300 Best Nate Heywood Quotes

Nate: Um, hello, who are you?
Lily: Oh, hi, I'm Lily. I'm Martin's daughter.
Amaya: We didn't know Martin had a daughter.
Nate: Yeah, you told me you didn't have kids.
Dr. Martin Stein: Well, I like to keep my private life private.
Nate: There's private and there's lying.

Nate: Why would Mick rig all these traps for a damn typewriter?
Zari: [pulling the sheet of paper out] Maybe it's his criminal manifesto.
Nate: Let me see this. This says "bosom" far too many times to be a manifesto.
Zari: "As the twin suns of Dartayus set on the horizon, her heaving bosom undulated like the soothing waves of the bay. Buck swept her into his musky embrace."
Nate: Mick's writing a sci-fi romance novel.
Zari: Yeah.
Nate: Well, that's the last thing I thought I'd see before I die.
Zari: [hearing the explosion] Oh, funny you should say that.

Ava: All right, people, we've got a hit. New York City, 1933, the Adventurers' Society.
Nate: Shut the front door.
Zari: What's the Adventurers' Society?
Nate: It's a club for archaeologists and explorers. It's basically the coolest place in history. Guys, this is gonna be awesome.

Amaya: Yeah, Nathaniel's plan while ill advised, was beneficial.
Nate: Quiet! The marshmallows are talking.

Blackbeard: I should have known it was just a tall tale. You're not the Dread Pirate Jiwe.
Nate: No, her name is Amaya Jiwe of the Great Tribe of Zambesi.
[he tosses Amaya a sword; after a brief scuffle, she bests Blackbeard]
Blackbeard: Toodles.

Nate: I don't care Neron is wearing my best friend's face. I want to punch him.
Mick: Get in line.

Sara: Wow. Red beans and rice didn't miss Her Majesty.
Nate: Now I understand how Mr. Mix-a-Lot got his knighthood.

Nate: [in a Scottish accent as Sean Connery] Isn't that just like a thug? Brings a Tommy gun to an ion blaster fight.

Gideon: Ms. Tomaz, your simulation program has detected a change in your presently predicted future.
Zari: Good change or bad change?
Gideon: In one potential 2042, building HeyWorld leads to an era of understanding and tolerance. The Anti-Meta-Human Act of 2029 never passes, your parents live out their lives peacefully in Seattle. The future as you know it would be completely changed.
Zari: My parents. They're, uh...
Nate: That means a piece of this crazy plan actually works. This is great news, right?

Ava: [voice over] When the world needs heroes, they answer the call.
Sara: [as Supergirl] We'll be at HeyWorld, the new adventure capital of eastern Maryland...
Nate: [as Green Arrow] Where we will hit fun in the bull's-eye.
Gary: [as The Flash] And we'll give your children a flash of excitement.

Nate: Code 1-3-1.
[blank stares]
Nate: Come on, guys, I wrote a whole memo.
Sara: Yeah, nobody read it.
Ray: [entering] I did.
Nate: Thank you, Ray.
Ray: Pancakes for breakfast.
Nate: No, 1-3-1 is not... is it?
Ray: Yeah. Does that mean no pancakes?

Nate: [seeing all the magical creatures on the Waverider] It's like a demented Noah's Ark.

Nate: Zari's caught in a time loop and the ship explodes every hour.
Ray: Oh, like "Cause and Effect."
Nate: What?
Ray: Star Trek: Next Generation.
Nate: It's "Groundhog Day".
Ray: Fair enough. But "Star Trek"... wait, the ship explodes in an hour?
Zari: Yeah, actually, 24 minutes. And I think someone on board is causing it.
Ray: Mick.
Nate: He's clean.
Zari: Unlike his literary erotica.
Ray: Excuse me, what?
Nate: Long story. Like, literally a long story.

Rip: When I permitted the Legends to keep the Waverider...
Nate: Nobody permits us to do anything.
Rip: I had an ulterior motive.
Sara: Why does that not surprise me?

Nate: I know where the Earth totem is, or more precisely, when: 1717, Saint Lisette.
[seeing their confusion]
Nate: St. Lisette? Sister ship of La Concorde?
Mick: Get to the point, Pretty.
Nate: La Concorde was boarded by pirates, and later named Queen Anne's Revenge. It's Blackbeard the Pirate's ship.
Ray: So, Blackbeard has the Earth totem.
Mick: Well, let's steal it.
Zari: No, guys, hold on. Sara's on a date. We should probably avoid messing with history while she's still on appetizers?
Ray: But... think how happy she'd be if we had the Earth totem by dessert.

Gary: Now, when you're eating a person, I recommend starting with the limbs and then working your way to the head. A gingerbread person. I mean, clearly, I don't eat real people.
Nate: So weird.

Gary: You okay?
Nate: Um, I'm good. I'm good. It's just... I know you guys do things differently here; I just didn't know it was so, uh, protocol-centric.

Mick: Hey, idiot. Get out of here. This is a private beach.
Gary: Fancy meeting you lot out here.
Ray: Constantine?
Gary: Did you really think I was him? It's me.
Nate: Gary, Ray obviously has been day drinking.
Gary: The wig's too much, right?
Zari: No, it's very... presidential.

Nate: 1937, Hollywood, California. A beautiful woman mysteriously appeared and threw the entire film industry into chaos. She apparently was so beautiful that both Warner Bros. and K&G Pictures went to war over her, and it got ugly fast. Literal backs were stabbed. People died.
Zari: Those Hollywood idiots probably had it coming.
Sara: Maybe, but this wasn't supposed to happen, so we are going to fix it. It will be a nice, easy mission, and we'll get our mojo back.
Dr. Martin Stein: Awesome, maybe now I might actually get to meet some celebrities.
Jefferson: And how would you even know? The oldest movie you've ever watched is some ridiculouls farce called "Police Academy".
Dr. Martin Stein: Don't knock the "Academy", Gray.

Nate: Amaya.
Ray: Sara.
Mick: Hey, dumbasses, they have no clue who you are. They work for Damien Darhk.
Nate: Oh!
Ray: Crap.

Neron: Captain Lance, thank for coming all this way. If you're looking for Ray, he's, uh... checked out.
Zari: Is Neron on comms?
Neron: But if you'd like to join him, I can make arrangements.
John: Sara, open fire now. This may be your only chance.
Nate: We can't fire. That's Ray.
John: Ray made a deal with a demon. He's gone. We can't lose anyone else to this bastard. Do it.
Sara: What about you?
John: Blow us both to kingdom come. I'll be happy to go to hell for the cause.

Nate: You're not a horrible mother. You just have a lot on your mind.
Zari: I left our dragon egg in the care of nine-year-old me.
Ava: [entering] Has anybody seen Gary? Wait, what did you just say?

Nate: Guys, Elvis' guitar is haunted.
Sara: We know!
Nate: Yeah, and I'm guessing it's gonna do whatever it takes to get back to Elvis.
Sara: Good guess!

Nate: [Mick breaks into a car] I could have just called us an Uber.
Mick: You ready to steal something, Pretty?
Nate: Um...
[blowing a raspberry]
Nate: Yeah. I could do some light theft.
Mick: What is this, spring break? I'm talking about a felony. Now get in!
Nate: You know what, Mick? If we're gonna rob a house, we really should make sure there's stuff in there worth stealing. And I think I know just the neighborhood.

Nate: Do you hear that? That's $4.2 billion, hell to the yes. Meet me uptown, Ava Sharpe.
[they high-five]
Nate: Mm.
Ava: Okay, that was terrifying.
Nate: Yeah.
Ava: But clearly effective. Thank you.
Nate: Anytime. Always happy to help.
Ava: How about tomorrow? Now that I have $4.2 billion burning a hole in my pocket, you said you could use some income. I could use a guy like you around here. Think about it.

Henry: Not a bad show, if you ask me.
Nate: Dad.
Henry: Hello, Nate.
Nate: [sadly] I missed you so much, Dad.
Henry: I haven't been far.
Nate: [getting emotional] Oh, I guess, um... Guess it sucks, dying before you're ready, huh?
Henry: It sure does. Believe me, I went through all emotions. I mean, anger, worry. I had so many regrets, I almost missed my ticket to the happy place.
Nate: What changed?
Henry: I had faith.
Nate: [pointing up] You're saying there's actually a...
Henry: In you, Nate. And I was right to believe that my boy and all his freaky buddies would see this thing through. But you know the only thing missing from that big show of yours? Music.
[sings the opening line to James Taylor's Sweet Baby James]

Nate: You get off being bossed around, you little sicko.
Gary: You're just figuring this out now?

Sara: [following the Beatles' arrival in New York] Hey, Z, if you had to sleep with one, which one would it be?
Zari: How can you even tell them apart?
Ray: Well, Paul's the cute one, George is the quiet one, there's Ringo...
Mick: Never met an Englishman I haven't wanted to punch in the face.
Nate: Relax, Mick. If it wasn't for the British Invasion, there'd be no Rolling Stones, no Led Zep. No Black Sabbath.
Mick: Black Sabbath.
Nate: Yep.
Mick: Well, then we... we need to protect these mopheads from whatever's screwing up history.

Nate: For a psychotic super villain, the guy's got a great look.
Astra: Yeah, they always do.

Henry: What are you doing for the holiday, Director Sharpe?
Ava: Me? Oh, well I was planning on spending it with my girlfriend, but she's working overtime. So I'll probably just be sticking around here, I guess.
Henry: [gets in elevator] You should join us. It'll be fun, right, Nathaniel?
Nate: Absolutely. Absol...
Ava: Bye, sir.
Nate: Yeah, that is if you don't mind starving all day while your family slowly gets loaded and starts fighting and then your day gets called for a "work emergency."
Ava: Well, at least your family are real people. Mine are actors.

Ava: [working late and hearing a noise] Gary? Is that you? Did you sleepwalk to work again?
Nate: [startling each other] Whoa, whoa!
Ava: Oh, my god!
Nate: What is wrong with you?
Ava: Nate? What the hell are you doing here? And why aren't you wearing pants?
Nate: I can explain. And thank you for not mentioning the shower cap.
Ava: Pretend I did.
Nate: Coconut oil makes my hair more buoyant.
Ava: Really?
Nate: Mm-hmm.
Ava: I should try that. And, uh, the pants situation?

Nate: I don't see her.
Zari: Okay, how do you know what nine-year-old me looks like?
Nate: I'm just looking for the coolest kid in school.
Zari: Yeah, there's a lot I haven't told you about my childhood.

Zari: Guys, I feel like it would have worked a little bit better with the real Trinity.
[referencing "Arrow", "Flash" and "Supergirl"]
Sara: Yeah, well, I asked, and they said hard pass.
Nate: We should have done a crossover.
[Referencing "Elseworlds" episodes]
Sara: Yeah.

Nate: Overcrowding and poverty made Whitechapel a breeding ground for criminal activity, culminating in the Ripper's murders right around... well, now. Isn't history fascinating?
Sara: It certainly is.
Mick: Trusting the Englishman was a damn mistake.
Rip: You know we're all on comms, don't you, Mr. Rory?
Mick: I don't give a rat's ass.

Sara: How about instead of bickering, we figure out our next move against the speedster and his allies.
Nate: "Legion of Doom" has a sexier ring to it.
Sara: I'm not calling them that.

Amaya: [Sara rubs her temple in pain] Are you okay?
Sara: Yeah, do... I'm fine. All right, that's it. No snazzy send-off. Mama's got a headache.
Nate: Even when you don't try, you still got it.

Nate: Am I still high, or is the water witch a pal, Helen of Troy a warrior princess, and Jax is wearing a wedding ring?

Nate: Code 1-3-1! All hands on the bridge!
Sara: What's going on?
Mick: Yeah. I gotta get back to "Lord of the Rings".
Ava: You read?

Sara: When I left, you were headed for Detroit.
Ray: Yeah, it's a... it's... it's a really... it's a really long story.
Nate: Mick and Amaya are marooned in 1717, the Darhks have the Fire totem, and Blackbeard has the Earth totem.
Ray: I just thought it was gonna be a longer story.
Zari: [entering] Thank god you're back. You look great. The engine room's a disaster. We're not going anywhere.

Ava: Look, the woman on that bridge was not Sara. All I care about right now is getting her back.
Amaya: We need to find John Constantine.
Ava: The demonologist?
Nate: Yeah, I know, he wears his tie a little too loose for my liking, but he has saved Sara from Mallus before.

Nate: Look, I'm sorry you have to see your father, but you need to suck it up.
Mick: If it wasn't for this time traveling stuff, I would've never run into that bastard.
Nate: Okay, you know what? We're changing this operation. This has become Operation Tough Love. Yeah, I'm gonna go all Dr. Phil on your ass. It's time for you to man up and sort out...
Mick: Daddy issues.
Nate: I was gonna say "unresolved grief", but let's go with what you're saying.
Mick: You want to know why I've never seen a shrink?
Nate: Why?
Mick: I don't regret killing my old man.
Nate: What?
Mick: That's right, Pretty. You heard me. I let my old man burn to death. How's that for tough love?

