30 Best Eobard Thawne Quotes

Eobard: If you have something to say to me Malcolm, I suggest you keep it to yourself.
Malcolm: I'm sorry. Am I supposed to be afraid of you?
Eobard: Oh, I would be. Considering I can kill you before you even knew I was doing it.
Malcolm: Ah, yes. But then you wouldn't get what you want. You brought me and Damien into your little quest for a reason. Without the Medallion, Hunter is our only way to get rest of the Spear. You need me to get it out of him.
Damien: We already tried torture.
Malcolm: I'm not talking about torture. I'm talking about hypnosis. Regression therapy. Hunter's mind is locked away. I've got the key.

Eobard: Captain Rip Hunter. It's been ages. I was beginning to think you were dead.
Rip: On the contrary, for the first time in recent memory, I am finally, *truly* alive.
[Hunter pulls the trigger on his gun. Nothing happens]
Rip: Oh crap. Hey, does this thing work?
[Legion of Doom starts laughing]

Eobard: Do you have any idea how infuriating it is to know that Merlyn was right?

Ray: He doesn't have superspeed without gravity.
Eobard: News flash, Raymond. I don't need superspeed to kick your ass.
[wields a knife]

Cisco: How'd you get your suit in your ring?
Eobard: Who are you?
Cisco: My name is Cisco Ramon.
Eobard: And we know each other well, don't we? We have a history together.
Cisco: You could say that.
Eobard: And that's all you want to know? How I got my suit in my ring?
Cisco: I want you to know I'm the one who figured out you were back. I helped stop you. Me.
Eobard: And how'd you do that?
Cisco: I have powers. And I helped track you down and I put you in here.
Eobard: That's quite the ability you've been given.
Cisco: And here's what's so ironic about it. You gave me these powers. Have fun thinking about that while you rot away in this cell that you helped me build.

Eobard: Sure there is a bit of a risk.
Dr. Martin Stein: I would hardly refer to possibly causing an extinction-level event as "a bit of a risk."

The: It's my speed. Something's wrong.
Eobard: Well, it probably had something to do with that light show you just put on.
The: No, it's like when Meena attacked me at the dam, only much stronger.
Fast: They tried to kill Eobard.
The: Just like at Lian Yu.
Deon: And that's just the beginning. You see, there's only room for one set of Forces in the universe - negative ones - and we're tired of sharing our turf.
The: Speed Force Nora and the others, what did you do to them?
Bashir: Oh, he just gave them a case of the Mondays. It'll be awhile before you see them again.
Eobard: Why are you doing this, and what does it have to do with me?
Alexa: You're not the Avatar. You just being here makes us weak.
Deon: So sacrifices gotta be made, Flash, and you've gotta pay for what you did.

Malcolm: About time you showed.
Damien: Where were you?
Eobard: Always busy, gentlemen, and yet never late.

Eobard: Did you locate the item?
Nazi: It's in Berlin. The Fuhrer refuses to part with it.
Eobard: I have something much more valuable to offer him. The JSA are basically a group of supersoldiers. To win, the Reich will need their own.
[holding up a syringe of something colored blue]
Eobard: This is just a taste. Enough to dose one person. Uh... proof of concept. Give me what I want, and your Fuhrer will be planting his flag on the White House lawn within a matter of months.

Eobard: This woman has been dead for centuries.

Eobard: Menial labor without superspeed is really quite tedious. Then again, I've missed working with a fellow scientist. Cisco and Caitlin and I, as you know, worked together for some time and... I miss the camaraderie.
Ray: Legion of Doom doesn't have Karaoke Fridays?
Eobard: I know it's easier for you to think of as a monster. But, um, I've met some of history's monsters, Raymond, and believe me, I'm not one of them.
Ray: You killed Barry's mother. Twice. Rex Tyler. Brainwashed Rip into killing Dr. Mid-Nite.
Eobard: Time travel has a way of revealing the truth to you. And you and I have more in common than you think.

Rip: What about Mr. Thawne?
Ray: He's a little tied up at the moment.
Eobard: Puns, the lowest form of humor.

