Top 50 Quotes From Harrison 'Nash' Wells

Harrison: It's gonna be a long night. I made us a couple of cups of coffee.
Allegra: I hate coffee.
Harrison: No coffee.

Cisco: Normal sound waves need to have a transmission medium to move through, but charged sound builds its own.
Harrison: Normal sound can temporarily reattach molecular bonds. Charged sound can permanently attach them. It's like a permanent bonding agent.
Cisco: Hartley, this will stabilize Roderick.
Hartley: If you hurt him, I'll hurt you.

Allegra: [charging the Fusion Sphere] Guys... something's not right.
Barry: What's happening?
Chester P. Runk: Uh... the charge is dropping.
Allegra: I-I can't hold it much longer.
[Barry pushes her out of the way and is blasted by the sphere's discharge]
Harrison: A-Allen?
Allegra: Barry, you okay?
Chester P. Runk: Please be okay. Please be okay.
[Barry sits up with a groan, and the others sigh in relief]
Barry: [with a French accent] Hello. Qu'est ce qui se passe? What are you all doing?
Chester P. Runk: Uh... since when do you speak French?
Barry: Since always, no?
Allegra: Why is he talking funny?
Harrison: I think when the particles left the Fusion Sphere, they transferred to Barry Allen.
Chester P. Runk: So all the brainwaves of all the Wellses who've ever lived...
Barry: Are in monsieur Allen's mind.

Caitlin: So, at first glance, Nash's brainwaves seem totally normal. No anomalies or inconsistencies. But when I looked at them in 3D, it appears that there are multiple brainwaves intricately tangled together.
Barry: When the Multiverse collapsed in Crisis all of the Wellses must have channeled into the only surviving doppelganger.
Cisco: Multiple psyches camped out in Nash's brain. It's like Tyler Durden times a thousand.
Harrison: Tyler Durden. Great reference. "First rule of fight club is..."
Cisco: Kay, can we not talk about "Fight Club"?
Harrison: Yeah, that's it.

Harrison: I made a lot of discoveries in my career, but... she was the best discovery. You know, she treat... she was... just like a daughter... to me. So...
Cisco: And Allegra?
Harrison: What about Allegra?
Cisco: Sure, she's not Maya, but you did help her with her powers.
Harrison: But, you know, we got off to a rocky start. There's no point in making it a rocky ending.
Cisco: Nash.
Harrison: What?
Cisco: Pick a Wells. Any Wells.
Harrison: Do I have to?
Cisco: No. It doesn't matter; I got off to a rocky start with all of them.
Harrison: What's your point?
Cisco: My point is, I get how difficult it is to separate your feelings about a person from their doppelgangers. Did I ever tell you about the time I met Harry?
Harrison: You didn't. That's the Earth-2 Wells?
Cisco: The very one.
Harrison: All right, go ahead.
Cisco: When I first saw him, all I could see was Eobard Thawne. But when I saw him, when I really saw Harry for who he was... I became his friend. He became mine. Yeah, you got off to a bad start with Allegra, but it's not too late to build something good.
Harrison: You're a good egg.
Cisco: You're not getting sappy on me, are you?

Sherloque: [to Nash] He... is... Coming...

Barry: I'm supposed to lead this team. Now, I... I don't even know what to tell them.
Harrison: When I lost Maya... every day since then, I wanted to say "Hey, listen, I'm sorry. It was my fault." But she's gone. When I was Pariah, and I watched my mistake burn down the multiverse, I wanted to tell those people "I'm sorry," but they were gone, and it was over. And this is not over for you. You can find your way out of this. All you have to do is trust yourself.
Barry: How am I supposed to do that? I just lived with an imposter for five weeks.
Harrison: You forgive yourself. You showed me that. Now it's time for you to do it for you. And you know what? If you can't... do it for Iris.
Barry: I just miss her so much. Without her here, it feels like...
[a thought strikes him]
Barry: I know why Hartley's world is over.

Harrison: Let's not bicker over who killed who.