Coroner: What's going on here? Scotland Yard has already visited twice, and if the NYPD is issuing ladies warrant cards, then I'm the bloody Queen.
[a ringtone suddenly starts playing]
Sara: All right, who brought their phone?
Nate: Wasn't me. But I do love that song.

Nate: Look, Amaya, I know you're upset about what happened to Kuasa, and all I can say is I am... I'm truly sorry.
Amaya: I don't blame you for my granddaughter's death, Nathaniel. I blame the warlords who draw closer by the minute. And I intend to stop them, so stay out of my way.

Nate: [reuniting the baby Dominator with its mother] I'm not crying. I just have, uh, alien goo in my eye.
Sara: [trying not to cry] Yeah, me too.
Nate: Now I'm gonna go brush my teeth forever.
The: Wait. Why?

Sara: Hank's already looking for ways to slash our funding, so maybe it's not the worst idea to fake it for one mission.
Charlie: You want me to pretend to be this wanker's ex?
Nate: [insulted] What?
Ray: Sounds like classic Legends hijinks to me.
Sara: We can't let Hank know that we're harboring a fugitive. We just need to show him one mission, send him on his way before anything can go wrong.
Nate: Okay, then maybe it wasn't the best idea to leave him with those three.
Sara: We should go.

Nate: Going somewhere, Raymond?
Ray: Uh... ha! No, no, of course not. Zari re-routed the time drive, so...
Nate: Yeah, Gideon just said someone re-rerouted it. What are you doing?
Ray: Well, Sara wanted the ship on lockdown, so...
Nate: So you decided to load Damien Darhk onto the jumpship?
Damien: Hey, Nate.
Ray: Don't wave.

Nate: Oh, crap. That's my dad.
Ava: Wait a second. That's your dad?
Nate: Yeah. This must be one of his secret government projects he could never tell me about. I can't go in there, Ava. I will make this worse.
Ava: Come on, Nate, you're family. How bad could it be?
Nate: Oh, last time I saw him, I insulted his life's work and literally said "I don't need your money."
Ava: Oh, okay, that's bad.

Kuasa: For a PhD, you're remarkably gullible.
Nate: Oh, Kuasa, you're better than this. Be the woman your grandmother believes you to be.
Kuasa: I'm being the woman she knows me to be.
[to Damien]
Kuasa: When you kill him, do it slowly.

Ava: Uh, Ray! Who else saved the multiverse?
Ray: Oh, uh, well The Flash, Supergirl, Batwoman.
Ava: Cool.
Ray: Yeah.
Nate: What, no Superman? Couldn't have been that big of a deal.
Ray: Oh, no, no, Superman was there. He's very handsome.

Nate: Thank you for not having me arrested back there. Those security guards kind of overreacted. You know, one of them tried to mace me.
Oliver: Dr. Heywood, I only agreed to give you five minutes, which was three minutes ago, because Ray and Sara are friends of mine. But I don't know the first thing about any Legends.
Nate: Of course you do, because you're the Green Arrow.
Oliver: Excuse me?
Nate: Huh?
Oliver: We're done here.
Nate: Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to drop a bomb on you like that. It's just... I've exhausted all my normal avenues, and you're the only person left who won't think I'm crazy.
Oliver: Are you sure about that?

Wally: Shouldn't we be bringing Amaya into this?
Nate: No.
Nate: We already have one Vixen in the hospital as it is.
Kuasa: Agreed. My grandmother will want to play the hero and get herself killed. If that happens, Mari and I will be wiped frome existence.
Nate: Right, so we're gonna need you to keep her out of our hair.
Wally: But, I...
Nate: I know, I know. I'll be fine. I just need you to keep an eye on Amaya.

Nate: See, the anachronisms form a pattern.
Dr. Martin Stein: I should have guessed. Though time may be broken, like all matter in the known universe, it still possesses a mathematical harmony.
Jefferson: Not exactly. What about those two?
Nate: Those two are outliers. First one, Seattle, 2042.
Zari: When the assassin tried to kill me.
Nate: Right. While cool - not the part where, you know, you almost got killed - it's not as cool as the other one. London, 1895. How do I say this? There's a vampire. Half-dozen men snatched off the streets, only to have their bodies dumped three days later completely drained of blood.
Mick: [brandishing a stake] Vampires. Waited my whole life to kill one.
Jefferson: Do you just carry that around all the time?
Mick: My whole life.

Nate: Animal control. Again.
Mrs. Palmer: Back to check out my crawl space?
Nate: Your who?
Mrs. Palmer: [pulling him into the house] So what's your excuse this time? Family of possums? Come to wrestle a bear?
Nate: How did you make a family of possums sound so sexy?
Mrs. Palmer: Well, you found your animal right here. But good luck controlling her.

Kevin: The wonder of time travel is allowing our cameras to capture some of the first color images of imperial Russia as we ride along on the Legends' patented party sneak.
Behrad: Turns out it's more of a fun funeral sneak.
Sara: Who died?
Nate: Grigori Rasputin, AKA the Mad Monk. Equal parts mystic advisor and manipulative hornball.
Ray: Rasputin was notoriously hard to kill. It took cyanide, a gun, and drowning before he stayed dead.
[as the coffin lid is secured, mourners scream as it flies off and Rasputin sits up]
Behrad: Um, guys, we sure he stayed dead?

Ray: You have to make your movies. So that we can become who we're supposed to become so we can save you.
Nate: Your movies go on to change the world. All you have to do is believe in yourself.
Ray: You have to believe you're going to make amazing movies!
Amaya: You have to believe it like there's no tomorrow!
Ray: Say it, George. Say it out loud!
Nate: George Lucas, WHAT DO YOU REALLY WANT?
George: What I really want - What I really want - What I really want IS TO DIRECT!

Wally: Okay, come on. We're good to go, right?
Nate: Are we? 'Cause Elvis hasn't recorded his first single yet. And without that guitar, he may never record it. Which means rock and roll history is...
Mick: Josh Groban.
Sara: What if we have Gideon fabricate a ringer guitar and drop it off to the future King?
Nate: Great idea. I call "A" mission. Amaya, come with me. I will teach you what rock and roll is all about. 'Till then, everyone shake, rattle, and roll!

Kevin: The Waverider was surprisingly quiet, because half the team was away on a mission.
Nate: Oh, the crossover. Yeah, had to take a rain check. See, when you are a superhero/amusement park impresario/historian that rises from the dead, your dance card tends to get pretty full.

Female: You can steal money from a bank, fine. But you don't steal somebody's gang name.
Nate: All right, lady, look. We don't have a gang name, okay?
Female: You gotta have a gang name. It's patriotic.
Behrad: Oh, oh! What about the Legends... of Tomorrow?
Female: It's wordy.
Nate: [nodding] It is.
Behrad: Ooh ooh ooh! The Bullet Blondes.
Nate: Well, it's not just Sara and Ava. We're in the gang too.
Female: They're doing all the heavy lifting.
Nate: Bullet Blondes. Damnit, B, it *is* catchy.
Female: Hmm, the Bullet Blondes.
Nate: The Bullet Blondes.
Behrad: The Bullet Blondes.
Female: [turns and announces to the townsfolk] This robbery is the work of the Bullet Blondes! The Bullet Blondes!

Nate: Wait, the vampire... that was you?
Lab: A two-pronged needle by my own invention is hardly vampiric.
Nate: Then who's the stiff?
Sara: [entering] Nate, are you okay?
Nate: Does it look like I'm okay? Instead of a sexy vampire, I got stuck with this weirdo.

Zari: So, any sign of the captain, Nate?
Nate: No, but I found Wally.
Amaya: Is he...
Nate: Alive. Sara must have shot him with the anti-speedster gun.
Mick: We're gonna need a bigger medbay.

Nate: We have one job, and that's to protect the timeline. And kill anyone who messes with it, so I guess we have two jobs.

Dr. Martin Stein: Would you please help me talk some sense into her?
Nate: I like broccoli!

Ray: Why does the Legion of Doom want the medallion?
Sara: Legion of Doom?
Nate: Yeah.
Ray: Don't ask.

Henry: [Nate is trying to prove magic exists] Son, I don't know who put you up to this, but...
[the Fairy Godmother's spell is lifted, and Ray becomes human again]
Nate: [steeling up] Oh, yeah, I'm also a superhero. And this is my friend Ray.
Ray: Oh, hi, Mr. Heywood. Nice to finally meet you.
Henry: How much money do you need to ensure that this never happens again?
Ava: $4.2 billion a year, sir.
Henry: Done.

Ava: On behalf of the Time Bureau, I would like to recognize Captain Lance and her crew for fixing the final anachronism. Congratulations.
Sara: What does that even mean?
Ava: Well, it means that...
[ushering Gary out of the way]
Ava: ...Paul Revere was the final crack in the timeline. You, my friends, fixed history.
Nate: The same history we broke.
Sara: [through gritted teeth] Just take the win.
Mick: I don't want your stinking medal.
Ava: There's an open bar.
Mick: Where?

Amaya: Sara put me in charge while she steps away.
Nate: All the more reason why you should stay on the ship. Okay? I'll go to Detroit, and I'll talk to her.
Wally: And I'll, uh... I'll help him.
Nate: Yeah. There's nothing this dynamic duo cannot do.
Amaya: Okay, fine. Just be careful.

Nate: In the words of Ray and Mike Tyson, I think we found our "myth-tery" man.

Mick: If the code is 113, it's off to the bridge for you and me.
Nate: You memorized Ray's song?
Mick: Well, he sings it often enough.

Nate: Whatever they roofied me with fritzed out my powers.
Sara: Can you describe where you are?
Nate: Uh, like a... an operating room? All I know is there's a spooky-ass red moon painting on the wall.

Nate: [Nate is alone with Hank's open casket] Nate:
Nate: Ah, Hank. I have so many questions. You weren't torturing magical creatures, you were training them to be in a theme park. That is nuts. But I gotta respect you for dreaming big. It was your moonshine, your way of risking it all to make the world a better place.
[getting emotional]
Nate: I was so wrong about you. At the end of the day, you were just as wacky and well-intentioned as any Legend. And I wish I had a chance to get to know that side of you. I'm gonna miss you. I love you, Hank... I love you, Dad.

Nate: What just happened?
Ray: Well, it's the strangest thing. Uh, two cops just escorted Eliot Ness to the bureau.
Nate: They're not escorting him to the bureau. They're gonna throw him in the river.
Ray: What?
Nate: Ray, 1920s Chicago PD was the most corrupt police force in history. Almost all of them are on Capone's payroll. Did you or did you not see "The Untouchables"?

Nate: [Mick prepares to use a garden gnome to break into a house] Whoa, Mick, wait, wait, wait! You are so aggressive.
[taking out a hidden key]
Nate: Why don't you look for a spare key?
Mick: Good spotting, Pretty.
Nate: [sarcastic] Yeah. I'm a real criminal mastermind.

Sara: Where are you guys?
Ray: Not sure exactly. Looks like they turned the rec center into some kind of government research facility.
Zari: We're on our way to save the baby Dominator.
Sara: What?
Ray: It's a long story.
Sara: Well, that story's about to get a lot more interesting because his mom just landed and she's looking for him.
Nate: Wait, the Dominator has a Mominator?
Sara: And it gets worse. I think she might have read my mind.
Ray: What did she see?
Sara: Well, she's looking for her baby. The last time I saw him was...
Ray: At my house. My mom's home. If the queen finds her...
Amaya: Don't worry, we won't let that happen.

Gary: Have you and Zari talked next steps?
Nate: No. I don't know what to say, and I don't want to ruin the vibe.
Gary: You're ruining the vibe by not saying anything. This is the last time I sneak you train donuts.
Nate: The hell you will! You're my donut dealer!

Nate: Sara, you guys okay?
Sara: Yeah, we're fine, as long as we keep placating Gary. I guess Charlie and Z are our last hope.
Mick: Great, we're toast.
Ava: Welcome to hell.

Ray: [see's drawing that Nate did] Did you draw your own superhero costume?
Nate: Absolutely not, yeah I did.

Nate: Morally, he's repulsive. Historically, however, he's one of the most important men of the 20th century. He founded the FBI. He ran it till he died.
Sarah: Well, great men aren't usually good guys.

Damien: You know, not that I couldn't watch Pompadour get punched out all day, but you could have just told him where we're going. Where are we going?
Ray: To right before Mallus took over Nora. And I can't tell anybody because we're not supposed to travel to events in which we've participated in.
Nate: I will punch through this door!
Damien: Huh. And no one on your team trusts me.
Ray: That goes without saying.

Amaya: Now, the reason the totems haven't been working for us is not because we're unworthy. It's because we've been using them wrong.
Nate: [still high] The totems were not designed to be used individually. Individually. Individually.
Sara: Shut up.
Amaya: Their elemental powers combine to create a perfect being of light to fight Mallus with.
Nate: Like Voltron.
Sara: Like Voltron?
Nate: Defender of the Universe.

