Top 30 Quotes From Kristen Kramer

Kristen: Allen, I know this must be a shock.
Barry: Captain, hold on. Wh-What am I supposed to have done?
Kristen: Two years ago, Joseph Carver had a mole manipulating evidence in CCPD.
Barry: Yeah, Milly Rawlins, AKA Sunshine. We caught her.
Kristen: And the D.A. was reviewing her case as part of an internal audit. Now, I don't know what exactly, but he also found new evidence that points to Carver having a second inside man. You.
Barry: That's crazy. I mean, why would I help Joseph Carver?
Kristen: That's for the D.A. to suss out. I'm sorry, it's above my pay grade. Now, please leave the scene.
Barry: I have to find out what happened here.
Kristen: I mean, I think you'd have other concerns right now.
Barry: I just... Korber said a guard lost his mind. What if that happens to somebody else? People could get hurt. Look, Captain, I know you only have my word, but you... you gotta believe me. I'm innocent. So please, just let me do my job.
Kristen: If Joe were here right now, he'd say I should learn from last year and keep an open mind. Which is why I promise you, I will get to the bottom of this and find out the truth. But until I do, I'm sorry. Allen, you have to leave.

Chief: Can you settle something for us?
Barry: Sure.
Chief: See, I think I was a better CCPD captain because I'm not a meta-human. It keeps me objective.
Kristen: Chief, having meta-abilities give me a better understanding of what meta-criminals go through and how they're thinking.
Chief: Being human implies I'm treating meta-criminals and non-meta-criminals equally.
Kristen: Actually, it implies you're more biased because non-metas set up the system in the first place.
Chief: What do you think?
Barry: Um, that... Central City is lucky to have you both.

Joe: You're the kind of meta that gives the others a bad name.
Kristen: You killed innocent people.
Adam: I finished a job.
Kristen: You're a mercenary. Did I ever know you at all?
Adam: You're the only one who knows me, Kris. Sure, I'll kill anyone if the price is right. But I take half the money I make and I give it back to the rez. To build something good. Something we never got.
Kristen: Doing something good doesn't erase something evil.
Adam: Oh, yeah? You tell that to the kids that look like you and me. They got futures now. Everything I did, I'd do it again.
Kristen: [arming her blaster] You're not even sorry.
Joe: Kramer, stand down! Kristen. It's not worth it. Come on.
[fighting back tears, she lowers and powers down the rifle]

Kristen: Right on cue. Khione called it.
Officer: What now, Chief?
Chief: Now, we get payback. Get your hands in the air, Zoom! This is your only warning!
Zoom: More of CCPD's finest for me to slaughter, huh? You shouldn't have!
[Khione and Mark arrive to help CCPD]
Khione: I already told you, Hunter. No one dies tonight.
Zoom: The goddess and her sidekick. Too bad neither of you are powerful enough
Zoom: To lock up the darkness.

Adam: Well, that was fun! What? Nothing? Still looking for a way out of this? There isn't one. Oh, you can try. You could shoot me. Light me on fire. I know it's a trap. But I've died before. 17 times, actually. So why don't you give me your best shot. 'Cause I can't be killed. Hmm?
Kristen: Is that why you killed twelve innocent soldiers from Fort Dakota? Because you knew they'd die and you wouldn't?
Adam: [she turns around] Kristen?
[approaching from behind, Joe fires a restraining anklet, and she takes his weapon]
Kristen: You were like a brother to me, Adam. How could you do it?
Adam: I'll tell you. Right after you tell me who the hell you are. 'Cause Kristen Kramer died in that explosion. And that means you're dead.
Joe: What's he on about, Kramer?
Kristen: I don't know. And I don't care. All I care about is why you killed our unit. Was it money? If you were in trouble, I would have helped.
Adam: [laughing] Trouble? Listen. I'm immortal. And once I discovered that, I realized the world was meant for me because I deserved it.
Kristen: What you deserve is life in prison.
Adam: Oh, really? I gave my life to the Army. And what did it get me, huh? Nightmares and a kick in the teeth. That's when I realized I could go down broke or live it up rich. 'Cause there's plenty of folks out there willing to pay for my new talents.

