Top 100 Quotes From Gideon

Zari: The monster/anachronism is Gorilla Grodd. We're stuck in his compound.
Jefferson: Did you just say Gorilla Grodd?
Dr. Martin Stein: Grodd's displacement in 1967 probably explains that.
Jefferson: Uh, guys? Our anachronism just jumped from an eight to a level ten. Giden, what do you got?
Gideon: The timeline is currently in flux. However, the following headline recently appeared in my archives.
[a newspaper appears with the headline "U.S. Retaliates Against Russia in Nuclear Strike WWIII Begins!"]
Dr. Martin Stein: It appears that Grodd is using the powder keg that is the Vietnam War to somehow ignite World War III.
Ray: What?
Zari: Where's Amaya? We have to figure out Grodd's plan and get out of here.

Gideon: We're running on very low reserve power. The odds of us successfully pushing through the avalanche above us are 3,720 to 1.
Sara: Never tell me the odds, Gideon.

Gideon: Ms. Tomaz, your simulation program has detected a change in your presently predicted future.
Zari: Good change or bad change?
Gideon: In one potential 2042, building HeyWorld leads to an era of understanding and tolerance. The Anti-Meta-Human Act of 2029 never passes, your parents live out their lives peacefully in Seattle. The future as you know it would be completely changed.
Zari: My parents. They're, uh...
Nate: That means a piece of this crazy plan actually works. This is great news, right?

Gideon: Ms. Tomaz has entered the bridge.
Sara: I see that, Gideon. Exit narc mode.
Zari: Narc mode.
Sara: You're not the only one on the ship who knows how to get Gideon to do things.

Gideon: The last thing the Legends need is for their time pilot to be obsessed with your sweet little bottom.
Gary: No, no, hell house or not, our judgement isn't clouded. You - you do genuinely admire my sweet little bottom, and I do genuinely love you.
[the music stops]
Gideon: I have to go.

Mick: Gideon! The beer tastes like sewage water.
Gideon: Was that a question, Mr. Rory?
Mick: Don't get smart, lady.
Leo: [entering] I adjusted the fabrication settings. The Waverider's now a dry ship. No alcohol allowed.
Mick: You son of a...
Leo: You said your drinking wasn't a problem. If you can go a couple of days without booze, you've proven your point.
Mick: A couple of days? 42 hours?
Leo: 48.

Gideon: Are you sure about this, Ms. Tomaz? Captain Lance did not give you authorization to initialize this program.
Zari: That's because I didn't ask for authorization. Now fire up the auxiliary generator.
Gideon: Even with the reserve power, I don't believe my system can run your simulation software.
Zari: Gideon, trust me.
Gideon: Trust is something that grows over time between friends. As far as I'm concerned, we are still acquaintances.

Gideon: Ms. Tomaz, the prisoner is growing quite unruly.
Zari: Tell her to knock herself out.
[glancing at the surveillance feed, she sees Charlie rush the force field and knock herself unconscious]
Zari: Aw. I take that back.

Sara: Lily's algorithm located a piece of the Spear of Destiny.
Ray: When? I I mean, I know just now, but where are we headed?
Gideon: Detroit. The year 3000 AD.
Dr. Martin Stein: A journey into the distant future. How exciting.
Nate: Speak for yourself.
Jefferson: Come on, man. Who doesn't like the future?
Nate: I like history. Yeah, I know it's filled with terror and violence, but the future just...
Dr. Martin Stein: It's uncertain.
Nate: Yeah. And it freaks me out a little.

Jefferson: What's going? This about Gray?
Mick: You said the professor's been acting all squirrelly about where he's been.
Jefferson: Squirrelly?
Mick: Yeah. When you're on the run, someone usually cracks. Burns the crew to save themselves.
Jefferson: Burns the crew how?
Mick: Cutting a deal with the Time Bureau.
Jefferson: You think Gray is ratting us out to the Time Bureau?
Mick: The old man wants off the boat, thinks we're in too deep.
Jefferson: Yeah, but he wouldn't do that.
Mick: Really? Then... who's been boosting the jumpship while we sleep? Gideon.
Gideon: I believe Mr. Rory is alluding to the fact that someone has erased the jumpship's travel log.
Mick: Someone's been sneaking off the ship and snitching to the Time Bureau. And if there's one thing I hate more than pigs... it's a rat.

