed-moving into Marty's old quarters.
Mick: Too much change on this damn ship. That's what I love about old Axl. Doesn't change.
[seeing the name "Josh Groban" on Axl's food dish]
Mick: Josh Groban? Who the hell's Josh Groban? And who the hell changed the name of my rat?

Amaya: So this is where Blackbeard hangs out. Classy.
Mick: Yup.
[slapping some gold on the counter]
Mick: Line 'em up.
[she takes one of his shots and downs it]
Mick: What's up?
Amaya: Nothing.
Mick: I said "What's up?".
Amaya: Fine, you're an unbiased listener. I want to change my granddaughter Kuasa's past and, well, improve her future.
Mick: So do it.
Amaya: It's not that simple. What if I inadvertently change my other granddaughter's destiny?
Mick: So don't do it.
Amaya: And then there's Nate. I still have to go back to 1942 and marry someone else so that Kuasa and Mari are even born. We can never end up together. I feel paralyzed. Every step I take, it feels like it could just have disastrous consequences.
Mick: Take a look around. Do you think these people give a damn about consequences? Take the night off. A true pirate doesn't live for tomorrow. They only live for the moment.
Amaya: Thanks, Mick. But I don't know the first thing about acting like a pirate.
Mick: [drinking his beer as she leaves] Well... I do.

Mick: You don't drink.
Ray: Yeah, well, we lost Rip.
Nate: Okay, somebody's got to say it, so I'm gonna say it.
Zari: This is all our fault.
Nate: Apparently I'm not gonna say it, but, yeah, we let Mallus out.
Mick: Well, whose stupid idea was it to fight him with some magic necklaces?
Amaya: It wasn't the totems that failed. It was us.
Zari: Yeah, we might want to rethink that whole "we screw things up for the better" motto.

Mick: You don't have to impress these idiots, these leeches. You're twice the person they'll ever be.
Lita: Yeah, but so are you! I mean you fought a demon dog! And these people think that they're better than us because they have whales on their shorts? What do you say we find a way to piss off some rich kids?
Mick: I like the sound of that.

Ray: Rip!
Sara: Rip?
Rip: Welcome to London.
Mick: Listen, Englishman. Those time pigs try to take me, I'll burn 'em alive.
Rip: The... the Time Bureau are not actually aware of my current whereabouts. And as surprising as this may sound... I need the Legends' help.

Mick: Never been to a nerd party before.
Dr. Martin Stein: You mean a physics symposium.
Mick: Nerd party.

Rip: Do we have a plan for stealing this bracelet?
Mick: We're on it.
Sara: Please don't tell me the plan is to walk into Savage's citadel and steal it off her wrist.
Leonard: All right, I won't tell you that.

Nate: Code 1-3-1! All hands on the bridge!
Sara: What's going on?
Mick: Yeah. I gotta get back to "Lord of the Rings".
Ava: You read?

Nate: Look, all I know is Constantine promised us new, mysterious monsters, so where are they all hiding?
Sara: I'm confused. We are all happy that there was only one dragon, right? We don't want to be fighting werewolves in the Alamo.
Nate: Eh.
Ray: Well, it would be good for our ratings.
Zari: What ratings?
Ray: Oh, you don't know? The Time Bureau rates all their employees. But don't worry. We-we have a few dedicated fans.
Zari: Yeah, Gary doesn't count.
Mick: Who gives a damn about Time Pig ratings? I want dragons.
Sara: What is wrong with you guys? Don't you get it? Constantine was wrong. Our crazy plan to let Mallus out worked. Finally, we're not screw-ups forced to clean up our own mess. For once in our lives, we are actual heroes.

Kendra: Where are you guys going?
Sara: To deal with the hole in the ship.
Mick: Make sure Picard here doesn't get us all killed.
Ray: Actually, I'm more like Sulu right now. Or Han Solo!

Dr. Martin Stein: I took the jumpship back to 2017 so I could give Lily the other communicator.
Jefferson: And you wiped the jump logs why?
Dr. Martin Stein: Because I wanted you to know that I was committed to you and to the team. I made the decision to stay, and I needed you to know that I meant it. Clearly, my subterfuge has... robbed me of the chance to be at the birth of my grandchild.
Mick: No. We can take the Waverider.
Dr. Martin Stein: What... what about the rest of the team?
Jefferson: I'm sure they'll manage.
Dr. Martin Stein: You're serious?
Jefferson: Gray, it's your first grandkid. Why would you think I'd want you to miss that? Come on, man, let's go.

Batwoman: [seeing the giant Beebo] It's unnatural.
Sara: Alien?
Supergirl: [insulted] Hey.
The: Or magic? Sara, don't you and the Legends deal with that kind of stuff all the time?
Batwoman: Or maybe it's just here to keep us talking.
Sara: A diversion.
The: But for what?
Mick: I know what I'd do.

Zari: I thought Mallus wasn't supposed to be able to find us here.
Julius: Fools. Mallus sees all, knows all.
Mick: Then why did he bring back you germs to do his business?
Sara: Because he's probably still recovering from that beatdown Rip gave him.
Blackbeard: Oh, now, do not confuse Mallus' clemency with weakness, my hearties.

Young: Here to give me another "don't burn down the house" speech?
Mick: You think by hurting yourself, it's gonna make you feel better about the fire?
Young: You don't know anything about me, man.
Mick: Guess again, kid. I'm you.
Young: What?
Mick: That's right. You're too young to understand. But understand this: it wasn't your fault.
Young: I let that flame get out of control, like you said. I ran out without waking anybody, like you said. I was just so afraid.
Mick: You were just a kid. I spent my whole life blaming you, hating you for something you didn't mean to do.
Young: Why are you telling me this?
Mick: You can't change the things you did. But you can change what you become. Don't be like me. Be better.

Nate: Neron is out there with Ray and Constantine all because we fell for his trap, because you fired on Ray.
Mick: And what was your plan, Pretty? Beat him to death in a snowball fight?

Zari: We're producers from K&G Pictures. We got word of an unusual animal sighting out in the bay. We were told that you might have some footage suitable for our news reel.
Ishiro: How do you know about that?
Mick: We're from Hollywood. We know everything.

Ray: [Wearing Snart's jacket] I'm Colonel Cold.
Mick: The hell you are! You're not giving yourself a promotion!

Ray: [Wearing snarts jacket] I'm Colonel Cold.
Mick: The hell you are! You're not giving yourself a promotion!

