The Best Ryan Choi Quotes

Caitlin: Frost, Chillblaine, and Batwoman are searching the city, but no sign of Reverse-Flash.
Cecile: And I can't feel him anymore. It's like he magically disappeared.
Eobard: Then try harder.
Iris: Cecile, um, we know that you're doing your best.
Eobard: Yes, of course you are.
Allegra: What's up with him, anyway? Has he gone crazy? I mean, the guy actually thought he was the Flash.
Eobard: He's a sociopath. There's no explaining a mind like that. Runk, where are we with the satellites?
[getting no answer]
Eobard: Runk?
Chester P. Runk: What?
Eobard: Satellites.
Chester P. Runk: Right, right, right, right. Uh, satellites are scanning for his negative tachyons, sir. But after analyzing samples from Robern's, looks like the Reverse-Flash is running on limited speed.
Ryan: Less speed means lower tachyon output.
Alex: Making him harder to track.
Eobard: But not impossible. If we sync the Atomic Bracelet's microsensors to the satellite, that'll isolate the smallest tachyons. That'll give us Allen's location.
Chester P. Runk: Consider it done, Captain Eo.
Eobard: Horton, use the Thinker's chair to boost your empathic scans. Snow, get the med lab ready in case there's trouble. Danvers, Garcia, weapons check.

Ryan: Hey, do you know how much longer until my new look is ready? I'm gonna look so good kicking bad-guy butt.
Chester P. Runk: I'm just making some, uh, last-minute tweaks.
[his computer chirps]
Chester P. Runk: Okay. Okay, good to go. Now we can hunt some tachyons.
Ryan: [watching the algorithm work] Well, it's working. According to these readings, there's a pocket of negative tachyons in this room.
Damien: [magically choking them] You had to ruin the surprise, didn't you? You find the PED. I'll take care of these two. Hello, boys.
[they try to fight]
Damien: Ah, ah, ah.
Barry: [looking around and seeing a pinball machine] Of course.
Damien: Ooh, Tupac, what an artist.
Barry: [finding the PED] I've got it.
Damien: Already? Wow, you and I, what a team.
[they're both affected by a high-pitched whining]
Cecile: [wearing the Medusa Mask] Hurts, doesn't it? Well, so will this.

The: All right, what are we making?
Harrison: All right, so, plans, right?
The: Yep.
Harrison: Now, this is what we have to build. Now, these pieces are all very volatile. Be...
The: [assembling the bomb with his speed] How's this look?
Harrison: Okay, that's good.
Ryan: Whoa.
Ray: Love when he does that.

Ryan: [fighting Frost and Chillblaine, Darhk conjures a sword] Yeah, I increased the molecular density on that little toothpick of yours a thousand-fold at the subatomic level. Good luck trying to lift two tons.
Damien: I hate science.
Sentinel: [tasering him] Then you are really gonna hate that.

Alex: You lied to me about Chester. Chester loves you. When he went to tell you, you cut him off. Why did you do that?
Allegra: You want to know how every relationship in my life has ended? With me getting kicked to the curb. Everyone I've ever loved has left. When I woke up the next morning alone, it was like a trigger. Suddenly, I was 12 years old again and my mom was telling me that my dad left us because of me. Yeah, she was a bag of crap, too. The point is, I was crushed. So when I saw Chester walking up the street with coffees and a bag, I... I-I knew what that meant, how he felt about me. And I just freaked out and I-I pushed him away.
Alex: You know... my wife is my rock. But things were not always perfect. Trust me, putting yourself out there, it's scary, but it's also so worth it.
Allegra: But what if I lose him?
Ryan: [coming in] You'll never know unless you try. Alex, the reason why I don't love love... is because nothing scares me more than putting my heart out on the line. So I make fun of romantics. But this whole Don Juan thing is just an act.
Allegra: [feigning surprise] Really?
Alex: I knew it.
Ryan: The truth is... I don't want to wake up alone for the rest of my life. Look, Chester's my boy. And I know what my boy needs. He needs you.
[Alex gives Allegra a "told you so" elbow nudge]

Alex: What is your problem? Why don't you love love?
Ryan: Okay, love is just a chemical flood of dopamine and oxytocin, giving people an addictive dependence like a bad drug.
Alex: Science.
Ryan: Well, it's taken me years to help Chuck feel happy without Allegra.
Alex: By telling him to hide his heart?
Ryan: Okay, now you're gonna give me a whole greeting card-inspired speech about your perfect wife and how she's the love of your life.
Alex: Okay, all right. All right, fine. But one day, you're gonna wake up alone and you're gonna realize that you missed out on the best part of being human.