The: All right, what are we making?
Harrison: All right, so, plans, right?
The: Yep.
Harrison: Now, this is what we have to build. Now, these pieces are all very volatile. Be...
The: [assembling the bomb with his speed] How's this look?
Harrison: Okay, that's good.
Ryan: Whoa.
Ray: Love when he does that.

Elongated: I thought Sunshine was solar-powered!
Allegra: So how the frak is she frying people at night?
Harrison: Those bracelets aren't fashion. They're fuel. They're solar energy battery packs.
Elongated: Well, how do we get 'em off?
Harrison: We just gotta increase the internal temperature, overload the cells. Allegra, if...
Allegra: Already on it.
Harrison: She's good.
Elongated: What are you gonna do?
Harrison: I dunno. I'm making it up as I go.

Barry: Allow me, introduce myself. I'm Sherloque Wells, master detective, at your service.
Chester P. Runk: I'm Chester. Chester P. Runk.
Barry: Chester.
Allegra: There's a Sherlock Wells?
Barry: Sherloque.
Harrison: Yes, there's a Sherlock Wells.
Barry: Sherloque.
Chester P. Runk: -Loque.
Harrison: -Lock.
Allegra: Sherlock.
Barry: -Loque.
Harrison: -Lock.
Barry: -Loque.
Allegra: -Loque.
Barry: [pointing at Chester, Allegra, and Nash in turn] Good. Good. Not great.

Barry: [as Wells the Grey] Do you hear the drums? They are coming. It is I, Wells the Grey.
Harrison: Oh, Wells the Grey.
Chester P. Runk: There's a wizard Wells?
Allegra: This is all my fault.
Chester P. Runk: Oh, my God. Do you know Gandalf?

Harrison: Give me my crypto-circuit, or I'm gonna punch you in the throat.

Ralph: You know, in all the hubbub of saving your keisters, I never got to ask what the hell you were doing down there.
Harrison: Hey, 1940s, no one says "keisters".
Joe: Nash, if you would just tell us what you're looking for down there, we might be able to help you.
Harrison: All right. Tomorrow morning, 9:00, tunnels. Bring your whole fancy team.
Ralph: Why should we do that?
Harrison: 'Cause... I know how to save Barry Allen.

Harrison: What?
Harry: Well, it's nice to see you, too. So, it turns out we cracked the fuel problem for this A.S.F. of yours.
Sherloque: Pas facile non. Not easy, not great.
H.R. Wells: But so much fun, huh? I love all the brainstorming. Plus, we got all the Wellses back together again.
Harrison: So, I expect I need no introduction, but yes, it is I, master of stage and screen, Harrison Orson Wells.
Harrison: Okay, you're new.

Harrison: It was my fault. She only did what I taught her to do. It was my fault. It was my fault.
Barry: Nash has taken control of his pain.
Eobard: No.
Barry: You can't feed off of him anymore.
Eobard: No.
Barry: It's over, Thawne.

Barry: [locked in the Pipeline] Nash! Cecile! Don't listen to her. That's not Iris.
Iris: You know, you can stop playing this game, or rot in there. I don't care. Either way, I'm gonna find my husband.
Harrison: I should have noticed something. I should've figured something out. I should've...
Iris: No, no. No one's to blame. He or it was pretty convincing.
Cecile: If that's not Barry, then what is he? He's like some mirror version of himself.

Allegra: Didn't you say all four Godspeeds were locked up at Iron Heights?
Harrison: Those are just cybernetic drones with modem-speak. This one was talking. And by the way, do you not happen to have protective protocols for this place?
Cisco: Do not put this on me. I am trying to figure out a way into the Mirrorverse. What were you doing?
Harrison: I was saving our speedster.
Cisco: Oh, good for you. You did something.
Harrison: Thank you. Could I have a parade?

Harrison: You know, you got lost. Now, you just get back on the highway. Find new inroads with this Allegra. Easy-peasy. You know, I don't know her very well, but perhaps she's one of those people that just sees things in absolutes, right? Black and white. Missions fail or succeed, right? Do you know what you need to do? You need to get back in there with her. Open her up and show her that things aren't just black and white. Black and white, that's just for death and taxes. Everything else... Everything else happens in the grays.