Gideon: Human Gideon: Why didn't you tell me that you tried to kill Gary?
Gideon: AI Gideon: He survived? Those Necrians are like cockroaches.

Nate: Gideon, any messages while we were gone?
Gideon: You missed calls from Barry Allen, Oliver Queen, and Kara Zor-El.
Ray: Sounds like the annual crossover.
Nate: Yeah, that's gonna be a hard pass.

Gary: You know what I just realized? My favorite thing about being human is being with other humans.
Gideon: Me too.

Rip: Gideon.
Gideon: Yes, Captain.
Rip: Plot a course for Saint-Lô, France, 1944.
Dr. Martin Stein: Why then?
Rip: Because that's where Kendra is.
Jefferson: How is that possible?
Ray: She sent us a message through time. Go ahead, say it.
Dr. Martin Stein: Astonishing.

Ray: Alright Gideon, it's time for me to go.
Gideon: Will I ever see you again?
Ray: I hope so. Thank you for everything and um... take care of the Legends for me
Gideon: Safe travels, Dr. Palmer
[she sheds a tear]

Gideon: I've picked up an alert with Constantine's magical signature.
Nate: That's them.
Gideon: [cut to everyone assembling on the bridge] The signal is coming from 1.3 million years ago.
Nate: That's the Ice Age.
Gideon: He's in the part of North America that would come to be known as the Donner Pass, named after a doomed group of settlers in the 1800s who resorted to cannibalism after their food supplies ran out.
Sara: There is such a thing as too much exposition, Gideon.

Gideon: Arriving in 1988.
Zari: [in French] Wow, that was fast. Why am I speaking French?
Amaya: I should have said. There are some really strange side effects.
Zari: [still in French] Cool.

Nate: Sara, I've been searching for more outliers in the hopes of finding Darhk and his witchy friend. And you would think having a supercomputer would be helpful.
Gideon: Watch yourself, Mr. Heywood.
Nate: Anyway, there's no sign of them in the timeline.
Sara: [wrinkling her nose] What is that smell?
Nate: Okay, full disclosure, I haven't left the library in seven days, I think. Is it Tuesday? I'm not really sure. It's hard for me to keep track of time in a temporal zone.
Sara: Shower. Now.

Ava: Well, you went all-out. What the hell is he doing here?
Mick: Leaving.
Sara: Wait. Wait. Both of you. Please look. I roasted a roast.
Gideon: Technically, Captain, I fabricated...
Sara: Shut up, Gideon.

Firestorm: Rip know who he is. He's our prisoner. Isn't that right, Rip?
Jefferson: Look after, Rip.
Gideon: Always.
Rip: Hey, what you planning on doing?
Sara: Guess we're gonna have to kick our own asses.
Firestorm: Looks like somebody forgot to bring their powers.

Mick: This isn't Aruba.
Gideon: No, this Los Angeles, 2017.
Ray: Oh, boy.
Sara: Guys. I think we broke time.

Gideon: I do know this song. It's terrible. But also really great at the same time, which doesn't make sense.

Sara: Gideon, how long until the ice thaws?
Gideon: The Ice Age ends in 11,121 years.
Charlie: All right, who we eating first? 'Cause shotgun, not.

Gideon: A scan of the timeline reveals a change in Memphis, Tennessee, 1954.
Ray: Oh, says here Memphis became a ghost town after a mysterious bout of mass hysteria in July 1954.
Nate: That's what caused the changes. Memphis is the birthplace of rock and roll. If rock never makes it out of Memphis, then none of these things exist. Your... your rat's namesake, electric guitar.
Wally: Your hair gel.
Nate: It's not hair gel, Wally. It's Royal Crown pomade. It's the same product used by...
Sara: Elvis Presley.
Nate: See? She knows what I'm talking about.
Sara: No, dodo, look. "While the population fled in hysterics, one person was left standing in the aftermath, a local teen named Elvis Presley."

Nate: Oof. Vietnam. 1967. Also known as the height of the Vietnam War. Gideon, what kind of anachronism are we dealing with?
Gideon: A level eight. Scans of the historical record reveal redacted Pentagon reports about a creature of unknown origin attacking American and Vietcong soldiers in the jungle. Dozens have disappeared without a trace.
Mick: No way I'm going to 'Nam.
Amaya: All I know is that if American soldiers are being targeted, I am ready to do my duty.
Nate: This war's a little different. Unlike World War II, the military objectives in Vietnam weren't so cut and dry.
Zari: Yeah, it was controversial, and the reasons for getting involved were murky. You know, come to think about it, this team should be right at home.

