Top 600 Quotes From Caity Lotz

Sara: What is wrong with you?
Zari: Uh. Nothing, I think. Didn't we just have this conversation?
Sara: Yeah, 'cause you keep making me repeat myself.

Sara: Gideon, can you get me a line on Ava, please?
Gideon: Yes, Captain. Would you like some privacy, as well?
Sara: Cheeky bot.

Sara: Look, Zari, I let the Helen of Troy thing pass. I even let it slide when you tried to prevent Martin's death, but you need to understand we are in the "fixing anachronisms" business, not the "hacking history" business. Now please go fix Gideon.
Zari: Hey, maybe if you would stop bossing me around for a second, you would see this is a good idea.
Sara: I said "please." And even if I didn't, bossing you around is part of my job as captain.
Zari: Yeah, and it's really easy to take you seriously in that outfit.

Sara: Nate, why are we staring at an anachronism map?
Nate: Because, captain, I did a deep dive on the data, and the anachronisms we created at first glance seem scattershot, random. But since history is cause and effect, I decided to do a little experiment. I folded the linear timeline onto itself following the mathematics of the Golden Ratio. Follow me...
[leading them to Gideon's interface]
Nate: Damn it, Gideon, that was your cue.
Gideon: My apologies, Dr. Heywood.

Sara: I don't need to be rescued. I found peace here.
Rip: Peace with the League of Assassins? That must be the first time that sentence has ever been uttered.

Zari: Okay, fine, you win. I uploaded a synchronous, multi-model simulation program to Gideon's neural core.
Sara: A simulation program for what?
Zari: To see if there are any other loopholes in history that we could exploit.
Sara: We? You mean you can exploit.
Ray: You're trying to hack history? What exactly are you trying to change in 2042?
Zari: Oh, I don't know, Ray. Maybe I'm trying to figure out how to stop my home from becoming a dystopian nightmare?

Rip: We are not the Legion. Believe it or not, we are actually future iterations of yourselves who've traveled back in time to prevent some form of calamity.
Sara: I don't believe it. Why would Rip Hunter break the first rule of time travel?
Rip: I'm asking myself the very same question.
[past Rip enters]
Rip: Oh, bollocks.

Nate: [after Charlie and Constantine destroy the unicorn at Woodstock] Who the hell's in the jumpship?
Mick: Who cares? Mission accomplished.
Sara: And you guys thought we needed Constantine.

Sara: I asked you to run a routine maintenance check.
Zari: I did run a maintenance check.
Ray: And maybe something else?
Sara: Something you want to tell us about? Maybe show us?
[Zari moves to block her way]
Sara: Oh, do not make me move you.
Ray: Uh, you should just tell her what it is. Last thing we want to do is get Sara mad.
Zari: Why is that?
Ray: [dodging] Be... because... high blood pressure. It takes years off your life.

J'onn: It's good to see you both safe.
Ray: J'onn, that was a neat trick.
Sara: Wait, you know J'onn J'onnz from Supergirl's Earth?
Ray: Of course I know J'onn. Wait, go back. Supergirl has her own Earth?
J'onn: Not anymore. When we restarted the universe, our worlds combined, and only we Paragons know it was ever any different.
Ray: Okay, I'm sorry guys, I'm a little lost here.
J'onn: Here, this'll be faster.
[restores Ray's memories]
J'onn: Whoa, there was a multiverse. It all got destroyed. There's an evil Batman, and there's a me who's a super me?

Ava: You wanna keep doing book club? Babe, we don't have to. We can just forget it.
Sara: I thought it would be nice for us to be able to do something of yours.
Ava: Aw. That's so sweet, thank you. I didn't read the book.
Sara: What?
Ava: Sorry.
Sara: Seriously?
Ava: Honestly, I-I ususally just drink rosé and let Mona go on and on and use it as a mini-vacay for my brain.

Sara: Any hits?
Zari: I tried to isolate the portal from today's Courier activity, but so far, no dice. It would help if I had the actual Courier.
Sara: Sure, here you go.
[she puts a handful of broken pieces on the table]
Zari: Okay, never mind.

Gary: I'm sorry! This is all my fault!
[He says looking at Sara's hurt hand]
Gary: I swear that I will do everything in my power to get you home. Ideally in time for a spring wedding. Although with your matching Nordic complexions, a winter wedding would be spectacular!
Sara: Gary!
[Pulling him close, with her good hand]
Sara: You are not planning my wedding!
[Then releasing him]
Sara: Ouch!
Gary: [Looking at her scared and in a tiny voice] Okay.
Gary: [Begrudging] Though, a winter wedding would be beautiful.

Ray: Waverider crew, we are now the proud owners of the last fragment of the Spear of Destiny.
Sara: Copy.
Ray: That's all I get is a "copy"? Guys, I'm standing on the freakin' moon!

Sara: Not your finest work, bud.
Mick: He's gonna get us killed.
Sara: You just don't like guys with ties.
Mick: That's right. It's like a little flag hanging from someone's neck saying "I'm a liar."

Damien: Oh, hi, guys. I do hope you're not feeling all killy-killy, stabby-stabby.
Sara: I want you to listen to me carefully. I don't believe for a second that you've changed. You're still the same cowardly son of a bitch that put an arrow in my sister. But I will work with you to defeat Mallus under one condition. After this is over, I'm putting you back in the ground where you belong.
Damien: Deal.

Jonah: Is this what it's like working with a woman? You just sit around and talk about your feelings.
Sara: Well, if your feelings are what almost got you hung, then yeah, I'd say they are worth talking about.

Barry: It's true. We all live on the same Earth now. Our Earths must have merged when we helped Oliver rebuild the universe.
Supergirl: I can't believe it.
Sara: What are you guys doing here?
Supergirl: We had to see if it's true. The DEO, CatCo, all of National City is on this Earth now. Even Argo's up there. We did it. We saved everyone.
Sara: Not everyone.
Rene: Oliver. He didn't make it.
Dinah: Guess we just have to face facts.
Barry: No, that's not - that's...
Supergirl: Why did he give everyone else a fresh start but not himself?
John: Maybe this was the only way, Kara. Maybe his sacrifice made all this possible. Him for us.

Sara: [taking Constantine's potion] Do you feel anything yet?
Ava: Mm... no. Maybe it doesn't work.
Sara: [seeing the magic start to work] The pretty lights tell me otherwise.

Gary: I feel like a bridge scene should have more people.
Sara: Oh, no, we love three-people bridge scenes.
Ava: Yeah, otherwise we just end up standing around all day.
Gary: Oh, that's why Mick's always grumpy.

Sarah: You know what? We've broken time before. Let's do it again.

Sara: What's happening?
John: It's Mallus' trickery. Fear, anger, he's using your darkest emotions to prime you for possession. He wants you to be afraid. I need you to fight him, Sara.
[he chants in Latin]
John: Feels like the mother of all hangovers, don't it?

Sara: You saved me again.
Ava: I had a little help.
John: [off the fireball Mick is holding] Well, while we're here, uh... a light?

Ray: [to Agent Sharpe] Lady, why are you so mean?
Sara: Maybe it's that poly-blend pantsuit that's got her so grumpy.
Nate: I didn't know Men's Warehouse gave group discounts.
Ava: What's the matter with you people? Do you want to get shot?
Nate: Totally rather get shot than look like a Sears' model.

John: Look, this is your bloody mess, Sara, so stop playing tiddlywinks with the missus and get ready for the fight that's coming.
Sara: What if this is who I am now?
John: Really?
[looking around and letting out a sardonic whistle]
John: This is who you are? Fuzzy throws and... fluffy pink slippers?
Sara: I like my pink fluffy slippers.

Charlie: Come on. I bet it's been months since you got laid. Now, why don't you just go smash Nate?
Sara: Or better yet, you should go smash somebody else, because if you're still thinking about Nate, then you know you're really into him.
Mona: Why don't you talk to Nate? Tell him how you feel.
Charlie: Oh, boo.
Sara: That is a terrible idea.
Zari: [ending the conversation] Okay, I'm going. Bye.

Ava: As far as strategy goes, this would not be my first pick.
Sara: Why not? They welcomed us in. We get Beebo, we get out.
Ava: The Bureau has rules about fraternizing with the locals, and these costumes are ridiculous.
Sara: Nah, you look good.

Sara: There's Mona's bike. Where is she? Where is everybody?
John: Yeah, I know this kind of quiet, and it never means anything good.
[as if on cue, a man screams as he's thrown through a glass door]

Ava: This is starting to feel like that escape room we did. Okay, so subconscious Gary said this would be the most important choice of our life. What do you think that means?
Sara: That even subconscious Gary needs to get a life?

Sara: Look, Ava is the kind of girl that you take home to your parents, and I am the kind you take to an exorcism.

Sara: Do you remember that night we all met, standing up on that rooftop and Rip told us that were gonna be "legends"?
Mick: Embarrassing. You know what? We're the last of the originals.
Sara: Weird.
Mick: [low] Yeah, weird.
Sara: [looking at a picture of the original team from "The Magnificent Eight"] The Legends were different back then. We were different back then. Look. I know that book convention was important to you, and I'm really glad that you got to go.
Mick: I'm glad you have Ava.
Sara: Thanks. Guess we're growing up. Hopefully not growing apart.

Ava: [surprised to see Constantine] What the hell are you doing here?
[Sara surreptitiously hides the bones on the counter]
Ava: Is everything all right?
Sara: Yeah, everything is great.
John: I just telling Sara...
Sara: About an exorcism that he has to do tomorrow in Georgetown. It's really nothing you wanna hear before bedtime.
[ushering him out]
Sara: Come back again soon now, John. Don't be shy about that doorbell.
John: I'll be seeing you around, Sharpie.

Sara: It calls to you, doesn't it? The Death totem chose you.
[seeing an apparition of herself as the Black Canary]
Sara: You're...
Sara: [B.C] You. After you died.
Sara: This is the Death totem.
Sara: [B.C] It yearns for a new bearer. Imagine all you could do with dominion over the dead. You could banish that little girl from your dreams, bring back your sister.
Sara: I'm no totem bearer.
[the apparition vanishes]
Sara: [B.C] You've conquered your demons. You're strong enough to wield it. Pick up the totem, Sara. It's the only way to defeat Mallus. The six totems need six totem bearers. Who else on your team was born to wield death?

Jefferson: Look, Sara, you can't beat yourself up about this.
Sara: It is my responsibility as captain to make sure that everyone gets back on this ship. Everyone. And I failed.
Jefferson: You call getting the piece of the Spear of Destiny and the medallion a failure? The Legion have nothing.
Sara: They have Rip. We lost him, Jax, again.
Jefferson: But they won't have him for long. If I know one thing about you, it's that you don't give up. When you really want something, you are unstoppable and god help anybody that tries to get in your way. We are gonna find him and we're gonna bring him home.
Sara: Is that a promise?
Jefferson: That's a prophecy.

Sara: Too much, Ray. Too much.
Ray: What? I look like I just robbed a bank.
Jefferson: Or a costume store.

Sara: Wow. Red beans and rice didn't miss Her Majesty.
Nate: Now I understand how Mr. Mix-a-Lot got his knighthood.

Thea: [training against Supergirl] She really is a badass.
Sara: Yeah. It's kind of hot.

Kendra: [in a room full of crying newborns] Okay, which one is Snart?
Sara: Look for the one with horns.

Sir: Ladies and gentlemen, if I could have your attention, please.
Rip: Truly uncanny.
Sara: It's that 'stache that's
[mimicking Stein's tone]
Sara: astonishing.

Sara: And what if we've already run into one of these encores? How do we kill it?
John: You can't, not with a chit of their souls still in Hell.
Gary: Where's Ava? Tell her I said hi.

Sara: Well, everybody go put on your best digs on because we are going to save Hollywood.
Nate: Yeah... until the Kardashians destroy it.

Sara: If you thought Mallus really would've freed Astra, you would have traded me, wouldn't you?
John: In a heartbeat.
Sara: Yeah.
John: Well, what can I say? I'm a nasty piece of work.

Ray: We need to grow as a team. First up is "Two Truths and a Lie". It's gonna be fun.
Mick: Lie.
Ray: I haven't started yet. Look, I... I know you guys probably think this is lame.
Sara: Truth.
Ray: But we have a new crew member, and it is important for Zari to bond with us, not only as team members, but as individuals.
Zari: Yeah, well, I'm no hero, and I'm not a member of any team. Besides, I already have you all figured out. The old guy wants to be anywhere but on this ship. These two...
[meaning Nate and Amaya]
Zari: ...have some "will they, won't they?" thing going on. Rory's been drunk since breakfast, Jax is wondering if I'm single, and your ship's still mad at me for doing a teeny hack on her subsystems. Now, what's this about one bathroom?
Ray: [everyone begins talking simultaneously] Guys. Guys!
Mick: You're right, Haircut. This is gonna be fun.

Connor: Don't move!
Sara: Thank God.
Connor: I said don't move.
Sara: It's me. It's Sara.
Ray: Hey, Oliver, look. I know it's been a long time. But don't you remember that Rip Hunter recruited us to become legends?
Connor: I never heard of any Legends.

Ray: The force field's not strong enough to contain the explosion!
Zari: No, but it'll keep you guys out long enough for me to say what I need to say.
Sara: Zari...
Zari: Mick. You don't have to hide what you love. Follow your heart, and keep writing.
Sara: Zari, we don't have time for this!
Zari: Nate and Amaya, I'm so lucky to call you guys my friends.
Amaya: Zari, the bomb!
Zari: What you guys have is so special. I mean, the way you look at each other honestly makes me want to puke, but don't fight it. You're crazy about each other. Just don't have sex on missions.
Ray: Z, what are you doing?
Zari: What you would do, Ray. You know, when I first came on board, you were so nice and polite to me that I wanted to punch you. But I realize now the world would be a better place if we were all a little more like you. But being nice and polite's only gonna get you so far, so do me a favor and tell Sara why you're so afraid of her.
Ray: Okay, sure. But first I'm gonna figure out how to shut down the force field so we can deal with the bomb.
Zari: I am dealing with the bomb.

Sara: When I left, you were headed for Detroit.
Ray: Yeah, it's a... it's... it's a really... it's a really long story.
Nate: Mick and Amaya are marooned in 1717, the Darhks have the Fire totem, and Blackbeard has the Earth totem.
Ray: I just thought it was gonna be a longer story.
Zari: [entering] Thank god you're back. You look great. The engine room's a disaster. We're not going anywhere.

Mick: This isn't Aruba.
Gideon: No, this Los Angeles, 2017.
Ray: Oh, boy.
Sara: Guys. I think we broke time.

Sara: [leading a growling mummy into the Time Bureau] Yeah, that's what they all say.
Ava: Oh, hey, ladies. Is he any trouble?
Sara: Slam dunk. Honestly, with Neron gone, catching fugitives has never been easier. I thought it was gonna take all week.

Mick: Welcome back, Ugly.
John: Yes, what other bright ideas are you gonna leave us with before you bugger off?
Nate: Softball team.
Zari: Oh, no, only electronic sports.
Nate: Piñata Fridays.
Sara: How many times do I have to say no to that?
Nate: Unionizing.
Sara: Ooh, don't let Hank hear you say that.

Ray: Let's just skip to step two: trust falls. Now, to demonstrate, Mick, who hated me when we first met, will fall trustingly into my arms.
Mick: Right. You promised me good coin for doing this.
Ray: When you said you weren't gonna say that out loud.
Mick: Yeah.
Ray: Well, just lean back and let go, 'cause I'm not going anywhere, buddy.
[as Mick falls, Ray literally disappears]
Jefferson: What the hell?
Sara: Gideon, what happened to Ray?
Gideon: According to public record, Mr. Palmer died in 1988.
Nate: Wait, Ray's dead?
Mick: [holding his head] He better be.

Sarah: Okay, so we will set up here next to the balloon salesman.
Nate: That is the assassin, and he's holding a grenade.

Sara: I am not just walking out on the team, Ray.
Ray: She says as she's literally walking away.

Zari: I thought that's why we had Constantine.
Sara: Yeah... about that. Constantine is...
John: [entering the bridge dragging a steamer trunk] - tired, hung over, and in need of a stiff one. Dealer's choice as to what that's a euphemism for.

Sara: Fugitive get to you, too?
Zari: Yeah.
Charlie: Well, personally, I really enjoyed my night, blowing David Bowie's mind. Who'd you get a leg over, Z? Wait, let me guess. Nate? No, Kamadeva.
Sara: [seeing Z's face] Both?
Charlie: It was both! Blimey, Z, I didn't know you had it in you.

Sara: All right, Time bros...
Ava: And Time ladies.
Charlie: And Time monsters.
Mona: And Gary.
Sara: As I was saying: Legends... our work here is done. Gideon, fire up the ship! It's time to hit it.

Gary: Oh, thank god you're back.
Ava: What is going on?
Gary: Uh... long story, lots of twists and turns. Some dramatic irony.
Sara: CliffNotes, Gary.

Sara: We need to get close to that band, which shouldn't be a problem, 'cause everybody left on this ship is a punk.
Mick: Except for Haircut. He hasn't broken a rule in his life.
Zari: Yep. Not a single rule.

Ray: Not the friendliest bunch.
Sara: Tone it down, Ray. This isn't a fun time period.
Ray: These hats say otherwise.

Gary: Oh, Fairy Godmother!
Sara: [seeing Nora appear] Nora.
Nate: [quietly] Oh...
Gary: Go find John and help him rescue Ray from hell.
Nora: Oh, fiddlesticks.
Sara: [a portal opens] Wait, wait, wait, wait!
Nate: Gary!
Nora: [she's pulled into the portal] Gary, you dick!

Amaya: Okay, hold hands. Clear your minds, and focus on your breath. Imagine a perfect warrior of justice, mercy, and light.
[the totems activate; subsequent lines in voiceover thought]
Mick: Why does Pretty have such girly hands?
Nate: Damn, this Lyoga root is strong. Concentrate, Nate. Think about Voltron, Defender of the Universe.
Wally: I kind of pictured myself wielding something cool, like... a lightning totem.
Zari: Am I crazy, or is Jonah Hex hot?
Sara: Eh, you could do worse than Hex.
Zari: Wait, you can hear me?
Amaya: We can all hear each other.
Mick: Even what I said about Pretty's girly hands?
Amaya: Yes!

Sara: When have you become so callous about the prisoners in your care?
Ava: My priority is to protect history, Sara; human history. If Hank has to experiment on a few creatures to try and find a better way to fight them, then so be it.
Sara: Ava, you do not believe that. Come on, I know you. You're not like Hank. This is your Bureau, and he's doing something twisted with it.
Ava: You don't understand how any of this works. No, Hank is the reason that this Bureau is here. If we piss him off, it all goes away. Think of how many people, how many human people, would get hurt if that happened.
Sara: Well, he can't shut us down.
Ava: Oh, my god, Sara. Everything is not about you. Do you understand? You're asking me to risk everything, for what? For some conspiracy theory? For a bunch of monsters? I...
Sara: For me.
Ava: Well, I've already given you everything I have to give, so... today, I asked you for one thing.
Sara: Ava, don't do this.
Ava: Just go. I'm done.

Sara: I'm picking up a magical signature this way.
John: Well, as far as hiding places go, smack bang in the center of of a major city would not be my top choice.

Nate: This was fun. It's good to be back.
Sara: Well, the door is always open.
Nate: You know, coming back here, I thought it'd be like the old days, but I don't know what's more surprising, the fact that so much has changed or at some point, this became the old days.
Sara: You'd think we of all people would understand that time makes no sense.
Nate: Yeah.
Sara: But I guess it's something you never accept.
Nate: You know I love you guys, right? But, uh... I belong over there.
Sara: I get it. I'm proud of you. So go on. Go do your adult thing, and we'll see you around.

John: Hold the bloody phone. Are you El Cura?
Sara: Oh, you know this guy?
John: Anyone who knows anything about Mexican culture knows El Cura, the legendary luchador and movie star.
Sara: No.
John: You know, I loved your monster movies, mate. Whoever wrote those gems had a better handle on magic than any of those tosspots up in Hollywood.

Amaya: I'm glad you left 2042.
Zari: Actually, I wanted to talk to you guys about going back to 2042. Or, better yet, 2041. I was thinking "why is my family dead when I'm on a time machine?".
Sara: Unfortunately, that's not how this works.
Zari: I thought you could change the past.
Amaya: We can correct the past, and the future, but we don't change it.
Zari: Why not?
Dr. Martin Stein: Because doing so can cause unforseen, possibly even disastrous, consequences. It's a... temporal butterfly effect, if you will.
Zari: Try not doing something that would save your brother's life?
Sara: Does a sister count?

J'onn: I have been going from city to city restoring the memories of our compatriots as best I can.
Sara: And what about Oliver?
J'onn: There's been no sign of him.
Ray: [she turns to leave] Hey, where are you going?
Sara: To find my friend.

John: We need the Protection Stone of a powerful shaman.
Mick: [cut to him bumping into Jimi Hendrix] Watch it.
[revealing he lifted Jimi's necklace]
Mick: Brother.
John: And the lock of a doomed woman.
The: [cut to him taking a strand of hair from Janis Joplin] Janis, this is quite an honor.
Janis: Little robot man.
The: Hi. My mom is a huge fan.
Janis: [laughing] Your mom?
John: And for our final ingredient...
[looking at the book]
John: Quis virginem.
Sara: What?
John: A virgin.
The: A virgin at Woodstock? Ha! Good luck with that; this is the least celibate place in history.

Sara: [finishing a cabinet] Ta-da!
[it promptly falls apart]
Sara: Damn it.
Ava: What a suprise. You followed none of the instructions and it didn't work.
Sara: I'm sensing that this isn't about the dresser.

Sara: What is that?
John: It's a little reminder that, uh, you're a survivor. Strong enough to keep even the most powerful demons at bay. A laundry room in a mental asylum in 1969 might not be the worst place to be stuck.
Sara: Are we really this damaged?
John: I certainly hope so.
[they start to make out]

Sara: So I miss one group chat, and now there's Paragons, and I'm supposed to be one of them.
Mia: Yep. And Barry and I are gonna use a Lazarus Pit to bring my dad back.
Sara: Mia, it's not that simple. The Lazarus Pit isn't some magical mud bath where you get your soul and a cup of cucumber water at the end. You lose your humanity.
Mia: Nyssa told me everything I need to know about Lazarus Pits. And she told me everything I need to know about you.
Sara: Well, why don't you share your opinion when it's about your life?
Mia: Why don't you share your opinion when it's about your dad?

Dr. Martin Stein: [Vostov is about to explode after Jax rescues Stein from her] I tried to warn her. Without the splicer and myself, her nuclear powers are dangerously unstable. It appears Dr. Vostov is having a bit of a meltdown. It's, it's fascinating.
Sara: I think what he means to say is run!

Sara: You're Gideon?
Gideon: Hello, Captain Lance.
Sara: But you're like... I mean, you're really...
Gideon: Human?
Sara: I was gonna say "hot", but yeah, that too.

Mick: I let the fake Amaya go.
Ava: Why would you do that?
Zari: Oh, in order to...
[seeing Charlie enter]
Zari: ...have an extreme makeover.
Sara: Thanks for the shtriga tip.
Charlie: Well, if you had your hands full with a shtriga, I figured you'd need my help with whatever you plebs face next.
Ava: Sounds like a mutually beneficial partnership.
Charlie: One condition, though. I never set foot in that cage ever again. Got it?

Nate: I got eyes on her.
Sara: All right, remember we're doing recon only. Nobody moves on her. Let's see what we're dealing with. What can you tell us?
Nate: She's... really, really pretty. She looks familiar, like I've seen her somewhere.
Amaya: I'm sure she's never heard that one before.
Zari: The gossip I'm hearing is that this woman is seriously Method. She hasn't broken character since she got here.

Mona: [after sniffing Zari] I think my sense of smell has improved because of Wolfie, and you smell exactly like... Nate.
Zari: No, I don't.
Mona: It's definitely Nate! Nate and something else.
Mona: Arousal?
[Charlie laughs]
Zari: No, I don't. I mean, Nate, that would be wrong and...
Sara: He likes you.
[off Zari's look]
Sara: He confessed it when he swallowed the truth bug.
Zari: We're so not passing the Bechdel test right now.
Sara: It's okay to talk about guys sometimes.

Nate: Code 1-3-1.
[blank stares]
Nate: Come on, guys, I wrote a whole memo.
Sara: Yeah, nobody read it.
Ray: [entering] I did.
Nate: Thank you, Ray.
Ray: Pancakes for breakfast.
Nate: No, 1-3-1 is not... is it?
Ray: Yeah. Does that mean no pancakes?

Sara: We are headed back to the '90s to infiltrate a place called Camp Ogawa.
John: Oh, sneaking into a military facility, are we?
Sara: Actually, it's a summer camp for kids.
Ray: Oh, I loved summer camp. Everyone used to call me Kid Counselor.
John: Bet you took that as a compliment, too, didn't you, mate?