Joe: Sergeant Kramer, we need to talk.
Kristen: I'm in a bit of a hurry, Captain. Is there a problem?
Joe: Yes, there is. You mobilized my task force to harass someone who, from all accounts, is innocent, off of a phone call. There's no way in hell I would have authorized that.
Kristen: Captain...
Joe: Sergeant. We're not supposed to work that way.
Kristen: That's your point of view, and I respect that. But I also respect the evidence. Dr. Snow matches Killer Frost in 80 nodal points of facial recognition. Their known whereabouts over the last few months line up perfectly. And her prints were all over that delivery van. What's your conclusion?
Joe: I promise you, Caitlin Snow and Killer Frost are not the same person. And even if they were, I doubt that they wouldn't wear gloves as they went on a killing spree. This evidence, this anonymous phone call? It's like someone is trying to frame Frost.
Kristen: Okay, then who?
Joe: I don't know, but Frost helps keep this city safe. Hell, she's saved my life; more than once.
Kristen: She's still a criminal. Captain, you seem like a good cop, and I know that Dr. Snow is a friend of your family. But if you really want to honor your badge, you need to think about what is truly best for the public good.

Joe: I know how this looks. But there are other criminals that use ice to commit crimes, like Leonard Snart.
Kristen: Snart was a man with a gun. Mr. Runk, you're our new technical consultant on meta-human affairs. What's your take on all this?
Chester P. Runk: Uh, well, um, ma'am, uh...
[taking a device out of his kit]
Chester P. Runk: Dark matter levels... uh, dark matter levels here are... oh... well, they're... they're off the charts.
Barry: That doesn't mean it's Frost. Look, you see the pattern in these ice crystals here? They're dendritic, like tree branches. Frost's ice crystals are usually hexagonal.
Kristen: It's Killer Frost, Officer Allen. And you seem to know a lot about her powers.
Barry: Yeah, I've worked her crime scenes, and she's never killed anyone.
Kristen: Until now, apparently.

Kristen: I'm with the Governor's Municipal Logistics Commission.
Joe: I wasn't expecting you 'til this afternoon. It's good to finally meet you.
Kristen: Yeah, I like to get a head start. In my experience, if you're not early, you're late. You must be the captain's daughter.
[indicating a framed picture on Joe's desk]
Kristen: Hmm. I read about how you survived the abduction into that... mirror dimension, was it? Sounded terrifying.
Iris: Uh... I've survived worse.
Kristen: Impressive. Didn't mean to interrupt. We can chat tomorrow, Captain. Lunch is on the governor.
Joe: Sounds good.
Iris: [watching her leave] Where'd she say she was from?
Joe: State Logistics Commission. Why?
Iris: [looking out into the bullpen suspiciously] Just another hunch.

Frost: Something was taken from Ivo Labs this morning. Do you know anything about that?
Mark: No, but I do know a bit about... science.
[mixing a drink]
Mark: If you take a hydrometer to a bottle of Plymouth gin, you'll find that it has a specific gravity, 0.94, which means a liqueur like, say, creme de noyaux here, will sink right... to the bottom. Ergo, the secret to the smoothest cocktail... is density.
Frost: [taking a sip] That is... not bad.
Mark: The famous Killer Frost likes my work. I'll call the Citizen.
Frost: It's just Frost now.
Mark: Oh.
Frost: Turn that up.
Kristen: [on TV at a press conference] So in light of the violence at Ivo Labs this morning, the Central City Police Department is offering a $100,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the meta criminal known as Killer Frost. If you have any knowledge on the whereabouts of Killer Frost, immediately call the Meta-Human Task Force tip line.
Frost: [seeing the barflies surrounding her] Crap.