Mick: I made snickerdoodles with your recipe. Not bad.
Ava: I'm reading your novel. I'm on the last chapter. Your female characters are shallow, libidinous, and so much fun to read.
Mick: Hmmm. Thanks.
Ava: Yeah, good job, um... "Rebecca Silver"?
Mick: Non de plum.
Ava: Got it. So... let me get this straight. They're making love on the surface of the sun?
Mick: Mmm. It's, um... a metaphor.
Ava: [softly] Got it.

Wally: Whoa, the temporal zone is getting real choppy.
Ray: Yeah, the timeline was crumbling even before Amaya decided to change history. If that happens, the Darhks will be able to free their demon.
Mick: Oh, well, I'd better get back to my movie.
Sara: And we'd better stop Amaya before she does something reckless.

Rip: For the last five years, I've been chasing a phantom. A name whispered across time and in every language. Mallus.
Nate: The Phantom Mollusk? An evil shellfish?
Rip: "Mall-us". An evil so ancient and powerful that the Time Masters dared not speak his name. Now, I believe that he is recruiting allies from throughout time to his cause. Now, anachronisms are the result of your breaking time.
Mick: [meaning Sara] It was her idea.
Rip: But these outliers, they are most certainly the work of Mallus. Now, the Time Bureau is a bureaucracy and lacks the imagination to understand this particular threat, and Director Bennett objects to my crusade.
Sara: Hmm.
Rip: I'm alone out here.
Nate: So... what I'm hearing is your hot new girlfriend dumped you and now you're crawling back to your ex.
Mick: Ugh. And I'm no one's side piece.
Sara: You know, I think they're on to something here. Look, "sweetie". We would love to take you back, but we don't know how we could trust you again.
Rip: Would circumstances be any different if I were to call off my hot new girlfriend's pursuit of you?
Nate: Hmm...
Sara: Deal.

Ray: Mick, I think you're developing a crush.
Mick: Is that when you whiz and it hurts?

Mick: Most people think the hottest part of the flame is the white part. They're wrong.
Dante: You gonna admire those or you gonna drink 'em?
Mick: Both.

Amaya: I'm so sorry, Mick. If I really was the Dread Pirate Jiwe, I never would've let Darhk steal my totem.
Mick: What the hell are you apologizing for? You're better than a story, and a hell of a lot more fearsome than some pirate queen, with or without your totem.

Ray: Without the release of All the President's Men, Robert Redford's career floundered.
Mick: WHAT? No Redford? No Sundance. No indie film. No artful nudity. We have to fix this!

Amaya: What totem would choose a guitar-toting choir boy as its bearer?
Nate: Isn't it obvious? It's Elvis we're talking about. It's gotta be...
Mick: A sandwich totem.
Nate: I was gonna say "music".
Ray: Just imagine what the music totem would do for my upper register. I could finally give local theater a shot.
Ray: That is after we use it to destroy Mallus.
Zari: [sarcastic] So we're gonna vanquish a time demon with our killer harmonies. It's gonna go great.

Leonard: This is what we came for.
Mick: That's worth money.
Leonard: It's called Fire and Ice, an abstract modern day masterpiece said to represent the dichotomy of being.
Mick: It represents to me that people with lots of money buy dumb stuff.

Nate: Helen and her lover, Paris, set off a ten-year war that launched thousands of ships and sent tens of thousands of men off to their death, all in the name of her beauty.
Zari: You make it sound like it's her fault. Men always find a reason to fight. That's not on her.
Mick: Depends. How hot is she?

Mick: [Nate has been abducted] You find Pretty?
Sara: No. We lost him.
Rip: We found potatoes. Never fear. The game's afoot.

Mick: [Sharing vodka on the trip home] Courtesy of Yuri, the bear.
Sara: How did you even have time to steal this?
Leonard: There's *always* time to steal.

Mick: [after the fight in church, with carnage all around him] Best wedding ever!

Mick: [to Barry] Listen Red, I don't like you but when you have a crew you don't take a hit from the rest.

Mick: [about Snart's death] It wasn't your fault. It was his. Son of a bitch never did anything without a plan.
Ray: Maybe you're right. Maybe he wanted this.
[points finger at Mick and back at himself]
Mick: What are you doing with your hand?
Ray: Maybe he wanted us to, you know... be partners.
[playfully punches Mick's shoulder]
Mick: I think I'm gonna be sick.

Mick: Piano man, play something else. I've had more fun at a funeral.

Nate: Why the hell would someone put a bomb inside of an anachronism?
Zari: Damien Darhk must have planted it there, knowing you'd bring it on board.
Gary: Well, then let's get it off board.
Sara: No, we have to diffuse it. We can't open the doors without Gideon.
Mick: Burn it.
Nate: That'll make it explode. You know, for a guy who loves fire, you really have no idea how it works.

Mona: Look at him. This is what he's always wanted; to be worshipped and admired like the demigod he is, not feared and shunned like some monster.
Mick: Well, he'd better make the most of it. The second he gets backstage, it's lights out and back to the Time Bureau.
Mona: That wasn't the plan. He can't go back to the Time Bureau. It's not safe.
Mick: Not my call, don't care.

Supergirl: Okay. I think I have this. Oliver.
Oliver: Green Arrow.
Supergirl: Dig.
John: Spartan.
Supergirl: Thea.
Thea: Speedy.
Supergirl: Okay. And Sara.
Sara: White Canary.
Supergirl: Jax and Professor Stein.
Jefferson: Firestorm.
Supergirl: Ray.
Ray: Palmer. The Atom.
Supergirl: And Mick.
Mick: Hmm? Oh. Heat Wave.

Ray: That's not a phone. It's a 2016 Palmer Tech 7G smart watch. Hand it over.
Coroner: I don't know what you're on about.
Mick: [raising his stake] You want some of this?
Sara: [the coroner hands the watch over] Who does that watch belong to?
[he remains silent]
Sara: No? All right. Mick, stake him.
Coroner: [cowering] Oh, all right. All right. A vicar was walking down the street as calm as can be when a dead man fell from the sky. It wasn't no normal corpse, neither. No identification, strange clothes, and that there watch.
Sara: Which you stole.
Coroner: He wasn't gonna miss it. I will, though. It is the finest timepiece I've ever seen.
Ray: It did sell better in England.