Sara: All right, Malcolm is back in 2016, where he belongs.
Damien: In prison?
Sara: No. His crappy apartment.

Zari: So, I'll head to the Bureau and do some digging?
Sara: What? No. I need you on the hunt for that monster.
Zari: But you said...
Sara: Exactly what I needed to say. That girl is clearly bonkers, but the Kaupe trusts her, and we need her as bait.
Zari: What if she's not crazy? What if there really is a cover-up at the Bureau?
Sara: Then Ava would know about it, and she wouldn't allow it.

Sara: Hey, cheer up. I mean, what does Jane Austen know?
Mona: How to be witty and wise and mix satire with romance.

Gideon: [leaving Sara a voicemail] It wasn't my idea, but the team has taken the Waverider on a joyride to the Bahamas, 1717, in a futile attempt to locate the missing Earth totem. Just thought you should know.
Ava: [Sara hangs up, poker-faced] Is everything okay?
Sara: Yeah, totally fine. Normal, in fact.

Sara: We can't screw this up, okay? When we bring Oliver back, I need you to promise me you can bring back his soul.
John: Yeah. One thing at a time, right, love?
Sara: I need to hear you say it.
John: I'll do it.
Sara: Thank you.
John: To the best of my abilities.

Rip: Sara, you need to abort. We're going to hit the meteoroids.
Sara: Better us than the Command Module.
Rip: Can you at least try to destroy the meteoroids rather than using my ship as a human shield?
Sara: It worked before back in 1942. You put the Waverider in front of a nuke and it absorbed the blast.
Rip: At least I had the decency to time-scatter you all first.
Sara: Decency? Did you ask any of us if we wanted to be time-scattered?
Amaya: Sara.
Rip: I was trying to save your lives!
Sara: You put me in a time period where they wanted to hang me for being a witch!

Zari: Good call, Mick.
Mick: When I said Aruba, I meant me, not all of you.
Nate: Still, nothing helps a broken heart like a good tan. Should have invited Ava.
Sara: Oh, we've got plans. And until then, she's busy fixing all those pesky anachronisms we left behind.
Ray: Well, that's the thing about defeating an ancient time demon: everything else seems boring.

Sara: My scars only make me stronger.

Sara: Rip, we're gonna need an evac. We're in over our heads here.
Rip: If my read of the situation is correct, what you need is a miracle. I'm gonna buy you some time.

Ava: So, who's John?
Sara: What?
Ava: Soon as you called out his name in your sleep, and I was trying very hard not to be jealous.
Sara: Oh. No, it's... it's probably John Constantine. He's a demonologist that helped me with Mallus. And he kind of looks like Sting.
Ava: And he's just a... just a friend.
Sara: Yeah, you could say that. Though we did sleep togther, but...
[Ava groans]
Sara: It was the '60s, and everybody was getting wild.

Cisco: [having accidentally discovered Barry's message from the future] This is really you. Like, future you.
Barry: Come on, look...
Cisco: You told them, right?
Barry: I'm gonna tell them, yeah. When this is finished.
Cisco: When this is finished? Even though you're about to lead them through an alien war? Even after Flashpoint? After everything you've messed up, all the lives you've changed, you still don't think you should tell them?
Sara: Tells us what?
Barry: [Cisco gives him a non-verbal "go ahead" gesture] Uh... Jax and Professor Stein found a message from me in the future saying that right now, I can't be trusted.
Sara: And why would future you say that?
Barry: I think because I went back in time and changed the timeline, and now things here are different than before I left, including some of your lives.
Supergirl: Some of our lives? Like... like who?
Barry: Cisco. Caitlin. Wally. Dig.
John: Me? Why? What... what happened?
Oliver: [quietly] Hey. Apparently, you had a daughter.
John: I had a daughter, Barry?
Barry: Baby John was baby Sara.
John: So, wait, let me get this right. You just, uh... you just erased a daughter from my life?
Barry: Yeah.

Charlie: So exactly how far is it to London?
Zari: Well, according to my phone, it says 275.8.
Nate: Miles or kilometers?
Sara: Does it matter? It's far.

Dybbuk: This isn't over, you dingalings. You better watch your knees, Sara Lance.
Zari: Oh, no, is everyone a puppet again?
Sara: What? What are you talking about?
Dybbuk: I'll kill you all!
Ray: [gagging him] I got an anti-magic isolation chamber with your name on it, Mike the Spike.

Coroner: Who are you lot?
Nate: Oi. Scotland Yard. We're here to see about these so-called vampire attacks.
Sara: And we're with the NYPD.
Jefferson: Nothing like a bit of cooperation from across the pond, right?
Nate: Right.
Ray: This one of the victims?
Coroner: Unlucky devil.
[Mick steps forward and stakes the victim in the heart]
Nate: Whoa, whoa! Mick!
Mick: You don't want him coming back to life, do you?

Ray: [Heywood was injured in an accident] I think I can save him. With this.
Dr. Martin Stein: Is that the Nazis' serum that created that hideous berserker? Are you mad?
Ray: I did a little tinkering to the formula, so...
Dr. Martin Stein: So what will it do now?
Ray: With any luck, save his life.
Commander: How do we know if it's working?
Ray: [looking at Nate's vitals] He's not dead yet, so that's a good sign.
Sara: And he's not turning into a Nazi berserker.

Sturmbannführer: Blonde hair... blue eyes... this is Nordic perfection. Why would you align yourself with the unpure?
Sara: Because I like men and I like women.
Sturmbannführer: You know, I had a daughter who looked just like you, with similar compulsions. And I expunged that filth from my family line forever.

Ava: Listen, I can't pretend to understand what you went through, or... or what happened to you, but I know that wasn't you, Sara.
Sara: That's just it. That was me. Just like fire is to Rory, there is part of me that... it's always been there. And I really tried to pretend that that wasn't true. But deep down, I am death.
Ava: No. Sara, okay, so we can fight that part of you together. Just tell me what to do.
Sara: Hey. Ava, you read my file.
Ava: But I still showed up at that restaurant, in that horribly uncomfortable dress trying to impress you, because I don't care about your past, Sara.
Sara: Well, maybe you should. You are wonderful. And I... and I've never been this happy in my life.
Ava: But this doesn't look happy.

Sara: Look, I've never really thought that much past tomorrow. Ava, with my past, planning anything for the future is just... feels like tempting fate. And I convinced myself that I like it that way. Until you came along.
Ava: You just came to freaking Purgatory for me. How's that for giving the middle finger to Fate?

Zari: Well, this is uncomfortable, and I'm not just talking about my dress.
Wally: Yeah, I guess these people didn't get the whole "love thy neighbor" talk.
Old: Shh!
Sara: Shush yourself, lady. Have you heard your singing voice?
Ray: Just keep Mick away from the collection tray. And the communion wafers.
Mick: [spitting wafers out] That's not bread.

Sara: All right, people, we're dealing with two anachronisms now, Zambesi and young Obama. Wally, Nate, I want you guys to go talk some sense into Amaya.
Nate: You mean convince her to stand down while her village and family is torn apart?
Zari: What if I use my temporal simulator to find some loophole that Amaya can use to help save Zambesi?
Sara: All right, do it. The rest of us, we're on Obamacare.

Jefferson: How long till Lily's interface tracks down another piece of the Spear of Destiny?
Sara: I don't know. I'm beginning to think our supercomputer is not so super.
Gideon: I heard that. You try processing 1.2 zettabytes of data.

Sara: We intercepted a call from one of Rip's Time Bureau agents.
Mick: Why? Actually, forget it. I don't care.
Sara: It's the dweeby one, Gary.
Mick: Still don't care.
Jefferson: Yeah, I gotta go with Mick on this one. Why would we help those ass clowns? That's not our job.
Mick: And hopefully that little time dweeb learns his lesson.

Kara: We managed to get billions of people to safety. There has to be a way we can undo this. Oliver, my mom, Argo, Earth - ugh - all those Earths, all those people who vanished. There has to be a way we can get them back.
Sara: Or we focus on stopping it from happening to every other universe.
[Lyla appears in a flash of light]
Sara: Oh, hey. Welcome to the joy zone. Where's Dig?
Harbinger: At home with JJ. He still doesn't know about Oliver.
Sara: Lyla, you...
Harbinger: I know. I just... I need to figure out how to tell him.

Sara: Martin, are you sure about these calculations? I'm piloting manually here.
Dr. Martin Stein: Did I or did I not win six Carlins?
Mick: No.
Dr. Martin Stein: Yes, I did.

Sara: Why is Gary in your subconscious?
Ava: I may have some Gary issues that need working out.

Sara: If you're looking for Ava, I suggest you check her office.
Gary: Uh, well, that's the thing. She hasn't been to work in a few days, which is very unlike her. I've already been covering for her, I forged her signature twice. What am I supposed to do next? Put on a wig and pantsuit and pretend I'm her?
Sara: [slightly grossed out] No, don't do that.
Gary: What if she's in trouble? I mean, we already lost Director Bennett. What if Grodd got to her, too? Oh, my god, oh, my god...
Ray: Gary, Gary, deep breaths. Deep breaths.
Sara: Don't worry, Gary. Because we're gonna find her.
Ray: "We" will find her?

Sara: How'd the mission go? You immortal sorority girls yet?
Charlie: I need a drink.
Sara: Mmm, the refreshing sound of failure.

Sara: Look, I don't deserve you.
Ava: Yes, Sara, yes, you do.
Sara: No, Ava, I don't. You deserve better. You deserve so much better. And I care about you, but... I'm not gonna do this. I won't.
Ava: Sara.
Sara: I'm sorry.

Sara: All right, kids, it's anachronism o'clock. What you got?
Amaya: How about this one? It's a category two during the Belle Epoque in Paris. Sounds romantic.
Nate: Hmm. Or, uh, this category three, which is the launch of the Spirit of St. Louis. I always wanted to join the mile-high club. It's when two people on a plane...
Sara: Hey, really cute that you guys are crazy in love, but date night is going to have to wait. If these anachronisms are loosening Mallus' cage, we need to double down.

Oliver: I guess we're in Earth-X's Star City.
Ray: I have to say, that's one hell of a story. You're a speedster.
Barry: Yeah.
Ray: [to Jax and Martin] Okay, you two turn into the burning man.
Jefferson: Yup.
Ray: [to Oliver] And you're the good doppelganger of the Fuehrer.
Sara: "Good" might be an oversimplification.
Leo: You still haven't told us which Earth you're from. Clearly it's not from this one.
Barry: We're from Earth-1.
Leo: Earth-1? Well... golly.
Jefferson: Am I missing something here?
Ray: I'm from Earth-1 too.
Barry: If you're from Earth, then you know we got here, don't you?
Ray: Yeah, I have a pretty good idea.

John: We need her alert for an exorcism.
[opening her eyes]
John: Nora. Nora, luv. Ah, they've got her knocked out cold.
Sara: [to Nate and Leo] You guys, go hit up the pharmacy. See if you can find some adrenaline.
Nate: [hearing Amaya's fight with Kuasa] Screw it. I'm gonna help Amaya. You get the drugs.
Leo: [tossing Nate his cold gun] Nate, take it.
Nate: How do I use it?
Leo: You pull the trigger.

Sara: Well, this isn't exactly how I imagined meeting Ava's parents. Not that I imagined meeting Ava's parents.

Sara: All right, Amaya. It's your show. How do we create this magical light being?
Amaya: All right, everyone, over here. Make a circle. Mick, your fire is gonna provide our champion with its spark. Zari, use your air to give it breath. Wally, use water to flow life's blood through its veins. Nate...
Nate: I will use the Earth totem to give Voltron flesh.
Sara: You gotta stop calling it that.
Nate: I will never stop calling it that.

Sara: How the hell did Beebo get here?
Rene: Isn't the more pressing question why is there a giant Beebo walking down the street?
Sara: Well, this wouldn't be the first time. It's a long story.
Barry: That's right. Wally told us about the time you guys used those totems to turn yourself into a giant Beebo to fight a time demon.
Sara: I guess it's not a long story.

Sara: This is not just any demon, and we've been fighting it before you even knew its name. And if this girl's connected to Mallus, she might be able to help us destroy him.
John: You wanna tag along for an exorcism?
Sara: Yep.
John: That's out of the bloody question, luv.
Sara: Well, we gave you its name. So you owe us.
John: Well, I gave you your soul. So you owe me indefinitely.
Sara: Hmm. All the more reason for me to help you.

Nate: [reuniting the baby Dominator with its mother] I'm not crying. I just have, uh, alien goo in my eye.
Sara: [trying not to cry] Yeah, me too.
Nate: Now I'm gonna go brush my teeth forever.
The: Wait. Why?

Eobard: Too slow, Ms. Lance. Far too slow. To think you had actual godhood literally in your grasp. Well, I'm not gong to make the mistake I made the first time. I'm going to erase you all from existence. You won't even be dead.
[says the incantation to activate the Spear]
Sara: I may have made one small change to reality.
Eobard: You depowered the Spear. Well, I guess we'll just have to do this the old fashioned way. I'm going to drive this right through your heart.
[a Time Wraith roars in the distance]
Sara: Yeah. About that...
[the Time Wraith "Black Flash" appears]
Eobard: No.

Sara: [sparring with Kendra] Either you're getting better or I'm getting lazy.

Ava: Why, you little...
Fairy: I'd be careful how you speak to my charge.
Sara: Gary, why are you doing this?
Gary: Because I would like to discuss...
[holding up a book]
Gary: "The Collector".
Ava: Forget the book, Gary. You helped a demon take control of the Bureau. What happened to the Bureau creed?
Gary: Oh, I could ask the same about you. Article 27? Hmm? A supervisor must never show favoritism? You started a book club with another employee.

Mona: [singing] Every day we find a way to hold grief in/Not let them see/We feel so wrong, we often long/Get swept away in fantasy/You've been so brave, wise, and strong/By opening your door/Please, Zari, have courage now/To wait for something more.
Sanjay: [speaking] Don't listen to her, my love.
Sara: No, Mona's right, Z. You don't even know this guy.
Charlie: He's been using the powers of a love god for years. Guaranteed he's got a wife.
Zari: Is that true?
Sanjay: Not exactly. I have a thousand wives. But lucky number 1,001 is the most important.
Zari: [in disbelief] Seriously?
Sanjay: So, you still want to marry me?
Zari: No. I definitely do not.

Nora: I found Mona. Hurry.
Sara: Copy that.
[montage of the Legends arming up]
Zari: This feels like overkill.

Ava: So, Ray's nowhere to be found, and things are getting worse at the Bureau. Bennett is so stubborn. He's refusing any meetings with Rip that don't involve shackles. Aah, I'm so sorry. Here I am babbling about Bureau politics and your friend's in trouble. How are you holding up?
[Sara hurls a throwing star at a picture of Darhk]
Ava: Mutilating photos of your nemesis. Got it. Well, at least our non-verbal communication skills are off to a good start.
Sara: Everything that we're doing to find Ray, it's turning up empty.
Ava: Hey, you're gonna get Ray back, I promise.
Sara: Can we have a little bit more of some non-verbal communication?

Sara: You know this whole apathetic cool girl thing, it's not as cute as you think. If you want to be a member of this team...
Zari: Member-ish. This was always a temporary arrangement. I was never planning on sticking around for long.
Sara: Then so long as you are on this ship, I am your captain, and if you don't like it, you can stop sticking around.

Sara: Gary, what did I say about talking?
Gary: Uh, well, I believe your precise word was 'don't', but I sensed nuance in your tone.

Sara: Agent Sharpe, it's been a while, thankfully.
Ava: Captain Lance.
Sara: Let me guess. You saw there's a level twelve anachronism and you're calling to lecture me on everything that we're doing wrong.
Ava: No.
[Sara gives her a look]
Ava: Okay, yes.
Sara: Hm.
Ava: But I also heard about Martin Stein, and I'm calling to express my condolences.
Sara: Well, thank you, but my team and I, we have it under control.
Ava: I hope so, because the Legends fixing a level twelve under normal circumstances would be a Beebo Day miracle.
Sara: Did you just say "Beebo Day"?
Ava: December 25th, Beebo Day, when families exchange gifts and sing silly songs and discover that they can no longer live under the same roof?
Ava: Beebo Day's part of the anachronism, isn't it?
Sara: Yeah.
Ava: Yeah, never felt right.

Sarah: What if the longer the game goes on, the more realistic it becomes? And is anyone else starting to feel more like their character?
Esperanza: I feel like shooting something, but that's normal.
Astra: Yeah, I wouldn't be able to tell either.
Zari: Prima donna...
Zari: I *do* feel extra dramatic and quite squeamish.

Sara: [talking to Bishop] Why would I help you? Because I died and you cloned me? I die about once a year, and my girlfriend is a clone. Now, I'm gonna get off this planet, and I'm gonna propose to her with that ring. Now give it back to me you son of a...

Sara: Hey, Nate. Can't talk right now.
Gary: Are you talking to Nate on comms? Tell him I say hi.
Sara: Gary says hi. And we are at book club.
[through gritted teeth]
Sara: Move on to plan B.
Zari: [on the ship] What's plan B?
Mick: I only listen for my name.
Nate: I assume it's like plan A, but, you know, with less people.

Sara: All right, Legends, next stop, N' awlins. We have a Fugitive serial killer, and it's a weird one.
Charlie: Yeah, it says here that all of the victims were wealthy blonde ladies stabbed to death inside their locked bedrooms. Spooky.
Ava: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Blondes killed in locked rooms. That's the M.O. of Mike the Spike.
Sara: Am I gonna find a murder board in your closet?

Ava: So, I was thinking maybe later we could...
Sara: Try blindfolding you?
Ava: Stop reading my mind, or it's gonna get awesome!

Sara: [fading away] Remember, Legends never die.
Nate: Really? "Goonies"?
Amaya: What's a goonie?

John: Blimey. Whoo, this is one hell of a jam jar you got here.
Mick: I thought we gave the Englishman to the Time Pigs.
Sara: That was Rip. This is John Constantine.
Mick: Skinny Brit in a trench coat. Same thing.
Mick: Oh, doubtful, mate. You see, I'm an accomplished warlock, and expert of the occult, and a master of exorcism. I'm also a Taurus, for those of you taking notes.
[winks at Leo]

Sara: Nuh-uh. You know the rules. No McGuffin talk until after I've finished my coffee.

Sara: [Hits Ernest Hemingway, he falls flat on his back] That's for being on my summer eighth grade reading list.

Batwoman: [seeing the giant Beebo] It's unnatural.
Sara: Alien?
Supergirl: [insulted] Hey.
The: Or magic? Sara, don't you and the Legends deal with that kind of stuff all the time?
Batwoman: Or maybe it's just here to keep us talking.
Sara: A diversion.
The: But for what?
Mick: I know what I'd do.

Rip: [Mick is watching "Lord of the Rings"] Whoa, the vocal similarity to Mallus is uncanny.
Mick: Quiet!
Sara: Gideon? Who is that actor?
Ray: And how can we get him without dealing with his agent?

Sara: Jeez, who died?
[seeing Nate's look]
Sara: Oh, come on. We just met the Beatles and saved Fourth of July.
Nate: No, it's cool; it's just all becoming... I don't know. Old hat.
Ray: Yeah, we did spend all of last year returning displaced people to their proper place in history.
Mick: Four years doing the same old crap.
Zari: Yeah, I'm beginning to think Wally had the right idea; taking time off, clearing his head, traveling the world. Speaking of the same old crap, isn't that what he did last year?

Jefferson: Our coordinates say we're right above the Order.
Sara: Prepare the shock missiles.
Mick: [reading "Dracula"] Three pages left.
Amaya: What are you doing? Zari's in there.
Sara: I need you to target the cargo bay.
Ray: Our cargo bay?
Nate: Shouldn't we have a team vote first?
Sara: If anybody has a better idea how to get the ship open, now's the time. Trust me, Jax. Fire.

Mick: [Ava is still singing] Should we tell her the mission's over?
Sara: Nah, let her finish.

Zari: Guys, I feel like it would have worked a little bit better with the real Trinity.
[referencing "Arrow", "Flash" and "Supergirl"]
Sara: Yeah, well, I asked, and they said hard pass.
Nate: We should have done a crossover.
[Referencing "Elseworlds" episodes]
Sara: Yeah.

Oliver: Thanks for your help.
Leo: We're not done helping yet. Our enemies are still on your earth, Ollie.
Oliver: Don't call me that.
Leo: Give it time, I'll get through that crusty exterior.
Sara: No, you really won't.
Leo: I was talking to you.

Ava: You better have a damn good reason for hanging up on me. Where is the Kaupe, and why isn't he in Bureau custody?
[Sara leads her onto the dance floor]
Ava: What are you doing?
Sara: Making sure we're not overheard.
Ava: By who?
[Sara subtly frisks her]
Ava: Sara, my ass is already on the line. Feeling me up in front of my boss is not a good idea right now.

Sara: Where are you guys?
Ray: Not sure exactly. Looks like they turned the rec center into some kind of government research facility.
Zari: We're on our way to save the baby Dominator.
Sara: What?
Ray: It's a long story.
Sara: Well, that story's about to get a lot more interesting because his mom just landed and she's looking for him.
Nate: Wait, the Dominator has a Mominator?
Sara: And it gets worse. I think she might have read my mind.
Ray: What did she see?
Sara: Well, she's looking for her baby. The last time I saw him was...
Ray: At my house. My mom's home. If the queen finds her...
Amaya: Don't worry, we won't let that happen.

Ava: That's it? You destroyed the demon?
Amaya: I'm just glad the ancestors aren't here to see this.
Sara: Yeah, but Rip would be proud.

Ava: You're willing to risk an entire mission to play matchmaker?
Sara: I sure am.
Ava: Honestly, I'm getting a "just friends" vibe.
Sara: I bet you twenty bucks they hook up on the mission.
Ava: I will take that.

Sara: Look, I mean, you like him, right?
Zari: Yeah, I think so, but I don't know what the next step would be.
Sara: Oh, that's easy. You just jump his bones.
Zari: What if I do that and it screws up our friendship?

Jefferson: Someone just blew up New York.
Sara: During World War II. I think we can all guess who that "someone" is.
Mick: Nazis. I hate Nazis.
Rip: Aided by some sort of time traveling ally, obviously.
Dr. Martin Stein: Wait. Does that mean the Allied forces lost the war?
Jefferson: In which case, why aren't we speaking German right now?
Ray: Because we're in the temporal zone.
Rip: And because it takes time for the consequences of an aberration, even one as cataclysmic as this one, to ripple throughout time.
Sara: So how much time do we have to stop it?
Rip: Isn't traveling to that particular time precisely what Rex Tyler told us not to do?
Sara: Well, what's the alternative? We let New York blow up?
Ray: It's not like there are Time Masters left to stop it.
Dr. Martin Stein: Miss Lance is right. We are history's last line of defense.
Jefferson: I like the sound of that.
Mick: I'd rather die than speak German.

Amaya: The Death totem? The most volatile of all the totems lost for eons along with the sixth tribe of Zambesi. Maybe they suffered the same fate that's about to befall Memphis.
Nate: You don't understand.
Sara: No, you don't understand. We are talking about a Death totem, and it could turn this whole place into a ghost town.
Nate: Elvis has a session at Sun Studios. That's where he cuts his first demo. That's how he gets discovered, okay? We do not have the time for Elvis to get his groove back. Jesse has to be there.
Amaya: Nathaniel, I understand how important this is to you. But we can't give Elvis a totem just to save his music.
Nate: It's not about the music, okay? Rock has inspired many historic milestones. Protests, revolutions, me losing my virginity.
[awkward silence]
Nate: Elvis doesn't need a totem forever. Just one song that changes the world. Please.

Sara: All right, so I talked to Constantine about our totem. He compared it with his notes, and this is what he found.
Zari: Death totem? Pass.
Sara: Yeah. Whoever wields it has domain over the dead. Which is why we need to keep this totem with us and safe at all times.
Nate: [entering] Elvis needs his totem back.

Bishop: You know what they say when you fight yourself? You're destined to lose.
Sara: Destiny's so last season.

Ava: The '60s, huh?
Sara: Mm-hmm.
Ava: I thought I waited a long time between partners.
Sara: The year was 1969, but... it was, like, three weeks ago.
Ava: Three weeks?
Sara: Yeah, well, three weeks before I had a girlfriend.
Ava: Did you just call me your girlfriend?
Sara: Maybe. I mean, why not? John's fun.
Ava: Oh, please don't talk about John.
Sara: Well, he is no Ava Sharpe.

Dr. Martin Stein: Reading at 96.6%. It's definitely down there.
Sara: Be right back.
Jefferson: Whoa - wait, wait, wait. Shouldn't we handle this? I mean, you're pretty stoned.
Sara: I could be unconscious and still be able to kick ass of a few rent-a-thugs from 1975.

