The Best Sentinel Quotes

Sentinel: [looking at the lightning storm after being released from the totem's influence] That can't good.
Supergirl: Welcome back.
Dr. Beatrice Lahr: I am so sorry. I just had to prove I could harness lightning. But now that I've supercharged this storm, it'll just keep growing.
Supergirl: There's gotta be some way we can stop it.
Dr. Beatrice Lahr: Um... if we had a negative ionizer, that-that... that might prevent the storm from getting bigger.
J'onn: Sentinel, the Hand of the Martian can morph into that.
Dr. Beatrice Lahr: Be careful.
Guardian: Don't worry. I got her back. Lena said you needed backup.
J'onn: Glad you're here, Guardian. Now for the remaining cloud cluster. Brainy, if Supergirl circles it, what's the probability of creating an inverse function to disperse it?
Brainiac: At Mach 4? 87.6%.
Supergirl: Well, what are the odds if you, me, and J'onn do it together?
Brainiac: Excellent thinking. I'm on my way.

Ryan: [fighting Frost and Chillblaine, Darhk conjures a sword] Yeah, I increased the molecular density on that little toothpick of yours a thousand-fold at the subatomic level. Good luck trying to lift two tons.
Damien: I hate science.
Sentinel: [tasering him] Then you are really gonna hate that.

Sentinel: How are we losing to a cat?
Brainiac: A magic cat. Fifth-Dimensional beings possess unparalleled strength here.
Dreamer: So, what if we bring it somewhere where it has less strength? I pulled Nxyly from the dream realm. Maybe I can pull this one the other way.
Brainiac: You could create an energy vortex that'd pin you in the dream realm forever.
Dreamer: I have to try.

Brainiac: Now that the portal's up, the monster should be drawn here.
Sentinel: Do you see anything up there, J'onn?
J'onn: [in the sky, searching] No trace of the monster, but the National Guard is on its way.
Supergirl: [landing nearby] Any sign?
Brainiac: [hearing thundering footfall] I believe that is the creature.
J'onn: [as the creature turns visible, it heads towards the portal] It's working!
Supergirl: [seeing attack helicopters begin firing their weapons] No!
J'onn: Stop this now! You're drawing him away from where he needs to go.
Lena: [the helicopters' gunfire strafes the portal supports] The columns.
Sentinel: Yeah, I've got it.
Lena: [Alex and Brainy try to keep the columns from falling] Supergirl, I'm getting the portal back online. It's now or never.
Supergirl: Now!
[as the portal opens, she pushes the monster into it, and as it closes, Alex and Brainy let the supports collapse]
Lena: You did it.
J'onn: I'll talk to the National Guard.
Supergirl: [seeing the clock on Lena's tablet] Oh, no. I gotta go.
Brainiac: The interview.
Sentinel: We'll talk to the governor.

J'onn: Uh, Mr. Dragon, sir? Two minutes of your time. Just two minutes. Two minutes. So, uh, look. I know you've got a lot of rage going on inside of you, but you don't really want to hurt these people.
Sentinel: [after being saved by Kara] Nice catch. Gotta go.
Supergirl: Wait. Alex, come ba... what's going on?
[seeing the dragon open its mouth]
Supergirl: J'onn.
J'onn: That looks like, uh, fire.
Supergirl: [using her cape to shield them from the flames] J'onn, are you trying to reason with the dragon? We need to save everyone. So could you please just... just calm them down?
J'onn: Right. You're right, you're right. These people must be so scared. But they're being so brave...
Supergirl: [impatiently] J'onn!
J'onn: Right. Right.
[as he uses his powers, the dragon reverts to its normal size and Alex picks the lizard up]
J'onn: She got it. I'm gonna get a coffee.
Supergirl: Get a coff...
Supergirl: What happened here?

Sentinel: It's a paralysis ray. No speed for a couple seconds, Allen.
Reverse: Why are you doing this?
Batwoman: So I can do this.
[she leaps in attack, and they take him down together]
Sentinel: That was for Ray and for Nate.
Batwoman: And that was for Sara.
Allegra: And this...
[blasting him with her powers]
Allegra: for Cisco.
[Barry zoops away, taking Iris with him]
Mark: [coming in with Frost moments later] So sorry, Allegra. But we did put a tie on the door.
Frost: What did we miss?

Sentinel: [in the middle of a battle] How did that home check go with that little girl... is... Es...
Guardian: Esme? It was great.
Sentinel: Oh, I'm so glad. I know you were worried about her.
Guardian: Looks like she's gonna get her happy ending.
[showing Alex the friendship bracelet Esme made]
Guardian: And she made me this as a thank-you.
Sentinel: [adorably] Aw!

Supergirl: [seeing the trash monster that Oscar has evolved into] My god. You said he bonded with the trash, but this...
J'onn: He's picked up a Teallian along the way. Lex must have brought one to the DEO. It's a parasitic creature that forces even inanimate objects to adapt to survive. And it's impossible to remove once it's attached to a host.
Supergirl: So now Oscar's protecting the garbage.
Lena: [at the Tower] His Coluan energy core is spiking. If that detonates, the atomic blast is going to spread inland.
Sentinel: Copy that. Dreamer and I will evacuate the civilians. Brainy, launch that drone, now.

Sentinel: [using a flamethrower on her gauntlet to try and melt a sheet of ice] Damn it.
Brainiac: The ice is too thick to penetrate.
Councilwoman Rankin: There's a fire escape on the other side of the building.

Brainiac: [Supergirl helps evacuate the Ormfell building] The cryo-nuke is in the basement of the building.
William: It's a freeze bomb?
Brainiac: If its core gets to -400 degrees Fahrenheit, a chain reaction will occur, instantly freezing anything within a one-mile radius.
J'onn: [to Kara] If the chain reaction is triggered, it could trap even you. I'm coming with you.
Sentinel: We'll get everyone else to safety.

Sentinel: Oh, sweet! Another dragon.
Supergirl: Sweet?
Sentinel: Yeah.
[conjuring a whip from her gauntlet]
Sentinel: This one's mine.
Supergirl: Alex, wait!
J'onn: Go get him, Alex!
Supergirl: That dragon is gonna barbecue her unless we stop it. Can you calm it psychically?
J'onn: I admire your concern for your sister, Supergirl. And can I just say how proud I am to have watched you both grow into the strong women you are today?