Nate: Are you sure Stargirl doesn't know my grandfather ended up?
Amaya: No, the JSA thought the pieces of the spear would be safer if they didn't know where Rip was dropping them off.
Nate: Except Rip knows, which means the Legion of Doom probably already knows. They could already have my grandfather, or he could be dead, or they're torturing him, or he's dying, or...
Sara: We're not gonna let that happen.
Nate: It's not just about my grandfather. It's about the entire fabric of reality that's at stake here, which you think would be incentive enough for a certain talking computer to buffer a little quicker.
Gideon: The name is Gideon, and I'm processing data as fast as I can.
Jefferson: Just - Just chill out, bro, all right? Let Gideon do her thing.

Gideon: [to Gary] Would you like to have sexual intercourse with me?

John: Oh, Ray. Big man. Do us a favor, uh... give us a hand with the cargo door, will you?
Ray: It's actually apretty intuitive design mechanism. Uh, basic open/close functionality.
John: Yeah, I know how to open the damn door, mate. Now, what's this about an anti-magic gun?
Ray: Oh, uh, I was gonna put it in storage.
John: Well, don't. You keep it nearby.
Ray: You said so yourself, they key to stopping Mallus are the totems.
John: It could be. But in the meantime, you may need a more accessible solution for a more familiar target. Sara may not know it, but the demon's power, it lives inside of her. If, or more like when she succumbs to it, you're gonna need that gun.
Gideon: [he strikes a match and lights his cigarette] As always, this is a non-smoking aircraft.
John: Uh, don't worry, Gideon, sweetheart.
[patting Ray on the shoulder]
John: I'll see you around, Squire.
Ray: [couging through the smoke] That guy's cool.

Gideon: Mr. Constantine's body is rejecting my treatments. His odds of survival are bleak.
Ray: John, what you did out there was pretty selfless. I told you you were good.
[taking the cigarette out of his mouth]
Ray: That's not good for you.
Sara: Get some rest, John. Gideon, give him the good stuff.
John: [as he's drugged up] Oh, Gideon. That's nice, love. We should party...

Gideon: It appears a fugitive is on the loose in New Orleans in 1856. According to local lore, there were a series of murders perpetrated by a criminal who could walk through walls.
Sara: Sounds like we're going mindhunting in the Big Easy. Gideon, plot a course.

Ray: I've triangulated the timequake to 1917, St. Petersburg, Russia. Let's go and shrink the problem.
Nate: [Sara grimaces] Not good.
Ray: I'm developing a catchphrase?
Gideon: Executing time jump now.
Sara: No! Gideon, we're not taking a film crew to...
[watching the transition through time]
Sara: ...Imperial Russia. Yeah. Great. This is great, Ray.
Nate: All right, Legends, put on your babushkas because we are rushing into Russia.
Sara: And now you're copying my thing.
Nate: Totally. I just got really excited.

Rip: Gideon, I've discovered the missing ingredient for my recipe. Rum. And speaking of which, I'm gonna need you to fabricate another bottle of it. Ooh, and some nachos.
Gideon: I will do nothing of the sort.
Rip: What? You will do as I tell you, Gideon, I'm your captain!
Gideon: Then it's time for you to start acting like one. Now, sit up straight and show your backbone, Captain Hunter.

Sara: What are you doing here?
Ray: Uh, it's my lab.
Sara: Don't do anything stupid.
Gideon: Captain, we've arrived in the Wild West.
Sara: Thank you, Gideon. Have everyone meet me in the fabrication room. Ray, nothing stupid.

Sara: I don't care if Zari has to duct tape the Waverider back together, we have to get it in the air.
Gideon: Well, I wouldn't advise returning to the Bermuda Triangle.
Nate: It's the Devil's Triangle, and Mick and Amaya are in danger.
Sara: [a portal opens, and Ava enters] Ava! Hey!
Ava: Don't "Hi, Ava" me. You stood me up, jerk.
Ray: Awkward.

Gideon: We've traveled here because I have a new lead on Vandal Savage's location.
Rip: Yes. Gideon managed to intercept this telefax concerning Savage's last known whereabouts.
Jefferson: Tele-what?
Ray: It's like an e-mail... uh, on paper.