Dr. Martin Stein: Where is Captain Lance when I need her?
[Sara enters]
Dr. Martin Stein: Sara... were you just waiting for the right moment to make a dramatic entrance? Are you all right?
Sara: There is no Sara.
Dr. Martin Stein: What?
Sara: Only Grodd.
Gideon: It appears that the captain is under some sort of telepathic control.
Dr. Martin Stein: Really, Gideon? You think so?
Sara: I claim this ship for the new god. Kneel before Gro...
Isaac: [knocking her out with a skillet] Oh, how I do love proving my laws of motion.
Dr. Martin Stein: Please save that lecture for another day.

John: Agent of the damned, show yourself, you fetid creature. Show yourself, you cursed beast. Reveal your hideous form!
Fairy: [appearing] Hello!
Sara: What in the Disney hell is this?

Ava: What kind of ripple effect are we really looking at here, Nate?
Nate: Okay. Right now, the queen gets institutionalized, the British monarchy fails, and England descends into chaos.
Sara: Anarchy in the UK.
Nate: Which is weird, but... paranormal?
Ava: Well, something freaky is definitely at the heart of this. Our magic-tracking device detected a massive spike.
Sara: All right, then we got a live one. Punk rock London. Nate, you ready?
Nate: Um, well, Ava asked me to stick around and help launch the magic operations here.
Ava: Yeah, we need to establish procedure, protocols, command structure.
Sara: So... desk job. Nate Heywood, cubicle guy. Sad little plant on his desk. Really?
Ava: It's prestigious, Sara.
Nate: And then when everything's up and running, I come back to the Waverider.
Sara: Fine. Cool kids are off to the Jolly Old.

Amaya: I have an idea. It's a little experimental.
Sara: I'm listening.
Amaya: Well, we know that Ray is with the Darhks, and so is my totem. If I meditate with Zari, using her totem to anchor me, I think I can reach out to the Ancestral Plane. If we find my totem, then...
Sara: Then we find Ray.
Wally: Meditation? It's... I've actually been doing a lot of that, and I think I could help you.
Sara: Perfect. Make it happen.

Sara: All right, let's go check this out. We need to find Elvis before panic sets in.
Gideon: Elvis Presley's uncle preached at the Church of Zion every Sunday. The boy never missed a service.
Sara: You heard the lady.
[nobody moves]
Sara: What? Why are you staring at me?
Nate: I dunno, waiting for you to do the thing you do.
Sara: What thing?
Ray: You know, you usually send us into the field with a little more pizzazz.
Sara: [rolling her eyes; in a commanding voice] All right, Legends, put on your Sunday best, because we are going to church.
Nate: That was pretty good.

Ava: Sara, the situation with the Kaupe has gotten much worse. He now has an accomplice, Mona Wu. Now, she may not look it, but she is extremely dangerous. She completely wiped Gary's mind.
Sara: Uh... um...
Ava: [seeing Mona trying to sneak away] Wait, you've had Mona in custody this whole time, and you didn't...
Sara: It's a long story, but I need to explain it to you in person. This line might not be secure.
Ava: The line isn't secure? Sara, what are you...
[seeing the Kaupe]
Ava: You have the Kaupe, too?
Sara: Look, I ju... I can't explain right now.
Ava: Okay, then I'm sending an extraction team.
Sara: Gideon, mask our location.
Ava: Sara, you need to bring in that Fugitive right now.
Sara: I'm sorry.
Ava: [seeing her move to a control panel] Don't you dare hang up on...
Mona: [Sara ends the call] Whoa. Did you just hang up on your girlfriend?
Sara: Mona, you better not be wrong about this.

Sara: [to Gus Gus] I can promise you, alien hybrid to alien: bananas are overrated.

John: You know, there's a reason why I prefer to walk this path alone. It's, uh, so I don't have to share with anyone how lost I really am. But you're not alone, are you, Sara?
Sara: Maybe I should be.
John: She's a good one. Try not to hurt her.
Sara: That's what I'm afraid of.

Nate: Hey. It's our first mission together. Don't worry, if anything goes wrong in the field, I got'cha covered.
Henry: [amused] Yeah, but I didn't get coldcocked by a girl.
Sara: Have you ever been... hit by a girl... Hank?
Henry: No, ma'am
Sara: [gives Hank a meaningful look] Hmm. We should head out.
[turns and walks off]

Zari: Let me get this straight. This ship can make any kind of food you can imagine, and you pick grapefruit, a bran muffin, and oatmeal.
Sara: After you try everything, you go back to the basics.

Sara: Any sign of Ray?
Nate: Oh, no, just another Grateful Dead end. I for sure got a contact high.
Mick: Yeah. And I managed to swipe Jerry Garcia's glasses.
Wally: Oh...
[he speeds to Mick, takes the glasses, and speeds back]
Wally: Once a thief, always a thief.
Nate: No, we... we allow light to moderate theft on this ship. We like to call them souvenirs.

Sara: You know, when I was a kid, there was this one escaped con that my dad was after. And everyone assumed that he had fled the country. You know where he found him?
[Ray shakes his head]
Sara: Not a block from the police precinct.
Ray: Do you really think she's hiding in the Bureau's back yard?
Sara: Gideon, do a Nora Darhk facial recognition scan of 2018.
Gideon: [running said search] I have located a potential match.
Ray: [recognizing Nora] That's her.
Sara: Right in the Bureau's back yard.
Ray: Great work, Detective Lance.

Sara: Gideon, I need you to pull up everything you can on the target in 1942.
Gideon: I assume that by "target", you mean Damien Darhk.
Sara: You are finally getting the hang of this whole revenge thing.

Gideon: I've picked up an alert with Constantine's magical signature.
Nate: That's them.
Gideon: [cut to everyone assembling on the bridge] The signal is coming from 1.3 million years ago.
Nate: That's the Ice Age.
Gideon: He's in the part of North America that would come to be known as the Donner Pass, named after a doomed group of settlers in the 1800s who resorted to cannibalism after their food supplies ran out.
Sara: There is such a thing as too much exposition, Gideon.

Sara: Are you volunteering for Rory duty? Ava Sharpe, you are a better woman than I.

Wally: I tried to reason with them, but they won't listen. Amaya is dead set on saving her village. And Nate? He's just...
Sara: Whipped.
Wally: I was gonna say "in love". But, yeah, same thing.

Sara: We are not here to cause trouble. We are here to avoid it.
[they hear a noise outside; leaving the tavern, they see Blackbeard, Julius Caesar, and Freydis Eriksdottir ride in on horseback]
Jonah: This the trouble you aiming to avoid?
Sara: Not exactly.

John: They may take my coat, but you will never take my...
Sara: [taking the cigarette out of his mouth] Nope. And lose the tie.
John: Oh, you have got to be kidding me.
[seeing her look]
John: Fine. One time, but it's only for the kids.

Sara: All right Ray, what's up? Why haven't you told Nate that you're leaving?
Ray: Because... he's my best friend, and the moment I tell him then this all becomes real and um.. I know it's my choice, my decision. I don't.. I don't know if I'm really ready for it.
Sara: Do you remember when we first moved on the ship we left our entire lives behind us, we had no idea what to expect but because we embrace the change..
Ray: We made history.
Sara: Sure did. Who would have thought I'd still be here and now we be saying goodbye already.
Ray: I'm going to miss you Captain Lance.
Sara: Don't make me cry I'm going to miss you too Ray.. alot. Come here.
[she hugs him]

Sara: There's this person on my team, and she is reckless. She doesn't take orders. And it's like I want to tell her how important she is to this team. Because she is, but... sometimes, I tell you. She does not make it easy.
Ava: What'd she do?
Sara: Well, she hijacked Gideon, crashed our entire system testing out some simulation software that finds loopholes in history.
Ava: That is definitely against regulations. Not that I haven't been tempted to change the past.
Sara: It's just... I don't even want to start looking for loopholes, because then I'm gonna start looking for ways to save my sister, and then I'm gonna drive myself crazy.
Ava: Yes, you will. So don't.
Sara: I'm just tired of always being the bad cop, you know?
Ava: Believe me, I understand. I've lost count of how many times I've had to yell at cadets for screwing up or bust them for breaking protocol.
Sara: Yeah, I don't know, I feel like you might like that. You seem to get a kick out of ordering people around.
Ava: Maybe, just a little bit.

Ava: Rum floats were a very good idea.
Sara: Only seemed fair since we missed dessert.
[the rum brand changes from "Captain Godfree" to "Captain Jiwe"]
Sara: Huh.
Ava: What?
Sara: Sometimes we screw things up for the better.
Ava: I will drink to that.

Laurel: After you died, I needed a channel for my grief. I found it in becoming the Black Canary. I found it in you.
Sara: For me, being the Canary was never that positive.
Laurel: Then don't be the Canary. Do what Oliver's been doing. Do what this Rip Hunter is offering you the chance to do and... be a hero in the light. Be the White Canary.
Sara: [Laurel shows her the White Canary costume] Where did you get this?
Laurel: I have a resourceful friend named Cisco.
Sara: Where's the mask?
Laurel: You don't need it anymore. You've lived in the shadows long enough.

Sara: [pausing a movie] Wait a second.
Ava: Don't tell me that the fearless Ms. Lance is scared of a little horror film.
Sara: No, I love horror movies, and I watched them obsessively as a kid, so how could I have missed this gem?
[pulling up the movie's info]
Sara: "Swamp Thaaaang." Never heard of it. And what's with all the As?
Ava: Okay, let me look.
[checking her phone]
Ava: Okay, "Swamp Thaaaang." Apparently there are four As in the name because it's the fourth film in the franchise. The A.V. Club gave it a D+, saying "The production design is as lazy as the action staging."
Sara: Harsh.

Sara: [Firestorm liquefies the meteor] Oh, man. You got my boots wet.

Sara: How about instead of bickering, we figure out our next move against the speedster and his allies.
Nate: "Legion of Doom" has a sexier ring to it.
Sara: I'm not calling them that.

Gideon: A scan of the timeline reveals a change in Memphis, Tennessee, 1954.
Ray: Oh, says here Memphis became a ghost town after a mysterious bout of mass hysteria in July 1954.
Nate: That's what caused the changes. Memphis is the birthplace of rock and roll. If rock never makes it out of Memphis, then none of these things exist. Your... your rat's namesake, electric guitar.
Wally: Your hair gel.
Nate: It's not hair gel, Wally. It's Royal Crown pomade. It's the same product used by...
Sara: Elvis Presley.
Nate: See? She knows what I'm talking about.
Sara: No, dodo, look. "While the population fled in hysterics, one person was left standing in the aftermath, a local teen named Elvis Presley."

Sara: Gideon, what do you have on Jane Hawthorne?
Gideon: On October 29, 1692, Jane Hawthorne's execution was at the center of what came to be known as the Burning of Salem.
Ray: [reading the article] "On the day she hung, all of the people of Salem spontaneously combusted. The whole town was set ablaze."
Mick: Sounds like my kind of woman.

Sara: Mona, look, please stop. I should have never blamed you for everything. Look, Ava, the ship, Konane, none of it was your fault. And I am so sorry that I told you to ignore your feelings. It was because I thought... look, I thought that if I could forget the way that I was feeling, then maybe it wouldn't hurt so bad. Look, Mona, I was wrong. I was so wrong. And you don't have to bury your feelings. You can let them out.
[Mona returns to her human form]
Sara: And if you ever need a shoulder to lean on, I will be there.
Mona: You promise?
Sara: I promise.

Ray: I wrote a song to help us remember all the codes. It goes like this. From the top!
Ray: If the code is 1-1-1, Mallus escaped the time dungeon. If the code is 1-1-2...
Sara: [cutting him off] All right, Nate, just tell us.
Nate: Someone stole the jumpship.
[looking around]
Nate: Where's Amaya?
Zari: Uh, according to the jumpship logs, Zambesi, 1992. Right before the warlords destroyed her village.

Ray: Sara, is it possible that our Fugitive killer is a possessed doll?
Sara: Horror movie 101.
Ray: Well, hello, dolly.
Dybbuk: [knocks out Ray] Wrong doll, ya dick!

Sara: Is that music?
Ray: Yeah, "Singin' in the Rain". Only the best musical ever.
Mick: Not as good as "Fiddler on the Roof".
[Sara and Stein both look at him strangely]
Mick: I love that show.
[seeing them looking at him]
Mick: What?

Ava: I gotta hand it to you, Ms. Lance, you take the phrase "dine and dash" to a whole new level.
Sara: Look, the Waverider fell out of the sky. My team needed help.
Ava: [derisive laugh] Why does that not surprise me?

Gideon: Rip disengaged the time drive, making it unstable. When it reaches critical mass, it will consume Mallus.
Sara: And Rip.

Sara: [seeing Hank playing the guitar to put the minotaur to sleep] What is happening?
Nate: James Taylor, and it's good.

Nate: [referring to his father] And you thought a minotaur was bull-headed?
Sara: Ooo, mythology burrrn !
[she and Nate do a finger wiggle bump]
Sara: It's good to have you back.

Sara: I don't care if Zari has to duct tape the Waverider back together, we have to get it in the air.
Gideon: Well, I wouldn't advise returning to the Bermuda Triangle.
Nate: It's the Devil's Triangle, and Mick and Amaya are in danger.
Sara: [a portal opens, and Ava enters] Ava! Hey!
Ava: Don't "Hi, Ava" me. You stood me up, jerk.
Ray: Awkward.

Leo: So, where are we, exactly?
Sara: Well, I think the question is "when?".
John: [picking up a discarded newspaper] January 16th, 1969. She sent us back in time.
Sara: [spotting a younger version of Dr. Moore] Wait, is that Nora's doctor?
John: Apparently her taste in jewelry never changed. But yeah, this is all a bit weird. Can we get your, uh, team to come pick us up?
Sara: We can't communicate across time without special equipment.
Leo: You mean we're stuck here.
John: [seeing Sara's look as he puts a cigarette in his mouth] Well, we wouldn't want to stand out, now would we?
[he strikes a match, but it doesn't light]
John: Bollocks.

Sara: We've spread the vaccine our friends worked up. The only Confederates you'll have to worry about now are the living ones
[Not the zombies]
Sara: .

Rip: I told you, I was leaving to create an organization to replace the Time Masters.
Sara: Fifteen minutes ago!
Rip: For you. Forming the Time Bureau has been the work of the last five years of my life.

Sara: Oh, well, look who finally pried themselves away from their important business.
Zari: Look, hobbies are very important. Right, Rory?
Mick: I take my porn very seriously.

Nate: Code 1-3-1! All hands on the bridge!
Sara: What's going on?
Mick: Yeah. I gotta get back to "Lord of the Rings".
Ava: You read?

Sara: Admit it, this is fun working with a team.
John: Well, if ol' Gary gets eaten alive, it only goes to prove my point: people who care about us die.
Gary: What was that?
John: Oh, nothing, mate. You're golden. Carry on, yeah?

Ava: What the hell is a Shake Weight?
Sara: You don't wanna know, babe.

Sara: What is going on?
Ava: Before you object, let me explain. The only way that I could stop Senator Wellington from cutting off our funding was to be clear about process. Get it?
Sara: So you're shooting a documentary about the Legends?
Ava: Not me, per se.
Kevin: Hi, Captain Lance, huge fan. Uh, I'm the director, Kevin Harris. You can call me Kev. Just carry on, do what you're doing, we're not even here.
Ava: That's Kev. He's got it under control.
Sara: And what if I wanna talk about something on private?
Ava: It's not a problem, that's what the confessional interviews are for.
Sara: Oh. Okay, so I can - I can just say it to the camera.
Ava: Sure.
Sara: My girlfriend, she's lost her mind.

Sara: [after seeing film footage of Tagumo] Guys. I think we're gonna need a bigger timeship.

Gary: What are you doing?
Ray: I am hacking into the Bureau's network to access Ava's personnel file.
[finding something]
Ray: Huh.
Sara: What is it?
Gary: Director Sharpe's personnel file has been erased.
Ray: Someone deleted it remotely from the Waverider.
Sara: Wow. She must have really wanted to go off the radar.

Sara: Look, Z. Sometimes for the good of the relationship, you have to put yourself outside of your comfort zone. For instance, I am going to read five hundred pages of some trashy novel by tonight for Ava. And look, with Neron gone, now's the time for us to get our personal lives into order. I will help you.
Zari: Please don't.
Sara: Relationship. Expert.

Sara: I guess Elvis is the King of rock and roll. One hip shake, and Z loses it.
Nate: Yeah, tell me about it, sister.
Zari: I didn't lose control because of Elvis' hips.
Nate: [sarcastic] Yeah, me, either.
Zari: My totem was glowing, and so was Elvis' guitar.
Amaya: But that means that Elvis is...
Zari: Yep. Elvis is a totem bearer.

Sara: Vodka martini, extra dirty, stirred.
Ava: Stirred, not shaken?
Sara: Shaken's for lightweights who like their booze watered down.
Ava: And James Bond.
Sara: James Bond never had to fight off a horde of Vikings or help me escape a demon realm.

Nate: Overcrowding and poverty made Whitechapel a breeding ground for criminal activity, culminating in the Ripper's murders right around... well, now. Isn't history fascinating?
Sara: It certainly is.
Mick: Trusting the Englishman was a damn mistake.
Rip: You know we're all on comms, don't you, Mr. Rory?
Mick: I don't give a rat's ass.

Ray: That's not a phone. It's a 2016 Palmer Tech 7G smart watch. Hand it over.
Coroner: I don't know what you're on about.
Mick: [raising his stake] You want some of this?
Sara: [the coroner hands the watch over] Who does that watch belong to?
[he remains silent]
Sara: No? All right. Mick, stake him.
Coroner: [cowering] Oh, all right. All right. A vicar was walking down the street as calm as can be when a dead man fell from the sky. It wasn't no normal corpse, neither. No identification, strange clothes, and that there watch.
Sara: Which you stole.
Coroner: He wasn't gonna miss it. I will, though. It is the finest timepiece I've ever seen.
Ray: It did sell better in England.

John: You know, a unicorn is no bloody joke. You might want to get your ol' girlfriend on the blower.
John: You didn't tell Director Sharpe that you let all the monsters out to play, did you?
Sara: Ava and I are in a great place right now. Better than great. In fact, she asked me to move in with her, and I said yes. So why rock the boat unless it's absolutely necessary?
John: Because when the boat eventually tips, you'll both bloody drown.

Sara: Being an Avenger is stupid. The goal is to prevent death. I am a preventer.

Sara: Are you sure that you wanna do this?
Mia: More than anything.
Sara: Yeah. Your father wouldn't take no for an answer, either. When I think of all the stupid stuff we got into when we were your age, it's amazing we didn't get arrested more.
Mia: Arrested more?
Sara: But you're way smarter than him. You get that from your mom.

Ray: What kind of world is this?
Gary: Paradise?
Sara: I'm surrounded by my exes, Gary. This is hell.

Sara: Killer 'stache.
Ava: Interesting.
Ray: You think? I had Gideon stimulate my hair follicles to grow it overnight. I read in one of Nora's letters that she had a thing for mustaches, so I...
Ava: Sorry, but how are we all being so blasé about the diary? What if Rory goes from writing sci-fi to horror? Do you want killer clowns running around the ship?
Ray: The only killer on this ship is the amount of sugar in this cereal. Big Easy O's?
Zari: They taste like beignets. So sweet, it makes your lips pucker.

Sara: Have you guys seen Z?
Mick: [shrugging] With the witch?
Ray: Prudence isn't a witch. Not that witches are bad.
Sara: Prudence is alone. I just checked. Gideon?
Gideon: Miss Tomaz gave me explicit instructions not to tell you that she was leaving the ship.
Ray: That can't be good.

Sara: Hey, it's not your fault, Everything would have been fine if Big Bird over here hadn't freaked out.

Sara: Congratulations Mick you just became a private in U.S. army.

John: Look, they still have the same paintings on the walls.
Sara: That's how we send a message.
John: The picture of the blessed virgin that fell off the wall when Nora was possessed would still be hanging now in 1969.
Sara: If we write a message on the back of the painting, then the Legends will find it in 2017.
Leo: Sure, as long as no one redecorates for the next fifty years. Fingers crossed.

Ava: How do you keep five Legends on a leash at once?
Sara: Very loosely, because sometimes we pull you in the right direction.

Mick: [Nate tries to steel up] Knock it off, you idiot. The Spear took away your powers.
Ray: But it's true. Nate used to be able to steel up, and I had a robotic exoskeleton that allowed me to shrink.
Sara: Oh... These guys are heroes.
Amaya: That is so great.
Sara: We kill heroes.

Sara: We're immortal, and we're superheroes, and we have to wait for the bus.

Nate: Why the hell would someone put a bomb inside of an anachronism?
Zari: Damien Darhk must have planted it there, knowing you'd bring it on board.
Gary: Well, then let's get it off board.
Sara: No, we have to diffuse it. We can't open the doors without Gideon.
Mick: Burn it.
Nate: That'll make it explode. You know, for a guy who loves fire, you really have no idea how it works.

John: This is King Solomon's original grimoire; the oldest magical textbook in existence. Now, if there is a spell to quell our equine friend, it'll be in here.
Sara: Well, not to pressure you, but the entire fate of the sexual revolution is in the balance here.
John: Ah, it is my favorite revolution.

Mick: [rummaging in Gary's satchel] What the hell you got in here, huh? A bomb?
Gary: No!
[Mick throws something onto the floor and stomps on it]
Gary: No! That was our only chance of surviving.
Zari: What do you mean?
Gary: He just destroyed the chrono-repeater I used to initiate a time loop in order to save you guys.
Sara: What?
Mick: I always wanted to die young.

Sara: All right, andiamo los case. Chop chop!
Charlie: Oy, enough shouting.
Sara: [watching her chug from a bottle of booze] That my whiskey?
Charlie: [glancing at the empty contents] It was.

Sara: God, I'm a bitch in Rip's mind.
Jefferson: If that's how he thinks of you in his subconscious...
Sara: It explains why he want to kill us in his real life.
Jefferson: If that's right, then...
Sara: Then there's more than bizarro me on this ship.
Jefferson: Like Evil Ray, Evil Stein.
Sara: Evil Mick. I guess that's just regular Mick, but still.

Sara: Get a fix on Ray's position while Stein and I keep our Time Bureau friends busy.
Sara: Not you space ranger. Sit!
Nate: Whoa.
Nate: I really love this show.

Jefferson: Okay, so the Legion wants the medallion so they can get the spear.
Amaya: But what do they want with the spear?
Nate: Well, the spear allegedly has the power to rewrite reality.
Ray: Well, how is that different from us traveling through time, making changes to history?
Nate: Changes to history cause time quakes and aberrations, which we can undo. Changes to reality, however, those are permanent.
Sara: Great. And I just handed them over the medallion.
Jefferson: Whoa. In exchange for Gray's life. Any one of us would have made that call.
Sara: Would Rip?

[last lines]
Ava: Captain Lance, I was just about to call you.
Sara: Really?
[changing her demeanor to downplay the pique of her interest]
Sara: I mean, cool. 'Cause, uh, I just wanted to compare notes, and I thought that maybe if you'd like to come to the ship...
Ava: There's no time. I finally got through the Bureau's red tape, and it seems Director Hunter has escaped.
Sara: What? Well, where is he?
Ava: We have no idea.

Mona: Hey! You haven't happened to see an ogre wandering around about yay high, likes to grunt, drink beer?
Sara: [annoyed] Ask Rory.

Nate: The assassination was such a famous fiasco, I kindly decided to draw you a diagram to help explain.
Sarah: Ooh, I didn't know you were an artist. And now I see why.

Ava: [after magically speed-reading a book] Book was terrible.
Sara: Oh, my head.
Gary: That's the spirit.

Wally: Okay, come on. We're good to go, right?
Nate: Are we? 'Cause Elvis hasn't recorded his first single yet. And without that guitar, he may never record it. Which means rock and roll history is...
Mick: Josh Groban.
Sara: What if we have Gideon fabricate a ringer guitar and drop it off to the future King?
Nate: Great idea. I call "A" mission. Amaya, come with me. I will teach you what rock and roll is all about. 'Till then, everyone shake, rattle, and roll!

Ava: Should I be worried about your ex-lover breaking into my apartment, or...
Sara: Well, I thought that... this was our apartment.
Ava: You are smooth.
[kissing her neck, then heading back upstairs]
Ava: Don't forget the bubbly.
Sara: [the bones Constantine left behind start to clatter, and one stands upright] Bollocks.

Dr. Martin Stein: [arriving in 2166] Are we over London yet?
Rip: What's left of it.
Jefferson: Why's London shooting at us?
Rip: It's Savage's forces that are doing the shooting. Here in 2166, they've subjugated most of the globe.
Sara: Maybe picking up here wasn't the brightest idea.

Zari: Sara, you are an infuriating, stubborn pain in my ass. Because you have to be. You're not just the captain of this ship, you are its soul. You are so fierce and unflinching. But why not apply some of that fearlessness to your own life and just ask poor Ava out already.
Gary: Did you have a meaningful message for me?
Sara: Not now, Gary!

Gary: If Ava comes back and finds us snooping through her office...
Sara: We're only snooping to find out where she went.