Iris: I just interviewed the lab tech and asked him what Amar and the others might have wanted. He said that a temporal scanner is missing.
Kristen: Um...
Barry: It's a device that measure radioactive half-lives. It tells you what year you're in.
Kristen: Why would they need that? Don't Rogues have calendar apps?
Barry: Everything they've stolen - the Roemer accelerator battery... The sonic gauntlets... Now a temporal scanner? They're all components you'd need to build a cosmic treadmill.
Kristen: Do I want to know what that is?
Barry: It's a machine that uses kinetic energy to open quantum wormholes in space and time, which is a lot of power in the wrong hands.
Kristen: Yeah, I didn't.
Iris: Godspeed used one in 2049 when he came back to our time.
Kristen: Now you're telling me a trio of murderous lunatics is trying to, what, build a time machine? Why?
Barry: Whatever their goal is, it's not all I'm worried about.
Kristen: There's something worse than actual time bandits?
Barry: If they take a cosmic treadmill on a crime spree, they could damage the timeline itself. Just one paradox could permanently alter the fabric of space-time.
Kristen: Great, 'cause I wasn't worried enough before.

Joe: We haven't talked in a week. How are you?
Kristen: I don't really know how to answer that. I just wanted to let you know that my meta test came back positive.
Joe: So you are a speedster?
Kristen: Well, yes and no. Adam was right. I should've died in that bombing, but I didn't. And neither did he because he has immortal healing powers. And so did I when I absolutely needed them. Just like when I needed super-speed to save your life, I had it for just a moment.
Joe: That's incredible.
Kristen: Turns out I can mimic the abilities of any meta in close proximity, which sounds insane, but it's real. Well, it's... it's given me new perspective on the path I took as a member of law enforcement, and... I'm so sorry, West, for all of it.
Joe: Hey, you lost your way a little, but I always knew that your heart was in the right place. You just needed to find it.
Kristen: Agreed. That's why I'm taking an indefinite leave of absence from CCPD. Take care of yourself, West.
Joe: Kristen. Call me Joe.

Barry: So, your, uh... mimic powers... how exactly do they work?
Kristen: They only activate in times of stress, when my adrenaline spikes, and the effects are temporary.
Barry: That's good to... yeah.
Kristen: Allen, does me being a meta make working for me more difficult?
Barry: No, ma'am. It's already tough enough as it is.

Goldface: Wakey, wakey, ladies and gents in blue. Folks call me Goldface. That's 'cause if it's made of gold, it's mine to control, from your dental fillings to the 0.35 grams of gold in your cell phones. Don't even bother trying to phone a friend, 'cause we knocked out the nearest cell phone tower. But if anyone does come calling...
[two of his henchmen take off their coats, revealing police officer uniforms underneath]
Goldface: ...they'll find a couple of Central City's finest outside telling them there's a gas leak.
Barry: [Kramer gets to her feet] What are you doing? What are you... hey.
Kristen: Goldface, this is my precinct. You have a problem, you take it up with me. Let my officers go.
Goldface: Ah... if it isn't the famous Kristen Kramer. Loved you on the "Citizentopia" podcast. Very inspiring.
Kristen: Thanks.
Goldface: Now, Captain, I'm guessing you wanna play hero. Let me let my man Carver here show you what happens if anyone gets out of line.
[he whistles, and Carver rolls a mannequin into view with a meta-dampening cuff on its wrist]
Goldface: Now, you may all have noticed that you're sporting a new piece of jewelry. Well, since Captain Mimic here outed herself as a meta, I figured she may not be the only one of you. But these bracelets, they don't just dampen powers. They also do this.
[pressing a button on his belt, the cuff explodes]
Goldface: You feeling me now, Captain?

Kristen: We ID's three assailants from a surveillance feed. Wozzeck, Mercer, and a Michelle Amar, AKA...
Iris: Murmer, yeah - we did a story on her last year. She's a angry med student turned serial killer who has now teamed up with a pair of ruthless tech thieves.