Henry: So you just drop in on us in the middle of the night, after barely a phone call for the past two years?
Nate: I know, dad, I'm sorry. I've just been... busy.
Henry: Busy doing what?
Nate: History stuff. You know, the same stuff you never took seriously.
Henry: Maybe that's because deductive historical reconstruction isn't an actual profession! That... I'm sorry. So should I have your mother just grab her checkbook now, or would you prefer your friend here swipe it out of her purse on the way out?
Mick: It would be easy either way.

Jefferson: Darhk massacred those Time Bureau agents in Victorian London without even batting an eyelid. What if we can't take them? This might be our best offer.
Mick: You don't offer a deal unless you want something in return. Besides, if he lets us walk, he's just gonna take us out one by one.
Nate: That's right. We're stronger together. We know that. Darhk knows that.

Ray: We need to grow as a team. First up is "Two Truths and a Lie". It's gonna be fun.
Mick: Lie.
Ray: I haven't started yet. Look, I... I know you guys probably think this is lame.
Sara: Truth.
Ray: But we have a new crew member, and it is important for Zari to bond with us, not only as team members, but as individuals.
Zari: Yeah, well, I'm no hero, and I'm not a member of any team. Besides, I already have you all figured out. The old guy wants to be anywhere but on this ship. These two...
[meaning Nate and Amaya]
Zari: ...have some "will they, won't they?" thing going on. Rory's been drunk since breakfast, Jax is wondering if I'm single, and your ship's still mad at me for doing a teeny hack on her subsystems. Now, what's this about one bathroom?
Ray: [everyone begins talking simultaneously] Guys. Guys!
Mick: You're right, Haircut. This is gonna be fun.

Sara: Gideon, what do you have on Jane Hawthorne?
Gideon: On October 29, 1692, Jane Hawthorne's execution was at the center of what came to be known as the Burning of Salem.
Ray: [reading the article] "On the day she hung, all of the people of Salem spontaneously combusted. The whole town was set ablaze."
Mick: Sounds like my kind of woman.

Sara: Any sign of Ray?
Nate: Oh, no, just another Grateful Dead end. I for sure got a contact high.
Mick: Yeah. And I managed to swipe Jerry Garcia's glasses.
Wally: Oh...
[he speeds to Mick, takes the glasses, and speeds back]
Wally: Once a thief, always a thief.
Nate: No, we... we allow light to moderate theft on this ship. We like to call them souvenirs.

Mick: Hey, you got a second?
Sara: Not now, Rory.
Mick: I actually came here to apologize for, uh, blowing up before.
Sara: Wow, that's... thank you. And I should never have...
Mick: [another Mick enters] And another thing!
Sara: [realizing] Give it up, Charlie.
Mick: [Charlie shifts back to normal] Why were you wearing my face?
[to Sara]
Mick: And were you about to apologize?
Sara: Only because Charlie was catfishing me.
Charlie: All right, shut up. Do you think Ray would be fighting right now? No, he would be trying to get us out of here.
Mick: Yeah, you're right. He's always got a plan. It's annoying.

Ava: Well, you went all-out. What the hell is he doing here?
Mick: Leaving.
Sara: Wait. Wait. Both of you. Please look. I roasted a roast.
Gideon: Technically, Captain, I fabricated...
Sara: Shut up, Gideon.

Nate: Wally, can you hear me? Wally, talk to me, man.
Mick: Kid's dead.
Nate: I gotta go after him.
Amaya: Just be careful out there.
Nate: If I'm not back in five minutes...
Zari: Just wait longer?
Nate: No, come rescue me.

John: We need the Protection Stone of a powerful shaman.
Mick: [cut to him bumping into Jimi Hendrix] Watch it.
[revealing he lifted Jimi's necklace]
Mick: Brother.
John: And the lock of a doomed woman.
The: [cut to him taking a strand of hair from Janis Joplin] Janis, this is quite an honor.
Janis: Little robot man.
The: Hi. My mom is a huge fan.
Janis: [laughing] Your mom?
John: And for our final ingredient...
[looking at the book]
John: Quis virginem.
Sara: What?
John: A virgin.
The: A virgin at Woodstock? Ha! Good luck with that; this is the least celibate place in history.

Sara: Oh, I hope this works. We need a way to pinpoint magical threats on the timeline. I mean, who knows what kind of creatures out out there wreaking havoc on history?
Mick: Like, uh, vampires.
Zari: Gremlins.
Ray: Aswangs.
[seeing their looks]
Ray: Cannibalistic Filipinio were-beasts with proboscis-like tongues. I've been doing some research just in case.

Mick: The universe exists for one reason. To kill you.

Sara: So you guys decided to go off on your own and face Rasputin.
Nate: I thought I could calm him down.
Mona: I thought I could make him fall in love?
Ava: And I thought I could, you know, assassinate him.
Sara: None that was ever going to happen. He's fresh out of Hell.
Mick: Well, let's kill him then.
Sara: You - you can't. Look, John said he can't be killed with a chit of his soul is in Hell, or whatever that means.

Mick: If Washington's so cool why's he on the $1.00 bill and Franklin's on the $100 dollar bill he's cool.

Jonah: Where's Rip?
Sara: He's MIA.
Jonah: Damn. How the hell did you miscreants manage not to get yourselves killed without him?
Amaya: Miss Lance has been serving as captain.
Jonah: But she's a lady. You're a lady, right?
Sara: You know I can take your life as easy I saved it.
Jonah: Oh, fiery. Whoever breaks her is in for a wild ride.
Mick: Too bad this filly's into other fillies.
Mick: [laughs]
Jonah: You don't say.

Ray: Guys, here I come. I mean, little me; he's coming at you. Catch up with me on Main Street, and, um... keep me alive.
Jefferson: I got eyes on Ray to make a move.
Dr. Martin Stein: Well, it looks like you're taking a detour. Did you frequent the Ivy Town Newsstand as a boy?
Ray: Yeah, I must be picking up the new issue of "Scientific American".
Dr. Martin Stein: I was more of a "National Geographic" boy myself.
Mick: Once a geek, always a geek.

Sara: Have you guys seen Z?
Mick: [shrugging] With the witch?
Ray: Prudence isn't a witch. Not that witches are bad.
Sara: Prudence is alone. I just checked. Gideon?
Gideon: Miss Tomaz gave me explicit instructions not to tell you that she was leaving the ship.
Ray: That can't be good.

Nate: Amaya.
Ray: Sara.
Mick: Hey, dumbasses, they have no clue who you are. They work for Damien Darhk.
Nate: Oh!
Ray: Crap.

