20 Best Goldface Quotes

Ralph: All right, Goldie Hawn. Let's do this.
Goldface: [wraps his chain on Ralph's throat] Since I'm going into the organ donor business, you'll be happy to know that your corpse is going to a good cause: making me rich.

Amunet: My life got better without you. You're dead weight.
Goldface: You were the biggest mistake I ever made!
Amunet: You always had this one really bad habit. Breathing! You are nothing but a cheap, bald Mr. T. I'd rather date Norvock than you.
Goldface: That makes two of us! Your American accent sucks!
Amunet: So does yours!
Goldface: I'm from Connecticut. I went to Yale.

Kristen: Barry, you don't have to help him.
Goldface: Finish the scanner, now, or your captain gets to visit the white whale.
Carver: Hell yeah. She gonna walk the plank y'all.
Goldface: Ahab, didn't... I'm sorry, do you not know Moby Dick? "To the last I grapple with thee." What about "Wrath of Khan"? "From hell's heart I stab at thee. For hate's sake, I spit my last..."
Goldface: I bought you a first edition for your birthday. BA literature from Yale. I'm surrounded by philistines.

Goldface: Do you have x-ray vision or something?
Allegra: Yep, I do.
Goldface: Really? Nice.

Goldface: Wakey, wakey, ladies and gents in blue. Folks call me Goldface. That's 'cause if it's made of gold, it's mine to control, from your dental fillings to the 0.35 grams of gold in your cell phones. Don't even bother trying to phone a friend, 'cause we knocked out the nearest cell phone tower. But if anyone does come calling...
[two of his henchmen take off their coats, revealing police officer uniforms underneath]
Goldface: ...they'll find a couple of Central City's finest outside telling them there's a gas leak.
Barry: [Kramer gets to her feet] What are you doing? What are you... hey.
Kristen: Goldface, this is my precinct. You have a problem, you take it up with me. Let my officers go.
Goldface: Ah... if it isn't the famous Kristen Kramer. Loved you on the "Citizentopia" podcast. Very inspiring.
Kristen: Thanks.
Goldface: Now, Captain, I'm guessing you wanna play hero. Let me let my man Carver here show you what happens if anyone gets out of line.
[he whistles, and Carver rolls a mannequin into view with a meta-dampening cuff on its wrist]
Goldface: Now, you may all have noticed that you're sporting a new piece of jewelry. Well, since Captain Mimic here outed herself as a meta, I figured she may not be the only one of you. But these bracelets, they don't just dampen powers. They also do this.
[pressing a button on his belt, the cuff explodes]
Goldface: You feeling me now, Captain?

Goldface: Ivo Labs has this cutting-edge 3-D printer. Sold it some hospital.
Ralph: What's so special about a 3-D printer?
Goldface: This one prints artificial organs. If I've got it, I can sell life to the highest bidder.
Barry: You want us to rob a hospital.
Goldface: Of course not; I'm not a monster. I want you to rob the lab before it ever gets to the hospital.

Hartley: Flash is out by Route 119.
Jaco: Well, let's go get him right now.
Goldface: How do you suppose we do that? You got a teleporter we don't know about?
Allegra: Actually, I do.

Goldface: I'm only gonna ask once more. Who. Are. You?
Barry: I'm nobody. No arrests, no convictions. Not for the Star City Museum heist where atomized Lorazepam knocked the guards out, or the acid bomb that blew open the Federal Reserve vault last month.
Goldface: Those you?
Barry: Not according to police reports. Because the only evidence I leave behind are red herrings for idiot cops to chase down. You want to know who I am? You can call me the Chemist. But I really don't care what you call me. Just stop wasting my time.
Goldface: [to Ralph, after a moment of tension] You should let him do the talking.

Batwoman: So, Flash, never been to Central City. Is it always this crazy?
The: Well...
Hartley: It's a Wednesday.

Goldface: Now, where were we?
Amunet: I was just about to tell you when I told you I liked your dog? I lied! I'm a cat person.
Goldface: The mud mask you use at night smells rank. Real mud smells better.

Barry: You squealed on Amunet? I thought she was your soul mate.
Goldface: True love is a lie.
Carver: Damn straight. Goldface's only sidekick is cold, hard cash. He ain't some bleeding heart.
Goldface: Ain't it the truth.
Carver: And he sure as hell doesn't stay up all night reading "Dr. Zhivago", then sobbing when Yuri dies before finding Lara.
Goldface: Damn it, Carver! You were told that in confidence. Book club will remain a safe space.

