The Best Fast Track Quotes

The: It's my speed. Something's wrong.
Eobard: Well, it probably had something to do with that light show you just put on.
The: No, it's like when Meena attacked me at the dam, only much stronger.
Fast: They tried to kill Eobard.
The: Just like at Lian Yu.
Deon: And that's just the beginning. You see, there's only room for one set of Forces in the universe - negative ones - and we're tired of sharing our turf.
The: Speed Force Nora and the others, what did you do to them?
Bashir: Oh, he just gave them a case of the Mondays. It'll be awhile before you see them again.
Eobard: Why are you doing this, and what does it have to do with me?
Alexa: You're not the Avatar. You just being here makes us weak.
Deon: So sacrifices gotta be made, Flash, and you've gotta pay for what you did.

XS: [throwing lightning at Reverse-Flash, it's revealed to actually be Bart] Dad. Is he gonna be okay?
Fast: If that's Impulse, where's Thawne?
Reverse: [appearing behind them] Right here.
[he snaps, and Nora, Bart, and Meena vanish]
The: What did you do?
Reverse: I sent them back in time. A billion years, to be precise.

XS: [to Reverse-Flash] You're outnumbered four to one.
Impulse: You're gonna pay for everyone you've hurt.
Fast: Especially Eobard.