Sara: What is that?
Mick: [pulling items out of his pockets] It's a, uh... portal thingy. A, uh... communications... thing. And a, uh... ah, yes. A memory thing.
Sara: So I guess that means you're staying.
Mick: Well, I kind of have to. You'd be dead without me.
[they clink beer bottles]
Mick: Cheers.

John: It's been a long time, love.
Sara: John?
John: Now, let's see, the last time we met, I saved your soul. Now there's something you can do for me.
Sara: Look, I'd love to help, but your timing is terrible.
John: Uh, this won't take long. You see, there's a demon out there. It's possessing a little girl. And that demon, he knows your name.

Sara: How does the Shogun even know how to operate your atom suit?
Ray: I designed it so an idiot could use it.
Mick: An idiot does.

Gideon: The bullet has lodged itself between several of Dr. Heywood's internal organs.
Ray: How's that possible? He's made of steel.
Sara: Because it wasn't a normal bullet. It was dwarf star.
Gideon: I estimate his chance of survival at 51%.
Nate: Ugh, would it kill you to say "better than average", Gideon?

Sara: So, the bride and the scullery maid, that was...
Zari: Insane?
Mona: Romantic.
Sara: I was gonna say hot.

Sara: I'm not letting Damien Darhk come back to life. Full stop.
Rip: You've lost perspective. You're letting personal prejudice cloud your judgment.
Sara: If I had, I wouldn't have put Damien Darhk back into the timeline and erased his memory so that he could kill my sister. Again.
Rip: Look, Sara. I understand how perilous it would be for Mr. Darhk to return.
Sara: Do you? Because I am the only one in this room that's been resurrected, and it wasn't an improvement.
Rip: You're right. You're right. You've got to understand, Sara, that I... I've been chasing Mallus for so long that... perhaps it is I who's lost perspective.

Earth: I never thought I'd see you again.
Sara: One of the benefits of parallel Earths.
Earth: Parallel Earths? It would appear that your reality is a little... stranger than mine.
Sara: You really have no idea.
Earth: All my life... I just wanted to... to apologize for bringing you on that boat. But you aren't even you.
Sara: Ollie. If your me was anything like I was anything like I was, then getting on the Gambit with you was her choice. And in my world, that trip... it set off a whole series of events that neither you or I could've ever dreamed of. You become a hero, a husband, a father. And I'm flying through time happier than I've ever been. And none of that would never happened if I didn't get on that boat with you. It was destiny.
Querl: I'm... sorry to break up what I'm sure must be the strangest reunion in the history of the world, but, um, if we don't leave now, I'm afraid our extrapolator might not have enough power for us to return home.
Earth: Wait, what's an extrapolator?
Sara: It's another long story. You're a good man... on every Earth.

Leo: No, no, no, no, no, no, no! No, no, no, you are making a serious mistake. I am not insane! I promise! Miss, you don't know what you're doing.
Young Dr. Moore: I performed thousands of transorbital lobotomies. After we've finished, your disease will be cured.
[Sara and Constantine burst in]
Young Dr. Moore: Who are you?
Sara: We're also from the future. And, spoiler alert, you don't age well.

Sara: Are you guys okay?
Nate: Yes. No. I don't know. First time in my adult life I told my dad I loved him. Years of therapy couldn't even get me to do that.

Chad: I'm sorry. Couldn't help but admire your lanyard. Did you make that yourself?
Ray: Oh. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah, along with twenty-one required merit badges. I also went on to get certification in nuclear science and dentistry.
Chad: Oh, snap! I've got some serious competition for "Coolest counselor" this summer, huh?
[to Sara]
Chad: What about you? Any special skills?
Sara: [clearly not taken with Chad] Martial arts.
Chad: [makes a lame martial arts pose] Huwaa!
Chad: Sorry, it's just so fresh.
[does air karate chops]
Chad: Jackie Chan, you know.
Sara: [still unimpressed] I prefer knives and swords.
Chad: Right, yeah. "Point" taken.

Sara: John, you take care, you lunatic.
John: I always do, love. I always do.

Kevin: The wonder of time travel is allowing our cameras to capture some of the first color images of imperial Russia as we ride along on the Legends' patented party sneak.
Behrad: Turns out it's more of a fun funeral sneak.
Sara: Who died?
Nate: Grigori Rasputin, AKA the Mad Monk. Equal parts mystic advisor and manipulative hornball.
Ray: Rasputin was notoriously hard to kill. It took cyanide, a gun, and drowning before he stayed dead.
[as the coffin lid is secured, mourners scream as it flies off and Rasputin sits up]
Behrad: Um, guys, we sure he stayed dead?

Sara: Oh, hey, Ava. How was your day?
Ava: You do realize that little stunt you pulled could have destroyed us both.
Sara: You tried to kill us first.
Ava: No, I tried to warn you first. But you don't take warnings, do you?
Sara: Now you're starting to get it.
Ava: Well, this isn't a warning. It's a promise. If I ever track you down again, you and your band of idiots will be exiled to the dawn of time. Whatever leniency Hunter gave you, it's over.
[ends transmission]
Gideon: What a bitch.
Sara: You took the words right out of my mouth, Gideon.

Sara: You're not getting Obama.
Damien: I'm not here for him. I'm here for my daughter. And I need your help.

Sara: John. Wha-what are you doing here?
John: Oh, I heard your, uh, movie premiere was in town tonight, so I thought I'd pop in.
Sara: Well, just make yourself at home, then.
Ava: Why can't he ever just be normal?

Ava: It goes against every instinct you have, which means Bishop would never expect it.
Astra: If we only ever do what makes sense to you, he will always be one step ahead. There's only one way to wage a war against yourself.
Nate: And that is to have a What Would Sarah Never Do Day!
Sarah: It really *is* a bad idea.

Ava: [Sara wakes from a nightmare] Here I thought you gave nightmares, not have them.
Sara: First time for everything.

Sara: Uh, no, that's wrong. But "Mercedes Benz" was Janis Joplin's last song. I'm gonna tell that trivia host.
Ray: Sara. So, you remember last year at Woodstock when I was supposed to steal a lock of Janis Joplin's hair without noticing?
Sara: Yeah.
Ray: She noticed. And she called me...
Sara: "Little Robot Man."
Sara: Well, congratulations, you changed history and lost us trivia night.

Gideon: Another successful mission, captain?
Rip: Yes, well, it seems that I don't share our team's definition of success. But let's see if our labors came to a certain fruition, shall we?
Sara: [entering] Well, that was fun.
Rip: I'm in no mood for a lecture, Sara.
Sara: Too tired from dishin' 'em out?

Nate: Sara, you guys okay?
Sara: Yeah, we're fine, as long as we keep placating Gary. I guess Charlie and Z are our last hope.
Mick: Great, we're toast.
Ava: Welcome to hell.

Sara: All right, people, for reasons that are too complicated to explain right now, we have to search the ship. Zari says that there's a bomb, and it's gonna explode in thirty minutes. We have to find out why.
Ray: Okay, well, the galley is clear.
Zari: Right, and I checked the sleeping quarters.
Mick: Whoa! You went in our rooms?
Zari: Yeah. The library...
Amaya: What did you see in the library?
Zari: Something I can never un-see.

Mick: Why didn't I get to go to Jurassic Park?
Sara: I need you to threaten Rip.
Mick: Easy money.
Sara: I said "threaten", not "hurt".

Rip: We have no choice but to stop Vandal Savage in 2147... or to die trying.
Kendra: Well... I've died before.
Sara: So have I.
Rip: Gideon, plot a course for Kasnia Conglomerate... The year 2147.

Nate: But anyone who tries to fight the Shogun will be out down.
Sara: Except if that person is made of steel.
Nate: About that. I'm having a little problem accessing my powers.
Sara: Sounds like you're having performance issues.

Zari: [learning of a change to her future] I've been running that stupid program for so long, I'd given up hope of it actually working. If this works, my brother survives... I never steal his totem back from A.R.G.U.S., I never join the Legends. Last two years wouldn't have happened. Who knows where I'll be or who I'll be?
Sara: [eavesdropping in the doorway] You'll be you. Because while we're at HeyWorld, you'll be here on the ship in the temporal zone, and you'll be safe.
Zari: Sara, I can't... I can't sit this one out.
Sara: Look, I'm not gonna lose another Legend. And who said we're not putting you to work? Look, we need to make sure what happens at HeyWorld is seen globally.
Zari: I-I can use the Eyes app as a back door into the phones that downloaded it.
Nate: [quietly to Sara] Thank you.

Sara: Mona's out there alone and we don't leave our people behind no matter how much they bug the crap out of us.

Ava: Here at Advanced Variant Automation, we are working to bring a brighter future. Our cloning program has produced the AVA. AVA is the perfect woman designed to keep us safe and restore order to the chaos.
Gary: Makes sense they'd clone Ava. She is the perfect woman.
Sara: Oh, calm down, Gary. She's... okay.
Gary: Before I have an Ava overload, should we return to the comfort and safety of the Time Bureau?
Sara: [seeing something across a body of water] No. We're not done here yet.

Sara: Okay, we shouldn't split up. Classic horror movie mistake.
Ava: Well, we're not exactly helpless.
Sara: Fine. I'll go fix Gideon.
Ava: And I'm gonna go catch a serial killer!
Sara: You are way too excited about this.

Sara: What are you doing?
Alex: Looking for a gun or knife anything. Okay, I don't care how many Sturmtigers they have out there. I'm gonna go save Kara, with or without the help of these people.
Sara: No, you're not.
Alex: I'm a government agent certified in over 30 military weapons.
Sara: And you're impressive, I'll give you that. But you still can't fight your way through an army of Nazis alone and scared.
Alex: I'm not scared.
Sara: No, not for you. For your sister.
Alex: I should've done more. I mean, if I hadn't gotten so distracted.
Sara: Well, sorry to be a distraction.
Alex: You don't understand. I can't lose her.
Sara: I understand more than you think.
Sara: I lost my sister. The anger and guilt that I felt for not being able to save her took me down a dark path.
Alex: I'm sorry. I didn't know.
Sara: How could you? I mean, the only thing we know about each other is what we look like with clothes off. Beautiful, by the way. You also don't know that I protect my team, and you, Danvers, you're on my team. And I promise you, we're not gonna let what happened to my sister happen to yours.
Alex: I'm sorry. I just want to I want to save Kara, and I want to get back to Maggie.
Sara: Maggie is?
Alex: Complicated.
Sara: Yeah. I had a Maggie too. And I think about going back to her all the time. Look, Alex. You seem like a pretty thoughtful person. And if you thought it wasn't gonna work out and had to end it, I'm sure that reason was valid. Trust your instincts.

Sara: Nate, you're running point on this one. With Zari.
Nate: For real?
Nate: Um...
Ava: [turning around to talk privately] Sara, we did not discuss this.
Sara: Look, relax, it's just a cleanup job. They'll do fine.
Ava: [turning back] Okay, find the fugitive, bring him in, preferably in one piece. Now scram.

Gary: What is she doing here?
Ray: Uh, water woman was trying to kill her, so we're, um, protecting her.
Gary: No, this is technology you are not allowed to see. Civilians are not allowed to know about time travel.
[the Legends roll their eyes at his gaffe]
Zari: What... you guys are time travelers?
Sara: Nice one, Gary.
Gary: Okay. That's on me.

Gary: Wait, you think Director Sharpe erased her own file? That's crazy.
Sara: Yeah, so is putting on a wig and impersonating your boss, Gary.
Gary: I didn't actually do it.

Sarah: [to Robot Nate] Were you programmed to be this annoying, or is that a personal choice?

Sara: Look, we are so close to gaining control over the six and getting the upper hand on Mallus. I just... I need a day to clear my head.
Ray: Yeah, but who's gonna stop Mick from burning down the ship with the Fire totem?
Sara: Someone's gonna have to fill in the role of captain while I'm gone.
Ray: Oh, well uh, I hadn't exactly thought I'd... I'd pick up the mantle this soon, but...
Sara: I'm putting Amaya in charge.

Ava: Are you hiding something from me?
Sara: Always.

Firestorm: Rip know who he is. He's our prisoner. Isn't that right, Rip?
Jefferson: Look after, Rip.
Gideon: Always.
Rip: Hey, what you planning on doing?
Sara: Guess we're gonna have to kick our own asses.
Firestorm: Looks like somebody forgot to bring their powers.

Sara: Ray, how's that shrink bomb coming?
Ray: Well, we could really use some fast hands.
Harrison: Could we ever.
Sara: Barry.
[Barry speeds away]

Kendra: You seem calm.
Sara: You mean considering a temporal bounty hunter is trying to murder our younger selves?
Kendra: I was gonna put it a little more delicately than that, but yeah.
Sara: I think at some point, you just learn to live with a sword over your head.

Ryan: This can work, Sara. I know it can.
Sara: That's what we thought back at the Dawn of Time. Here we are back at square one.
Ryan: This new Earth isn't square one. It's what Oliver gave up his life to create. We have to protect it.
Sara: If we're gonna go down... we go down fighting.

Mick: Whatever this is, I don't like it.
Sara: Wait, what is that?
Ray: We're gathered here in remembrance of our dear friend Axl.
Mick: Right. I'm outta here.
Sara: I'm with him.
Ray: [they both turn to leave] Wait, you need this. We... we all need this.
Sara: Fine. But when I mourn, I drink.

Sara: Thawne never told you what he did with Rip?
Mick: No. We were close like that.

Sara: [learning Ray let Nora escape] Look, you better not be wrong about her. But right now, we need to deal with our current captive. She cannot stay on the ship.
Zari: Yeah, especially now with Amaya's face. It's freakin' creepy.
Mick: You broke her, you fix her, weasel. Make her not Amaya again.
John: Spell doesn't work like that, Womble. I took away her power to transform. It's like clipping an angel's wings. You can't exactly unclip them.

Rip: For the last five years, I've been chasing a phantom. A name whispered across time and in every language. Mallus.
Nate: The Phantom Mollusk? An evil shellfish?
Rip: "Mall-us". An evil so ancient and powerful that the Time Masters dared not speak his name. Now, I believe that he is recruiting allies from throughout time to his cause. Now, anachronisms are the result of your breaking time.
Mick: [meaning Sara] It was her idea.
Rip: But these outliers, they are most certainly the work of Mallus. Now, the Time Bureau is a bureaucracy and lacks the imagination to understand this particular threat, and Director Bennett objects to my crusade.
Sara: Hmm.
Rip: I'm alone out here.
Nate: So... what I'm hearing is your hot new girlfriend dumped you and now you're crawling back to your ex.
Mick: Ugh. And I'm no one's side piece.
Sara: You know, I think they're on to something here. Look, "sweetie". We would love to take you back, but we don't know how we could trust you again.
Rip: Would circumstances be any different if I were to call off my hot new girlfriend's pursuit of you?
Nate: Hmm...
Sara: Deal.

Damien: [draining the life from Rip] Any last words, Rip? Yes, I remember you. I remember everything.
[Sara and Amaya swing in]
Sara: Remember us?
Damien: Oh, goody. More Legends. Here to kill me, I assume.
Sara: Well, this time it'll stick.

Sara: To making things go away.
Alex: And loving the taste of scotch.

Ava: Where are you calling me from? I don't recognize that part of the Waverider.
Sara: Welcome to the jumpship.
Ava: Are you hiding, Ms. Lance?
Sara: No. I am simply looking for some privacy.
Ava: Well, maybe I should come over.
Sara: Yeah, yeah, but, like, I mean, I'm sure that you are super, super busy.
Ava: It's the perks of being the boss. I can just tell Gary I have a meeting.

Jefferson: [Barry unveils the round table in the Hall of Justice] You should have led with that, bro.
Superman: Yeah. Not bad.
Supergirl: I love it.
Sara: It's perfect.

Ray: Maybe I shouldn't intrude.
Sara: Nate needs all of our support right now.
Ray: Well, what am I supposed to say to him? "Sorry the woman I've been exchanging love letters with in prison killed your dad"?
John: They ought to put that on a condolence card.

Sara: So, Z and Amaya, you take the time courier to Billings, Montana in 1997. The Mona Lisa is about to make a very special appearance on the Antiques Roadshow. Nate and I will pick up Einstein in the Ice Age, and you two are on the jumpship to... find and return a dog named Laika to the Soviet space program.
Mick: No.
Sara: Excuse me?
Mick: I'm not chasing a Ruskie pooch.
Ray: Uh, I could actually use Mick's help re-formig the Fire totem.
Sara: Fine. Nate, you go with Wally, and I'll go get Einstein alone.

Amaya: Wait. Is somebody thinking of -?
Nate: I'm sorry. You said think of something pure and I thought...
Sara: No, you didn't!
Nate: AGAIN, I said I'M SORRY!
Zari: Yeah, I can't stop thinking about him either.
Jefferson: [Jax bursts in] Guys! Whatever you're gonna -
[Jax stares quizzically for a moment then runs outside]
Jonah: What in Sam Hill's going on?
Ray: I think this is part of Sara's plan.
Beebo: [a giant Beebo jumps and lands in the center of Town] Hmm. I l-l-love you!
Freydis: The Blue God - he has returned.

Sara: This is Damien Darhk's daughter? How is that even possible?
Zari: They changed her name. Looks like after Darhk was killed by the Green Arrow, Nora was placed in Child Protective Services.
John: Demons prey on the most vulnerable of souls. This one, she lost her name, her family.
Nate: Okay, so if we exorcise Mallus, we can stop the family business before it takes off.

Leo: Just wanted to say I'm grateful. Grateful I was allowed to tag along with you and the Legends. It was... it was an experience, and, uh... an education.
Mick: Likewise.
Leo: I'm proud to know you, and... this is hard. This is me saying goodbye. Take care of yourself, Mick.
Mick: You, too.
[they share a brotherly hug]
Sara: [entering] You know he's still watching TV, right?
Mick: I wasn't watching T... just a little bit.

Sara: Any authoritarian organization always goes bad... always.

Neron: Captain Lance, thank for coming all this way. If you're looking for Ray, he's, uh... checked out.
Zari: Is Neron on comms?
Neron: But if you'd like to join him, I can make arrangements.
John: Sara, open fire now. This may be your only chance.
Nate: We can't fire. That's Ray.
John: Ray made a deal with a demon. He's gone. We can't lose anyone else to this bastard. Do it.
Sara: What about you?
John: Blow us both to kingdom come. I'll be happy to go to hell for the cause.

Ray: I'm in the paper. And... I'm dead?
Sara: Not yet. We're in 1988, the day before you disappeared.
Ray: Okay. Well, I guess the fact I'm still here means temporal permanence hasn't set in. Which means we can still save my life, and enjoy 1988 while we're at it.
Jefferson: Trust Ray to find the bright side of dying.

Sara: You want my confessional? All right, come here, I'll give one to you. I confess that I hate this doc. I confess that I don't want to be a celebrity. And I confess that if you don't get that camera out of my face...
Behrad: [entering] Captain. I think Gideon is suffering from phantom data.
[glancing at the camera]
Behrad: Do you want me to come back later?
Sara: No, you should stay. Stay with me, hang out. Let's get lit.
Behrad: Questionable timing, but should I get my stash box?
Sara: Yes, you should.

Sara: I wanted to talk to you.
Zari: You don't have to say anything. I already hate myself.
Sara: No, it's not like that. I-I understand why you did what you did. I've felt that rage before. A lot.
Zari: Well, I haven't. Turns out sarcasm is a really great way to hide some seriously deep-seated anger.
Sara: I get it, and that's all I wanted to say, is that if you want to talk to me, I'm here.

Sara: Hank's already looking for ways to slash our funding, so maybe it's not the worst idea to fake it for one mission.
Charlie: You want me to pretend to be this wanker's ex?
Nate: [insulted] What?
Ray: Sounds like classic Legends hijinks to me.
Sara: We can't let Hank know that we're harboring a fugitive. We just need to show him one mission, send him on his way before anything can go wrong.
Nate: Okay, then maybe it wasn't the best idea to leave him with those three.
Sara: We should go.

Ray: Sara, I figured it out.
Sara: All right, Ray, what are we dealing with?
Ray: She's a shapeshifter. She doesn't kidnap the Queen. She becomes the Queen.
John: [entering with Zari] I knew it.
Zari: You definitely said leprechaun.

Alex: I just called off my engagement.
Sara: Ooh.
Alex: Yeah. So being here, really brings up a lot.
Sara: What, you catch him cheating?
Alex: Mm-mm. Her. It wasn't anything like that. We just wanted different things, you know? Wish I had realized that sooner. Make the break before later came around.
Sara: So, let me guess. Being at the rehearsal dinner for the world's most perfect couple is probably the last place you wanna be.
Alex: It stings a little, yeah.

Zari: Okay, I'll judge this round. "You and your team are stuck in a trash compactor in an impromptu and possibly fatal homage to 'Star Wars'. What do you do?"
Sara: [handing a card over] Boom. That's the one.
Charlie: [handing over another card] Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
Nate: [handing over a third] Yep.
Zari: Ooh, gonna have to go with "Steel up as Sara scales a wall."
Nate: Another point for me.
Mick: Favoritism!
Zari: Why would I display favoritism?
Charlie: 'Cause you two are obviously shagging.
Nate: [feigning ignorance] What? Yeah.
Sara: Yes, finally! This is great. Maybe you guys won't be so weird now.

Sara: Ava.
Ava: But you could have chosen any one of those other women.
Sara: I don't want other women.
Ava: But I'm...
[Sara kisses her]

Ray: You can't just hijack the Waverider. Our crew is still on there.
Mar: If there is any chance at surviving the Crisis, we need its technology.
Sara: Hoo. Yeah. I kind of promised our crew they'd never have to do another crossover.

Sara: What was the last thing that you remember?
Ray: Uh, portaling to this location on your orders.
Sara: You don't remember coming here for trivia night and being teleported to an alternate Waverider to stop the multiverse from being destroyed?
Ray: Wait, was there a crossover? Were we invited? Did we win?

Zari: Well, hopefully this goes better than last time.
Amaya: All right, we have to believe in the totems, that they've chosen each of us.
Sara: Well, if this really is the end of the world, then I choose to surround myself with you guys.

Ray: Look, Sara, for what it's worth, I know it wasn't the real you who tried to kill us.
Sara: That's just it, Ray. That was the real me. Which is why I need to...
[a portal opens and Gary enters, covering his eyes]
Gary: [bumping into a bulkhead] Ms. Lance? It's Gary. Sorry to drop in on you like this.
Sara: What are you doing? Open your eyes, Gary.
Gary: [uncovering his eyes] Oh, hi. Sorry. I didn't wanna accidentally portal into your quarters and catch you and Director Sharpe, you know... together.
Sara: Well, you don't have to worry about that anymore, because we broke up.
Ray: Wait, what? Why didn't you tell us?
Gary: No, no, you guys can't break up. I was shipping you so hard.
Ray: [realizing] That's why you're leaving.

Ray: Looks like they created Ava from what they believe are the best genes from around the world to make the perfect woman. Though, she's a little pale, if you ask me.
Sara: I should've known she was too good to be true.
Ray: That doesn't mean that what you guys had wasn't real.
Sara: That is exactly what it means.
Gary: [a clone wakes up] Uh... guys?
Sara: Everything that she's told me about herself has been a lie.
Gary: Guys.
Sara: What, Gary?
Ray: Oh, crumbs. I think I woke one up.

Ray: Charles Dickens once wrote "Life is made of ever so many partings, welded together." Axl is one such parting. And while we may lose some, they are never really gone. And they certainly can't be replaced. They'll live on in the memories we shared with them and the lessons they taught us. And it is because of that that we can embrace the change. I still remember the first time I met Axl. It was in the vents. I was tiny Atom. He was a big rat. And he tried to eat me. I knew we'd laugh about it one day together. Sara, I believe it's customary for the Captain to share a few words.
Sara: Oh, no, you... you're doing a great job.
Ray: Thank you. Well, then, please join me in a chorus of "Sweet Child of Mine".
Sara: [cutting him off] All right, I'll say something.

Nate: Are you sure Stargirl doesn't know my grandfather ended up?
Amaya: No, the JSA thought the pieces of the spear would be safer if they didn't know where Rip was dropping them off.
Nate: Except Rip knows, which means the Legion of Doom probably already knows. They could already have my grandfather, or he could be dead, or they're torturing him, or he's dying, or...
Sara: We're not gonna let that happen.
Nate: It's not just about my grandfather. It's about the entire fabric of reality that's at stake here, which you think would be incentive enough for a certain talking computer to buffer a little quicker.
Gideon: The name is Gideon, and I'm processing data as fast as I can.
Jefferson: Just - Just chill out, bro, all right? Let Gideon do her thing.

Ray: What kind of Fugitive stabs a woman?
Mick: [on comms] I know a woman I could stab. Rhymes with Shava.
Sara: Rory, play nice.
Ava: Don't worry, I can handle myself against the cretin.
Mick: Whatever, man-pants.