Damien: This is the great Malcolm Merlyn? I am unimpressed.
Eobard: Well, he's fallen on hard times. But this man used to be Ra's al Ghul. Uh, we haven't met. I'm Eobard Thawne. I'm... from the future.
Malcolm: What the hell is going on here?
Damien: Excellent question. Here's another - Do you believe in second chances?
Malcolm: I just watched you die.
Damien: Yeah, I hear 2016's not my best year, but I plan on fixing that.
Eobard: But the question for you, Malcolm, is: Do you wish to see your fortunes similarly reversed?
Malcolm: By time travel?
Eobard: No. No. Something much better.

Eobard: So tell me why you are so fixed on unfixing this fixed point. Say that five times fast.

Eobard: [last words] I've controlled your life for so long, Barry. How will you get along without me?

Eobard: The next one of you who screws up will lose more than just a tooth.
Damien: Well, I'd hate to see you lose another hand, Malcolm.

The: Time to send you back where you belong.
Eobard: We'll meet again soon, Flash.
The: I know. And every time, I'll be ready for you.

Eobard: My speedster weapon. Impressive. Unfortunately for you, the effects are only temporary.
Jefferson: What did you do with Stein?
Eobard: Oh, I wouldn't waste my energy worrying about him right now.
Jefferson: Whatever you're gonna do, do it now.
Eobard: In a rush to die, are we?
Jefferson: I'm not talking to you.

Eobard: Now, tell me why you've flown all the way out here again.
Malcolm: You keep ignoring my requests for a meeting.
Eobard: Because there's no reason for one. Our partnership has ended. You got what you wanted. Your wife and your son are both alive and in good spirits. Your daughter Thea adores you. Nyssa al Ghul is trapped in a miserable, closeted life in the middle of Ohio, and hey, you can even clap again. What more could you possibly want?

Eobard: Is that you, Flash?
Barry: [remaining in the shadows] Why do you hate me so much?
Eobard: I didn't always. I was obsessed with you. For so long, I wanted to be The Flash. I spent years figuring out how you came to be. Duplicated the reaction... and it worked. I became like you.
Barry: Right, so what happened?
Eobard: This ability to travel through time revealed a truth. My fate was to become your greatest enemy. I was never going to be The Flash, so I became the reverse of everything that you were. The more people you saved, the more you were loved, the more I had to take from you.
Barry: That is why you killed my mother? That's why you ruined my life? Because you couldn't be me?
Eobard: I BECAME BETTER THAN YOU! I am the *one thing* you cannot stop, Flash!
Barry: No. No, no. Not anymore. Our race is over. And you lost.
Eobard: I've learned what time period you're from, Flash. And one day soon, I'll learn your name.

Eobard: Well... if it the isn't the future Mrs. Allen.
Iris: Barry told me not to listen to anything you say.
Eobard: Oh. That's just bad advice, 'cause I'm the answer man. I am the answer to all your prayers. All you need to do is ask me, Barry.
Barry: We need to go back in time. To that night.
Eobard: To do what?
Barry: You know what I need you to do.
Barry: Yeah, but I want to to hear you say it.
Barry: I need you to kill my mother.
Eobard: With pleasure.
Barry: I hate you.
Eobard: And I hate you. And I sometimes wonder which of us is right.

[last lines]
Eobard: Gideon?
Gideon: Yes, Professor Thawne?
Eobard: Where the hell am I?

Eobard: And here I was starting to think you'd forgotten all about me.
Barry: But I am forgetting. What's happening to me?
Eobard: I was wondering when you'd notice.
Barry: It's like I'll be thinking of a moment from my past and then it vanishes. I can't get it back. Why?
Eobard: Flashpoint. It's a side effect. See, I told you before. You don't know what you're doing. This new reality you've created is starting to overwrite the reality that you and I know. So your original life - your friends, your family - pretty soon, all of that will just fade away.
Barry: Why isn't it happening to you?
Eobard: Not sure. Unless...
Barry: [looking around his cell, Thawne starts laughing] What the hell's so funny?
Eobard: Your speed! The more you use it, the faster you lose your memories.
Barry: No. No, you're lying. You just want me to let you out of here. That's never gonna happen.
Eobard: The you I know from the future, he's not this stupid. Pretty soon, you won't even remember that you're the Flash, and when that happens, this world will become permanent. Time is set like concrete, and nothing will be able to change it back to the way it was.
Barry: That's fine by me.
Eobard: You know what you have to do. You have to take me back to that night and let me finish what I started.
Barry: You go to hell!
Eobard: You're taking both of us there! Now who's the villain, Flash? Now who's the villain?