Gideon: Mr, Jackson, I was hoping you would hear my signal?
Jefferson: Who are you?
Gideon: Really? After all the time we've spent together?
Jefferson: I think I would remember if we had... Are you figment of Rip's imagination?
Gideon: Of sorts, but I'm very much real, as real as the Waverider herself.
Jefferson: Gideon?
Gideon: Hello, Mr. Jackson.

Gideon: Hello, Legends. What did I miss?
Ray: Well, we're about to steal the ship, and grab Julius Caeser in Aruba, all before history completely collapses.
Gideon: So it's business as usual, then.
Nate: Exactly.
Sara: Gideon, engines to power. Turbines to speed.
Gideon: Right away, Captain.
[the Waverider creaks and rumbles]
Mick: Sounds like this old boat needs a lube job.

Ava: Gideon, open this door and let me back in.
Gideon: I'm sorry Ava, I'm afraid I can't do that.

Gideon: How did you bypass my encrypted security protocol?
Zari: Oh, just by being a businesswoman, makeup guru, bad bitch, and overall genius.

Gideon: I believe I know what you're planning. It is extremely reckless with a low likelihood of success.
Rip: Well, then it seems like I've finally learned to think like a Legend.
Gideon: The odds of survival are 0.0...
Rip: I know. I will miss you, Gideon. Truly.
Gideon: No more than I'll miss you... Rip.

Dr. Martin Stein: Where is Captain Lance when I need her?
[Sara enters]
Dr. Martin Stein: Sara... were you just waiting for the right moment to make a dramatic entrance? Are you all right?
Sara: There is no Sara.
Dr. Martin Stein: What?
Sara: Only Grodd.
Gideon: It appears that the captain is under some sort of telepathic control.
Dr. Martin Stein: Really, Gideon? You think so?
Sara: I claim this ship for the new god. Kneel before Gro...
Isaac: [knocking her out with a skillet] Oh, how I do love proving my laws of motion.
Dr. Martin Stein: Please save that lecture for another day.

Gideon: Shock missiles away, Captain.
Nate: Oh, this is gonna suck so bad.
Jefferson: Uh, Gray, if we're gonna die, I don't want us to go out mad at each other. So, uh, I can't remember what for, but I'm sorry.
Dr. Martin Stein: You were just thinking of me. Actually, I should be thanking you.
Ray: Aww. Who wants to hold hands?
Nate: Ray, it's not freaking "Toy Story 3".
Mick: Everyone shut up. I got one page left.

Gideon: Captain Hunter told me you'd try to do this, and he also told me not to listen to anything you say.
Jefferson: Well, you are a computer. You have to listen to me!
Gideon: You seem overwrought, Mr. Jackson. If you'd like to go to the Med Bay, I'd be happy to prescribe you a sedative.
Jefferson: I do not need another roofie!

Staples: And you, my secretary just quit on me. How fast can you type?
Gideon: I can process over a million words a minute.
Staples: [confused] Sure. My office is down the hall.

Gideon: The bullet has lodged itself between several of Dr. Heywood's internal organs.
Ray: How's that possible? He's made of steel.
Sara: Because it wasn't a normal bullet. It was dwarf star.
Gideon: I estimate his chance of survival at 51%.
Nate: Ugh, would it kill you to say "better than average", Gideon?

Gideon: Only
Gideon: in this version of history, he becomes something far worse than a criminal, he becomes a politician.
[here, Al Capone is shown as the Mayor of Chicago]

Nate: Gideon, maybe you could help us settle an argument. What are the chances of survival if we stay in the Bermuda Triangle?
Gideon: Zero. There are multiple cannonballs headed towards our starboard bow as we speak.
Zari: Um, sorry, cannonballs?
Ray: I thought we were cloaked.

Rip: Replacing the Time Masters is an enormous responsibility, Sara, and one which I fear our team is ill-equipped...
[the Waverider is rocked by a sudden jolt]
Sara: Gideon, are we under attack?
Gideon: Negative. That was a shockwave generated by a time quake.
Sara: A what?
Rip: Uh... disturbance in the temporal zone caused by an unusually large aberration.
Sara: You never mentioned a time quake before.
Rip: Never experienced one before.

Gideon: In this version of history, the Vikings stayed and conquered all of North America, or as it's called now, New Valhalla.
Mick: Cool hat.
Leo: How many beers is that? It's not even noon yet. You have a problem, Micky.
Mick: I don't have a problem. Now shut up.