Gary: Why wouldn't Director Sharpe...
Sara: Want us to know who she really is? I'll give you one guess, Gary.
Gary: Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, my god. You think my boss is an anachronism?
Ray: The only way to know for sure is to go to 2213.
Sara: So how do we get there?
Gary: I... I guess the only way would be to hijack the mothership, but unfortunately, I failed flight training. Bad astigmatism.
Sara: Like I'd let you fly.

Gary: Where have you been?
Ava: If you must know, I... Gary, straighten your tie. I was visiting my parents in Fresno. Home-cooked meals and all.
Sara: [knowing she's lying] Hmm. Fresno.
Ava: Mm-hmm.
Sara: Hmm.
Ray: Nothing like a tray of snickerdoodles... well, I mean, any other kind of cookie to, um, mend a broken heart.
Ava: You know what? I have a lot of work to do. I'm sure you two can see yourselves out.
Ray: You okay? No one likes running into their ex.
Sara: I'm fine. And like I said...
[holding out Ava's time courier]
Sara: Let's find out what else she's been hiding from us.

Sara: Z, how's it going?
Zari: It's going super awesome.
Sara: How are you and Nate?
Nate: [chasing after and catching the mummy] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Good.
Zari: Ah, Nate Dog? It's, uh, it's going totally great, in a super platonic way.
Sara: Then why are you guys being so weird?
Zari: It was that awkward, huh?
Sara: Even the mummy thought it was awkward.

Young: She slapped me.
Sara: [her younger self] The little weirdo said that he liked the way that I smelled.
Young: I'm usually a lot smoother, but I'm sort of freaking out right now.
Sara: [to her younger self] You, hands to yourself. The next time, hit with a flat palm.
[to Young Rory]
Sara: And you... you're not her type.

Sara: Meet the newest member of our team, Charlie.
Ray: Charlie here is a shapeshifter. Except she can no longer shape-shift. It's actually a pretty crazy story.
Nate: Let me guess, she turned into Amaya and conned you into not sending her to hell and Constantine put a spell on her and now she's stuck like this?
Sara: That is... weirdly accurate, yeah.
Nate: Yeah.
Ray: I guess it's not such a crazy story.
Nate: It's insane, Ray! I told my dad you guys were good at your jobs, and you're adopting some magical creature who's pretending to be Amaya?
Charlie: Hey, I'm not pretending to be anyone.

Ray: Well, I guess this is why they declared 2213 a no-fly zone.
Gary: Director Sharpe didn't want us to find out that she's secretly a robot.
Sara: I did not have sex with a robot.
Ray: [spotting something] No, you didn't, Sara. You had sex with a clone.

Gary: I'm not seeing anything in her time courier records that wasn't Bureau-sanctioned and by-the-book.
Sara: [spotting something] Wait. What's that?
Ray: Uh, her first mission. Vancouver, 2213. I can't access it.
Gary: The Bureau has sanctioned 2213 a no-fly zone.
Sara: Meaning?
Gary: Meaning the courier you stole from Ava doesn't do you any good, and the Waverider can't fly there, either. The only person who can override the restriction...
Ray: Is a Time Bureau Director.

Ray: How are we going to make distance with five of us and a kidnapped Nixon?
Mick: [pointing to a nearby RV] There. There's our getaway.
John: [seeing it's literally called "The Getaway"] That's a bit on the nose, no?
Sara: We left subtlety back in Mexico.

Ray: I know Damien has done terrible things in his past which cannot be forgiven, but I... I know that he loves his daughter. We can't just kil him.
Sara: He was already dead. Killing him would be repairing an anachronism.
Rip: Yeah, so would incarcerating him in the Bureau.
Ava: I agree with Rip. We need to think through this situation rationally.
Mick: Boss?
Sara: [after a moment of consideration] Stand down.
Damien: [Mick lowers his heat gun] I'm glad to see you came to your senses.
Sara: [leaving] Think this makes us straight, you're wrong.

Sara: The only way we are going to get any information from these girls is to infiltrate their clique.
Ava: How are we supposed to do that? We're not kids.
Sara: Funny you should say that. Constantine gave me a potion that would turn us into kids, only temporarily.
Ava: You're kidding, right?
[seeing her look]
Ava: Wha... even if it works, Sara, I wouldn't have any idea how to act like a kid, because I've never been one. All my childhood memories are fake, remember?

Ava: Oh, there you are. I was beginning to think you weren't gonna make it.
Sara: This is an interesting choice of venue.
Mona: We can't have book club without Nora. It takes all three of us for a book club quorum.
Sara: Very sweet.

Sara: How many times do I have to tell you I'm fine?
John: Well, somehow you managed to channel a demon of the highest order, and you didn't succumb.
Amaya: Sara's strong. She's the strongest person I know.

Sara: You know, it's a shame that you had to join the family business. You were a sweet kid.
Nora: Last time we were here, I was a little girl, but I was never sweet. Your friend Oliver made sure of that when he killed my father.
Sara: Oliver's not responsible for the path that you chose.
Nora: You're right. You see, Sara, you and I, we're alike. The darkness has always been within us.
Spanish: [Sara turns and witnesses a memory from her past] Please. Ra's al Ghul... Ra's al Ghul will never know you let me live.
Girl: [shrieking as Sara kills him] Papi!
Nora: Once a killer, always a killer.

Sara: Friendship bracelet?
Ava: No, it's an "I'm sorry" bracelet. I shouldn't have run off like that. It's just that you know I'm not normal, and I think you hit a nerve or something.
Sara: No, I'm sorry. I never even thought about the fact that you'd never been a kid.
Ava: Yeah.
Sara: But this is really good.
Ava: Ugh. I confiscated it from Alexis. See, I'm weird. I... do you know that those two actors who are my parents, I-I keep a picture of them on my desk in my office just so I can try to feel a little bit normal.
Sara: Yeah, that is anything but normal.

Ava: You know what, Gideon? I think I'll have some more of your amazing French toast.
Sara: You must've worked up an appetite last night.

John: So, any idea of what kind of foul beast we're up against, then?
Ava: Well, based on
[knowing look to Sara]
Ava: research Sara and I have been doing, we could be looking for a swampy monster thing.
Sara: According to the timeline, before the end of summer, several kids went missing, never to be seen again.
John: Well, I happen to know a swamp thing. But then again, Maine is way too far north for that muppet.

Sara: Are you glad I picked you up in Zambesi six months ago?
Amaya: I think the words you used were "just one more mission."
Zari: It's better than the line they used on me. "Come with us if you want to live." I almost die every week on the ship.
Amaya: But you found a home.
Zari: I did.
Amaya: And as much fun as this has been, it's time for me to go home.
Zari: Come on, you can't leave me and Sara and...
[they glance over at Nate]
Amaya: You guys are my family. Always will be. But I have another family waiting for me in the years to come. And they need me more.
Sara: Well, you will always have a home on the Waverider.

Sara: So this crap hole is Earth X?
Oliver: Wells was right.
Barry: He usually is.
Alex: I can't believe a place like this exists. On any earth.
Dr. Martin Stein: I wish I shared your sentiment, but in all my travels to distant times. One thing sadly remains constant is man's ability to feel hatred for other men.

Amaya: The Mayor would like a word with you, Miss Smoak.
Felicity: Then maybe he should've come down here himself instead of sending the bimbo brigade.
Sara: Rude!

Sara: Hey, Malcolm. I'll take a nightmare that's real over a dream that's a lie.

Sara: Well, like Nate said, sometimes we screw things up for the better.
Rip: I fail to see how that's true in this case.
Mick: It's our new motto.
Rip: New motto? Right, does that mean you plan to continue swashbuckling your way through history?
Sara: With the Time Bureau's permission of course.
Rip: And if I deny you permission?
Sara: We'll do it anyways.

Gary: This feels wrong.
Ray: Well, don't worry. We'll be watching from a short distance, and you'll be... fine.
Gary: What am I supposed to do with the pomegranate?
John: Oh, the unicorns, they can't get enough of them, mate.
Zari: [sotto, to Ray] Yeah, that and human hearts.
Gary: So the pomegranate is the bait?
Sara: Yeah, we wouldn't put an interim member of our team in jeopardy, right, guys?
Gary: I'm an interim Legend?
[they all shrug and nod half-heartedly]
Gary: Well, then. Uh, one-one more question. Are you sure that I'm a virgin, 'cause that thing we did...
John: Positive, mate.

Querl: Jonathan's pod has disappeared from our radar. It appears to have been sucked into a wormhole.
Superman: What are the coordinates?
Querl: Star City. Earth-16. Mmm, interesting. It must've been a temporal wormhole, because... well, the pod is in the year 2046.
Ray: We've been there before. Apparently, we didn't just travel to the future.
Sara: Yeah, we traveled to a parallel Earth in the future. That's great.
Superman: I'm going after him.
Oliver: Clark, you can't.
Superman: Those are two words I'm not used to hearing, and my son needs me.
Oliver: I'm a parent, and I get it. The entire universe needs you. When that tower gets attacked, you have to be here to protect it.
Lois: I'll go.
Superman: Lois...
Sara: I'll back you up. I know the terrain.
Querl: As will I. I happen to be excellent with children.
Lois: [moving to leave, she stops at Clark's side] Don't worry, I'll get him. I love you.

Ava: Hi.
Sara: Wow. You look...
Ava: Weird. I look weird, right?
Sara: I was gonna say "beautiful", but...
Ava: Thank you. So do you. It's... wow.

Rip: This outlier, the... the vampire, is most likely the objective of Mallus. Catch the vampire, catch Mallus.
Sara: Sounds like we're gonna need vampire bait.
[she glances at Mick, who glances at Nate]
Nate: Me? Is it 'cause I'm handsome?
Mick: Pretty.
Nate: Pretty handsome.

Sara: I don't know who looks more ridiculous, you guys in your pirate britches or me in this... stupid dress.
Zari: Definitely them.

Sara: You were right.
John: Ah. What was that, now?
Sara: You were right! There's a magical creature at Woodstock. Now let's go!
John: You know, for someone with a time traveling machine, you seem to be in an awful hurry.
Sara: John, the unicorn has already gored two hippies.
John: [interested] Ohh... a unicorn?
Sara: Yeah.
John: Well, all right, I'm in. But first, I need to know, was any of your team musked by the beast?
Sara: If that's what you're calling its sparkle sauce, then, yeah. Why?
John: Oh, they're in for... one hell of a ride.

Randy: Four years ago, we responded to this online ad for a gig. They gave us backstories for our characters. They told us if Ava ever comes to visit, we just act like her parents.
Sara: And who hired you?
Pam: No idea. The money is automatically deposited.
Randy: Look, it... it's not such a bad gig, considering Ava rarely ever comes home to visit.
Ray: Why in the world would you agree to be a part of such a charade?
Pam: Do you know how hard it is to get an acting job in Fresno?
Sara: Right, well, I apologize about the knife thing. It is a gut reaction. Nothing personal.
Ray: Sorry to bother you. We'll be on our way now.
Gary: You have a lovely home, Mr. and Mrs... whatever your real names are.

Ava: On behalf of the Time Bureau, I would like to recognize Captain Lance and her crew for fixing the final anachronism. Congratulations.
Sara: What does that even mean?
Ava: Well, it means that...
[ushering Gary out of the way]
Ava: ...Paul Revere was the final crack in the timeline. You, my friends, fixed history.
Nate: The same history we broke.
Sara: [through gritted teeth] Just take the win.
Mick: I don't want your stinking medal.
Ava: There's an open bar.
Mick: Where?

Sara: What are you doing?
Mick: Quiet, I'm concentrating.
Zari: Mick is a writer. The journal has bonded with him.
Charlie: Bloody hell. That's it, we're doomed.

Rip: Do we have a plan for stealing this bracelet?
Mick: We're on it.
Sara: Please don't tell me the plan is to walk into Savage's citadel and steal it off her wrist.
Leonard: All right, I won't tell you that.

Sara: [while kissing, Ava suddenly stops] What?
Ava: [turning her around] Oh, no, the kissing was great. It's just...
Blackbeard: We claim this ship and ye two women as ours!
Ava: [in disbelief] Come on.

Sarah: There's no one the Legends can't beat.

Sara: [awkwardly making conversation the morning after a romantic tryst] How's your butt? I heard you fall out of bed this morning, and it sounded like it hurt.
Alex: Yeah. A little.

Sara: I can tell a vendetta when I see one. I'm kind of an expert when it comes to revenge.

Sara: This seems more like one of your fantasies than your fears, watching me do dishes.
Ava: Please, if it were up to you, we would only have paper plates.

Amaya: Sara, we appreciate that you may need a break after what happened with the Death totem. But this is the absolute worst time for you to leave.
Nate: At least let us lock you up in the brig. We need you here now more than ever.
Ray: Yeah, we've almost won the totem race.
Sara: Which is exactly why I need to go.

Sarah: All right, anybody without steel skin or regeneration fall back and barricade the house.

Sara: Okay, hold on, Behrad. So you're saying Gideon's glitching because we fractured time?
Behrad: Look, at least we didn't break time. We just sort of dinged it up.

Sara: Rasputin came back from the dead, and it caused a timequake. Ugh, this is kind of problem that I can wrap my head around. So I need you guys to forget about this documentary film crew and focus on the mission at hand, yes?
Ray: Yes, we need to minimize the mishap.
Ava: Ooh, Ray, that's good. Because saving the day is what the Legends do best.
Nate: Ava, you're in my shot.

Rip: I must say, it has been such an honor, Barack
Barry: Oh, I go by Barry.
Sara: I really like Barack.
Barry: Well, Barack is what it says on my birth certificate.
Sara: Yeah, you might want to hold on to that.

Sara: You know, Oliver... I've seen playboy Oliver, vigilante Oliver, but I never thought I would see parent Oliver.
Oliver: It's weird, right?
Sara: So weird. But... it looks good on you.

Sara: So you guys decided to go off on your own and face Rasputin.
Nate: I thought I could calm him down.
Mona: I thought I could make him fall in love?
Ava: And I thought I could, you know, assassinate him.
Sara: None that was ever going to happen. He's fresh out of Hell.
Mick: Well, let's kill him then.
Sara: You - you can't. Look, John said he can't be killed with a chit of his soul is in Hell, or whatever that means.

Gary: [in a futuristic laboratory] This place is creepy. How about I wait outside?
Sara: [grabbing him to hold him back] How about you calm down?
Gary: Is it too late to mention my fear of things covered in sheets?

Sara: Sometimes, a mistake is really just destiny.

Sara: [playing Life] Congratulations. You are a doctor.
Kendra: You know, I thought about going to medical school once.
Kendra: Here you go. $10,000 salary.
Sara: That's it? I made more as a barista.
Kendra: Well, it's 1958. You're lucky to make that as a woman.

Nate: Sara, I've been searching for more outliers in the hopes of finding Darhk and his witchy friend. And you would think having a supercomputer would be helpful.
Gideon: Watch yourself, Mr. Heywood.
Nate: Anyway, there's no sign of them in the timeline.
Sara: [wrinkling her nose] What is that smell?
Nate: Okay, full disclosure, I haven't left the library in seven days, I think. Is it Tuesday? I'm not really sure. It's hard for me to keep track of time in a temporal zone.
Sara: Shower. Now.

Sara: [over the comm. device] Amaya, what's going on in there?
Amaya: You wanted Rory to start a fight? I'd say your plan's working.

Amaya: Your plans are caught in something of a snag.
Sara: Explain.
Amaya: Well, it's hard to... but Mr. Rory and Mr. Turnbull... Like each other.
Sara: What? What happened to Rory starting a fight?
Amaya: I think it's more likely him and Turnbull get matching tattoos.

Ava: [voice over] When the world needs heroes, they answer the call.
Sara: [as Supergirl] We'll be at HeyWorld, the new adventure capital of eastern Maryland...
Nate: [as Green Arrow] Where we will hit fun in the bull's-eye.
Gary: [as The Flash] And we'll give your children a flash of excitement.

Dr. Martin Stein: [after the Waverider crashes] How many times must I tell you people Mick Rory is not to pilot this ship?
Sara: It wasn't Mick. It was Gideon.

Sara: Smells good in here.
Ava: Oh, yeah, I, uh, burned the first chicken piccata, but I think I got the second one just right.
Sara: Those our medals?
Ava: I wanted to remind you of all the good you did last year.
Sara: Yeah, we, um... we weren't that good.
Ava: Would you stop being so hard on yourself, Sara? I'm proud of you.

Sara: All right, I think it's working. I am on the edges of a plan.
Zari: Great. Let's hear it.
Sara: So, we know that the six totems are the only thing that can stop Mallus.
Wally: They weren't much use to us last time.
Sara: "Us" being the key word.
[to Zari]
Sara: You and Amaya were born to wield the totems, and the rest of us are just...
Mick: Losers. That's why Rip picked us; Snart, the professor, those stupid hawk flying-chicken people. We're all expendable.
Sara: Not that any of these unwashed hayseeds look like righteous totem bearers.
Jonah: Who you calling a hayseed?
Sara: Jonah Hex.
Zari: You know this guy?
Jonah: Me and these ruffians go way back.

Sara: We brought booze!

Ray: Whoever you are, just put the guitar down.
Sara: Doesn't look like he's taking requests.
Ray: Maybe the preacher was right about rock and roll. You know what never hurt anyone? A nice show tune.

Sara: Hey, before you go, I, uh... I just wanted to say thank you. For helping me with Mallus, that is.
John: Oh, of course. Uh, helping you with Mallus was, uh, good for me, too. If you ever need me to help you with Mallus again, just give us a call. I'll be right there. Although, there are lots of people out there with very weird demons, and they all need my help.
Sara: Mm, I understand.
John: Good.
Sara: And thanks for the shag, too. That was great.

Ava: I think she's a little high.
Sarah: I'd say very.

Damien: Oh, goody. The cavalry has arrived. Oh, how I missed those whimsical outfits of yours.
Sara: Your beef is with me, Damien. So let's fight. You and me... League style. Two swords... zero magic.
Damien: A dual. How quaint. But you do realize... I don't need magic to kill you.
Sara: Funny... that's what Oliver Queen said right before he killed you.

Henry: So explain to me how this... "magic-ometer" of yours works.
Ray: Oh. Well...
Mick: [straight and to the point] Thingy goes beep, and we kick ass.
Zari: Meaning we investigate each time period.
John: Yeah, we find the creature.
Sara: We bring it to the Bureau.
Ray: And hopefully learn some life lessons along the way.
Henry: And it takes six of you to do that?
Ray: Seven, if you count Amaya.
Gideon: Eight if you count me.
Henry: Sounds a little... inefficient.

Jefferson: Come on, Grey. A chance to meet Julius Caeser and fix history. Look, we have a time ship. We can get you home in time for dessert.
Dr. Martin Stein: That's what I told Clarissa the last time I left.
Ray: And when you came home you had a surprise daughter.
Jefferson: Mm?
Dr. Martin Stein: Your point?
Nate: The point is, sometimes we screw things up for the better.
Sara: That's a good motto. We should use that.

Sara: Remember, we get Stein first.
Leonard: If the plan fails, you'll kill him. You want my advice?
Sara: No.
Leonard: Don't use your gun, do it with your hands. Do it while you're looking right into Stein's eyes.
Sara: You're talking about a member of our team.
Leonard: I know, I just want you to remember who we were talking about.

Sara: You know, this was never gonna work out.
Ava: Really? What, because I'm a mature person who actually can communicate?
Sara: Oh, really? Such a communicator! Like when you said you were going to the bathroom?
Ava: What are you talking about?
Sara: You think I didn't see Gary?
Ava: Oh, my... Rip broke into the Time Bureau. I was coming back to the table to tell you.
Sara: You know, this is pointless.
Ava: Yeah, it is.
Sara: We should have never tried to be normal. I'm not normal, all right? I'm never gonna be normal, and I'm not gonna be normal for anyone!
Ava: I don't want you to be normal!
Sara: [surprised] You don't?
Ava: Hell no.
[they kiss passionately]

Sara: We'll get to your demon, but how did you even find me?
John: Oh, simple, that. I attuned a dowsing dagger to your specific energy, I followed it from there.
Sara: And I thought time travel was weird.
John: Well, you're not wrong about that, luv.

Ava: I am so sorry, Gary. I took you for granted. I never, ever should have let you do my dry cleaning or work overtime without pay. I mean, that's illegal, anyway. I'm so sorry.
Mick: I still want to kill you.
[Gary gulps]
Sara: Gary. When Rip first recruited the Legends, he picked the people that were insignificant to history. The original losers. You don't have to be cool to be a Legend. And maybe we forgot that somewhere along the way, but... you are one of us.

Sara: Look, we all... we all died, the entire universe, the multiverse. Now we're back, that means Oliver, he might be back, too.
Rene: After the brain dump... we had Felicity run a global search. I mean, nobody's better at finding people, but they've got to be here to be found.
Sara: You don't know. Look, when... when Oliver died, he... he became something else. He... he-he called it the Spectre. Then maybe Felicity, she just can't find him in that form. Dig, she just can't find him in this form...
John: Sara... Sara, gone is gone. He's gone.

Jefferson: When Gray first dragged me on board this ship, uh, I thought it was the last place that I wanted to be. I mean, you were all a bunch of screw-ups, B-list superheroes, washed-up bank robbers, no offense.
Sara: [quietly] It's true. It's true.
Jefferson: But, uh, the thing is, when you get a bunch of broken pieces and you put 'em all together the right way, they make something new, and suddenly, they don't make you feel so broken anymore. And I'm pretty sure that's what a family is. So, uh... I don't know what happens next, but I know I'll always have a family here with you guys.

Leonard: This is a bad plan.
Sara: It's Gideon's.
Leonard: You're not helping your argument.

Sara: Gideon, how long until the ice thaws?
Gideon: The Ice Age ends in 11,121 years.
Charlie: All right, who we eating first? 'Cause shotgun, not.

Sara: Last time I checked, we help people who are in trouble.
Mick: I don't.

Ray: I know this may sound crazy, but doesn't it seem there's something wrong with the world?
Sara: Yeah. Rory sold out the boss. To throw in with you losers.
Nate: Losers?
Nate: [to Amaya] I'll have you know in my reality, you and I had sex, and we both liked it very much.

Ava: Thank you for notifying us of Director Hunter's whereabouts.
Sara: Now the Legends are free to fly the skies?
Ava: Affirmative. The Time Bureau has bigger things to worry about than a bunch of idiots.

Sara: All right, guys, here's our chance. Somebody's gotta slip backstage and get in with the band.
John: Yeah, leave it to me. I used to play here with Mucus Membrane. I know my way around. And besides, you're all bloody Yanks.
Mick: [pulling him back] Not you.
Sara: Why not?
Mick: I don't like him.
John: Always perfidious Albion, is it? Never trust a Brit.
Mick: Something like that.

Sara: Gary has bonded with the Fairy Godmother, and while he might be an idiot, she is not to be underestimated. Mick, Nate, you think you can handle Tabitha?
Mick: Granny's dead.

Nate: What does Darhk care if we fix anachronisms or not?
Sara: I don't know. We didn't have time to get into his evil agenda.

Sarah: [Looking through Ava's guest groupings] What about Group D?
Ava: [Looking away] Yeah, well those are the people who it might be better that they don't know we're getting married until it's too late.
Sarah: Why is Barry Allen on this list? I love Barry.
Ava: I know you do babe. But you know that if Barry and I both show up that there is a 100% chance that our special day will be blown up by a super villain. So Group D.
Sarah: [Nodding sadly] Okay, Group D.

Leo: [after Agent Sharpe contacts Sara] Aww.
Sara: What?
Leo: First, I apologize for interrupting. Second, that woman clearly has a crush on you.
Sara: Just don't.
Leo: Come, come, Captain. She called you for absolutely no reason. It was just an excuse to talk to you.
Sara: [skeptical] Mm-hmm.
Leo: Gideon, play back that last bit, please.
Sara: Gideon, don't.
Ava: [her hologram appears; she laughs and tucks her hair behind her ear] Yeah.
Leo: Head down, eyes up, cheeks flushed. Classic courtship signals.
Sara: Even if it was, and it is not, we're completely different people.
Leo: I don't know. You're both strong women. You're both obsessed with repairing time. You're both super hot.
[Sara looks at him in surprise]
Leo: Gay, not blind.

Sara: We have to go now!
Ernest: I'll never surrender.
[Attacks Minotaur but Minotaur attacks back]
Ernest: But I will strategically retreat.

Sara: Um... how was work?
Ava: Work is... ugh, this is awful. You know what, I have an idea. Let's just try to be normal for one night. No Legends, no Bureau. What do you think?
[their server brings her drink]
Ava: Thank you.
[to Sara again]
Ava: I feel like relationships are complicated enough without time travel and supervillains, don't you?
Sara: [raising her drink] Okay. Then here's to being two regular women on a completely normal first date.
Ava: Completely normal.