Ray: The Anti-Monitor is made of antimatter, and, like its opposite, it can neither be created nor destroyed. It can only...
Ryan: Change form and move from place to place. So what if we do just that? What if we could set off a chain reaction that will destabilize his form? Compressing his molecules so he's essentially shrinking for eternity.
Harrison: Is that kind of reaction even possible?
Ray: Sure it is. I did it a bunch of times by accident when I was developing my Atom exosuit.
Harrison: So you think you can keep him shrinking indefinitely?
Ray: Essentially, we'd be sending him to the "atomverse."
Ryan: I like to call it the microverse.
Ray: Oh, that's better. Possible trademark issues, but that's better.

Chester P. Runk: We tracked down the PED and Reverse-Flash.
Alex: He's crossing the Atlantic Ocean.
Cecile: What the hell is he doing?
Arielle: [reporting on TV] He's destroying the city. It's like the end of days out here.
Ryan: Holy crap, it's not just the city. Allen's speed wake is causing the globe to tear itself apart. It's an extinction-level event in progress.
Allegra: He's right. I'm tracking at least a hundred earthquakes.
Alex: A tsunami just hit Japan.
Caitlin: Allen really has lost his mind. He realized he can't win, so he's trying to kill us all.
Cecile: I have to go. I gotta go get Jenna.
Frost: Guys, Mark and I could use backup!
Allegra: Go. I'll stay here.
Alex: Okay.
Ryan: Hey, not to be that guy, but since this could be the end of the world as we know it, if anyone has anything to say, now would be the time.
Chester P. Runk: Uh, the Reverse-Flash just hit Europe.
Caitlin: Where is Eobard?
Eobard: I'm right behind him.

Iris: I didn't get a chance to introduce myself, Dr. Choi. I'm Iris West-Allen from Central City.
Ryan: Are you a superhero, too?
Iris: No, I'm just like you. Look, I know this is a lot to ask and you're right to be with your family when things go bad.
Ryan: What about you? You clearly have someone in your life. Don't you want to die when the world ends?
Iris: My husband is not like us. He goes out there as a superhero day after day and faces whatever he has to to keep his city safe.
Ryan: That's really brave, Iris, but that's not me. See, I'm nothing like your husband.
Iris: No, no, you're not. You're human, and we have a purpose, too. We remind superheroes what they're fighting for.
Ryan: My wife, Amanda and I, just had a baby six months ago. Simone. I might not get to see her grow up.
Iris: Don't you want to hold her knowing you had a hand in making the world safer?
Ryan: I need to go tell my wife I'm gonna be late for dinner.

Ryan: Dr. Palmer, who are these people?
Ray: We are superheroes, and Ryan, we need your help.
Ryan: [laughs] Sure, Dr. Palmer. Good one. And next you're gonna tell me I've been nominated for the Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics? Okay, I don't have time for this.
Ralph: Seeing is believing, right?
[stretches his arm to grab a box of tissues]
Ralph: Tissue?
Ryan: You're Elongated Man?
[to Ray and Iris]
Ryan: Are-are you superheroes, too?
Ralph: I know this sounds cuckoo, pal, but you're what's called a Paragon, which is a fancy word for saying, "We need your help to save the universe."

Ryan: This can work, Sara. I know it can.
Sara: That's what we thought back at the Dawn of Time. Here we are back at square one.
Ryan: This new Earth isn't square one. It's what Oliver gave up his life to create. We have to protect it.
Sara: If we're gonna go down... we go down fighting.

Alex: Hey, Chester, why did you ghost Allegra?
Chester P. Runk: Well, I-I never...
Ryan: Oh, here we go.
Alex: Ten years ago, the morning after you two hooked up, you snuck out while she was sleeping.
Ryan: First of all, that's not ghosting. That's called a French exit.
Chester P. Runk: I never ghosted anyone, okay? I went to get coffee and blueberry muffins.
Alex: Wait, what?
Chester P. Runk: Yeah, I wanted to have breakfast in bed, watch the sun come up. I had the whole day planned because I knew even after one night that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.
Ryan: Dear God.
Alex: When I got back, she was gone, Alex, so Allegra ghosted me.
Ryan: Which is we we always abide by rule number one: never return to the scene of the crime.