Sara: Do me a favor, Gideon, get John Constantine on the line.
Gideon: I'm afraid Mr. Constantine does not currently own a phone.
Sara: Because God forbid he'd do anything normal.

Zari: Gideon, we need to reach Sara. I-is there any way to message her in the Ice Age?
Gideon: There's no need. The jumpship never left its hangar.

Nate: Dad, you heal up. We've got this.
Henry: No, like hell. I owe it to him to finish this...
[trailing off]
Henry: ...fight.
Gideon: Sedative administered.

Sara: Gideon, what do you have on Jane Hawthorne?
Gideon: On October 29, 1692, Jane Hawthorne's execution was at the center of what came to be known as the Burning of Salem.
Ray: [reading the article] "On the day she hung, all of the people of Salem spontaneously combusted. The whole town was set ablaze."
Mick: Sounds like my kind of woman.

Gideon: I tried to tell you coming here was a bad idea.
Ray: Who the heck is firing at us?
[cut to outside]
Damien: I want that ship brought down! Fire another volley!

Gideon: I'm detecting a fugitive alert...
[giggling as Gary tickles her AI interface]
Gideon: ...stop it... at the Inquisition, Captain Green.
Gary: Oh, I don't do torture.
Ava: Could have fooled me.
Sara: Hey. Play nice. We have to distract Gary while the B team is plan B... ing.

Henry: So explain to me how this... "magic-ometer" of yours works.
Ray: Oh. Well...
Mick: [straight and to the point] Thingy goes beep, and we kick ass.
Zari: Meaning we investigate each time period.
John: Yeah, we find the creature.
Sara: We bring it to the Bureau.
Ray: And hopefully learn some life lessons along the way.
Henry: And it takes six of you to do that?
Ray: Seven, if you count Amaya.
Gideon: Eight if you count me.
Henry: Sounds a little... inefficient.

Gideon: It's an impressive piece of software you designed, Ms. Tomaz.
Zari: Is that a compliment, Gideon?
Gideon: Don't let it go to your head. Are you ready to wake up now?
Zari: One last question. Gary; why even have him in the time loop if he was just gonna be stuck in the trash compactor the whole time?
Gideon: Thought it'd be funny.

Gideon: Another successful mission, captain?
Rip: Yes, well, it seems that I don't share our team's definition of success. But let's see if our labors came to a certain fruition, shall we?
Sara: [entering] Well, that was fun.
Rip: I'm in no mood for a lecture, Sara.
Sara: Too tired from dishin' 'em out?

Charlie: Why are the Legends homicidal wankers now?
Gideon: If you're referring to the Custodians of the Chronology, their policy towards magical creatures has been shoot on sight since their disastrous encounter at Woodstock.

Ray: Let's just skip to step two: trust falls. Now, to demonstrate, Mick, who hated me when we first met, will fall trustingly into my arms.
Mick: Right. You promised me good coin for doing this.
Ray: When you said you weren't gonna say that out loud.
Mick: Yeah.
Ray: Well, just lean back and let go, 'cause I'm not going anywhere, buddy.
[as Mick falls, Ray literally disappears]
Jefferson: What the hell?
Sara: Gideon, what happened to Ray?
Gideon: According to public record, Mr. Palmer died in 1988.
Nate: Wait, Ray's dead?
Mick: [holding his head] He better be.

Gideon: I have encountered a glitch during the Heyworld event.
Nate: Show me.
[Gideon shows him the footage, with Zari's image replacing Behrad's; the power goes down, and a hologram appears behind him]
Zari: Nate. If you're seeing this, we altered my future at Heyworld. I don't know where I'll be or who I'll be, but... I know that I love you. Find me.
[the message ends, and the power returns]
Nate: Gideon. Gideon, who was that? Play it again.
Gideon: Memory scrub complete.

Sara: One thing I learned from the Chucky movies is the doll always comes back.
Ava: Gideon, how's the timeline?
Gideon: History is on track, and Marie Laveau lived a long and celebrated life, inspiring an Emmy-nominated portrayal by Angela Bassett.
Ava: See? Rory killed the Dybbuk. Which is unfortunate, because now I have to explain to Mr. Heywood why I'm bringing him a seared doll instead of a magical creature.
Sara: Well, at least we get to find out why they call it the Big Easy.
Ava: Did you happen to notice that Rory robbed that party blind?
Sara: I believe it.