Sara: All right, everybody, I know you're sad, so this is what we're gonna do. I want you to take all of your feelings about Martin and it put in a box, and then I want you to close the box, and then you're gonna lock the box.
Leo: Well, that sounds healthy.
Sara: Maybe not, but we got a job to do. Gideon, the anachronism, please.
Zari: Uh, level twelve?
Gideon: Level ten didn't do it justice. Leif Eriksson's Vikings set up a colony in the New World around 1000 AD.
Nate: Little-known fact, the Vikings "discovered" the Americas 492 years before Columbus, but due to Eriksson's adoption of Christianity, the Vikings decided to pack up their bags and head home. Sorry, Gideon, you were saying?

Nate: This is for the best, right? Maybe, maybe not? I don't know. I feel like I'm supposed to say that.
Behrad: We're better off. Fame messes with people.
Ava: Still have that money problem.
Sara: Oh, I almost forgot. Mick?
Mick: [growling, he takes something out of his pocket] I steal things.
Mona: Whoa. Is that a Faberge egg?
Sara: Mm-hmm.
Mona: What's that worth?
Mick: 50 million.
[Ava gasps in surprise and drops it, but Sara catches it]
Sara: Whoa, be careful with that, babes.

Amaya: This is me.
Nate: Of course. You really don't remember, do you?
Amaya: How is this possible?
Nate: We were part of a bitchin' team that traveled through time together; I mean, the 1942 you.
Amaya: Why are you here, time traveler?
Nate: To keep my promise to you, by making sure your daughter Esi gets the Spirit totem tonight.
Amaya: She didn't even show up to her own ceremony. Her head is always somewhere else. She doesn't know what she wants.
Nate: Yeah, you had a hard time figuring that out, too, when you were her age. But, look, if Esi believed you were truly in her corner, she wouldn't doubt herself. She would accept the totem and be unstoppable, just like you.

Ray: Look, Sara, we're really sorry. We thought we could make things easier for you by taking this off your plate.
Sara: And risking your own necks. Look, I already have one dead friend on my plate. I'm good there. And you know, none of you self-absorbed mega stars even bothered to ask me how I was doing.
Ava: Look, Sara, I told them not to mention Oliver, okay? I thought you wouldn't want to be reminded.
Sara: Reminded? What, did you think that I could just forget that my friend died?
Ava: No, I - look, I know things have been crazy around here.
Sara: Crazy around here? You still have no idea what I saw out there.
Nate: What did happen?
Sara: Countless Earths died. I became a paragon and traveled back to the big bang. We restarted the universe and now no one even remembers what we've changed.
Ava: That's a lot to process.
Sara: Yeah, I know. So you could see why I would wanna talk to my friends about it. And instead I get cameras in my face.

Zari: [regarding Nate's terrarium for the dragon egg] Wow, this is very, um, impressive.
Nate: Yeah, I found a book about dragons in Constantine's collection.
Zari: [reading from book] "The egg must incubate under the mother at her body temperature lest the egg expire." Yeah, I'm not gonna sit on that thing
Nate: I figured as much. That's why I got a heat lamp.

Zari: I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I think it needs skin-to-skin contact like the book said.
Nate: [she puts the egg under her shirt] I think it's working.
Zari: Hey, uh, why does it feel like we skipped past all the fun stuff into, you know, this?
Nate: We can still do the fun stuff.
[they start to kiss, moaning]
Zari: What about the egg?
Nate: Um... there's other ways we could create heat.
Zari: Seriously, dude?

Sara: Hold on. Is he kissing...
Zari: Oh, the Fairy Godmother.
Nate: Is that tongue?
Mick: More singing.
Charlie: We're so screwed.

Ava: What the hell is going on here? Mr. Rory, would you please move?
Amaya: Sara's bonded with the Death totem.
Ava: What?
Nate: We think Mallus tricked her into wearing it.

Nate: Did you hear me over comms? Ray punched me in the face with his giant banana hands and took off with Damien Darhk.

Elvis: Uncle Lucious, what are you doing here?
Uncle: Well, well, well. You missed choir practice. Then I hear 'cause you're down at Sun Studios. Well, no kin of mine is gonna record the devil's music. Not after what we saw in church.
Elvis: Look, I-I got talent. My manager says so.
Uncle: You got my nephew into this?
Nate: Yeah.

Nate: What does Darhk care if we fix anachronisms or not?
Sara: I don't know. We didn't have time to get into his evil agenda.

Nate: Don't tell me they messed with the King.
Ray: Whatever he saw drove him crazy. He was taken to the Bolivar State Hospital. Treated for insanity.
Nate: If Memphis is abandoned in '54, then rock doesn't hit the mainstream, which means there's no Howlin' Ray, no Little Richard...
Mick: The Elvis sandwhich; peanut butter and banana fried in greasy bacon fat. The man was a visionary.
Zari: But if it didn't show up on the anachronism map, then...
Nate: Darhks. The only people evil enough to wanna kill rock and roll. Oh, and I bet you that sick bastard likes ska.

Gary: Where does the hippopotamus come into play?
Nate: That's the archduke's car. He's waving.

Ray: Nate, we haven't found Sara or the rest of the team, but we did find a strange symbol.
Nate: What's it look like?
Ray: Well, it looks like a circle with a line above the circle, and then there's, like, a U-shape coming off of the circle.
Nate: [trying to draw the symbol] A duck?
Zari: [taking a picture with her phone] Welcome back to the 21st century, you Luddites.

Sara: Nate, you're running point on this one. With Zari.
Nate: For real?
Nate: Um...
Ava: [turning around to talk privately] Sara, we did not discuss this.
Sara: Look, relax, it's just a cleanup job. They'll do fine.
Ava: [turning back] Okay, find the fugitive, bring him in, preferably in one piece. Now scram.

Nate: I got eyes on her.
Sara: All right, remember we're doing recon only. Nobody moves on her. Let's see what we're dealing with. What can you tell us?
Nate: She's... really, really pretty. She looks familiar, like I've seen her somewhere.
Amaya: I'm sure she's never heard that one before.
Zari: The gossip I'm hearing is that this woman is seriously Method. She hasn't broken character since she got here.

Nate: The assassination was such a famous fiasco, I kindly decided to draw you a diagram to help explain.
Sarah: Ooh, I didn't know you were an artist. And now I see why.

Zari: That's the spot where kids used to gang up on me and say "Zari, Zari, why your clothes so sorry?"
Nate: Aww. I would have said "Zari, Zari, you smell like calamari."
[seeing her look]
Nate: Bullying is bad.

Nate: This was fun. It's good to be back.
Sara: Well, the door is always open.
Nate: You know, coming back here, I thought it'd be like the old days, but I don't know what's more surprising, the fact that so much has changed or at some point, this became the old days.
Sara: You'd think we of all people would understand that time makes no sense.
Nate: Yeah.
Sara: But I guess it's something you never accept.
Nate: You know I love you guys, right? But, uh... I belong over there.
Sara: I get it. I'm proud of you. So go on. Go do your adult thing, and we'll see you around.

Nate: I spent my entire life trying to convince Hank that I made something of myself, and most of the time, I was faking it, okay? So he's supposed to suddenly believe I'm a superhero who fought a unicorn. Come on.
Ava: Look, I know it's hard doing good when it seems like no one notices, but I have seen the good that you can do, okay? And that's why I believe that you can help us here, not because you're Hank's son, but because you...
[seeing his attention drift off]
Ava: Look at me.
[he does so]
Ava: You are a hero, okay? Now, Gary's seeing him out. We still have time.
Nate: [standing up] You schmoozed me.
Ava: Did it work?

Gideon: Shock missiles away, Captain.
Nate: Oh, this is gonna suck so bad.
Jefferson: Uh, Gray, if we're gonna die, I don't want us to go out mad at each other. So, uh, I can't remember what for, but I'm sorry.
Dr. Martin Stein: You were just thinking of me. Actually, I should be thanking you.
Ray: Aww. Who wants to hold hands?
Nate: Ray, it's not freaking "Toy Story 3".
Mick: Everyone shut up. I got one page left.

Zari: Good call, Mick.
Mick: When I said Aruba, I meant me, not all of you.
Nate: Still, nothing helps a broken heart like a good tan. Should have invited Ava.
Sara: Oh, we've got plans. And until then, she's busy fixing all those pesky anachronisms we left behind.
Ray: Well, that's the thing about defeating an ancient time demon: everything else seems boring.

Nate: Oh, my god, I kissed a Dominator. And I liked it.

Commander: I'm sorry if I didn't live up to the version of Commander Steel you dreamt of meeting.
Nate: Nah, I like the real version better.

Nate: Ray, Ray, Ray. I missed him. He's gone.
Ray: [runs to the bridge] Nate, Nate. I'm still here, buddy.
Nate: Ray, I am so sorry I lashed out at you. It was just alot to process and I didn't know how to say it. The thing is I'm just really sad but I'm really happy for you guys
Ray: I'm sorry that you found out the way you did, and I just- I wish there was someway that everything and.. nothing could change all at once.
Nate: [puts his arm on Ray's shoulder] This sucks. But I love you.
Ray: [puts his arm on Nate's shoulder] This totally sucks. But I love you too.
[They embrace]

Nate: Well, this is a disaster.
Ava: Hey, no one's killed each other yet.

Sara: Guys, Beebo is rampaging through Star City. Does Behrad have his totem?
Ava: Beebo? That doesn't make any sense. You would need all six totems to make that happen, and Behrad's definitely still on the ship.
Sara: All right, I gotta go.
Nate: Wait, do you need help?
Sara: No, stay in D.C. I don't want any more of my people getting roped into this mess.
Ava: Well, here's the thing. Um... one of us is kind of already there.
Sara: Who?

Nate: We gotta go back to the ship to figure out what we're doing. That's the way we do things, right?
Sara: Yes, when the mission isn't also showing Hank a good time. I'm sorry.
Nate: You know, I thought this would be good for the both of us, but... Hank is at his happiest when he's telling me what I'm doing wrong, so...
[clicking his tongue]
Nate: Mission accomplished.

Nate: Ray? Jax? Can you hear me? I think there's something up with Mick. He's got that look, you know, when his eyes get all crazed. I think the jungle's finally getting to...
[bumping into Rory]
Nate: Hey, man. You good?

Sara: Get a fix on Ray's position while Stein and I keep our Time Bureau friends busy.
Sara: Not you space ranger. Sit!
Nate: Whoa.
Nate: I really love this show.

John: Hey, Nate. How's the old toast going?
Nate: Is there one or two N's in "conniving"?

Nate: As every Deadhead knows, Jerry Garcia was missing most of his middle finger on his right hand from a wood chopping accident.
Zari: Cool, so how do we get his saliva?

Amaya: What totem would choose a guitar-toting choir boy as its bearer?
Nate: Isn't it obvious? It's Elvis we're talking about. It's gotta be...
Mick: A sandwich totem.
Nate: I was gonna say "music".
Ray: Just imagine what the music totem would do for my upper register. I could finally give local theater a shot.
Ray: That is after we use it to destroy Mallus.
Zari: [sarcastic] So we're gonna vanquish a time demon with our killer harmonies. It's gonna go great.

Nate: Morning, Captain. Where's Mrs. Captain?

Mona: Apparently, when Rasputin cured the Czarina's only son, the two fell madly in love. I think if Rasputin realized how much the Czarina loved him, he would wanna settle down with her, lead the kind of quiet life that doesn't disturb history. Maybe Rebecca Silver's next series could be called "Russian Nights."
Nate: So, the St. Petersburg elite hated Rasputin's influence over the Czarina. So the Czar's own nephew, a prince by the name of Yusupov, he spearheaded the assassination. Ray, what if old Grigori came back...
Ray: To settle the score?
[gearing up]
Nate: We need to stop Rasputin from killing Yusupov.
Mona: [writing and sealing a love letter] I'm going to deliver a love letter to Rasputin.
Ava: [assembling and loading a sniper rifle] I'm gonna kill Rasputin. You in?
Mick: Yep.

Sara: All right, let's go check this out. We need to find Elvis before panic sets in.
Gideon: Elvis Presley's uncle preached at the Church of Zion every Sunday. The boy never missed a service.
Sara: You heard the lady.
[nobody moves]
Sara: What? Why are you staring at me?
Nate: I dunno, waiting for you to do the thing you do.
Sara: What thing?
Ray: You know, you usually send us into the field with a little more pizzazz.
Sara: [rolling her eyes; in a commanding voice] All right, Legends, put on your Sunday best, because we are going to church.
Nate: That was pretty good.

Mick: Celebrating July 4th early?
Nate: Ray made it for me.
Mick: You look like a star-spangled idiot.

Sara: All right, kids, it's anachronism o'clock. What you got?
Amaya: How about this one? It's a category two during the Belle Epoque in Paris. Sounds romantic.
Nate: Hmm. Or, uh, this category three, which is the launch of the Spirit of St. Louis. I always wanted to join the mile-high club. It's when two people on a plane...
Sara: Hey, really cute that you guys are crazy in love, but date night is going to have to wait. If these anachronisms are loosening Mallus' cage, we need to double down.

