20 Best Elongated Man Quotes

Dr. Ramsey Rosso: Whoo! That was quite the tumble. I guess you're wondering why I'm doing this to you.
Elongated: You're evil. I get it.

Elongated: Guess somebody forgot to spike the punch.

Elongated: I thought Sunshine was solar-powered!
Allegra: So how the frak is she frying people at night?
Harrison: Those bracelets aren't fashion. They're fuel. They're solar energy battery packs.
Elongated: Well, how do we get 'em off?
Harrison: We just gotta increase the internal temperature, overload the cells. Allegra, if...
Allegra: Already on it.
Harrison: She's good.
Elongated: What are you gonna do?
Harrison: I dunno. I'm making it up as I go.

Robber: I'll blow this whole city block.
Elongated: Uh, you do realize you're a part of that block, right? Come on, man, it's a weekday. People just want to get off work, go home, and watch the boob tube. So why don't you take off that vest and...
Robber: No, no, don't touch me!
[as Ralph removes the bomb and contains the blast, the robber passes out]
Iris: Ralph, are you okay?
Elongated: [coughing out smoke] Yeah. Just, uh, wicked heartburn.

Elongated: Good morning, sunshine. A little different with your power-dampening dagger, huh?
Grace: Oh, I don't need a dagger to kill you. I never had it before I came to this time.

The: Where are you, Stretchy Man? I've got plenty more where that came from.
Elongated: [breaching in] Nice suit, Fallout Boy.
The: Yuck. Yours could use some work.
Elongated: Ooh, look at that cutting wit.

Reverse: Isn't this nice? Team Flash back together again... with a new guy. Ralph Dibny. Welcome. You should be dead.
Elongated: Yeah, I guess we have that in common.
Reverse: We'll take care of that in a moment.

The: It smells like gasoline in here.
[finding the source]
The: Singh.
Chief: I don't wanna hurt anyone else.
Elongated: Tell that to those guards you killed.
Chief: They left me no choice. I have to assure Eva's success.
The: Just put down the flare gun. Help us bring Carver to justice.
Chief: Mother's not interested in your brand of justice.
The: [he continues pouring gasoline] Singh. Singh! This isn't you.
Chief: You still don't get it, do you? Carver was there that night. He let the mirror keep her. He never tried to rescue her. Instead, he sold her tech to the highest bidder. For weapons, blackmail, or worse. And that is why Carver is a dead man.
[he fires the flare gun]

Caitlin: He's panicking, his heart rate is off the charts.
Iris: Ralph, are you okay?
Elongated: [still in pain] Help!
The: Burn, Stretchy Man, burn!
Vibe: [breaching in and knocking him backwards] Not today, Satan!
Elongated: [they breach back to S.T.A.R. Labs] What the hell did he do to me?

Elongated: You wanted me, here I am.
The: Great. Do you want to play, uh, catch?
Elongated: [catching a bouncy ball, which detonates in his hand] You're really blowing this supervillain fight.
The: Well, it's my Central City return party. And your death will make me a star.
Elongated: [he's unharmed by a round of throwing stars] Child's play.
The: [pulling out a Super-Soaker] Okay. All right, this is what I call the Hurty-Squirty Gun.
[Ralph is initially unharmed, then begins screaming in pain]
Elongated: Tricked ya! It's acid, with a little ingredient X. I call it "axid".

Elongated: [surrounded by Dr. Light, Ultraviolet, and Sunshine] All right, on three, everybody go crazy.
Allegra: Got it.
Sue: That seems like bad advice.
Harrison: Song title. No, I like it. It'll be good. All right. One, two...
Eva: Stand down. Joseph is dead.
Harrison: Well... I didn't see that coming.

Robber: All right, first, I want a car. Something eco-friendly, like, uh... like a Prius.
Joe: [a little taken aback] Okay, we can do that.
Robber: [oblivious to Ralph rescuing the hostages] Good. Uh, right. Now, second. Uh, I want a plane, okay? A private plane. Okay? And a salad, all right? I'm counting calories.
Joe: Okay, it's gonna take us an hour to arrange that.
Robber: You better hurry up, because these hostages don't have much time.
Elongated: [appearing, as the robber realizes the hostages are gone] Should have gone with a steak, pal. 'Cause it's the last decent meal you're getting for the next five to ten years.
Robber: Who the hell are you?
Elongated: Your friendly neighborhood superhero. You can call me...
Elongated: Mr... one second.
[into his comms]
Elongated: Guys, this is a huge moment for me. What's my name?
Cisco: I was wondering where you were going with that.

Elongated: [escaping from a burning warehouse] What do we do now?
The: The only thing we can. Protect Carver.

Elongated: That is a lot of bad-guy stuff.
The: It's Black Hole's depository.
Elongated: [spotting a box marked "Dearbon"] Sue said that Carver was blackmailing her parents. This is bank statements, investment records. This must be everything that Carver has on them. I'm taking this.

Elongated: I know it's none of my business why you're afraid of a cure, but for what it's worth, I'm a meta. And I'm all for it. And after talking with most of those people out there, so are some of them.
Killer: Oh, yeah, I can see that. I just don't understand why.
Elongated: It might save their lives.
Killer: It's not that simple for me.
Elongated: Why not?
Killer: Because, just like Norvock didn't ask for his snake, Katie didn't ask for me. So if one day she wakes up scared of being a meta-human and decides to take that cure, her powers don't just disappear. I do, too. That's what I'm really afraid of. 'Cause if I'm gone, who's gonna protect her?
Norvock: [knocking on the door] It's witching hour.
Elongated: [he and Killer Frost turn to leave] I get why you're scared, but... you need to know that when DeVoe made you disappear, all Caitlin talked about was getting you back. So maybe as much as you want to protect her, Caitlin wants to protect you, too.

The: Guys, we're in.
Harrison: All right. Be careful. Place like that could have a guard or two.
Elongated: More like five.
The: They were all stabbed.
Elongated: By a mirror-bayonet, I'm guessing.

Robber: Hey, where are my hostages?
Elongated: Uh, bathroom break. They just couldn't hold it anymore. Don't worry, though, they're totally safe.
Robber: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Get back, freak.
Elongated: Freak? Oh, sticks and stones may break my bones, buddy. Well, they used to. Not anymore.

Cisco: The atomizer's off.
Killer: Flash!
The: [she slides the mirror gun to him on a patch of ice] The dagger.
Elongated: [realization starts to dawn on him] She didn't have the dagger in the future.
[in 2049, Thawne's chest plate is removed, revealing the dagger underneath]
Elongated: The dagger *is* Thawne's plan.
[Cisco throws the dagger into the air, and Flash takes aim with the mirror gun]
Elongated: Don't shoot it!

Elongated: You guys still have those meta-cuffs?

Joe: Uh, those who wear capes and costumes aren't the only ones who keep us safe. There are some unsung heroes as well, like this man. This man has solved crimes to give mourning families justice. He's a CCPD member who's never given up on a single case. This man has saved Central City more times than anyone knows. So it's time we thank him. It's time that I thank him. So without further ado...
Elongated: Officer Barry Allen, on behalf of CCPD, we present you we present you with their highest honor... the Medal of Honor. Thank you for your service.