The Best Carver Quotes

Ralph: We really appreciate all this, but you can relax. Big Raf sent us.
Carver: Big Raf, huh? All right, then. Gentlemen, welcome to the market.

Barry: Meta cuffs?
Carver: That's right, power-dampening cuffs fitted with an explosive charge, in case you're both metas. So tell me, who sent you?
Ralph: That's really sweet. Look how threatening they're trying to be.

Barry: You squealed on Amunet? I thought she was your soul mate.
Goldface: True love is a lie.
Carver: Damn straight. Goldface's only sidekick is cold, hard cash. He ain't some bleeding heart.
Goldface: Ain't it the truth.
Carver: And he sure as hell doesn't stay up all night reading "Dr. Zhivago", then sobbing when Yuri dies before finding Lara.
Goldface: Damn it, Carver! You were told that in confidence. Book club will remain a safe space.

Kristen: Barry, you don't have to help him.
Goldface: Finish the scanner, now, or your captain gets to visit the white whale.
Carver: Hell yeah. She gonna walk the plank y'all.
Goldface: Ahab, didn't... I'm sorry, do you not know Moby Dick? "To the last I grapple with thee." What about "Wrath of Khan"? "From hell's heart I stab at thee. For hate's sake, I spit my last..."
Goldface: I bought you a first edition for your birthday. BA literature from Yale. I'm surrounded by philistines.