Nate: Sara, you guys okay?
Sara: Yeah, we're fine, as long as we keep placating Gary. I guess Charlie and Z are our last hope.
Mick: Great, we're toast.
Ava: Welcome to hell.

Leo: What is wrong, partner? Talk to me.
Mick: You're not my partner. You're a gangbanger.
Leo: I think you mean "doppelganger." And there was one of you on my earth, too. Rest his soul.
Mick: Wait. I'm dead on Planet Nazi? Let me guess. In a fire?
Leo: You just kept going back into that burning police station until the last officer had been rescued.
Mick: I died trying to save pigs? I'm gonna be sick.

Ray: John! Welcome aboard.
John: Hey, Ray big-man! Glad to see you're all back from the land of milk and honey.
Zari: I'm-I'm still a little fuzzy on how exactly we were...
Mick: Roofied by a horse.
John: Well, that beast sprays a powerful mind-altering hallucinogen to disarm its prey.
[finding what he's looking for]
John: Ah! "How to expel a magical creature from the mortal realm." Now, the ingredients for this spell aren't so easy to come by. Don't suppose any of you lot have the saliva from a nine-fingered man, now do you?
Ray: You could chop off one of my pinkies.

Sara: Ray, how we doing with Constantine's spell?
Ray: Just need one more splash of bat spleen. Sorry, bat. And that should do it.
[nothing happens]
Ray: Maybe I missed an ingredient.
Damien: Your ankh symbol, it's... it's upside down.
Ray: Uh...
Mick: No, it's not.
Damien: Yes, it is.
Mick: No, it's not!

Ray: Mick, don't panic. You just forgot to chew again.
Mick: Axl. Is this one of your stupid science experiments?
Ray: Looks like Josh Groban...
Mick: Axl!
Ray: Found something even more lethal than your Elvis sandwich. I'm sorry, buddy. Look, the life expectancy of a rat is 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 years. So, you know, the little guy really beat the odds. And you know what? We can pick you up another one in the next time period we stop in.
Mick: Because what's one more change on this ship?

Sara: [Picking up a spear fragment] It's not useless. I know 10 different ways to kill somebody with this.
Mick: [Mick grunts and rises] Not to mention, it's great for scratching those hard to reach places.
Ray: Please don't tell me you used the Spear of Destiny as a back scratcher.
Mick: Who said anything about my back?
[Sara drops the spear]
Dr. Martin Stein: Well, as Mr. Rory has demonstrated in the wrong hands, this divine artifact can be put to truly horrific use.

Ray: We need backup. Nora's possessed.
Mick: Come on. Push back.
Zari: We're trying, but we need help.
Mick: Where's the defense?
Ray: That's what we're asking you for.
Nate: [sitting down with Mick] Oh, tie game. Third and goal.
Mick: [handing him a beer] Here.
Nate: Thanks.

Ray: Mick, have you heard from Sara or the rest of the team? They're not answering on comms.
Mick: Well, that explains the peace and quiet.
Amaya: [entering with Nate] It's fine, she's my granddaughter.
Nate: Yeah, well, tell that to your arm.
Mick: You two, take it outside. It's week sixteen of the division titles.
Zari: You know we're on a time ship, right? Hey, Gideon, who won the...
Mick: [cutting her off] No! I haven't watched a live game of football in three years. I do not wanna know the score.

Zari: What about Charlie? It's my fault. I'm the one that convinced her to risk everything.
Sara: Hey, don't go down that road. We'll do what we always do.
Mick: Yeah, forming stupid Beebos.

Wedding: Welcome to the West/Allen wedding. Can I show you to your seat? Are you here for the bride or groom?
Mick: Well, considering I've tried to kill the groom a couple of times, it's probably best I, uh, sit on the bride's side.

Wally: Okay, come on. We're good to go, right?
Nate: Are we? 'Cause Elvis hasn't recorded his first single yet. And without that guitar, he may never record it. Which means rock and roll history is...
Mick: Josh Groban.
Sara: What if we have Gideon fabricate a ringer guitar and drop it off to the future King?
Nate: Great idea. I call "A" mission. Amaya, come with me. I will teach you what rock and roll is all about. 'Till then, everyone shake, rattle, and roll!

Sara: What is that?
Mick: [pulling items out of his pockets] It's a, uh... portal thingy. A, uh... communications... thing. And a, uh... ah, yes. A memory thing.
Sara: So I guess that means you're staying.
Mick: Well, I kind of have to. You'd be dead without me.
[they clink beer bottles]
Mick: Cheers.

Sara: [learning Ray let Nora escape] Look, you better not be wrong about her. But right now, we need to deal with our current captive. She cannot stay on the ship.
Zari: Yeah, especially now with Amaya's face. It's freakin' creepy.
Mick: You broke her, you fix her, weasel. Make her not Amaya again.
John: Spell doesn't work like that, Womble. I took away her power to transform. It's like clipping an angel's wings. You can't exactly unclip them.

Sara: Ava! You okay?
Ava: It's a long story, but Gary took over the Bureau. He "nip'-notized everyone.
Nate: Yeah, you're gonna have to explain that.
Mick: The germ turned.

Ray: You know, I was just thinking that even though we've had some setbacks, that this road trip has really been a bonding experience.
Mick: I think you're an idiot.

Vandal: Oh, I admire your command of irony, Gareeb. Using my own child against me.
Leonard: Sorry to say, it didn't take much.
Mick: None at all, you ass.

Kendra: Can't be the Green Arrow.
Sara: That's not Oliver Queen.
Ray: Sure dresses like him.
Leonard: Shoots arrows like him.
Jefferson: Well, whoever he is, I don't plan on sticking around to get shish kebabbed by this dude.
Mick: Kid's right. Lets stay behind and kill him.

Sara: Is that music?
Ray: Yeah, "Singin' in the Rain". Only the best musical ever.
Mick: Not as good as "Fiddler on the Roof".
[Sara and Stein both look at him strangely]
Mick: I love that show.
[seeing them looking at him]
Mick: What?

Zari: Guys, we did it!. Our totems united to create a single furry love child
Mick: Worst orgy ever.

Sara: What are you doing?
Mick: Quiet, I'm concentrating.
Zari: Mick is a writer. The journal has bonded with him.
Charlie: Bloody hell. That's it, we're doomed.

Ray: Thank you. And just so *you* know, I know you're more than just a thief.
Mick: You took a beating for me. We're even. End of story.
Ray: Well, thank you.
Mick: More drinking. Less feeling.