Behrad: How you doing with Oliver and everything?
Sara: I'm fine.
Behrad: No worries. We don't have to talk about it. But I made you something.
Sara: Oh, please don't be a condolence card, 'cause those are always super awkward.
[Ava appears unnoticed with a condolence card]
Behrad: Nah, hopefully something better.
[as Ava leaves, Sara sees what Behrad drew]
Behrad: It's you, Ollie, and Laurel.
Sara: B, this is actually... it's really sweet. Thank you.

Rip: The Time Masters have this thing called the Oculus, which allows them not only to gaze into the future but to engineer it.
Ray: A future where I'm dead apparently.
Sara: And why would they want you dead?
Mick: Have you ever listened to what comes out of his mouth?

Sara: Mick, you wanna do the honors? Plot a course? You earned it.
Mick: Gideon, set a course for Aruba.
Gideon: Roger that, Mr. Rory. Setting a course for Aruba, the year 2017.

Wally: Yo, this is tight. I know everyone's dead. I know time is broken.
[indicating his Old West getup]
Wally: But can we just take a second to acknowledge this?
Zari: You know, as much as I enjoy this getup - and I actually really do - Mallus is still out there.
Sara: And we'll deal with him, but first, we need to get our heads on straight.
Zari: How long is that gonna take?
Sara: Depends.
Zari: On what?
Mick: How strong the whiskey is.

Amaya: Now, the reason the totems haven't been working for us is not because we're unworthy. It's because we've been using them wrong.
Nate: [still high] The totems were not designed to be used individually. Individually. Individually.
Sara: Shut up.
Amaya: Their elemental powers combine to create a perfect being of light to fight Mallus with.
Nate: Like Voltron.
Sara: Like Voltron?
Nate: Defender of the Universe.

Oliver: We have a lot of work to do. Grant Wilson did a good job of keeping the criminal element in the city together. Now, there will be plenty of people to fill the vacuum.
Sara: I feel like I should stay.
Oliver: Before Ray left, he told me why Rip brought all of you together. It's important, Sara.
Sara: I just hate the idea of leaving you here to fix it alone.
Oliver: I'm not alone.
Sara: Just--just be careful, all right?
Oliver: Well, you should know better than most I rarely ever am.
Sara: You watch his back.
Connor: Copy that.
Oliver: Let's get to work.

Dr. Martin Stein: What happened?
Rip: We seem to have encountered Savage's megaweapon.
Sara: And he kicked our ass.

Sara: Hold on. Is he kissing...
Zari: Oh, the Fairy Godmother.
Nate: Is that tongue?
Mick: More singing.
Charlie: We're so screwed.

Sara: I got a hunch there might be a monster loose in history.
Gary: Like the dragon you made me not tell Director Sharpe about?
Sara: Exactly.
Gary: [searching] No. The timeline's only showing a few burps. This is the only signficant one.
Sara: What if there's a creature that no one's noticed yet?
Gary: Well, the only way people wouldn't notice a monster is if it was hiding.
Sara: [seeing a timeline "burp" at Woodstock] Or if they were on drugs. I'm gonna go check it out.
Gary: Ooh, I'll come with!
Sara: Nope.
Gary: But if you're going back to 1969, you're gonna need...
Sara: [holding up his watch] Your time courier.

Sara: So, Elvis is the bearer of the long-lost sixth totem. Consider me all shook up.

Rip: Can you at least try to destroy the meteoroids rather than using my ship as a human shield?
Sara: It worked before in 1942. You put the Waverider in front of a nuke and it absorbed the blast.
Rip: At least I had the decency to time-scatter you all first.
Sara: Decency? Did you ask any of us if we wanted to be time-scattered?
Rip: I was trying to save your lives!
Amaya: Sara...
Sara: You put me in a time period where they wanted to hang me for being a witch!

Zari: Hi, Sara, uh, Nate and Zari here. Uh, first of all, well played.
Nate: Yeah, setting up this whole adventure for us to go on a date was way over the top. But in the same breath, very sweet. And if I were to give a note, the Nazis were just, like, a tad too much.
Sara: What are... what are you talking about?
Nate: Are they in the same theater troupe as Ava's parents?
Sara: What?
Zari: Sara, drop the act. Nazis killing us with throwing daggers? Come on.

Sara: Can I help you with something?
Scary: How about you join me in the parking lot?
Sara: Mmm, tempting. But you're not my type. However, your lady friend over there... well, she looks just about my speed.

Sara: Hey, guys, did we RSVP for Iris and Barry's wedding?
Jefferson: We definitely did not.
Dr. Martin Stein: Well, that's serious breach of courtesy.

Sara: Guys, Beebo is rampaging through Star City. Does Behrad have his totem?
Ava: Beebo? That doesn't make any sense. You would need all six totems to make that happen, and Behrad's definitely still on the ship.
Sara: All right, I gotta go.
Nate: Wait, do you need help?
Sara: No, stay in D.C. I don't want any more of my people getting roped into this mess.
Ava: Well, here's the thing. Um... one of us is kind of already there.
Sara: Who?

Charlie: The only thing nastier than a politician lying is when he says how he really feels. Now, there's no way he'd tell the truth without a magical assist.
Sara: I hope the Watergate has vancancies, because we need to make sure that Nixon still cheats the press.

Sara: Rip, how's our trajectory looking?
Rip: Keep her steady.
Sara: Martin, are you sure about these calculations? I'm piloting manually here.
Dr. Martin Stein: Did I or did I not win six Carlins?
Mick: No.
Dr. Martin Stein: Yes, I did.

Sara: All right, maybe she'll listen to her dear old dad.
Damien: Not anymore. Nora only listens to Mallus now. He's always in her ear.
Ray: [getting an idea] That's it. What if I got inside Nora?
[seeing Damien's expression]
Ray: Not like that. What if I shrunk down, flew into her ear, and pretended to be Mallus?
Damien: Okay, new guy on the team here. Is that a joke plan or a real plan?
Ava: We are so screwed.

John: If we're lucky, Mallus hasn't cemented his control over the girl yet.
Sara: Well, if you're looking for luck, you're on the wrong time ship.

Quentin: I always knew that you'd end up caring for people. Protecting people.
Sara: Well, I learned it from my dad.

Sara: Wally, it's good to see you. I remember you from Barry and Iris' wedding.
Wally: Yeah, wasn't that so fun? It was such a beautiful ceremony. The hors d'oeurves were, like, meh. And then the Nazi invasion.
Rip: The what?

Sara: Nobody wants to address the fact that Cardinal Richelieu's men were armed with laser guns?
Dr. Martin Stein: Clearly provided to them by a time pirate or some such.
Jefferson: No, Gray's right. We need to find out who so...
Rip: You can get another chance destroying the very history that you're supposed to be protecting?
Ray: Ah, I knew I forgot something. The part where Rip tells us everything that we did wrong.
Rip: As in seducing the Queen of France just before she's supposed to conceive the country's greatest hope for the future?
Sara: She seduced me.

Sara: Who the hell are you guys?
Gary: Oh, god, I hate the sight of blood.
Ray: Sara...
Randy: Okay, fine! We'll tell you everything. Just don't kill us.
Sara: Why the hell shouldn't I?
Pam: Because we're just actors.
Ray: What?

Sara: Oh, I hope this works. We need a way to pinpoint magical threats on the timeline. I mean, who knows what kind of creatures out out there wreaking havoc on history?
Mick: Like, uh, vampires.
Zari: Gremlins.
Ray: Aswangs.
[seeing their looks]
Ray: Cannibalistic Filipinio were-beasts with proboscis-like tongues. I've been doing some research just in case.

Ray: So, I have an idea. What if I just ask her to stop impersonating the Queen? History goes back to the way it was, and we don't have to send her to hell.
Sara: Ray, so far we've learned that unicorns are homicidal maniacs and fairy godmothers are psychopaths. And they're supposed to be the nice ones.
John: And these shapeshifting bastards, they put the rest to shame. We're talking killing sprees, world wars, you name it.
Ray: Yeah, but she's not doing any of that.
John: She's manipulating you. Don't fall for it, mate.
Mick: Too late. He's got a tattoo.
Zari: Oh, please let it be a tramp stamp.

Sara: [preparing to read Ava's book club book] Okay, page one.
[getting a magic-o-meter alert]
Sara: Will have to wait.

Damien: I assure you, this is completely unnecessary. I come, as they say, in peace.
Sara: And I, as they say, think you're full of crap.
Damien: I'm a changed man, Sara.
Sara: The only change I want to see you go through is from alive to dead.

Coroner: What's going on here? Scotland Yard has already visited twice, and if the NYPD is issuing ladies warrant cards, then I'm the bloody Queen.
[a ringtone suddenly starts playing]
Sara: All right, who brought their phone?
Nate: Wasn't me. But I do love that song.

John: [seeing the bridge of the Waverider] Blimey! Whoo, this is one hell of a jam jar you've got here.
Mick: I thought we gave the Englishman to the Time Pigs.
Sara: That was Rip. This is John Constantine.
Mick: Skinny Brit in a trench coat. Same thing.
John: Oh, doubtful, mate. You see, I am an accomplished warlock, an expert of the occult, and a master of exorcism. I'm also a Taurus for those of you taking notes.

Dominator: You know what I'm looking for.
Sara: A breath mint? Dermatologist recommendation? Reese's Pieces?
[the queen snarls]
Sara: Oh, right, your kid. You're looking for your kid. And if you let me go, I'll help you.
Dominator: Your species cannot be trusted.
Sara: Look, I want to help you. I do. You can't find him without me.

Sarah: Hey, I see that sandwich, and you know what? That is some attention to detail on the lettuce. Good job, bud.
Nate: That's an explosion.

Sara: There's got to be another way to fix him. Something Gideon missed.
Ray: John used magic to save those kids at camp. Magic's the only thing that can fix him.
Sara: And you really think Nora Darhk is the answer.
Ray: She's the only witch I know.
Sara: Can we even find her?
Ray: That is the problem. She has a time stone. She could literally be anywhere or any-when. The Bureau can't even seem to find her.

Sara: Nate, where are you?
Nate: I don't know, but I just had a chat with Professor Stein's weird lookalike evil cousin.
Gideon: Great-great grandfather, to be exact. The famous stage actor, Sir Henry Stein.
Dr. Martin Stein: Astonishing! The... the chances of us running into one of my ancestors are astronomical. Family lore recalls him as being an eccentric. But then, what can one expect from an actor?
Nate: He's also an occult weirdo who kidnapped me to feed his master.
Rip: Excellent. The vampire will lead us to Mallus. Stay where you are, Dr. Heywood.
Nate: [tied down] Yeah, that's not gonna be a problem.

Mick: Ah, here we are.
Sara: What is it?
Mick: "Ray Palmer's Survival Guide."
Sara: Let me see this. Oh, hey. "What to do if you're caught in an avalanche."
Mick: Uh-huh. What does it say?
Sara: Yeah, we've already tried all of these. "If all fails, remember you still have each other, so enjoy that as long as it lasts."
Mick: Ah, we're dead.

Zari: I keep reliving the same hour over and over again, and no matter what I do, the ship explodes and kills us all. And I'm totally alone in it, because for some reason, I'm the only one that's even aware that it's happening. And I try so hard, but I can never save any of you.
Sara: Okay. I want to help.
Zari: Wait, you believe me?
Sara: Yeah. How much time do we have left?

Mick: [to Sara about the female president] is it just me or is she really hot?
Sara: She's hot.

Sara: Lily's algorithm located a piece of the Spear of Destiny.
Ray: When? I I mean, I know just now, but where are we headed?
Gideon: Detroit. The year 3000 AD.
Dr. Martin Stein: A journey into the distant future. How exciting.
Nate: Speak for yourself.
Jefferson: Come on, man. Who doesn't like the future?
Nate: I like history. Yeah, I know it's filled with terror and violence, but the future just...
Dr. Martin Stein: It's uncertain.
Nate: Yeah. And it freaks me out a little.

Rip: What exactly do you think you were doing back there?
Leonard: Distracting Savage's pals; which worked, by the way.
Rip: Yes, well, I could've been killed.
Mick: Never said it worked perfectly.
Sara: At least it wasn't a complete bust. We found out about Kendra's bracelet.
Rip: What bracelet?

Atropos: You can't kill me. I'm a god.
Sara: Yeah? I've faced worse.

Ray: You know, it's still weird not having you around.
Nate: I'll always be right there, Big Guy, in that giant heart of yours. And I'll be at the Bureau, so you guys can literally stop by whenever you want. But, you know, before I go, I do want to say one thing. When I first stepped on to this ship, I was, you know, trying to get away from all my baggage back home, and I can't believe I'm gonna say this... Hemingway once wrote "Can't get away from yourself by moving from one place to another." And thanks to you guys, I don't have to run anymore. Being here with you all has turned me into the man I need to be, and, uh... this place is special. And you never know when it's gonna be over. So, I say, Legends:
[raises his beer bottle]
Nate: Enjoy the ride while it lasts.
Sara: Hear, hear.
[Everyone clinks beer bottles]

Sara: Ava! You okay?
Ava: It's a long story, but Gary took over the Bureau. He "nip'-notized everyone.
Nate: Yeah, you're gonna have to explain that.
Mick: The germ turned.

Sara: Okay, reunion's over. Time to go.
[chanting an incantation, he drops a handful of bones on the counter]
Sara: What am I looking at?
John: The knuckle bones of a martyred saint, obviously. They act as a divining rod able to detect the presence of beings not belonging to our world.
Sara: My team spent the last five months scouring the timeline for another one of your mystical creatures. You wanna know what we found? Nothing.

Gideon: Mr. Constantine's body is rejecting my treatments. His odds of survival are bleak.
Ray: John, what you did out there was pretty selfless. I told you you were good.
[taking the cigarette out of his mouth]
Ray: That's not good for you.
Sara: Get some rest, John. Gideon, give him the good stuff.
John: [as he's drugged up] Oh, Gideon. That's nice, love. We should party...

Sara: Couldn't help but notice our magical friend is not where she's supposed to be.
Zari: Oh, she's not? Rory, do you know anything about that?
Mick: You don't pay me enough to be a stinkin' prison guard.
Sara: I don't pay you anything.

Sara: What did he do to her?
John: He's preparing her. Neron must be looking for a new vessel. It only makes sense going after Ava, especially if he wants control over the Time Bureau. But when a demon possesses someone, the body has to be willing, and if it's not, the demon has to force his way in by sending the soul to purgatory. That's where the real fight begins.
Sara: How do we save her?
John: Some souls go up and some go down. But if she's been there as long as she has, then she's not coming back, Sara.
Sara: I'm not giving up on her, John. You're going to send me to purgatory to get her.
John: If I send you down there with her, there's nothing that I can do to protect you.
Sara: I'll take my chances.
John: This isn't something you can just fight your way through, love.
Sara: Please, John!

Charlie: I wasn't too keen on what you were doing out there. Hunting fugitives. But if someone's got to play copper, it is a small comfort knowing that she has a heart.
Sara: Don't tell the others. They'll never listen to me again.

Charlie: Ah, the usual insanity that passes for normal around here.
Sara: What is this? Why are you being so weird?
John: [Charlie and Zari both glance at him, Z patting his shoulder as they leave] Yeah, well, I, uh... I do have a little bit of a tale to tell, to be honest. You fancy a drink?
Sara: Mm, one of those stories. Let's go.

Ava: This is what you always do. Just bulldoze your way through.
Sara: I do not always do this.
Ava: Like lying to me about the Kaupe?
Sara: You were defending torturing creatures.
Ava: Defending... I wasn't defending it. I was defending myself. Of course I don't believe that we should be intentionally hurting anything or anyone but when we fight, Sara, I get really scared, and I just go to my corner.
Sara: Look, it's just fight or flight. It couldn't be any more human.
Ava: I just really need to know that you're on my team.
Sara: I am always on your team, even when we disagree.
[glancing at the dresser pieces]
Sara: Now, should we give it another go?

John: And the worst part? It didn't make a bloody difference. I was a fool thinking I could outrun this fight flying around with you lot.
Sara: Yeah. We tend to fly directly into fights. But, we do it together. And we have your back.
John: Well, as long as you know what you're getting yourself into. Because a demon like Neron, he doesn't just wanna win. He wants to win to the cruelest possible way.

Amaya: Every totem is growing stronger in response to Mallus' threat. What if the preacher was right and Elvis' music literally drives Memphis insane?
Sara: Then we have to get it before that happens.
Wally: [speeding out and returning] I got it. Elvis' guitar totem.
Zari: So, I'm not the only one who finds that annoying, right?

Sara: [Alex downs a shot of Scotch] Somebody who drinks like that is looking to make something go away.
Alex: Yeah, well. And...
[Sara downs her own shot]
Alex: What are you looking to make go away?
Sara: Nothing. I just like the taste of Scotch.

Sara: All right, you guys still haven't told us why you're on the ship.
Rip: Atoning, I hope. I should never have kept you both in the dark. The deaths of those agents and the return of Damien Darhk will haunt me for the rest of my days. But surely you understand the gravity now of what we're facing.

Sara: All right, we've landed. Where did they move her?
Zari: Can't find anyone named Emily in the admissions record.
Ray: Guys, be careful. You're in an asylum with a demon. It's a twofer of terror.

Sara: What are you doing here?
Ray: Uh, it's my lab.
Sara: Don't do anything stupid.
Gideon: Captain, we've arrived in the Wild West.
Sara: Thank you, Gideon. Have everyone meet me in the fabrication room. Ray, nothing stupid.

Sara: All right, everybody, I know you're sad, so this is what we're gonna do. I want you to take all of your feelings about Martin and it put in a box, and then I want you to close the box, and then you're gonna lock the box.
Leo: Well, that sounds healthy.
Sara: Maybe not, but we got a job to do. Gideon, the anachronism, please.
Zari: Uh, level twelve?
Gideon: Level ten didn't do it justice. Leif Eriksson's Vikings set up a colony in the New World around 1000 AD.
Nate: Little-known fact, the Vikings "discovered" the Americas 492 years before Columbus, but due to Eriksson's adoption of Christianity, the Vikings decided to pack up their bags and head home. Sorry, Gideon, you were saying?

John: Not to bother you, but we've lost the ship, drugged the President, and I'm stuck in the back of a motor home with her
[referring to Mona]
John: Now what are we gonna do?
Sara: We are going to Disney World.
Mick: Yawn. Haven't we been tortured enough?

Sara: Zari, as your captain, I am ordering you to stand down!
Zari: You should know by now I'm not good at following orders.
Sara: You just told me what a good captain I am, and now you're not gonna listen to me?
Zari: Yeah, but this time, I'm not doing it for myself, I'm doing it for you. I love you guys.

Rip: The Waverider has sustained major damage, Dr. Palmer. Same for the Jumpship.
Ray: Wait, the Jumpship... That means...
Sara: Unless you can figure out a way to launch the LEM... You're stranded on the moon.
Ray: And now I know how Matt Damon felt.

Ray: Rip!
Sara: Rip?
Rip: Welcome to London.
Mick: Listen, Englishman. Those time pigs try to take me, I'll burn 'em alive.
Rip: The... the Time Bureau are not actually aware of my current whereabouts. And as surprising as this may sound... I need the Legends' help.

Sara: Red alert, Nate is on the ship, and he brought his dad for what's got to be a surprise inspection.
Zari: We are so not ready for guests.

Nate: Look, all I know is Constantine promised us new, mysterious monsters, so where are they all hiding?
Sara: I'm confused. We are all happy that there was only one dragon, right? We don't want to be fighting werewolves in the Alamo.
Nate: Eh.
Ray: Well, it would be good for our ratings.
Zari: What ratings?
Ray: Oh, you don't know? The Time Bureau rates all their employees. But don't worry. We-we have a few dedicated fans.
Zari: Yeah, Gary doesn't count.
Mick: Who gives a damn about Time Pig ratings? I want dragons.
Sara: What is wrong with you guys? Don't you get it? Constantine was wrong. Our crazy plan to let Mallus out worked. Finally, we're not screw-ups forced to clean up our own mess. For once in our lives, we are actual heroes.

Nate: 1937, Hollywood, California. A beautiful woman mysteriously appeared and threw the entire film industry into chaos. She apparently was so beautiful that both Warner Bros. and K&G Pictures went to war over her, and it got ugly fast. Literal backs were stabbed. People died.
Zari: Those Hollywood idiots probably had it coming.
Sara: Maybe, but this wasn't supposed to happen, so we are going to fix it. It will be a nice, easy mission, and we'll get our mojo back.
Dr. Martin Stein: Awesome, maybe now I might actually get to meet some celebrities.
Jefferson: And how would you even know? The oldest movie you've ever watched is some ridiculouls farce called "Police Academy".
Dr. Martin Stein: Don't knock the "Academy", Gray.

Kamadeva: [to Zari] You are incredible. A woman has never before resisted my charms.
Sara: All right, you're coming with us.
Kamadeva: I would follow Miss Zari to the world's end.

Sara: Okay, what is it? You're supposed to be the fugitive expert.
Charlie: Oh, well, that's no fugitive.
Sara: So, what, it's just some other magical monster that's not supposed to be here?

Sara: Victorian London. Opium dens and low-cut corsets.
Nate: Arthur Conan Doyle and the rolling fog.
Mick: Syphilis, whores, and vampires.
Jefferson: That's a strong smell of garlic.
Mick: It's tied around my neck.
Sara: Yeah, you're a regular Van Helsing.
Nate: That's from "Dracula".
Mick: I'm reading it. Don't tell me the end.

Sara: Rip. Look, I'm sorry. I thought that this...
Rip: The Legends would change?
Sara: Since when do we need to change? When you left our team, you said you had nothing left to teach me.
Rip: Yes, well, unfortunately all of history suddenly came unglued moments after I uttered those words. Look, I miss the good old days too, Sara. But times have changed.
Sara: Yeah, and you don't think you need us anymore. Look. Rip. This is our mess. You have to let us fix it.
Rip: Using your team to fix anything is like doing brain surgery with a chainsaw.

Sara: "If we have the power to change the world, dont you think we have the power to change our own fate?"

Sara: We are still not any closer to finding Ray. Nate, I need you hitting those books. Look for any sign of him. Gideon, scan the anachronism map. Something pops up, you let us know. Rory.
Mick: Crush a six pack.
Sara: You do what you do.
Ava: I'll head back to the Bureau, put our resources on it, too.

Sara: At least we got a road trip, at least it was with you guys. You know, maybe that's what "family" is: the people you don't mind being annoyed by.

Sara: [to Savage] I'd tell you to go to hell, but you'd probably just feel at home there.

Sara: Please tell me that the Waverider did not just crash into Star City.
Zari: Star City? Is that where we are?
Sara: Oh, you gotta be kidding me.
Ray: Well, the good news is the cannonball didn't hit the time core. And Nate made a beautiful landing.
Zari: [dryly sarcastic] Yeah.
Nate: Thanks, big guy. So, Sara, how's the date going?

Kendra: There's something weird going on with your face.
Sara: What?
Kendra: You're smiling.
Kendra: I didn't know you could do that.
Sara: Well, don't tell anyone my secret.

Ava: [finishing the dresser together] See? Following instructions is not that bad.
Sara: Oh, don't gloat.

Sara: Nobody gets laid after six courses.

Zari: In 2018... I found my mom. I didn't talk to her, but... she was right there, and... I couldn't think of a way to save her.
Sara: Yeah, it's hard. I've lost a lot of people, too, and I still think about saving them. And I don't think that anger ever goes away. It's okay. You just can't hold it in all the time.
Zari: I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to do with it.
Sara: Well, let's figure it out, together.

Ava: Pleasant day, citizens.
Gary: I had a dream like this once.
Sara: Yeah, me, too, but mine involved less clothing.
Gary: Mine, too!

Sara: [at a rally of Savage's] There's no way we can grab him here.
Leonard: Not with an army standing between us.
Mick: Shh. I'm trying to listen to this guy.
[Rip gives him a weird look]
Mick: He gives a hell of a speech.

Sara: And while you're at it, locate Mick and...
Jefferson: [Sara and Jefferson see Stein and Rory] Grey?
Sara: What the hell are you doing?
Dr. Martin Stein: Brain surgery. What's it look like?

Mick: [sees the clone printer printing a new clone of Sara] What is that?
Sara: It's me.
Mick: What?
Sara: I died.
Mick: Again?
Sara: Yeah, but this time I didn't make it back.

Jonah: Where's Rip?
Sara: He's MIA.
Jonah: Damn. How the hell did you miscreants manage not to get yourselves killed without him?
Amaya: Miss Lance has been serving as captain.
Jonah: But she's a lady. You're a lady, right?
Sara: You know I can take your life as easy I saved it.
Jonah: Oh, fiery. Whoever breaks her is in for a wild ride.
Mick: Too bad this filly's into other fillies.
Mick: [laughs]
Jonah: You don't say.

Ray: Beautiful morning.
John: Yeah, sorry to burst your summer-loving bubble, mate, but we're missing one of our young charges. His name is Zack or something.
Ray: [sniffing] Well, are you sure you counted right? Because based on your whiskey cologne, I think you're still drunk.
Sara: [joining them] No, he's right.
Ava: Yeah, a girl is missing from our cabin, too, even after I put the fear of God in them.