Harrison: I think you're afraid to use your powers because if you do, you think you'll become like... someone.
[studying her]
Harrison: Someone. Someone you know, someone you... hate. How am I doing?
Allegra: My cousin, Esperanza, she has the same powers as me, only she uses them to murder people.
Harrison: You're not your cousin.
Allegra: But if I start using my powers, what's to stop me from becoming like her?
Harrison: Because, Allegra, in this life, we choose. We choose who we are. So if you choose to use your incredible powers, that does not make you anything like Esperanza unless you choose that.

Killer: [hearing a noise] What the hell was that?
Cisco: Pipes. Bad pipes. The heating. Don't worry about it.
Harrison: Let me out.
Killer: Are you sure? 'Cause it looks like you locked Nash in the closet.

Harrison: We think that there may actually be a way to help Roderick. I've seen this kind of molecular disembodiment before. All right, bear with me; I think that if we combine concentrated light energy with an inert gas with thermal conductivity, it may actually slow down Roderick's molecules and get him his body back.
Hartley: So, basically combine light with helium. I'm the smartest guy in the room; I get it. Fine. You fix Roderick, and maybe I'll help you.

Harrison: How can you have such faith?
Joe: Because someone or something called The Monitor says my son is destined to die in some kind of Crisis, and the only way I can stomach any of that is have faith that his continuing life or his death is for the greater... the greater... the greater good.
Harrison: You've seen Mar Movu?

Killer: Nash, Allegra will come around eventually. You just have to be there when she does. Trust the process.
Harrison: Pretty wise for a popsicle.
Killer: Thanks. Got a Dib-ploma to prove it.

Harrison: Team Flash! It's your pal, Nash. Let me out!
Caitlin: Guys, are we sure that's Nash?
Cisco: Or Thawne playing possum?
Barry: Let's find out.

Harry: He's right. Ramon, he had a second chance with Allegra. It's what I've been trying to tell you. You think you're so smart.
Harrison: [about to say something] And he's gone. Well, that's gonna take some getting used to.

Allegra: [finding a studded denim jacket in Caitlin's closet] Uh... cool. Can I borrow this?
Killer: Sure.
Allegra: I'm really gonna miss you.
Harrison: Me, too.
Cecile: Hmm?
Harrison: [seeing them all looking at him] I mean, all... we all are.
Cecile: [teasing] Aww. There's hope for you yet.
Harrison: Enough. Okay.
[high-fiving Frost]
Harrison: You stay frosty.

Cisco: Allegra, you said Godspeed's lightning caused some sort of blast.
Allegra: Yeah. He was like a frickin' lightning storm in the room, but it was his thunder that did the damage.
Barry: Not thunder. Vibrations.
Cisco: Makes sense. You go fast enough, you create a sonic boom. Velocity transmutes into vibrations in the air, only this Godspeed figured out a way... to reverse those vibrations and use them to extract speed from a speedster.
Harrison: Okay, so he's power-hungry. How do we stop him?
Cisco: Well, we'd need a really, really deep understanding of vibrational sonics.
Harrison: Great. Do we have that?
Cisco: Not really, no.
Barry: I know who could help us. Hartley. Hartley Rathaway.

Cisco: I'm glad we reunited the happy couple, but I have to say - I am super relieved to finally get rid of Godspeed. And this one talks, so now we know we got the real August Heart behind bars.
Barry: That's not the real Godspeed. Once he was placed in a meta-dampening cell, I questioned him as The Flash, and all he could say was, "The one who sent me wants infinite velocity."
Cisco: When you were fighting Godspeed, he said, "We deserve your speed."
Harrison: Who's "we"?
Cisco: Does "we" include the one who sent him?
Barry: He couldn't tell me.
Harrison: Because he stopped talking.
Cisco: And started chirping like a broken modem just like the rest of them.