John: Listen, mate, there's an old trick for unmasking leprechauns. You spill a bunch of grain in front of them on the floor, and they're compelled to count every kernel.
Ray: Really? That sounds bizarre. That's not true. Is that true?
Mick: That's a stupid plan.
John: Have you got a better one, big man?
Mick: I don't do magic tricks.
John: Oh, great, so the plan is no plan.

Mick: Why is the weasel running the show?
John: If you've got a problem with me, pie-head, why don't you just say?
Mick: I got a problem with you.

Julius: Haven't you ever learned never to turn your back on your enemies?
Mick: Caesar.
[they fight briefly; Caesar ends up on the ground with a bloody nose]
Mick: That's a Roman nose.

Zari: So... aliens are real.
Jefferson: Yep, and those ones are called Dominators.
Nate: They're nasty, too. Capable of telepathy, advanced technology, and the fun one, tearing people limb from limb.
Zari: Great.
Sara: The last time we faced them, they almost wiped out metahumans, and made us fight each other.
Mick: And worse, fight together.

Mick: What's up, Pretty?
Nate: This whole toast thing is eating me up inside. My-my dad was such a dick. He lied about everything, and now he's turning me into a liar, too.
Mick: Listen, your old man's gone. Whatever you say out there, that's for you.
Nate: [getting an idea] You know what, Mick? I think you're on to something.

Sara: Rip, how's our trajectory looking?
Rip: Keep her steady.
Sara: Martin, are you sure about these calculations? I'm piloting manually here.
Dr. Martin Stein: Did I or did I not win six Carlins?
Mick: No.
Dr. Martin Stein: Yes, I did.

Mick: It's been a while, Frosty. You look good.
Killer: Thanks. I read your book, Rebecca.
Mick: Which one? I'm very prolific.

Sara: Thawne never told you what he did with Rip?
Mick: No. We were close like that.

Ava: I am so sorry, Gary. I took you for granted. I never, ever should have let you do my dry cleaning or work overtime without pay. I mean, that's illegal, anyway. I'm so sorry.
Mick: I still want to kill you.
[Gary gulps]
Sara: Gary. When Rip first recruited the Legends, he picked the people that were insignificant to history. The original losers. You don't have to be cool to be a Legend. And maybe we forgot that somewhere along the way, but... you are one of us.

Rip: What exactly do you think you were doing back there?
Leonard: Distracting Savage's pals; which worked, by the way.
Rip: Yes, well, I could've been killed.
Mick: Never said it worked perfectly.
Sara: At least it wasn't a complete bust. We found out about Kendra's bracelet.
Rip: What bracelet?

Mick: [to Rip] I liked you better when you were killing people.

Barry: These are the Dominators. We don't know much about them.
Supergirl: Except they're really strong. I... I heard a lot of stories about them when I was a kid. They... they came to my planet before I was born, they did experiments on a lot of people, killed a lot more.
Thea: Well, they're not the only ones with superhuman strength. I hear Barry says you're more powerful than a locomotive?
Oliver: We should use Kara as a stand-in for training.
Mick: Since when was Robin Hood calling the shots?

Ray: Gideon has confirmed that the Oculus has been destroyed. From here on out, it's tabula rasa.
Mick: Pretend for a minute I don't speak Greek.
Ray: [It is in] Latin. Sorry. From this point forward, our actions are our own. We have free will.

Sara: [at a rally of Savage's] There's no way we can grab him here.
Leonard: Not with an army standing between us.
Mick: Shh. I'm trying to listen to this guy.
[Rip gives him a weird look]
Mick: He gives a hell of a speech.

Mick: You stole my diary, weasel.
John: Oh, you mean the one that you knicked from my trunk? That one, eh?
Ray: Gentlemen. Gentlemen, gentlemen. I "mustache" you both to calm down.
Mick: Get out of my way, otherwise I'll knock that fur ball off your lip.

Nate: Don't tell me they messed with the King.
Ray: Whatever he saw drove him crazy. He was taken to the Bolivar State Hospital. Treated for insanity.
Nate: If Memphis is abandoned in '54, then rock doesn't hit the mainstream, which means there's no Howlin' Ray, no Little Richard...
Mick: The Elvis sandwhich; peanut butter and banana fried in greasy bacon fat. The man was a visionary.
Zari: But if it didn't show up on the anachronism map, then...
Nate: Darhks. The only people evil enough to wanna kill rock and roll. Oh, and I bet you that sick bastard likes ska.

Jefferson: That's younger you?
Mick: What'd you tell him?
Jefferson: That we work for a secret agency called A.R.G.U.S. I think he bought it.
Mick: Of course he did. He's an idiot.
Jefferson: [Mick turns to leave] Hey, no offense, but do you really think it's a good idea leaving him unsupervised?
Mick: You're right. Have fun.

Ty: Hey, look at Palmer. What are you supposed to be?
Young: I'm the Atom. That's, like, the coolest superhero ever.
Gus: The Atom? That's a stupid name.
The: Actually, I think it's pretty clever.
[the Legends all appear behind them]
Amaya: Cool costume.
Zari: Ugh. I can't believe you talked me into wearing this. How do you fight in these things?
Gus: Who are you guys?
Zari: We're his friends.
Ty: These guys are your friends?
[little Ray nods]
Ty: Cool.
Mick: [raising his heat gun] Hand the candy over. And your allowance.

[last lines]
Rex: Is this 2016? Is this May, 2016?
Jefferson: Yeah.
Rex: You're exactly where you said you'd be. Do not get on that ship. If you do, you're all dead.
Mick: Says who?
Rex: Says you, Mr. Rory. You sent me.
Rip: I'm sorry. Who exactly are you?
Rex: My name is Rex Tyler. I am a member of the Justice Society of America.

Mick: What about the rest of us? Do we just sit?
Rip: Capital idea, Mr. Rory. You're not nearly as thick as most people say.
Mick: Thick... does that mean stupid?

Mick: Celebrating July 4th early?
Nate: Ray made it for me.
Mick: You look like a star-spangled idiot.

Sara: Last time I checked, we help people who are in trouble.
Mick: I don't.

Richard: Good god, I've been kidnapped by hippies. What is it you want? Money? Power? I'll do anything.
Sara: Look, we're... we're here to help you.
Mick: Let's talk about money.

Mick: [lending Brigid's diary to Nate] Give it back when you're done. Buck and Garima's sexual odyssey is far from over.