Nate: Ugh! Hate watching people die with no sound! What are we, in the Dark Ages?

Elvis: Now, I-I-I know this all sounds like hogwash. Magical guitars, the ghosts of gone family members. But I can't play without him. I got a session to record at Sun Studios tomorrow. I saved up to buy it.
Nate: It's your first recording session. You're gonna keep that appointment. And we're gonna get you Jesse back.
Elvis: You will?
Amaya: We will?

Ray: [simultaneously with Nate] Bad news!
Nate: Good news!
Zari: What's going on?
Ray: [simultaneously again] The Fire totem's gone.
Nate: I know where their totem is.
Amaya: Ray-Ray, you go first.

Ava: Sara, are you okay? Ray called us to tell us that you were on some special mission.
Nate: But he's a little fuzzy on the deets, so what's the haps, Cap?
Sara: Yeah, we've been busy saving the multiverse.
Nate: You got shanghaied into another crossover, didn't you?
Sara: Hmm, yeah, kinda.
Ava: Whoa, whoa. Did they kidnap you?
Nate: This is a classical crossover move. We tell 'em we're too busy, they commit a felony.

Nate: Beale Street was the heart of the music scene in Memphis in the 1950s. Brothels, churches, juke joints, all next to each other, all black-owned. This... this was the spirit of rock and roll.

Amaya: It was my decision to save my village. I shattered history and allowed the demon to escape. It's up to me to find a way to stop him.
Nate: Amaya. Amaya, look at me.
[she opens her eyes]
Nate: We decided to save the village. Now, if you're gonna go on some crazy drug trip, you better believe I'm coming with you.
Amaya: No, Nathaniel...
[he downs the cup of tea]
Amaya: You're only supposed to take a sip of that.
Nate: Really?

Nate: It looks like doomsday's finally here, and it's ordered the burger.

Sara: Ava! You okay?
Ava: It's a long story, but Gary took over the Bureau. He "nip'-notized everyone.
Nate: Yeah, you're gonna have to explain that.
Mick: The germ turned.

Ray: [to Agent Sharpe] Lady, why are you so mean?
Sara: Maybe it's that poly-blend pantsuit that's got her so grumpy.
Nate: I didn't know Men's Warehouse gave group discounts.
Ava: What's the matter with you people? Do you want to get shot?
Nate: Totally rather get shot than look like a Sears' model.

Nate: Your, um, daughter, she looks... she looks... different. No offense.
Damien: None taken.
[picking up a cattle prod]
Damien: Her face...
Nate: How long has that been a situation?
Damien: You know what? Since you're gonna die, I might as well tell you. The-the closer that Mallus gets to escaping his prison, the worse the situation gets. It... don't... stop looking... don't look at me. I'm just gonna... I'm just gonna... I'm sorry. It-it's not you. It... it's me. Torture just doesn't bring me the same joy anymore.
Nate: It's okay, you're distracted. I get it. You made a deal with the devil, now he's come back to claim your little girl. Am I right?
Damien: Yes! I mean, I-I-I... I wanted to burn the world down and re-build it in my image, not lose the person I was doing it for.
Nate: Damien, this is deep stuff, man. Let's just keep digging. Let's keep digging. Just do me one favor.
Damien: Yes, what?
Nate: Can you lose the cattle prod? I mean, I'm gonna die anyway. Let's just make this a safe space.

Wally: So, what's the backup plan?
Nate: Well, according to Ray's song, this is a code 2-2-2.
Wally: What's that?
Nate: It means we're screwed no matter what we do.

Sara: About that ghost.
Nate: It's Elvis' dead twin, Jesse.

Nate: What happened?
Mick: It's Sara. She's wearing the Death thingy.
Zari: The Death totem? Why would Elvis' totem make Sara evil?
Amaya: The totems work by amplifying the true nature of... of whoever wears them.
Zari: But Constantine warned Ray that Mallus' power was inside Sara. Make he's taken her over.
Wally: So, if Elvis could raise the dead with a totem, what could a former assassin connected to a demon be capable of?

Sara: Victorian London. Opium dens and low-cut corsets.
Nate: Arthur Conan Doyle and the rolling fog.
Mick: Syphilis, whores, and vampires.
Jefferson: That's a strong smell of garlic.
Mick: It's tied around my neck.
Sara: Yeah, you're a regular Van Helsing.
Nate: That's from "Dracula".
Mick: I'm reading it. Don't tell me the end.

Mick: [to Nate; made of metal] What the hell happened to you?
Nate: I really don't know.

Zari: Why would Amaya want the memory flasher?
Nate: It could have something to do with Kuasa. She does want to help her.
Zari: What if Kuasa somehow convinced her to to blow up the ship?
Nate: Take it easy on the conspiracy juice.

Nate: Grigori! Razzmatazz. Do, uh, people call you Griggy? There's just been a... a slight misunderstanding. Um, your monk friends here think I'm here to kill you, uh, when really I just would like to chat.
[Rasputin nonverbally points at Kevin and his crew]
Nate: Oh, this? This is, uh, my camera crew. We're producing a news reel about your startling return. After all, you're not a big deal until you're a big deal on camera.

Amaya: This is the music of Zambesi. Gideon helped me locate some supposedly lost tracks.
[putting a set of headphones on him]
Amaya: You like it?
Nate: [nodding in time] Yeah... oh, it's... I like... I love it! So good.
Amaya: [quietly] Now you know how I feel about rock and roll.
Nate: What's that?
Amaya: [more loudly] I said you're almost at the good part.
Nate: You mean this isn't the good part?
Amaya: [quietly again] I love you, Nathaniel.
Nate: What?
Amaya: I said there's a lot more where that came from. It's a good thing we got time.

Nate: Damn, girl, you look wrecked. How many times have we done this?
Zari: How many times have you asked me how many times have we done this, or how many times have we all been blown up?
Nate: So you've been stuck in this loop for a while?
Zari: Yeah, like, forever.
Nate: It's okay. Maybe you could use a break. Have some fun?
Zari: Fun? I blow up every hour.
Nate: Exactly. No consequences.

Mick: One lousy beer for breakfast.
Nate: It's breakfast?
Ray: Yeah. What time did you go to bed last night, buddy?
Nate: I didn't. Drank a lot of coffee. Can you tell?

Nate: Hey, how'd it go out there?
Ava: Well, you better start packing your things, because he just gave the entire Bureau an eviction notice.
Nate: Did you tell him about the magical creatures?
Ava: Oh, yeah. He's not buying it. He needs proof.
Nate: Oh, that is such a Hank thing.

Ray: [Nate learns Nora is helping search for Ava] Look, she didn't kill Hank.
Nate: Come on, man.
Ray: Just listen, okay? Your dad made a deal with a demon named Neron. I guess something went wrong and the demon killed him. I'm sorry, buddy.
Nate: My dad made a deal with a demon to open a theme park? Oh, Ray, I don't know how much more of this I can take, man.

Lieutenant: You speak as someone who's seen the future.
Nate: Haven't all students of history? Those who suffer, heal. Everything destroyed gets rebuilt. And our towers grow a little taller every time.

Sara: Are you guys okay?
Nate: Yes. No. I don't know. First time in my adult life I told my dad I loved him. Years of therapy couldn't even get me to do that.

Nate: I just thought becoming a superhero, I would spend less time in the library than my old job. So...
Ray: Well, research skills are kind of a superpower. And you can turn to steel. You got two.

Nate: Lyoga root? Do you really think this is the best time to go on a psychedlic vision quest?
[soft snicker]
Nate: Who am I kidding?
Nate: It's never a bad time to go.

Zari: Nate.
Nate: Amaya and I were just, you know, working on our harmonies, in case we have to impersonate...
Zari: Yeah, yeah, whatever. I have something to tell you. Hedgehog Day.
[he looks at her blankly]
Zari: Damn it, you told me if I said "Hegdehog Day", you would know what I was talking about.
Nate: Do you mean "Groundhog Day"? Why would I tell you to tell me about a Bill Murray movie?
Zari: I don't know. All I know is I'm stuck in this time loop.
Nate: [understanding her point] Like "Groundhog Day"! Okay, got it, okay.

Gideon: I have encountered a glitch during the Heyworld event.
Nate: Show me.
[Gideon shows him the footage, with Zari's image replacing Behrad's; the power goes down, and a hologram appears behind him]
Zari: Nate. If you're seeing this, we altered my future at Heyworld. I don't know where I'll be or who I'll be, but... I know that I love you. Find me.
[the message ends, and the power returns]
Nate: Gideon. Gideon, who was that? Play it again.
Gideon: Memory scrub complete.

Henry: Nathaniel. I assumed you would have left town by now.
Nate: Yeah, I decided to stay a couple extra days.
Henry: Let me guess, you got fired from whatever online college you conned into hiring you.
Nate: Sweet burn, Hank, but, um... I was just... wondering if you wanted to have a beer with me?
Henry: We don't do that.
Nate: Maybe we should start.

Barry: This isn't up for debate. It's not even a close call. I mean... I turn my self over to the Dominators, they leave the rest of the world alone. Simple.
Felicity: No, it's not simple.
John: Barry, it doesn't matter what you've done. You can't do this.
Barry: It's been an honor to know all of you, to fight alongside of you. Now it's up to you to keep our home safe.
Oliver: Barry! I'm not letting you leave.
Barry: No offense, Oliver, but you and what army?
Supergirl: This one.
Mick: Listen, Red. I don't like you. But when you got a crew, you don't take a hit for the rest.
Barry: That was actually pretty inspiring. I mean, up until the point that Mick compared us to a bunch of criminals, but...
Amaya: According to the Dominators, we might as well be.
Nate: And maybe they're right. Maybe we do more harm than good, but this is our chance to find out.
Cisco: We're not letting you sacrifice yourself. There's no way. I don't care if that's what it means to be a hero. You're not a hero to me. You're my friend.

Nate: Look, all I know is Constantine promised us new, mysterious monsters, so where are they all hiding?
Sara: I'm confused. We are all happy that there was only one dragon, right? We don't want to be fighting werewolves in the Alamo.
Nate: Eh.
Ray: Well, it would be good for our ratings.
Zari: What ratings?
Ray: Oh, you don't know? The Time Bureau rates all their employees. But don't worry. We-we have a few dedicated fans.
Zari: Yeah, Gary doesn't count.
Mick: Who gives a damn about Time Pig ratings? I want dragons.
Sara: What is wrong with you guys? Don't you get it? Constantine was wrong. Our crazy plan to let Mallus out worked. Finally, we're not screw-ups forced to clean up our own mess. For once in our lives, we are actual heroes.

Nate: All right, you fathwoom into Amaya's hut, grab the totem, and we'll give it to her daughter.
Wally: Nate, I... now that you have some space from her, I need you to come to your senses. Amaya can't see this, she's too close. But she's going to cause more harm than good if this releases Mallus.
Nate: We don't know that.
Wally: We do. You do.
Nate: I can't not help her, Wally.
Wally: I love you, man, but I will stop you if you take this too far.

Nate: [sneaking into Amaya's hut] Like stealing candy from a very old baby.

Nate: Helen and her lover, Paris, set off a ten-year war that launched thousands of ships and sent tens of thousands of men off to their death, all in the name of her beauty.
Zari: You make it sound like it's her fault. Men always find a reason to fight. That's not on her.
Mick: Depends. How hot is she?

Nora: I'm tired of skulking around air ducts. I'm going after Mona.
Ava: Whoa, whoa, whoa. We're gearing up for an assault. Hold your position.
Nora: [magically knocking an agent back] Too late.
Nate: Wait, where's Gary?
Nora: In Ava's office, getting real comfortable.

Henry: Nathaniel, are you all right?
Nate: No, I'm not. I've been keeping secrets from you.
Henry: You think I don't know that?
Nate: But it's more than your secret Pentagon side project. It's always been like this, dad. The-the-the lying and the hiding of the feelings. Now that I'm getting to be honest, I just want to tell you I love you, but you just make it so damn hard.
Henry: Look, son, you don't understand.
Nate: And I like working with you at the Time Bureau side by side. I've never felt closer to you. But I'm having, like, a hard time even looking in your face. Just tell me why. Why are you doing all this? Why are you pretending that we are on the same side?
Henry: I can't. But everything I've done has been for you. And the fact that it's hurting you, Nate, it's killing me. But I want to make this right.
Nate: Okay. You let the Legends walk. That, or you lock me up, too. Because if you don't trust them, then you and I are not on the same side.

Henry: If the Legends so much as forget to signal, we'll hear about it. They'll slip up eventually.
Nate: That's probably accurate.

Sara: Any sign of Ray?
Nate: Oh, no, just another Grateful Dead end. I for sure got a contact high.
Mick: Yeah. And I managed to swipe Jerry Garcia's glasses.
Wally: Oh...
[he speeds to Mick, takes the glasses, and speeds back]
Wally: Once a thief, always a thief.
Nate: No, we... we allow light to moderate theft on this ship. We like to call them souvenirs.