Harrison: They're just gone?
Allegra: What does that even mean, "mirrorverse"? Can we even get them back?
Cecile: Oh, my god. We... we have to warn David's husband.
Cisco: I've been living with some copy of Kamilla while the real one's trapped somewhere?
Barry: Eva said they're safe for now.
Cisco: And you're taking her word for it? For all we know, they're dead already.
Ralph: They're not, so just... you don't even think about that.
Cisco: We *have* to think about that. What if creating Kamilla's duplicate actually killed the real Kamilla? Same thing with Singh, same thing with Iris.
[seeing Barry remain motionless]
Cisco: Hello?
Barry: What do you want me to say?
Cisco: Anything! That we have a plan, that we'll get them back.
Barry: I don't have a plan, Cisco. Eva can move anywhere through any mirror in the universe in the blink of an eye. She's faster than I am, and somehow I'm supposed to stop her, and still hope to God that Iris and everybody else is still alive in a world that we don't even understand?

Harrison: Allen. I wanna ask you a question. You knew that Carver was in mortal danger, right, as soon as Mirror-Singh stepped off that elevator. Why didn't you get him out of there?
Barry: I couldn't exactly run him out of there as Barry Allen.
Harrison: Or he offered you a deal. That's the other thing. I have all these Wells in my head, and they all - they're all screaming the same thing, that the Barry Allen they knew would never have hesitated. You did. You were considering the deal. You were considering trading Carver's life to save Iris.
Barry: It's more complicated than that.
Harrison: It's more complicated...
Barry: Yeah.
Harrison: Is it complicated like in the way you almost killed Eobard Thawne and me along with him?
Barry: No. That was different.
Harrison: How is that different?
Barry: Iris is my wife. I have to save her. How do you not understand that?
Harrison: I do. But what do you think Iris will say when you tell her you traded another person's life to save hers?

Cisco: You're free of it. Free of Thawne. As for the other Wellses, their brainwaves are unfortunately still entangled with yours. So they're as much a part of you now as yourself.
Harrison: Right. Wait, what?
Cisco: Mm-hmm.
Harrison: You mean I'm gonna keep hearing...
Cisco: Yeah.
Harrison: I'm gonna keep seeing them.
Cisco: Yeah.
Harrison: Crisis of infinite Wells. Well, I've had worse.

Allegra: Iris and the others, they're still Eva's prisoners.
Barry: We're gonna get them back. And remember, we still have one thing that Eva doesn't. Hope.
Cecile: [entering] We also have reinforcements.
Harrison: Oh!
Barry: [surprised to see who else enters] Joe. How are you here?
Joe: Well, it turns out that when the guy that's trying to kill you kicks the bucket, they lift the protection detail.
Harrison: That makes sense.
Joe: Nash.
Harrison: [hugs Joe] Hey, man. Yeah.
Joe: [hugs Allegra] Hey.
Barry: And just in time. Team needs you now more than ever.
Joe: Well, let's go save some people we love.

Harrison: Connecting Fusion Sphere. Fusion Sphere connected. Activate.
Chester P. Runk: Uh... activated.
Harrison: Oh, it's working. Now we just have to find a fuel source to put in it.
Chester P. Runk: And then we can power the artificial Speed Force.
Harrison: Exactly.
Chester P. Runk: [yawning] Hey, uh...
Harrison: What?
Chester P. Runk: One of the sphere plates doesn't look fully magnetized.
Barry: [speeding in and stopping him] Whoa! You can't touch that. If you touch the Fusion Sphere while it's activated...
Harrison: The Fusion Sphere thinks you're the fuel source.
Barry: Yes.
Chester P. Runk: And fuse my atoms, which would lead to a complete molecular degeneration. Sorry. I'm just trying to get your speed back.
Barry: Don't hurt yourself trying to do it. I'd never want you to do that.

Sara: All right, Barry, J'onn, Supergirl, and Batlady are gathering the troops. Those attacks were probably just the first wave. Assassins sent to pick us off in pairs.
Dinah: How are the shadow demons even still here? Didn't Oliver destroy the guy who controls them?
Harrison: Well, not according to the surge in antimatter energy I'm reading.
Sara: The Anti-Monitor is alive?
Rene: But you said Oliver sacrificed himself to create this new world.
Ray: Apparently, his sacrifice didn't kill the Anti-Monitor.
Dinah: Well, then how do we do that?
Mick: Well, let's just throw him into the sun and let the bastard burn.
Harrison: Oh, yeah, let's throw him in the sun and cause an antimatter explosion that obliterates the solar system. You know what, let's not do that.
Sara: At least he's trying to offer up a solution instead of being the cause of the problem.
Harrison: That's the solution? Blow up the solar system?
Ray: Okay, guys, guys, we're all on the same team, okay?
Harrison: No, Scrappy's right. It's my fault we're in this mess. We gotta fix it. Gotta fix it.

