The Best Prudence Hawthorne Quotes

Zari: Prudence, listen to me. This isn't who you are. You're a good person.
Prudence: He tried to kill my mother. This town, these people, they've killed so many others already. They deserve to burn.
Zari: And they will pay for their ignorance, but not like that.
Fairy: How else will they learn, dearie? If these people aren't taught a lesson today, they will go and hurt others for days and years to come. You come from the future. Can you honestly tell this child that the hearts of men change in all that time?
Prudence: Do they?
Zari: No. They don't. People always fear what they don't understand. And that fear turns them into monsters. But we can't let it turn us into monsters, too. We have to be better than them.

Zari: Prudence, this is your fairy godmother?
Prudence: Yes. She protects me.
Sara: By hurting other people.
Fairy: Not at all. I only want to help little Prudence. For you see,
Fairy: There are times the world is scary. Times the world is BAD. But when your godmother's a fairy, there's no reason to be saaaaaaad
Ray: Is that music?
Fairy: [continuing her song] Oh, fear not if things don't look to be the way that you preferred. Just make a wish and look to me. I'll sing these magic words...
Mick: [irritated] Shut up!
Ray: Well, I didn't want her to stop singing.