Nate: This is for the best, right? Maybe, maybe not? I don't know. I feel like I'm supposed to say that.
Behrad: We're better off. Fame messes with people.
Ava: Still have that money problem.
Sara: Oh, I almost forgot. Mick?
Mick: [growling, he takes something out of his pocket] I steal things.
Mona: Whoa. Is that a Faberge egg?
Sara: Mm-hmm.
Mona: What's that worth?
Mick: 50 million.
[Ava gasps in surprise and drops it, but Sara catches it]
Sara: Whoa, be careful with that, babes.

Nate: Sara!
Sara: Yeah, what now?
Nate: We have another anachronism in 1717. The HMS Fortitude got into a naval battle with Blackbeard's ship off the coast of Grace Island.
Sara: So?
Ray: So... that is a portrait of their admiral.
Sara: Damien Darhk.

Sara: This is weird. Why are there so many dirty dishes? Ray loves doing dirty dishes.
Zari: Oh, yeah. I also don't hear him spewing the neurological benefits of putting butter in his coffee.

Ava: Captain Lance, I would like you and your team to report to the Time Bureau immediately.
Sara: Copy that. Gideon, set a course for Star City.
Ava: I'm not talking about our field office, Ms. Lance. I meant our Time Bureau headquarters in D.C. Over and out.
Sara: [Ava's hologram ends] Damn it! Who told Ava about the dragon?

Sara: Do me a favor, Gideon, get John Constantine on the line.
Gideon: I'm afraid Mr. Constantine does not currently own a phone.
Sara: Because God forbid he'd do anything normal.

Mona: Sara, hey! We got you a collectible Romanti-Con tote bag.
Mick: [seeing her look] Who died?
Charlie: Yeah, what's going on?
Sara: I have some bad news.

Ray: We need to tell Sara we got to get to Detroit.
Mick: Nope, she's off to Star City. She's been texting some guy. They're going on a date.
Ray: How do you know? What, are you looking at her phone?
Mick: I look at everyone's phone. Helps pass the time.
Ray: Well... who's she going on a date with?
Amaya: Obviously, it's Ava.
Mick: Oh, that's hot.
Sara: [entering] What's hot?
Ray: [changing the subject] Uh... the Fire totem. Hot, hot. Very hot and currently in Detroit, so what do you say we motor off to the Motor City?
Sara: Right now? Um... I might sit this one out, because I have to do... business back home.
Mick: I bet you do.

Sara: [interrupting Mick and Constantine] Sorry to break up the bonding session, but we found our fugitive, and we think it's a real witch.
John: Well, a real witch must be off her trolley to hang around here.
Ray: Well, we just saw a woman command a murder of crows, and now I know why they call it that.

Sara: Rex's killer... he's a speedster.
Nate: Like the Flash?
Sara: Faster.

Sara: So long as you are on this ship, I'm your captain. And if you don't like it, you can stop sticking around.
Zari: Okay, something really bizarre is happening.
Sara: You're not even listening to me.
Zari: [grabbing her arm as Sara turns to leave] No, Sara, wait!
Ray: There's no need for violence!
Zari: [acting on instinct, Sara grabs Zari's arm and bends it backwards] Ow! Ow! Ow. Ow.
Sara: [letting her go] I'm sorry. Old habits.

Nora: Why are you crying, Sara? You've done nothing wrong. Imagine what you could do if you just released your guilt. You can't erase your past, Sara, so just embrace it.
Sara: You want me to join your team.
Nora: It's your destiny. Eons ago, the sixth tribe of Zambesi defended Mallus from their brethren. Their tribe wielded the Death totem. Now the cycle's starting again. You weren't just born to wield the Death totem, Sara. You were born to wield the Death totem for Mallus.

Dinah: Is this actually happening?
Rene: Is this what all the crossovers are like?
Sara: Yes and not exactly.
John: I'm never letting my child watch this show again.

Sara: That is more about Tricky Dick than I ever needed to know.
Gideon: And it's more than the public needed to know. In the days following the news conference, Nixon found himself unable to tell a lie, resulting in global chaos.

Sara: The fatal frontier. These are the adventures of the USS Faterider.
Ava: Its mission: to seek out rebellious life forms and disobedient civilizations and blow them up with lasers.

Rip: What the hell happened back there?
Sara: You know I'm a killer. That's why you put me in your little group.
Rip: I didn't witness just a killer at work, Sara. What I saw was an animal.
Sara: You are the last person on this ship to judge anyone!
Rip: This is not judgment, Sara. It is concern.
Sara: I thought you knew how I was resurrected and what it did to me.
Rip: I know you were restored by something called the Lazarus Pit.
Sara: Well, apparently there's a downside to being brought back to life. My friend, Thea, calls it a blood lust, and I think that's being too generous, and so is calling me an animal. I'm a monster.

Grant: Sloppy. The League of Assassins would be embarrassed. What was your strategy here? You really think you could just turn up tonight... kill me?
Sara: No. It was just my job to distract you.
Grant: You're not Green Arrow. You're just a punk in a Halloween costume.
Connor: Funny, I was gonna say the same thing about you.
Oliver: You want to fight the Green Arrow? I'm right here.

Zari: What the hell? Where am I?
Gideon: You are on a 22nd century timeship, designation WR2059. Currently situated in the temporal zone.
Ray: Hey, guys, who's your friend?
Nate: We can explain everything.
Sara: Yeah, ya better.
Zari: Who are you people?
Behrad: Guys, meet Zari. She's my sister.

Sara: We think you might be dealing with...
Zari: The fugitive? Yeah, I know. This is Kamadeva.
Mona: As in the namesake of Kama Sutra, Kamadeva?
Zari: [awkwardly] That I did not know.

Sara: I know that it may seem like we don't have anything to celebrate. Rip's been brainwashed and took our piece of the Spear of Destiny; there's a monument in Washington, D.C. to Rory. But we saved America. And we're gonna save Rip and get back the rest of the spear. Because as powerful as the Legion may be, they don't have this. Family. And we all know nobody fights like family.

Ava: What are you not telling me?
Sara: What are you not telling *me*? There's a kid on the ship?
Ava: I...
Sara: [a dog barks in the distance] And a dog? Ava!
Ava: Gary has an emotional support animal. He had a signed letter!
Sara: That's not a thing!

Ava: Sara, are you okay? Ray called us to tell us that you were on some special mission.
Nate: But he's a little fuzzy on the deets, so what's the haps, Cap?
Sara: Yeah, we've been busy saving the multiverse.
Nate: You got shanghaied into another crossover, didn't you?
Sara: Hmm, yeah, kinda.
Ava: Whoa, whoa. Did they kidnap you?
Nate: This is a classical crossover move. We tell 'em we're too busy, they commit a felony.

Sara: Okay, what is going on?
Nate: Woodstock is no longer remembered as three days of peace and love, but instead, the end of the hippie movement. Reports from survivors are sketchy, at best. But what they all could agree upon was that there was a series of grisly murders that ultimately lead to a deadly stampede when 400,000 kids try to escape the festival at once.
Zari: Yeah, Ray and I just saw a body in the woods with a gaping hole in its chest. We think that Nora did it.
Sara: Well, that's a relief.
Ray: It is?
Sara: Yeah, it means we're in the clear. Look, it's not our fault the Time Bureau let Nora escape.
Nate: [hearing a call to check something out] Don't panic, I left Mick alone here. He's itching to punch a hippie.

Supergirl: Okay. I think I have this. Oliver.
Oliver: Green Arrow.
Supergirl: Dig.
John: Spartan.
Supergirl: Thea.
Thea: Speedy.
Supergirl: Okay. And Sara.
Sara: White Canary.
Supergirl: Jax and Professor Stein.
Jefferson: Firestorm.
Supergirl: Ray.
Ray: Palmer. The Atom.
Supergirl: And Mick.
Mick: Hmm? Oh. Heat Wave.

John: Sara, what's with the connection?
Sara: Gideon has a bug and we're trying to get buzzed. What do you want?
John: Well, listen up, all right? Some of the most evil souls in all of history have been raised from Hell.
Gary: Did you hear him? He said "Hell."
John: [pushing him away] Get... get out.

Sara: What is with all these damn scooters? They're a menace!

John: Are you sure you wanna do this, luv?
Sara: You wanna stay here forever?
John: [pouring a protective circle around her] The ash of a slain phoenix will hold Mallus within his parameter. And we'll, uh, hasten his wake-up call by combining extract of hawk weed with the saliva of a damned man.
[he spits into the vial he's holding]
John: Which, sorry to say, luv, you'll have to ingest.
Sara: [downing the concoction without hesitation] Let's summon this demon already.

Mick: Die, furball!
Sara: Mick?
Mick: That blue bastard ruined my book signing!

Rip: Everything good, Director Sharpe?
Ava: Peachy.
Rip: Are we good to transport Mr. Darhk back to the Bureau?
Sara: No, Rip, we're not.
Rip: Where are you going?
Sara: To go talk to someone who can think straight when the whole world has gone crazy.

Sara: [searching Ray's quarters] "Cards to Save the Timeline: A Team-Building Card Game by Ray Palmer."
Mick: Ah, I miss hating him.

Sara: [to Nate] You, Jax and Ray stop the train. The rest of us will deal with Turnbull.
Jonah: Are you sure about this?
Sara: Of course. This isn't my first rodeo.
Ray: Ugh. I wanted to say that.

Zari: Will you look at that? We already got a... do we have a special name for these magical fugitives?
Ray: Well, I was thinking, since they're mysteries involving mythical beings, we could go with... "myth-teries".
Sara: Fugitives it is.

Sara: Back on your feet already, Hank.
Henry: Yeah, your gal patched me up good. I'm just running through our strategy.
John: Oh, wait, are you letting him use our D&D minatures?
Zari: No, I didn't let him touch Cyndra, Lord of the Darhk Elves.
Nate: You guys D&D without me, too?

Sara: I know things got ugly between us today, but... I just want to put it behind us.
Ava: I needed one thing from you today, Sara: for you to be in my corner. That's all I asked.
Sara: Well, I'm here now.
Ava: Well, that's great. Just in time for my meeting with Hank, where I'll probably be fired thanks to you.
Sara: Ava, Hank is the real problem here. I mean, he's been torturing prisoners off-site.
Ava: Who cares? A few weeks ago, the Legends were sending them to hell. I mean, since when is protecting magical creatures, things that shouldn't even be in our world in the first place, more important than protecting me?

Sara: Ava, you are my love. And Mick, you are my family. And it would mean the world to me if both of you would try to get along.
[whispers to Ava]
Sara: Please.
[Ava sits down across the table from Mick]
Sara: So, I was thinking... maybe you two could find some common grounds.
[Ava chortles]
Sara: For example, Ava, you love to read. Mick here is an author.
Ava: Oh? Well, that's something. Though I'd be shocked if his novel wasn't sexist and derivative.
Mick: It is.
Sara: Okay. Well, Mick, you love to eat. Ava is a fantastic baker. She makes one mean snickerdoodle.
Mick: Fancy sugar cookies.
Ava: Snickerdoodles are actually completely different. It's a cream of tartar base.

Sara: All right, let me get this straight. So, the Vikings think that Beebo is a god. Beebo as in...
[mimicking the toy's high-pitched voice]
Sara: ...""Wah, wah, Beebo love you"?
Young: As preposterous as it sounds, that obnoxious toy is the only reason I survived. The Vikings who found me in the woods were about to kill me when Beebo spoke. It... it was like a... a spell was cast over the barbarians.

Sara: Okay, the symbol that Nora drew was a time travel spell, right? So why don't we just cast the same spell and get out of here?
John: She was channelling the power of Mallus when she cast that spell. Not even I don't have that kind of juice.
Sara: I do. You said that Mallus can use me the way that he does Nora. So you summon Mallus into me, I draw the rune, the same as her, and we get to go home.
John: And what about when the demon is inside you, eh?
Sara: You said I was strong enough to hold on my own self.
John: Yeah, well, I was... trying to seduce you.
Sara: Oh, please. I was seducing you.
Leo: I hope no one was trying to seduce anyone while I was about to be lobotomized.
John: You know, this is why I like to work alone.

Mick: Hey, you got a second?
Sara: Not now, Rory.
Mick: I actually came here to apologize for, uh, blowing up before.
Sara: Wow, that's... thank you. And I should never have...
Mick: [another Mick enters] And another thing!
Sara: [realizing] Give it up, Charlie.
Mick: [Charlie shifts back to normal] Why were you wearing my face?
[to Sara]
Mick: And were you about to apologize?
Sara: Only because Charlie was catfishing me.
Charlie: All right, shut up. Do you think Ray would be fighting right now? No, he would be trying to get us out of here.
Mick: Yeah, you're right. He's always got a plan. It's annoying.

Mick: Do I have something on my face?
Ava: Did you just sing?
Sara: James Taylor?
Mick: I don't sing.

Sara: Thank you for finding me.
Mick: The ship sucked without you.

Gideon: We're running on very low reserve power. The odds of us successfully pushing through the avalanche above us are 3,720 to 1.
Sara: Never tell me the odds, Gideon.

Sara: Leo, can you take care of the fire?
Leo: Copy that, Captain Lance.
Ava: I thought you said this was an undercover operation.
Sara: Well, blowing your cover is half the fun.

Nate: Whoo! That was one surpisingly strong little plant.
Gary: Surprisingly full of goo.
Sara: [approaching] I like what you've done with the place. Sort of a "little office of horrors" theme.

John: Our purgatory is designed to drive the soul to breaking point. It's tailored to drive the captive mad. Now where you're going, that's Ava's personal nightmare.
Sara: I've died, lost my soul, and escaped a demon realm. I'm pretty sure I can handle Ava's purgatory.
John: Well, prepare for the worst, Sara Lance.

Gorilla: Grodd will destroy you! You're dead!
Sara: Nice work. Let's get him back to the ship.
Ray: Yeah. Come on, teeny-tiny Grodd. I think we still have some chew toys left over from the saber-toothed tiger.

Curtis: Whoa, guys, I am digging the digs. I mean, I have some serious lab envy over here.
Ray: Yeah? Well, check this out.
[he slides the image from Stein's device to a plasma screen]
Curtis: Whoa! Okay, wow. Uh, well, I've analyzed that unidentified print and got back 100,000 possible variations on a complete friction ridge.
Ray: Okay, so, do we have a match?
Curtis: Unfortunately. I hope you guys have a bar on that ship, because you're gonna need a drink. The watch belongs to...
Sara: [cut to Sara opening the 'coffin'] Damien Darhk.

Zari: Prudence, this is your fairy godmother?
Prudence: Yes. She protects me.
Sara: By hurting other people.
Fairy: Not at all. I only want to help little Prudence. For you see,
Fairy: There are times the world is scary. Times the world is BAD. But when your godmother's a fairy, there's no reason to be saaaaaaad
Ray: Is that music?
Fairy: [continuing her song] Oh, fear not if things don't look to be the way that you preferred. Just make a wish and look to me. I'll sing these magic words...
Mick: [irritated] Shut up!
Ray: Well, I didn't want her to stop singing.

Sara: This plan can work, and you know it. You just need to trust your gut.
Ava: My gut? You mean the one that was manufactured to factory settings? That's the same gut that eleven other Avas used and got killed?
Sara: Ava, please. Just trust me.
Ava: You don't understand. This plan breaks every rule in every book, and all I have right now are the rules, okay?
Sara: You have me.
Ava: [Sara kisses her] What are you doing?
Sara: I'm admitting something that could save us both. I love you.
Ava: There is no "me" to love.

Sara: All right, Barry, J'onn, Supergirl, and Batlady are gathering the troops. Those attacks were probably just the first wave. Assassins sent to pick us off in pairs.
Dinah: How are the shadow demons even still here? Didn't Oliver destroy the guy who controls them?
Harrison: Well, not according to the surge in antimatter energy I'm reading.
Sara: The Anti-Monitor is alive?
Rene: But you said Oliver sacrificed himself to create this new world.
Ray: Apparently, his sacrifice didn't kill the Anti-Monitor.
Dinah: Well, then how do we do that?
Mick: Well, let's just throw him into the sun and let the bastard burn.
Harrison: Oh, yeah, let's throw him in the sun and cause an antimatter explosion that obliterates the solar system. You know what, let's not do that.
Sara: At least he's trying to offer up a solution instead of being the cause of the problem.
Harrison: That's the solution? Blow up the solar system?
Ray: Okay, guys, guys, we're all on the same team, okay?
Harrison: No, Scrappy's right. It's my fault we're in this mess. We gotta fix it. Gotta fix it.

Nate: Whatever they roofied me with fritzed out my powers.
Sara: Can you describe where you are?
Nate: Uh, like a... an operating room? All I know is there's a spooky-ass red moon painting on the wall.

Sara: Wally, Zari, this is Jonah Hex.
Zari: [seeing his Confederacy hat] Nice hat.
Jonah: Thank you, ma'am.
Zari: [quietly to herself] Obviously joking.
Sara: So, who died and made you sheriff?
Jonah: That'd be the old sheriff.

Sara: How are things with your grandfather?
Nate: You know, I think he's avoiding me for some reason.
Sara: Well, it's hard for people to look at their future.

John: How about a light, then?
Sara: Ask Mick, if you want your face burned off.
John: I'm doomed either way.

Ray: [trying to remove the totem from Elvis' guitar, it suddenly shines brightly] Whoa, that was weird.
Sara: [the ship's lights flicker] Yeah. You feel that?
Ray: Yeah, it's freezing.
Gideon: I am detecting an EMF reading of six miligaus that is disturbing the ship's electrical servers.
Sara: EM-what?
Ray: Electromagnetic field. It's a scientific term that's been wrapped up in a bunch of paranormal nonsense.
Sara: [seeing a handprint appear in ice Ray's board] Paranormal, as in...
Ray: [Elvis' guitar rises into the air by itself; a spirit resembling Elvis then appears] Ghosts.

Zari: [watching Ray make a pot of tea] Oh, wow, that's boring. I think we can cross him off our suspect list.
Sara: [entering] Ray? Have you seen Zari? I just checked the engine room, she's not there.
Ray: Um, no, I haven't.
Sara: I'm sick and tired of playing mom. She's really starting to piss me off.
Ray: Uh, well, in the meantime, how about some tea? It's my signature blend of chamomile, lavender, and rose. Very relaxing.
Sara: If you see Zari, tell her I'm looking for her.
Ray: Yeah.
Zari: [entering as Sara leaves] Ray.
Ray: [starting] Holy Toledo! Where'd you guys come from? Were you spying on me? Of course you were; I shouldn't say anything. Okay, I'll tell you everything!

Ava: I talked to Nate, and he's got things covered at the Bureau. He and Gary have their hands full with all the magical creatures popping up.
Sara: [snickering] Nate and Gary are in charge. Well, anyways, I'm glad that he's there, because we've got something I really don't want him to see.
Ava: What's that?
[Sara leads her into the makeshift cell where Charlie is being kept]
Ava: Amaya.
Zari: It just looks like her.
Ava: Did you say "it"?
Sara: She's a shapeshifter. We found her in London, 1977.

Sara: Gideon, what's the point of origin?
Gideon: It appears my Jonah Hex has beebo Lala loves you.
Behrad: Gideon may have a virus.
Mona: Doesn't she make everything work?
Ava: We are perfectly safe.
Nate: [running in] Guys, that was a class-five timequake. That is is so dangerous.

Sara: [following the Beatles' arrival in New York] Hey, Z, if you had to sleep with one, which one would it be?
Zari: How can you even tell them apart?
Ray: Well, Paul's the cute one, George is the quiet one, there's Ringo...
Mick: Never met an Englishman I haven't wanted to punch in the face.
Nate: Relax, Mick. If it wasn't for the British Invasion, there'd be no Rolling Stones, no Led Zep. No Black Sabbath.
Mick: Black Sabbath.
Nate: Yep.
Mick: Well, then we... we need to protect these mopheads from whatever's screwing up history.

Ray: I've triangulated the timequake to 1917, St. Petersburg, Russia. Let's go and shrink the problem.
Nate: [Sara grimaces] Not good.
Ray: I'm developing a catchphrase?
Gideon: Executing time jump now.
Sara: No! Gideon, we're not taking a film crew to...
[watching the transition through time]
Sara: ...Imperial Russia. Yeah. Great. This is great, Ray.
Nate: All right, Legends, put on your babushkas because we are rushing into Russia.
Sara: And now you're copying my thing.
Nate: Totally. I just got really excited.

John: You know? It is 1977 in London Town. I'm gonna enjoy the sights. Good luck with your magic problem.
Ray: Did you guys just make Constantine leave?
Sara: We'll get back to you, Ray.

Ava: Well, you went all-out. What the hell is he doing here?
Mick: Leaving.
Sara: Wait. Wait. Both of you. Please look. I roasted a roast.
Gideon: Technically, Captain, I fabricated...
Sara: Shut up, Gideon.

Ava: You are in violation of bylaw 575. You do not have clearance to be in this room.
Sara: We were just leaving.
Ray: Just let us go and it'll be fine.
Ava: If I let you go, I have to let everyone go. You must be terminated.
Gary: [cowering] Uh, I think she wants to kill us.
Sara: You don't say.
Gary: [she and the clone start fighting] Should we help?
Ray: Uh, not unless you want both of them to kill you.

Sara: How'd you find me?
Barry: You feel that gust of wind a few seconds ago? That was me. I did a quick search of the whole city for you. When you didn't come back for the post-Beebo celebration, I got a little worried.
Sara: Yeah. You see that tree over there? My sister and I used to race to the top when we were little. I'd win every time. Used to think it was because I was a better climber, but now I think Laurel let me win 'cause she knew I was a sore loser. A lot has changed since then. I was an assassin. I was dead, and now I'm the captain of a freakin' time ship. One thing remains the same. I'm still a sore loser.
Barry: I know it's... it's hard not having Oliver here with us. But look at what his sacrifice made possible. Our world is... it's different... but at least it's safe.
Sara: Yeah. He was just the last tether to my old life, you know? And he was the only person left who knew me when I was just... me. With him gone, my connection to this world, this place, to that tree... it's gone.
Barry: I know what it's like to lose family. My mom, my dad, each death felt like there was no moving forward, like life would never be the same.
Sara: Yeah.
Barry: And I was right, it's not the same, but... somehow it's okay. Family isn't just the people that you grew up with. It's the people you find, the... the ones you love, ones that make you crazy. Make you smile.
Sara: When did you get so wise?
Sara: The Legends, they are my family. They have been for a while. I guess I just... I always thought there would be at least someone who remembered what I was like before I got on that boat.

Sara: Forgetting physics for a second, shouldn't we figure out what Savage is doing in Norway?
Rip: According to Gideon, there is a large meeting of terrorists and fringe groups looking to buy illegal arms.
Mick: Now that sounds like a vacation.
Leonard: Arms dealers and terrorists aren't exactly our kind of people, but they're the next best thing.
Carter: Well, looks like you and your lapdog get to earn your keep.
Mick: I'm no one's lapdog, bird-man.

Mona: I'm telling you, the men in black are behind all of this. They're framing me so they can keep hurting the magical creatures.
Zari: Hurting them how?
Mona: I don't know. But Konane was terrified when they came for him. I was just trying to help him.
Sara: Mona, we saw the security footage, and... there were no men in black. Just you.
Mona: Well, they must have altered the footage to hide the truth. I'm like Mulder, and those guys are like the shadow government covering their tracks! It's a conspiracy! The truth is out there!
Ray: Okay. Okay, Fox. Okay, Fox, take a breath.

Kendra: Can't be the Green Arrow.
Sara: That's not Oliver Queen.
Ray: Sure dresses like him.
Leonard: Shoots arrows like him.
Jefferson: Well, whoever he is, I don't plan on sticking around to get shish kebabbed by this dude.
Mick: Kid's right. Lets stay behind and kill him.

Sargon: [robbing a bank] It is finally time for Sargon the Sorcerer to claim his reward! Oh, and buy that beautiful timeshare in Bogota.
The: [speeding in with Sara] Come on, man, Beebo? Is nothing sacred?
Sara: You know, it's a smart move. Distracting all the fuzz with giant fuzz, but someone should have told you. Beebo, he's off-limits.

Supergirl: Thanks for saving us, Oliver. The world has hope again. I have hope again. We'll never forget you.
Barry: Thanks for believing in me even when I didn't. You had this way of bringing out the very best in all of us. I'm gonna miss you, man.
Sara: I've lost a lot of people that I love. But I never imagined my life without you in it. You were always there for me. And now... Ollie, you changed my fate for the better. Thank you.
Jefferson: I never met Oliver, but he must have been a good dude.

Ray: What kind of person invents a fake family and backstory?
Gary: Well, when I was a kid, I told my friends my dad was an orthodontist. It sounded much cooler than "dentist".
Sara: If she was lying about where she's from, there's no telling what else she...
Ava: [they see Ava] Sara. What are you doing here?
Sara: Uh... Gary was worried that you were missing, so naturally, we were concerned and thought we'd investigate it further.
Ava: Well, clearly, I'm no longer missing, so...
Sara: Are you sure you're okay?
Ava: I'm fine. Don't I look fine?