Zari: [Mick uses his totem powers to cook food] Hey, hi, um, do you think that maybe you could do that somewhere else? We do have a galley.
Mick: You want a dog?
Zari: It's pork.
Mick: So what?
Zari: No, thank you.
[he uses his powers to pop a bowl of popcorn]
Zari: Wow, I'm sure that's what those ancient folks had in mind when they created the Fire totem.
Mick: Every man's gotta eat.

Nate: Oof. Vietnam. 1967. Also known as the height of the Vietnam War. Gideon, what kind of anachronism are we dealing with?
Gideon: A level eight. Scans of the historical record reveal redacted Pentagon reports about a creature of unknown origin attacking American and Vietcong soldiers in the jungle. Dozens have disappeared without a trace.
Mick: No way I'm going to 'Nam.
Amaya: All I know is that if American soldiers are being targeted, I am ready to do my duty.
Nate: This war's a little different. Unlike World War II, the military objectives in Vietnam weren't so cut and dry.
Zari: Yeah, it was controversial, and the reasons for getting involved were murky. You know, come to think about it, this team should be right at home.

Mick: A single dad of 48 babies. I didn't sign up for this.

Henry: Son, why are you holding a tiny guitar, or do I even want to know?
Nate: Oh, this... this is a lute.
Mick: [jerking out of his sleep] Someone say loot?
Nate: This is what we're gonna use to put the minotaur to sleep.
Mick: I thought you said that was loot.
Henry: I don't understand.
John: Well, I suppose it is more of a lyre.
Mick: [going back to sleep] Everyone's a liar.

Amaya: Hunting a tiger for sport is... is just perverse.
Zari: I can't believe we're in a time where women can't vote and the Internet's not a thing. Savages.
Mick: Anyone who doesn't have a reflection, they're getting a stake.

Zari: [reading one of Mick's books] This is extremely pornographic.
Mick: Thank you.
Zari: You're welcome.

Mick: By the way, I'm not gonna call you Supergirl. It's stupid.
Supergirl: You could call me Kara.
Mick: That's not gonna work, either.
Supergirl: Well, what're you gonna call me if you need my help?
Mick: Skirt.

Ray: Man, Garima is gonna flip when she hears we met Marilyn Monroe.
Nate: Do you think a murderous alien queen that sprang to life from Mick's fantasies is into Marilyn?
Mick: [pushing past] Yes.
Nate: Hmm.

Nate: Gary, is that the Kid Steel costume?
Gary: Uh-huh.
Gary: You likey?
Nate: Why would anyone wish to be a sidekick?
Mick: Close your legs.
Ava: Oh, he's such an idiot.

Mick: Holy mother of God.
Amaya: Sara, what happened?
Mallus: Sara Lance is lost to you.

Amaya: I don't know what I'm looking at.
Mick: Looks like a hemorrhoid.
Ray: What? No, it... it's Mallus. Demon horns? Anyway, the hunt for the six totems has begun.
Amaya: There are only five tribes in Zambesi. Each was gifted with a totem. And a I checked; there's no record of a sixth.
Ray: Well, the good news is that we have the Air and the Spirit totems.
Amaya: Kuasa has the Water totem.
Ray: And since the final totem is a complete mystery, that leaves us looking for Earth and Fire. Now, the Fire totem, which is currently smashed, BTW, was last seen in a Detroit museum in 2018.
Amaya: Wait, how do you know that?
Ray: Because it is with your granddaughter Mari's - or, AKA the other Vixen's - boyfriend, Dr. Adam Macalester. He's dedicated his life to the study of the Zambesi totems.
Amaya: Well, if Constantine is right and the only thing that Mallus fears is the sixth, then we need to get our hands on the Fire totem.
Mick: Ah. Collect the set, win a prize.

Sara: All right, I think it's working. I am on the edges of a plan.
Zari: Great. Let's hear it.
Sara: So, we know that the six totems are the only thing that can stop Mallus.
Wally: They weren't much use to us last time.
Sara: "Us" being the key word.
[to Zari]
Sara: You and Amaya were born to wield the totems, and the rest of us are just...
Mick: Losers. That's why Rip picked us; Snart, the professor, those stupid hawk flying-chicken people. We're all expendable.
Sara: Not that any of these unwashed hayseeds look like righteous totem bearers.
Jonah: Who you calling a hayseed?
Sara: Jonah Hex.
Zari: You know this guy?
Jonah: Me and these ruffians go way back.

Ray: New Legend alert. I better go update the chore wheel.
John: Whoa, whoa, whoa, hang on, sunshine. I'm not a bloody Legend. I'm merely offering my services as a consultant, and as such, I have some stipulations. I don't do silly costumes, I expect full benefits, and I require no less than two weeks paid vacation.
Zari: Vacation?
Mick: Paid?

Gary: Okay, I've been dying to ask--was I a Legend, or a lovable rogue or a manic pixie dream boy?
Mick: Time dweeb!

Sara: [after rescuing her younger self] I put her in the cargo bay with mini-you, told them both to stay put. The less they know what's going on, the better.
Mick: You sure you want to leave daddy's little girl with that punk?
Sara: Even before the League of Assassins, I knew how to handle guys like you.

Jefferson: Okay, I got somebody checking out magazines and one shopkeeper.
Mick: I could knock this place off with a water pistol.
Ray: Okay, new mission: keep me away from Mick. I don't want today to be the day I descend into a life of crime.
Mick: Well, Haircut... looks like it's too late.
Ray: Wait, what does that mean?
Jefferson: You're by the candy bars.
Ray: Well, get me away from there. That stuff's poison.
Jefferson: Yeah, that's not all.
Ray: Wait, what does that mean?
Jefferson: You're shoplifting.
Ray: Wait. What?
Mick: Damn, Haircut. You had balls.

Mick: I can't get this damn song out of my head.
Amaya: Which one? "Waterloo"?
Mick: Ah! Don't mention it.
Amaya: [he uses the memory flasher on himself] Did it work?
Mick: Did what work? Why am I holding the thingy in my hand?

Sara: How does the Shogun even know how to operate your atom suit?
Ray: I designed it so an idiot could use it.
Mick: An idiot does.

Leonard: If you're gonna kill me, just do it already!
Mick: I'm not gonna kill you. I'm gonna take a trip back to Central City and visit your baby sister. The beautiful thing about time travel is I get to kill her more than once.

Mick: One lousy beer for breakfast.
Nate: It's breakfast?
Ray: Yeah. What time did you go to bed last night, buddy?
Nate: I didn't. Drank a lot of coffee. Can you tell?