Ray: [trying to remove the totem from Elvis' guitar, it suddenly shines brightly] Whoa, that was weird.
Sara: [the ship's lights flicker] Yeah. You feel that?
Ray: Yeah, it's freezing.
Gideon: I am detecting an EMF reading of six miligaus that is disturbing the ship's electrical servers.
Sara: EM-what?
Ray: Electromagnetic field. It's a scientific term that's been wrapped up in a bunch of paranormal nonsense.
Sara: [seeing a handprint appear in ice Ray's board] Paranormal, as in...
Ray: [Elvis' guitar rises into the air by itself; a spirit resembling Elvis then appears] Ghosts.

Gideon: Captain, I've detected movement 300 meters southwest of our position and closing.
Ray: Savage's army?
Gideon: Negative. I believe they are all that remains of the resistance forces.
Rip: I'm going to make contact with them. They might have information on Savage that we can use to our advantage. In the meantime, Ms. Lance, get Ms. Saunders ready. Ray.
Sara: [Rip and Ray turn to leave] How am I supposed to teach someone to fight with a piece of jewelry?
Rip: Good question.
Sara: It wasn't rhetorical.

Henry: This is a talking computer?
Gideon: Actually, I'm a quantum-enhanced A.I. program, capable of operating completely autonomously.
Henry: So what you're saying is you don't need any people on the ship.
Nate: Oh, no, no, no, no, we do. Ray, why don't you show Hank what you do in the...
Zari: [running in, out of breath] Not the lab. Hello, sir. Um, you should take him to the library. It's very impressive, and there are... books.
Ray: And bookshelves.
Zari: Bookshelves.
Nate: See, Hank? It takes a village.

Zari: So, the interactions, the... the things I learned about the team, they... they were all fake?
Gideon: Everything you experienced was extrapolated from my current knowledge of the Legends. While not real, what you saw was true. It doesn't take a supercomputer to predict that those two would wind up dinky-tickling once Amaya returned to the team.
Zari: [in a representation of Mick's quarters, seeing him writing] Uh, this one seems less plausible.
Gideon: We'll have to ask Mr. Rory.
Zari: I am terrified and in awe of you, Gideon. Who knew you were such an evil genius? And a bit of a perv.
Gideon: You never bothered to ask.

Sara: Have you guys seen Z?
Mick: [shrugging] With the witch?
Ray: Prudence isn't a witch. Not that witches are bad.
Sara: Prudence is alone. I just checked. Gideon?
Gideon: Miss Tomaz gave me explicit instructions not to tell you that she was leaving the ship.
Ray: That can't be good.

Gideon: I always hoped I'd get to go on a Legends mission in real life. I always hoped it'd be a Western. This is fun, too.

Gideon: Special agent Ness has suffered severe hypoxia. It will take some time to reverse his brain damage.
Nate: You can undo brain damage? Why haven't you helped Rory out?
Gideon: Who says I haven't?

Rip: Gideon, for the thousandth time, I've got no way of getting reserve power back online, and I've got no way of... of sending out any signal of any sort, which means... which means that I am destined to live out the rest of my days right... here... with you.
Gideon: While you were honing your confectionary skills, I've been working on new algorithms to redirect power from the idle quadrants of the ship. You need to focus on boosting your distress signal once power is fully back online. Now, chin up, Captain.
Rip: Don't know if I can do this, Gideon.
Gideon: I believe in you. Now let's get to work.
Rip: First... I'm going to vomit. And second... let's do this.

Charlie: [seeing the words on Mona's shirt vanish] Whoa. The words on your shirt.
Mona: These are the names of my favorite Jane Austen characters.
Gideon: It appears that you're experiencing the impact of a magical fugitive.

Rip: I'm really sorry for everything I've put you through.
Gideon: Forcing me to disable the ship or our kiss?
Rip: How did you...?
Gideon: If it's the latter, I rather enjoyed it.
Rip: [he laughs quietly to himself] As did I, Gideon. As did I.

Gideon: [Betty is put on the examination table] She has suffered several sever lacerations. I'm attempting to cauterize the wound.
Dr. Martin Stein: What happened?
Leonard: I don't know but I'm guessing Jax and Peggy Sue had a pretty lousy first date.

Gideon: Isn't luck just an interpretation of random occurrences?

Gideon: The Waverider's time drive is highly unstable. Removing it...
Rip: May very well be the only way to hold our adversary at bay.