The: [whooshes into CCPD with three apprehended criminals] Think these guys could use some help finding their cells.
Officer: Uh... thanks, Flash.
The: Yeah.
Kristen: What's going on here?
Mugger: I didn't do nothin'.
Carjacker: I wanna see my lawyer.
Sterling: Yeah. What they said. And hey! Any chance Flash brought that latte I ordered?

Officer: Allen, just in time.
Barry: How bad is it?
Officer: Just your typical makes-no-sense bank robbery in Central City. No one's hurt, but the on-duty security guard is being hospitalized for some sort of breakdown.
Barry: Wait, like a mental breakdown?
Officer: Yeah, witnesses said the guy lost his mind and started babbling nonsense. Then he fired his weapon into the air, and everyone ran out. By the time anyone got back inside, the vault was empty and the guard was stark raving mad. It took four officers to restrain him.
Barry: Yeah, I'm on it.
Kristen: [he starts to head inside] Allen! I need to stand down.
Barry: Why, is Gibson working the case? I'll... I'll just help him investigate.
Kristen: I need you to turn in your badge. You've been suspended.
Barry: What?
Kristen: I just came from the mayor's office. You're under investigation for federal crimes.

Joe: Officer Allen is our department's top forensics examiner, ma'am. If there's any evidence here that we can use, he will find it.
Kristen: And Killer Frost is still out there. Captain, I hate to pull rank, but Governor Williamson gave me special authority in order to address this city's long-standing metahuman problems. We need to keep public safety in mind.
Joe: Agreed.
Kristen: Good. Because I'm going to ask the D.A.'s office to issue a warrant for Killer Frost's arrest. I'm gonna need you and your officers for backup.
Joe: I'll alert the Meta-human Task Force.
Kristen: Thank you. I need to update the Governor's office. Excuse me.
Barry: [Kramer leaves] Joe, you can't be serious. We all know Frost didn't do this.
Joe: What am I supposed to say, Barry? "Yes, Frost did spend the evening with Caitlin."
Chester P. Runk: You can't give Kramer her alibi without admitting that you've talked to a fugitive. Dang, that's a real catch-22.
[mimicking an echo]
Chester P. Runk: Two, two.
[seeing their looks]
Chester P. Runk: I'm sorry, my timing on that was terrible. I'm just gonna go tell Frost what's going on.

Joe: Creyke was like a brother to you. What... what drove him?
Kristen: Adam and I are both Wet'suwet'en First Nations. Adam loved open waters. He wanted to join the Navy and followed me into the Army. Said he didn't trust anyone else to look out for me.
Joe: I had an uncle who used to take me fishing every summer on a schooner. Sailors take naming their vessels as seriously as they name their firstborn. Did Adam have a call sign?
Kristen: Yeah, Rasputin.
Joe: Rasputin.
[running a search]
Joe: Yo, a schooner named Rasputin is registered in Midway City six weeks after Operation Griffin.
Kristen: He's been a few hours away this whole time. There's no way in hell I'm letting him get away again.
Joe: Kramer. What are you gonna do when you find him? This has to be about justice. If this is gonna be about vengeance, you can do this by yourself.
Kristen: [after a tense moment of silence] Lead the way.

Joe: So that was Creyke. How did you know he had us in his sights?
Kristen: That light. I'd recognize the signature of Adam's pulse rifle anywhere. You okay?
Joe: I'm alive, so I'm good. We need to get backup, though.
[checking his phone]
Joe: Damn it. I can't get a signal.
Kristen: He's jamming cell service to keep us isolated. Which means he knows we didn't die in that blast.
Joe: We need to keep moving.

Barry: Captain, I'd like to put myself up for the position of director of Central City Police, CSI division.
Kristen: Wow. You must be a mind-reader. That's what I was gonna talk to you about. Siakam's retiring. Only I wasn't sure if you'd be interested.
Barry: I am. More than you know.
Kristen: All right, well, there's just one thing. Are you sure you can balance being the Flash with the added workload?
Barry: It won't be a problem.
Kristen: Okay. Then I will call the mayor's office and make a recommendation.