Zari: Why don't you tell Sara you're a writer?
Mick: Because I'm not.
Zari: Rory, I read your novel. As much as it pains me to say it, you are very, very talented.
Mick: Well, it doesn't matter. I can't write anymore. Nothing comes out.
Zari: You have writer's block.
Mick: No, I dropped a deuce this morning.
Zari: Ugh.

Mick: My whole life, I saw him as a monster. Blamed him for all the sick things that I've done. But now I see... I'm worse than him. Should have been me that burned in that house.

Mick: Captain wants to see you.
Nate: Aw, man, Sara's here?
Mick: Not that one, you dumbass. I'm talking about the most fearsome pirate queen to sail the seven seas: the Dread Pirate Jiwe.
[indicating the depressed Amaya]
Mick: She needs to loosen up.
Nate: [catching on] Yeah. I heard she once cut out a man's tongue for not obeying her orders.
Mick: Yeah... and she still carries it to this day.
Toothless: I never heard of no lady pirate.
Ray: That's because dead men tell no tales.
Scottish: They say she lost her ship to a kraken, and in retribution, she hunted down the monster's wee bairn and ate the gupper raw.
Barkeep: I heard she was spat back out o' hell by the devil himself.
Barrel: I hear she be more bold and fearless than Captain Blackbeard.
[Blackbeard appears in the door threshold]
Barrel: Begging your pardon, Captain.
Blackbeard: What was that you said?
Barrel: I have it under good authority we be in the company of the Dread Pirate Jiwe.
Amaya: [quietly] Why is everyone staring at me?
Mick: If there's one thing pirates love more than treasure, it's a good story.

Sara: All right, guys, here's our chance. Somebody's gotta slip backstage and get in with the band.
John: Yeah, leave it to me. I used to play here with Mucus Membrane. I know my way around. And besides, you're all bloody Yanks.
Mick: [pulling him back] Not you.
Sara: Why not?
Mick: I don't like him.
John: Always perfidious Albion, is it? Never trust a Brit.
Mick: Something like that.

Leonard: Don't mind him. He's still sore about having to leave 2046.
Mick: I'm sore because I was recruited for my unique ability to light things on fire. And now, I'm locked in the one place where I can't light things on fire: a spaceship.

John: I agreed to help you save history, not take part in your little role-playing adventures. Call me if you find anything.
Mick: If he's staying, I'm staying. Besides, no fun in Puritan times. The church banned burning people at the stake.
Sara: Well, they didn't actually burn people. That was the Middle Ages. The Puritans used the gallows, but, yeah, sure, stay.
Zari: You know, I actually miss having someone Nate-splain history to us.

Mick: I can't believe you're hooking up with the Englishman. We're thieves. Crooks. Criminals. I have no desire to save the world. Especially 100 years after I'm dead.
Leonard: He said across time, Mick. What about the years before? Before fingerprints and surveillance cameras and DNA analysis. Why did we become criminals?
Mick: Because we hate working and we love money.

Mick: [seeing Beebo rampaging the streets of Star City] Fur ball.

Sara: Mick, you wanna do the honors? Plot a course? You earned it.
Mick: Gideon, set a course for Aruba.
Gideon: Roger that, Mr. Rory. Setting a course for Aruba, the year 2017.

Ava: On behalf of the Time Bureau, I would like to recognize Captain Lance and her crew for fixing the final anachronism. Congratulations.
Sara: What does that even mean?
Ava: Well, it means that...
[ushering Gary out of the way]
Ava: ...Paul Revere was the final crack in the timeline. You, my friends, fixed history.
Nate: The same history we broke.
Sara: [through gritted teeth] Just take the win.
Mick: I don't want your stinking medal.
Ava: There's an open bar.
Mick: Where?

Sara: We intercepted a call from one of Rip's Time Bureau agents.
Mick: Why? Actually, forget it. I don't care.
Sara: It's the dweeby one, Gary.
Mick: Still don't care.
Jefferson: Yeah, I gotta go with Mick on this one. Why would we help those ass clowns? That's not our job.
Mick: And hopefully that little time dweeb learns his lesson.

Sara: If Neron wanted John dead, he would have killed him on the spot. He must need something from him. We have to find them before he can get what he wants.
Nate: Who knows what he's doing in Ray's name or his perfectly grass-fed organic butter body?
Mick: If Haircut's even there.
Zari: We don't know that Ray is gone.
Sara: Look, everybody just breath. Gideon's already on it.
Gideon: I've attuned the magic-o-meter to Constantine's frequency. When he uses his abilities, I can zero on his location.
Nate: And what do we do till then?
Zari: Stress eat.
Mick: Drink.
Charlie: Yeah, how'd you lot survive until now?

Nate: How'd you go from the court of Louis XIII to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean?
Mick: You said you wanted to hear the full story.
Oliver: We do, just some of us have lives that we'd like to get back to.

Mick: One more person hits me, I'm gonna hit back.

Kendra: What happened to the meteor?
Rip: Uh, I flew it into the heart of the sun. Well, I angled the ship to eject the meteorite before impact and then, uh, time jumped away.
Jefferson: You could've been killed.
Mick: Should've been. You're a moron!

Zari: Okay, I'll help you. On one condition: You help me break my brother out of the ARGUS facility where they're holding him.
Mick: Prison break? I'm in.

Sara: Victorian London. Opium dens and low-cut corsets.
Nate: Arthur Conan Doyle and the rolling fog.
Mick: Syphilis, whores, and vampires.
Jefferson: That's a strong smell of garlic.
Mick: It's tied around my neck.
Sara: Yeah, you're a regular Van Helsing.
Nate: That's from "Dracula".
Mick: I'm reading it. Don't tell me the end.

Mona: Hi, guys! I forged a letter that's gonna save history.
[Rory takes it]
Mona: That's for Rasputin.
Mick: [reading it] Hmm, not bad. Nice use of "musky embrace."
Mona: I learned from Rebecca Silver.
Mick: Well, you learned from the best.

Sara: Well, like Nate said, sometimes we screw things up for the better.
Rip: I fail to see how that's true in this case.
Mick: It's our new motto.
Rip: New motto? Right, does that mean you plan to continue swashbuckling your way through history?
Sara: With the Time Bureau's permission of course.
Rip: And if I deny you permission?
Sara: We'll do it anyways.