Ray: We need backup. Nora's possessed.
Mick: Come on. Push back.
Zari: We're trying, but we need help.
Mick: Where's the defense?
Ray: That's what we're asking you for.
Nate: [sitting down with Mick] Oh, tie game. Third and goal.
Mick: [handing him a beer] Here.
Nate: Thanks.

Jefferson: Our coordinates say we're right above the Order.
Sara: Prepare the shock missiles.
Mick: [reading "Dracula"] Three pages left.
Amaya: What are you doing? Zari's in there.
Sara: I need you to target the cargo bay.
Ray: Our cargo bay?
Nate: Shouldn't we have a team vote first?
Sara: If anybody has a better idea how to get the ship open, now's the time. Trust me, Jax. Fire.

Henry: Are you sure this room is secure enough to hold these creatures?
Ava: It's a temporary arrangement until our containment facility is up and running, sir.
Nate: And they are heavily sedated, right, Gary?
Gary: Yep. Double doses of elephant tranquilizer all around.
Ava: [leading Hank away] This way.

Dorothy: So, don't forget, the benefit is tonight.
Nate: Mom, I don't know if I'm gonna make it this year. I have a work emergency.
Dorothy: Work can wait. Right, Hank?
Hank: No.
Dorothy: Yeah, your father's nodding. Okay, darling. See you here at 7:00.

Nate: What's the plan, Z? First you piss off Sara, now you're sneaking out of the medbay.
Zari: Yeah, I don't have a plan, because nothing I do matters anyway. Sara always yells at me, nobody believes what I say, and Ray always trips on his platforms. I have no idea why I'm stuck in this time loop.
Nate: Time loop? You mean like "Groundhog Day"?
[Zari shrugs her confusion]
Nate: You don't know "Groundhog"... all right, it's a movie about this guy who lives the same day over and over and over again until he learns to be a better person. I know it sounds totally hacky. However, it's very well executed.
[hearing a loud bang]
Nate: What's that noise?
Zari: Oh, that noise just means that we're all about to die.
Nate: All right, if what you're saying is true, and you find yourself in the loop again, find me and say the words "Groundhog Day."

Jefferson: I really wish I had better news about Sara, but she's still in a coma thanks to Damien Darhk's daughter laying her out.
Ray: Well, in the meantime, we could do what we do best and fix a few anachronisms.
Mick: How about you just drop me off on an island full of beautiful women like Zari did with that Helen chick.
Zari: Rory, you weren't supposed to say anything.
Amaya: Wait, you didn't take Helen back to Troy where she belongs?
Zari: That's what the Time Bureau does. But we... we do something different.
Nate: No, we do it different... ly.
Nate: Yeah, more messy.
Zari: Okay, if you look at the historical record, the Trojan War happens with or without Helen. See? No anachronism.
Ray: How do you think the captain would feel about you re-engingeering time?

Young: We have to go back.
Nate: Go back for what?
Young: My Beebo.
Jefferson: What the hell is a Beebo?
Nate: As in Cuddle Me Beebo?
Young: It's a Hannukah gift for Lily.
Mick: [grabbing him and leading him away] We're not going back for some damn toy!
Young: You don't understand! That damn toy is gonna change history!

Ray: Sara, it's Ray. Do you copy?
Nate: Z, would you please tell her talking to Kuasa is a bad idea?
Zari: No.
Amaya: Thank you. I refuse to accept that my granddaughter is pure evil.
Nate: Fine, she's 89% evil.
Ray: Guys, I think Sara is in trouble.
Mick: Quiet! Haircut, take the new girl. Find Blondie, Fake Snart, and Trenchcoat. Amaya, the medbay. Pretty, the library. Water Bitch stays in the freezer.
[everybody leaves]
Ray: [returning] You know, Mick, you're really showing some management potential.
Mick: Get out.

Ava: Okay, big smiles everyone. And nobody mention Oliver Queen.
Mona: Why?
Ava: Because he died.
Nate: Shouldn't have done the crossover.

Wally: Hey, what happens if we don't repair history?
Ray: Working theory: time is frappéd together like a smoothie, so instead of just dealing with Julius Caesar in Aruba, we have to fight off Genghis Khan, a herd of wooly mammoths, and a swarm of locusts from the Old Testament.
Nate: And Mallus is freed from time jail, so he could rule over this giant mess.
Wally: Mm. So, worse than Flashpoint?
Ray: Uh, is that what we're calling the thing that Barry did?
Wally: Mm-hmm.
Ray: I think it's something similar.

Nate: [in Mick's quarters] Suspicious looking box.
Zari: Careful. For all we know, it could be the cause of the explosion.
Nate: We just gotta take it nice and...
[he freezes as he hears a metallic snap; looking down, they see his foot caught in a bear trap]
Zari: Oh, my god!
Nate: Oh, my god!
Nate: Oh, my god!
[flash of light, indicating a new loop; Zari uses a broom to trigger the trap]
Nate: Oh, nice save. Can you imagine if I tripped that?
Zari: Yeah, I don't have to imagine it.

Nate: Sara!
Sara: Yeah, what now?
Nate: We have another anachronism in 1717. The HMS Fortitude got into a naval battle with Blackbeard's ship off the coast of Grace Island.
Sara: So?
Ray: So... that is a portrait of their admiral.
Sara: Damien Darhk.

Jefferson: What the hell was that?
Rip: [future Rip] It's a time quake.
Rip: [past Rip] The result of us interacting with ourselves.
Nate: Well, that wasn't so bad.
Rip: Yeah, give it time.

Nate: Can you believe this? The first show we see together is Elvis live.
Amaya: You're not the only one who's excited.
[teens in the front pew titter as Elvis steps on stage]
Elvis: This one's called "Onward, Christian Soldiers".
Nate: [quietly] Okay.
Amaya: [as he starts to play] So this is rock and roll? I mean, it's no Benny Goodman, but...
Nate: No, we did not come all this way to listen to Elvis play grandma songs.

Nate: My arms? They're fantastic. They're enormous and vascular.

Nate: Hey, that fabrication room's pretty cool. Can it really make clothes from any era?
Sara: Yeah. You know, we may not have trophies or framed letters from former presidents, but we got a few cool toys. Including... ingestible translator. You swallow this, you'll be able to speak and understand any language spoken to you.
Nate: That's cool. But I already speak German, French, Japanese, Italian, and Latin.
[seeing her expression]
Nate: What?
Sara: You speak six different languages, you have a tendency to run towards danger, and you're related to member of the JSA. Why did you become a historian?
Nate: It's a long story.

Nate: What if more baddies start coming back, like, throughout history?
Ray: If they do, we can call them evil do-overs.
Ray: Villa-agains.
Mona: I like "encores".

Amaya: How are we supposed to find Blackbeard in this rabble?
Ray: Well, we could ask a pirate nicely.
Nate: Nicely? Ray, pirates are terrified of Blackbeard. They're not just gonna offer up...
Toothless: [holding a sword to his throat] So, you're looking for Blackbeard? How do I know you's not spies for the Royal Navy?
Mick: [Amaya fights him off] Because we wanna join Blackbeard's crew, you germ.

Ray: Let's just skip to step two: trust falls. Now, to demonstrate, Mick, who hated me when we first met, will fall trustingly into my arms.
Mick: Right. You promised me good coin for doing this.
Ray: When you said you weren't gonna say that out loud.
Mick: Yeah.
Ray: Well, just lean back and let go, 'cause I'm not going anywhere, buddy.
[as Mick falls, Ray literally disappears]
Jefferson: What the hell?
Sara: Gideon, what happened to Ray?
Gideon: According to public record, Mr. Palmer died in 1988.
Nate: Wait, Ray's dead?
Mick: [holding his head] He better be.

Cisco: I can't believe that you guys escaped an alien spaceship. Key words: "alien spaceship". I have questions.
Oliver: They can wait. Thanks for helping me get my sister home.
Nate: Yeah, man.
Oliver: What's our status?
Barry: Nothing, since the Dominators paid their little visit to mess with our heads.
Nate: Why would they do that?
Ray: What if they were trying to pit us against each other, in order to gain intel about metahumans?
Felicity: Man, I wish they would just send us an IM with a questionnaire.

Gideon: Special agent Ness has suffered severe hypoxia. It will take some time to reverse his brain damage.
Nate: You can undo brain damage? Why haven't you helped Rory out?
Gideon: Who says I haven't?

John: Whose brilliant idea was it to let an ancient demon out of his bloody cage?
Nate: Sara's.
John: Well, you opened a door, luv. And Mallus wasn't the only thing that got out.

Nate: All right, how about instead of trying to stop the ship from exploding, we all get on the jumpship and escape?
Zari: Yeah, while you guys were out, I was running my own little side mission, which crashed Gideon, and with her down, the jumpship's locked into the docking bay.
Nate: So we need to talk to Sara.
Zari: No, I already tried. She never listens to me. Probably too pissed off.
[a thought strikes her]
Zari: You know, thinking about the vibration pattern of the blast, I don't think we were attacked from the outside. The explosion was caused by someone on the ship.

Sara: All right, Amaya. It's your show. How do we create this magical light being?
Amaya: All right, everyone, over here. Make a circle. Mick, your fire is gonna provide our champion with its spark. Zari, use your air to give it breath. Wally, use water to flow life's blood through its veins. Nate...
Nate: I will use the Earth totem to give Voltron flesh.
Sara: You gotta stop calling it that.
Nate: I will never stop calling it that.

Sara: What happened to your hair?
Nate: What are you talking about?
[seeing Amaya's look]
Nate: What? What is it?
Sara: I...
Nate: [looking at his reflection] What happened to my trademark volume and sheen?
Mick: [entering with Ray] Who changed my rat's name?
Zari: [entering with Wally] Yo, who switched my game?
Sara: Gideon?

Nate: White Stripes. Great album. At least it was.

Henry: You know, this is what I dreamed about when I joined the Bureau.
Nate: Stealing a cop car?

Nate: Reverend, you don't know what you're messing with. The music your nephew makes...
Uncle: Has turned Memphis into Sodom and Gomorrah. I will not allow it to be the ruination of that boy's soul, too.

Coroner: Who are you lot?
Nate: Oi. Scotland Yard. We're here to see about these so-called vampire attacks.
Sara: And we're with the NYPD.
Jefferson: Nothing like a bit of cooperation from across the pond, right?
Nate: Right.
Ray: This one of the victims?
Coroner: Unlucky devil.
[Mick steps forward and stakes the victim in the heart]
Nate: Whoa, whoa! Mick!
Mick: You don't want him coming back to life, do you?

Ray: But hey, the sun is setting, maybe I should go out catch us an iguana and prepare some of my world-famous iguana soup.
Nate: Nah, I'm good. I brought energy bars from the ship.
Ray: What? Energy bars?
Nate: Mm-hmm.
Ray: Come on, Nate, we're in the Cretaceous Period. You have to at least try the local cuisine.

Nate: Jerry, my man! Can I get a hit of that?
Jerry: [offering his joint] This doobie will make you fly.
Nate: Cool, cool.
[taking the joint and sprinting away]
Nate: Spin move!
Jerry: Hey!
[his friends chase after Nate]
Jerry: Not cool.

Nate: Well, I decided to extend my trip to 2018, and I may possibly be living a little bit at the Bureau.
Ava: You couldn't spring for a hotel?
Nate: Well, here's a fun fact about staying in the present: it costs money. And as a Legend, your salary is the... friendships you make along the way.
Ava: Got'cha.

Nate: I can't wait for you to see Elvis live. It's going to change your life.
Amaya: You really believe that my life can be changed by one song?
Nate: Of course. Music is so much more than just songs. Music is about identity. It-it-it's hearing a track for the first time and you think to yourself "Wow, this is who I am." I don't care how long it takes. We're gonna find your music, whether it be rock and roll or, God forbid, ska.

Nate: Dad?
[seeing Hank dead and Nora kneeling over him]
Nora: Nate.
Nate: What did you do? What did you do?
Nora: Nate, listen. Listen to me.
[agents surround her]
Nora: I'm sorry.
[she knocks them all backwards with a magical jolt; getting to their feet, they see she's gone]

Sarah: Hey, I see that sandwich, and you know what? That is some attention to detail on the lettuce. Good job, bud.
Nate: That's an explosion.

Nate: Amaya, you have to believe you're in charge of your own destiny.
Amaya: You know, there are times that I wish I'd never set foot on this ship. If I'd never left 1942, I would've returned to Zambesi like I was supposed to, with no idea of the tragedy that awaited me. I would've died an old woman.
Nate: Murdered by warlords. And you and I never would've met. And...
[realization dawns on him]
Nate: Is that what you want, Amaya?
Amaya: I don't know, Nathaniel.

Kara: Agent Smith, it's so funny seeing you here. I was just having the loveliest chat with your president about you. I was telling her on my Earth, we have a Department of Extra-Normal Operations, which deals specifically with aliens. She thought it was an excellent idea. She also loved my pitch about reassigning you to Antarctica.
Nate: [she smirks and leaves] Maybe next time, you're a little nicer to strange visitors from another planet.