Sara: Gideon, I need you to pull up everything you can on the target in 1942.
Gideon: I assume that by "target", you mean Damien Darhk.
Sara: You are finally getting the hang of this whole revenge thing.

Sara: You're Gideon?
Gideon: Hello, Captain Lance.
Sara: But you're like... I mean, you're really...
Gideon: Human?
Sara: I was gonna say "hot", but yeah, that too.

Sara: Gideon, what's the point of origin?
Gideon: It appears my Jonah Hex has beebo Lala loves you.
Behrad: Gideon may have a virus.
Mona: Doesn't she make everything work?
Ava: We are perfectly safe.
Nate: [running in] Guys, that was a class-five timequake. That is is so dangerous.

Gary: Is it getting hot in here, or is it just me?
Gideon: Well, if you're referring to the increasing temperature in the house, you're correct.
Gary: Huh. Oh.
Gideon: If you're insinuating we should go upstairs and fool around, also correct.

Sara: All right, let's go check this out. We need to find Elvis before panic sets in.
Gideon: Elvis Presley's uncle preached at the Church of Zion every Sunday. The boy never missed a service.
Sara: You heard the lady.
[nobody moves]
Sara: What? Why are you staring at me?
Nate: I dunno, waiting for you to do the thing you do.
Sara: What thing?
Ray: You know, you usually send us into the field with a little more pizzazz.
Sara: [rolling her eyes; in a commanding voice] All right, Legends, put on your Sunday best, because we are going to church.
Nate: That was pretty good.

Zari: What the hell? Where am I?
Gideon: You are on a 22nd century timeship, designation WR2059. Currently situated in the temporal zone.
Ray: Hey, guys, who's your friend?
Nate: We can explain everything.
Sara: Yeah, ya better.
Zari: Who are you people?
Behrad: Guys, meet Zari. She's my sister.

Dr. Martin Stein: Oh, it seems we both share a craving for solitude.
Rip: Is everyone aboard the ship?
Dr. Martin Stein: As far as I'm aware. Is there something I can do for you?
Rip: In fact, there is. Could you please tell Captain Lance... I'm sorry.
[he shuts the blast door]
Dr. Martin Stein: What are you doing?
Rip: Gideon, initiate Gentlemen's Dreadnought.
Gideon: Command code recognized. Are you sure, Director Hunter?
Rip: [to Stein] She left me no choice.

Sara: If Neron wanted John dead, he would have killed him on the spot. He must need something from him. We have to find them before he can get what he wants.
Nate: Who knows what he's doing in Ray's name or his perfectly grass-fed organic butter body?
Mick: If Haircut's even there.
Zari: We don't know that Ray is gone.
Sara: Look, everybody just breath. Gideon's already on it.
Gideon: I've attuned the magic-o-meter to Constantine's frequency. When he uses his abilities, I can zero on his location.
Nate: And what do we do till then?
Zari: Stress eat.
Mick: Drink.
Charlie: Yeah, how'd you lot survive until now?

Sara: Gideon, can you get me a line on Ava, please?
Gideon: Yes, Captain. Would you like some privacy, as well?
Sara: Cheeky bot.

Gideon: Who knew that time travel could be this complicated?

Esperanza: Can't believe you've stuck on the ship with this bitch.
Gideon: AI Gideon: We don't use that word on our ship!
Esperanza: I don't either - unless I really have to.

Nate: Rory, Amaya, come in, over.
Ray: Some sort of interference with the communications system.
Nate: Guys, answer me! Over.
Zari: Hey, calm down. I'm sure they're okay.
Gideon: [the ship's lights flicker] My apologies, but I'm experiencing a level four systems failure.
Zari: Wasn't me. Nothing to do with it.
Gideon: I believe the fault lies in our present coordinates. You did park me in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle.
Nate: Sailors call it the Devil's Triangle.
Ray: No, the stories of ships disappearing are grossly exaggerated.
[the lights shut down completely]
Zari: [flicking on a lighter] Um... you sure about that, Ray?

Jefferson: How long till Lily's interface tracks down another piece of the Spear of Destiny?
Sara: I don't know. I'm beginning to think our supercomputer is not so super.
Gideon: I heard that. You try processing 1.2 zettabytes of data.