Eobard: I'm getting tired of walking.
[he is the fastest man on the Earth, runs faster than Barry, must have run millions of miles and yet he says it]

Eobard: So? What are we doing in the year 2000?
Barry: Cut the crap. I know you brought me here.
Eobard: Um, no. I didn't. Well, then. I guess that makes our meeting just a case of right place, right time, huh? Oh, Flash... we are gonna have the most wonderful day together.

Eobard: There we go. Things are back to how they should be. Well, for me, anyway. For you... well, I guess you'll just have to wait and find out.
Barry: What? What does that mean?
Eobard: [without answering him] See you sometime soon, Flash.

Eobard: So, uh, what should we call this, uh, brave new world that you've whipped us for us? I was thinking... Flashpoint.
Barry: [holding Thawne's lunch] So you don't you want this?
Eobard: You may have figured out a way to dampen my speed with this glass cage, but I will get out of here and I will destroy your life, Flash, one way or the other.
Barry: No, you won't. Ah, you're never getting out of here. And you're never gonna hurt anybody ever again. I have everything back that you took away from me. I have everything Zoom took. I'm finally free. I'm home.
Eobard: This isn't your home, Barry. This is a mirage. A fiction that will end us both, unless you let me the hell out of this thing!
Barry: Well, you're not listening, Thawne. Why would I get out of here? I'm whole here. There's even a Flash, so I don't have to be.
Eobard: Yeah, who is this dashing young speedster, huh? Do you know? You even care? While you sit around and hide like a lost, lonely little boy, letting someone else risk their life to protect the city, our common enemy is coming for us both.
Barry: What common enemy is that?
Eobard: Time. It's already screwing with you and everyone you love. And pretty soon, it's gonna take me right down along with you.
Barry: Wow. You know, you've got some nerve. I'll give you that. Warning me about messing with other people's lives. You - you know the whole reason I did this is what you did to my life. To my family. To my mother.
Eobard: Yeah, well, one day, soon, Barry, you'll be begging me to kill her again.

Nazi: You're late, Herr Thawne.
Eobard: You'll find that I have an entirely different concept of time than most.

Eobard: [sipping a beer] Mmm. Mmm. Oh, boy. That's good. You seem tense; I really think you should try it.
Barry: Why don't you tell me what you want.
Eobard: To enjoy this very special day. I mean, maybe this is some sort of cosmic gift, the change to torture you slowly one last time before I end your existence entirely.
Barry: You're here to kill me as a child.
Eobard: You always were smart. Too bad you're not smart enough to save yourself this time. See, there's only two ways you can stop me tonight. One is to put me in Iron Heights right now and risk destroying the timeline which would wipe that wonderful wife and family right from existence in just a heartbeat.
Barry: And the second option?
Eobard: You have to kill me, which you won't. So I guess... I've already won. How'd the parental reunion go today? Did you feel good to have them care for you one last time? Did you feel loved? Did you feel like you had a family?
Barry: You attacked me this morning. You knew they'd help me.
Eobard: It must hurt to not able to tell them that you're their son. Tell me, does being this close to them again bring back all the pain I have ever given you? Good.
Barry: If your plan's so perfect, why are you wasting so much time? Why not just wipe me off the face of the Earth right now?
Eobard: And ruin my pièce de résistance? No, no, no, no. I'm going to savor this entire day and the peace that it's brought me. Now, there's one last thing. I want to hear you say it, Barry. Say it.
Barry: You win. I can't stop you.
Eobard: Delicious. You can't walk away from what's about to happen, Barry.
Barry: I know. I can walk towards it.

Eobard: Menial labor without superspeed is really quite tedious. Then again, I've miss working with a fellow scientist. Cisco and Caitlin and I, as you know, worked together for sometime and... I miss the camaraderie.
Ray: Legend of Doom doesn't have Karaoke Fridays?
Eobard: I've met some of history's monsters, Raymond. And believe me, I'm not one of them.
Ray: You killed Barry's mother. Twice. Rex Tyler. Brainwashed Rip into killing Dr. Mid-Nite.
Eobard: Time-travel has a way of revealing the truth to you. And you and I have more in common than you think.