Nate: You saved my life. Why?
Mick: Because I'm an idiot.

Sara: Please tell me that the Waverider did not just crash into Star City.
Zari: Star City? Is that where we are?
Sara: Oh, you gotta be kidding me.
Ray: Well, the good news is the cannonball didn't hit the time core. And Nate made a beautiful landing.
Zari: [dryly sarcastic] Yeah.
Nate: Thanks, big guy. So, Sara, how's the date going?

Cisco: If this came from the drop ship, and the drop ship came from the mothership, theoretically I could use it to vibe us up there.
Nate: And if you can't?
Cisco: Then I'd be vibing us into the cold, unforgiving vacuum of space.
Nate: So let's not do that.
Cisco: Yeah, let's not.

Nate: The Rock's the President? Please tell me John Cena's the Chief of Staff.

Nate: [about the anachronisms] Look at all these! It's gonna take a lifetime to clean up this mess. Maybe several.
Ray: Huh. Where should we start?
Jefferson: How about the Great Wall of China, level six?
Mick: I had Chinese last night. Where can I get a steak?
Ray: How about North Atlantic Ocean, April 1912? I hear the Titanic had amazing food.
Dr. Martin Stein: Absolutely not. I refuse to set foot on the Titanic. Whoever built that ship ought to be shot!

Gideon: A scan of the timeline reveals a change in Memphis, Tennessee, 1954.
Ray: Oh, says here Memphis became a ghost town after a mysterious bout of mass hysteria in July 1954.
Nate: That's what caused the changes. Memphis is the birthplace of rock and roll. If rock never makes it out of Memphis, then none of these things exist. Your... your rat's namesake, electric guitar.
Wally: Your hair gel.
Nate: It's not hair gel, Wally. It's Royal Crown pomade. It's the same product used by...
Sara: Elvis Presley.
Nate: See? She knows what I'm talking about.
Sara: No, dodo, look. "While the population fled in hysterics, one person was left standing in the aftermath, a local teen named Elvis Presley."

Gary: Oh, Fairy Godmother!
Sara: [seeing Nora appear] Nora.
Nate: [quietly] Oh...
Gary: Go find John and help him rescue Ray from hell.
Nora: Oh, fiddlesticks.
Sara: [a portal opens] Wait, wait, wait, wait!
Nate: Gary!
Nora: [she's pulled into the portal] Gary, you dick!

Mick: What's up, Pretty?
Nate: This whole toast thing is eating me up inside. My-my dad was such a dick. He lied about everything, and now he's turning me into a liar, too.
Mick: Listen, your old man's gone. Whatever you say out there, that's for you.
Nate: [getting an idea] You know what, Mick? I think you're on to something.

Nate: Gideon, any messages while we were gone?
Gideon: You missed calls from Barry Allen, Oliver Queen, and Kara Zor-El.
Ray: Sounds like the annual crossover.
Nate: Yeah, that's gonna be a hard pass.

Nate: Okay, so you go talk to your daughter, and I'll go talk to you. The older you.
Amaya: Hmm. You always had a way with her.
Nate: [to Wally] Come on.
Wally: Wait, we doing what?

Wally: You're sure you saw Kuasa?
Nate: Yeah. Just be on the lookout for a badass in a leather outfit. Or a suspicious puddle of water.

Sara: I guess Elvis is the King of rock and roll. One hip shake, and Z loses it.
Nate: Yeah, tell me about it, sister.
Zari: I didn't lose control because of Elvis' hips.
Nate: [sarcastic] Yeah, me, either.
Zari: My totem was glowing, and so was Elvis' guitar.
Amaya: But that means that Elvis is...
Zari: Yep. Elvis is a totem bearer.

Nate: Are we killing folks, or chilling with folks?

Wally: What are we even doing here, man? We need to stop Amaya, not party with the village.
Nate: [seeing the older Amaya] There she is.
Wally: Okay, great, well, let's get her out of here.
Nate: Not our Amaya. That Amaya.
Wally: [seeing his expression] What's wrong?
Nate: Nothing. It just means... my Amaya comes back to Zambesi, and we don't grow old together.

Nate: All right, no sign of trouble out there, however, I think my shorts may be a little too short. None of my customers are leaving.

Sara: Rasputin came back from the dead, and it caused a timequake. Ugh, this is kind of problem that I can wrap my head around. So I need you guys to forget about this documentary film crew and focus on the mission at hand, yes?
Ray: Yes, we need to minimize the mishap.
Ava: Ooh, Ray, that's good. Because saving the day is what the Legends do best.
Nate: Ava, you're in my shot.

Zari: [holding a pistol to her head] This is the only option I haven't tried. Maybe it'll stop the loop.
Sara: Hey! What the hell's going on?
Zari: Don't come closer.
[she pulls the trigger, but it falls on an empty chamber]
Nate: [heaving a sigh of relief] Oh.
Zari: [with a crying derisive laugh] Typical.
Sara: Hey. It's okay, let's talk this one through.
Zari: It doesn't matter, you won't believe me.
Sara: Try me.

Amaya: Okay, hold hands. Clear your minds, and focus on your breath. Imagine a perfect warrior of justice, mercy, and light.
[the totems activate; subsequent lines in voiceover thought]
Mick: Why does Pretty have such girly hands?
Nate: Damn, this Lyoga root is strong. Concentrate, Nate. Think about Voltron, Defender of the Universe.
Wally: I kind of pictured myself wielding something cool, like... a lightning totem.
Zari: Am I crazy, or is Jonah Hex hot?
Sara: Eh, you could do worse than Hex.
Zari: Wait, you can hear me?
Amaya: We can all hear each other.
Mick: Even what I said about Pretty's girly hands?
Amaya: Yes!

Ray: Man, Garima is gonna flip when she hears we met Marilyn Monroe.
Nate: Do you think a murderous alien queen that sprang to life from Mick's fantasies is into Marilyn?
Mick: [pushing past] Yes.
Nate: Hmm.

Ray: All right, we're looking for an unmarked grave among hundreds. I say we split up. Check 'em row by row.
Nate: Or we can start with the one that's already dug up.

Sara: Rex's killer... he's a speedster.
Nate: Like the Flash?
Sara: Faster.

John: We need her alert for an exorcism.
[opening her eyes]
John: Nora. Nora, luv. Ah, they've got her knocked out cold.
Sara: [to Nate and Leo] You guys, go hit up the pharmacy. See if you can find some adrenaline.
Nate: [hearing Amaya's fight with Kuasa] Screw it. I'm gonna help Amaya. You get the drugs.
Leo: [tossing Nate his cold gun] Nate, take it.
Nate: How do I use it?
Leo: You pull the trigger.

Sara: All right, so I talked to Constantine about our totem. He compared it with his notes, and this is what he found.
Zari: Death totem? Pass.
Sara: Yeah. Whoever wields it has domain over the dead. Which is why we need to keep this totem with us and safe at all times.
Nate: [entering] Elvis needs his totem back.

Mick: The hell is going on? We're not killing vampires anymore?
Rip: Captain Lance, need I remind you we are no longer just fixing ordinary anachronisms here. Mallus is the only game that matters.
Sara: No, it's your game. We have to stop Damien Darhk from coming back to life.
Rip: And we will. But from all indications, Mallus is coming here to recruit Darhk. If we destroy Darhk's body, we destroy any chance of apprehending Mallus at the resurrection ceremony.
Nate: If Sara says kill Darhk, or re-kill Darhk, or prop him up in a convertible like "Weekend at Bernie's", that's what we do, because she's the captain.
Rip: I know that you all want to destroy Darhk once and for all. You're just gonna have to be patient.
Sara: I'd like to speak to you in private.
Nate: [patting him on the shoulder] Good luck in there.

Nate: But anyone who tries to fight the Shogun will be out down.
Sara: Except if that person is made of steel.
Nate: About that. I'm having a little problem accessing my powers.
Sara: Sounds like you're having performance issues.

Gary: Sorry to bother you, but we have a bit of a situation here. The prisoners are loose.
Ava: What? How the hell did that happen?
Nate: [groaning] The tranqs must've worn off.
Ava: Okay, we need to go.
Nate: No, no, no. We leave, Hank will know something's wrong.
Ava: Something *is* wrong, Nate.
Nate: So you want our liaison to the DOD knowing that we messed up?
Ava: No, I don't.
Gary: What do I do?
Ava: Shut up, Gary.

Nate: For two full minutes, I was not alive. That changes you, man. Don't get me wrong, I-I love fame. No one says no to you about anything. Hey, man, that's a cool hat. Can I have it?
[the hat is thrown to him]
Nate: But still, something doesn't feel right.

Nate: Amaya.
Amaya: Nathaniel.
Dick: Shut up.
Nate: Are you okay?
Amaya: Mick?
[he ignores her]
Amaya: Mick. What's wrong with him?
Nate: I'm afraid he's gone full Kurtz.
Amaya: What does that mean?
Nate: It's a movie reference. Great movie, terrible situation.

Jefferson: Did I miss something?
Ray: [whispers] Amaya dumped him. Went back to 1942.
Nate: She didn't dump me. She didn't dump me. Amaya went back to Zambesi because Rip told her she had some destiny to fulfill back in 1942. That's it.
Jefferson: Unlike the rest of us who don't have crap waiting for us in the real world.
Mick: Speak for yourself, numbnuts.
Sara: I don't know about you all, but I was destined for better things than folding towels.
Ray: And Rip thinks he doesn't need us because he's got the Time Bureau.
Nate: Ray's right. We're the ones who broke history. We should be the ones that fix it.
Sara: But instead of operating on history with a chainsaw, this time we are going to be the scalpel.

Henry: I increase their budget so they can build magical containment cells to start capturing these creatures. Meanwhile, they're running a nine-figure defiict on a timeship.
Nate: Okay, take a deep breath, Hank. If you knew what the Legends did, you'd realize they're-they're worth every single penny. Now, how about tihs? I'll set up a ride-along. You can meet the gang and see where I used to live.
Henry: I can see where my money's going.
Nate: Sure.
Henry: You're right. Why don't we go now?
Nate: Now?
[clearing his throat]
Nate: You know, um, we should probably give 'em a chance, you know, to clean up.
Henry: We can't warn them we're coming. That would defeat the purpose.
Nate: Okay, um...
[clearing his throat again]
Nate: I mean, I got to hail the Waverider, and that's gonna take forever.
Henry: Nathaniel, as your boss, I demand you take me to the Waverider.
Nate: Gonna play the boss card again?

Sarah: Okay, so we will set up here next to the balloon salesman.
Nate: That is the assassin, and he's holding a grenade.

Nate: All right, don't tell me you're falling for this, like, Neanderthal misogynistic dating advice. You're a modern man surfing the sexual spectrum. Just be cool and ask her out.
Gary: Or - and I'm, uh, just spitballing here - you can ask her out for me.
Nate: This isn't high school.
[Gary suddenly goes into a quasi-cataleptic state. Nate has to snap his fingers right in Gary's face to bring back]
Gary: [getting his bearings] Oh. Sorry. "High school" is a bit of a trigger word for me.
Nate: [suprised] Wow. You are really broken.

Amaya: The truth is, when it comes to you, I'm not as strong as I'd like to be.
[holding up the memory flasher]
Amaya: With this, we can both forget it happened.
Nate: Yeah, you're right. With everything going on with Mallus, Kuasa, and Zari mentioned something about the ship, we should be clear-headed.
Amaya: Yeah.
Nate: Yeah.
[she raises it to flash him, but he stops her]
Nate: [pulling her in to kiss her] But... since we're gonna flash ourselves anyway...
Amaya: I mean, it's not like we'd remember.
Zari: [grossed out] Ugh.
[the library doors close]
Zari: Thank god.
Amaya: Come here, tiger.
[there's a roar from inside, implied to be Amaya turning on her totem; as they moan in pleasure, Zari gags]
Zari: Kill me now.

Nate: Hey, uh, thanks for sticking around this past week.
Zari: What are pretend girlfriends for?
Nate: My mom's gonna be so crushed when I tell her we broke up.
Zari: Then don't.
[awkward silence]
Zari: I... I mean, she's going through a lot. We can pretend break up any time we want.

Nate: You evil bastard.
Desmond: [possessed] Yeah. Demon.

Nate: It's a weird thing with friendship. Starts because you need each other, and then if you do it right and help each other grow you need each other less. I guess change is the whole point.

Nate: Hey. It's our first mission together. Don't worry, if anything goes wrong in the field, I got'cha covered.
Henry: [amused] Yeah, but I didn't get coldcocked by a girl.
Sara: Have you ever been... hit by a girl... Hank?
Henry: No, ma'am
Sara: [gives Hank a meaningful look] Hmm. We should head out.
[turns and walks off]

Nate: [after talking with his mother] Oh, my god. That went well. Are you... are you blushing right now?
Zari: No. Shut up. Take my toothpick. Stay on task. We're here to get your dad's phone, that's it.

Zari: You must have a thing for warrior women.
Nate: Only if they're from another time period and eventually will leave me, sure.

