The Best Chief David Singh Quotes

Kamilla: [setting up mirrors in Iris' loft] That's better. Much more homey.
Chief: "Closer" is how I'd describe it. Closer to our Mother. It's time for our next move. Are you ready?
Kamilla: Yes. Are you?
Iris: Yes. All that matters is Eva's will. We follow orders and assure her success. That's all I want.
Chief: We need to focus. There's still one item Mother needs to obtain for her liberation. And it's the most dangerous yet.
[cut to Bloodwork in containment at A.R.G.U.S]

Dr. Ramsey Rosso: Well... if it isn't Kamilla Hwang, Chief Singh... and Iris West-Allen. To what do I owe the honor?
Iris: If you help us, we can get you out of there.
Dr. Ramsey Rosso: And why would I trust the wife of the Flash?
Iris: Because I'm not Iris West-Allen. I'm a reflection of her. We're all reflections. Faster, stronger than our human counterparts whose faces we share. And our only will is to serve our Mother.
Dr. Ramsey Rosso: The real Iris would never offer to release me. Tell me more about your Mother.
Chief: Eva McCulloch. She was the sc...
Dr. Ramsey Rosso: I am a scientist. I know who Eva McCulloch is. But she disappeared years ago.
Iris: She's been trapped in another dimension. A mirror one. And she needs something from you.

Chief: Uh, okay, that's enough of that. I'm calling in a 10-85. Delay due to coffee break. You, my friend, need to get out of this house badly.
Joe: Man, let me just clean up this vacuum mess.
Chief: Oh, no, Joe, I'm not asking. This is an order from the Chief of Police. Let's roll!
Joe: All right, you're buying.
Chief: Don't I always?
Joe: True.

Dr. Ramsey Rosso: You need my blood. How grand. Even in here, fate continues to cast me in the role of savior.
Iris: We just need one drop.
Chief: But you need to decide right now.
Dr. Ramsey Rosso: I accept. Release me, and you shall indeed have my lifeblood. However, this is no crude meta-cell in Iron Heights. How do you propose to disrupt a bio-degenerative containment matrix with triplicate backup protocols?
Kamilla: Mother has a theory. I am the answer.
Iris: Wait! You'll die.
Kamilla: Then it is Eva's will.

Chief: I hear you've got an update for me on the Carver RICO investigation.
Joe: Just sifting through the paperwork, I found evidence of multiple cover-ups. Homicides being filed as accidents, missing-person cases buried by falsified paperwork. And every victim has one thing in common.
Chief: You think Carver has a mole inside CCPD?
Joe: Somebody has been helping him evade criminal charges. The question is, why?
Chief: This is, uh, outstanding work, Joe, but investigating a mole, that's... that's a job for internal affairs, not for us.
Joe: We can't trust IA or anybody until we find out who Carver's bought. I mean, Barry agrees.
Chief: Hold on. Flash has seen these files?
Joe: Yeah.
Chief: Joe, this is not meta-related business. Is there a chance that this is becoming personal? I mean, I would totally understand given what Carver's done to Iris.
Joe: This is still about bringing a criminal to justice.
Chief: And we will, but Joe, this is your first year as captain. If your people think you suspect one of them of being a mole, and you're wrong...
Joe: Have a look.

Kristen: Right on cue. Khione called it.
Officer: What now, Chief?
Chief: Now, we get payback. Get your hands in the air, Zoom! This is your only warning!
Zoom: More of CCPD's finest for me to slaughter, huh? You shouldn't have!
[Khione and Mark arrive to help CCPD]
Khione: I already told you, Hunter. No one dies tonight.
Zoom: The goddess and her sidekick. Too bad neither of you are powerful enough
Zoom: To lock up the darkness.

Barry: You sure you're okay, Chief?
Chief: Yeah, I got a hard head. Just ask my husband.

