The Best Mar Novu Quotes

Mar: You failed.
The: Why are you doing this?
Mar: You did this to yourself. And now, all of you will perish.

Barry: What do you want?
Mar: For your universe to survive.
Iris: The plinth... you destroyed it. You destroyed Nora's message.
Mar: An unfortunate side effect. But I needed to discourage you.
Barry: From doing what?
Mar: Hoping. Your determination is boundless, Flash - it is one of your greatest qualities - but you cannot avoid the coming Crisis.
Iris: Barry has five years before he vanishes.
Mar: No longer. December 10, 2019. On that day, he will answer the call and make the ultimate sacrifice. Soon... this world will fight for the fate of all the known universes.
Barry: I'm not going to leave my family. There has to be a way to stop what's coming.
Mar: I am sorry, but the events have been set in to motion that you cannot possibly comprehend.
Barry: I don't need to understand them! Just tell me what I can do.
Mar: To survive? You can't. In order for billions to survive this coming Crisis, the Flash must die.