Nate: How's the clickety-clackety-hackety coming along?
Zari: Once Ava hits "record", this will stream out to about, you know, three billion people or so. No pressure.

Nate: Oof. Vietnam. 1967. Also known as the height of the Vietnam War. Gideon, what kind of anachronism are we dealing with?
Gideon: A level eight. Scans of the historical record reveal redacted Pentagon reports about a creature of unknown origin attacking American and Vietcong soldiers in the jungle. Dozens have disappeared without a trace.
Mick: No way I'm going to 'Nam.
Amaya: All I know is that if American soldiers are being targeted, I am ready to do my duty.
Nate: This war's a little different. Unlike World War II, the military objectives in Vietnam weren't so cut and dry.
Zari: Yeah, it was controversial, and the reasons for getting involved were murky. You know, come to think about it, this team should be right at home.

Sara: Jeez, who died?
[seeing Nate's look]
Sara: Oh, come on. We just met the Beatles and saved Fourth of July.
Nate: No, it's cool; it's just all becoming... I don't know. Old hat.
Ray: Yeah, we did spend all of last year returning displaced people to their proper place in history.
Mick: Four years doing the same old crap.
Zari: Yeah, I'm beginning to think Wally had the right idea; taking time off, clearing his head, traveling the world. Speaking of the same old crap, isn't that what he did last year?

Jefferson: Okay, so the Legion wants the medallion so they can get the spear.
Amaya: But what do they want with the spear?
Nate: Well, the spear allegedly has the power to rewrite reality.
Ray: Well, how is that different from us traveling through time, making changes to history?
Nate: Changes to history cause time quakes and aberrations, which we can undo. Changes to reality, however, those are permanent.
Sara: Great. And I just handed them over the medallion.
Jefferson: Whoa. In exchange for Gray's life. Any one of us would have made that call.
Sara: Would Rip?

Nate: We need to get out of this jungle ASAP.
Ray: Oh, no. What's wrong, buddy?
Nate: Well, when Mick and I started, we were doing "Predator". Then we ran into Mick's dad, and now we're doing "Apocalypse Now".

Amaya: The Death totem? The most volatile of all the totems lost for eons along with the sixth tribe of Zambesi. Maybe they suffered the same fate that's about to befall Memphis.
Nate: You don't understand.
Sara: No, you don't understand. We are talking about a Death totem, and it could turn this whole place into a ghost town.
Nate: Elvis has a session at Sun Studios. That's where he cuts his first demo. That's how he gets discovered, okay? We do not have the time for Elvis to get his groove back. Jesse has to be there.
Amaya: Nathaniel, I understand how important this is to you. But we can't give Elvis a totem just to save his music.
Nate: It's not about the music, okay? Rock has inspired many historic milestones. Protests, revolutions, me losing my virginity.
[awkward silence]
Nate: Elvis doesn't need a totem forever. Just one song that changes the world. Please.

Nate: I'm starting to think letting Mallus out of his cage was a bad idea.

Lieutenant: Tell me, why do you seek the grave of Gawain?
Rip: Uh... It's a long story.
Lieutenant: I enjoy long stories.
Nate: Yeah, he does.

Nate: I remember her, Ray.
The: Who?
Nate: I... I don't know her name, but she was on the ship with us.

Nate: [introducing his family to Ava] Hi, grandma. That's my grandma, Violet. Do not let her rope you into playing cards. It's a lose-lose situation. And there's my Uncle Rich.
[Rich waves]
Nate: Don't mention Obama.

Gideon: I've picked up an alert with Constantine's magical signature.
Nate: That's them.
Gideon: [cut to everyone assembling on the bridge] The signal is coming from 1.3 million years ago.
Nate: That's the Ice Age.
Gideon: He's in the part of North America that would come to be known as the Donner Pass, named after a doomed group of settlers in the 1800s who resorted to cannibalism after their food supplies ran out.
Sara: There is such a thing as too much exposition, Gideon.

Nate: So that's the big highlight? Eating tacos one day before the rest of America?
Gary: Yeah.

Nate: Back away, demon children.

Nate: I'm not a Nazi. I'm a historian.
Amaya: Here we go with the time travel nonsense again.
Nate: 070233.
Commander: What?
Nate: Those are the numbers on your dog tags. They're not disclosed on any documents, military or otherwise.
Commander: How do you know that?
Nate: [pulling the tags out from around his neck] You gave these to your wife after the birth of your son in 1955. The dent on the front was from an assassin's bullet when you saved President Roosevelt in 1939. Your son passed them down to his son. Me.

Nate: [holding back tears] This sucks. But I love you.
Ray: [also holding back tears] This sucks. But I love you too.
[They embrace]

Zari: I know these costumes are totally ridiculous.
Nate: You-you... you look absolutely, um... yeah, ridiculous.
Zari: Uh, apparently it's all part of a cover story Sara gave me. I'm someone named Marion Ravenwood.
Nate: Wait. Wait a second.
[taking out his wallet]
Nate: Huh. Well, it says here I am Dr. Henry Jones, Jr. Professor of archaeology, expert in the occult, and how does one say this? Obtainer of rare antiquities. It's Indiana Jones. Yeah.
Zari: Sara set us up.
Nate: What's that?
Zari: Adventurers' Society, everyone else unavailable for the mission, dressing up like your favorite movie; it's all a setup to send us on the perfect date. I-I totally get if you wanna go back to the ship.
Nate: Or we can see where this mission takes us.

Zari: [nervous] You know how I... never let anyone know what I'm... really feeling?
Nate: [equally nervous] It's kinda your thing.
Zari: [she kisses Nate] That's... how I feel, Nate.
Nate: I feel the same.
[They kiss again]

Sara: This is Damien Darhk's daughter? How is that even possible?
Zari: They changed her name. Looks like after Darhk was killed by the Green Arrow, Nora was placed in Child Protective Services.
John: Demons prey on the most vulnerable of souls. This one, she lost her name, her family.
Nate: Okay, so if we exorcise Mallus, we can stop the family business before it takes off.

Henry: This is a talking computer?
Gideon: Actually, I'm a quantum-enhanced A.I. program, capable of operating completely autonomously.
Henry: So what you're saying is you don't need any people on the ship.
Nate: Oh, no, no, no, no, we do. Ray, why don't you show Hank what you do in the...
Zari: [running in, out of breath] Not the lab. Hello, sir. Um, you should take him to the library. It's very impressive, and there are... books.
Ray: And bookshelves.
Zari: Bookshelves.
Nate: See, Hank? It takes a village.

Sara: [fading away] Remember, Legends never die.
Nate: Really? "Goonies"?
Amaya: What's a goonie?

Ray: Who was it?
Nate: I don't know. He sounded like a Soprano, but apparently my dad started building this theme park.
[realizing and snapping his fingers]
Nate: The guys who were working with him, maybe they know something about this Neron a-and why he killed my dad. Come on! I'm Steel, you're the Atom. There is nothing we cannot handle!

Nate: Why the hell would someone put a bomb inside of an anachronism?
Zari: Damien Darhk must have planted it there, knowing you'd bring it on board.
Gary: Well, then let's get it off board.
Sara: No, we have to diffuse it. We can't open the doors without Gideon.
Mick: Burn it.
Nate: That'll make it explode. You know, for a guy who loves fire, you really have no idea how it works.

Ava: Your family seems nice.
Nate: Oh, it's still very early.
Dorothy: Okay, everyone, the turkey is almost done.
Nate: Wait for it.
Dorothy: Brining. Yeah, it just has to sit for another hour and a half and then I'm going to pop it into the oven.
Ava: So that means dinner is when?
Nate: Mm, give or take six hours.
Ava: What?
[Nate's nephews run by playing, knocking over a plant]
Ava: Oh, my god.
Nate: Buckle up, Ava Sharpe. It's gonna be a bumpy ride.

Sara: Lily's algorithm located a piece of the Spear of Destiny.
Ray: When? I I mean, I know just now, but where are we headed?
Gideon: Detroit. The year 3000 AD.
Dr. Martin Stein: A journey into the distant future. How exciting.
Nate: Speak for yourself.
Jefferson: Come on, man. Who doesn't like the future?
Nate: I like history. Yeah, I know it's filled with terror and violence, but the future just...
Dr. Martin Stein: It's uncertain.
Nate: Yeah. And it freaks me out a little.

Zari: How can you not remember befriending an alien?
Ray: Because I didn't. It never happened to me.
Nate: The Dominator is an anachronism. It's time-displaced.
Zari: Right.
Sara: So we have to get the baby Dominator out of Ray's bedroom and back to where it belongs.
Jefferson: And how are we supposed to do that?
Ray: Uh, well, it should be easy. All we have to do is sneak into my house tomorrow when my mom's at work and I'm at school and kindap the Dominator. I even know where the spare key is.
Jefferson: Like stealing candy from a baby.
Mick: But not as fun.

Ava: It goes against every instinct you have, which means Bishop would never expect it.
Astra: If we only ever do what makes sense to you, he will always be one step ahead. There's only one way to wage a war against yourself.
Nate: And that is to have a What Would Sarah Never Do Day!
Sarah: It really *is* a bad idea.

Nate: No sign of any vampires. I wish this was like a Kristen Stewart type, all broody and sparkly.
Mick: Vampires don't sparkle.
Nate: You know, Mick, you and the vamp have a lot in common. You both like to sleep in and, you know, kill people.

Kuasa: I once thought that losing this totem was the greatest threat to me and my family. But you are in love with my Nana Baa. And should she choose to love you in return, me and my sister will never even exist.
Nate: This is not the plan.
Kuasa: Plans change.
Damien: [to Nora] This is better than "The Brave and the Bold".

Nate: Man, I wish my dad could see us now, hunting a bloodthirsty creature through Woodstock.
Mick: What's the beef between you and your old man, anyway? He hit you?
Nate: No.
Mick: Burn you?
Nate: Nope.
Mick: He dress up like a clown and scare the hell out of you?
Nate: What the hell, Mick? No. He was emotionally unavailable to me when I was growing up.
Mick: Are you serious?
Nate: Yeah. To the whole world, my dad was this great larger-than-life guy, but to me, he was just cold.

Amaya: So, what's going on?
Wally: It's your granddaughter, Mari. She's been hurt. A minor wrinkle in the 2018 timeline.
Amaya: How badly?
Nate: The article says she was burned trying to save people from a warehoue fire in Detroit.
Wally: Doesn't she have superpowers, though?
Amaya: This is all my fault. Ever since I lost my totem, the timeline must be starting to solidify. Which means, in this new reality, the totem was never passed down to her.
Nate: So Mari is a vigilante without her totem.

Nate: Okay, look, I will...
[clearing his throat]
Nate: I'm not gonna ask her out. But I will do some recon.
Gary: You'll be my time-bro wingman?
Nate: See, you do things like that, and it makes it very hard to help you, Gary.

Ray: Mick, have you heard from Sara or the rest of the team? They're not answering on comms.
Mick: Well, that explains the peace and quiet.
Amaya: [entering with Nate] It's fine, she's my granddaughter.
Nate: Yeah, well, tell that to your arm.
Mick: You two, take it outside. It's week sixteen of the division titles.
Zari: You know we're on a time ship, right? Hey, Gideon, who won the...
Mick: [cutting her off] No! I haven't watched a live game of football in three years. I do not wanna know the score.

Sara: I don't care if Zari has to duct tape the Waverider back together, we have to get it in the air.
Gideon: Well, I wouldn't advise returning to the Bermuda Triangle.
Nate: It's the Devil's Triangle, and Mick and Amaya are in danger.
Sara: [a portal opens, and Ava enters] Ava! Hey!
Ava: Don't "Hi, Ava" me. You stood me up, jerk.
Ray: Awkward.

Kuasa: These chains won't be nearly as convincing if you can turn to steel.
Nate: You know, I'm a good actor. I could have sold it.

Ava: What kind of ripple effect are we really looking at here, Nate?
Nate: Okay. Right now, the queen gets institutionalized, the British monarchy fails, and England descends into chaos.
Sara: Anarchy in the UK.
Nate: Which is weird, but... paranormal?
Ava: Well, something freaky is definitely at the heart of this. Our magic-tracking device detected a massive spike.
Sara: All right, then we got a live one. Punk rock London. Nate, you ready?
Nate: Um, well, Ava asked me to stick around and help launch the magic operations here.
Ava: Yeah, we need to establish procedure, protocols, command structure.
Sara: So... desk job. Nate Heywood, cubicle guy. Sad little plant on his desk. Really?
Ava: It's prestigious, Sara.
Nate: And then when everything's up and running, I come back to the Waverider.
Sara: Fine. Cool kids are off to the Jolly Old.