Sara: [defeating a shadow demon] I thought we got rid of all those things.
J'onn: [telepathically] Barry, Sara, the shadow demons are back. I believe we are being hunted.
Barry: If they're hunting the Paragons, that means...
Sara: [realizing] Ryan.

Sara: What is with the police lineup? This is summer camp, not boot camp, remember?
Ava: You are too soft on these kids. Children crave authority. Besides, my way will be quicker.

Sara: Look, Ava is missing.
Nora: Missing?
Sara: I... I should have checked on her sooner.
John: It's Neron. He has his sights set on the Time Bureau and the creatures, and if he got to Hank, then dingdongs to donuts, Ava was next.
Sara: Hey, she is not dead.

John: I'm telling you, your machine is clearly buggered. There's nothing magical about Puritan New England.
Sara: I know. I was there, but it could all be different now.
John: Oh, come on. If a creature landed there, why would it idle in the absolute worst possible place for magic? The people of Salem are paranoid and petty, and besides, every magical creature knows that if you want to get weird, you go to New York.

Kendra: You want to talk about it?
[unwillingly. She herself didn't want her to talk about it]
Sara: [sensing Kendra's unwillingness to talk about it] Not really.
[pause. She nevertheless couldn't prevent herself from saying]
Sara: You don't have to listen to her, you know.
Kendra: Is this you not talking about it?

Barry: So what you're saying is you won't aid the man that killed your sister, even if it will prevent Mollusk from escaping...
Sara: Mallus.
Barry: From escaping his inter-dimensional prison and wreaking havoc across time?
Sara: Yeah, when you put it that way, it does sound kind of petty.
Barry: Not at all. It sounds... it sounds human.
Sara: Okay. But then what? I'm just supposed to hand Darhk over to Ava and let the Time Bureau deal with him?
Barry: Well, your ex is clinging to rules and regulations in the face of the startling revelation that she is... I'm sorry, a clone was it?
Sara: [quietly] Yeah.
Barry: But here's the thing. I'm not convined the Bureau is best equipped to stop a demon. No, it sounds like that calls for a much more unorthodox approach.
Sara: [she smiles] I really miss you.
[she uses the memory flasher on him]

Gideon: It appears a fugitive is on the loose in New Orleans in 1856. According to local lore, there were a series of murders perpetrated by a criminal who could walk through walls.
Sara: Sounds like we're going mindhunting in the Big Easy. Gideon, plot a course.

Sara: [sitting down to read Ava's book again] Okay, page one.
[putting it down]
Sara: Is this on audiobook?

Sara: I mean, I'm already a blind, time-traveling paragon who can see the future, so we might as well add wannabe god to the list.

Sara: [in 2007, her younger self is handcuffed to a desk] This is ridiculous.
Quentin: [laughing] Come on. I thought it was Take Your Daughter to Work Day.
Sara: Yeah, if I was in grade school.
Quentin: "Daddy, I'm doing a paper on the criminal justice system. I want to see what it looks like on the inside."
Sara: Well, I didn't mean inside a jail cell.
Quentin: Too bad, 'cause that's the next stop on our little tour.
Sara: I think you're enjoying this a little too much.
Quentin: Honey, it's the dream of every father to keep their daughters locked up until they're 30. Maybe even 40.

Mona: Oh, my god, this can't be real. I have to go now.
Sara: What? You just said that book club requires all three of you.
Mona: It's Rebecca Silver. She's revealing her identity at Romanti-Con tonight.
Ava: Rebecca Silver?
Mona: The sex-positive novelist reinventing feminism.
Ava: Yeah, we know who she is.
Sara: Make sure you take lots of pictures.

Sara: Now tell me everything you know about this ship.
Gary: Well, when you first met you butt heads, but any fool could tell you were meant for each other.
Sara: This *space* ship, Gary.
Gary: Ohh!

Sara: So we have a vicious monster on the loose and no idea where it might have disappeared to.
Mona: He's not a vicious monster! People just assume that because of the way he looks. He's a demigod. He used to be a king!
Ray: [Mick raises his tranq gun] Hey, what are you doing?
Mick: Seeing if this thing works on her mouth.

Sara: We need to talk.
Rip: By now you know me better than to expect an apology.
Sara: Agents are dead because of you.
Rip: They undertstood the risks of their profession. But we learned so much from the events of last night. Next time...
Sara: There won't be a "next time", Rip. You show up out of nowhere practically begging for our help, and then you betray us. You've gone rogue from every organization that you've ever been a part of. 'Cause you don't trust anyone. I don't know how I could have ever trusted you.
Rip: Sara, I need you with me now more than ever.
Sara: Do you remember when you told me you had nothing left to teach me? I guess you had one final lesson.
[a gateway opens, and Agent Sharpe and Director Bennett enter]
Sara: How to be a cold son of a bitch.

Ray: Hey, guys. If you're finding this, it's me, Ray, obviously. You've probably guessed by now that I have been adbucted by the Darhks.
Zari: Hey, when we see him, do we tell him we didn't even notice he was gone?
Sara: Yeah, definitely not.

Sara: I need to talk to you guys.
John: We already know. We already know.
Rene: Martian J'onn came by and gave us a splitting headache.
Dinah: It all happened, didn't it?
John: He died twice, Sara.
Sara: Yeah.
John: I wasn't there both times. Both times, I failed him.

Ava: If you're here to apologize for burgling the Bureau and-and-and humiliating Gary...
Wally: Well, we actually did that for a good reason, because we have to stop Mallusk.
Rip: [quietly] Yeah.
Ava: Mallus.
Ava: And yes, we know all about him. Sara basically met him.

Sara: Never thought we'd be pouring one out for Oliver.
Kara: We're not gonna wait for Barry?
Kate: I don't think he's ready to say goodbye.
Sara: So, anybody wanna... say some words for Oliver?
Kara: He sacrificed himself for me and Barry. Shouldn't have done that.
Sara: His sacrifice saved a billion more people. Let's not call that a mistake. Look, Oliver died the way he lived. A hero.

Leo: I don't think the Legends are ready for the field.
Sara: Listen, Leo, kicking ass is how we heal.

Sara: Ray, Charlie, what you got?
Charlie: This wedding was the second of a series of lust outbreaks in 1802.
Ray: Yeah, the sexual revolution came a couple hundred years too early.

Sara: This isn't real.
Laurel: No, it's not. You can remake reality, however you see fit
[Laurel hands Sara the Spear of Destiny]
Sara: You were always the better of us, Laurel. You were the strong one. I'm damaged.
[Sara hands the spear back to Laurel]
Laurel: I know.
[Laurel returns the spear to Sara]
Sara: The Gambit, Lian Yu, League of Assassins, you dying. I could take it all back.
Laurel: But you won't.
Sara: Everything, that has happened to me. All the suffering that I endured has led to this moment, hasn't it?
Laurel: The spear doesn't want someone pure of heart. It needs someone strong enogh to do the right thing. Sara, it needs you.
Sara: Even if doing the right thing means not having you back?
Laurel: I'm never to far away.
Sara: I love you.
Laurel: I love you too.

Sara: Come on, Ava, open up. Look, I... I miss you. I'm sorry things went down the way they did, but please just open the door. Well, technically, this is still our apartment.
[entering and seeing the signs of a struggle]
Sara: [concerned] Ava.

John: You and I are similar; we're both survivors. But our survival comes at a terrible cost. Look, you can take it from a man who's caused nothing but misery to everyone he's ever loved. Trust me, end it with Ava before it's too late.
Sara: You ever think that you cause misery not because of some romantic "I was born to walk alone crap", but because you're an ass who doesn't know how to trust people?
John: You know, I trust that people around me get hurt, killed, or far, far worse.
Sara: You think that I'm not scared? That I don't know grief? I'm not willing to turn my back on life, because that is exactly what you're doing, John. Our friends and family, they don't make us weaker; they make us stronger. You know what you need? You need to be a part of a team.
John: [seeing the other Legends tripping out] You were saying?

Sara: One thing I learned from the Chucky movies is the doll always comes back.
Ava: Gideon, how's the timeline?
Gideon: History is on track, and Marie Laveau lived a long and celebrated life, inspiring an Emmy-nominated portrayal by Angela Bassett.
Ava: See? Rory killed the Dybbuk. Which is unfortunate, because now I have to explain to Mr. Heywood why I'm bringing him a seared doll instead of a magical creature.
Sara: Well, at least we get to find out why they call it the Big Easy.
Ava: Did you happen to notice that Rory robbed that party blind?
Sara: I believe it.

Oliver: Thought I told you to go.
Sara: Grant Wilson has Connor. They're gonna kill him.
Oliver: He knew what he was signing up for and you know there's nothing I can do to help him.
Sara: That's not the Oliver Queen that I know.
Oliver: Maybe I'm not that person anymore. Look at me, Sara. I'm literally half the man I used to be.
Sara: Then that's the half this city needs. He's got too many men, Ollie. I can't do this by myself.
Oliver: What about your friends?
Sara: I'm on my own... unless I'm not.
Oliver: Come on, Sara.
Sara: I never got the chance to ask Connor why he wears the hood, but I know why. Its because this city will always need a Green Arrow.

Nate: Okay, Dali saw the monster firsthand when it attacked him in the Catacombs, and he drew me this.
[handing Sara a napkin, then rotating it]
Nate: Um, wait.
Henry: What the hell am I looking at?
Nate: [rotating it again] No, no, no, here.
Sara: Yeah, I still don't see it.
Nate: All right, ignore the melting clocks. We got to get this back to the ship, and I have to find a match to Dali's drawing somewhere in the library.
Henry: We're supposed to protect history from the library, Nathaniel?
Nate: Okay, I see that you're really into drinking the Hemingway Kool-Aid, and by Kool-Aid, I mean Scotch, but we are here to catch a monster.
Henry: Of course, but I know we sure as hell aren't gonna find out what it is by studying some finger paintings.

Amaya: [Sara rubs her temple in pain] Are you okay?
Sara: Yeah, do... I'm fine. All right, that's it. No snazzy send-off. Mama's got a headache.
Nate: Even when you don't try, you still got it.

Sara: Hey, Z, Charlie, please tell me you have something.
Zari: Well, we figured out Neron's app is a way to collect souls.
Sara: That's crazy.
Zari: Yeah, it gets crazier. To drum up fear and increase downloads of his app, we think he may be planning a monster attack.
Sara: Okay, well, we'll stall Gary, but you got to get every single one of those monsters out of the Time Bureau.
Charlie: I was afraid you were gonna say that.

Ray: Look, Sara, we're really sorry. We thought we could make things easier for you by taking this off your plate.
Sara: And risking your own necks. Look, I already have one dead friend on my plate. I'm good there. And you know, none of you self-absorbed mega stars even bothered to ask me how I was doing.
Ava: Look, Sara, I told them not to mention Oliver, okay? I thought you wouldn't want to be reminded.
Sara: Reminded? What, did you think that I could just forget that my friend died?
Ava: No, I - look, I know things have been crazy around here.
Sara: Crazy around here? You still have no idea what I saw out there.
Nate: What did happen?
Sara: Countless Earths died. I became a paragon and traveled back to the big bang. We restarted the universe and now no one even remembers what we've changed.
Ava: That's a lot to process.
Sara: Yeah, I know. So you could see why I would wanna talk to my friends about it. And instead I get cameras in my face.

Nate: We gotta go back to the ship to figure out what we're doing. That's the way we do things, right?
Sara: Yes, when the mission isn't also showing Hank a good time. I'm sorry.
Nate: You know, I thought this would be good for the both of us, but... Hank is at his happiest when he's telling me what I'm doing wrong, so...
[clicking his tongue]
Nate: Mission accomplished.

John: [Constantine has just extracted a magical insect from President Nixon] This is an agent of Maat, the goddess of truth in the Egyptian pantheon. You see, the creature, it feeds off lies. Whoever eats that has nothing but truth left to tell.
Sara: No wonder it found its way to Nixon. You must have been a feast

Rip: Darhk must be integral to Mallus' plan.
Sara: We can't leave Damien Darhk's body to be resurrected.
Rip: Uh, Darhk may be a madman, but he's not the madman we're presently after.

Ray: He's getting worse. The magic he used to save that camper was pretty powerful.
Sara: Well, if magic has him on death's door, then maybe magic can save him.
Ray: I think I know someone who can help. But I have no idea how to find her.

Sara: I've seen weird before, but this is weird.

Nate: Guys, Elvis' guitar is haunted.
Sara: We know!
Nate: Yeah, and I'm guessing it's gonna do whatever it takes to get back to Elvis.
Sara: Good guess!

Dr. Martin Stein: It's Mr. Hunter.
Nate: What's he done?
[a protective steel shield covers the Waverider]
Ray: All the exits are locked.
Jefferson: And I can't override the command.
Sara: Damn it, Rip.
Mick: Told you we should never have trusted the Englishman.
Amaya: Where's Zari?

Sara: Conglomerate?
Captain: Yeah. From the year 2080, governments began to give way to corporations.
Jefferson: More like 2008.
[Meaning that governments have already given way to corporations, circa 2008]

Leonard: It's funny. I've always prided myself on being the guy who doesn't play by the rules. Come to find out... I'm the one being played.
Sara: I don't know. I still feel responsible for everything I've done. And it still keeps me up at night.
Leonard: It's the things I didn't do that keep me up at night.
Sara: What's that?
Leonard: Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's being on this ship, traveling through time. Started to wonder what the future might hold for me. And you. And me and you.
Sara: You want to steal a kiss from me, Leonard? You better be one hell of a thief.

Sara: No, crazy is a word people use when they're afraid of what you're capable of.

Charlie: Gideon traced a new Fugitive to a wedding Jane Austen attended in Bath, England, 1802.
Mona: I already had Gideon chart a course. Can I come on the mission? Please?
Sara: [somewhat reluctant] Sure.
Ray: Yeah, and as much as I love a good wedding sneak, I-I'm gonna QB from, uh... from my bedroom.
Sara: Is he acting weirder than normal?
Charlie,66356: Yeah.

Damien: That Water totem's gotta be worth something. With all six, you guys might actually have a chance against Mallus.
Ava: You mean the same demon you've been creating anachronisms to release?
Damien: That was before I realized what our partnership would cost me.
Ray: Nora.
Damien: Dies the moment the demon escapes. I know this might rankle you a bit, Sara, but our interests are aligned. We can save Nora and stop Mallus from being freed, together.
Sara: No.
Damien: Excuse me?
Sara: Rory, kill him.

Sara: Hey, don't give Ava a hard time for getting on stage, all right? I don't want her to be too embarrassed.
Mick: She's not gonna remember a thing.
Ava: [entering, drunk] Well, helloo! Ha! Where's my invite to this party, Mickey boy?
Mick: [she grabs and takes a swig from his beer] I spat in that. Old prison habit.

Ava: You know, Rip thought I could talk some sense into you, but maybe...
Sara: Wait. You're here because of Rip? Why would you do anything for that man? Ava, he lied to you. He implanted false memories into your head. He hired actors to pretend to be your parents. I mean, what more is it gonna take to get you to confront him?
Ava: I am prioritizing the mission over my own personal baggage. You and your team should try it sometime.
Sara: [scoffs] No, that's not what you're doing. You're covering, because you're afraid of what you might find out.
Ava: What else is there to find out, Sara? I'm one of thousands. I was grown in a lab.
Sara: There has to be more to the story, Ava, and you deserve to know.

Sara: I need to go to that benefit so I can talk to Ava face to face.
Ray: Before you leave, I have a petition to become interim captain of the Waverider in your absence. I have a John Hancock from every Legend except you.
Sara: [two words in Mick's signature, reading "Go ____ ____, Haircut", are redacted] It looks like you crossed out part of Rory's signature.
Ray: Oh, r-really?
Sara: The team is to keep a low profile. Radio silence, and absolutely no time travel.
Ray: Captain Palmer's got it covered.
Sara: Interim captain.

Ava: Are you okay?
Sara: The hardest thing I ever had to do in my life was let Darhk live. And now he's back, and it is taking every ounce of self-control not to kill him. And I keep asking myself "Why?".
Ava: For the good of the mission.
Sara: "For the good of the mission." Listen to yourself. You sound like some government...
Ava: Clone?
Sara: I was gonna say "stiff".

Sara: [in the Team Arrow bunker on Earth-16] You've gotta be kidding me.
Lois: What are the odds that my son's pod landed here?
Querl: 3,827,000,000 to 1. Uh... but the pod didn't land here.
Sara: But you said this is where Jonathan is.
Querl: Yes. This is where I tracked him. Though I can't speculate as to why Oliver Queen would kidnap a baby.
Sara: Well, he probably thought he was rescuing him. I mean, Star City is no place for a child.
Lois: Well, I'll thank him when I have Jonathan back.

John: A shot of pickle juice and a gin and tonic will sort that right out.
Sara: Oh, I thought this was all over. The blood lust, the fight for my soul, all the crap that I've had to endure.
John: Well, there's always more crap to endure. Take it from one who's damned his own soul to Hell. There was a... a girl, in Newcastle. Astra. I failed her.
Sara: Some might say you should forgive yourself.
John: Hmm. Well, if I could, then perhaps I wouldn't have the need to save the likes of poor Nora. What about you? Have you forgiven yourself for your sins?
Sara: I don't deserve forgiveness.

Ray: Why does the Legion of Doom want the medallion?
Sara: Legion of Doom?
Nate: Yeah.
Ray: Don't ask.

Gideon: Ms. Tomaz has entered the bridge.
Sara: I see that, Gideon. Exit narc mode.
Zari: Narc mode.
Sara: You're not the only one on the ship who knows how to get Gideon to do things.

Sara: Gary, you're, like, really bleeding.
Gary: [looking at his wound] Ah! The unicorn bit my nipple off!
Zari: Hey, maybe Gideon can make you a new one.
John: Oh, forget it, mate. Come on, it's a badge of honor. You see, my soul is heading straight to hell, but your nipple, it just got there first, that's all.
Gary: It's like we're two birds of the same, dark feather.
John: Yeah, yeah, that's right, mate. Come on, let's grab a beer. All right?
[leading him away]
John: Now, about this whole virgin situation...

Leo: On that note, Captain Lance. I'm going home. I'm gonna ask Ray to marry me.
Mick: Ray?
Leo: My Ray, not your Ray.
Sara: Wow. That is a bold move.
Leo: It is. It just feels like it's time to sign for a...
Sara: A different kind of adventure?
Leo: A different kind of adventure, exactly.
Mick: [he starts to leave] Snart. I mean, Leo. See you around.
Leo: I'll see you around.

Rip: When I permitted the Legends to keep the Waverider...
Nate: Nobody permits us to do anything.
Rip: I had an ulterior motive.
Sara: Why does that not surprise me?

Kendra: Where are you guys going?
Sara: To deal with the hole in the ship.
Mick: Make sure Picard here doesn't get us all killed.
Ray: Actually, I'm more like Sulu right now. Or Han Solo!

Sara: Oh, god, not a '90s "not" joke.
Ray: It's like comic comfort food.

Ava: Sara, is that really you?
Sara: It's me. I got you.
Ava: What the hell happened? Am I dead?
Sara: You were kidnapped by a demon, and he's trying to take over your body, so he trapped your soul here in your own personal purgatory. But Ava, if you check out, you die.
Ava: Well, that's kind of on the nose, isn't it?

Ava: My heart is pounding, my palms are sweaty, and I know that I only have a few round left in my pocket.
Sara: So what'd you do?
Ava: I grabbed a guy and used him as a human shield. And from that point on, no one would ever play paintball with me ever again.
Sara: Well, it sounds like a hell of a fifteenth birthday party.

Sara: Everything would have been fine if Big Bird over here hadn't freaked out.

Sara: Okay, we can fix this before the Time Bureau even has to know about it.
Zari: Oh, really? Can we?
Sara: Look, Ava still thinks of me as the woman who saved the world last year, and I don't want her to know that there's a whole new problem with history.
Zari: Yeah, that we basically created.
Sara: You go find the unicorn, and I'll go find Constantine.

Sara: And I don't like the idea of putting anyone else in harm's way.
Jefferson: And I don't like the idea of having a flag that has 20 stars on it.
[U.S. Flag has as many stars as the number of states in the Union, so it having 20 stars would mean that the United States remains divided into two countries]

Richard: Good god, I've been kidnapped by hippies. What is it you want? Money? Power? I'll do anything.
Sara: Look, we're... we're here to help you.
Mick: Let's talk about money.

Ava: See them whip skills?
Sara: Yeah, it gave me an idea for date night.

Zari: What about Charlie? It's my fault. I'm the one that convinced her to risk everything.
Sara: Hey, don't go down that road. We'll do what we always do.
Mick: Yeah, forming stupid Beebos.

Sara: Nora Darhk is here?
Ray: Sara?
Zari: Hey, what are you doing at Woodstock?
Sara: Probably the same thing as you are, looking for whatever is messing with history. Huh. I think I just saw Joan Baez talking to Carlos Santana. Woodstock...
Nate: Turns into a massacre.
Ray: Nate! You're here, too?

Sara: If Neron wanted John dead, he would have killed him on the spot. He must need something from him. We have to find them before he can get what he wants.
Nate: Who knows what he's doing in Ray's name or his perfectly grass-fed organic butter body?
Mick: If Haircut's even there.
Zari: We don't know that Ray is gone.
Sara: Look, everybody just breath. Gideon's already on it.
Gideon: I've attuned the magic-o-meter to Constantine's frequency. When he uses his abilities, I can zero on his location.
Nate: And what do we do till then?
Zari: Stress eat.
Mick: Drink.
Charlie: Yeah, how'd you lot survive until now?

Gideon: Hello, Legends. What did I miss?
Ray: Well, we're about to steal the ship, and grab Julius Caeser in Aruba, all before history completely collapses.
Gideon: So it's business as usual, then.
Nate: Exactly.
Sara: Gideon, engines to power. Turbines to speed.
Gideon: Right away, Captain.
[the Waverider creaks and rumbles]
Mick: Sounds like this old boat needs a lube job.

Mick: [Sharing vodka on the trip home] Courtesy of Yuri, the bear.
Sara: How did you even have time to steal this?
Leonard: There's *always* time to steal.

Damien: Well, I hope you're here to make good on your promise and kill me, which would work out for both of us. It'd be a real win/win.
Sara: Mercy killing's not my style. Even if it was, you don't deserve my mercy. You deserve to live out the rest of your days knowing that you destroyed your own daughter.

Sara: [to Zari] Woman the ship.

Zari: I thought Mallus wasn't supposed to be able to find us here.
Julius: Fools. Mallus sees all, knows all.
Mick: Then why did he bring back you germs to do his business?
Sara: Because he's probably still recovering from that beatdown Rip gave him.
Blackbeard: Oh, now, do not confuse Mallus' clemency with weakness, my hearties.

[last lines]
[the heroes meeting was briefly interrupted when the hear a monkey crawling on top of the building]
Sara: Sounds like we need to call pest control.
Barry: What was that?

Sara: Thanks for staying at my place this time.
Ava: Oh, I love sleeping next to you. I just wish that your place didn't mean sharing a bathroom with...
Garima: [passing by] Beer.
Sara: Yes, Garima. Beer. It's the only word Rory taught her.
Ava: Wait, Rory's still using Brigid's diary? That thing is an ancient magical artifact.
Sara: Yeah, but it keeps him happy.

John: I agreed to help you save history, not take part in your little role-playing adventures. Call me if you find anything.
Mick: If he's staying, I'm staying. Besides, no fun in Puritan times. The church banned burning people at the stake.
Sara: Well, they didn't actually burn people. That was the Middle Ages. The Puritans used the gallows, but, yeah, sure, stay.
Zari: You know, I actually miss having someone Nate-splain history to us.

Mick: What the hell are you staring at?
Mick: Just imagining what you'd look like without teeth.
Sara: Knock it off, Rory.

Nate: Hey, that fabrication room's pretty cool. Can it really make clothes from any era?
Sara: Yeah. You know, we may not have trophies or framed letters from former presidents, but we got a few cool toys. Including... ingestible translator. You swallow this, you'll be able to speak and understand any language spoken to you.
Nate: That's cool. But I already speak German, French, Japanese, Italian, and Latin.
[seeing her expression]
Nate: What?
Sara: You speak six different languages, you have a tendency to run towards danger, and you're related to member of the JSA. Why did you become a historian?
Nate: It's a long story.

Zari: [holding a pistol to her head] This is the only option I haven't tried. Maybe it'll stop the loop.
Sara: Hey! What the hell's going on?
Zari: Don't come closer.
[she pulls the trigger, but it falls on an empty chamber]
Nate: [heaving a sigh of relief] Oh.
Zari: [with a crying derisive laugh] Typical.
Sara: Hey. It's okay, let's talk this one through.
Zari: It doesn't matter, you won't believe me.
Sara: Try me.