Amaya: Nathaniel? Nathaniel, where are you?
[no response]
Amaya: Right, the Fire totem's our last chance to defeat her.
Zari: Oh, and here I thought escaping to the jumpship was a good plan.
Amaya: I don't care what she's done. I'm not abandoning Sara or anyone else on this team.
Mick: Well, too bad. You're down a leg, and you look like a cat stuck in the dryer.
Zari: That's not funny. I love cats.

Nate: You saved my life. Why?
Mick: Because I'm an idiot.

Mick: Listen up. The Dread Pirate Jiwe is looking for a crew.
Amaya: Your old Captain Blackbeard buried his treasure on Grace Island.
[noticing their reactions]
Amaya: Ah... so you've heard the rumors, then, that the treasure is cursed? But while old Blackbeard is afraid of his own shadow, you men... you vile and despicable men, are willing to face Davy Jones himself for a crack at gold and glory! Who's wiling to join me as we take over Blackbeard's ship?
Blackbeard: [entering as they cheer] Mutiny! Is that was this is, ey? You'd rather follow the Dread Pirate Jiwe than your own captain?
[Amaya draws her sword]
Blackbeard: Then I'm bloody joining you. I'll dig up me chest and share the spoils with ye men. Hats off to the Pirate Queen!

Mick: Die, furball!
Sara: Mick?
Mick: That blue bastard ruined my book signing!

Sara: Martin, are you sure about these calculations? I'm piloting manually here.
Dr. Martin Stein: Did I or did I not win six Carlins?
Mick: No.
Dr. Martin Stein: Yes, I did.

Sara: Do you remember that night we all met, standing up on that rooftop and Rip told us that were gonna be "legends"?
Mick: Embarrassing. You know what? We're the last of the originals.
Sara: Weird.
Mick: [low] Yeah, weird.
Sara: [looking at a picture of the original team from "The Magnificent Eight"] The Legends were different back then. We were different back then. Look. I know that book convention was important to you, and I'm really glad that you got to go.
Mick: I'm glad you have Ava.
Sara: Thanks. Guess we're growing up. Hopefully not growing apart.

Sara: [searching Ray's quarters] "Cards to Save the Timeline: A Team-Building Card Game by Ray Palmer."
Mick: Ah, I miss hating him.

Barry: This isn't up for debate. It's not even a close call. I mean... I turn my self over to the Dominators, they leave the rest of the world alone. Simple.
Felicity: No, it's not simple.
John: Barry, it doesn't matter what you've done. You can't do this.
Barry: It's been an honor to know all of you, to fight alongside of you. Now it's up to you to keep our home safe.
Oliver: Barry! I'm not letting you leave.
Barry: No offense, Oliver, but you and what army?
Supergirl: This one.
Mick: Listen, Red. I don't like you. But when you got a crew, you don't take a hit for the rest.
Barry: That was actually pretty inspiring. I mean, up until the point that Mick compared us to a bunch of criminals, but...
Amaya: According to the Dominators, we might as well be.
Nate: And maybe they're right. Maybe we do more harm than good, but this is our chance to find out.
Cisco: We're not letting you sacrifice yourself. There's no way. I don't care if that's what it means to be a hero. You're not a hero to me. You're my friend.

Jefferson: Someone just blew up New York.
Sara: During World War II. I think we can all guess who that "someone" is.
Mick: Nazis. I hate Nazis.
Rip: Aided by some sort of time traveling ally, obviously.
Dr. Martin Stein: Wait. Does that mean the Allied forces lost the war?
Jefferson: In which case, why aren't we speaking German right now?
Ray: Because we're in the temporal zone.
Rip: And because it takes time for the consequences of an aberration, even one as cataclysmic as this one, to ripple throughout time.
Sara: So how much time do we have to stop it?
Rip: Isn't traveling to that particular time precisely what Rex Tyler told us not to do?
Sara: Well, what's the alternative? We let New York blow up?
Ray: It's not like there are Time Masters left to stop it.
Dr. Martin Stein: Miss Lance is right. We are history's last line of defense.
Jefferson: I like the sound of that.
Mick: I'd rather die than speak German.

Sara: Forgetting physics for a second, shouldn't we figure out what Savage is doing in Norway?
Rip: According to Gideon, there is a large meeting of terrorists and fringe groups looking to buy illegal arms.
Mick: Now that sounds like a vacation.
Leonard: Arms dealers and terrorists aren't exactly our kind of people, but they're the next best thing.
Carter: Well, looks like you and your lapdog get to earn your keep.
Mick: I'm no one's lapdog, bird-man.

Mick: Hold on, Axl. Sammy's coming. Just gotta find the damn mayo.
Ray: [entering] Come on, Mick. What did I say about having him in the kitchen?
Mick: Not to.

Dorothy: You certainly can eat a lot of sandwiches, Mr. Rory. Where did you get those big muscles?
Mick: Prison.

Mick: And who should I make this out to?
Female: I'm such a huge fan, Rebecca - I mean, what should I call you?
Mick: Rebecca's fine.

Sara: What happened to your hair?
Nate: What are you talking about?
[seeing Amaya's look]
Nate: What? What is it?
Sara: I...
Nate: [looking at his reflection] What happened to my trademark volume and sheen?
Mick: [entering with Ray] Who changed my rat's name?
Zari: [entering with Wally] Yo, who switched my game?
Sara: Gideon?

Leonard: Mick, I don't do touchy-feely. If you got something to say, say it.
Mick: This wasn't a good idea.
[gets up from chair]
Mick: You're the best guy I ever knew. You may not think you're a hero, but you're a hero to me.

Mick: There's something about Buck and Garima you should know. They didn't live happily ever after. They came from two different worlds. Worlds that needed them. They didn't belong together. But they loved one another. A lot.
Mona: How do you know? The next book in the series hasn't even been published yet.
Mick: I just DO!

Mick: [to Sara about the female president] is it just me or is she really hot?
Sara: She's hot.

Nate: We didn't mean to scare you, mom. I thought you'd be up at Martha's Vineyard this time of year.
Dorothy: Oh, we were! But your father just took a very exciting job at the Pentagon.
Nate: We'll... we'll get going, right, Mick?
Mick: Good idea.
Dorothy: Don't be ridiculous. Um, Mr... Rory, do you like, uh, sandwiches?
Mick: Bet your ass I do, ma'am.

Mick: Cover me!
Zari: In what? I'm wearing slippers.

Mick: What the hell are you staring at?
Mick: Just imagining what you'd look like without teeth.
Sara: Knock it off, Rory.