Nate: Look, I'm not dating Amaya, but, even if I was, so what? We wouldn't make it on the ship.
Ray: That's now what... I don't care about that. I've dated on the ship.
Nate: You have? Who, Sara? I mean, I know she's bisexual, but I didn't think...
Ray: No, I care about Amaya's granddaughter.
Nate: You dated her.
Ray: No, I've met her. Look, eventually, Amaya has to go back to her homeland in Zambezi in 1942, and she'll have a daughter and eventually a granddaughter who will inherit Amaya's totem, and she will become a superhero in Detroit. If you change Amaya's destiny, that threatens Mari's existence and the existence of all the people that she saved. Amaya isn't like the rest of us. We were recruited because we didn't matter to the time, but Amaya does. She's special. She has a destiny and so do her descendants.
Nate: All right, how come you haven't said anything?
Ray: Because it's dangerous to know too much about your future. Especially her.
Nate: What does that mean?
Ray: It's a long story, but it ends with her village being destroyed and her granddaughter in foster care.

Sara: Nate, where are you?
Nate: I don't know, but I just had a chat with Professor Stein's weird lookalike evil cousin.
Gideon: Great-great grandfather, to be exact. The famous stage actor, Sir Henry Stein.
Dr. Martin Stein: Astonishing! The... the chances of us running into one of my ancestors are astronomical. Family lore recalls him as being an eccentric. But then, what can one expect from an actor?
Nate: He's also an occult weirdo who kidnapped me to feed his master.
Rip: Excellent. The vampire will lead us to Mallus. Stay where you are, Dr. Heywood.
Nate: [tied down] Yeah, that's not gonna be a problem.

Nate: Hank?
Henry: [with Mick's voice] What? I'm not your dad!
Nate: Oh, so you're ashamed of me? Well, I'm sorry I didn't follow in your footsteps and enlist. But for your information, I had a medal pinned to my chest, only you don't have the clearance to see it!
Mick: What's happening?
Nate: What?
Mick: [seeing him as his late pet rat] Axl?
Nate: I'm getting something off my chest. And you know what, Hank? It feels pretty good. I just wish for once, you would tell me you're proud of me no matter what I do with my life. You know what I'd say?
[Mick shakes his head]
Nate: [Mick still sees him as Axl] I love you.
Mick: I love you, too.
Nate: Really?
Mick: I thought you were dead.
Nate: I thought you were dead on the inside.

[Amaya wakes up from a nightmare through which out of sleep she took on the form of a spider]
Nate: Are you okay?
Amaya: I was having a nightmare.
Dr. Martin Stein: And in the process summoned the ashay of a spider. Astonishing!
Amaya: No Martin, it isn't. What if I summoned a rhino and I crashed through the hull of the ship? Or a lion and I mauled someone?
Dr. Martin Stein: Well, if the victim was Mr. Rory, I guess...

Nate: [referring to his father] And you thought a minotaur was bull-headed?
Sara: Ooo, mythology burrrn !
[she and Nate do a finger wiggle bump]
Sara: It's good to have you back.

Henry: So, why does a ship formerly manned by a single person now need...
Ray: [running in] Need a crew of six? I can explain.
Nate: Hey, Ray.
Ray: [bro-hugging] Hi.
Nate: Hi. Uh, he means five. You mean five.
Ray: I mean five. I mean five. I must have been thinking about Gideon as a real person.
Gideon: Are you trying to hurt my feelings, Dr. Palmer?
Nate: [seeing Gideon's A.I. face appear] Oh, wow, Gideon. Hubba, hubba. Love the new look.
Gideon: Ms. Tomaz gave me, in her words, a facelift.

Amaya: Wait. Is somebody thinking of -?
Nate: I'm sorry. You said think of something pure and I thought...
Sara: No, you didn't!
Nate: AGAIN, I said I'M SORRY!
Zari: Yeah, I can't stop thinking about him either.
Jefferson: [Jax bursts in] Guys! Whatever you're gonna -
[Jax stares quizzically for a moment then runs outside]
Jonah: What in Sam Hill's going on?
Ray: I think this is part of Sara's plan.
Beebo: [a giant Beebo jumps and lands in the center of Town] Hmm. I l-l-love you!
Freydis: The Blue God - he has returned.

Sara: Gideon, what's the point of origin?
Gideon: It appears my Jonah Hex has beebo Lala loves you.
Behrad: Gideon may have a virus.
Mona: Doesn't she make everything work?
Ava: We are perfectly safe.
Nate: [running in] Guys, that was a class-five timequake. That is is so dangerous.

Nate: [about to kiss Zari] I guess theres an upside to getting pummeled.

Mick: Welcome back, Ugly.
John: Yes, what other bright ideas are you gonna leave us with before you bugger off?
Nate: Softball team.
Zari: Oh, no, only electronic sports.
Nate: Piñata Fridays.
Sara: How many times do I have to say no to that?
Nate: Unionizing.
Sara: Ooh, don't let Hank hear you say that.

Dr. Martin Stein: You're not supposed to wake a sleepwalker, especially if they're stuck to the ceiling.
Nate: Why not? Amaya!
[she wakes up and falls, landing safely onto the table below]
Dr. Martin Stein: That's why.

Ray: I wrote a song to help us remember all the codes. It goes like this. From the top!
Ray: If the code is 1-1-1, Mallus escaped the time dungeon. If the code is 1-1-2...
Sara: [cutting him off] All right, Nate, just tell us.
Nate: Someone stole the jumpship.
[looking around]
Nate: Where's Amaya?
Zari: Uh, according to the jumpship logs, Zambesi, 1992. Right before the warlords destroyed her village.

Nate: As soon as I catch my breath, we're gonna stop you from hurting your sister.
Kuasa: Hurt Mari? I'm here to protect her. You idiots.

Zari: So, um, uh, about... about that text...
Nate: Oh, yeah, um... my phone had an unfortunate run-in with a wrecking ball, so, uh...
Zari: [laughing in relief] Oh, my god. That sucks.
Nate: Uh, what'd you wanna talk about?
Zari: I-I-... I just wanted to let you know that, uh, Sara and Ava, they're... they're good.
Nate: That's great.
Zari: Yeah.
Nate: Anything else you wanna talk about?
Zari: No. No, not that I can think of.

Kuasa: You wanna help me?
Nate: We wanna help Amaya. You wanna help your sister. Either way, we have to get that totem back.
Kuasa: The Darhks will kill me if I turn on them.
Wally: Don't worry. This isn't the first totem that we've lifted from under their noses.
Nate: Soon we'll have five totems. Do you really wanna be one against five?
Wally: If we work together, we can defeat the Darhks, and Mallus.
Nate: And you get to protect your family. Isn't that what you really want?
Kuasa: Fine. But we do this my way.

Gary: Oh, hey. There's a blip on the magic-o-meter. It's from the Pleistocene period. Clear your schedule. We've got a report to write.
Nate: Or-or-or... or we can handle this ourselves.
Gary: Without approval? That sounds dangerous. You've got two, but I'm sort of down to my last nipple.
Nate: Gary, Ava hired me to optimize this department, okay? And I can't do that waiting three days for approval.
[lowering his voice]
Nate: And we can be time bros.
Gary: What?
Nate: [louder] We can be time bros.

Mick: Captain wants to see you.
Nate: Aw, man, Sara's here?
Mick: Not that one, you dumbass. I'm talking about the most fearsome pirate queen to sail the seven seas: the Dread Pirate Jiwe.
[indicating the depressed Amaya]
Mick: She needs to loosen up.
Nate: [catching on] Yeah. I heard she once cut out a man's tongue for not obeying her orders.
Mick: Yeah... and she still carries it to this day.
Toothless: I never heard of no lady pirate.
Ray: That's because dead men tell no tales.
Scottish: They say she lost her ship to a kraken, and in retribution, she hunted down the monster's wee bairn and ate the gupper raw.
Barkeep: I heard she was spat back out o' hell by the devil himself.
Barrel: I hear she be more bold and fearless than Captain Blackbeard.
[Blackbeard appears in the door threshold]
Barrel: Begging your pardon, Captain.
Blackbeard: What was that you said?
Barrel: I have it under good authority we be in the company of the Dread Pirate Jiwe.
Amaya: [quietly] Why is everyone staring at me?
Mick: If there's one thing pirates love more than treasure, it's a good story.

Nate: Cafe du Dome, 1927, home to the Lost Generation. Writers, artists, ex-pats, they all...
Henry: All right, so where's this monster?
Nate: Yeah, who needs historical context and and wonderment?

Lita: Wait - hold on. You said these are the guys that have the chalice, right?
Nate: Uh huh.
Lita: So why don't you go inside and get reunited, and I can do some scouting, find out where they keep it?
Nate: Only if your dad doesn't try to set me on fire while I'm asleep. Deal?
Lita: Yeah, deal.

Zari: [learning of a change to her future] I've been running that stupid program for so long, I'd given up hope of it actually working. If this works, my brother survives... I never steal his totem back from A.R.G.U.S., I never join the Legends. Last two years wouldn't have happened. Who knows where I'll be or who I'll be?
Sara: [eavesdropping in the doorway] You'll be you. Because while we're at HeyWorld, you'll be here on the ship in the temporal zone, and you'll be safe.
Zari: Sara, I can't... I can't sit this one out.
Sara: Look, I'm not gonna lose another Legend. And who said we're not putting you to work? Look, we need to make sure what happens at HeyWorld is seen globally.
Zari: I-I can use the Eyes app as a back door into the phones that downloaded it.
Nate: [quietly to Sara] Thank you.

Damien: Let go of the Spear, and I won't use it to turn you into a jockstrap.
[Nate strikes the incoming Reverse-Flash with the Spear]
Nate: Yeah!
[they try to high-five each other]
Damien: Uh, perhaps not.

Gideon: The bullet has lodged itself between several of Dr. Heywood's internal organs.
Ray: How's that possible? He's made of steel.
Sara: Because it wasn't a normal bullet. It was dwarf star.
Gideon: I estimate his chance of survival at 51%.
Nate: Ugh, would it kill you to say "better than average", Gideon?

Nate: That's Eliot Ness.
Ray: He doesn't look like Kevin Costner.

Charlie: So exactly how far is it to London?
Zari: Well, according to my phone, it says 275.8.
Nate: Miles or kilometers?
Sara: Does it matter? It's far.

John: [noticing Amaya's totem] The Anansi Totem. That belongs to...
Nate: Her granddaughter. Same totem, different Vixen. She's from 1942. You were saying about the "warlock" thing?
John: Accomplished warlock, mate. Well, I am charmed to know another who bears the family name.

Nate: [seeing Mona at the Time Bureau] What the hell is she doing here?
Gary: She was supposed to stay locked in the closet. I was gonna flash her later.
Nate: What?
Gary: That didn't sound right.

Sara: Hey, Nate. Can't talk right now.
Gary: Are you talking to Nate on comms? Tell him I say hi.
Sara: Gary says hi. And we are at book club.
[through gritted teeth]
Sara: Move on to plan B.
Zari: [on the ship] What's plan B?
Mick: I only listen for my name.
Nate: I assume it's like plan A, but, you know, with less people.

Sara: Okay, what is going on?
Nate: Woodstock is no longer remembered as three days of peace and love, but instead, the end of the hippie movement. Reports from survivors are sketchy, at best. But what they all could agree upon was that there was a series of grisly murders that ultimately lead to a deadly stampede when 400,000 kids try to escape the festival at once.
Zari: Yeah, Ray and I just saw a body in the woods with a gaping hole in its chest. We think that Nora did it.
Sara: Well, that's a relief.
Ray: It is?
Sara: Yeah, it means we're in the clear. Look, it's not our fault the Time Bureau let Nora escape.
Nate: [hearing a call to check something out] Don't panic, I left Mick alone here. He's itching to punch a hippie.

Nate: She asked me to move in with her in the totem.
Gary: Aww! That's great!
[sees Nate's serious face]
Gary: That's not - not great? Sorry. The more handsome your face, the harder it is for me to get a read.

Nate: We didn't mean to scare you, mom. I thought you'd be up at Martha's Vineyard this time of year.
Dorothy: Oh, we were! But your father just took a very exciting job at the Pentagon.
Nate: We'll... we'll get going, right, Mick?
Mick: Good idea.
Dorothy: Don't be ridiculous. Um, Mr... Rory, do you like, uh, sandwiches?
Mick: Bet your ass I do, ma'am.

Amaya: I have to go and talk to her.
Nate: What? No, you cannot talk to your own granddaughter. That will cause...
Amaya: Unforseen consequences, I know, but how much worse can things truly get?

Zari: [portaling onto the Waverider] Listen, you guys can't be here. The Bureau's onto you.
Mick: Ah, good. Time for a pig roast.
Nate: No one's roasting anyone. And it's not just the Bureau. It's my dad, and he's got backup. Go.

Lieutenant: The Church of Amiens. Built in the 1600s, for centuries it was a shelter, a refuge. Now just a place for marauding armies to squat. Look closely, but be careful. Returning knights of The Crusades were known to hide their relics so only the "worthy" could find them
Nate: They set traps for those who... Aren't so worthy
Ray: Aw, they're so close, they're finishing each others dire warnings.

Gary: Conspiracies, embezzling, paper trails. I feel like Julia Roberts in "Erin Brokovich".
Nate: We're more Pacific Gas & Electric, Gary.
Gary: Wait, we're the bad guys?