Henry: So, why does a ship formerly manned by a single person now need...
Ray: [running in] Need a crew of six? I can explain.
Nate: Hey, Ray.
Ray: [bro-hugging] Hi.
Nate: Hi. Uh, he means five. You mean five.
Ray: I mean five. I mean five. I must have been thinking about Gideon as a real person.
Gideon: Are you trying to hurt my feelings, Dr. Palmer?
Nate: [seeing Gideon's A.I. face appear] Oh, wow, Gideon. Hubba, hubba. Love the new look.
Gideon: Ms. Tomaz gave me, in her words, a facelift.

Sara: Mick, you wanna do the honors? Plot a course? You earned it.
Mick: Gideon, set a course for Aruba.
Gideon: Roger that, Mr. Rory. Setting a course for Aruba, the year 2017.

[last lines]
Gideon: Sir, I've completed my review of the timeline. I calculate a 98% likelihood that Savage reappears in 1986.
Rip: Chart a course, Gideon.
Ray: Guess we're headed to the '80s. Better break out your parachute pants.
Jefferson: What the hell are parachute pants?

Sara: That is more about Tricky Dick than I ever needed to know.
Gideon: And it's more than the public needed to know. In the days following the news conference, Nixon found himself unable to tell a lie, resulting in global chaos.

Sara: Oh, hey, Ava. How was your day?
Ava: You do realize that little stunt you pulled could have destroyed us both.
Sara: You tried to kill us first.
Ava: No, I tried to warn you first. But you don't take warnings, do you?
Sara: Now you're starting to get it.
Ava: Well, this isn't a warning. It's a promise. If I ever track you down again, you and your band of idiots will be exiled to the dawn of time. Whatever leniency Hunter gave you, it's over.
[ends transmission]
Gideon: What a bitch.
Sara: You took the words right out of my mouth, Gideon.

Sara: You know, when I was a kid, there was this one escaped con that my dad was after. And everyone assumed that he had fled the country. You know where he found him?
[Ray shakes his head]
Sara: Not a block from the police precinct.
Ray: Do you really think she's hiding in the Bureau's back yard?
Sara: Gideon, do a Nora Darhk facial recognition scan of 2018.
Gideon: [running said search] I have located a potential match.
Ray: [recognizing Nora] That's her.
Sara: Right in the Bureau's back yard.
Ray: Great work, Detective Lance.

Sara: Nate, where are you?
Nate: I don't know, but I just had a chat with Professor Stein's weird lookalike evil cousin.
Gideon: Great-great grandfather, to be exact. The famous stage actor, Sir Henry Stein.
Dr. Martin Stein: Astonishing! The... the chances of us running into one of my ancestors are astronomical. Family lore recalls him as being an eccentric. But then, what can one expect from an actor?
Nate: He's also an occult weirdo who kidnapped me to feed his master.
Rip: Excellent. The vampire will lead us to Mallus. Stay where you are, Dr. Heywood.
Nate: [tied down] Yeah, that's not gonna be a problem.

Gideon: Rip disengaged the time drive, making it unstable. When it reaches critical mass, it will consume Mallus.
Sara: And Rip.

Gideon: You know, eating? Favorite thing about being human.
Gary: Yeah?
Gideon: Hm-mm.
Gary: I don't think I could choose my favorite thing. You can see why I became so obsessed. They have so many quirks. Eyebrows, belly buttons, nipples.
Gideon: You have nipples too?
Gary: A little secret?
Gary: I have three.
Gideon: [gasps] And when you put your glasses on, your entire body turns human?
Gary: Oh yeah, head to toe.

Gideon: Sorry to interrupt, Ms. Jiwe, but Dr. Heywood requests your presence in the library.
Amaya: Captain's duties are never over. But seeing as you're not busy...
Zari: [to herself] No, no, no, please don't... please don't ask me.
Amaya: I can't think of anyone better to learn to train a new totem bearer.

Gideon: [leaving Sara a voicemail] It wasn't my idea, but the team has taken the Waverider on a joyride to the Bahamas, 1717, in a futile attempt to locate the missing Earth totem. Just thought you should know.
Ava: [Sara hangs up, poker-faced] Is everything okay?
Sara: Yeah, totally fine. Normal, in fact.

Zari: Who the hell are you?
Gideon: You know who I am, Zari. Even though you may have never seen my face.
Zari: Gideon? You're real?
Gideon: Of course I'm real. Just because I'm an artificial intelligence doesn't mean I don't exist.
Zari: What's happening? If you tell me I've been dreaming this whole time, I'm gonna kill you, real or not.