Top 20 Quotes From Olivia Swann

Esperanza: I can't drive this ship without Gideon. Can you?
Astra: I don't even have a driver's license.

Jefferson: But I don't mind--everything sounds better in a British accent, don't it?
Astra: Debatable.

Astra: You just can't stay away, can you?
Benjamin: Careful, he's still got one bullet left.
Astra: I appreciate your concern, Benjamin, but I'm not worried about him. We're old friends, aren't we, Johnny? So, why don't you tell me what you came all the way down here for?
John: I came all the way down here to tell you...
[wavering, he lowers the Hell gun]
John: ...that I'm not giving up on you. And even if it takes me 'till the end of my days, I promise you that I will find a way.
Astra: Another meaningless promise made by the great John Constantine. You've gone soft.
[she and Bugsy laugh, and Constantine snickers sardonically]
John: Not that soft.
[shooting Bugsy]
John: This one's for Jeanie.

Nora: How does this work? We find a coin? There are thousands.
Astra: Some of history's worst.
John: Yeah, I'd wager he's keeping it somewhere special.
[seeing Astra pocketing coins]
John: Hey, what are you doing?
Astra: What? Revolution's in the air; I've got to look out for number one. You were a golden opportunity to bankroll my future. I took it.

Astra: You don't stick a knife in a man's back nine inches, and then pull it out six inches and call it progress. It's torture.

Ava: It goes against every instinct you have, which means Bishop would never expect it.
Astra: If we only ever do what makes sense to you, he will always be one step ahead. There's only one way to wage a war against yourself.
Nate: And that is to have a What Would Sarah Never Do Day!
Sarah: It really *is* a bad idea.

Zari: Can't you whip up some kind of truth serum or whatever?
Astra: Yeah, it's called scotch.

Astra: [drinking] Just because we're stuck in her mind doesn't mean I can't pickle mine.

Sara: [after taking the dog down with a somersault kick] Now what?
John: To send the demon to Hell, I need to know its true name.
Sara: Well, I'm pretty sure it's not Gary Junior.
Astra: His name is Marchosias.
Gary: Astra! You dick!

Astra: That was a phenomenal scream. Trust me, I know. I've caused a lot of them.

Astra: There's always space for one more with the Legends.

[Nate's stomach growls]
Astra: Are bombs supposed to make that sound?
Nate: That's not a bomb. That's not a bomb.
[runs for the bathroom]
Astra: Man of Steel, intestines of Play-Doh.

Esperanza: Astra, take care of me.
Astra: Always.

Nate: For a psychotic super villain, the guy's got a great look.
Astra: Yeah, they always do.

Sarah: What if the longer the game goes on, the more realistic it becomes? And is anyone else starting to feel more like their character?
Esperanza: I feel like shooting something, but that's normal.
Astra: Yeah, I wouldn't be able to tell either.
Zari: Prima donna...
Zari: I *do* feel extra dramatic and quite squeamish.

Gloria: You are not only a very powerful witch. You are also a mother now.
Astra: I am nobody's mother!
Esperanza: Dang.

Astra: What do you want, John? And please tell me you're not here to make some sad, sappy plea for me to remember who I really am.
John: I know exactly who you are. You're someone I can work with. Now, the Triumvirate, they were too short-sighted to take my deal, and now they are roasting rats for supper. But you're smarter than that, Astra. All I need is access to one measly soul, and in exchange, I'll go kill Neron, and your boys will be back on top.
Astra: This soul you're after... must be pretty special.
Nora: He is.
Astra: I was special to you, too, John, once. And yet you left me down here to rot all these years.
John: Astra, you can't...
Astra: I'm over it. I made the best of a bad situation, and guess what. I flourished. Down here, I had prospects, until Neron wiped his ass with them.
John: So, do we have a deal?
Astra: Let's go rob the king.

Astra: This is John Constantine.
Demon: [sarcastic] Oh, and me without my autograph book.
John: No worries, love. Next time, yeah?
Demon: Look, if you would like to convert his soul into cash, you need...
Astra: [pushing Constantine to his knees] Maybe you don't get it. Neron owns the marker on his soul, and Neron wants to torture him as soon as he gets here. But, hey, if you want to tell the new boss why his prized victim isn't waiting in his vault...
Demon: This way.
John: [Astra stands him up] Not so rough.
Demon: [leading them into the vault] FYI, there's no bathroom in here, and I'm not feeding him. I'm a bank teller, not a...
[she's knocked out, and Nora, having been invisible, appears]
Astra: Pretty cool for a grown woman wearing taffeta and a tiara.

Nora: I found it. I found it; Ray's coin.
Astra: So long, then, John boy, for now.
John: Whoa, hold on a minute. Our deal was for his soul, not a bleeding coin.
Astra: Fine. A promise is a promise.

John: Astra, love. This isn't you.
Astra: Oh, of course it is. Or would you rather I stayed that terrified little girl, crying and waiting for you to come and rescue me? I would have been waiting a long time.
John: I am so, so sorry, love, but... this place, it's twisted you.
Astra: If anything... it's made me more like you. Right, John?
John: You're not like me. You're not.
Astra: You chose wrong. You should have saved your friend.