Chief: Can you settle something for us?
Barry: Sure.
Chief: See, I think I was a better CCPD captain because I'm not a meta-human. It keeps me objective.
Kristen: Chief, having meta-abilities give me a better understanding of what meta-criminals go through and how they're thinking.
Chief: Being human implies I'm treating meta-criminals and non-meta-criminals equally.
Kristen: Actually, it implies you're more biased because non-metas set up the system in the first place.
Chief: What do you think?
Barry: Um, that... Central City is lucky to have you both.

Chief: So what's your code name?
Allegra: Uh...
Chief: You know, Barry used to be The Streak, and then became The Flash. What do people call you?
Allegra: I don't know. I-I've never really thought about it before. But I like to keep a low profile, so...

Chief: Joe West is out of the way as requested. Success is assured.
Eva: Good. If anyone's gonna make my husband pay for what he did, it's gonna be me.

Chief: Let me walk out of here with Carver, and Mother will give you Iris. Eva is not interested in a fight with you, or with your friends.
Barry: You knew we were in that warehouse when you set it on fire. That feels like a fight to me.
Chief: Let me have him, Barry. He's a bad man. Bring Iris home. Get your life back.

Officer: Chief Singh? Sir, what happened? Are we...
Chief: Dead? No, Officer, we're very much alive, and I'm pretty sure we owe our lives to a certain speedster and his better half.

The: It smells like gasoline in here.
[finding the source]
The: Singh.
Chief: I don't wanna hurt anyone else.
Elongated: Tell that to those guards you killed.
Chief: They left me no choice. I have to assure Eva's success.
The: Just put down the flare gun. Help us bring Carver to justice.
Chief: Mother's not interested in your brand of justice.
The: [he continues pouring gasoline] Singh. Singh! This isn't you.
Chief: You still don't get it, do you? Carver was there that night. He let the mirror keep her. He never tried to rescue her. Instead, he sold her tech to the highest bidder. For weapons, blackmail, or worse. And that is why Carver is a dead man.
[he fires the flare gun]

Eva: You sure you weren't followed?
Chief: Yes.
Eva: Good.
Chief: You've changed your appearance .
Eva: The suit is necessary. The properties inside of it help me continue my acclimation process when I'm outside the reflection modulation chamber. Now... It's time to get rid of my husband. We begin my dismantling everything that protects him. You know where to start.
Chief: Success is assured.

Chief: I understand you're moving that thing out of CCPD custody. I'm here to oversee the transfer.
Joe: Really? Why?
Chief: [closing the office blinds] Well... well, I did a little lunchtime reading as you suggested. And I agree with you. I think Carver has someone on the inside. And we need to investigate this ourselves.
Joe: [giving him the Refractor] Thank you, David.
Chief: I knew I picked the right man to lead this precinct.

Barry: You trying to make me feel like I ran back in time?
Chief: What can I say, Allen? This'll always be home. And, don't worry, I covered for you. While The Flash was out stopping robberies in Central City, Barry Allen has been in his lab all day with me. Captain Kramer'll never suspect a thing.
Barry: Thanks, Chief, but it's fine. She already know I'm The Flash.
Chief: What? You told her already? She just got here.
Barry: Actually, she figured it out on her own.
Chief: Well, I figured it out first.

Joe: It was crazy. It was like it was accelerating by itself. I mean, I know you won't believe this, but it was like somebody cut the brakes while I was driving. Is that even possible?
Barry: I-I don't know. I'll find out.
Chief: Are you sure you're okay?
Joe: I'm fine. It's Carver that needs to worry.
Cecile: You think Carver's the one behind this?
Joe: Well, he knows I took down one of his assassins, Millie Rawlins, AKA Sunshine. And he knows I'm the lead on the RICO case we're building against him.
Chief: Well, if that's true, we have to get you into witness protection. You're just not safe out here, Joe.
Joe: David, I'm not going anywhere. Look, if Carver is coming after me, that means he is scared. What do scared people do? They make mistakes. We need to take advantage of that.
Chief: Fine. Fine. You have my complete support, Joe, as always. But if anything happens, I'll never forgive myself.