Goldface: [to Barry] Hang on. Something's rotten in Denmark. We left the city hours ago. How were you able to catch up with us? And why do we need to disable meta dampeners so you can do "forensics"?
Jaco: Dude, come on. Even I figured it out. Barry Allen's the Flash. They have the same Jitters order.
Goldface: Officer Chemist is the... yeah, no, I see it now.

Goldface: Hang on, didn't you knock over my operation in 2016?
Mark: Operation? Please, the place looked like a farmers market.
Barry: Can we settle this later?
Jaco: Yeah. You listen to the man, all right? This is a serious mission. We're gonna save lives today.
Goldface: Aren't you the fool that opened up an active volcano underneath Central City?
Mark: Oh, yeah, right after he killed my favorite bartender.
Jaco: I was cleared of those charges. You're not the smartest guy in the room.
Hartley: Exactly. I am. So if I could have everyone's attention, the plan...
Jaco: Your bar plays terrible music! Disco is dead, dude.

Iris: So the Rogues' new partner is a speedster?
Jaco: Yeah. It was the scariest thing I've ever seen.
Barry: And it gets worse. He's using the negative speed, which is how he was able to dampen my speed for a few minutes.
Iris: Why would a speedster need a time machine?
Goldface: "And darkness and decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all."
Barry: Edgar Allan Poe.
Goldface: Then you know the story. Seven revelers at a masquerade, killed by the strangers in their midst.
Barry: Look, I know what you're all thinking. But this is about more than stealing tech now. This new speedster, I don't know who he is yet. I don't know what he wants to build a time machine. But Team Flash can't stop him on their own, especially how if he has his own Rogue army. I need your help. All of you.
Hartley: Barry, this is not what we signed up for.
Jaco: But... you know, I have a son to keep safe in this town. So I guess if you need me...
Goldface: Fine. I always did like a good underdog story.
Hartley: That, and if Central City gets leveled, you're out of business.
Goldface: I said I'd help.
Hartley: Find out who this guy is, find out his weakness, then call us.

Goldface: Don't I know you?
Barry: Uh...
Goldface: You're that rat that cost me the organ printer! The Chemist!
Barry: Yes. Um, yeah. Look, I-I was on an undercover assignment. Look, why don't you just tell us what it is you want? 'Kay, nobody has to die tonight.
Goldface: You know my lady, Amunet Black? Not only is she the finest female this side of Mississippi, but she's got some intel that there are some very rare and valuable items in your armory. I want what's in there. So I'ma go get it. And if anyone tries anything...
Barry: We get the belt.
Goldface: Good memory, Chemist.
[to one of his henchmen as he leaves]
Goldface: Keep an eye on this one. He smells like trouble.

Amunet: Oh, I'm sorry. I should take off my gauntlet.
Goldface: Leave it on, girl. Daddy like metal.
The: I can't unsee this.
Iris: Well, at least it's less violent than a gang war? Barely. Yeah
The: Yeah.

Goldface: Scum recognizes scum. I'm scum. And I've survived this long by recognizing the same.
[patting Ralph's shoulder]
Goldface: Like you. You're scum. I sniffed you coming a mile away.
Ralph: Thanks?
Goldface: [turning to Barry] But your partner... I don't sniff nothing on him. And that worries me. So... the question is, who are you?
Ralph: I can vouch for him. He's just...
Goldface: I said shut your mouth!
[one of his thugs knocks Barry down to his knees]
Goldface: I want to hear it from him.

Barry: Goldface is working with Amunet?
Iris: Well, they did used to date.
Amunet: You're too late, Keith.
Goldface: Oh, Leslie. You know I can't let you leave with that.
Iris: I don't think they're working together.
Barry: No. This is a gang war.

Amunet: I suppose you're here to steal what's mine. Typical.
Goldface: What's yours? Baby, that device belongs to me.
Amunet: Oh, here we go again with the possessive man routine. The vinyl records were mine, Keith.
Goldface: Since when did you like Radiohead? I had "OK Computer" on 180-gram vinyl with a triple gatefold sleeve!
Amunet: [feigning a cough] Overrated.
Goldface: You skipped out with my "Straight Outta Compton" soundtrack!
Amunet: Oh, please, like you even knew who NWA were before you met me!

Amunet: [about Flash's suit] I said no onesie.
The: Okay, why does everyone keep calling it that?
Goldface: Whatever you call it, there's an awful lot of gold in there, Flash.
[telekinetically lifts Flash and throws him across the room]