Elongated: [surrounded by Dr. Light, Ultraviolet, and Sunshine] All right, on three, everybody go crazy.
Allegra: Got it.
Sue: That seems like bad advice.
Harrison: Song title. No, I like it. It'll be good. All right. One, two...
Eva: Stand down. Joseph is dead.
Harrison: Well... I didn't see that coming.

Harrison: The organic receptor... is me.
Harry: For the Flash to run again, Nash Wells must die.

Allegra: Thanks.
Harrison: For what?
Allegra: [giving him the red stone] For this.
Harrison: Of course.
Allegra: What did it do to her? My cousin?
Harrison: It made her re-live her worst memory. You know what?
[giving it back]
Harrison: You hang onto it. Just in case you need it again.

Harrison: I don't think these equations are gonna help fix Roderick that much. Plus, we simply need a better bonding agent.
Barry: You do that. I'm working on the artificial Speed Force right now.
[with a rag, Nash begins to wipe part of the equations away]
Barry: Nash! Hey, Nash, what the hell? I've been working on these all day.
Harrison: You're wasting time. Why?
[waving it off]
Harrison: You don't have to tell me. We don't know each other. You could talk to Joe and Iris. But they're not here.
[giving him a little shove]
Harrison: Whose fault is that?
[shoving him again]
Harrison: Whose fault is that?
Barry: [pushing back] It's mine, all right? Is that what you want me to say?

Allegra: Dude, there's serious UV energy coming off that thing. Can I?
[taking the diamond]
Allegra: Huh.
Harrison: [she uses her powers to activate it] Oh, yeah. This is a triangulation cartograph. It's a treasure map.
Barry: [indicating a map of the city] Allegra. Aim it over this.
[she does so]
Barry: The center's at 42nd and Darby.
Ralph: Hang on.
[taking out his phone]
Ralph: 42nd and Darby... holy heck.
Barry: What?
Ralph: Well, it turns out that is a ginormous warehouse with five subterranean levels.
Barry: Ralph and I will check it out. You two take comms.
Allegra: N...
Ralph: [taking the diamond back] I'm gonna... just... excuse me.

Allegra: I'm glad Carver turned you down. After what he did to my cousin, Joe, Iris, he... he deserves what he gets.
Barry: He doesn't deserve to die. What if he's telling the truth about the Mirrorverse affecting minds?
Ralph: Or he's lying. He's not exactly the paragon of truth.
Harrison: I don't think he's lying. I think it could be neural dissonance. I came across this Earth on my travels where any visitor to that Earth immediately suffers a traumatic psychological state. Neural dissonance. This could be that.
Joseph: [entering] I'm glad someone believes me.

Harrison: Yeah, why didn't you tell me that they were in danger? Okay, I could've - I could've gotten them out of there.
Cisco: Don't come at me, Nash. You're not here to keep me in the loop. You're not even part of this team.
Harrison: Oh, that's so hurtful. How's your little team doing in standings? Your little team...
Cisco: Okay, you don't see this is exactly what I'm talking about. No, you don't care about the team. You only work with us when you want something from us.
Allegra: Yo, keep me out of this.
Cisco: So, what is it this time? You - you got a couple glyphs you need Allegra to x-ray for you? Oh, or maybe you just want to open up another Pandora's box of Hell.
Harrison: Are you kidding me? I was the one to - I was the only one trying to stop Crisis.
Cisco: A Crisis you started! Billions of worlds, trillions of people gone, like they were never even born.
Harrison: And I paid for it! As Pariah I paid for it and still managed to help defeat the Anti-Monitor.
Cisco: Which did nothing for the people who died. Oliver. Harry. Jesse. An infinite number of Harrison Wells's. And we're stuck with the one who killed the multi-verse.