Barry: CCPD's never had a line to the Flash before.
Kristen: Yeah, but for once, I would like to feel like the Flash and law enforcement are on the same page, instead of us just always playing catch-up. But since that's not happening, cancel any plans you have for tonight. We've got a lot of legwork to do.
Barry: [to himself as she leaves] You're welcome.

Kristen: You must see a lot of strange crime scenes working in this city.
Barry: Yeah, yeah. This case is another one. Usually, I'd find dark matter dispersed evenly throughout meta-produced ice. But from what I can tell, this ice has dark matter. It's just... only on the surface.
Kristen: What would cause that?
Barry: I don't know, but I'm gonna find out.

Kristen: 'Cause in the end, justice always wins.

Frost: Chillblaine didn't just commit a crime against good taste. He also killed the Ivo Labs driver, and I've got his confession on tape.
Allegra: That means you're in the clear.
Kristen: [sirens blare outside] Killer Frost, come out with your hands raised. You have two minutes to comply.

Kristen: Heard some paroled ex-cons went shopping without their wallets.
Barry: OG meta-criminals, actually. Jack, Ten, King, and the Queen, call themselves the Royal Flush Gang. They were Central City's very first meta-threat.
Kristen: You work that case, too?
Barry: Actually, no. The first time they pulled a job, I was...
[flashback of him in a coma]
Barry: Kind of under the weather.

Kristen: Looks like Killer Frost has been busy.

Kristen: [rescuing Joe from a Godspeed clone] How did I... . what just happened?
Joe: You just ran as fast as the Flash.

Frost: Guys, before today, I never paid for any of the bad things I did.
Allegra: Because you were out saving the world.
Frost: And I thought that was enough, too. But if I'm gonna prove that I've really changed, then I have to own up to it, as... painful as that might be.
Allegra: Frost, I've been to Iron Heights. Jails do not make better people. They're hell. You cannot do this.
Frost: I think I have to. You're not gonna try and stop me, are you?
Barry: Not unless you want me to.
Frost: I don't.
Allegra: Frost, please. What if you don't come back?
Frost: Don't worry, I will.
Allegra: [Frost hugs her goodbye] No.
Kristen: Time's up. Go.
Frost: I'm coming out!
Chester P. Runk: Guys, is Frost really doing this?
Barry: It's her choice, Chester. Something tells me it's the right one.

Kristen: Caitlin Snow, I have a warrant for your arrest.
Caitlin: What's the charge?
Kristen: [into her walkie-talkie] Kramer to Task Force command, hold your positions around the perimeter, and prepare for prisoner transfer. Are you alone, Dr. Snow?
Caitlin: Yes, but I... I think there's been a mistake. Joe. What is this? Who are you?
Rene: I'm Rene Carpenter. I'm a clinician with the M.H.E. team.
Caitlin: Mental health evaluation?
Rene: Yes, ma'am, it's standard procedure. I'm just here to help.
Caitlin: Joe, what is going on?
Joe: [holding up a pair of meta-cuffs] Would you turn around, please?
[cuffing her as she does so]
Joe: Killer Frost, you're under arrest for aggravated assault, attempted murder, and two counts of kidnapping. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney...

Joe: Logistics compliance. Is that what you were doing when you were working in Gotham?
Kristen: I've made a few trips there. I'm a big Knights fan.
Joe: And I called my buddy who'd been working the Gotham beat for more than a decade. Pretty high stakes game you played. And...
[showing her her military service record]
Joe: ...there is this. So I don't know what your goal is here, but if you're gonna be in my precinct... how about we cut the bull and you be honest with me.
Kristen: Fair enough. I wasn't planning to announce this until I got my bearings. On the orders of the governor, I'm here to locate and apprehend a rogue meta-human, whatever the cost. And quite frankly, it's about time someone addressed the long-standing issue this precinct ignored.
Joe: [looking at her tablet] You want to arrest the Flash?
Kristen: Hmm, no; he's clean. So far. I'm here for someone far more dangerous. The meta-human fugitive known as Killer Frost.