Allegra: What's an organic receptor?
Harrison: Ah, no. I'm just, uh... this is... I'm just helping Barry get his speed back, or I'm trying to, anyway.
Allegra: Well, it's nice to see you care about someone other than me for a change.
Harrison: Well, you're...
[a thought strikes him]
Harrison: You're the answer.

Harrison: [Waking up] What happened? Where am I? How'd I get here?
Harrison: Well that's an introduction. Who are you? What the hell are you talking about?
Caitlin: You need to stay calm. Your system is still recovering.
Harrison: [Slight chuckle] You need to calm down. I'm not going to stay here - get lectured by some government suit who -
[J'onn restores his memories]
Harrison: God! I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
J'onn: And so you should be. This is *ALL* your fault!
Harrison: It is my fault. But you sol- you solved it. You and the others. You saved the universe. You fixed my mistake... right?
J'onn: Not entirely.

Harry: Nash, as I know you know, when our worlds died in Crisis, particles from our brainwaves were drawn to you like, uh...
Harrison: Like a moth drawn to a cosmic flame.
Harrison: Whatever happened to show, don't tell? H.R.?
Sherloque: [Orson yelps as H.R. throws his drumstick to Harry] Oh, nice catch.
H.R. Wells: I love this part.
Harry: [with a dramatic gasp, H.R. opens a sketchbook] So, there are multiversal particles inside you right now, Nash, made of synaptic energy. Now, we take those particles and you put them in the Fusion Sphere, theoretically, they could power the A.S.F. forever.
H.R. Wells: [flipping pages with another dramatic gasp] Forever.
Harrison: Not only would Allen get his speed back, but I'd be rid of you lot forever.
H.R. Wells: No, you'd be gone, too, I mean, because of the whole organic receptor thing.
Sherloque: Oof.
H.R. Wells: What?
Harrison: What's he talking about?
Harry: Multiversal particles are just... they're very volatile. Right? And there's no way they'll stay in that sphere long enough to be charged unless... unless we have an organic receptor.

Allegra: And these different Earths have existed simultaneously since...
Harrison: Well, since uh, let's see... oh, the dawn of time.
Allegra: Well, how come nobody knows about this? I mean, stuff this big? The public should be made aware.
Harrison: People know. Just the right people. The general public? No, no. No, that would not be good. They would lose their minds.
Allegra: Right. I mean... it's all so... epic.
Harrison: Yes, it's epic. Doppelgangers, anti-matter events, and speedsters juggling dual identities, like the Flash and Barry Allen.
Allegra: Wait, what?
Harrison: What?
Allegra: My boss's husband is the Flash?
Harrison: [tapping his nose, the non-verbal "yes" gesture] Mm-hmm.
Allegra: God, nobody tells me anything.

Pied: Okay, I haven't seen that one before.
The: Is that Godspeed's blood?
Cisco: Satellite readings indicate it could be some kind of biogenic electrolyte secretion.
Harrison: It's...
Cisco: Charged sound.
Harrison: Oh, boys... I do believe we found the solution we're looking for.

Sherloque: [about the residual particle catcher] That contraption is not going to work.

Harrison: Something's not right.
John: That thing still working?
Harrison: Yeah, it's still working. I built it myself. It's infallible.
John: Yeah, but you're still detecting traces of antimatter. Then our fight isn't done, is it?
Harrison: No. Or worse, it's starting up all over again.

Caitlin: So how many Wells are we talking about here? How many universes were there in the multiverse?
Harrison: What?
Barry: Okay, what, no, this doesn't make any sense. I mean, Thawne wasn't even a real Wells. He killed Harrison Wells, took over his body, and fooled us for months.
Harrison: This is a psychopath we're talking about that is trying to take over my body! Let's get him out before he resurfaces! Come on!
Caitlin: I mean, there's no medical procedure or device that could separate brainwaves.
Harrison: Not on this stupid Earth there's not, but hello, Multiversal traveler, anyone? Right? I have a neuro-splicer here in my bag. Can you-can you get it please? Will work just fine. Actually help me out stop an invasion of psychic starfish on Earth 26.